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tv   The Communicators  CSPAN  June 11, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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all of these solutions are contained in the job creation plans that republicans put forward not too long ago. these blueprint which we are calling, "a plan for america's job creators" is a pledge to america that republicans in the house have been working to implement since americans entrusted us with the majority. you >> we invited obama to work with us to enact our job creation plan. today we are renewing that invitation. we made clear to the president that under no circumstances will republican support irresponsible legislation that increases the federal government's credit limit without any spending cuts are budgetary reforms. it is high time we cut of the government's credit cards and draw hard line to stop the government from overspending. it is hampering our economy's
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ability to grow and thrive. we must get the government to stop spending more money than we take the and and focus our efforts towards growing the private-sector where jobs are created. we live in the greatest country in the world. we refuse to accept second best. that is what our jobs plan is all about. you can learn more at. thank you for listening. >> this is the second annual consumer electronics show on capitol hill. we are on site today to talk with some of the exhibitors, see some of the new technology that is coming out. we will begin here at sony. what is new in the world of technology for sony? >> beshear -- this year, 3d has
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gotten personal. we have taken the 3d television technology you have seen before and brought it to the home in away that allows people to not create the content themselves. first we have 83 d handycam and at 3d laptop that allows people to view, create, and actually modify their own 3d content. >> we have to start with this tv here. for viewers just seen this without this pair of glasses that you need to wear, it is a little on the fuzzy side, but once you put the glasses on, it is very 3 d. how are these selling? >> they are selling very well. we were very happy with the performance last year. sony continues to be committed to 3 d and engaging the way
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that we are developing the contents and playing it back. performs just keeps getting better. this is our top of the line model. >> what is the sales price on of three dtv now? >> for this model, about $3,000. >> as it goes on, will the price come down? >> prices have already gone down on 3d televisions. a model like this a couple of years ago would have been quite a bit higher. >> where was this technology developed? was it developed by sony? >> the 3d technology was developed in-house. >> you still have to wear these fungi glasses. at what point will 3d be available without the glasses? >> that is pretty much anybody's guess at this point. >> something you are working on? >> i think every manufacturer is
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working on passive and auto stereoscopic 3 d. right now, for the consumer the best possible way to be rooted in the home is with the glasses there >> i want to ask about the 3d cameras. show us what it does. >> this is a pocket camera that can now take three d images. it has been one of our more popular models in the last few years. now you can take three deep video with that and it is an auto stereoscopic screen, so you can seat 3 d images as you are shooting them without any glasses. >> do you need a three dtv to view this or 83 the laptop? >> unless you want to get all your friends and family around this little screen, the best thing is to do is put it on your laptop or play it on your tv. >> given all the new
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technology, are handycams still selling? >> they are still selling quite a bit. they keep getting smaller and more powerful. they take full hd video. your tv looks like what is coming for your table. >> why did so only come to the consumer electronics show on capitol hill? >> sony is a partner with the consumer electronics association. if our friends and competitors in the industry are going to be somewhere, we want to be there, too. >> another one of the exhibitors here at the consumer electronics show on capitol hill is the distracted driving safety alliance. kelly is the executive director.
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what is ddsa all about? >> is a group of industry leaders that have come together along with some of the third- party groups that are out there to look at distracted driving as an issue unto itself. we have seen such an increase in people doing other things while they are supposed to be drying. how do we talk about that in a way that is meaningful and educational but also look at innovation as a possible solution? >> what are some of those technological innovations that can cut down on distracted driving? >> there are a couple of different things out there today. i want to stress education is a really important message. we do want folks to understand why distracted driving is really harmful. there are things you can do to prevent distracted driving which is mostly common sense. we have a couple of member
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companies that are here with us today. there is a product called protector which is installed within your car. it goes directly into the carbos the communications system and it also is paired with your phone and effectively turns of your phone. able to have a hard time with self control, and for yana drivers who do not need to be texting or talking while driving as they are learning, this is a wonderful product for you can control what happens once you get in the car. it is on the market now. parents are buying it in droves. in addition to that, communications -- nuance communications has a product for advance drivers who are capable of talking in a
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handsfree mode. it has a voice activated technology within the car, allowing you to still communicate and do things in the car in a hands free environment. >> the lobby as an organization for texting loss in state legislatures or other kinds of laws like that? >> we have not lobby directly in the states but we have a provided information to the states. we think that educational message is really important in states that are looking at texting walz. texting is the one that people are focused on, but there are other kinds of distractions happening in the car. while we are in favor of those texting loss, we want people to recognize there are other distractions and things to be cognizant of. we are here in washington d.c., but our partners are around the world.
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there is an application you can download to your smart phone to help turn off the phone in case you need some help. and then it wired safety, which is an amazing organization. they are the number one online safety group in the world. they have been around since about 1995. they have started seeing distracted driving as a major issue and really got a head of all the other sector groups in looking at how we can teach kids and parents to use technology in a very safe way. we would love to have folks come and check us out. >> one of the leading smart phone manufacturers is here at the consumer electronics show on capitol hill.
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one of their public relations directors is here to talk with us about some of the new products that htc has come out with. why don't you point out some of your products? >> we have a great line of products. what is exciting is that we have in 4g. this was the first 4g product in the u.s. it gave everyone that first taste of what it meant in terms of speed and power. this kicked off. what was really great is that recently with verizon wireless we launched htc thunderbolt. lte stands for long-term evolution. that is the technology that most of the world is going to use as .hey rollout 4g
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cdma remains the underlying technology of almost all 4g technologies. lte will become the long-term evolution of wireless. it will be dated and voice. it will make international calling a little bit easier, but the big benefit is less roaming. >> you are developing 4g phones. is there a 4g national network yet?
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>> they are not in every single area yet, but most metro areas are going to have 4g, which shows how much demand there is for it. it took a long time for 3 g to spread to many different markets. people are demanding more and more data every day. >> are you working on fifth generation technology? >> the technology will continue to get better and faster as time goes on. you'll see less of a paradigm shift in technology going forward. it will be stepping up in getting more capabilities in lg technology. >> it was just reported that t- mobile lost a record number of customers in the first quarter of 2011. does the potential transaction of at&t buying t-mobile concern
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htc? >> we have never been a one carrier manufacture. we have been selling phones regionally across the united states and with all major carriers. we are watching it very closely. we have a great relationship with t-mobile and at&t as well. we will be in great shape no matter what the outcome of this is. >> what does it stand for? >> it used to stand for high- tech computers come up back before our focus was on smart phones. now it does not actually stand for anything anymore. our u.s. headquarters are right outside of seattle, and globally we are based in taiwan. >> how many u.s. jobs does htc support? >> we have about 350 people in the united states doing everything from sales, marketing, engineering, and product design.
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>> thank you for your time. >> one of the well-known telecommunications companies is rca, and rca is here at the consumer electronics show on capitol hill with some of their new wares. dave, what are you displaying here? >> we are showing a new kind of television service call mobile digital television. that is the ability to take the high-definition signal a new house and make it mobile so you can take it would you on a train, in your car. anywhere you go you can take television with you. it is starting out in portable tv sets that are coming out now from our ca. this is a 3.5 been screened and that costs about $160, from rca the big bands here is that you can be on the move and go
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anywhere you want to go. it is picking up the digital signal. adding mobile to the signal is something that is relatively new. it depends on the market where you are. here in washington, we have seven broadcasters sending over a dozen channels of mobile. if you are in a car, in the metro above ground, you can pick up the perfect mobile signal. it has been tested up to 100 miles an hour. >> can you travel cross-country with this or will you lose the signal at some point? >> it is sort of like fm radio. it is available from about 70 broadcasters across the country in 32 markets. you can go to and get a list of all the stations that are on the air right now.
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that is growing each week. >> what other products do you have? >> this is a u.s. be receiver. it plugs into your computer --a usb receiver. any laptop can be turned into a mobile digital tv set. there are devices like this for the automobile. if you have a dtv player you can buy a product like this and plug into the screen, and you can have television on the road. we also have some prototypes of new devices that are coming, including a netbook from dell. there are accessories coming for the ipad and the iphone that bring a mobile the key to apple products as well. >> how many of these products are already on the market? >> prca products there on the
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table, ranging from $150 up to about $175. >> is there a monthly subscription fee? >> that is one of the best parts about this, today there is a free service. there will always be a subscription-free tear as well as a subscription tear. you'll be able to get cable programs on the go. those are available today. some of these devices like this one, you can buy this on amazon for about $75. it has the software and everything else in. you can watch mobile dtv anywhere you go. >> we talked with the distracted driving coalition. how do these products here fit with distracted drivers?
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it is not just going to be passengers to bring the tv with them. >> as with anything in the car, it is not something you want to be playing around with if you or the driver. these are devices for the back seat of the car. a lot of people are driving around with video systems in the back seat for the kids or whatever. that is really the advantage of being mobile. you think about going to the supermarket, all the places you wait in line. here you can have information with you wherever you are. that is especially critical when you talk about emergencies. now with a portable device that plugs into an ipad or iphone, you can have emergency alerts service wherever you are. >> some of the new products by rca here at the consumer electronics show on capitol hill. we are now joined by the
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executive vice president of the global security systems co.. what is it that you make? >> we are in the emergency alert warning business. we provide alert receivers to citizens. it was used in the tornadoes in alabama to save some lives. we use fm radio broadcast infrastructure. there is no message feet. all of the alert warning devices used a ship -- a chip that is delivered with the services themselves. emergency managers create and send the messages out. the messages and information come from the national weather service or it could be a presidential alert from fema. it is all distributed by satellite across the fm broadcast infrastructure and delivers up to 240 characters in
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text. this is an fm radio ship that is in cellphone. those chips are in the cell phones and these products and you are able to send a message to a cell phone, even if it gets overloaded, you can still received the message. the other devices -- this is like a personal receiver that might go next to your bedside and wake you up in the middle of the night and tell you there is a tornado coming. this is a wall units that might be installed at a university or a public bus or public building, in case there is a hurricane or tornado or flooding or earthquakes. this device can receive alerts, and this is an ipod docking station and gps.
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>> have on many factors been reluctant to put the fm chip into their own? >> there are over 40 bones that have the -- over 40 phones that have the chip in them. over 45 million people are covered with the alert signal. the key point is, there is no message feet. -- there is never a fee. the emergency manager and the government, their responsibility is to provide the message. the citizen and the broadcaster, it is a public service that the broadcasters provide the alerts. >> recently the fcc announced they would also be sending alerts to a certain area, such
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as times square, if there was something that needed to be alerted there. does that compete with you? >> it is complementary. no broadcaster and internet capability is 100% failsafe. if you lose coverage or yourself hour goes down in your area, you want to rely on broadcasting. it is an escalation thing. if your power goes out, how are you going to charge your cellphone? you might want to go to a bias that has a three-month for a five-year battery. it is up to the consumer to decide at the end of the day. >> what is your background? >> i was a broadcast engineer and have been involved in different types of technologies. we are in jackson, mississippi.
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>> qualcomm is another exhibitor here at the consumer electronics show on capitol hill in washington d.c., where "the communicators" is on location. why are you up here displaying somewhere special >> we have a lot of new and very exciting technologies to show people. we are showing some devices that have our snapdragon ship set in them. it enables all sorts of new capabilities in mobile devices, all the things that the boy doing now on their mobile devices, whether it is internet searches, gaming, video, cameras. >> how does snapdragon activate or how does it work? >> it is designed for mobile. it is very low power consumption and very fast processing capabilities.
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that combination is especially beneficial for mobile. >> your the vice-president of governmental affairs. is it beneficial to get your products in front of legislators? >> i think it is very beneficial. some of the policy issues we have been advocating for, this shows what that can produce. some of the things we have talked about are the need to reform our immigration laws to allow us to have access to the highly skilled talents of people who are producing these types of devices, as well as having access to the spectrum to accommodate the amazing growth we are seeing in mobile. we need access to the airwaves to allow for that. >> two of your big issues, immigration reform and specter reform as well. >> we are also interested in creating a level playing field for multinational companies that
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have to compete against companies in other places of the world. we see a need for the u.s. to look at corporate taxes and make some changes there. >> that was the vice-president of qualcomm, which is headquartered in san diego. we are joined by a senior manager at qualcomm to talk about some of the health care aspects of the qualcomm product. what did you want to tell us about that? >> we are all about making this bone more efficient and more powerful. we are looking at health care, education, in various areas, what is the social benefit? which really believe that health care can be helped by mobile technologies. it can reduce costs, help people with medication adherence, things like taking their pills on time, so that they can manage
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their diseases. one of the projects we look technet ear was medication adherents, specifically related to hypertension. we found that if you could and act on a phone and teach someone how to use it, it can definitely help them take their pills on time and live a healthier, better life. >> it is that the application that qualcomm developed? how is called, part of this? as one of our partners did. qualcomm is an enabling. the ship on the phone is what makes connectivity say you can have data. you can look up any pill and see a picture of it and see what it is used for. the can program the applications
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so it sent to an alarm when you are supposed to take your pills. what is important is a lot of people are suffering from chronic diseases today. they might need to take up to eight pills a day. they have blood pressure issues, diabetes, and they are all combined. it is hard enough just to remember to take your multivitamin. if you have access to an application that helps you, it can make a true impact on your life. >> one of the well-known brands that rule corp. owns is youtube. joining us now is david rosen steen, a product manager with bogle. what is new about youtube? >> we are here talking about content id. it allows content owners to
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provide a set of reference files, provide reference files in youtube. we generate video fingerprints and use this when a user videos are up loaded. we get something like 35 hours of user generated video every minute. iss one of those videos scant against the entire reverence of content file. we will apply the rights that the content holder told us to apply. >> because it is copyrighted or something like that? >> it is their content, they can tell us to do whatever they choose. if a user of lotus content and the use my content, i am ok with
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that, but i would like to run ads against that. there is a partnership and we share revenue with the content owner. this is becoming much more con -- much more common. >> why was it important for a google to show this product here on capitol hill to legislators and capitol hill staff? >> we are very proud of it. it is an opportunity for us to tell our story and make sure people understand how we are treating copyrighted material, the kinds of work we do with partners, and how it makes a difference in the whole ecosystem. >> how did you get involved with google and how long have you been there? >> i have been there for about four years. i started working on the back end of youtube. end of youtube.


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