tv C-SPAN Weekend CSPAN January 22, 2011 6:00am-7:00am EST
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and the associate medical director at u.m.c. trauma center and the director of the accute care surgery. >> good afternoon. i'm very pleased to bring the news that the transfer of gabby from the university of medical tucson here to memorial houston went flawlesly. traveling through the streets of tucson there were several times we could hear applause in the ambulance with gabby and she responded very well to that. smiling, and in fact tearing a little bit. it was very emotional and very special. the plane trip went very well,
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very smooth. absolutely no difficulties in getting her here to this facility. it was streamlined and well planned. i'm very pleased at the entire process and very, very happy to turn her care over to her new team of physicians, dr. holcomb and the others. >> we'll introduce them in a second. but before we get to the physicians and the question and answer, let me call up dr. john holcomb, who is the trauma surgeon here at memorial herman. dr. holcomb is also the chief of the division of accute care surgery at u.t. health medical school. and he is the principal
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physician leading the transition team today. dr. holcomb? >> thanks. good afternoon everyone. you know, just to reiterate what randy said. this transition, as we discussed in some detail yesterday transfers are always a little shaky. but it went flawlessly. the aircraft landing got her loaded up, landed here in houston, helicoptered in and did great. we were very concerned about that actually and we're very happy it went as well as it did. a real testament from the team in tucson, the life light flew that accompanied her. we've had a good handoff from doctors and nurses and randy and tracy and the we've had a good exam. she's doing great. she's really done very well with this transfer. i think that's one of the main things.
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that transfer across country has been great. she's going to start her rehab at 4:30 this afternoon. physical therapist and rehab specialist will come into the i.c.u. at 4:30 and start her rehab that is one of the main goals everybody has. i guess again, i am impressed having come out of the military and see a lot of movements of patients around the world. we have experts in brain surgery. a nuro trauma surgeon, one of the few that's all he does all day long every day in the united states. this is the team that will be taking care of the congresswoman. at this point i think we can open things up to questions.
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>> bracket inaudible] >> we actually discussed that upstairs, looking at cat scans. nobody ever knows, but you kind of look at this and say she certainly could have been a lot worse. she's actually doing very well. this was a gun shot wound that fortunately didn't go cross wise or right down the center. it could have been a whole lot worse. and clearly did not damage large portions of her brain. did damage some portions. yeah? >> [inaudible] >> well, it wasn't the only thing but it was an important thing. it was very heart-wrenching.
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just so, so wonderful to see the support that tucson and arizona has for gabby. we love her. we're going to miss her, but this is where she needs to be. >> [inaudible] >> from the minute we took off to the minute we landed, she was napping. she was interacting with her mother and her husband. as she did every day at the hospital in tucson. her monitors registered no ab normalities whatsoever. it was pleasant, smooth and flawless transfer. >> [inaudible]
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>> so i'm going to go down the line and let the other guys comment. i would say the care in tucson, number one, has been outstanding. several video conferences over the last couple of days sharing information, looking at scans and x-rays, et cetera. everything we heard in the last couple of days were confirmed today. these guys did a great job. i want to emphasize, little bit more than hand-holding done in the emergency department with air way control and up to the operating room within minutes, operating within minutes in tucson, which i think is really excellent and an important part of her status that we saw today. dr. kim, comments? >> yeah, i would like to say first of all that she looks spectacular. from a neurological view first, she came into the i.c.u. and she was alert, awake, calm. she looked comfortable. i think we were already feeling some interaction, which is
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important. she's got very good movement on the left side of her body. and was very purposeful. and we were testing her vision and she didn't like us shining the light in her eye. and wanted to keep them closed. these are all very good signs. she also had pretty good tone in her leg. and that's an often a pre-cursor of much more functional recovery. it was, as i said she just looked spectacular. yes? >> [inaudible] >> there's varying stages of what we would call either paralysis or weakness. and right now, she has maybe some movements of her legs. when there's what we call tone, she might be able to support herself. but she may not be able to move it when she wants.
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on her arm at this point, we're not seeing much tone and we're not seeing any movements. but that's only about 30 minutes. some of her nurses have reported, she's had some movements in tucson. >> [inaudible] >> first, let me say she has great rehabilitation potential. great rehabilitation candidate. we will keep her busy and she will keep us busy as well. we'll start right after the conference to start the assessment and the intervention. we will do brain motion exercises, look at positions. attempt to get her up. >> [inaudible]
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>> on the asexment today she's ready to start rehab in the i.c.u. several days ago in tucson after discussing back and forth on tuesday, i think, little fluid complex that the they put in her brain with the drain in place. with that drain in place she can't leave the i.c.u. it's been discussed in various places, stopping for a day or so, go to rehab. she's going to stay in the hospital a little bit longer. we sort out this brain business, what needs to happen next, we'll worry about infection. and then continued her rehab like the guys in tucson were doing in the i.c.u. >> i think it's still a little early to tell, but hopefully as we make sure that she doesn't have any evidence of infection in all of her other medical
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issues will be addressed, we'll say at what point do we think we have all the things addressed and it's safe for her. so, when it's safe, we'll move forward. but i still say it's a little early to tell when we would do that. >> portions of her skull are still not present. we need to wait weeks, if not months, and dr. kim can also comment on this, before it is considered, meaning re-shaping her skull. >> [inaudible] >> that's not really that important because it can be manufactured, dr. kim maybe you can talk about that. >> you know, when the bone's taken out, it's taken out, put
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into a sterile bag and frozen. so the transfer of that is not a big deal. >> [inaudible] >> when ever someone has had one, we always fit them for a especially measured helmet to protect their brain. it's exposed. this is really an interesting story. we had one fitted for her, the first thing mark asked us can you make another one with the arizona flag on it because that's what she wants. we immediately got one the next day. >> [inaudible] >> started that process and it's for somebody with a gun shot wound, excellent, really in the top 5% of what we would expect. she's clearly aware of her surroundings. she's interacting with us and her family. what we're talking about is
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specifically language. that's what we are trying to assess. there are many ways that we interact with gestures and so on. that is already happening. and we've also reviewed the c.t. scans today. again, for the kind of injury she had, really minute mull injury from what it could have been. so we look at that and think over the next few months she's going to do remarkably well. >> i'd like to just add that when she squeezed my hand that first day, the most encouraging thing i could have seen. and when i drove with her in the ambulance today and saw her reaction to the cheering in the streets, it just confirmed to me she knows what's going on. >> [inaudible] >> well, her husband relayed to
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me that there are times when she's kind of rubbing her shoulder and neck, to kind of calm him down. that's a very clear interaction. today, when we are trying to do parts of the exam, there are things she didn't like, she was pushing this away or directing us to do something different. so you know, there's no question that she's aware of what's happening. it can be very difficult to say. she's clearly moving her lips, you've already seen that. whether she's going to try mouth words or not, we'll have to wait a little longer to see. i think she may be trying to form words if i had to guess. yes, ma'am? >> [inaudible] >> i'd say in the i.c.u. what we do is try to an kiss pate
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problems and keep people from having those problems. that's what our job is in the i.c.u. so you don't react to problems, you prevent them from happening. the drain issue is a big deal. we want to make sure that doesn't get affected. everything else looks pretty good, actually. i want to say we're all very happy with our assessment of gabby right there. again, guys did a great job. tracy, the nurse who took care of her back there did an outstanding job. >> [inaudible] >> those are right on, man. might put you to work. so deep vain thrombosis, infection, things that happen to people in i.c.u. these things happen, we want to keep her from getting those. so her rehab potential is outstanding to quote the expert right there. and we'll see. >> i've seen amazing things from
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brain-injured patients. >> [inaudible] >> it was amazing to see. it was also very emotional. she smiled and she actually began to tear a little bit. i think she understood the immense support that our city has for her. >> if i could add sort of a story just from when she was initially here, along the lines that you're referring to in our initial assessment, tracy her nurse from arizona, was interacting, helping her with the transition. so she had some familiarity. she had tracy's ring in her fingers. i went to take it off and i was trying to figure out which finger that was. that's my ring and tracy went to take it off and she smiled, so to give you an idea of the awareness of the situation and the familiarity she has with the
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care team that has been with her. don't worry, i didn't understand it either through the process. it was actually tracy's ring on gabby's finger and gabby was trying to hold onto it. >> tracy is the nurse from u.n.c. who traveled with gabby and her family and myself. tracy gave it to her. >> she was taking it off my hand. i asked if she wanted to see it. so i gave it to her. she was taking it off my hand and it was fitting tightly, i took it off for her and she took it into her hand and she was looking at it and turning it to see all sides of the ring. then she put it on her finger to hold onto it. >> [inaudible]
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>> do you want me to cry it's very emotional. i'm going to miss her a lot. she's a very gentle person. and her personality is coming out with her touches. the way that she touches us, the way that she looks at us. and i'm very lucky to know her. and know her family. they've been wonderful. tracey culbert. with a y. we are leaving today to go back to tucson. i know she's in really good hands. we had a very good transition as they said. and they're going to keep in touch with us and let us know how she's doing. mark's going to email us.
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i have a lot of hope for her and i know she's going to do great. she's a very strong woman and you can just see it. we already said our good-byes and -- it's kind of personal, you know? i have a very good bond with her, as well as the other staff members at my hospital. it was very difficult for everyone to see her leave, as well as her family. >> i'm happy to share with you to share, gabby, i'm proud to say i voted for you before and i will vote for you again. >> she smiled, it was great. [laughter] >> [inaudible] >> yes, yes, we can't wait actually. >> i think the goal over the next few days is two-fold. first of all, she's going to get going with the rehab right away.
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one of the main reasons she was brought here and that will get started right away. the second thing is just some of the house keeping issues, make sure she doesn't have any of the infections that you guys talked about. just some of the things that people who are in the i.c.u. for 13, 14 days have to deal with. >> [inaudible] >> very relaxed, very focused. very optimistic. that is one thing that i think has helped her so well is his optimism. >> [inaudible] >> her husband's going to spend a lot of time with her. there are multiple different arrangements right now. he has lots of options open to him. >> i.c.u. does have an area
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where a family member can stay overnight. >> [inaudible] >> want to try? >> sure, once again it's still early to tell. it depends on how thing goss with managing the drain and any other potential complications. so hopefully not many complications will arise and it won't be a long stay but we'll plan for whatever comes down the road. days, two weeks. but tough to say. >> [inaudible] >> right, because we'll be reassessing what the next steps are with the drain early next week and we'll take it from there. >> [inaudible] >> well, it will all depend on also how much going to tolerate. we're ready to give her at least
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three hours of therapy. so that's part of the assessment we're going to conduct today and tomorrow and sunday. and as her overall condition improves we're going to upgrade not just the hours of therapy but the type of exercises and therapy's we're going to provide. i cannot tell you what specific exercises yet. it will be tailored to what her needs our. my team will develop a program over the next few days. >> during last minute burning questions? yes, sir? >> [inaudible] >> she will continue to make dramatic progress. we're talking about a four to
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six month progress, process regardless of how quickly somebody recovers. because it's a lot to do. there's still issues over the next week or two that we're going to be addressing. and so, i think overall we're looking at months. >> [inaudible] >> and either on the accute side or rehab side. it may not be that long in the hospital, but at some point patients can continue their rehab as an out-patient setting. >> ok guys, thank you very much. we really appreciate you guys. >> today on "washington journal" --
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>> "the washington journal" live every day at 7:00 a.m. eastern on c-span. this week on c-spans newsmakers, david dreier from the california fifth district. the congressman will talk about voting on a resolution to cut spending to 2008 levels, as well as the chairmans plans for the rules committee. watch newsmakers, sunday at 10:00 a.m. eastern and again at 6:00 p.m. here on c-span.
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>> sunday on c-span's "road to the white house" minnesota congresswoman michelle balkman and rick santorum with. tune in to c-span's "road to the white house" sunday at 6:30 and 9:30 p.m. eastern and pacific. c-span's local content vehicles are traveling the country, visiting cities and communities as we look at issues impacting the nation. we now take you to cobo arena in detroit for the north american international auto show where we caught up with several members of the industry involved in battery operated vehicles.
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>> you know obviously it was during the time of the economic down turn. we were struggling as a state, we were struggling with the automotive industry. what we found was that the future of the automotive industry was fuel efficiency. so we put together a plan that was actually to bring advanced manufacturing and the electrify cation of vehicle to the state of michigan. during that time when the american recovery and re-investment act of 2009 was coming out. there was a section in that bill that was slotted for $2.4 billion to go towards vehicle programs. we found as we paired our state incentives with companies that were trying to attract that we were very successful, actually to the tune of over $1.3 billion, out of a $2.4 billion pool. so really, the state of the
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industry and the future of the industry as moving towards -- consumers should expect to pay a little bit extra for these electric vehicles, whether a hybrid, a plug-in hybrid an electric vehicle. those battery costs are significant enough to really drive the prices up, and you know, it's hard to get the full return on investment for the standard consumer. so a lot of the early adapters will be purchasing these vehicles because they have a vested interest in getting themselves, whether it be because they care about the environment or they like the latest in technology. but the battery prices are really, probably the most -- the battery prices are really what's holding back mass adoption and the cost pairity of these vehicles compared to
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conventional vehicles. as we evolve, you'll see some changes and it will be a new understanding from the consumer of what to expect from these vehicles. first and foremost, we're going to have to change the way we refuel. we're not going to pull into the gas station and fill up with gasoline anymore as we adopt these technologies. we can plug in straight from home, plug in when we get to the work place. we might go to the shopping mall or grocery store and plug in while we shop. electricity might come to us free because those retailers want to get us into stores and spend time shopping or purchasing groceries. we're going to see some different life style changes. some that may make life a lot easier. and some that might be a little bit difficult as we learn to adapt. >> you'll notice over here to my left we're showing the 220 charging station. now, what's so great about the bolt is that it can be charged on either a household, or you
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can purchase a 220 charging unit for your home, have it installed and that's going to cut the charge time to four hours. this is the 120 charging unit. any standard household outlet, just plug it in. and as they stated earlier, this charging unit will take roughly 10 hours to charge. or again you can purchase the 240 charging unit that needs to be installed into your home, that one will cut the charge time to four hours. when consumers purchase a volt. they can talk to their local chevrolet dealership about purchasing the unit itself. a $495 option. and then install starts at about $1495. what that includes is pulling permits, making sure your homes up to code and the insulation of the unit itself. of course prices will area.
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>> our station is set up so it's really not a money maker for the station owner. it's more of an amenity in our opinion. so it's providing like providing vending machines in your building, or pay phones. some of the industry leaders have large d.o.e. grants in providing free public charge stations. there's a federal tax credit that was just extended at the end of last year that provides up to a 50% tax credit for the cost of the charge station and insulation of the unit up to $50,000, which is important for us. each state has their own incentives and they area from state to state. but there are quite a few incentives. particularly on the vehicle side there's incentives for vehicles as well. we're of the opinion that any
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federal funding or incentives should go to the property owners or facility managers. right now we're competing against free and free's tough to compete with. so in our opinion, people purchasing the units, which are going to be your property managers and your facilities, your facility managers, they should be the ones that are getting any type of incentive, not necessarily the manufacturer. that's our opinion. >> c-span's local content vehicles are traveling the country visiting cities and communities as we look at issues impacting the nation. for more information on our local content vehicles, go to our website at >> president obama traveled to new york friday where he visited a general electric plant. the president's appearance included a tour of the facility with the c.e.o. who will head the president's new counsel on jobs and competitiveness. it replaces the president's economic recovery advisory board
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headed by former federal reserve chairman. following the tour, president obama spoke to g.e. workers, and officially announced he would head the new council. this is about 25 minutes. >> welcome to the region. mr. president welcome. also, governor cuomo, congratulations. great to have you. senator jill schumer, great to have you here. i know we have a number of members from the congressional delegation. i particularly want to thank paul, who's been a great representative for us. paul, thanks for all your help. it's been great. welcome to all the other guests.
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mr. president, welcome to the birth place of g.e. more than a hundred years ago. this is really -- [cheers and applause] i'd like to think that this is where capitalism and invasion were born. we're proud of the site, proud of all of you. this business was you one of the few businesses in the world mr. president that had positive earnings every year during the crisis. we did it because we're a big exporter, a high-tech company and that's very much the story. right here in this facility, we have 4,000 employees that work on power generation, water. do have fantastic job. in the capitol region we are really big in the capitol region of 7,000 employees. we innovate with the -- [cheers and applause] really. 90% of all the products are
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exported outside the united states. so really a great example of what we want to do to really renew this country and this company. we know in g.e. the future is given to no one. we have to compete, we have to win. i know this team can compete with anybody in the world. >> that's right. >> we can absolutely do it what takes. [cheers and applause] so in the vain of competitiveness and experts and manufacturing and invasion, it really is an honor to welcome you here today and introduce president obama. i've had an honor to work with the president and others on the advisory board as we've gone through the economic crisis. i'm now honored to lead your counsel on competitiveness and jobs. it's a great honor. i know that despite the fact that 60% of revenues are outside the united states, i share this company's share in the
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responsibility and accountability to make sure this is the most competitive and productive country in the world. president obama, an honor. great to be here with you. [cheers and applause] >> thank you. hello, hello! [cheers and applause] >> hello schenectady. it is good to be in new york. [cheers and applause] let me just begin, if i'm not mistaken, governor cuomo who's going to be an outstanding governor -- [cheers and applause] he tried to give me a jets hat. [laughter] i had to refuse it. i had secret service confiscate it. [laughter] but, i will say both the jets and the bears, i think are
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slight under dogs so we're going to be rooting for the underdogs on sunday. [cheers and applause] in addition to governor cuomo, i want to acknowledge lieutenant governor bob duffy is here. two great friends of mine and great champions for new york and the united states senate, chuck schumer and kristin gilibrand are here. members of the congressional delegation from up this way, paul tonco, chris gibson, and richard hannah are all here. attorney general eric sneijderman is here. the outstanding mayor of
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schenectady who flew up with me, he was on marine one, air force one, he looked like he was having a pretty good time. brian san franciscoton is here. and from albany, mayor jerry jennings is here. thank you. now, jeff thank you for the outstanding instruction and thank you g.e. it's great to be here. i just had a chance to see some of the high-tech steam turbines and all kind of fancy stuff that's being made here, being manufactured here at this plant. and it is unbelievably impressive. part of a proud tradition. because g.e. has been producing turbines and generators here for more than a century.
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a lot has changed. we've seen the way our economy transformed by rising competition from around the globe. over the years, in the wake of these shifts, update new york and places like it have seen more than their fair share of hard times. but what has never changed, we see it right here at this plant, we see it right here at g.e. is that america is still home to the most creative and most innovative businesses in the world! we've got the most productive workers in the world! america's home to inventors and dreamers and builders and creators! [cheers and applause] all you you people represent those pioneering the discoveries that not only improve our lives,
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but they drive our economy. across the country. they're entrepreneurs opening businesses. they're researchers testing new medical treatments. eng -- engineers pushing the limit and poring over lines of code. there are people like you all across the country eager to create some of the best products the world has ever seen. there are students training to take new jobs by their side. in this community, g.e. is building one of the world's most sophisticated manufacturing facilities to produce state of the art batteries. [cheers and applause] last year, you opened the headquarters of your renewable energy operations and you created 650 jobs on this campus.
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[applause] so our challenge, especially as we continue to fight our way back from the worst recession in our lifetime, is to harness this spirit, harness the potential, the potential that all of you represent. our challenge is to do everything we can to make it easier for folks to bring products to market, and to start and expand new businesses. and to grow and hire new workers. i want plants like this all across america. you guys are a model of what's possible. and that's why as part as the tax cut compromise that i signed at the end of the year we provided incentives for businesses to make new capital investments. in fact g.e. is investing $13 million in advanced manufacturing at this plant, taking advantage of some of
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these tax breaks. we also extended a program that g.e. says its customers have used to invest $6 billion in clean energy production across this country. driving demand for the big you are the bynes. i saw one of those on the we in. so we know we can compete. not just in the industry of the past, but the industries of the future. but in an ever shrinking world, our success in these efforts will be determined not only by what we build in schenectady, but also what we can sell in shanghai. for america to compete around the world, we need to export more goods around the world. that's where the customers are. it's that simple. [applause] as i was walking through the plant, you guys had put up some
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handy signs so i knew what i was looking at, and i noticed on all of them they said this is going to kuwait, this is going to india. this is going to saudi arabia. that's where the customers are. and we want to sell them products made here in america. that's why i met with chinese leaders this week. we struck a deal to open chinese dealers to our products. they're selling here and that's fine. but we want to sell there. we want to open up their markets so we have two-way trade and not just one-way trade. [cheers and applause] the deal's we struck are going to mean more than $45 billion in new business for american companies. that trans plates into 235,000 new jobs for american workers.
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[cheers and applause] that's also why i fought hard to support a new tried with south korea and will support more jobs. why i traveled to india a few months ago and jeff was there with us, where our businesses were able to reach agreement to export tense and millions of dollars to india. that will lead to another 15 thousand jobs in the united states. [cheers and applause] part of the reason i wanted to come to this plant is because this plant is what this trip was all about. as part of the deal we struck in india. g.e. is going to sell advanced turbines. the ones you guys make, to generate power at a plant and india.
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haven't heard of that place? but now you need to know about it because you're going to be selling to that city in india. that new business will help support more than 1200 manufacturing jobs and more than 400 engineering jobs right here in this community because of that sale. [cheers and applause] so it's a perfect example of why promoting exports are so important. that's why i set a goal of doubling american exports within five years. and we're on track to do it. we're already up 18%, we're going to keep on going because we're going to sell more and more stuff all around the world. [cheers and applause] when a company sells products overseas, it lidse to hiring on our shores. the deal there means jobs in schenectady. that's how we celebrate growth,
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how we create opportunities for our people. how we go from an economy that was powered by what we borrow and what we consume. that's what happened over the last 10 years. what was driving our economy was we were spending a lot on credit cards. everybody was borrowing a lot. chinese were selling a lot to us. folks were selling a lot to us from all over the world. we've got to reverse that. we want an economy that's fueled by what we invent and what we build. we're going back to thomas edison's principles. we're going to build stuff and invent stuff. [applause] now nobody understands this better than jeff emle. he understands what it takes for america to compete in the global economy. as he mentioned, i've appreciated his wisdom during these past two years. we had a difficult, difficult crisis on our hands. it was a few days after i took office that i assembled a group of business leaders to form a new advisory board.
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because at that time, the economy was in a free fall. we were facing the prospects of another great depression. with affects all around the world. it wasn't just the united states. the entire world economy was contracting. at such a dangerous moment, it was essential that we heard voices and ideas from business leaders and from experts who weren't part of the usual washington prep. and i task jeff and the other advisors with one mission, help to steer our nation from deep recession into recovery. help take the economy from one that's shrinking to one that's growing. i've been very grateful for their advice. and i especially want to commend to the man who chaired the panel one of the nation's pre-eminent economists, paul voker. because he offered unvarn issued
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advice. he did a great service to this country. in fact it was six months ago today that i signed into law a set of financial forms to prevent future financial crisis and put an end to tax bailouts and that was an achievement in which paul was very instrumental. we're very proud of him for that work. [cheers and applause] now two years later though, we're in a different place. in part because of the economic plan my recovery board helped shape. the economy's not growing again. over the last year businesses have added more than a million jobs. the pace of hiring and growth is picking up. and that's encouraging news. but at the same time, while businesses are adding jobs, billions of people are still out there looking for work. even here in schenectady, everybody knows a neighbor or friend or relative who's still out of work.
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so, it's not -- it's a great thing that the economy's growing but it's not growing fast enough yet to makeup for the damage that was done by the recession. the past two years were about pulling our economy back from the brink. the next two years, our job now is putting our economy into overdrive. our job is to do everything we can to insure the businesses can take root and folks can find good jobs and america's leading the global competition that will determine our success in the 21st century. so now to help fulfill this new mission, i'm assembling a new group of business leaders and outside advisors. i'm so proud and pleased that jeff has agreed to chair this panel. my counsel on jobs and competitive because we think g.e. has something to teach businesses all across america. [cheers and applause]
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now if you don't mind i'm going to brag about your boss for a second. jeff's somebody who brings a wealth of experience to the table. he is one of the nation's most respected and admired business leaders. that's a reputation he earned over 10 years at the helm of this country. in the coming days we'll be announcing the business leaders, the labor leaders, economists and others who will join with jeff to help guide us into that overdrive mode. i know this counsel will be an important asset as we seek to do everything we can to spur hiring and insure our nation can compete with anybody on the planet. that means spurring invasion and growing industries like clean energy manufacturing. the kind of stuff that's being done right here at this plan. insuring our economy isn't held back by crumbling roads and broken down infrastruckschur. it means training and educating
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our people. i had a chance to meet one of the guys here at the plant who had been trained at hudson valley which i had an opportunity to visit a while back. schenectady offers that kind of example. hudson valley community college created a program so students could earn a paycheck and have their tuition covered while training for jobs at this plant. that's helping folks find good work. it's helping g.e. fill high-scaled positions. making this whole region more competitive. so ultimately winning this global competition comes down to living up to the promise of places like this. here in schenectady you're heirs to a great tradition of invasion and enterprise. the pioneering work of edison that made the entire modern age
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possible. the filaments that still light our homes. the x-rays that light our disease. now the sources that hold so much promise for the future. in these pioneering efforts, we see what america is all about. we see what has in our past allowed us to not only weather rough storms but reach brighter days. it's got to remind us that we've got those same strengths. this is america. we still have that spirit of invasion, and that sense of optimism, that belief that if we work hard and we give it our all, that anything is possible in this country. the future belongs to us, and you at this plant, you are showing us the way forward. so thank you everybody and god bless you. god bless the united states of america. [cheers and applause] >> ♪
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