tv Today in Washington CSPAN April 12, 2011 2:00am-6:00am EDT
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i don't want to get into individual conversations or meetings he has had. he appreciates greatly the work that erskine bowles and senator simpson did. he feels like it created a framework that may help us reach a deal and the compromise. beyond that, i don't want to get into it. the national security adviser is traveling to saudi arabia and the united arab emirates to meet with leaders and discuss regional issues. . .
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gave tax cuts to working americans, include pg a payroll tax holiday that is helping americans deal every week with higher gas prices would not have been reached without president deb shal leadership. what he decided he did not want to do was draw some lines when he felt at the time that the best way to approach it was to calm for a conference >> thank you for your kindness.
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how does music, art, science contribute. you would be able to go through all of the activities and determine what each of them is contributing to accomplishing the purpose. that's how you set priorities when it is needed. >> we have to begin to have those type of discussions. how important are foreign
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and bringing different racial perspectives, different ethnic, different religious perspectives to what had previously been a black-white conversation in america. that conversation is now quite different than it's ever been. and we have a panel here to talk about some of these issues, structural issues, racial issues, but i wanted to begin with a different sort of approach which is to talk for a second about the impact all of those changes are having on family structure in the united states, and how family struure is shifting with the shift in demographics and class in america, so omar, let me begin with you in asking -- let me introduce you. i don't think we're going to have any change in terms of rudeness over the years, but om is co-founder a strategic founder and was
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founder of black, evidence of a new generation and you got a haircut the last time i saw you. >> i had dreadlocks last time we were onstage. so i'm growing up a littl myself. >> i want to talk about the disillusion of the black family in specific, if you look at the numbers of children born out of wedlock is 70% in the black community and 50% in the hispanic communicate by and 28% of the white community, so you're seeing a disillusion in the united states compounding the shifts in terms of racial and ethnic demographics. but how do you understand why the family structure is breaking down? >> so thank you, juan, for including me in this panel, a i think you set up question really nicely there in that thiss an issue that disproportionately affects african-americans, single family households but is not
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unique to african-americans and is an issue that's an increasing question for any community. if you look at the black community, in 1965, 20% of households had -- were -- was a child born to a nonmarried couple and now you mentioned it, it is 70%. a dramatic change in a relatively short period of time. and ere are all sorts of other issues that then flow from that single parent households tend to be much poorer, there's all sorts of challenges that those children face in school, and i think part of the riddle for us as a country in thinking about race and class and sort of tangle that kind of unfolds in something like single parent households, on some kind of problems -- crisp answers, but in fighting jim crow c there was a clear dismantle legal segregation and that that would open up all sorts of doors and
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it did. or with voting disenfranchisement, we had a clear sense of have legal access to the ballot. for all an equal access to the ballot. but for issues where we have neighborhoods which have 70% or more folks living below the poverty line, where in kind of a post industrial economy, there aren't clear -- you know, the engine of economic opportunity has sputtered to a halt. we don't have a clear answer, and what has st of fueled those voids, particularly as things like the war on drugs has ratcheted up, is an era of mass incarceration where there are massive underground economies, so it's not just that women are having kids, you know, in the absence of marriage and somehow that's an issue for young women, but young men have a hard time finding jobs, and so turn in many ways -- >> let me quickly say, i
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remember being at lunch recently with president obama, and we were talking about the recession. and he said that in the recession of the 1980's, you saw black men go through stark unemployment rates and today we have stark unemployment rates, double what it is for whites and the overall unemployment rate is still almost 9% in america today. so we should start talking about black men in specific, it is catastrophic by comparison. but for black women, it's less. so i'm thinking to myself, blk women are outperforming black boys in school. black women are outperforming black men in terms of employment, could it be that black women have made the decision they don't need a husband? >> i think the research i've read suggests that black women revere marriage, and that a lot of poor women revere marriage and are waiting for the right partner to come. and that in an economy with where it's hard for men to find
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work, in an environment where there aren't good role models, where the people are sort of coming of age in very chaot communities, it's women are making a rational choice that is, i want to get married but i need a guy who is going to be dependable and love me and show up on -- you know, show up to be a father to my kids. >> that's a radical shift taking place here. in terms of who we are. and wanted to ask you, lillian rodriguez lopez, the president of the hispanic federation, that when you look at the -- now profess >> spenderhuse said i have to be careful, would i speak of the spanish community, the hispanic community, what would you like me to use? >> you can use either one. for me that distinction is generational. i think younger latinos, younger hispanics prefer the word "latino" they find it friendlier and think it speaks
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more to their sort of reality within the united states. if you talk to people who are older, they're more comfortable with hispanic or spanish because that's what they really grew up with. so it's really an age thing that's happening there. as it relates. >> given your vanity, i think i'll call you latino. >> ok. >> all right. >> you're a wise m. >> so ms. rodriguez lopez, with omar we were talking about 70% born out of wedlock and the destructal breakdown, the destructure of the black mily, but in the latino community, 50%. there's not much difference. but i always think, and now, again, i may be dealing in stereoty here, but i always think the latino community has very strong families and comes as a shock to me wn you realize such a high out of wedlock birth rate exists. >> you know, that's interesting the way this is being posed. i listen to the question and i listen to the response. first of all, implies if you're
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not married you're not a family. and so maybe we need to start thinking about what is the construct of family and without getting too political think of the gay agenda, they are families andhey're not married. you have a lot of people who are young couples who don't want toet married because, quite frankly, they believe it's a failed institution. so rather than say oh, they don't want to get married or the partners are not out there or we don't have reliable men in the african-american or the latino community, i dispute that. you know, there's a lot of very strong families and a lot of strongartnerships. people just don't want to have the paper anymore because they believe it just creates all kinds of tensions, and difficulties and that it is a failed constitution. -- failed institution. one, two, it is different. let's be honest.
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it is different. my grandmother, my mother, they stayed in marriages, there was a different set of values, per se, around what marriage meant and what it meant not to be married. they put up with a lot of situations that were occasionally very, very difficult. some great but some very difficult in terms of family dynamics that nowadays people say good or bad, sad or great for families, you know what, i'm not putting up with this anymore. and they divorced very quickly or they never enter into the institution to begin with, so there's a lot of things that are happening just in general in the 21s century that are really affecting the institution of marriage and how we define family. >> what struck me in your comment was the role of women. that, again, talking to omar about the black community, we talked about women outperforming men. it's also true in the latino community, and you're saying
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that in many cases, i don't know why you call marriage a failed institution, i want you to tell me that. but you also say women are making a decision that they don't need the paper, as you put it. so is it that the role of women in the latino community has radically shifted as we've seen them become more american, in fact, the largest minority in america. >> first of all, i say that i believe in marriage. so i want to be very clear that i thinkt's a great institution, but we have a very high divorce rate in this country. so what's happening is people are not married because they don't want -- they figure, oh, if the divce rate is so high, why even get married? >> but the quick answer would be children. >> yes. i agree. >> what you see in the research is that for young -- for a lot of low income women, marriage and children are uncoupled. that in the old model income. sex, children were all tightly bundled together under
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marriage. and now that's totally uncoupled. >> so what's going in the latino community? >> i think for latino women there is a certain amount of inpendence. and that they find themselves in situations to do things. if you either find yourself in a situation where your career is progressing, you haven't met someone you want to marry. i want to be clear because i think there are very good men out there. but you just haven't found, quote, unquote, your life partner, the person you want to marry. and maybe that's why they're choosing to have children outside of marriage. >> very briefly, when i am talking to omar or you about breakdown of family structu. i'm tying in my mind the stats we heard from professor spenderhuse about lower income, less resources to help those children move forward in a society. do you see it that way? >> i see a lot of women who are
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educated, career-minded, having children without a marriage and without partners. i can't give you the percentage, and i'm going to look to see what the full census data shows. but they're out there, too. i just don't want to victimize the poverty, the low income because i think there are too many factors thaare really switching and shifting the way we live our lives, the way we make our decisions, and what you said, a whole decumming of what -- decoupling of what comes first. i gduate, i get married, i buy a house, we have two kids, i get a dog. all that is out the window. now what you do is i get married, i have the kid, it doesn't work out, he leas, the kid goes and lives with him for a week, he comes back to my house for the week. i keep the d. i'm divorced. the dog is now with him, too. because the child is out of the house.
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so we have these really fascinating ways of managing our life. we're not cookie cutter. and that's scary sometimes that we're not cookie cutter but i think life is a little bit more complex than we want to make it seem, today. >> i want to come bk -- this is so fascinating because i wonder what the impact on our children, when you look at the poverty tes in the united states among children, and especially minority children, they're astronomical. >> you raise a good point. i don't want to minimize this. we should also talk about the impact of the lack of that construct on our children. it does have an affect. a positive effect on them. >> especially with media that projects at times negative images for those kids to emulate in the absence of role models. but i wanted to comeo daisy kahn the executive director of the american society for muslim advancement. thank you for joining us today. >> thank you. >> we appreciate you being here. when i think about american muslims in the context i've been discussing here, i realize
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that american muslims come from different ethnic, racial, linguistic backgrounds. but you're very much a part of us as america. and i think about how does marriage or intermarriage work in the muslim community? >> first of all, i must say that the family unit is highly revered in the muslim community, whether it is a local african-american community that has been a muslim community for generations, or even the convert community or immigrant community. these are like broadly speaking are the three major communities that we have. and we still want the paper. we still have not gone to that americanization where the family unit has split up and is no longer considered to be valuable. so it's held in very high regard, and so -- and it's the -- and women are the glue to the family. and usually the women are also the glue to the community. so because we have highly
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educated women at the forefront of the families, they tend to be that glue that keep the family together. >> you think that women in your community are more highly educated in the black or the latino community. >> actually, they are. statistically, they're on par with even muslim men and they also earn -- they are highly educated, people like myself, that have careers. and so -- and those who aret traditional women tend to be very educated about their religion, so they know that religion should be empowering to women. so that level of awareness kind of permeates into the family and keeps the family structure glued together. so this is the contribution i think muslims will make to america is to have a stable family tradition. >> so we don't see the high rates of out of wedlock birth in the muslim community we're seeing in the black and latino, even in the white community, given as i said it's about a 1/3. >> it's very rare but it's possible that it might increase
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and there might be a rson for that. that is because we've seen a very high rate of increased marriages. because our children are highly educated and go to colleges and universities, and what happens? they fall in love. >> sex doesn't happen yet. >> no, not yet. that's later. that's after marriage. but i mean, i don't know what happens but -- but what happens is they fall in love and, you know, and love has no boundaries and you can't prevent people from marrying, so we're seeing an increase in interfaith marriages. and this is kind of work in progress. we have not reached a stage where it's a critical mass of people that are getting married in this way, but we're seeing a trajectoryowards interfaith couples and how that will manifest in the generation after is something that we will have to see. >> and do you see right now the kind of -- you talked about
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interfaith, but are they also a matter, then, of interracial because that's one of the big shifts we're seeing in the country, intermarriage leads to a n category, literally, of children who are multiracial in growing numbers, as we saw from the chart dr. spenderhughes owed. >> we're seeing a lot of intrafaith marriages between shi'ia-sunni. i remember i had husband conducted a shi'ia-sunni wedding with, maybe a black and white marriage, you know, in the early days, it was that aumatic, so much so e families of the two sides did not come to the wedding because they couldn't imagine the shi'ia were marrying a sunni and both were muslim and both were doctors. but that was 10 years ago and now we see a lot of shi'ia-sunni marriages, we see, you know, black-white marriages, jewish-muslim marriages, catholic-muslim
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apparentlies, and of course we're also seeing interracial apparentlies because islam sort of is colorblind and we do come from more than 50 countries and what unites us, we're very diverse ethnically, nationally, but what unites us is our faith. we have -- that is the glue that keeps the community together. so if you can walk into any mosque, you can see the united nations there, and invariably when you have that type of deep diversity and people aren this community together, you know, which is representative of all faiths and all ethnicities, people do fall in love and they come together and so you see black-white-muslim marriages. >> quickly, what percent of the population in the united states is arab? >> i believe it's less than 15%. >> less than 15%. so in terms of intermarriage? >> between? >> anybody. do they marry outside? >> oh, we don't have percentages yet but if i have
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to do my own sort of statistic, you know, 10 years ago it was mostly muslim-muslim marriages, between two muslims, and now we're seeing at least a 25% increase in marriages, interracial marriages. >> i want to introduce sunny garr, the president of exelon power. and sunny, you're a first generation asian american. and i wanted to ask in terms of this tremendous mix that we've been talking about this morning and family issues, what it's like to be in tt first generation, because one of the thin that the demographers increasingly talk about is not the melting pot anymore, they talk with the -- about the american mosaic, different pieces, different parts, people coming here as part of a global social structure were a global economic structure. they talk about america as a salad bowl, all having distinct
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identities, the letce, the tomatoes, the carrots, retaining distinct identity but working together. what's it like to come into this mosaic or salad bowl? >> well, first of all, let me say, lillian, your comments reminded me a great quote from rita rudner, i date a man and i ask myself, is this the man i want my kids to spend their weekends with? [laughter] >> anyway, i think it's an interesting question, and i'll go back to kind of a simplistic model charlie laid out in terms of the different factors, you know, the individual, the cultural, and then the structural. so i think those are very important when you talk about, at least my personal experience, so on the individual level, like many, at least indian americans, you know, our parents came here well educated and had a significant drive towards achievement. which set the context of which we grew up in our family, great
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stories, two of my eldest sisters were born in i said yeah and came over when they were 6 and 8 and knew heartlandly -- hardly any english and my sister finished first in her class and my dad asked who finished second? and my sister finished second and then my dad said this country's gone to hell. i think that's the first piece. >> the first piece for you? >> the family piece. >> and the strength of the family, way you're talking about are tiger parents coming from -- >> exactly. i think that's an important element in this. the second one is the structural. and i grew up in ohio, outside of toledo, and we had all the benefits in terms of good schools, good infrastructure, we didn't have high unemployment, we had good unemployment, we had safety and security. and so that was an important element that i think you can't take for granted as we talk about this notion of asians being model minorities and
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such. i think we have to temper that with the second element which is the structura i think the third one which is the most fascinating to me is the cultural one. not cultural within what it meant to be - what we brought from india is much. i think that's important. i'm a little hesitant to generalize and say indians believe in education and indians value these things. i think when you have a very -- the cream that comes over, it's hard to generalize about the populations from which you came. so cultural, i'm meaning more of our acceptance within society. and i think where we had the benefit, whe my family and myself, we weren't trying to disprove a negative. we weren't starting in a hole. there was almost a neutral association with who we were. there weren't preconceived either conscious or unconscious biases against us. >> so you didn't feel that somehow peop would view you as a person of color as black in the black-white structure? >> yeah. i dot think we -- at least from my personal experience
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that was not the case. we were more of an oddity. we were more kind of a neutral that was introduced into this salad that it wasn't somebody that said, i don't like cucumbers, it was like, what is this new tomato here? and i may be taking that analogy a little too far. >> right. [laughter] >> i think it had two major outcomes for us, and i think for my family as well as the first generation asian community is we had the ability to really change perception. right? if the positive intergroup relationships were a positive, they weren't necessarily reducing a negative. and so then you do have these sweeping generalizations of indian families love their families and they love education, and so they get this very positive, almost positive stereotype that comes out of it that leads to that notion of model minority. i think the other outcome, for me at least, was somewhat a loss of identity. it was a little bit less of the salad bowl because i remember when i was a senior in high
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school, ghandi came out and i was horrified. we showed it at our school and the last thing i wanted is all the kids to watch ghandi because all of a sudden i thought, great, they're going to think of me as the guy running around in a loincloth because they were protected from a broader image of what it meant to be indian and i saw that as being somewhat negative, even though what ghandi achieved wasn't but just th context of india at the time. so i think that was a big piece for me at least is losing a piece of identity in terms of integrating and assimilating into america. >> well, you wanted to make a comment? >> yeah, i -- because this panel is on the state of race. and i think, i appreciate very much what you said, and thank you for that. when --'m puerto rican. when my family came over, they came with strong, strong values. >> right. >> of marage and tradition, and education, and they pushed us to achieve. and so what happens with most
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communities is not all the time, but too many times, the more you live in a place and you get acclimated, sometimes you start relying on the systems and the structures that are not the most beneficial structures for a community, for those family structures. so i guess my reaction, the reason i want to comment is -- and, you know, i don't want to speak for the african-american community, the black community, but we're not any different. you know, we came over, wherever you came from, whether you're coming from the south, up north, or whether you're coming from an island, the virgin islands, or guam or wherever, puerto rico, cuba, and you come in with strg, strong traditions and a lot of our communities still have those strong traditions, what has happened is to a certain degree or to a great degree is you start absorbing some of the cultural norms of the american culture. and there are things in the american culture that we don't want to talk about that are
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more acceptable, like divorce, or children out of wedck, than would be acceptable in our countries of origin, quite frankly, that's one thing i want to say that because i don't want it to become skewed with what's happening here. the other thing is we have younger populations. u are absolutely right. we have younger populations. those yoger populations who are growing up in poverty, that don't have the same role models also are not being provided with the same safety net or the kinds of supports or guidance that maybe i had when i -- and i was born here -- growing up in new york in the 196o's. so we don't want them to mimic certain behaviors or do certain things that we want them to achieve. but we're not giving them the programs and services they necessarily need. why do we have high out of wedlock rates? we have a high teenage pregnancy rate. >> teenage pregnancy declined
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in the last 20 years. >> not in the latino community. it's on the uptick. it's on the uptick in the latino community. and i just -- and i want to say this because this is important. but we don't want to do -- i don't want to socialize or go into social issues but we don't want to do contraception or sexual education in schooland we need to realize that these are important things and in the latino community, it is on the rise. >> yeah. i think the larger issue is we actually don't know how to solve a lot of these problems and that's the new american dilemma in a way is we have a level of entriveraged poverty that we do not know -- entrenched poverty that we do not know how to resolve in any direct way. so in some ways as great an accomplishment as the civil rights movement was, it's small potatoes in some ways compared to the new american dilemma of a rich country and a poor country mashed together where we actually have -- we do not have the economic engines,e do not have the educational institutions, we do not have
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the infrastructure to help a persistent class of poor people become middle class. and that's -- that to me is really sort of the big riddle for america in the 21st century. >> hang on. what occurs to me in this context here to keep our conversation focused is that we hear from people who say, you know, we came to this country from cultures that revered marriage and kept it at a high -- in a high place, women would put up with a lot of stuff in order to preserve the marriage. i think that's what i heard you say. >> right. we also have latinos for the most part have a female dominated culture and the mother as 9 matriarch, extremely strong, driving the family. >> and i kind of heard you say that women play a strong role in terms of that muslim community and are maintaining that marriage and therefore, the children have some advantage there. >> yes. but what i wanted to mention is what sonny said was very
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important because we, the muslim community, considers itself to be a model community in the united states. so the perception of itself is very high so the motivation is also very high. however, we are at the opposite end of the indian community, for instance. we aays have to disprove the negative. so that is having a major setback for us in terms of stitution-building. so we're constantly having to disprove that we are not future terrorists, that we really are notoreigners, you know, we belong here. so that's having some sort of a negative affect on. but that also makes us retreat back into the family. >> into the family. >> and the community. so it's making the community stronger. >> but are you separate, then, from the black and hispanic exrience, is this a different experience for the increasing number of muslims, asians, in the united states than we have typically thought, you know,
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wait a minute, this is a minority experience, maybe that's now an anachronistic we now have a critical mass of muslims the live . going from the the judeo- christian ethic, as we have more muslims and buddhists and hindus, we will go to the children of abraham, children of god experience. we are not a racial doc. >> if i am thinking about -- your level of family structure remains intact and is what might -- much higher than what i am hearing and the black and latino
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community. >> we had a higher number of group of people that integrated into the country. the borrower is very high -- the bar is very high. i have a taxi driver in the ivory coast. i always ask him, what do you want your children to be? his bar is so much higher for his kids because he is the godfather of his community. he sees me and our family and other families. so the bar was set very high. everyone else wants their children to be lawyers, doctors, investment bankers. they are not settle and for the -- even the street vendor, why are you working seven days a week? i want my son to become a lawyer, to become president.
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they have embraced the american ethos. if i work hard, i can get my mortgage and get my own business and my children can thrive. >> how do blac said into that ethos? do you see that is separat from the black experience? you do not want to be a minority in america. want to be on par with people, you do not see herself locked into the old dynamic. >> we actually see ourselves as a community had that can help america build itself. >> but are you separate from that history? >> well, right now we feel like a minority. we feel like, for the first time on a my life, i can sympathize with communities that have gone through difficult challenges. and the challenge of acceptance. it is something i have personally experienced last year. it is the first time i actually
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realized what he theories of on acceptance. i think most muslims have experienced. we thought we were a thriving counity, we work and treating. >> a do you see that as the equivalent of the black experience? >> of course it is. it is the same as at the catholic experience, the jewish experience. it is one of acceptance. we wt to be treated as equals, no newcomers. >> yo see it fitting into the framework of civil-rights in america. >> first of all, i want to make sure i did not miss a beat. i was not saying our family values we better than anybody else's -- i want to make sure i didn't misspeak. i think it is very difficult, i cannot generalize for the indian-american community. but i thi it is important
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because each one of those legs of this tool are is stabilizing or barrier-inducing. you can have a great family values, but if you ew up on the structure were there are not great schools, those of values become a very hard to overcome those. i just want to make sure i was clear on that point. >> of the question then becomes, if you have a larger family breakdown occurring in america, and especially on the terms of ameran communities, what demands are we putting on schools and other structures and to compensate for the absence of models?income or role i think that is exactly the right question. if you take the three-legged stool. if you look a schools in inner- ci communities and i spent a few years working and the robert taylor homes a neighborhood. what we're asking schools to
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do, and the neighborhood i grew up i knew we asked schools to educate. in these neighborhoods, they have to become a surrogate families. there are lunch and breakfast programs, behavioral programs. that is a pretty tall order. i am not sure that youan compensate for a lot of changes in the family structure. >> let's see what others think. >> was going to say i agree with you. i appreciate it what you said. i thought your comments were excellent. >> here's more. >> here. i mean, my work is all around health and human services and social services for the most part. that was what i was getting to be for where you have the young people, children and adolescents with all of these complex and needs.
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they do not have the same family structures. it does affect them, because then you have to create a whole a safety net around them to try to meet all of these needs and the demands of what if ty really do need in order to be successful adults. i do not know the school can do that anymore. then you do not have the church as well as active in the lives of young people as they used to be, either. and that is a strong structure. what we are looking at is how you create some form of programs or a community structure that really works to integrate not only children but their parents? and think that is important for the latino community as well, that people are integrated. this is interesting to me, because i think for many years part of the debate was really a white-black debate. now you have the hispanics and the muslims and the agents, and
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now it is like, maybe we should be talking about the state of race. yes, we really should, because it is very different. maybe what it will lead us to is a conversation about human beings and humanities and less about race and all of the other distinctions, because what i am sitting here and you see me starting to get anxious is addressing,'re not at the end of the day, we all want the same things for our families and our children. what i was trying to say before, and maybe it was lost was, that we do, with the very same of values and attitudes and traditions and with people who were educated. but as our numbers grow and you become more acclimated or acculturated, you see a strata. and everybody starts falling into all these dferent areas where you do have people who are
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in poverty and you have less of a middle class. and i think what is happening to the latino and african american community is we are becoming a lot of the american strata. we think everyone who is caucasian is doing well. they are not. we should go into some very rural and suburban areas and see the plight that a lot of people are living in, which is not that dissimilar. we just talk about it less. >> let me ask you this. you represent the hispanic federation. the structure we have to do with race and racial discussions in america are things like the and la raza.and publicithe naacap, we are having it family breakdown, we need greater structural support for kids to have less support from the family. but we still have these
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institutions in 0 way of relating to reace that ties back to the history of america, the black-white conversation. do you think that is outmoded? >> i am not think it is outmoded. why did these institutions come into play? you feel that organized or mainstream institutions are not addressing your needs, so you want to sort of be part of that discourse. you want to be part of the. >> i am not sure i agree. it is like what was talked about in the center spot. hispanics say the blacks of the naacp. so we'll have la raza. >> at some point, which would be way too long for the panel, i can tell you the history of how the hispanic federation came to be. i can say it's simply. it was because united way of new york city existed and hispanic organizations were going there and saying, hey, we would like
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to be funded. we would like to be consided for some of your programs, and i love united way and they helped found us, they found us becse they felt there was a place and a role for organizatns that represented at the agriculral groups. and what concerns me sometimes is that when you have groups their represent minorities or a particular ethnic groups, we get accused of balkanizing. why we need that? why can you just work and the larger concept? we do not say that about women's group. why do need women's groups/ ? why do have to have jewish philanthropy or jewish organizations? there is some validity to having these institutions represent you. that does not mean that you work -- you do not work with and the construct of larger groups . >> hang on. what i'm saying is so we have all these groups are present, and as you said, when it came to
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funding, when it came to representing yourself on a the larger society, you found the necessary mechanism. >> because there was a brier. >> correct. here we are today talking about family breakdown and what is impacting the overwhelming majority of our younger population disproportionately, minority, a disproportionate immigrant, large reprentation of the muslims and asians in this community, driving the population growth in the country. but it does not sound to me like that the way of thinking fits the new issues or new problems. am i wrong? >> i agree with you that in many ways we do share a common desire for the american dream and respect of of what community to come from. part of the challenge for these organizations is that these issues -- class mobility issues that face a lotf communities do not fall clearly
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along racial lines. solutions are clearly not going to be targeted along racial or ethnic groups. so we have the challenge of how we create a society where there is a lot of opportunity for people to move from the bottom to the top or at least from the bottom to the middle? and we do not have organizations -- part of the problem is that people who are in those ethnic groups will be disproportionately the middle class members of the population. for example, on a the black community, you have a real divide between theiddle and upper-cls and working class. the issues that are advocated for by organizations representing african-americans have very little to do with the trauma experience by working- class african amerins paired >> specifically you are talking about affirmative action. >> it would be a good example. if we are protesting about affirmative action at berkeley, we are not worrying about the
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60% of kids who are dropping out of urban schools are and a california. and this is the kind of -- you worry about how many black board members there are on the fortune 500 companies. this is not the kind of issue of grave concern to the working class. >> it is not a legitimate. >> it is a question of priorities. we have finite moral capital to spend. we should spend itn helping the worst off. >> what are you talking about, political capital? in terms of white people be guilty, you owe us this it? >> that is not what i am saying progre. >> what are you saying? >> i think that is what you are saying. i think there is an opportunity on a this country to mobili this concern around issues that sproportionately affect black and brown communities, right? so you could have people say, we are going to focus on producing better schools for everybody or
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conceivably you could spend a lot of energy on other issues that are more particular. i thinkhe way race in america works right now is the concerns, that there is actually a much greater need for people to take concern with class mobility rather than racial discrimination. >> but we are not there because we are still locked and it, i was suggesting, to the old parameters, the old framework that would say, you are present the blacks, but hispanics, you represent the muslims, but you are presented the arabs. that is the way america still works. it seems like an old structure. >> the one thing that gives me some hope about how -- >> maybe it is unnecessary structure. >> there are a lot of issues that still matter. i do not mean to suggest we do not need an naacp. how america now has to see itself as the underdog. china is producing 1 million
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engineers a year, and our kids are ranked 40th out of 50 on math and science, suddenly america's coern for education is not about concern for the worst off. it is concern for american agenda. and i think there is an opportunity for black and brown kids to benefit if the country starts to get concerned about some of how we have failed our poor. >> i think your point is an interesting one because i do not know if this is true for -- the socio-economic strata. when you're at the middle or upper end, as your affiliation is strong with your racial and ethnic group as it is with your economic group? what i hear you talking about is at the lower level, dwe need to build more of a sense of the economic unity rather than a pure racial or ethnic separation? that concept may not benefit the
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folks at the bottom as much as it benefits the folks at the top tier >> given the realities of the family breakdown, especially in of the minority communities, there will have to be some way in which society compensate if we want to rescue those children. to the racial structures that exist now, the civil rights organizations, do they speak to those needs or are they speaking to the old conversationbout race in america in terms of resources and sort of white guilt and black of victimization? if that was the dynamic that previously existed, does that dynamic serve us and addressing the needs that are on the table at the start of the 21st century? >> i can say that i need the black-muslim community, they rejected this breakdown of the family unit because they were suffering most from it. so they rejected it by embracing islam, by getting rid of drugs
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in their communities. by making their family unit the nucleus of their growth. and it is a flourishing community. i was just in atlanta with 200 members of that committee. it was such a beautiful community. everything about that community was beautiful. the childrenthere was a future. there were like a model community. it is like somebody showca this kind of thacommunity because they took the matter in their own hands. we will keep the family -- the family will be the nucleus of our growth. they have decided they are going to impart good education, high ethics, and focus on what, how to build a community. and they have taken mattersnto their own hand. >> you are suggesting that would be a model reconstituting the families sounds like your -- >> but they are not relying on outside systems.
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they said the system is within the family,es. if the family has a support system that family itself can help each other and elevate each other. >> what do think about that? >> i think it started with a single mothers. many of these women were single mothers. they did not have the structure in place. they decided to get together, strong women, matriarchs, and decided there were going to build it all up. >> that happens around this country all the time by other committees. i want to be respectful, but i feel like what we are being told is you know, maybe this what is interesting to me. what i am hearing is you're siloed. the latino community with all of our complexities and all the work we are doing -- a whole bunch of things i want to react
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to, but we do not see ourselves as silos. we went to a small community in texas and took charge and went back into ourselves, and it is manifest destiny. we are part of a larger construct in this country. and i wish that we could go round with the 50-plus million and say, i wish i could do it, high, all of you. this is the way you are all going to lead your lives and these are going to be your values and attitudes and morals and this is the way you are going to push for. destiny as hispanics i made the united states. but it does not work that way. we are way too large, there are way too many factors. when we had this conversation and 20 years and you have these population shifts that are especially in the asian counity which is a growing at a rapid rate, i want to see and
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20 years what this conversion is like. what i'm trying to emphasize is that, yes, i believe we do have to say for ourselves manifest destiny. we need to shift the paradigm. i am not disputing that. agree. and we need to figure out what are the things that are going to work for or done people? and it is not all around safety net and social services -- what are the things that are going to work for our young people? >> well, how do you get that then? from the way that things are structured now, you could have the hispanic federation say, this is our priority. and then you go to the political structure, the corporate structure, the religious structure and you say, this is what we are trying to accomplish. is that the way to go? >> no. and we have gone back into our own communities and had dialogues are around how we turn the tide for our children. how we make different?
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what has happened? the same things tt have been talked about here, what is happening within our families, in terms of upward mobility. and the 1950's and 1960's, we did not have the same demographics, those very tragic demographics . you recognize this, that we now have on the 2011 third >> so these conversations -- this is not a peculiar conversation we are having this morning. you are sayg major civil rights organizations are talking about what is going on with our kids. >> and we are convening our communities. yes, we are talking about what is happening with our kids and we are convening our communities on a different types of settings and saying, look is what is happening to our children. we need to turn the tide and we need to talk to our own families, our own adults and say we need to take control. >> if there is a generational split, given that the kids nes are somewhat different -- older blacks, older hispanics
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saying this is our focus. we have been barrier breakers. we were fighting against white racism, said addition, limits, trying to achieve up or were billeted. the kids are coming in and are having a different set of issues. there is a generational tension inside your hispanic community? >> are they having a whole different set of issues? >> we just talked about family breakdown as being more pronounced in this generation that it was on a the past . >> so what happens is i do not think they are having a set of issues. i think they feel the more are too weak and there are more problems. what i am struggling wi also is this whole sense that we had perfections in the 1940's and 1950's inside these families. these families have alcoholism and domestic violence and a lot of horrible issues affecting them. so what we have is we have a global economy, more news, more
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media, more awareness of what is happening around the world i a split second. so we are reading that is that things are so much more terrible, when quiterankly, because we did not have the media outlets and a level of information we have now, 50 years ago, we believe we did not know what was happening. maybe a little bit of ignorance was bliss. i do want to respond to this. we do have the two problems, probms around graduation rates. that cannot be disputed. and achievement. but you know what? i also refused for our community to stay siloed in let's just deal with these issues. there are the major issues and th are big problem and we have to address them. the issue of copper mobility and those conversations that you mentioned -- the issue of copper mobility and those conversations with corporations, those coersations are important. if we want people to move out of poverty. it is not about white guilt. it is about entering into
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conversation, creating programs that propelled families afford but also hold pele accountable and responsible for lots of people to succes and that is why those corporate conversations are important. we are posted here. we just negotiated a contract with comcast. they agreed to put the latino on their corporate structure. that is important. it is about the access and the leverage that person will hopefully bring with an those decisions that are being made about where they invest, how they invest. and you cannot not decouple them. >> i can decoupled them. we have seen massive growth by the black middle class, enormous success for the upper echelons of african-americans. for the bottom third, things getting much worse. high rates of incarceration, higher rates of single
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parenthood. you see all sorts of things that are about being locked out of economic opportunity. if your argument was right, then all of the success for the black middle class, they would have pulled the black underclass with them. that has not been the case carrot the ideahat -- i am not saying -- we should focus on the issues that affect the worst off. and the worst off are the people at the bottom of the economy. >> but we are focusing on those issues. but we cannot allow people to tell us we can only foc on those issues. stay here, lillian, do not fit into business interests. >> if there were evidence that these organizations were making a real dent in these other issues, i would say go to it. we are killing it on getting teen moms into college. we are doing a great job of reducing the dropout rate, a
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superb job of ensuring that young men are able to get jobs and keep them for a long periods of time, then, yeah, absolutely, let's worry about the board membe. i do not see the evidence of that. we have got to prioritize. and prioritizing is focusing on the issues that are most pressing for the worst off progre. >> i think there is an element of mutual expressivity that may not exist. i understand your parting ocean. priority notion. i did not grow up i need a community at the was highly associated with the indian community. are they willing to rch down and help pull up? it is not just your own and where does your affiliation and your sense of identity connect across your ethnic line that
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straddles the socio-economic strata and is that happening or not? ihink it is important. when i became the president of -- power, my family members called up, and theyre were crying. they thought it was a huge barrier i had broken through. i never thought of it that way, but became a very important symbol that an indian in a non- asian industry light energy had become the president of a major company. -- like energy had become the president of the major commodity. there is a certain responsibility of mine to reach down. when i think about structural barriers that may exist in different communities, is that where i am lending my resources? i think this notion of identity is important. do you identify with those who may be lower on the wrung?
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a constant battle is fighting mad separation. >> react to this. there was a poll done by pew a year ago. one of the most amazing things that came back is when you ask african-americans about race, is there one african american or raise in the u.s., the answer was no. the answer from up for blacks was there are two groups. there is the barack obamas and the buguy on the corner. when u.s. upper class african- americans they said, there is one group of african americans. you cannot forget where you came from. that is not the attitude among poor african americans to see barack obama as a totally separate racial group. >> it does not surprise me having spent a number of years in the neighborhoods.
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part of where that leads me is the question of responsibility from a broader societal perspective. is it a responsibility of the african americans who are middle and upper class to help -- oprah needs to solve it, michael jordan. from my perspective, it is a broader initiative among anybody who is a middle and upper class to do what omar is talking about >> it is an interesting poll, but to me is more about where it is -- as a society and not just in the black community is where your priorities are going be. >> doesn't mean you do not identify with that black experience, that minority experience, and your aspirations that i want to be like an
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honorary white? >> i think growing up, i aspiration was to be an honorary white. now that i have achieved that status, i think, my aspiration is to help those that don't have access to opportunity, regardless of whether they are indian-american, latino, african-american, it is more of a socio-economic focus that a racial, ethnic focus. >> in a corporate setting, how do you help those people who come from a broken family, who may come from an inadequate educational background, it is such a competitive econoc environment. >> what we are facing is the same as what most corporations are facing in this country. these are not low-skilled positions. america was built on
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manufacturing. as people fall further and further behind in their ability and education levels, it becomes very hard. we try to build up systems or partner with the community colleges, working wi them so that your curriculum is designed in a way that leads to a good outcome for that person. that you know there is going to be a job at the end of it, not just putting for something for the sake of studying. you need to reach back down and look at the systems that are producing folks. we have summer in terms who come from neighbors that do not have a lot of people in corporate america. we spent a lot of te on just basic integration into the corporate world. >> you are compensating for lack of family structure. >> if you want to addresshe issue, you have to help out in the particular world. it goes back to what we talked about earlier. i don't think corporations are going to solve this problem
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independent of all the other, but it goes to zero more -- omar's borader point. helping those who do not have access and don't have opportunities, not that i don't want to -- to do that you need people at the top. their priorities have to be the priorities of society's most vulnerable. >> you are right, but i also don't want to be nigh eve -- naive. let's just dierent here. the jobs that come out of those companies and where they are based, it could be drivers. it doesn't have to be all high- level tech jobs or investment banking jobs. the jobs in the loc
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communities that help african- americans are hispanicsthe plement of that plant is critically important. i don't want to get stuck here because this is not exclusive. my work is on those essential needs, but i recognize that a company is going to determine jobs. small business development. where are they putting their procurement? that is important. to the extent that civil-rights or nonprofit organizations, in partnership with government and corporations, can create resources and structures around young people that can help them move forward. that is important. we have demands and difficulties that are so broad and wide, is important to have multiple partners. i do not ignore the role of companies or corporations in terms of problem solving an investment of resours into our community, becauset is
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important. they are another potential partner. part of this is around community reinvestment, procurement and those jobs. it does have income on low- income latinos, how they do. my parents were in unions, and it gave me a certain amount of mobility and growth in this community, because they had jobs and benefits than they were able to do things and they instill a core value of education and hard work. my point in saying that is, it was important at that point in time for allhe structures to help build my future. everything counts. it is not just this d that. everything counts in moving these young people forward. >> we all agree that this is about, in terms of our session this morning, about trying to help young people, it
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disproportionately minorities and poor, move up into american society. this is a key moment in terms of that civil rights conversation. everybody is going to have to adapt in some way to try to make that happen. let's open the conversation to the audience. >> we have done a tremendous j of integrating into the communities. what i hear omar saying, the tools and the structures we have today are not addressing the long-term poor.
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i want to continue those, but you have to add to it to really address the big problem that is there. right now we do not havthe tools and the systems that are doing that. i don't know the answer to it, but to me, that is where you need to focus your energy. >> i am talking about just whe jobs are and how money moves in this country. where are the stepping stones? where is the latter to bring each community up, the way we had in earlier generations? we need to analyze why that has broken down. >> how much time we have for questions? 15 minutes. >> good morning, and happy monday. i want to complement the aspen institute for having this timely discussion. i am the executive director of the black leadership forum. we look at policy that impact
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black people. i want to address first the structure. this is the first panel, and they usually 10 to set the tone for the day. in that context, i think that the panel in the framework that we are looking at this discussion is a bit skewed. first, if we are suggesting, as you said, juan, it is the bla- white construct addressed by most civil rights organizations, is that relevant in the 21st century? the false notion of white supremacy and the idea of race and css has not changed in america since 1619. if we extrapolate up to 1963, jobs and justice were the issues on the sons of the great march in washington. dr. king said, don't give us a
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favor. honor your creed. respect your promise to all of us. those issues of jobs and justice in 1963 still permeate communities of color. as lillian said, we do so in the context of a broader discussion. i think the framework of whether or not the discussion of racial issues is still relevant is a bit skewed. >> hold on, let's stop there and deal with that. i don't think anybody on this panelaid that we should not discuss racial issues. i think that clearly we are at a differt point in 2011 and then we were in 1963, and to suggest we are in the same place, i think that is skewed.
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black unemployment is still extraordinarily high, but you also have higher graduation rates and you have a black president. >> in 1963, you could say there is legal segregation and if we dismantle it, that will create a lot of opportunity. the problem is that in today's era, if you are a high school dropout, it does not matter whether you are black or white or asian-american, you have a ceiling that is going to guarantee it will be hard to make a middle-class life as a high-school dropout. that was not true in 1963. that issue is bigger than what faces anyone racial group. better education is an issue for the entire country. to frame it as a racial iue is to miss the opportunities for coalition building, and to focus on the wrong problems. >> year referred to the issues
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of civil rights being small potatoes compad to what we have currently. i am offended by that, particularly as an african- american. the national council of negro women and the national congress of black women addressed the issues of girls getting into the pipeline. the 100 black manooks at math and science academy's on saturday morning the urban league makes a dent in job training. we in the black leadership forum are addressing the least of these. as such, i am a bit offended that you are saying the organizations are looking highbrow at 38,000 feet and not addressing the least of these. yes, we are.
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>> i said that the accomplishments of the civil ,ights movement were tremendous but relaveo trying to bring millions of people out of poverty, the jobs part of jobs and justice, dismantling legal segregation is a much easier problem. we have figured out how to do that. the second answer to question is, there are these organizations that are doing god's work out there, and we still have a million black men in prison. we still have a 60% dropout rate. these organizations have been working for decades. i am posing to the possibility that maybe we need more. >> i would like to set thank you to all of the panel members. when i came here, i had almost the whole box of kleenex, and
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this is all i have left. i have gone through a range of emotions this morning. as a black woman, i am offended, which is a norm for us. i am humiliated. i have just gone through every emotion. you could call me the angry black woman as i sat there. when i saw that there was no representation of black women on this panel, and you are discussing us as if we are at the bottom of the boat. we are the cause of the problem. our families have broken up. let me tell you, i work with black women every day who have children who succeed in spite of the fact that they don't have the resources to do it. they do the very best that they can. we have ethics. we have education. i beg to differ. if you attend one of our events like we have every year, all across this country, you would see young black people succeeding, coming out of the worst situations and succeeding.
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they have ethics and ecation. i have five degrees. i am a country girl. i came off the farm, but i did the best that i could. being beaten up on as we have heard this morning. >> hang on, hold on. what is it about black women -- how are black women being blamed for the out of wedlock birth or the high poverty rate? >> because you brought up all the negatives in our community without showing the positive that black women create in our community. if you took a broken-down car and you did not oil the car, it will break down. if we don't get the resources, as lillian was talking about, to build it at an even faster rate, then surely it is going to break down. >> what are the structural
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elements that would compensate for the family breakdown? >> i am chair of the national congress of black women and also chair of the board of the black leadership forum. let me just say that when you talk about the elements, with what we have got, we are the only people who were brought here in chains. we are restructuring our community. without a lot of help, even from some blacks who have made it in our community. >> let me go to the next question. >> i think i was next. i wanted to just say that in some ways i agree with faye.
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it is not just the women or even just the men. we have some societal issues that have impacted these families. let's start with the fact that we have a school to prison situation where the three strikes your out, you are alreadin prison for life. we have the privatization of prisons, andherefore they ed more consumers, that is more product, so that means we need to bring in as many prisoners as we can to continue these private prisons. we have the attack on women's reproductive rights, so were we had contraception available, etc., we now do not have family planning at the kind of level -- and continuing on to t fact that we continue to provide corporations with incredible tax loopholes and credits, etc., and the investment in education is
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not happening as it was in the past. i happen to be very lucky to have bn cong up -- >> what is your point? >> the point is, it is not just the families that have the issues here. it is society that is retrenching -- >> where we do try to improve those structural issues? what would you do? >> you say that we do not have the aners. actually, the answers were there in the 1960's and 1970's before the reagan administration, when we were investing in education and family-planning. corporations were also being told, you pay your fair share like everybody else, and that investment was happening. the answer was there. >> i came from poverty and i
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became a lawyer and went to one of the best law schools in the country. it is because of the investments that were made. >> investment by government or corporations? >> government and corporations. are going backwards, not forwards. >> and you don't see the family unit or individuals as able to mpensate. your say more responsibility has to be taken by government and the private sector. >> i believe that is correct. we have resource issues up the wazoo. we need others to come in, and i think we need that investment to happen. >> i agree with the speaker that we have a criminal justice system that is out of control and exacts an enormous cost in communities of color.
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spending on welfare programs has gone up nonstop since the 1960 's. safety nets have n pven very effective. that is part of the riddle. it is not enough to say we need more to these programs that have not worked for the last 40 years. for inspiration i look to programs like the harlem children'swn or efforts to dismantle the war on drugs, which produces this mass in corp. -- mass incarceration. those programs do not come out of the traditional organizations. we need new ideas and new leadership. >> the inability to find the right language to communicate. what i have heard from the last two speakers is that there are
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multiple legs to this tool that we need to get right. there ithe family side, but that is not the only one. we are still a race conscious country, and there are structural issues. i heard the last speaker say that the structural peace has put a lot more on the family. its important if we find the right language to get there. the structural peace, we have to figure out, and we don't know the answer to that one. i agree that there are more investments, but how you do it in a way that is going to be effective ice think it's still an open question. >> it does not seem to me that
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the best way to frame the family conversation is to look at marriage and the disintegration of families. when i look at my friends, most of their parents are divorced, regardlessf their color. when my mother read jogger, most of her friends' parents were married. more people used to be married 50 years ago than today. marriage has been used by white people, especially rich white people and the nuclear family has been used as an ideal, and economic ideal, and it is really a racist way of looking at things. it is not valuing different kinds of family structures and is not looking at the power that a lot of different family structures have that are more community-based and include more people instead of a father who
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is the patriarch or a mother who is just a matriarch that emulates the kind of economic system we have. if we are just talking about class mobility, theres always going to be people at the bottom and they will be disproportionately people of color because they have traditionally had less access to power and resources. it seems like we should change the way we are looking at the debate. >> i don't think there is any question that when you look at declining marriage rates, you see it has consequences in terms of the resources you are speaking about, education rates, graduation rates, and incarceration rates. crack's most of the people i am friends with, their parents are divorced. >> some cable care about relative poverty and some care about absolute poverty. i care about absolute poverty. the fact that there will always be a bottom 20% is not a concern
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to me. my concern is if that bottom 20% has access to good luck. i don't think relative party should be our primary concern. do people have access to health care, od schools, said communities? can people be champions of their own destiny? and the larger point, you are raising questions about the centrality of the nuclear family that have been going on since the moynihan report in 1965. i agree that we should be welcoming of all different kinds of family structures. i certainly would support gay marriage laws in every country. i think every city -- 80 state -- every state. the hard fact ishat single parent households or five-six times poorer than dual parent
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households. this is just the state of affairs. if we want to try and help these poor children and poor families, we cannot just say they are all equally good. there are real cost to being in a single-parent household. >> i am very sorry for whatever was said here that had that impact. >> i am not sorry for anything we have said. we have had a fascinating conversation. >> that is why youre on the news and i am not. the human element is very important to me, not thayou are not human. [laughter] >> i am not even a different race, i am a different species. >> there are so many issues we have all been bringing up. you said something i finally
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agree with, which is is a very different life. what you were able to cat in 1953 or 1963 with or without a high-school dloma, you cannot do now. we are not talking about a global economy and how that has affected our ability to move forward in this country. the movement of jobs overseas and what that has done in terms of the economic environment in the united states. how people come and. if we were having an emigration conversation, wwould be talking about how visas get granted, and how we present our engineers and scientists and people with specialized skills. that is why they come in with the different income level, because that is what we are bringing in in terms of immigration policy.
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all these complexities are impacting the way everyone is doing in this country. you talk structurally, what are we talking about? i went to see the president and we had a conversation. i am talking about the hispanics. it is about some of the program that used to help other communities tegrate in a different way. and it is about integration, not just a long-term safety net, but i am talking about helping people understand how you get into schools, how does the money move in this country? how do you get your child educated? what are the different type of programs, anything you can do to get your child educated. i have a child who is a freshman in college this year. i struggled with just understanding that process. we are not acclimating people
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the way we used to. we are not lending them the kinds of support that we used to in terms of newly arrived immigrants in certain communities. i want us to build those ladders. i want us to take responsibility as families and as individuals, more than anything else, for what we are puing out and the world and how we are building successful, productive adults. at the same time, i want to take in the context of what is happening politically and economically in this country that is affecting that entrened party. my dad useto be able to make it and have his kind of job. some of those jobs are no longer available. >> we are running out of time. one last question. >> your experience in no way speaks for the asian american
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community as a whole. unlike the muslim community or that latin-american committee, we do not have a common language or faith that unites us. if you look at filipino, it is 50% unemployment reduced poverty level. i keep hearing your discussions and they all come back to the intersection with class and economics. how do you feel that our communities as a whole can go forward economically or three education without addressing the connection to economic issues that would have to come through labor unions? i know that for labor unions, it is minority communities that are
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most benefited from labor unions. when i speak to white people that are trying to become involved in the labor movement, their perspective is, i look at myself as a worker, a middle income earner, a dual income family. how can we talk about these economic issues with our communities of color so they can start to look at themselves as middle class workers or people who have the opportunity to become more onomically successful. >> you mean how can you get people away from a racial matrix and start thinking in terms of their social and economic class? >> not to ignore racial identities, but to look at the inrsecting issues that obviously convolute the question.
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when you look at how african- americans look at themselves as two different kinds, that speaks to their ability to have education and those that do not. how do we create the dialogue where it is no longer just white against black, but college- educated against high school. how do we foster this? >> i think that conversation is coming. there is more and more stratification in the american economy. the question is how to build a structural supports but also in terms of global economics. how do you fit in something like unions in the american tradition that may not exist in other societies? th becomes a point of
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conflict. that is why you see declining rates of unionization in this country except in t public sector. >> i find that working with communities of color, it is the idea that latinos or asians are disproportionately represented. there are those who have been able to go forward and get an education and those who have not. >> so the declining significance of race is what is preeminent for you? >> you need to be a will to acknowledge that there are individuals who are able to have education. >> i think it is about coalitions. you want to go across as well,
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and that cross-coalition is in some ways defined by socioeconomic -- socio-economic needs. >> before you started to speak, i started talking about the economy, what is happening in terms of jobs. one of the things we need to think about is, what is the minimum standard we want for this country around education, around graduation rates, routes higher education? if we are serious about having people move out of poverty, we have to do two things. we have to create an economy that allows them to hav that up for mility, and the other thing is, we need to become very serious about education. a lot of money has gone into education. we are not being sensitive to what kids really need. we have created a four-tier
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system in terms of higher education. we need to just create a bar and say this bar is for everyone, and everyone needs to get here, whatever it takes. i have kids that contact me at georgetown and they say my parents could keep me in for one or two years, but now there is no more loans, so what do i do? you have kids who are doing well, and now they have hit a ceiling. we need to think about it in terms of houng, education, and a couple of other key areas, and then we move away from race and talk about what people need in order to progress. [applause] >> thank you for this
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and so again -- we've talked about the issues of race in the family and identity situations. that's necessarily brought in to play the issue of politics. and so this session is politics and the political process. juan williams. >> thank you, charlie. this is an astounding gathering of stars here on the stage. first, let me just say that donna brazil, you're the chairman -- >> interim.
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>> interim. i say chairwoman, chairman, chairperson, chair of the democratic national committee. that's very cool. i think people are very proud. and we have michael steele, the former chairman of the republican national committee. >> former. >> and we have with us, donna -- i'm sorry, bacari sellers, a member of the south carolina house of representatives. thank you very much for joining us. and jane june is with us, as well. thanks for joining us. >> thanks for having me. >> i wanted to start this conversation by talking about how race and politics mix in this new environment where we have much more racial diversity in the country. i hope that many of you were
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party or heard some of the conversation that was taking place earlier. we have the census report that indicates much larger hispanic population, much larger population in terms of immigrants in this population. the old conversation was largely black and white. now we have conversation with a growing population of multi-racial people even in this society. so the question becomes is it a time to move away from the old paradigm that had race, language, ethnicity as a basis for political action? or is that, in fact, where we're going that we're going to become more racial in terms of our political discussions in the future? let us begin with the chairwoman of the party. >> well, first of all, juan, thank you so much. it's a great honor to be part of this distinguished panel. throughout my lifetime in politics, and i started at the age of 9. i grew up in the segregated deep south. i've witnessed enormous progress made in the political arena
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whether seen in my lifetime, the election of the first black elected governor of the united states, douglas wilder, the first african-american woman elected to the united states senate. and in my lifetime i also witnessed the campaign back in 1972. i was involved in the jackson campaign in 1984. i was around when ron brown became the first african-american to lead a major political party back after the 1988 season. and, of course, the election of our first black president. i think if we look at all of these things in totality, we would say, oh, we made enormous progress. but in my political opinion, we have come a long way since 1965 when this country enacted the voting rights act. we've seen african-americans more engaged in the political electorate. and clearly after the 2008
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historical season, we saw african-americans use their political leverage to help elect our nation's first black president. are we there yet? have we reached that moment where race is not part of our conversation? absolutely not. have we reached a moment where the intersection of race and politics no longer collide? absolutely not. we still have enormous steps to take as a country to move beyond the old racial problems. and the issue itself of how race plays a role in our politics. yes, president obama was able to put together a multi-ethnic, multi-diverse culture. >> you don't want any of these republicans to say he put together that multi-national coalition. >> multi-racial, multi-ethnic, multi -- you know, look at the nationalities involved. we had irish-americans, polish-americans, african-americans, we're all a
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hyphenated america with one root. some of our roots in another part of the world and our roots here in this country. but the point i'm making is that, you know, can we replicate what we did in 2008? it's going to be tough. that's because of the change in demographics. might give president obama the same political leverage he had in 2008. it will be tough because the republican party understands the change of network of our electorate. and they too will go out there. race is a very divisive topic. i've seen it played. i've seen the race card being played. but here's my concern about black politics today. i'm worried about the proliferation of what i call the so-called majority, minority districts that on one hand has given african-americans, hispani hispanics, and others, a significant number of increases in the united states congress. but at what cost? at what price? are they able to then take those districts and then leverage them
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for economic gains, political gains in the legislature? are we able to elect another, you know, deval patrick in the political arena? we have a lot of steps to take before we finally can proclaim that we are post-racial. but we've made significant progress. i think we're at that mountain top moment. we know what the future looks like, but getting to that next phase of our political development will require significant leadership on behalf of racial and ethnic minorities in this country at a time when our numbers are increasing. we need to make sure that our voices and our messages are increasing. and as you all know, i will address this issue. because when you look at the e emergence of these two big minorities in this country, we have to take a real deep breath and say, okay. so latino women, black women, we vote, we vote an extraordinary
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number. but are we voting for each other? ourselves? are we going the use our political clout to put men in office when we might look at ourselves and say, you know what? why you? because there's no one better. why now? because tomorrow isn't soon enough. >> let me ask you, when you look at the racial breakdown, it's very apparent now in terms of who's a member of the republican party? being overwhelmingly white and senior, and who's supporting the democratic party? and it's overwhelmingly younger numbers. if you look in terms of president obama's election, 90% black, more than 60% hispanics, all in one box. president obama's box. it would suggest that there is now more racial polarization fitting along the lines of political polarization. >> it didn't start with president obama. i keep telling people, bill clinton had troubles, jimmy
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carter. that's because when you're elected democrat, the republican is upset. when you elect the republican, the democrat is upset. let's get over the fact that polarization started in 2009. no, we've had it for that long time. you just can't look at it in terms of race. you've got to look at it in terms of education and in terms of class. i call it wd-40. you know, highly educated democrats. president obama was able to get 41% to 43% of the white vote. will he be able to get that in 2012? i don't know. al gore won with 37%. let's not have that conversation. >> wait a second. what you're saying is in terms of democrats, only 37% white? >> we can win -- the democratic party can win with 37% of the white vote. i'm not saying we need to go out there -- >> on the republican side, it's
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overwhelmingly white, on the democratic side, it's a minority. >> because of the population increase. increases among latino and blacks in this country over the last decade. and since the 2008 election. and because more minorities participate in presidential years. yes, you can win with 37% of the white vote. i'm not saying that's the strategy. it sounds odd being a chair, but since i'm not getting paid, why not say i speak for donna. after all, i have been donna most of my life. >> you certainly speak. i'll tell you that. >> but i know the numbers. and the numbers quite frankly, would suggest that the president could win with a coalition he had in 2008, but he needs to make sure there's a voter registration campaign, a voter education campaign. >> but you're saying that he can get a percentage of the white vote and that the polarization i'm talking about, on overwhelmingly white republican
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party, and a party that the democratic party is based in the minority community is just a reality. and you want a certain slice, if you're a democrat and you're trying to reach out and increasingly get some slice of the minority community if you're a republican. >> look, if i was running any campaign, again at my age, i would first of all say we have to make sure the base is solidified. and you build upon the base you had in 2008. all white independents. but i would mainly focus a great deal of my time on white suburban independent women and white upper class educated men. sorry. sorry if i offended anybody who is a blue joe six pack plumber, electrician. i'm just saying that's the reality of where the votes might be. >> okay. but that's racially paused -- michael, what's your take as a republican on the idea if the republic republican party looks to be the white party and the
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democratic party looks to be the multi-racial party? >> it's very true. i think that's been part in parcel the stumbling block for republicans since about 1956. 1960. in that the party executed certain strategies to play national politics. not realizing or at least appreciating that a lot of the action is taking place on the ground in small communities that are growing where you have diverse interests, diverse ideas, and certainly diversity of race and ethnicity. during my chairmanship, i made it a point to actually go out and try to engage and converse, largely because i recognize exactly what the chairwoman recognizes. the demographics in this country are changing so rapidly in such a degree that if we don't get our act together, in five years,
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we won't matter. it'll be totally irrelevant. >> you're saying the republican party as a white party -- >> as a party. i don't care what color it is at this point. as a party will not matter unless it's prepared to go out and engage people in the communities where you find them, on the issues that are important to them, in a language that they understand and appreciate. and unless you begin that effort seriously, none of this, you know, outreach, which is nothing more than a photo op for a bunch of white folks to stand around saying, i know somebody who doesn't look or sound like me. a lot of folks of the party didn't like to hear me say that. but that is the reality that any chairman has to deal with when they look at the growth in hispanics, growth in women, the growth of blacks, the growth of cross section in this country. and, folks, it's not in new york city or harlem or washington,
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d.c. and southeast. the it's a little community in north dakota. it's in south carolina where the hispanic population is taking off like you wouldn't believe. it is in neighborhoods and communities where you wouldn't typically think that you're going to see this kind of growth. so the party has enormous opportunity, in my view, to really create a competitive strategy to effectively go after your vote, your vote, your vote in competition with my friends in the democratic party. that will allow the ultimate empowerment of the individual. because at the end of the day, if you're not empowered as a citizen of this country to exercise your constitutional obligation to vote and participate in this democracy, rather this republic, then we're not doing our job. every election cycle, what do you hear the press talk about? now a lot of it's noise and
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spin. but they're out there trying to suppress the vote. we've got to battle against this perception that we don't want people to participate, that we don't people to vote, we don't want people to engage. again, if we allow that to persist, we become less relevant as a pearpt. and that's something that, you kno know, at least in my two years, you know, we tried to get this done. this lady should have more than three weeks, by the way, but that's a whole other conversation. >> let me ask you, michael, do you think we'll continue to have voting along racial lines in the united states? >> i hope not. >> no, but what do you think? >> i think for the foreseeable future, yeah. unless and until someone is able to go out there and on the republican side of the aisle and really capture the imagination again. the last time a significant
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majority of african-americans voted republican for president was 1956 was dwight eisenhower. that's that heck of a long time to be out in the wilderness politically with a group of americans whose interests you should have at heart because you are inextricably linked to that interest historically. to sort of take an idea that, well, they won't vote for us, so why bother? or, you know, their lock step in the democratic corner to me is shortsighted. my hope is that as we get ready for this 2012 presidential cycle, as our men and women decide to enter the race of president that they enter it fully. and that means that when we host an event at morgan state university or any other hbcu for the presidential candidate for the republican party to
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participate that all of them show up. and all of them participate in that conversation with my community. now, i say that not as a republican, but as a black man who happens to be republican, who believes the party offers a different set of choices. for my community to choose, you know, for themselves. and that's -- that gets into a whole empowerment question and a whole bunch of other issues i'm sure we're going to touch on. >> jane june is the political science professor at the university of southern california. and i wanted to ask you when you hear this question, which, you know, we are talking to two political professional heres. and they assume we're going to continue to have racial voting in this country and almost broken down by the parties. how do the new elements being introduced into the political structure fit in terms of people
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who are immigrant, or people moving around inside the united states, different concentrations of minority populations? how does that fit into this political structure that we have today? >> well, it's a very good question, juan. let me begin by outlining three different and very specific ways in which immigration to the united states changes politics. and the first one is, of course, immigration changes our concept of race. even blacks in the united states are not just african-americans in the sense the native-born african-american. we now include a smaller number of growing african immigrants to the united states. it's much more complicated. the same is true with respect to growth in the multi-racial in the population. and as a result, immigration itself complicates the notion of race. let's not forget that, of course, when we think about
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migration, we also have to think about the use of these categories, the use of political -- racial categories as political mechanisms. for example, during the japanese internment, japanese were located by using census data. when we think of categories of race and their change over time and how it is we think about their youth, we need to think about them in political terms. so the fact that immigration is changing, the racial landscape of the united states, i think the first and most important question with respect to what kind of categories do we think about when we analyze. i notice no one has noted on this panel. with respect to the second basic political change. and the sense of a very basic political change is a function of migration, not just with respect to the very significant growth of latinos, asian americans are growing as fast. but the significance of this
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migration internally -- internal migration as well as from outside of the united states is on the political geography of the united states. so you've all seen census reports which indicate that what locations of the united states are growing the fastest in terms of population. and with population comes political power. it's the american west and the south. with african-americans significantly reversing the great migration back from north -- the north and midwestern states, the northeast and the midwest, back down to the south. the preponderance of african-americans in southern states will significantly change. the republican ability to stronghold the american as is currently read. that may not be the case. i think you're probably going to talk about that. with respect to the south. the other important aspect of the second significance is the growth of the american west. in the state of california, which is where i'm from, there are twice as many asian americans in california as there
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are africa americans. there are more asian american voters in the state of california than there are african-american voters. i think it's important to consider the growth of all populations as well as the physical location. in less than 20 years, 50% of voters will be in western and southern states. and currently, the five largest states in the united states, which are also disproportionately in the south and west hold 40% of the state, of the seats in the united states house of representatives. powers being concentrated geographically. the last thing i wanted to talk about -- >> before you hit that point, let me follow up on that. so in those states where power is being concentrated right now, they are heavily republican states? >> well, actually, those two states include -- three of the four, three of the five are florida, texas, and california. california's a democratic state. >> right. but florida, texas -- what were
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the other -- >> illinois and new york are the other two. but illinois and new york are losing population. >> okay. >> so when i think about, well, look at this, we have more immigrants and more minorities coming into those states, especially the south and west. let's stay in that rubric. >> right. >> i still see that the white population dominates politically. >> it does for now. for example, in california, only 42% of the population of the state of california in terms of all of its residents are white, but 64% of the voting population is white. >> repeat that. >> well, 42% of the state's population is white in california, but 64% of the voting population is white. half of california's population today is either latino or asian-american, african-american, or some other race. within 20 years, those folks who are disproportionately young will be voters. >> right. but in terms of who holds power and wealth and political
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influence in the state, am i wrong to think it's still white? >> well, it still is, yeah. that's true for the rest of the united states, isn't it? as it is also true for -- in these states. but it won't necessarily be the case going forward. >> white and male. >> and to the last point, with respect to the significance of immigration for party competition. if you think about what's going on now in terms of the question of comprehensive immigration reform or any kind of immigration reform. the political parties. both of them, the republicans and democrats take on this issue is among the most significant issues for latino and asian-american voters. and to the extent, it's not the case that asian-americans and latinos are as democratic as most people think they are. they're not necessarily democratic. they happen to be democratic now and democratic in particular in states like california as a function of regressive policies such as proposition 187 and
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others. having said that, it's not the case that one migrates from asia or latin-america and springs forth a democrat. that's not true. the political parties can compete for voters and they might want to compete. and the republican party's not doing a good job of competing for minority voters at this point. having said that, it's clear that if you look back to the last great wave of migration in the early 20th century, that last great wave of migration set the stage for the great society and for all of the new deal policies that followed from it as a function of the consolidation of immigrants from eastern europe, jews, italians, irish, and as well as from europe. it's up to the parties to take the immigration in particular that will attract significantly more latino and asian-american voters. >> i think everybody in the audience is saying, what you're
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not telling us is overwhelmingly republicans have not been supportive of imkbrags reform. democrats say they have been although they haven't acted on it. right now given the realities, we can expect immigrants to line up with the democrats? >> currently they are lining up with the democrats. that doesn't mean they're going to in the future. just consider 100 years ago when you had italian migrants leaving ships, coming into the united states. if you go to long island, you become a republican. because the party structures and mobilizations were republican. if you stayed in the city, you became a democrat. so it's not the case that either of these -- that any of these quote unquote ethnicities or national origin groups are one or the other. they respond as they should strategically to what it is parties can and will do for them. >> all right. bacari sellers, a member of the state legislature in south carolina, thank you for joining us. we're honored to have you with us.
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i wanted you to pick up on what jane june was talking about in terms of the south. your governor is an indian-american. i think people are stunned that, one, your governor was able to breakthrough what was a very white, political power structure in the state and do so as a republican. maybe that was necessary because republicans dominate the state. but secondly, how does that impact not only the black/white political divide in the state, but how does it play into increased migrations into even south carolina? >> well, that's a good question. and thank you for having me. i got elected when i was 21 years old in south carolina. >> you're 22 now? >> 26 now. >> i like to say i've been in politics my entire adult life. but south carolina's interesting and we did not only elect nikki haley, but tim scott. it's an anomaly.
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sarah palin dominated the political discussion, she came down and endorsed both candidates and they won. i think that is just a flash in the pan. the it's not reflective of where we are as a state. president obama has done something quite interesting, though. by having very high or robust african-american turnout as well as hispanic turnout. he's put the south back in play for democrats. he won north carolina. he won virginia, florida, and the surrounding states. we have somewhat of a new south, the north carolina where we invest in higher education and things like that and the old south, the mississippi, alabama, georgia, we're just trying to catch up with the rest of the union. but race plays a very racist politics in south carolina. i'll give you an example. we have a very unique african-american voter in south carolina. when i ran for office, a lot of my constituency is older. but for these older african-american voters, the civil rights movement does not begin and end with an excerpt from i have a dream speech. in fact, it's memories, very
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real memories of gun smoke and jailhouse force. so it's hard to say that we've come this far. kennedy, king, and the massacre in south carolina. and these are very real memories for a lot of african-american voters in south carolina. the interesting thing, though, is that we always talk about -- i always like to say we have made progress in this country, but nevertheless, still have a ways to go. when i have a rough day at the south carolina statehouse and we're dealing with abortion or anything, voter i.d., which is -- we'll get on that later, but it's a republican -- i don't know what they're doing with that. but anyway, i go outside, i go outside, ask and i take a breath under the auspices of the confederate flag. it's there. and in south carolina, georgia, alabama this week we're celebrating -- we're celebrating the civil war or the war of northern aggression. depending on where you are. [ laughter ] and the interesting part of about that is that we can
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remember what happened 150 years ago. but we have trouble remembering what happened 50 and 60 years ago. so it creates an interesting dynamic. and, you know, as -- i was born in 1984. so i didn't go through jim crow. and you're not but 26. [ laughter ] >> she's growing -- >> but i was born in 1984, so a lot of inhi businesses that plagued my father, his generation are no longer there for me. but every day i go to work, i carry that chip on my shoulder much more than he does, because you have to remember that. you have to remember from which you have come, and those struggles. and that's why things like voter i.d. and, you know, taking away there fundamental right of people to vote bothers me so much. and it's those type of policies that are disturbing to african-americans. i mean, in south carolina right now, making our way through, we have arizona-style immigration. now, we're not -- we haven't been near the border in a very, very long time. i don't necessarily know what we're doing. but it's that type of -- it's that type of persecution or
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policy, and let's not call it persecution. that's probably too incendiary. but it's those type of policies that are making it very race-based, but driving these minorities and african-americans to the democratic party. >> okay. let me interrupt you. >> sure. >> so if i am looking at this just from a donna brazil, michael steele point of view, and i say this is about power, and i want to retain power, because power allows me to make money, put my people in, have influence, drive the issues. i he say, well, i will use whatever i can in order to maintain that power. now, if it's a matter of dissuading my rival supporters from turning out, you better believe i'm going to do it. >> oh, i understand the game. >> okay. so that's what i'm asking you. would bakari sellers play differently if he was on the other side of the party? >> i have never had power. that's amazing. i don't know what i would do with it. but i think that my ethos
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morally, i would stay away and refrain from infringing on people's fundamental rights to vote, per se. because for me, i understand that people died for that right. i understand my father was shot in a massacre. i understand that julian bond and all of these people, this snit, core. i understand the framework. for me it's much more than mal con, martin and rosa. it's a grass roots effort to get us where we are today. and i'm resistant and infringing on the rights of the people who fought so hard. >> but the other point of view would be you also should be supportive of efforts to eliminate voter fraud. >> if there is voter fraud. in south carolina we haven't had any instances of voter fraud, where in an $830 million deficit. this is unique about this, i didn't know this until the other day. but an older lady had to literally spend over $100 in getting her birth certificate, her marriage decree, divorce decree, just to go get her identification card. she didn't have an
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identification card. and in south carolina, when you have 178,000 citizens, that are eligible to vote, and when we pass this one bill, it takes away that right to vote? that's a problem for me. >> so there isn't -- the government will not issue you an i.d. card? >> it will be free. however, there is a cost in actually getting your documents together, your birth certificates, divorce decrees, marriage license, there are incidental costs. we know what it is. it's a reaction to what happened in 2008. and i like to go to the well of the house, the south carolina house and i like to product my good friends and say it's amazing you are all afraid of barack obama in south carolina. we strut -- we walk around. we're the center of our universe, and we're afraid of barack obama. and that's what it's a reaction to. the reason that barack did so well in north carolina is not only because you have investment in higher education like charlotte, the research triangle, but because you had early voting. you know, there were -- there were things in place, there were political strategies in place
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that were conducive to voter turnout and high african-american turnout. and what the republican party is doing nationally now in georgia, indiana, south carolina, ohio, is they're attempting to stymie that through things like voter i.d. and other things. >> one quick question, coming back to something ms. brazil raised. she was talking about the concentration of power that you have black congressional districts, where the black members tend to get re-elected at a very high rate. but then the consequence is, you have a high percentage of white republican districts that also have high re-election rates. donna brazil said and what are we voting for? what are we getting out of this current structure that is prevalent in the south? >> that's an interesting question. because, you know, on one hand, i think about it and i say, my god, what -- in south carolina, we didn't have james clyburn, what would we do? we would be lost if we did not have james clyburn. on the other hand, i truly believe that the type of politician that i desire, that i
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want, especially african-american politician, can and should be able to win the 35% district. i just think they should have that ability in a 35% district to go out and reach across lines. >> 35% -- >> african-american district. >> so -- the majority white, but 35%. >> yeah, i mean, i think that is a very winnable district that's very playable. but in south carolina, it's a very interesting dynamic. i mean, it's in your face. i mean, we talk about race. we always talked about race. and in the foreseeable future, we will -- i think the discussion should be about the haves and have nots. because some of my older colleagues, they kind of let me get away with it, because of my father. but i always say that the division that we have now is not black and white anymore. it's the haves versus the have nots. and that's the discussion i like to have. however, when the confederate flag is still flying in front of your statehouse, years after that war is over, it's hard to
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avoid those discussions about race. >> all right. >> it really is. >> well, let's come back then to -- it sounds like everybody on this panel agrees that we still have strong racial politics in america. it sounds like everybody agrees that despite the infusion of immigrants into the political picture, the immigrants for the most part are lining up as people of color with the democrats. although you say they're open and they could be possibly going in the other direction if there was more outreach from the republican party. so what all of you are saying is, racial politics will continue, despite the presence of barack obama. and that there is no evidence that we are approaching a point where we could move beyond the racial polarization. so i want to ask you about the political polarization, donna brazil. in an era when democrats and republicans find it very hard to do business, because they are so po
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polari polarized, does that exacerbate racial tensions in the larger society? >> you know, this whole conversation right now about race reminds me of sometimes when i go on tv and we have these superficial conversations where it's such a distraction, because we really don't want to get into what i call the real intricacies of race in this country. that's a deeper conversation. i mean, the racial inequality, the achievement gaps. we might have come through centuries of slavery and over a century of legal segregation, but we have not, as i keep telling everyone, we have not gone further than that. we are still struggling with some of the impedestrianlets, the structural and institutional bearers that always kept this country behind. so we're still on the surface dealing with race, but not beyond the surface. because beyond the surface, really gets us into what we never dealt with after and then
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legal segregation. which is, okay, the politics of, you know, reparations. now, i don't want everybody to run out of the room, because race often has an exit door. but we're still making, as i keep telling my nieces and nephews. i say i'm going to tell what you grandma taught me. she was born in the 1800s. she said an education, donna, that's all you need. if you get that education, you are free and no longer deal with the barriers. and the reason why i make this speech now, if you look at the unemployment numbers, over the last 13 months that we have seen unemployment steadily go down -- hasn't gone down enough, but we see unemployment among blacks steadily go up, last month, 3.3%, 0.3%, 15.3 to 15.6. and the reason is, once again, dealing with these impediments. when you still have problems with inequality, low education
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achieveme achievement, we will continue to deal with race. let me try to bring it up to speed. i'm going to make some pointers. you want to know the shortest line of american politics if you're a minority? republican. get in line. hell, you can get elected statewide. you know why? because when you're a black republican or hispanic or asian-pacific or you name it, you're not perceived as holding on to the status quo. those programs have benefited those people. i mean, majority of white americans believe that every program out here, every government program benefit those people. and that they're taking our money, and our taxes, for those people. they have no concept that they're one joining the same programs, often at a much higher rate than we are. and two, no, we're not taking the money. the money is going somewhere, but it's not coming to us, trust me. never even made a stop. that's my view. not the view of the democratic
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party. let's not confuse the two. and so black republicans often have this short line. so, yeah, maybe mr. scott will see another re-election, because he's not perceived as holding on for government services for those people. he's seen as, my man. he's not even black. just by having that label. same as suzanna martinez, the newly elected latina into mexico. so that line is shorter, because the public perceives the democratic party as holding on, you know, for government programs for those people who are taking our money. that's the reason why we have had had such a very deep trouble, deep and abiding trouble of getting the white vote. >> you said public. but what you meant was white. >> yeah. >> okay. so you think whites hold on to this perception -- >> majority of whites. not all whites. >> that's what i'm saying. we're talking in generalized terms. >> we're talking about -- look.
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the middle class in this country is squeezed. blue collar workers, black, white, brown, and i don't want to offend anybody by using the colors and not the actual ethnic, you know, background. but blue collar workers are feeling squeezed. and so when they feel squeezed, they want to blame it on somebody. and ultimately, that blame goes to those people. all the urban myths out there. when i saw this recent thing about we've got to have scholarships for white people. i said, didn't we have that for 300 years? but we've got to have it now. why? because this fear. this fear. so, look, let's -- the conversation on race is often a distraction. it's the most -- what i tell people, it's the most disgusting conversation ever. i mean, we spend so much time and resources trying to defend the indefensible, when the truth is that we never had a real conversation, we never talked about reconciliation. all we did was, we put together a few programs that we -- you
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know, we're moving forward, and then we make a -- we made a lot of progress. i'm not going to downplay the progress. but i think about my native south and i notice you didn't include louisiana as part of the old south. we're old. we got by with bobby jindal, god bless us. but we are all stuck in that. and let me make my last point and then i'm going to shut up. the reason why i worry about those so-called majority, minority districts and god know i was around in '88 when i saw how they were carved and it was a perfect way, many of these black legislators were just trying to get some political empowerment, a little bit, because the democrats were still holding on to the little power and the fee familiars and all that. the democratic parties had to be moved too. i mean, i was there when we had to move the democratic party, and i'm still going to move the democratic party even in three weeks. you notice a black woman gets three weeks, but i'm not complaining, because debby
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wasserman schultz, she's going to keep it for two years. we cover these little districts and then we're stuck there. i want more than just a few handful of districts. if we really leveraged our political power, we wouldn't have 44 members of the black caucus, we would have 76. we would have -- almost 70 members of the latino and asi asian-american-pacific caucus. we would have more people. but when you're stuck in these districts, or these places, how do you leverage a policy so you can become a statewide official? the reason why north carolina could be turned blue is because we had damn blue ralph campbell. we had african-americans run statewide and win. same is true as virginia. we've already laid the ground work. so you've got to look at how you lay the ground work. and that's the problem with black politics in this country. if we don't lay the ground work, if we don't go out there and run statewide and begin to expand our messaging, expand our reach, expand our districts, expand our borders, then we are stuck right where they want us.
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and we don't have enough moderate democrats or republicans to give us the political edge to become statewide officials, and ultimately president of the united states. >> you are just terrific, but you said so much. >> because i know i'm on a panel. >> no, believe me, you're much loved here. but i want to try to shape the conversation, and i wanted to just pick up on one thing you said, but there's so much and we're going to try to unravel it, unwrap it as we go along. but michael steele, i wanted to come to what donna brazil was saying about that -- what she called the public, i said, you know, we're talking about white america, and she said no, i'm talking about blue collar, working-class americans, sees the democratic party as a giving to those people, i think you said. and i think the -- my translation and more direct way would be to say, you see the democratic party as wealthier party, right? that they are the party of the entitlements, and they're giving things away. >> the party of government spending, period. that's it. >> is that fair, michael? >> yeah.
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that about sums it up. >> and that's -- and that's -- and -- but now in racial terms, so whites see that -- >> but that speaks to the dynamic that we see -- this getting played that was just played out this past weekend. on our national budget. you know, republicans, you know, were perceptionally fighting over a social issue. democrats were per accept actually fighting over a program, whatever the program happens to be. you know, whether social security, whatever. so the reality of it is, that's what america has begun to turn away from. because america's looking at this -- to donna's point, they're getting the joke. they know that the largest beneficiary of affirmative action programs in this country are not the donna brazil's of the world. but it's white women. all right? because the landscape has been redefined. the definition of what that is
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has been redefined by those who have the power. and you talk about the short line. let me talk to you about what happens once you get in the line. all right? >> i need some water, hold on. this is deep. >> let me talk to you about what happens, once you make that move. i mean, the last thing -- you know, when i became chairman of the party, i was very direct about it. i said, the idea of a michael steele as chairman of the party slammed into the reality of having a michael steele as chairman of the party. because my black experience growing up in eighth street northwest and pentworth, d.c., chocolate city, marian berry was my mayor, all right? that environment brings a different political perspective, irrespective of the whole republican platform, litmus test, all that crazy stuff. my experience was that honed in the black community. so as we talk about empowering
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all of these wonderful minorities on this stage and this audience to go out and be a part of a political system, recognize that the system is not ready to empower you. the system is not ready to embrace your diversity. because you're going to bring a mind-set to the table that they won't appreciate. they won't accept. quite frankly, they won't want. >> what is that? >> well, it's just -- it's the way you speak. it's the way you deal on issues. the way you engage. now, i'm a very strong, pro life republican. conservative. but my experience as an adopted individual opens up my mind to have a different perspective on issues like abortion, because i recognize that that individual has a hell of a lot of choices to make. so it's not -- you just can't put someone in a box and say this is what you need to believe because you're republican or conservative or liberal or you're this or that. because that's not what america
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is. everyone in this room -- i bet you if we put out the right kind of test would find that basically, you're all over the place, because there are some things you're conservative about, there's something you may be liberal or moderate. what's relevant is how you engage in the political process to empower yourself to get those ideas and those feelings and those emotions a part of the political dialogue. how come we had a national debate on the health care of this great nation, and not one member of congress and certainly was not incorporated effectively into the legislation, anything to do about health care disparities in minority communities? how come we haven't had a conversation about, you know, we have all these farm subsidies, but no one wants to pay the black farmers what the court said they are due? where's the political empowerment here? the democrats, when they had the white house, the house and the
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senate, did nothing on it. republicans, the same thing. so where do you begin to leverage what you got? >> well, i'm not understanding something, michael. you have now more power represented. i mean, the idea was, you were chairman of the republican party. >> yeah. >> so the kid that grew up in a black political environment, heavily democrat-dominated, your style, your education, did allow you to succeed. >> yes. but that -- but how you define that success and how that success is executed is all a part of the political landscape. you know, when you -- when you're -- if you're not a part of the club, if you're not a part of the group, you didn't grow up in that particular family, political family, it's tough for you to -- the line may be short, but, you know, the line i'm in, everybody else is
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associated and affiliated and connected. when you come out -- you come into the system from the outside, which is where our politics largely is today -- our politics is not inside backroom board rooms. it's outside. look at the tea party movement want. look at the movement we saw in wisconsin, and ohio and indiana and elsewhere around the country with unions. that's a political empowerment that wasn't, you know, forecasted or developed in a boardroom. that comes from the experience and the desires of free people who decide on this issue we bandy together. because i can tell you, straight up, there is -- there are black tea partiers, there are democrat tea partiers, but people in the establishment of both parties want to paint a picture of those americans who have a different point of view. same on the union issue. you know? people want to paint a picture about what folks are saying on collective bargaining. not dealing with the substance of the issue.
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not dealing with the realities of those blue collar workers who are trying to make their ends meet like every other brother and sister. >> i'm getting a little confused, though, michael. so what we have, then, donna says, listen, the -- we don't talk about it, necessarily, honestly. the racial dialogue about politics. but the fact is, we have most minorities in one party, most whites in another. the whites think that the other party is really about giving federal money to the minorities. the older whites in the other party feel aggrieved, and think, oh, this government is just too big, and taxing me too much. and we don't say anything about race in this mix. and you're saying, but even in the short line, even in the republican party, they will have token black faces, but they're really not connected. >> when -- let me -- >> wait, let me finish this thought. so then what you've got is, you're saying that the
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republican party is not only white, but that you've got to be connected, elite white to have power in that republican party. >> i don't know if it's elite and all of that. of but you've got to be connected. you've got to be connected some kind of way. but that's part of the political process. and the question is, who is grooming this young brother here who is in the state legislature? who is grooming him? what is that network within his party that recognizes his potential and his opportunity to be a statewide elected official? >> wait a second. tell us who your father is. >> cleveland sellers. president of college, now the only person incarcerated for the incidents of the orange grove massacre in 1968. >> but he is politically connected. >> yeah, he had a little bit to do in '84 and '88. >> he was with us. >> especially amongst african-americans, i tend to kind of say what i feel. my mom and dad have instilled that in me. in african-americans, older african-americans, have somewhat given me a past, i guess because
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of where i come from. but kind of on what michael and donna both said, the interesting thing is that i guess the people perceive my progression just to be in the sixth district of congress, you're going to run for congress and you're going to be the next jim clyburn. that's it. i mean, that is -- that is how we groom our african-american public officials. i mean, that is where you'll go. that ain't what i want to do. >> that's the stop sign. that's why i say, we've got -- >> that is the ceiling. because in south carolina, what no one will tell you is this simple fact. you cannot run statewide from the black district. you cannot run statewide effectively from the black district. >> thank you. >> so i don't want to go over there. >> because -- >> because it's the perception. it's the perception that you are concerned about. it's a box. you're only concerned about african-americans in south carolina. you are a representative of african-americans in south carolina, not giving congressman clyburn right now the credit for doing so much more for all of south carolina. >> everybody.
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>> it's that perception and that vote and that 4.2 million voting block that that is your focus and those are your concerns. >> okay, but donna, just to finish up on this quickly, because i want to just pick up on the pace here. so people who are now elected officials, hispanic black, they say, we broke barriers and finally made it here. now i have my district. and what you and bakari sellers are talking about is breaking apart this structure with no promise that i will be able to have office. >> i'm saying that we can still win in those districts. that may not be 52% black. i think we can still win. as many members of the congressional black caucus and the hispanic and asian-american caucus, and districts that are 35%, a handful of those members right now exist. barbree lee comes to mind, because i was out in california this weekend. so i'm just saying, we've got to make sure that structurally
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we're not putting this box where as in ten years from now, we're still talking about 44 members of the congressional caucus. one thing i have to mention. let me put this government thing in context. bill clinton was seen as a moderate. why? he attacked welfare. balanced the budget. cut spending. when you do those things, you go back into this fit, this government fit. i mean, this perception that you are, what? you're getting those people off of welfare. they've got to work, personal responsibility. and all i'm saying is that that perception that somehow or another, that whether it's the democratic party or republican, but in this case the democratic party somehow or another, we're the party of government spending so we can benefit those people. we're not. we're the party of the middle class, the party of growth, the party of opportunity. we're the party that wants to make sure that everybody has a shared sacrifice so we can all share in prosperity, as well as the burden of society. but i'm telling you, this is how
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it's perceived. and we've got to break that perception. one thing that will help us break this perception is the nature of the changing demographics in this country. i think, jane, you are absolutely right. it's going to change the dynamics of american politics. and this whole politics of racial identity will become transformational at times. we've got to keep moving in that direction. it will be a slow move. we're going look at the last 40 years and say, damn that went by fast, because right now it's going to be slower. but that requires -- and i want to say something about michael. >> >> can you hang on for just a second? >> that brother won. >> he did win. >> he won everything that he was given to win. but he wasn't in the political class that wanted a winner. he served his purpose. i'm sorry, michael. i've saved mine for three weeks. >> hey. >> three weeks with a gavel. ♪ pass it on >> and we are the most useful -- if black women didn't show up to vote for the democratic party,
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we wouldn't have a democratic party. but that's another panel. but he served his purpose. and now the political class, the dynasty, want that seat, because now we need a party chairman who will now serve the next purpose. now, that's politics. michael and i are both on the same. we have benefit been in the arena. it's politics. and you know what? he's going to live to see another day, just like i will too. >> they're going to have to deal with the brother. >> all right. so here we come now from your -- you say the next 40 years is going to come quickly and you'll see the breakdown and you can see the bakari sellers from a minority district. if that changes, you see the south changing. then you see the west changing. >> yes. >> then you suddenly see there is the possibility of more competition for the minority vote. is that what you foresee as well? >> well, i mean, it depends.
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it depends on the kinds of issue positions. minority voters are just like all voters. you know, we're not any different. and as much as we vote on things that matter to us -- >> well, there's one big difference that you cited. lower levels of participation. >> there are lower levels of participation now, because many of the people -- i mean, who are in the immigrant communities, of course, are going to be naturalized citizens. so they're going to participate at a lower rate, as naturalized citizens always have. 80% of adult asian americans in the united states are foreign-born. takes a while to learn the american system, become a citizen and get naturalize and had then register to vote. and the same is true for latinos. even though more latinos in the united states are u.s. born. they're not disproportionately immigrant. they do take longer to naturalize and vote as a function of the fact that the immigrant population is much larger within these two communities. but immigrant voters are -- or minority voters, we vote on the
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basis of issues, just like everybody else. we're as rational of voters as white people are. and until and when and until parties can speak to minority voters, can speak to the issues and their concerns, whether they're about jobs or education or immigration, that is -- that's the time that immigrant voters will come out and minority voters will come out. and that to the extent that parties are responsive or not responsive, that will foretell the future of party politics of the united states. >> and if i could -- >> let me just say, we're going to open up the microphones. if you have a question after michael speaks. >> i want to make a couple real quick points to reinforce what was just said. the monday after i became chairman of the republican national committee, i went to new york, to harlem. and held a round table. and the question i got from party members was, why are you going to harlem? and my response was, because that's where the votes are.
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and that -- and that is such a powerful point that you've made in terms of wanting to engage, wanting to engage those voters to go after those votes and to make the case. as i say all the time, the party is -- you know, we've got this history, particularly with the black community. but i think a history that we can develop with hispanics and asian and other communities in this country, that are tied to principles and values that we hold dear. and that we should be able to explain and express and hopefully will gravitate people towards the party. when you don't do that, when you start building that wall, is when you start losing that vote. and then you start resort to go other kind of political tricks and craziness to try to grab a vote that you're not going to get. and this is true for both parties. this isn't a republican thing or a democrat thing. i mean, there is as much voter craziness on the democrat side as there is on the republican side. the reality is, these parties
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right now are struggling with americans. they don't know how to be relevant to you as citizens without talking in hyperbole and getting you mad at her, and you mad at her, and him. that anger politics is old. it's played out. now whether you're talking about the budget, health care, immigration, you're talking about war in iraq, afghanistan or any place else in this country, you have got to talk to people and help them understand why you're doing what you're doing. and i don't think both parties are really prepared to take that on yet. and that's --. so they're still playing racial polarization as part of the larger polarization is what you're saying. and i think that that's what you would agree with, as well. and bakari and -- and even inside the minority community, theization polezation helps to excite your base and get turnout. >> i can't really hear people going out and saying, man, you
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better vote because it's a black/white issue. no, our problems are somewhat generational. and partly because we're still dealing with racial stereotypes, the negative connotations associated with race in the country, as, you know, this young man just said, his father has memories. jim clyburn has memories. i have memories. you have memories. my nieces and nephews, they don't really have any memory of any of this. and so when we tell them, you have to say, this is why it's relevant. they're not interested. i have to tell you a little dirty secret, since i've been involved in politics a long time. george bush was getting 20, 25% of the black vote, as of august of 2000. i'm telling you, it was tough to get the black vote back inside that democratic column. i mean, we were struggling in ohio, we were struggling with arkansas of all places because it was clinton turf. because bush was making direct appeals to minority voters of all persuasions.
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>> and black churches. >> and black churches. and he wasn't afraid to go and talk to black folks before 6:00 at night. we used to have a curtain call where they would talk to black folks after 6:00. why they would want to talk to them after that, why? >> don't tell all our secrets. >> i'm not victoria. i've got a lot of them. the truth is the republicans knew how to make this appeal, and they knew exactly -- it was an economic appeal. >> it was an economic appeal. >> and the same is true of the democratic party. we can't make a racial appeal. we've got to an economic appeal. >> what is james byrd -- when they tried to diminish bush's vote, that was one of the tactics used. >> that was run by a third party. we had nothing to do with it. hands clean. come on. the statue of limitations has run -- >> you're saying democrats don't play racial politics.
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>> i'm not saying we don't play. i tell you, we had a 6:00 strategy. of course we played. everyone has played the race card. we're not purists here. this country, we don't have any purist when is it comes -- maybe native americans. but we're not purists when it comes to race. the race card has been played up and down the deck. >> that's what i say. >> what i'm saying is that over time, racial identity will not -- will not be a factor, because the racial identity is already blurring. it's blurring in many states. >> it is. >> and so we have to be very careful not to make a district racial appeal. whether it has to be based on economics and -- and aspirational goals of all people, and you have to be very careful. we're -- we're not talking past tense yet, but i'm just telling you, it's been a struggle. >> that's where we're going. i appreciate that. mr. flores? >> thank you for the opportunity. i'm gary flowers, executive leader of the black forum. i pose this question in the spirit of the late dr. ronald walters, preeminent political
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scientist. and on the adage that to do the same thing over and over and expect different results is at least insanity. the winner take all two-party system in which we now live, i believe is inherently undemocratic. i pose the first question, do you believe we should have a multiparty proportional representation system to express more views of the electorate, since we have a wider racial ethnic electorate? >> wait, hold on. that's fascinating. so you think they should have like a black party, a latino party? >> not at all. much like the republic of south africa. you have representation. everyone who is running as a patient has to gain 5% to get on to the ballot. once you are on the ba lot, you receive 13% of the electorate. then you receive 13% of the seats in parliament.
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as opposed to winner take all. look at the last midterm elections. >> are you think in terms of race? >> 50 some percent of the mid terms, but 100% of the chairmanship. >> are you thinking in terms of changing the american structure to be based on racial location? >> no. no. multiparty that you can reflect more of the electorate, which we now have more varying views. so, one, eviscerate the two-party system, first question. second question, should we have -- and donna knows this vividly. the first stolen election in recent times, in 2000, we were in florida, we go to the supreme court, and we say to the court, look, they cheated. scalia right in front of the majority says no, you don't have an individual right to vote. whoever is in charge of florida is in charge of the national election. for these purposes. so should we have an individual right to vote enshrined in the constitution and federally -- organized. >> let me stick with the first one, and ask the panel, whoever
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wants to respond to this idea of breaking apart the two-party system. >> i -- i never really thought about that. but i will tell you, i think what can kind of get us to -- i think what you want. the political debate today currently is absent ideas. period. >> this is not an idea. >> yeah. this -- i mean, the political debate -- i haven't seen. i mean, i grew up -- my favorite president in the world is bill clint clinton, just because i grew up with him when i was 6, you know, or 8. so that's pretty much all i know. but it's absent ideas. and i think that we've actually dumbed down american politics, almost to a fault. but i think if parties -- i'm a d.o.c. fellow, so i have to give that out as a preface. but i believe if the parties went back and actually began to think about different policy initiative to go after these different voters, my biggest disappointment with my president is that i have not heard a robust educational platform from the white house. at all.
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i haven't. but i think that if we have these ideas, i think if the republican party actually -- instead of preying on wedge issues, actually comes up with some type of economic package or economic policy initiative, the democratic party starts talking about education again, i think once we start having that free-flow of information, i think that that will win. i'm not -- i'm not in favor of necessarily debunking a two-party system that we have. i love competition. not quite the free market. but i love competition. i think that it -- i mean, i think that we have to raise the level of expectation here. >> all right. but let's move on. because, i mean, practically speaking, i don't think we're going to do away with the democrats and republicans any time soon. >> let me just say something. by the way, you came of age with a very good president. we have this -- what i call this constant gridlock. and no matter what happens in 2012, it will be another change election. we're going to continue to have gridlock. so i understand the point that you're making about proportional representation and whether or
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not we should more to a more fair system. that put more voices on the table so you can probably build coalitions and maybe, you know, allow moderates to come back into the flow. here's another little dirty secret in american politics. the majority of voters are not republican, not democratic, they're independent. in order to win next year, you cannot just appeal to the choir, you've got to go to the congregation, and they're independent. but will these independents be allowed to vote in presidential primaries? that's where the sticky part -- because many of our primaries are closed to independents. they don't get an opportunity to vote but once. now, next year, i will have three votes. i will vote here in the district of columbia. i will vote as a super delegate. but i won't have on the batman suit or anything. and then, of course, i'll vote in the general election. but the independent voter in the district of columbia will only be able to vote once. so that's the dirty secret. so we've got to find ways to enlarge the electorate, but also empower more of the electorate
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to that do not wish to align with the political parties. it's a deeper conversation. and here's the other problem. we've got to talk about finances. because we're now in an age where if you don't have $3 billion in the bank and maybe $4 billion in your bank account, why an may be the best candidate and the best looking one, too. but unless he has deep pockets -- >> i'm chief of politic each of you brought up interesting topics related to the generational, economic, immigration connectivity and educational dynamics of politics. but how do we engage that tipping point, considering there are so many different factors? at what point do those issues actually supersede the race-based dynamics that go on? >> what were the issues that you were talking about? >> generational, economic, immigration, connectivity and the educational issues. >> okay. so let me just -- let me ask you, jane. when you hear about this economic issue, immigration issue, at what point does it
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supersede republican and democrat, you're saying? >> yeah, and even the race-based politics. you know, when do you start playing to specific constituents? like, we understand you're interested and concerned about the economy. we're going to make that, you know, the focal point of whatever -- >> you mean, republican or democrat. >> right. from both angles. >> that plays to what you're saying about a dearth of ideas, right? >> well, october 25th of 2010, "people" magazine wrote an expose' on schools in the country. courtney cox arquette was on the front. they profiled one of my schools, demarco primary school. and what happened was, when we sent the "people" magazine reporters out there, they went in the kitchen. it was the day after school was over. and the roof collapsed. the whole roof collapsed. and it didn't make a lot of noise in south carolina. in fact, nobody knows about it in south carolina, unless i tell them. because that's not atypical. that's schools everywhere. but what we have to do is, we
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have to start addressing those issues at the root. we have to start going in these communities, where those schools are falling apart and be they black constituents or white constituents, they all go to this school. and they deserve better and they want better. so what i do is, i go to a house that has a doconfederate flag flying on the front of it . it happens all the time. and i knock on the door, and i say that your kids do not deserve to go to a school in a building that the cafeteria is falling apart. now, it doesn't matter if i'm black, brown, green, yellow. i have spoken to someone at their core about a major issue that affects them directly, and all i want to do is sit down with you and hash out ideas about how we change that. we can't raise a tax mill gin in my district. i can't bring in an industry until i improve my schools. i'm in a catch-22. so until we start having those debates -- and we have to find issues that go to people's core. and i think that that -- that
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example is something that i try to do in south carolina. >> she is saying she is looking for issues that would get us past the racial polarization? >> well, i think he gave a perfect example of how, you know, on a local level, you start going in and speaking to people. but when do you see that local approach actually, you know, occur on a national scale? >> well, just a quick 30 seconds. that was the last eight, nine months of my chairmanship, was defining our strategy for the fall election. not through the eyes of the republican party, but through the eyes of the citizens. it was part of the reasons i got on a bus for seven, eight weeks, went to all 48 states. neighborhoods. you know, big and small. was to take the message directly to that community. some communities i would go and i could rail all day long about health care. other communities i would go into, and i knew the issue was education. so we would talk about education. i would talk about the fact that the administration had cut opportunity scholarship for minorities here in the district of columbia, my hometown from my
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high school. so you find that connection point, which was just restored, by the way, by the republican. >> and it was wrong, morally wrong, politically -- >> in the house. but to -- to cut it. >> no. i -- >> okay, okay, okay, you two. >> this is my money, my tax dollars. >> all right. >> to cut money for kids to go to school. >> okay, okay, okay. >> barack and i could afford to send our kids to. >> but the point you're making is -- >> to go in, and to speak to those needs, as we found them. and to address broad issues, or more narrowly tailored issues, and that's how you begin to connect with voters. >> jane wants to pipe up. >> well, not being related to any political party, i don't think we can look to the parties. at all. for -- for -- or to existing political leadership in this -- in the sense of party-based leadership. to answer your question. right? because the parties don't want to eliminate themselves.
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who would? if you were -- if you're the man, you don't want to give it up. the parties are still the man in american politics. and likewise, they will use, as strategic actors, the best resources available to them, to continue to divide. and this is why we don't have moderate candidates. so if you are concerned, as citizens and voters to think about how to change politics, you probably are not going to do it by the party system that we have today. individuals, ordinary individuals, have to come together to do that themselves. and i think there's just one last thing i want to note, and that is, donna's point about independents. independents are larger as a group than either democrats or republicans. so there are more people who call themselves independent than either call themselves republicans or democrats. not combined, but alone. and in addition to that, about 10% of american's population calls itself a race either that is other or multiracial. that is almost as many african-americans as we have in the united states. that's more than the
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asian-americans we have in the united states. i think americans would like to get beyond, you know, the system that we have. but we are in something of a strangle hold with respect to the way the parties have provided not only possibilities for us in terms of candidates, but also the range of issues that we're willing -- that they are willing to engage us on. >> and that results then also then in when you have the overlay of race and politics, that it adds to the polarization. >> and might continue to exacerbate that. after all, we are all multiracial. my mother would say that i'm not. but we're all -- you know -- she would say you're 100% korean. but we know that. we share many things together. if we took the genetic test that henry louis gates gave himself and this interesting documentary, we would see a whole lot of similarity in us rather than racial difference. >> next question. >> first, thank you for sharing your insights with us.
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my question today is directed more so to dr. john. but i would like to get all of the panelists' feedback. first, i wanted to point out that the census data that we have all been looking at as shown that we are moving towards an increasingly diverse population, which includes a heavily foreign-born population, as dr. join pointed out earlier. many of those are u.s., naturalized citizens, and then we also have u.s.-born citizens. however, we also have an increasingly vocal and politically mobilized and documented population living and working within the united states. in part -- in response to that high visibility, we have heard people calling for changes in how we define and even conceptualize citizenship. so i'm curious to know whether you all think that we do need to move towards a new definition of citizenship so that we can have greater political inclusion, and if so, what those definitions might look like.
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>> well, you know, no nation in the world has a policy of letting anyone in. i mean, not to my knowledge. all countries with borders specify what needs to be done in order to be a part of it. so no welcome to the united states has ever been unconditional. it's always been a conditional welcome, whether -- or for that matter, a forced entry into this country. and so the question of what citizenship is defined, to the -- i would say that in the ideal sense, i'm a professor, so we think about these things from the ivory tower. to the extent that we think about citizenship, we should think about it in one that is very distinctive from the way the united states is done. so the united states' history of citizenship has been disproportionately and consistently racially based. we have always in the united states had a conditional citizenship on the basis of racial characteristics. and might i remind you that 100
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years ago, and it was, in fact, just 100 years ago that the d l dilling ham commission of the united states congress created what is called the dillingham commission reports, where we set up 41 volume set, available through the stanford libraries, one particular volume has the ordering of the races, who is better and who is not, who was left out, at the bottom? obviously, african-americans, because african-americans have such a profound history of discrimination in the united states. but in addition to native american indians, chinese, jews were down there. so were the irish. so were italians. and over time, those groups have managed to become part of what we think of as the default category of citizenship. but within the context of the united states, if we were to be able to abstract out and say what is it we would want in a citizen, one would hope that what we would want would not be connected to a racial or an ethnic label. and that is a label that is put upon americans by the
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government. right? because the census is the one that develops government. early -- or race. early in the 20th century, indians were actually called hindus, according to the census. jews were called hebrews, according to the census. mexicans were once enumerated separately. so i think with respect to your question -- i'm just giving this, sorry, abstract response to it. but to the extent that we can think about citizenship as qualities -- desirable qualities for membership in a political community, i think what we would hope is they would not be race-based. that would be a sharp diversion from what the united states has done throughout its entire history. >> you know what, that was a wonderful answer. but i lost focus, and i think that your question was suggesting that we do more to include people who are now here without documentation, illegal immigrants, as citizens with voting rights? was that your point? >> well, clearly, in order to participate in the electoral
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process, that requires citizenship. so voting is -- within that question. but i think also, this whole discussion of birth right citizenship has come up a lot. and both -- there are those who want to restrict birth right citizenship, partially in response to the growing power that immigrant communities as a whole have had. but there are also those that want to scale back birth right citizenship, because they see that as too narrow. so one side says it's too broad, the other too narrow. >> we have allowed people to vote who are noncitizens. it exists today. in local elections, minnesota, parts of minnesota -- i believe washington, d.c., tacoma park, allows it. and in the united states, we have often allowed noncitizens to vote. that would be one way of thinking about how to bring people into politics before citizenship. >> i find that hard to believe. >> it's true. there's a great book by a guy by the name of ron hyduk. there is a history of noncitizen voting the united states. >> that's amazing. next question.
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>> hi. my name is any coal turner lee with the joint center for political and economic studies. so i have a question. so we have been talking about race as a social construct. it's there. but we've got to look beyond and i think donna's point about race not being a factor is true. you know, we're going to see that. but i got the big but, though. the issue that we still have is the tea party, though it is small, has managed to package a message around race. there are undertones in their language around taking back our country. that are very racially driven. i think some of the things we saw, for example, with the government shutdown and the attack on women's health is also showing a retreat back to how we are different, and i think going forward with the 2012 election, we're going to see more of that. and so i just would like to put out there, you know, not to break the bubble of us being in this world where everybody can get along, we're multicultural. race and racism still exists. >> stay there for a second. because this is an interesting conversation. michael, here you hear someone
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saying that, you know, the race card is getting played aggressively. by the tea party. >> what's the evidence of that? i don't -- i don't see instances where you're looking at a whole swath of people who are -- who are raising political issues in a racial context. there are -- you know, you talk -- you say, you know, they're saying take back america. how is that different when my friends on the left were saying that as a consequence of the war in afghanistan, leading up to the '06 and the '08 elections who were saying we need to take our country back from george bush? >> well -- >> so is there a difference? is there a difference when someone on the left says we want to take our country back versus someone on the right saying it? >> well -- >> or is it -- i heard some people say yes. but my point is, you know,
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you're going to get a disagreement from me on that, simply because if that's the standard, then you're going to have to show more to me or i think to a whole lot of people, other than just your saying it. >> hang on -- >> that's been part of the dynamic. >> what if she said, michael, but when -- an older, white population says we want our country back, that that implicitly then has racial overtones, and especially when they're pointing fingers aggressively at the first african-american president? >> well, look, i mean, that may be the case with an older white population. i don't know what's in that their mind when they say that. if they're from some part of the country where that's, you know, a pervasive attitude with respect to barack obama, yeah, then you can probably put that context. but if -- i guess my point is, what i like to see us do, really tagging what donna was saying, we're not going to make that aspirational leap, unless we begin to seriously look at where
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those instances are, and call them what they are as opposed to painting with a very, very broad brush on both sides, which is what we have been doing in our politics since about 2000. the politics of this country fundamentally changed in the 2000 election cycle. we became red states, blue states. we became conservative, liberal. we became -- everyone had to fall into a camp. and let's get to what we're talking about independent voters. i mean, the independent voter is sitting there going, where do i fit into this? so i would just like us to be more careful, because, you know, i just spoke at columbia university last week, and someone raised this exact same point. and this young african-american student stood up and says, wait a minute, i'm a member of the tea party. are you saying i'm racist? >> and i just want to clarify that. i think you're right. i'm a sociologist, so we watched this for political trends. the issue is, anecdotally, there were rallies in west virginia where there were no african-americans or latinos or
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asi asian-americans talking about taking back our country. and eugene robinson speaks nicely in "the post" around how we have to be careful about that rhetoric. and i think the rhetoric we recently saw with the shutdown indicates there will be a retreat on certain segments of the population if we're not careful. and donna, i think to your point earlier about race and i really want to speak about the 2012 election. so what do we have to do, in the 2012 election, to manage those expectations? because as you've said, yeah, the trends that we see are going to ebb and blow. but what we're seeing now unfortunately for me, it's very disconcerting. because we are seeing, you know, different segments of the population now come out with these different tensions, and the prior panel addressed itt a well. if it's not a racist undertone, it's also the cuts in social supports. it's the spiral effect. >> it's not a race issue. it's a -- it's class warfare. >> it's a warfare, right. >> and i -- and i know we're wrapping up.
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i deal with the tea party on a regular basis in south carolina. like, i was at a public hearing last thursday and i said the republican party was the most liberal group in the room. we had carolina patriots, four different county tea parties there. it was -- it was unbelievable. i'm going to get in trouble for saying this. and i like when they fill my in box up. but the tea party is a fad. the reason it's a fad is because it doesn't have any political depth. you can't have a movement with no depth. there's not one idea -- and i'm big on ideas. but there is not one idea that has ever come out of rand paul or jim de mint's mouth. so it doesn't necessarily have to invoke this fear. it's a very -- it's a small minority. i think it's a very small minority in the republican party that's extremely loud. and i'm very, very happy that those people who are now -- >> i'm sorry. i don't mean to cut you off. can i just make one very clearly -- distinguishable point. the tea party is not a part of the republican party. there are members of the tea party who associate themselves with the gop. some associate themselves with
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the blue dog element in the democratic party. not at the same degree and the same level. i mean, everybody wants to make this link because some in the media have done this or -- and the democratic party have done this or elsewhere. but the reality is, after working with the tea party for two years, when there was no tea party back in february of 2009, or -- and march of 2009, understanding where they're coming from, and what their argument is, it is an economically based argument. by and large, they're not socially motivated or driven. there are those who have tried to move into that movement, to do that. but they're not. if you take a tea party -- >> you mean, they're not racially driven. >> they're not racially motivated. they're economically driven. now, that whole dynamic changes. any movement catches on, everybody wants to be a part of it, because that's the engine that's turning. but let's be very clear here. the tea party does not associate itself as being a part of the
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republican party. and the republican party cannot co opt it, we cannot claim it. we cannot control it. and so you have got to understand that this is a movement that is out there of people, very much of frustration with the republican party starting back early during the bush term. and the frustration. >> 2005. >> that's right. the frustration with the republican party based on they were steaming mad in 2006. they largely stayed home in 2006 when the electorate fired the republican party and they reemern reemerge as a force in 2009 and
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2010. there's a certain backlash we see. we remain stuck in the backlash of the 1960s and 1980st. this goes to the core of the role of government. i think in 2012 one of the big questions, i talked about the electoral map already, whether or not a child born in poverty in the unof america can become president one day. that's the story of barack obama. we might want to say first black, first biracial, whether or not a child born into poverty can become president of the united states. in 2012 we're going to have to answer the question what is the role of government in the 21st century. that's going to be a conversation that will help both parties focus on how to get further down the road in the 21st century. so we're not stuck from the 1960s and the backlash that began in the 1980s. >> a terrific panel.
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there's obviously a lot more to be talking about. we could be talking for days. obviously we will be talking for months and years on these very topics. please >> we will talk with house budget committee member and republican congresswoman. later we will take a look at the safety act of u.s. natural gas dropped -- and drilling. that is at o'clock a.m. eastern.
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president obama on wednesday will lay out his long-term plan to reduce the federal budget deficit. this comes after the friday spending deal. we will have his remarks live from george washington university on c-span radio and c-span3. >> the c-span network. we provide coverage of politics, public affairs, nonfiction books, in history. it is available on radio, television, on-line, and social media networking site. go to our video library on the internet. we also have a local content vehicle bringing news to your community. washington your way. the c-span network. created by cable, provided as a public service. >> the nasa administrator
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testifies about his agency's 2012 budget request. the request is for $18.7 billion. if approved, it would be for the next fiscal year. this senate appropriations subcommittee hearing is for 1 hour 25 minutes. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2010] 1]
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>> the subcommittee on science will come together. today, we take the testimony of administrator hon. astronauts and general charles boden for the fy12 request and talked- about how this might be in light of what we have just gone through. the administrator, we are glad to see you. we want to thank you for coming and we remind you that this hearing normally occurs on thursday morning but we could
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not get you when we thought we could. senator kay bailey hutchison and i did not wish to delay the hearing because it would have taken us after the easter- passover recess and we wanted to be able to really get cracking on our 2012 appropriations. we think you for doing this. we look forward to your testimony. i am glad to see you and glad to be here. both of us, all of us were declared essential. but we just went through last week was a cliffhanger and it rattled many people. it certainly rattled us. we felt it would have been a disaster had we had a shot down for the economy and the reputation of the united states of america.
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we have now been called upon to accept $78 billion of cuts from ,he president's 2011 request $39 billion below the 2010 level. that was the marquee have given us. havell of our staff's worked through the night and i would like to thank senator staff.on -- hutchinson's we all worked pretty tirelessly to meet our obligations to be able to report out a bill in the subcommittee but tonight at midnight. we want to hear from you about where you think that you are. we are very proud of nasa. this is the 50th anniversary of president kennedy's call to send
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a person to the moon and return them safely. from our human space flight, the visit to the moon, the vision to go further, we are so proud of what we have done with human spaceflight and we look forward to supporting human space flight initiatives. when we look ahead at space science, the hubble space telescope, to others in the area of earth science, planetary science, protecting power, it is all important. we know that what nasa does is part really creating the new ideas for the innovation of the economy. in a speech to the maryland roundtable come every time nasa goes soft, it takes the american economy with us. nasa is about innovation and
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drugs. last year, congress gave nasa a new path forward. the ranking member and i worked with senator bill nelson -- nelson on a new authorization bill. are like to complement the gentle lady from taxes with what she and council member nelson were able to achieve. it met the priorities of the president in the space coalition here in the senate. we need investments in science and aeronautics, but we also must remember we want human space flight to be sustainable. we need to go to the international space station and also broadening our human reach beyond earth orbit with the o'brien capsule and a heavy lift rocket. we have a lot of ambitions and now we are trying to see if we have the wallet to match.
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who will work tirelessly to implement and balanced space program. last year, we agreed to 19 billion. it will not come out quite that way, so far this year, we are anticipating an appropriation, if we stick to the president's request, at $18.70 billion. the signs request is 5 billion and we also need to make sure that important projects like that do not get out from under us, like the james webb telescope and there is more in the questioning. i am also concerned about aeronautics research. i believe we are falling behind in that area. our european counterparts are making very heavy investments in the aeronautics research and
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they would like to dominate civilian aeronautics. well, i'm just not thinking it is fun to go to the paris air show to hear what they are doing. i want america to go because we are the best of the best. we know that the budget requests to $20 billion for a new rocket andy o'brien capsule for the human space flight program we have to take a good look at that. we are also very impressed with what is going on, however, with how this relates to cargo. we think that will be a very big success story and we will be able to take cargo through on manned space -- unmanned flight. we will maintain accountability
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and oversight, but we want to get to you rather than my opening statement. i turned to the ranking member, and we have worked andnow for three terms, have we not? we are definitely colleagues here on this matter. i turned over to senator kay bailey hutchison. >> thank you, madame chairwoman. you have, indeed, been a partner in trying to make the very best efforts for nasa in all of its missions. are particularly when they convene chairwoman's stock for working with mine so closely to ensure that not sound does have a balanced plan going forward that will achieve the results that we all want. thank you for coming in and as mentioned, we are at some very major anniversaries and some
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major crossroads. we are about to see the end of the nation's ability to lost r -- launched our own astronauts into space. the space shuttles have served us well for 30 years and made it possible to construct an amazing science platform in space, the international space station. while nasa should be making plans to fully utilize the station, i do not think that is happening. we could be working with our international partners, universities, and with companies that could capitalize on our unique national lab in space. it was the commerce committee in our authorization that created are part of the space station as a national lab in order to attract private and university, academic funding for research. that is just beginning to bear fruit.
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now i see the administration placing our investments in the space station and its capabilities at risk as well as our future exploration capabilities. once the shuttles are retired, we will be reduced to buying seats on russian vehicles for the foreseeable future. the russians have been our longtime partners with the space station, but we should not expect them to shoulder their space station program and hours when we should be able to do it ourselves. nasa has the arion capsule which has investigated to given time and resources in to carry our astronauts. yet come to this day, nasa is refusing to allow us to move forward. the president personally revived awry and last year and congress followed. we are reinstating it as a vehicle that will take us to an asteroid or back to the moon. i heard from your assistant administrators last month in the commerce committee that they
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understand that the authorization law directs the building of the capsule and a heavy lift vehicle. they know that orion fits the bill as a multipurpose crew vehicle and that it will take very little to modify contracts as allowed for in the authorization law. even the scope of the contract would need letter all -- little alteration. like the president, i have no problem continuing to call this a ryan, yet we see no movement from nasa to continue the program at all. this budget proposes only $1 billion for orion in the fiscal year 2012 while the authorized level for the same your calls for $1.40 billion and the plan for ongoing work prior to the knesset cancellation attempts would have had it at $2 billion. this deliberately hamstrings the ability for a ryan to reach our
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ability in 2016. the fiscal year 2012 of vision, offered as a variant of the authorization, is the creation of new prime contractors and providing them with the development funding. it is the hope of nasa that providing venture capital that they will then be able to usher in an era in space set off -- space exploration. there is little proof that what is being promised can be a reality. the commercial orbital transportation services program is beginning to show promise, but it is significantly behind schedule. last year, nasa proposes 60% increase in funding to assure the program would be successful. because it had been slower to produce results, the one under 35 flight has now become critical for the near term viability of the space station. the nasa authorization leaves primary crew delivery vehicle to the space station open to commercial entities with o'brien
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as a backup. however, given the track record for cargo and masses underfunded budget proposal, the nation could find itself with neither option available when our latest renegotiated contract with the russians and. what we have done is allow for a mix of government and commercial to cover all of our country's needs. nasa needs to find a proper and justified balance without putting our human space program at risk. i know that commercial companies could eventually become successful, but i do not feel that the information available justifies such a large investment of federal dollars this year for commercial vehicles. i also believe that the same scrutiny that has been placed on our other manned vehicle should be applied to commercial kreuz to ensure the viability and safety of our astronauts is
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insured. mr. administrator, i will put the rest of my statement in the record, that i am hoping that we can establish a partnership going forward that it hears to the authorization wall, that is a balance, that provides the funding for commercial vehicles, but not at the expense of haut- rhin and all the capabilities key is what we have already spent millions to do going forward. thank you, madam chairman, and i yield back to you. >> i would like to acknowledge the presence of the senator sherrod brown from ohio. do you want to say something or will you wait? >> first off, thinking for welcoming me to the subcommittee in all the jurisdictions and nasa is particularly important to me.
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i appreciate you coming to cleveland a number of times and speaking at the city club and laying out an exhibition. i am concerned, as i know we all are, at what the budget may look like in the months ahead with h.r. 1, the paul ryan budget introduced in the house last week, and with the fervor on tax cuts that seems to be sweeping some parts of the house and senate and what it will mean on funding one of the most important parts of the federal government, the innovation, the research, the mission's committee aeronautic advantage that we have had as a country for decades. would to make sure we continue to be leading, but if we're going to cut taxes and continue to cut taxes on the wealthiest people and continue to understand the important parts of government, and we will lose that scientific age. -- the scientific edge. i know that each you are helping
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us to not lose that and i appreciate your work. thank you, madam chair. >> administrator? >> chairwoman and ranking member, good afternoon and it thank you for the opportunity to discuss the nasa fiscal year 2012 budget request. thank you to be here -- thank you for being here, senator brown. as chair, you continue to provide critical leadership and oversight of our nation's space program. i would like to recognize a longtime member of the commander, senator kay bailey hutcheson, as ranking member of the subcommittee. i want to think both of you and the members of the said committee for the longstanding support that you have given to nasa. we have a common passion for science, aeronautics, and space exploration and the benefits they bring our nation. i look forward to continue to work together in the same collegial fashion as we have in the past. it is my privilege today to discuss the president's fiscal
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year 2002 budget request of $18.70 billion by nasa. recognizing the president's commitment to fiscal restraint, i am pleased we are proposing to hold funding at the level appropriated for fiscal year 2010. the fiscal year 2012 budget request continues the agency's focus on a reinvigorated path of innovation and technological discovery leading to an array of challenging destinations and emissions that engage the public. madam share, you and each member of the said committee should have two charts before you to which i call your attention. chart #1 is the pie chart and shows at a very high level discussion of nasa's proposed fiscal year 2002 budget which represents a balanced and integrated program. the nasa authorization act of 2010 has given the agency a clear direction. nasa is moving forward to implement the details of that with fiscal year 2002 budget.
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as you can see in charge two, the president's fiscal year to dozens of budget request for nasa funds all major elements of the nasa authorization act was supporting a diverse portfolio of key programs. these are tough of fiscal times and we have had to make some tough, difficult choices. reductions have been necessary in some areas so that we can invest in the future will living within our means. this must request and maintains a strong commitment to human space flight,, aeronautics, and the development of new technologies along with education programs that will help us win the future. it carries out programs of innovation to support long-term drawbaugh growth and a dynamic economy that will help us out innovate, and educate, and out build everyone in the world. along with their fiscal year 2002 budget request, we
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published our 2000 tow strategic plan. if you or your staff does not have it, we will make sure we get a copy to everyone. the core mission of nasa remains the fundamentally -- remains fundamentally the same since our inception. it supports our vision, shown inside the strategic plan to reach new heights and reveal the on non said that what we do and learn will benefit all humankind. on march 9th, we completed the 133 mission, one of the final three shuttle flights to the international space station. discovery delivered a robotic crew member and supplies that will support the scientific research and technology demonstrations, that was a joke by the way? ok. we are currently preparing and ever for mission 134 which will delivered the of the magnetic
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spectrometer. it will enhance knowledge of the universe in to the understanding of the origins of the universe. this will be the 36 shuttle mission in the final flight of the endeavor. with the impending completion of the shuttle manifest, it is my plan to announce my decision regarding the recipients tomorrow, april 12th, 2011, on the 30th anniversary of the first space shuttle flight. the space program continues to venture in ways that will have long-term benefits. there are many more milestones in the very near term. our priorities in human space flight in the 2012 budget request are to maintain safe access for american astronauts to lower orbit as we will utilize the international space station, and to facilitate safe, reliable, and cost-effective u.s.-provided commercial
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transport for supplies as soon as possible and begin to lay the groundwork for expanding human presence in deep space, the moon, asteroids, and eventually mars to the development of a powerful heavy lift rocket, and pursued technology development to carry humans further into the solar system. these initiatives will enable american to maintain its position as a leader in space exploration for generations to come. at the same time, in our other endeavors, the priorities are to extend our reached with scientific observatories, to learn more about our home planet, the solar system, and look beyond the origins of the universe. this budget requests of fondas of 56 national -- mass that missions and 20 more in the various stages of development. for one example, on march 17th of this year, after traveling more than six years and 4.9
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billion miles, the nasa messenger space ship entered orbit around mercury. the messenger spacecraft august the first look at the planet from orbit. it will help us understand the forces that shape it and provide a fundamental understanding of the terrestrial planets and their evolution. in addition, we will pursue groundbreaking research into the next generation of aviation technology and carry out dynamic education programs that help develop the next-generation of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics professionals. that is a lot, but nasa thrives in the big things. we have increased human knowledge in our discoveries and technologies have improved life on earth. in spite of the difficulties we have encountered with the very critical james webb telescope, we have made changes in our management, increased oversight from my office, it continued to work to revise a space line by
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the end of april that will include options including likely funding some areas. the official plan will be submitted as part is the the part of the fiscal year 2013 budget. i want to commend the nasa work force, both civil and contractors across the nation for their dedication to our missions during this time of transition and change. these workers are our greatest asset. they make us all proud. they fully understand the rest of our exploration and welcome the challenge. they will be the ones making tomorrow happen. in these are exciting and dynamic times. the challenges ahead are significant, but so are the opportunities. we have to achieve big things that will create measurable impact on our economy, world come and way of life. i thank you again in appearing before you, and i look forward to taking your questions.
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>> thank you, administrator bolden. i know you have given us a former ample and detailed statement. i ask unanimous consent for all testimony that this detailed testimony be included in the record. >> thank you, ma'am. >> we have in other hearings. talking about asking administrators about the consequences of the cr. rather than going into that today here's what i suggested. at midnight, the senate appropriations committee will produce their bill. as i understand it, it will be on the internet at
5:52 am am i correct? >> i defer to you. >> it will come out around midnight. my suggestion to you is that when it comes out, i know you are going to scrub it to see what we did so that you know what you need to do. when you do that, it would be useful if you could share with senator hutchison, myself, and senator cochran what that means in 2012. it will be speculative number games. we will consult with the leadership there. as full partners, scrub what we have done and tell us what it means for 2012.
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in effect, you will be below 2010. >> we will do that. proposedgo to 2012 as by the president and your advocay. -- advocacy. we want to join the goal in out innovating and out educating. we need to be critical of the money. i would like to raise questions about those things that could be targets for big cuts, particularly those who cannot spend the time like our colleagues at the table. let's start with the james webb telescope. it is scheduled to be 100 times more powerful than the hubble telescope, but we were troubled about its management and its use
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of money. we asked for a report which said it was technically sound but a week, meaning nasser, had a sense of urgency, but management was keeping on track for the deadlines and expenditures. you and i have had a private conversation about that, but could you tell us now what is now set doing to have a sense of urgency and that number two it has top-level attention and has not been delegated to the coordinator of the coordinator of a coordinator and we now have this spectacular opportunity because, quite frankly, on a bipartisan basis, we cannot sustain technology with repeated cost overruns. the house will not put up with that.
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with no money to spare, we will not either. this telescope is important. tell us what you will do and what your management and urgency activities are. >> as a told you then, there was not anyone more disappointed and angry than i. when it got to the bottom of the situation, we found ourselves in trouble. we have moved with urgency. as i mentioned in my opening statement, the telescope continues to make exceptional technological process. i have made some significant management changes in nassau of -- in nasa. i have delegated might associate administrator to oversee the program for me and he meets with the team on a regular basis several times per week. he also meets with some of your
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staff year. the team consists of rick howard at nasa headquarters. the associate administrator for science and it goes directly to him now. i extracted it from its former division in astrophysics because was unfair to the program of that magnitude in the after physics division. >> what are you doing meeting with the private sector on building in? >> we are meeting with northman grumman. they have made some management changes and i would defer to them to explain to you what they have done, but we communicate with them on a routine basis. chris is usually talking to gary every week. >> you have the sound track. now, tell me. how much money is needed to keep
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webb on track for 2012? >> we are working to complete the bottoms up assessment that will allow us to bring in a baseline assessment hopefully by the end of this month. >> do you know? this is not argumentative or adversarial. i am trying to drill deeply on this issue. >> we honestly do not think that we need money in fiscal year 11 that will allow us to continue to carry the program to the point where we can make what we think now is a reasonable launch date of 2018. if something happens and we find we have more funding in 2011, we will put it to use to accelerate the testing or some of the other developmental work. right now, we are looking at how much we needed to add it to 2012 from this committee.
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>> going back to the report, which now is advisory, they say they needed $500 million each year, 2011 and 2012, and it is not there. >> i respect to the report. when we look at what they said and where we are in these fiscal times, i cannot responsibly bring myself to this committee or any other and propose that someone tried to find $500 million for the foreseeable future. we are working at the baseline and there will be some additional spending that will be required, but we have not arrived at that yet. we hope to have to an original estimate by the end of this month. >> my time is coming to a close and what my colleagues to be able to deliver does it fit. i know they have a keen interest. we have big tickets in human space flight and the telescope is a big ticket.
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we really appreciate the president at. $5 billion -- adding $5 billion -- yes? $5 billion to the science budget. we are going to live in the fiscal time in a time of austerity being a very spartan. everyone here is for more frugal government. i am ready to be frugal, but i do not want to be foolish. let me tell you what i am worried about that will be foolish. we scamp now and we then end up paying two or three times later. that is what i do not want to. i need a realistic picture because this is a rational group of people who work together. we
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