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tv   U.S. House of Representatives  CSPAN  March 9, 2011 10:00am-1:00pm EST

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anything to add to that discussion and you're right of course more than 1,000 people were killed on 9/11. my point was it was our worst day in history. host: thank you matt apuzzo for joining us. please join us again. guest: yes. thank you. host: in the senate, live coverage on c-span 2 as the senators voting on h.r.-1 all here on the c-span networks. e s house will be in order. the chair lays before the house a comm speaker. the clerk: the speaker's room, washington, d.c., march 9, 2011. i hereby appoint the honorable virginia foxx to act as speaker pro tempore on this day. signed john a. boehner, speaker
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of the house of representatives. the speaker pro tempore: the prayer will be offered by our chaplain, father coughlin. chaplain coughlin: of late signs of spring speak of new life, o lord. may the first gasps of freedom stabilize the earth with fresh beauty. may heroic hearts of leadership, the world over, bursts forth with sounds of thanksgiving for your sounds of grace. hopefully, lord, our spring fasting and our renewal in prayer will peel away illusions for the nation and personal self-deception. may rage, violence and anger be drowned out by gentle rains. as with common endeavor, we work for the uprooting of weeds and the planting of new seeds.
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let destructive forces be silenced by collaborative efforts. by your spirit, lord, renew the face of the earth. amen. the speaker pro tempore: the chair has examined the journal of the last day's proceedings and announces to the house her approval thereof. pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1 the journal stands approved. for what purpose does the gentleman from arkansas rise? >> madam speaker, pursuant to clause 1, rule 1, respectfully, i ask for a vote on agreeing to the speaker's approval of the journal. the speaker pro tempore: the question is on agreeing to the speaker's approval of the journal. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the ayes have it. the journal stands approved. for what purpose does the gentleman from arkansas seek recognition? >> madam speaker, i object to
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the vote on the grounds that a quorum is not present and i make a point of order that a quorum is not present. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, further proceedings on this question are postponed. the pledge of allegiance will be led by the gentleman from arkansas, mr. womack. mr. womack: i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. the speaker pro tempore: the chair will receive a message. the messenger: madam speaker, a message from the senate. the secretary: madam speaker. the speaker pro tempore: madam secretary. the secretary: i have been directed by the senate to inform the house that the senate has passed s. 23, to amend title 35, united states code, to provide for patent reform in which the concurrence of the house is requested.
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the speaker pro tempore: after consultation among the speaker and the majority and minority leaders and with their consent, the chair announces that when the two houses meet in joint meeting to hear an address by the honorable julia gillard, prime minister of australia, only the doors immediately opposite the speaker and those immediately to his left and right will be open. no one will be allowed on the floor of the house who does not have the privilege of the floor of the house. due to the large attendance that is anticipated, the rule regarding the privilege of the floor must be strictly enforced. children of members will not be permitted on the floor. the cooperation of all members is requested. the practice of reserving seats prior to the joint meeting by placard will not be allowed. members may reserve their seats by physical presence only
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following the security sweep of the chamber. pursuant to the order of the house of monday, february 28, 2011, the house stands in recess subject to the call of the chair. >> the house has recessed so the chamber can be prepared for the acresse by the australian prime minister, julia gillard, at 11:00 eastern. we'll have live coverage here on c-span. the house starts legislative work at about noon. members will begin debate on two bills to eliminate home mortgage programs. >> federal spending senators will vote at 3:00 eastern on the house republican plan and on a plan by senate democrats. if both of those fail the senate returns to negotiation was house republicans and white house officials on federal spending for the remainder of this budget year. the senate's live now on c-span2. >> with c-span's congressional
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chronicle, you can follow every word from the house and senate floor on line. track daily timelines, read transcripts, and find a full video archive for every member. on this week's congressional schedule, a joint meeting ever congress with australian prime minister julia gillard. reserved for foreign heads of state, see what others have said during their joint meetings at >> the associated press is reporting that president obama is expected to formally announce wednesday, today, that he will nominate commerce secretary gary locke to be the next u.s. ambassador to china. we'll hear that announcement at 10:50 eastern on c-span two. staying live on capitol hill with the head of customs and border protection agentcy. -- agentcy. the house appropriations subcommittee is looking at increased spending for passenger and cargo screening at foreign airports. also at the budget attempts to save $100 million by reducing overtime pay for border agents.
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we take you live to that hearing now on c-span. >> securing goods so that when they arrive at the physical ports of entry we have done everything we need to do, identify as best we can, dangerous cargo. in fact, the yemen cargo plot with regard to packages and freight led to the same kind of changes that we saw a year earlier with regard to the processing of passengers as a result of the new tala attempt to blow up the northwest airliner over detroit. let me indicate what we have done and provide a very direct response to your question about how will this be funded. two major partnerships characterize our response, remember what, as you indicated, what happened in the yemen cargo plot was that we received intelligence, our government did, from the saudi intelligence that indicated
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there were two cargo -- two passenger that is were on their way to the united states that were intended to be detonated in the cargo plane over chicago. so the question then was, how do we locate those packages? i think one of the changes in the global supply chain was, we did identify out of this mass of tens of millions of packages and cargos involved in the international trade, we were in relatively short order working together with our partners abroad able to pluck out those two packages and to neutralize them so they did not do damage to the american homeland. as we annualize the situation, though, we were able then also to identify very quickly where the other packages that had come in the preceding days from yemen were. but what we also noticed was that we needed as we did in the passenger context to be doing much more work away from the
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american homeland and early in time. that's what led to the pilot projects that you indicate. three critical partnerships have characterized the work. the first is as i suggested, the partnership with foreign customs and police authorities. which need to be very close and are increasingly close. the second has to do with the partnership within d.h.s. between the frorgs security administration -- transportation security administration, and with customs and border protection. and the linking of the work of c.d.p. and t.s.a. on this has been extraordinary. and i know that government agencies always talk about the extent to which they cooperate. but i can tell you having been in the federal government, this is cooperation with real results that we see exemplified and illustrated in the way in which our nation responded to
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the cargo plot from yemen. the third partnership and key to this is the way in which we collaborated with the private sector. from day one we began working with the express cargo carriers, with the commercial airlines, and large cargo operators to begin to procreate the solution. what does the solution look like? frankly i would say parenthetically the way in which we have worked with the private sector contrasts with what i believe the ranking member and members of the subcommittee are familiar with which is the contentious manner in which we began to deal with maritime security in the wake of 2001. that situation is vastly improved, but it has taken a long time for those engaged in maritime trade to look at the requirements that we imposed on them from top down in part through congress imposing requirements on d.h.s., but we
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basically mandated a series of changes to require advance information and a whole variety of predeparture and prearrival changes. we took a different approach, frankly, mr. price, to this situation. from day one secretary napolitano convened working groups involving the private sector, with t.s.a., and c.d.p. to address the issue. and within a month we began what you refer to as pilot projects. they basically have two dimensions to them. we get advance information. right now the law provides that when a cargo is coming toward the united states, it must be given the c.d.p. four hours before arrival. it must be entered into our system. or if the arrival of the place of disembarkation is fewer than four hours from our homeland,
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then it upon wheels up of the cargo plane, or the commercial plane carrying cargo. what the pilot project basically does is arparticular late and starts to implement a new grand bargain between governmental authorities and the private sector. basically the grand bargain is, if you give us information early in advance of the departure, we will use the national targeting center and we will analyze the information you give us in terms of manifest data, and we will make a judgment about whether or not we need to screen and look at it and which way we need to look and screen the cargo, much earlier. that has led express cargo, and right now the pilot is between the united states government, d.h.s., and the express carriers, fedex, u.p.s., i believe it will be extended to d.h.l. soon and to t.n.t. in
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the not-too-distant future. basically what we see from u.p.s. is that we are getting the information sometimes 24 hours earlier before departure. sometimes even 36 hours. and we are able to make this decision working together do we screen it, do we isolate it? do we do it abroad? do we do it en route? or do we do it when it arrives at the physical boundaries of the united states? that's the nature of the bargain. it's an extraordinary collaboration and will be extended in -- over the next six months to commercial airlines and the large cargo operators. then, mr. price, you say so why haven't you asked for additional funding to support this? the answer is that we have asked for additional funding, as you indicated in your question. we asked for additional
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personnel at the national targeting center for cargo. we have actually asked for i believe 33 additional targeters that will work in herndon and be able to analyze that manifest data. and, sir, i indicate to you as we have with the immigration advisory program, we will be coming back to the congress when we have perfected this, when we have gotten to the point where we can say as a result of the experience we have had these are the additional measures that we need to take, and i think you have understood that we are not washful -- bashful about asking resources but taking the chairman's caution into account, the environment which we are operating, the secretary has determined we need to perfect these protocols and we are able to do that within our existing resource base together with the additional resources we asked for the national targeting center. >> i know my time's expiring.
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just one clarification, though, i felt these additional personnel that you referred to were aimed at a passenger screening operation. >> the national targeting center i will correct the record if i misspeak, but i believe these are going to be national targeting center for cargo. we have the ntcp, national targeting certainty for passengers, that is in reston, virginia, and that is the program that works with the immigration advisory program. but i believe that these were destined and we intend to allocate them to the ntcc. >> that is not the information we have, but if you can get this straight for the record. while you're at it, please, provide us with whatever accounting you can of where in the budget these items that had
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earlier -- we earlier been preefed on and anticipated, where the items might be, where in the budget these might be embedded of the to the extent they are not in the budget, how you are making up the difference, so to speak. that would be very helpful to us as we try to support this program fully, you understand. we want this to happen. we want to make sure that we understand the full budget implications of the capacity building. >> yes, sir. >> thank you, sir. >> mr. dent. >> thank you, mr. chairman. good morning. a couple things following up on mr. price's questions. it's my understanding 100% of out of bound commercial aircraft carrying cargo is now screened, is that correct? >> no. i don't believe that 100% of the out of bound cargo is -- this may be a t.s.a. function. i know the customs and border
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protection is not screening 100% of out of bound. >> on the issue of inbound, you just heard the yemen situation. even if we were to screen 100% of all inbound cargo coming on nonpassenger aircraft, how confident are you that we are going to detect problematic material given what you know? >> again, mr. dent, with regard to inbound, on commercial planes coming to the united states, there is 100% screening by t.s.a. certified screeners or by the t.s.a. itself of inbound cargo. i believe with regard to that extent, we have -- we do have -- we can always improve our screening capacity. we need to improve our detection capacity in terms of the technology, but that situation is considerably improved from where it was even
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a few short years ago. >> my understanding on the inbound come interesting overseas, we are still not at 100% out of bound. >> will i correct the record again. this is a t.s.a. function. i will correct the record if i misspoke. >> i wanted to follow up on the civil air patrol issues. for the past several congresses i have been advocating the use of the civil air patrol on the border, southwestern border. you have a shortage of assets down there. it seems that the civil air patrol is willing to help. they have been effective in the past helping us in various security missions. what relationship does c.d.p. currentlyly have with them? >> mr. dent, i know from the days in which i was the u.s. attorney that the civil air patrol played a very important role in assisting the border patrol in those years to patrol. because of the increase provided by congress and the air and marine assets of the
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customs and border protection, we rely hardly at all now on the civil air patrol. i do know of your interest. we do not at this point except in very spotty cases regularly use them in part because the air and marine assets that have been provided by the congress and are at work, for example, in arizona, are on the order of 10 times what they were years ago. but i -- >> are you amenable to establishing some kind of working relationship? >> absolutely. absolutely. partnership with civil air patrollers with state, local, and tribal law enforcement authorities is critical, yes, sir. >> i love to follow up with you on that further. i think we could use them in a cost-effective way to help us develop more effective aviation aspects. on f.b.i. net, the secretary announced on january 14 that they the head of the dspi net
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program, it has endorsed integrated fixed towers, at the heart of it, and indicated the department intended by 52 more integrated fixed powers for arizona. that's on top of the 15 that i think are already out there. these additional towers are for some of the most problematic areas as you know. but you proast opponented the purchase of these towers until fiscal year 2012 and delivery isn't expected i think until sometime in early 20 sp. -- 2013. why aren't we moving aggressively? >> mr. dent, you correctly described the situation. the large-scale integration and the virtual defense dimensions were ended by the secretary and i think to the general approval of members of congress on both sides of the aisle. but we do -- where the boeing developed technology, the so-called blue dog technology, which integrates video and
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radar works is in the florida terrain. there will be need for it. where there is -- where there are canyons and mountains, that technology is not very useful. the secretary has directed that we fill in the gaps in those areas with mobile surveillance systems, remote video surveillance systems, and our agents confirm that this is the best technique. together with aviation, i.s.r., the ability to integrate from surveillance from air, aviation platforms. the reason, frankly, for the delay, and i believe we start purchasing in 2012 and continue to purchase in 2012 and 2013, is that we need to fill in the gaps. we have in arizona which is our area of greatest priority on the border, we have the towers in place on the flat areas. we need to fill them in with the technology better suited for the canyons and mountains. but you're right. we want more of those towers to
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use in our places where the terrain makes them very useful. the priority is one reason there is a delay until 2012. the second is to simply get the competitive bidding that will be required to give companies other than boeing an opportunity to compete for this contract. and to provide the fix towers. so we think both as a matter of tactics but also good and business sense that that schedule level not do us harm on a security -- from a security perspective and get us a better product in due course. >> mrs. lowey. >> thank you, mr. chairman. welcome. i just want to say we are very fortunate to have your words of wisdom, experience in this position. i thank you very much. if you could just clarify in writing for the record, it's my understanding that the 100% screening of cargo and
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passenger airlines won't be completed until the end of 2011. i don't think it could be done soon enough. i think it's urgent and i'd like you to clarify that for us. i'd like to know why. and also why it's not completed. i'd also like to know if there are some nations that are not being cooperative as we seek to implement better screening abroad and what we can do about it. perhaps the first one you can speak to us. second, if you are aware of certain nations that have not been cooperative i would like to know that. >> yes, with regard to providing information on both. as you know the legislation provides the extension, although the deadline is coming up and i believe the secretary if she hasn't already will be indicating the further extension on the 100% scanning. and with regard to -- >> i just happen to think on
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that issue -- >> i understand the position. >> i would like to know what you need, how much money, how many people to get it done now? >> i understand. then with regard to the information on countries that have not been cooperative, no one comes to mind, but i would need to consult with administrator pistole with regard to the cargo screen interesting abroad. i will do that and supplement the record if he so advises. >> thank you. on another issue i have recently heard reports about staffing issues at kennedy airport including that one quarter of all customs and border patrol offices are handling basic immigration work. rather than searching cargo for weapons or drugs. perhaps more alarmingly i have been told that 18 fights a day are -- flights addai are arriving from known high-risk, narcotic producing nations without searches by b.p.o.'s due to staffing shortages.
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number one, what steps are you taking to ensure c.d.p. is searching cargo at kennedy airport rather than performing administrative tasks? and secondly, what additional resources you need from congress to achieve this mission. >> i was at kennedy airport on friday. thursday and friday of last week, and we are constantly looking at the staffing issues and also the allocation of duties. so that at kennedy airport which has more c.d.p.o.'s, customs and border protection officers and any other airport because of the size and scope of its operations, we have just under 1,800 now with a staffing model that actually allocates both to the processing of people, which we have to do to prevent dangerous people from coming into the united states, but also increasingly we check
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obviously on screening of freight and cargo coming into the united states, and kennedy leads the way in terms of out of bound checks. we have more out of bound checks led by an extraordinarily experienced and good group of officers. but i take your point that we always need to look at how do we allocate scarce resources, and when do we need more resources for any particular function? i believe that we can improve the situation at kennedy. but i'm satisfied the leadership in this newport director at kennedy who i hope you'll have an opportunity to meet, mr. brian humphreys, at o'hare airport now in charge of kennedy airport, and i will make him aware of your concerns and confirm that he's always looking at how best to allocate the resources among the function that is we have. >> i'm not questioning anyone's ability. i'm just saying that i think it's important we get the job
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done. if you need more assistance, you should let us know. in that regard i have been to san diego entryway and i have spent hours there. and to me it looks like a needle in a haystack. i applaud you. i don't know how do you that work. i also want to say you talked before about the issues involving our government and the mexican government. i met with calderon, i have been there, talked with him. and i think this has reached proportion that are just extraordinarily dangerous. we know of the 35,000 lives that have been lost there. i personally think it's not enough to say guns are going there and drugs are going there. i think we have to push for an assault weapons ban and i think we have to do something about controlling our use of drugs here in the united states of america. what you do about the infiltration of the military, infiltration of the security
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force with the cartels because the cartels pay more than the government, and the corruption, another whole story for another hearing, mr. chairman. but i appreciate your mentioning those issues and i think we just have to do something about it. thank you again for appearing before us. i think my time is up so i'll save the other question. >> down to mr. carter. >> thank you, mr. chairman. first, commissioner, thank you for being here. thank you for all the people in your department that's doing very important work to make our nation -- we in texas feel it probably more, i would argue more than most as far as what you are doing on our borders. we are very appreciative of it. i just raise the issue of the question that seems to come up every time we addressed border, we certainly are aware of the violence coming from the south.
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the question then comes up, where do the weapons come from? it seems to be that the united states, are we allowing weapons to be smuggled into mexico? i don't know whether that's true or not. we assumed it was true. we have had this discussion in the last congress. we thought we had put adequate resources on the border to inspect cargos going south. but there are accusations we are failing in that inspection. first and foremost i want to make sure that's true and know something about the interdiction you may have had on weapons going south. the reason i question is because ak-47's are not american manufactured weapons. they are european manufactured weapons. that's what i see the bad guys carrying. maybe we are importing them in the united states and shipping them down there. i don't know. i think that's important we do
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interdict. weapons flowing south, if they are coming from the united states, we have -- if we have a fault in this violence on the border, we need to direct that fault. my governor in my state has said he's perfectly willing to assist with the resource of texas law enforcement. would that be of assistance to you if texas law enforcement were willing -- and the law enforcement of other states be willing to assist in the interdiction of weapons going south? secondly, do you have any evidence of weapons coming in from other sources besides the united states of america? >> with regard to the source of weapons flowing to mexico, i think we have to acknowledge that many of the weapons do come from the united states. i think that's been established by the work of i.c.e. and a.t.f. as they traced weapons that are seized in mexico and traced back to sales in the united states. i think we should acknowledge
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that, because it's a fact. i think the extent of it, though, is not certain. you hear charges from certain quarters in mexico that it's 98%. others say 90%. others say it's 80%. i think we should just acknowledge it's an issue and we need to deal with it in terms of the new situation. at the same time, there's no question in my mind that weapons are being smuggled into mexico from this southern border as well. through central america, particularly some of the heavier weapons that are there. again in keeping with this new relationship between the united states and mexico, we acknowledge the issue and as you suggest it's one we need to work on. with regard to out of bound operations, secretary napolitano beginning in march, 2009, instituted for the first time in the history of our border not southbound checks, which they were intermittant ones, but instead what is new is that there is a regular
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systematic check, not a 24/7 check but a systematic, well organize straighted effort to intercept guns and cash going south. with regard to the participation of local law enforcement, they do participate now all over the border from california to texas. texas d.p.s. is a big partner of ours. and border patrol agents speak highly of it as do i. with regard to local police departments in texas and elsewhere, they are often involved in task forces that are participating in southbound checks. and they share in the forfeiture of assets that are seized and liquidated as a result of those seizures. the answer is, yes, those partnerships are critical and they can always be improved, but they are very extensive as we speak. >> we certainly are perfectly willing to be involved in our state and our governor is speaking out publicly that
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he'll share any resources you need. our state because quite honestly we are very concerned about the violence across the border. i was with people from laredo yesterday. we were talking about how much we used to share a great celebration we have on our border, george washington birthday celebration. it used to be flowing back and forth the two. that flow now stops and we have snipers protecting our meeting of governors on the international bridge. that's a dangerous situation that shouldn't owe -- occur. it concerns texans greatly. > too it should concern all americans, mr. carter. i will say for all the violence taking place in northern mexico, nuevo laredo, we have not seen that spillover violence into the united states. even from juarez to el paso. mr. carter, it's a major, major mandate of c.d.p. to see that
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does not happen. we need to make clear to the cartels, particularly in the wake of the killing of the law enforcement agent in mexico, that we will not tolerate the widespread violence coming over from mexico into our country and we will not tolerate the killing of american law enforcement officers. >> my time is up. i assure you the state of texas stands ready, willing, and able to assist you in any way you request. >> thank you, sir. >> ms. roybal-allard. >> thank you, mr. chairman. welcome, commissioner. as you are well aware, protecting american business and american workers from illegal imports is a key component of c.d.p.'s mission. unfortunately the agency has been unable to prevent chinese shippers from evading paying
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dues on many of their shipments into the united states. in november a senate investigator posing as business owners easily found 10 chinese companies willing and able to sneak merchandise into the united states to avoid paying duties, which have been imposed to protect more than 120 domestic companies and 12,000 u.s. workers from unfairly traded imports. also steel industry investigators recently discovered a consignment of tubing bound for the los angeles market again to avoid detention of the required duties. this failure to address industrial smuggling as you know is costing american jobs and robbing our treasury of much needed revenue. what is preventing c.d.p. from doing a better job of addressing this threat posed by
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chinese ill kneel imports? and what is it that you are doing to address this and how can we be helpful? >> i would say that many changes that the secretary has instituted and that i'm proud to be implementing -- implementing, one of the largest has to do with re-emphasizing the importance of our trade function at customs and border protection. that in addition to securing the flow of goods, we need to expedite the lawful movement of goods and in fact we see that expediting of lawful traffic as being entirely consistent with and in fact critical to raising our security profile. it is only by expediting the movement of the vast amount of lawful traffic that we can actually concentrate our attention on the very small amount of traffic that prevents
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risks of harm to our security. and we include in the definition of security our economic prosperity and our economic competitiveness. so in fact we are revamping the relationship between our ports and the trade function at c.b.p. to see to it the trade enforcement of intellectual property rights, of various anti-dumping provisions has a new emphasis in our activities because we don't see that as being antithetical to our security duties. i think you will see over the coming weeks and months a focus on such industries as the textiles. as you see focus on the invasion of -- and the defrauding on the basis of nafta distinctions. i think you will see increased tension both from customs and border protection and from immigration and customs enforcement, intellectual property rights enforcement.
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these are important objectives of the secretary, and one that is we see as completely consistent with our mission of keeping dangerous people and dangerous things out of the united states. >> which brings me to my secretary question. the national immigration form and the texas border coalition have found that while billions of dollars have been spent between ports of entry, such as the expansion of desert along the southwest border, by comparison a d.h.s. has spent little to improve security at the port of entry. according to a white paper by the texas border on coalition, the probability of a person being apprehended for criminal activity between ports of entry is 70% and only 30% at the ports of entry where the bulk of criminal activity occurs. this is a vulnerability as has been discussed earlier that
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mexican drug cartels have exploited. and according to the 2010 national drug assessment, more than 90% of hard drugs smuggled into the u.s. in 2009 actually came through our border ports. in addition, according to the border trade alliance which is a network of leaders and business and government, insufficient staffing at border crossings is creating bottle next that seriously impede the flow of commerce vital to the economy of both countries. while i'm pleased that your fiscal year 2012 request, budget request includes additional funding to meet this need, it falls far short of what is needed to combat drug cartels and facilitate the flow of goods and people through our busy border ports of entry. i understand that earlier you spoke of efforts along a
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specific cord door in arizona on the southwest border, and i applaud your efforts in that area. however, given the reports that i referenced, can you please tell us what strategies you have to address the threats at the ports of entry? and wouldn't our country be better served if our resources were directed towards these areas that appear to be the main port of -- the main port of illegal activity? >> ms. roybal-allard -- >> if you could, go ahead and answer this question. and then we'll go on. go ahead. >> the issue is not a zero sum game. you are right. we need to see the border not as divided between the ports and at the ports, we have to see this as a continuous border. we do view it that way at customs and border protection.
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as you noted we have asked the budget asks for 300 additional customs and border protection officers that are necessary to staff new ports of entry on the southwest border. we have also received 250 more customs and border protection officers in the southwest supplemental bill which is in the 2012 budget actually made a part of the base budget. but over time we do need to address that issue. there's no question. in 2006, there were -- fiscal year 2004 there were 17,689 c.b.p. officers, and there were 10,819 border patrol officers. in fiscal year 2011 there are 20,7 -- 370 border patrol agents and 20,777 c.b.p. officers. while we have seen growth in c.b.p. officers, we have seen much greater rates of growth in
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the border patrol. we are conscious of the issue you raise. but we see it as a continuum. and believe that we can continue to grow c.b.p. in a way that will address more effectively the issues you raise. >> mr. levin. >> thank you, mr. chairman. welcome, commissioner. i have heard from different people inside the department and jouth side the department getting to the issue of coin tra -- contraband coming into this country, drugs, whatever it may be, that maybe we are not using the kind of authority we already have. and i'm talking about the border search authority. if you would just tell us what your policy is. if in fact it's being utilized to the point where it should be. >> mr. latham, i can speak as a
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former prosecutor and assure you that there is place in the american landscape where american law enforcement has greater poy yours -- powers of search without any reasonable suspicion or any probable cause but rather as matter of protecting the american homeland at the physical ports of entry. those authorities are fully in use. in fact are even in greater use with regard to matters of questioning. so, for example, in the wake of the assassination of agent sapata, we exercised those authorities to the fullest to question and hold in secondary anybody with the remotest link to the group believed to be responsible for the murder of
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the agent. so i want to assure you as a prosecutor, also as the head of c.b.p. that we understand our authorities. we understand that they need to be used responsibly, but they also need to be used fully. they are being used to the fullest extent consistent with our tactical objectives. >> i don't understand why we keep hearing reports it's not been used as it should. any other agencies that give that authority to? >> when people -- are cross designated from i.c.e. or from one of the d.o.j. agencies or as mr. carter suggested when local law enforcement is part of the task force on the out of bound, if they are cross designated they are empowered by the same authorities of search to the fullest extent which is the widest permitted
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under american law jurisprudence. i think what would be helpful is when you were told the border authority is not being used, it's good to get the case and i'll be happy to respond to the case because i'm a very firm believer in the exercise of our authority at the border, responsibly, but also fully. >> how does the contraband come in? >> those authorities are not exercised on every cargo that comes in across -- car that comes in across the united states border. there are -- we have 270,000 vehicles coming into the united states every day from the northern border and the southern border. and what we use on this management, the experience and skill and knowledge of our officers, which is not perfect, but the alternative is not one that the congress has ever commented to us which is to
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open up every trunk and subject every car to an x-ray which would bring trade and travel into the united states so critical to our economy to a halt. but you're right, there is a decision that can be made, but i submit to you, sir, that we want to use our powers to the fullest but we want to use it where we have good reason to believe that they will provide us with a secure result and not represent an undue burden on lawful trade and traffic. >> do we have any idea what percentage of the amount of drgs are -- drugs are being caught at the boarder? >> mr. latham, i have been involved in border related activities for 20 years and i have heard a whole range of estimates. rather than provide one, all of which are at best educated guesses, i'd just as soon share
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my personal view which is not an official view offline. it's not -- i can't state it with any official imprimatur, and would hesitate to do that and thereby mislead people that there's more certainty to it because of the position i occupy. >> ms. roybal-allard talking about trade and a lot of companies in the u.s. have teamed up in the partership, customs trade partnership in terrorism and investment programs, but they still seem to have significant delays. apparentlyly -- apparently there's 47 different agencies involved. is it working? >> sir, there are now more than 10,000 companies that are part of the customs trade partnership against terrorism. these as i indicated in response to ms. roybal-allard's
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question, one of our major objectives consistent with maintaining a high level of security and increasing security levels is to restructure the relationship of the trade provide a more expedited passage for those members of the trade community who have engaged in the i.s.a., who have engaged in the supply chain security matters, and i think if you consult with the trade associations you will see both in the air cargo where we have partnered on the security measure having to do with freight so, too, in terms of this idea of what benefits can we provide to the trusted shippers, to the trusted importers, to the trusted customs brokers? and we are working with the private sector to enhance those benefits and to work with our partner government agencies. while there are 47 agencies for which we serve as the executive agent and we take action at the border, there are really seven
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agencies, including e.p.a., f.d.a. notably, agriculture, the highway safety transportation are the main agencies for which we work, and that's where the's program is critical. and i look forward to discussing with the committee the work we are doing with the automated commercial environment critical to the issue you raise. >> thank you. >> let me yield now to mr. dent. i understand you have a quick question for clarification. >> yes. commissioner, could you please clarify for the record the respective roles of c.b.p. and t.s.a. with regarding to screening and inspecting international air cargo? it's my understanding that c.b.p. inspects arriving cargo at ports of entry, but the t.s.a. inspects and screens u.s. bound cargo overseas and parting the u.s. because of its aviation security responsibility.
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it is the only agency empowered to carry out such a screening overseas. >> yes. that's generally correct in terms of where the fiscal inspections take place, although t.s.a. relies on certified screeners in many cases abroad. we are involved very heavily because of targeting work that's done through the national targeting center. so for example when a cargo is placed on a commercial airline or own an express carrier, there is a manifest filing that is processed by c.b.p. officers in herndon, virginia. we are partnering with t.s.a. so there are t.s.a. officers -- we also -- we analyze the passenger manifest as well at the targeting center for passengers, but we co-locate
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with t.s.a. so that the targeting is being done by c.b.p. at the n.t.c., but the actual screening, you are correct, is being done by either t.s.a. personnel or t.s.a. certified screeners. >> thank you. >> we are going to break away from this hearing now with a reminder that it continues live online at you will see it late. we are leaving now to take you to the joint meeting of congress. we'll hear from australian prime minister julia gillard in her first visit to the u.s. the members of the senate just coming into the house. her comments should get under way shortly. live coverage here on c-span.
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the speaker: the joint committee -- joint meeting will come to order. the chair appoints as members of the committee on the part of the house to escort the honorable julia gillard into the chamber. the gentleman from virginia, mr. cantor, the gentleman from california, mr. mccarthy, the gentleman from texas, mr. hensarling, the gentleman from california, mr. dreier, the gentlewoman from florida, ms. ros-lehtinen, the gentleman from california, mr. mckeon, the
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gentleman from michigan, mr. camp, the gentleman from texas, mr. brady, the gentleman from illinois, mr. manzullo, the gentlewoman from california, ms. pelosi, the gentleman from maryland, mr. hoyer, the gentleman from south carolina, mr. clyburn, the gentleman from connecticut, mr. larson, the gentleman from california, mr. becerra, the gentleman from california, mr. berman, and the gentleman from american samoa, mr. faleomavaega. the gentlewoman from new york, mrs. lowey, and the gentleman from new york, mr. crowley. >> appoints the following senators as members of the committee on the part of the senate to escort the honorable julia gillard, prime minister of australiaa into the house chamber. the senator from nevada, mr.
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reid, the senator from illinois, mr. durbin, the senator from massachusetts, mr. kerry, the senator from california, mrs. boxer, the senator from kentucky, mr. mcconnell, the senator from tennessee, mr. alexander, the senator from wyoming, mr. barrasso, and the senator from indiana, mr. luger. the speaker: the members of the escort committee will exit the chamber through the lobby doors.
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>> mr. speaker, the acting dean of the diplomatic corps.
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>> mr. speaker, the prime minister of australia.
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the speaker: members of congress, i have the high privilege and distinct honor of presenting to you the honorable julia gillard, prime minister of australia. >> thank you very much. mr. speaker, mr. president pro tempore, dwibbed members of the senate and house, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, i'm the fourth australian prime minister to address you. like them, i take your invitation as a great honor.
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like them, i accepted on behalf of australia. since 1950, australian prime ministers, have come here speaking for all the australian people. through you, to all the people of the united states, they each came with a simple message, a message which has been true in war and peace, a message which has been true in hardship and prosperity. in the cold war and in the new world, a message i repeat to you today. distinguished members of the senate and the house, you have a true friend down under.
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the defining image of america was the landing at normandy. your boys risking everything to help free the world. for my own generation, the defining image of america was the landing on the moon. my classmates and i was sent home from school to watch the great moment on television. i always remember thinking that day, americans can do anything.
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americans helped free the world of my parent's generation. americans inspired the world of my own youth. i stand here and i see before me the very same brave and free people. i believe you can do anything still. there is a reason the world always looks to america. your great dream, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness inspires us all. those of you that have spent time in australia know that we are not given to overstatement. we are iconic speakers and by conviction we are really quick thinkers. in both of our countries, real mates talk straight. we mean what we say, so let me say this to you. you have an ally in australia,
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an ally through war and peace, an ally through hardship and prosperity, an ally for the 60 years' past, an ally for all the years to come. geography and history alone could never explain the strength of the commitment between us. rather our values are shared and our people are friends. this is the heart of our alliance. this is why in our darkest days we've been glad. glad to see each other's face and hear each other's voice. australia's darkest days in the last century followed the fall
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of sing apour in -- singapore in 1942 and you were there with us. under attack in the pacific, we fought together side by side, step by bloody step. and while it was australian soldiers at the bay who gave the allies our fifth victory on land in the pacific war, it was american sailors at the battle of the cold sea who destroyed the fear of an invasion of australia. distinguished members of the senate and the house, australia does not forget. we will never forget. the ultimate expression of our alliance was not signed until 1951. but it was anticipated a decade
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earlier. in the judgments, the clear, frank and accurate judgment of an australian prime minister. and in the results. the extraordinary resolve of an american president. in the decades since, we've stuck together in every major conflict. from korea and vietnam to the conflicts in the gulf. your darkest days since pearl harbor to 10 years ago in washington and new york and we were with you. my predecessor, john howard, was quite literally with you, and he came to this capitol when you met on september 12 to show you that australians will be with you again. and after 50 years under a new prime minister and a new president, the treaty was invoked.
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within australia's democracy, john howard and i had our differences, but he was and is an australian patery ott, a -- patery ott, a man that was moved during that terrible september. he was and is a friend of america. when john howard addressed you here in 2002, we were already with you in afghanistan and we are with you there still. i want you to know what i have told australiaa's -- australia's parliament, what i told general petraeus, what i told president obama in the oval office this week, australia will stand firm with our ally, the united states.
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friends understand this, that we will stand firm with you, but perhaps more importantly our enemies understand this, too. we must be very realistic abouting afghanistan's future, australia firmly supports the international strategy led by president obama and adopted in lisbon last year. australia is doing our part across the whole of afghanistan. the government of afghanistan must play its part, too. we know transition will take some years. we must not transition out only to transition back in. we must not. from my discussions with your country's leaders in washington, my meetings with generals in
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afghanistan, and my time with our troops this is my conclusion, i believe we have the right strategy in place, a resolution, courageous commander in general petraeus, and the resources needed to deliver the strategy. i am cautiously encouraged by what i have seen. for a moment i want you to see afghanistan through the eyes of corporal ben roberts smith. ben is australia yeas most recent victoria cross winner, our equivalent of your medal of honor. then is a veteran of five tours of afghanistan, and first went there in 2006. when we met recently, his words to me were compelling. he said, it's not the same country i wept to five years ago. we are making a difference.
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friends, there are hard days ahead. i flew to your country the day after attending the funeral of a young australian who served in afghanistan. jamie lashingah, was from my home state of south australia. from a small community with the most perfectly australia yain name, kangaroo island -- australian name, kangaroo island . his ambition was to serve his contry. he was a long way from home when he made the ultimate sacrifice. we will remember. i know very many young americans who serve their country and lost their lives in afghanistan, too.
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as a friend we share your grief. as an ally we share your resolve . afghanistan must never again be a safe haven for terrorism. just as our security alliance is one for war and peace, our economic partnership is one for hardship and prosperity. in hard days we work together. our societies share a deep understanding of the importance of work. we believe life is given purpose and direction by work. without work there is corrosive aimlessness. with the loss of work comes the loss of dignity. that's why in each of our countries the great goal of all we do in the economy is the
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same, that great goal is to ensure that everyone who can work does work. in turn, this is why each of our countries talk early -- took early and strong action in the face of the greatest threat to the world's economy since the great depression. and we did not just act locally or individually, we worked hard together when we -- we worked together when hardship came. it was difficult but we did it together. new global realities and the emerging economic weight of countries like china, india, and brazil meant the vital forums, the global response with the g-20 nation. my predecessor, kevin rudd, worked hard to ensure this was so. the world needed a global response to the economic crisis, and global leadership was vital. together the g-20 coordinated $5
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trillion in fiscal stimulus for the global economy. while there has been very real pain, the global response averted true economic disaster. economic stimulus has been crucial. to limit the worst effects of the downturn, economic reform is crucial now to deliver the best hope for a strong recovery. like you, i'm a leader in a democracy, i know reform is never easy. but i know reform is right. the general economic outlook remains fragile and uncertain. global economic balance and we must address them or risk future instability. your leadership in the g-20 is still needed to ensure we make the reforms which will keep the
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global economy on the path to strong, sustained, and balanced growth. and that is the path to growth in america as well. we worked hard with you during the global economic crisis to resist protectionist pressures. our decades working together to promote free trade in the world. i know many of you worked hard to achieve the australia-u.s. free trade agreement. can i say each of you today, thank you. our free trade agreement shows the benefits of free-throw and we aim for even larger benefits from the transpacific partnership which is a great economic opportunity for our two countries and seven of our regional partners.
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and we have other opportunities to promote trade and jobs as well. i'm looking forward to your country hosting the meeting later this year. we will work closely together there. australia is also working for an ambition and balanced conclusion of the w.t.o. doha round as soon as possible. and we look forward to your congress passing a 2012 farm bill that advances free-throw rather than distorting it. and through free-throw creates jobs. we know the equation is simple, trade equals jobs. a very simple equation. our society shares a deep understanding of the importance of work, and our societies share a deep commitment to the value of education. we understand education's
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transformative power. we know education is the future for every child who learns. we also know education is the future for our economy. our future growth relies on competitiveness and innovation. skills and productivity. and these in turn rely on the education of our people. australia and america are partners in a globalized world where open societies flourish and competitive economies thrive. that's why i went to a school until wakefield, virginia, with president obama this week. the president and i not only saw children learning, we saw the future of your people and the future of your prosperity as well.
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australians are deeply grateful to your greatest generation for their mighty deeds. this week i have seen a new generation of americans. i genuinely believe they can be greater still. achieving prosperity while sharing its benefits requires farsighted educational reform. in the same way achieving growth while caring for our climate requires farsighted economic reform. breaking the link between economic growth and emissionings growth is a difficult challenge for our economies, and we conal -- can only achieve it by working together. our cooperation in key international forum and research and development is making an important contribution. we must work together to acheeve an his tork transition --
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historic transition to high technology, high skills, clean energy economy. shared values are the basis of our security alliance, and shared values are the basis of our economic partnership as well. through hard work and education, we can deliver a strong economy and opportunity for all. americans are great optimists, and australians will always have a go. so conceived in the pacific war and born in the cold war, adapted to the space age, and invoked in the face of terror our indispensable alliance is a friendship for the future. it is this year the 60th anniversary of the signing of our treaty. it is because of that i have the opportunity to speak to you
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today. for that i'm grateful. as i said to president obama, it is an alliance 60 years young with so much future to share. and this is a timely opportunity not so much for reflection on the past as a discussion of our future. the bipolar world in which our alliance was signed has long since disappeared. i'm not sad about its passing. hundreds of millions of people have a better life today. democracy and human dignity has spread wide in the world in the last 20 years. we have seen this from eastern europe to east asia in recent years, and we have seen the hope of it in the middle east right now. we understand that nothing is certain. there is still much for the people of the middle east to do. and the governments of the world
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will be there to help them do it. yet i believe what we are seeing is unchanging realities of human nature, finding a new expression in a new light. for australia's part, we will do what we can and work with you to support orderly transitions to democracy. to foster human rights and religious freedom within the countries of the middle east. and to secure lasting peace between them. a peace where no nation threatens another. which is why we join you in condemning iran nuclear program.
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and we also strive for peace, a peace where israel is secure and where palestinians have a state of their own, which is why we join you in calling on all parties to negotiate in good faith. our lives were signed 60 years ago in the cold war and released in a new world today. and the changes in the middle east, i believe it is in the asia pacific where the global order is changing the most. we admire india's example as a true democracy. we never forget indonesia's transition to create the world's third largest democracy in the world's largest islamic country. and we applaud china's lifting some 500 million people out of poverty. the global, strategic, and economic weight is shifting to this region.
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the rise of the asia pacific will define our times. like you, our relationship with china is important and conflict. we encourage china to engage. and we ask where difference does lie. my guiding principles is that prosperity can be shared. we can create wealth together. the global economy is not a zero sum game. prosperity there is no rein for chinese prosperity to detract anywhere in the world. america has always understood this principle of the economy
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that everyone can benefit when everyone competes. and for 60 years your leadership in the asia pacific has showed this. your commitment to free trade and investment fuels the growth. your presence, a net work of allies ensures the stability. you were indispensible in the cold war and you are indispensible in the new world too. so your growing engagement with key countries in the region like japan, india, south korea and indonesia, is enormously welcomed. we will work closely with you to strengthen the fabric of these relationships and underpin regional stability. strengthening regional institutions so that the countries that the asia-pacific increasingly manage the friction of a growing and changing asia-pacific. that's why your nation's decision to join the east asia
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summit is such good news. the summit brings the leaders of the region's major powers together and has a mandate to deal with the whole range of economic, political and security issues our countries face. our relationship is evolving to meet these new challenges. from defense and intelligence to diplomacy and trade. australia and the south with south korea and japan to the north form real asian-pacific relationships with the united states. regional stability. an alliance which was strong in the cold war, an alliance which is strong in the new world. in both of our countries, true friends stick together. our nations do this and our people do this as well. nothing better tells this truth than the story of two
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firefighters. many australians and americans work together in the late 1990's to be ready to protect the 2000 sidney olympics from possible terrorist attacks. one spent two months in new york training and working, including a long time with new york's fire department rescue one. they worked hard together and became more than colleagues. they became meats. so -- they became mates. so when it was time to go home, the australian commander gave rescue one chief his australian army hat and the chief presented the australian with a battled scarred fire helmet. december, 1998, and signed by members of the rescue one crew, including kevin. three years later, kevin was one of the hundreds of new york
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firefighters killed when the towers came down. kevin led his people. his remains were never found but his helmet was in australia. an aussie firefighter rob frey found kevin's sons. jane is one of new york's bravest. a firefighter, like his father before him. patrick is wearing his country's uniform in afghanistan. rob came to america to give james the helmet his father signed, a precious possession, a last link to a father lost. and i give you their story of precious position too. these two men are here today, rob, james.
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rob, james, we are so proud of what you represent. your story about the friendship between australia and the united states. together in the hardest of times, friends for the future. when our alliance was signed 60 years ago, the challenges of
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the space age was still to come. the challenges of terrorism was still to come. for 60 years, leaders from australia and the united states have looked inside themselves and found the courage, the courage to face those challenges. and after 60 years, we do the same today, to protect our people, to share our prosperity, to safeguard our future. for ours is a friendship for the future. it has been from its founding and it remains so today. you have a friend in australia, and you have an ally, and we know what that means. in both our countries, true friends stick together. in both our countries, real mates talk straight. so as a friend, i urge you only
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this -- be worthy to your own best traditions. be bold. in 1942, john curtin, my predecessor, my country's great wartime leader, looked to america. i still do. this year you marked the centennial of president reagan's birth. he remains america's symbol of great optimism. the only greatest symbol of american optimism is america itself. the eyes of the world are still upon you. your city on a hill cannot be hidden. your brave and free people have made you the masters of
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recovery and reinvention. as i stand before you in this, this cradle of democracy, i see a nation that changed the world, a nation that has known remarkable days. i firmly believe you are the same people who amazed me when i was a small girl by landing on the moon. on that great day i believed americans could do anything. i believe that still, you can do anything. thank you.
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the speaker: the purpose of the joint meeting having been completed, the chair declares the joint meeting of the two houses now dissolved. the house will continue in recess subject to the call of the chair.
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>> good morning, everybody. as many people know or current ambassador to china, john hudson, has decided to step down from his current job. during a tenure john has been an outstanding advocate for this administration and for this country. he made a real sacrifice in moving his family out of the states they love and has helped to strengthen our critical relationship with the chinese government and the chinese people. so i am very grateful for his service. in replacing the ambassador, i can think of i can't think of anybody who is more qualified than gary locke. more than 100 years ago, gary's grandfather left china on a steamboat bound for america while he worked as a domestic servant in washington state. a century later, his grandson will return to china as
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america's top diplomat. in the years between these milestones, gary has distinguished himself as one of our nation's most respected and admired public servants. as our country's first chinese governor, he attracted jobs to washington state and he doubled exports to china. two years ago i asked gary to continue this as commerce secretary. i wanted him to advocate for america's businesses and american exports all around the world. make progress on our relationship with china and use the management skills he developed as governor to reform a complex and all-star game agency. he has done all that and more. he's led a number of trade missions to support american jobs. he's overseen an increase in
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american exports and particularly exports to china . a country we recently signed trade deals with that will support 235,000 american jobs. he oversaw a budget returning $2 billion to american taxpayers. he made it easier to export dramatically reducing the time it takes to get a patent. when he's in beijing i know that american companies will count on him to represent their interests in front of china's top leaders. as one of the fastest growing economies, our relationship is critical of the 21st century. we worked hard to build a relationship that serves our national interests, addressing global security issues and expanding opportunities for american companies and american
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workers. continued cooperation between our countries will be good for america, it will be good for china and it will be good for the world. as the grandson of a chinese immigrant who went on to live the american dream, gary is the right person to continue this cooperation. i know he will bring the same skills and experience that he brought to commerce secretary to this new position that he's about to embark on. i want to thank him and i also extraordinary family who's standing here, mona, emily, dillon and madie. it's always tough to move families. madie just turned 14 today. i -- emily just turned 14 today. so i was commensurating with her as somebody who moved a lot as a kid as well. i ensured her it will be great 10 years from now.
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right now it's probably a drag, but i'm absolutely confident that this is -- we could not have better representation of the united states of america in this critical relationship than we're going to get from the locke family. gary, i wish you all the luck in beijing. thank you. >> thank you. well, thank you very much, mr. president. i'm deeply humbled and honored to be your next ambassador to china. it was over a century ago that my grandfather worked for a housewife for a family in the state of washington in exchange for english lessons. and he went back to china, had a family. so my father was also born in china and came over as a teenager a few years later. he then enlisted in the united states army before the outbreak that greatest generation and saw action on the beaches of
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normandy and then came back to washington to start a family and a small business. he never imagined that his family served as secretary of commerce in the united states of america and he was beaming with pride, mr. president, that you presided over my swearing in ceremony. sadly, dad passed away. i know if he was still alive it would be his proudest moments to see his son be named united states ambassador to his ancestral homeland. i am going back to the birthplace of my grandfather, my father, my mom and her side of the family. and i'll be doing so as a for america, the country where he was born and raised. as commerce secretary, i helped open up foreign markets for american businesses so they can create more jobs right here in america. in china and help you, mr.
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president, manage america's most critical economic and strategic relationships. i'm delighted to take on this new challenge, as is my wife and our children. two very degrees among the kids. and will be leaving washington, d.c. with great memories and many friends. being commerce secretary has been one of the best jobs i had, thanks to the immensely talented and dedicated men and women within the department of commerce, in the white house and within the cabinet. and i'm proud of the work that we've done at the commerce department delivering services faster, serving the needs of u.s. businesses and workers, saving taxpayers billions of dollars by being more efficient i'm confident that these accomplishments will stand the test of time. mr. speaker, i'm eager to assume this new position, and it's a primbling and a solemn responsibility to serve you and the american people as the
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next united states ambassador to china. thank you for the confidence and the trust you placed in me. thank you. >> thank you. thank you so much. [inaudible] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2011] >> well, the head of national public radio stepped down today. vivian schiller is not offering if she was forced to quit or stepped down. it was told she resigned after a discussion with the board. she stepped down a day after conservative activist showed a video showing them being racist.
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vivian spoke at the national press club monday. you can see all of that speech in our video library at u.s. house is coming back in in under 10 minutes. we expect noon eastern. when they return they'll begin debate on two bills that eliminate home mortgage relief programs. votes and -- debate rules will be coming up at 2:30 eastern. general debate and amendments tomple and expect final votes friday. over in the senate they'll take up 2011 spending with votes at 3:00 p.m. eastern. first one on the republican plan that they passed back in mid february. the second one on a vote by senate democrats. if votes fail the spending bills will return to negotiations with house republicans. senate coverage live on c-span2 at noon. this weekend book tv is live with two days of panel discussions and interviews from the tucson festival of books. authors include former governor raul castro, t.j. styles with
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panels on immigration, women and leadership and a look back at the 1960's. also this weekend on c-span2's book tv, on "after words," peter firstbrook talks about the genealogy of barack obama with dinesh d'souza. for more on events go to a live look at the space shuttle discovery on track for landing in four minutes at 11:57 eastern. the final voyage of space shuttle discovery. getting set to land, as we mentioned, in just a comele of minutes at the kennedy space center at cape canaveral, florida. this is live coverage from nasa tv. >> four minutes until
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touchdown. now approaching the circle. this is a circle created by the microwave landing system. it is about seven miles in diameter. the commander will take over flight of the shuttle around this circle and set up final approach. slight booms now heard at the kennedy space center announcing arrival of. three minutes until touchdown. beginning his left-hand turn. this will be a 252-degree left-hand turn. the pilot is taking control of the flight at this point. flying 400 miles an hour.
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altitude five miles. >> discovery, we see you on at the 180. >> on at the 180. >> discovery crossing over the atlantic and back over the eastern edge of florida. commander steve lindsey back in control of discovery. circle two minutes, 30 seconds seconds until touchdown. traveling 440 miles an hour. altitude four miles. >> discovery, you are on at the 90. >> on at the 90. >> two minutes until touchdown.
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discovery traveling at 440 miles an hour. discovery beginning to line up with runway 15. this is the northwest-southeast approach at the kennedy space center. it is seven times deeper than a commercial airliner. the altitude is two miles. continuing to line up with the runway there at kennedy. >> agree you are on and on and we have good video. >> the heads of display will allow the commander for line-up of the runway. you will see two arrows at the bottom. discovery speed 370 miles an hour. this is space shuttle discovery's final minutes of flight.
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space shuttle discovery now on final approach at the kennedy space center. more than 30 seconds to go. major touchdown. the nose of the shuttle down toward the flight deck. prepared deployed. and nose gear touchdown at the
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end of an historic journey. and to the ship that has led the way time and time again, we say farewell, discovery. >> and houston, discovery for the final time, wheeled to stop. >> discovery houston, great job by you and your crew. that was great landing in tough conditions. you were able to take discovery up to a full 365 days of actual
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time on orbit. i think you called that a fleet leader and a leader of any manned vehicle for a time in orbit. so job well done. we will meet you in the postlanding pad for postlanding currently no deltas. >> copy that. i'd like to thank you and your team and all the orbit teams for a fantastic mission as well as the expedition 26 team on orbit and also like to thank k.s.c. who has given us a perfect vehicle from start to finish on this final flight. >> well said and we totally agree. thanks, panel.
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>> this is mission control houston. once again schayes shuttle discovery is sitting there at the kennedy space center. his wheels have stopped after 27 years of historic spaceline, you heard words of congratulations to the commander on a successful 133 mission. this legend has spent 365 days in space, 5,304,140 miles during this mission alone.
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>> we need to reconfig. when you get the ammonia problem -- you probably already have that data in your book. >> do you need it now or just when -- >> no, we'd like it now. it's just right out temp high and on and that will get you a good config until we get heated up a little bit. >> temp high. >> good deal. we'll get that to you, we'll take ammonia controler bravo to c. [inaudible] >> we're ready.
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>> mission control in houston as we look at space shuttle discovery there at the kennedy space center. final flight for discovery wrapped up. we'll pass along the unofficial landing times to you. if you miss any of these we'll give them to you once again. >> the final landing of the space shuttle discovery has been gabrielle giffords, congresswoman from arizona, aboard the endeavor next month. we take you live now to the u.s. house. they are coming in for debate on two bills to eliminate homeowner mortgage assistance programs. debate this afternoon, votes about 2:30. live coverage on the house now on c-span. mr. hensarling: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that the resolution be considered as read and printed in the record. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the resolution is agreed to and the motion to reconsider is laid on the table.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from texas rise? >> mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that the proceedings during the recess be printed in the record. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, that will be the order. the chair will now entertain requests for one-minute speeches. for what purpose does the gentleman from louisiana rise? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute, to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without
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objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> mr. speaker, this country has never had an energy strategy. and the only thing worse than not having an energy strategy is having an energy policy that's actually hurting our country. mr. boustany: hurting american energy production and american workers and making us more dependent on foreign oil. that's what the obama administration's doing right now. let's review the record. a moratorium on drilling in the gulf of mexico, hurting american energy production, a budget proposal that offers $50 billion in new taxes on independent small energy companies working throughout the united states. also tax policies that's going to hurt large u.s. companies trying to compete for a limited reserves around the world to meet u.s. energy needs. and finally an attack on horizontal drilling. because we have now found large reserves of oil and gas in our shale formations and this administration is looking to shut all that down.
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and then they come forward because the price of oil, the price of oil at $105 a barrel today, they now want to open up the strategic petroleum reserve which is supposed to be used in see -- severe shortages. that's not an energy policy, that actually hurts our country. it's time to stop these wrong-headed policies that are hurting american energy production and hurting american workers. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from minnesota rise? >> address the house for one minute, revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized. >> thank you, mr. speaker. you'll get no argument in this house that this is a country, got to get handle on the budget, be fiscally responsible and reduce the national debt and grow the economy. mr. walz: we owe nothing less to our children and grandchildren. but i'm shocked by the lack of business sense, if will you, from some of my republican colleagues. what my small businesses know in southern minnesota that in addition to tightening their belts and getting efficiencies out of their business, they've got to make smart investments for tomorrow. last what week what did we do? we cut 40% of the n.i.h.'s
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budget to the research in the mayo clinic in my district that will lay off 68 researchers who equate into billions of dollars of medical return -- research. republicans also want to cut education. as a high school teacher i can tell you, where are the workers from tomorrow going to come from and compete to be the great innovators to win tomorrow? we did all that, at the same time protecting oil subsidies to the c.e.o.'s of the largest oil companies who made hundreds of billions. we've got to be smart with taxpayer dollars and we've got to find ways to think like small, innovative businesses in places like the mayo clinic. save money, be efficient with our resources, invest in tomorrow to create jobs. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from texas rise? >> request permission to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. poe: mr. speaker, gasoline is nearly $4 a gallon. meanwhile the administration seems to have a deliberate crusade against the u.s. energy industry and domestic energy independence. even before steven chu became
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energy secretary he said, quote, somehow we have to figure out a way to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in europe. well, that plan is working. the administration is stonewalling the safe development of a canadian pipeline to my district in southeast texas that will send crude oil and jobs to american refineries. the administration is using the out-of-control e.p.a. to implement questionable scientific regulation that hammer domestic energy capability. this includes the expensive regulations of co-2 and the e.p.a. attempt to defy the will of congress by implementing cap and trade regulation. the offshore drilling moratorium by the administration is nonsense. a court order, the moratorium lifted. now that same court has held the administration in contempt for not in fact lifting that moratorium. each of these are evidence that the administration is at war with domestic energy and the will of the american people. meanwhile, gasoline prices are
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getting near those that are in europe. and that's just the way it is. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from new york rise? without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> thank you, mr. speaker. as oil and gas prices continue to rise, american consumers and businesses are facing sticker shock at the pump. mr. tonko: the national average is $3.49 and the average in new york's capital region think a represent is $3.69. and yet rather than take action to bring immediate gas price relief or create incentives to invest in clean energy alternatives that create jobs and grow our national security, the republican budget would maintain our addiction to foreign oil. the republican spending bill ignores energy efficiency, it ignores clean energy, advanced vehicle technologies and loan guarantees. what does it leave in place, though? millions of dollars in subsidies for big oil companies that they have claimed they don't need.
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especially as they make record profits. and what do we get by throwing billions of hard-earned taxpayer dollars at these big oil companies? less money in our pockets to get to work and around town. americans are better than the gasoline we put in our vehicles and it's time we wake up and realize it and advance research and development. thank you, mr. speaker, and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from texas rise? without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. sessions: thank you very much, mr. speaker. mr. speaker, today is a very special day for not only me, but many people who live in dallas, texas, because today is ebby holiday's 100th birthday. i've known ebby for 22 years. this incredibly successful woman is one of the most generous and hardworking individuals i've ever known. ebby has been an entrepreneur beginning her career selling hats and today she is the driving force for change in the real estate industry and a
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household name all across north texas. eb, y's incredible story is the embodiment of america's dream. her dedication, work ethic and vision have turned ebby holiday realtors into the 10th largest independently owned real estate company in the nation. ebby is also well known as a respected community leader. her active civic involvement and philanthropic efforts have inspired others to give back to those in need. her name has become so monday news to with ethics, class and generosity. over the course of her lifetime, ebby has witnessed many historical events and changes in our fast-paced world, yet her love for family, friends, community and this nation remain steadfast. i am proud to call her my friend and i know she will be surrounded by many of those today in dallas, texas, as she celebrates her 1 birthday. may she -- 100th birthday.
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may she be blessed with many more years of health and happiness. happy birthday, ebby holiday. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from maryland rise? without objection, the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. ms. edwards: thank you, mr. speaker. today i rise to highlight the foreclosure crisis and recognize that thousands of discorrespondenced families in my district and across the country who continue to battle foreclosure. in maryland our foreclosures approached nearly 800,000 in the fourth quarter of 2010. this crisis hits particularly hard in my district where we have about 40% of our foreclosures statewide. the foreclosure prevention and mitigation programs the majority wants to terminate this week has helped thousands of hardworking families to stay in homes and mitigated the affects of declining property values in neighborhood as i cross the country. i know they're not perfect but terminating these programs does not one single thing to spur the economy or protect middle class families in need. in fact, the effect is quite the opposite.
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my colleagues claim that the programs haven't delivered on their promises. so what? what about the families who have benefited from the freshmans? what about the 1.2 million families that will face foreclosure this year? this is another case of trying to throw the baby out with the bath water. enough with that already. whose side are you on? families, workers, working families protecting their homes and communities or are you on the side of the banks that want to take their homes? with that i yield. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from rhode island rise? >> permission to address the house for one minute, to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. cicilline: thank you, mr. speaker. i rise today to recognize the creativity, effort and resourcefulness of two local housing authorities in the first congressional district of rhode island. at a time when rhode island and many other states across our country are experiencing unacceptably high foreclosure rates there are some beacons of light in the housing sector. beacons like the town of lincoln housing authority and the housing authority of the city of providence. which are both being recognized by the national association of housing and redevelopment
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officials as awards of merits winners for being well positioned to meet the demand for safe and affordable housing for low and very low income families. the lincoln housing authority has instituted innovative programming for seniors and the providence housing authority has put in place energy efficiencies and cutting-edge health and fiscal planning programs. these housing authorities are leaders in the development and maintenance of cost effective approaches to responding to the variety of today's housing and community development challenges. lincoln and providence housing authorities not only effectively address local housing and neighborhood redevelopment challenges and concerns, they've also set a national example for similar organizations to learn from so they can meet the unique needs in their communities. i congratulate you for leadership in our state's housing industry which proves yet again that rhode island innovation can combat both our state and national housing challenges. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from the mariana islands rise? without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute.
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mr. sablan: mr. speaker, as we celebrate american red cross month, i'd like to pay particular credence to the northern marianas islands chapter of red cross for the leading role in plays in providing vital health and safety services in our islands. our small community has been blessed since 1978 with an exception of the active and effective local red cross chapter. we just -- with just four staff members and 150 volunteers, the northern marianas island chapel ter last year provided financial assistance to families who suffered house fires from localized flooding, facilitated emergency communications between 154 service members and their families, provided community disaster preparedness materials to over 3,700 individuals and trained over 2,300 students in courses of c.p.r., first aid, lifeguarding and swimming. the northern mariana islands'
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chapter of the red cross is an integral part of the commonwealth community, a leader in health and safety, creating an invaluable partner in helping people prevent, prepare for and respond to emergencies. we thank them for your work. . the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from california rise? without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. back yo: mr. speaker, as the recent job report shows, our economy is steadily improving with 12 straight months of private sector job growth. now, i state now is the time for us to build on this progress. and work together in a bipartisan effort to create jobs not reduce jobs, i state not to reduce jobs. but sadly my republican friends are letting the -- protecting special interest it expense of working families of the the republican budget would destroy 700,000 jobs and turn back the clock, i say turn back the clock on our region's economic
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progress. this budget would do critical harm to american families, mothers, and children would be stripped and nutrition benefits from the work program. thousands of youth would be kicked out of head start. and now the republicans are ready to continue their assault on the middle class by terminating the mortgage relief program to keep families in their homes. we should be helping families not making them homeless. let's work together to pass a budget that creates jobs and helps middle americans. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey rise? without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. sires: mr. speaker, the republicans have been in control of this chamber for the last 10 weeks now and we have taken 164 record the votes. yet still have no plan it create jobs or spur economic growth. instead of tackling unemployment, my republican colleagues are now turning their efforts towards eliminating
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vital programs that are helping families deal with the fall of the mortgage crisis. seven million families have lost their homes. with another three million foreclosure expected through 2012. what is the republican response to this kycies? they want to terminate programs designed to help homeowners keep their houses. this week they'll bring a bill to the floor that would abolish a program that makes temporary loans to unemployed home loan owners -- homeowners. it is bad enough they have no plan in site to bring -- sight to bring america back to work. but doing away with programs helping the unemployed. i urge my colleagues to stop cutting programs that will keep american families in their homes and focus their legislation on creating jobs and move the economy forward. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from oregon rise? without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. defazio: the republican majority is indeed focused on
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jobs. in fact their h.r. 1 will kill 700,000 jobs under the guise of fiscal responsibility. they cut transportation investments, they have cut investments in education, student loans, and grants. they have cut the cops program, keeping our citizens safe with additional police on the street. they cut back on nutrition assistance, to women, infant, and children. what's not on the table? well, corporate welfare. $6 billion in ethanol subsidies. don't want to touch that. $12 billion in agriculture suxdies for corporate farms. can't touch that. tax loopholes for big oil while they are gouging us at the pump and not paying taxes in the united states of america? can't put that on the table. but the republicans have shown us their priorities and even their friends in the senate yesterday refused to take up their bill. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from tennessee rise? without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute.
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mr. cohen: thank you, sir. the majority has now been in power for 10 weeks and has yet to offer a pln for job creation. instead they have chosen to ignore the warnings of economists from across the political spectrum and are promoting a continuing resolution that threatens to derail and reverse our nation's recovery. instead of slashing programs that are vital to job creation and economic growth, we need to carefully examine the budget, eliminate all wasteful spending. that is why i'm introducing the surplus transportation earmark rescission savings and accountability act of 2011. i'd ask for bipartisan support on this. this legislation will reduce the deficit by $584 million by rescinding unspent funds authorized by federal transportation projects requested by members of congress that date back to 1978. instead of eliminating research at the national institute of health or eliminate funding to protect our air and water, let's focus on elimination of wasteful unnecessary spending. i encourage you to work with me
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toically this -- to include this language in the continuing resolution. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from hawaii rise? without objection, the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. ms. hanabusa: thank you, mr. speaker. mr. speaker, we know that the economy is getting better. we know that job numbers are getting better, but we are still not there. we still have not addressed the cries of the people of this great nation. and by do know that essential to addressing the cries is the sense of public confidence and tied to that public confidence is something that's essential to everyone and that is feeling safe in your homes. being able to provide for your families. and that is what two bills are about to address in this legislative body. two bills that should not pass. that attempts to defund two major programs that address what the people want and what the people need. one is the federal housing administration's refinance
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program and the other is the emergency homeowner loan program. that's what people -- for people who are without jobs through no fault of their own. either through unemployment or simply medical conditions. 40,000 to 50,000 people were to be helped with that particular program. the other one is the underwater loan. 67% of homes in nevada fall in that category. 25% in the nation. mr. speaker, let's concentrate on giving people public confidence and hope in the future. thank you very much. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from georgia rise? without objection, the gentleman from georgia is recognized for one minute. mr. johnson: thank you, mr. speaker. mr. speaker, today's message from the house republicans is as follows. quote, this house, these are my quotes, by the way, this house will subsidize big oil and wall
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street, but our constituents who are losing their homes can just suck it up and find a bridge to sleep under. just about every economist under the sun agrees we won't have a robust job growth in recovery until foreclosures are under control. but rather than putting forth a proposal to improve the deeply flawed homeowner assistance programs, the g.o.p. panders to its wall street base by proposing we do away with homeowner assistance all together. i urge my colleagues to join me in rejecting this anti-homeowner, anti-middle class proposal so we can turn to the serious work of improving homeowners assistance programs that are currently failing. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from california rise? without objection, the gentlelady is recognized for one
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minute. ms. speier: tomorrow the house homeland security committee will hold a hearing that will actually have the he potential to make our nation less safe. the title of the hearing is, the extent of radicalization in the american muslim community. but what's truly radical is using committee time and resources to profile and demonize whole communities of people based on their faith. american muslims are a peaceful, law-abidinging citizens and be -- law-abiding citizens and many have cooperated with u.s. authorities to help prevent terrorist attacks. we should target terrorists based on actions not religion. when law enforcement agencies were asked to identify terrorist groups within their state, muslim extremist groups ranked 11th out of 18. neo-nazis, environmental extremists, and anti-tax groups were all more prevalent.
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radicalization and homegrown terrorism are serious and legitimate concern and deserve thoughtful examination. not an ideologically motivated charade. we must continue efforts to defeat al qaeda wherever they exist. but one key to combating extremism is winning the hearts and minds of the next generation of muslims. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from texas rise? mr. sessions: thank you, mr. speaker. by direction of the committee on rules i call up house resolution 151 and call for its immediate consideration. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the resolution. the clerk: house calendar number 15, house resolution 151, resolved that at any time after the adoption of this resolution the speaker may, pursuant to clause 2-b of rule 18, declare the house resolved into the committee of the whole house on the state of the union for consideration of the bill h.r. 836, to rescind the unobligated
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funding for the emergency mortgage relief program and to terminate the program. the first reading of the bill shall be dispensed with. all points of order against consideration of the bill are waived. general debate shall be confined to the bill and shall not exceed one hour equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the committee on financial services. after general debate, the bill shall be considered for amendment under the five-minute rule. it shall be in order to consider as an original bill for the purpose of amendment under the five-minute rule the amendment in the nature of a substitute recommended by the committee on financial services now printed in the bill. each section of the committee amendment in the nature of a substitute shall be considered as read. all points of order against the committee amendment in the nature of a substitute are waived. no amendment to the committee amendment in the nature of a substitute shall be in order except those received for printing in the portion of the congressional record designated for that purpose in clause 8 of rule 18 in a daily issue dated
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march 9, 2011, or earlier, and except pro forma amendments for the purpose of debate. each amendment so received may be offered only by the member who caused it to be printed or a designee and shall be considered as read if printed. at the conclusion of consideration of the bill for amendment, the committee shall rise and report the bill to the house with such amendments as may have been adopted. any member may demand a separate vote in the house on any amendment adopted in the committee of the whole to the bill or to the committee amendment in the nature of a substitute. the previous question shall be considered as ordered on the bill and amendments thereto to final passage without intervening motion, except one motion to recommit with or without instructions. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from texas is recognized for one hour. mr. sessions: thank you, mr. speaker. mr. speaker, for the purposes of debate only i yield the cuts tomorrow marry 30 minutes to the the gentlewoman from -- customary 30 minutes to the gentleman, my friend from new york, ms. slaughter. pending which i yield myself
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such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. sessions: during consideration of this resolution all time yielded is for the purpose of debate only. mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, so ordered. mr. sessions: house resolution 151 provides for a modified open rule that allows any member to offer an amendment to the underlying bill as long as it is preprinted in the congressional record and complies with house rules. this rule continues to build on the commitment of the republican majority to consider legislation in a more open, honest, and thoughtful way. mr. speaker, i rise today in support of this resolution and the underlying bill. this legislation was introduced by my dear friend, the gentleman, the chairman of the republican conference from texas, jeb hensarling, on february 28, 2011. and marked up in the financial
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services committee last week on march 3. this legislation went through regular order which included committee hearings prior to a markup and making the text of the legislation publicly available for members and the public to review prior to consideration in the committee on the house floor. the chairman of the rules committee, the gentleman from california, david dreier, has once again provided members of this body a transparent and accountable structure under which the rule we are debating and discussing today. allowing members of both sides of this aisle and of this body to offer amendments and to join in the debate of the underlying legislation. h.r. 836 repeals the emergency mortgage relief program and rescinds and permanently cancels all unobligated funds.
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it directs the secretary of housing and urban development to conduct a study to determine the extent of passage of the usage -- of the passage of the emergency mortgage relief program. by covered homeowners, which includes members of the armed services, veterans, and gold star recipients. and lastly, it requires the secretary to submit a report to congress including the results of that study in identifying any best practices that could be applied to the emergency mortgage relief program for covered homeowners. . the dodd-frank act established a $12 billion housing and urban development -- $1 billion housing and urban development emergency home opener relief program which provides loans or credit advances to unemployed borrowers who cannot pay their mortgage to make mortgage payments for a period of 12 months with a possible
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extension. these loans increase the amount of the homeowners in--' indebtedness or the borrowers' indebtedness so a borrow who who is unable to pay back either the original amount of principle or the additional loans made under the program would quite probably be worse off in the long run. these borrowers derived no benefit from the program and the government will suffer the losses from their event defaults. that's the way -- eventual defaults. that's the way the program was set up by the democrat majority. continued government intervention and questionable use of taxpayer dollars only prolongs our current economic crisis and ensures that the housing market will continue to struggle. the market needs to find its own footing free of government intervention and manipulation so that we can get on with a full
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recovery. the deficit is expected to reach a record $1,650,000,000,000 this year while the national debt is well over $14 trillion and growing rapidly. as a matter of fact growing so rapidly that last month $230-plus billion as a deficit for one month, the largest in the history of this nation, was recorded. yet what do we hear out of the white house? spend, spend, spend. including against this bill that they have offered to veto because it would save some money. the u.s. simply cannot afford to loan billions of taxpayer dollars that will not be repaid. the obama administration in its f.y. 2012 budget proposal estimates that this program will
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have almost 98% subsidy rate. that means that for every dollar the government is expected up front to lose, 98 -- to lose 98 cents. on every dollar of this program the government right up front is expected to lose 98 cents. mr. speaker, no wonder, no wonder republicans are trying to go back and look at the programs. the massive spending programs not only by president obama and former speaker nancy pelosi but also the committee chairman and those who brought these measures to the floor that have had a stunning impact on the economy of this country. also, h.u.d. regulations set up a process where the bridge loan can be forgiven over a five-year period. this is irresponsible.
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it is irresponsible not only now, it was irresponsible at the time it was passed by this house, passed by the senate and signed by the president. this is not a loan program but another government welfare program. job creation is the most effective foreclosure prevention tool. job losses rather than unsustainable mortgage terms are now the driving force behind foreclosures and mortgage defaults. the government does not need to be adding additional debt obligations onto borrowers who are already struggling with their current commitments. particularly when doing so adds to the debt burden of every single american. including those who took out these loans who have to suffer through the process as they are seeing themselves use of a government program that provides not only more debt to the
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country but tremendous strain on themselves. government was not there to help , they were there to indebt the american people. congress should focus on job creation not welfare and giveaway programs. this is the best way to prevent more foreclosures and to get our economy back on track. the congressional budget office estimates that enacting h.r. 836 would decrease federal budget deficits by $840 million over the 2011 to 2021 period. my colleagues on both sides of the aisle understand the current dire emergency that we're facing with the state of the u.s. economy. and that american families are struggling. why should the government go and make matters worse?
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it is our job as members of congress and as legislators to ensure that the policy which is passed by this house has integrity and can be backed up by the full measure of the free enterprise system instead of a government backstop and it is that government backstop that republicans observed to then and object -- objected to then and object to now. we need to make sure that our greatest days lie in our future, not the government handing out checks because the government didn't mind the blank check that it originally satisfied itself for in this legislation. we should be creating opportunities. we should not be holding back americans from earning not only the opportunity for potential in their future but also for making their life better. eliminating this program will save taxpayers lots of money and
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encourage more responsible government spending by the federal government. mr. speaker, this was an unwise program, it proved in that way and today republicans are on the floor of the house of representatives to say, we can do the right thinged to -- today. so i encourage a yes vote on the rule and a yes vote on the underlying legislation and i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the gentlelady from new york is recognized. ms. slaughter: thank you, mr. speaker, and i thank my friend and colleague for yielding this time to me. and i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized. ms. slaughter: i certainly want to agree with my colleague, mr. sessions, that what the world is waiting for is congress to do, to create jobs, we're approaching 100 days here without a single bill to do that. and we certainly look forward to that great day. mr. speaker, it was not that long ago that this country was facing the real possibility of another great depression. the financial crisis of 2008 was caused by reckless decision making on wall street that had deep and painful impacts on
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hardworking americans everywhere. as a result millions of people lost erg everything. they lost jobs -- lost everything. they lost jobs, retirement savings and homes. all across america families anguished over how to feed their families, how to keep them in fact, how to keep their lives together for just one more day. three years later we're starting to see the signs of fragile recovery. however slowly we have started to see modest private sector job growth over the past few months. however, we are far from where we need to be in the troubled housing market remains in -- and the troubled housing market remains in complete disarray. millions of americans are unemployed, still struggling to keep up with their mortgage payments. millions more are saddled with mortgages worth more than their homes. foreclosures swallowed up a whopping -- whooping 1.2 million homes across the country in 2010, also 900,000 in 2009 and
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despite the republicans' apparent lack of concern for the ongoing foreclosure mess, many estimate the united states will eclipse previous yearly totals and foreclose on even more americans in 2011. there is overwhelming evidence that everybody knows about that many of these foreclosures were faulty or downright illegal and yet no accounting of this failure is demanded. but the people who lost their homes have lost it in major ways and have no recourse except some of these bills. these bills obviously need a lot of help. i couldn't agree more. they're not the best we could do . and yet the sad thing to me is that once these four bills are done away with, there is no replacement. and we simply leave americans to function as best they can.
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if we're a nation that cares whether or not our neighbors are kicked out on the street, it's clear that we can't end these programs designed to lend a helping hand without something to replace them. the emergency homeowners loan program was created to help prevent foe foreclosures that are a result of massive financial hardships caused by unemployment and underemployment across the nation. admittedly some foreclosure prevention efforts in the past few years have not had as much tract as we hoped. and we've certainly had very low cooperation from banks. they were simply asked to help, not required to. democrats agree that the programs need improvement and support a process to allow for bipartisan collaboration. so it's a shame that we stand here today ready to kill this program before it even gets off the ground or has a chance to help stem the tide of foreclosure. my colleagues on the other side are ready to end the program without offering any solution to what is clearly a continuing
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problem. but if we don't provide our constituents in need, provide them help, then who? it surely won't be the big banks. foreclosing on our neighbors at record numbers. just today "the new york times" reports that the c.e.o. of bank of america rejected the idea of reducing home loans for americans in need. he thinks that if he has to do it for one he'll have to do it for all. what's fair about big banks reporting record profits by kick homeowners out on the street? what's fair about banking executives walking away from the failed mortgage schemes without punishment while thousands live in their cars? the audacity to call for a fair modification process after swindling of millions of americans with predatory mortgages and walk away with record profits is simply maddening. yet we stand here today preparing to debate a bill which all -- which will tell american people that we just don't care
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with so many homeowners still facing foreclosure, we should be focused on ways to improve programs designed to keep people in their homes. many of these families are facing insurmountable odds on their own but with just a little bit of help they may be able to make it through this tough time. but instead of reforming the program today we are eliminating it. i would like to talk a little about the process. today's rule is not an open process. for starters it's a debate on the bill, an amendment cannot be offered because it was not even printed in time. secondly, if the bill is changed by an amendment, members will not have the ability to respond to change it. this give and take of ideas that is the hallmark of dynamic and regular roadways -- rig louis he -- rigorous debate. the biggest problem with this process is that members who want to reform the program rather than completely get rid of it must find a germane offset which is nearly impossible because the bill completely eliminates the
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program. in order, any amendment to save any part of it would have to be offset by new money. we agree that reform is needed, members have ideas for reform, alternatives to simply eliminating existing programs. unfortunately under this process these alternatives cannot be offered. i urge my colleaguesen to the other side to work with us -- colleagues on the other side to work with us to improve these foreclosure programs, stem the foreclosure tide and strengthen our middle class. this bill does not do that and i urge my colleagues to vote no on today's rule and reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady reserves the balance of her time. the gentleman from texas. mr. sessions: thank you, mr. speaker. by the way, we are working with all the members of congress and that's why we went through regular order which was a new process for this house from the last four years. we also came to the rules committee and allowed an open process and any member that chose to have an amendment be
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offered today simply had to go and tell us ahead of time that they would like a preprinting notice and they could get that done. that is working together with every single member of congress. mr. speaker, at this time i'd like to yield for such time as she may consume to the chairwoman of the housing committee, of the financial services committee, the gentlewoman, mrs. biggert. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from illinois voiced. mrs. biggert: i thank the gentleman for yielding. mr. speaker, i rise in support of this rule, house resolution 151, and house resolution 150, the rule for h.r. 830. last week the committee on financial services considered an and approved two bills. h.r. 836, the emergency mortgage relief program termination act, and h.r. 830, the f.h.a. refinance program termination act. h.r. 836 would terminate the emergency mortgage relief program and rescind any unobligated balances remaining under the program.
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the emergency mortgage relief program created by the dodd-frank act establishes a $1 billion fund to provide loans or credited answers to borrowsers who can can't pay their mortgages because of unemployment or reduction in income. to date no funds have been provided to homeowners under this program and serious questions remained about its cost, effectiveness and benefits. the c.b.o. estimates the program will have a 98% subsidy rate meaning that for every dollar loaned thunderstorm program, 98 cents -- under this program, 98 cents is not expected to be repaid. gibbon the country's current fiscal situation -- given the country's current fiscal situation, no program warrants funding when benefits are speculative at best and substantial taxpayer losses are certain. . the other bill approved, h.r. 830, which will be addressed by the rule, h.r. 830, the f.h.a.
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refinance program termination act, would rescind all unobligated balances made available for use under this program. more than $8 billion in tarp funds has been setaside with f.h.a. refinance program, and $50 million has been disdis bersed since september, 2010. the extraordinary investment of their money, the taxpayers have thus far gotten very little return. the administration originally estimated this program would help between 500,000 and 1.5 million homeowners. however only 44 loans have been refinanced and only 245 applications have been submitted. this program has been plagued by problems from the start. borrowers are frustrated that few lenders participate in the program and it's difficult for borrowers to even find out if their mortgage servicer has agreed to participate. rather than continue to spend
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money we do not have on programs that do not work. congress should focus on creating the certainty, job creators need for economic activity and highering. this means we must root out wasteful government spending on ineffective programs such as the f.h.a. refinance program. what the american people want are jobs. not a handout or a program that doesn't work or is ineffective. i urge my colleagues to support the rules for h.r. 836 and h.r. 830 and yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields back of the the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the gentlelady from new york. ms. slaughter: i am pleased to yield three minutes to the gentleman from new jersey, mr. andrews. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new jersey is recognized for three minutes. mr. andrews: i ask unanimous consent to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. andrews: thank you, mr. speaker. i thank my friend for yielding. i want to agree with, mr. speaker, with the gentlelady from illinois, who just spoke
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who said what the american people want is jobs. i agree with her. and when we assess the record of the new majority on this issue, i think we have to assess it's found very wanting. this is the 10th week of the new majority. in 10 weeks very found a way to shut down women's health clinics by defunding planned parenthood. they found a way to essentially repeal 30 years' worth of protections for our drinking water and our air and our land. they found a way to pass a budget that cuts education, that saps strength and energy from our job creators in this country, but they haven't found one bill, one minute, one debate over a plan to work together to create jobs for the american people. i believe, mr. speaker, that the american people want republicans and democrats to come together and figure out and environment
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that will encourage entrepreneurs and small businesses to create jobs for our country. the majority has done everything but that. and today is yet another bill that i think is a wasted opportunity in that regard. i view this -- today's debate through the eyes of three constituents i interacted with at home this weekend. one was a gentleman who runs a music distribution company. they produce c.d.'s for people who have written and recorded music and don't have a label yet so they can get the music out there. he employs 500 people and he wants to grow. and in order to grow he needs people who are fassel with various -- facile with various software. he depends on graduates from our community colleges and four-year colleges and universities, and he didn't understand why the majority wants to cut the -- the maximum college scholarship under pell grants by $845.
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thereby taking employees away, conceivably from him, by taking them out of school. it's the home builder i met who can't call himself a home builder anymore because he's not building homes. and he wonders what we are doing to try to restore faith and confidence to the real estate market so that americans will feel secure and confident enough to buy a home and put him and his workers back to work. he wonders what we are doing. the gentleman i met yesterday who runs a biotech company that has two employees. and he depends on contracts from the national institute of health to do research on various pharmaceutical products. he wants to double the size of his company, put just two more people to work, but he won't hire them as long as the threat of a government shut down is imminent. this is the wrong bill at the wrong time on the floor. what we should be doing is coming together, republicans and democrats, to cut spending -- i
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would ask for an additional minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. andrews: i thank the gentlelady. to find ways to sensibly cut spending. many of us on the floor, for instance last -- two weeks ago, voted to not send $1.5 billion to iraq to fund their police department. many of us voted not to spend a substantial amount of money to the brazilian cotton institute. many of us voted to say if you make over a quarter of a million dollars a year as a farmer, you shouldn't get crop subsidy. these are areas that we agreed upon to reduce spending. let's work to sensibly reduce spending but let's not cut education and let's not undermine jobs. by all means let's bring to the floor a bill that says to my friend that runs the music production company, we will help train workers that you need. that says to my friend that wishes he were a home builder,
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we'll talk to these banks that have record amounts of money in their balance sheets and get them lending money again so people can buy a home. and says to our friend running the small biotech company, you don't have to worry, but there's going to be gaping cuts in the research budget of the national institute of health, we are going to fund them and they are going to continue to pay people to be the best and the brightest and find cures for diseases and you can hire those two more people. 10 weeks, no jobs bill. no jobs plan. no cooperation to produce an environment where small business and entrepreneurs can put america back to work. let's put aside our differences. let's get to work on solving the real problems of our country. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the gentlelady from new york reserves the balance of her time. the gentleman from texas. mr. sessions: thank you, mr. speaker. i'm shocked with our friend after friend on the democratic side who say, no jobs bill. no jobs bill. but my friends also recognize what the american public does,
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that we voted literally the first vote in this house to overturn what is known as obamacare. the massive government takeover of health care in this country that would net lose 800,000 jobs. mr. speaker, the republican majority does have a jobs bill and that is to go and rescind what the democrats have outrageously done and that is to put this country in a diminished position not only with us being competitive overseas, but also for us diminishing american jobs. we are not going to do a jobs bill to add jobs. we are trying to simply go back and save the jobs that are being lost today and would be lost by wasteful government spending. huge government bureaucracies. so my friends on the other side simply want to come and attack us, while the republicans have
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it and so do the american people. we are going to stop the outrageous spending. we are going to attack the rules and regulations which are killing not only business but losing jobs all across this country. we as republicans are going to stand up and say, $4 gasoline is outrageous, mr. president. work on the things from your administration that you are doing that ruin jobs, that make sure we have higher gas prices at the pump, and do those things that would help the american people. the republican house majority is one half of of one third of the body, and we are one third of government. we are trying to do these things that the american people sent us here for. we are all about trying to reduce wasteful government
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spending. we are going to take on the laws that have been passed by this president and the former two houses, congress -- sessions of congress that were outrageous spending, tax increases, and assault on employers and making it more difficult for the american people to have freedom and diminishing our future. every time one of our democrat friends goes and says, there's no jobs bill by the republicans, the american people will get it. the republicans first have to save the jobs that are at risk today. 800,000 net free enterprise system jobs that if we do not overturn obamacare that was passed by this body on march 22 a year ago, we are going to leeze even more jobs. the most immediate thing we are doing is trying to reduce wasteful government spending, to try and do away with and attack
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rules and regulations that will kill the jobs that we have, and to make sure that we are telling the american people that this spending spree that we are on that causes a massive deficit, a hemorrhaging by this government, including last month $230 billion we overspent, then we are doing our job. if we are doing those things, we are trying to save the jobs that we have got. mr. speaker, that is what the republican majority is about. we are not going to let the democrats get us off our game. we understand what they want. they want to talk about, well, we can look at doing back with some of the spending, but they -- when it comes down to it they can't pick anything they really will support. everything is a sacred cow. everything that we do is a problem if you go and touch it. mr. speaker, the republican party, the republican majority
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led by speaker boehner and our majority leader, eric cantor, is all about trying to get back to america where we have a balance to where we don't lose more jobs. where we don't add more debt. and we stand up for the american people. that's why we are the new majority party. i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the gentlelady from new york. ms. slaughter: to respond, i'm going to yield two minutes to the gentleman from new jersey, mr. andrews. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. mr. andrews: i ask unanimous consent to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. andrews: thank you, mr. speaker. i thank my friend for yielding. i have great respect and affection for my friend from texas. he's a valued member of this house and someone who cherishes this institution and represents his constituents well. i would like to respond to two of the points that he's made. first, he makes reference to this 800,000 job loss as a result of the health care act. there is a prediction made before the final version of the ack was put together -- act was
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put together that predicted that 800,000 jobs would be lost. in fact most economists have argued that hundreds of thousands of jobs would be gained, but more importantly, mr. speaker, than predictions, is reality. the health care law was signed into law almost a year ago. i wonder if any one on the majority side can tell us how many jobs the economy has lost in that year. i would be happy to yield. well, seeing no answer, the record -- happy to yield to my friend. how many jobs has the economy lost since the health care bill was signed into law? mr. sessions: you asked if somebody who knew the answer would stand up. i don't know the answer. but i will tell you is that we will have the taxation start and
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yet the plan kicks in in 2014, so massive taxation will start and then we'll find out what happens. mr. andrews: reclaiming my time. mr. sessions: we are still almost % unemployment rate. i don't see those -- mr. andrews: reclaiming my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new jersey controls the time. mr. andrews: reclaiming my time. the answer is the economy has added over one million private sector jobs since the health care law was signed into effect. predictions of great job loss has turned out not to be the case. secondly, the gentleman made reference to the sort of great opposition to this law around the country. i frankly have not -- ms. slaughter: i yield another minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. andrews: i thank my friend for yielding. the fact here is that despite this prediction of 800,000 jobs lost, in fact the economy has


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