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tv   Conservative...  CSPAN  February 11, 2012 8:00pm-11:00pm EST

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>> the results of the presidential caucus -- caucuses have been announced. mitt romney finished first with 39%. in second, ron paul with 36%. rick santorum was third with 18%. newt gingrich with a 6% was fourth. tomorrow on washington journal, citizens united president david bossie talks about the impact of super pacs.
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author and radio host bill press discusses presidential politics with his new book, "the obama hate machine." and rob richie." >> here is that wonderful moment when senator lott revealed his nostalgia for the state rights segregationist south. >> we voted for him. we are proud of it. >> talking points memo -- author
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josh marshall. >> i think like -- i think things like that happen all the time now. there are big stories that we have had over the last decade. now we have an editorial staff of 20 people. we are breaking stories right and left. i think the thing is it has almost become commonplace. it is not nearly as surprising today as it was back then. >> more with josh marshall sunday night at 8:00 eastern on "q &a." >> the keynote speaker was a former alaska governor and the 2008 nominee sarah palin. this event was hosted by the conservative union. this is 40 minutes.
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>> thank you so much. what an honor. thank you. thank you so much. i am so honored to get to be here. thank you, cpac. thank you for the birthday greetings. you are so wonderful. thank you so much. and to millie and all of for good work that the nra, i appreciate her efforts for protecting our second amendment
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rights. she is a mom on grisly who is probably packing. -- she is a mama grizzly who is probably packing. do not to miss with her. the last time i was in d.c., my family and i were here cruising on harley-davidson. it is the rally to honor americans finest, our united states military. our veterans of woar. nothing says america louder and a browder then those harley- davidson hogs driven by events. my husband is back home during up for his 2,000 mile race across alaska. he could not make this trip.
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my girls are here though. they were here with me. i am glad they are with us. do you know why they chose washington for their rally? they wanted to make their engines their voice. that is why cpac started in the 1970's. conservatives wanted the republican party to hear us. at the 1975 cpac, ronald reagan laid out a blueprint for rebuilding the gop under a banner of bold colors. ever since then, cpac has been the rally for conservative action. that is why i am glad to be here today with all of you.
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the conservative movement has never been stronger or brighter. the federal government has never cast a bigger shadow. for the last three years, we have been waving a banner that says "don't tread on me." our movement, it is bigger than one person. it is bigger than one candidate. it is bigger than one party. it is about one country united under god. we're not red americans. we are not blue americans. we are red, white, and blue americans. president obama, we are through with you. [applause]
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we paid for three years of his administration and we cannot afford four more. candidate obama promised to fundamentally transform america. transforming the shining city on the hill into a sinking ship. promising to cut deficits in half. he has piled on trillions more. [applause] -- no plans to stop it. no budget.
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going on 1000 days and still no budget. he muffed it up. [applause] this government is not too big to fail, it is too big to succeed. it is too big to ignore and it is too big to bear any more. what did we get in return for the president's spending spree? 8.5% unemployment, 13 million americans who cannot find work. 46 million living in poverty. government dependency under obama has gone up 23%. for the first time in our history, folks are fearing that our future is going to be worse than our past. look around. you can see decline and failure, but it is not a failure of the american people.
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it is not a failure of america itself. it is the failure of our leadership. [applause] we know how to change that. yes, we do. yes, we can. [applause] hope and change. you gotta hope things change. to borrow another phrase from our president, we cannot wait. our country hangs in the balance. [applause] u.s.a.! u.s.a.! u.s.a.! [applause]
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>> [crowd chanting "sarah"] >> see how easy that is? we must come together as constitutional conservatives to save our republic.
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america has reached her tipping point. the door is open. the door is open. if they keep trying to tax and take and spend our way to prosperity, we know where we will end up. look to the old world to see the new world's future. it is the future of downsizing and downturns and downgrades. that is the future of the far left dream. that is not the american dream. it is not a future we will ever accept. [applause] president obama has a different view. a conflict of visions.
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when i listened to his state of the union, i was struck that he barely mentioned unemployment. what did he talk about? he gave us more promises, promises to give us "an economy built to last." mr. president, we do not want an economy built to last. we want an economy built to grow. we certainly do not want your economy. we want your administration to end. [applause] in the history of our republic,
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it never has there been such a gaping disconnect between how our own president sees the state of the union and how the americans see the state of the union. he believes that we are heading in the right direction, even though seven in 10 americans are saying we are heading in the wrong direction. we believe a real recovery cannot get underway until government gets out of the way. [applause] the president wants to raise taxes so he can redistribute wealth. we want to cut taxes so we can create more wealth. government is digging us deeper into debt. it is because it spends too
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much. [applause] we know how to deal with it. you cut it, gut it. he says he has a jobs plan. a jobs plan to win the future. wtf -- i know. [applause] and i'm the idiot. wtf plan. he will invest our money in bullet trains to nowhere, but he will stop boeing from building airplanes anywhere. bankrupt energy companies get
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sweet loans and grants offers. we say his plan is not winning the future, it is losing our country. we have a better jobs plan and it is called the free market. it worked before, and it will work again after this president. [applause] he says we need more of his financial regulations. we say, go asked mf global customers how happy they are with his regulations. they did not prevent the financial meltdown. these folks have helped cause it and you helped to bail them out.
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the president says, small-town americans, we cling to our religion and guns because we are frustrated with his pace of change. keep your change. we will keep our god, our guns, our constitution. [applause] professor obama may have forgotten the bill of rights, but we shall not forsake it,
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including the rights our founders risked their lives for. freedom of religion, our right to bear arms. we will rise up, we will defend them. the president believes your tax dollars should subsidize planned parenthood. we believe that every child is created equal with that right to life. [applause] i ask you to stand up for those who cannot stand for themselves. if not us, then who? [applause] thank you. the president believes we need
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to consolidate power, centralize power, because you cannot be trusted to make decisions for yourself. not about your health insurance, your gas mileage, not even about your light bulbs. we believe it is time to return power to the people. that is where the founders intended it. that is where the constitution entrusts it. that is where it belongs today, people. [applause] perhaps this distrust of us is because he seems to believe that america is a destructive force in the world. we should apologize to enemies. he believes that we should share our missile defense technology with the kremlin. he believes we should make cuts in our military while other nations are building up their military.
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cuts to our troops while we keep on spending wildly on everything else. talk about priorities. the white house is trying to negotiate with the taliban. they are watching helplessly as iran moves close to developing their nuke. the number one duty is protecting the american people and our allies. god bless israel. [applause] our president needs to understand that.
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he needs to understand what you understand. they are asked to risk their lives for it. this is not some international community organizing we're talking about. we will never apologize for america's strength and our greatness and we will refuse to accept that a weak america means a better and safer world. [applause] we are going to put our confidence in the strength of the armed the forces, not the hollow promises of our adversaries. not the cleverness of our diplomats. we will gladly and route the
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fight to defend this land of the free. we must be the home of the brave. one reason our president has such a skewed view. he does not get out to see much of real america. 11 months from now, he will have his chance to spend time outside of d.c. -- all of it. when he comes down from his lofty office and he is finished rolling back the tides and a lowering the sea levels and snowdrifts or whatever all of those promises were. when he is finished with all of that, and then he is going to see that the facts on the ground are much different. in the divided between washington and the rest of the country has never been greater.
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it has never been more dangerous. while america struggles, washington prospers. while our real-estate market's crash, washington is strong. washington is hiring, but they are hiring for what? they do not manufacture. they do not drill. they produce nothing. the services that they provide, they increase dependency, not freedom. they do not create wealth, they take it. this is obama's washington. it is not the washington of our founders. it is something that our forefathers never envisioned. they would not have sworn their
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lives and fortunes -- it would have sworn their lives and fortunes to change. it is now home to the highest per-capita income. he even have a a lamborghini dealership here. not that there is anything wrong with hot wheels. this is the playground of for the government rich. they are hoping you work really hard to keep it going. the people need and demand urgent reform from this growing out of touch government. it is for freedom's sake. it is to grow our small businesses and hire more people. we know things must change rapidly in order to let the private sector growth. there is no such sense of
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urgency here in washington. life around here is a really good materially. our permanent political class is content. they are immune to the realities that the rest of us face. they play by a different set of rules. look at the epa. it is hurting our energy independence to be secure. it is enslaving us to these foreign dangerous supplies of energy instead of tapping into our own god-given forces of energy under our foot. that is what the epa is about. you have to ask yourself, when is the last time you saw epa prevent constructing a new government building? maybe instead of calling washington a swamp, maybe we should call it a wetland.
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maybe that will slow down the growth of government. [applause] now, the old washington of our founders, it is a place where you came to serve for government and not prosper on it. you left your home and your farm. you left your industry behind to serve the common good. this washington is a place where politicians arrive as men and women of modest means. they become plutocrats. the money-making opportunities are really at less. -- endless. they don't just enrich themselves off of you for themselves. they spread the wealth around to their pals. this is called crony capitalism.
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i said in a speech over the summer, this is not the capitalism of the free men and free markets, of risk and sacrifice and innovation and hard work. it is the capitalism of connections and of government bailouts and hand out and waste and corporate welfare and corruption. this is the capitalism of barack obama and the permanent political class. it is why i think occupy protesters, you are occupying the wrong place and protesting the wrong thing. this crony capitalism is a root of our economic problems. it has spurred the expansion of government. it diminishes freedom and
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opportunity for all to rise and to succeed. some politicians get elected by promising more programs and a new freebies and favors. government grows to accommodate their promises. it never shrinks. that crowds out the liberating individual initiative and the equal opportunity that america was built upon. it swallows of the work ethic that we try to teach our children. often they come to washington, d.c. denouncing the place as a cesspool of corruption. after one year or two, they decide, no, it is not a cesspool. it is like a hot tub. they are jumping in and enjoying the jacuzzi.
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it is time we drain the jacuzzi and we throw the bums out with the bathwater. [applause] we took a good first step in 2010. as much as the media wants you to forget, tea party won a historic victory. we, the people, we rose up and step up. we said we do not want a big government agenda. we will not pay for it. now these points that i make about congress, i want to be clear. i toast the tea party members there and congress. many of them who have fought so bravely against the status quo.
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they have agreed with us that you cannot get out of debt digging deeper into debt. some have an voted to give the president and other plastic credit card that our grandkids will have to pay off for us. barack obama has dismissed them. he has lied about them. they have held their ground. they have kept their promises to the people who hired them. now they need reinforcements. will you help them? [applause] this november we will take back the senate and we will fortified the house.
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be aware, washington, we will elect more and this time we will expect them to get leadership in congress. [applause] but to fix obama's washington, to return power to the people, we must replace obama at the ballot box. he is sinking our ship of state. when the a ship is going down, and the last thing you need is the community organizer reorganizing the deck chairs while singing "let's stay together." we should not forget that for all of his lofty rhetoric, he is a chicago politician.
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britain " -- quid pro quo, that is the chicago way. though you do not make any friends in the establishment doing it, i fought to the corrupt political machine. barack obama used it to advance. he never challenged it. he never changed it. he brought it here with him. now in the campaign, he will try to reinvent himself as the champion of the workingman. well, sorry, but no. he is the champion of the power player who will bankroll his million-dollar campaign. world only knows how many more solyndras are out there who he
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promised to finance them. we do not know who our nominee will be to come up against the barack obama and his policies in the fall, but we know this election will be hard fought. our nominee must be ready, strong, up fortified, passionate, a fighter for american ideals. [applause] our candidate must be somebody who can instinctively turn right to constitutional conservative principles. it is too late in the game to teach it or spin it at this point. it is either there or it is not. [applause]
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all of these challenges facing america. all of these questions -- our candidates are trying to articulate the right answer. it is through often defog the filter of a biased media. these campaign managers are not ready to run for dogcatcher but they will tell candid it's what to say. a candid its true intention, they can be found in that candidate's view of government itself. my view comes directly from the most incredible blue print, it seems providential lead that they were crafted back then. our charters of liberty. they asserted that liberty is in the power of the people. the government originates
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within the power of the people's ideas. he who inherently believes that, that is who i am looking for. that is who we are looking for in our nominees. we have all heard from these experts that we have to name our nominee right now. wrap it up. no debate for you. cut it off. as if competition weakens our nominee. in america, we believe competition strengthens us. competition elevates our game. [applause] competition will lead us to victory in 2012. i believe that the competition has to keep going. let's make sure this competition
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brings out the best in our party. we know that the far left and their media out -- media allies cannot be us on the issues. they will smear our record and smear our reputations. they will attack our families. let's not do the job for them. ok republicans? ok, independence? -- independents? the attempt to destroy it will continue. we cannot let the next ticket go through that. we cannot let them divide us. we must stand as conservatives with common sense and with a servant hard for the good of our party. more importantly for the sake of our country, we must stand
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united. whoever our nominee is, we must work together to get him over the finish line so that he can start rebuilding the defense of our republic. [cheers and applause] and then next year at this time, this time next year we will have a true conservative in the oval office. next year maybe he be here speaking to us at cpac.
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we will have a president who defends our way of life instead of apologizing for it. we will have a commander in chief worthy of our troops. [applause] our troops, those in uniform who are serving something greater than themselves, sacrificing much around a dangerous world so that we at home can enjoy the blessings of liberty, and they represent the best of america. in their honor, please note we are so blessed to live in the greatest nation ever known. do not squander this. remember ronald reagan's inaugural address. he acknowledged we had been set aside in a very special way. we must not stray from our noble beginnings. he reminded us we be a free people living in faith with our makers and our future. standards of right and wrong to exist, and they must be lived up to. we are the heirs of patriots who cast off the chains of
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tyranny. immigrants who braved the seas. of pioneers who pushed into the great unknown. of soldiers who stormed foreign shores. farmers and workers laboring in farms and factories from dusk to dawn. they toiled so their children could have a better life. that is the america, and that is freedom. that is why we are exceptional. [cheers and applause] as president obama lacks a vision to lead, we will lead it. the door is open. our vision is as bold and strong and free as the country that we
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loved it. it is the vision of government that works for us and not against us. it is rooted in the old washington of our founders, not the washington of today's political class. of liberty and of empowerment. it is a vision that our heroes throughout history proved through liberating strife, their selfless love of country. it is the enduring vision of this land that god had shed his grace upon. we will cherish it and fight for it. the door is opened. god bless you, patriots. god bless the united states of america. [cheers and applause]
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>> this panel discussion compares the tea party and occupy wall street's movements. >> i will start bringing out our panelists. the first one is a very good friend of mine. i spent many long hours traveling the country talking to people with her. she is amy kramer. she was one of the original founders of the atlanta tea party. [applause] amy left the party patriots and joined the tea party express. now she is one of the most recognizable faces of the tea party movement.
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she does an unbelievable job and i love her so much. >> thank you. >> our next panelist is kevin jackson. he is author of the book "the big black lie." he founded the "black fear blo g." kevin has been featured on the golan back program, rush limbaugh, etc.. -- the glen beck program, rush limbaugh, etc. he writes is almost daily blog and is a syndicated writer. he contributes to "american thinker." he is hilarious. he will entertain you guys
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tonight. no pressure. our next guest is -- i need some water up here. our next guest is jennifer stefano. she is a director with americans for prosperity. [applause] jennifer's unexpected political career began in april of 2009 when she attempted to spend one day at the park with their husband and a newborn baby. they stumbled onto a tea party rally. soon after she started organizing and leading rallies from harrisburg to washington, d.c. she earned the nickname "the tea
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party rock star." she is a wife, mother, and a terrible cinder. our next panelist is the editor and chief of big journalism. [applause] she is a cnn contributor and host her own radio show. her original brand of young conservative the reverence has found a fast-growing audience. she was named one of the top 16 most powerful mothers by nielsen. she appears regularly on fox, cnn, abc, and hbo's "real time." she was the first and only
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female guest host for michael savage who calls her his mental maps. she serves as a grass-roots organizer. she founded the st. louis tea party. she is credited with having the taking him out of new york 23. our last panelist is another young the conservatives superstar, ryan hecker. [applause] ryan is the coo of freedom works for america. he is a houston-based lawyer who launched the contract from america project. it is an open source platform for the tea party movement. the agenda has the imprint of
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everyday citizens every step of the way. while the republicans' 1994 contract with america represented the nation's last intellectual conservative movement, the new contract was created from the bottom up. please give a big round of applause to the entire panel. [applause] now, we are going to let everybody give some brief remarks. the title of this panel is "taking wall street back." we are going to start the remarks with amy kramer. >> thank you so much. thank you for putting this cpac together. this is inspiring. we needed this energy and inspiration going forward
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because we have a lot of work to do in the 2012 election cycle. it is up to us to take back this country from the administration on the left. i am honored to be here with all of you great people. obviously, the tea party has had significant impact on the political landscape across the country. in the past six-eight months, we have heard about occupy wall street. we have seen it happen all across the country starting in new york city. the media wants to write to the narrative that occupy wall street is alive and well. the post pictures and videos and everything of their bright signs and a boisterous people. and then they are writing stories that the tea party movement is dead. i have news for them. the tea party movement is not dead. we are a life and well. [applause]
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-- we are alive and well. we have grown and matured into a tea party to. zero. do not judge us by our signs. -- we have grown and matured into tea party 2.0. judge us by election day when we are out boating and they are still out with their signs. the difference is that we have great ideas. we have truly changed the political landscape. it not only on a federal level, but on a state and local level. that is what is happening across this country. we are truly having an impact. we are not backing down. we are not giving up. if anything, this tea party movement will have an impact on the united states senate when we
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take the devil out of harry reid's hand -- we take the gavel out of harry reid's hands. we are going to reclaim the house. the reason the tea party movement has been so successful is because we have great ideas. we understand that we have to take action to implement those ideas. if you truly want to implement change, you change the players. the most valuable tool we have is our vote. we show it in 2010 and we will show it in 2012. occupied wall street resorted to all kinds of tactics. i do not even want to get into it. it is not worthy of our time. we are here to save america, and to protect the great
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constitution that america was founded on. that is what we are here for. that is what we are going to do. this movement is something that has been created by the left. it is an astroturf movement. obviously they were out in front of the hotel yesterday. they were out there, and they were paid probably $60 a day to come here. the unions are in faltering them because they see the value of it. -- the unions are infiltrating them because they see the value of it. that is okay. we are going to take this country back. we are going to continue to move forward. that is why i am blessed to be here and be part of cpac and be a part of the great palace here. we are all about grass roots. we believe in this country. >> thank you, amy.
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>> i will tell you this. occupy has me mad. it is a movement that has 1 foot on a grave and another on a banana peel. more people watch my fifth grade you to the videos then that -- more people watch my fifth grade's youtube videos than this crap. i love to confront lunacy on all forms. this is a perfect example. i am happy to talk them down. somebody asked me why we do not have somebody from occupy on our panel. i said, why should we? by the way, how many people are in occupied? i want to the media to cover that. thank you for your time. i am happy to be here.
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>> that is why i love you. you always pull your punches. >> i get asked all the time. i am asked what is the difference between the tea party and occupy. i am one of these political nerds so i can get into the policy issues. if you're standing in a room in your not sure how to separate them, do one thing. raise an american flag. the tea party years will stand and put their hearts -- put their hands over their hearts and a pledge to it. the occupied people will try to defecate on that. you tell me, that is the difference. [applause] the tea party movement came about. i was a stay at home mother and a wife, and i still am and a practitioner of the domestic arts.
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which i love. [applause] terrible singer, but wonderful cook. here is the deal. we are standing arms and arms so our children do not have to defend the liberty that is being taken to us which is in doubt and not by the government but by the creator. we need to proclaim that every day of our lives. [cheers and applause] one more thing i will say. when i started in this movement that was an unpaid housewife wearing a flak. today i am a paid patri i always get asked same question. they always bring up this big evil americans for prosperity. here is what i say to them. if americans for prosperity or anybody would like to cut me a check to go out and defend the
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cause of liberty. i will do two things. i will catch it, and then i will kiss them. --cash it and kis them. and in that order. this girl is a capitalist. [applause] the tea party movement came about because we do not need a leader to save us and restore us to greatness. take it to the bank. we were always great, and we will show that in 2012 and beyond. [cheers and applause] >> you amaze me. >> i read that the union bosses had paid these occupy people. i went out there to see how many there were. they had a big giant golden toilet out there.
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so did saddam hussein. they paid them $60 a day. i think we could probably take up a collection and paid them $70 a day to protest outside of the white house. [applause] there is three differences that i see between the occupied movement and the tea party movement. i want to address the issue of astroturf thing. it always amazes me how progressives believe conservatives cannot go out in public and cannot peacefully assemble and raise their american flags and do things to promote conservatism without being paid. i think what we have seen from the occupy movement is that is because that is how they live. they get paid to go out and get paid for their ideologies. we believe in the things that we say so we will do it for free.
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[cheers and applause] i had a fancy on my show yesterday. she is obviously the spokes person for the cult's industries. i said i will take this opportunity and i -- i said i would say this opportunity to say i work for you. where is my check? i have not received one and. if there are so offended by the existence of the company, what are they still even making money off of all of their products? you know that they are. there is that. we are out here as part of the movement.
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i have been working and ready and blogging since 2001. i had never really got out and held up a placard to protest. for a conservative to do that, it was sort of odd. people were so fed up, we have been protesting for less government. here comes a movement that got started via a canadian company called adbusters receives money from the tides foundation who is funded by george soros. we are protesting for less government and they are protesting for more government. how is that patriotic? it is not. we are protesting for less government intrusion. we are trying to keep the government out of our cafeteria, bank accounts, churches. i can go on. they want complete nanny state babysitting from cradle to
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grave. that is what they define as liberty. the government hands to everything and makes use of sustaining. -- makes you not self sustaining. republicans took a victory in the house of representatives. and we are going to do it again with the senate in 2012. one of the things the grass roots have assured is that this president -- barack obama has already been beaten. the media is keeping him on a lifeline right now. this is the same media that has been telling you that the occupy wall street movement is an all encompassing universal movement
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made up of peaceful people. my colleague has a list of over 300 criminal acts, drug selling, drug using, child abandonment -- this was the group that also shot up the white house and through smoke bombs, but we are the violent, raging, racist, i hill bellay, and then slanging klan. -- hillbilly, and then slanging -- gunslinging clan. and in closing, because you know i could go on, i have a challenge for this grassroots movement. even people doing the not so glorious work of petitioning, phone banking, and going door- to-door. it does not matter if you are on
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television or have a blog read by millions of people. you are just as important as the next person and on -- do not let anyone tell you differently. the challenge and have is this. we can change out the politicians. we can put forward legislative efforts. we can do all this during the election but it is not going to matter if we do not change the hearts and minds of the american voter. that is where it starts. politics is downstream from pop culture, so support your conservatives that are in entertainment. get involved. be a liberty evangelist. small hearts and minds, and then we will see a permanent change in the electoral process. thank you. >> a tough act to follow. >> are really tough act to
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follow. when asked what is the biggest difference between the tea party movement and occupy wall street, the first thought on my mind was soap. similarly related, in every rally i have been too, the 9-12 march in washington, throughout the country, i think everyone picked up their trash. everyone picked up their trash. there was not a single wrapper from any tea party here in the country. they were doing race baiting. there was not a single races than any event in the country. but it occupied events, we have people saying go home, jews and we hate the jews.
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we care about this country, and they care about themselves. i have been asked a number of times, why is it that the tea party movement folks are fighting for economic freedom and less taxes. you guys are blue-collar, middle-class types. why would you want to do something that is against your own interests? i said, that is just it. the tea party movement is about more than our interests. it is about a set of values we think america is losing. we are for economic freedom because we believe the individual can make choices about how to spend their money and it is not the government's place to make those choices for us. and i think that is really -- i think it is the seriousness of the tea party movement that
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stands out from occupy wall street. i occupy wall street is no different from any other g-eight protests that has taken place for the last 20 years. it is anarchists, women college students, and free market types. the tea party movement was very focused. we are 50% of america. we care so much about this country. our goal -- the reason why the tea party started was because a whole host of americans individually decided that they were fed up with america. we were fed up with the leadership in washington, and we were fed up with republicans. that was the key thing. we were fed up with republicans. it was not obama. it was the active republicans
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supporting charlie crist over marco rubio. it does not matter what you believe, it matters what party belong to. i think he partyers around the country recognize that the republican party no longer represented their interests as economic conservatives. and so -- but i think the major thing -- you know, it was not just dislike of the republican party. it was anger at ourselves too, because we let this happen, and we were not going to let it happen any longer. the other panelists have brought up one of the key differences between occupy wall street and us is that we have really made a difference, not only just in terms of policy, not only in terms of pushing the house to the right. we made a difference directly in elections. it is not just elections to get
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republicans elected. it is elections to get conservatives elected. that is the goal. i want to stress that. if republicans take the senate and that senate is not conservative, then we have all failed. we have to take our victories in 2010 and bring them to 2012. there is a great panel going on in the other room right now with two leaders who are going to make that happen. one is ted crews from texas, and the other is richard murdock, who is going to unseat dick lugar in indiana. so, you know, so -- that is it, and i will finish here. our movement has changed. the press has said our movement
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was dead every six months, and then we win 2010. we rise and push for grass-roots change, and we are going to be doing that in 2012. i just want to ask the question of all the folks up there, who here is a tea party supporter? [applause] so, folks, that is your answer. thank you.
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>> i think i am going to have to get some reparations for my time. >> we will take care of that. >> you guys made the case with such eloquence, i do not have much to add. but i do want to say, i got involved in the tea party movement because i bought a home at the height of the housing boom. i have a wife and three daughters and i am a forklift driver. i wanted some answers. and you know where i got my answers? with the government manipulation of the free market. that is what got me motivated. when i first saw the occupied protests -- i will not even call it a movement -- the protests, i was hopeful that we shared something in common. the question i want to put to you guys is, is there any
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redeeming quality in occupied? >> they started, they claimed they were mad at the banks being bailed out. guess what? we were too, but where the heck were they three years ago when we started protesting. >> you talk about going into enemy territory and winning people over. is there any opportunity there or is it so manufactured that there is no chance? >> where i come from in st. louis, it did begin selling as a grass-roots movement. we knew it has been hijacked by the acorn group. they believe the original founder of occupy st. louis out of business -- bullied the original founder of occupy st. louis out of business. if they are so upset about wall street and the bank bailouts and everything else, welcome to our
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club number one, and number two, why is it the majority of you say you are going to vote for barack obama? i know you have seen the videos where they drive to these things with their hybrid cars and their apple phones and their obama stickers on their cars, and you go out there and interview them and they say barack obama, barack obama, barack obama. but he is the wall street candidate. nobody has gotten more money from them. >> with so much going on, is there a danger -- are they trying to marry as to the bank bailout somehow? >> what i would take from occupied is they are like sybil.
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they have multiple personalities. you do not know where they're coming from. one needs banking. one loves capitalism. they are all over the map. the tea party movement has remained relatively stable in terms of what we believe and our core values and things like that. with the tea party movement needs and the conservative movement in general, and what we can take from this is, i admire the level of fight that the left brings to what they do. we light -- we like keeping things we say civil. we are not in several times. -- in several times. -- civil times. the left changed the definition of pedophilia to across
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generational sexuality. that is 90. -- nutty. i had a panel on race relations and people were saying african- american. there is no african-american. there is only american. [applause] and let me tell you something else before i lose the microphone to one of these pretty ladies. i have been all over the world. i have lived in france. i have lived in china. i have travelled throughout africa, 23 countries, various other countries, and i have never heard of anything like the french dream or the chinese stream or the cuban dream. but they all know what the american dream is, and that is what we are fighting for.
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and as the national spokesperson for the tea party, the only black national spokesperson, which throws the left into a spin -- >> wait a second. lloyd marcus of the tea party express. >> lloyd is one of my friends and he is definitely black. he is probably blacker than i am. i defer. the occupied people are all over the map. they do not know what they stand for. we all have the same core values. all you white people, none of you are at the same color. there are no black people on the planet that are the same color. we're in hyphenated americans.
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that is what we stand for. jennifer. >> how do we hang the ugliness, the violence, how do we pin that to liberal politicians? >> let them use their own words and their own actions. nobody likes to argue more than me. i love to argue. i know we love to fight and have our point, but here is what i tell you. go quiet and ask the questions. it is the hardest thing in the world, but these people are completely remarkable. they stormed the dream summit from americans for prosperity. they said if people want to walk
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out the front door, walk out. i was behind a world war ii vet in a wheelchair and said, i am walking out the front door. if i can take on hitler, i can take on these bombs. -- bums. that brakeman -- brave man went out there with his veteran hat on and went out there. another thing we have to do that is crucial. independence is very important to all of us. there is a big discussion about coopting. am i going to be coopted if i work with this group? will i be coopted? stop asking that question.
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you have one question. do i or do not want to win? that is it. you are individuals with your own god-given freedom. there is no such thing as coopting. but you have to work together because the left does not have that argument, does not have that consternation, does not have that vision, and we do. we need to pull together for winning. define it and do it. >> i want to add to jennifer's. and also address the question about pinning the violence in the occupy movement on liberal politicians. you do not need to panic. they have redone it. barack obama, nancy pelosi, chuck schumer, debbie wasserman schultz have already spoken out
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in favor of the occupy movement. they have already endorsed this movement. this is something i find fascinating. everyone in st. louis, my city, a great city, we had a parade. we had a veterans day parade and we also had a parade for the returning iraqi veterans from iraq and afghanistan. now, what is fascinating about this is that there were individuals who wanted to have a parade in new york city for the iraq and afghanistan war veterans, and new york said know. -- no. but what does new york to four months on end? they allow the occupy wall street protesters to march without a permit, defecate
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without a permit, and the raping, and the dragging, all of the crime associated with it, all of that. but we cannot have a parade to welcome our veterans home? remind them of this. when you go home, when you talk to democratic official, say do you condone the violence in this movement? do you still endorse this movement after witnessing over 300? of documented violence? all of these people have criminal records. that does not even include over two thousand individuals who have been arrested at various protests because they will not abide by the law? do you condone this? to support it? next time you see them. >> i think that is exactly the answer. we have to wrap up. we have some minutes left.
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i want to give each of you a chance to wrap it up and speak. we will go down the line starting with amy. >> a just want to echo what dana said. i mean, look. they are out here, outside of this hotel protesting as because we are a threat to their agenda. that is the bottom line. if we were not a threat to their agenda, they would not be here. they would not be paying attention to us. it is the same thing with the media. it is the same thing with the left. we have to keep up the fight. we can not back down. is -- if not us, who? if not now, when? the only way we're going to change it is to put people into office who believe in the constitution, believe in the people, and believe that the power should be put back in the hands of the people in this state and not the federal government. that is the answer.
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washington is not the answer. washington is the problem. >> i was on bbc world and they were having protests and they were actually crediting some of those protests with occupy. people have been protesting for hundreds of years, and now all of a sudden they are part of the occupy movement? i will make a prediction. in a few months, the occupy movement will be more lonely than whoopi goldberg's e-harmony profile. >> i am going to say one thing. i am a mother. i'm a wife. i know life is busy. i get it. i want to remind you of something. between now and november 2012, your children, your grandchildren, they are not
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going to remember how many soccer games or ballets de ryou attended, but they will remember if you live to free, and if you do not rise up right now, every day of your life and take action, they will remember. and you need to stay on your feet. that is right. because i'm going to remind you. i'm going to remind you of something. it is not simply that god blesses america. it is the work of people here on earth in this nation on behalf of liberty and justice that have brought forward this great nation. we are going to defend liberty every day of our lives. now is the time.
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>> our men and women go overseas. it is super hot the revers to melt your face. i'm not sure the exact temperature, but it is hot. what we do here is just a candle to the flame they have. you are already involved because you are here. get involved. all politics are local. raise the scene in your own district. the epicenter of activism. get involved. and again, and ask them. get them on record. do you endorse? do you condone? and if you need to, come and get me. i would love to have you.
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>> i would like to conclude by echoing what amy said. we have to keep our eyes on the prize. the occupy wall street movement is irrelevant. the in the prize is the powers that be, the establishment, whether on the left or the right that is trying to deprive us of our individual freedom and economic liberty. they are a much bigger threat. that is why we have to elect conservatives like ted crews and richard murdock to the senate. we have to keep the house, not just with a house republican majority, but create a house conservative majority. and only then can a true defeat of barack obama mean anything. we have to defeat barack obama, but we need to win it, and when we do, we need to win it for conservatives. for conservatives.
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that is what the tea party movement is all about. it is not about getting republicans elected it is about upholding the principles of our founding fathers and insuring those liberties for future generations. >> when you look at the professionalism, passion and class of all of these panelists and all of you, i think that the american people know which side they need to stand on. i want to thank all of you thought. i think with that we will wrap it up because we are running a little over time. thank you so much. >> thank you. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2012]
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>> the results of the sea pak presidential straw poll were announced as be -- cpac presidential straw poll were announced. mitt romney came in first. second, rick santorum. former house speaker newt gingrich had 15% and was in third place. texas congressman ron paul finished fourth with 12% of the vote. congressman paul was the winner of the poll for the last two
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years. texas senator and national gop senatorial committee chairman john corn andyn was -- john cornyn was one of the speakers on the last day. his remarks are about 15 minutes. >> thank you very much. thank you. glad to see so many texans and other great americans here today. it is great to be with you, and i want to start by thanking my friend al, our friend of the american conservative union for hosting us. and i want to thank all of you at cpac for what you do all year round. i will be brief. go ahead and give yourself a round of applause. i will be brief because i know i am one of the last speaker's
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standing between you and sarah palin. [applause] but i want to talk about someone who, to use the president's own words, enjoys his complete confidence. of course i am talking about attorney general eric holder. [boos] three years ago when i heard the holder nomination, i was one of two republicans who voted against his nomination. [applause] and i have to confess, looking back on that vote today, it has to be one of the best votes i have cast in the united states senate. under eric holder, the justice department has been led by an arrogant, incompetent,
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dangerously ideological and transparently political attorney general who sees fit to twist the law to suit president obama's and. -- ends. now i realize that is a pretty serious charge to make, but the case against eric holder starts and ends with the gunrunning operation known as fast and furious. but the truth is that is just the tip of the iceberg. you know, fast and furious was a program in which holders justice department liberally allow the sale of two thousand firearms to go into the hands of the drug cartels in mexico, and then intentionally lost track of them. more than a year has passed since two of those guns were found at the scene of a murder of a u.s. border patrol agent,
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brian terri, yet eric holder and president obama have held no one accountable for his murder. even worse, attorney-general holder has refused to give the terri family and the american people the answers they deserve. holder has treated and investigation into this matter with contempt, even though he now admits to misleading congress and in sworn testimony is routinely contradicted by justice department memos. is this really the kind of behavior that should instill complete confidence in president obama? well, if i could choose one word to describe his conduct, it would be outrageous. unfortunately, his leadership failures go well beyond operation fast and furious.
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let me recite a few more items in his litany of shame. let's talk about his objections to common sense requirements like voter i.d. laws. now you and i both know that you need a photo id to buy beer, to buy over-the-counter cold medication, or to get on an airplane. by the way, did you know that if you went to the department of justice where eric holder works, that before you could gain admittance to the office that you would need -- you guessed it -- a photo i.d.? yet eric holder has the gall to compare voter i.d. laws to literacy tests and poll taxes. in fact, the united states supreme court has decisively ruled in favor of the sorts of
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voter i.d. laws that eric holder is disparaging. i find it a little unsettling when the chief law-enforcement officer of the united states is not aware of controlling supreme court authority. maybe we ought to give him a little more time in his retirement after november to get up to speed. i firmly believe that voter identification laws are necessary to safeguard the integrity of the ballett -- ballot. what's more, for all of his hyperbole over voter i.d. laws, holder has ignored genuine cases of voter intimidation, and he has failed to vigorously enforce the rights of our men and women in uniform deployed abroad to be
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able to cast their ballots. so i ask you again, is this the kind of behavior that should install complete confidence in the president of the united states? in addition to being a hyper- partisan, holder has shown himself to be dangerously ideological. shortly after taking office, he released classified memos on terraced interrogation techniques over the vigorous objection of seven cia members who have served both republican and democratic administrations, simply because he did not agree with the bush administration terrorism policies. holder decided to provide sensitive information to our nation's enemies and to give our allies fresh cause to worry about our trustworthiness. even worse, he undercut the very patriots tasked with help keeping us safe, but he did not
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stop there. after releasing these memos, holder launched a politically motivated investigation into several cia interrogators despite the fact the justice department officials had previously recommended against prosecuting them. so now, in addition to having to combat the terrorists, these brave americans are being subjected to ideological attacks and lawsuits. so i will ask you a third time, is this the kind of behavior that will instill confidence in the president of the united states to ask it is very wrong -- in united states? i agree with you, it is very wrong. playing politics with the war on the united states is unacceptable. and then, in november 2009,
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holder asked to try cliche muhammed in lower manhattan. -- ksm in lower man hand. even chuck schumer said he was wrong. trying muhammed in manhattan was a recipe for disaster. and eventually, after facing a public backlash, holder reversed his decision and said that he should receive a military trial. i cannot say it any plainer to you today. we cannot afford a pre-9-eleven mentality in our attorney general or the president of the
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united states. ironically, ironically, holder and the president have no hesitation in using drone strikes to kill terrorists without a hint of to process, yet they wring their hands over capturing, detaining and lawfully interrogating these same terrorists to gain actual actionable intelligence and to stop future attacks. then there is holders determination to close the detention facility at guantanamo bay, even though congress has, for many good reasons, banned these terrorists from american soil. at one point, will read in considered moving these terrorists to michigan -- holder even considered moving these terrorists to michigan. so i will ask one last time, is
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this the kind of conduct that should instill confidence in the president of the united states? in good as he did not get his way. holders record on gtmo, the k. sm trial, the cia interrogators and the justice department memos demonstrate that he is more concerned with satisfying president obama as radical left- wing political base than he is in doing his job. indeed, holder's political antenna are always up. how else to explain his position on the defense of marriage act? as you recall, president obama and eric holder have refused to defend the constitutionality of the defense of marriage act, even though it passed with
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overwhelming bipartisan majorities in congress, even though president clinton signed it into law, and even though it enjoys broad support from the american people. well, even though older refuses -- even while holder refuses to defend it, his justice department is busy defending unconstitutional overreaches like obamacare and the president's bogus appointments to the consumer protection bureau and the national labor relations board. you see, that does not seem to bother attorney general eric colder one bit, because as we all know, he serves as the pleasure of president obama and he enjoyed -- at the pleasure of president obama and he enjoys
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his complete confidence. president obama famously said the elections have consequences, and we all know it is true. eric holder is a perfect example of just one of the bad consequences from the election of 2008 and why the 2012 election is so vitally important. when you elect a liberal president, when you elect a liberal supermajority in the united states senate, you get a liberal attorney general like eric holder. so, the best way to get a new attorney general is to get a new president, and to get a new senate majority, which we will with your help in 2012. thank you and god bless all of you. [applause]
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>> now, remarks by grover norquist, the president of americans for tax reform during the final session of the conservative political action conference held here in washington, d.c. his remarks are about 25 minutes. >> ladies and gentlemen, grover norquist, president of americans for tax reform. >> fellow freedom fighters, fellow americans, and i repeat myself, that is what it means to be an american, to be focused on liberty for ourselves, for everyone in the country, and by example for everyone in the
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world. three years ago, a new group came into washington, obama, reid, policy, and they had a different vision, the vision of the road to serfdom. they wanted to dramatically increase spending and they did. their plan was to turn us irrevocably into something between france and greece and on a bad day chicago. and they were adamant. they had a theory about what they were doing when they piled up all this spending and debt. you may remember. it is called keynesian economics. if a government takes a dollar from you and gives it to one of obama friends, we are now richer. there is more money in the economy. you can see this in physics where obama, read and pelosi stand on one side of a lake with three buckets.
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they stand on one side of the lake, fell three buckets with water, walk over to the other side of the lake in front of the msnbc cameras, pour the water into the lake and say that they are replenishing the lakes. you laugh, but they intend to do this 800 billion times. they have a lot of hungry mouths to feed. i'm talking about the people who benefit from all this wasteful spending. they view it as not wasted because it goes to them. the trial lawyers, the labor unions, the big city political machines, people who are locked into welfare dependency, people who make $100,000 a year managing the dependency of others, making sure that none of them get jobs and become republicans.
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and then of course all of the various coercive utopians that get government grants to push us around, to tell us how to run our lives, who mandate cars too small to put your family into, toilets too small to flush completely. around the table -- and they have a list of things you have to do and a list of things you are not allowed to do that is slightly longer and more tedious than leviticus. table, theyeft's can get along and, at our throats as long as we are foolish enough to raise taxes and throw money in the center of the table. then they get along like the scene in the movie after the bank robbery. our job is to say no to tax increases, stop throwing money in the center of the table, put our foot on the air hose and watch that pile of cash begin to decline. and then our friends on the left begin to look at each other around the table a little bit
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more like the second to the last seen in those lifeboat movies. now they are wondering who they are going to eat or who they are going to throw overboard. the left is not made up of friends and allies. it is made up of competing parasites. step one, get obama and policy to spend a whole bunch of money. step two, i get republicans to put their fingerprints on a tax increase. by coming upanent with a permanent funding source for it. they spent all of 2010 and 2011 trying to talk republicans into walking into a room and agreeing to a gang of six or a gang of 12 or a super committee or something where they would agree to have tax increases along with
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pretend spending cuts. and they had reason to believe they could do this because in 1982 they lied to and fooled ronald reagan. they got him to agree to $1 of tax increase for every $3 of spending cuts. tax increases were real. we're still paying them. the spending cuts never happened. in fact, spending went up twice as much as the tax increase. they had more spending, not less. then they turned around in 1990 and offered george herbert walker bush to dollars of imaginary spending cuts for every $1 a very real tax increase. he for some reason was a cheaper day. he only got $2 of the imaginary spending cuts. the tax increases were real. the spending and not happen. spending did not go down even a little. it went up in both cases. what happened in 2011 was that they were not able to talk the
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republicans into swallowing their own tongues and committing suicide. they have been able to do it in the past. they were not able to do it in 2011. why? i would argue that the tea party movement, the ron paul movement came into the modern republican movement as the fifth and sixth waves of immigration into our party, in each case making as bigger, stronger, more conservative. i look back at the coldwater election in 1963-1964. a lot of people came in and strengthened parties that did not have anything, made it more conservative and more active. our friends at the new york times at the time advised us to watch out. we were heading down the road to perdition. we were working with crazy people we were finished. i understand why our enemy advises against having a
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stronger, bigger and more principled party, but there were a number of established republicans each times new groups would come and warning us against new groups coming in. there used to be 12 people at our town committee meeting and now there are 40. now they're probably not going to reelect me. in fact, more people are a good idea in a party and in the movement, particularly people coming in with principles and goals consistent with american liberty. i cannot imagine the guys at walmart looking down a new customer showing of in the parking lot going, my guess, we're in trouble. look at all these new customers. they're filling up the parking lot. they're buying all of our stuff. we're going to have to get new stuff. walmart recognizes this as success. political movements also want to see new blood, new talent, new energy coming in the same way. so we have in 2011 a very
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different house of representatives and a very different senate because we have a whole bunch of ron pawlenty party people reacting against this wall of spending, this tidal wave of spending that came into the country and scared people quite correctly because of the damage it has done and continues to do to the united states of america. as a result, we elected a different house and senate, and in 2011, when obama said why don't we sit down and raise taxes and pretend to cut spending, republicans said no, we're only going to cut spending. and for a whole year -- yes. and for a whole year, we wondered, when is the yes button going to happen, and never did. john boehner and mitch mcconnell said we are not going to raise taxes. we're going to cut spending. we cannot solve the problem of too much spending by raising taxes. raising taxes is what you do instead of cutting spending.
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so, no tax increase at all, two and a half trillion in cuts. that is over a decade. we have to police said. we have to watch it. but we have real spending cuts now and down the road and not a single penny of tax increase all year. the wave of conservative energy they came into the modern republican party through the tea party was not just in washington, not just in the house and senate. there were 711 newly elected additional republican state legislators, and as a result, the other thing that the democrats wanted to do was to trick the republicans in washington to putting their fingerprints all over a tax increase, but also in the 50 or 57 states, depending on who is counting. and they were hoping, look, we gave all this money to the states to not reform in 2009-
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2010, and then we took it away. and then we are going to go in to withdraw all and everyone will demand tax increases at the same day level. some of you who actually live in the united states of america might have noticed that in the 50 real states, only five raised taxes. 45 did exactly what john boehner and mitch mcconnell did and they say we're cutting spending not raising taxes. the tax increases were illinois, raised income taxes, sales taxes, their unemployment is up over 10%. the state is hauling out. connecticut raised 77 different taxes. move to florida. or texas, or one of the states with no income tax. maryland raised taxes. and new york state, cuomo
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promised he would go all year without a tax increase and he was so good up until december 7th, and then he folded. massive tax increase. five states raised taxes, but 45 refused and cut spending. this is a change. the other team is going to keep coming back and demanding tax increases because that is what they do because they cannot run their campaign without government resources flowing through it. they are going to be as insistent and mahon ammoniacal as a teenage boy on a prom date. they're going to keep asking for the same thing in different ways. this is an environmental tax. it is always the same thing. and it does not do any good at
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all to say no, no, no, yes. you have to keep saying no all the way through, even mr. cuomo, through the end of december. this is the fight. our friend president obama has a new idea. it is an old idea but he thinks it is new. what democrats do is they have trickle-down taxation. and that is, they say, we're only going to tax rich people. remember the alternative minimum tax, 1969, to hit 115 people. now targeting several tens of millions. they promise they will put it in only hitting 115. soon millions, not tens of millions. some of you may remember the spanish-american war tax enacted in 1898. i see one, yes. in 1898, they decide to have the tax only on rich people. it was a tax on long-distance phone calls. in 1898, only rich people had
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long distance phone bills. they had a tax on it. that tax continued up until just a few years ago. i went to public school, but recently saw on the history channel that the war ended earlier. they took a tax on rich people of it became ain a matter decades a tax on everyone. the income tax imposed in 1913 was only going to hit 1%-2%. it now gets least half the country. obama most frequent promise when he ran for office, i will never attacked anyone in any way makes under to under $50,000 a year. amember that -- $250,000 year. remember that? 16 days into his presidency, he
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signed a tax on tobacco. it only took him 16 days to go from i will never wac madeleine income people because the point is to get the -- black middle and -- whack middle and low income people because the point is to get the tax in. taxed less. spend less. stop going after every effort to develop in the united states. stop driving gasoline prices higher. take the trial lawyers and put them in plastic bags and put them in the river. there are a series of things that if you do, we know that the economy will grow because it has happened before, and we watched this move in the wrong
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direction, the economy contracts. the simple answer is less taxes, less regulation. how do we get there? one, we need to have a conservative class represent the majority, a 60-seat conservative majority in the senate. it is not good enough to have this be 51, 52, 53, because of the filibuster. and we need a conservative republican in the white house to sign the bills that the house and senate passes. the news is dead. in the house, we start with the 25 -- the news is good. in the house, we start with a 25 see republican majority. we need to build on that. thanks to redistricting, because we picked up some money -- there 24 states where that republicans have the governorship and the legislature. the democrats' only run 11
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states. california, illinois, arkansas, connecticut, vermont. republicans run everything. the country is moving growth versus non growth in that division. we help is redistricting because republicans have picked up house seats in ohio, indiana, michigan, wisconsin. they also picked of state legislative seats, so redistricting should give us a republican and a conservative majority in the house, not for the next couple of years, but for the next decade. i'm only the third of the way there. that is the house. senate. we of 47 republican senators, not quite that many conservative senators, but we're getting there. we need to pick up 60 serious
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senators in the u.s. senate. the good news is, the next two election cycles make this very possible. in 2012, their 23 democratic seats up and only 10 republican seats. this is a target rich environment. these are people who survived the pro-democrat, anti-bush landslide of 2006 and two years later, at 20 democrats up and 13 republicans. the next two election cycles, a 2012 and 2014, there are 43 democrats up. 43 seats, more than 23 targets. there 23 republicans of. really only one of which is to worry about. again, the reason why we have this target rich environment and all of our incumbents are secure and strong is that in 2006 and 2008 we did so poorly. now, some of you may have
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wondered back and what karl rove and bush were thinking when they gave away all those lovely senate seats, but now we see they were cleverly giving them away so that we could sneak up behind democrats and take them all back off the table in 2012 and 2014 when they were not suspecting it. this is very good, because it gives us every reason to believe we will get a republican majority, and frankly conservative majority after this election in 2012, in the senate, and 60 votes after 2014. the nice people who drew the map of the united states gave us all those lovely square states in the west and the republicans who represent them. in a weak year, we should have 60 + republican senators on a regular basis. ok, now step 3. the one i do worry about is our
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friend in massachusetts, scott brown. he has been a hero in fighting government run health care. he should win reelection. i just warren newell -- warn you, before i immigrated to the united states, i used to live in massachusetts. it is a tough state. focus on that. he should win. he is a great guy. he will hopefully be there to see is get rid of obamacare completely. now on the white house. all we have to do is replace obama. here is the challenge. he was a very good candidate in 2008. he is not a very good president. a year ago he decided that he was not a good president but he was a good candidate, he would go back to being a candidate. for the next year, you have candidate obama. it was like william henry harrison. he was not quite president as
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long as the other guys. he has decided that it is too much work and he is going to be a candidate. and so, when you try to negotiate with them or work on legislation, forget it. you're talking to a candidate. there are a couple of quick thoughts on why we have had some angst on the presidential level. the first is good news. we have all these candidates -- the reason for that is unlike 1952, teams picked up. what happened, we now have a reagan republican party. everybody wants to run as ronald reagan which is what you have conservatives supporting each of these candidates. it is called winning. it is not a problem. it is confusing, but it is winning. second, we are not auditioning
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for fearless leader. we do not need a president to tell us which direction to go. we know which direction to go. we want to call brian budget. -- we want the paul ryan budget. it takes all of the unfunded liabilities from 25% of gdp down to 10 -- down to 15%. the republicans of passed 24 bills that strict regulations and create jobs. we just need a president to sign this stuff. the leadership now for the modern conservative movement for the next 20 years will be coming out of the house and senate. focus on electing the most
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conservative republican who can win each house seat and the most conservative who can win each senate seat. pick a republican with enough working digits to handle the pen and to become president of the united states. [applause] this is a change. the democrats have been running everything out of the house and senate for a long time. this is a change for republicans to realize the house of bodywork will be in the senate and house. obama has made two decisions since he has been president. they said sign the stimulus bill and the health care bill. he would sign present. he tripled the amount of troops in afghanistan. he decided to anticipate and libya. those are the two things the democrats did not and him and
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say sign this and move on. they are used to a president that reads a teleprompter and science stuff. we need somebody who understands his job is to be captain of a team and signed legislation already prepared and already worked through and has been there for conservatives. with that said, we are going to win. we just have to remember the only thing it lacking is a great deal of work. mining is not work. if we do the work, we -- whining is not work. we will remain america. we are not going to be france, greece, and we sure as heck will not be chicago. thank you. [cheers and applause] we are going to win this! let's go!
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>> louisiana governor bobby jindal on the final day of the cpac conference. he talked about some of the lessons the federal government can learn from his and other states. he also discusses experiences working with president obama and other federal officials during the gulf oil spill. this is just over half of an hour. >> that may be a startling assertion for a city like washington, d.c.. i served in congress about three
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years and a couple of turns. i found it too often congress seems to be like a debating society. to be like a debating society. there is a lot of talk about conservative ideas and a lot of rhetoric. the reality is a lot of the best action happening today is happening across our states across this great country. you look at great conservative governors like scott walker in wisconsin, rick scott. [applause] i am here today to tell you that in louisiana we have not just been debating and talking about conservative principles, we have been putting them into action. when the added those conservative ideas and put them into action, they actually work. i want to talk about that. before we talk about that, i want to spend a couple minutes on another topic.
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i came across a passage from an interesting old document. it is about 223 years old. people here in d.c. have not have seen it recently or may not have read it. i want to read a passage from the document. congress will make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging free-speech or the press or the right of people to assemble in a petition of government for a redress of the grievances. [applause] two simple questions. if you e-mail that language over to the obama white house right now, would they even recognize it or would they want to suggest changes and edits to this language?
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yesterday the administration finally began backtracking on their most recent assault on religious liberty. here is the most important thing to understand. you and i know that the mistakes made here violated the first amendment of the constitution to the united states of america. [applause] the administration does not even admit it. they do not even get it. they do not understand what religious freedom means. the very briefly let the american people see what is behind the curtain. they gave us a glimpse of their free -- their true colors. to them religion is so 1900's. what is the fuss about? can the catholic bishops take a joke? i remember another time when president obama briefly give us a glance behind the curtain. remember when he was in a fundraiser in san francisco.
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he characterized fols like us as an unsophisticated ingrates who are bitterly clinging to our guns and religion. as a governor of the great state of louisiana, i have a message for president obama. he is exactly right about us. [cheers and applause] in louisiana and across america, we love us some guns and religion and we make no apologies for it. [cheers and applause] i want to talk about what we have done in louisiana. i want to show you the conservative principles that work.
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i will start with a lesson i learned from my father. mark twain said this better than me. it is amazing how much smarter your parents get the older you become. there were certain things my dad always told us when we were growing up. they would make us roll our eyes. there were certain things they said that he swore he would never say to your children. we have three beautiful kids and i find myself say more and more of those things to our little kids every day. when i was a young boy my dad would tell me, you better eat your vegetables because there are starving children in china. i never understood that. i said if the one my vegetables, we can mail them. everybody wins that way. another thing my dad would say is, some, if all of your friends jumped off of a bridge, would you? i had no idea what that meant.
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one thing my dad would tell us every day. he would say, sons, you should be so grateful that you live in america. [applause] he would say every day you should get up and thank god you were blessed to be born in the greatest country of the history of the world [applause] what else was i going to be? i did not appreciate what my dad was trying to teach me until i got a little older and started having my own children. then i started realizing how amazing their example and a story really was. my parents came to louisiana in search of the american dream. my mom was pregnant with me. the my dad was so confident he got the yellow pages out and started calling company after company until somebody would
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hire him. he wanted a job so he could feed his family and pay for his unborn child. they had so few resources, the actually went to the hospital and the insurance company refused to cover the cost of my birth. they said i was called a pre- existing condition. i did not preexists to marriage, i do not want you to get the wrong idea. my dad literally paid in installments to the doctor. he paid it in full but paid in installments. how do you pay for a baby in installments? if you miss a baby, will they take the baby back? he said, if they would have taken you back i would have skipped a payment so they would have taking you back.
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my dad's story is even more amazing than that. he is one of nine children who grow up without electricity or growing -- or running water. he is the first to get past the fifth grade. if you ever try to complain to my dad and say you need an allowance for the chores i do, he would say how much do you think you should pay me for the food you eat, and the roof i put on top of your head? [applause] the reason i tell you that, i am sure you have parents like this. if you ever complain anything, you got a lecture about how they walk uphill to get to school and how they walk uphill to get home from school. they were so poor they could not afford downhill. the reason i tell you this is because my son's -- my dad would say, i will not give you an inheritance or a great last
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name. but if you work hard there is no limits to what you can accomplish in the united states of america. [applause] to me that is the american dream. i ran to be governor of the great state of louisiana because too many kids could not pursue those dreams at home without leaving. we were the only state that consistently exported our sons and daughters to other states. i campaigned to turn that around. we had a special session on ethics. we are going to keep our dreamers and our entrepreneurs right here. one of the most important things you can do to keep us in your state is crackdown on corruption. think about some of my predecessors and stories to have heard about politics in
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louisiana. i told the press that it is my oath when of the most boring but hopefully one of the most effective governors in louisiana history. my wife tells me, you got boring done. he fulfilled that promise. let's work on the second. we knew we had a start on ethics. the congressman used to joke and say, half of my people are under water. the other half are under indictment at any point in time. as long as people thought who you knew was more important than what you do, people did not want to invest in the state. we went from the 41 worst to number one in the country.
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we were one of the bottom five of the integrity index to the top five, but we did not stop there. we had a special session to cut taxes. not only did we institute the largest income tax cut, we got rid of taxes for companies on that, and utilities. i have two philosophies. if you want to encourage activity, do not tax it. if you want to discourage an activity, tax it. my second philosophy was even simpler. i made a promise. i said as long as i in your governor, we will not raise any taxes as long as i am governor of the great state of louisiana. [applause] we did have to make tough choices. the reality is in a tough economy, you only have two choices. we cut spending by 26%, we cut our budget by 26%. we cut government positions by 10,000.
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we did things like privatize group homes that were costing us $600 per day to do it. we got out of the groupon business. we sold over 100 cars out of the state's car fleet. we did several other things. two signs you were on the right track. our credit rating to -- while the american credit rating has gone down, louisiana's credit rating has been improved to its best rate ever at any point in time in our state's history. the cato institute gave louisiana one of only four states to get an a grade. i just submitted my budget this week. it is the fifth budget in a row that reduces spending that is balanced without raising taxes. we created a work force training program that is number one in the country. we will retrying companies and workers if they are not ready to work on the first day for free.
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the bottom line is it is results. after 25 years of losing people for four years in a row, we have had more people move into louisiana rather than leaving the state. we have reversed the howard migration. -- the howard migration. -- outward migration. we were named the most improved state in the country, no. 14 per capita development. number one in the south for three years in a row. highest ever shrinking for business friendliness. -- highest ever ranking for
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business friendliness. we are the most improved state in the country. unemployment rate below the national and southern averages. every single month since i have been governor. we have shown that conservative principles work. we have shown if you cut taxes and spending, you can create good things. [applause] i am grateful the people of louisiana reelected me with a record margin. a lot of people would have said, why not just stop there and defend what you have accomplished? we are battling two proposals in this upcoming session. i want to spend time talking about both of them. the first is reforming our pension debt for public employees and the second is educational reform. we are going to do what washington does not have the courage to do.
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we are going to tackle our long- term debt. we spent $2 billion in tax payer money every year on our retirement system. if we do nothing the debt will increase by $3 billion by the end of the year. i predict every state here has some form of this public debt problem. politician after politician made promises that they knew they would not have to keep. they simply sent to the debt to future generations. you contrast that to what my dad told me as a child, if you work hard you can pursue your dreams. what father would want to mortgage his kid's future? that is what we are doing right here in the capital. let's be honest, if you do not reform pension debts, your only choices are you break your promises -- you break your promises to employees. we are proposing a comprehensive reform that accomplishes three
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things. for new employees, let's move them into a cash hybrid system so they have a portable retirement plan that goes with them and they share the risks and reap -- risks and rewards with taxpayers. by the way, only 20% of private -- if you look at the private sector, most are already in the plan. very few private companies provide with the public sector does. it just makes sense to catch up with the private sector. let's raise the retirement age to the social security age. let's also make other reforms to make this more affordable. taxpayerse 1980's, paid 60% of the retirement program costs, public paid 40%. today it is 75% and 25%. i just want to restore it back to about two-thirds ratio.
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that will bring some relief to our taxpayers making employers pay a little bit more for their own retirement benefits. [applause] finally, let's not increase benefits until we can afford to do so. it makes no sense to continue increasing benefits before we could -- before we pay for benefits already on the books. we have forced the retirement plans in the state of louisiana? why not combine some of these? you can save billions in overhead without impacting one employee retirement benefit. this would save taxpayers $500 million in the first year. think about that. saving taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars and
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addressing this retirement issue so we are not mortgaging the future. it seems to me like washington can learn something from the states as they think about tackling social security, medicare and other long-term retirement programs right here in the capital. [applause] i want to spend a little more time on comprehensive educational reform. the reason this is so important is that we live in an absent -- aspirational society. unlike some of the protesters trying to come in here before, you are not entitled to equal results. [applause] you do not have the right to your neighbor's car or house. nobody owes you a fancy home or luxury vacation. you are entitled to equal opportunity.
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the promise of america -- the american dream is that your last name, years of code, your risk, your gender does not determine your outcome in this country. one thing that makes america such an amazing example to the rest of the world. that starts with a great education. our children will only have the chance to succeed and inherent more opportunities than we inherited from our parents. that is what every father and mother once for their child if we give them a great education. in louisiana we made some progress. 80% of our kids post katrina are in charter schools. we have a lot more work to do. we passed some bills and my first term. we increased public education funding by 9%. student funding has gone up. we brought teachers paid to the southern average.
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we said let's a volley our teachers and students at the beginning of the year and at the end of the year. let's compare the difference and evaluate our teachers by how their students are doing. one of louisiana's largest teacher unions said it publicly, we are ok with evaluating teachers as long as you do not link it so heavily to student achievement. that is liked asking how the football game was without looking at the final score. the most important thing is a student achievement. it has to be about the children, not the adults in those schools. [applause] we also passed a teacher bill of rights to put discipline back in the classroom. the number one reason we lose
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good teachers is a lack of discipline. [applause] i do not know about you, but when i was growing up, if i got in trouble at school i was spanked. if you try to tell my dad -- if i said i did not do it, he would say i know you too well. i know you got away with something else today. i will spank you for that and we will call it even. we have done other things as well in our first term. teacher said it is not fair charter schools have more than we do. i said you are right. as long as you can learn -- as long as you can prove children are learning. the unions turned around and sued us in court. they did not want us to take
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away their excuses. they wanted to hide behind the red tape and bureaucracy a little bit longer. [applause] what we are doing is not enough. that is why we have proposed six bills going into the new session that will overhaul education to make sure every child is getting a great education. let me focus on two components. the research shows the best thing we can do for our kids is to make sure they have a great teacher. it is by far the most important. it is more important in class size and facilities in. there was research done from stanford showing the economic impact on the child's future earnings. there was recent research showing a good fourth grade teacher can increase the chance your child will later go to college and decrease the chance that they will become pregnant as a teenager. all by having a good fourth grade teacher.
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i guess we could get a bumper sticker -- which should have a great teacher in every classroom. look at our policies. they are not designed to do that. we have tenure policy and louisiana where 99% of teachers are rated satisfactory. we have one-third of our kids below grade level. under the current tenure system, 99% are rated satisfactory. you look at the way we compensate teachers. it is no exaggeration to say we basically pay teachers based on how long they have been breathing. think about that. what other business, what other venture could survive if they said we will not reward you or identify you if you put an extra effort or get better results. there will be no reward or compensation. where else do we do that except in education? that makes no sense. we are proposing to change the
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rules so that even if you have tenure, if you are in effective, you lose that tenure and after three years you lose your certificate. [applause] that is why we propose to change the rules. we can finally pay our best teachers for what they are worth. for the aspiring teachers that want to become better, help is on the way. for ineffective teachers that do not want to be better, maybe they should look for another profession. maybe they do not want to be in a classroom anyway. the second changes to give families more choices. no child should be trapped in a failing school. every child deserves a great education.
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we are proposing to expand charters so that over half of our kids can take dollars and go to private schools and let the dollar's fall of the child instead of making the child follow the dollars. let's to liberate our kids. we are also proposing to give dollar to dollar tax credits to those who donate to charities willing to help subsidize the cost of private tuition for those wanting school in a private education. whether you go to home school, online school, a traditional school, we want the dollars to follow the students so it is no longer a monopoly. no longer are you trapped in a failing school. listen to what union said about this. one union leaders literally said this. for parents do not have a clue --poor parents do not have a clue when it comes to making educational choices for their children. i met with moms the next day who said he we make choices for our children every single day.
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we know what to do for our children better than any bureaucratic person in that and rouge. [applause] if you want an example of that kind, listen to that ". poor parents to not have a clue. if you or i had said that, it would be on the front pages of every newspaper every day. i have been calling for this union official to either be fired or resign. i have at least expected them to issue an apology. so far, nothing. that should be offensive to me and it should be offensive to you. we know what is best for our children certainly better than the government. [applause]
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i could talk to you more about educational reform. the bottom line is this. we live in a country where every child should be free to pursue the american dream. we believe every child should have the best chance to succeed. the government does not owe you equal results. it does owe you equal opportunity. that starts with a education. our children only grow up once. we owe them a great education today. we cannot we 2 -- we cannot afford to wait until tomorrow. [applause] now, i can keep talking to you about louisiana. i want to close with one final story.
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you had a lot of speakers tell you we have to replace this administration because of their energy policies, especially given the keystone pipeline decision. you have had speakers railed about the idea of wanting to raise taxes, obamacare, and taking over our lives. rail against this administration for regulations. all of that is true and i second every single thing they said. i want to add one more reason this is so important. during the oil spill that hit my state, i had the chance to work with the president and his people up close during an extended period of time. what i saw concerns me. what i saw and what i heard were people who may be very box marked who have never run anything in the the private
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sector. i will give you an example of what i am talking about. the president would talk repeatedly about his nobel prize-winning energy secretary. i was beginning to think that was part of his title. i did not know what that had to do with stopping oil coming to our coast. we do not all have fancy degrees or nobel prizes. we know our coast and we know our state. after a while of being frustrated and seeing oil coming into the coast, they kept saying, do not worry about it. a local leader said to me, when bp tells you resources are coming tomorrow, it does not really me tomorrow. it just means not today. we were watching the oil eat our coast. a local fisherman got an idea. he said, why do we not just go back in the oil out of the water? the i thought, that is a pretty good idea. i tell of the federal government and said we are going to vacuum the oil out of the water.
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they said, you cannot drive a vacuum truck into the water. so i said, why not put a truck on the back of the boat. they said, we have never done that before. i said, why do we not try it. i ordered the national guard to build two prototypes. they went out there and picked up thousands of gallons of oil and before that they had dozens of these on our coast. the first thing -- the first one was the funniest thing you have ever seen. one reporter said, are those the same trucks used to clean porta-potti is? i said do not say that in your paper. then i got a call from the white house.
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he said we are shutting you down. this is one of the first things that has worked in taking oil out of the water. he said, we have to do our inspections. i said, what do you mean? he said, we have to check the valves to make sure they are not leaking drops of oil back into the water after they pick them up. i said, why can you not do that in the bays? they said, no, these are the rules. i said this is absolutely absurd. within hours the national media was all over it. then they changed their story. they needed to count the number of life preservers on the boat. after 24 hours they realized how absurd it was. here is the moral of the story. they wasted precious time while the oil was coming to our coast. they refused to listen to people along the coast and to better than the experts what could be done to protect the coast.
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have one final thought for you about this election. the white house is too important for on-the-job training. we cannot afford another four years of president obama. thank you very much. [applause] ♪ >> when president lincoln was shot, he was wearing a black coat made for his second inaugural from brooks brothers. it is periodically displayed in the ford theatre lobby.
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american history to be documented the process of placing the code on display for the public and learn how it is preserved for future generations. this sunday at 8:00, also at 7:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. eastern. >> president obama urges congress to pass the payroll tax cut extension which he says will have a tax -- prevented tax increase for americans. then bob macdonald says would he thinks will be in the presidents budget request. >> hello, everybody. in recent weeks, we've seen signs that our economy is growing stronger and creating jobs at a faster clip. while numbers and figures will go up and down in the coming months, what cannot waver is our resolve to do everything in our
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power to keep stoking the fires of the recovery. and the last thing we should do is let washington stand in the way. you see, at the end of the month, taxes are set to go up on 160 million working americans. youou're one of them, then know better than anyone that the last thing you need right now is a tax hike. but if congress refuses to act, middle class taxes will go up. it's that simple. now, if this sounds familiar, it's because we've been here before. back in december, congress faced this exact same predicament. ultimately, thanks to your voices, they did the right thing -- but only after a great deal of bickering and political posturing that put the strength of our economy and the security of middle class families at risk. we can't go through that again. congress needs to stop this middle class tax hike from happening. period. no drama. no drama. no delay.
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and no ideological side issues that have nothing to do with this tax cut. now is not the time for self- inflicted wounds to our recovery. now is the time for common-sense action. and this tax cut is common- sense. if you're a family making about $50,000 a year, this tax cut amounts to about $1,000 a year. that's about $40 in every paycheck. i know there are some folks in this town who think $40 isn't a lot of money. but to a student or a senior who's trying to stretch the budget a little bit further? to a parent who is filling up the tank and looking at rising gas prices? to them, $40 can make all the difference in the world. and so can your voice. i hope you'll pick up the phone, send a tweet, write an email, and tell your representative that they should get this done before it gets too late. tell them not to play politics again by linking this debate to unrelated issues. tell them not to manufacture another needless standoff or crisis. tell them not to stand in the way of the recovery. tell them to just do their job.
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that's what our middle class needs. that's what our country needs. in the wake of the worst economic crisis of our lifetimes, we're getting things going again. and we're going to keep at it until everyone shares in america's comeback enjoying aou're great weekend with family and friends. the second weekend is noteworthy for two reasons. it is the first weekend without football since august. depending on your team is, that could be a good or bad thing. this also marks the second straight year we are waiting for the annual release of the budget. they have extended that. another seven days. that one week delay pales to the three year hold up in the democratic senator. harry reid has not passed a budget in over 100 days.
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this is an astounding failure and leadership. we will get a budget from the president and less than 48 hours. from his past policy decisions. we can expect his budget to make private sector job creation tougher because it will raise taxes and continue policies like obamacare and making it harder for small businesses to hire at a time when millions of americans remain out of work. we can expect the budget to ignore the growing crisis in this country. it will not protect the security of medicare and social security. it will continue down the road to bankrupting these programs in the years ahead. we can expect the president's budget to again fail to address the $15 trillion and growing national debt. the obama approach is more debt, more taxes, and more blaming others. we can expect this will not be a proactive budget built to promote fiscal responsibility
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and future prosperity. and future prosperity. it appears we will see a bloated budget that doubles down on the failed policies of the past. republicans know that we can do better. every day, hard-working taxpayers, families, and business owners balance their budgets on time without excuses. they live within their means by setting priorities and making tough choices. they want and deserve a smaller and smarter government that does the same. they are not seeing that in washington, d.c. they are increasingly witnessing the conservative approach in state capitals. while washington borrows at a staggering $2.5 billion a day to keep the lights on, republican governors have slashed deficits. in virginia, we closed $6 billion in budget shortfalls without raising taxes and produced nearly $1 billion in surplus over the last two years by putting more money into
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transportation, colleges, and universities. in nebraska, the governor proposed tax cuts. proposed tax cuts. in new jersey, the governor is pushing to cut the state income tax by 10%. republican governors in other states are working to reform their tax systems to make their states more competitive. republican governors are balancing budgets on time without tax increases and without deficit spending. their hard work to make government more efficient and effective is helping to create the environment where americans can use their talents to compete and innovate to pursue the american dream. in the most recent rankings of business friendly states, 11 of the top 15 states have republican governors. those states are outpacing democratic counterparts when it comes to job creation takes seven of the 10 states with the lowest unemployment rates have republican governors. in 2011, states with republican governors added 912,000 new jobs. a true and lasting economic recovery will not come from
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government. it will come from the hard work, talents, and vision of the american people. republicans believe it is our duty to create an environment where private sector jobs can be created and sustained. we know when we limit government to free capital and reduce litigation, we spur private sector job creation. we believe the role of government in an economic recovery is simple. at every level, governments should pass budgets on time to preserve core functions and do not raise taxpayer dollars. at every level, governments should enact policies to ensure private sector job creators and entrepreneurs can compete against the world, create jobs, and innovate. the american people can out- compete and out work anyone, anywhere. all they need is the opportunity. republican leaders in this capital are creating opportunities and getting results. we need that kind of leadership
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in the senate and white house. thank you for your time. have a great weekend. >> subscribe to our youtube channel and we will notify you of our most recent posts. >> there was a sad and tragic episode in belmont. -- beaumont, texas. there was a sad story about a black man raping a white woman. when this story went into the shipyard, several thousand of the shipyard workers came out of the shipyard and came downtown to city hall and to the police
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department to try to find the perfect -- the person who had allegedly committed this crime. >> there are hundreds of videos to choose from online. >> republican presidential candidate ron paul addressed his supporters in portland maine. this is about 20 minutes. >> thank you. thank you. [cheers and applause] thank you. just remember -- the revolution is just beginning. we have a ways to go. i do want to recognize the staff
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and all of you. thank you very much. it encourages me because it is an important issue. thank you. but, you know, i have won slightly discouraging announcement. i wish all of the caucus had met today. i was disappointed there was one caucus that i think we would have done very well. we lost by almost 200 votes. it is almost like we could call it a tie. but anyway, the votes will be counted. all of the caucuses -- caucuses will meet. if i were a betting man, and i do not have $10,000 to bet. i would bet that we will control the main the caucus.
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[cheers and applause] -- the maine caucus. it would have been great to win out right to the straw vote, but it will be even greater to win the delegate votes. and that is going to happen. momentum will continue. we are not going away. we will be in all these places where we will continue to pick up delegates. that is for one good reason, we have the message that americans need at this particular time. [applause] the wonderful thing is, the message is not complex. everybody understands it.
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the message is liberty. that is the message. that means we want our freedom. we want each and every individual to have freedom not because they belong to a group or one state or the other, it is because we are individuals. we are born with our freedoms. we have a natural right to our liberties. if you have a right to your life, if you have a right to your liberty to run your life as you choose. if that is the case, the goal that we have is for all of us to be able to keep the fruits of our labor. [applause] this is not a brand new concept. it was an american concept that was working very well. decades ago we started slipping
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away. we forgot about what brought about prosperity and production. there are only three things that can do that. one important issue for prosperity to thrive, you have to have an honest monetary system. [cheers and applause] [chanting "end the fed"] if we do not do it, they will do it to themselves. it is nonviable. the funny money system -- the fiat money system makes no sense whatsoever. it is coming to an end.
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[applause] we always believed in liberty, but we never did a good job of selling it, especially when we were prosperous and consuming our wealth. it is now we have to grab the moral high ground. for too long those who wanted to take your wealth and give it to somebody else or get involved into your social life and tell you how to live and to get involved in other countries, that is coming to an end. the country is bankrupt. the most important thing americans can do right now is admit the truth. we cannot deny the truth. we cannot continue this way. we have to go in either a desperately wrong position, or we have to stop the nonsense and not go backwards and act as we did 200 years ago but picked up on that.
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freedom was never perfect. freedom it was developed over centuries. it is said to me when i see some of the fundamentals that were recognized at the time of the magnet card that all of a 7 -- we are undermining some of these principles. -- the magna car to the and all of a sudden we are under minding some of these principles. we have gotten careless and strip it away. now the country is waking up for financial reasons. everybody knows we are bankrupt. the world -- it is a dollar fee on system that engulfs the world. do you think we are in this by ourselves? nope. the are writing -- rioting in greece because they have to cut a little bit. what is the plan? bernanke is planning on the
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bailing them out with our dollars. we have been liquidating debt the past three or four years. it needs to stop. [cheers and applause] what should the role of government be? the founders did not like the role that the king had. the revolution was one of the rare times that a overthrow of government delivered more freedom to the people that they had before the revolution. look around the world today, unfortunately they are ending up with even less. we had a more liberty, not less liberty. we need to understand how
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important it is. the role of government should be no more complicated than guaranteeing the right to your life and liberty. what does that mean? it means the government should be out of the economy. you have regulations a property rights and the market. you have the regulations of sound money. the regulations that do not bail out anybody that comes to the government for bail out. those are truly market oriented. it means the government should be out of our social lives. for too long we have taken liberty and chop it into two pieces. it is one in the same, because it is individual liberties with the right to our life and liberty. [cheers and applause]
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we have to have the property rights. we have to have sound money. we have to have limited government and restraint. we also have to have a different foreign policy. we have a foreign policy that is deeply flawed. it is a foreign policy that always brings great nations down. even in our recent history, what brought the soviets down? i was drafted in the 1960's. they had a 30,000 nuclear missiles. we did not have to fight them. they collapsed because of their flaw that foreign policy of over extending themselves. we are doing the same thing. people too often will say to that we are going to talk about foreign policy. the other that we will talk about economic policy. how could you talk about economic policy without talking about all of the spending
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overseas? that is why we need all of the troops to come home. [cheers and applause] we need a policy that is constitutional. the founders gave us good guidelines. we have a responsibility to a strong national defense. but today the president does not come to the congress and the people. they just go to war. sometimes they do not even consult with congress. but they are always ready to go to nato and take their marching orders from the u. n. a foreign policy of minding our own business and staying out of nation-building -- that is the road to peace and prosperity. that is what we have to go for. under the circumstances we live
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in today where we allow our government as big as it can be, the governments cannot grow without undermining personal liberty. no matter how a new regulation comes about, it undermines our personal liberty. people get frightened and you hear about foreign-policy issues or you hear about economic issues, they think i am frightened. the government is supposed to take care of me. i have a right to this. they are so willing to give up freedoms. you cannot be safer by giving up your liberty. we never should have to give up our liberty in order to pretend that we might be a little safer. [cheers and applause] [chanting "ron paul"]
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when we get our freedom back again, things will look differently. we will not have a patriot act that repeals the fourth amendment. [applause] if we have our freedoms back, we will not have a president that assumes the right to assassinate american citizens. that is wrong. [applause] also, we would look at the national defense authorization act and make sure that the army has no ability and no power to arrest american citizens not charged with any crime, not convicted, hauled off into
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prisons, the nine attorneys, and jailed indefinitely. that is not the american we will live in. we have to protect the civil liberties of all american citizens. [cheers and applause] the great thing about a free society, there is no reason why we cannot sell this and let the other side have a moral high ground. he wanted freedom because there will be more freedom for everyone. we have to realize that if we do not do this, it is going to get a lot worse. that is what our big concerns are. freedom brings people together. this is why our crowds are so diverse. people come together not because we agree on how to use our freedom, but we want our freedom to use it as we cho


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