tv British House of Commons CSPAN September 12, 2011 12:00am-12:30am EDT
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>> hamidou s. larry. >> scott larsen. >> john adam larson. >> gary edward lasko. >> nicholas craig lassman. >> paul laszczynski. >> stephen james lauria >> maria lavache >> denis francis lavelle >> jeannine mary laverde >> your family laws and mrs. you. >> and my father, the greatest father, a role model, a friend, husband, and brother. you are greatly missed and love every day. i will carry you with me in my heart and mind forever. >> anna a. laverty
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brother ofhusband, nine siblings living for about the world. >> and my brother-in-law, engine company 240, battalion 48, of brooklyn. michael, you are missed and dyno will meet again in haven't. thank you. >> gary h. lee >> hyun joon lee >> juanita lee >> kathryn blair lee >> linda c. lee >> lorraine mary lee >> myoung woo lee >> richard y. lee >> stuart soo-jin lee >> yang der lee >> stephen paul lefkowitz >> adriana legro
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>> edward joseph lehman >> eric andrew lehrfeld >> david leistman >> david prudencio lemagne >> joseph anthony lenihan >> john joseph lennon, jr. >> may your name and memory live on for my brothers and i and to all of those courageous men and women who actively serve in the new york police department. >> and my dad, to my hero, i love and miss him so much. [applause] >> john robinson lenoir >> jorge luis leon >> matthew gerard leonard >> michael lepore >> charles a. lesperance
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>> jeff leveen >> john dennis levi >> alisha caren levin >> neil david levin >> robert levine >> robert michael levine >> shai levinhar >> adam jay lewis >> jennifer lewis > margaret susan lewis >> ye wei liang >> and my son, our shining star, our spirit of christmas. i love you forever, i like you for always, as long as i am
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living, at my baby will be. and my cousin, when they made you, they broke the mold. you are a loving and wonderful ben you were a loving and wonderful father and the greatest grandfather that ever lived. and their colleagues, david from sweden. your mother, your sister, and your brother are here and they say hello and a love you and miss you. >> and my son, who we love and miss a very much. his mother, his sister, his younger brother, his cousin, is on go -- his uncle, and his
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wife, and his beautiful daughter, who is very special and 10 years old. we all love you very much. we miss you. >> thank you. >> orasri liangthanasarn >> daniel f. libretti >> ralph licciardi >> edward lichtschein >> steven barry lillianthal >> carlos r. lillo >> craig damian lilore >> arnold a. lim >> darya lin >> wei rong lin >> nickie l. lindo
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>> thomas v. linehan, jr. >> robert thomas linnane >> alan p. linton, jr. >> diane theresa lipari >> kenneth lira >> francisco alberto liriano >> and my father. i wish i would have known my dad better. i was only nine months old when he died during the i found out that he was a great guy. i love you, dad. >> it is an honor and privilege to read these names today. i add to list my son. his spirit lives and our hearts forever. you are gone, but never will be forgotten. god bless america. [applause]
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>> lorraine lisi >> paul lisson >> vincent m. litto >> ming-hao liu >> nancy liz >> harold lizcano >> martin lizzul >> george a. llanes >> elizabeth c. logler >> catherine lisa loguidice >> jerome robert lohez >> michael william lomax >> laura maria longing >> salvatore lopes >> daniel lopez >> george lopez >> luis manuel lopez >> to my brother, your family mrs. you very much. >> to my brother, -- your family
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mrs. you very much. >> to my brother, we will always miss you. >> manuel l. lopez >> joseph lostrangio >> chet dek louie >> stuart seid louis >> joseph lovero owesera elisabeth labell >> jenny seu kueng low wong >> michael w. lowe >> garry w. lozier >> john peter lozowsky >> charles peter lucania >> edward hobbs luckett >> mark gavin ludvigsen >> lee charles ludwig >> sean thomas lugano
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>> daniel lugo >> marie lukas >> and my husband. i believe them and all these other beautiful soul to die together this day have been walking alongside us these past 10 years and they will continue to be right here as we move forward to a bright and positive future. >> and my uncle of the new york city fire department. we all miss you and love you so much. i know you were looking down on us and you'll always be in our hearts. god bless you, god bless new york, and god bless america. [applause] >> william lum, jr. >> michael p. lunden
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>> christopher lunder >> anthony luparello >> gary frederick lutnick >> william lutz >> linda anne luzzicone >> alexander lygin >> farrell peter lynch >> james francis lynch >> louise a. lynch >> michael cameron lynch >> michael francis lynch >> richard d. lynch, jr. >> robert henry lynch, jr. >> sean p. lynch >> sean patrick lynch >> issue sacrificed your life for others and we will never forget you.
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-- use sacrificed your life for others and we will never forget you. >> michael j. lyons >> monica anne lyons >> patrick lyons >> robert francis mace >> jan maciejewski >> catherine fairfax macrae >> richard blaine madden >> simon maddison noell maerz >> jennieann maffeo >> joseph maffeo >> jay robert magazine >> and-loving husband, we miss you, we love you, we will never forget you. please keep watching over us.
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>> and my husband, your daughters, at your parents, your sister's and the rest of our family love you and miss you so much. >> brian magee >> charles wilson magee >> joseph v. maggitti >> ronald magnuson >> daniel l. maher >> thomas anthony mahon >> william j. mahoney >> joseph daniel maio >> takashi makimoto >> abdu ali malahi >> debora i. maldonado >> myrna t. maldonado-agosto >> alfred russell maler >> gregory james malone
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>> edward francis maloney iii >> joseph maloney >> gene edward maloy >> and my brother, we miss your generous soul every day. >> all love of my life, my joe, my husband. we love you so much and we miss you every single day. we press on knowing that you are safely home in the arms of our savior, jesus christ. you arrest, honey, until that day when we all meet -- you rest, honey, until that day that we all meet again. >> christian maltby >> francisco miguel mancini >> joseph mangano
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>> sara elizabeth manley >> debra mannetta >> marion victoria manning >> terence john manning >> james maounis >> joseph ross marchbanks, jr. >> peter edward mardikian >> edward joseph mardovich >> charles joseph margiotta >> kenneth joseph marino >> lester v. marino >> and my father, we miss you every day. >> and my sweet husband, retired
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police officer, a united airlines flight attendant flight 175. we miss your kind and gentle spirit and your sense of humor. you are forever in our hearts. >> vita marino >> kevin marlo >> jose marrero >> john marshall >> james martello >> michael a. marti >> peter c. martin >> william j. martin, jr.
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>> brian e. martineau >> betsy martinez >> edward martinez >> jose angel martinez, jr. >> robert gabriel martinez >> victor martinez pastrana >> lizie d. martinez-calderon >> i am honored to read my oldest brother's name. we love you and miss you. you are for ever in our hearts. >> and my sister, karen martin. flight attendant, and to all of
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the flight crew and passengers, when i look up, i see and feel your spirit and the sky. >> paul richard martini >> joseph a. mascali >> bernard mascarenhas >> stephen frank masi >> nicholas george massa >> patricia ann massari >> michael massaroli >> philip william mastrandrea, jr. >> rudolph mastrocinque >> joseph mathai >> charles mathers >> william a. mathesen >> marcello matricciano >> margaret elaine mattic >> robert d. mattson >> walter matuza >> and my father. i love him and miss him.
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my mom loves him and mrs. him. and misses him. we will never forget you. >> dad, we miss you every day. >> charles a. mauro, jr. >> charles j. mauro >> dorothy mauro >> nancy t. mauro >> tyrone may >> keithroy marcellus maynard >> robert j. mayo >> kathy nancy mazza >> edward mazzella, jr. >> jennifer lynn mazzotta >> kaaria mbaya
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>> james joseph mcalary >> brian mcaleese and my dad. we miss and love you dearly. we keep you in our hearts and thoughts each and every day. because of the example you said forward, we live each day in hopes that you would be proud of us. we are still checking the waves for you. >> patricia ann mcaneney >> and my brother, the family has not been the same since you have been gone. we miss you and we wish you were here. we are in great solace that you are up in heaven with mom and dad. you are always in our thoughts and prayers god bless the united
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states of america. [applause] >> colin robert mcarthur >> john kevin mcavoy >> kenneth m. mcbrayer >> brendan mccabe >> micheal mccabe >> thomas mccann >> justin mccarthy >> kevin m. mccarthy >> michael mccarthy >> robert mccarthy >> stanley mccaskill >> katie marie mccloskey >> joan mcconnell-cullinan >> charles austin mccrann >> tonyell f. mcday >> matthew t. mcdermott >> joseph p. mcdonald
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and my grandfather. i'd just wanted to say, always taking care of my grandmother. giving my grandfather the recognition that he deserves. i wish you could have gotten to meet my son. i love them, i miss them, and we will never forget. >> and my brother, we love you and you are forever in our hearts. brian grady mcdonnell >> michael p. mcdonnell >> john mcdowell, jr. >> eamon j. mceneaney >> john thomas mcerlean, jr. >> daniel francis mcginley >> mark ryan mcginly
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>> william e. mcginn >> thomas henry mcginnis >> michael gregory mcginty >> ann mcgovern >> scott martin mcgovern >> william mcgovern >> stacey sennas mcgowan >> francis noel mcguinn >> patrick mcguire >> thomas m. mchale >> and my uncle. we love you, we miss you, keep looking out for us. >> and my husband my love for you is as strong and as endless as the wedding rings we
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exchanged and more together. we miss you so much. >> keith mcheffey >> ann m. mchugh >> denis j. mchugh iii >> dennis mchugh >> michael e. mchugh >> robert g. mcilvaine >> donald james mcintyre >> stephanie marie mckenna >> barry j. mckeon >> evelyn c. mckinnedy >> darryl leron mckinney >> george patrick mclaughlin, jr. >> robert c. mclaughlin, jr. >> gavin mcmahon >> robert d. mcmahon
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>> edmund mcnally >> daniel w. mcneal >> and my father, we miss you and levy. >> and my brother, a family man, a navy man, a holy man. god is holding you in the palm of his hand. >> walter arthur mcneil >> jisley mcnish >> christine sheila mcnulty >> sean peter mcnulty >> robert mcpadden >> terence a. mcshane
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>> timothy patrick mcsweeney >> martin e. mcwilliams >> rocco a. medaglia >> abigail cales medina >> ana iris medina >> deborah louise medwig >> damian meehan >> william j. meehan >> alok mehta >> raymond meisenheimer >> manuel emilio mejia >> eskedar melaku >> antonio melendez and my baby brother. as well as a firefighter michael roberts. they never met, but our family has been close for the past 10 years. god bless all. >> mary melendez >> and my dear husband.
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martin is gone from our side, his spirit lives on and stretches from the sidewalks of the city all the way to the beaches and their ways of cape cod. -- fair ways of cape cod. >> yelena melnichenko >> stuart todd meltzer >> diarelia jovanah mena >> charles mendez >> lizette mendoza >> shevonne olicia mentis >> steven mercado >> westly mercer >> ralph joseph mercurio >> alan harvey merdinger >> george l. merino >> yamel merino >> george merkouris >> deborah merrick >> and my beautiful sister. you are not forgotten, we love
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you and we miss you always. >> my uncle, i miss you and love you, uncle peter. your spirit lives on in our family. >> raymond joseph metz iii >> jill ann metzler >> david robert meyer >> nurul h. miah >> william edward micciulli >> martin paul michelstein >> peter teague milano >> gregory milanowycz >> lukasz tomasz milewski >> sharon christina millan >> corey peter miller >> craig james miller
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>> douglas charles miller >> henry alfred miller, jr. >> joel miller >> michael matthew miller >> and my beautiful sister. you were the best daughter, sister, aunt, a cousin, knees and friend to many. we all love and miss you and your big smile and the sound of your laughter. your mom's best friend and she misses you so much every day. you are always in our hearts. >> and for my brother, michael. his love us -- his love of life and sense of humor lives on in and sense of humor lives on in the many stories that
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