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tv   Washington This Week  CSPAN  August 13, 2011 2:00pm-4:10pm EDT

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pass pro-life initiatives. i led the fight. that is not just doing it the same. it is doing it. [cheers and applause] >> you have an opportunity today to send a message that iowa doesn't want what new york and the media and the rest of them want that iowa can govern consistent with our constitution. thank you, and god bless you. [applause] ♪
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♪ >> well, ladies and gentlemen, it is now my flows introduce our next speaker. and she has an thumb contagious to everyone around her. ascended to the iowa senate and quickly rose to become lieutenant governor last november. since taking office, she has spear headed so of the most ambitious educational and tech in a logical advances in years. her tireless and unending optimism make her an outstanding voice for the republican of iowa. she understands budgets and has never forget at any rural iowa
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values she was raised with. welcome me in join me in welcoming lieutenant governor kim roons. >> good afternoon and thank you to the thousands of iowans who have ventured here. today all eyes are on aim -- aims, iowa. i could not be more excited to be here today with governor braham sted. we have not had a sitting republican iowa governor at the straw poll since 1995, and what a breath of fresh air.
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>> today it is my honor to stand before you in ames and do the work our party entrusted to us. we will engage in spirited debate with one another, that i believe reflects the fundamental rights of freedom of speech and freedom of assembly and vision by our forefathers. most importantly today, we exercise our right to petition our government for redress of our grievances. three years into the obama administration and the list of grievances grow long. it was once said that the presidency is more than just policies pushed, initiatives launched, and wars won. it was said the presidency is a
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stewardship, a trust, a commitment to sacrifice, anything needed in the service of this nation. today, as we begin this great contest and the race to find our nominee for president of the united states, let us stay true to our causes, faithful to our principles, and steadfast in our belief. we are the party of personal liberty, limited government, and opportunity and responsibility for all americans. [applause] the challenges our country faces call for more than just a competition. the challenge demands a leader. a politician is someone who makes promises, promises of hope and change. 6 a leader is someone who
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delivers results. in the last election, we were promised change. but the only changes we've seen are an increase in unemployment rate and a decrease in the debt rating. it is time for action. it is time for results. [applause] our country needs real action from a leader now more than ever. we need action on policies to create jobs for the almost 14 million unemployed throughout our country. action to reduce the size and the cost of the federal government that takes in $1.5 trillion, and yet spends $3 trillion. making these policies a reality will take a leader doing what a leader does. setting priorities, making
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tough, even unpopular decisions, and staying the course until the end. this last election republicans picked up more seats than in any other election since 1938. [applause] >> yes. that is something to rejoice. in that election, the people of this great nation sent a loud and a clear message. stop the unsustainable spending and the outrage of debt that is mortgaging the future of our children and our grandchildren. stop the overreaching, intrusive and constantly growing government. we have been entrusted to take bold action. and we must stay true to our charge, because the country is restless, and they expect results. i'll reminded of a boobling i
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read recently "the battle" that all across the country and especially right here in iowa in small towns and big cities, in farms -- on farms and in factories, two visions for america are being presented to this nation. one nation that is backed by hollywood a-listers, media moguls soonched called intellectuals attempt to convince us that our budget deficit can be solved by more taxes and spending. that government is not the problem but that government is the answer. the ore vision, our vision, understands that freedom to exceed cannot exist without the freedom to fail. that freedom, yes.
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that the freedom and ideals we know, love and value in america provide a foundation for us to be able to bounce back and to overcome failure, to be resilient in the face of adversity. the country as teddy rose velt stated, treasure those that spend themselves in a worthy time. those that at their best know the triumph of high achievement and at their worst, if they fail, they fail while daring greatly. our vision understands that growth in government always comes at the expense of freedom. our founders fought, sacrificed and died for liberty, not government programs. [applause]
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there are indeed two visions, but there is only one correct path for our country's future. it's our america, that has defended liberty around the world and has become a beacon of hope for all freedom-loving people for more than 230 years, it is to survive again. we must deliver results. we know in successes if our country grows, so, too, does our standard of living. successful businesses lift up all america, and we must promote a free enterprise system, because it is a system that understands there are no limits. [applause]
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regardless of who prevails here today, we must defend our vision. because it is the heart and the core of the american dream, and it is what sets us apart from other nations. we must ban together, because we share ideas, hopes and dreams. we must not be deterred, because what is at stake is varietyly important. we must ban together and refuse to do anything but leave our state and our country better than we found it. let us ban together and fight for what we believe is needed to keep our nation strong, free, and prosperous. so stand strong. thank you. god bless you, god bless iowa and the united states of america. [applause] >> let's give an iowa welcome
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to the iowa energy forum. >> ladies and gentlemen, the following are iowa citizens speaking about the importance of america's energy security. >> my feeling has always been we are short. people talk about it. i don't think we're short on energy. i believe there's enough energy on the soil and in the oceans to supply us for many, many years, and we don't even know how much is there. >> it's very important to the state of iowa. one in 11 people of the state of iowa receives a paycheck because of the trucking industry. and the trucks for delivery of good delivered on a daily basis. not only for the trucking industry, but for everybody in the united states.
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energy is important to our livelihood. it's important to our economy, and it needs to be the number one priority among lawmakers and decision makers. >> what's important is if we're looking at where our source of crude oil, where we get it in the world that we look first at what's in america. my unit was in charge of all transportation within afghanistan. it was a huge, huge contract. and we relied almost solely on fuel that we got through pakistan, so there were oftentimes when that fuel supply was interrupted. and it really makes a huge impact on you. you realize how important stst when it stops flowing. so to have a consistent source of fuel for the nation as well as for our military. >> as i understand our keystone
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of trying to build a pipeline from canada to texas to refineries so they can move some of this oil from canada, and then we would get the benefit from it. because most of the canadians oil is -- somebody's got to run and make a touch down and let's get the pipeline in. >> it can bolster a strong economy and create jobs in iowa. for more information visit iowa energy >> good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, i'm jack, president and c.e.o. of the american petroleum institute and sponsor of the iowa energy forum. we represent more than 470 oil and natural gas companies across the nation. we're responsible for 7.7% of
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all our economic activity. and today we support over $9. -- over 9.2 million american jobs. [applause] we believe with good, sound energy policy that there are many more jobs yet to create if given the opportunity to do so. i want to be downtown welcome you here, today to the kickoff to the 2012 campaign. the candidates have been crossing the state, seeking your sufment and -- your support. and later today your votes will be talentied, and it will begin the start of this race, determining who is up and who is down. it's a deciding precursor some of you will feel next month when the hawkeyes come together
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here at the stalmt. >> now as much as we love football and politics, and i am sure you know both are contact sports, my interest today is not to support an individual candidate, but to stress the tee -- key role it flaze our lives and the key role it can be creating the jobs. it doesn't say how much we pay at the pump or how we handle foreign lands. it's about powering our economy. it's about creating more american jobs and getting this country moving again. you may not be aware of how important engineering is for this great state of iowa. on a per-person basis, your nation is the fifth largest
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energy consumer. that's why iowans are leading the way in our energy sector in exciting new directions. today the hawkeye state is the epicenter of tomorrow's energy technology. capitalizing on more than 1100 turbines, iowa leads all states by producing 20% of your electricity through renewable wind energy. [applause] and i'm sure it goes without saying but i'm sure you're also well aware that iowa is the leading maker of ethanol. ethanol production is surging in our economy, in this country. the u.s. is now a growing exporter. we've exported more in the last four months than we did in the prior 27 months in this country. we believe that with the right
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policies we could produce 92% of all our liquid fuels we need right here in america, and ethanol is a key part of that equation. [applause] our industry is the lead buyer of ethanol. and it may surprise you to learn that the oil and natural gas industry is a leader in developing alternative forms of energies and fuels. in fact one of every five dollars invested in low emissions technology comes from the natural oil and gas energy. as the consumption has increased, so has natural gas. these renewable resources are
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sensitive to changing weather. the oil and gas industry today in the united states supports 9.2 million american jobs. including the 59,000 employees we have here in iowa. regrettably, government overregulation is preventing our industry from adding millions of jobs to our economy. we could create a half a million jobs just by opening access to currently off-limits. and i'm sure many of you heard for the past three years we've been waiting for the state department to approve the keystone x.l. pipeline that will grant us access to the to
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the reserves which would create 500,000 american jobs. in fact this pipeline will import half of what we currently use, coming from -- our neighbors and allies to the north want to sell us their oil, but they need a pipeline to do it. this is an historic opportunity that we should capitalize on. but i'm unfortunately fearful that due to politics, we might squander this opportunity. b.p.a. is also getting in the way as many of you here well know. it's pursuing an aggressive regulatory agenda that discourages so -- right now it's to the point of dis --
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couraging this will pat freeze on our manufacturing sector and put at risk 7.3 million american jobs. these are but a few roadblocks that have prevented the american oil and gas industry from adding jobs right here in our economy. i hope that what i've said will remain in your minds. how will those seeking your support harmonize the need for economic growth with environmental protection? what will they do to unleash our energy sector and to grow our workforce and our economy? these are the questions the next president will have to answer. these answers are what can make a difference between the economic standstill we face today and the prosperity we all desire for tomorrow.
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thank you-all for this opportunity to talk about our exciting potential to create jobs and help a u.s. come the -- please visit us at the iowa energy forum tent. we'd love to meet you and answer any questions. thank you very much. [applause] >> please direct your attention to the stage as we prepare for texas congressman ron paul. [applause]
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♪ thank you. >> thank you very much thank you very much. it's great to be here. looks like a very exciting day. and we're delighted with the way things are going. [applause] the one thing about our campaign. it's been identified with one particular word, and i'm very proud of it. we are identified with the cause of liberty. [applause] i'm convinced that liberty and an understanding of that and a constitution can bring us peace and prosperity. [applause] but today i'm going to emphasize something slightly different than just the cause of liberty. because there's something that proceeds liberty, and that is life. [applause] i believe in a very limited
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role for government, but the prime reason that government exists in a free society is to protect liberty, but also to protect life, and i mean all life. [applause] i want to tell a very short story, because time is short, about how i came to be very strong right to life. when i was in medical school in the 1950's it was a non-issue. it was assumed everybody was pro life and abortions weren't to be done. in the 1960's when i was a resident studying ob/gyn, the doctors in the medical centers were defying the law in doing abortions. this shook me up. one day i walked into the operating room and they did a history rot my and lifted out a
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baby that was crying and breathing and put it in a bucket in the corner of the room and let it die and pretended nobody heard it. that was rather disturbing. but as i walked out of that room because i was a student and observer, i walked out of the room and a baby about the same size was born prematurely. and all of a sudden 20 people, nurses and doctors all rushing around to save the baby's life, which seemed very logical. but my conclusion that very day is you can net have relative value for life and deal with that. we cannot play with that decision. all life is precious. [applause] if we are to defend liberty and
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allow people to spend their money as they want and go on the trips that they want and run their lives as they please, you have to understand where that liberty and life comes from. it does not come from the government. it comes from our creator. [applause] but there's a lot of ways you can defend liberty. in many ways, in a personal way, in intellectual way. in a religious manner. but also, as determined as i am to promote the cause of pro life and making sure that governments don't slip off to defeating life and taking life, one of the most atrocious positions this country could have, and that is where government will come along and
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take money from those who strongly believe in pro life and commit abortions with that. that should be reversed. [applause] being pro life can be extended and pro liberty even into all ages. yes, it is good to be pro life, and we must be pro life, or you cannot be pro liberty, the way i understand it. but i also think it's being strongly pro life if we work very hard to have a policy when those young people, those babies that are born, when they come to age, those lives are just as precious and they are never forced to fight in undeclareible, unwinible wars. [applause]
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i find it very difficult to protect liberty if you don't truly understand what the patriot act is all about. i understand. i was in washington with the great concern on the day after the day of 9/11, but the patriot act is an attack on our liberties and the fourth amendment. it does not solve the problems that we face. not when you take liberty away from the american people. [applause] if you want to think about the issue that comes about if you get careless about the protection of liberty, that the patriot act along -- if we
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tolerate that type to interfere with our lib i we have to be -- you can not repeal in order to say yes, we can give up a little bit of our freedoms to be safe. you never have to give up liberty to be safe. [applause] and foreign policy has been a big issue in our campaign, because the country is tired of the war. and we're all so broke. the wars have been going on for 10 years. they are undeclared. they are fought under international banners, nato and the united nations, and we don't see an end to it. but it's also costing us a lot of dollars, those trillions of
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dollars should have been left in the economy to build jobs and prosperity here at home! one other symbolism of a failed foreign policy is what we did in iraq. we went into iraq. we were supposed to go into iraq to get al qaeda. there was no al qaeda. we went in there to get weapons of mass destruction. there were no weapons of mass destruction. today one half of the christians have been run out of iraq. we have not done a good job. and now they are closer to the iranians than they have ever been. but symbolically i want to tell you what was done in iraq. we built an ambassador there. the embassy is as big as the vatican. and just recently the d.o.d.
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budget authorized the employment of 17,000 people to work in this embassy. that is not the way to achieve prosperity [applause] there's something you have to do because we have importance if you want to understand economics and process parity, you have to understand monetary policy and the mischief of that and we have to change that. [applause] in order to attract investments and capital into a country, you cannot have the weak currency.
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we inflate endlessly which means we print money to pay for the debt. it goes to the stronger countries. now we have the greatest debt in the history of the world and we ow $1.4 trillion to china and we wonder why we have a problem. you have to have a strong currency. there's nothing wrong with us reconstituting the constitution because only gold and silver can be legal tender. [applause] also you have to have the proper environment for companies to bring their moneys back home. you can't have a money bring money or park money overseas and double tax them and charge
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them 35% again, that's changing , around it would be a good idea to get rid of all this income tax and corporate taxation. [applause] and of course with a strong currency and with a change of the tax system, you also have to deal with the regulatory systems. we have to shrink the size of the federal register. we need a lot less regulations not more regulations. [applause] it is said that those of us who promote the free market system, that we don't care about regulating those ruthless, big
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corporations, but just think about how the sound economy would regulate those companies and banks -- stopping the debt on the american people, causing the unemployment and causing the little guy to lose his house. [applause] the problems are very large. they are very difficult. the solution is not complicated if you understand how we got into this mess. basically we got into this mess because we have lost respect for our law of the land, the constitution, and we have lost our thumb for freedom. that we, ourselves can take better care of ourselves, and predict our money and lives and
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our children's education >> much of the work has done better without government down our backs and in our freems, it's time we restore freedom back to america. [applause] and we have that opportunity. before start -- people are starting to recognize. people are accepting the argument that the economy is now in shambles, and there was a housing bubble, and there's been a collapse of the housing bubble. the american people now by a large majority are saying we've been overseas too long. we need to protect the our borders and forget about the borders in afghanistan and pakistan. [applause] time to bring the troops home.
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[applause] there is no argument that is viable to say that we have to keep troops in south korea. they've been there since i was in high school. they've been in japan since world war ii. they've been in germany since we need a boost in the economy! -- they have been in germany since i was in high school. we need a boost to the economy! >> [applause] if we got in this trouble by a lack of loyalty to our law and constitution, it is not that difficult. all we have to do is restore the bleeping freedom and restore our conviction that the constitution works. it would take a while. but it might only take a year.
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we're into the fourth year of this recession. yes. we got in this trouble by not having respect for the constitution. we can get out of this trouble by respecting the rule of law in sending them by defending the constitution and thank you very much. [applause] ♪
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>> and now a special message from strong american now. >> i'm mike, i'm a granddaughter and retired c.e.o. i'm not a politician. i'm just worried about what we're levering for our children and grandchildren. you see in the last four years washington racked up $1 trillion of new debt. it's a staggering amount that stifles our economy. i have a proven solution that can end waste and deficit spending with no new taxes. please go to strong america now to learn more. [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, our next speaker is someone who needs no introduction. but right now, as we look at what a successful november conservatives had all across the country, we were successful
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because we stood up and showed the voters of this nation and the road isers of iowa that there's a clear difference between the majority and there's no one that embodyies the spirit and principle more than our congressman, congressman steve king. [applause] ♪ >> thank you. thank you all very, very, very much. you're a great crowd tie. you ever a big crowd today, and there's still cars coming in the platte. -- in the parking lot. it looks about like iowa state, iowa instead of the straw poll. you're sending a message to america. that message is we have a first chance to be able to give a boost to some candidates and give a recommendation to the rest of the country. this matters the first in the
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nation straw po. if the straw poll is effective and it is, you ever making it effective today, that means the caucus will also be effective. if we ever lost first in the nation a caucus, then it would be down to every man and every woman wouldn't have the opportunity to be president of the united states again. it was the person with the deepest pockets. the campaign that could paint a shaking their hand and -- this is important. when i was a young boy, i remember asking my father, dad, could you be president? and he looked at me and said, i supposed if i wanted to be. i want that always to be the case. for every little boy and girl in america. i want them to always grow up believing their mom or dad
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could be president if they wanted to be, and if america chodse them, and i want every little boy and girl and child is that aspiring to any position in this country whether it's public office or any other form of purpose, this has embodied thank you for everything you're doing to make it what it is today. [applause] >> now we have some things we need to do. there's some things we need to do from a policy standpoint. a lot of you know what i think, but i want to go down through the list of this and touch a few things. one is we're looking today at a national debt that is $14.3 trillion. if we do no, in 10 years, it's $28 trillion. if the proposalal passed two or three weeks ago is successful, it's only $26 trillion.
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how do you feel? not very good, and if we stick with the ryan budget, it would be another 16 years before the budget balances. and pass the bailout budge et -- budget that agrees with the constitution. and while we're doing that, we need to put some other pieces in place. one is we've got to get this economy on the move again. i will tell you that the markets are closed today and they'll be closed tomorrow. but i can tell you how we can get those markets to jump up 1,000 points at the opening bell on monday. now i know i have your attention. here's how the works. the president of the united states needs to set up his podium out there on the south lawn of the white house, and
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what i'm typing into the teleprompter for him -- [applause] i want the president to step out on the podium, and i want him to say, you know i've been meditating and seeking counsel and praying and come to a conviction. john mainer cane was wrong. -- john boehner was wrong. changing economics is wrong. you cannot borrow money from the chds and give it to people who aren't working and ask them to spend it in this economy and think you're going to stimulate an economy with a chain letter. you're not. >> i want president obama was wrong and adam smith was right. i want him to say now that i've
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come to this conviction, i'm here to tell you i'm a one-term president. now you know how the markets will jump up 1,000 points on monday if he does that. he would say i'm going to embrace and endorse the republican nominee because that's the freedom and free market liberty party, one that 30 years ago ronald reagan asked this question of america. are you better off today than you were four years ago? the answer of course was no. we sent jimmy carter home and elected the greatest president of the united states. [applause] and the question is you asked whether you're better off.
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but there's a more important question. there's something more precious to us. that's our freedom and our liberty. i will ask you do you have more freedoms today than when obama was inaugurated? more liberties? >> no. >> do we have more prosperity or jobs today? >> no. >> do we have more hope today? >> no. >> and what did obama do with the change? he spent that and every dime he could get his hands on because he's an a canesian economist on stareds. he also makes chavez look like a piker when it comes to international business. three large investment banks aig taken over by the federal government. chrysler, fannie mae and freddie mac, all that nationalized. the takeover rftroift sect --
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he likes that word, audacity, the single most sovereign thing we have is our soul. and we protect this with everything we have, and we nurture our children to have the same core faith so they protect their sovereign soul as well. but the second most sovereign thing we have is our health. our body and obama care. he nationalized your skin and everything inside it. and he put a 10% tax on the outside if you go to the tanning salon. o'bamday care has got to be ripped out by the roots. obamacare is a malignant nurem
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our society and civilization and it's got to be ripped out by if roots so there's not one particle of d.n.a. of obamacare . obamacare has got to go. [applause] and i want that repeal. the repeal of obamacare to be fight number one in every presidential campaign so that the next president of the united states when he stands on the podium january20, 2013, i want that next president, he orshow she, to pass with this swear, i will faithfully execute the office of the united states and will to the best of my ability reserve,
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protect and defend the constitution of the united states, so help me god. [applause] and before the next president shakes hands with chief justice roberts, i want him to sign the repeal of obamacare right there at the inauguration ceremony, january 20, 2013. thank you very much. god bless you all! [applause] >> please direct your attention to the stage as we prepare for former minnesota governor, tim paw lenty. [applause] >> it's nightfall in america. tonight millions of american families and businesses are struggling through an american disaster. >> always going to be bucks across the country.
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>> across the countrymen and women are facing hard times. here's where we can put a proven record into action. here is where true leaders lead by example and make the lives of citizens better. with a renewed vision of patriotism. this is where a real leader provides real solutions, for health care, balancing the budget, and for growing a more -- accomplishments and the ability to preserve and protect the fundamentals. here is where we prove that american independence is alive and well. >> for 235 years we've taken
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the road less traveled. the road of liberty. the role of self-government and free enterprise. >> our founding fathers created it. our ancestors founded it. and now it is up to us to preserve it. generations from now, it will be said the american comeback began here in iowa. [applause] >> our new beginning. our road begins today. right here. right now. [applause] ♪
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>> thank you. thank you. thank you so very much. thank you. thank you very much. i appreciate it. thank you. i hope that you'll give a great iowa welcome to the fosmer first lady of minnesota and my two daughters, anna and maura. [applause] >> i want to thank you for being here today. thank you for loving america and thank you for your patriotism and thank you for being on this journey to take back our country from barack obama. [applause]
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30 years ago on this very day, august 13, ronald reagan, one of the greatest presidents in the history of our country signed the economic recovery act into law. it was knighted in that time of our country, massive revenue growth. massive job and and as we face similar challenges today, we know what to do, don't we? [applause] we know what america needs. but unfortunately, barack obama has absolutely no clue. he is like a manure spreader in a wind storm. [applause] about four years ago, barack obama came through iowa. he convinced the democrats of
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this great stite catapult him towards white house. and they did. but today's the day that republicans in iowa, independence in -- independents in iowa and conservatives all across this country send the message that barack obama's got to go. [applause] >> he's been talking a lot about the full faith and credit of america's death death. barack obama should put his full faith and credit in the american people. [applause] >> now the way forward may not be the easy way, but it's not complex. as we look over the history of this great nation, we know what works. we can see the lessons of america's greatness and bring
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them forward to the challenges of our time. and here they are. let's be a nation that puts its trust in god first and foremost. [applause] number two, we know, this don't we? we can't spend more than we take in. [applause] and we also know as we watch him going across the world, apologizing for america, denying or ignoring america's k3e7pingsalism that we make sure our president will maintain the peace by maintaining our strength. [applause] and we're going to send the message from iowa here today all across this great country, and it's what i hear from
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hard-working and concerned americans experiencing the heavy-handed economic results of barack obama? the mess >> mr. president, get the government off our backs. [applause] >> let's get a start on that agenda. first, mr. president, repeal obamacare. [applause] number two, mr. president, please come before the country and tell us why you oppose a constitutional amendment to balance the budget? we want it, and the country deserves it, and you should support it. [applause] and i also want to share with you and many other republican
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c57bd dats here and in the race, they are wonderful people and they have a great vision for network in deciding who you are going to support in this race. many republican candidates are going to say the same thing. they are going to say i'm the one who will cut government spending. i am the one who will reduce taxes. they say i am the one who will stand for the cause of life. they say i will stand for traditional marriage. they say i am the one who will do health caret. he came through iowa with the great speeches, and the big rhetoric. but now we know this, don't we? his rhetoric doesn't put gas in our car, does it? and barack obama's relate rick doesn't pay our mortgage, does
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it? and barack obama's rhetoric doesn't pay our health care premiums, does it? and barack obama's rhetoric doesn't put our children through college and pay the tuition and doesn't give us a job, does it? >> no. >> is it time for barack obama to go? but for us, too, it's got to be more than words. we've got to deliver. and so i stand before you as a candidate who sticks his claims to iowa and here today on large part that i don't just talk about it. we get the job done for minnesota and more america. [applause] so if you look at my record in minnesota, you can see we took spending from historic highs to
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historic lows. we cut taxes in my state over eight years and did it -- we advanced the cause of life and traditional marriage in historic ways. we did public employee pension reform. before it was cool and popular to do it in the rest of the country. those kinds of results, not just talk, is what america needs now. i also want to tell you doing that in minnesota ising? that's very interesting and important to know. we need to not just preach to the choir and make sure we have a candidate who can win in places like kansas or oklahoma or some of the other great states in this country, alabama and georgia. he can come up to iowa and
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wisconsin and pennsylvania and take the conservative message and urgeos to win and get this country back. i won and got re-elected in one of the most difficult states to be a republican, minnesota, and i'll carry those states as a candidate for president. [applause] the way forward may not be, but america can overcome challenges, as you know. valley forge wasn't easy. settling the west wasn't easy. winning world war ii, for sure wasn't easy. going to the moon wasn't easy, but this is not about easy. it's about getting our country back on track. this is the united states of america. we are the american people. [applause]
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the founding fathers created it. ronald reagan personified it. abraham lincoln stood courageously to defend it. and now the call comes to each of us in this time as our country again faces great challenges. this is the greatest nation the world has ever known. if we stand courageously to defend it and move barack obama and put the country back on track, we will have done our duty. he is a government for the people, by the people, we will remain the greatest country the world has ever known and our country will not perish from the earth. [applause]
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so i want you to do everything you can in the closing hours of the straw poll to get support to my campaign. i want to look you in the eye and tell you i know what this country needs and understand our conservative principles. i am not just going to stand up here and give you the word. you can take it to the bank. i will lead this country to a better, brighter, a stronger place. thank you very much. i appreciate your support. [cheers and applause] ♪
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[cheers] [crowd chants] [cheers and applause] >> that is tough to compete with. good work. our next speaker has been thinking -- has been an incredible advocate for iowans
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and republicans. he still goes back to the form every weekend and understands that midwestern work ethic. that is the hardest working center in the entire united states senator, chuck grassley. ♪ >> we are going to beat obama next year, aren't we? [cheers and applause] i have a question for president obama. after 2.5 years, when are you going to start taking responsibility for your policies
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instead of making excuses? [applause] because it seems like speech after speech or news conference after news conference, you are always blaming somebody else and. yes, mr. president, maybe you have accepted when you took office bad economic and fiscal times, but i want you to know, mr. president, by any measure of the economy orthoscope policy, you have made every statistic worse. [applause] so, we are here today to elect new leadership. we are here today to listen to they andidate ass
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propose policies to turn our economy around and leadership that will accept responsibility for their actions. we need a president of uncomp romising integrity. thanks to the voters and especially to the tea party members. i get it. congress gets it. [applause] no excuses. when will you get it, mr. president? [applause] we are here today because as americans we believe in beter. we are here today because we believe in the principles that made america great. we know that freedom cannot be taken for granted. it must be defended and it must be protected. the simple truth is that since
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2008 our worst suspicions have been confirmed. president obama's hope and change is nothing more than the failed and discredited big government policies that have been the enemies of freedom all over the entire world for centuries. the battle is on. [applause] the battle is on. iowa welcomes the outstanding leaders here today who are fighting to maintain america's x factionalism.. -- exceptionalism. our nation, our culture, our economy, our governments are built upon the principles of freedom that are unique are around the entire world. ourica's founders formed
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national heritage based upon proven principles derived from constructive values, founded upon biblical convictions. [applause] that foundation will preserve america, and without it, america will fail. the original contract, our constitution, promised a limited federal government. is the same today as it was a originally, except for time to time, it might be amended by the american people. of our sacred mission is to preserve the constitutional principles that made our country great and to advance the cause of liberty. we believe in freedom, and we will fight to protect that
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liberty and freedom. [applause] now, three years later, we are into the obama presidency. the economy is still sputtering. we have added $4 trillion to the national debt, anemic economic growth has unemployment higher than 9%, excessive government spending and regulation, plus the constant threat of higher taxes and more of the same or even worse have choke holds on our productive, free enterprise system and not creating jobs. now, has the leader of the free world lost sight of the american dream? the united states has grown into the world's largest economy through ideas, innovation, and
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instinct. for generations, self-starters, risk takers, and hard workers have clamored to climb the ladder of economic success through the mobility that it allows. mr. president, redistribution undercuts the core principles of free enterprise [applause] the promose made in 1776 to pursue life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is what makes the american way of life the beacon of hope for the rest of the world. of course, the word "light" includes the unborn. [applause] the truth is that under this
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administration, america is losing its way. instead of honoring and instead of cherishing america's exceptionalism, washington has backed away from it while demonstrators in the arab world are trying to reach out and gain more freedom and a voice in their government. and to do away with the oppression and tyranny. it is time for our president and a president in the future who believes in america is ambition and in america as a vocation again. we need a president who has deep faith in liberty and individualism and freedom. we need a president who understands the power of example toreat the rest of the world. we need a president who knows
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that tomorrow can be better if we put america's first principles first. america cane what be if we once again had a strong president. today and in the months ahead, as home to the first in the nationa caucus system we have, let's make clear to the entire country for them to hear our message that comes out our caucus system, make sure that message is heard loud and clear. you deserve better. you decided. let's get to work. thank you. [applause]
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>> ladies and gentlemen, we now have a special message from the executive director of the national rifle association. [applause] >> it was a 17th century writer who suggested to take a piece of straw and throw it in the air. you may see with that which way the wind is. iowa's straw poll is the biggest. thank you for participating in this event and our democracy. as the winds begin to stir, let this day marks the beginning of a storm that blows of the occupant out of the white house door in 2012. he will be facing us. if we all do our part, you can take our victory to the bank.
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we have to work together, and we have to win. the issues we face demand 8. from surrounding or pour southern border to capitulating to the united nations, our government has lost its integrity and the face of the american people. all of the white house press conferences in the world will not change that. but we can change it, and we will, starting today. endowed by our creator and due to all human kind, our liberty lives in the second amendment, the fundamental right that separates us from other nations on earth. that freedom makes us better in other countries, stronger, and we will stand up to all of the government's failure and corruption and defend our rights and our nation.
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it starts right here in iowa right now. it ends i;n the white house in 2012 with a new president that wakes up every day with a commitment to our values, our constitution, and our american freedom. i know you are with me. our members believe in defending freedom. thank you for all of your support. have a great straw poll. keep fighting for freedom every single day. >> please direct your attention to the stage as we prepare for minnesota congresswoman michele bachmann. [cheers and applause] ♪ >> our american heartland, a place where life and liberty is celebrated. hard work and sacrifice is
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rewarded. gods the good grace is accepted as a loving gift. six generations ago, a hard- working norwegian family settled to begin a new life. their legacy continues today. michelle learned and lived the lessons of her ancestors. work hard and overcome every obstacle. her name is michele bachmann. >> it was a very simple life because we did not have a lot of money. there was a standard of living that we followed -- being honest, truthful, and doing what you say you are going to do. i started out in waterloo. we had this all but two-story house that we were living in. my parents rented out the second floor to get rent money.
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i felt very crowded growing up and secure. we were happy. >> she helped to provide for her family even during those tough days. she never lost sight of her dreams. >> my mother told me i should become a secretary because she saw that it was a secure job. i wanted to go to college. >> she went to college and started a family. she went on to earn a degree in tax law and served as a tax attorney for the united states government. they were blessed with five children and decided to become foster parents. over the years, they would open their arms to 23 children who needed a loving home. michele led an effort that successfully reformed education
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in minnesota. >> i knew that everything would change in our society if we did not get education right. i was so highly motivated and that i really believed you could change city hall and banquets chosen by her neighbors, she quickly earned a reputation as a tireless conservative leader that got things done. in 2006, she was the first republican woman elected to the united states congress from minnesota. michele bachmann stood up to nancy pelosi's liberal policies. this a leader from america's heartland fight for our freedoms guaranteed by the constitution, believes that we can restore american prosperity, and has a face that we can overcome any obstacle because we always have.
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michele bachmann for president. [applause] ♪ [cheers and applause] ♪ >> thank you very much. hi, everyone. good to see you. god bless you, every one. we are going to do 8. it is going to happen. 2012 is hours. we are going to take it back in 2012. [cheers and applause]
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all of the greatness, the energy, all that we need to do to take the country back in 2012 is right here in this room in ames, iowa. we are going to do it together and take it back. [cheers and applause] my name is michele bachmann and i am running to be the next president of the united states of america. [cheers and applause] and together, we are going to make barack obama a one term president. [cheers and applause] from one iowan to antoher, iowa will be the pace car to set
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the tone and pace for bringing this country back for the greatness itwas meant. it is iowa where we will see the greatness once again begin. i am so thrilled with what i have seen. our campaign is 48 days old. i have been all across the four corners of iowa and all points in between. i was born and raised in waterloo and cedar falls of. in this wonderful part of our state, what i saw were reasonable, fair-minded people who loved me, poured themselves into me, and that is the voice i heard growing up. common sense and moral values. that set the tone.
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everything i needed to know in life, i learned in iowa. [cheers and applause] my mother and father taught us to always love iowa. iowa is the breadbasket of the world bank and we feed millions of people from iowa. be grateful. i have always been grateful that i am an iowan. i believe it is time to have an house. in the white in the last 48 days, as i have been everywhere from spencer to storm lake, to you name it, we have been there, and ames as well. what we have seen is a restoration of that dream. you have restored in me my faith
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in america. i see on the television destruction all across the country, but inot in iowa. i see happy, confident, optimistic people. their crops are growing. we have a wonderful season. people are more energized than ever before because they know we can do this. if we stick together, they know this will happen. they know we can secure the promise of the future for our children. how do i know is that? because i have seen wonderful people who believe this. they believe that life is precious, and that from conception until natural death, we stand for human life. that is iowa. [cheers and applause] and all across iowa, i have
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seen a marvelous appreciation for a marriage, as one man and one woman. [cheers and applause] you showed the world when you did not retain those three justices in your last election. [cheers and applause] and as president of the united states, i will only appoint justices who followed the constitution and do not legislate from the bench. [cheers and applause] this is important. it is fundamental. it is foundational because the family is the foundation of a unit of this country. with the family, we are everything. without the family, how do we
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survive? we need the family to go forward. now -- [cheers and applause] people say, and that is unrealistic. it is absolutely essential that we maintain the family. i thank god for family. my parents were married here in waterloo, iowa. my parents, unfortunately in later years, divorced. i was raised by a single mother. we went to below poverty overnight, but my mother said it will not always be that way. it is going to get better. one thing that i learned from my great family is that we did stick together. that was a great life lesson, we are thae i saw that
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social conservatives and we will never be ashamed of being social conservatives. [cheers and applause] we understand that religious liberty is the essence and a foothold of this nation. we should never be ashamed or afraid of the faith that this country was founded upon. i think god for the religious faith that my parents taught to me. i thank god -- a [applause] i think god for what he has done. god has mightily put his hand of blessing upon this nation. we can never think that we did this ourselves. it was almighty god who gave this to us. [cheers and applause]
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we are social conservatives. we are fiscal conservatives, and i am one. i am a former federal tax lawyer. my husband and i started our own successful company. i get it, how to turn the a economy around. we think it is a good idea to turn a profit. [cheers and applause] and we agree with the declaration of independence which said we have the right to the pursuit of happiness. the founders designed that to be we have the right to keep the fruits of our own labor. what a concept. [cheers and applause] and as president of the united states, i will stand for life, marriage, and the right for you to keep the fruits of your
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opponent labor. [cheers and applause] -- of your own labor. nationale alolso security conservatives. we love this country. we love our brave men and women who served this country with respect and admiration. [cheers and applause] we will never forget that every day there are those who wake up in the morning thinking how they will kill americans today. there are those thinking how they will destroy the united states of america today. i am privileged to sit on the house committee on intelligence. we are a very small committee that deals with the nation's classified secrets. we must never forget that we
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always stand for the safety and security of the american people. and i will. [cheers and applause] in iowa, we have successfully maintained the chain of liberty for 150 years. my family has lived in iowa. every generation has successfully handed the torch of liberty to the next. it is if we have forged a chain link of liberty. every generation has successfully tapped the change going. now is our chance here in iowa. we get to forge a that next chain on the link eo fliberty, to make sure is not just our generation, but generations of 150 years from now that look back and say thank you for
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restoring the promise of the future to my children, thank you that you restored greatness again to the united states. that is what we will do to get their. we will stick together, stand together, do with the solomon brothers said, the famous sullivan brothers from waterloo, iowa. all five brothers gave their lives for the cause of liberty. they said, "if we stick together, we will get it done." whether we are in the tea party, social conservatives, fiscal conservatives, we stick together, and this will happen. the greatness will once again belong to the united states of america. nchpad.gan the lau [cheers and applause]
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because i know right now as i look across this arena here in ames, we are the team that cannot be beat. [cheers and applause] teh sullivan brothers of waterloo, our military men and women -- they have laid it on a line for us generation after generation after generation. they have laid it on the line for us. now it is ours. we will not let the next generation down. we too will lay it on the line, and in 2012, which will take the country back. join the. i am headed over to the voting booth right now. come with me now because i am going over to the voting booth to cast my vote. i am asking for your vote to be
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the next president of the united states to take your voice to the white house spending god bless you! god bless the united states of america! i love you all. god bless you! i love you! thank you so much! i love you! ♪
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>> it is the time when we are looking for leaders in washington who will run to a fight instead of running away from one, we have someone in iowa who is doing that very same thing. how important it is to have conservative voices in washington. he is taking on a fight to make sure that we defeat them next
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november. tom needs your help, and we are going to do it. we need the conservative leader in washington. he will continue to be that great voice in iowa. congressman tom latham. ♪ [applause] >> thank you very much. thank you. what a great day to be in iowa. what a great day to be the people who will decide who gets to be the next president of the united states. it is a beautiful day. as a representative, welcome to the fourth congressional
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district. [applause] let me just get a show of hands here, folks. how many of you think that your parents, your forefathers and mothers, gave you a better opportunity than what they had? how man y of you > how many of you believe today that if we continue the policies of barack obama, of the liberals in congress, the spending, the regulatory nightmare that we are putting our country through, how many of you believe that your children and grandchildren are going to have a better life than you had? i do not see a hand in the place. that is why it is critical of what you do today here. i know each and every one of us
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have their favorite candidates. but we always have to keep in the mind the end goal, and that is to make barack obama a one- term president. [cheers and applause] because i will tell you having watched what happened in the last congress, when you had total control with barack obama in the white house, nancy pelosi as speaker of the house, harry reid as the majority leader, you saw what happened. you saw what their agenda is, to only spend more money in washington, to have more control in washington. when you look at over $1 trillion stimulus bill that they passed, cap and trade that would regulate our energy industry out of business, the health-care bill that was jammed through,
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that is their agenda. larger government, more control, more spending. we understand as conservatives. we understand that it is the people that make the difference in this country. is the people's country, the people's government. i think what has got us motivated today is everyone believes that no one in washington is listening. there is nobody there that really brings the concerns of the american people to the table. when you look at the liberals and seek the expansion of government and control, and we all know that the larger the government is, the smaller the citizen. we have to change the. weekend with this first step that we have here today in ames, iowa. this is a great start. we are seeing numbers that we
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have never seen before. it is fabulous. always keep in mind what tghe goal is. bring back prosperity for our country, opportunities for our children and grandchildren so they can have a better life than we have had. thank you all for being here. god bless. [cheers and applause] >> please direct your attention to the stage as we prepare for the michigan congressman thaddeus mccotter. [applause] ♪
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[applause] >> thank you very much for the kind introduction. you know, when they told me they were going to play the video, i was a bit chagrined because in my mind's eye i have a full head of hair. [laughter] but, as children of god, we realize our limitations and our mortality. but as a free people, we must
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always recognize the greatness within us. this generation of americans has a choice to make. we can focus on the jeopardy, or we can seize the opportunity. we can seize freedom. our nation was conceived as a revolutionary experiment in liberty and self-government. today, we are called to conserve and improve that experiment at the very time all around us we are seeing self government and liberty expand. when we look at our economy, we see stagnation. we see the effects of institutions, be thehy the
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federal government or the failed bailout banks on wall street that think they are more important than you. that believe they are too big to fail. they are wrong. [applause] the only thing too big to fail in the united states are the sovereign american people. [applause] and that is why i have no doubt that you recognize the future is not big government. it is self government. [applause] and that you will seize the
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opportunity to undo so much of the damage that has been done under the obama administration and under the past democratic majority in the congress. and this is simply why. we know we live in a period of time when you can at your laptop computer seek sources of information from anywhere you wish and use that information to make a decision. we know that with a black. in the palm of your hand you can communicate around the world to talk to friends, family members, or to make a purchase. we understand that today, in your lives, you are being empowered to make your own
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decisions to -- yet we see one entity that refuses to recognize the reality around us. that is big government. today, we live in what is known as a consumer economy. that means you make the decisions, the investments, the purchases. that is called a free market. we cannot have the big governmetn model that is highly centralized, highly vertical, taking your decisions, taking your property, and centralizing it in washington. that is called the politics of the past. that is why i would ask my fellow republicans that when any democrat tells you they are progressive, please correct
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them. ive. are regresses [applause] because of big government, the welfare state created that reached its zenith under clinton johnson when i was born in 1965, is non-sustainable in 2011 in a globalized world. [applause] that is why the government must be restructured for the 21st century. it must not be merely shrunk or cut. it must be restructured the same way businesses and families have had to restructure their operations to be competitive in a global h. bahut [applause] -- in a global age. as we well understand, the
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fallacy of the welfare state is it tends those who are self- reliant to trade their liberty and property for false state benefits and the security. we know that a passionate country takes care of those who cannot help themselves and who need assistance to get back to self-reliance, but as we restructure government, we will never again ask a person who already has the self-respect of a job, the self-reliance to ever become dependent upon government because you know that you cannot and power an individual by making them dependent on how another person. that is wrong. [cheers and applause] speaking of the dependents, let us turn our eyes to the failed bailout banks on wall street. you know, we heard the concept of too big to fail.
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we know as a practical matter, the bailout has not worked. we know that because we know that for the first time since the great depression you have sink credit contract in the united states. that means no matter how much tax relief we do, no matter how much regulatory relief that we do, no matter how much energy policy we do, this economy will remain stagnant until the banks are forced to recapitalize at their expense so the credit gets down to the entrepreneurs and workers that will grow this economy in the near term and shape it for the 21st century. [applause] . more importantly even than that, you will reaffirm as a free people that we all are equal sovereign citizens, and you should not pay for the failure of those banks out of
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the hard work and fruits of your labor. [applause] as you grow and shape this a economy, as you restructure the federal government, you will also be asked to address the reality that we will remain and are a nation at war, that we have brave men and women in uniform defending our liberty in foreign lands, and it is heartbreaking to know that we cannot bring them home as quickly as our hearts wished them to be. but make no mistake. as someone who has met with them, both at home and abroad, as someone who has met with the families of the fallen and tried to cover them as best i could, they are quite proud of what
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they are doing to defend you. and they are rightfully so. because, my friends, the american military remains a force for moral code in the world because in order to secure our liberty, our young men and women in uniform are expanding liberty to others. [applause] and we will not abandon in a precipitant manner the fruits of their hard work. we will not abandon those individuals who believe that lady liberty when she said she would give them a chance to enjoy the same god-given right to freedom that we enjoy here in our republican. we must also face another challenge. we have to accept the reality that communist china is a
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strategic threat and a rival model of governance to the united states. [applause] and the reason as the party of recon and lincoln, we understand. as a free people, we understand our liberty which comes from our creator is the foundation of our security and the foundation of our prosperity. the communist chinese regime in beijing that butchered my generation in the streets of t an immense square believed that human liberty is a threat to prosperity. they are as wrong today as the soviet union was wrong in the 20th century. i will not seek the 21st century --
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or tries to culturally commit genocide against the people of tibet. [cheers and applause] my fellow citizens here at home, i will not allow, as a free and sovereign citizen, your sovereignty, your god-given right to riase your children as yous ee fit, to engage your community to seek the common good. i will not allow that to be impaired by an imperial bureaucracy by the federal court or the united nations or any outside entity. [cheers and applause] you are the masters of your
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faith. and youa re the custodians of the legacy of liberty that we have been bequeathed. now, in a difficult time, you are asked to transcend the challenges that we face. there are many who asked whether or not the best days of the united states are behind her . there are many who wonder -- big government, the big wall street banks, our terrorist enemies, a regime in beijing that seeks to own and dominate the 21st century, or outside embassies that want to tell you how to live. some people ask do i matter anymore? well, as the party of lincoln
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and reagan, we know the answer to the question is this. you matter more than ever. you matter more than ever because -- [applause] because in your hands rests the true hope for change for the unit states. you understand that the lambeau liberty that you cradle in your humble hands will be bequeathed to future generations, that we will conserve and improved the free republic that we have inherited. despite the challenges we face, despite the difficulties,
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despite some of the doubters, you will trod that hard road to happier times because you understand, above all else, that the true strength and the salvation of the united states remains for a free people and their virtues genius and industriousness and the unfathomable grace of god. that is why you understand, very simply, what washington and the obama administration refused to admit. this feature is now. the future is u. you will build a virtuous, purposeful, productive republic for generations to come. is lucky enough to be nominated, if honored enough to serve in the office of the presidency, i will not work for the pundit. i will not work for the bundlers.
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i will not work for the powerful. i will work for the people. i will work for you. god bless you. god bless the united states of america. [cheers and applause] ♪ >> we have the following message from the american wind energy association. >♪
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>> please direct your attention to the stage as we prepare for mr. herman cain.
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>♪ >> hope and change ain't working. we do not need to rewrite the constitution. we need to re-read the constitution and in force the constitution. ♪ america one voice, we stand
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i am america one hope to heal our land this is the work that must be done i will not rest until we have one i am america ♪ >> arise, shine, and the glory of the lord has risen upon the. herman cain. ♪
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>> the founding fathers did their job. we have to do our job and be the defending father. >> i love you. all right, they did not give me much time. thank you, thank you, thank you. we are america. we are the greatest nation in the world. and we do not have to apologize for it either. [cheers and applause] i do not have to tell you about the problems this nation faces, so i and going to spend my few minutes talking about how we solved this mess. [cheers and applause] we have become a nation of
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crises. we have an economic crisis, and entitlement spending crisis, an energy crisis, an immigration crisis, a foggy foreign policy crisis, and we have a moral crisis, but most of all, we have a severe deficiency of leadership crisis. [cheers and applause] the people of this great nation -- they are tired of excuses. they want responsibility and leadership. the people of this great nation are tired of the blame game spending they want results. result we can get with the right person in the white house. [cheers and applause] our economy is stuck, not growing. our economy has stalled simply because this administration does
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not recognize that the engine of economic growth is the business sector, and once we get that engine going, this economy will begin to grow. we need to lower the corporate tax rates. we need to take the tax on repatriated profits to zero. we need to take the capital gains tax to zero and make all of them permanent. [cheers and applause] uncertainty is killing this economy. it is killing this nation. we have an entitlement spending problem. we can no longer tram all around the edges. we must restructure these programs, such that this nation will go from being an entitlement society to an empowerment society. let's empower people.
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empower businesses. [cheers and applause] we have an energy crisis because of our dependency on foreign oil. there is a way to solve it. you do not solve it by going to brazil and other countries, saying that america is going to be their best customer for oil. we will be our own best customer. we are going to drill, coal, gas, shale, all of our natural resources. america will be its own best customer. we have an immigration crisis. one of the reasons there has been little progress as because one of the things you learn as a business person and a problem solver is make sure you are a
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working on the right problem. in this case, we do not have one problem but four. this is how the cain administration will attack illegal immigration. first, secure the border for real. secondly, promote the path to citizenship that is already there. let me tell you what the solution is for immigration. we have a path to citizenship. we do not need a new one. do you know what it is? legal immigration is the path to citizenship. the third problem is to enforce the laws that are already there and number four, the government
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cannot and will not deal with it the issue, so what i believe we should empower the states to do with the federal government does not doing and let them deal with the illegals that are here in this country. empower the states. empower the states to deal with their problems. we have a foggy foreign-policy coming out of washington, d.c. i have been criticized because i have not had any direct foreign policy experience. the guy we have there now has? [laughter] helped me understand that. i may not have an extensive foreign-policy experience, but let me tell you what my approach
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to foreign policy will be. number one is, clearly identify who our friends are. clearly identify who our enemies are. and stop giving money to our enemies. [cheers and applause] #two, before i commit any of our brave men and women in uniform to go to war on behalf of this nation, i will make sure that the mission is clear. i will make sure that the definition of "victory" is clear and i will make sure that it is clear how it is in the best interests of the united states and that particular nation, because if i send our men and women into more, they want to be in it to win it which is why we
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need to be clear why we are there. [cheers and applause] we have a moral crisis. there are people who want to take god out of our culture, the founding fathers understood the importance of godly, biblical principles. there are some people who want to ignore the declaration and the constitution. i happen to believe that the founding fathers got it right. they got it right when they say, "we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are in doubt by their create your -- creator." and i will never leave that statement out of the declaration
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of independence -- "endowed by their creator." "they are endowed with inalienable rights and among these are life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness peacoat life from conception. -- pursuit of happines." life from conception. in pursuit of happiness based on determinatino. there is no department of happy in washington, d.c. my parents achieved their american dream is the old- fashioned way. they worked for it. i know that is a novel idea, but they worked for it. they achieved their dream is the old-fashioned way.
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one of the reasons i am running for president of the united states is because i have achieved my american dream and then some. 12 years ago, my first grandchild was born. when i looked into the little space for the very first time, the thought that went through my mind was not, "what do i have to do to make sure she gets a good education?" or "what do i have to do to make sure she gets a good start in life?" the first thought that went through my mind was, "what do why do to make this a better nation and a better world/" that was 12 years ago. when i saw president obama take office and watched the weakening of america, i knew the voice i
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heard 12 years ago meant that i had to use my skills and abilities to do something about this nation and get it off the wrong track and put it back from the right track because the american people, we the people, this giant has awakened and it is not going back to sleep. [cheers and applause] the people of this great nation are sending a message to washington, d.c. the message they are sending to washington, d.c., is that they are ready to embrace a problem solver and not another politician. they are sending a message to washington, d.c., that the precious thing that we call liberty, we are not going to let
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it go. just like the founding fathers did their job and they were inspired a by what i call the spirit of america, it is that same spirit that has this nation, its citizens, willing and ready to take back its government. no one expressed the challenges that we face better than the giver himself when he reminded us that freedom, never more than one generation away from extinction, you cannot pass it on in the bloodstream. what must be fought for, protected, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and grandchildren what the united states of america used to be like when men
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were freed. i am not going to have that conversation with my grandkids, and i do not think you want to have that conversation with yours. [cheers and applause] the people of this country have spoken loud and clear. on our currency it says, "in god we trust." in the fourth verse of our national anthem, "the star spangled banner," it says so again. we need to put united back in
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the united states of america, the greatest nation in the world. [cheers and applause] ♪


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