tv Q A CSPAN September 11, 2011 11:00pm-12:00am EDT
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ger >> david j. fontana >> chih min foo >> godwin forde >> donald a. foreman >> christopher hugh forsythe >> claudia alicia foster >> noel john foster >> sandra foster >> ana fosteris >> robert joseph foti >> jeffrey fox >> virginia fox >> and my husband, dennis edwards. >> and my beautiful daughter, meredith emily and her beloved husband, peter adam, rest in peace, my beloved. >> pauline francis. >> virgin francis. >> gary jay frank.
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>> morton h. frank. >> peter christopher frank. >> richard k. fraser. >> kevin j. frawley. >> clyde frazier, jr. >> lillian inez frederick. >> andrew fredricks. >> tamitha freeman. >> brett owen freiman. >> peter l. freund. >> arlene eva fried. >> alan wayne friedlander. >> andrew keith friedman. >> and my husband, jack fanning, who proudly served our city for 32 years. we all love you, we all miss you, and i'm holding down the fort. make all of you that passed that fateful day be at peace. >> and my father. we love and miss you every day.
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we teach her granddaughter to hold the door for others just like their grandpa did that day. [applause] >> gregg j. froehner. >> peter christian fry. >> clement a. fumando. >> steven elliot furman. >> paul furmato. >> fredric neal gabler. >> richard samuel federick gabrielle. >> james andrew gadiel. >> pamela lee gaff. >> ervin vincent gailliard. >> deanna lynn galante. >> grace catherine galante. >> anthony edward gallagher. >> daniel james gallagher. >> john patrick gallagher.
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>> and my father. we love and miss you. take care of my mother for me. >> and my son. your wife, your children, and your three sisters, we all miss you and love you. we will never forget you. >> lourdes galletti. >> cono e. gallo. >> vincenzo gallucci. >> thomas e. galvin. >> giovanna galletta gambale. >> thomas gambino, jr. >> giann franco gamboa. >> peter ganci. >> ladkat k. ganesh. >> claude michael gann. >> osseni garba. >> charles william garbarini. >> ceasar garcia. >> david garcia. >> juan garcia.
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>> marlyn del carmen garcia. >> christopher s. gardner. >> my thoughts are, i miss you. i will pass your legacy on to my son. >> and my father. we love you. they just started school. let's hope that they teach you everything that you taught us. >> douglas benjamin gardner. >> harvey j. gardner iii. >> jeffrey brian gardner. >> thomas gardner. >> william arthur gardner. >> francesco garfi. >> rocco nino gargano. >> james m. gartenberg. >> matthew david garvey. >> bruce gary.
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>> boyd alan gatton. >> donald richard gavagan, jr. >> terence d. gazzani. >> gary geidel. >> paul hamilton geier. >> julie m. geis. >> peter g. gelinas. >> and my beautiful sister, susan. will love you and we miss you something awful. but we know you are watching over us. until we meet again. >> and my husband, arthur joseph jones, the third. we miss you every day, but we know you must be proud of your children. we love you. >> steven paul geller. >> howard g. gelling.
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>> peter victor genco, jr. >> steven gregory genovese. >> alayne gentul. >> linda george. >> edward f. geraghty. >> suzanne geraty. >> ralph gerhardt. >> robert gerlich. >> denis p. germain. >> marina romanovna gertsberg. >> susan m. getzendanner. >> james g. geyer. >> joseph m. giaccone. >> vincent francis giammona. >> and my brother, kevin joseph. we miss you. >> and my mother. we love you and miss you. your spirit lives on in your children and grandchildren.
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you empowered me to be a better person. we will never forget you. >> debra lynn gibbon. >> james andrew giberson. >> craig neil gibson. >> ronnie e. gies. >> laura a. giglio. >> andrew clive gilbert. >> timothy paul gilbert. >> paul stuart gilbey. >> paul john gill. >> mark y. gilles. >> evan gillette. >> ronald lawrence gilligan. >> rodney c. gillis. >> laura gilly. >> john f. ginley. >> donna marie giordano. >> jeffrey john giordano. >> john giordano. >> and my partner. >> and my brother. i named my son after you to honor your memory.
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on behalf of all of your family and friends, we want you to know what cherished all the memories we shared an accord today that we meet again. not a day goes by that we do not think of you. we love you, we miss you, and we will remember you always. >> steven a. giorgetti. >> martin giovinazzo. >> kum-kum girolamo. >> salvatore gitto. >> cynthia giugliano. >> mon gjonbalaj. >> dianne gladstone. >> keith glascoe. >> thomas irwin glasser. >> harry glenn. >> barry h. glick. >> steven glick. >> john t. gnazzo. >> william robert godshalk. >> michael gogliormella. >> brian fredric goldberg.
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>> and my father. i love you. >> and my beautiful husband and proud father, david garcia. we love and miss you. we live every day in your honor. i love you, david. >> jeffrey grant goldflam. >> michelle goldstein. >> monica goldstein. >> steven goldstein. >> andrew h. golkin. >> dennis james gomes. >> enrique antonio gomez. >> jose bienvenido gomez. >> manuel gomez, jr. >> wilder alfredo gomez. >> jenine nicole gonzalez. >> mauricio gonzalez.
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>> rosa gonzalez. >> calvin j. gooding. >> harry goody. >> kiran reddy gopu. >> and my father. we love and miss you, you will never be forgotten. >> and my father, we love and miss you, dad. i hope i can play a round of golf with you. >> catherine c. gorayeb. >> kerene gordon. >> sebastian gorki. >> kieran joseph gorman. >> thomas edward gorman. >> michael edward gould.
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>> yuji goya. >> jon richard grabowski. >> christopher michael grady. >> edwin j. graf iii. >> david martin graifman. >> gilbert franco granados. >> elvira granitto. >> and my brother-in-law, a firefighter. your wife, your daughter, and your entire family love and miss you every single day. this world is a lesser place without you. >> and my big brother.
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joseph michael>> winston arthur grant. you would be proud of your family. give pot of hug and kiss for us all. for all the construction workers they got today ready for all of us. >> christopher s. gray. >> james michael gray. >> tara mccloud gray. >> linda catherine grayling. >> john m. grazioso. >> timothy george grazioso. >> derrick auther green. >> wade b. green.
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>> wanted green. -- wanda green. >> elaine myra greenberg. >> gayle r. greene. >> james arthur greenleaf, jr. >> eileen marsha greenstein. >> elizabeth martin gregg. >> denise gregory. >> donald h. gregory. >> and my nephew. donnie, we want you to know that you will always be our baby boy. you will be in our hearts as forever and the levy. -- and we love you. we love you. and to my husband. flight 11.
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mayor saul finally rest in peace. -- may your soul finally rest in peace. goodbye, my dear friend. my teacher and my hero. >> florence moran gregory. >> pedro grehan. >> john michael griffin. >> tawanna sherry griffin. >> joan donna griffith. >> warren grifka. >> ramon grijalvo. >> joseph f. grillo. >> david joseph grimner. >> kenneth george grouzalis. >> joseph grzelak.
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>> matthew james grzymalski. >> robert joseph gschaar. >> liming gu. >> jose guadalupe. >> and my hero and my father, harry. daddy, i love you and miss you. i wish you could see me now. everyday i strive to make you proud. >> and my beautiful brother, brian kelberg. his big heart, boundless energy, and most of all true friendship of are profoundly missed every day. by me, mom, dad, jody, and so many of your friends. we love you, brian. >> cindy yan zhu guan.
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>> joel guevara gonzalez. >> geoffrey e. guja. >> joseph gullickson. >> babita girjamatie guman. >> douglas brian gurian. >> janet ruth gustafson. >> philip t. guza. >> barbara guzzardo. >> peter m. gyulavary. >> gary robert haag. >> andrea lyn haberman. >> barbara mary habib. >> philip haentzler. >> nezam a. hafiz. >> karen elizabeth hagerty. >> steven michael hagis. >> mary lou hague. >> david halderman. >> and my late husband. steve, i still see your face every single day and i look at our children.
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we love you, we miss you, and we will never ever forget your. >> and my beautiful cousin. die and i, your daughter amanda has grown up to be beautiful and talented you would be very proud of her. >> maile rachel hale. >> richard b. hall. >> vaswald george hall. >> robert j. halligan. >> vincent gerard halloran. >> james douglas halvorson. >> mohammad salman hamdani. >> felicia hamilton. >> robert hamilton. >> frederic k. han. >> christopher j. hanley. >> sean s. hanley.
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>> valerie joan hanna. >> thomas hannafin. >> and my brother. jesse, we love you, we miss you, and may you always rest in peace. >> and my father, who i never met because i was in my mom's belly. i love you, father. i love you for letting me. you gave me the gift of life and i wish you could be here to enjoy it with me. [applause] [bell ringing]
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and a time for every purpose under heaven. a time to be born any time to die. it time to plan and that time to pluck up that which is planted. a time to kill and the time to heal. a time to weep and a time to laugh. a time to mourn and a time to dance. i time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones together. a time to embrace and a time to embrace -- to refrain from increasing very eighth time to win and a time to lose. a time to keep and a time to cast away. a time to ren and a time to
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swew. a time to keep silence in the time to speak. i time to love and a time to hate. a time of war and a eight times apiece. god bless every soul that we lost. god bless every family member that has to endure that loss. god, that is to our reunion -- guide us to our reunion in heaven. and god bless the united states of america. [applause]
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>> good morning. it has been 10 years and it feels like it just happened yesterday. my brother was on the 98th floor in the north tower. not one holiday, birthday has gone by that my four sisters and my brother and i do not think about him. our mother, who never takes off her necklace with his picture and that -- in it -- something i have learned over the past 10 years is that people come forward to help you in your time of need. and today, we thank you.
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the people of our great nation, families, friends, and neighbors. at work, christopher sat next to his good friend. his family has made a special pledge that their son's name be placed next to my brother's name. that meant so much to our family. why now is that the forces of good and -- what i know now is that the forces of good are all around us. people really do help you when you fall. it has been a blessing. christopher what have love knowing that the love he freely gave to others was given back to us in his name. thank you, and i did you
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friend i've come to talk with you again because of vision softly creeping left its seeds while i was sleeping and the vision that was planted in my brain still remains within the sound of silence in restless dreams i walked alone in narrow streets of cobblestone i turned by caller to the cold and damp my eyes were drawn to a
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flashing neon light that split the night and touched the sound of silence and in the naked light i saw 10,000 people, maybe more people talking without speaking people hearing without listening people writing songs that voices it never shared and no one dared disturb the sound of silence fools, said i, you do not know
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silence like a cancer grows here bywords -- hear my words that i might teach you take my arms that i might reach out to you but my words sad as raindrops fell and echoed in the wells of silence and the people ballot in parade -- bowed and prayed to the neon god they had made. and a signed last out its warning in the words it was forming
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>> timothy john hargrave. >> daniel edward harlin. >> frances haros. >> harvey harrell. >> stephen g. harrell. >> melissa marie harrington. >> aisha anne harris. >> stewart dennis harris. >> and my husband. tom, bridget, patrick, myself, your soon-to-be granddaughter keep us in your hearts every day. your family and friends miss you, love you, miss your laughter coming your smile, and your meatloaf. >> and my dad, who i am happy the honor today.
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>> john patrick hart. >> john clinton hartz. >> emeric harvey. >> thomas theodore haskell, jr. >> timothy haskell. >> joseph john hasson iii. >> leonard w. hatton. >> terence s. hatton. >> michael haub. >> timothy aaron haviland. >> donald g. havlish, jr. >> anthony hawkins. >> nobuhiro hayatsu. >> philip hayes. >> william ward haynes. >> and my son of cantor
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fitzgerald. we love you and miss you. and your nephew, your namesake. >> and for my brother, a firefighter with 65. your family and friends ms. you always, love you always, you are forever within our hearts. >> scott jordan hazelcorn. >> michael k. healey. >> roberta b. heber. >> charles francis xavier heeran. >> john f. heffernan. >> h. joseph heller, jr. >> joann l. heltibridle. >> mark f. hemschoot.
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>> ronnie lee henderson. >> brian hennessey. >> michelle marie henrique. >> joseph henry. >> william henry. >> and my sister. thank you for all the joy you brought to all of us throughout your life. we love you and him -- and we miss you. you are always proud to be and the yorker and an american. may god bless you and may god bless the united states of america. >> and my sister. she was on her way out when she went to rescue a co-worker. you are a hero. >> john christopher henwood. >> robert allan hepburn. >> mary herencia.
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>> lindsay c. herkness iii. >> harvey robert hermer. >> claribel hernandez. >> eduardo hernandez. >> nuberto hernandez. >> raul hernandez. >> gary herold. >> jeffrey a. hersch. >> thomas hetzel. >> brian hickey. >> ysidro hidalgo. >> timothy higgins. >> robert d. w. higley ii. >> todd russell hill. >> clara victorine hinds. >> and to my beloved son, my hero, a firefighter.
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engine 54, battalion 9. our hearts are broken but our lives will never be the same. and we miss you and we love you more than you know. and we cannot express how we feel today on this 10th anniversary. we never found you. we never recovered you. but we know where you are. you are with our lord in heaven. to god be the glory. shine on, pauley. shine on. daddy, i want to thank you for the years that you spent with us. they were short and not without their benefits. additionally, i thank you for almost 20 years of my role model and hero. we are happy and stronger than we felt possible. you help us become that and i know you are proud. we love you.
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[applause] >> neal o. hinds. >> mark d. hindy. >> katsuyuki hirai. >> heather malia ho. >> tara yvette hobbs. >> thomas anderson hobbs. >> james j. hobin. >> robert wayne hobson. >> dajuan hodges. >> ronald george hoerner. >> patrick a. hoey. >> marcia hoffman. >> stephen g. hoffman. >> frederick joseph hoffmann. >> michele l. hoffmann. >> judith florence hofmiller. >> and my father.
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that, we love you and we miss you. >> and my dad's twin brother. the way that you live your life is my inspiration. forever loved it, always a mess, and never forgotten. i love you, uncle jeff. >> thomas warren hohlweck, jr. >> jonathan r. hohmann. >> john holland. >> joseph f. holland. >> elizabeth holmes. >> thomas holohan. >> bradley hoorn. >> james p. hopper. >> montgomery mccullough hord. >> michael horn. >> matthew douglas horning. >> robert l. horohoe, jr. >> aaron horwitz.
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>> and my dad. we miss you. >> and my uncle. we miss you and love you. >> charles houston. >> uhuru g. houston. >> george howard. >> michael c. howell. >> steven leon howell. >> jennifer l. howley. >> milagros hromada. >> marian r. hrycak. >> stephen huczko, jr. >> kris robert hughes. >> paul rexford hughes. >> robert thomas hughes. >> thomas hughes. >> timothy robert hughes. >> susan huie. >> lamar hulse.
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>> and miy aunt. we love you and miss you ever date. >> and my son. your brother is and i dearly miss you. every moment of our lives. you rushed into the burning towers to rescue humanity and transcended the barriers of race and ethnicity and gave the ultimate sacrifice. abu died two years later. america honors you today. you died defending the american values of democracy, liberty, and freedom to pursue the faith that your choice. you are not only my young jedi, but you are america's jedi, an
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american solution. -- and america salutes you. [applause] >> william christopher hunt. >> kathleen anne hunt-casey. >> joseph hunter. >> robert r. hussa. >> abid hussain. >> thomas edward hynes. >> walter g. hynes. >> joseph anthony ianelli. >> zuhtu ibis. >> jonathan lee ielpi. >> michael iken. >> daniel ilkanayev.
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>> frederick ill, jr. >> abraham nethanel ilowitz. >> anthony p. infante, jr. >> and my father. we miss you and love you dearly. and i cherish everything you taught me. >> and my father. pat, i am still learning to cut but i am working on it. and we miss you. -->> louis s. inghilterra, jr. >> christopher noble ingrassia. >> paul innella. >> stephanie veronica irby. >> douglas irgang. >> kristin a. irvine ryan. >> todd antione isaac. >> erik isbrandtsen. >> taizo ishikawa.
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>> aram iskenderian, jr. >> john f. iskyan. >> kazushige ito. >> aleksandr valeryevich ivantsov. >> virginia may jablonski. >> brooke alexandra jackman. and my husband. thank you for the pennies. we love the finding them. you are in our hearts forever. >> and your father and i, we miss you terribly.
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your wife, your son, and your beloved daughter. >> aaron jeremy jacobs. >> ariel louis jacobs. >> jason kyle jacobs. >> michael grady jacobs. >> steven a. jacobson. >> ricknauth jaggernauth. >> jake denis jagoda. >> yudh vir singh jain. >> maria jakubiak. >> ernest james. >> gricelda e. james. >> priscilla james. >> mark steven jardim. >> muhammadou jawara. >> francois jean-pierre. >> maxima jean-pierre. >> and to my little brother, we
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love and miss you. we will always live our lives to the last. >> and to my father. you are my hero and i love you forever. i will never forget you. love you, dad. >> paul edward jeffers. >> alva cynthia jeffries sanchez. >> joseph jenkins, jr. >> alan keith jensen. >> prem n. jerath. >> farah jeudy. >> hweidar jian. >> eliezer jimenez, jr. >> luis jimenez, jr. >> fernando jimenez-molina. >> charles gregory john. >> nicholas john. >> lashawna johnson. >> scott michael johnson. >> william r. johnston. >> allison horstmann jones. >> arthur joseph jones. >> brian leander jones.
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>> and my father. i love you so much and i miss you. our whole family does. you are always on our minds and in our hearts. >> and my father. dad, we miss you every day and love you and you will always be in our hearts. >> christopher d. jones. >> donald t. jones. >> donald w. jones. >> linda jones. >> mary s. jones. >> andrew jordan. >> robert thomas jordan. >> albert gunnia joseph. >> guylene joseph. >> ingeborg joseph. >> karl henry joseph.
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>> stephen joseph. >> jane eileen josiah. >> anthony jovic. >> angel l. juarbe, jr. >> karen sue juday. >> and my brother. maybe someday learn to live in peace. >> and my son. , lori andr's are here diana. your best friends are here. and your cousins are here. we love you. and my best friend and mentor. >> mychal f. judge.
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>> paul william jurgens. >> thomas edward jurgens. >> kacinga kabeya. >> shashikiran lakshmikantha kadaba. >> gavkharoy kamardinova. >> shari kandell. >> howard lee kane. >> jennifer lynn kane. >> vincent d. kane. >> joon koo kang. >> sheldon robert kanter. >> deborah h. kaplan. >> alvin peter kappelmann, jr. >> charles karczewski. >> william a. karnes. >> douglas gene karpiloff. >> and my brother.
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>> and my daughter. there is not a day goes by that we do not think of you. miss you and love you. we miss your smile, you're beautiful brown eyes, how kind and compassionate you were. your little nieces never knew you, but they will know all about it. daddy is now with use and now take care of each other. and just no that you are the joy of our lives. >> charles l. kasper. >> andrew k. kates. >> john katsimatides. >> robert michael kaulfers. >> don jerome kauth, jr. >> hideya kawauchi.
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>> edward t. keane. >> richard m. keane. >> lisa yvonne kearney-griffin. >> karol ann keasler. >> paul hanlon keating. >> leo russell keene iii. >> joseph john keller. >> peter r. kellerman. >> joseph p. kellett. >> frederick h. kelley, jr. >> and my sister. we miss you, we love you, and we will never forget you. >> and my partner, christine, and my brother-in-law.
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we love you and we keep both in our hearts. >> james joseph kelly. >> joseph a. kelly. >> maurice p. kelly. >> richard john kelly, jr. >> thomas michael kelly. >> thomas richard kelly. >> thomas w. kelly. >> timothy colin kelly. >> william hill kelly, jr. >> robert clinton kennedy. >> thomas j. kennedy. >> john r. keohane. >> ronald t. kerwin. >> howard l. kestenbaum. >> douglas d. ketcham.
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>> ruth ellen ketler. >> and my father. my dad, my hero, my guardian angel. i cannot believe that has been 10 years since i last saw and heard your voice. september 11 change my life. it was difficult growing up without you but i know you hear each step of the way. i stand here today reading your name, you would be amazed at the amount of planning, heartless building thislove memorial to the world trade center. i am so proud to be part of this new beginning and especially proud to be your daughter. i love and miss you so much. dad, you will never be forgotten. we love you. >> and my father. dad, we love and miss you so
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much. and your spirit lives on in your five grandchildren. >> boris khalif. >> sarah khan. >> taimour firaz khan. >> rajesh khandelwal. >> oliva khemrat. >> seilai khoo. >> michael kiefer. >> satoshi kikuchihara. >> andrew jay-hoon kim. >> lawrence d. kim. >> mary jo kimelman. >> andrew m. king. >> lucille teresa king. >> robert king, jr. and my mother. i wish we had more time together.
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>> lisa king-johnson. >> and my father. >> takashi kinoshita. >> chris michael kirby. >> howard barry kirschbaum. >> glenn davis kirwin. >> helen crossin kittle. >> richard joseph klares. >> peter anton klein. >> alan david kleinberg. >> karen joyce klitzman. >> ronald philip kloepfer. >> evgueni kniazev. >> andrew knox. >> thomas patrick knox. >> rebecca lee koborie. >> deborah a. kobus.
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and my father. whose memory i honor by serving my country. we love and miss you. >> and to attend australians who are on foreign shores. especially my twin brother. >> gary edward koecheler. >> there was a family room across the way where family and friends, -- came to iraq -- to leave their thoughts are sign their names. all woman who lost her son rode beside her picture appeared to the world, he may have been one person. to me, he was the world.
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of author wrote this poem in a scrapbook and inscribed it to his daughter. it tears could bring you back to me, you would be here by my side. for god could fill a river full with all the rivers -- the tears i cried. if i could have one wish come true, i ask of god in prayer to let me have just one more day to show how much i care. if love could reach to heaven's shore, i quickly come for you. my heart would build a bridge of love, one wide enough for two. >> frank j. koestner. >> ryan kohart. >> vanessa kolpak.
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>> irina kolpakova. >> suzanne kondratenko. >> abdoulaye kone. >> bon-seok koo. >> dorota kopiczko. >> scott kopytko. >> bojan kostic. >> danielle kousoulis. >> john j. kren. >> william e. krukowski. >> lyudmila ksido. >> shekhar kumar. >> and my aunt. she was such a beautiful person. we love you and we will never forget you. >> and my sister.
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everyone -- everywhere you continued to spread peace and enlightenment and joy. we will keep your spirit alive. >> kenneth kumpel. >> frederick kuo, jr. >> patricia kuras. >> nauka kushitani. >> thomas kuveikis. >> victor kwarkye. >> kui fai kwok. >> angela reed kyte. >> andrew la corte. >> amarnauth lachhman.
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>> james patrick ladley. >> joseph a. lafalce. >> jeanette louise lafond- menichino. >> david laforge. >> and my father. the battalion chief, proud 20- year veteran. his presence and in bushy mustache is incredibly mixed, but his wonderful spirit isn't used in everything that we do. dad, you inspire us every day to carry on and be strong. may god continue to bless our family and the souls of all those laws. i hope you dance. >> and might beloved husband. 10 years, 10 months, 10 days.
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the pain of losing you remains the same. our children who are now adults, your brother is and all of our families miss you and all of the. continue to give us faith, strength, and courage to go through this. you will forever be in our hearts and prayers. love you always, donald. >> michael laforte. >> alan charles lafrance. >> juan lafuente. >> neil kwong-wah lai. >> vincent anthony laieta. >> william david lake. >> franco lalama. >> chow kwan lam. >> stephen lamantia. >> amy hope lamonsoff. >> nickola lampley.
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>> robert lane. >> brendan mark lang. >> rosanne p. lang. >> vanessa langer. >> mary louise langley. >> peter j. langone. >> thomas michael langone. >> and my father. your guiding hand on my shoulder will remain with me forever. we all love you and miss you very much. >> our children's data, and my husband. >> michele bernadette lanza. >> ruth sheila lapin. >> carol ann laplante. >> ingeborg lariby. >> robin blair larkey. >> christopher rda
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