tv Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN September 29, 2011 6:00am-7:00am EDT
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stuff tomorrow. good, thank you, brad. >> the you have a page on facebook? >> i don't. >> there is a lot of anita perrys out there. >> is there another one? >> there is. >> ok, thank you so much, good to see you again. >> welcome to iowa. [unintelligible] good luck to you. >> thank you for being here. hi there, how are you. ? thank you. hello, there. thank you for being here.
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thank you so much. >> hello first lady perry. i want to give you this for your husband. he is the first governor in our country's history [unintelligible] we want to thank him for that. we met him last month at the picnic. my son is a 12-year-old boy scout and he wrote him this week this note. >> thank you. >> magaw picture? >> sure. -- may i get a picture? >> sure. >how are you?
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my daddy will be 91 thursday and he is in his world war ii outfit. >> [unintelligible] [inaudible] i am very disturbed that congress and everybody wants to cut our and if you look at the statistics [inaudible] and i am hearing now that with this recent deal there will be [inaudible] that will be cut. i don't think that will help. >> no. >> our first duty is to protect this country and if we don't
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protect the country, the rest of it means nothing. >> that is what he believes. >> i was in the marine corps. >> ok, good. thank you. his best friend is a marine. it is important to us. if we are not strong militarily, [inaudible] it is important for our country to be strong. >> by the way, this is my wife betty. >> hello, betty. >> it is his brand. his father is father ray.
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telling a popular tourist. >> thank you for being here. >how are you? thank you. >> my gosh, it is so important being one of the first state. we have spent time here. we have both spent time here. we think we have a lot in common with the people in iowa. when you are genuine and authentic and you speak what you say from your heart. what you see is what you get. that is what you get with my husband. >> you mentioned you were at the last debate. how did you help your husband to prepare for the debate? >> probably not a lot on policy. i say go out there and be
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yourself and be confident and the who you are. he is who he is. he's got people who are much smarter than i am a talk to him about policy. >> i want to fall on one of your comments about other candidates. was that a reference to mitt romney? >> i will not say that about my friend mitt./ he has been running for president four or five years. that was my husband's third debate on at the national stage. i think it is unfair to compare them to each other when they have been running much longer. i don't know, he did not show it the other night and i think he will tell you that the other night was not his best performance but he will only get better.
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i think part of the attacks had something to do with it. when you have seven hours being shot at you and your the one person in the middle, a 32nd rebuttal does not give you a lot of time. >> will you be traveling on your own a lot? >> i will be out of my own and back with him within the first 10 days of iowa. from here i go to california and south carolina. we've got a lot of country to cover. we love meeting the american people. the american people are the best we've got. we love being here and being in iowa. we will be back together and separately. >> when you go to california? >> we are doing fund-raising and meeting people and asking people for their votes and asking for support. thank you. y'all waited all afternoon.
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candidate mitt romeny's wife ann. ann romney is introduced by the group president. this is 20 minutes. >> after promising never to undergo another presidential campaign, ann romney was inspired to encourage her husband to run against president obama as record in office. the controversial issue of the president's national health care act which she recognized was a reform that would cripple the economy and knew what americans were thinking at the time. a strong, inspirational republican leader with executive experience needed to step into the presidential race, win, and change the direction of government involvement in their
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lives. a good-looking candidate helps, too. [laughter] like her husband, and has established her thoughts as a leader and a potential first lady of the united states. as important, is her role as a wife, mother, and grandmother. she is an accomplished equestrian, which i did not know, and as a former first lady of massachusetts, to became a leader to a host of charitable faith based and community organizations locally and internationally. the common thread that motivates ann romney to dedicate herself to help others in need with children and young women, she recognizes that all citizens have a greater and more meaningful impact in improving people's lives than government can. amongst some of her accomplishments, as first lady she served as the governor's
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liaison to the white house office of faith based and community initiatives. she has been a long-serving supporter and leader in the united way of mass. as well as the initiator of a coalition that provides funding to urban church programs designed to serve at risk youth. she helped developed right to play, an international nonprofit that uses sports and play as a developmental tool for children in the most disadvantaged areas of the world. she lends her time and leadership to equine therapy programs for physically challenged children, literacy programs for children including the annual scholastic reading event, as well as organizations such as partners for youth with disabilities, the american red cross, the boston 10-point coalition, and the perkins
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school of the blind. as first lady, she served as a board member of the mass children's trust fund where she was the recipient of the 2006 lifetime achievement award from operation kids. since mitt romney's announcement to run for the presidency a second time, ann romney has been busy traveling the country extensively on the campaign trail. she is meeting and speaking to as many americans. now that she is in new hampshire, i am sure she takes great pleasure to spend a little time in her home in wolsbaro. please welcome home, [applause] ] ann romney. [applause] >> thank you.
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i was getting bored by the introduction. i did not know i did all those things. maybe you can tell the focus is on children. maybe you can tell my life focuses on children. that is where my passion is and that's where i like to lend my light and my life is to children. especially children in need. i remember once when i was driving, i had my five boys in the car when they were younger. that was not always a pleasant experience to have five boys in a car. it can be that long. you drive with -- it can be bedlam. there were good times in the car, too. i remember driving by a van with at risk youth in it. i think they were probably in
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detention or in juvenile authority and probably been transported from one facility to another. my heart absolutely stopped when i saw that a van. as i was driving next to it, it was so symbolic to me. i thought if i could have those boys in my car they would be ok. if they had had the kind of parenting they needed and if they had the kind of love and support, they would not be in that van. there would be okay and be with me. we were going on vacation and doing something fun. i recognized then how important it is to have good examples and good parenting and good life skills that you learn in the home. and how grateful i was for good parents. in the introductory prayer, i
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was very touched by the thought of how we are to remember those who have gone before and are grateful for those who have made sacrifices for this nation. i have a long history of people who have made sacrifices for this nation and it started with william bradford who was on the mayflower and was the first governor of massachusetts. he was my direct ancestors. i am his 17 great- granddaughters'. . i am grateful that william bradford made enormous sacrifices to get on that mayflower and come to this unknown place for religious freedom. if you follow that line, you go through the revolution and everything else. on my father's side, my grandfather was a welsh coal miner.
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when he was 8 years old, he started working in the minds. he worked six days a week and he would go before the sun came up and he would come home after the sun went down. he never saw daylight except on sunday. i am grateful that my grandfather recognized that he wanted a better future for his grandchildren. he made an enormous sacrifice in leaving wills and leading the call money community that had been doing coal mining for generations and came to america for a better life for his children and grandchildren. my father was 15 when he came to this country. the same that sticks with me from my grandfather who i did not know well, he died when i was a baby, or maybe two, i don't remember -- i remember having pictures of him but i
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don't really remember him that well. the same -- the saying that my father did to us when we were studying and working hard in school is it is like you steady or it is the pick and shovel for you. those were the choices. those were the choices that my father had. you either do well in school or you are back in the mines. i think the reason we need to express gratitude and feel gratitude for those who went before us is that there were people who made shoot -- huge sacrifices for this nation and make it what it is. , a shining hill and a light that all people want to come to for opportunity and a place to have a better life for their children and grandchildren. i think so many of us are motivated right now because we feel a sense that this may be in
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jeopardy, that this shining hill -- that we may be losing some of the glitz and glamour and everything else that represents the united states of america and maybe the next generation will not be better off than the generation before. we all need to figure out what it is that we can do to change that. right now, what i can do is be out there representing my husband and giving people an opportunity to recognize that we need a person in the white house with leadership skills that is going to change the course of direction that our country is headed in and i am willing to do that and i am grateful for the sacrifices of generations before me that fought hard for personal liberties and personal opportunities. it is time now for me to give back a little bit in a small, small way.
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in fact, as to my generation and and ancestors who have sacrificed for me to make my life a better life. i am grateful for them and i appreciate the person that gave the invocation and blessing this morning and made us think of those people that went before us and how important they are and we need to remember them. we need to live our lives in such a way that we can show gratitude for them. i was with my grandkids this weekend. i was in california yesterday, actually. california yesterday and had the chance to read -- to be reenergize by being with my grandchildren. his great to see my children, my sons, my five sons being good husbands and being good fathers. my grandchildren are also aware
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that we are doing something right now. they are old enough to some of them to figure out there is something special going on with their grandfather. it is interesting to see their perspective. they, of course, what their grandfather to be president but they don't really know what that means and how hard that is. i had a very special little gift, not from this trip but maybe a trip six weeks ago when i was in california again and my 11-year-old granddaughter chloe was listening to me talk about how difficult it is to travel and those of you who note that you have to get on an airplane often, it is not easy as it used to be and none of us like going through security. i was talking about how hard it was and what a pain it is to be in those security lines and how hard it is to get your license out and your ticket and wear your glasses because you can't tell which see you are sitting
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in and it is not a pleasant experience. she was listening to all this and next time i saw her she made me something. it was like a necklace with little pockets in it. the one pocket for the ticket, the one pocket for my license, and the one pocket for my glasses. she is 11 and she made it a 100% by herself. you can tell by what it looks like. it was so sweet of her to do this. i took it and i thanked her and we got in the car and mitt looked at me and said that was so sweet and he said you cannot wear that. i said i'm going to wear it. and i do and i wear it and i put it over my neck and it is a little ragged looking but it is wonderful because it reminds me as i put it on and we're close to my heart why it is we are doing what we are doing.
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it makes it a little easier to go through security. by the way, it is very convenient. i have those three little pockets and it is just great. i appreciate chloe, her efforts in participating in this endeavor that we are all involved with now. i do where close to my heart and i do think of why it is mitt and i are doing what we are doing. it is not for our generation. we are in our 60's. we are ok. it may not even be so much for my children who are now 30 and up. they go from 32 like 40. they will be okay, too. i worry about my grandchildren. i worry about the country that they will inherit from us and our excessive spending and deficit, all the things they will inherit from us.
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i think about what i inherited from my grandparents and i want to do a better job. i don't want them to be burdened with debt. i want them to trust in their government, that it will not exceed what they should be doing as a responsible government. that is why we are in it and that is why we care so deeply and that is why i am committed to knowing that my husband is the right person at the right time to do this job. he is prepared. i look at all the experience of his life. never mind that he has been a great husband and father. there are many of you in this father "-- in this room who have done the same thing. it is so important but he has also been a success in business. he has brought some of that to the table where he understands the economy, understands have jobs are made, understands the dynamics of how much trouble we're in now and how the climate for creating new jobs is
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terrible. he understands that because he has been in private business. he has also done something extraordinary -- he left a very successful business, left everything on the table and went out to run salt lake winter games in 2002 when they were in a huge financial trouble. that took a lot of courage. it ended up being the most successfully run games in the history of olympic games. it was amazing thing to come from such deficits to putting on the first world stage you that after september 11 with high security issues. he turned it around and made it successful and left a surplus. instead of a debt. he did that so beautifully and he went to massachusetts as governor and did the same thing.
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a $3 billion deficit and left it four years later with a $2 billion rainy day fund without raising taxes and without borrowing. we need somebody that has had this kind of experience, that knows how to do turn around and has worked in the private sector and has worked in the government sector. it is not just knowing the answers. many of us know what the solutions are, it is how you get those things done. he has been in environs with a heavily democratic legislature where he is gone things done. i understand may be better than most how important it is mitt is the next president of the united states and how chloe's little badge that i wear now reminds me that it is worth the effort. it is worth it for me to be here, too, and talk to all of you and recognize that not only mitt going to be the next for the party because people will
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become more aware that we need someone of substance, experience, and has had a hard road but he is not just going to be the, he will also defeat barack obama. [applause] we are in this to win it. we are committed to it. we know it is important. we know all of you are concerned about this country and i am grateful mitt, frankly, that he is willing to step forward and do this. it is a huge undertaking. i thought i sure as heck did not want to do this again after running the first time. mitt reminds me that he said that after each presidency. i have five boys. -- after each pregnancy. i have five boys.
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it is good that i forget about some things. it is true that i was convinced we would never do this again. it was so difficult the first time perot. it is worth at this time and it is worth the fight. that is why have given and recognize the mitt's tech biggest cheerleader and encouraging him and loving him and loving the fact that he does so well in the debates, too, by the wide area [applause] way. [applause] it is ok that he -- that you know he graduates from harvard business school and harvard law school. it takes a tremendous capacity -- mental capacity to do those kind of things. i feel fortunate to be married to him and i feel fortunate to be engaged in the battle we are in now. i feel like it is a worthy cause. and i'm delighted to have a lot
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of the support of a lot of you in this room. you need to know that you are the workers, the activists in this room and you are the people that can talk to your neighbors, get out, get on the phone when the time comes because new hampshire will be been againmitt will work and when it and we're going to need your help so thank you very much. [applause] ." i want to thankann for coming today and they have -- and on behalf of us, we have a small token for sharing your time with us. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> another road to the white house event with congresswoman michelle bachmann, the minnesota republican spoke at liberty university in lynchburg, virginia. she recently won the straw poll
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their barry she is the second candidate to speak at the university following the rick perry appearance on september 14. this is 40 minutes. [applause] >> good morning. good morning, everyone. thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity to be here at liberty today. is there any better university in the history of the world's? ? i think we all know it is awesome to be here today. chancellor called well, i want to thank you for inviting me to address not only to faculty but also the students and the staff of this absolutely amazing university. it is a privileged to be here and i want to congratulate you and i want to congratulate this
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university for your 40th anniversary on training champions for christ. [applause] at a university like liberty that is the largest christian university in the world and the largest university here in the state of virginia, it may seem odd when you look at the topic i will be talking about today but for a few moments, i want to challenge you with a concept of not selling. s --ettling. \ i campus like this where everything is big and you have accomplished so much, where the vision of dr. jerry falwell and if you committed christians who came together and bowed their knees before an almighty god and said this is a project that we will start and we look around amazed at this university.
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it is only just begun, the greatness that will come out of liberty. these are just the early days of the greatness that god has plants. it is not only for this university but for each one of your lives as well. settle inc do onn't the midst of this success and 33 years ago this month, i did not settle. i married the very best man that i know, my husband marcus bachmann who is here with me today on this platform. [applause] and ladies and gentlemen, i challenge you. you can have it, too. don't settle in that department either. make sure you get god's very best for you, too. it's worth it.
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and have you ever noticed when we talk about this concept of saddling or will we saddle that when we settle, usually what we are settling for is the easy choice, right? it is not the hard choice. there are some times when you settle when it is not so hard. you go over to take your girlfriend or boyfriend and go for some yogurt and you decide that you really want cookies and cream but you settle for cake batter. that is not much of an issue. that is unsettling but it is not much of an issue. or maybe you started a habit that was not. so go you decide you're going to cut a couple of glasses and maybe you had two or three skips you could handle but all the sudden it felt good to sleep in and all the sudden you lost 75 points on that final grade. then it was an 75, that was 150.
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you know who i am talking to [laughter] . that was 225. now it is getting serious. that is se calledttling. you find youttle, may have some negative consequences that you have to face. all of a sudden, saddling does not seem quite as fun as it looked before. in your generation, i can understand why you may decide to settle. you have been through a lot in your lifetime, all of you in this room remember what we just observed, the 10th anniversary of 9/11. you can remember where you were and some of your seven, eight, nine years old and some older. you remember where you were. that was a point in your life that you'll never forget. you lived through two protracted wars. you have lived continually with the threat of terrorism in your lives. every time you go through an airport, you are now reminded of
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that, those who are older remember a different time. you also recognize and you were told frequently that yours may be the generation, the first generation in 235 years that may not do better economically than the generation before, your parents' generation. no other generation in 235 years would say that because every generation of americans has always done better than the previous generation. we have -- that is our birthright because we are a nation that was on the move. we were not a nation that settled. that is why this is such a precarious time we live in. in a particular for your generation, because i am not willing that we settle because you deserve more than a nation
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that settles. [applause] because i believe as believers of jesus christ that each of us have only one life that god has given to us. the greatest benefit we can have. i charge you this morning, don't settle. don't settle with this gift he has given to you. don't settle when it comes to your personal life. don't settle when it comes to your career decision. certainly, don't settle when it comes to your relationship with jesus christ. he is bill lord of the universe. he is the master, the creator, the alpha and the omega, the beginning of the end. why in the world would we do anything less but settled? we should never settle.
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all of you are living in what i often call and tell our children, you are living in the decade of decision. some people say it is from 16-26 or 18-28. it is that decade of decision when you make the fundamental decisions o your life. , when you decide what is your relationship will be with an almighty god and when you make your decision on where you go to college, what your major will be, what you're like occupation will be, who your life mate will become a buying your first home, perhaps starting your family. you are in that decade of decision. that is why this topic is so relevant even to champions for christ. even as champions, we are tempted to settle. here again today, i am telling you, what ever you do, don't settle. because this mighty god that we
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serve as a vision so big that you are privileged to walk in it every day on this campus. as you look around, you think back, all the way back to the early 1970's, this was a campus that started with barely 150 students and look around. jerry falwell did not settle. the early donors did not settle. the early students did not settle. don't think that this is it. this is just the beginning of so much more. on this campus and in your own lives. if you are a freshman and you're just getting through these very first weeks, you have not figured out yet which end of the campus is which -- don't settle. there is so much more and it is a much bigger. the most important decision that i made in not selling was what i
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was going to do with my fate. i grew up in a family of lutherans and my family was wonderful. they taught us to pray when i was a little girl. i have no doubt that in my home church the gospel was preached. i will tell you that if it was, it flew right over my head and i did not get it. i did not understand what the gospel was. i thought because we went to church, i thought because i was a lutheran, i thought that was it. i was on my way to heaven. it was not until i was 16 years of age and three other friends and myself were out moving around one night, we heard there was a party in our church and we went in and the doors were open and there was no party. at that moment, the holy spirit called us up to the of altar. when we got to the front of the church, all of us under the power of the holy spirit were called to our knees. we now confronted the altar and we started prayer's.
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holy spirit at that moment convinced me and touched by heart and that of my three friends. one thing that i understood at that moment is that i did not know jesus. although i had gone to church and although my parents did everything they were supposed to do, i had not made that part connection. in that moment, we began weeping before the lord at the altar. even though i had not been a drinker and i had not been on drugs and i had not been overly rebellious and even though i had not been chasing around, it did not matter. i was a center and i had a heart that needed to be cleaned. -- a sin i was aner and i think -- i was asinner and i repented for my sin. i turned away from and said," oh, god, clean out my heart. make me new. i want to be a child of yours and your kingdom." and he did what he promises he
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will do for all. what he does for one, he will do for all. he is not partial. that night i went back and i knelt down beside my bed i said to the lord when i got home, "i don't know what just happened to me but i do know that i am completely different than i was before. something has changed inside of me. lord, radically abandon myself to jesus christ. what ever you have for me, i am here and i am ready. take me, i'm yours." and the lord put in me than a hundred for his word. up to that time, i would read the bible and it did not make sense to me. i put it down and i could not get excited about the word of god. when the lord came into my heart, he put in a hunter and a thirst for his word. at 16 years of age i started setting my alarm for 5:00 in the morning so i could wake up and
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leave lamentations, jeremiah, a second chronicles. this is not exactly would you would normally consider great reading at 5:00 in the morning. for a new believer in jesus christ, i could not get enough of the word of god. although i never went to bible school, that was my bible school. feasting in the word of god and letting the holy spirit teach me from a. his word i did not want to settle. i wanted to know jesus christ in his fullness, every part of him. i wanted to grow and that is what i encourage for you, too. he is big enough and he will take you into a depth of meaning and relationships that you cannot even begin to imagine. it can grow and grow and grow and deepen. as it deepens, he takes you into a realm like another.
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don't settle. that is what jesus says to us. jesus took me to college, through law school, and during my time in law school, that is when the lord gave me my life first. i was having a quiet time with him one morning and i read through the scriptures. it was in second corinthians 3: 17. where the spirit of the lord is, there is liberty because liberty is the animating principle, not only for our nation, not only for this universe a. take i just found out recently that might verse is the verse for this university, second corinthians 3:17. it is for the animating principle of this nation. liberty. it is because jesus came to set the captives free. it is the essence of our christian life.
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it is the essence of the founding of this nation. i am often reminded and enthralled by the stories of the greatness of those who sacrificed to come to this country and one of those stories i would like to share with you is that of the pilgrims. it was in 1631 rev. john winthrop was coming to take the new place of governor in the massachusetts bay colony. it was on course to get to salem, massachusetts and it was early june in 1630 whenarbella it sure. the pilgrims were thrilled to be able to come and they pulled up near the shore. as they looked out, they could not understand what they saw. the people who came to greet them were gone. and whether it and did not come running to sure because there was not a ship that came very often. they were listless and they
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could hardly move. john winthrop saw that those who greeted him or half naked. they were nearly half the dead. their countenance did not reflect light. he saw that there were hot and the thought surely this must be the first settlement. where is the city? where is the homes? you see 265 pilgrims had preceded them. they thought they would be welcomed with a community that was growing and vibrant. instead, only 85 souls were left. the rest had died or some had already gone back to england. those 85 that were left or planning to go back to england. they had given up. they settled. they said they could not do it anymore. john winthrop new that an almighty god had sent him on this journey to the united states. they were to be here to bring
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the gospel of jesus christ and began a new work in this new land that was not yet known as the united states of america. john winthrop when back a arbella and the road down words and in the midst of the words he wrote, he gave the famous speech that you may have heard quoted 70 tons. president reagan quoted these words of john winter in a speech he gave in 1974. they are taken from the sermon on the amount and the book of matthew. this is what john ribble tarp wrote. he said we must consider that we shall be as a city upon the hill, the eyes of all people are upon us. if we shall deal falls with our god in this work, we have undertaken, and so cause him to withdraw, his presence help from us, we shall be made a story in a byword for the world.
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john winthrop encouraged those on board. u.n. on toquote from deuteronomy where moses made a tremendous sermon where he said we put before you. we choose good or we choose bed. we choose life for we choose death. it was at that moment when john winthrop and the pilgrims had to make a choice. what would they choose? would they choose to stay? or would they choose to go? at that moment, in the midst of that sermon, they had to make a choice and choice was made. the choice was not to settle. the choice was to trust in almighty god and him they moved and had their being and a trusted. that was the founding for this nation, the choice but john winthrop made, the choice that
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the pilgrims made. it was not easy. it was hard. usually when we settle, it is a short-term ease but is it is the long-term hard that the lord often asks us to choose. as our founders shows no less, they gave us the most magnificent document any nation has ever been given, the declaration of independence. we are the nation that was founded upon the creed and the declaration of independence tells us that these troops that we have been given say to us that it is an almighty god that was given to us our inalienable rights. it is not government gave us our rights. it is god who gave us our right. since god was our creator gave them to us, no government can take them away from us. that is the privilege. [applause]
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the declaration went on to say that the only reason we have a government is to secure those rights that god gave to us, the inalienable rights that only god can give are these -- life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness. as dr. falwell told you, the first among those rights is life. my husband and i, when we were in our college years, were challenged when we saw a film series by dr. jerry falwell's mentor dr. francis schaffer. we were 19 years of age and we were spellbound as we watched this movie about biblical world views, that jesus is not just the lord of the sabbath, he is not just lord of theology, he is lord of all of a. creation he is a great god.
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in the midst of that challenge, he also told us about life and that life is the premier issue, the watershed issue of our times. and he was right because we learned this not only by what we have observed and read in the word, we learned by experience when we lost one of our children and a miscarriage. when that miscarriage occurred, we did not think we were materialistic people. we did not think we were career- minded people. i was a tax lawyer and my husband was a clinical psychologist by god got a hold of our hearts of that moment and he shared with us the importance of life and we decided at that point that we open our hearts to a however many children god would give us. we accepted those children as you would do as a parent. we have five biological children and got knocked on our hearts and door and we took 23 foster children into our home
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and raise them up and launched them into the world as well. [applause] during the course of our life, i have absolutely no intention to go into the area of politics. when our foster children, our biological children, we home schooled and put them in private christian school, we did not have that option with their foster children. i decided when i saw what was coming home in the backpacks that i would not settle. i got involved in their education in public school. i led a movement in minnesota and after five years' time, our state did what no other state did. we threw off the federal government controls in public education in our state. we brought back high academic excellence in a not so conservative state like minnesota. it happened because we decided to that we would not settle.
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[applause] not only should we not settled there, when i went on to serve in the united states congress, i was appalled at what i saw. the ease with which i saw members of congress is spending your money hand over fist, i had grown up in a conservative background. i had never seen people spend money like this before. i decided i could not hold back. i had to get involved. probably the most egregious level of taking of our liberty was with the issue of obama care. obama care is the first time in the history of our nation that we have taxpayer subsidized abortions and earlier this summer, with the passage of obama care, president obama rules in a stunning level of power grab that he would order every private insurance company in this country to provide the
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morning after abortion pill free of charge to anyone who wanted that pill. this, in my opinion, is something we should not settle for in our country. [applause] we need to stand up to obama care -- we need to stand up to the government takeover not only of 1/6 of our economy and obama care, we need to stand up to the federal government taking over private companies like automobile company. that needs to come to an end. we cannot settle for the federal government taking over private industry. we cannot settle for the federal government taking over the banking industry, the insurance industry with bills like dodd- frank. we cannot settle and we can't settle either when it comes to standing up for america's
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greatest ally and our neighbor in the world, israel. we must stand with israel. [laughter] [applause] = =[applause] this is in the election all elections when we have the opportunity to turn the nation around. when it comes to obama care, had been involved in this fight for some time and i will tell you unless we repeal it in 2012, we will have socialized medicine for the united states future and that is not something that will be good for this nation. we cannot settle. i want to close with a story that you are all very familiar with. it is taken from numbers, chapter 14, and it is the story of the supplies that were sent out, one from each tribe, two of those spies were caleb and joshua and as the 12 spies went over to cave in to scope out the
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land, there were told to find out if the land is good or bad. are the people in the land week or strong? is this a land full of milk and honey or is it not? are the city's fortified or are the city's open camps? what did you find out? i sit on the intelligence committee and that is what our nation does. it finds the intel so we can defend our nation. that is what the israelites were doing. as caleb and joshua went with the other 12 into the land, the report came back from the spies and they were showing their brothers and sisters yes, this is a land filled with milk and honey and filled with good things but there are giants in the land, the giants on the order of being too strong for us. they have great cities and they are fortified. as always happens, the majority said settled, stay here. as a matter of fact, let's go
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back to egypt and the slaves again. let's not press forward. get the context of this -- every day, the children of israel had a pillar of fire by night to show god's protection and a cloud by day to show god's provision. they have a provision every day from heaven, man of from heaven, daily they saw gauze provision and they saw his care and moses had said to the 12 spies as they went forward to bring back this intelligence and to the people of israel, he said that god has said it we take the land, he will be before us. he will do this work. in spite of all those assurances, the spies came back and 10 of the 12th said no, we cannot possibly do this. we have to settle. except two, a small minority said yes, we can do this,
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joshua, caleb said yes. we can do this by putting our hand in god almighty and. we can to. this what happens? the people did not go along. the people were fearful. the people did not trust god. you know the rest of the story. for 40 years, those who failed to trust in god, for 40 years, those who settled ended up wandering in the wilderness and they lost their lives in the wilderness. this is what i close with today. -- don'te your life take this university -- don't take the future of the most magnificent country that god has ever bequeathed in the mind of man, the united states of america -- don't settle. don't settle for anything last than what this great and almighty god has planned for
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you. he has planned greatness for your personal life, greatness for your marriage, greatness for your children, greatness for your career, greatness for this nation. it may not be that you become a billionaire, or maybe you do. but it may be and it will be -- i'm with you -- it made [laughter] or it will be that you will walk out with his plan for you. that is greatness. [applause] fulfilling his plan for you. that is how we define greatness. [applause] and so i join with the founder of this marvelous institution, dr. jerry falwell, and encourage you, my beloved in jesus christ, do not settle.
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fulfill its. plan you have only gotten a taste of what he has planned for you. do it all. give it your all. don't settle. god bless you and god bless this magnificent university. [applause] host: caller: c-span3 c-span2 [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2011] >> our presidential campaign coverage continues tonight with newt gingrich as he presents his plan -- campaign platform in iowa. that begins at 8:00 p.m. eastern time here on c-span. coming up next, it is "washington journal"live with your phone calls and later live coverage of the house as members consider a short-term spending bill. defense secretary leon panetta speaks at a ceremony to mark the
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