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tv   Politics Public Policy Today  CSPAN  April 16, 2012 10:00am-12:00pm EDT

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we will be back at 7:00 eastern time tomorrow morning. have a good day. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2012] >> the british center to prevent gun violence holds a news conference with victims of gun violence and family members of victims killed by guns. c-span 3 will carry a house oversight committee on the general services administration in reaction to a report that found reporting that a gsa conference.
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it has been 10 years since the release of the years of lyndon johnson. in a few weeks, the fourth volume will be published. it follows "1982 the path to power." an update on how volume for was taking shape. >> this is a book not just about lyndon johnson but about jack kennedy and the interplay of their personalities. it is a very complicated story that i do not think people know. two complicated people. robert kennedy and lyndon johnson. i had to really go into that to try to explain it. it is part of the story all the way through johnson's
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presidency. that is done, chronologically, at the moment when johnson is passing the voting rights act. that is where we are up to now. >> watch other appearances from robert caro online. >> after 15 terms, congressman of dolphins pounds of new york is retiring. he notified congress members that he will not be seeking reelection. he was first elected in 1982. he is the 15th house democrat to announce his retirement. congress is back in session this week, the house meeting at 2:00 this afternoon. you can see the house live here
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on c-span. later this week, work on mass transit legislation. on the other side of the capital, centers will be picking up the buffet role that will ask those earning $1 million a year or more to pay more in federal income taxes. that vote is set for 5:30 eastern. the national action network held its annual convention last week in washington. al sharpton, the group's founder, moderated a discussion on police misconduct and gun violence. this is about 1 hour 15 minutes. [applause] >> welcome back to the national
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action network measuring the movement leadership forum. we are here at harvard university. we are talking about how the death of trayvon martin can be motivation to begin to change this culture of this respect for the lives of african-americans. let's go to our panel. this is not the first time that a black person has been killed in a manner we feel is unjust. what about the trayvon martin case, in your opinion, made so many people get involved? let me start with you, tamika valerie. >> as you said, it is not the first time. people know this is a situation where it could have been them. it stirs up emotions, but to know that this young man was 17 years old, and he was obviously targeted, and made our young people get up and say we have to
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fight back. parents feel it because it could have been their son that left home last night and did not come home. that is what stirs up the emotion in folks to move, but we have to be more than crisis activists. >> we some members of congress, people on the hill, reacting, passing congressional resolutions. you even had some of your congressmembers wearing hoodies. why does it reach a level that even those in congress have to do something? >> the congressional but congress was able to stand with members of several different caucuses. people did not see this as a race problem, they saw it as an american problem. they saw their own child, and their nephew, and there godson.
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because of that, our members stood up as the conscious of the congress and said we have to do something about this. the members did together and introduced house resolution 12 to urge states to repeal certain laws in honor of trayvon martin. [applause] >> when we first got involved -- and i might emphasize, the parents called us and we got involved in these cases. in all of these cases, we got involved because weaver asked. -- we were asked. you have to understand, we are the ambulance. you call us and we will come.
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we have helped to mobilize 30,000 people. the governor decided to give the special prosecutor. i do not think the murder indictment came because of the protests, but i think the appointment of special prosecutor would not have happened if it was not for all the protest. how does protest in two cases of seeking a remedy to something that becomes something where it does not move forward? >> comeback to where it began. the police department did not respect the martin family's request to simply release e911 tapes. they hired confident, legal staff. the legal people did not even get the respect when they made into it -- a legitimate request.
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they had to sue the police department to get the 911 tapes released. the protest and you calling us together and organizing shed light. it provided heat. he caught fire. the fire provided the light. [applause] >> reverend newman, you deal with this every day with your conversation and with your fellow clergymen. the people in florida have had any number of incidents. this is not the first incident. tell the people around the country what this means for the people in florida to see people around the world stand up and shed light, and when this change
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could mean for the people in florida that will have to do with this long after the cameras are gone. >> i think it is critical to understand that as tragic as trayvon martin's death is, in a sense, he becomes a christ figure. because he sacrificed his life, many others will be saved. maybe hundreds and thousands will be saved. as we engage in the body of politics, we will force legislatures across the country to change this crazy and stupid law. the second thing i would say his it is extremely important to understand, under the surface, and there is a seething cauldron of deep animosity towards the powers that be for the seemingly discounting of
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black life, the value of black life. [applause] and it is incumbent upon all of us in the state of florida to take a stand, to let everyone know, black life is as valuable as any other life. if i may, reverend sharpton. perhaps the only person that has perhaps done with angela corey, the special prosecutor, let me say this about her. she knows a lot more than we know, in terms of her investigation. when she makes a decision to prosecute, and i have a young man on death row to prove it -- she will be indefatigable in her effort, she will be relentless in the pursuit of justice, and in this case, george zimmerman
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has a barracuda going after him. [applause] >> let me go to you, wade henderson. you convene a coalition of leadership of civil-rights groups. the stand your ground law, the legislative leads that we will be talking with melanie campbell and others, where we go with this so that we do not just bent and move on? we need real change. where do we need to structurally move our energies toward? >> thank you, reverend sharpton. before i begin, thank you for your leadership. [applause] thank you.
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have you not done what you did, had you not worked the family and their incredible dignity in handling this profound tragedy, his youthful innocence is what really made the tragedy even more painful to those of us that knew him, and it really highlighted the sacrifices that the sean bell family, the idea of family, it brought back into sharp relief. point two, we need a movement. [applause] had we not had a movement with dr. king speaking on the steps of the lincoln memorial august 28, 1963, we would not have had president obama on august 28, 2008, 45 years to the day that he accepted the nomination. lastly, converting that energy that is out here now into
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positive change is the task at hand. three things i would recommend. first, voter engagement is absolutely essential. [applause] if we do not vote, we do not count. that is how we send a signal to the powers that be that we will not accept it anymore. americans of all races have what i call in justice fatigue. samuel harris said we are sick and tired of being sick and tired. that is where we are right now with the trayvon martin case. >> we are going to take a break and then continue to discuss this case in a moment. welcome back. you are watching the national action network, the measuring
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the movement leadership forum. we are talking about how to turn trayvon martin's death into a movement that attacks the lives of black men and women everywhere. -- protects the lives of black men and women everywhere. let's go to some questions first. >> as a former high school principal, what can we do to begin this movement of preventing and finally bringing to an end blackmail on black male violence? >> let me go to melanie campbell to answer the question. >> thank you, reverend sharpton. i also need to thank you, from my 81-year-old mother, who called me from florida to say, is richer and coming down here?
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i also want to thank trayvon's parents for their the leadership in this issue. one of the issues to talk about, black on black crime, that is critical to what we want to focus on. i do not have children but i have a brother and a nephew. yes, we need to focus on black on black crime. in this conversation, though, it is critical that we do not miss the moment, and make sure we turn that movements -- moment into a movement. black men and women stood together, multi-ethnic coalitions came together. in a movement, you grab that. all of these issues that we know we have to deal with, but we do not want to miss the focus that justice is served in this case.
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part of what we have to do, this is 2012 -- this is a systemic issue. people keep talking about the american legislative exchange council. they are behind a lot of these laws. the issues are about justice. our fight is about justice. in the course of our movement, we bring in black on black crime, but do that at -- do not get lost in this moment to make a movement. >> one of the things that is not well covered is that all of us, we deal every day with violence. we have initiatives, drives, but the media ignores when we deal with that. >> in national action that merck
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has a anti-violence initiative where we do with black on black pilots all the time. we try to go out there and tell our young men, when you commit black on black violence, you give them a reason to say, look at them and how they behave. but as melanie says, that is not the conversation today. i have personal issues with it because my son's father was murdered when he was two. i certainly understand black on black violence, and it is an issue that we need to stay with, but there are hills outside of the community that are creating the environment. the economic condition, educational conditions. there are several issues that we have to deal with. however, we still need to do but melanie said and stay on the issue. in this case, it was gun violence that killed trayvon
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martin, so we need to address why people have so much access to guns. [applause] >> i am going to take a different tack. white people kill white people. no one in the media ever says, what are you going to do about white on white crime? asian on asian crime? no. 2, we have to quit allowing people who do not live in our world to define our world for us. just look at the prisons. who is monopolizing most of the prisons? young, black men. do not say that folks are not doing anything about black on black crime. you have young black men dominating the presence in the united states. and finally, i wish to the cameras, the network shows, would come to the churches,
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community meetings. the more you put light on the situation, the more people get involved. and you are right, reverend sharpton. we have had so many things happen in this country but we barely have a reporter say that a meeting took place. >> you are so correct. let me _ something that melanie said. the american legislative exchange council and the national rifle association are responsible for these stand your ground lost. they are now up in 23 states. -- graound laws. they are responsible for attacks on immigrants around the country as well as attacks on collective bargaining. we have to go after this in the same way that they are going after us. we have to go after them. and we have to use our economic
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pressure and sophistication to bring them down. [applause] >> the only thing i want to say about alec, which is important for you lawyers to know, they are a 5031c property. they are violating all kinds of rules. on the web site, they have a report for state legislators entitled the state legislators guide to repeal in obamacare. i do not know how more partisan you can be. >> 5031c is not supposed to do that. so we need to take a look at alec? >> no question about it. [applause]
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>> so that we go from a moment to a movement. 91% of their funding comes from businesses we support. everything from coke to pepsi. if you want to make it a movement, you tell those companies, we are not spending money with folks who pushed loss that -- laws with guns. that is how we turn this into a movement. >> up next, nicole paultre bell. the mother of sean bell, shot by new york police while returning home from his birthday party. [applause] >> welcome back to the national
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action network measuring the movement for rum. -- forum. it has been nearly 10 years since nicole paultre bell lost her husband john bell. he was celebrating with friends at a bachelor party. sean never made it home that night. he was killed by undercover officers to sprayed a total of 50 bullets at him. none of the officers involved were convicted of a crime. justice? not according to nicole paultre bell. [applause] let me take you back to november 25, 2006, your wedding day. people need to remember, these are real people. these are not people in a movement, this is your wedding day.
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your fiancee is out with his father and others at a bachelor party. what happens? >> according to his friends and joe, one of the victims that night, when sean and his friends left the party, everybody went their separate ways, they walked about a block and a half to their car. sean got into the driver's seat. everyone was saying goodbye. they were looking for to see each other in the morning at the wedding. as they turned the engine on and everyone was getting ready to take off, they see one man come out, someone they saw inside the club that night with his gun drawn at them. the first thing they did was, let's get out of here. when that happened, when sean took off --
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>> it was a plainclothes officer. there was no way for them to know that. >> absolutely not. he was in the club with them, sitting at the bar like they were. >> and then the man started shooting. the cops came, 50 shots. you got word that something happened to sean. it was our before they told you what happened? >> hours. we got to the hospital early that morning, right after it happened. we were greeted by the police officers -- and i use reading lately. they said it was a police investigation. we cannot tell you anything. we will have someone come out and talk to you. we waited hours and then we found out from members of the bachelor party that shawn had been shot by police officers. my initial thought was, what can
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happen on the night of your bachelor party, a car accident? never would have imagined that 50 shops would have been fired at sean on my wedding day. now his daughters have to grow up without him. >> you got in touch with some of us. why did you do that? >> that morning when everyone got together, we could not believe what happened. we knew that we had to reach out to someone who would make everything come to light. when you think of a tragedy, who do you think of? you think of reverend al sharpton, somebody with a voice. >> at that point, nobody knew about this. this was not in the papers, not on tv. you called us, we came in, we began the movement. we have been arrested in this
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movement together. >> the police have been fired and you have changed some of the laws as a result of the movement. another thing that is important, even when we stood in court with your mother and his parents and the judge treated the cops, there was no violence. was there ever any violence in the sean bell movement? >> absolutely not. that is not what any of us are about. what was important to us was that we show to everyone that sean was innocent, starting a new part of his life. his friends were just there to celebrate with him. that celebration turned into him not being here anymore. at the end of the day, it is so important for people to stand up
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and support families like this because it helps. shining a light really does show everyone that we cannot allow this to go along. >> when trayvon martin happen, you wrote a letter to his parents. you are involved with the movement. why do you want to be involved in this ongoing movement? you have got the cops fired, you did not get criminal justice, your children got a settlement from the city. they will be all right financially for a while. why are you still involved? >> it affected me. not to the point where this is my job, but this is my life. this was my life. now we have these other families that are going through the same thing that i have. it is so important that we all wrap our arms around each other
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and stick together. if we do not, everything will fall apart. [applause] >> your daughters will grow up without their father. you are a young woman still in your 20's, obviously attractive, but not having the man that you wanted to have as your husband. this is your life. you did not choose to become famous, this was thrust upon you. i wanted people to understand -- we are talking about ordinary people. >> it can happen to anybody. my message to everyone is, live life to the fullest and love every one like it is your last day. you never know what your neighbor will go through. this movement is so important to the families, to the community, to the world. everyone is watching. >> thank you for your bravery
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and commitment to justice. when may come back, audience questions and comments from the panel. [applause] >> welcome back to the national action network measuring the movement forum. we are speaking to nicole paultre bell. let's go to the audience to meet the family. give us your names and what happened to your son? >> my name is constance malcolm. the cops came into my home illegally, shot him one time in the chest and killed him. >> they killed him in your home. this happened earlier this year?
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>> february 2. >> they broke into the home saying they were looking for him under some suspicion, broke into the home and killed him in the bathroom in front of his younger brother. how old was he? >> 6 years old. >> six years old and his grandmother. your attorney, give us your name. >> rice from seoul. i want to make sure the facts are clear as we know it. this young man was 18, unarmed, he was walking into his apartment to be with his grandmother and little brother. police then entered illegally and killed him in his bathroom. what is important, from what we see in this case here, and what we have seen in florida, as a people, we can see the apple does not farl far from the tree. we have those out there that are
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in quasi-law enforcement positions and they see how police treat those of color and examples of excessive abuse. we see those people that take up this clause i-law enforcement position and backed out. so you have an incident like trayvon martin. with the expect to happen when those see what police officers are doing in our community? this case is being investigated, although there is a lot of investigation and there has not been any presentation in the grand jury for an indictment to come down and for this officer to be convicted. hopefully, with your help, reverend sharpton, with the committee's report, -- support, we can see that come through. >> here we have a police case in new york and around the country. trayvon martin was not even a registered watchmen.
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then there is -- yet there are those who say we are in a post- race area and we do not need civil rights. we have already said we need to look at groups like alec that put up legislation. how do we deal with the problem of policing? we saw this in oakland, and what we saw with trayvon martin. the same information on the probable cause affidavit that the special prosecutor used and did not arrest zimmerman pier there was police misconduct there. there was no smoking gun that they did not have. how do we deal with this problem of policing? >> the issue that connects these stories is the issue of racial profiling. you have it with law enforcement, and in the issue of trayvon martin, you have a private civilian engaged in the same practice of identify
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suspicious individuals based on their race and nothing more. there are efforts under way to ban racial profiling at the federal level. the issue, of course, here, is that the state level. there are organizations like the naacp, aclu, and their website provide useful information. we are mounting a campaign against racial profiling at the federal level. this has been an ongoing effort for over a decade. at one point, even george w. bush recognized the need for it, but 9/11 intervened and made it hard to get that result. men and women of good will, regardless of their race, have to focus at the state level to make sure racial profiling is prohibited as a law-enforcement tactics. in too many instances, we see the damage that results from our failure to control it. >> angela, we know senator
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durbin is dealing with hearings on racial profiling. how do we bear down and then make federal law and then enforce the law about racial profiling, whether it pertains to police or civilians? >> first and foremost, there has to be consequences on the state, federal, and local level. we have to deal with subjective standard of feeling afraid. black men is not synonymous with danger or violence. at some point, we have to address that. congressional black caucus members have certainly commended the doj under investigation in the trayvon martin case, and over time, there will be a precedent set for consequences for profiling. >> i like to point you make about fear and having to pay for it. when we saw in other cases how
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people are sent to jail, people backed up. but as long as they see that nothing will happen, they become empowered to go forward. even as we say we are to take matters into our own hands, they think it is easy, it is a fight. but when the system makes people pay for it, that is when answers will change. >> absolutely, reverend. everybody lives consequential lives. if the consequence is positive, you continue the behavior. if it is negative, you ask, is it worth this? it is critical to understand, there is a template in jacksonville. we got rid of the chief justice that said disparaging things about african-american youth. he was on the bench for a while until they bar association of lawyers got together with us,
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and then we got in touch with the jqc to take him down. so bar associations around the country need to be engaged, so that when police do this, they are coming down. [applause] >> my name is bobby simpson. i am from southern maryland. i am wondering if anybody in the congressional black caucus, anyone working in the legislature, has done anything to do introduce information as it relates to -- it is terrorism. what happens in our communities, the way that they profile our black men, that is terrorism. the way that they are shooting them several times is terrorism. that is a hate crime. while we are looking at people who look different from the people in the united states, the youth bottom line is, we look at our white brothers and sisters on a daily basis patrolling our
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neighborhoods but acting as terrorists to our young black men. >> briefly, to address the point about the congressional black caucus, i want to make it abundantly clear, our members represent less than 10% of the u.s. house of representatives, and even less when you consider the other side of the chamber, the senate. i would encourage everyone here and everyone watching to get out and vote so that we have representation for the very issue that you raised. you are right. our members worked diligently, but they can use your support. >> we will continue this conversation when we come back. national action network measuring the movement black leadership forum. [applause] >> welcome back. we are talking about how to turn the trayvon martin death into a
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movement that protects the lives of others that they find themselves in the same dangerous situation. on our panel is tamika mallory, executive director of the national action member, wade henderson, dr. e. faye williams, the national chair of the national congress of black williams -- women. .elanie campbell president and ceo of the national association for equal opportunity in higher education. and victoria personnel, northeast regional director of youth for the national action network. back to the audience. >> injustice anywhere is a
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threat to justice everywhere. my name is marine. chicago chapter president. we are dealing with a situation where someone was shot 28 times by four rookie white police officers. howard morgan was just sentenced to 40 years in prison. >> wait a minute. howard morgan was shot 28 times. >> he was shot 21 times in the bac. >> how was he sentenced? >> he was sentenced on intimidation and bullying. they said he was tried to shoot the police officers. the judge, who we are educating our people on, wanted to give him 135 years but ended up giving him 40. this man was shot 21 times in the back, six times in the front, once in the head, and he still lived. but he was just sentenced 40 years. he has lived long enough to tell
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the story. we're also dealing with a 22- year-old girl that were shot by an off-duty police officer. i just spoke at her funeral last week. we are also dealing with a young man with autism. a police man came into the house and shot him dead. we are dealing with terrorism, intimidation, and the bullying of the police officers across the nation. we are advocating and elevating the minds of our people, through education. incarceration is not a key. we do not want any vigilantes' but we want justice done that is done against us. >> thank you so much, reverend sharpton. first of all, i want to compliment you for how you promote young women and bring them forward to show people that we have a lot of women leaders
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in this country. [applause] in a law, it is said there is a principle that violence gives consent. too often, we give consent to our own demise. we as leaders have a responsibility to connect the dots for our people when someone is not supporting us on worker'' rights, on women's rights. we need to call on all of our friends to be with us. sometimes we just call on the congressional black caucus. they are not the only one that we give votes to in this country. we give votes to many people in the country so we should not put the burden on the congressional black caucus. when they get angry, 22 learned to put action behind our emotions. every time you get angry, you need to register another person to vote. you need to speak up on someone else's behalf. we need to take a lesson from trayvon's mother, who has been
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totally focused on getting justice for her son. [applause] >> let me ask the panel a question. since the election of president obama, i have seen the racial climate really get even more intense. do you think a lot of the attacks and the depiction of the president has been based on race and has brought out a lot of racial feelings that had been under the surface, but now our people are coming out more blatant with it? >> thank you so much for the question, reverend sharpton. i want to join my colleagues in thanking you for your tremendous leadership, not only on this but other issues. certainly, there has not been a time in history when the president of the free world has been disrespected to the extent that our current president is. [applause]
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from the opening of his first day of the union when a member of congress yelled from the floor, "liar." the president of the free world was putting forth his vision of the nation. supreme court justices called them out by his name. the other leadership of this country has given him permission, folks to disrespect the president of the free world. it is not a question of whether people would disagree with his policies. it is the fact that he is in the office of the head of the free world. never has anybody disrespected the office to that extent. i do believe it is racially based. america's black colleges, over which i am privileged to preside, we are doing something about it. we want to work with everyone who is represented here but we also have resources. whether you are talking about mr. morgan or the other cases, we have six law schools.
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one here at howard university, one and the district of columbia -- [applause] we have another law school in town, david a. clarke law school. we have another at southern university, n.c. central. our law schools are bastions of resources where people are trained. how do you make the constitution, a live and work for justice? if you look at social movements across america, all of them have spawned from four have been the result of these. we have a critical role and we are committed to building on traditions and playing a central role in turning this pain in to progress and into a movement. >> let's go back to the audience. >> marcus coleman. i first want to echo my
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admiration and love for you to let people like myself and other chapter members use this opportunity to fight for justice. [applause] i bring you a report from atlanta. there is an attack on our children. every case i speak about is under 20 years old. three cases are in the grand jury awaiting decision. one man was shot twice in the back by union city police in georgia, unarmed, on a cell phone. dontray williams. a 15-year-old with the mental capacity of a 10-year-old, shot 17 times, hit five. jo stafford, shot three times by transit police officers and killed. all of these unarmed. the latest case that has come through atlanta involves two of our own, two black individuals
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who were security guards who were out of their jurisdiction of the apartment they were patrolling, shot and killed an unarmed 19-year-old, and they have been charged with impersonating a police officer, not for the death of the individual. >> it is a national problem. we are talking about what we are going to do about it. we talked about alec, hsbcu's. we have to begin to turn this pain into how we can empower and gain in the community. we will continue the conversation after the break. and kadiatou diallo on the murder of her son, i amadou diallo. [applause]
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>> welcome back. , no dll was just 23 years old when his life was taken by new york city police. he was returning from dinner and was shot at 41 times as he reached into his jacket to get his wallet to identify himself. here with his tragic story is his mother kadiatou plo. -- diallo. [applause] you are a native of guinea. you were there when you receive the call that your son had been killed. you could not believe it? >> i was in guinea that morning the phone call came. i've picked up the phone. it was a relative of mine, a cousin of amadou in new york city to called, it was early in
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the morning. i said, due to the difference of the time, if someone is calling at this time from new york city and it is not my son, then it could be about my son. >> in your book "my heart will cross my ocean" you relived every moment. tell us briefly what happened. >> i could not believe when i heard about my son being killed by four police officers. in the only thing i wanted was to go to new york city and come to where my son lived and died. i remember traveling from guinea and landing at airport, watching through the airplane and seeing the police cars lined up with flashing lights. i was thinking, what is happening here? little did i know, and giuliani
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had -- >> the mayor of new york city. >> he had sent them to take me off the plane and seclude where i am so that they could control may be where i would be living, where i would stay, who i would meet. they took us to a luxurious hotel on fifth avenue. i called one of our relatives to help me get in touch with the community. i was frantic. i did not know what was happening around me. i remember that night after the rally organized for my son, when you came to meet with me at the hotel, i grab your hand and i said i do not want to be here, reverend. i want to be with the community.
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>> i do not think madam plo gets enough credit. i said, we can look out for you but we cannot give you the luxuries that a mayor and the police was guarding her. she said she wanted to be in the community, and she walked out with us and has never left. [applause] >> let me say, though, all the credit you have to be given all the credit of the movement, reverend sharpton. [applause] when my son was killed, i asked you to help us get justice for amadou. we started a journey with you in your family and the movement. i believe it was a long journey. along the journey, many others came along. you never tired. you continued to lead the
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movement. i pray and hope, with the trayvon martin case, that we will finally be able to resolve the situation. [applause] >> in every case that has come up, you have been there. you would call me about cases i did not even know about. this has become your life passion. you formed a foundation, andy amadou the yellow foundation, just as nickel has done. why is it important to you -- you could have gone back to guinea, settled, got what the city settled for, and lived relatively comfortable. but you are here, your children have moved here. you are at the forefront of a struggle with your foundation. why? >> it is a very good question. people think after the camera is
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gone the family will just settle and be quiet and continue to live their life and take a little bit of money and continue. you will continue to go through this loss, as i am, and that is why i know i can relate to trayvon martin's mom. it is a struggle but a promise i made to my son. i will fight for you and build your legacy to last. [applause] thank you. most importantly, reverend sharpton, i promised my son, after i cried, i said i will speak for you. my son was stereotyped. one of the panelists talked about racial profiling. racial stereotyping was done to amadou.
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you remember the headlines. the unarmed west african street vendor. to suggest that this was an insignificant person that was gunned down. thank god amadou had people to tell the world who he was. it is important to continue this legacy. we have problems. we continue to have these situations. many cases happening. we just saw one family in the bronx, in 2012, their son had been shot at also. nicole bell is here. take a look at this young lady who has her whole life to live. she does not have a husband any more to help raise her daughters. when i see this, when i see cases like patrick, her mother cried for her only child.
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she cried until her death. our life has been changed forever. we will never be the same. the only thing that gives us strength is to know that people care, people will continue to support our struggle. [applause] >> caveat to the yellow, this is real life. -- kadiatou diallo, this is real life. we are glad that you came the other night to speak to trayvon's mother. when we come back, we will go back to audience questions. madam diallo, thank you. [applause] >> welcome back. let's go back to our audience. >> good afternoon.
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my name is kenneth chamberlain jr.. i am the son of kenneth chamberlain senior. for those of you that do not know, my father was shot and killed by a plainclothes officer in new york. they were responding to a medical emergency. when he told them he was ok, they insisted on gaining entry into my father's apartment appeared when he refused to let them in, they ultimately broke down the door after using racial slurs and taunting him and shot him twice in the chest and killed him. >> give the people around the country an idea of your father's background. he was home, they use racial language, you say. they were responding to a medical emergency. give us his background in terms of the man your father was and the medical condition he was in when they broke the door down.
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>> quickly, my father was a retired marine. he was a 20-year veteran of the westchester county department of corrections, retired. he suffered from a heart condition as well as copd. excuse me. >> take your time. [applause] >> it is kind of hard to talk about it appeared when you think about it, you say that these are individuals ever coming to assist him. a possible mercy call because he was in trouble. he told them when they banged on the door, i am all right, i did not call you. they said, open the door. he said, i do not have to, i know my rights. i did not do anything wrong.
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>> he was a former corrections officer. >> correct. they used expletives when he asked why they were doing this. they said, i do not give an f, and then they used the n-word. then they broke down the door. remember, they were responding to a potential emergency. they tasered him immediately. they shot him four times with a beanbag shotgun before shooting him twice, using deadly force, using his revolvers. >> this happened when? >> november 19, 2011. >> these things continue to happen. let me go back to the panel. victoria, you are a young person. as a young person, you decided
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that you wanted to be involved in activism, not in the 1960's. you were not even born -- you barely made the 20th-century. yet, you are involved and active. why? >> as a young person, it is sad to see all this happening. a young person should be enjoying their life on the grass, and eating ice cream, instead of watching our young black males and our fathers being killed. that is why i got involved. i did not want to see that. i want to change things. [applause] >> just so people know around the country, how old are you? >> 12. >> when will you be 13? >> june 28. >> people around the country,
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talking about dealing with voting, dealing with the legislation. people ought to be ashamed. let's go back to the audience. >> my name is terry ryan. i am 13 from new york. >> my mom is on this panel and i personally lost my father to gun violence. how will you bring in young people into activism and how can young people help? >> how will you bring young people into activism? you can start, victoria. >> there are many different ways to bring young people into activism. young people have to actually care about what is going on. we have to make young people
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aware. that is the one thing that the youth movement works on, making people aware of what is going on in their surroundings. if young people do not know what is going on, they are just going to watch tv or play video games, what people expect us to do. we are making young people aware. that is how you can be brought into activism. . i thank you for standing up there to ask the question. >> that is what is going to take, all of us,, and that is one thing i wanted to make clear.
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you say i am an older guy with a james brown do. each of these organizations can make sure that the movement is not die. stay with us. welcome back. we are at howard university, talking about what has become a trade on martin -- trayvon's moment. we heard from her mother and others about how their loved ones were shot down in the prime
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of their lives, and how justice is still hard to come by. right now we will turn to our organizations and get some concrete action, to not only build a movement, but keep it going forward. i want to ask you, give any concrete things in the next 12 months that your organization is committed to doing. we talked about -- i want specific things that your organization is going to do so next year when we meet their but to put up what you said and put up what you did. >> we will fight the law to overturn it, the stand your ground law. then we intend to register voters. we have been working on that,
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raising the issues of the voter suppression loss and continue to register voters. most importantly, the network is keeping people engaged in the issues. people did not note the stand your ground law existed, and we are going to figure out what is happening out there and keep people's eyes and ears open. >> stand your ground loss, voter registration. >> it is a standard we have to apply. one of the things we are doing, working with groups like the lawyers committee for civil rights that has an election protection network that tries to help guarantee that you will be able to cast your vote. voter i.d. has become a problem all across the country, and we are seeing efforts to suppress the black vote, the progressive
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vote. we will have to fight that. the aclu is a huge part of that, and we have got to registered more voters now than we have ever done, because the truth is, if we're not voting, our impact will be diminished. that is the issue that connects all of these very powerful and painful stories we have heard. we will underscore the importance of trying to redress racial profiling at the federal level. rest assured we have been pushing this for over a decade. what is likely to make us successful now is that the powerful stories we have for today underscore the importance of taking action, and we will translate that enter into political action and accountability. that is why registry to vote, making sure we establish coalitions with individuals who share our concerns and make a difference. >> voter i.d. and order registration. >> last year in florida, our chapter worked on registry more
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voters, helping to get the vote out. we will continue that across the country. the florida chapters are working on stand your ground to have it repealed. we will get our chapters across the country to be more involved. we will do what dick gregory always advised us, try to be more lovable than just worrying about being laughed, because when we are lovable we will support our leaders no matter what they are doing. if leslie can do it black colleges better than we, we will put our efforts into what leslie is doing. we did not all have to be up front and center, and people keep telling our members that. support and respect each other when we are working on the same kinds of things. we continue to do that and push that every day to our leaders about cooperating, forming
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coalitions who are doing great things in our community's best interests. >> you have a big microphone and a big footprint. >> the first thing i want to say is i have a six-year-old grandson, and i hope to lay down at the young and likes the number men. [laughter] part of our job is to keep him alive, healthy, and educated, because where will be the man that will marry young ladies like this? let me go to the first part. ben hooks -- there were 30,000 radius' stations in the united states, and only nine were black owned. we will support the shows that
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sharpton is on, that joe madison is on. we have got to support those shows. was killed and no one was to tell our story. we must demand that programmers make sure that the program. the second thing i will say, and finally, something ron walters said, and that is, who is chairman of the political science department at howard university, movements require sacrifice. finally, what i am saying is, you may not be able to do what sharpton does, where people on this panel to, but everyone can do something. >> leslie, quickly --
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>> we have 500,000 students across the country. we are working to meld this student base into a potent advocacy network. we're also working through those students to register folks and engage them. we're working with melanie campbell and her civic engagement group. we will continue to do that. we are developing a curriculum so we can train students, in college, elementary, and secondary school in nonviolent social change. we are working with children defense fund, which has freedom schools across america. they teach students -- they have extra learning opportunities, but those learning opportunities are steeped in the best of social justice movements, and we will continue to work with them.
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we have had discussions about the possibility of establishing a eight reverend jesse louis jackson center for social justice and activism and, and having chairs on other campuses, we might have at the reverend al sharpton chair, may be for -- >> i'm not as old as jesse. let us take a break, and we will wrap up with our panel. thank you. [applause] welcome back. let's go to the audience. >> i am from charleston, south carolina. i am a member of the national action network, and i am proud to be a member because we are getting things done. will you say to our young men
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who are frustrated, who have lost confidence in the justice system, who are tired of being racially profile, being gunned down . what do you say? >> i say first of all it is completely understandable the frustration and completely understandable that we want to give up. we must realize that we are fighting a battle of those that never gave up for us. if they before us could take out right lynchings where they had no laws, where we had four fathers who had to watch their wives the rate and could not call the cops, because the cops were not bound to protect them. they looked for the day we could do better. we have got to be able to
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discipline our frustration and turn it into some organization and mobilization for our children. getting frustrated and just exploding is what they want us do, because then we can feed into where they can declare war on all of us. we need to use our frustration to fuel costs rather than defeat us. >> good afternoon. i am from baltimore city, maryland, the capital of police brutality. i want to know, will this panel support the obstruction of justice charges against the police department in the florida and other police departments are run the country? there is a conspiracy to obstruct justice. will you this year go along with boycotting florida, this year, on the basis of a stand your
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ground law until they repealed the law this year? >> anyone on the panel? >> we need to have complete plans of what we're going to do. that is just one of them. our organization calls for not going to florida before george zimmermann was on rested, and we see that actions like the all had that finally got him arrested, so the answer is yes. >> all right, yes. audience. >> hi. i'm a junior here at howard university. my question is about college students and activism. students are known for the group that meet all of these missions as far as the numbers that get
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information out, especially with the social media. my question is, how can we engage more students nationally, specifically college students on panels like this? >> is a great question. howard is my alma maters. i am proud to be here. what you have seen today our extraordinary young people. the victoria who spoke and the other people that are here are a new generation of leaders, now and in the future. it is young people who have led the way of our social justice movement historically. leslie has talked about an effort to coordinate students among historically black colleges. we have the u.s. student association, that are members of the leadership conference, and the youth conference, the naacp, need to be coordinated in
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a nationwide campaign to assist us specifically with this election and these issues at the state and local level. we pledge to make that happen. >> all right, thank you. we will be back with some final thoughts right after this. [applause] this is all the time we have. before we go, some final thoughts from our guests. >> thank you, reverend sharpton. i am humbled and honored to be part of this wonderful event. i would like to ask you, reverend sharpton, you have to promise us, and i know you will, help us to pass strong laws that can eradicate racial profiling in this country. we need that because for the first time i have to share what
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happened to my grandchildren, my three boys, seven years old, in our living room. they always ask me, what happened to him? this time they watch me speaking about the martin case on television and say, now we know what happened to our uncle. we need you to help us, and finally, i would like to bring the attention of everybody that we as families of victims of police brutality and racial profiling, we need you to continue after the cameras are gone to read about what we're doing, where are we. please go on the website of the amadou foundation, and see what we are doing.
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what i think will happen to our reunion of the families of all the victims. [applause] >> first, to everyone, and to reverend sharpton, everyone who put this together, all the panelists, this is so important, not only for trade on martin, but for sean bell, for amadou diallo, for everyone who has lost loved ones to senseless killings. people are afraid to talk about racism, afraid to talk about discrimination, but it is the truth, and we are the living witnesses to show you it is a life. we think reverend sharpton, continuing to be a strong force in our fight in all of our
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fights and continue to band up continuetrayvon martin, but we need more reverend sharpton people. >> let me thank the panelists, tamika mallory, and those who have served today, and let me thank the audience. that me say to all of you, no matter who you are, you have something you can do. we're going to deal with the stand your ground laws around the country, of voter i.d., and voter registration. what are you going to do? go to the web site and find out what organizations you can join. you may not like anything of what you heard, but whenever you believe, do not criticize others. tell us what you are doing
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yourself. do not be a professional critic. be a real activist. the morning that i got on the plane, had it to sanford, florida, i got the word that my mother had passed. i do not care what criticism i get in and out of the community. i am doing what i believe. the question is, what do you believe and what are you going to do? thank you for watching. [applause] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2012] [captioning performed by national captioning institute]
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>> in just over an hour, a news conference for victims of gun violence. it is hosted by the brady center to prevent gun violence. live coverage begins at noon eastern on c-span. tax day is tomorrow, and this afternoon, americans for tax reform will be joined with members from congress to talk about federal income taxes. also, c-span3 will carry a house oversight hearing in reaction to a report that found excessive spending oat a gsa conference. that is live at 1:30 eastern this afternoon at c-span3. congress is back this week after spring break. the house meets at 2:00 p.m. today. you can see the house live on c-
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span later in the week on highway and mass transit legislation. the house gavels in at 2:00 p.m. eastern. the senate is also in at 2:00. a procedural vote on the buffet rule is set for 5:30 p.m. eastern. >> we owe it to our first responders to give them a modern communications network, and that is what this legislation does. clunkers created firstnet, and then indicated at $7 billion would be made available to go ahead and design and construct this network. >> tonight lawrence strickling
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on communication policies. federal income tax returns are due tomorrow. we spoke with a national taxpayer advocate. host: thank you for being here. taxes are due tomorrow at midnight. what is the biggest problem with the american tax code? >> complexity, and that presents the most difficulty for taxpayers, trying to figure out whether they have the right answer or not on their tax returns, and the complexity causes that. host: explain your role.
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guest: my job was created by congress, and it requires me to be the voice of the taxpayer. there are four prongs of my office. host: what are the biggest missteps that people make on the returns? guest: nothing in particular this year. last year we had problems with the first time home buyer credit. this year some of the delays in refunds. host: if you have questions -- we will also put on our screen
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the phone number for the irs advocate case hotline. how do people come about getting a hold of you? hostguest: serious economic problems, like levying your bank account, or when you have tried to solve the problem and you have not been able to get it done. it drags on and on.
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where one individual it is one of the few places in the irs where one individual is responsible for one case. there were only a few thousand taxpayers back in 1913. it expanded in 1944 when we got withholding. to date we have 141 million, and the pages of the code had increased. we have calculated there are over 500 changes to the tax loss in 2010, which is more than one today, which is crazy and goes back to what i said earlier, taxpayers do not know what is in the law.
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host: let's go to the phones. caller: i recently had interaction with an office. i must say my first experience was out of denver, colorado. in the case of the irs, that is an organism that shifts -- and is a huge. it is so frustrating in trying to make a call, even if you give up your pin. it is like it is out of state. as the irs look at the possibility of streamlining the process, and if he could get rid
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of all the pages -- you could shrink the government's size, make the paper work simple. i will take your comment offline. host: why did you reach out to her agency? caller: i had an issue in 2006 where they asked for me to be audited. i even tried to e-mail ms. olson. i am begging for an audit. i am saying, please come audit me. i have contacted heard d.c. office. guest: i do not want you to give your information, but perhaps you could share with the person handling the funds your
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information so i could get back to you or my staff can get back to you personally. i am sorry you have had a difficult time. i will respond to your answer offline. your question -- with respect to how my office works, we do not have the power to do audits ourselves. we have to get the irs to do what the taxpayer needs. sometimes we are pushing up against that very same bureaucracy that you yourself described, and for your particular case i will make sure things are taken care of. the larger question that you had about the size of the irs and the complexity of the law -- the irs is a 100,000 person organization, shrinking in the last three years. we have grown from 353,000
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taxpayers to 141 million taxpayers. we have fewer employers per taxpayer than most major systems in the world. i think we can do a lot more in working efficiently and effectively, and what i think would streamline things much more is that the irs would pick up the phone and talk to taxpayers before it they do a lot of these actions that later they have to undo, like assessing tax or putting levies on taxpayers' bank accounts, to find out whether they could make a payment arrangement or whether it would cause economic harm. once they do the levee, we have to unwind it. spending a lot of time, taking actions we need to on wind, when
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we could be using that energy and that time to call tax payers proactively or in your case scheduling an audit when it worked for the taxpayer, as well as for the irs. that is one of the things that we have been really pushing. i will say one more thing, a lot of people who promotes a national sales tax or getting rid of the tax code, getting rid of the tax code as we know it, they say we will get rid of the irs. that is very nice yves. with sales taxes, you still need someone to collect the tax. we will never get rid of the irs, but we needed to work better and we need it to communicate better and be much more open and receptive. host: republican line. caller: would it not greatly
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simplify the tax code if the corporate income tax was completely eliminated? and all interest, dividends, capital gains be taxed as income? the fairness issue would then go away and we would have a better economy because corporations are not under the pressures of congress and the tax code. guest: that is a proposal many people have suggested, integrating theteindividual incn the law today there is a type of corporation, the s corp., where all the income and losses are pass through to the shareholders, but it still has the corporate limited liability. he still have it calculate the corporations' net income. having no taxation on
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corporations and taxing income, profits, losses, to the individual shareholders, you would have to figure out what is that corp.'s net income, and that gives us operations -- opportunities to create lots of loss and preferences said there will still be some rules about corporate income. you do not get away from that problem. it is one of the proposals that a lot of thinkers about tax policy and economists have put on the table for the last 20 years. host: 8 stuart says the tax code changes at least once a day. is that because of necessity or a change for the sake of change? guest: others are very tiny provisions that address some and there are a
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lot of groups. host: let's hear from marjorie in pittsburgh. caller: this is strange, but i do not feel i paid nearly enough taxes. a lot of my income is in dividends, and if you were qualified dividend's worksheet, you come out with a much lower tax rate, and it is a huge loophole. i have tried to reach different people about this, like finance committees in the house and senate. i do not know if this will ever come to the floor, but it is a big revenue loss, even if it is against my better interests, it is not fair for me to be paying these lower taxes. i talked to lee cpa, and she said, if the irs does not come
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after you, maybe you could use this money for charity or support different candidates. i do not know what you are thinking about. guest: my office does not do tax policy, and the issue we work on, how the irs treats tax payers, and hubble law makes it difficult for the irs to treat taxpayers well. the issue you raised, should you pay a higher or lower rate on different kinds of income, dividends and capital gains versus wages, and if you read the news that is a hot issue. there will be opportunities coming forward as you are in an election year and things like that where people will talk about that very issue. i would say that the preferential rates caused
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additional complexities in the code. he described having to go through a worksheet, and each one of those things increases the likelihood of mistakes. host: nina olson is the national taxpayer advocate that helps americans. taxes are due tomorrow at midnight. not today. mr. date was sunday. yesterday -- yesterday was sunday. today is the 150th anniversary of emancipation day in the district of columbia. guest: two extra days does not lead to procrastination. we have one spike about the end
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of january, beginning of february, and they rushed out to get their refunds. and we have the spike toward the end of the season and that is people who owe taxes, and they tend to wait until the last minute. what we now have is a lot of people who are having to file extensions because more people than ever are invested in mutual funds, stock accounts, and often they do not get the information from the brokerage houses until very close to the filing deadline, said they file an extension and have until october 15. the third spike is october 15. host: 60% of individual taxpayers higher someone to do taxpayers for them. 19 out of 19 tax preparation outlets made mistakes on tax
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returns. 17 of them made significant mistakes. guest: gao did an interesting shopping visit where they went to 19 preparers, and some of the scenarios involve people adding cash income, and they asked the preparer whether they needed to report that income. in many cases, the preparer said you do not have to, and in one instance the tax payer/gao employee it pass don't you think i should put the preparer said the irs will never know you got it. that led to the recommendations we made starting in 2002 that led to the regulation of preparers who are not attorneys, now having to are
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register with the irs, and starting this year they have to take a test to prepare returns, and they will have to have continuing education. it amazes me that it took what that long for that tenures for people to recognize how important it was to have some kind of life insurance in order to prepare returns, because tax payers or being harmed. host: why does the irs not have to -- guest: that is a trend for anything that has occurred, people have not are marked on that, which is part of our high compliance rate, 83.6%. that is the best estimate we have. what is driving it is businesses around the united states are withholding and paying that
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money into the street that is what gets us to high compliance rates. as we talk about it, we could impose more withholding, we're putting it on the businesses, and some proposals are you might want to think about giving some rebate to businesses, if they pay early or they are talking about procrastinators. a lot of states do that with sales tax. you can deduct 1% if you pay before the 15th of the month. we think about things like that to recognize the things that businesses are bearing to get this high rate of compliance. host: what freedom to you have to think about that? "the christian science monitor"
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looks at that and says he raised things -- and says you raise things that nobody wants to talk about. guest: i came into this job thinking i had a great deal of experience, and what i needed was continue to listen to them. i have opinions, and i look at things having to do with tax payers. i take that independence seriously, and that means i disagree with my direct boss, the commissioner, and the people who over see me and create my office, congress. it is what comes with the job. host: nina olson serves as the
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advocate for tax payers and leads and authorization of 2000 advocates that helps people work with the irs to correct systemic and procedural problems within the code. prior to this she served as the a's executive director of the commodity tax law project, and owned and operated an accounting tax preparation service in north carolina. jackson, ohio. caller: i heard about a case on the radio where the irs was taking an individual to court and was trying to seize property in tax court. he took them to federal court and won a judgment which set for
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anyone deepened government or the irs to seize someone's party they had to go to federal court and could not be compelled into tax court. my second question involved something i always wondered about. i heard many moons ago that the statement that you see on tax forms that if you do not pay your taxes, the irs has the authority to garnishee wages, that is like paragraph a. paragraph b says it can do that only if you are a federal employee. guest: congress made it clear for the irs to actually do a seizure tangible property, real property, other than a levy, had to get a federal district court. there is a seizure process.
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united states tax court has jurisdiction over cases called collection due process cases. this was a provision that came in in 1988 which set before the irs can levy upon property, bank account or wages, the first time it tries to do it with respect to any tax, the taxpayer had to be given a hearing, the opportunity to ask for a hearing, before an appeals officer. if he did not like the result of that hearing, were you present it alternatives to a collection action, you could go to the united states tax court. united states tax court has jurisdiction over appeals of collection due process proceedings. as far as levying, the irs has brought collection powers. unlike any private creditor who
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brought the united states must go to court and get a judgment before it garnishes your wages or levies on your bank account or seizes stocks or any of those things, the irs can go ahead under its statutory administrative levy a party without a judgment and take action as long as you have been noticed, notified, that the tax has been assessed, and a demand has been made for payment. that is the statutory framework. after you have gotten that notice and the band, the first time the irs tried to levy your account, you have a right to have a collection due process hearing in which you can raise alternatives to that collection. if you do not like the results, you can get the united state tax court. host: what is the operating budget for your department? guest: close to $300 million.
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i have 2000 employees tear out the united states. i have 75 offices. congress required us to have one office in each state, and since some of the states are larger, we have more than one office in the states, so we can be a run the people. host: how much of the resistance is tax simplification is a consequence of a large government bureaucracy justified in supporting its own existence? guest: that is a complete misconception of who makes bell wall. i had people say the irs code, and i said the irs did not write this code. it is difficult to administer. it is congress that passes laws.
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the irs and misters it picked the president proposes laws, but the irs is down there on the totem pole in terms of having an impact. when i came into the office, one of the first things identified was there were six definitions of a child -- before you even got down to the line saying here are my wages, you had to say how many dependents you had, and then are you entitled to child care credit? when my first recommendation was let's get a uniform definition of a child. something as simple as that, it took until 2004 to get that enacted, and we still have a couple more definitions of a child that have crept back in spirit that is not the irs doing that. host: the irs does not write the
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tax code, the congress died. jumble this and a jumble that, i wasn't nervous about it, because the tax preparer knows my history and i trust what she put there. she was amazing. everybody i dealt with in the office goes through every
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single line, why you needed this, why you needed that, and it was not a horrible, rotten experience. the irs is not your mother's irs where they are trying to attack you and army and take your money. monitor" points out that 110 million is the number of calls the irs gets from taxpayers each year. exams where you go to the irs office or the irs comes out to you. 78% of individual audits each year are done by correspondence.
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you are sitting down at a table and somebody is looking at your documents in your able to have a give-and-take and go back and forth. there is no human being assigned to your case. you get a different person each time you call in. the first letter we did a survey, and these were surveys of income taxes, and many taxpayers to not know they were under audit. "we are looking at your return." it was so cryptic to them that they did not know what they needed to provide. the irs rarely acknowledges they have your mail.
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often, you have to go to tax court if you want to protest. what is interesting is that we have something right now -- to the caller's point, to get a virtual audit, they can schedule an appointment with an auditor anywhere in the country, but there's this give-and-take and they are not taken from one person to another person to another person. in the correspondence exams there is no one employee assigned to that case and no one employee responsible for the results. host: glenda, democratic caller.
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caller: i've seen mrs. olson a number of times, but my representative -- i was assigned to a person in jacksonville who deserves accolades, because i had called the tax office, and i didn't get any help, but thank goodness for my representative.
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guest: the phone line we have is the phone number for my employees. they are supposed to help solve the problems before they come to us, if they can. i am glad you got help. congressional offices. i can only say that we deal with about 100,000 cases a year, and we have about a 75% released right, meaning that three out of every four taxpayers get the relief. host: for those listening on radio, 1-877-275-8271 is the
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number for the irs that its case line. bill, good morning. caller: i really don't have any beef. what's the point? i'm just one of these fellows, and there are a lot of us around the country, resigned to our fate. as far as the tax code itself, how are we going to untangle it? 17 out of 17 tax preparers made significant errors. it is so tangled that the only solution is to make it more complicated. people who would do tax stuff will descend on washington, d.c. to defend their own interests.
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all the taxes embedded will come do and it would be simple or complicated. host: "the christian science monitor" starts off with an anecdote of you help in a family member with a tax return. it is even hard for you. guest: i do do my own taxes and i do returns for family members. the issue of tax reform -- we can take a lot of lessons from 1986. it took about six years of hard work and intensive work.
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putting out plans and getting the plans shot down, it was about two years of hard legislative work. somebody said to me at one point, bill gale from brookings, that the tax reform that would really work is something that everybody views today as impossible. up until the very moment at the 1986 reform passed, people said it was impossible to pass. we have to get comprehensive tax reform. what is required is enormous political will, will on the part of congress, and more
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importantly, for just the concept of tax reform, will on the part of taxpayers themselves. on our website we have a place taxpayers can but in the tax reform suggestions did ask them to identify what tax benefit they would be willing to give up. i also ask them what is the most unfair thing about the code. the vast majority of the benefits are not in special interest provisions to oil and gas. they are in special interest
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from. the exclusion for health care, capital gains, and if you look at all those things, that is where the money is and that is where we need to play with in order to have greater simplification. taxpayers have to say they are willing to do that or congress will not have the political will and neither will the administration. host: "the new york times" looks at what is coming down the pipe in the next year. it points out along the lines of what you did three largest are health insurance, mortgage interest rates, and 401ks. secretary timothy geithner talked about this yesterday on "this week."
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[video clip] >> we signed an extension to>> not going to happen during this year. >> this is not going to happen during >> of course you can do that in an election year. they just need to be willing to do that. there needs to be a strong senate coming in during the lame-duck session and put in fiscal reforms over the long run that will prevent damage to the economy. host: secretary of the treasury tim geithner on "this week" talking about taxmageddon. we don't know how it is going to turn out yet.
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guest: these expiring provisions occur every single year. what has eventually happen is that on december 27, congress passed the extender bill. the irs is not able to program its computer for -- we are designing our forms and it is back in september or something. we will have the computer reprogrammed. we have seen that in every single filing season the past few years. the cost to the complexity delay and failure to get a consensus. host: david, independent line. caller: thank you for c-span. great show.
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in 2010, my wife and i did add direct transfer to ira money. it was a 1099-r form we sent in. i took direct distributions and they want me to pay taxes for it. it makes you wonder, how can they make a mistake like this? two questions -- how could a simple statement to this -- all on one second -- host: david, we got to go. guest: look at the 1099 and see if all the boxes were correctly checked. the irs and depends on t


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