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tv   Politics Public Policy Today  CSPAN  October 31, 2011 10:00am-12:00pm EDT

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service. i am ready for the fight again. [applause] of course, we have a lot to fight about. you only have to look at what the state of florida is trying to do to restrict our ability to vote, to register to, to registd to have our vote counted as intended. you would think in a state like ours, with what we went through in the 2000 presidential election, and when the legislature did after that in making easier to vote and register to vote, and have your vote counted, that instead, in america in the year 2011, that we would be going the other way. it has happened not here, but 13 states as well. florida is the worst in putting out voter suppression.
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i am here because of these two great people. dr. jill biden was going to introduce her husband, but she has laryngitis. so let me just tell you about dr. jill biden. she was in delaware today kicking off her campaign for awareness of women's breast cancer. [applause] she and the first lady have been at the point of the spear helping out families of those deployed to iraq and afghanistan. the boots on the ground. [applause] and listen to this. when joe's mom and dad were living with them, she was helping to take care of the
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vice-president's elderly parents at the same time of raising three boys, and at the same time of getting two master's degrees, and a ph.d. i would say the vice president and i definitely have something in common. we married above ourselves. [applause] since jill cannot introduce her husband, all i have to say is, one of the best senators to come out of the u.s. senate, one of the true great american patriots, i think, arguably, the best vice-president of the united states. ladies and gentlemen, and joe biden, the president of -- vice- president of the united states. [applause]
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>> ladies and gentlemen, i am truly delighted to be here tonight. you all are going to be seeing an awful lot of me because the state's i will be concentrating on our pennsylvania, ohio, florida, new hampshire, so i will be here a lot. i look forward to working with you all. we plan on winning florida. we cannot win without you. and we cannot win without bill nelson in florida. [applause] but you cannot mention bill without mentioning grace, literally.
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ladies and gentlemen, they have become two of the best friends for jim and me, for our workers in the senate, and now. the would work harder for us than bill and grace. as someone told me once when now is running for reelection, he said, what would jim to for you in delaware? he said, mr. chairman, some places you hurt and some places you helped. he said, well, i will come and campaign for order against you. which ever will help you most. deadbeat is doing an amazing job, by the way. [applause] it will not surprise you that i have loved her for a long time, ever since she thought i was good enough to be president in
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those days. she has been to not only 23 states, she has raised money, awareness, volunteers, and has raised our prospects in every one of those states. thank you for helping us, debbie wasserman schultz. the fact of the matter is, i do not need to remind you of the catastrophe we inherited, that america inherited, after the eight years of the last the administration. when barack obama and i were sworn in on that bitterly cold day in january, we looked at it bitterly 1 million people standing on the national mall. you could sense their sense of hope and expectation. it was an incredible sight. but there was something else on the faces of those million people.
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there was concern, uncertainty, and in some cases, even fear. practically before i lowered my hand on january 20, by that time, at that moment, we had already lost 740,000 jobs just that month. that quarter, our economy shrunk to historic lows, 6.4% loss in our gdp. before barack obama and i sat at our desks, we inherited a bill for $1.30 trillion for that year and a projected deficit of $8 trillion over the next 10. middle-class americans lost $16 trillion in household wealth. vanished without a trace. as you know, almost better than
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any other state, here in florida, the equity of people's houses evaporated before their eyes. their retirement fund, as the market was talked about going below 600, also evaporated, and with it, all the while they had. with it, their hopes and expectations of how they would and could retire, the ability to send their kids to school, their security. that is why i find it absolutely bizarre republicans moralizing about deficits. that is like an arsonist moralizing about fire safety. these guys have had zero credibility, 0 credibility. [applause] their vision of economic policy
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and plan for prosperity laze in creative financial instruments, a credit default swaps, collateralized debt obligations, subprime mortgages. they gave us a bubble and they called it an economy. in addition, we inherited a foreign policy that was in disarray. we have lost the respect of our allies and the fear of our enemies. we are nearly a decade into two wars, 180,000 americans deployed in harm's way. 150,000 alone in iraq. the osama bin laden remained at large and continue to plot new attacks on americans. in short, we were a nation isolated in the world and on the verge literally of depression. america was in trouble. the folks we were presented needed help.
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and they did not understand. my dad, who bill and grace that, you have an expression. joe, i never expect the government to solve my problems, but at least i expect my government to understand my problems. [applause] as the son of a proud man who knew what it was like to be denied a loan, to send his child to college, the son of a proud man who had to leave his family and move to a given city to find work with the hope that he would be able to bring his family again together. the longest walk any parent can make is up a short flight of stairs to the child's bedroom to say honey, i am sorry, but i have to leave. my father made that walked in
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scranton, pa. when i was going into fourth grade. he said, joey, there are no jobs here. you are going to have to stay with your grandpa's. you and mom. i have to move to wilmington with uncle frank. i will try to come home every weekend. it is only 156 miles. i thought it was 1000. it could have been, for all i knew. but he said, i promise you, when i get enough money, i'm going to get a nice place and bring you and mom and the kids down to wilmington. it was not until i got to be in my late 20's that i understood that that proud, graceful man had an even longer want to make into my grandfather's pantry to say, i need a favor.
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can you keep jeanne and the kids? i promise i will make it up. i promise it will be okay. that is a hard thing for any man or woman to have to say. think about how many floridians you know who have had to make that walk. think of how many have lost their homes, and jobs, and lost their self-respect. my dad used to say, your job is a lot more than a paycheck. it is about your dignity. it is about your respect. your respect in the community. arack and i, when we ran, we knew it was our responsibility
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not only to restore the economy, but to restore people's dignity, and to regain their respect. [applause] these republicans talk about job losses, like it is a statistic. ladies and gentlemen, an awful lot of our friends have been knocked down as a consequence of the failed policies that are being peddled again. barack and i knew, literally, not figuratively, to avoid another depression, we had to stabilize the markets, get banks to start lending again so that they could start beating tables, and give people a fighting chance to start to begin to refinance. we knew that if the auto industry collapsed, as it was on the verge of doing, not reorganizing, but liquidating,
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what mittespite romney and others said at the time, that we would permanently lose a million jobs related to the industry. so we told the industry, shape up, reorganize. you do, we will help you. not popular. we also knew that we needed a restore wall street to its proper and critical role of allocating capital to business and industries, that could be used most efficiently. we knew we had to get the deficit under control and deal with the single biggest driver of the deficit. health-care costs. and, ladies and gentlemen -- [applause] we knew we had to restore
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protections for workers and unions. yes, unions. they built the middle-class. [applause] so we sent them an lrb. we made them took off their black shirts and put on striped shirts and made them referee is again, and they were supposed to be. and the results are clear. instead of hemorrhaging 6.5 million jobs in the year before we got our program in place come as debbie pointed out, we have created 2.6 million jobs. 19 consecutive months of private sector growth. not in the. instead of losing 1 million jobs permanently, we have added in the last year 111,000 auto jobs. general motors and chrysler are healthy, paying off their
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government loans, and for the first time in 23 years, americans think that americans make better cars than foreign cars, according to j.d. power. and instead of being able to continue to repackage toxic debt and selling it to unsuspecting investors, wall street is now required to be transparent. ladies and gentlemen, i love these guys to talk about capitalism as it they are for it and we are against it. the capitalist system is based on transparency and sunlight, especially when it comes to wall street, is the best disinfectant and the cure for what ails us. and instead of long-term debt increasing as predicted by $100 billion over the next 10 years
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because of health care costs, and $1 trillion in the second decade, we passed health care reform and literally bent the cost per, and in the process, provided 30 million americans who did not have access to health care, health care. [applause] and in the process, with the leadership of bill nelson and debbie, we eliminated don't ask, don't tell, we passed the lily ledbetter act for equal pay and equal work. we cut out the middleman, cutting $60 billion in student loans. that is some of what we did at home. but beyond our borders, as the president said last week, the tide of war is receding. instead of having 150,000 combat troops tied down in iraq, when we got elected, president obama
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assigned me iraq, literally. and folks, he said, get us home. by this christmas, 150,000 americans will be out of iraq and we will have ended this war in iraq. [applause] and in the process, left behind a democratic government with a chance of serving those people. and maybe the most important thing president obama did was refocus our eyes and power on the prize. osama bin laden. [applause] instead of being a war that the last administration ignored and let the draft, we are now
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focused and succeeding. we have literally it is rated al qaeda. osama bin laden is dead. 34 of the top al qaeda leaders are gone, including number two, and and more al-awlaki, the american cleric who was planning these attacks. instead of going to libya, we had a president who was finally strong enough to confront our enemies and wise enough to consult and to engage our allies. [applause] as a consequence, gaddafi is dead, libya is free, and not one american soldier lost their life. [applause] in short, we have literally restored america's image around the world and put our country, our country on the path -- our economy on the path to recovery.
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the only way to describe what happened next is republican obstructionism. i have served in the senate a long time. over my career, i have had as many friends in the republican party as the democratic party. i can say without fear of contradiction no republican in the senate never doubted my word and there was no one i was ever able to work for -- unable to work with. but ladies and gentleman, this is not your father's republican party. this is a different deal. just as we are turning the corner on the economy, these guys start to play roulette with the national debt, playing brinksmanship. they took charge of the house. they did not just want to stop what we were doing, they wanted to undo everything we had done. some people think this republican obstructionism is about ideology. others think it is just about
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politics. i will leave that for the american people to decide. but i know one thing, it does not matter which it is. they are standing in the way of progress. [applause] as a student of history like many of you, when fdr was facing a time of economic crisis with the specter of war on the horizon, he found in almost every one of his legislative efforts, being stopped by republicans in congress. so when roosevelt talked about everything he tried to do, everything that was stopped, he would list what he called "a beautiful rhythm of opposition, martin, barton, and fisher."
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today, i can say there remains a beautiful rhythm of opposition, boehner, cantor, and mitch. they have a different theory of the case. they assert, and i suspect, believe, the reason banks are not lending and they are flesh, and businesses are not expanding, notwithstanding the fact that they have a couple to spend, they think it is because it is regulations, taxes on wealth they, uncertainty of health care reform. so there answer should not surprise you. they think we should once again deregulate wall street, but the cowboys back in the saddle. literally. they are counting on america having collective amnesia. if he did not know any better,
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you would think i was making this up. they not only thing that we should keep the bush tax cuts that were designed to expire for the top 1%, but they believe we should increase the tax cuts for the wealthiest. they believe the answer for the deficit is to repeal health care without realizing or technology that will increase the debt by over $100 billion by 2020 to, 2021, another $1 trillion after that, and in the process, eliminate insurance for 30 million people who need it. boehner, a cantor, and mitch. listen to what they say. this is important. speaker brainer is a friend of mine. i personally like him. -- boehner is a friend of mine.
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he said, our effort to hold wall street accountable was like using a nuclear weapon to kill an ant. i pointed out to him that that ant took 8 million jobs. [applause] speaker boehner, speaking to the economic club of washington, d.c., said, "will need to liberate our economy from the shackles government has placed upon it." the last time we liberated the economy, we put the middle-class in chains. leader cantor, he said we cannot respond to major disasters like hurricane irene, luntz, fires,
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unless we make sure there are " savings elsewhere." guess where they find the savings? health care for the middle- class, college affordability, renewable energy. mitch mcconnell, the republican leader, said, "the single most important thing we want to achieve his for president obama to be a one-term president." folks, this is serious stuff. it is not just them. it is ryan, romney, rick. they are all singing from the same hymnals. social security is "a ponzi scheme, a monstrous lie to this generation." i might be repeating that 6000 times in florida. medicare -- "the equivalent of getting taken for a ride,"
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." foreclosures -- you just turn romney -- "do not try to stop the foreclosure process. let it run its course and hit the bottom." he was not raised in my neighborhood. i think they just do not know the people i grew up with. i think they just do not know that the -- what the american people are going through. and the guy you know well, governor scott -- >> boo! >> deep cuts in education, voter suppression, ariz.-style immigration law, no to a high- speed rail. the list goes on and on. order governor here -- what your governor is doing is exactly what republicans want to do with the nation.
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and that is not hyperbole. on foreign policy, they want to stay in iraq. isn't that fascinating? listen to their so-called foreign policy experts. they want to stay in iraq. one of them, the governor of texas, based on what he said, seemed to be willing to send american troops across the mexican border into the sovereign state of mexico, to deal with their problem. folks, i know this election will not be about foreign policy, but let me remind you, there is a minimum threshold that any man or woman needs to cross on their masters of order and security policy or the american people to think that they are even remotely eligible to be president. and these guys have a long way to go before they can be considered president. [applause]
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and, you know, my father used to always say, joey, it never hurts to be a big man. it does not take much. yet, at every republican candidate, after gaddafi was killed, congratulated nato and did not mention the u.s. commitment, u.s. forces. folks, even though this mission could not have been possible without american coordination, american aircraft, american intelligence, many folks took the time to congratulate the french and british forces while criticizing the president of the united states of america. this is not your father's republican party. this is a different place, folks.
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this next election is not a referendum, it is a choice. and we are going to make that choice clear. when i got elected to the u.s. senate, shortly after i was elected in 1973, my great friend teddy kennedy, invited me to address the massachusetts democratic dinner in boston. i will never forget, i was in the hotel and getting ready, never saw about speaking in front of senator kennedy. it was my first major speech. i was putting on my tie and i was watching the evening news on television. there was a major -- mayor who
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was having trouble running for reelection. a gaggle of press grant him and said, you are not doing so hot. what is going on? i will never forget what he said. he put his hand out -- i did not know him. he said, do not compare me to the almighty, compare me to the alternative. ladies and gentlemen, they are trying to compare us to the alternative. so, folks, in the face of this republican obstructionism, i actually have reporters saying, said john with the republicans. we sat down them -- with them for two and half years. they cannot even deliver their own party. we decided, we cannot wait. the american people cannot wait. they cannot continue to be
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subjected to what they are doing. so what do we do? we introduced the jobs bill that almost every independent the elevator acknowledges would create close to 2 million jobs, generate economic growth by 2%, would keep 400,000 teachers, firefighters, police on the job this year. it would cut taxes for 94% of american workers by roughly $1,500. that is four months of groceries and six weeks of gas. that matters. [applause] but the president and i have reached a conclusion about their obstructionism. we have got to try to go over their heads. we have to go to the people. we cannot wait, the american
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people cannot wait. we cannot wait to address foreclosures, so the president issued an executive order to give more than a million folks a chance to refinance their homes from 6% to 4%, saving $2,000 a year. in my neighborhood, that is real money. we cannot wait to address the affordability of college. the president announced he will let college graduates cap their loan payments at 10% of their income. that will help a lot of people who are being crushed right now by the weight of their student loan debt. we cannot wait to innovate. companies and incubate them. that is why we announced we are speeding up the process of getting r&d out of federal labs into businesses that can commercialize them. we cannot wait, and we are not
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waiting. at the end of the day, it is about dignity and respect. ladies and gentlemen, it is about restoring the middle class. they have been clobbered. it is about putting mothers and fathers in the neighborhoods we grew up in once again in the position to be able to look in their child's eye and believe what they say when they say, honey, if you work hard, if you play by the rules and get a good education, there is nothing you cannot do. they doubt it now. it is simple. it is simple. the test we apply, we will measure eight years of our effort in terms of whether or not american moms and dads can turn to their kids and say, honey, it is going to be ok. that is why we are not going to
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relent. that is why we believe the american people will return us to office in 2012. [applause] folks, when i began this speech, i talked about the longest walk. we are determined to replace that walk with a different kind of journey. the journey that restores a father's dignity by allying him to send his daughter to college, knowing that she will not have to spend the rest of her life paying for education. a journey that allows a woman to take a new job where she will be paid the same salary as a man for the same work and a seller that will allow her to support her own family. folks, we set america on a different path, a new journey, one that our friends on the other side are tried to
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obstruct. one that allows us to lead the world in the 21st century as we did in the 20th, where we are once again and nation of innovators, educators, and builders. the policies of the last administration and the attraction of this republican congress have knocked a lot of people off of their feet. folks, it is long past time we get back up, that we stand up, that we reclaim what every american thought was their birthright, the american dream. that if you give them a chance, there is nothing they are incapable of accomplishing. there is only one way we can do that, to do it together, and to make sure that we win. folks, the choice is stark and clear. i am not exaggerating when i say -- and i have said this and i
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was accused of bringing up bush. i respect president bush as a man. i thought his policies were terrible. but ladies and gentlemen, name me one major initiative on taxes, on jobs, on wall street, on foreclosures, on promoting innovation, on infrastructure, the republicans offered that is any different at all from what was done in eight years when they controlled the presidency. i cannot find one. folks, when i was elected in 1972, i was described as an optimist, even an idealist. but i was neither. i was a realistic young man, as i am an old man now.
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because my optimism then and now is not based on 9 the take. remind yourselves, it is based on line and your knowledge of history, of the journey of the american people. -- naivete. we do not need to accept a condition that we cannot bear. we have the ability to determine our own fate. we did it after the civil war, after the depression. we have done it throughout our life as a nation. so, folks, today, i look at all of you and say, i am more optimistic today, i am more certain about america's future than i have ever been in my life. we are better positioned as a nation, relative to the world, to capture the 21st century. i just spent 10 days in the far
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east. president hu and president obama asked me and president obama to meet the new incoming president. people thought that i was going to explain the american situation. i did not explain a thing. i pointed out that we hope they continue to succeed because stability in that part of the world is important, but i reminded them, their economy is one-third as large as ours. they own less than 1% of the financial instruments of the united states of america. ladies and gentlemen, it took them 20 years -- 30 percent -- 30 years to get 20% of their population out of the abject poverty. they have no safety net. they have one person working for every four that needs to be supported.
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ladies and gentlemen, remember who we are. we were then, we are now, and we are in a better position than any other nation in the world to dominate the 21st century. there is a reason why. in the midst of all this crisis, every nation continues to invest in u.s. treasurys. why? we are the most secure, the most certain, and most capable nation in the world. so folks, it is time to stand up. it is time to fight back. it is time to reclaim our heritage. it is time. we are ready. we are looking for this fight. the future of our country depends on it. folks, and join us, join us and we will deliver. thank you and god bless you.
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and most of all, may god bless our troops. thank you. stand up. ♪
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♪ herman cain starting at 1:00 eastern. he will be speaking at the national press club. there is more from campaign 2012 tonight with a debate between candidates to become kentucky's next governor. that on the end it o'clock eastern on c-span 3. watch more video of the candidates. see what political reporters are saying, and track the latest contributions with campaign 2012. it how to navigate the political landscape with twitter feet and
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facebook updates, candidate baez, and links to c-span the partners. >> be with us later today for a discussion on conservation funding for congress. representatives from a number of organizations will take part, hosted by the group americas voice for conservation, recreation, and preservation. 2:00 eastern on c-span 3. >> the odds are, the super committee, if it comes up with recommendations -- i think it will. if it comes up with recommendations for congress, it will include a proposal with respect to auctions of spectrum. >> looking at spectrum sales, net neutrality, and the sec's
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decision to reverse the universally fund to provide high-speed internet. >> the republican committee of new hampshire hosted a town hall meeting last weekend to hear from republican candidate jon huntsman. he talked about his economic plan and test proposal, federal tax care law -- health care law, and his tax policy. this is about one hour.
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>> my goodness, the intrepid few. i did not think there would be anyone when i arrived. we got into boston -- i thought, do we go into manchester? we got early notice, a couple of folks may be there. thank you. delighted to be with you. >> this is going to be kind of
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like a round table. the atkinson republican committee would like to introduce our second in this series. you are my favorite. in new hampshire, we make the decision, not the media. that is one of the great things about new hampshire. >> let me just start by saying, i feel there are some changes in
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the wind here in new hampshire because this is a process driven by the people. we have done about 80 events around the state. we are going to do a whole lot more. the meetings are getting larger and larger, when the weather allows people to turn out. i feel a real connection with people in this state. i believe they are ready for an honest conversation about where we are and what needs to be done, going forward. i will not bluster people. i will not sign pledges. i would just tell you what i think needs to be done to move this country forward. i understand full well i am an underdog in this process. but i also understand, too, new hampshire sometimes embraces underdogs and they run them through the system. in some cases, they do ok in the and and change the political landscape for the country. so is this process is important
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from a national, political standpoint? absolutely. it is the window through which people in new hampshire and people throughout the country meet the candidates, understand who they are, what is the stand for, without a lot of artificiality. it is the candidates and the people. it is so different from a lot of the other states where it is driven by purchased media. a lot of the artificiality of politics. no such thing here in new hampshire. i like the feel here. we are creeping up in the polls, that is good. i sat down with senator lamar alexander a few nights ago, who competed in 1996, the december before the new hampshire primary. he said, just be yourself, the
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people will hear you. they will make a decision based on what you have to say, but do not pay any attention to the numbers. i get that. everything is driven by polls and numbers. but in the end, people actually weigh-in and have something to say. let me cut to the chase and then we can hear from all of you. i guess it is fair to say, i am trying to represent the 99%, and the 1%. it is time we pull everyone together in this country. it saddens me that we are so divided. it is unnatural, it is an on american for the most optimistic blue sky sullen people in the world to be like this. what is driving this divide? i think driving the by more than a thing else is the high level
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of joblessness in this country. when we have 15 million of our fellow citizens without work, and millions more beyond them who are part of the official tally, who are so dispirited they have given up trying, we're left with a country full of families that have left -- and left shipwrecked because of the economy. we can do better than that. we also intend to underplay the impact jobless this has on neighborhoods and towns and states. it is very real. when you have a conversation with someone in hillsborough county and he says his deputies are delivering foreclosure notices to the so-called middle- class -- and all these indicators are upside down in terms of the challenges they face. a lot of it is driven by joblessness. so i say let's get real about what needs to be done in the
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country and pull people together. the first steps need to consist of putting forward strong economic programs that speak to revitalizing the economy and getting us back on our feet. i have been a governor, twice elected. we had a great economy, a major job creator. not that government creates jobs, but you have to bea attentive to that balance. we put forward an economic program. i would like for you to take a look at it. i think we have copies here that you can take with you. "the wall street journal" has come out and endorsed it as the best of the plant. our tax proposal is calling for a clean sweep of the loopholes, reductions, lowering the rate, broadening the base. on the corporate side, we need to end corporate welfare, we
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need to phase out subsidies. we just cannot afford them anymore. beyond that, we could do a lot in terms of cleaning up capitol hill of the undue influence of lobbyists have. it would also take an important additional step in cleaning up capitol hill. that is our tax program. it is a real, and durable, looks at the existing code, speeds it clean, and would leave the country with a level playing field for -- companies all and medium. it would be a major contribution to our competitiveness now that we are in the second decade of the 21st century. we have not looked at tax reform since 1986 and it is time we do so. regulatory reform is needed. energy independence is needed. they are all doable. but as president, i want a simple and focused approach.
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those three things must have some sort of connection with our overall competitiveness in the country. if they do not make a contribution in firing our engines of growth and expanding our economic base and creating jobs, it is a waste of time, as far as i'm concerned. what i want to put forward the first day i am president is exactly that. tax reform, regulatory measures, and energy independence, all three which i think critically needed at this point in our nation's history. beyond economics, i want a foreign policy that is a program for where we are in the second decade in the 21st century. we still have a bit of the overhang from the cold war period. 50,000 troops in germany, the -- cold war.
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50,000 troops in germany. the soviets are no longer coming. to the families that have served, we offer our gratitude. but we do not need to be in building -- nation-building when we have to rebuild our nation here at home. when our core is deteriorating, economically speaking, we are of no valid to the rest of the world. we do not protect those values of goodness, liberty, human rights, open markets. we do when we are strong, but not when we are weak. today we are weak and we need to focus on strengthening our court. i want a foreign policy focused on two things, and i think they are the most salient aspects of our nation's industry. one is a foreign policy driven by economics. when are we going to get with a program of a foreign policy driven by free trade,
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investment, international economic alliances, the play right back into our strength of treating jobs. a lot of companies use to do it. i was sitting in the embassy in beijing. we secured a land only to have the chinese go in and take the mining concession. i said, there is something fundamentally wrong with this picture. we have to lead with economics. two, as far as we can see into the 21st century, we have then is a master -- and it asymmetric threat of terrorism. we have the subsidiaries of terror that we will have to gear with realistically. we need to make sure we have a national security footprint and a defense department that is appropriately focused on the real threat out there. it is not a land war. it is an asymmetric but representative we are -- threat
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we are seeing. chances are, you are going to have israel who will say, economics? counter-terrorism? we get that. we can move forward with you as a friend and ally. and chances are you will have people like india who will stand up and say, economics, counterterrorism? we can relate to that as well. and we have an opportunity to look at the map and remind them of what it means to be a friend of the united states. it might be in the moment in our nation's history. so in conclusion, let me say, we have a unique moment in history, i believe, to rebuild our manufacturing muscle in this country. when i talk about tax and
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regulatory reform, why are we even thinking about that instead of addressing joblessness? joblessness is important enough. i also believe that we have a moment in history to rebuild our manufacturing muscle. i was born in 1960. 20% of our gdp came from manufacturing. today it is a paltry 9%. service industries are great, we are the best in the world in service industries, but we need to manufacture more. we need to fill out those hollow out carcasses, like burlington, new hampshire, that have been left bereft of activity and energy. in part, it is doable, because all the assumptions about china stealing our manufacturing power, that is changing. as opposed to putting in 9% growth rates for 30 years, china
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will now be looking at 4%, 5% growth rates, which means unemployment. that means greater and stability. -- on stability. also mean that investment dollars could look for an alternative place. if we are smart in history, we can say, what do we need to do to become the alternative marketplace? it is the underlying structural problems that we need to address. it is not the stimulus here and there. another quantitative easing. those are all temporary fixes. we need long-term fixes. we can do it. at this point in our nation's history, we can begin to rebuild our nation's manufacturing muscle. we need leadership, we need a plan, and in to get real about our relative competitive environment and get serious about addressing those needs. i look to the united states, as
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i did that dozen miles away -- i have lived overseas four times. i have been an ambassador for my country three times. you look from 10,000 miles away and this country has everything going for it. everything a nation would ever want to succeed. we do not recognize that sometimes. and all you see are people in a deep funk, which is so on american for the most optimistic problem-solving, blue sky people in the world. we need to get out of this whole fast. what do we have going for us? we have stability. how great is it to have stability in today's world? we have rule of law. we have the longest surviving constitution of the world has known. we have private property rights. we have the greatest colleges and universities in the world. we have got the most innovative,
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creative, entrepreneurial class of people on earth. and we have a pretty brave and courageous armed forces that we ought to be pretty proud of. we have everything we need to succeed. but we do not have leadership, we do not have a plan, and we do not have a president who is willing to step out from behind the teleprompter to say we are getting on the bus and not looking back. yes, mistakes have been made. we do not need to look back and review them. our people need to look to the future and get real about what our country needs in order to survive. it is completely doable. we are bringing a background to the table honored and delighted to be able to do it. we are going to put that assumption to the test, here in new hampshire first and foremost, because this is where people tune in, this is where the message is heard, and this is where early evaluation is done.
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thank you for the time for being here on a snowy night where i did not think anyone would show up. you are amongst the most intrepid. it proves the point that i have repeated over and over again. thank you all very much. we will just throw it over to you or any comments and questions that you have. >> what are some of the biggest mistakes barack obama has made and how would you do differently? >> i would have to say in simple terms that there has been no leadership. i think the point has been made for every american to see that you can run on a mantra called hope and you could get elected but that does not guarantee that
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when a country gets -- need leadership, we don't get it. i also believe that from a policy making standpoint, the most fundamental error occurred in the first two years when the focus was not on the economics, not on figuring out how to fire the engines of growth, expend the nation's economy, and give him confidence in our investor and grade class. you have obama care which did the opposite. it took the confidence out of the marketplace and in fuze day i degree of uncertainty. people are not hiring today. they not investing because they cannot see around the bend. they don't know what the future holds. capital is a coward. it will flee from were ever -- from wherever there is no safe haven. we are not a safe haven and we have to return to becoming that safe haven. i don't want to simplify it too
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much but i would have to say that the opportunity on the economic side has been messed and the door closes after two years and it does not matter whether you go to ohio or illinois or california to make an economic speech. everybody is to get out because you cannot do much after two years. there are certain cycles of politics. you have an opening after you have been elected about two years long and people than analyze. people are now two and into 2012 to see what lies aroun the bend. and what the future holds. thank you. >> i have lived outside the country for years. [unintelligible]
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united states has gone on the premise that we treat our friends like crap. how can you change that? you were ambassador. i worked in the embassy. the atmosphere in the embassy changes when it comes from the top down. i have been a businessman for years. how are we going to fix that? my friends want to come visit me in the united states and they cannot get a visa yet they are one of our best allies and the world. they can go to mexico on vacation and i can go to the border in texas and visit them. it is what is telling people
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outside the united states. they cannot understand why our dollar is stronger. we have all kinds of natural resources. we have universities. why do we tolerate this tax how you change that? on thet get me started visa policy. that is a subsection of our overall relations with the rest of the world that needs to be addressed. otherwise we will lose people who are still hanging on his friends. we are 10 years after the war on terrorism started. let's face it, iraq and afghanistan have so shifted alliances and friendships around the world that we have an opportunity here, i do believe, because we are at a new moment, 10-year mark, we are drawing
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down in afghanistan, at least we need to, it will happen eventually, iraq will see a different dynamic and i think we have an opening where this country can say based upon our most important and selling in foreign policy realities like economics in terrorism. let's look at the map and see who is with us and who wants to proceed with their shared interest in mind. some of them will be our traditional allies and some will be new. to have a president that has spent some time abroad and knows what it means to be a friend and ally of the united states, what that assumes in terms of military and security cooperation, diplomatic and cultural cooperation, economic relationships as well, i would love to take a look at the map and say based on those two compelling realities as we now look to the next 20 years, who is with us and who do we want to
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strengthen ties with and who in the international community do we want to develop a new relationship with? i think we have a new opening a new opportunity to reshape our international affairs. it will take a president who actually gets that part of it, who can define with clarity what are compelling international interest will be and which countries around the world are likely to share those and who we can begin building bridges with. i believe we are entering a new. in terms of foreign policy. it is a little post-war on terror. we will have to remain village and -- vigilant. 100,000 boots on the ground, no. looking at around longer term is probably the most transcendent
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forints -- foreign-policy issue of the decade. let's get real about where the challenges lie. we should have more on the asia- pacific region which will be 3/4 of our trade in the coming 50 years. also where the emerging military threats happen to be. 50,000 troops in germany, the russians are not coming anymore. let's focus on the realities in the 21st century. we can get it done. because of the fatigue internationally of last 10 years, these have been tough years, i think the world is waiting for a new opening, a new average by the united states that is based on getting our economy is back on their feet, stabilizing -- stabilizing ourselves and continuing in a new focused way our effort on counter-terrorism.
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when were you in poland in the embassy? >> 1991-1994. i was unofficially there from 1989. >> i made a visit there in 1989 at the embassy. i think was in the fall. >> there was not a freely elected parliament at that point. [unintelligible] >> we will share notes on that later. thank you very much. >> we have a considerable number of troops in japan, korea, and open allah.
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-- an open ballot. -- and okinawa. what would you see in terms of military strength in the asia- pacific region? >> in afghanistan, we have had free elections in 2004. we rented out the taliban. we dismantle al-qaeda. we killed osama bin laden. we need a presence that speaks to intelligence gathering and special forces -- forces responses when we find the folks who are preparing to do us harm. we need ongoing responsible -- training responsibility with afghanistan troops. that kind of presence will need in all corners of the world
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because of the ongoing terror threat. it will be less land-based with boots on the ground and more, i think, a rapidly deployable force based on reliable intelligence and the ability to get at the enemy in a more surgical fashion. in the asia-pacific region because of the rise of military power is there a need to keep the sea lanes open, that is good for our economy and good for job creation in this country. the seventh fleet and pacific fleets have always played a critical role in keeping the ceilings open in an area that has been vital to our nation's economy. that must continue. japan, frankly, will have to be looked at in terms of issues like the and marine base which
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has become a local political issue to the point where those running for mayor of a local town in okinawa are running against the marines because of encroachment issues and the city. when that becomes a political issue, we need to address that are it will have a long-term downward effect on our relationship with japan. other opportunities in guam to expand? yes. are there are opportunities in philippines? we had a large presence there. i think we have a new opening. do we have no openings in places like southeast asia, indonesia, malaysia, maybe even vietnam? house a real would be? -- how surreal would it be?
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the vietnamese are concerned about the issues in the south china sea and they are real. whenever you have disputed land at the core of foreign policy issue, things can get hot. we need to stay vigilant in that part of the world. i think it is about shoring up new relationships in the asia- pacific region through india where we need to do more. the indianecure ocean will become more important and as we penetrate beyond the first island chain. the knockout to the second island chain is inevitable. let's face reality. from an economic standpoint, a military standpoint, the asia-
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pacific region is pretty large. >> on your web site, you want to repeal obama care. how realistic is that now the 26-year olds are staying on their parents' insurance, no co- pays and mammograms are for a pair of how realistic is it to get congressional approval to repeal obama care at the cost of re-election to some of the people apparently an office? how willing will they be to do that? >> i am not into political bromides. i can't stand it when politicians say they want to repeal that. what will they actually do? i think we will be better served by calling together the 50 governors of the country.
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i think we need to repeal obama care and if the congress reconstitutes itself with more republicans, that is possible. you have $1 trillion in costs over the next few years. you at least one circuit court have said this is an unconstitutional mandate. you have unfunded mandates in states and the medicare side that are likely unsustainable. you have this great element called uncertainty that is infused into the marketplace to the point where many small businesses are saying they cannot invest or higher -- >> it is our biggest expense other than payroll, health care. i am getting ready to renew. it is scary when you see the trend of of four premiums. -- bob ord premiums.
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-- upward premiums. this year, it is going up again. we have a huge deductible and it is going up again. we can only absorb so much of the cost. we have to pass it on to the employees. there is nothing more we can do. unfortunately, that makes it less affordable and you have less participation and that makes the premium even higher. it is just a vicious cycle. >> how about a defined contribution plan for employees? i think that is where the future lies. i think it incentivizes through a broad marketplace with affordable insurance policies. we don't have enough affordable insurance policies. that creates the problem to begin with.
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what is driving costs? if it is a double digit increases which it is, what are the drivers? is it fee-for-service hospitals? is it litigation? is it the fda-mandated trials which are time-consuming and expensive for pharmaceuticals? we have to recognize that it is terribly complicated. $3 trillion in size is the health-care problem. that is the size of the gdp of france for health care. any expert will tell you that half of that $3 trillion is superfluous, needless padding. we are blowing through money. it comes down to how you get more transparency in the system to the patience of they know what their needs are and they know what procedures cost and they can pick and choose those which they need based on having
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to cover them. it will be more reliant on a affordable insurance policies. we will have to rely more on things like harmonizing medical records for the doctor can pull up a medical record instead of guessing. and i believe there will have to be a personal responsibility side. 75% of health-care spending is for disease care. you have diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular, you have obesity. that is 75% of health-care spending and there is probably a lot of individuals can do if you match them with insurance policies that are affordable and may incentivized wellness, there is a whole lot more we can do. the insurance sector is still
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trapped. you cannot buy policies across state borders. if there was an affordable policy like we tried to create in utah, you cannot access it from here. if you get access affordable policies and other parts of the country and drop the cross border barrier, imagine what that would do? >> what is preventing that? >> regulation. if the president calls together 50 governors and says it is important to get it done, they will do it. i think that will advance the ball let's look at the next two-three years, we are interested in finding the right fixes on health care. let's come back and see what we have learned and where we are and what the rightful role washington is. instead of $1 trillion, one-
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size-fits-all package drop on the country, let's start with the insurance sector and try to drop the barriers of people can access affordable policies from one state to another. that would be a huge deal if you can harmonize medical records. that would take a lot out of the costs. those are simple steps toward greater patient transparency. this kind of things would come out of turning to the governor' who are the incubators of democracy. let's see what you learned. we cannot russia because the last thing you can do something big and potentially devastating is to rush something that people don't understand. that is what happened. and the folks who should be standing behind obama care and defending it are not there. they are running for cover.
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but nothing anybody understood what this would mean in terms of the real world. you can only think point for so long. we should move forward as a country at some point instead of blaming. let's find some solutions. >> the country has been more divided in the last 10 years than the last 40 years. we give so much in subsidies and grants to companies, oil companies, pharmaceutical companies. we still pay top dollar for the us. this. if we give money to these companies, they are still
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charging us top dollar. if you cannot give some back to the country, you have to give the money back at an interest rate or you have to put some kind of cap on that product. how the't know arithmetic would work on that. i think what you are saying is right. i believe the best course for our economic future on corporate subsidies is to phase them out quickly. we can afford this as a country anymore. i think they distort the market place. the subsidy for ethanol and corn, it distorts the affected
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downstream things like the feed for cattle, our commodities shipped overseas for basic foodstuffs and people will pay more when it should not be that way. i believe we can take steps in this regard and it will be awfully tough. i added up about $90 billion that this country has and subsidies in one form or another in the agricultural sector. probably $20 billion bear alone -- bear alone. how we make progress on global free trade if we want to begin to take steps to open marketplace is an export more? exports create jobs in this country. we problem ag sector as well as france. the rice farmers in japan prop up ag sector. they are waiting for the united states to show some leadership.
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i think being 25% of the world's economy, the world's gdp, that we probably would see some gains longer term by taking some of these subsidies and moving them out. it would be steps toward greater market reform in other developed countries in the world that will not do it as long as we are there. i hate to say it comes down to us but we are the world leader, we have to lead. we still provide the rhythm for the global economy. i believe the time has come for us to say no more to subsidies. that is painful and you'll find that everybody benefits to some degree but it is artificial. >> one company is working on a product that they believe they will make a lot of money on, they will keep going. somebody will give the milan and they can make money on it.
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why are we paying twice? we are giving pfizer all this money and paying so much for health care, $3,000 of health. >> [unintelligible] [laughter] >> let's get real about the big picture on subsidies. i think we also have a banking system that a too big to fail. look at the top six banks in the country that have reserves or assets that are equal to 66% of our nation's gdp, and $9.40 trillion. they are propped up. they have an implied guarantee by the taxpayers. if they fail because they are
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too big to fail and everybody goes south if they go south, they will get a bailout. capitalism without failure is not capitalism. as a prop up banks to where they are too big to fail, there is something fundamentally wrong with that. that is not fair to the taxpayers. i'm not sure that goldman sachs throwing $200 billion in assets in the recession, being valued at $1.40 trillion -- what has this done to the american people? are we better off because of this? are we assuming more risk? i say we are assuming a lot of rest by an implied subsidy. when you have this discussion, you have to remember that it plays out ways we might not imagine all the way through to the banking system. if we're going to fix this economy, we need to fix taxes
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and regulation and health care but let's also take a look of the banks. if you leave it unattended to, you have the process of bank failures downstream and massive bailout. if they were to go down, that would take way too many people. institutions have to be able to fail if they can. >> the length of the politicking season and the drain on people such as yourself, i lived in england for 17 years. >> what you say -- what you have to say about their elections? >> we continue to see the big unions and big corporations giving enormous sums of money to something as seemingly never ends. court decisions have raised the specter of even more money pouring in.
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is there any way to limit the season or the amount? are we just whistling in the wind about any reform there? >> there may be some hope. let me mention a couple of things. when i ran as governor, i ran these things as well. one thing is term limits. some people to like them. -- some people don't like them. called there's a thing incumbency in this country that becomes so overwhelmingly powerful and allows people to become so entrenched that in long term is as harmful to the system. >> you need to turn over and printing company to infuse new thinking and energy into the system. when i ran for governor in 2004, i was advocating term limits and tried to get it
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through the legislature and was shot down. also campaign finance reform is what we need. many people might disagree with that but i am not sure it will happen during my lifetime. i think we have a serious problem with that and how do you bring it so it is closer to the people on the finance side? how the bring it closer to the grassroots level as opposed the few people who can get involved of the highest levels of financing campaigns? that is where we are today. it is wide open. you can say that transparency is enough and i think that is good but we need more transparency but we need to take a good look at campaign finance reform. it has been tried in the past. i don't need to review the history but i think we need to stick with it to some extent.
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shortening the season -- when we go to the networks to give a candidate a chance to set on the stage for one hour with a panel of journalists and drill down debt to the heart and soul of the candidate and what they believe in the issues of the day as proposed to rehearsed lines would to what is a waste of everybody's time. something like tha that would be meaningful. what were you doing in the uk? >> i worked for the defense department as a school teacher and later as a principal. >> terrific. yes, sir. >> i go to the community college down the road. what is your take on the occupied wall street movement?
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>> do you think they will remain after the snowfall? i know like the anti-capitalism messages but people can speak out however they want. when you have lived in a place like china where they ran up more than five people on a street corner if they gather, to see people speak out as the will and organize as they will is an outgrowth of our democracy. it is a manifestation of our democracy. i don't agree with with a lot of what they said. it is part of our system. it is a legitimate part of our system. do i agree and the trillions of dollars we are blowing through that everyone is upset about
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without anything to show for it to? nothing on the balance sheet by debt that now when braman in terms of joblessness or economic well-being. do i agree on the idea that we will not allow banks ever again? yes. banks that are too big to fail, do we agree with them? to be sure, every generation has compelling issues to bring people out. when i was much younger, the anti-war demonstrations is the time when the white house was completely encircles. so was the defense department. they have 50 caliber machine guns on the front steps, fearful of where it might go. i have seen some of that with the protesters and anti- protesters.
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i would rather have people come out in the opposite. i want to make sure you get on tonight so we will take one more. [laughter] >> i thank is fairly well known, the people i talk with are disgusted with the lawmakers in congress, the way the country is run. many people have told me that that there is a subset of people that are below the radar screen. my first indication of that was when ollie north was brought forward and all of what he was doing abroad. it was nice to see it aired for
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the general country. how you feel -- how do you feel about limiting access of our role of elected officials? >> i think they will considerable power of them employed on people. they have a legitimate right to lobby. it gets back to who is raising money for you and how much and what interest to represent? i'm not sure what can be done other than what i have put forward on the tax reform side which is to say clean house and corporate welfare, clean house on subsidies. this realistically would go further than anything else. you don't have corporate
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welfare, what are you going to lobby for? that measure alone -- you can complain about the system not being fair and i think there is an inordinate amount of power in employment by the lobbyists. that step alone would go a long way. i really do. i remembered that a row to my successor who was the governor of nevada. i basically said you have a few people lobbyists on board and you are the lobbyist for everyone else. handle that wisely. as president, i would take that philosophy with me. you have to have a leader who
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can embody and encapsulate the aspirations of all people to the best of their ability. i think that's what i would bring. >> [unintelligible] the biggest mandate that as a human being first and an american second, you have a prominent truck or renewed talk, you created jobs, your lab tremendous international experience -- you have tremendous international experience.
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you have an impact as to where we as a nation will go. i think it is critical that people in this room understand the wealth of experience you bring them up thank you very much. does what we are doing it add to the founding creed all life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? you cannot have pursued of happiness without a job. is what we are trying to do in government adding to the founding of the decks is it taking away? attack that we constantly need to be asking ourselves.
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we are unique in the world in terms of being in a nation founded on that promise of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. we have to maintain a vigil at to maintain that. thank you for being here tonight. i'm impressed that even with this nor'easter that you've come out and check -- and have shaken my hand. thank you very much. [applause] can thank you it was a real honor. thanks for giving a little bit of your time. nice to see you.
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>> good luck. >> thanks. it is a pleasure to see you again. >> i wanted to ask you about the repatriation of those or overseas. >> that is part of our tax plan. the get all of that money by incentivizing this tax policy to come back. we did it once in 2004 -- 2006 or the texture was taken down considerably and hundreds of billions of dollars came home that it is time we do it again. >> we can use that money now. >> we sure can. thank you again. i appreciate it. >> [inaudible]
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>> [inaudible] [general cinaudible conversations]
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[inaudible conversations] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2011]
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[general hubbub] [room chatter] [multiple conversations]
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>> our coverage continues today as republican presidential candidates herman cain will speak this afternoon at the national press club in washington. he is expected to talk about his candidacy for president in may here questions regarding this sexual harassment accusations from the 1990's. he says he was falsely accused of those allegations. that is beginning about 1:00 p.m. here on cspan after a brief pro forma session and the house. there is more from campaign 2012 coming up tonight between candidates who want to become kentucky's governor. video of the candidates and see what
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political reporters are saying and track the latest campaign contributions with our website for campaign 2012. it helps you navigate the political landscape with twitter feeds and facebook updates from the campaign and the latest polling data plus links to cspan danielmedia partners. it is at 2012. be sure to join us later today for a discussion on conservation funding through congress. representatives from a number of organizations will take part. it is hosted by the group americas voice for conservation -- it gets underway on c-span 3 at 2:00. >> the odds are that if the super matter comes up with recommendations for the congress on deficit reduction, it will include a proposal
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relating to options and the spectrum. >> we look neutrality and spectrum sells and providing high-speed internet to unserved areas of the u.s.. that is tonight on "the communicators" at 8:00 on c-span 2. >> next, a discussion on global counter-terrorism efforts from today's "washington journal." host: the book begins and the present day with the killing of
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osama bin laden. you write that this mission would not have been possible one decade ago. tell us why. guest: 4911, the u.s. government was divided with turf battles. the diplomats did not it touched -- trust the intelligence community but the horror of 9/11 forced the government to knock down walls dividing institutions. there was sharing of information that did not happen before. development and growth of military capabilities was important. before 9/11, the commando team that went after osama bin laden, you could spend your whole career in the military in that unit and never execute a real operation. those guys are out 10-20 times per night. they are very effective in ways that were not before 9/11. host: how did things change? tell us about the culture.
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guest: on 9/11, you have the u.s. government with very few expert on al qaeda and the terrorist networks and there was the natural inclination to go after the militants and al qaeda but was mainly for military means. we talk about the u.s. government becoming much more expert and new wants to understand how al-qaeda works as a network. also how you use the whole government approach that is not just military intelligence which is important but maybe a navy commando raid but other agencies of government like the fbi. the treasury department is very much involved and choking off the finance of terrorist organizations today. host: the telephone numbers are on the bottom of your screen.
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my guests are co-authors of the book. eric schmidt, the untold story, what have we not seen on the news that you want to bring forth in the book? >> we want to talk about how terrorist networks evolves? they have a new darwinism. even as the united states and its allies respond and try to counter the terrorist networks, the terrorists are strong -- are trying to stay ahead. look at how they operate in cyberspace. this is where they do recruiting and raise money and to operational planning. using the same kind of online video games that teenagers' use. they use special code words that mean something in their operational plan. >> you write about health
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following the money and stopping the flow of money is so vital. you talk about that early in the book. tell us more. >> it takes a lot of money to operate terrorist network. the government has learned that it is impossible to kill your way to victory. they identify the essential elements of terrorist networks and the financial network is one of them. the people move the finances for terror networks are not true jihadists. they are in it for the money and they are liable to be pressured with threats and arrest in ways that can break up the financial chain so we don't have the shire fought -- fire shots and kill everybody. >> chapter two is titled 'the new deterrence.' anys.' >> donald rumsfeld asked if u.s.
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policy was creating more militants? do we have to tell our editors that just because i sense something, does not mean necessarily wrong. the defense secretary was right on this. he was the one who pushed outside of the box that you that as to whether cold war deterrence theory has an application to the world of terror arrest. terrorists don't have factories and camps and all that. there are things that terrorists need to operate that are subject to the same kind of threats and reprisals that make deterrence work. it is the perception of a threat that alter your behavior. it is also your threats against the gunrunners and even some of the leadership members' families.
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it might alter their thinking and prevent them carrying out an attack. we'll get to your calls. let me ask you about technology. >> when you talk about drugs, you talk about surveillance. -- when you talk about drones, you talk about surveillance. this is not just through satellite technology. it is through other aircraft were they can monitor and hover over a target 24/7. it is incredible in fees -- is an incredible increase and take
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that information and crotchet for supercomputers to you have individuals -- you can eavesdrop on someone's conversation and get a head on that person. you have links and hits as two wells that individual calls. if you are picking up a gunmen on radio, you might pick up who is driver is and who supplies him and who he reports to. these kind of things are being crushed and not allowing counter-terrorism officials in the u.s. to be more flexible targeting members. host: we have a republican caller. caller: good morning. everything is good overseas and the government is doing a great job but how come they cannot
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protect our own borders? with the influx of guns and drugs and terrorists? guest: it is a fair question. one of the challenges of national security is how this nation can move from tactical success to tactical success to tactical success as, achieve a strategic victory which applies to counterterrorism. it applies to other regions as well. it is a free and open country and the border is quite porous. when the interesting developments, what the united states have learned in counter- terrorism and counterinsurgency overseas may have useful applications to the narco-terror problem along the border. the drug lords are great networks like al-qaeda. they have devoted leaders, devoted fault soldiers, but some
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of the network operators in the middle are susceptible to the same kind of pressure that are terror networks. they have safe houses and fan and cirrus and gun runners. you'll see the u.s. government across the information agency applying the rest to other afghanistan -- applying the rest to afghanistan. host: you are on the air. caller: can i ask a question? host: small township, new jersey, go ahead. caller: hello? host: go ahead. caller: george washington and the american rebels were considered terrorists in their era. we spend a lot of time trying to
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kill terrorists and hunt them down. what we spend 25-50% of our time searching out the reason why these people have grievances against the united states and why they dislike us3. . are we going to kill 100 million people in the middle east? is that our end goal? guest: how you get at the root cause of this? this has been one of the toughest things for the u.s. government and its allies to do. they want to get it at the ideology. al-qaeda as a simple message that the west it is at war with islam. that does not have much credibility on the muslim street.
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most of the al qaeda attacks are against muslim civilians, men, women, and children. it is that fact alone that if the united states can exploit that, it will do a great deal to undermine some of these causes. >> the caller is correct to identify the millennium problems which caused distant plantation distant -- disenfranchising and disillusionment. we need to have our own millennial goal of eradicating these evils. in the meantime, this nation has to take steps to protect itself. you cannot kill your way to victory. as this nation tries to eradicate poverty and raise the standard of living, the national security pass to continue carrying of operations to preserve this state.
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what are you writing here? >> pakistan is probably the most dangerous place and are today. it is a country with nuclear weapons, and on stable civilian government, and it fosters a safe haven for terrorists internally. if you put yourself in pakistan's issues and you look in one direction and you see india which your view as your existential enemy, you live in the other direction to of dagestan, and on stable area that you don't believe the u.s. will stay and so you want organizations that we view as terrorist groups who are there to put their influence into afghanistan. it is the same thing as having poisonous snakes in your backyard. if you want them to bite your neighbors' kids, they will buy your kids to. , too. host: you had a byline a couple of days ago.
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this says -- tell us more. guest: the united states and looking to get a political situation the afghan war is dependent upon pakistan's spy agency. they worked closely with the militant groups in afghanistan. you are in a situation where the united states military and government is reliant upon the pakistanis to weaken the hakani network but also want to get
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these same groups to the bargaining table to end the war in afghanistan. it is a difficult position the administration is in. many of those in pakistan have seen this movie before. >> you have a headline in the paper. we have michigan on the line, good morning. caller: good morning. what happened to the helicopter that went down and pakistan? i would like to say that i think the seal teams are overrated. there used to be only two teams over 100 in each team's another is 10 of them and these new toys.
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why does obama put advisers in the condo? that's out vietnam started. was a new stealth helicopter installed to extract teams. it is based in the black caucus model. they practiced this mission dozens of times. the temperature was different the the night we expected. the helicopter did not have the lift required in the crash inside the compound. explosives were set. most of the vital technology was destroyed but some large pieces were left behind which the pakistani's have a 4 examination. guest: u.s. special operations forces have expanded since 9/11. it was rare for these opportune -- operational u.s. to have these kind of missions. it was underscored by how much
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they're doing them today. the expansion of the seals is a larger expansion of army, air force, and marine special operations which is performing missions every night in places like a raft -- iraq and afghanistan perhaps looking at yemen and somalia. many of these places have seen franchises of al-qaeda springing up. host: there was a reason insertion of 100,000 troops. guest: president obama enabled 100 enablers who are expert in teaching local military how to do better. they are fighting a group of the lra which is a horrible group of people. they still women in the night. they still women in the night.


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