tv Washington This Week CSPAN September 11, 2011 6:30pm-8:00pm EDT
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in "the pittsburgh post gazette." at 10:03 a.m., 40 people died when flight 93 went down. now on your screen are live pictures from the world trade center and from the pentagon as we continue our live coverage on the 10th anniversary of 9/11. the numbers are up on the screen to talk about 9/11. the area code is 202-624-1115. if you're the ages between 61 and over, 202-624-0760. at the world trade center 2,606 people died. 87 more were on american flight 11, another 60 on united flight
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175, 10 years ago. and over at the pentagon, 125 people in the pont gone were killed that day. and 59 more were killed on american flight 77. now coming up this evening we're going to show you a little bit of the world trade center ceremony which happened this morning. president obama twhruzz, of course, as well. and we'll be showing that to you a little bit later. and then at 8:00 p.m. live coverage of the kennedy center 9/11 10th anniversary tribute show. president obama will be attending and speaking there as will members of the families of those who were killed in the terrorist attacks 10 years ago. patty jackson will perform live. and that will be live in its entirety beginning at 8:00 p.m. eastern time in evening. here are a couple of fote toes
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that we -- photos from 9/11 245 we want to show you -- that we want to show you. this is a picture of a soldier standing outside of air force one. this was in louisiana after president bush landed after taking off from florida. you can see the soldier guarding air force one. and here is another picture that was taken and this was off the wing of air force one. you can see the fighter jet cruising along air force one. both of these pictures were taken by doug mill. doug mills was with the "associated press" an he was traveling with president bush. he's now a photographer with the "new york times." but 10 years ago with the "associated press," he was traveling in the press pool with president bush. he took these two photos. he was on c-span's q&a program in 2008 talking about that day.
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>> black and white, why? >> it's in black and white, one because of the quality of the digital camera at the time was not great. it's not the same dwhalt we have now. and they just -- when i put them all together and looked at them they looked better in black and white. so i decided because of the lightning i decided to go with black and white. >> now that's probably the most famous. why? >> it was basically a trip that was going to talk about education, head start program and the president arrived at that school and by the time we pulled up to the school we had heard that there had been a plane crash in new york city. and had no idea how big it was. and then andy card during that event which is very unusual, andy card, the chief of staff whispered into the president's ear. mr. president, the aircraft hit the world trade center.
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he knows right there that this is a terrorist attack. >> did you? >> we had no idea. >> where were you travel thagget particular time, where you with the president? >> i was traveling on air force one all day. we were going do a stop in florida and we were headed back to washington. so immediately after he heard that he made this statement where he got pretty choked up about it. and the day just took off. it was just an amazing day. straight on to air force one. we were not told where we were going. nobody seemed to know where we were going. if they did, they weren't telling us. we were able to watch it from a monitor inside of air force one in the press cabin there. showing replays and we were watching on the screen, the pentagon's on fire and the world trade center is on fire. so we were watching most of it. this is here ha that the president was on the phone. the president and the mayor of new york were discussing what they were going do.
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>> what kind of restrictions are on you when he's on the phone? >> it's very rare that we were up there in the front of the cabin but because of the historic day that it was, andy card invited us to document it. we landed our first stop in louisiana. air force one was surrounded by armed guards. normally we're surrounded by greeting crowds and supporters and to get off the plane and to see a gentleman stand there with an m-16 and a rifle, not something you see every day. when we were flying on the plane we were very concerned about what's next? what is going to happen next? this was a moment which still you can't believe happened. we were flying out to nebraska through the air force base in
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nebraska and we were looking out the window and there was an f-16 and we were like, what's that doing throughout? they go, they're escorting us. it put chills through you that that's how serious it was. and they followed us all the way back to andrews air force base. and we looked out the wing and you could see the pilot of the fighter's face. >> you snapped photos from air force one? >> you cannot. they have internet access onboard. but not for the press. >> so when did you get those photos back to the "new york times"? and was there a west side at the time? >> i worked for the "associated press" during this time. >> oh, you did? >> at our first stop -- here in nebraska this was the first time that i was able to send some of the stuff. when he went to his under ground bunker, they took us to
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another room and we were able to send the pictures back then. >> what picture is one that everybody remembers the most? >> there were probably two pictures. from that day, the picture of andy card whispering into his ear is now in the history books. it's one of those pictures that people will -- when i see people that are younger than me and say, oh, you were the one that thook picture of andy card whispering in the president's ear that day, weren't you? >> and that was doug mills from fwathe on c-span's q&a program. the numbers are on the screen. want to hear from you 9/11 two years later. daisy. you're on c-span. coirl my husband is on the -- caller: my husband is in the navy. i wanted to say that my thoughts and prayers are with
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the people who lost their loved ones. and i -- hoist daisy was there any ceremonies at camp pendleton. caller: i actually don't know. i can't go anywhere. i just had a baby. host: how long has your husband been in the marines? caller: for three years already. host: lucinda, you're on. caller: thanks for taking my call. i refused for 10 years to watch anything about this subject. i didn't lose anyone personally, but the pain that was inflicted on all of us that day. i remember where i was. i remember what i did.
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i remember sobbing constantly because it was the first time -- and i just -- i was there for kennedy. but it was the first time they could think that in front of my eyes i'm watching people die. i'm actually watched people die. and my heart went out to all those souls, all the families. and i think the biggest mistake that nose the past have made that think we go down on our knees at any given knee. when you hurt one, you hurt us all. and we have the resolve to take care of things. we take care of each other. and i think that's our strongest strength. host: lucinda, where's gloversville, new york? caller: we're probably four hours from new york. it's basically rural. i was gardening. i didn't know what had happened because i was outside.
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the second plane hit the tower and i was in the library. i didn't know if the whole country was under attack. and i called my daughter. i just had to say i love you. if i can't see you again, i love you. we didn't know. so when i finally figured it all out, it still wasn't enough just to say -- i just had to tell them all those people that we love each other and that's in our hearts not. matter who we are in our differences and diversity in this country, we come from the strongest stock on earth. we're made up of everyone. so when people attack us, we're so strong. it's not going to break us. not ever. host: all right. thank you for calling in. elizabeth tweets in, i was coming in from work in charlotte and i came and turned on the tv and there it was the second plane hits tower two. i was shocked, she tweets into us. lucky in chicago.
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good evening to you. caller: good evening. thank you so much for the service that you're doing for us. i was thinking about a commercial i had seen a couple of weeks before today. people talking about the things that they were going to do to commemorate the people who died on 9/11 and then asking us as individual what is we were going to do. and one thing that i decided on was that today i would pray for the progress of the souls of all of the tragic victims and the fallen heroes of 9/11 and for their families. and at the world trade center, the panels around the footprint water falls, there are 2,8 -- i'm sorry 2,977 names of people
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who died at the world trade center and the pentagon and shanksville, plus six names of the people who died in the 1993 trade center bombing. but when i went to pray today, i found myself not praying for 2,983 souls and their loved ones but for 3,002 because the 19 hijackers were also victims on that day. they were victims of a hateful agency that viciously brainwashed them into thinking that what they were doing was heroic and that god was going to be pleased with them. and of all the hope that ascended that day, theirs were the ones that were going to face the hardship, self-judgment and the worse separation from their loving
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creator. and so i thought to myself how can i call myself a person of faith if i'm not also willing to forgive them, to care about them, to love them and to ask mercy for them from the most compassion, the most merciful? host: all right, lucky, we're going to leave it there. lucky was calling on our 31-60 line. we're going to go to pat, how are you? caller: good. i just wanted to say when 9/11 happened, i was in middle school in the poconos in northern eastern pennsylvania. and i was headed to my english class. all of a sudden every television in the school turned on at once and we had live coverage and we're told by administrators that the country
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was under attack. we did not have full details at the time. we were on code red and we were all sent home. when i arrived home me and my mother watched the second plane hit the south tower and i was in disbelief. i had never experienced anything like that in my entire life and i was far too young to understand the consequences and prepercussions of what was going on. but i knew that it was something huge because i had never seen that. and you know, it just started -- it changed america as we know it today and a lot of people talk about, you know, keeping us sache and balancing safety with civil liberties. and it's a tough -- it's a tough order to comply with. and i just want to say that my heart goes out to the troops
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who are still overseas as a result of this conflict and to tall souls that were lost. host: you're 21 today. what are you doing? caller: i'm a business administration student at a local college. and this makes me want to go into public service. i have extreme ambitions to serve in public government when i gate little older and have a better understanding. but i feel for families. i wanted to be as -- at the memorial in shanksville and in manhattan but unfortunately, i had to work. but i also feel -- i want to make a point that i have sympathy for the tons of muslim families in the united states who are totally loving, peace
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ful law abiding citizens and who were frowned upon after this event took place. and my heart goes out to them as well. and thankfully, i didn't lose anybody during the tragedy. but i could only imagine what it must have been like for the people who had a loved one affected by it to see that on live television. host: thanks for calling in, patrick. in 2001, danny hester was speaker of the house. earlier this summer american history tv which is c-span 3 did some oral history on 9/11. and the former speaker came into our studios and talked about his experience on 9/11. >> the president was in florida. so i tried to get ahold of the vice president. i had talked to the vice
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president the day before so i knew he was aaron. somebody said he's down in the situation room. they were trying to bring all the planes that were in the air and get them landed because they didn't know what was out there. and he said the vice president will call you back. between the vice president and me trying to make these calls, we couldn't get through to each other through a secure phone. all of a sudden, my phone rang on the desk. so i never picked up the phone. it was always green but i saw the ringer was going. and there was the vice president, it was the guy often the end of the line who said what in the world are you doing up there in capitol hill? taxes are too high. just started ranting and raving. whoa, whoa. i said who is this? he said never mind who this is.
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he said who in the heck is this. i said this is the speaker of the house. it was a crazy thing that would happen. but i looked frup that phone call and i saw the smoke this thing across the mall -- down around the washington monument. and i called sam who took care of my office. i said sam, there's smoke that shouldn't be there. find out what happened. said a third plane had gone into the pentagon. we were there early at 11:00 that morning. we were supposed to have a joint session of congress because john howard who was the prime minister of australia was in town. he was going to address the congress. you the house, you the senate, you have the supreme court. you the president's cabinet, joint chiefs of staff the
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diplomatic. this is not a good situation. and i don't think we better do this. so almost, unilaterally without consulting the senate, i decided that we were going to close down. that we wurnt going to do this -- weren't going to do this. so i called the house presiding over the congress, speaker pro tempore and i said we're going to close down the house, ok? there's danger out there. i think there's eminent danger. and i want you to -- we're going to have the chaplain come up and say a prayer. i'm not thinking about the expediency of doing it. so i'm walking over the house floor. just as i walk through the door of the house, there is still stuff going on. two of my security guys grab me and start moving me down the hall. i was a pretty big guy. but these guys were bigger. i said no, i'm going down to
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the tunnel. i'm in the back of an s.u.v. and we're speeding time-out the south side of washington going time-out, you know, andrews air force base. i said what in the world is going on? this is our security procedures. we're told to take you to a secure place. and so, ok. they also said we think there's a fourth plane. and of course, everybody was alert. i didn't know this because i decided to close congress down. but they were just telling people to get out, run, get away. they're doing it in the white house. they're doing it at the capital. >> that full event, interview is available on in our video archives. as we continue to take your calls about 9/11 how it affected you 10 years ago. next call comes from kay. 31 to 60 line.
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hello, kay. caller: thank you for your excellent coverage of all the memorial today. i just wanted to kind of give my thoughts. live in a little community of less than 10,000 people and when 9/11 happened and all the bombings, it was as though an entire, not just my community but an entire country came together because -- like for instance, all of the u.s. flags were out and i remember vividly right after 9/11, you couldn't go anywhere to any store and we have a big wal-mart here and they were totally sold out of american flags. everybody had a flag out. and it didn't make any difference whether you were catholic or protestant or jewish or even muslim.
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we were all praying for people of new york and the pentagon and shanksville and, you know, the people on the flight. and it was as if an entire country came together. but -- ands did not know anyone personally that was in the towers or in the pentagon or, you know, etc. but they were all americans. and that was what was important . and we all came together as americans. and i'm not going to apologize because i'm getting choked up because from my opinion, we should feel that pain and that hurt because we lost so many lives that day, because that's what keeps their spirit alive. that's what keeps their honor alive in us. ok.
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host: all right, kay. thank you for calling in. you can see it's twilight in new york city. that's a live picture of ground zero area. greta is calling from georgia. how are you? caller: hi, how are you? thank you for taking our phone calls this evening. i'm a native new yorker. and i was there during that time. and i remember that day so, so clearly. it was a beautiful morning it started out as beautiful morning. host: where were you? caller: i was actually at work. i had been an officer for 20 years. i was on reichers island at the time. you can imagine not being able to get off the island and my first thought is, oh, my goodness where is my son on his
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second week of first grade and i thought about all of these children who is' parents went out to work on the very same day, mothers and fathers. and my son was also responding. but my thoughts today are with the children. they never really got to know their parents. and my thoughts are with them today. and i hope that for me in my age group, it changed america as we knew it. it changed my sense of security, the way we traveled, some of the things that i teach too much to my children who weren't even born that day. and i have three children of my own. i see the faces of the children who have been documented.
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some firefighters children who weren't uniform staff, just children of parents who went to work that day. and i think about them even. today because i'm not in new york because i'm thinking about it more an more. and i also think about -- those 40 people who were on the flight. and how courageous they were to stand and do something. caller: why did you move to georgia? >> i had more children and i wanted more space. i miss it more during this time. and i've been here for three yearing but this is the first time not being in new york during this time. so maybe i feel a little yor whelmed my stories. but new york is resilient.
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we came together no matter where we were. we helped one another prayers and support from all over the world. we didn't just spin silk, we helped each other in time of deet. that -- host: he or she tweets she show be a national holiday. please go ahead. caller: yes, i wrote a poem. it's called the 9/11 poem. and i was performing at the hotels that day. the road was rough, the wind was thin. my mind was flooded with the places i'd been. i missed my home, family and
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friends. the pf shouted about the art ache so sad. i'm playing hypocrite were down on their knees for the first time in years. a employee for forgiveness of adultery and green as they watch their love ones die on the street. they talk about children not knowing the truth of where they'd be going for the rest of their youth. oh, god save the country. bring back the innocence we had. back when rocco was painting for the eventing post. the little white house, the grandmother flitsing the cast and the mouth. and liberty and justice were both still alive and now it's all gircht. aloof and estrange our innocence gone our life
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rearranged with duct tape and plastic we hide in our homes and wonder and cry for our freedom now gone. young love on the porch swing. the bible untouched. the fatherless baby. the widow unlovered, the measure of purity goes unlock. iraq and iran, syria, seffing, israel, ireland, south american and reese. fear rung high. stop all the killing, stop all the hate. start laughing and loving don't create our favorite. enjoy a sweet dream, sing songs of meadow and mountains and teams are. host: you know what, john, we appreciate you giving us a taste of your poetry. that was john in somerset, pennsylvania who was calling in. thank you very much.
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well, tom daschle was the senate majority leader in 2001. he also came in for our american history project and talked about his evaluation from the capital 10 years ago today. >> right at the time this was happening, a capital policeman said, we're getting out of here. i need everything to come right now. there was a mad scramble immediately after the capital building. i saw a young staff. i even saw sarah carrying a couple of books and having some difficult walking quickly but nonetheless evaluating as we are all attempting to leave the building not sure where all this was going lead. let me go back to the moment where you saw it do you remember whab your senators said?
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>> the their presence was a sense of disbelief and a sense of real concern that there had to have been a connection between what we were seing there and what we had just seen on tv. what was the connection and how was this all understood. i think there was tremendous confusion, a high, high degree of anxiety, a very palpable fear that something unusual in the extreme was going on. >> when you heard a plane was heading for the capitol, what did you think? >> we, at that point, i think the first thing most of us felt the need to do was to think of our own personal safety and that was, in part, what led to the
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mad scramble out of the building. the odd thing was, that we had no clue as to where we ought to go. and i remember just like you'd see in the movies with the s.u.v. i was in spinning its wheels and screeching out of the capitol, tearing out of the capitol grounds, and hearing my detail, i had a security detail at the time, instructing us to drive around until further orders could be established. it wasn't long after we literally drove with no appreciation of where we were going, to the capitol police building. we were taken to the first floor of the capitol police building, which is near the capitol campus, and taken to the fourth floor, and they pulled the shades down, which i always thought was an odd thing to do,
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and then, of course, our first and most immediate concern was to try to connect with our family. the cell phones weren't working, so we all stood in this rather lengthy line, all the leaders were taken there, house and senate, republican and democratic, and i can recall feeling almost like a refugee, standing in a line waiting to get my turn, to use the land line to call my wife. >> now you've heard from former speaker hastert and former majority leader daschle about their escapes from the capitol on that day, or their evacuations from the capitol. dick cheney, and his new book writes that senator robert byrd, former senator byrd, who was president pro tem purin 2001, refused to be evacuated and simply went home. that's in dick cheney's new book. back to your phone calls on 9/11.
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david in hagueerstown, maryland. you're on c-span. caller: i want to thank all the previous callers. they touched all the stories to my heart. this morning, i had the privilege to attend the shanksville, pennsylvania, dedication memorial for this day. i took my grandmother up there who is a member of an organization who helped fund the money to have this memorial built today and to be asked the question about how it affected our lives. i guess, before i didn't know any of these people, any of the victims, so it only affected my life as far as fear until today when i had the moment to sit there and listen to every name be called out and the bell are rung, it touched me, personally, as an american, to see the grievance and all of the people from everywhere. there were people from wisconsin. from all overple
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this country that was there supporting everybody at shanksville, pennsylvania, and to see the spirit through every single american people. i didn't just see white people or colored folks, but muslim folks, asian folks, and everyone could come to that location regardless of the circumstances and stand united as one. the crowd was at least 2,000 people, 3,000 people there. host: thanks for sharing your experience with us. orlando, florida. hi, richard. caller: hi. first i want to send my condolences to all the families that were involved, the victim and the victims' families and the fire department on that day did a great job and i don't want to sound like i'm second guessing them, but what i was wondering was why didn't -- a lot of the people on the top floors were jumping out of the windows of the world trade
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center to their death. why didn't they put nets around the perimeters of the buildings so they could jump into the nets. host: thanks for your comment, richard. this morning at the world trade center was the ceremony, the reading of the names. president obama was there, as well. we want to show you some more of that and at 8:00 p.m. live is the 9/11 tribute concert, president obama will be speaking there. that's at the kennedy center and it will be live at 8:00 p.m. here on c-span. right now, we're going to take you back to the world trade center from this morning.
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>> 10 years have passed since a perfect blue sky morning turned into the blackest of nights. since then, we've lived in sunshine and in shadow and although we can never unsee what happened here, we can also see that children who lost their parents have grown into young adults, grandchildren have been born, and good works and public service have taken root to honor those we loved and lost. in all the years that americans have looked to these ceremonies, we have shared both words and silences. the words of writers and poets have helped express what is in our hearts. the silences have given us a chance to reflect and remember. and in remembrance of all those
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streams shall make glad the city of god, the holy place of the tabernacle of the most high. god is in the midst of her. she shall not be moved. god shall help her just at the break of dawn. the nations raged, the kingdoms were moved, he uttered his voice, the earth melted. the lord of hosts is with us, the god of jacob is our refuge. come behold the works of the lord, who has made desolations in the earth. he makes wars cease to the ends of the earth, he breaks the bow and cuts the spear in two, he burns the chariot in fire, be still and know that i am god. i will be exalted among the nations.
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i will be exalted in the earth. the lord of hosts is with us, the god of jacob is our refuge. >> they were our neighbors, our friends, our husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, children and parents. they were the ones who rushed in to help. 2,983 innocent men, women and children. we have asked their families to come here to speak the names out loud, to remind each of us of a person we lost in new york, in washington, and pennsylvania. and they each had a face, a story, a life cut short from under them. as we listen, let us recall the words of shakespeare, let us not measure our sorrow by their
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works, for then it will have no end. >> gordon ama, jr. merrill abag. >> marie rose abag. >> andrew anthony abatchay. >> lawrence christopher abell. >> alana abraham. >> william abrahamson. >> richard anthony aceto. >> bernard ackerman. >> christian adam. >> donald leroy adams. >> patrick adams. >> shannon lewis adams.
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>> steven george adams. >> ignatius udo adonga. >> christy atong. >> joshua todd aaron, we miss you and love you forever. you're always in our hearts. >> and my sister, marney capito batista, we love you and we miss you. >> terrence edwards atlee jr. >> sophia b.ado. >> lee adler. >> daniel thomas. >> emanuel aquasy afaqwa. >> joseph adnelo. >> david scott agnes.
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>> alberto agiar jr. brian ahern. jeremiah joseph ahern. >> joanne marie alatiotis. terrence andre aiken. >> trudy m.aljero. >> andrew, almerro. >> and my uncle, firefighter dennis kerry sr. we miss you, we love you, and your light and love shine through your three beautiful grandchildren. >> and my uncle, dr. lee alan adler, we love and miss you. >> margaret aulario. >> darren albert. >> john leslie albert.
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>> jeeda alderman. >> jacquelyn frederick. >> barrett aldreg. >> eric allen. >> joseph ryan allen. >> richard dennis allen. >> richard l. allen. >> christopher e. alingham. janet marie alonzo. >> edison alvarado. >> antonio alvarez and my uncle, james jr., we miss you. >> and my beautiful daughter, laura angilletta. we love you, we miss you. [speaking italian] >> alver.
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>> caesar. >> tareese. >> angela. >> james m. amratto. christopher charles amiarosa. >> calisto ania jr. >> joseph p.ankundia. yvette constance anderson. michael rorke andrews. >> my best friend, my mentor and my father, michael george achinski. if you had a chance to meet by little brother, you'd be proud. >> and my big brother, richard xavier aria naueh. >> joseph john angelina jr. >> david lawrence angel.
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>> mary lynn angel. doreen angasani. >> peter paul apollo. >> acino apostle jr. >> frank thomas aglinno. >> patrick michael aaronose. michael george arinnski. >> louis arena. >> barbara jean, arstety. >> adam p. arias. >> michael j. armstrong. >> last but not least, one of the best ballers in the world, mr. james aldfred, we love and miss you dearly. >> my daughter, dominique lisa pandolpho, we love you. >> jack charles aaron.
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>> joshua todd aaron. >> richard avery aaronau. >> mavra aaronson. >> jesse aureus. carl frances. >> michael aziac. >> michael edward asher. >> janet marie ashley. >> thomas j. aspin. >> manuel astimbe. >> rick atlas. >> cheryl thomas adwood. >> james. >> louis avasano jr. >> ezra abdilla. >> sandy aala. >> arlene babakeithis. >> and my dad, michael bass. >> and my sister, melissa yvette
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white. we love you, we miss you and we'll never forgive you. >> john j. -- robert j. bearwalter. >> brett t. bailey. >> garnet bailey. >> catiana. >> michael bosch. >> catherine bantis. >> gerard baptist. >> walter baron. >> gerard barba. >> paul vincent bar barboa. >> victor daniel barbosa. >> i'm here today in honor of my father and port authority employee, james william barba.
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>> and my uncle and godfather, firefighter matthew barne, forget me in forget-me-not. >> david michael bartway. >> matthew barnes. >> melissa rose barnes. >> patricia barnes. >> evan j. baron. >> renee barrett. >> arthur sadduous barry. >> diane barry. scott v. bart. >> carlton v. bartle. >> guy barsby. >> ina. >> and my father, kenneth william cesniky. >> my brother, jasper baxter, we
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love you, you'll never are forgotten. >> paul james battaglia. >> david bower. >> yvonne lewis battista. mark lawrence davis. >> jasper baxter. >> lorraine j. bay. >> michelle beale. >> thank you for your courage, todd m. beamer, let's roll. >> paul frederick bateeny. >> james s. beady. >> allen anthony beesen. >> lawrence ira beck. carl john. >> michael ernest beakman. >> maria barr. >> it is an honor to say my brother's name. christopher edmond lunder, who,
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with his sparkling blue eyes and infectious smile is greatly missed and deeply loved every single day. >> and my father, colipsa aniya jr. we love you. >> debby bellows. >> steven elliott belson. >> paul ben detti. >> brian craig bennett. >> eric bennett. >> oliver bennett. >> margaret benson. >> dominick j. berardi. >> james patrick berger. >> steven howard berger. >> john p. bergen. >> alvin birdsong. >> daniel david bergstein. >> graham andrew barkley.
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and my brother, my best friend, paul frederick betiny. miss you, love you, your girls are doing great. give mom a kiss for me up there and let me give a shout out to men and women who have built this memorial and to our first responders and our military. thank you all very much. [applause] >> my brother, anthony edward gallagher. we love you and miss you. >> donna m. berno. >> david w. bernard. >> william h. bernstien. >> david beret. >> david shelby berry. >> joseph john berry. >> william reid besky. >> caroline mare buhj.
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>> edward frank beya. >> paul michael bayer. bella bacan. peter alexander beesfield. >> william gee. >> and my brother-in-law, steven howard berger. we all miss you and there's not a day that goes by we don't think of you. >> my brother, william reid besky. we will always remember you. >> mark bingham. >> carl vincent beanie. >> gary eugene bird. >> joshua david birnbaum. >> george john bishop. >> chris romeo bashunda. >> jeffrey donald.
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>> president lincoln not only understood the heartbreak of his country, he also understood the cost of sacrifice and reached out to console those in sorrow. in the fall of 1864, he learned that a widow had lost five sons in the civil war and he wrote her this letter. dear madam, i have been shown in the files of the war department a statement of the general of massachusetts that you're the mother of five sons who have died galoreuously on the field of battle. i feel how weak and fruitless must be any words of mine which should attempt to beguile you from a grief of a loss so overwhelming but i cannot refrain from tendering to you the consolation that may be found in the thanks of the republic they died to save. i pray that our heavenly father
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may assuage the anguish of your bereavement and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost and the solemn pride that must be yourself to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the alter of freedom. yours, very sincerely and respectfully, abraham lincoln. [applause] >> my name is peter negron. my father worked on the 88th floor of the world trade center. i was 13 when i stood here and read a poem about how much i wanted to cry. since then, i stopped crying but haven't stopped missing my dad. he was awesome. my brother had just turned 2 when he passed.
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i try to teach him all the things my father taught me, how to catch a baseball, how to ride a bike, and to work hard in school. my dad always said how important it was. since 9/11, my mother, brother and i moved to florida, i got a job and i enrolled into college. i wish my dad had been there to teach me how to drive, ask a girl on a date and see me graduate from high school, and 100 other things i can't even begin to name. he worked in the environmental department and cared about the earth and our future. i know he wanted to make a difference. i admire him for that and i would have liked to have talked to him about such things. i've decided to become a forensic scientist. i hope that i can make my father proud of the young men that my
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♪ ♪ >> jeffrey donald bitner. >> albert blackman jr. >> christopher joseph blackwell. >> carey rosetta black blackburn. >> susan blair. >> harry jr. craig michael black. >> rita belisle. >> richard middleton blood jr. >> michael andrew bacardi. >> john paul bachi. >> and my father, james patrick burger. we love you, dad. me, nick, al and mom will never forget you. >> and my father, john tay
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anazo. you are forever in our hearts. rest in peace. >> michael l. bokeno. >> susan bokeno. >> darrah francis. >> bruce douglas. >> nicholas andrew bogden. >> allen bodadarenko. >> andre banor jr. frank bonamo. >> elan bonamo. >> sean booker sr. >> kelly boone. >> canfield boone. >> mary jane booth. >> my father, george john bishop. we love you, dad. >> my dad, firefighter
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christopher joseph blackwell, rescue 3, fdny. >> sherry ann bordeaux. >> christine boardnavay. >> richard edward bosco. >> claus boata. >> carol marie bouchard. >> jay howard bolton. >> francisco allegio boardio. >> thomas harold bowden jr. >> donna m. bowen. >> kimberly s. bowers. >> veronique nicole bowers. >> larry bowman. >> sean edward bowman, jr. >> kevin l. bowser. >> daril. box. >> genardi boyyosky.
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>> and my kid brother, michael martin borshesky. we love and miss you. >> my father, richard edward bosco, who will always hold a special place in my heart. i love and miss you, daddy. >> pamela boyce. >> allen p. boyle. >> michael boyle. >> alfred j. brocka. >> sandra canati brace. >> kevin brakin. >> sandy waugh bradshaw. >> david ryan brady. >> alexander babeginski. >> nicholas brandmarty. >> daniel raymond brandhost. >> david reid gamboa brandhorst. >> michelle renee. >> patrice brout.
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ronald michael brightwiser. >> edward brennan iii. >> frank h. brennan. >> and my father, sean edward bowman jr., we love and miss you, dad. >> and my father, michael g. jacob, we love and miss you very much, dad. >> michael e. brennan. >> peter brennan. >> thomas moore brennan. >> daniel j. >> gary lee bryce. >> jonathan eric briley. >> mark chrisman. >> paul bristo. >> mario britton. herman charles. >> janice jolease brown. >> bernard brown ii. >> patrick john brown. >> lori stanford brown.
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>> mark bruce. >> keith broomfield. >> and my uncle peter alexander, we love and miss you. >> and my uncle, jamal de santis. we always miss you, we always you. we'll see you later. >> richard george. >> andrew braun. >> vincent edward brotten. >> ronald brookea. >> brandon buchanon. dennis buckley. >> nancy clare bulashea. >> patrick joseph busey. >> john edward balagga jr. christopher l. berford. >> matthew burke.
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>> thomas daniel burke. >> captain william francis burke jr. >> charles burlingame iii. >> thomas e. burnett jr. >> donald j. burns. >> and my brother, fdny, ladder 24, captain daniel james breathle. >> and my husband, mark francis broderick. >> catherine ann burns. >> keith james burns. >> john patrick burnside. >> arena buslo. >> milton builo. >> thomas m. butler. >> patrick dennis burns. >> timothy g. burns. >> daniel cavlero.
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>> lillian caseras. >> brian joseph cathya. >> steven dennis cathia jr. >> cecille lorella. >> john brett cahill. >> michael john cahill. >> scott walter cahill. >> and my brother, captain charles frank burlingame iii, navel academy fighter pilot who fought with every last ounce of strength he had to save passengers and crew. we miss you, chick, and we love you. [speaking spanish] >> my husband, pedro francisco checko. frank, you will always be the missing puzzle in our family.
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we love and miss you. 143, eternally yours. >> thomas joseph cahill. >> george c. caine. >> salvatore b. calabro. phillip g. jose calderon. >> taz marcus caldwell. felix bobby fleeceay. >> francis joseph callahan. >> liam callahan. >> suzanne m. cali. rocco camag. >> michael cam rata. >> jeffrey thomas campbell. >> and my niece, monique dejesus, we love you, we miss you always, you're forever in
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our hearts. >> and my father, gerard chefren, a hero, more importantly, the best dad i could ever have. we miss you. >> robert campbell. >> sandra patricia campbell. >> sean thomas canavan. >> john candla. steven j. candlohse. >> brian qanasato. >> michael farr canty. >> jonathan capelleo. >> james cappers. >> richard michael caponi. >> jose manuel cardona. >> dennis m. carey sr. michael scott carlo. >> david c. car lone. >> and my brother, sean qanavan,
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you'll always be very missed. >> and my dad, john candell awe miss you and love you so very much, tons and tons. >> rosa marie carlson. >> marc steven carney. >> joyce carpleto. >> jeremy carrington. >> michael carroll. >> peter j. carroll. >> james joseph carson jr. >> christopher mickial carson. >> angela c. carter. >> james marcel cartier. >> sharon carver. >> vivian castle. >> john francis. >> paul casio. >> lily ann casey.
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>> william joseph cashman. >> william otto caspar. >> and my amazing and beautiful daughter, judy hazel cantillion ferndandez. judy, you gave us so much joy. we wish you so much -- miss you so much. you'll always be in our hearts. your nephew, aunt emma, tim and your nieces, emily and avery love you. >> and our son, louis anthony kapparecchi, a husband, a brother and loving father to christina and lauren. your love and memory.
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>> capriano. >> jose ramon. >> richard g. catarelly. >> christopher sean caisson. >> robert jean callfield. >> mary theresa callfield. >> justin cavalier. >> michael joseph. >> jason david caine. >> juan amando sib ola. >> thomas joseph selleck. >> anna centeneo. >> and our mother, marie castalko, we love and miss you. >> and my nephew, kevin nathaniel colbert. kevin, your mom and three brothers love you very much and miss you every day. >> john j. chadda.
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>> jeffrey mark cheroff. >> swarna chawlasany. >> william a. chalcov. >> mandy chang. >> rosa maria choppa. >> mark lawrence cherret. >> david m. charlaboa. >> gregoria manuel chavez. >> pedro francisco checko. >> douglas macmillan cherry. >> steven patrick cherry. >> vernon paul cherry. >> nestor julio chavelleia. >> joseph sashallia. >> alexander h. chang. and our family's hero,
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firefighter gary richard box. gary, the love in our hearts will bridge the distance to where you are. peace, my brother. >> and my sister, jean depalma, with a heavy heart, still. >> louis alfonzo shimbow. >> robert tims. >> nicholas paul tiafallow. >> john shaporra. >> catherine ellen sharls. >> beyoung. >> abu shaldary. >> mohammad shaldary. >> ceerstin christoff. steven paul chucknick.
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>> frances chaulentay. >> and my father, david caine, i love you so much, daddy. we miss you more and more every day. i will always keep on loving you. >> and my uncle, rocco camag, we miss and we love you. your spirit lives with us forever. >> elaine fiallo. >> patricia n. semroley mesally. >> emma cintron. >> nestor andre cintron iii. >> robert seare sr. >> juan pablo cicneros. >> benjamin keith clark. >> eugene clark. >> gregory alan clark. >> manny leroy clark. >> sarah m. clark.
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>> thomas r. clark. >> christopher robert clark. >> donna marie clark. >> kevin francis cleary. >> saria rachel emma clark. >> michael j. clark. >> james d. clear. >> and my mother, kirstin christoff. we love and miss you, mom. rest in peace. >> and my father, port authority police lieutenant, robert d. seare, jessica and i love and miss you but we know you're always looking down on us. >> jerry w. cloud. >> susan marie cline. >> steven coakley.
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>> jeffrey allen coal. >> patricia a. cody. >> daniel michael coffee. >> jason matthew coffee. >> boris g. coen. >> kevin coen. >> anthony joseph cohen. >> joseph calao. >> steven j. calao. >> christopher michael cola colasonte. >> keith coleman. >> scott coleman. >> terrell coleman. >> and my husband, benjamin keith clark. we miss you, we love you and you'll always be in our prayers. >> my uncle, james j. hobbin. we all love you. >> liam joseph colon.
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>> jamie concepcion. >> margaret mary conner. >> and my twin brother, my hero, firefighter john g. shaporra who served our country in lebanon, served our city as a new york police officer and detective and a boy scout leader. we love you and miss you and always remember. may god bless our great nation, semper fi. >> and my father, firefighter robert james crawford, battalion 1, who served our country with the united states air force and served our city as a new york city firefighter for 32 1/2 years. he was a great husband, father,
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brother and friend. we love you, daddy to, infinity and back. we will never forget you. we will always love you and as you always said, daddy, we got your back. god bless new york city and god bless america. [applause] >> christina marie carlie. >> sean e. connelly jr. >> james lee colinner. >> jonathan m. conners. >> kevin patrick conners. >> kevin conroy. >> benda conway. >> dennis michael cook. >> ellen d. cook. >> jeffrey w. koons. >> john cooper. >> julian cooper. >> joseph john jr. >> gerard coppola. >> joseph albert corbett.
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>> john corcoran iii. >> alejandro cordero. >> robert cordis. >> and my father, christopher megal colasante, we miss you and you. >> my father, john joseph marie, we love you and miss you and you'll always be in our hearts. >> reuben c. carrera. >> denny carrera guiterrez. james j. corrigan. >> carlos cortez rodriguez. >> kevin michael cosgrove. >> delores marie costa. >> alexandra costanza. >> charles gregory costello jr. >> michael costello. >> asia codam. >> chaudhari sr.
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>> martin john copeland. >> john g. coughlin. >> timothy coglin. >> james cove. >> andre colin cox. >> frederick john cox. >> and my mother, susan p. conlin. mom, we love you and miss you so much. we think about you everyday and we know you are looking down on us smiling. >> and my father, james lee conner. dad, we love you and we miss you. >> james raymond cores. >> christopher seton cramer. >> eric cranford. >> denise elizabeth crants. >> james leslie crawford jr. >> robert james crawford. >> erica kathleen creamer. >> joanne mary creeden.
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>> john a. chrissy. >> daniel hall christmas. >> dennis a. cross. >> kevin r. calledy. >> thomas g. crotty. >> john r. crow. >> wells crawford. >> robert shushank. >> and my husband, alfred antose deicosa. we love you and miss you every day. you would be proud of our two boys. >> and my dad, martin john kauffman from castlewhite, ireland, queens, new york, loved and missed by many around the world as a father, husband, brother, uncle cousin and friend and much more. i hope you're rocking and rolling with elvis. >> john robert cruz. >> greg allegra.
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>> kenneth john. >> francisco cruz cruderro. >> richard joseph cuisina. >> thomas patrick collins iii. >> joan colinnen. >> joyce rose cummings. >> brian thomas cummins. >> michael joseph cunningham. >> robert cirlatto. >> lawrence damion corea. >> patrick joseph. >> beverly l. curry. >> andrew peter charles curry green. >> and my father, sergeant john g. coglin, nypd, emergency services unit, truck 4.
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daddy, we love and miss you more than words could ever say but we know you're looking down on us standing with pride. >> and my sister, luchia christavy. love you, lou, every day we miss you more and more. you'll always be in our hearts. >> michael sean curtain. >> patricia cushing. >> gavin. >> john delorera. >> jack l. dambersy jr. >> mary san antonio. >> edward -- michael jude esposito. >> carlos e costa. >> caleb aaron zack. >> brian paul dale.
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>> thomas a. amiasteenose. >> jenin jones. >> the poet, john dunn, wrote, never send to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee. mark the two strikes against the buildings in new york, the fall of the two world trade towers, the crash of flight 93 over pennsylvania, and now for the attack on the pentagon in washington, d.c. this year, we will hear the bell toll six times.
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>> as archibald macleish wrote, there are those who say that freedom of man is nothing but a dream. well, they are right, it is the american dream. in 1941, president franklin delano roosevelt defined for the world the four freedoms on which the american dream is based. the first is freedom of speech and expression everywhere in the world. the second is the freedom of every person to worship god in his or her own way, everywhere in the world. the third is freedom from want everywhere in the world. the fourth is freedom from fear the fourth is freedom from fear anywhere
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