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tv   British House of Commons  CSPAN  August 8, 2011 12:00am-12:30am EDT

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and tuesday, professors from georgetown and the university of massachusetts on taxing stock trades, derivatives and currencies. debating the controversial, monday and tuesday at 6:00 p.m. eastern on c-span. >> the norwegian parliament held a memorial service for the victims killed in the july 22 shooting spree and bombing in oslo. at least 76 children and adults were killed. a norwegian man is in custody for the attacks. .
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>> what we have experienced together is still difficult to comprehend. it was an attack against our government. against our values. and against our community. an entire nation is suffering pain and loss. the international community is full of compassion for those in mourning. some members of a norwegian parliament were on utoya. there is the next of kin. on behalf of a united parliam t
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parliament, i want to express my deepest sympathy, of all of those affected by the government and those on utoya. without the heroic actions of those present in both oslo and utoya. our loss may have been even greater. on behalf of the norwegian parliament, i express my gratitudes to police, medical personnel and fire service, volunteers and individuals. i want to thank the local community and those at the site of utoya. people without consideration of their own safety. use boats to rescue young people from utoya. the young people from the work league themselves demonstrated
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great courage in rescuing their companio companions. you were there in a moment of need. you saved many lives. thank you each and every one of you. i would like to convey the norwegian people sincere thanks to the queen and king and to the crown prince and crown princess. you is shared our sorrows. when we have lacked words, you have conveyed our thoughts and feelings. i know that i speak for a unified parliament and for the entire nation when i pay a special thanks to the prime minister and his government. in the way they have led the nation in the most critical situation, during times of
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peace. the government quarter may be wrecked but our country's government is in tact. i also would like to express our gratitude for the all-party solidarity we have seen from the leaders of all political parties. the government and auf were the targets of terror. but all of our democratic parties feel its impact. one of the things that has been noticed internationally is the vengeance expression of the n norwegian people. we demonstrated the nation we want to be for our actions. the entire norwegian nation has gathered in united -- unity, old
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and young alike. hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets. an enormous wave of candles have swept the land. we hear solidarity to those affected and a resounding no to violence and terror. no one can know the resolve that these actions demonstrate. i feel profoundly humble to represent the norwegian people. it's a privilege to lead people who know how to do the right thing. this is precisely the reason why, even when the nation has suffered enormous human loss. we should remain to the democratic principles that our
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society is built on. it's natural to feel anger to these. but even when the pain is deep, we should force strength from angle. the ancient french philosopher voltaire said, i agree with your opinions but i have the right to express to the bitter end. we could have outrageous opinions, and it should be confronted and opposed with the force of reason, not censorship. we should also have a societal responsibility to prevent extreme views from resulting in actions that violate or harm other people. such actions must be met by the full force of the law and the
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judicial system. when we face hatred of those who are different, our response should be to promote diversity. we should not be afraid of those who do not share our political beliefs. but of those who hate anyone else who doesn't. we are justly proud of our open and safe society. which makes it natural, people to meet their politicians, face-to-face in our streets and towns. and daily life. terror must not result in a greater distance between the electorate and the electorate. direct contact is a directedive of our democracy, we want to continue this way.
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the people will be governed by their elected representatives. one profound impression from the last couple of days is a message from our young survivors. the message that terror must not result in hate. but in more love and compassion. not in fear. but in determination. not in withdrawal. but in participation. many of us have adopted the words of these young people. now we have to share the responsibility for converting these words into action. the directions of many have taken to the streets and joined professions and offering flowers and paintings. faced those shoulder to shoulder. and all the youth groups see a surge in membership and a
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willingness to participate. democracy has shown when put to the test. it is critical that we do vote in this autumn's election. to build a democracy is to build a community. this is our common responsibility. by supporting the youth football team, by engaging in your local neighborhoods. by caring for those who are less fortunate. and by treating other people with openness and respect. we can listen to those that are different from ourselves. instead of stigmatizing them. and we can consider as individuals we can promote more
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understanding and respect for one another. positive change is a challenge to bring about. especially if we think it means only other people that have to change. this may be a good opportunity again by spending a little time to reflect upon what i can change in order to bring about more understanding. this may also be a good opportunity for us elected officials to reflect upon and reassess our own positions. democracy involves opposing opinions of open debate. if there are times when we disagree with our opponents, despite our better judgment. when we choose to interpret their opinions in the worse kind of light.
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or when we allow ourselves to respond without determining what was actually said. this may also be a good opportunity for us to reassess what kind of language we use. do we express ourselves in a way that allows norwegians as a whole we represent it and to allow all people to belong to it. in 1945 the author said as we say again today, it's no longer about me, from now on it's about we. your majesty, your royal highness, it has been some dark days that are now behind us. there are more ahead of us. we have to continue to care for those that are affected in the months and years to come. we have to continue to develop
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democracy. the norwegian people have responded to calculated outrageous acts with compassion from the heart. one sentence has been etched into our national consciousness and transmitted around the world, let us make a commitment to embody the auf girl, if one man can create so much hatred, imagine how much love we can create together. prime minister stoltenberg.
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your majesty. your royal highness, mr. president. the norwegian people must put the ultimate test on july 22. the map has torn us under, the compass shattered. each and everyone of us has to find our way through a climate of shock, fear and devastation. it could have gone very wrong. we could have got lost. but the norwegian people found their way. out of our darkness, we returned back home to norway. today i want to express my
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appreciation of that. we are still a country in mourning. we have buried our dead from the government quarter and from utoya. and waking from hospital beds, many are crying, hearts of bleeding. we will continue to comfort those who mourn. to take care of those that are struggling. honor the dead. but now it's also time to say thank you. i would like to thank his majesty, the king, his royal highness, his crown prince and the whole royal family for the warmth and compassion they have shown. i would like to thank those for
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willingness and ability to stand together at a time when the nation needed unity. there are many more to serve or gratitude. the police and fire and rescue services, health personnel, the armed forces, the civil defense, the norwegian church and other religious and belief communities, volunteer organizations. they provided a valuable assistance on the government complex and on utoya. the employment of affected industries, and the hotel, and all of those around the lake that took action. many of them put their own lives at risk. on sunday, august 21, we will pay tribute to their courage at a national memorial for all of
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those directly affected. and all of those who have helped. i would also like to express my gratitude for the kind words and condolences from all over the world. from letters and flowers and messages on facebook and other social media. we as a nation felt no longer alone, this has given us strength. but my biggest thanks go to the norwegian people. who took responsibility when it was most needed. who retained their human dignity, who chose democracy. and foremost amongst them are the young people. the labour youth league came under fire, but a whole
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generation has mobilized in sorrow follow protest. july 22 generation are our heros. and our hope. this means that we can look to the future with renewed confidence in our fundamental values. and with a hope and commitment of greater tolerance will continue to grow. this time of mourning has made many of us pause and think about our positions and attitudes. reflect on our thoughts and words. and what we said unwritten. in hindsight after the tragedy of 22 of july, we may realize
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that we sometimes express ourselves differently. and we should choose our words more carefully in the future. i will from this podium ask people not to engage in a witch hunt. the solidarity we have shown in these unreal days we can all learn something from this tragedy. we may all need to say, i was wrong. and we should all be met with respect. this is equally true in everyday conversations and in the public forum. it applies to politicians and editors and in the canteen at work and on the internet. it applies to everyone.
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as politicians we promise that we will take the spirit of july 22 with us when we start up normal political activities once again. we will show the same wisdom and respect as the norwegian people have done. with freedom of speech as our weapon, and in the best traditions of this chamber, we will ensure that human dignity and security win over fear and hatred. we owe this to the norwegian people.
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>> your majesty, royal highness. 77 people lost their lives in the terror accident in oslo and on utoya. the deceased are, and here follows the roll call. 23 years old. 56 years old from oslo.
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61 years old from oslo. 33 years old from oslo. 14 years old from drummond. 17 years old. 43 years old. age 18. age 17. 19 years old from nestonden.
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18 years of age from songlongen. 18 years and from oslo. 51 years of age. 51 years old. 15 years of age. 16 years of age from bardu. 18 years of age from yverik. 23 years old from georgia.
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15 years of age. 18 years of age. 19 years old. 26 years. 17 years old from thrompan. 17 years old. 27 years of age. 15 years old from tokap. 25 years of age.
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28 years old from surda. 17 years old. 19 years old from halmar. 17 years of age. 15 years old from tromlen. 19 years old. 18 years old. 16 years old.


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