tv Washington This Week CSPAN January 1, 2012 6:30pm-8:00pm EST
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mail. not paying down the retirement, prepaying down for people that aren't even employed yet and keeping postal service, here they're talking about closing down the service here. is there anything you can do to keep the postal service viable because there is a lot of people that don't have internet and that depend on the postal service? >> my recommendation which will probably not be received happily by the postal union is that they renegotiate the contracts from the ground up. you got 9 1/2% unemployment. you have to ask yourself the question, what do you think you could hire the next postal worker for given the current market? >> how about prepaying the retirement for people that aren't hired yet? >> that is something that copping could waive and should be waived. i'm saying the underlying cost structure of the postal service has to be dealt with directly. it is too expensive a structure
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right now. the lady way back in the back who wanted to say something. go ahead. >> yes, sir. they say that the money in the federal reserve is pretty low. how do you propose to build that up? >> i don't think the money in the federal reserve is too low. i think the federal reserve system has been run too secretly. i think we need an audit of the federal reserve. i think we need an annual audit, frankly, and i think we need all of the decision documents of 2008-2009, and 2010 published so we can find out who they have begin money to and why and who they haven't given money to and why. and the amount that chairman bernanke has is vastly bigger than the general budget. the congress that is representative of the people has been spending less money than the federal reserve. and the federal reserve spends all of it in secret. i think that's wrong in a free
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society. i think we need to have a fundamental overall of the federal reserve to bring it back under control and to make it manageable. i think preferablely without chairman bernanke being there. [applause] yes. >> i'm not a conservative, but i have quite a few conservative people. friday i was trying to ask a question of rick perry. he walked away from me. he definitely would lose my vote. i want to ask about the issues. we should defund it, would you agree with that or would you work with others to reform so it can being more efficient and more effective? >> well, i would dramatically reform and overall the united nations and i would be very aggressive about taking on the
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corruption in the united nations. i co-chaired a reform task force with former democratic senate majority leader george mitchell several years ago and the u.n. is a mess and all too often, the general aassembly is dominated by an anti-american majority. i would very hard to turn that around. i would also be prepared to start building up an alternative and bringing the other democracies to operate without being surrounded by dictatorships. i think there is a lot to be reformed in the u.n., but i wouldn't just walk off from it. yes. >> what do you think is your biggest weakness? >> what do you think is my biggest weakness? >> yes. [laughter] >> don't look at her. >> probably that i'm too
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reasonable and i should have responded to the negative ads two weeks earlier. em. >> can you explain why you did the commercial with miss pelosi and then what changed, because you say it's one of your biggest mistakes. what changed because of it? >> there are two parts of this. i was just looking at the commercial which fox is replaying once again without explaining it. the question i was trying to reach was can conservatives be in the middle of an environmental debate and represent a conservative solution to the environment? i taught environmental studies, i think the environment does matter and i think conservatives ought to be pro environment in the broad sense that all of us want to have clean air and clean water and we want to have national parks and we want to have diversity of species. i don't think we should walk off and allow liberals to claim to be the only people who care about the environment. that was the reason they did the commercial.
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it was stupid to do it because nancy pelosi became so radioactive that the act of being on a couch with her was automatically, i mean -- >> eww! >> i rest my case. i have been very energetic my whole career and every once in a while, i do something dumb. i will concede, that was dumb. but the ad goes on to say something that is factually false. this is why i feel like i have been too passive. not in going negative, but it being more aggressive about the things that are just plain false. when al gore testified in favor of cap and trade in the house, i was the next witness. i testified against it. the entire videotape of my testimony is available at it is just plane a lie to suggest that i favored cap and trade and i tried to pass cap and trade. if you look at the ad, the underlying message of that ad is false. now, anybody can take a shot at me for being dumb enough of
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being on a couch with nancy pelosi. that's a clean, clear shot. i concede it up front. sometimes people make mistakes. but it is totally wrong to suggest that i wanted the federal government to run all of the cars in the united states through e.p.a. i think that part of the ad is a blatant falsehood and romney's people know it's false. that's what frankly makes me angry. one or two more, yes. >> the iowa national guard was deployed to iraq for 16 months, afghanistan a year, they just got back this summer. what about iraq and afghanistan, what is your stance on the future for that? >> well, let me say, first of all, in addition to saying thank you to the national guard . [applause] my dad spent 27 years in the army in the infantry, and i
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worry when our military gets small enough, though we are rotating national guard units in because it makes me wonder what are our reserve forces. the original idea was the guard was part of our reserve, that we would mobilize in the real crisis. if they are part of the real national army, we have no reserves. that's the real danger we have gotten into in the last eight or 10 years. the odds are very high that we are in the process of losing iraq. i think the iranians are on offense. the obama administration is collapsing in the region. i think that it is -- the fact is that when prime minister mall i can visited the white house recently, he had a brigade commander of the iranian revolutionary guard in his entourage, a man who we believe was responsible for killing americans. now, the fact that the obama administration either didn't know it or didn't care about it
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gives you some sense of how bad this is. in afghanistan, we have always had two core problems that we have never dealt with. the first is that the pastan give equally in afghanistan and southern pakistan. they don't recognize the border. if you concede pakistan as a sanctuary, you will never win the war. we have known this, every grillia war in history, if they have a sanctuary, they were out last the regular forces. that's one. part two, the change we want in afghanistan is not military. it's building 50,000 miles of road. it's electrifying the communities. it's giving kids cell phones. it's finding a way to break down the isolation of a medieval society. we have never been prepared outside the military -- i gave a speech on this in the spring
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of 2002 in which i took on the state department and just said flatly that we are in incompetent in our overseas efforts outside the military and we are not capable of delivering the things we need to do and that certainly has proven to be true in afghanistan now for nine years. i think it's a very difficult problem and one that is going to get worse, not better. one or two last questions. yes. >> [inaudible] isn't that a national security issue? >> the question about the cheaps plan to go to the moon or going into outer space. there is no better example of the tragic failure of bureaucracy than nasa. i mean, here is a country whose president said in 1982 we will or 1962, we will get to the moon before the end of the decade and we did. and it was an extraordinarily daring step.
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at the time he made that speech, the total american time in space was three hours suborbital. we had never orbited with a person and he is standing there saying we are going to be on the moon. we then allowed bureaucracy to take over. we now have billions of dollars in planning and no space vehicle. it is a case study in why strong america now is right and why we should fundamentally overhaul the entire federal government and it's a tragedy. it is a national security issue. we have to fundamentally rethink our program in space. it's one of the places where governor romney decided to make fun of me. i wanted to defend thinking about space. big goals attract young people to science, to engineering, to technology. it gives them dreams of a bigger and better future. i think it's better to have a political leader who paints a picture of a future worth working for than to have a political leader who offers no hope.
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[applause] >> so you're really, really tall or standing on something. >> a question that no candidate has addressed. number one, your feelings on the n.r.a., your views on gun control in keeping the constitution intact. >> well, i am a life member of the national rifle association. i have an a.a. rating by them every year i was in congress. i have been given their lifetime legislator's award. i believe in the right to bear arms. the second amendment doesn't give you that right. it says the right to bear arms should not be abridged. the founding fathers believe it preceded the constitution and was inherited by god as your right to protect yourself and to reserve your freedom.
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i will be solid on that front. i'm solidly committed on preserving the constitution. i have written books on it, a nation like no other, for example. we did a movie about the constitution. so i think you'll find we're very solid in that. frankly, this place is so jam-packed, it's a little hard to imagine how we're going to do it. i'm going to drive my staff crazy because they told me not to do it. i'm not comfortable with all of these people coming here and not having a chance to say hi to all of you. i'm going to suggest with some help from our many friends in the media who will clear a path here, that anybody who wants to come up, we're going to stand here until we see all of you and we want you to have a chance to come by for a minute. i don't want you to come and not have a chance to. thank you very much. [applause]
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>> thank you, thank you. keep us in your prayers. >> oh, i do. >> would you like something to drink, sir? >> no. >> i'm going to try to go this way. >> this is an incredible place to live. what do you see the role for groups interacting with china? >> totally in the world market competing with each other. >> what are your names? >> ross and andy.
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>> hi. nice to meet you. >> you went to luther college? >> yes, i did. >> i went to central. >> great. >> thank you very much for coming. >> thank you. >> thanks a lot. >> thank you. >> good luck. >> how are we doing? >> the security guys have to push them back. push them back. thank you. >> nice to see you. >> you want a picture? >> go ahead there. >> thank you very much. >> we would not elect the most
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intelligent man in our state. >> thank you. >> good luck on tuesday. >> thank you, ma'am. >> thank you. thank you. thank you, appreciate it. >> hello. hello. >> one, two, three! >> thank you. >> thank you. >> hello. >> thank you for doing this. >> hello. that's a pretty top. >> thank you. >> thank you.
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>> hello, how are you? >> i am so honored to meet you guys. >> good to be with you. >> i need your help on tuesday. >> i'll be there, i'll be there. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> hello. >> a big fan of yours. >> hello. >> thank you. >> healingo, how are you? >> i am fine, thank you. >> i need your help tuesday. >> love you, newt. i like somebody that loves the constitution. >> thank you. >> thank you, i love, you too. the constitution goes! >> thank you. >> i'm working the pockets. >> i'll be there.
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>> come to waterloo. >> are you at the dome? >> going to try to. >> i'm working it. >> thank you. >> one, two, three. >> thank you. >> write your name on this paper like you did five years ago. we were in the fairmont room and you guys were having drinks. >> thank you, thank you. hi. >> thank you for coming. >> thank you. >> we need your help for tuesday. >> we will. >> thank you, thank you. we need your help tuesday. >> you got it, you got it. >> thank you. >> i appreciate everything you're doing. >> thank you.
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>> thank you for stopping by. >> nothing would keep me away on tuesday. >> i'll be there with bells on. >> hi, thank you for being here. >> how are you? >> thank you. >> thank you. >> hello. >> how are you? >> you go to luther college? >> let's get luther in here. >> luther college. >> thank you so much. good luck. >> thank you. nice meeting you. >> i have a camera and i want to thank you for running. >> need your help on tuesday. >> thank you. >> hello. >> thank you for coming. >> need your help on tuesday. >> i'm going tuesday. >> good. >> thank you.
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>> good to hear you. >> love to have your help on tuesday. >> thank you for stopping by. >> hi. >> hope you have good luck. >> well, need your help on tuesday. >> i will. >> be there on tuesday. >> you'll give us better luck. >> thank you. >> hello. you already have a letter of endorsement from me. my name is randy harrod, i used to be the state commarme for the libertarian party. >> i appreciate very much. >> we got to get these other people in, too. >> love to have your help. >> you guys -- here we are. >> thank you. >> nice to meet you. >> how are you? >> nice to meet you.
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>> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> he is going to speak tuesday night. >> thanks so much. >> thanks for coming. >> nice to meet you, thank you. >> hello. how are you? hi, how are you? thank you. >> here we go. one, two, three. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> nice to have you here. >> i'll be there tuesday. >> thanks for coming out. thank you. how are you? >> great, thank you. >> nice to meet you, too. >> thank you. thank you for coming. i need your help. >> see you tuesday.
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>> thank you. >> wait until she is done, hold on. wait, wait. >> i have a longer name. >> one, two, three. >> thank you. thank you. >> are you guys all coming up? >> somebody has my camera right there. >> we'll all get in it. here we go. here we go. that way we'll take less time. >> will that work? >> yeah, turn around. one, two, three.
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pleased to meet you. >> thanks for stopping by. >> change tuesday night and you can vote. >> that would be great. >> that would be fun. >> nice to meet you both. >> nice to meet you. >> thank you, guys. >> how are you? nice to meet you. one, two, three. >> god bless you. >> thank you for being here. >> hi, i'm newt. >> hi, nice to meet you. >> you want a picture or do you have a camera or a cell phone? >> no, you're fine.
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>> hello. >> i just came to say hello and thank you so much, appreciate it. >> see you on tuesday. >> hello. >> appreciate your help on tuesday. >> no problem. >> thank you. >> good luck. >> thank you, need your help tuesday night. >> thank you. >> nice to meet you. >> things need to be done on the national debt, you divide that into 50 states and how many billions that would -- >> good idea. >> thank you, need your help on tuesday. >> thank you very much. >> good to see you. >> need your help tuesday night
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now. >> you're the kind of man who don't give up. i'm going to give this thing to you and the ugliest thing you have ever saw. you carry it with you and look at it every morning and remind you i'm not going to give up. >> now what is it? that is genuinely ugly. there you go, alex. >> that is fabulous. >> that's what television is all about. >> tell her what it is. >> it is something that he doesn't give up and he don't go away and he can take a look at this and say i'm doing better than this. >> thank you. >> did you make it? where did you get this? did you make this? >> it happens to be a bull in
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there, here you can put paper. >> yeah. so now my grandson will have to figure out how to get it out? very funny. >> this will expect you to keep on going on and not giving up. >> if this shows up in the oval office, you'll remember where we got it. this has to go with us later on. he must be a piece of work. >> he is. need your help tuesday night. hello. how are you? good to see you. >> thank you for all you have done. wish you the best. thank you very much. >> we need your help. >> you bet, we'll be there. >> speaker, great to see you. >> need your help on tuesday night. >> how are you? >> hello. good to see you. thank you. >> thank you so much. >> hang in there. >> thank you.
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>> hello. >> how do you feel about returning to the gold standard? >> we should return. the dollar should be stable. good to see you. >> great, welcome to waterloo, thank you very much. >> hello. >> i'm a college student. >> where do you go? >> creighton university. >> we are developing a program for young people that have the right to choose a personal social security savings account. go to and find it. >> could i get a picture quick? >> sure, you have a camera? sure, here we go. >> thank you. >> thank you. hello. hi, guys. >> how are you? >> nice to meet you. >> how are you? >> how are you? >> hi, newt, very nice to meet
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you. >> what brings you up here. >> we're visiting family but i'm concerned about the school situation in georgia. we have a charter school that is denied. >> why? >> it's and underperforming school in georgia, too much competition with the rest of fulton county. >> that's crazy. >> it's crazy -- >> i'm going to look into that. >> the academy. >> thank you. excuse me. excuse me. i think i'm all right, i have the sneezes. i apologize.
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uf-dah! exactly. how are you? i'm good. i'm here because ron paul has gone over the edge in his campaigning and i am so angry and i'm even angrier with the american public because they go for it. but those ads are outrageous and he has absolutely the best ad agency in the world because they are very slick and they are very good. thank you. >> help on tuesday night will surprise you. >> i'm going to do that. >> thank you very much.
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>> too much to ask for appear autograph? >> no. i'm sorry. you want a picture first? >> that will be great. >> then we'll do autographs. thank you. thank you so much for being here. >> is this the final stop for the night? one more. >> we were hoping we were your last one for the night. >> one more yet. >> thanks a lot. we need your help tuesday night. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. have a good evening. >> you, too, thank you very much.
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hello, i spoke to you over the phone. >> you did? >> eric. >> how are you doing? very well, and you, sir? >> thank you. >> getting ready for our caucus and you gave the answers we needed. >> thank you. >> thank you, how are you? good to see you. how are you this evening? good to see you. >> i'm valerie. >> good to see you, valerie. >> how do you balance the budget? i have several and one is where you go to the agency and we used to have all kinds of -- we had somebody who had the receipts for our money and
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where it went. why doesn't the government do that? >> and keep control -- we think they save billions if they had that kind of accuracy. we agree. >> i think you ought to start asking for receipts and stuff like that so the people can really keep the money, you know. >> there you go. part of your big caravan, i hope you remember me. i'll be out there carrying that
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sign. >> we look forward to seeing you tuesday night, ok? >> all right. >> thank you. need your help on tuesday. >> i have been following you in all of your political, you are the only one that has the experience. all of the other candidates -- >> with your help, we will, thank you. >> thank you for stopping by. >> hello. >> hi. >> how are you? >> good, nice to see you. >> hi. how are you? >> you have been an inspiration. could you sign my book? >> sure. what's your name? >> jim rucker. >> any relation to scott rucker? >> that's what the iowa republican party in des moines? >> yeah. >> i don't think so. >> rucker. >> the chairman of the appropriations committee in the house. >> you have been an inspiration. i followed you through the 1990's.
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your debate performance has been unbelievable. >> i would love to have your support. >> i want to see you beat obama. >> with your help we will. i need you on tuesday. >> yes, i will be there. >> turn around. >> thank you. thank you. >> hello. how are you? good to see you. >> i am from georgia. >> glad to have you up here. >> thank you. >> we need your help on tuesday. ok. >> can we get a picture? >> sure. >> turn around and get a picture. >> there we go. thank you very much. hello, how are you? good to see you.
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>> i'm an air force officer and my thing that i really appreciate about you is that you're a historian. one of the biggest books that i wrote was the story and that in every decision you made that you used bible prophesy. that's my biggest concern. >> thank you, we try very hard to follow god's will. >> i know it's in every decision. >> thank you so much. >> 4el8o. >> hello, good to have you. that's pretty. >> well, thank you. >> hello. and can i get my picture with you? >> sure. >> absolutely. here we go. >> thank you.
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>> coming tomorrow also. >> good. >> hello. good to see you. >> thank you. we really appreciate your help on tuesday night. >> i will be at the caucus on tuesday night. >> it's his 70th birthday. >> happy birthday. >> is today your birthday? >> today is my birthday. >> that's nice. a new year's baby. >> that's correct, i won the prizes. >> that's great. there aren't many republicans in jefferson county, but i will be there. >> thank you, we need everyone we can get. thank you very much. hello. how are you? good to see you. >> nice to see you. >> need your help. >> hi, good to see you. >> one of the local docs, i appreciate everything you're doing for medicine, you know. a lot of things we got to get
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rid of, obama care, etc. appreciate your help. it must be difficult to do this. >> thank you for your help. >> we need your help. here we go. one, two, three! >> we need your help on tuesday night. >> we'll be there. >> hi, thank you. >> we're actually in south dakota. >> nice to meet you. >> it worked out we were here today to be here. >> i think it can be cured, but it's a real problem. >> the senators from south dakota didn't think it was a problem and didn't have to be dealt with.
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one, two, three. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. thank you. >> mary ann moore. welcome to waterloo. wonderful to have you here. this is our family watering hole here. >> sorry that we're blocking you. >> we're disappointed that we don't have our booth. >> well, we need your help. >> your background and depth of knowledge -- >> we need your help on tuesday night. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> hello. >> good to see you again. >> i have two quick ideas for you. in 2009 8 million security
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members were given against $80 billion, a clear indication that people are giving fraudulent information. people can be withholding for the people that submitted those in no time we would end all the under the table payments for work as well as our problems. >> interesting. the notion of term limits, two terms on, one off, two on, one off as many times as you can win. we preserve seniority. we put more people in the political process. we put more parties in involvement. >> that's a variation that might work. >> i didn't know that. if you could do that, it would solve a huge problem.
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again, you have my vote. >> thank you. >> nice to meet you. >> hello. hello. >> this is my brother. >> good to see you. >> this is mike moore, i'm joe. nice to meet you. we will vote for you. >> thank you for voting for us. thank you very much. >> god bless. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. thank you very much. >> look who just arrived. >> look who just arrived. just when you thought it couldn't get any better. >> robert. >> nice to meet you. >> thanks for joining us. >> hi, will. how are you doing, will, good to see you. >> ok, come on over.
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hi, young lady. happy new year. how about if i sign that can i sign that? >> that would be nice. did you make that? happy new year. i like that. that's very good. >> thank you. >> thank you. that's really pretty by the way. >> thank you. >> i can't believe you noticed details after the whirlwind you guys are on. >> some things still leap out at you. thank you for helping us. >> you are the best. >> thanks for helping us on tuesday. >> we will. >> hi, good to see you. there you go. thank you for being here. thank you for helping us. hello, we need your help tuesday. >> and you will get it, thank you. nice to meet you. >> here we go.
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>> thank you. hello. hello. thank you. hello. >> i have been waiting to meet you for a long time. would you do this honor for me? >> sure, absolutely. >> what's your first name? >> donovan. >> did you watch the game? i met your son-in-law? >> you did. >> a packer fan. >> we're from sheboygan originally, met in college. >> it's an amazing game. that guy, the second game he has started and he broke all of the packer records. he is a free agent now. he just increased the value of his next contract. unbelievable. >> can i take your picture? >> sure, want to be in it?
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alicia will take it. >> there you go. when my mother was alive, she backed you in congress. she was a strong republican. >> oh, really? i would love to have your help on tuesday. >> thank you. i don't know, but i think they do. hello. >> you must be so tired. i love your history book. as you know, i said to my grandparent, you read that book. you need to know what is going on. also we'll be there on tuesday night. >> we need your help. >> you're going to get it. i just talked to your girl friday back there in the white shirt. she knows what i want to talk about and she'll tell you. >> thank you.
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>> hello. good to see you. >> how are you? >> good to meet you. >> how are you. >> i enjoyed those debates. >> oh, thank you. >> very polite and get them. >> we need your help on tuesday. >> we need some leadership. god bless you. >> give my buddies at the lodge a little something. >> i need your support on tuesday. >> thank you very much. >> hello. >> hi, how are you? >> how are you? >> i got this for my brother in the military for 20 years, you got his vote. >> we need your help. >> i'm a supporter for you.
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>> great, even better. >> thank you. >> appreciate it. >> hello. how are you? >> how are you? >> thank you. >> nice to have you. >> great to be back. >> good to have you. >> good. >> see you on tv. >> we need your help on tuesday. >> hello. >> how are you? >> we need your help. >> the first picture didn't take. >> do it all again, we're all here, why not. >> one, two, three!
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>> thank you. >> hello. >> thank you very much. i'm glad it was good for you. >> this was a great crowd. >> yeah, it was. >> i was really surprised at how big the crowd was. >> one, two, three. >> see the tv's streaming over the bar, that's spanier. -- cspan. >> hello. good to see you. hi, how are you? >> wonderful debater. wonderful. >> nice to meet you. >> nice to meet you. >> here we go.
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one, two, three! thank you very much. thank you very much. nice to see you. >> nice to meet you. >> one, two, three. great. thank you. >> nice to meet you. >> nice to meet you. >> thank you. here we go. thank you. >> nice to meet you. >> thank you for helping us. >> no problem. >> one, two, three. >> thank you.
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i would like you to sign this, please, for my daughter. >> good to see you. we appreciate your help. get that for us. did you get that shot for us? >> not yet. one more time, please. >> thank you. >> i will. hold it down. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. >> thank you very much. >> that's a lot for coming by.
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>> hello. >> nice to meet you. >> being reasonable doesn't count for the weakness. >> anything can be a weakness in the wrong place. what is your biggest weakness? >> i don't know. >> see, think about it. >> here we go, guys. a whole gaggle. >> i'll get on the other one. >> get all of you in the middle. are you a group or what are you? >> yeah, we're a group. >> i'll get on the other side. >> i'll jump over there. >> here we go.
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>> live coverage continues here in waterloo, iowa, we are at l.j.'s neighborhood bar. as you can see the former house speaker, republican presidential candidate newt gingrich is wrapping up after about a four minnesota q & a session followed by a lengthy meet and greet, one of the stops on sunday. our phone lines are open,
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202-737-0001 democrats and 002 for republicans. many may be participating in the caucuses on tuesday. that number is 202-628-0205. we'll get your calls in just a moment. i'm going to sit down and talk to linda and laura. you're both from here in iowa. first of all, where do you live? >> i live about two miles down the road. i'm a retired teacher. >> why did you come out on this cold and somewhat snowy sunday evening here in waterloo? >> i am still trying to make my decision. i am going to caucus. actually, when i hear democrats say that we have such a weak field, i find we have a very strong field of opponents and i am trying to make my choice as to which one is the best. >> so the "des moines register" poll this morning which shows and the speaker referred to it,
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41% could change their vote and you're part of it. >> yes, i am. >> what would make up your mind and what did you think of the speaker did? >> he is very good and very knowledgeable. i'm also looking at personalities and how they relate to other people. >> when will you make your final decision? >> probably tomorrow. >> and i understand here in blackhawk county, that there is one caucus location. there could be 6,000 do 10,000 people in one venue. >> yes, that is correct. when i went four years ago, it was a small venue and it was very, very complicated. so this year they have moved it to a much larger venue. >> thanks for spending a few minutes with us. and what did you think of the speaker's remarks tonight and have you made your decision? >> i have not made a decision, but i am getting close and i'm probably down to two folks, but i am a military officer and so national defense issues are very important to me.
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i'm looking for someone who is very strong on national defense, someone who is strong like president reagan was, someone who reminds me of him and i'm also looking at the fruit, not just what they say, but i'm looking at the records and looking at what is actually the results that they have had in their careers so far an decisions they have made, good, bad, or ugly and have they -- and if they flipped on some things or changed their minds, i'm looking for the fruit that says they're walking their talk and they're backing up their changes, changes of decisions and why they changed your minds. >> i am asking you who are your top two candidates, sunday evening, two days before the caucuses. >> rick perry and santorum. >> not the former house speaker. >> not yet, no. >> and how about for you, your top two? >> i would say rick and rick.
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i would say we have gone to see rick santorum, rick perry, newt, we have not had an opportunity to see bachmann or paul or the other candidate. these just happen to be the three we saw this week who happen to bethey were in waterl. santorum was strong. perry was great. newt, i don't know -- you couldn't get the one on one interaction and they were trying to speak to so many people at once. newt is not out of the picture for me but i would like to think about this a little bit more. >> we will get to your phone calls. we continue to live coverage here from waterloo, iowa.
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>> the c-span coverage is great and you know i am strongly for romney, the greatest president in history. he has the big momentum and he will get it and be the greatest president in history. >> a viewer from stanford, virginia. >> i am from stafford, virginia. i just wanted to say -- that i think ron paul will win on tuesday. i would suggest him as a candidate. i would strongly recommend him. >> we will cover him live
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tomorrow. we will also cover mitt romney. and michelle bachmann will be here in one of her final appearances. caucases are underway -- and k,et wyork, ow yor, outside of albany. >> i would finally -- i would probably support ron paul, because he is serious on cutting the national debt and reducing the size of the military. mitt romney will probably be the most dangerous opponent for barack obama. >> i reminded that all of the
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campaign coverage is available on our web site, and next is georgetown, ky. you are on the air. >> mitt romney -- they would be jumpiong ung up and down. he is a banker. the wall street occupiers -- i would say -- they are just insenced --- incensed in washington and -- this is going to be someone like ron paul. so many people who were actually watching your show today -- thank you.
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>> thank you for the phone call. neighborhood.'s sports bar. newt madecked when th his final appearance. we will be tracking them at c- span. i will move back here to grab more people. cedar rapids, iowa, go ahead. >> hi. can you hear me? can you hear me? >> i can. >> i -- newt gingrich was late because he was talking to everyone. all of us political junkies like what you have done. we wonder if we should go to the rally or watch on c-span.
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with the candidates, it is hard to decide. i lost my job three years ago and had to drive to minneapolis for 20 months. i have asked about that. newt had a good answer with terms of policy and using technology to bring jobs back to rural areas. but also -- he was more interested -- >> that is an issue that came up? one of the questions that came up with gingrich? >> i was interested. certainly for me, telecommuting is essential. and this can work. we can talk to the people of
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minneapolis, who doen't have to commute each day. i appreciate what he says. i am worried about all the money from fanny mae, it does concern me. but i thought that this was very important. i did not feel like romney was listening to the people of iowa. through,was flying not listening to people when she was campaigning. she was not taking questions, with what people's concerns were. >> thank you for the phone call. this place is full, and now this is emptying out. >> what did you hear from the
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former house speaker? >> it was great. we packed this hosue. i- -- house. change is definitely needed. somebody with experience and knowledge. we've seen the right and wrong way to do this. we are ready for something different. >> what do you think of the job the president is doing for you? >> for me, i am definitely thumbs down. a little biased, at a newt get- together. health care wise, seeing the increase with that, effecting me and my family in the pocketbook. definitely, taxes -- all the way
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around. ready for someone with the experience to implement the change in business. >> what happens tuesday in waterloo? >> it was exciting to see the community come together tonight. not just republicans and the base. there may be a surprise. >> 120, 120,000 people participating in this was the benchmark in terms of what we can expect on tuesday evening. there is speculation that the number is higher it may affect one candidate more than another. it will be interesting to watch the overall turnout. there are 99 counties, and we will be covering them live on c- span. dumfries, virginia, you are
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next. >> as an independent that normally votes for democrats, i think that obama can work agaisnnst any of the candidates and won't have a problem. it didn't work then and it won't work in the future. >> a viewer from dallas, texas. what is your name? >> michael. hello? >> go ahead. >> thanks for doing this. i appreciate that you do these programs. you are the greatest innovation in modern journalism. i think newt is a great historical candidate, and i think that is a great value.
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we need someone who avoids the mistakes of the past. he probably has a better perspective but i think we are cursed with a nihlistic president with a nihlistic view of history. again, thanks very much. doing a great job. >> a viewer from outside of des moines. will you caucus? >> yes, i am. hello? >> have you decided who you will support? >> i am going to support mitt romney. i was undecided, many months ago, leaning towards john huntsman. he did not spend much time in iowa. so, when i was looking at the
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other candidates, they scared me away from gingrich, even though he did a good job working with clinton. but the ethics community organization, getting fined, and the money he took from freddie mack. and as far as -- if i had a second choice, i would pick rick santorum. rick perry doesn't impress me. so -- my prediction is that on tuesday night, mitt romney will win the iowa caucus. a second-place finish. and then a strong third finish
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from paul. but i don't think paul will get the token monination. i -- nomination. i think ron paul is out there with foreign policy. i like what he wants to do and that he's out there. >> thanks very much. historically, the republican caucuses have taken place -- no candidate has won both. it will be interesting to see what happens a week from tuesday. the primary test on january 10. and then the february intermission. a handful of primaries in february. next is a viewer from fort worth, texas.
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go ahead. >> i was just calling. i watched leaving tonight with -- newt seems like he doesn't have the spark in his eye, and this is not in his heart. he just -- i don't know. he just seemed down, like he doesn't want to run. with rick perry, i lived under his rule. he cut our education so bad. we've had to lay off so many teachers. we are out 35 students in each class. he says that he has created so many jobs, but the majority of those jobs came from the united states government, with airplanes and the car manufacturers.
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this is all that i have to say. -- although i have to say. he seemed so down tonight. >> the final opinion polls shows are firstromney and paul and second, the poll has gingrich as fourth and perry as fifth. this is part of campaign 2012. and in des moines -- we have more on how the story unfolded, and kcit tv. we are in waterloo iowa. go ahead, caller. we will try one more time. are you with us? we go to harrisburg, pennsylvania. >> hello? >> next caller?
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you are on the air. >> i noticed that none of the republican candidates acknowledged how we got into the deficit. and if you can't, how can they take care of it? and all of their solutions are cutting spending. and cutting spending does seem to thurhurt the economy. i kind of focus on that. >> ok. thanks for the call. next is a viewer from virginia. part of the c-span 2012 coverage. >> can you hear me? >> we sure can. i am a little disappointed with
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the republican candidates. the lack of knowledge of perry changed my mind. but the $10,000 bet with romney changed my mind. then newt gingrich cried on tv and i changed my mind. i think michelle bachmann. she made mistakes. santorum will make us fight the world. ron paul is too liberal for republicans. >> right now, only ron paul and mitt romney, but gingrich's campaign joins forces with rick perry to petition a right -- write-in that is not permitted for a primary c
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andidate. a viewer from mississippi? go ahead, caller. >> i was calling because >> w--e live in one of the poorest states. st states in the3st united states. the bush era gave us a cold. we are trying to get out of this cold. but people are not seeing the idea that the republicans, running now -- newt doesn't have the experience to lead you around the corner. and you have mitt romney. hims very -- i don't see
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being president material. they have the bush-era mentality. now, one thing i love about obama, he has stopped the war in iraq and brought the troops home. that is one thing i lovve. -- love but he can only do what congress allows him to do. what we need to do is change congress. that is what is stopping the presidency. they can only do so much. they are stopping everyting america needs. >> thankks for the call. what city are you calling from? is it -- go ahead, please. >> are you from iowa? please go ahead. >> i am from forest city, iowa.
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i have four years of college. i don't think i'm dumb. but i have been watching what is going on, with all these candidates talking. i am a registered republican, the first winter to vote in 30 years in iowa. i look at the candidates. in my book, the only one that will stand a chance with obama is newt gingrich. he is the only one who has been in that office. obama is a smart guy, but newt will be the only one to face him, face to face. thank you very much.
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happy new year. >> will you caucus on tuesday/ >> to be honest -- right now, i am not throwing my support to anybody. i am disappointed in the candidates. i would vote for newt, but right now, i will stay home. >> thanks for the call. davenport, iowa. davenport, we are on the air. are you with us? governor terry -- will be joining us on c-spans "washington journal." we will cover the candidates into the evening, and a mitt romney rally outside of des moines.
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and tuesday evening. getting underway -- caucuses on c-span, followed by speeches from the winners and losers. you can see more on here are some ads by the candidates and super-pacs. >> i married my high school sweetheart, but had to wait as he volunteered for the air force. when rick returned, he asked me to marry him. we grew up in a small town, raised on christian values. we know washington d.c. could use that.
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she first appeared. >> i respect her stand on immigration. >> she is a christian and i feel that is important -- >> she stands for what she believes in. >> i like her financial background. her experience in congress won't hurt her a bit. >> our road to the white house coverage continues with ron paul at 12:15. rick santorum will be -- and mitt romney in clive, iowa at 5:40. watch c-span as we continue our coverage. the republican candidates made the rounds, and this is tehheir
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reaction to the latest poll. >> mitt romney, santorum closes in. we talked about this surge you had in the last few days. what does this mean to you? >> the people of iowa, i have said this -- when will you get the surge. i said, my surge is on january 3. after the people of iowa analyze the candidatese and find out who is the right leader and has what it takes to beat obama. when that crunch time comes we will pick up. >> you talked about needing a miracle. expectations have changed now. is anything less than a win not
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measuring up? >> 10 days ago i was at 55. -- 5%. now, 10 days later, they say i have to win. we feel good about how things are going. we hveave a great team of people and we want to make sure this is not a pyrric victory. someone who can turn the country around. >> flat expectations. at this point, you have to do better than bachmann or perry. >> there are three primaries. the conservative primaries, the libertarian primaries, and then gingrich and romney, fighting for the establishment vote.
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if we can pace ahead of perry or bachmann, we are in good shape. >> rick perry hsas spent more than 30 days in iowa, with 75 events. welcome to fox news sunday. you are at 11%, tied with ginrich for fourth place. >> momentum is headed in the right direction. as we've traveled in the last 30 days or so. we see great crowd,s, again. about ane excited bout outsider. you are either wallstreet or washington insiders. you have a choice of a governing
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executive, operating thte 13th largest economy in the world as america lost two million. we created a million. they are interested in having an experienced executive in the whitehouse. that has the social message. >> you have spent three million on tv ads, more than any candidate or super pac. show?n't you have more to >> we got in late. some of these folks have been running for years in iowa. to come in and have the ground game. nobody has the ability to go
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past iowa into these other states, with the national fundraising ability, and the message we have, and i think this is a powerful message. we can go forward, but when it comes to running a national campaign, they will falter. >> one interesting thing about the poll today, if you take the last two days, rick santorum goes into second place, showing he is gathering some momentum. why is santorum suddenly the person to watch? >> well, it is the people who got frustrated, shifting their views. my supporters, when they join
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and know the cause of monetary policy -- they are up and down. >> one thing is when they talk to your supporters, 56% said they were definitely going, supportersrommneney or santorum supporters. we say, ron paul has the best turnout operation, working on the ground. only 56% say they are going. >> they are definitely going? >> they are going to go caucus. they say they are definitely
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