tv Washington This Week CSPAN May 5, 2012 2:00pm-3:59pm EDT
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it was a pivotal learning experience. i said i'm not going to let that happen again. >> right. >> they said who in the class was most likely to be president? there was no campaign. >> were you a popular student? >> that was one of those -- how did that happen? believe it or not, i never wanted to get involved in politics or campaigns. [unintelligible]
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i have my phone number, my e- mail address. when i am elected, i will do just the same as i am now. very much appreciate your support. again, anybody has any questions? thank you very much. [unintelligible] >> well, there are five that large, so there are about 10 people. >> however by looking? -- how am i looking? [laughter] >> not good.
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that could change the equation radically is if we are inundated. after he gets kicked in the teeth, a lot of those 20- somethings's would come here. >> that would be short term for the party. >> right. changing the to vote, the equation, our ability to get approval, if we have them strategically, if we have a program, they will go along. they tend to be good for the soldiers. >> the maryland delegation is a great delegation, but i cannot get them to show up. >> that is odd. that is such a tough sell.
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the last time i remember the radicals being organized -- the radical caucus when i was giving it with justin, eric, they were politicians, organized, not just reticles. -- radicals. i am not sure it could be created. >> i think some of these people in the party have the ability. it is a matter of finding somebody. >> i am interested in debt. honestly, it is going to be hard -- i'm interested in that. honesty, it is going to be hard. [unintelligible]
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>> in alphabetical order. please line up behind nebraska so we can expedite the account. i am also going to recommend once the account is final, and we know if in fact we have a presidential nominee, and i am going to recommend that we take a 15 minute break, so we can change the batteries in the microphones, and the our letters, and continue with the vice presidential -- bladders, and continue with the vice presidential nominating process. >> will the state chair of the great state of nebraska please come to the microphone?
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>> state chair of nebraska, you have the floor. you are it. everybody, please be quiet and give your attention so we can announce the vote totals. please be seated. >> mr. chairman, i am from the cornhuskers state located in the heartland of our great nation. we were officially the first day to support this candidate. it is my privilege to announce that the state of nebraska proudly casts its one vote for president bert gary johnson.
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>> new jersey, where thomas edison let the world with incandescent light bulb cast its vote as follow, two votes for rice, eight votes for gary johnson. >> i am kevin edwards from the buckeye state, ohio. the state also of diversity. the votes are as follows from ohio, 45 votes for governor johnson, one vote for rice. >> a point of order. we were supposed to do this in alphabetical order. this is what our bylaws stipulate. >> i am right behind ohio, and oklahoma. even though i went to government
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schools, it seems to me that nevada would be next after nebraska. is there any objections could just taking the vote totals in the way people are lined up in front of the microphones? do i hear any objections? i did not hear a word you said. is there any objection >> oklahoma, to help choose the libertarian candidate for president and vice president, will not be able to vote for either of them this november because of ballot access laws and our sacred cast our votes as follows. one vote, jim burns, one vote jarret johnson, to vote -- two
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vot3es, arlie rice. >> the live free or die state where the new libertarian renaissance is going to happen. everybody should visit. in new hampshire, libertarians led the fight for marriage equality under law, the regulating home schooling, and we secured the right to film cops on duty. we also elect libertarians every single year in new hampshire. new hampshire cast this vote this follow. gary johnson, 5, max abramson, two, and one for nine of the above. -- none of the above. [applause] >> the great state of new mexico, her home where the state question is red or green,
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celebrating its 100th anniversary as a stake in the united states of america, protests all seven of our delegate votes for gary johnson, the next president of the united states. >> new york, home of the statue of liberty, cast the following boats, gary johnson 24, rice aid, carl pearson, one, and jim burns, one. >> the tar heels of the great state of north carolina
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respectfully cockboat -- respectfully vote hell no to amendment 1 and we vote rewrote -- 3 votes for lee rice and seven votes for gary johnson. >> mr. chairman, the state of oregon, whose government will not allow us to use it, cast one vote for karl pearson, 34 rice, an aide for gary johnson. >> the delegates from the commonwealth of pennsylvania, birthplace of the declaration of independence and the united states constitution and the state that rally kicked rick santorum's ass out of the
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senate casts two write-in votes for sam's loan, and enthusiastically cast nine votes for the next president of the united states, gary johnson. >> home of the independent man, rarely cast one vote for barry johnson and no votes for any other can get it. >> mr. chairman, on june 28, 1776, a small band of south carolina patriots defeated --
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they won a decisive victory in the american revolutionary war and occupied -- >> and for four years. today, i cast our votes to keep the government from occupying our lives. south carolina tasked to votes for gary johnson. >> mr. chairman, the delegates of the state of self decoder are pleased to cast four votes for gary johnson. gary johnson for president. >> from tennessee, the volunteer state, the whole of the beautiful mounds of the smokeys and of dolly parton, and the current home of jack daniel's and elvis presley -- he is alive, i have seen him.
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our delegation has discovered tolerance for alcohol is very high could be cast votes as follows, two for the jim burns, three for jarret johnson and 64 lee rice. >> texas, the home of the great party planner -- some of you discover that last night. we are going to have a great party in fort worth. come over and see me for details. we cast 36 votes for kelley writes --lee wrights, 26 worked very johnson. >> utah is the beehive state,
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the symbol of collectivism. where that separation of church and state systems city blocks. i am here to tell you that you taught is a state of diversity. we are the rest of red states. we love our bobble based families above all. most of you believe that means a one man and one woman and had given -- legislated that to be only one arrangement, but utah is also the big love state. homes of tens of thousands of members of another arrangement known as polygamy. during go hat -- utah has the distinction of being disapproved what we do in our bedroom. other utah and have concubines, another bauble provision, which means they are shacking up.
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that love between david johnson and ruth and naomi. therefore, with so much love to go around, utah lovingly cast's seven votes for jarret johnson and one vote for lee wrights. [applause] >> mr. chairman, the republic of vermont, where the state constitution was the first to abolish slavery and where the second amendment is the only government you'll ever need, proudly cast its two delegate votes for governor gary johnson. >> mr. chairman, the commonwealth of virginia, the only state with a one consecutive term limit for governor, and we are working on making that zero, proudly casts two votes for lee wrights and 12
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votes for governor gary johnson. >> mr. chairman, the libertarian party for the evergreen state of washington, the home and birthplace of many productive and groundbreaking companies such as boeing, tony's coffee and tea and starbucks,, microsoft, creator of thousands of millionaires, many of which never worked for gates, timber, lumber, paper, aluminum, salmon, and quality fine wine. the libertarian party of washington state has endorsed attorney justin centers and also endorses the initiative 1185, which requires a two- thirds vote for the legislature to increase taxes or fees. [applause]
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lpwa announces two votes for lee wrights and 10 votes for governor gary johnson. >> the state of wisconsin casts one vote for lee wrights, one vote for gary johnson. >> mr. chairman, the great wild and free state of wyoming cast three votes for gary johnson. [applause] >> nodar kumaritashvili chairman, alabama, the home of the other -- mr. chairman, the last confederate nursing home that is fully staffed is in alabama. alabama casses votes as follows. one for ron paul and five for gary johnson.
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>> mr. chairman, the largest date in the americas, alaska, the great nation of alaska, home of rugged individualists and home of the did dividend -- owned by the people cast our vote, one for gary johnson and one for lee wrights. >> the great state of arkansas, where the libertarian party, for the first time in arkansas history, will have full ballot access. [applause] cast its votes as follows -- for votes, gary johnson, one vote lee wrights.
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>> mr. chairman, the great state of arizona, beautiful land of desert, pine covered mounds, and the grand canyon, where we are celebrating our centennial anniversary as a state and where we find the work -- the most notorious politicians, which proudly cast our votes as follows. 11 for gary johnson, 94 lee wrights, and one for -- 94 --9 for lee wrights. >> for california, land of zero entrepreneurs and risk takers -- land of on to vendors and risk on trooperland of onto norri
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norent --repreneurs and risk takers passed the following boats, gary johnson 68, and lee wrights, 18. thank you. >> mr. chairman, the great state of colorado, the centennial state, the birthplace of the libertarian party, current home of jarret johnson, son of gary johnson, and with any luck, the first state to legalize and regulate marijuana, like alcohol, this fall, bradley cast its votes as follows.
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14 james libertarian burns, two 4 lee wrights, and 18 for jarret johnson. -- 184 gary johnson. >> the great state of connecticut, the constitution state, folks in this room remember that document -- the home of the late great jim lewis, proudly cast its votes as follows. two votes for the heart of the libertarian party, lee wrights, one vote for the firebrand of the libertarian party, jim libertarian burns, and two votes for someone who vetoed more bills than any nonsteroidal taking baseball player ever to hit a home run, the next president of the united states,
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former governor gary johnson. [applause] >> mr. speaker, the district of columbia, the only jurisdiction in the united states whose citizens still suffer under the tyranny of taxation without representation in 2012, for which our forefathers fought a revolution, the district of columbia delegation proudly casts of three boats for the man we all need to be our next president of the united states, governor and gary johnson -- governor gary johnson. [applause] >> delaware was the first to ratify the constitution and first to declare independence from the british crown. report for votes and we have one vote for none of the above. our remaining three boats for governor, gary johnson.
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-- are remaining three votes for governor gary johnson. >> the state of florida, which will soon be turned into a police state from the upcoming republican national convention in august proudly casts one vote for wayne allyn root as a right in, to boats for lee wrights, and 13 votes for governor gary johnson. [applause] >> mr. chairman, georgia, the home of the largest libertarian vote-getter of all times, proudly casts its votes as follows. for a great friend of georgia and liberties best friend, lee wrights, 10 votes, and to the next president of the united states, governor gary johnson, 9 votes.
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>> the great aloha state of hawaii casts one vote for a great american and libertarian, lee wrights. the aloha state casts to boats for the next president of the united states, and money -- made his star for outshine his predecessors andrew and linden, governor gary johnson. >> mr. chairman, i represent the state of idaho, where we regularly lived under federal oppression crew the constitution forced upon us that stated by our federal government and largely owned, our state is, by the feds. we also live in the shadow of our recollections of that trilogy " -- of that tragedy called ruby ridge. but with hopes for a libertarian future, our delegation telecasts
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one vote for lee wrights and four votes for gary johnson. >> mr. chairman, the state of illinois, which has the distinction of being the only state in the union which the only gun you can conceal and carried outside your home needs to get reloaded at a drinking fountain, and where over half the prison population is there for non-violent drug offenses, and 30% are former governors -- [laughter] we are broadcast our boats as follows. 6 votes for gary johnson, 11 votes for lee wrights. >> i would like to turn indianas time at the microphone over to the next governor of the state
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of indiana, rupert bonham. >> that is what to say to everybody out there, keep an eye on the libertarian party. keep an eye out kanawha. keep an eye on the race for governor. you'll see me traveling around in my r.v. lee wrights receiving one vote, and our next president of the united states, governor gary johnson, receiving 30 votes. [applause] >> mr. chairman, fellow delegates, the great state of iowa, whose motto is our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain, proudly casts one vote for lee wrights and four votes for governor gary johnson.
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>> mr. chairman, the state that entered the union in 1861, cast three votes for lee wrights and three votes for gary johnson. >> mr. chairman, delegates from the commonwealth of kentucky, hall of bourbon and the kentucky derby, proudly cast are three boats for gary johnson. -- proudly cast our three votes for gary johnson . >> the state of louisiana cast its votes for gary johnson. >> someone who looks forward to serving with the next president of the united states from this wonderful party, i proudly promise and give all our
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unanimous votes to the next president of the united states, someone i hope to call a friend in the future, gary johnson. >> the state of maryland is called a free state, the birthplace of frederick douglass and harriet tubman. we are now cut the front line in the battle against those guys in d.c. that truly hate us for our freedom. we cast our votes as follows, gary johnson, nine votes, lee wrights, for boats, carl peterson, one vote. -- lee wrights four votes. >> the commonwealth of massachusetts, home to lexington and concord, where the battle for american liberty began, home to john adams, our second president, samuel adams, who organized the committees of correspondence, and paul revere,
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a patriot and silversmith, among other things, proudly cast our votes as follows. four votes for lee wrights and four votes for gary johnson. >> mr. chairman, from the region known as michigan, the home of government motors, where voters overwhelmingly voted to legalize medical marijuana, only to have republican drug -- michigan cast one vote for jim burns, 14 for gary johnson, and 54 lee wrights -- 5 for lee wrights. >> the sexy state of minnesota,
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the bae, the blue ox, beloved for 16,000 lakes, and the cohen brothers who produced "fargo" -- we cast our votes as follows atwo. for lee wrights and five for jarret johnson. -- two for lee wrights. >> the missouri libertarian party is pleased to be celebrating 20 years of showing missouri liberty with continuous ballot access since 1992. today, it in the spirit of the inclusiveness of liberty, we are actually hosting an orphanage for delegates. we have two delegates from the
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great state of virginia who have joined us, one delegate from the great state of nevada who has joined us, and we have one delegate from the cesspool of washington d.c. who has joined us. sorry. anyway, we are pleased to present 10 votes for governor johnson and four votes for lee wrights. >> mr. chairman, from the great state of mississippi, home of william blogger, b.b. king, muddy waters, and the birthplace of the blues, which proudly vote as follows, one vote for lee wrights, three votes for governor gary johnson. >> the great state of montana, big sky country, you can catch
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those votes at ivotelibertarian .com. we proudly cast one vote for gary johnson and a one-vote pour lee wrights. >> the great state of north dakota, soon to eliminate proper taxes, represented today -- to eliminate property taxes, is represented by three state what libertarian candidates. three votes for governor gary johnson. [applause] >> nevada is the silver state, and proud home state of our national convention for 2012. we proudly cast 13 votes for governor gary johnson.
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[captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2012] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] >> i humbly accept the nomination. thank you very much. [applause] >> i will make a pledge to all of you, and that is that none of you are going to regret what happened here today. [applause] i really want to say thank you to my parents. they are both here. earl and lorraine. my mother is the reason we were
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in new mexico. she is the one who had me doing tap dancing lessons in a tap dancing school that had one of boy and 30 girls. she had me playing the piano. i was the best sifter great piano player that could happen. i love my parents and i want to say thank you to them both. i want to say thank you to my fiancee, katy perry i am in love, and it will be a white .ouse -- takkate i am in love, and it will be a white house wedding. i want to thank my sister and my brother-in-law, lori and scott. my son eric is here. eric's, where are you?
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eric, where is eric? eric quit his well-paying job in denver two-and-a-half years ago to come and do this with me on paid. if that is not just as lovely in a gesture as anything i have never received -- thank you. [applause] >> my daughter gave me a call and said i'm the worst daughter in the world. i said what are you talking about and she said she would be in brazil which bs in santa fe ballet. my daughter was -- she is there
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with the aspen santa fe by larry. she was the valedictorian. her car broke down. she happened to have her tools with her. schindler was the alternator. she hitch -- she knew it was the alternator. she hitchhiked, got an alternator, went back and installed it herself. [applause] >> my brother called me and said i watched the debate on c-span, you did great, you got your ass kicked by r. lee wrights. [applause] r. lee wrights, where is lee wrights? [applause] >> what a gentleman, when a
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pleasure, what the the light it has been sued debate lee wrights -- what a delight it has been sued the date -- to debate lee wrights. >> let's get this guy elected. >> he said it along the way, and it is true. we made each other better -- better candidates. no one could have been more cordial, more gracious, more particulate regarding libertarian ideals and beliefs -- particulate regarding libertarian ideals and beliefs. so, where do we go from here? this is about winning. this is about winning.
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so, this is your decision, but i want to execute the following, and that is, please consider jim gray as my running mate. i believe that he affords the best opportunity to winning, and in this process we interviewed a lot of candidates as potential vice presidential candidates, and without question i think jim gray does a better job when it comes to articulating libertarian ideals and beliefs than anyone else. i go back to the year 2000 when i met jim gray for the first time, which turned to be returned out to be the first of one dozen times, -- which turned out to be the first of one dozen times, and he was very outspoken on the war on drugs.
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he brought an expertise on this as the superior court judge in california that was just undeniable. it is not just drugs. jim gray ran as the libertarian candidate for senate in california, and i think he does a terrific job when it comes to articulating libertarian ideals and beliefs, because back to the criteria for our candidates, that needs to be the number 1 criteria. this is your choice. i recognize that this is your choice, and all i am asking you is to just give jim gray a listen, and if you do that, you will understand what we have come to the conclusion on, that this affords us the best opportunity to win, and that is what the goal needs to be, to actually win in november. citywide and the -- thank you
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in the political world competition makes for better candidates and better campaigns. we all one more round of applause to all of those who fought for the presidential nomination. they made this convention but it is today. [applause] -- what is today. [applause] >> all right. at this point, in order to put some banners up, and for the technicians to replace the batteries, i am going to propose that we take a half-hour lunch break, and this requires a move to suspend the rules. is there any objection to this? before we take a break, i would like to make an announcement one of my favorite -- announcement.
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one of my favorite quotes is from gondi who said a local first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, -- "first they ignore you, then they left the team, then they fight you, then you wind. i'd bring that up, because today, who was threatened by that? president -- mr. obama announced the start of his reelection campaign do you think he is trying to steal some thunder away from us? do you think we are a threat to the establishment? [applause] >> damn right we are. at this point, i would like to take a half-hour break, be back
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>> during this break before the voting for the vice-presidential nominee for the libertarian party begins, we will take your calls and see what you think about the party's choice for president. the numbers are on your screen. if you are and c-span radio, here are those numbers, to 02- 55-3885. a line for libertarians, 202- 585-3887. again, gary johnson is the presidential nominee for the libertarian party, and we will see what some of our viewers think. first, we'll go to travis in
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charlotte, n.c., with the libertarian party. >> yes. i would like to say this sheds a lot of credibility to the party. having a former governor nominated as our presidential candidate definitely says that we are here, we are established, and we are definitely going to get more votes in this election than any other third-party candidate has in the 21st century. governor johnson is pulling at 6%. unprecedented. i would like to make that comment of encouragement to libertarians. >> bethany is on the line in california. she is a republican. what do you think about the voting? >> -- bethany, are you with us? >> yes, i am. >> what do you think about the nominee? >> i am extremely happy to see
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him win, and i hope to see him as president. i really do. i am 18, and i will be making my first vote for him. >> what kind of impact do you think he will have on a national election? >> i think he will as long as he reaches out to other populations. i think he will definitely do it. >> in your age group, do you think a lot of younger people will be going towards the libertarian party nominee. >> yes, i do. >> what is the attraction there? >> just libertarian is attractive. i am very different, and i relate to this party and more. >> gregory is on the line in kentucky, also on the libertarian line. what do you think about the nominee? >> i am thrilled. this is a great day for the
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libertarian party, and i just want people to know that gary johnson is a viable alternative to the two major parties, and i think people should vote for him. they should not worry about wasting their vote because gary johnson is not a wasted vote. he is a very valuable vote. i mean, i have heard people worry about wasting votes before. i do not by the argentine general, but especially not here. -- i do not buy that argument in general, but especially here. he is already pulling at 8%, 9% before the nomination. >> who do you think he will take votes from? >> for both of them. for people who likes civil liberties, they will vote for him over obama, and those concerned about the fiscal situation, he will take votes from romney.
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>> we are taking these calls during this break during the libertarian nominating process, having just nominated gary johnson as the presidential nominee, and they will turn to the vice-presidential nomination. gary johnson needs to be included in a number of polls and get 15% of the national vote in order to compete on the national stage. he has been ranked by a public polling group at 7% last month, compared to president obama who had 46%, and former governor mitt romney who had 39%. jim is waiting on the line in nashville, tennessee. what do you think of the libertarians choice? >> i do not know anything about this gentleman. i know he was a governor of new
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mexico. anyway, i am not really sure what the libertarians stand for. can you educate me on this? >> well, which party are you with? >> i am with the democrats, but i consider myself more of a independent because i am fed up with all of them, to be honest with you, and i am really fed up with the republican party, but i mean if you were to educate me on what he stands for and what he is all about because i just tune in about 10 minutes ago while he was giving his speech, so i missed a lot of that. i am hoping to vote for someone that i think will do the right thing for this country, and, you know, i am definitely not locked into any particular party. so, i consider myself an
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independent more than anything, but i'm not really sure what the libertarian party stands for. >> for gin and anyone else who wants to find out more, we will bring you the speeches from the libertarian party convention, but you can also find their speeches online anytime, at c-, and you conducted all the speeches from this program as well as other programs. sarah is in washington. what party are you with? >> i am a democrat. >> what did you think about the nominating process? >> i was impressed for the first time, i do not know who i am going to vote for, and if ever there were a time of third party could break through it might be this guy, and this time. >> do you think he will have an impact on the national stage? >> i do not know, because i am pretty aware of things going
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on, and i've not come across him before. if so, he has worked cut out for him, but as ron paul puts his support behind him, then for sure he would have enough to get on the ballots. >> you said you are a democrat. what attracts you to end alternative choice or a third- party choice? >> i am so tired of the crap in washington, d.c., and i was so excited about president obama, and it is not that i thought he has done a really bad job, but i think that i want us to focus on our country and getting our stuff in shape and not be spending the money overseas, and that kind of thing. >> if you are joining us on c- span, we are just looking at this crowd, kind of dispersed
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during this break. they just voted for gary johnson as their choice for presidential nominee, and they will pick up with the vice presidential nominating process. connecticut, john. what party are you yet? >> i am in the republican party. >> why did you think about what you saw? >> i am 86 years old. a world war two veteran, and four years and years, i had hoped we have three parties in this country, although i have been a firm republican. i have been disenchanted with them, with the democrats, they do nothing but give you a lift service. i hope gary johnson -- with service. i hope gary johnson will gain the respect of this country, and hopefully we will have a new party, a new president that can do something.
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god bless him. i hope for the best, and i hope we can break a slot open because this party -- country needs a third party -- lost open because this party which this country needs a third-party to god bless him and the united states of america. >> richard is on the line in oxford, mississippi. go ahead. richard, are you there? >> how're you doing? thank you for taking my call. >> you bet. >> i would just like to say that i am thrilled gary johnson got our nomination today. -a libertarian -- i am a libertarian activist here in mississippi, and i think we have someone they can get rid of the patriot act, attacks on our civil liberties that this president went back and his
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campaign promises and brought us. >> what do you think stands in the way for him to make his voice heard on the national stage? >> it could be the national media. as being part of the ron paul campaign, we have seen too many times where a third party voice or an alternate voice comes out and we do not get the recognition that we deserve. i would also say that ballot access in states like oklahoma and virginia also hurt us as well. i would like to ask activists from those states to try to get us on the ballot. >> on to utah. we will see what daniel has to say. he is an independent. go ahead. >> hi. >> what did you think about the
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nominating process? >> i thought they have a good process. >> what do you think about their choice? >> i am a big fan of gary johnson. he has been an ardent opponent of the war on drugs, which has taken an incredible on this country, so that is how i became aware of him. i've been aware of him for couple of years, and i am a big fan. he pardoned nonviolent marijuana offenders when he was governor of new mexico, and for that i absolutely support him. i find few candidates except both for president. he is one of the few that i find acceptable. >> will take a couple more calls on the libertarian party's choice for presidential nominee, gary johnson. travis in charlotte, north carolina is a libertarian. >> thank you for taking my call.
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>> what do you think about the nominee? >> i like him. i had a chance to meet him a couple of years ago, and i thought he was well-spoken man is much better than the 2008 candidate. i appreciate that he gave to those to the r. lee wrights. i am looking for to have been someone who has governing experience. >> what kind of impact the thing he can have on the national stage? >> it depends. if you had scrolled on the screen, the excess to get into the debates is difficult, and that will be a big hurdle. as one of the callers said, they're not aware of who he is. that will be the biggest hurdle, media time, debate time, his
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ideas will resonate. >> that is going to be our last call. we appreciate all of the calls today. i'm sorry if we did not get to your calls. you can always check out our facebook page to comment on the topic posted there, and see what is on people's minds. also, check out our twitter feed. next, some of gary johnson, the remarks from earlier. -- gary johnson's remarks from earlier. >> i did suffered frostbite on everest and that has to do to the lack of circulation due to the broken leg. >> what year was that? >> 2003. >> thank you very much.
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>> and we just saw former new mexico governor and now libertarian nominee for president gary johnson leaving the room. they will pick things up in about 15 minutes. next, we will take a look at the weekly addresses by president obama, following -- followed by the republican response, then we will bring you back to las vegas. >> this week, i traveled to afghanistan to thank our troops serving far from home, and to sign an historic agreement will help us complete our mission and end the war. nothing is more humbling, more inspiring and the chance to take time with our troops appeared i visited with some of our outstanding men and what -- troops. i visited with some of our outstanding men and women and i let them know that america honors their sacrifice. because of their bravery and dedication, the tide of war has
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turned in as a cellist -- afghanistan. we've broken the taliban's momentum. we're devastated al qaeda's leadership, and one year ago, our troops launched the operation that killed osama bin laden, the goal that i set to defeat al-qaida in deny it a chance to rebuild is within reach. because of the progress we have made i was able to sign an historic agreement that defines a new relationship between afghanistan and the united states, where afghans are responsible for the security of their nation, and rebuild the equal partnership for two sovereign states, where the war ends. the sacrifices are not over, but many troops are already coming home. last year, we removed 10,000 u.s. troops from afghanistan. another 23,000 will leave by the
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end of summer. by 2014, the afghans will be fully responsible for the security of their country, and this is how it should be because after more than a decade of war it is time to focus on nation- building. as a new greatest generation returns from overseas, what kind of country will they come back to? a country where a shrinking number of americans do very well, where a growing number barely get by, or a country where everyone it's a fair shot, everyone does their fair share and plays by the same set of rules? america has answered this question before. my grandfather, a veteran, got a chance to go to college on the gi bill. my grandmother, who was then a bomber assembly line -- who worked on a bomber assembly line, they contributed to a story of success every american
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has a chance to share in, the basic american promise that if you work hard, you could raise a family, send a kid to college, and put a little bit away for retirement. that means making responsible choices. i do not if we should prioritize things like more tax cuts for millionaires while cutting the investments the build a strong middle class. that is why i have called on congress to take the money we are no longer spending at war, use half of it to pay down our debt, and the other half to rebuild america. we of more jobs to create, more students to educate, more clean energy to generate, more entrepreneurs looking for their shot at success. we have to invest in things like education and medical research. we have to build new work, faster transportation and communication networks, and we a to secure the benefits of our veterans have earned so we serve
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them as well as they have served us. every time i have the privilege of meeting with our troops are and struck by their courage, commitment, selflessness, and team work. they have something to teach us. recovering from the worst economic recession since the great depression is a work in progress, but if we follow their example, i have no doubt we will preserve this country, protect the freedoms we cherish and leave our children and america that is built to last. the blessed, and have a great weekend. >> i am bob corker, and i am proud to represent tennessee in the united states senator. when i was 25 years old the saved $8,000 and started my own construction company. i worked hard, and my business expanded our country's free enterprise system gave me the opportunity to earn success and with the american dream. i became involved in public service to provide my neighbors
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with the opportunity to experience the american dream themselves, and i came to washington with the same goal. i feel our country is moving to a place where politicians have lost sight of the value of burned success. politicians are bankrupting our country by passing legislation without paying for it, and abandoning the free market principles that give people the opportunity to succeed. it is disappointing, and i can assure you, highly frustrating to see what happens here in washington. more spending and debt, and taking tough decisions down the road, literally robbing the next generation of the opportunity to pursue success and live their own american dream. last sunday marked three years since the senate has passed a budget. three years care to think about that. the federal government that spends more than $3.30 trillion a year, much of it borrowed from
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outside of the united states, has no guidelines for how bad is spent. if the democratic leader of the senator said it would be foolish for us to do a budget at this stage, and he has even refused to hold a vote. when the democratic chairman of the senate budget committee attempted to hold a markup on a budget, he was stopped at the last minute and pulled a vote from consideration. what about our presidential leadership? president obama's budget failed to receive a single yes vote in either house of congress last year. according to the nonpartisan congressional budget office, this year's presidential budget would actually decrease economic growth over the next decade. this kind of washington mismanagement has put us in a place where over the last three years our debt has increased by more than $4 trillion. failing to accomplish even the
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most basic responsibilities of government is a total silver ship of -- failure of leadership and represents everything the american people hate about washington. just last month, the trustees for medicare and social security reiterated that they are on a path toward insolvency and in urgent need of reform. despite every warning sign on manageable, we have no solutions from this administration or democratic leadership. the president punts on almost every tough decision. as he appeals to college students, his administration is robbing those same young people of their american inheritance, spending their money on my generation, and engaging in nothing short of generational threat. families and state governments are making tough decisions every day to make ends meet, and
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businesses are crying out for clarity and tax rates and regulation. this uncertainty is weighing down the recovery and preventing the investment needed to create jobs in tennessee and from the country. washington's lack of courage to deal with out-of-control spending is only adding to the sense of uncertainty among investors and potential small business owners. at present, our inability to deal with these issues is our greatest enemy. in other words, we are our greatest enemy. i also believe it can be our greatest opportunity. we need professional tax reform. this means simplifying the tax code, and doing away with most, if not all of the 1 $0.20 trillion of the loopholes and tax expenditures congress has created to try to drive your
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behavior, which would allow us to broaden the tax base and lower rates for everyone. this kind of tax reform combined with a long-term plan to reduce our debt and strengthen social security and medicare so they are solvent for the long haul would really cause our economy to just take off. growing the private sector, not government, will insure that we remain the strongest company -- country in the world. reserving the principles that have made this country great is the struggle of this generation. free enterprise, personal liberty, and a society where everyone has the tools and the opportunity to earn success. nothing makes people happier than turning success. our founding fathers understood this, and considered the pursuit of happiness to be a god-given right. and let's -- let's put in place policies that would enable future generations
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to earn success. it is the american dream. >> c-span has been alive this weekend at the libertarian party convention here in las vegas. we are inside the red rock resort. earlier we saw a former governor of new mexico gary johnson when the nomination for president. he mentioned during some of his remarks that his preferred running mate would beat jim gray, a retired california superior court -- superior court judge. mr. gray is a longtime proponent of marijuana drugs. he is the only announced libertarian candidate for vice president. here is gary johnson's speech prior to receiving the nomination.
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>> i want to be a libertarian nominee for president. [applause] >> the presidential candidate has to recognize the problems, give the solutions, and only the libertarian candidate will offer up the solutions to the problems we have, and then you have to have a resume to go along with that, and i think i have the resin. item that an entrepreneur my entire life. i have been an athlete my entire life. s. i was the governor of -- i was the governor of new mexico for two terms. how did that work in a state that was two-to-one democrat? they did a poll, and there was only one presidential candidate that was viewed favorably in his or her own state, and i'm
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telling you people in new mexico waived any with all five fingers, not just one. [applause] >> good governor -- good government was easy. it was not hard. it was easy to look at issues, first, second, third, west. politics was not existent. when it comes to civil liberties, i think i have it in spades. i think i have it in spades when it comes to fiscal responsibility and i may have the code more legislation than the other 49 governors in the country combined. all governments needs to happen under strict adherence to the
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united states constitution. and as governor of new mexico, and i made very few promises. i promised to veto any tax increases. i be towed every single tax increase. not one single penny was increased over a--- over eight years, and that had never happened before. [applause] >> i promised there would be fewer state employees when i left office than when i got there. there were 1200 fewer state employees when i left office, a 10% reduction in state government employees when i left office. that had never happened in the history of the state. i promised to increase as a percentage of the budget the amount of money we spend on education every year, and did that for eight straight years, which gave me the liberty to talk about real school reform,
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which was bringing competition to public education. [applause] >> if i would have promised everything that i delivered as governor of new mexico, i would have never been elected because i would have been just another blowhard politicians. [applause] >> as president i am promising to submit a balanced budget to congress, i'm promising to veto legislation where expenses exceed revenue, i am promising to advocate on the part of a fair tax, and looks, i am listening. i promised to advocate on the part of the less on a fair tax. i promise -- unfair tax. i promised to end the military
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wars. i promised to end the war. [applause] i promise to end the war in afghanistan, to bring the troops home. i promise to end the costly and ineffective war on drugs. [applause] >> look, most americans are fiscally responsible and socially tolerant. hi fall in that group. i think this is a broad brush stroke for the libertarian party, government needs to exist to protect us against fraud and force, against individual groups, corporations, countries that would do us harm. imagining libertarian president
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challenging congress to bring about marriage equality. a imagine a libertarian president challenging congress to reduce impediments to free markets. free markets means no tarriffs. imagine a libertarian candidate for president challenging congress to repeal the patriot act, abolish the department of homeland security. [applause] >> imagine a libertarian president challenging congress for meaningful immigration reform. the libertarian candidate for president is going to be the only candidate talking about gun rights and gay rights in the same sentence. [applause]
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>> the libertarian candidate for president is the only candidate that is going to be talking about slashing welfare and warfare spending in the same sentence. [applause] >> did change to meet to be a libertarian is not a change. i have always been a libertarian. i pledge to be active in the libertarian party beyond the 2012 election. [applause] >> make no bones about it. the goal here is to win the election. [applause] >> it has always been about the
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message. i think the message i am delivering is the same message of that of ron paul. ron paul has always said he was a messenger. ron paul one week ago said he was not dropping out of the race because the crowds are growing. this is a growing movement in america today, and ron paul's, when his campaign comes to a end, and i hope it does not, but when it comes to a end, where does the message go? will it continue? there is a viable alternative to voting for ron paul, and it will be the libertarian nominee. [applause] >> this is not 2008. i debated bob barr in the year 2000 at the republican national convention in philadelphia on
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drug policy. somewhere between that debate and 2008 he fell out of bed, hit his head, and became a libertarian. i am glad it happened. this is not about 2008. i do not have any of that baggage hanging in back of me. i did have an npr interview yesterday, "all things considered" and the question was if you are on the torture rack, and they are going to kill you, who are you going to vote for mitt romney, or barack obama, and my response was i have climbed mount everest, i know it is to hunker down and do what it takes. take this to the bank. i would die. [applause] >> collectively the country does
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not need to die. if there is only one choice, and it is going to be the libertarian nominee for president. i respectfully ask you for that nomination. thank you very much. [applause] >> gary johnson gave that speech earlier here in las vegas at the libertarian party convention. he won the nomination for president, and voting is supposed to begin shortly as delegates choose the vice- presidential nominee. each nominee will get 11 minutes to speak, and gary johnson established a preference for an jim gray, a retired superior court judge and a longtime opponent of marijuana laws, but he could see a challenge from
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jim burns, who has also expressed a desire to be considered here today. as far as the national election is concerned, even with the nomination to the libertarian party, gary johnson acknowledged that his past would not be easy, saying any hope he has to be competitive depends on being included in the presidential debates in october. the delegates will come back to the room here to vote for the vice-presidential nominee, but until then, here is the former new mexico governor again, and his acceptance speech. >> i humbly except the nomination. thank you very much.
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>> i'm going to make a pledge to all of you, and added that none of you are going to regret what happened here today. [applause] i really want to thank my president -- my parents. they are both here. my mom is the reason we ended up in new mexico. she was with the bureau of indian affairs. she is the one who in the third grade had me doing tap? in -- tap dancing lessons and a school that had one boy and 30 girls. i was the best fit great piano player that could happen. i love my parents, and i want to thank them both. i want to citywide to my fiancee. i am in love, and it will be a white house wedding. where is she?
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[applause] >> i want to think my sister. my sister and my brother and law are here. lori ann scott garrett my son eric is here. where are you? . , where are you? eric quit his well-paying job in denver two years ago to come and do this with me on tape. if that is not as loving a gesture as anything i've ever received. [laughter] >> my daughter gave me a call
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and said i'm the worst daughter in the world. i said what are you talking about and she said she would be in brazil which bs in santa fe ballet. my daughter was -- she is there with the aspen santa fe by larry. she was the valedictorian. her car broke down. she happened to have her tools with her. schindler was the alternator. she hitch -- she knew it was the alternator. she hitchhiked, got an alternator, went back and installed it herself. [applause] >> my brother called me and said i watched the debate on c- span, you did great, you got your ass kicked by r. lee wrights. [applause]
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r. lee wrights, where is lee wrights? [applause] >> what a gentleman, when a pleasure, what the the light it has been sued debate lee wrights -- what a delight it has been sued the date -- to debate lee wrights. [applause] >> let's get this guy elected. >> he said it along the way, and it is true. we made each other better -- better candidates. no one could have been more cordial, more gracious, more
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particulate regarding libertarian ideals and beliefs -- particulate regarding libertarian ideals and beliefs. [applause] ? -- >> so, where do we go from here? this is about winning. this is about winning. so, this is your decision, but i want to execute the following, and that is, please consider jim gray as my running mate. i believe that he affords the best opportunity to winning, and in this process we interviewed a lot of candidates as potential vice presidential candidates, and without question i think jim gray does a better job when it comes to articulating libertarian ideals and beliefs than anyone else.
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i go back to the year 2000 when i met jim gray for the first time, which turned to be returned out to be the first of one dozen times, -- which turned out to be the first of one dozen times, and he was very outspoken on the war on drugs. he brought an expertise on this as the superior court judge in california that was just undeniable. it is not just drugs. jim gray ran as the libertarian candidate for senate in california, and i think he does a terrific job when it comes to articulating libertarian ideals and beliefs, because back to the criteria for our candidates, that needs to be the number 1 criteria. this is your choice. i recognize that this is your choice, and all i am asking you is to just give jim gray a
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listen, and if you do that, you will understand what we have come to the conclusion on, that this affords us the best opportunity to win, and that is what the goal needs to be, to actually win in november. citywide and the -- thank you very, very much. thank you. [applause] [chanting] >> that was gary johnson's acceptance speech from earlier today. c-span has been covering the libertarian party's convention, and if you want to learn more about the party and its nominees, we will bestial in speeches again on c-span, and you can't -- we will be showing
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speeches again on c-span, and you can watch online. voting will begin shortly as delegates begin to choose the vice-presidential nominee. each nominee will get about 11 minutes to speak. gary johnson expressed a preference for jim gray, a retired superior court judge, and a longtime opponent of marijuana laws, who will see a challenge from jim burns, and also lee wrights, the main competition for the presidential bid. a report -- having the former new mexico governor on the ballot makes libertarians more hopeful because they have been trying to get him into the race when he was the governor of new mexico and became known nationally for his support of decriminalizing drugs. when he started missing the cut
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for the republican debate, the benton to go -- come on over. -- begged him to come on over. we will hear some of an interview that is all about -- that is about the presidential race overall. president obama kicked off his campaign earlier in ohio. he will be in virginia earlier -- he was in virginia later he -- he will be in virginia earlier today. >> talk to us about the president. he ticks off his campaign >> -- -- guest: it comes as no surprise. he has hundreds of people mobilized for him. as you know, as some republicans
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