tv The Communicators CSPAN January 14, 2012 6:30pm-7:00pm EST
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better off than your parents when they were your age. most hands go up. what ever happened to the four of you, please tell me who your broker is not. now, tell me the truth. how many of you to believe that your children, not that you want them to be, how many of you believe the way things are going that your children will be better off than you when they get to your age? raise your hand. look around you. look at how few hands are up now. can someone explain to me why you're so pessimistic about your kids? >> the leadership we have today is not taking us where we need to go. >> why our users pessimistic about the future for the next generation? >> the economy is down. real-estate values are down. there is no prospect for the future. >> why are you so pessimistic about the future for your kids? >> of lack of common sense in washington. >> why are you so pessimistic?
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>> a huge debt. governor, congressman, give them hope. make them feel more confident about the future. what would you tell them needs to happen so that they will have faith that their children will have a better quality of life than them? >> i think you start with the premise, congressman, i know you believe it because that is why you ran for office. this is the greatest experiment in human freedom the world has ever known, the united states of america. [applause] what jefferson penned in 1776, and what we ratified in 1791, has stood the test of time. those ideas have spread ideas about freedom and liberty across the world. since the collapse of the iron curtain and the berlin wall, we've seen people not only in europe but also and other nations look to america for these ideas on human freedom and
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ideas on how to put together a constitution. so i think our system of government and the foundations of its republic, they are greater than any one president, one governor or congressman or anything else. because it has worked. we have had some other dark periods in our history. the mid 1800's. through all of those challenges, the basic structure of america has remained unchanged. the basic secret of success, while we may have lost it for a period of time, while we have administrations that may not understand it like this administration does not get it, i think the people come around and make the right corrective action. just like the market has a correction, i think the electorate will have a correction in november. will get conservative leadership restored. because the small businessman are always going to be the linchpin -- 70% of all the
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businesses in america are created by that small business guy. bill gates. or the steve jobs. the people that have a dream, dropped out of college. nobody thought it would happen. now they have created some of the greatest companies in america. that is america. that will not change even after and during four years of this administration. that stays strong and we will recover and be better and stronger. [applause] >> sometimes the greatest opportunities are found in the greatest obstacles. there is no question that since 2008 we have seen one of the greatest opportunities of rise in the tea party. when you realize that you're taxed enough already, you realize that a less intrusive government is in your best interest and you realize that no matter where you start, your future will be dictated by
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yourself. that the greatest minority in the nation today is the individual. and unleashing the individual sets america right. i will tell you from personal experience, the starting a business. understanding that having an equity position in this great nation made my life different. i could think my way out of poverty. if we realize that the hardest lessons we have to learn today are the ones ahead of us, that the federal guthrie cannot save us and we do not want it to save us. we want to be free, free to win, but also free to lose. that is why the future is very bright. our best days are ahead of us. there is no question that the greatest stand america will have to make is in our future. we will -- we have overcome two world wars, the great depression, recessions, and we will overcome barack obama, without question. [applause]
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>> i always feel like george costanza, get out on a high note. where are my moms? on monday, at 10:30 a.m., if you go to cafe mom, there will be a town home specifically for you moms. as a mom, and what are you most concerned for your kids? >> just their future and their opportunities because our country has been taken in the wrong direction right now. >> what are you most concerned about for your kids? >> i have one son who is unemployed. and i have a 23-year-old who is still living at home. he has a job, but cannot afford to live on his own because of the economy. >> are you a mom? >> right now, i am mostly a
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grandmother. two young granddaughters. my concern is that there will be opportunities for them when they are at that age. my daughter and her husband have provided well for their college in the future, but will be opportunities to be there for them when they are ready for them? >> i'm a mom. [laughter] i have three children, five grandchildren, all in the carolinas. what i want for them is to be educated to make the right decisions and be able to have the choices to make the decisions from. it's very important that they make right choices, including a career choice and job opportunity. >> governor, congressman? what can government do and what should government not do to ensure that they get-- there are two words that i heard
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consistently -- choices and opportunities. what should government do and not do when it comes to providing opportunities and choices? >> i will tell you bet as a kid growing up in abject poverty, 30% unemployment was the average unemployment in my community. and the government was consistently there to help us. 30% unemployment, and the government is there to help us. when the federal government shows up, it is not merely to help you. it is to create dependence. when the 47% of americans reject [applause] when you have 47% of americans not paying taxes, we do not want to start a cultural war. we want everybody to understand the real opportunity in this nation is having equity in america. that means that you have to pay into the system. if we were to lower the tax rate, broaden the base, and make
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everyone responsible for building this great country, i believe the country would grow faster, better, and broader because every american would find it their responsibility, not the government's responsibility, to make things happen. communities would start depending on their neighbors and not the government. when it came time to take care of your family, it would not be the responsibility of the government to make us more secure. it would be the responsibility of your brothers, your sisters, and your family and your churches anderson about -- and your synagogue. what the government can do for us is take a step back and let us do what we do best. that is the great opportunity. >> i do not think there is a thing i can add to that. [applause] >> thank you, governor, for
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joining us. i will wrap this up in the next few minutes. at 7:00, there will be all party that starts behind you. you have real warmers with that virginia natural gas. please join the fantastic shakers at 7:00 right behind us. america, we find ourselves of the crossroads one more time. this is the most important election in our lifetime. it is an amazing opportunity for us to gather the strength to preserve the great republic by moving as back towards capitalism and a further and further away from socialism. we've got to do it. and this is the year to get done. we are going to give the governor three minutes to close, and as he starts his close, i want him to answer one question as it relates to i-73. i-73, which connects six states
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together and gives us an opportunity to see an economic boon that would go from the coast of south carolina into the great mountains of virginia. how do we get it done? you took a bipartisan approach to infrastructure funding, and you made it happen in virginia. what advice would you give to the rest of the country? and thank you for being here. >> the only problem is that have brought more people to myrtle beach and west virginia beach. that would not be good for me. other than that, i am all for. i mentioned at those times of getting off of 95. at 10 years old, it was dad, are we there yet. it seemed like we never got there because the small roads were the toughest part. what we did in virginia last year, we are not raising taxes. we will use surplus revenues and
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some general fund revenues because it is a priority in our budget. but we're also going to say, we have a very limited debt ceiling. dislike we do with our mortgages in our house, let's invest a little bit of money in bonds because we have the lowest interest rates. we are aaa bond rated state. we are getting the best deals axpayer. the text p we had $2 billion in projects last year. we created a transportation infrastructure banks. then have the private sector build some of those roads. and paid for with tolls. we would have a chunk of that 73 going to the southwestern part of virginia. i know that now you have an agreement with north carolina on
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a route, i think at south carolina, north carolina, west virginia, virginia rob, connecting the midwest with myrtle beach would bring a few more sunbathers from the midwest down here and be a very good thing for them. let me close by saying how much hereappreciate it being and talking to so many of you from the republican party, from the tea party. you all are the heart and soul of our effort. i have been in office 21 years. i have one of nine elections. does not matter how good we think we are, how many great ideas we have, if we do not have an army of people that believe in your cause and are willing to do the hard work of freedom, knocking on doors in making the phone calls and coming to the rallies, hanging up the literature on the doors, putting up the signs, you cannot win. this is the key to winning. in 2008, the president did a darn good job. we have to do a real good job in
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2012 with having the energy and the enthusiasm on our side. i will close by saying this ithe greatest country on earth. but the highest gdp, the most productive and brightest people. i think the most moral people because we still believe init tenets of human -- basic freedom and traditional values and religious faith. we have more people that are advancing human condition in medicine and technology and science than any other country. but we of places like china and india that are not sitting around waiting for america. they are working and innovating and watching what we have done over 200 years and trying to copy it. i'd say this, i remember the way i was brought up and there was little different than your story. i had a mother that crop on a farm and datd that was an army
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officer, fought in the war. they taught me a couple of simple things. my mother always taught me to follow the golden rule. my dad taught me, you had better work hard and get things done and do not make excuses, or i will smack you. i learned a lot from dad and mom, a wonderful balance. that is what tim was talking about. this is about opportunity, not government guarantees. the more that we can affect the culture by spreading that message that this is the kind of formula that has always made us a great people, whether it is a couple million that we started with or the 300-plus million today, the more we adopt those principles of human freedom and individual accountability, the better off we are going to be as a nation. so i am looking forward to working with you to support a conservative candidate for
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president. the sooner we get new leadership that has the vision of limited government and individual responsibility and supporting traditional values and letting your keep as much of your hard-earned money as you can, the sooner we will return to the founders' vision for america, and the sooner we return to american greatness. thanks. [applause] >> governor bob mcdonnell. great hand.>> a him a also, let's thank dr. frank luntz for joining us this evening as well. god bless you and god bless america. >> hear, hear. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2012]
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