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tv   Washington This Week  CSPAN  September 18, 2011 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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doctor carter, thank you for your participation. i know is going to be a nominee that will be confirmed >> thank you for taking your time to come and visit us. we have talked about the reserve component, and let's see how we can maximize those valuable dollars and shift some of the responsibility in training and resources. what is your position on that? >> that guard and reserve, we could not have done what we have done all over the last 10 years without the contribution of the guard and reserve. we know that they have been asked to do things that were not foreseen at the time, that many
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of them joined the guard and reserve, you can go to theater, and and this is a unit, and you cannot tell whether it is an active-duty unit or a guard and reserve unit in. they are a critical part of the total force. they're continuing vitality like everything else we are trying to protect is an important part of this comprehensive review we are conducting. >> you have some real economic and financial challenges with the dollars that are so valuable. a lot like to follow up with senator mccain and senator 11, their comments on the jsf program. the engine has been created from 38.5 million, and nearly 500% increase.
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they continue to say that they are happy with the engine. you have any problems with the performance of the engine? >> i have monitored f-135 engines closely. i cannot say i'm completely satisfied with that or any part of the f-35 that is showing cost growth and a half-135 engine has. like with the jsf, we are working very hard to manage to have better results. and those performing the work on the air frame are joining us in trying to restore affordability. >> i note in your testimony that you indicated continuing support would be on the table. does that include the self funding proposal? >> the self funding proposal by
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ge and rolls royce for the f-36 engine, i understand that in meeting was scheduled between g e and the deputy secretary, and also the air force acquisition secretary. those meetings have not occurred. but if i am confirmed as deputy secretary, i would be happy to have those meetings and to learn more about the so-called self funding proposal. i do have real concerns about the proposal on what i have heard so far. again, if confirmed, i if that meeting has not been held by the time that secretary lynn leaves, i would be happy to have that meeting. because any time one of our industry partners has an idea on
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affordability, i am very open and would be willing to listen to that. >> i notice from some of the letters from other senators to you and our conversation, you indicated you would keep an open mind and meet with that leadership team to discuss all options. is that still your position? >> if is. and ge does a lot for us, and number of different engines, sustainment r&d, so we value their contributions of the military aircraft engine business. >> if confirmed, can you commit yourself funding to go forward -- commit to self funding and going forward? >> until i know more about it, i do not know what authority would be required. >> and being able to go over on
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afghanistan and serving for sure. of time, one of the most talked- about issues was the proposed cut in the military pensions among current service members. could you talk about that as it with your position is? not only for the people presently serving and already done there 20 years and are eligible, but how they get a fax actives and the guard and reserve -- how that the tax act is in the corridor reserved. >> secretary zhou panetta has made clear that like everything else, compensation and benefits have to be on the table. but this is the only but he has made, do not break faith with the force. that would mean that a
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significant abrupt change that would affect the understanding and the bond of the deal made between service people and us when they entered service, that is not somewhere he wants to go. he has taken that off the table. >> interesting that you say they appeared before people knew i was a senator, i was just a lieutenant colonel and i was talking to the soldiers. without even blinking, that was the talk on every breakfast, lunch, and dinner i sat down. then they found of i was a senator and they were like, boy, groups of people saying, what are you guys trying to do? i am not trying to do anything and i will speak to the secretary. i agree that there is a real
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dependency on them doing their job and getting their fair share once they have done that job and having that commitment. i appreciate that. one final question -- i am trying to figure out the numbers a little bit. on the knee as program -- neas program, the maximum national commitment, $2.3 billion of appropriated funds from fiscal year 2004, $2.98 million -- $2.98 billion. can you help me understand the difference in the numbers? i have to get back on the specific numbers. i am not familiar with the specific numbers but i will say
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that i am familiar with something that may be helpful. the memorandum of understanding, which is the ant militaryte proposal, it would take another $800 million to complete the proof of concept part of that program. >> that would be $800 million. >> the alternative would be to terminate which costs and other comparable amount. given those alternatives, we have asked for the funding to complete the proof of concept. >> maybe we should follow, mr. chairman, with a record -- with a call question for the record. i just want to make sure that i understand it. >> thank you, senator brown.
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a few quick questions for me on cyber security. when general alexander was confirmed to command the newly created cyber command, there would be a major effort to address a whole host of cyber security issues and it would be completed by the end of calendar year 2010. the national defense authorization act for 2011 required a report from the secretary by march of this year. we do not have the reports. are you aware that and will you commit to get us the report promptly? >> mr. chairman, i am not aware of the status of the report but i can certainly commit to you that if confirmed, i will make sure it is completed. >> promptly? >> promptly. >> if do you support the president's decision to
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withdraw 30,000 forces from afghanistan by next summer? >> i do. >> do you support -- how important is it to the success of a counterinsurgency campaign in afghanistan debt we maintain the process of transitioning responsibility to the afghan security forces? >> very important. >> to you also agree that it is up to the afghan government to provide services for other people in order for the certification project for the mission to prevent taliban control of afghanistan to succeed chris mark >> yes. >> do you agree that it is in these interest of the afghans that their government is not corrupt? >> his. >> to you believe that the reintegration of lower-level taliban be continued and it is an important part of the success of the mission? >> yes.
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>> relative to pakistan, do you think is important that -- it is important that pakistan address the haqqani network's use of their sorrow as a safe haven to attack us? >> yes. >> relative to iraq, general or the arno's said that we must avoid the appearance of leaving a large occupation force in iraq. do you agree with them? >> i do. well, to you and your
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family, your wife, your two children that are here, i do not think they probably learned anything new because they know you very well. they know your confidence, your steadiness, and we have learned that over the years, all of us on this committee. we look for to prompt confirmation and we will stand adjourned. >> thank you, mr. chairman. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2011]
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>> next, michele bachmann in california. in your calls and comments on "washington journal." california representative henry waxman, ranking member of the energy and commerce committee,
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offer is a democratic perspective on rolling back regulations in the a difficult economy, especially epa regulations. today at 10:00 p.m. -- 10 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. here on c-span. ♪ [guitar music continues] >> spend this weekend in charlotte, north carolina with book tv and american history tv. throughout the weekend, the history and literary life from the site of the 2012 democratic convention. on book tv on c-span2, charlotte's banking industry. karen cox on "dreaming of dixie -- how the south was created in
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the american popular culture." we also visit the park road bookstore to learn about the relationship with the independent bookstores and publishers. and on american history tv on c-span3, tour 11th president james polk's birthplace, a discussion with charles jones, the civil rights leader on his part in the 1960's lunch counter sit-ins, and visit the reed gold mine where gold was first discovered in america. book tv and american history tv in charlotte, north carolina next weekend on c-span2 and c- span3. >> next, republican presidential candidate and minnesota congressman michele bachmann addresses of party convention in the los angeles. only representatives bachmann, thaddeus mccotter, and ron paul participated. in her remarks, she predicts republicans will win the state
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in 2012 and vowed to repealed many laws. this is just over 40 minutes. >> that was a wonderful introduction. i am so thrilled and happy to be here with all of you tonight. my name is michele bachmann and i am running for the republican nomination to be the next president of the united states in 2012. [applause] it is really a tremendous thrill an honor for me to be able to be here tonight with all of you in the golden state. you have produced ronald reagan as our president, and he serves as the example for us all. thank you for what you have given to our country. [applause] we are in a time when we should be rejoicing and we should be absolutely thrilled at the opportunity that we have before us.
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the country is facing severe -- severe attacks in so many ways, from the economy to housing -- we have already seen that housing has dropped in value, it is amazing, from 2008 until the first quarter of this year, housing prices have dropped about 19%. that is stunning. housing is one of the pillars and the backbone of our economy. how things have attacked like none other, that cannot go forward. so why are we excited? we saw that the jobs report was the worst in 56 years. not one net new job was created in the last report that came out. why should we be excited? there is more. when we look at the value of the dollar, if you pull out a dollar -- i do not know if you have any left, probably not now -- but if you pull out a dollar and take a
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look at, said barack obama has been president of united states, that dollar has lost 12% of its value. we need a sound dollar in this country, don't we? we need a sound dollar. [applause] we are not getting it under this president unfortunately. so why be excited? take a look also at what the reaction has been to president obama and his policies. take a look at the reaction. go back to just win at obamacare was passed, remember? in the senate, harry reid s lammed obamacare through, and when he did, there was a reaction throughout the country. it was christmas eve, if you recall, and people were aboard. they were trying to do everything that they could to get the attention of their representatives, and were they
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listening? they did not listen very tens and thousands of americans came to washington d.c. to let their voice been known that no one listened. and so the american people decided to send a signal. they said, you will listen. and scott brown was elected senator from the state of massachusetts and ted kennedy policy. [applause] people all across the country came to deliver a dead very loud signal. they did not go to sleep after that election because we had an election in 2010. and this wonderful entity known as the tea party or mechanically sprung up across america. [cheers and applause] in reaction to a billion dollars stimulus that has produced no new job, in response to a government takeover of 16 of the -- one sixth of the economy,
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and money for solyndra here in california, the tea party sprung up. and this wonderful entity known as the tea party is really an idea. this idea consists of this -- the tea party believes that we are taxed enough already! [applause] and the tea party believes that government should not spend more money than what it takes sen. and that tea party believes in this quaint notion that government should act within the bounds of the constitution. what an amazing, radical group of americans! those of the intimating principles of the republican those are the animating principles of the
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republican party, coincidentally enough. they have brought america back to our founding document, and the tea party showed up with republicans and disaffected democrats and independents, and in 2010, we saw 63 new republican house members elected. [applause] the largest which since the 1930's in congress, and i am sorry california, but we saw the gavel come out of speaker pelosi's hand and go into john boehner's hand. [cheers and applause] that is just the down payment that we needed for 2012. [applause] i'm here to announce to you tonight that we will take our country back in 2012.
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and together, we will make barack obama a one-term president! [cheers and applause] president obama's poll numbers are the lowest that they have ever been and they have not hit rock bottom yet. i think election day in 2012 will probably be the lowest that they are yet. that is why i know that i know that i know that we have got a message and we had the winning streak and i firmly believe that 2012 will not just be a blowout election for the presidency. i believe that 2012 will be a way that election day goes all across the united states and even taken the golden state. i am so excited about what is to come. [applause]
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so do not be down hardened. you had a few tough elections in this day, maybe more than at you. but this is my ed buys for you. if i were you, i would go out and recruit but finest candidates that you can find from county supervisor to the school board, to the state assembly, to your state senate -- every race in every office that you have. any republican from marin county, i would be recruiting in marin county, though, we have got one! we have got a republican in marin county! i know that we have got them. this is how confident i am on what we can do. i started my campaigning
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yesterday morning in marin county in california, and we had a houseful of people that were practically spilling out into the yard. i am here to tell you, conservatives and republicans all across america cannot wait to take their country back, he been in marin county. -- even in marin county. i am here to tell you is entirely possible because as tom said, i am the first republican woman ever to get elected out of minnesota. you'd think you have a tough neighborhood? senator al franken, that is all i have to tell you. [booing] but i had a distinct advantage, i grew up in a home where there were three brothers and no sisters. that is the best preparation for politics any girl could ever hacve.
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and they learn pretty quickly do not mess with your sister. but i do have a confession and i have to apologize to you all tonight. i did not bring my teleprompter with me tonight. [laughter] [applause] and i know you ever seen a president without their teleprompter. but in my white house, there will be no teleprompter! because i firmly believe that californians can take the raw, on varnished trade. and you need to know this about me -- there will be no -- in the white house either. i really like the constitution. there is something else i want you to know about me -- i will
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never wet -- step 1 tel out of the united states and apologize for our great country. [applause] why would we apologize? we are the greatest -- we have the greatest animated principals ever contained in a political document. they were set down by thomas jefferson himself when he said that all of us are created equal. that we had been given liberty and we had been given power by a creator god. this nation is unparalleled in the world because we have been
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blessed by god. the founders of this nation recognized we would all be in peril if they did not get down on their knees and ask god for this blessing. not only just in the riding of that document, but throughout fighting for our liberty and for our freedom. and god answered those prayers of our nation. and we are the beneficiaries to order 35 years later of what they have done for us. and we need to consider and not take lightly the fact that not only did they pour out their very lives blood and their treasure and their sacred honor as that document records, we also need to realize that they've put something fourth which is their example for us to look up to. because of the sacrifice they
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made for us, they set that example for every succeeding generation to live up to that example, to live up to those words that they broke down and that they paid for to make even with their very lives. and so we can never forget that every generation for 235 years has successfully transferred that torch of liberty, a chain of liberty, every single generation, they faithfully for urgent that chained up until now, the time of 2011. that is really the question that we have to consider right now -- will we now in our day and time, when that change has been handed to us, will we successfully
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passion our chian in this generation so that the next generation will have the very opportunities in the chances that we have today? i know that it is possible. i know that people across america that cannot wait to fashion that chain. they look to washington, d.c. and we do not think that that'll happen anymore. if you look at the polling data, it is almost 75% of the american people that answer this to the question -- do you think that the next generation will be as well-off as we are today? 75% of those who answer that survey will say, i do not think that the next generation will be as well off. in our history, we have never seen 75% of american people pessimistic about whether the next generation will have the same standard of living or
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better. but i also see something else. in the midst of that pessimism, know what -- no matter where i go, i see the hearts and minds of the american people and buried within that the year, they still have the hope, the hope and believe that america will do better and that in 2012 come that will be the year that we take the nation back. and i have absolutely no doubt that people are looking for their champion. they want to note that the person that they give the nomination to will have a core of convictions, a person who says what they mean and mean what they say, and they know that -- [applause] that when the and trust that person the position in the oval
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office at 1600 pennsylvania avenue, that that person will be a person who has a core of convictions, and that those convictions resemble those convictions of the debt relation of independence, of the constitution of the united states, of the bill of rights, of the northwest ordinance, and again, the very intimating principles that created the most magnificent nation in 5000 years of recorded human history. you'd tell me -- what other nation parallels this nation? there is none. we are the privileged people who are able to be born in this nation and thrive in this nation and grow in this nation and contribute to this nation. and rear up one more generation to receive these blessings.
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last weekend, my husband markets and i celebrated our 33rd wedding anniversary. [applause] high and in the midst of that anniversary, we shared with one another while we are so profoundly grateful for, our five biological children, they are our legacy, the best part of what we will ever produce as a couple. they are wonderful young people, our oldest is a doctor, we are 55 years old, the young this one just went off to college about three years ago. and i have to tell you, they are great kids, but we've really loving being with each other. he has brought me 23 great foster children into our home, and we raise them, they graduated from high school, they
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have launched into the world and we have been the proud parents of 28 wonderful children. and i want you to know -- you are looking at the old woman in the issue right here tonight. -- in the shoe right here tonight. [applause] and that is what your heart is as well. to make sure that your children and your grandchildren are also the beneficiaries of the greatness that is america. that is why i think when we watch television and hear the president of the united states, when we see the abuse of the executive powers that he has been given, how dare i say that? i say that because you need to look no further than the signature issue of his presidency, which is obamacare. and for the first time in our nation's history, the federal government has said to all of us, you will buy a product or
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service because the government told you so as a condition of your citizenship in the united states. and by the way, by the government saying that to all of you, the government is in fact setting the price of what that product or service will be. have you ever heard of anything more militias from our government? there has not been. barry recently come in yet one more federal judge said, sorry, that is unconstitutional. [cheers and applause] and i know that i know that i know that we will again, and i promise u.s. president of united states, they will not rest until we repealed obamacare. i know we can, i know we will,
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because as nominee of the republican party, i will also tell you, i will not rest until i can elect 13 more like-minded titanium-spine to senators who will go with me and also repeal obamacare. i will raise money for them. i will do whatever it takes to make sure that they are elected. because we must have a filibuster-proof senate, and that is the magic number that we need, to get 13 more senators so that we get up to the 60-senator mark. minnesota delivered that 60 of senator in al franken. that is how we got obamacare. here is what else i know. 2012 is set. i do not know about you, but i firmly believe to take our country back, we have to win this election in 2012.
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and we cannot just have the other team wearing the other jersey sitting in the oval office at 1600 pennsylvania ave. we have had in this election someone with core convictions who is a constitutional conservative, who will not take no for an answer, who is willing to push the boulder up the hill because that is what it will take to repeal obamacare. it will take a miracle. but i believe in miracles. and i believe in the one who gives miracles. i know it can happen. this is why we have to do it. because i was there when obamacare passed, and this is what sets me apart from all the other candidates in this race. i have been in washington, d.c. for five years and from day one, i did not go there to bite my time or cash a check for just a vote right. i went to fight.
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i am a congressman but i am not a politician. i am a real person that spent her life in the private sector, building a business, building a family, building a home. i worked as a federal tax litigation attorney. i have seen how devastating high taxes are on businesses and families and farmers and individuals. i have seen how tough it is to start a business. my husband and i both came from modest circumstances. my parents were middle-class, my dad was an engineer, but like millions of american families, my parents were divorced when i was a young junior high girls. when that happened, quite literally, our parents overnight, our family went below poverty. that often happens in a divorce. my mother took all of her wedding gives and put them on card tables and they were all sold in the driveway. and it happened to some many
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people. it was myself and my brothers. my mom to the very best that she could as a full-time at home mother. and she said this to me, and i say this with no condescension to anyone, but she said no one in our family has ever taken public assistance and we are not about to do that now. she also said to us, she said, i want you to not lose hope because we will get through this. with our faith, we will hold together as a family. and some time -- a life on not always be what it is today. so my brothers got jobs delivering papers. i got a job babysitting. i made 50 cents an hour back there. it was big money. and we help out. i have by my own clothes and glasses. my mother could not afforded. she did the best that she could. i do not say that so that you will feel sorry for us or for me. this happens to so many people.
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but my husband and i say this to our own children, never despise small beginnings. allows suffering and hard times to come into our lives, because when that happens, that can be used to make us better people than what we ever thought we could be. we learned clearly the value of a dollar. we learned that necessity was the mother of invention. we'll learn -- the greatest lesson that we can never learn. i became a christian when i was 16 years of age, and i went to college and worked through college as my husband did. we got married after college and we work really hard, we've pulled together capital, and we built our own business. we own the two clinics and we are proud of the fact that we're able to provide jobs and turn a profit. and i say, earning a profit is a
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good thing, and i believe in earning a profit. [applause] because small businesses and small business creators, they are the backbone, the miracle job creation in june of this country. and unlike barack obama, i do not believe that people who earned $250,000 a year or billionaires' and millionaires and that should have a burden of tax placed upon them like they aren't evil in this country. they are not evil, they are what is right about america. they are investing in america. they are turning america around! and as president of the united states, my goal will be to turn the economy around. and the good news is, we can do it. honestly, the formula is not that tough. it is actually possible to be able to do.
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number one, the federal government needs to shrink so that the private sector can grow. this is not that hard. [applause] let me just give you one brief example. at the beginning of the recession, and i know they tell us we are in a recovery, but at the beginning of the recession, there was one in -- only one employee at the department of transportation that made $170,000 a year. 18 months into the recession, there were over 1000 employees making over $170,000 a year. you see, anti-government release one into gear when the recession came around. -- the government really swung into gear when the recession came around. it is very possible for government to tighten their belts and pulleys and. that is where we began, by cutting back on government spending.
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it is entirely possible. as a tax lawyer, i will tell you the tax code is 3.8 million words. i would like to see the end of the tax code. let's put it out of its misery and bring about a new tax reform that is flat and fair and very simple so that your tax form is about the size of a postcard. [applause] weekend do this. it is entirely possible. -- we can do this. it is entirely possible. i love art laugher, an art loves this idea of mine. they had the mother of all spending bills. i want to have the mother of all repeal bills. my goal would be dictate the $1.1 trillion in regulations,
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put those in one big bill, and get these 13 extra senators, and we push that through as well, and they're really opens of job creation. [applause] i am the chief author of the bill to repeal obamacare, but also to repeal dodd-franc. when i went into the united states congress, i was assigned to the financial services committee. my chairman was barney frank. that has been my time in washington, d.c., and i saw how he dealt with this financial meltdown and is not pretty. they have taken all the elements from government that led to the economic meltdown in september 2008 and they decided to make them law, institutionalize them. now we see credit seize up, it
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is very difficult to get a mortgage and credit that a business days. my goal will be to also fully repealed dodd-frank as well. [applause] we have some free trade agreements out there that need to get past. here is something else that we do immediately to turn the car -- the economy around. there is $1.2 trillion in earnings overseas that american companies have already earned. we have the second highest corporate tax rate in the world. one that have that tax -- it is called a repatriation tax, would you take money overseas, you have already paid tax on it overseas. when it comes into the united states right now, you have to pay an extra tax on it in the united states. why not have a 0% repatriation tax and immediately bring $1.2 trillion wash across the
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american economy, not through government, but the people who earn did in the most effective way it possibly could. to that. it will work. and beyond that, we also have the great gift of american energy. i say legalize american energy production. [applause] if we legalize american energy production, we're told that we would create $one. fear -- 1.4 million high-paying jobs. why would you not quick to mark the benefit would increase energy production by 50%. this is a great on told stories that maybe they did not tell you on the evening news. the congressional research service put out a report this year that said the united states was number one -- was the
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number-one energy resource-rich nation in the world. we have some much coal here in the united states of america. president obama recently had to put some rules on hold because his rules would have effectively shut down 20% of all cold-fired plants in the united states. and we derive 45% of our electricity from coal-fired plants. you want to see brownouts and blackouts? the president of united states had to do that are we would have seen more jobs lost across the united states. even better, we had billions and billions of barrels of oil here in the united states. in the atlantic, in the pacific, in the gulf region, i have been and it is one of the most perfect places in the
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planet to drill. we can do it responsibly. we can also -- we have had one of the largest signs of natural gas ever found in pennsylvania. the epa is the job-killing agency of united states, and they have done everything they can to stop us from processing natural gas. i am for all of it. i am from solar, i am for win, i am for hydro -- you name it, i am for. american energy is one of the greatest fields that we have to do business in the united states. open it up. let's have at all. we can do it responsibly. ec, it is not that hard if you try. that is why the next president of united states has to understand the problems of the nation. understand and be able to apply
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the solutions and have the political will and courage to see it through and make it happen. [applause] entire life has been spent dealing with economics and economic issues in the business world. i'm so proud to have had that in our background. but in my time in the analyses congress, have also been privileged to be appointed to the intelligence committee. a tiny committee because we deal with the nation's classified secrets. as concerned as i am about the economy, and they will be the issue for this campaign, i am equally if not more so concerned about what i see in the foreign- policy arena. in the time that the president has been in office, he sent some extremely dangerous signals to the rest of the world about weakness in an area of farm policy, and i say that what all
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due respect. i also say that with every ounce of conviction that is within my being, because i want you to know, as president of the united states, i will stand with israel. [cheers and applause] every president since israel declared her sovereignty 11 minutes after that, and harry truman recognized israel. it was the greatest act that he could have done to tell the rest of the world that the united states recognizes israel and the world needed to recognize that the united states would be there
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in a form of backing for israel. that has helped israel maintain her sovereignty and her independence. every president since then has stood with israel and has had israel's back in a very tough neighborhood of 26 hostile nations that have surrounded israel. that is, until may of this year when barack obama called upon israel to retreat to her indefensible 1967 borders. you wonder why -- you wonder why we have had the hostilities of this arab spring? and now we will see the turkish ambassador -- that turkish nation expelled the israeli ambassador. we saw hosni mubarak fall paul barack obama sat on his hands, and we've also seen the rise of radical elements all across the
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middle east region, and we are also seeing a tentativeness now with the peace treaty that israel and egypt have enjoyed for the last 30 years. these are very perilous times that we are looking at. oh, that a speedy exit music now. i will have to wind up. these are perilous times, and again, something that we need to keep in mind as we're moving into this next election, our nominee for our party must stands squarely and clearly with the best interests of the united states when it comes to foreign policy. one thing i want to conclude with, ronald reagan won the cold war because he understood that for the united states to remain and be the no. 1 military powerhouse of the world, and i happen to believe that the world is better when the united states
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is the number one military powerhouse in the world -- [cheers and applause] ronald reagan understood that in order to do that, the united states also had to be the no. 1 economic power house of the world. [applause] we remain in the wonderful position today but we are told by the international monetary fund that within five years, we will be eclipsed from that perch. i'm here today to say that i think 2012 is that window of opportunity where we can again reclaim economic greatness. when we can reclaim our position is the military powerhouse and the world, and we must. because we are facing threats from around the world. dominance istates'
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in our overhead architecture, the satellite systems. no one other -- no other nation can touch the dominance that the united states has in space. and here again barack obama weaken does, when he said that we would not be able to access the international space station because the shuttle program will no longer be with us and we will not have a way to be able to get up to the international space station. you know how we have to get up there? we put our thumb now and we have to beg pretty pleased to the russians, may we have a right to be able to get up there? what do we have that as circling the united states and the glove? satellites. we have satellites. and we have many sensitive satellites that are up there. china has blinded one of our satellites with a laser. this is not too hard to figure
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out this scenario. if we have a nation that blinds a critical component of our overhead architecture and our dominance, and we have no way to repair that satellite because we're busy attacking -- you see that very quickly we could lose that dominance. which nation is seeking in an all-out effort for a new military presence on the globe? china. china is seeing that military presence. and while i want to have peaceful relations with all nations, i also believe that ronald reagan led the way again. he said that we have those relations with adopting the policy of peace through strength. and as the commander-in-chief of this nation, that is my policy as well.
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my father served in the air force, my stepdad in the army, my brother retired full united states navy. i have respect and admiration for our military. i will make sure that they're fully resourced, but we must maintain the number one military presence in the world. that is job one. [applause] let me conclude by saying to all of you this evening that i know as a nation, i know without a shadow of a doubt, that we together -- it will not be just republicans to go to the polls, to take this nation back. i know what will be disaffected democrats that i fully intend to reach out to and say, we will bring the solutions that will bring this nation back, come,
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join us, let's take the nation back. i also know it will not be just disaffected democrats that join us. it will be independents who joined us to widen this net to take the country back. and it will not stop there. it will be people who have never been political a day in their life, but they're fearful for the nation, and they too will get up off the couch. they would join us. they will help us spread the net, and they will help us take the nation back. and it will be republicans and it will be the glorious tea party and all of them together will come together in this wonderful umbrella that says, we need to keep the faith. we will forge that link on the chain. we will enjoy i'm unparalleled future based in liberty and based in a god-given protection
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that we have enjoyed for 235 years. this is our charge, this new birth of freedom. join me. let's join together, and in 2012, we will birth that new beginning, and once again we will be the greatest nation on earth. god bless you and god bless the united states of america. thank you for having me here today. i love you all. thank you, everyone. god bless you. i love you all. god bless you. ♪
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[inaudible] >> next, live, your calls and comments on "washington journal ." then henry waxman. in this series on candidates who ran and lost but changed political history.
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we will look to the life of james g. blaine. >> the first thing coming here the boom and see the flash, and the new hear them cry out in pain. the second thing i heard, if they have lost anything special, you know, shoot me. >> tonight, ivan kander and rob jones. kaeder is the director of a documentary about his friend severely wounded in afghanistan. it follows his journey from coping with all loss of his legs to his rehabilitation. >> this morning, david brody, chief political correspondent for christian broadcasting news, looked set to roll in evangelical voters will have in the 2012 election. then nelson schwartz discusses the federal lawsuit against


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