tv Newsmakers CSPAN September 11, 2011 10:00am-10:30am EDT
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>> today, as you look over the walls of remembrance, we want to share with you these words. "turn again to life." "if i should die and leave you here awhile, be not like others so long undone who keep long vigil by silent dust. for my sake, turn again to life and smile. die trembling hands and do something to help others. complete these der unfinished chances, and therein may i comfort you."
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>> may god bless the heroes we lost on 9/11, the brave men and women who responded so courageously, the heroes we have lost since then defending our freedom, and the men and women today who risk their lives here and abroad to risk their freedom. no words can help the broken heart of a nation except those of a poem called "the names." it was written by a u.s. poet laureate. it was dedicated to those.
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"names etched on the head of a pin spanning a bridge undergoing a tunnel names of citizens, mothers, and fathers the bright eyed a daughter, the sun. an alphabet of names in a field names lifted from a havt or balanced on the tip of a tom -- tip of a tongue so many names there is barely room on the walls of the heart."
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william feehan francis jude feely garth erin feeney sean b. fegan lee s. fehling peter adam feidelberg alan d. feinberg rosa maria feliciano edward thomas fergus, jr. george ferguson henry fernandez judy hazel fernandez julio fernandez elisa giselle ferraina anne marie sallerin ferreira robert john ferris >> and with a greater honor and a sadness, my aunt, a flight
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attendant on flight 11. >> and my father. we love and miss you, daddy. david francis ferrugio louis v. fersini michael david ferugio bradley james fetchet jennifer louise fialko kristen nicole fiedel samuel fields alexandra filipa michael bradley finnegan timothy j. finnerty michael curtis fiore stephen s r fiorelli, sr. paul m. fiori john b. fiorito john r. fischer andrew fisher bennett lawson fisher
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>> and my uncle, gerald. we miss you more than words can ever describe. >> my brother-in-law, timothy. we miss and love you always. gerald fisher john roger fisher thomas j. fisher lucy a. fishman ryan d. fitzgerald thomas james fitzpatrick richard p. fitzsimons salvatore fiumefreddo christina donovan flannery eileen flecha andre g. fletcher carl m. flickinger
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john joseph florio joseph walken flounders >> i read it today on behalf of my brother, patrick, and my cousins, thomas collins, and of other firefighters. >> and for my father. my little sister turns 20 today and daddy would be so proud of you. david fodor michael n. fodor stephen mark fogel thomas foley david j. fontana chih min foo godwin forde donald a. foreman christopher hugh forsythe
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claudia alicia foster noel john foster sandra n. foster ana fosteris robert joseph foti jeffrey fox virginia fox >> dennis michael edwards. >> and my beautiful daughter and her beloved husband, peter. rest in peace, my beloved. pauline francis virgin francis gary jay frank morton h. frank peter christopher frank colleen l. frasier richard k. fraser kevin j. frawley
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clyde frazier, jr. lillian inez frederick andrew fredricks tamitha freeman brett owen freiman peter l. freund arlene eva fried alan wayne friedlander andrew keith friedman >> and my husband, jack, who proudly serve our city for 32 years. we all love you and miss you. with a lot of help, i am holding down the fort. they all of you be at peace. >> and my dad, ronald. we love you and miss you every day. you live on through your granddaughters whom we teach to always hold the door open for others just like their grandpa did that day.
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[applause] gregg j. froehner lisa ann frost peter christian fry clement a. fumando steven elliot furman paul furmato fredric neal gabler richard samuel federick gabrielle james andrew gadiel pamela lee gaff ervin vincent gailliard deanna lynn galante grace catherine galante anthony edward gallagher daniel james gallagher john patrick gallagher >> and my uncle. we love and miss you. take care of mom for me. >> and our son, edward.
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your dad, your wife, your children, and your three sisters, we all miss you and love you. we will never forget. lourdes galletti cono e. gallo vincenzo gallucci thomas e. galvin giovanna galletta gambale thomas gambino, jr. giann franco gamboa ronald l. gamboa peter ganci michael gann andrew garcia ceasar garcia david garcia juan garcia marlyn del carmen garcia christopher s. gardner >> it to my father, i miss you.
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>> and to my father. we love you and miss you. your grandkids, alex, then, and so be it just started school. let's hope they teach them everything that you taught us. douglas benjamin gardner harvey j. gardner iii jeffrey brian gardner thomas gardner william arthur gardner francesco garfi rocco nino gargano james m. gartenberg matthew david garvey bruce gary boyd alan gatton donald richard gavagan, jr. peter alan gay terence d. gazzani
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gary geidel paul hamilton geier julie m. geis peter g. gelinas >> and my beautiful sister, susan. we love you and miss you something horrible. we know you are watching over us. until we meet again. >> and my husband, arthur jones iii. we miss you every day, but you must be so very proud of julia, a charlotte, harry, and joseph. we love you. steven paul geller howard g. gelling peter victor genco, jr. steven gregory genovese alayne gentul
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linda m. george edward f. geraghty suzanne geraty ralph gerhardt robert gerlich denis p. germain marina romanovna gertsberg susan m. getzendanner james g. geyer joseph m. giaccone vincent francis giammona >> and my brother, kevin. we miss you. >> and my mother, arlene. we miss you and love you. your spirit lives on in your children and grandchildren. memories of you have powered me to be a better person, more loving and compassionate. debra lynn gibbon james andrew giberson
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brenda gibson craig neil gibson ronnie e. gies andrew gilbert paul stuart gilbey paul john gill mark y. gilles evan gillette ronald lawrence gilligan rodney c. gillis laura gilly john f. ginley donna marie giordano jeffrey john giordano john giordano >> and my partner, gramm. >> and mine brother. i named my son after you to honor your memory. on behalf of all family and friends, we will cherish all of the memories we shared and look forward to the days we meet again. not a day goes by that we do not
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think of you. we love you, miss you, and will think of you always. steven a. giorgetti martin giovinazzo kum-kum girolamo salvatore gitto cynthia giugliano mon gjonbalaj dianne gladstone keith glascoe thomas irwin glasser edmond glazer harry glenn barry h. glick steven glick john t. gnazzo william robert godshalk michael gogliormella >> man my father. i love you. >> and my beautiful husband and
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proud father, david. we love and miss you. we live every day in your honor. i love you, david. jeffrey grant goldflam michelle goldstein monica goldstein steven goldstein andrew h. golkin dennis james gomes enrique antonio gomez jose bienvenido gomez manuel gomez, jr. wilder alfredo gomez jenine nicole gonzalez mauricio gonzalez rosa gonzalez lynn goodchild calvin j. gooding
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peter goodrich harry goody >> and my father, james. we love and miss you. you will never be forgotten. go blue. >> and my father. we love and miss you, dad. i hope i can play a round of golf with you. kiran reddy gopu catherine c. gorayeb lisa gordonstein kerene gordon sebastian gorki kieran joseph gorman thomas edward gorman michael edward gould douglas allen goyell
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yuji goya jon richard grabowski christopher michael grady edwin j. graf iii david martin graifman gilbert franco granados lauren grancola elvira granitto >> and my brother-in-law, fet and why rescue -- fdny rescue 1. your wife and entire family love and miss you every day. this world as a lesser place without you. >> and my big brother. joseph.
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we love you and miss you. 10 years, but it is still not easy. your family loves and mrs. you. you would be proud of your family. give pops a hug and a kiss. thank you to all the workers who got today ready for us. winston arthur grant christopher s. gray james michael gray tara mccloud gray linda catherine grayling john m. grazioso timothy george grazioso derrick auther green wade b. green wanda anita green elaine myra greenberg donald green
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gayle r. greene james arthur greenleaf, jr. eileen marsha greenstein elizabeth martin gregg denise gregory donald h. gregory >> and my nephew. danny, we want you to know that you will always be our baby boy. you will be in our hearts forever and we love you. [speaking spanish] we love you. >> and to my husband, fy11. may his soul finally rest in peace. -- flight 11. your son and i grow strong.
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goodbye, my dear friend, my teacher, and my hero. florence moran gregory pedro grehan john michael griffin tawanna sherry griffin joan donna griffith warren grifka ramon grijalvo joseph f. grillo david joseph grimner frances edward grogen kenneth george grouzalis joseph grzelak matthew james grzymalski robert joseph gschaar
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liming gu richard j. gudagno jose guadalupe >> and my hero and my father, harry. daddy, i love you and miss you. i wish you could see me now, because every day i strive to make you proud. >> in my beautiful brother, brian goldberg, whose big heart, energy, and true friendship are performing best everyday by me, mom, dad, jody, and so many of your friends. we love you. cindy yan zhu guan geoffrey e. guja joseph gullickson babita girjamatie guman
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douglas brian gurian janet ruth gustafson philip t. guza barbara guzzardo peter m. gyulavary gary robert haag andrea lyn haberman barbara mary habib philip haentzler nezam a. hafiz karen elizabeth hagerty steven michael hagis mary lou hague david halderman >> and my late husband. steve, i still see your face every single day when i look at our kids. we love you, we miss you come and will never, ever forget you. >> and my beautiful cousin, diana.
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diana, your daughter amanda has grown up to be beautiful and talented. you would be very proud of her. maile rachel hale diane hale mackenzie richard b. hall vaswald george hall robert j. halligan vincent gerard halloran carolyn b. hallan james douglas halvorson mohammad salman hamdani felicia hamilton robert hamilton carl hammond, jr. frederic k. han christopher j. hanley sean s. hanley valerie joan hanna thomas hannafin
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>> and my brother, harry. we love you and miss you. may you always rest in peace. >> and my father, sebastian, whom i never met because i was in my mom's belly. i love you, father. you loved the idea of having me. you give me the gift of life and wish you could be here to enjoy it with me. [applause] [bell tolling] [bell tolling] [bell tolling] [bell tolling] [bell tolling]
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