tv Weekly Addresses CSPAN March 10, 2012 6:20pm-6:30pm EST
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we wonder about the weakest link which might be small i.s.p.'s do they deal with this and do they have the same sorts of capabilities to fight back and so anyway i deeply appreciate your willingness to be here today and share your knowledge with us. we're better for it. so with that, the subcommittee on communications technology stands adjourned. [captions performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2012] >> here's a look at what congress is up to next week. the house is out of session, returning to washington monday,
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march 19, at 2:00 p.m. eastern with votes after 6:30. live house coverage as always here on c-span. the senate is in town next week. aty'll return monday 2:00 p.m. eastern for general speeches before returning to work on the surface bill.ortation that legislation sets policy for road, bridge and transit programs for the next two years. no votes on monday, but several amendment votes are expected on tuesday. the senate, live on c-span 2. in his weekly address, president obama talked about how u.s. manufacturing companies are contributing to job creation. he also discussed the need to invest in clean energy technologies to reduce u.s. dependency on foreign oil. he gave the address from an automobile factory in virginia. following the president is republican north dakota governor jack dalrymple. he talked about economic policies in his state while expressing why he believes in the need to build the keystone oil pipeline.
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>> hi, everybody. i'm speaking to you this week from a factory in petersburg, virginia, where they're bringing on more than 100 new workers to build parts for the next generation of jet engines. it's a story happening more frequently across our country. our businesses just added 233,000 jobs last month, for a total of nearly four million new jobs over the last two years. more companies are choosing to bring jobs back and invest in america. manufacturing is adding jobs for the first time since the 1990's, and we're building more things to sell to the rest of the world, stamped with three proud words, "made in america." it's not just that we're building stuff, we're building better stuff. the engine parts manufactured here in petersburg will go into the next generation planes that are lighter, faster and more fuel efficient. that last part is important because whether you're paying for a plane ticket or filling up
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your gas tank, technology that helps us get more miles to the gallon is one of the easiest ways to save money and reduce our dependence on foreign oil. the recent spike in gas prices has been another painful reminder of why we have to invest in this technology. as usual, politicians have been rolling out their three-point plans for $2 gas -- drill, drill and drill some more. my response is, we have been drilling. under my administration, oil america had at an eight-year high. we've quadrupled the number of operating oil rigs and opened up millions of acres for drilling but you and i both know that with only 2% of the world's oil reserves, we can't drill our way to lower gas prices, not when we consume 20% of the world's oil. we need an all-of-the-above strategy that relies less on foreign oil and more on american made energy -- solar, wind,
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natural gas, biofuels and more. that's the strategy we're pursuing. that's why i went to a plant in north carolina earlier this week where they're making trucks that won on natural gas and hybrid trucks that go further on a single tank. and it's why i've been focused on fuel efficient cars since i took office. over the last few years, the annual number of miles driven by americans have stayed roughly the same but the total amount of gas we use has been going down. in other words, we're getting more bang for our buck. if we accelerate that trend, we can help drivers save a significant amount of money. that's why, after 30 years of inaction, we finally put in place new standards that will make sure our cars average nearly 55 miles per gallon by the middle of the next decade, nearly double what they get today. this wasn't easy. we had to bring together auto companies and unions and folks who don't ordinarily see
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eye-to-eye, but it was worth it. because these cars aren't some pie in the sky solution that's away. they're being built right now by american workers in factories right here in the u.s.a. every year, our cars and trucks will be able to go further and use less fuel and pretty soon you'll be able to fill up every two weeks instead of every week, something that, over time, will save the fiscal family more than $8,000 at the pump. we'll reduce our oil consumption by more than 12 billion barrels. is a future worth investing in. so we have a choice. right now, some folks in washington would rather spend another $4 billion on subsidies to oil companies each year. well, you know what, we've been handing out these kind of taxpayer giveaways for nearly a century and outside of congress, does anyone really think that's still a good idea? i want this congress to stop the giveaways to an oil industry that's never been more profitable and invest it in a
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clean energy industry that's never been more promising. we should be investing in the building theat's cars and trucks and jets that will prevent us from dealing with these high gas prices year after year after year. ending the cycle of rising gas prices won't be easy and it won't happen overnight. but that's why you sent us to to solve tough problems like this one. so i'm going to keep doing everything i can to help you save money on gas, both right now and in the future. i hope politicians from both sides of the aisle join me. that's put aside the bumper sticker slogans and remember why we're here and get things done for the american people. thank you, god bless you and have a great weekend. >> hi, i'm jack dalrymple, governor of north dakota. where i live, we run government with common sense. we don't spend more money than we collect in revenue each year. we don't have general obligation debt. and we only borrow when we have
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identified a revenue source to pay it back. these are big reasons why north dakota is doing so well compared to the rest of the nation. we have the lowest unemployment rate of all 50 states, at 3.2%. and our prudent fiscal management has allowed us to lower taxes each of the last three legislative sessions. we've lowered substantially our real estate taxes, our individual income taxes, and even corporate income taxes. our growing budget surpluses allow us to make large investments in infrastructure and job growth. just think of the wise investments our country could be making right now if the federal budget was managed as carefully. as a nation, what progress has been made to balance our annual budget deficit? have any real spending reductions been proposed by the
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democratic majority in the senate? has president obama made any real attempts to reduce spending? all we see are budgeting games. the american people are growing tired of the constant pleas for tax increases from this administration long before any real proposals appear for spending reductions. but keeping government's house in order is only part of the equation. the other part is focusing on creating good paying jobs. north dakota has been ranked number one in the nation in job creation for each of the last three years by a gallup poll study. we have created a friendly business climate in north dakota for taxes and insurance rates are low, the regulatory environment is very reasonable we have the most responsive state government anywhere. companies want to expand to
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north dakota because of the ease of doing business and because of our well educated, well trained work force. why do fortune 500 companies like caterpillar, and john deere choose to expand in north dakota when they could go anywhere in the world? they do it because they know that north dakotans are friendly toward business and will work hard to help their employers be successful. our economic success is broad based. we have thousands of job openings in north dakota today. but almost every day the national media asks me if it isn't all due to the oil boom in northwestern north dakota. i enjoy telling them, the county with the most job openings is not among western oil counties, but is the county surrounding fargo, our largest city
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