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tv   British House of Commons  CSPAN  December 19, 2011 12:00am-12:30am EST

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>> next, david cameron at the british house of commons. after that, a debate on the euro zone crisis. then, and the merkel talks about the euro zone treaty. .
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program. it's an absolutely fantastic opportunity for young people. >> order. questions to the prime minister. mr. richard fuller. >> question number one, mr. speaker,. >> thank you, mr. speaker. i'm sure the whole house will wish to join me in paying tribute to -- he died at the queen elizabeth hospital of burlington last thursday as result of wounds he sustained in afghanistan. he was a dedicated and highly professional soldier. at this tragic time we should send ourondolences to his
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loved ones from his friends and his colleagues. >> this morning i'd meet with minister colleagues and others. in addition to my duties in this house i shall of further such meetings later today. >> richard fuller. >> trying to -- mr. speaker, the people of my consensual be disappointed this week's report isn't the financial crisis of the royal bank of scotland contained no provision for the criminal prosecution of the executive directors regulators and ministers for their failure. can the prime minister assured me that unlike the last government, his ministers will reinforce financial regulations and that undermine them by the shadow chancellor when he was in office? [shouting] >> my honoble friend is right, and he will know that we're looking at specific extra measures at sanctions in terms
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of what people on the board of our bsd. but it wasn't just a damning report about the board of rbs it was also damning of the policians who were responsible for regulating rbs. and it didn't just name, it didn't just name politicians no longer serving. it also named the shadow chancellor. [shouting] >> ed miliband. [shouting] >> mr. speaker, can i join the ime minister in paying tribute to the soldier from 35 engineer regiment. he bravely gave hilife to try to improve lives of others. and all of our thoughts are with his family and friends. and mr. speaker, as we approach christmas our thoughts are also with all of our troops serving so bravely in afghanistan and elsewhere. many will be spending christmas away from their families and friends to ensure a peaceful christmas for us. and we owe them a huge debt of gratitude. mr. speaker, in this, the last
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prime is a questions of the year, let me remind the prime minister what he had to say in his new year message of 2011. he said this, uppermost in my minds we enter the new year is jobs. in light of today's unemployment fires can be explained what has gone wrong? >> first of all let me join the right honorable joe been in his fitting tribute and right trigger to our forces at christmastime serving in afghanistan but also serving in other parts of the world at one of the things that most like you in this job is that they are e best of the best. they are brave, courageous, dedicated and their families give up a huge amount at the same time so i join him in saying that. but let me say about the unemployment figures, any increase in unemployment is bad news and a tragedy for those involved. that is why we will do everything we can to help people backnto work. that is why we of the work program, that will have to and half million people. th's why we have a massive
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increase in apprenticeships that will help 400,000 people this year and will give particular help to young people that his contract and for the working spirits. we will do all we can to help people back into work. >> ed miliband. >> but mr. speaker, the figures showed his economic strategy is failing. the chancellor said at the time of the printing rview last year, and i quote, private sector job creation will far outweigh the reduction in public sector employment. will he confirm that over the last three months, for every jobs being created in the private sector, 13 are being st in the public sector. >> let me give him the figures since the election. there have been 500, in the private sector, there have been 581,000 extra jobs. in the public sector he's right, we have lost 336,000 jobs, so we need private sector employment to grow even faster.
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but let me make this point. i think this is important whoever was in government right now without making reduction in public spending your the only way you can keep people in work in the public sector while doing them is to cut welfare something we are doing and he opposed it, is to freeze public sector pay, something we are doing and he opposes, and it's reform public sector pension, so we're doing and he opposes. so it's all very well standing there and complaining about the rise in unemployment if you don't take those steps. you would lose more jobs in the public sector. >> ed miliband. >> mr. speaker, i think the whole house would have heard he cannot deny the central economic play that he made for the private sector would fill the gap left by the public has not been met. he has broken his promise. and today's figures confirm also that youth unemployment not only remains over a million, it is still rising, and long-term use
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unemployed has gone up by 93% since he mae his new your pledge on jobs. isn't the reality that he is betraying a whole generation of young people? [shouting] >> will it take lectures me party that put us, that put youth unemployment by 40%? that is the case. even his brother admitted that youth unemployment was not a problem invented by this government. it's been going on since 2004. but let me explain what we're doing to help young people to get a job. throh the youth contracts we're providing 160,000 new jobs with private sector subsidies. with a 250,000 work experience places, half of those people are actually getting jobs in getting off benefits within two months. that is 20 times more effective than the future jobs fund. but the absolute key to all of this is getting our economy
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moving. we need private sector jobs. [shouting] and it is, it is this government that as got interest rates down to 2%. that is why we have the prospects of growth. with his plan of more spending, more bombing, more debt, more of the mess that we started with. [shouting] >> ed miliband. >> mr. speaker, the truth is that his promises to young people for next year are of worthless as the promises he made in 2011. let's turn rom his broken promise on jobs. 's broken promise on the coalition. and mr. speake let me say it's good to see the deputy prime minister act. [shouting] this is what he said, this -- [shouting] this is why he said, this is what he said in his new year message for 2011 from and a
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place atop an elaborate of the of the house, mr. speaker, just so everyone can see. this is what he said. coalition politics is not always straightforward. [laughter] t i believe we are bringing in a whole new style of government. [laughter] mr. speaker, there is more. there is more. more allegis approach. [laughter] mr. speaker, i am boundto ask what's gone wrong? [laughter] >> i will answer. i will answer. look, look, no one in this house is going to be surprised that conservatives and liberal decrats don't always agree about europe. but let me reassure him. he shouldn't delete everything he reads in the papers. it's not that bad. coming, and it's not like we are brothers or anything. [laughter] a.
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[shouting] he certainly walked into that one. [laughter] >> ed miliband. >> mr. speaker, mr. speaker, -- [shouting] i think, i think our sympathy is with the deputy prime minister. his partner goes on a business trip. he is left waiting by the phone and he hears nothing until a rousing phone call at 4 a.m. confessing for the terrible mistakes. now, now let me ask you. how is he going to pick up the pieces? how will he pick up the pieces of the pat hickey delivered for britain? the council came to conclusion on friday morning that the treaty will not be signed into march. in the cold light of day with
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other countries, with other countries -- spent some very, very foolish persons shouted out stop. the person who did that will stop because people in this place must be hear is there a member here who doesn't think so, i invite that member to leave the chamber. mr. ed miliband. >> ithe cold light of day, in the weeks and months ahead trying to see if they can get a better deal for themselves, isn't that sensible thing for him to do, to reenter the negotiation and try and get a better deal for britain? >> i make no apologies for standing up for britain. [shouting] i think in the last him in the last two days, and the last two days we read a lot about my opinion. have read a lo about the deputy prime minister's opinion. the one thing we don't know is what would've the right honorable gentleman think lex while he was here on monday his age were running around the press gallery reading them that he wouldn't have signed up to
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the treaty. here's another try. what's your answer? spent i have no answer on this matter whatsoever for the benefit of the prime minister. order, order. glad the minister has returned from his travels. we wish them a merry christmas but in his case -- [laughter] >> mr. speaker, does a better deal for britain. that he should have got and that is what the deputy prime minister himself says, mr. speaker. here is the truth. last week he mae a catastrophic mistake. this week we discover i'm deployment at its highest level for 17 years. mr. speaker, this prime minister thinks he ought to will get the truth is he is not very good at it. [shouting] >> even the soundbite was recycled from a previous -- so on wednesday the answer was no. today i think the answer is maybe. this leader of the labour party make week and indecision
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artform. he was giving me, my end of report, let me give him is into the report. he told us at the start of your in hisnew your message to fight back starry in scotland. that went well, didn't? [laughter] he told us he would have credible plans to cut the deficit. we still haven't seen them. he said he would stand up to a vested interest and yet he backed the strike for years. we all know he hasn't achieved passionate he is achieved one thing. he has completely united his party but everything one of them stands up for the same thing, a new leader for christmas. [shouting] >> order, order. order. the house, i'm sure government back benches will own college. mr. martin baker's. >> thank you, mr. speaker. yesterday's announcements about local television was good news for my constituency where
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channel seven, the sole survivor from the original, does the prime minister agree that local board casting, loca communities advances the pick a side he? would he find time to pay them a visit? >> i woul be guided to do tha i don't have any immediate plans to visit north lincolnshire but to support local television and i also thinknorth lincolnshire had some good news with the stevens plant going in, and i think that's excellent news for the whole region. >> mr. david plunkett's. >> mr. speaker, in the early new year the government intends to announce a wholesale revision to the national curriculum. can i put it to the prime ministers that it would b perverse am in fact it would be absurd to require those from abroad to settle in britain, to learn about our democracy, to take citizenship courses whilst withdrawing all the teaching of
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citizenship and democracy to our own children in our own school? >> well, i'll liten to recover the with the right honorable judgments as because i actually agree with some other proposals he put forward when home secretary about citizenship, and i think the members in the south would have been to the citizenship ceremonies that he was responsible for and i think it's been a good addition to our country and our democracy. on behalf of the whole house i pay to become for the. we look very carefully about what he ays, but the key in has got to be to make sure we teach the basics properly and well, and we test those basic because if you can't read and write properly, no lessons will mean anything at all. >> justin tomlinson. >> 91% of people are getting financial difficulty believe he would have avoided doing so had they been better informed. therefore, ahead of the most debate of financial education with the prime minister support our call for compulsory financial education for young people? >> it very much linked in with the last question. i strongly support teaching
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young children about the importance of financial education, but the point of having a proper review of the cricket is to make sure it's absolute essential and what can be included. >> unemployment is going up and being squeezed at many more people being forced into the house of the payday lenders. will the prime minister act to protect ordinary people who were being prayed and ripped off? >> the honorable lady speaks with great experience because she worked in the vice view before coming to the south and stands up for citizens of ice beer and his right to do so. all of us know what a brilliant job that they do. she one of the last government wrestled with this question about how to best regulate doorstep lenders and other lenders. and the danger of driving people into the loan sharks to get rid of the record set to become very
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happy to discuss this further with interested colleagues but it is a very difficult subject to get right but this government is working at it. >> simon wright. >> thank you, mr. speaker. does the prime is to share my concern over the impact of pocket money to fight al qaeda states health, that the social behavior and the damage it has caused? >> i think the audible children makes an extreme important point. there's no doubt in my mind at the very low cost of a cult is part of the problem in our town centers. one of the answers the governme has come up with is to ban deeply discounted selling of alcohol but, of course, we need to look at the broader question of low-cost i'll call. i know very carefully the letter that is in the papers this morning from a whole set of people with great expertise about this and we're looking ry careful at the issue. >> mrs. gene chapman. >> this morning we learned the airport is for so. it seems as though unemployment is going up in the northeast,
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our planes the decrepit isn't yet further evidence that the loss of infrastructure and jobs in the northeast, that this government economic plan is a catastrophic failure of? the key thing about the future of airport which is a vital airport is not necessarily who owns it but is it being invested in? is it being expanded? is it working well? that is the key question and the question i know my right honorable friend islooking at carefully. >> shayla murray. >> thank you, mr. speaker. as the prime minister e oecd and the national institute economic and social resarch findings this week showing that soaring immigration was not caused by the prospect of prosperity but just by the open door policies of the last government? and what he stop it from ever happening again and? >> the honorable lady is right.
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the report said specifically the inease in net immigtion to the u.k. was not driven primarily by the economic performance of the u.k. or other countries. instead it points to immigration policy. the fact is under the last government they quadrupled immigration. they let an extra 2.2 million people into the country. the answer is to do with a bogus part and were doing the to put limit on economic migration outside the e.u. and we're doing that and have proper portable and border police commander. we are doing that as well. >> thank you, mr. speaker. the statement saw 400,000 scottish children lose over 40 million pounds due to changes in the tax system. in my constituency that means 600,000 pounds taken from children. why is the prime minister taking money out of children's pockets and while being in the pockets of the bankers? >> i'm afraid to say to the audible jump he is just plain
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wrong. the child tax credit is ing up by 135 pounds and he talks about the bankers. it's this government that i actually put in place a bank levy that will raise more every year than labors one focused tax raising one year. >> thank y, mr. speaker. [inaudible] i'm proud of our vibrant tourism sector because my right honorable friend agree with me that it plays a key role in our local economy and what he insured that the attractis are promoted in the run up to the olympic games? >> i think my honorable friend makes a very important point. there'll be millions of people coming to this country for the olympic games. we need to encourage them not just to go to the olympic games but to visit other parts of the country and returned to britain for a subsequent visit. there'll we all sort of promotion and schemes that we'll be running to encourage just that. if we can encourage people more joe to visit other places as well as york, we would y huge
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about of jobs and growth in our region. >> thank you, mr. speaker. on the 16th of december, the 40th anniversary of an independent nation fought a war that cost 3 million lives, i want to be true to the contribution made by this part in supporting the people for the fight for liberty and self-determination. as the second most vulnerable country to climate change could with an estimate 15 to 20 people likely to be affected in the coming decade does the prime minister to agree with me it is now more important than ever before for developing countries from the devastating effects of climate change? >> yes, i absolutely agree with the honorable lady and i think the whole house should recognize what she has done in raising this issue at this time as bangladesh approaches this important anniversary. written can be proud of that with very good relations with bangladesh and to aid program in bangladesh is not one of the leading once anywhee in the world, from anywhere in the
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world into the country. we're spending specifically on helping them with climate change eating all the promises that we have. i've met myself with the premise of bangladesh. one of the issues we do have to raise, there are human rights issues in bangladesh and we shouldn't be scared of raising them with the authorities in the proper way. >> in e.u. wide agreement on present transfers come in to force this month which will enable the u.k. to repatriate to jails in their own country in e.u. nationals imprisoned here. given some 13% of our prison population is made up of foreign nationals, will the prime minister a sure that our e.u. partners stick to these new rules and take their criminals back? >> with my honorable friend and his strong views asking a question about a successful e.u. scheme, it really must be christmas. [laughter] he's absolutely right. we have 13% of our prison spaces
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are taken by foreign nationals. this is hugely expensive and is e.u. wide agreement is a great opportunity to return people to the national prisons and save money at the same time. >> mr. bob ainsworth. >> is freezing the pay of young privates and corporals while they are fighting in afghanistan, without reference to the armed forces pay review body of reach of the mility competent? >> it is this government that double the operational allowance which i think is the best way, the best way to ge money to the private and the corporals in afghanistan who are doing such a good job because of course the operational in a flat cash amount of money is of disproportionate benefit to relatively low-paid people in the armed forces were as a percentage increase would mean more money for the generals an colonels and the brigadiers, rather than fall actually the people on the front line.
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so i think looking at the operational allowance is crucial but discover it hasn't just done that. we've extend the pupil premium to forces children. we've actually increased the cancel tax rebates for those who are serving, and forthe first time we have written the military covenant intohe law of our land. >> i commend my right honorable thing for protecting our national interests by exercising the veto last friday. the people of dudley south thank you for. but did he vetoed commits -- [inaudible] below half 8% of gdp. 16 times the u.k. structural deficit left by the party opposite. >> i think my honorable friend makes a good point which is perhaps why the leader of the labour party is struggling so much to tell us what is his view about this proposed treaty. one hand he wants to join the euro if he is prime minister for long enough, on the other hand he wants to sign a treaty -- that's rubbish? he doesn't want to be prime minister for long enough, right.
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[laughter] he wants to join the euro. he wants to do with very tough budget deficit limits and he wants to increase spending increase borrowing and increasing debt. he tells us he is a five-point plan. i can sum it up in five words. let's bankrupt britain again. [shouting] >> mr. speaker, perhaps the prime minister could tell us at the deputy prime minister did not support his position on europe on monday and wide get that not one single democrat in deep but with the prime is to last night? >> last night there was something of a parliamentary rarity, which was a motion put down by an opposition party raising the prime minister. i'm very grateful to colleagues in the democratic union. i suspect that many people concluded that labour simply wouldn't get their act together but it wasn't worth voti and as a result we won very easily. >> thank you, mr. speaker.
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i am sure the whole house, i am sure the whole house will join me in thanking a remarkable man who has served this country and this place, with coura and distinction for nearly 50 years. eddie mackay who is in the gallery right now has been a doorkeeper your forte 23 years, retires on tuesday. before coming to this place he started with the distinction of the scots guard leaving us 20 years of service as a senior warrant officer. the household division you're not promoted to sergeant unless you are exceptional. he saw action during the falklands war in 1982. this company, g. company, led that successful and might of sort. can i ask the prime minister on behalf of the lord to wish drill sergeant a happy retirement and a happy christmas?
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>> on behalf of the whole house thank the honorae gentleman for raising this issue and this question. and on behalf of the whole house very much thank them for it is an incredible service. i do sometimes think in this house we can take for granted the people who work so hard to keep it working, to keep it going. and i sometimes want to know what they think of all the antics we get up to in this house we are incredible grateful of the global strategic to our nation to come here at work so hard for so many years. we're all in his debt, and sending good wishes for his retirement. [shouting] >> youth nemployment figures show that in the last quarter 22% of 16 to 24 year old economically active citizens are unemployed. an increase of 1.2% from the previous quarter. prime minister's earlier today, about with this government is doing for the youth unemployment
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in this country. could he tell us what it is increasing? >> every increase in youth unemployment is unacceptable. i'll tell you exactly what is happening but in terms of 16-18 year-old young people not in implement education and training, that number is going down. the problem as he rightly says is people over the age of 18, under 24 were finally the job market extreme difficult but the reason that anaheim is going up is because we are losing jobs in the public sector and were not growing fast enough in the private sector. we need to do everything we can to get or economy moving. the absolute key to that is keeping our interest rates low. we have interest rates now down at 2% and if we follow his parties policy of extra spending an extra borrowing, extra debt, interest rates would go up, more business would go under and we wouldn't get our economy moving. >> thank you, mr. speaker. many members of our house would have encountered examples of
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banks using the threat of receivership to extract new charges and higher interest rates from their business customers. does the prime minister agree with the it is wrong for banks to use what is extortionist bargaining position in this way? would he agree to meet with me to discuss some of the proposal i've outlined to limit their power and to require banks to obtain a possession rder before selling? >> i'm very happy to meet with my honorable friend about this issue. it's vital with not only to get our bank lending to small businesses, but also we make sure that they behave in an ethical and proper way as they do so. we are addressing the first issue in terms of the quantity of lending to the national loan guarantee scheme and the other credit easing measures that the chances it out in the autum statement but we also need to make sure that the practices the banks have are typically have an interest in making sure that small busisses are in good health and the need to follow those sorts of procedures to make sure that happens. >> mr. russell brown. >> thank you, mr. speaker. with y


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