tv Q A CSPAN February 14, 2011 6:00am-7:00am EST
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significance in the futu if we are unwilling in the congress to do what it takes to make sure that the resources are in place so that our agencies can fulfil their obligations. and th that, i will yield. >> are you looking for more time? >> i just want to address the gentleman from washington's comment -- >> if you have additional questions i'm going t suggest you submit them for the record. i don't want to cut anybody off but we could go on for a long time and i think we need to wind this up. okay. i want to thank the panel very much. this was very informative. the subcommittee stands adjourned.
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"washington journa[captioning py national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2011] >> today, a preview of president obama's fiscal budget. also a look at a new report on the effectiveness of school choice programs in the west. -- in the u.s.. a look at the role government plays in the mortgage market with john taylor, president of the national community
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reinvestment coalition live at 7:00 a.m. eastern, here on c- span. today, the president's fiscal 2012 budget will be released. president obama will talk about the budget at a baltimore school. we'll have reaction from the pentagon, the white house budget office, and members of congress. on tuesday, the house is expected to start debate on a bill that proposes a broad reductions in fiscal year 2011 spending levels with a file boat possible later this week. live house coverage on c-span. >> for mcafee, we are focused where the threat is and our goal is to protect whatever consumers or employees use. >> night, cyber-security. on c-span 2 tonight. ♪
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>> this week, our guest is the president of southern methodist university, r. gerald turner. the university will be the site of the george w. bush presidential library scheduled to open in 2013. r. gerald turner has been president of southern methodist. >> is it true that you have a saying that the truth will set you free? >> that is the model. >> what does it mean today to you? >> i think it means that the truth will set you free, that means that the basic goal of the institution is to try to find true whether that is in our research efforts, teaching, or that human experiences. ultimately, the goal is to find what is really there.
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>> what is the toughest part of the new president today and what is the best part? >> the toughest part -- i tell people what my job description is, it is the coordination of incompatible forces. truthfully, that is pretty much the case. if you are in business, you have one basic goal and that is to increase your value and make a quarter to quarter and so on. you can be brief about it. here, we have so many goals. the truth shall check your free. -- the truth shall set you free. you have people who can come in and learn what we do know, the past and present and hopefully point toward the future. the constituencies you have sometimes have incompatible goals for the institution. you have to plow through trying to get as much support as possible from those
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constituencies toward a vision and toward an image that there are different ways of approaching things and energized. the complexity of university president's job is something that either wears you out or you are energized by it. to me, no two days are the same and you have to keep ahead of the pack. the variety of it, the complexity of it, i think is what makes it difficult for all those things make it difficult but they also make an enjoyable in some way. >> how many students? >> we have about 11,000 students total. we keep the undergraduate enrollment at six to 200, a very stable. 4800 are professional and graduate and they can vary somewhat. we have 1400 -- we had met 40
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-- -- we admit 1400 students per year. the goal is to half of them to be from texas and half from out of state. that half the come from out of state, california is always first, florida second, illinois third and then georgia, tennessee, missouri is always in there, connecticut is in their. the top 10 states don't very a whole lot. it is a, a zero sum gain. me. >> how important is the southern methodist university, the methodist part? >> we put that up front in our statement. the only person on campus that has to be met this is the dean of the perkins school of theology. my predecessor was catholics other is a lot of variation and there are people who are not christian that are on the faculty and in the student body. it gives is a set of values, a set of direction, and one of the
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things i like most about it is that it is still a place where all variations and approaches toward troops are viable. the spiritual dimension of life still has its place in conversation. it is just it is not mandatory or not forced on anyone but it is a part of the dialogue here. a school like smu that has a tradition of open inquiry, academic freedom, and so on, the spiritual dimension of our existence is still something that can be discussed and gives it a much broader perspective than if it is purely secular or strongly religious and not tolerant throughout the continuing. >> you started in a community college where you got an associate degree? explain that. many people are starting with a
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community college these days. where did you start? >> i actually got farmed out. i was from a small town, new boston, you played every sport. in northeast texas. if you were very good at all, there were opportunities for you. i actually wrote reading the " dallas morning news." i love basketball more than the others. i wanted to play here but i was not that good. abilene christian was recruiting me and talking with me and they had a good point guard in a little town. they decided i needed to become a guard. they literally told me to go to a two-year school at christian college which it did not know existed they told me to go up there and they will bring me back here after this other guy graduates. i literally went up there to play basketball and tore up my
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knee in my sophomore year where i could not continue but i went back to abilene on academic scholarship because i had maintained that focus per route. >> where to go next? >> after abilene, i went to ut austin and got my ph.d.. whenever we are recruiting from and to colleges, the 1400 transfer students, one of his 60-170 of them are local. they are older than our traditional students. they add a lot to her upper division classes. when i got here, we set up a number of reticulation agreements with the local community colleges. we created a scholarship program where we get 10 poll tuition scholarships to the local dallas county community colleges. there is a lot of competition for this. it has helped solidify the
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opportunity that is here. people in this part of the world know the value of an smu education and they learned all over the country. those 10 spots are important. there are important to me because i know i can communicate to the students that they are welcome here and i do know some of the transfer issues they might have. they will be welcomed. in you've got a ph.d. from ut psychology? where did to get your interest in psychology and how have you used it to? >> i was made during in math, looking for something to put it with because i knew i wanted to teach. my parents were teachers in public school. i am in the family business in a real way. i started taking some psychology courses. it made a lot of sense to me, particularly when you saw how statistically based most of the conclusions were. i ended up having 30 hours of
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psychology and 30 hours of math. on a graduate degree, i took 18 hours a graduate statistics and ended up teaching that more than psychology. it was an interest and a way that i could utilize another ability i knew i had in mathematics. >> what year did you get out of your undergraduate degree? >> that was 1968. >> what is the difference for a person going to college in 1968 and today? >> the competition is a lot stiffer in terms of admissions and getting in graduate programs. because, obviously, are greater than they were because states for state schools were supplied and the predominance of the operational funds for state colleges and universities. there was a greater hunger for the college graduate. there is not as many of them out there as there are now on a
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proportional basis. it is like everything else -- it is harder to be it is harder to be a young person today than it was then. you have more things to virginia. you have more drug and alcohol pressures than we had growing up. to have a few beers when we were growing up was the main thing. now there is a plethora of options that pushed on these kids. it is just enormous. i think it was easier then. >> of greece. in a meeting with your staff talking about drugs and alcohol, what would you be talking about? >> we had a task force on drug and alcohol abuse prevention. we cannot with their report that we have been trying to implement a number of things. that would be working with local bars on trying to make them utilize our i.d. set. everyone in the 18 can prove their 21 with these fake id's
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and working with the students to help identify how was it that we can encourage alcohol-free activities. how did you teach those 21 years and above alcohol by responsibility? we have a big counseling center to try and help students. we have to be pretty and tolerant of those because it can catch on and one thing will lead to another and someone. every campus in this country is deeply concerned about alcohol and drug abuse. some of it is created on our campus, but it is amazing how many kids will bring the problems to you. ec the surveys about abuse starting in junior high. the challenges to us are enormous. that is not only one of the
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major challenges facing fire -- higher education but also our country, how to maintain a healthy lifestyle and to get kids to have the strength and the judgment to say no. >> what is worse for you, the drugs or alcohol? >> the drugs are worse in terms of just how damaging the effect would be. the alcohol is more pervasive. once kids get hooked on cocaine or any of the other kinds of drugs really have a hard time. we do not have as much of that as a lot of places do. we have a lot more than the experience, that is for sure. >> raided the start out after you got your ph.d.? >> -- where did you start out? >> pepperdine. and as a historical basis in the church of christ.
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like a symbian, it is pretty open. -- like smu, it is open. it has a similar religious tradition. >> and then where did you go? >> oklahoma. the president that oklahoma -- at pepperdine went to oklahoma dan went to oklahoma and hired me to be the chief of staff. that was the vice president for executive the fears -- affairs. i served there for five years then went to all miss as chancellor. >> how long were you there? >> 11 years. >> whether the big differences? -- what are the differences? >> when i came back to private higher education, people would ask me what the differences. two-thirds is the same. hiring the best faculty you can.
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the one-third that is different is really refreshing. i felt like i had been re- potted. there is the pressure of raising the money, but you get to eat what you kill. there was also the fighting back and forth with other institutions in ways that made it difficult and i just very much liked having the ability to say we were a private institution and we did not do that. basically if we could get board approval and someone to find did that we could bring it about. a company will say they need to have their employees have access to a program that does x, y, and z. we go to engineering and they
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can develop the program with an six-eight months. with a state school, it would require two years. oftentimes, the local schools will add that on, but we will have already gone through. businesses find it is very helpful. i like the response of the very much that we have. >> when you walk around campus, use the brand of football stadium, a brand new arts center. you see the names of a lot of different people. i gather that is money. why do people get lots of money? what is the biggest contributor you have ever had? >> people give to higher education because they want to be proactive. they want to do something that lasts.
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if you really look at our society, the two things that have endured our universities and churches. you look at governments that turnover and there is a life cycle for many. the universities are 1000 years old, churches are older than that, and religious institutions. those are the core of human expression. you feel that if you're giving to a university that you are helping of your people and injuring the best of civilization get to go forward. -- you are ensuring the best of simulation -- civilization gets to go forward. we have a tremendous dedication to a campus as beautiful as this one is. people really want to be a part of it. 40% of the donors will not -- were not alums. there were people who believe in the university and wanted to be
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a part of it. as a result, they have helped. i push people very much putting their names on things because if you are not willing to put your name on the institution, then what do you say about that? a lot of people want to be anonymous and i can understand that. it is a firming to university when one of the stellar alumni will put a name for word to endow scholarships, school, or department. all of that works together because a private school really is a sum of its alumni and supporters. if it never loses credibility with those groups of people then there is no reason for it to exist. >> to is your biggest contributor? >> the biggest numbers are in the $50 million range and so on.
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some goes up toward $70 million. we have not yet had a $100 million donner, but i am certainly looking for that. if anyone is listening, i would love them to be the first one. >> can people give anonymously? >> yes. >> you do not have to divulge where the number comes from. >> we have a number of chairs that are anonymous. they will designate someone whose name it may be on there. we have a donor designated faculty member that was retiring with a chair because the faculty member had meant so much to him in his education in particular aspect of history. there are all kinds of ways to do it. is always nice that someone will sign on and say they are in it which you together. >> what is in your endowment? >> $1.30 billion and now it is $1.10 billion.
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we are in the 50's in the terms of the size the endowments. ours is new. as a new -- smu did not get into raising money until the 70's. our endowment in 1971 was $70 million. it is new. it is restricted. people in the late '60s started restricting their gifts that it would do to business, scholarship, or whenever. the older endowments had a huge parts that were unrestricted. they could decide to put it in the scholarships cover of buildings, renovate, or whatever else. for a school like us, the endowment is basically new and very little is restricted. >> a couple of weeks ago we did a program with george w. bush sitting in right there.
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laura bush's on your board? >> she is. >> behind, a famous texas named -- ray hunt and sarah perot? >> she's an alumni. >> is she married here? >> ross perot, jr.." she is an smu alumni so we are pleased to have them be part of our family. >> how big is your board? >> 42. we have the president of faculty senate, a voting student, and alumni, and three bishops from the united methodist church on the board. it turned over more or less every four years and people have to be reaffirmed.
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there is a term limit of three four year terms and there can be exceptions. by and large that is stayed with. 42 is a good size and it obviously cannot leave governed university but encourage others to be a part of the university. >> go back to the first moment you tried to get george w. bush to bring his library and museum here on this campus. >> the first time we set it in action when he was running we said, "would it be nice?" after the vote in florida, the next morning, i walked into my vice president for executive affairs position, the one i had at oklahoma, and i asked dr. barry what he knew about presidential libraries. he said he did not know anything. i told him, "wrong answer. you will become an expert."
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we put together a committee and started working toward it. it was a very tense, competitive situation because there were a lot of institutions and cities around here that had claims that they could make gossip for white should be there. >> i noticed just reading about it on this campus that it appeared to have a lot of academic reaction, negative reaction to it. >> there was a group of faculty that did have concerns about it. this is a university after all. anything important is going to have a lot of dialogue and debate. the faculty, as a whole, were always behind it. nevertheless, there were some legitimate questions that faculty members asked and over that period of time we addressed them. we started the effort in 2001. then again in 2008 we were
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basically identified as the recipient. that has left a good bit of time there for different things to be brought up, debated come and sell one. but as you expect from a university, you have differences of opinion, but i think most of them were resolved. the campus as a whole was delighted to have the bush library over there. >> ronald reagan looked at the idea of going to stanford and they ran into the same problem there. say heard conservatives that this is nothing more than left-wing academics who do not want anything from the right, or george bush, on any campus. what would you say to that? >> on any campus, the data shows that particularly in the humanities and social scientists that you have more leaning to the left and right. issues that have to do with the direction of the university are the appropriate purview of the
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faculty and they needed to be. they need to talk about them and having different points of view on the campus ultimately is that there are different directions toward trying to understand what is ultimately the truth so you need different points of the. people would ask why i was so convinced that this was the right thing for the university. a large part of that conviction not only came from conversations with the president and people around him about what he wanted, but when i was a graduate school, then ask that the lbj library would be at hoffman. that was enormously controversial. there were demonstrations because this was in the late 1960's and early 1970's. now if you tried to remove it from austin you'd have demonstrations and so on. that experience really taught me that the value of a presidential library, if it has a something of value and not
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just the mausoleum, something to move it forward like the lbj school will and the institute will hear, they are worth working towards. it was really a tough time in austin when that was announced. there are a number of faculty here who were in graduate school at the same time i was and they can verify that it was the case. that made me feel like if it were set up appropriately that it would have the men say the continuing value to the university in the greater dallas, north texas area because now there is a the kind of consolation a presidential libraries with clinton, this one, bush 41 coming and lbj kind of within driving distance. >> how much money did you have to raise for this project? >> there was not a set amount,
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but as a part of our proposal, we figured it would be important for those who were advising the president to know that there was a lot of support. we had 20 individuals who said they would get at least $1 million of the came here. i have been a part of the fund- raising effort so i can assure you this is heated with smu -- associated with smu have given more than $20 million. the contributions come from all over the country, literally coast to coast. not only did smu people contribute but a lot of people who have never give anything to us are hoping to build something here on the campus. >> once that opens in 2013, how much does the bush library on it? how much does the foundation on? -- foundation own?
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>> it is between nora, smu and the foundation. they will run the facility. we have leased them the land. we will have joint programs with the institute and the library. we want to have concurred appointments. -- concurrent appointments. there have been voted to have an appointment in the university also. going back and forth coming joint programming, concurrent appointments, they can all help to invigorate a number of areas of the university of in certainly add to the dynamism of the library center. >> i believe it was about 1995 when you came here. why did you leave ole miss?
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>> as i mentioned, i had always had a sense i would like to be here. dallas had always meant an awful lot to me. i had an uncle here. when the opportunity presented itself, it was very much of interest and this was at a point in time that what i could do was what they needed. what they had then to stabilize the institution and basically created a great foundation but he did not enjoy the external aspects of the presidency and that is the part i really do enjoy. the daily worker running an institution is always there, but i enjoy getting out and trying to make people believe in the vision. >> to serve on a number of corporate boards. >> 3.
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>> are you still involved with the n.c.a.a.? >> not directly. i am on the board of the naicu and the a.c.e. the knight commission was set up to try and address some of the major problems facing intercollegiate athletics. we had the first report in 1991. i joined in 1990 in have been with that ever since. basically, it's around the idea that as a part of the campus community, intercollegiate athletics should play its proper role. even then there was a concern that academics for not being emphasized enough in the shoes of student wellford, financing, and so on that there is the
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beginnings of the commercialism that is now just rampant -- there were concerns that academics were not being emphasized enough in student welfare. every time we have gone dormant for a while, issues and the demand of our colleagues kind of bring this back into operation. it is just one of those things that you do because we have the unusual circumstance of having athletic programs associated with our universities. we are built, a german model and someone. when the first yacht races started, that got under way. >> what did you take to the commission and what are the things you may have had something to say about about the different documents that they released? >> the first is the foundation of three plus one.
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presidential control in service to academic fidelity, certification, and financial fidelity. the whole issue back in that time was a president has the authority to run the program because trusties, particularly in state programs, would simply take over the athletic programs and there were a lot of private foundations or associations that raised all the money in were not a part of the university. athletics are really operating on a parallel track in some places. the effort was that they would represent university and should be a part of it. that has been the effort. when the certification was passed, there was an effort to try and have paris to come in the operation -- try deaf ears come in and observe your athletic program. there be a certification every
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so often of the athletic programs and try to build some trust across institutions and conferences. we passed that and the n.c.a.a. asked me if i would share the creation of it. it was one of those things of being careful of what you asked for. for five years, we worked for years creating certification from a blank sheet of paper. then i chaired the first iteration of all 306 schools in division one at that time. it has just been efforts towards academic reform and i feel very good about the fact that student athletes are required to take a set of courses that gives them a realistic chance to get a college degree and high schools have to furnish real courses for that. before, there were no standards and kids were arriving on
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college without a chance of getting a real degree any college university. there have been a lot of things that been to the benefit of the student athlete, but i think the rampant concern -- commercialism, the in thatcherism -- infatuation of americans with sports has increased the demands and that is when the great challenges facing higher education. >> to have been criticized for the amount of money spent on a football coach. you said you'd pay him as much as $2 million per year. if you take everything together, that would be a bad actor. >> there are now running from $4 or $5 million. we did a group of analysis with the board of trustees and the amount of money we were losing
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per year having programs that were not competitive, 1-11, 2- 10, whatever. every year we would make the change and hire an assistant and hope they could move to the next level and be a head coach. basically, you find you can write some and wrong lot. -- be right some and wrong a lot. we decided to hire someone with experience. the board agreed to furnish that outside of what they normally do to give it a try and see if over time ticket sales and everything would make up the difference. during the last three years when this experiment has been going on, the operational deficit of the athletic program has gone down over $3 million during that time and will continue to trend downward.
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so far, and has worked about like we expected. >> the coach of the football team to make significant and more money than the president of the school. is that a good time? >> it reflects the market. -- is that a good trend? >> in the medical school, there are faculty members of their -- there who make multiples of what the president of the institution will make. as athletics gets more commercialized and reflects more of the market come i think that continues in basketball and football. so far, the other sports have not really come up to that level and you wonder how long it will be before you start seeing huge salaries in baseball because more and more to the contracts for college baseball games are being signed. i do not have a baseball team. none the less, that is something presidents are beginning to discuss a lot.
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>> what was your experience as to how many colleges and universities make money off of athletics and how many lose money? >> there are 120 football bowl subdivisions. 7 have broken even more made money. last year, 2009, 14 broker even more made money. it is a very small number of schools really driving everyone in their conferences, the a.q. conferences, automatic qualifying. many in the same conferences are having a hard time keeping out. i do not know where it is headed, but it is taking more time than college presidents
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want to spend on it. there is an emphasis within academic communities and interests in athletics does not seem to be waning. >> when you do your job, how often do you just go, "i am squeezed between the alumni who want the football team, the academics who cared less." what is the worst part of that situation? >> every president knows it is more than two-sided. it comes from multiple directions. it is an important aspect of the job in terms of being able to, again, moderate those incompatible forces. i am fortunate here at smu that there are many, many people supportive of the institution in building new academic
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programs, giving scholarships, and so one that did not care that much about the athletic program. there are people who do care about it and there are some who care about both. the idea is to keep all three groups supported somewhere the total institution goes forward. if you look at the buildings and the increase in average s.a.t.'s we have been able to do that. >> to have a daughter that is a soprano? >> and another that is an actor. >> how did that happen? >> that is a debate where my wife and i have. our daughter angela is an opera singer, a soprano. in my family, i have some musical talent. i have a cousin that is an opera singer and other could
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play various things. gail's mother had some musical talent and it all aligned behind her. she does a lot of stage acting, some movies. she has been on stage most of her life. she was the younger daughter. i became chancellor at ole miss when she was 7. she has been in the fishbowl. both are very talented and we are very proud of them. some of our great joys are watching them perform. >> any part of the job he did not like? >> there are parts of it that i would rather do than others, but on the whole every day i am ready to get to work. every day i enjoy being a part of it. it is not like a job, really. is a way of life. it is 7 days per week. i am always the president.
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one time my younger daughter, when she was about eight or nine, gale asked where we were going on vacation. she said let's go someplace where no one knows daddy. it is always there. you do need a break from it, but if you're not energized by it and you are in the wrong business. there is no one particular thing that i dislike that colors the whole job in a way that i do not get up every morning ready to do it. >> how should one determine whether they should have a college degree? >> if person has a skill that is that a high-level or they believe it can be at a high level and it can be both in electronics, carpentry,
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painting, are various things. i think education is always there to augment whatever skills one has. i think there are trade and other kinds of things in which a person could make a very good living and not go to college or university. unless they read a lot, they will miss the richness of the human experience, both present and in the past, and i think the ability to deal with the vicissitudes of life for increased by going to college. as harry truman says, there is nothing new, only the history you do not know. that is an inch adjuration, but there is some truth to that. -- that is an exaggeration. colleges not necessary for everyone, but for most people that want a greater sense of the world around them and the
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ability to deal with business, engineering, those kinds of things, you really do have to come to college. for others, we need to find ways to put them in a system where their lack of interest or presentation. >> names something smu does that other places do not do. something special. the college that i went to, perdue, everyone that those of their -- purdue, they have to take a speech course. is there something that kids who come here have to do that is unique to smu? >> i do not know of any particular course requirement. we have some differences and provide the opportunities for
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students to get a unique experience. we have some fairly unique programs. we have won the masters programs in digital game development in the country, and one of the first. in that community, and means a lot. within our undergraduate programs, research opportunities that kids did not have as undergraduates must places because of their size or wherever else. i think the leadership opportunities that we have heard just enormous from being on our board, being on committees, and various things. more schools have added that bonn, but when smu started, there was not a board that every school. those types of opportunities in some are fairly unique to smu. >> bayh use the two words "death penalty clause "what does that mean to you? -- if i use the two words "death penalty," what does that mean? >> that refers to our football program.
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we could not compete in that sport for that year. the institution decided to add another year to it to kind of get everything organized and in order. that had a really detrimental effect on the intercollegiate program and particularly football here and we're just now coming out of it. some positive things that did come out of it were the fact that the board had restructured. a lot of schools have copied it different components of it. and allowed the institution to review its self and hit the start button all over again. structurally, you usually do not get a chance to do that. as i said, there has to be an
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easier way than we had to go through. >> that did not happen while you were here? >> it happened in 1986-1988. >> has that happened at any other school? >> and has almost happened a few schools. it has made the membership of the n.c.a.a. in little more reluctant to do it to other institutions. the southwest conference dissolved during that period of time. all of the schools in texas and arkansas had been together forever. when that fell apart a number of us were not moved into the big xii but became a part of the wac. on a regular basis, we were not playing taxes, taxes and them, and someone. -- texas, texas a & m.
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the southwest conference is all but the same time. they attribute that to the death penalty but it is not true. it was a double whammy. >> either as president of the school or corp. chairman of the commission, are most schools honest? >> schools are a lot more honest than they used to be. presidents are really trying and most coaches and athletic directors do not wanted. there probably exceptions and bayer -- and there are inadvertent exceptions. sometimes you break rules and you are not aware that you have. you have to report those and someone. usually where there are blatant violations, there are external sources and there is usually someone inside.
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for smu, dr. pye had led an assessment of things and there was a readiness to move out and go back to serving. all of these new facilities and the fact we have added 50 acres to land, buildings, and the fact that the deck of the profile is going up, these are all the results of trying to get going again. of the great things we have had in the last 15 years, their turn to over, in a very real way. the beneficiary of all of that work, and i have spent instances.
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these really came out of some really difficult years. >> i want to come to smu. what does my s.a.t. have to be? >> the average will be between 1250-1260 so we have come up about 100 points. the number of students that applied this year will be 12,000-13,000 and we will have a first-year class of 1400. each year the average is going at somewhere between six and the 10 points. we want to be at 1300 by 2015 and not lose the leadership character, involvement, the entrepreneurial spirit that our students have. that is a challenge because we
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do not want people who just want to be in the labs and stay there. we want people who want to be leaders and have interpersonal skills and so on. you basically need 3.6-3.7 in your core adn 1200 for early admissions. >> i know they added 800 points for writing. do you use that? >> i am basically talking about the two parts, verbal and quantitative. if you put the other part on it, you would need about a 1900. >> so on the 1600-point score? >> ps. >> i do not qualify for aid. how much do i pay? >> the tuition and fees was about 37,000. room and board, if you were
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living on campus and had an average meal plan, it was about $49,000. for students to have a lot of ability, there is a way. >> said it will cost a total love? $45,000? >> it will be about $42,500. >> does that include everything? if you add all of those up you'll be over $50,000. >> the tuition of the close to 40,000 and room and board will be right over 50,000. >> in the still have three times the number of people applying willing to pay that. >> we will have about 13,000 applications for 1400 spots. >> if you were in charge of the leadership's goal for future
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presidents of universities and you had to give them some tips, talking about the way you carry yourself, the hours you keep, what are some of the things you would tell them about being the president of the school? >> very few that are president intended to be. you came into it because you had some ideas he wanted to implement and use i you could have a greater impact doing that. you have to be able to work with individuals. you cannot have a very high threat ratio. you cannot have a hot temper. you have to be able to moderate yourself as you try to moderate all the forces that are coming in. you have to be able to see down the road. you have to know that if you do x, three other federations could occur. that comes from experience
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obviously so you have to have leadership experience which is important to get. it also comes from having a good sense of self. if you do not know yourself pretty well, then you will get yourself into a lot of trouble from time to time. i think the experiences of working with people, nothing trendy like that. they're basically in charge of motivating individuals. that is an incredible experience for them going forward. it is all the same. it is just a matter of what the topic is and what leadership is. i urge them to get experience, learn to talk and communicate, have those speech class's, always be willing to volunteer to do things better and leadership-oriented.
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get to know themselves. they cannot be short tempered and have had a pretty good sense of themselves before they can hope to try and provide some leadership for others. >> and what about generating money for the university? >> it is mainly having a vision that other people will share with you and you then provide ways to empower them to implement that vision. ours is to be among the top 50 institutions in the united states. we were 56 and 50 is a nebulous number. to be among those when people are talking about the top private schools in the united states, we will not be a harvard or yale, but we want to be in the next group. we are only 100 years old this year. we are still in the menu is getting started from that respect.
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they have to have a sense that what the institution does is important and that they can have an important role in it. once they see what they can do that whenever level fits in with that vision and then they will help you. it is just giving you money, that will not do it. if it is not improving, they will not want to be a part of it. it requires vision they can buy and to, support, and they can see how they do it and then knowing that there will be follow-ups. it is going forward if not just based upon this particular year or project. the image and commitment is bigger and that is where the board comes down to ratify. >> what percentage of college presidents have a ph.d.? it is over 90%, but it is going down. there are more j.d.'s.
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there are not many just master's level people. there are few, but mainly it is ph.d., some ed.d. and some variation of different dock coral degrees. you are seeing more lawyers becoming university presidents. >> what is a ed.d? >> a doctorate in education. >> if you had to start over again and you're not going to become the president and you have to choose another profession, what would it be? >> i did not have any idea. i wanted to be an academic. my dad was a junior high principle and the mother taught fourth-eighth grade. i am in the family business. i have always wanted it to be a part of working with young people.
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i have -- even when i was young. i have really never considered. the company boards i have been on, i have never been on one where i thought, "i would rather be president than what i am doing." i have never found anything i would rather do. >> what are the three boards? >> j.c. penney, american beacon fund. >> president r. gerald turner. we are out of time. it has been a pleasure. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2011] >> for a dvd copy of this program called -- for a free transcript or to give us your comments about this program, visit us at a-and- a -- these are also available as podcasts.
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>> coming up, we will take your questions and comments. after that, president obama visits the middle school in baltimore to talk about the budget and education. today, a couple of briefings on the president's fiscal 2012 budge starting with the white house. jacob lew will present the budget and he is joined by austin ghouls be. that is live at two o'clock 3:00 p.m. eastern on c-span 2. on c-span 3, secretary of defense robert gates will talk to reporters live at 2:00 p.m. eastern on cspan 3. eastern on cspan 3.
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