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tv   Tonight From Washington  CSPAN  April 7, 2011 8:00pm-11:00pm EDT

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living in the u.s. are asked to send some of their most sensitive information to us, which is how much do you make, what do your investments look like? we take data and security very, very seriously. i told my staff early on that a major data breach is not something we have any desire to have. i want to identify all of the potential issues and make it first and foremost on the agenda. we have a cyber-security unit monitoring the web, stopping fishing, blocking viruses. we have other parts of the government that are critical to the infrastructure so that we bought it at the border. we block internal threats.
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we have 100,000 employees. they are great employees and incredible public servants, but we need to make sure that preaches to not come from inside. we have zero tolerance for -- breaches do not come from inside. we have zero tolerance for that. any change rebuild will have -- we build will have appropriate data security. we have not had a major data breach. we take it very seriously. it is complicated stuff, but we are on top of this and it has had attention from the agency all the way from the top. >> tonight, congressional leaders are at the white house trying to work out a deal to keep the government funded. the current spending measure will expire tomorrow at midnight. the house passed an extension today, but the white house said it would veto the measure and
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the senate did not take up the resolution. next, we will hear from house majority leader eric cantor, then steny hoyer. we will also hear from the gop house freshmen. we will show you a rally from planned parenthood, as they would lee is -- would lose federal funding under the amendment passed today. mr. cantor: i ask unanimous consent to speak out of order for one minute to inform members of a change in the upcoming legislative schedule. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized. mr. cantor: i'd like to inform my colleagues that the house will meet at 10:00 a.m. for morning hour and 12:00 p.m. for legislative business tomorrow. as the members know, this is a change from the original calendar. due to ongoing negotiations, mr. speaker, surrounding continued appropriations r the remainder of fiscal year 2011, i believe it is both
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appropriate and necessary for the house to be in session tomorrow. i expect legislative business to include but may not be limited to h.j.res. 37 a resolution of disapproval regarding the f.c.c.'s recent ternet and broadband indury regulation ruling. votes are possible at any time ter noon tomorrow. at this time, it is too early to tell whether the house will need to be in session this weekend. in the case of lapse in appropriations, i fully expect the house to meet. mr. speaker, we will not leave town until we fulfilled our obligation to cut spending begin getting our fiscal house in order --
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mr. cantor: mr. speaker, we are -- the speaker pro tempore: the house will comto order. mr. cantor: mr. speaker, we are committed to getting our fiscal -- the spker pro tempore: the gentleman will suspend. the house will come to order. mr. cantor: mr. speaker, we are committed to getting our fiscal house in order and keep the government functioning. therefore members should keep their schedules for this weekend as flexible as possible and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: i thank the majority -- m hoyer: i ank the majority leader for yielding, i share his sue we ought to keep the government running fonot only the sake of our economy but for the sake of all those that rely on the federal government. my friend has made the observation in the past that shutting down the government and i believe the speaker made the same observation, was not a
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national policy for us to pursue. i ask the geleman because i believe that the resolution that we will be considering will not either pass the senate nor be signed by the president. in light of that, and in light of the fact that the majority leader of the senate and the speaker have both indicated that negotiations are ongoing, woul the gentleman agree to a unanimous consent that we, as we have done so often in the past, when the majority democrats were in control of the house and the senate, disagreed with president bush, that we would have a hold in place unanimous consent continuing resolution, not changing the status on either side of the negotiations, for seven days, which would give the parties the opportunity to
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come to an agreement? my understanding from the leader of the senate is that we have agreed to some $70 billion in cuts which is a substantial way toward what you wanted and a show that we share the view that we need to have fiscal restraint. so i ask my friend if i made a unanimous consent request that we continue the government authority to stay running until next friday without changing the status quo so that neither party would be disadvantaged and that our government would in fact, as the gentleman observes is his objective, be able to stay in service to the american people.
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mr. cantor: mr. speaker, first of all i'd rpond to the gentleman to say the's no indication in any definite way that the senate would not take up and pass the piece of legislion that we wou bring up today. as a response to the second part of his inquiry, regarding our going along with the unanimous consent, i would say to the gentleman, no, we don't accept the status quo. mr. hoyer: will the gentleman yield. mr. cantor: mr. speaker, america is broke. that is why we are trying to address the need -- that is w we are trying to address the need to get our -- mr. speaker, the house is not in order. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is correct. the house is not in order.
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mr. cantor: that's why we're trying to address our fiscal crisis and to get the debt under control. mr. hoyer: mr. speaker, will the gentleman yield. mr. captor: i yield. mr. hoyer: the white house -- i want to inform the gentleman the white house has just issued an intent to veto the resolution you are offering. i tell my friend that if in fact the gentleman wants to keep the government running while negotiations procd, we have already agreed to a substantial billions of dollars in reductions in spending for 2011. we did so and we've agreed on that. as the gentleman knows, i have voted for both of the previous resolutions. i believe that beth of those could pass and in fact i was correct they did pass. i tell my friend, this resolution in my view will not
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-- that both of those could pass and i was correct and ty did pass. i tell my friend this resolution in my view will not pass. however, we are havi discussio. we never shut down the government when we had the majority and president bush was in power and the reason -- and i tell my friend the reason we did not shut it down is becaus -- the speaker pro tempore: the house will come to order, the gentleman will suspend. mr. hoyer: we agreed with the premise you have stated and the premise the speaker has stated that shutting down the government was not a process that was useful for our economy, for jobs, for our people, or for the services th are expected of us. what is useful is for us to rationallyrovide a cntext in which negotiations which quite obviously have not yet been
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completed are completed. now, y've heard me talk about the perfectionist caucus. you can't get it all your way, we can't get it all our way, but in fact, the american public overwhelmingly elected president obama for a four-year term. he's in office. mr. gingrich said that we were ignoring the 2010 election results. we observe that the 2008 election results were regularly ignored by your side of the aisle the last twyears. what i am saying to my friend, there is a ration way for us to proceed and very frankly, when we were in your shoes, we did so. when we couldn't reach agreement with president bush. the speaker pro tempore: the house will be come to order. mr. hoyer: the tea party on your side, as is so often the case --
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mr. cantor: mr. speaker, mr. speaker -- reclaiming my time. mr. speaker, reclaiming my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reclaims his time. mr. cantor: mr. speaker, i would say let us look at why we are mr. speake the house is not in order. the speaker pro tempore: the house will come to order. the gentleman will suspend. the house will come to order. mr. hor: we have lite doubt on our side of the aisle why we are where we are today. mr. cantor: reclaiming my time. the speaker pro tempore: the house will come to order. the gentleman from virginia is recognized. mr. cantor: i say, mr. speaker, we are trying to do the business of the american people. we do not want to shut the
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government down. we don't accept the status quo. we don't want to bankrupt this nation. we believe there's a fiscal crisis demanding urgent action, >> that was republican majority leader eric cantor and steny hoyer on the floor of the house. the current budget will expire tomorrow at midnight. congressional leaders and the white house are trying to work out an agreement. the house passed a measure to fund the government for another week. here is today's house debate. madam speaker, to support this bill so that we can avoid a government shutdown and provide the necessary time to finally
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complete negotiations on a final funding agreement for the rest of the 2011 fiscal year. this bill funds government operations for one week while reducing spending by $12 billion . these cuts include funding rescissions, reductions, and program terminations from nearly all areas of the government. virtually all of these cuts were also included in h.r. 1, many were included in the president's budget requests, the senate's alternate -- alternative to h.r. 1 or the recent o.m.b. c.r. proposal. most importantly, madam speaker, this bill supports our troops and our national security by providing funding for our national defense for the remainder of this fiscal year. our troops and their families
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deserve to have the financial security we promised them while we continue to work towards a final budget agreement. after months of uncertainty, it's high time we provide for our national security in a responsible way. this means commonsense funding that ensures the safety of our war fighters and the success of our missions abroad. however, while this legislation points us in the right direction on security and spending cuts, what we all want right now is to wrap up these negotiations, complete the process for 2011, and move our many other important legislative items on to the table. as i have said many times before, madam speaker, short-term measures like this are not the preferable way to fund the government. so while no one wants to fund the government in one or two
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week bursts, this short-term c.r. is one we must do to prevent a government shutdown and allow time to pass a smart and thoughtful bill for the rest of the year. mr. speaker, coming into this congress the democrats left us with a financial mess, soaring deficits, unchecked spending, and no budget, not a single appropriations bill for 2011. and now that we are six months into the fiscal year, the senate democrats have yet to produce any plan to help clean up this mess. despite all the roadblocks we faced throughout this process, we must continue down the path to fiscal solvency, and this c.r. both affords us the time required to complete negotiations as well as makes the spending cuts needed to
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continue to help balance our budgets. we are committed to making real spending cuts like these to reduce our deficits both now and in the future. we are determined to complete this work where democrats failed to do so. while answering our constituents' calls to reduce excessive government spending, this bill provides time to negotiate in an honest way to do what is not only right for our constituents, our nation, and our financial future, let's pass this bill and finally get this leftover work from last year behind us once and for all. thank you, madam speaker, i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kentucky reserves. . the gentleman from washington, mr. dicks is recognized. mr. dicks: i yield two minutes to the distinguished former
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whip, mr. clyburn who is now the assistant majority leader. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. mr. clyburn: thank you very much, i thank my friend for yielding me the time. madam speaker, my republican friends bring to the floor today a transparent political ploy that's an insult to our men and women in uniform and their families. it says that the republican majority is willing to put up the funding to arm and equip our troops fighting overseas for the remainder of the year. but they won't find a way to fund the rest of the federal programs that assist their spouses, children, and parents who are making significant sacrifices keeping the home front together while their
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loved ones give all that they have to keep all of us safe and free. no, they are happy to submit them, their families, to the whims of a budget debate that i'm concerned is rapidly moving toward a shutdown that many of their supporters are clamoring for and seem pleased to have happen. this is no peace of mind for a soldier fighting in the field to defend our freedoms and interest if his or her spouse or parents are being furloughed at home or their children are being denied essential services. is this bill going anywhere in the senate? i don't think so. certainly hope not. this kind of insensitivity
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should never be codified. madam speaker, the v.a.'s backlog is expensive and growing. let's stop wasting time and raising anxieties. let's get back to the negotiating table to avoid the government shutdown and the damage it will do to american families. thank you very much, madam speaker, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kentucky is recognized. mr. rogers: this keeps the government operating. i yield three minutes to the chairman of the defense propings subcommittee, mr. young of florida. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for three minutes. mr. young: thank you very much, madam speaker. make no mistake about it, this
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is a defense appropriations bill. this bill is based on one that was written under chairman dicks last year and should have been brought to this floor and passed into law last year. but for some reason, this one, along with every other appropriations bill, didn't see the light of day. this may not be the most perfect defense bill we've ever produced here, but it is a good bill. it will keep the defense department functioning. here's the problem that for those of us that work every day of our lives in national defense, we see what's happening. under a continuing resolution, the defense department is getting terribly close, dangerously close to affecting readiness, troops and their families. this is not something we can allow to continue. put away the politics.
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understand the importance of taking care of our soldiers and our sailors and airmen and marines. and their friends. don't make them go without a paycheck. because most of them move from paycheck -- live from paycheck to paycheck. that's not right but that's the way it is. let's pass this bill. put politics aside. let's move the department of defense away from a continuing resolution that's having a very, very negative effect on our readyness and training. i want to compliment senator rogers for the good job he's done to get us to this point today. let's pass this bill and let's get on to the business of the country and especially defending our country an defending those who defend our country. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kentucky reserves. the gentleman from washington is recognized. mr. dicks: i yield two minutes
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to the distinguished -- four minutes to the distinguished democratic whip, mr. hoyer, my good friend from maryland. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for four minutes. mr. hoyer: i thank the gentleman for yielding. how i miss my magic minute. i want to say to the chairman of the appropriations committee, how often he and i have said, you know, when we have these impasses, we need a clean c.r. this c.r. is unclean. this c.r. will not get us to where you say you want to get, mr. chairman, and that's not shutting down the government. because you know and i know the president will not sign this bill. why? because you put in poison pills that you know are unacceptable to him. why? so you can get the votes on your side of the aisle to vote for your bill to keep the government open.
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why is that difficult? because so many of your folks, unless they get 100%, are prepared to shut down the government. you and i both know that, mr. chairman. i have great respect for you. i think you and i could go in a ram and solve this in 30 seconds but you and i are not in that room. it is time, as the speaker has said, to be adults. why is this a viable piece of legislation on the floor. -- on the floor? because you think you can hold the government ransom for an adecisional $12 billion. -- additional $2 billion. i said i would not support, after supporting the first two, which i thought were reasonable to try to give us an opportunity to solve the differences that exist between us, that i would not vote for a third onele. an i'm not going to vote for this one. it won't matter because it's dead anyway, you all know it's
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dead. but you're banking on the fact that you know we don't want to shut down government. what's the proof in the pudding? we did not shut it down when we had disagreements with george bush. because we believe that reasonable people elected by a diverse community in america who have different opinions were expected by our public to come together, reason together and act productively together. very frankly, i don't take a back seat to anybody on this floor in my support of defense or the men and women in uniform and mr. young knows that, my dear friend. not a back seat to anyone. and yes, we pass a unanimous consent request to fund at present levels, defense would continue. should we have passed the
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defense bill last year? i think we should have. i'm sorry we didn't. i urge that we do it. but the senate, as you might recall, would not allow any bills to come to the floor. any bills. that is the republicans in the united states senate would not allow that to happen. so now we are faced with not a let's reason together bill, but an additional $12 billion in cuts. which means that week by week by week, you'll think you will get to what you want. not a compromise, not an agreement, but what you want. and you'll do it $5 billion a week, $2 billion a week, this one is $12 billion a week. and you have no expectation that that will pass or be signed by the president. but you do it to pretend you want to keep government in operation.
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newt gingrich said, don't worry about shutting down the government as he shut it down in 1995 and over christmas for three weeks in 1995 and 1996. ladies and gentlemen, on my side of the aisle, we ought to reject this specious political act which pretends we want to keep the government open. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. mr. hoyer: 30 additional seconds. mr. dicks: i yield the gentleman 30 seconds. mr. hoyer: we ought to do what you and i have done in the past as members of the appropriations committee. say we haven't reached an agreement, we do a clean c.r. at present level while we continue to negotiate on behalf of the american people to do what we all want to do, we've got to bring this deficit down, we can point fingers at one another as to --
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mr. dicks: if we had a clean c.r., the president would pass it into law. mr. hoyer: and the president would sign it. i urge my colleagues to reject this c.r. and adopt a clean c.r. that will keep the government in operation. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. mr. hoyer: i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the chair needs to remind members that remarks in debate must be addressed to the chair and not to other members in the second person. the gentleman from kentucky is recognized. mr. rogers: insofar as as the military is concerned, this is not a c.r., this funds the rest of the year. i yield three minutes to the gentleman from california, mr. mccann.
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-- mckieon. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. mckeon: i rise in strong support of this continuing resolution to fund the rest of the year, cut federal spending and prevent a government shutdown. fail wrur to pass this resolution would intentionally harm those who made great sacrifices in defense of our ideals and values. we cannot have our fighting forces on the front line in iraq, afghanistan, and libya wondering if their families at home will be provided for. it would be a grave injustice and a gross affront to the civil-military relationship. their pay cannot, should not be disrupted. not for a week, not for a few days, not for a second. our men and women in uniform deserve better. i don't even want to contemplate a government shutdown. but if it should happen, people need to know that the pay to
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our military one suspended. this means we would have our troops on the front lines, risking their lives with their families at home with bills to pay and mouths to feed and they wouldn't get their paycheck. as secretary gates has said, many of our youngest sailor, soldiers, airmen and marines live from paycheck to paycheck. while wives and husbands are off fighting to keep this nation safe, we cannot have them left wondering what's happening to their families. i think we're mature enough to fix this problem, but if we don't, failing to properly resource the defense department during the difficult tries of war could arrest the momentum that's been achieved through blood, sweat, and tears of our troops. the military is already overstretched. overdeployed and overworked. should this resolution fail, they'll also be underpaid.
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we have too much riding on these young men and women to sell them short. let's work together to figure out this budget but let's get this military pay issue off the table first. i encourage all members to send a clear message to our military men an women supporting this -- by supporting this critical troop funding appropriations bill. this congress believes in you, we support you, we honor your dedication. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the gentleman from kentucky continues to reserve. the gentleman from washington. mr. dicks: i yield three minutes to the distinguished gentleman from virginia mr. moran, the former chairman of interior, now the ranking democratic member of the interior and environment subcommittee. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for three minutes. mr. moran: i thank the distinguished former chair of the appropriations committee and now ranking member of the
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committee as well as defense. madam speaker, none of us want any of our soldiers to go unpaid for one day or one moment. obviously they should not. but there are also representatives of virtually every agency in the government that are working for our goals and objectives throughout the world in combat situations, many of them, many of them in hardship situations, and much of the essential work of the government, our people in the military would be the first to say, is performed by people who don't have to be in uniform. . none of them should go without pay. this government represents the most important nation in the world, and we are responsible for funding it.
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we represent the people and they work for the people. the problem with this bill is that the decision to bring it up now is tantamount to shutting down that government. what we should be doing is exactly what mr. hoyer and mr. dicks have suggested, bringing up a clean, continuing resolution, letting us get through the weekend, come up with a long-term resolution for the rest of the fiscal year. then fight out these ideological battles in the fiscal year 2012 appropriations bills. this is no way to run a government, madam speaker. but we do have some precedent. the last time the republican party took over the congress back in 1995, some of my colleagues will recall, we also shut down the government. during the christmas period, 27
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days, and we know what happened then. 800,000 federal government workers were furloughed. it cost the taxpayers more than $1.4 billion. let me just mention some of the things that happened then and will happen again. the minerals management service had to shut down. many of the rigs that produce oil that powers this economy. it estimated that the companies who own those rigs had to pay at least $525,000, couldn't get any oil. they were shut-in. and in fact, we had 200,000 u.s. applications for passports which went unprocessed. 30,000 applications by foreigners for visas, much business, that had to be done in this country, was closed down. u.s. tourist industries and
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airlines sustained millions of dollars in losses. that's what will happen again. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. mr. moran: can i have another 30 seconds? the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for an additional 30 seconds. mr. morerian: toxic waste cleanup was stopped at 609 sites. 368 national park service sites were closed down. seven million visitors weren't able to visit the parks. there were more than two million visitors who couldn't go to national museums or monuments. the smithsonian will be shut down. federal contractors will furlough. throughout this country not just in the federal government, this economy took a deep hit. jobs were lost. money was lost. people couldn't pay their mortgage. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. mr. moran: don't let it happen again, madam speaker. let's pass a clean c.r. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kentucky is recognized.
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mr. rogers: madam speaker, i yield two minutes to the member of our committee from texas, mr. cotter. two minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from texas is recognized for nts minutes. mr. cart -- is recognized for two minutes. mr. carter: thank you, madam speaker. thank you, mr. chairman. this past week or so ago we had the n.c.o.'s of the armed services come in to appear before the milcon committee and the question was asked, i believe, by my friend on the other side, that what is the number one concern of the united states military that are fighting our wars today? our wars in afghanistan, iraq, and now libya? what is their number one concern? every top n.c.o. of every service said, losing their paycheck. and not being able to care for their families back home. now, the democrats are holding our poor troops hostage so that
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they can have this agenda that will result in shutting down the government. let's make this clear. what we are offering today is to continue the government in action for the next week, but to make sure that our troops know that their pay will be save because we are going to fund the defense department for the next five months. this is intolerable. we have offered in house resolution 1 to fund the entire government and to fund our troops. the democrats reject it. we are offering again today to fund our troops and make sure that they are going to get paid and make sure the contracts are met and essential training services are there. they refuse it. we ask them -- we have a backup bill, 1297, which just guarantees the troops get paid. they refused it. now the commander in chief of the military in this country has
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announced he is going to veto a bill that would see to it that our soldiers get paid. what is the number one worry of men and women in combat today? will my folks back home have a paycheck? that's not me saying that. that's the n.c.o.'s. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. mr. carter: we need to respect that. thank you. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from washington is recognized. mr. dicks: i yield three minutes to the distinguished gentleman from north carolina, mr. price, who is the ranking member on the homeland security subcommittee. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from north carolina is recognized for three minutes. mr. price: madam speaker, i rise in opposition to this continuing resolution. all of us know we are having this debate at a difficult and challenging and tense time. we are facing an entirely unnecessary governmental shut down. a shut down that's already been disruptive to critical
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governmental functions and our communities and may become radically more so, but we all know, everyone in this chamber knows, this could have been avoided. this is a politically generated crisis. in december this house faced the possibility of passing an omnibus appropriations bill, 12 subcommittee bills assembled with party cooperation with substantial savings relative to the president's budget request, and republicans in the senate refused to even consider that omnibus bill. so failing that, we said, what about a year-long continuing resolution? again again -- again, republicans in the senate said they would filibuster such a bill. so here we are. what our friends on the other side of the aisle opted for instead was a potential march shutdown that they thought they could use to leverage the tea party agenda. now, i and many others on this
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side of the aisle, have been willing in recent weeks to vote for two short-term continuing resolutions to give the process more time. we accepted additional cuts, cuts that avoided real damage to the recovering economy. or to critical investments. but this resolution before us today, my colleagues, breaks with that pattern. it attempts to hold the house and the country hostage to an extreme ideological position to which the republican conference has unfortunately caved in. this resolution proposes $12 billion in unacceptable cuts, cuts that would damage this fragile recovery and cuts that would damage critical national investments. it would take $200 million from the supplemental nutrition program for women, infants, and children. it takes hundreds of millions from federal law enforcement. it would take millions from the department of energy's
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environmental cleanup programs. it would -- in the homeland security area with which i'm most familiar because of the subcommittee i chaired and now serve as ranking member, it would reduce fema's state and local grants by 20% below 2010 levels. and both the state homeland security grants and the urban area security grants would go to historically low levels. the continuing resolution would decimate the land and water conservation fund. it would radically cut the clean water and drinking water revolving funds. it cuts centers for excellence for veteran students. it cuts from the centers for disease control critical funds. it would cut a billion and a half from a critical national investment, high-speed rail. 20 additional seconds. mr. dicks: 30 seconds. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman has an additional 30 seconds. mr. price: madam speaker, these
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cuts are serious business. they have the potential to damage this fragile recovery and to compromise critical national investments. we cannot be held hostage. this country, this congress cannot be held hostage. this crisis has been artificially created for political purposes, but that doesn't mean we need to go along with it. we can pass a clean continuing resolution and continue the discussions, but we cannot do this kind of damage to our economy. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman from kentucky is recognized. mr. rogers: i yield two minutes to the chairman on our committee, the subcommittee for transportation and h.u.d., the gentleman from iowa, mr. latham, two minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from iowa is recognized for two minutes. mr. latham: i thank the -- madam speaker, i thank the gentleman from kentucky. the idea that this is somehow artificially created is
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unbelievable. is there any memory over on the other side here about what happened last year for the first time since the budget act of 1974 that you didn't even attempt to pass a budget last year? you initiated what the majority on your side both in the house and senate and the presidency did not pass one bill into law. that's why we are here today. you know it's not artificial. and i'm glad they got the talking points out from senator schumer about being extreme. i'll tell you what's extreme is to continue to spend this country into oblivion. you're going to have our kids and grandchildren working for the chinese if you continue this. and that's why, madam speaker, today i rise in support of h.r. 1363, the troop funding bill. it's unfortunate that we have to be here in this way today, but we have no choice because of the inaction of the other side from last year.
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this bill will provide much needed certainty for our troops in the field and would keep the government opened for another week. it also makes $10 billion -- $12 billion in cuts in other programs. most of which were proposed by the president and by the democrats. the cuts that we are talking about that are so supposedly draconian out of a $3.6 trillion budget, we can't cut $12 billion apparently. now, many in the senate would like to see the department of defense budget used as an offset to continue the spending binge we are on here in washington, but we cannot allow our troops to be used as a bargaining chip in negotiation. it's time to take the department of defense off the table and fund our troops for the rest of this year. our brave men and women in the field engaged in three different wars, one just started again by this president, around the globe and they deserve to know that they have the full support of this congress.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. mr. rogers: an additional 30 seconds. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for an additional 30 seconds. mr. latham: we owe it to those sacrificing for us both home and abroad to ensure there is not an interruption of their pay. this measure continues to show the house republicans' commitment to our men and women in uniform. and while protecting the cause of freedom around the world as well as our commitment to fiscal sanity in cutting spending while keeping the government open. if this is reject the by the house and senate democrats and the white house, it's amazing the commander in chief of the military is going to veto a bill that will fund his troops. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. mr. latham: i never heard anything more outrageous. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from washington is recognized. mr. dicks: i yield two minutes to the distinguished gentleman from new york, mr. israel, who is a former member of the appropriations committee doing
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great things in his new job. two minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york is recognized for two minutes. mr. israel: i thank my friend. i thank the gentleman. mr. speaker, republicans came to washington promising to change the way washington works, and what do they give us? this political stunt of a resolution. they came to the majority in 1994 and shut down the government. they came back to the majority in 2010 and they want to shut down the government, and they want to blame democrats for doing that. the american people see right through this. they know that you demanded $73 billion in cuts and we agreed to $73 billion in cuts. now you're saying you want more. they know that not only do you want more, but you want to add restrictions on a woman's right to choose. they keep moving the goal posts further and further to the far, far, far, far right. and it is enough. now, i keep hearing my friends on the other side of the aisle talk about their concern about
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debt and deficits, and we agree. let me remind my friend on the other side of the aisle that several weeks ago we offered an amendment that would have reduced spending by asking the top five richest oil companies in america just to forgo this year's portion of their tax subsidy. and they said no. let me remind my friends that several weeks ago we offered to reduce spending by eliminating funding for the bridge to nowhere, and they said no. . they seep keep spending on the top five richest oil companies, keep spending on the bridge to nowhere, but privatize social security, make senior citizens tighten their belt, make them sacrifice, but when it comes to our friends in the special interests, spend, spend, spend. we see through it, the american people see through it. it's time to do what we offered to do, meet you where you wanted to meet us until you
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moved those goal posts. enough, madam speaker. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the chair will remind the members that remarks in debate must be addressed to the chair and not to other members in the second person. the gentleman from kentucky is recognized. mr. rogers: may i inquire as to the time remaining on both sides? the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kentucky has 16 and a half -- has 16 1/2 and the gentleman from washington has 14 1/2 minutes remaining. mr. rogers: madam speaker, i yield two minutes to one of my hard working subcommittee chairmen on propings, the chairman of the interior subcommittee, the gentleman from idaho, mr. simpson. the speaker pro tempore: the genemrererererecoized for two minutes. mr. simpson: there's a way to avoid the consequences of a government shutdown my friend just talked about a few minutes, that's to pass this
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c.r. and put it on the president's desk so he will sign it. i believe he will sign it. the gentleman from north carolina said this could have been avoided. he's absolutely right, this could have been avoided. it could have been afreuded by when the democrats controlled the house and the senate and the presidency last year actually passing a budget or passing an appropriations bill on the floor of the house. guess what? that never happened you left us with thises me and now you complain about the way we're trying to clean it up. the gentleman also said this is an ideological position on which the republicans will not yield. he's right. and that ideological position is this country is in a fiscal crisis and we are going to get our house back in order. if that's the pgs -- if that's the position we're being criticized for, i welcome that criticism. nobody want this is government to be shut down. frankly, there's absolutely no reason to shut down the government, the smart thing to do would be to pass the
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one-week c.r. that saves the taxpayers $12 billion and addresses the duel goal ifes dressing the fiss -- the dual goals of addressing the fiscal crisis we're in and it funds the troops for the rest of the year, enables our congressional leaders in the white house -- and we the white house to cross the t's and dot the i's on the spending bill. many of these spend regular duckses are those that were submitted to congress in his f.y. 2011 or f.y. 2012 budgets. these are spend regular ducks that will probably be in any final agreement that is made between republicans and democrats system of the $12 billion is not extreme. it will be in the final agreement, whatever that agreement is. there's absolutely no reason why the senate cannot pass this bill and extend -- and send it to the white house.
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i believe if you put it on the president's desk, he'll sign society our troops are funded. i yield back. mr. dicks: i yield two minutes -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from washington is recognized. mr. dicks: i apologize. i yield two minutes to the gentlewoman from the district of columbia, ms. norton, who can explain why part of this c.r. is very ideologically driven and extreme. the speaker pro tempore: the jerusalem is recognized for two minutes. ms. norton: i thank the gentleman for his efforts. i'm here to say to my good friends on the other side, it's one thing to beat up on the district of columbia, it's another thing to drop a bomb on the city. that's what this c.r. does. it takes the route of authoritarian government and dictatorship, by dictating to a local government how it may spend its local funds and it may force the district of columbia government to shut
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down, although our government had a balanced budget, has had it since last spring, passed, has been passed by the committees in this house, but because the congress can't figure out how to pass its own budget, it now threatens to close down the local budget of the district of columbia which doesn't have a dime in this budget, only local funds, my amendment could have avoided all of this by allowing local funds to continue to be spent by the district of columbia. the other side is engaged in many attacks on the city's right to self-government, from taking my vote in the committee of the whole, approved by federal courts, to their ride for the h.r. 1. but their attack on local self-government is a virtual taking of our local funds by
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not allowing the city to use its own money to keep its own local government running. worse, there's an attempt to use the district of columbia as a bargaining chip in these negotiations. there have been no riders in prior congressional resolutions. shamefully, the district of columbia here is paired with a rider that no prisoners can be brought into the united states with another that says d.c.'s local funds shall be captured by keeping the city -- may i have 30 seconds? the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized for 30 seconds. ms. norton: by keeping the city from spending its local funds on abortion, how much more content can you show for those who live in the nation's capital. if they're going to require
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members to cite the constitution in introducing legislation, i ask them to stop tearing up the constitution and throwing it in the faces of the american citizens who live in the nation's capital. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman's time has expired. the gentleman from kentucky is recognized. mr. rogers: -- the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from washington rise? mr. dicks: i think the gentleman wants me to do another speaker, i recognize the gentleman from vermont, mr. welch, for two additional minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from vermont is recognized for two minutes. mr. welch: thank you, madam speaker. thank you, mr. dicks. there is something we have to acknowledge, whatever side of the issue we're going to vote on. we are playing with fire. a government shutdown will have two consequences, one the
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obvious that folks who depend on governmental services will be enormously inconvenienced. contractors owed money from the federal government won't be paid. our citizens are going to be adversely hurt and folks who work honestly and hard every day for the federal government are going to be out of a job. that's significant. but what's really significant in the long-term is that this is sending a signal to the world, not just america, that the american political process is fundamentally broken. if we're unable to reach an agreement on a one-week continuing resolution to keep government going, one of the prospects for us when -- what are the prospects for us when we face the challenge of a budget next year? what are the prospects for us when we face the challenge that looms ahead of us in maye of raising the debt ceiling so that america can honor the obligations that it has to pay
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its bills? when the world begins to lose confidence that america's political process can function, it is going to have a very dramatic and negative impact on the economy, interest rates are going to go up because the cost of borrowing will go up because the anxiety about whether america meets its obligations will increase. we are playing with fire here. the biggest problem i have with the proposals that have been made fiscally on the other side in my view, is that they're designed to fail. it's not that there isn't a legitimate concern about spending and getting our fiscal house in order. you're right about that. we share that. but if we're going to get from here to there, you cannot attack 100% of the problem on the budget. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kentucky is recognized. mr. rogers: i yield myself 30
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seconds. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. rogers: chairman simpson a moment ago referred and reminded us that we're in this mess that we're in because the other side when they controlled the house last year failed to pass a single appropriations bill. and left the mess in our hands when we took over in january. that reminds me a little bit, and now they're complaining about the way we're trying to clean up their mess. it reminds me a bit of abraham lincoln back in illinois when he was practicing law, spoke of a man who was accused of killing his parents. and in court, made a plea that he was -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. mr. rogers: made a plea he was an orphan. i yield two minutes to the chairman of the subcommittee on our full committee, the gentlelady, mrs. emerson. the speaker pro tempore: the
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gentlelady from missouri is recognized. mrs. emerson: i rise in support of this resolution and really want to express, i believe, the opinion of all of us that we do not want the federal government to shut down because doing so means abrogating our responsibility. our responsibility to serve the american people from both the legislative and executive bramblings. we've -- branches. we've all talked about how it means the men and women in uniform will face the uncertainty of serving without pay. your phones must be ringing like mine are because we are hearing from so many military families we represent, they're facing uncertainty on top of uncertainty, posted overseas or with a family member away on active duty, in harm's way, they're trying to keep their households intact. and the president would veto such a piece of legislation? and so, this measure achieves two important goals. it assure ours military operations and the pay of our
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military and the pay of our military members are not interrupted and provides us another week to continue negotiations. no one in this congress should mistake this for easy work because it isn't. we're attempting to reduce discretionary spending from historic heights, control the growth and scope of government and give our children a future where the necessary functions we enjoy today exist for them tomorrow. we're also attempting to endow them with a future in which they can enjoy low taxes, keep more of what they earn and invest in new ideas and opportunities, those things that made our nation great. the negotiators and staff members on both sides of this effort are working late hours, weekends, and i'm convinced we all want to get this right but it would be more helpful if we could agree to work and find consensus instead of ripping apart a one-week bill that funds our troops. i'm not the only one to notice
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we began the budget process for 2012 this week. at the very moment when we're trying to r.v. -- resolve our responsibilities for 2011. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time is expired. mr. rogers: i yield the gentlelady another 30 seconds. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized. mrs. emerson: i hope we can achieve that goal this week to move on to the next order of business, serbing the people we represent through the budget process and making difficult decisions to curtail spending when we can't afford, we shouldn't borrow and we sure don't want our children and grandchildren to pay the bill when it comes due. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's -- gentlelady's time has expired. the gentleman from washington. mr. dicks: i yield two minutes to the distinguished gentlelady from ohio, ms. kaptur, the most senior woman in the house of representatives and on the appropriations committee. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from ohio is recognized for two minutes.
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ms. kaptur: i thank our distinguished ranking member, mr. dicks, for yielding me this time. madam speaker in our tender economy, where job creation should be our top priority, this flawed legislation moves us backwards. it gives us -- gives no confidence to the markets that anyone here in the majority knows what they are doing. this bill is partial, it is short-term, and it is a selective bill that leaves the vast majority of budget choices off the table. it is irresponsible. it selects only some of our valiant fighting forces, some would say uses them, and extends paychecks for some through the end of september. but it leaves out the majority of americans who expect good government out of this congress to assure economic growth and a continued recovery. the american people are sick and tired of political antics.
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let me point out this bill is so flawed, it leaves out the veterans who come home and can't get work and are lined up with their families at food banks across this country. this resolution leaves out decisions regarding food supplies to those pantries so essential to holding life together for our veterans and for millions of other americans. what about those vets lined up to exercise their g.i. benefits at local community colleges? this resolution turns its back on those veterans' educational funding at community colleges. . what about those vets with disabilities? this resolution turns its back on them and those adjudication judges that also get paychecks from the government of the united states to do their job. let me urge the majority to do what the american people sent us here to do and that is to
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govern. to govern for all. not leave anyone out. not leeven or -- leave our veterans out. not leave the vast majority of americans out. i ask my colleagues to defeat this flawed resolution. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time has expired. the gentleman from kentucky is recognized. mr. rogers: i yield one minute to a member of our committee, and a good one, the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. dent, one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from pennsylvania is recognized for one minute. mr. dent: thank you, madam speaker. passing this measure is absolutely the responsible thing to do. we are on the brink of an affordable and potentially disrupted shutdown. first and foremeese we ensure our troops are funded for their service to the nation. let's get that done. but the american people elected us to ensure the federal government runs effectively and efficiently and allowing even a temporary shutdown is a failure of our most basic responsibility as members of congress. let's not forget the reason we are here today and this in
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predicament. it's the inability of the democratic leadership last year to pass a budget, didn't even try, and they failed to complete any of the appropriations bills. senator schumer has made it quite clear that a government shutdown is in his political interest. perhaps that's why the senate isn't doing anything. you overwhelm have two paces over there, slow and glacial. today was a new day in the senate. they started slowly and winding down from there. i wish they get to work and pass an appropriations bill. we passed an appropriations bill. they passed nothing. we either get this done. it's important to fund the troops, keep the government opened. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman from washington is recognized. mr. dicks: how much time do we have on both sides? the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from washington has eight minutes remaining. and the gentleman from kentucky has 10 1/2 minutes. mr. dicks: would the gentleman like to go ahead with a couple more speakers at this juncture? the speaker pro tempore: the
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gentleman from kentucky is recognized. mr. rogers: i yield one minute to a brand new member of our committee and hardworking one at that, the gentleman from ohio, mr. austria. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio is recognized for one minute. mr. austria: thank you, madam speaker. i thank the chairman for yielding and his great leadership. just a reminder why we are standing here again debating another c.r. on this floor is because the democrat leadership in the last congress did not fulfill the most basic function that we have in the united states congress, and that is passing a budget or a single appropriations bill. as a member of this appropriations committee, i am pleased that today we have a c.r. bill that will have another $12 billion worth of cuts. and that as importantly will fund, fully fund the department of defense for the rest of this fiscal year. 47 days ago that we passed a bill in this house that would have kept government opened, that would have cut $100 billion
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from the president's 2011 budget and fully fund our troops through the end of 2011. any bill we pass must include full funding for our men and women serving in our military. i represent wright patterson air force base, one of the largest air force facilities in the contry, they can be forced to furlough many of its 27,000 military civilians and contractors. we have to pass the c.r. budget. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. is the gentleman from washington continuing to reserve? mr. dicks: i continue to reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kentucky is recognized. mr. rogers: madam speaker, i yield one minute to another new member of our committee and a new member of congress, he's doing a great job, the gentleman from mississippi, mr. nunnelee, one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from mississippi is recognized for one minute. mr. nunnelee: thank you, madam speaker. thank you, mr. chairman.
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we are engaged in a budget battle for the future of our country. but we have the freedom to engage in that battle because of the brave men and women that have their lives on the line fighting for that freedom. have we forgotten? only 10 years ago there are those who would have destroyed this very building and disrupted these proceedings by an act of terror. and we have men and women today fighting to make sure that those acts of terror are never repeated. that's their mission. and it's unconscionable that we would send men and women into harm's way and not fund their efforts. that's why we need to pass this bill because if we do, we will have the liberty to pursue our mission while our men and women in uniform have the liberty to pursue theirs. thank you, mr. president. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. mr. dicks: i yield myself 15
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seconds. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from washington is recognized. mr. dicks: i remind the gentleman that if we had a clean c.r. the troops would also be taken care of, and a clean c.r. would be signed into law by the president of the united states so it would be effective. what is being proposed today will be vetoed. the president has already sent a statement. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman from washington is recognized. mr. dicks: i yield two minutes to the distinguished gentlelady from texas, sheila jackson lee, who is a distinguished member of this institution. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from texas is recognized for two minutes. ms. jackson lee: i thank the ranking member and i thank the members on this floor today. i believe that this is one of the most serious debates that we will have in the history of this congress. it is whether or not america
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belongs to all people and not special interests. coming from the state of texas, i can tell you that statistics will say that we probably have the highest number of men and women serving in the united states military, a large number of bases, a large number of veterans, and we well know of the values of those men and women who sacrifice and lead their families -- leave their families and go overseas. but i said yesterday on the floor of the house we have values. as my colleagues have said, can we say it one more time, we will support a clean c.r. to pay our troops, to pay their families, to keep the doors of our hospitals opened, to provide medicare for our seniors and medicaid, and education for our children, but, no, friends on the other side are strangled by special interests, pickett signs, and loud shouts about shut it down. the president has already said he will veto this silly
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legislative initiative. why are we in the midst of a serious budget debate, by the way the ryan budget that has been put out by the republicans will deny 66% of citizens -- seniors off of medicare. they will be off. we will not balance the budget under the ryan budget until 2040. it will cause $8 trillion more debt. it's hard for america to understand this complicated process. it seems confusing, but my friends, we are talking about last year. where people have already committed, making commitments to pay their bills like you would make commitments, then in the middle you would be shortchanged or cut off. where's the heart on the other side? yes, yesterday i said shut the government down. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time has expired. mr. jackson lee: this is wrong-headed, misdirected. i ask you to vote it down. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time has expired.
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the gentleman from kentucky is recognized. mr. rogers: i yield one minute, madam speaker, to the gentleman from alabama, a member of the armed services committee, mr. brooks. one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from alabama is recognized for one minute. mr. brooks: thank you, madam speaker. let's remind everybody why we are here. we are here because we are trying to save our federal government from unsustainable budget deficits. during the regime, the regime of nancy pelosi as house speaker and majority leader over in the senate, harry reid, we have had four consecutive budget deficits that average $1.2 billion a year. those are unsustainable. they threaten our federal government solvency. we are facing a national bankruptcy. so what are we trying to do today? we are trying to protect our troops who are in afghanistan and iraq so that they don't have to worry about whether their homes are going to be foreclosed on as they are off doing battle and their kids and wives are at home. that's what this bill -- no, i will not yield.
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we have people from alabama who are -- a lady who has two young children age 3 twins and she's fighting on behalf of our country. we have soldiers that i met in afghanistan and iraq that are fighting on our behalf. and i ask that this house and this senate do what we should do and that is protect our troops by funding this. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. mr. brooks: don't believe them in the position where they are not able -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman from washington is recognized. mr. dicks: madam speaker, does the gentleman from kentucky have further speakers? why don't we -- why don't you go ahead. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from washington is recognized. mr. dicks: i reserve my time. mr. rogers: may i inquire of the gentleman how many more
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speakers? mr. dicks: i have one speaker. that's me to finish. last speaker. you have the right to close as i understand it. mr. rogers: i thank the gentleman. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kentucky is recognized. mr. rogers: i yield three minutes to the distinguished gentleman from indiana for three minutes, mr. pence. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from indiana is recognized for three minutes. mr. pence: thank you, madam speaker. i ask unanimous consent to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. pence: i thank the gentleman for yielding. i rise in support of the department of defense and further continuing appropriations act. this one-week continuing resolution will fully fund the department of defense for the remainder of the fiscal year and reduce government spending by $12 billion and it is worthy of the support of every member of congress. look, no one wants a government shutdown. but if we don't take a stand for fiscal discipline in washington, d.c., we are going to shut down
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-- mr. dicks: will the gentleman yield? mr. pence: i respectfully will not. to be honest with you, i'm frustrated that we are here again with another stopgap measure. i'm frustrated that liberals in the senate continue to resist efforts to accept even modest budget cuts in this year's budget. we are talking about a 2% reduction in this year's budget. that's unacceptable to the liberals down the hallway. it seems like liberals in the senate would rather shut the government down than accept a 2% cut in the federal budget. it seems like liberals in the senate would rather shut the government down so they can continue to borrow money from china to fund the largest abortion provider in america. but in this moment i'm going to support this resolution because the troops come first. we cannot put fiscal battles ahead of support for those who are currently engaged in america's real battles. this c.r. reaffirms our
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commitment to our troops. it fully funds d.o.d. for the balance of the year and reaffirms our commitment to our most cherished ally, israel, during these uncertain days. earlier this week senator reid said the biggest gap in negotiations is between republicans and republicans. nothing could be further from the truth. the biggest gap in these negotiations over a possible government shutdown are between liberals here in washington, d.c., and the american people. that's where the gaps lie. the american people want to restore fiscal discipline and provide for the common defense and they know we can do it. today senator reid took to the floor of the senate and called this very resolution, quote, a sure-fire way to shut down the government. and astonishingly the commander in chief has threatened to veto a bill that would fund our troops at a time of war. astonishing. look, we are going to pass this continuing resolution. we are going to fund our troops
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in harm's way and stationed all across the world and all across this nation. and if democrats here in washington would rather play political games and shut down the government, than support our troops, defend our treasury, and respect our values then i say shut it down. and i'm certain the american people are going to know who to blame. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the gentleman from kentucky is recognized. mr. rogers: madam speaker, i have one remaining speaker and i would yield to the gentleman. mr. dicks: somebody besides yourself or is it yourself? mr. rogers: i have one speaker on the way over. the speaker pro tempore: is the gentleman from washington prepared to close? mr. dicks: how much time do i
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have remaining? the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from washington has 5 3/4 minutes. mr. dicks: i want -- i yield myself 4 3/4 minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from washington has 4 3/4 minutes, is recognized for 4 3/4 minutes. . mr. dicks: i ask unanimous consent to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. dicks: i want to make sure that everyone heard the statement of administration policy that was submitted today. the administration opposes house passage of h.r. 1363, making appropriations for the department of defense for the fiscal year 2011 and for other purposes. as the president stated on april 5, 2011, if negotiations are making significant process -- progress, the administration would support a short-term clean continuing resolution to allow for enactment of a final
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bill. for the past several weeks the administration has worked diligently in good faith to find common ground on the shared goal of cutting spending. after giving the congress more time by signing short-term extensions into law, which by the way many of us voted for, the president believes that we need to put politics aside and work out our differences for a bill that covers the rest of the fiscal year. this bill is a distraction from the real work that would bring us closer to a reasonable compromise for funding the remainder of fiscal year 2011 and further disrupting a government shutdown that would put the nation's economy, economic recovery in jeopardy. the administration will continue to work with congress to arrive at a compromise that will fund the government for the remainder of the fiscal year in a way that does not undermine future growth and job creation and that averts a costly government shutdown. it is critical that the congress send a final bill to the president's desk that
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provide certainty to our men and women in military uniform. therefore, families, small businesses, homeowners, taxpayers and all americans. h.r. 1363 simply delays the critical phenomenal outcome. if presented with this bill -- critical final outcome. if presented with the bill the president will veto it. i think the president is right. what i suggested yesterday in the rules committee and to our chairman was that we go forward with a clean c.r. which we have done many times that would allow the president to sign this and us to finish our work. i would much have preferred if the clean c.r. was at a point when the president, the speaker and the majority leader had all agreed and, you know, said we're done, we needed a little more time to do the paperwork. but that is not the situation that we're in. i also want to reiterate with a clean c.r. the troops will be paid and they will receive -- they will receive their checks
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as they should. and this -- the defense part of the bill i worked on. it's a good piece of legislation. when you throw in the district of columbia abortion issue it really shows that you're not serious, and that's why -- and that's why the american people i think believe that this is ideology and not people working together in a commonsense way to get this thing resolved. and do i still have time? the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman has about 3/4 of a minute. mr. dicks: again, i'm worried what we're doing in terms of economic policy that, again, the magnitude of these cuts are going to have a negative effect on the economy. we need to create more jobs to lower the deficit and put people back to work. i urge us to defeat this bill and i reserve the rest of my time.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves his time. the gentleman from kentucky is recognized. mr. rogers: may i inquire of the time remaining on my side, madam speaker. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kentucky has 4 1/2 minutes remaining. mr. rogers: and am i correct, mr. dicks, you have no further speakers? the speaker pro tempore: and the gentleman from washington has two minutes remaining. mr. dicks: i believe the democratic whip may want to propound a question to the chairman. so i'm not going to yield back my time until he has an opportunity to do that. mr. rogers: i think it's that time if it's to occur. mr. dicks: do you want to do it now? mr. rogers: i'm prepared to close. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from washington is recognized. mr. dicks: i yield one minute to the distinguished democratic whip, my good friend, mr. hoyer. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from maryland is
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recognized for one minute. mr. hoyer: i thank you, madam speaker. i thank the gentleman for yielding. i want to ask the chairman if he will yield to me for the purposes of making a unanimous consent request that we proceed with what we would call a clean c.r. which would provide for the funding of the troops, provide for the funding of all government agencies at the levels of that we are currently at which, of course, involve all the cuts that have been made to date in the last two c.r.'s that we passed and for which i voted? this will provide, i tell my friend, the reason i want to profound this unanimous consent, it will in fact provide for a document, an act to pass this house that i believe will in fact pass the senate and will in fact be signed by the president. as a result, we will protect our troops and we will protect
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all other services that government has available for the american people. and i ask my friend if he will yield to me for that purpose. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from maryland's time has expired. mr. dicks: i yield to the gentleman another 30 seconds. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from maryland is recognized for 30 seconds. mr. hoyer: i think i have concluded, madam speaker, in asking the chairman whether he will yield to me for purpose of making that unanimous consent so that we could in fact have an act pass this house that we know would be signed by the president and will protect the troops and will keep the government open. i thank the speaker. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kentucky is recognized. mr. rogers: madam speaker, what the gentleman is asking if we would -- we will continue the status quo. we do not and cannot accept the status quo. mr. hoyer: will the gentleman yield? the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from maryland is out of time. mr. hoyer: will the gentleman yield simply for me to clarify
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my request? mr. dicks: i yield my remaining time to the gentleman from maryland. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kentucky controls the time. mr. hoyer: i understand that. will the gentleman yield for me to clarify? the speaker pro tempore: will the gentleman -- mr. rogers: i yield one minute to the gentlelady from new york, a new member of this body, one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from new york is recognized for one minute. mr. hoyer: will the gentlewoman yield? the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from new york is recognized for one minute. ms. buerkle: thank you, mr. chairman, and thank you, madam speaker. i rise in support of this bill, the bill to fund our troops. the last congress failed to pass a budget and that's why we're here, that's why we're debating these c.r.'s. this continuing resolution is the right outcome, not only for the american people but for our
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military. this isn't a democratic or a republican issue. this is what's best for the american people and most importantly what's best for our troops. give them certainty, give them what they need to keep us safe and allow us to be here today with this debate. i thank you and i yield my time back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields back. the gentleman from virginia is recognized in place of the gentleman from washington. >> madam speaker, if the very distinguished chair of the committee wants to yield back we'll yield back as well. mr. moran: in the spirit of comity. i yield -- mr. rogers will close. mr. rogers: if the gentleman will yield, i have one other speaker. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kentucky is
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recognized. mr. rogers: i recognize the gentleman from arkansas, mr. griffin, for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from arkansas is recognized for one minute. mr. griffin: thank you, madam chairman. thank you, mr. chairman. brave men and women are in harm's way taking the fight to our enemies around the world. for families here at home they're doing all they can to keep a brave face and keep their family going. sadly, because of the senate's inaction, these families face an even greater challenge. unless the senate changes course and listens to the american people, our u.s. military families will soon not receive their paychecks. for my home state of arkansas we have over 5,000 active duty service members as well as 246 army national guardsmen deployed to afghanistan and iraq. my district is home to little rock air force base where we have 5,500 airmen and over
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15,000 military family members. think about this, ladies and gentlemen. the men and women facing our enemies every day don't want -- know whether they'll get paid. as the standard barrier for the free world, it's unacceptable and really embarrassing that america can't pay their troops for their service. this is not the time for service members and families to worry about when the next check will ariff. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. mr. griffin: i support this bill. thank you, madam chairman. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from washington seek recognition? mr. dicks: do i have any additional time? the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman has one minute. mr. dicks: i'll reserve my time. the speaker pro tempore: is the gentleman from kentucky prepared to close? mr. rogers: i am prepared to close. i'm the remaining speaker. mr. dicks: well, let me say again -- the speaker pro tempore: the
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gentleman from washington is recognized. mr. dicks: i yield myself the remaining time. i just want to summarize again, i'm urging a no vote on this continuing resolution. we have voted twice. many of us on this side for reasonable continuing resolutions that have gotten us to this point. this one is unreasonable. the president has made it clear that he will veto this bill. i believe what the gentleman from maryland was attempting to do was the smart and pragmatic thing and that was to go with a clean c.r. that would have kept the government open, that would have protected the troops, made sure that they got paid and would have passed the senate and would have been adopted by the president, signed into law. but they have chosen to put in a highly controversial writer on abortion in the district of columbia which is ideological. this is not -- this is not
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something that a serious appropriations committee would do in the middle of a government crisis. and i hope the marn people understand that. and i yield -- and i hope the american people understand that. and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman from kentucky is recognized. for 2 1/4 minutes. mr. rogers: how much time? the speaker pro tempore: 2 1/4 minutes. mr. rogers: thank you, madam speaker. let's try to summarize here. the democrats left us when we took control of the house in a mess. you hadn't passed a single appropriations bill. you had passed the c.r. until march 4. we prepared and put in play and passed in the house a continuing resolution that would have funned the government entirely for the balance of the year including the military. sent it to the other body, and they've said nothing and that's been two months ago.
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when that time ran out in march , this body passed a second c.r. for two weeks. sent that to the senate. we haven't heard from them since. that time ran out. we passed a third c.r.. passed it to the senate. not a peep, nothing. and now a fourth time. mr. dicks: mr. chairman, you well know -- will the gentleman yield? you well know -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kentucky controls the time. mr. rogers: now, our fourth c.r. where we're going to give the senate another chance to come forward with what they propose in a c.r. they've yet to pass anything, and i have to say this too. the white house has been late in coming to the aid of their party. the white house has been absent from the battle until the last
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few days. and now you come to us and say, look, here's what we complain about on your cleaning up our mess. and i say to you, this bill takes care of our military, our young men and women fighting in three wars on the other side of the world. and the commander in chief of the military is saying, i'm going to veto the bill that pays their salaries and supports their families back home. i find that inexplicable. inexplicable that the commander in chief would put an end to the pay of our soldiers. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. mr. rogers: the failure of the senate to act and the failure of the white house to act when we passed this bill means a
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>> current temporary spending runs out for the federal government tomorrow night harry reid, john boehner, and president obama had a meeting, trying to prevent a government shutdown. earlier today, the house approved a one week extension to keep the government running past midnight tomorrow night. if the house vote was 247-181. that measure includes $12 billion in cuts and funding for six months for the defense department. ." that obama has threatened to veto that bill if it reaches his desk. >> this is a two-minute morning for the president in the briefing room.
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>> funding for the government runs out at midnight tomorrow night. earlier today on the floor of the senate, harry reid accused republicans of blocking a spending bill by including anti- abortion limitations and epa limitations on the spending bill.
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>> reporters are gathered in the briefing room waiting for an update on federal spending for 2011. here is president obama. >> i just completed another meeting with speaker john major -- john boehner and harry reid. i want to report to the american people that we made some additional progress this evening. i think the staffs of both the house and the senate as well as the white house staff had been working very hard. we made some progress today. differences have been narrowed. once again, the staff is going to be working tonight around- the-clock in order to see if we can finally closed the deal. there are still a few issues that are outstanding. they are difficult issues.
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they are important to both sides. i am not yet prepared to express wild optimism, but i think we are further along today than we were yesterday. i want to reiterate to people why this is so important. we are now less than 30 hours away from the government shutting down. that means, first of all, 800,000 families -- our neighbors, our friends who are working hard all across the country in a whole variety of functions, they, suddenly, are not allowed to come to work. it also means they are not getting a paycheck. that obviously has a tremendous impact. you have millions more people to end up being impacted because they are not getting the services from the federal government that are important to them. small businesses are not seeing their loans process. folks who want to get a mortgage
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through the fha may not be able to get it. that is not good as we get the housing market is. you have people trying to get a passport for a trip they had been planning for a long time. they may not be able to do that. millions more people will be significantly inconvenienced in some ways. they may end up seeing money or opportunity lost because of the government shut down. finally, there will be an effect on the economy overall. one of our nation's top economists said "an economic disadvantage what about very quickly. the longer it goes on, the greater the odds of a renewed recession." we have been working hard over the last two years to get this economy on its feet. we have seen 13 months of job growth.
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1.8 million new jobs -- the best jobs report we have seen in a long time. for us to go backwards because washington could not get its act together is unacceptable. again, 800,000 federal workers and their families will be impacted, millions of people who are reliant on government services not getting those services, businesses, farmers, veterans, and, finally, the overall effect on the economy -- it could severely hamper our recovery and our ability to put people back to work. that is what is at stake. that is why it is imported for the american people. that is why i am expecting that as a consequence of the hard work done by our staffs tonight, which can reach an agreement tomorrow. what i have had to the speaker
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and what i said to harry reid is because the machinery of the shutdown is starting to move, i expect an answer in the morning. my hope is that i will be able to announce to the american people relatively early in the day that a shutdown has been averted -- that a deal has been completed that has very meaningful cuts and a wide variety -- in a wide variety of categories. we are moving in the direction to live within our means, but preserves our investments in education, innovation, and research. what i hope to be able to announce tomorrow -- there is no certainty yet. i expect an answer sometime early in the day. thank you, everybody. >> what are the outstanding issues?
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>> president obama saying he and congressional leaders have made progress on a deal for federal spending for the rest of the year. issues are outstanding. he cannot "expressed optimism." the president continued to talk about the possibility of the federal government shutting down because there is no spending bill in place. the 02 announced that a shutdown has been averted tomorrow morning. as you heard from the president, no deal yet. we are going to move from the briefing room to outside the white house where harry reid and john boehner will speak. momentarily, we expect them to be there after meeting with the president.
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>> has he come out yet? >> no. [laughter]
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president obama said a couple of minutes ago that he and congressional leaders have made some progress. he hopes to announce tomorrow that a shutdown has been averted. over the past couple of days, house negotiators say they have agreed on funding levels but a deal preventing a government shutdown is being held up by differences on policies over abortion and greenhouse gases. [unintelligible]
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they talk about why they support cuts in federal spending. >> are we ready? >> everybody shush. ladies and gentlemen, i want to thank you for coming out tonight. i am sorry you have to come out today. it is day 47 and, again, we are at 0. we are standing on the senate steps asking senator harry reid to take action. we need to make sure we are finding our troops and responsibly funding government. i took the liberty of doing some numbers. the estimated cost of the shutdown in 1995 was $71 million a day. right now we are looking at $176 million a day in costs.
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it is irresponsible to be on this path to government shut down. we want responsible funding for government. we can do that. we can cut costs. the american people understand this. they are with us on this. we have a huge base of support in the house of representatives. the number continues to grow. >> even though it is a beautiful day in the nation's capital, i am sorry we all have to be here. date 47 and absolutely no action right behind us to keep the government opened. not one single bill. house republicans have left -- have led. we have led with a bill to keep the government open and put america on the fiscal, sustainable path. we gave it to them again. still no action on day 47. one of my colleagues yesterday,
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i think, put it best. house republicans are working to keep the government opened in order to spend less. senate democrats are trying to shut down the government in order to spend more. it is quite that simple. they have had this many days to work to keep the government opened. the least they can do when we have troops in harmer's way, when we have brave men and women who are fighting our foreign enemies is to at least make short beach huge -- the troops get paid on time. under the leadership of our speaker, for the third time, we will have a bill that will find the troops. this is specifically a troop- funding bill. everyday i had they asked constituent of mine asked me, " congressman, with the government shut down?" i only have one answer. you have to ask harry reid. for the sake of our troops,
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let's have the answer is yes. >> that is our conference chairman. we are pleased to be got -- joined by senator jim demint from south carolina. >> i am just here to thank the house republicans' four leading. as we look at washington right all, the president is a waawol leadership. house republicans are doing everything they can to be responsible, but if the president does not lead and the leader of the senate, harry reid, does not lead, it makes it difficult for republicans alone at in the house to make things work. what they are doing here is funding the military for the rest of the year. it is very important to give some certainty to our troops. again, the president and the democratic leadership here has been irresponsible. there is no reason for this government to shut down. the only reason is the democrats
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think they can win big public relations battle here. we need to make sure americans get the truth. americans have a lot more sense than harry reid gives them credit for. this is a responsible government. the president has us on a pathway to bankruptcy as a country. i am thankful for house republicans today. i wanted to come over and stand with them because i am proud of what they are doing. >> i want to introduce the gentleman from colorado. >> senator, i did not realize the error was that much difference over here on the senate side. >> this is the dark side. >> from the rocky mountain state where we hear complaints about our finnair and high-altitude, there must be some fan air in the united states and it's because they have failed to do their job. for more than 40 days they have failed to get the job done. this country is demanding some budgetary slimfast.
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we have to put the nation but the fiscal course on a diet. on november 2, 2010, they told us to get the nation back on track and do the right thing for the people. what the people right now are demanding is that we find our troops, that we cut spending, that we grow our economy. yesterday i met with a family from my district. they brought the whole family. the dad said, "we had an opportunity. we ask the kids that they wanted to go to disneyland or washington, d.c. " this fantasyland does not seem to note that we have troops on the line. it is time we act and do the responsible thing. asked harry reid what he's going to do about our troops? asked harry reid but he is going to do about funding for our country. ask jerry read what he is
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going to do about the economy. all we hear is hot air. >> thank you. thank you, center, for being here. this is a date 47. it is time for senator harry reid to address swiftly -- act swiftly. back in november we heard a loud and clear message. restore fiscal responsibility, reduce our debt and deficits, and get things done on behalf of the country. the house has acted not once, not twice, but three times. we are about to act again. we will send a piece of legislation that is responsible, but reduces spending, but keeps the reduce -- but gives the government running. that is our goal. but we need a partner in the senate.
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senator harry reid is not being a partner. he is playing politics. he is sending the wrong message to every hardworking american, to everyone who wants to see a better future. he is sending a message that the senate will fail. the senate is going to fail our nation. that is not what we are about. we are about positive, pro- active, and responsive budgeting that gets our fiscal house in order, that changes at the trajectory of spending in the nation, just like every family has to do in america. we simply ask the senate to lead like husbands and wives have led their own families. nothing more, nothing less. if he fails and this government shuts down, it is on him and the senate democrats. that would be a shame. i thank my colleagues for standing out so strongly with the country and with the future of our nation.
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>> thank you, frank. i want to thank all the members to read denser steadfast in our efforts here. we'll hear from indiana congressman, my expense. >> -- mike spence. >> it is an honor to stand with those who stood in these battles over the years. it has been 37 hours. the american people have a choice to make. did they want to continue this era of runaway federal spending that happened under both political parties? do they want to continue the era of spending, bailouts, and takeovers? do they want to continue an era where the treasury failed to respect the mainstream values of the american people or do we want to stop and it turned and
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began to take our country back in the direction of fiscal responsibility, respect for the treasury, and respect for values? is the choice we face less than 37 hours from now. the american people have already made their choice. last fall on election days in a deafening moment, the american people set a new majority to that chamber. they said they wanted to -- they said they wanted a government as good as the people. they wanted a treasury and a budget that respected our values. senator harry reid on the house floor this morning said this was about ideology. let's be clear. senate democrats are threatening to shut down the government because they oppose 80% cut in the federal budget this year. -- and a 2% cut in the federal budget this year they want to continue to borrow money from china to underwrite the largest abortion provider in america.
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harry reid may be right about what is driving liberals in the senate. what is driving these republicans -- is a fundamental desire to steer our federal government back to fiscal responsibility and reform. today on the house of representatives, house republicans say the troops come first. we'll take our troops out of harm's way in this fiscal battle. we will not let this threaten the support for those fighting the real battle. i urge my colleagues in the senate -- dropped your ideological fight. he the voice of the american people. support us as we support the troops and join us in the modest budget reform that we have set up to the senate floor. >> thank you. as we said, in just minutes, we are going to cast a vote to support our troops and responsibly find our government. we want to give you an
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opportunity for a quick round of questions and answers. >> would you support a few days n cr?claieam >> center reed said that was a nonstarter in the senate and probably will not be brought up. >> we are going into the house in order to pass a bill that will protect our troops out in the field and are defending our country and are, right now, in harm's way. in the event i am not here to say, i am not here to read the
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government shutdown. we want to protect our troops. >> now we will return to our chambers so we can't cast a vote to support the troops and responsibly find our government. we will be available immediately following that vote. thank you for being here. >> president obama came to the white house briefing room a short time ago saying that there is no agreement on spending for this budget year yet. some things still have to be
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worked out. the notes to be able to announce tomorrow morning that a government shutdown has been averted. house speaker john boehner and senate majority leader harry reid released a joint statement about tonight's meeting, saying something similar. current funding for the federal government expires tomorrow night. now, we will hear from the group planned parenthood talking about the federal budget and when an's health care. health care. planned parenthood receives federal funds under the 2011 federal spending bill. >> you are a beautiful sight. are you ready to stand up for women's health?
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you have come from far and wide. we get plenty to stand up for today. we are here today standing up for any woman who has ever had an abnormal pap smear, feared getting an aristide, or any woman who needed -- getting and , or any woman who needed help. she is here today sees say thank you to planned parenthood for saving her life. we want to thank her for being here on behalf of all cards people. unfortunately we are here today because some politicians on capitol hill are working overtime to take a lifesaving
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health care away from women. instead of putting people back to work, they are trying to lock women out of planned parenthood health centers. that will not help the economy. it will not save the government a single dime. we will not stand for that. we have heard from more than 800,000 people around the country who told the congress no to blocking access to doctors and nurses at planned parenthood health centers, no advancing political program at the expense of our health. we are standing tall today. we are united. we come with a single goal to make our voices heard. [applause] as all of these negotiations and discussions are taking place and are coming down to the wire, we are here to say, "no compromise on family planning.
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if no compromise on planned parenthood. and no compromise on women's health." i will leave you with this last thought -- we are joined by ed harris. he starred in "apollo 13." we have awakened a sleeping giant. and hundreds of thousands of people across this country are standing up and saying do not women's itics with health. if you remember on apollo 13 when it looked like the astronauts could not be saved, ed harris said, "i believe this will be our finest hour." by god, it is going to be. [applause] now it is my distinct pleasure
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to introduce to you a woman who leads pro-choice america, nancy keenan. [applause] >> hello, pro-choice americans. [applause] on behalf of pro-choice america, i am proud to join you for calling an end to the war on women in this country. election, thear's politicians promised us eight smaller, less intrusive government that focuses on creating jobs. the truth is, john boehner and his allies lied and our failing
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to live up to their promise. they are showing the american public their hypocrisy. let me tell you, these guys what a government that is just small enough to fit into your bedroom and your medicine cabinet. [applause] in addition to the aid and debt pit and private insurance coverage for abortion. their agenda would allow hospitals to refuse to provide abortion care to women who will die with about it. their agenda manipulates the tax code that would do the rape survivors to audit by the
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internal revenue service. john boehner does not have a mandate from the women across the country. the war is out of country our country's values. we are here today and every day to make sure that john boehner here is as loud and clear. let's make some allies. -- some noise. if you wrote a book to get here -- rose eight -- run a bus to get here, and make some noise.
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if you are under 30 years old, and make some always. -- make some noise. but this is the first day you are mad as hell, make some of noise. if you are part of his pro- choice nation, make some noise. many of them could not be with us today. each of you hold the power to persuade these elected officials to stand with us. and activist from march massachusetts could not be here.
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she said you have to tell them your story. you represent at least 100 voices that cannot be with us today. i stand on your shoulders. if you are pro-choice america. together we fight, today, tomorrow, every day until we and this war on women. [shares] cheers] >> please welcome chuck schumer. [cheers] >> hello. i am a graduate student at
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syracuse university and the president of voices for planned parenthood and on campus advocacy organization. i am so thrilled to be here today with all levier as eight -- with all of you. this is a dream come true. thank you very much. i am incredibly honored to be introducing our next speaker who is one of the top leaders in the democratic caucus. senator chopped schumer -- chuck schumer. i am also honored to represent one of the 84,000. i stand with petition signers. i have a list of names over here today to give to the senator schumer. [cheers] these are just a few of the more
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than 800,000 signatures we have gotten from supporters of from every state showing the amazing support for planned parenthood across the country. [shares] without further ado, it is my pleasure to introduce my senator, senator chuck schumer. >> thank you. i stand with my colleagues here from two of the greatest advocates and senators that we have in the u.s. senate. barbara boxer and patty. the dangerous ideological cuts to planned parenthood that
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passed are never going to pass the senate. [cheers] let me repeat that. all of those who want to stomp on women's health and rights can hear as loud and clear. the danger is ideological cut to planned parenthood that passed the house are never, never, never going to pass the senate'. as you are aware comment there is a movement afoot in this country that want to turn the clock back all away on the environment. they want to go back to the
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1890's when polluters were free to contaminate our air and water. it comes to the rights of people to collectively bargain. a right that helped to create the great american middle class. they want to go back to the 1920's when workers were powerless. when it comes to the right of women, if they want to go back to the 1950's when women were denied access to save, affordable, and life saving reproductive services. we will not let them turn the clock back. we are going to move a foreword. you are standing up for hard one of progress. -- hard won progress. we stand with you.
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[cheers] >> please, give a warm welcome to planned parenthood advocate and one of our greatest allies barbara boxer. >> thank you for having me today. my name is angelica. i'm a freshman in college. i've been a part of this program for five years. i let them know that we are staying protected. i believe that birth control and
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education are important for people all over the world in every community. today i stand as a proud resident of los angeles, california. i'm very proud to have barbara boxer as my senator. she is a tireless champion for women's health and right and opposes efforts to prevent plant parents said from providing health care. >> i am barbara boxer from the great pro-choice state of
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california. thank you for your words. we are here today for a very important reason. we are going to send a powerful message that we are not going to stand idly by as women's lives under attack. we are going to fight back. republicans have made their intentions clear. they want to roll back every protection and every dollar of federal funding for women's health and family planning that is essential for our women today in america. are we going to let them do that? are we going to let them do that? that is right -- what i thought
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you would say, thank god. we are not going to just eliminate funding for planned parenthood. we will not let them eliminate funding for title 10, which is the way we reach women who need basic health-care. we will not turn our backs on the women of america who rely on the services. we stand for those women and we stand for them proudly. we tell them "do not give up hope. we are there for you every day." [cheers] i have a constituent -- let's do that. every day. every day. every day. [chanting "everyday."] this is so great. i want to give you the place
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that we are fighting for it today. like nikole when she was 23 years old and had no insurance. she went to planned parenthood for a pap smear which found cervical cancer. planned parenthood how can get the treatment she needed. she says she would not be alive today without their help. that is why we are here today by team for the nicoles of america. i have great news for you. you know that there are 100 senators. if you want to get something done, you need 60. if you need to stop something, you need 41. 41 senators signed a letter that said we will stand against any budget cut that put the health and lives of women at risk.
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back [cheers] we got it in writing. we got it in writing. that is what elections have consequences. to not get me started on that. you know the republicans a stream -- extreme budget introduces extreme bills. you need to hear what they are. we must say no to an extreme agenda that blocks a woman and from using their own money to buy the health insurance that works best for them. we say no to that kind of a bill. we say no to an extreme agenda that punishes businesses and families with a bill that says he will have a tax hike if you
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tried to buy private insurance that covers a full range of reproductive health care. we say no to that. this is america. there is free choice and america. we say no to another extreme bill. listen to this. it would put the irs in the middle of the personal and private decision by requiring millions of women who have had an abortion to disclose it to tax auditors. we say no. we are not turning the irs into a police van. -- policeman. we cannot allow these bills. we cannot allow cuts that will hurt the women of this nation. i am here to say to you, because i see it in your eyes right here that the opposition does
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not know that they just woke up a sleeping giant. the opposition does not understand that women and people who love them will not sit idly by. i say to my republican friends "get off of these bills that heard women. the whole world will know that this agenda has the thing to do with the choice. it has nothing to do with this. we already know federal funds cannot be used for abortion." this this is about denying women the basic health care they need. we stand together. we will win. thank you very much. see you later. [cheers] >> washington state's first
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female senator and the chair of the democratic senatorial campaign committee, patty murray. >> thank you. it is great to be with you here today. thank you. this is what a real rally looks like. i am here today like everyone of you to speak with one of the place -- one voice to deliver one message. no budget that cut the funding for women's health care will make it out of the building behind me. [cheers] this is too important. there is too much on the line. there are too many of you who will stand up for women all
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across this country. i have been overwhelmed by the unified response to this extreme proposal. i know in my home state of washington planned parenthood organizers collected over 45,000 signatures in opposition to this. just the other day, i posted a message on my facebook page saying i would be speaking here at this rally. i asked if anyone had a story about their personal experience with planned parenthood and told them i would try to included. the support end stories -- and stories poured in. one story from a woman named maggie struck me. when she was 18 years old, she because of an abusive
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situation. she had no money and no access to health care. she told me because a planned parenthood was there for her with medication and regular checkups, she survived. she needed it because she had cervical cancer that ran in her family. people like that are what and who is at stake here today. you all know that they are out of this budget debate and even there the last election republicans made a big promises about just what they were going to come to washington, d.c. to do. they said they wanted to come here to create jobs and reduce the deficit. it turns out that it was not really true. it turns out that what they came here to do was more about
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ideology than our economy. it turns out that when push came to shove their real target is not unemployment. it is planned parenthood. it turns out that there would rather it jeopardize women's held than jeopardize their standing among the most extreme in their party. it turns that what they came here to do is to threaten your reproductive right. i will tell you what, i am not one to stand by and watch it happen. -- i am not going to stand by and watch it happen. i will not stand by as republicans try to make right to cancer screenings a thing of the past and they turn their backs on low income women with no where to go for a family
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planning services. i'm not going to stand by and watch as they take away resources for prenatal care. i will not stand by as republicans try to block patients' access to planned parent access centers that they can go to every year. it is pretty clear that you will stand by either. today there -- to get there, today, it is important that we tell them that we are not going to budge. [cheers] we will not allow ideology to come before women's health care. we will not allow them to defund planned parenthood and dismantle progress.
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walking the halls of congress with your help held high and proudly. raise your voices. raise awareness. at the end of the day, you will make the difference for millions of women in this country. the stand and be proud. thank you very much. -- stand by and be proud. thank you very much. >> please join me in welcoming senator frank boston bird -- lautenburg. like you have heard this before. we are on fire and ready to go. no matter what disguise the one to use, we will not let them fall us, right? they cannot have a mission that says that women who cannot
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afford their own health care program should be deprived of having breast cancer examinations that will save their lives. we are saying you cannot do that to us. if you cannot do that. i wonder if they know that taxpayers -- pap smears and exams have reduced mortality by 74%. they want to take it away. we will not let them do it, a friend. i enlisted in world war ii to make sure that americans stay free. we will continue that battle matter what happens. they cannot pull that kind of stuff on us. this is not a financial matter. it is taking away choice,
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confirmed by the 1973 bill that says women have the right to have an abortion if that is what she chooses to do. it did -- if not for them, -- it is not for them to override family decisions about how and when a pregnancy happens. they are not going to sit in our houses. it they will not sit at our table and tell us what to do. they will not do it here either. i promise you that. how many people here are from new jersey? how many people are not here butter on the same -- are not from neat -- anyway, we are
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ready to fight. we will continue. i feel very encouraged. harry reid says the woman's right to choose is her choice not been their choice. -- kirk choice, not of their choice. stay strong. we will win this battle easily. thank you very much. >> please welcome ed harris and amy madigan. >> yeah. [cheers] it is so fantastic to be here
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today. i am a national board member of naral pro-choice america. we are the legislative arm of the pro-choice movement. we work state-by-state commodore by door, twitter, e-mail, anything the impossibly imagine to get our coalitions together and say we have the right over our own health care and their own bodies. i get asked many times why i do this. it is very easy for me to answer. i am all did not and i can admit it. al is a round of pre-roe v wade. there was a time when young
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women did not go to their parents or their friends or their doctors. they did not know what to do. people went underground and had to get money from their friends and get in a car and be shamed and victimized. we will never go back to that situation again. [cheers] today is an incredibly important and special day for me. i have my family with me. my husband and my daughter. shot that to all the people who have their families here. s -- shout outs to all the people who have their families here. without them i would not be able to do this work.
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they will carry on this a work. i would like to thank you all for showing up. this is just the beginning. you have to go to five people and have them go to another five people. this is just the beginning and it will not end peacefully. i am very fortunate to live with it really hot guy. he happens to be my husband. he is also my best friend, the most incredible father and an advocate for weapons rights -- for women's rights, that mr. ed harris. >> thank you. i cannot tell you how proud i am of my wife.
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she has been fighting this fight for as long as i have known her. i know she will fight it out until she can no longer breathe. thanks for everyone who boarded buses to be here today. be are honored to be a part of the pro-choice community. amy mentioned our daughter. not only will she graduated from high schools in, but she will also be turning 18 and registered to vote. i have a message for the politicians who are waging this war on women, denying my daughter's generation access to
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contraception, cantor screens, and reproductive choice is not a smart move. i know that some people have said that today's teenagers have a short attention span. i strongly disagree. v remembersotes what -- will remember what vote you cast and the affect. they will remember who stood up for women and who did not win the time comes to evaluate our lawmakers.
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the attacks on women's freedom and privacy will end up making generation ther's most pro-choice generation they have seen. [cheers] thank you at each and everyone of you. thank you for all you do to protect the choice. thank you very much. >> please welcome the advocate
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for women help. -- health. >> hi, everybody. are you fired up? we are in a fighting mood. i hope you are in a fighting mood, because we have a fight on our hands. the fight we have is the perennial fight for women's health. we cannot let the 112th congress take away our rights to health care. the you agree? ok. you might have heard that we
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have 9% unemployment. apparently this is not the agenda of the new leadership in congress. apparently, the agenda of the new leadership in congress is to systematically take away with an's health, and you know this, and we are not going to let it happen. the very first bill they passed was a bill to defund the health care bill, which gave so many services to women and eliminated discrimination on the basis of gender. we think that is wrong, and we will fight to make sure that that does not happen. the second thing they did, they passed a bill that said you cannot buy an insurance policy and get a tax credit as if you offer for reproductive services.
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we are not going to let that happen, either. you might have heard as well as a few other far-right social issues that the thing that is holding up the budget negotiations right now is their desire to deny women in the district of columbia the right to full reproductive services. we are not gone to let that happen, either. make no mistake about it. there is a systematic assault on women's health care. health care. prevention, birth control, full reproductive rights, and it is happening right now, right down the hill, and there's only one way to stop it, because we do not have a pro-troops majority in the u.s. house of representatives.
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in thet-troy's majority house of representatives. -- pro-choice majority in the house of representatives. we need to call them out on this. we need to say to them, it is not just about abortion, although abortion rights are important. it is about birth control. it is about preventing unwanted pregnancies. is it -- is about cancer screenings. it is about women's health care, and you cannot take your right- wing assault on women, and we are not going to allow it to happen. i am so glad you are here supporting me and the caucus, which is 170 strong in the house. i am glad you are here supporting each other, but what i really need you to do is march
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down the street right here and tell every member of congress, house and senate, democrat and republican, man and woman, we are not like to stand for it. we are going to fight for women's health, and we are going to fight until we win. thank you very much. >>, and now, one of the strongest advocates for women's health, rosa dilauro. >> thank you, thank you so much. yes, stop the war on women and women's health, stand up for women's health. that is why we're here today. thank you. thank you for being here. thank you for your energy. we need your help. , and this ison hav
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a fight about choice, it is a bad choice about republicans that threaten woman tossed out, basic rights, and economic well- being. everyone agrees that we need to get our fiscal house in order, reduce the deficit, cut programs backed that did not work, but why don't we start by getting rid of the $40 billion and oil company subsidies that we get out every year? it is time to stop billions in tax breaks for the wealthy, billions in the loopholes that are for corporations who should our jobs overseas. but the majority instead of trying to cut the deficit to create jobs, they are spending all of their time on an extreme
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and the prices social agenda. -- divisive at a social agenda. make no mistake, this congress wants to turn back the clock on women's help and basic rights. they want to take us back to a day when family planning was not an opportunity for women. and today, the rules committee meets on a bill, and a congresswoman will talk about it, which raises taxes and restrict our access to basic reproductive rights. that is not all. it is seeking a radical step that this majority budget eliminates title x, which has connected millions of women to health care since 1970. in 2009, listen to this because it is important, i am a goo survivor of ovarian cancer. i know what screening means. i know what health services are.
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title x perform 2.3 million breast exams, and nearly a million hiv tests . but republicans want to zero all of this out. for every dollar invested in title x, under the guise of budget cutting, the majority's trunk and this cost-cutting lifesaving program. understand their real purpose, to of this -- to impose their view of a woman possible. that is it, and the story. there reckless budget excludes planned tariff could from all resources. planned parenthood, which brings characters over 5 million americans, immunizations, gynecological exams, nearly 1 million screenings for cervical
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cancer, nearly 4 million treatments for sexually transmitted infection every single year. this would all be lost. let's get real. let's get real. none of this is about federal funding of abortion. funds are already banned from going toward services. rather, much like they're at tends to repeal health care reform, this is part of a republican agenda to force women back into traditional roles with limited opportunity. we're not going to let them do it. my colleagues and i felt out against these unhealthy cuts. we did it for hours, well into the night and in the early morning, and 41 democratic senators have said no way, not on our watch.
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it is time to stand up for women's health, the stand against the republicans' reckless assault on our health and our basic rights. these republican proposals are bad policy. they heard women, and they do nothing for our economy. they will cost american dollars and will cost american lives. we need to make it clear, as you are standing here, from this day forward, we will not stand for it. thank you for being here. let's get to work. thank you. god bless you. thank you. >> please welcome louise slaughter. >> you sure are a good sight to see. all right, who is here from new
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york? way to go, all right. i am honored to be heard today, but i am sad about that because i have spent 40 years of my life working on this issue. first, i am tired. said as a member of the league of voters and planned parenthood, then as a member of the state legislature, and ever since i got the town here. this is probably one of the worst times we have seen because of the numbers of people who were elected to congress. i went to this as the co-chair of a caucus. they are now here to kill women. it is a very difficult time for us in washington. there is nothing -- it is their bills that have nothing to do about the health of the woman. you are allowed to have an abortion if you have been raped
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or it is a matter of incest. however, you have to keep a receipt. did you know that? it is like an old german nazi movement, show me your papers. it happens as you have to prove that you have been raped with police documents, proved to the irs that it was all right to have your abortion coverage, and in many cases you need to be able to prove that you paid for it yourself. this is one of the biggest setbacks i have ever seen. do they do that for vasectomies? no. if they were serious they would stop -- voting against medical procedures. it has gone to the point where it is absurd. this afternoon we are brought to the bill, i will be in the rules committee, fighting it yet
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again. we hope we can -- what they did against planned parenthood and npr, it is ideology. it makes no sense at all, and i am sad watching civilization been peeled off my country here, a layer at a time. what we have to make certain up his the burdens placed on women will not stand. they have been designed to chip away at insurance. we understand it. it will make it so difficult to get insurance that companies will drop the abortion rider and companies may recover it if it keeps up. that is where our fight is. we got a message from the white house while i was on the floor, the president will veto this bill.
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yes. great. i hope he can hear you from here. way to go, way to got! all right. good. i think this legislation attacks the bedrock of our country. we have fought as women and a lot of good men to have our rights to vote. now they are chipping away at that, a piece of the time, reproductive freedom. i promise you that i will stand with you and for you in your place, whatever we need to do, until we see this through, and once again we have the ability, not have to go through what i had gone through back in the day, when women were simply sent to the back alleys and put their lives in danger. thank you so much for being
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here. thank you. >> please recognize the great champion for women's health, a representative. please welcome connie britton and david eichenberg from "sex and the city." >> ok. today is the day. this is real here today, as real as it ever gets. politicians have been elected to the hill in d.c. to do something. i do not know exactly what, but they were not elected here
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to take away with an's health rights. i am honored and humbled, and it is a privilege for me to be here today and said with a courageous pro-choice america, and planned parenthood, the heart and soul -- they took care of my wife thought reproductive health when she was a young woman. many of you know me from "and the city." i work with a couple girls. i love them. she went the other way in her own life. god bless her. i love cynthia. men are 49% of this nation. hope that soon there will be 49% of the men of this nation will
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be here supporting women's health and reproductive rights. we have a lot of men here, and it is a good thing to see, and the man up here, also. i am a silly actor by trade, and i love what i do. but today i am here to speak to you all as a husband, father, and a brother. as someone who wants nothing but the best for all the women in my life. the way we treat our sisters and our daughters reflects entellus so much about our country. and i believe today with every fiber of my being that what we -- what we are fighting for today is not controversial. it is about common sense.
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and common decency. do not take away a woman's right to choose. we know men and women that have relied on planned parenthood for health services. we know people in all our lives to have faced a difficult personal decisions. we are here today to honor those people. with every part of my soul, i believe we live in a country that agrees with our values, and i will continue day after day, night after night, to speak out until we have a congress that thinks the same way.
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i think you all. i want to thank the people from the coalition who have at our back, at my back today. planned parenthood, naral, has her back. >> is nice to see a dude up here, huh? thank you, david, for being here. we're not here for anything controversial today, are we? healthomen's controversial? are women's wright's controversial? is a basic human dignity controversial? i am shocked that we are here today at all. i was talking to charlie back here, and he the same -- noted
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charlie? he said we have people here today in high school and in college. i will age myself now because in 1989 i was in college and there was a big, gigantic rally right here on this lawn to protect roe vs. wade, and i came down from hanover, new hampshire, to be a part of that. i can tell you right now i never, ever thought in my life that i would have to be standing here again. it is breaking my heart, i have to say. i could just break out crying right now, but it is thrilling to see you all here, and i am so grateful all the volunteers, to all the amazing men and women who are fighting this fight, which should not be a fight for us.
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this is a fight for our fundamental rights. as women and as human beings. i am so honored to be here to stand with all of you today, and i know you are all going to go out and we are not want to make this a fight anymore. after tomorrow, we will be victors. thank you, all. god bless. keep up the good fight. >> please give a warm welcome to a planned parenthood patient and her daughter. >> thank you for inviting me to speak here today.
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i live in sarasota, florida. i am a single mom, raising two taylor,daughters, ann taylorand 18, is here today. i was diagnosed with cervical cancer when i was 19 years old. i was a young uninsured college student. i was a regular patient planned parenthood because they were the only place i could go for preventive care and checkups. it was a basic pat smear that found my first cancer, which enough thatearly it was treated successfully. in addition to keeping myself hopping, i have to make sure my two daughters get their regular
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checkups they need. my mother died of breast cancer when she was 57. i have had staged three breast cancer and have been tested for the cancer gene, and unfortunately, i have it. that means my daughters have a 50% chance of getting breast cancer. a 35% chance of developing urine and cervical cancer. it is critical my girls get regular checkups. the only place i can take them for these is planned parenthood health center. they get that prevented the tests they need to make sure we can catch any abnormalities as soon as they caught mine. people talk about the importance of frequent checkups and early detection.
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i know for a fact that the checkups that i received at planned parenthood when i was 19 saved my life. i realize now how planned parenthood in sarasota to make sure my daughter stay healthy. when i hear politicians talk about cutting funding for planned parenthood, when i hear them saying is they did not care about my family. they do not care about women like me who are trying to be responsible and stay healthy, so we need a little help. planned parenthood has been there for me since i was a teenager. without them i might not have survived cancer. i know i would not be able to keep my daughters safe and healthy now. we need planned parenthood.
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i am so proud to be here with my daughter taylor today and standing here with all of you. thank you. >> join them as they introduce the leaders from two allied groups. [applause] >> ok, so you have done this, but join me in welcoming a champion for the rights of all people, dignity, and quality -- and the quality, get a huge welcome to my friend and our allies, wade henderson. >> thank you.
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thank you. good morning. you are america the beautiful, and it is an honor to be with you today. i am wade henderson. i am president of the leadership council -- conference on -- can to build an america that is as good as its ideals. one of the reasons that our coalition is so strong is we have strong, dedicated organizations like the planned parenthood federation of america. working every day to protect and advance the rights of women and families. we are proud of planned parenthood, and we are proud to stand with all of you today to fight for women's rights and to make sure that women have access
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to the health care they need and deserve. all right? look, i think all of us realize the nine -- the nine women pakistan -- denying women access to health care is a -- truth is that politicians who are threatening your health care, in seeking to defund is asians, are doing so for one simple reason -- they are afraid of you. they are afraid of you. that is right. the people here on capitol hill, right up there, are afraid of you. and why? they should be. they should be.
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because you are one of the biggest and most powerful obstacles standing in the way of their plans to take america back to the 19th century. they want to dismantle medicaid and medicare and social security, but you are standing in the way. they want to destroy it public and private-sector unions that fight for equal pay, family leave, and people working the dish, but you are standing in the way. they want to keep your children out of head start and make it harder for them to go to college by cutting pell grants, but you are standing in the late. of all, they want to transfer more power to millionaires and make it harder for you to achieve the american dream.
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but you are standing in the way. that is why we have to stand together today, tomorrow, and for as long as it takes. to make our voices heard, and to send a message that we're not going back in time and we are not gone away. this is our time. we are one. together, now, and forever. thank you. all right. >> we have been here before. we have been on this mall


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