tv U.S. House of Representatives CSPAN May 16, 2012 10:00am-12:59pm EDT
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i ran inside and told my mom. mom, mr. clean is out there with the tornadoes. she went out there and looked and sure enough there was six tornadoes. these tornadoes come down and they hit the east side of oklahoma in 1964. and just demolished the east side. from that kind on, i've been interested in weather and weather phenomenon and all of this. i'm inclined to agree that, you know, weather is weather. but i think that the global warming has a lot to do with the intensity of the storms. >> host: we're going to have to lead it there. we do have one other tweet. pete spotts, one of our tweeters says she feels guilty for not getting the weather alert radio.
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i need one here in georgia. pete spotts is a staff writer "inside the funnel: learning more about twisters, where they come and where they are going" is helping to save lives. thanks for joining us. >> guest: thanks for having me. >> host: we appreciate it. that's all for "washington journal." we'll be back at 7:00 eastern time tomorrow. we'll now go to the floor of house of representatives. they are going to be in for morning hour in just a moment. we'll also be following with the senate today you can catch it on c-span and c-span2 and as always find us online at the speaker pro tempore: the
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house will be in order. the chair lays before the house a communication from the speaker. the clerk: the speaker's room washington, d.c. may 16 2012. i hereby appoint the honorable joe barton to act as speaker pro tempore on this day. signed, john a. boehner, speaker of the house of representatives. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to the order of the house of january 17, 2012, the chair will now recognize members from lists submitted by the majority and minority leaders for morning hour debate the chair will alternate recognition between the parties with each party limited to one hour and each member other than the majority and minority leaders and the minority whip limited to five minutes each but in no event shall debate continue beyond 11:50 p.m. -- a.m. the chair recognizes the gentleman from oregon, mr. blumenauer, for five minutes. mr. blumenauer: thank you, mr.
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chairman. the violence against women act has been one of the great legislative successes of the last two decades. since it was first signed into law by president clinton there's no question that it has helped millions of women by funding a variety of community violence protection programs, a variety of victim assistance services from coast to coast while providing a legal framework for protection. republicans and democrats alike have supported the legislation in all subsequent re-authorizations because of the recognition of the vital nature of the services that are provided and the impact it has, not just on women, but on the children in these families. that's why it was re-authorized in 2000 and then again in 2005 under a republican administration with president bush. in this congress, that tradition of bipartisan support continues in the senate which has approved a stronger version of the legislation developed in
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the senate judiciary committee by -- co-sponsored by both chair leahy and ranking member crapele. sadly, it's facing a decidedly different fate in the house. once again, the republican majority is advancing legislation by one of their new members that is designed not to bring people together to solve problems but to create unnecessary divisions. their bill would actually roll back for the first time these established rights rather than increase them. the house legislation would fail to provide protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual citizens. it would fail native american victims who are assaulted on tribal lands by nontribal predators. the bill would discourage immigrants from reporting sexual assaults and other crimes by placing unnecessary restrictions on new visa
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programs and not increase the emergency visas for individuals who immigrate to the united states on fiance visa and subjected to an abusive relationship. not only does the house bill miss these opportunities but it would remove the current accountality agreement for protections who still have immigrant status. it would inexplicablely reduce violence reporting requirements on colleges and universities. these are all tools widely used and supported by law enforcement officials to help keep communities safe by prosecuting criminals and protecting victims. the house bill would decentralize the violence against women immigration adjudication process, bypassing examiners who are trained in domestic violence and sexual assault instead mandating
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additional interviews on battered immigrants. these are people who usually have very limited options to protect themselves. we should not complicate the lives of some of the most vulnerable people in the united states. these victims of violence, usually women in the most difficult of circumstances, will be burdened, hindered and discouraged from seeking and getting the help they need. the house bill would represent the triumph of ideological partisan politics over solid legislation with an opportunity for solid bipartisan support. it should be firmly rejected. instead, the house should use this opportunity to build on a record of proven success by partisan cooperation and a commitment to strengthen the protection of society's most vulnerable by using the senate bill as a template. these victims and potential victims deserve no less. they, their families and the
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communities they live in deserve no less. domestic violence is an assault on the entire community and should not be tolerated. we should not retreat on the violence against women act but strengthen it by using the senate bill as a point of departure and reject the house version. thank you. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. moreno, for five minutes. -- mr. marino, for five minutes. mr. marino: mr. speaker as a foster parent, co-chairman of the bipartisan congressional foster youth caucus, i rise today to recognize may as national foster care month. there are clearly over 107,000 foster youth eligible and waiting for adoption and more than 400,000 youth in the foster care system.
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in an effort to raise awareness about the needs and experience of these youth, i am honored to join my colleagues in a bipartisan manner to acknowledge the importance of this special month. through increased understanding and dedicated caregivers, we can and must continue to make important advances in providing more stable and caring environments for all foster youth. we must focus on learning from state and local child welfare providers, advocates and foster children to better know how we can help. the needs of these youth are urgent and real and while there are many alarming facts and figures that reflect the challenges -- challenges these children face, we must all continue to do our part. together we can make national foster care month a success. i yield back my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the chair would recognize the gentlelady from california ms. bass, for five minutes.
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ms. bass: mr. speaker, i rise today to recognize may as national foster care month. the goal of this month is to raise awareness about the experiences and needs of more than 400,000 youth in the foster care system. throughout the month, members of the congressional caucus on foster youth will share stories of foster youth in their districts. today i'd like to share a story from my constituent, kevin, a young man from hollywood california. his story is unique, yet his resiliencey is characteristic of hundreds of youth across our nation. kevin was born into a family addicted to crack cocaine. he was removed from his parents at the age of 2 after a near-death drowning experience. after years in a group home, he was placed with a legal guardian, but this placement was difficult.
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kevin was placed back with his biological mother until she was incarcerated for the third time, leaving kevin with no place to go. in the face of all these challenges kevin has persevered. he recently transfered from community college with a full-ride scholarship and a 3.8 g.p.a. he plans to become a professor in the social skibeses. about his time in and out of foster care, kevin says, and i quote, i'm extremely grateful for the opportunities i have had because they allow me to identify and connect with a broad range of people. today in honor of kevin's courage and tenacity, i join my fellow co-chairs of the congressional caucus on foster youth and today with representative tom marino as well as over 90 of our colleagues in the house and the senate and introduce a bipartisan bicameral resolution in recognition of foster care month. i invite my colleagues to
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co-sponsor the resolution as well as join the congressional caucus on foster youth. i yield the remainder of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields back. the chair would now recognize the gentleman from illinois, the republican shortstop on the baseball team, mr. dold, for five minutes. mr. dold: thank you, mr. speaker. this memorial day we will take time to remember those who have given their lives to keep our nation safe and free. so many brave men and women have given the ultimate sacrifice to ensure that we can enjoy the very freedoms and liberties that we all enjoy today. i want to thank all of those who are currently serving, those who have served and their families for putting our nation first. america is stronger and a better nation because of your sacrifice and service. recently, veterans from illinois came to washington, d.c., and it was truly an honor and pleasure to meet the
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illinois' honor flight at the world war ii memorial, not only to hear their stories, but to have an opportunity to talk with these true heroes, to learn more about their friends those who made it back and those who didn't. the he had rowic -- the heroic efforts of those from world war ii and i would say from all of our conflicts, i cannot thank them enough for all they have done for our country. last month i had the privilege of presenting two veterans from illinois' 10th congressional district with their medals which had not been presented. they served their nation with disticks. george ott served as an air force staff sergeant in the sixth aircraft repair unit during world war ii. he served from 1944 to 1946 serving in the marshall islands, the philippines and japan. i was able to present him with the world war ii victory medal,
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the asian-pacific medal and the good conduct medal. thomas of des plaines was another veteran i was able to serve and present medals and he served as a sergeant in the second infantry division during the korean war. he served in active duty as a medic from 1970 to 1974, and i was able to present him with the army good conduct medal and the korea service defense medal. beyond working districtly with veterans mr. speaker, to ensure they receive the recognition they have earned, my staff is working with veterans to document their stories. the veterans' history project is an ongoing effort by the library of congress to collect stories and photos, to learn more about those who have served in battle and conflict, not only at home but overseas. my office is open to anyone who would like to document their story and share their experiences with the american public.
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it's important we preserve these records, mr. speaker, so that future generations know of the sacrifices that our men and women in the military have made. i would encourage anyone from the 10th district in illinois who has served to call your north brook office at 847-27 -0404 and share your story so we can preserve it for years and years to come. i want to thank all those who have served, those who are serving currently and those who have given their lives to protect our country. this memorial day, i believe that we must honor those who have fallen and never forget the sacrifices that they have made to make sure that our country remains safe and free. thank you and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the chair now recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. criths, for five minutes -- mr. critz, for five minutes. mr. critz: thank you mr.
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speaker. mr. speaker, in april the central labor council announced the winners of its annual scholarship essay contest. lisa wrote an essay entitled with this question the modern tax system, fair to the average american, and i'd like to read lisa's essay as it has meaning to our current tax and budget debate. dating back to ancient egypt in 3,000 b.c., taxes has been part of society for as long as civilizations have existed. so how do taxes affect the current citizens of the united states? today's tax system affects all three classes in different ways. . unfortunately in the united states, taxation hits the middle class family the hardest out of all demographics. the united states follows a progressing taxing system. ideally families in the lowest income brackets pay the lowest while families in the highest pay the highest percentage. however, this system of taxation
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is flawed because the bush administration cut taxes for the wealthy, families in the top income brackets pay much lower tax rates than the progressive system calls for. also because taxes include self-tax, property taxes, and other kinds of taxes in addition to income taxes, families in the highest income tax brackets almost always pay lower percentages of their income in their total taxes than low or working class families. in addition, because state and local taxes are typically re depressive rather than progressive, low and middle class families are given higher percentage of taxes than wealthy families. in 2007, out of all the income bracket families in the middle income bracket paid the highest percent of their income and their total taxes in washington, d.c. maine, minnesota, new york south carolina, and vermont. in the vast majority of the remaining states, the lowest income families paid the highest income tax percentage, and the highest paid the lowest. there were no states in 2007 in which the wealthy families paid
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taxes at a higher rate than the middle and low classes. the current tax system affects families in high income brackets much differently than affects those in the low and middle income brackets. first, wealthy families receive many tax deductions. the government on average pays for about 35% of high income family's taxes. a second way in which the wealthy are not affected by the tax system as much as the lower is they generally do not have to pay as much income tax. the average millionaire does not earn more money from working, they earn it from investments. taxes on long-term investments are lower than taxes on income because the government wants to encourage consumers to spend money. however this means that wealthy families that earn money from investments pay lower taxes than middle and low-income working families. finally, the families in the top income brackets are almost never hurt by current tax system because some politicians always do all they can to protect the wealthy. some politicians believe that as long as the wealthy families have money to spare, they will
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make investments that will benefit the economy in the lower classes. while this theory may or may not be true, the higher classes continue to have lower tax rates than the middle and low classes. the united states current tax system clearly benefits wealthy families. wealthy families are not the only one that is benefit from the system of taxation in the united states, poor families are often given benefits as well. while families in high income tax brackets receive many breaks on their taxes, they are not the only people that receive these breaks. families that are considered to be in poverty by the united states government are many times given breaks on their taxes as well. for example, the earned income tax credit, or eitc, is given to many low-income families in this country. this tax credit gives families money back to help relieve the burden of taxes. in some cases the eitc gives families back even more money than paid in taxes. in some cases poor families also receive benefits from the current tax system because in some cases the members of the family do not work. in families in which no one
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works, there are no income taxes or payroll taxes. these families instead receive assistance from welfare. there is no tax on money received from welfare, so families receiving this aid do not earn additional income -- excuse me, so families receiving this aid that do not earn additional income from a job do not pay any income taxes. consequently the tax system of the united states can be beneficial to low-income families. in the current tax system, there are certain advantages to being either high income families or low-income families. but what happens to those families that fall in the middle? the majority of americans are hardworking citizens that earn a moderate salary. these citizens are the one that is have to pay for the benefits that others receive. for example, when the wealthy receive tax deductions, the government receives less money as revenue and the people that fall in the middle are the ones that suffer. the less money the government has, the less it can provide funding to programs that benefit middle income families such as education funding, libraries
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and government aid for skyrocketing college costs. a second way is when poor families receive tax credits. as previously mentioned sometimes when families receive the eitc they receive more money from the government than originally paid. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. mr. critz: thank you. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the chair now recognizes the distinguished gentleman from washington state, mr. reichert, for five minutes. mr. reichert: thank you, mr. speaker. i rise today to recognize the nearly one million law enforcement officers who workday and night to protect all of us. all of us sleep more soundly at night knowing that the brave men and women of law enforcement are in our communities patrolling, protecting, and watching over our homes and businesses. they do so bravely and selflessly and do not ask for recognition. they put their lives on the line knowing the risks. and they take those risks with
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unwavering currently -- courage. i worked for 33 years as a law enforcement officer before i came to congress. i didn't do that because i wanted to be the sheriff of kent county in seattle. i didn't do it because i wanted to be a member of congress. i did it because i wanted to serve my community by protecting it and making a difference. i found that i wasn't alone. each of my law enforcement colleagues carry that same heart of serving. this week is national police week. it's bittersweet for all of us in law enforcement. because we remember the tragedy of our fellow officers lost. already this year 40 officers have been killed in the line of duty. tuesday was peace officer memorial day. a day to remember the brave brothers and sisters killed in the line of duty. we have lost them. they are gone. but they are not forgotten.
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why do law enforcement officers come together during this week in washington, d.c., and on this memorial event? to share the fellship and remember, because we made a promise -- fellowship and remember, because we made a promise, everyone in this room has made a promise and everyone across this country has made a promise, mr. speaker, to never forget. to never forget the pain, the suffering, the feeling of great loss the brokenness of families. the sadness that will touch that family for the rest of their lives. we made a promise to never forget not only those sad times the feelings of brokenness, but those good times, those funny stories we hear. i have two friends that were killed in the line of duty. one in june of 1982. he was my good friend and partner, sam hicks. he was shot and killed. but i remember a night when he
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and i together went to catch a robber we surrounded the house just the two of us. pitch dark outside and all of a sudden i heard sam scream. run, dave, run! so when sam said run i ran. i ran, then i heard a barking dog and looked and saw that sam was being chased by a large dog. sam and i jumped in our police car and i peel out headed out of the driveway because the lights were coming on inside the house where the robber was and i began to smell something a little funny. what happened is that sam decided he was going to mace the dog instead he maced himself. that's one of the stories i remember about my good friend sam. he also taught me how to tie a tie. i only know one knot, the knot that i'm wearing today. my good friend, mike, who went through the academy with me, saved my life one night. i was directing traffic just
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south of seattle and i didn't know it but someone behind me had run up behind me with a knife raised in the air and mike had just driven up and the guy was running toward me to stick the knife in my back. mike tackled him and saved my life. i remember those good times. i remember those bad times. we can never forget the sacrifice of our law enforcement men and women. we are all safe today. you can be in this hall today, mr. speaker, we can all be here today, we can walk on the streets safe knowing that our brothers and sisters in law enforcement are there to protect us. now, you can help them. this week we passed the blue alert bill. all you need to do is watch for those like amber alert, the blue alert signals on your freeway signs that an officer has been shot or killed. you'll see information on those signs, call in. we can work together to keep the community safe because if they
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hurt a cop f. they kill a cop they'll hurt somebody. -- hurt a cop, if they kill a cop, they'll hurt somebody, somebody in the community. help us by participating in blue alert and also ask of you today, mr. speaker, and everyone listening across the great nation of this united states of america, to never forget. god bless you. thank you. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the chair now recognizes the gentlelady from guam ms. bordallo, for five minutes. ms. bordallo: thank you, mr. speaker. i rise today in honor of asian pacific american heritage month. and to recognize the many contributions that asian and pacific americans make to our great nation. i commend congresswoman judy chu, who is the chair of the
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congressional asian pacific american caucus. and also congressman mike honda the caucus' chair emeritus for their leadership and for their efforts on behalf of our communities. our caucus represents a very large and diverse community. the cultures that are represented in our caucus highlight many, many unique traditions languages and histories. despite our diverse backgrounds, asian pacific americans are committed to improving our country every single day. today more than 18.5 million asians and pacific islanders call america their home. 18.5 million. we have become the fastest growing minority community in the united states. having increased by more than
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40% in the last 10 years. asian pacific americans contribute to every aspect of our lives, from business, to education, health care to public relations sports and recreation, to the arts, government and the armed services. our businesses employ more than 2.8 million workers which generate more than $512 billion in annual revenues to our economy. two cabinet secretaries, energy secretary stephen chu, and veterans affairs secretary, eric shinseki are of a.p.a. descent and a.p.a.'s currently represent 13 congressional districts and serve in 15 state legislatures. further, in the last three years the number of judges serving in the federal judiciary have more
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than doubled its highest level in our country's entire history. from the very beginning the asian pacific american community have sought better opportunities, or to escape persecution in their homeland. these can be seen with each particular group. in the experiences of the first chinese laborors who came to build the transcontinental railroads, the first japanese workers who worked in plantations in hawaii the first vietnamese refugees who arrived because of war, and other countless a.p.a. groups with similar stories. asian pacific american history is the larger american story of valuing freedom, continuously working to make our nation great and giving our children a better future than the ones we have. i represent the people of guam.
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i represent the u.s. territory of guam. the people are an important part of our asian pacific american community and whom are extremely loyal and proud of their citizenship. the case in point this year will mark the 68th anniversary of the liberation of guam. from a brutal enemy occupation during world war ii and the return of freedom to the island as part of the american family. guam has one of the highest per capita casualties in the more than a decade that our country has been at war. yet our people continue to enter military service as a calling to serve their country and our island is being called upon to sustain one of the most complex and important force posture realignments in the history of the united states. today per capita, we also are number one when it comes to
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people who serve in the national guard. guam is number one per capita. this may we once again celebrate asian pacific american heritage month. despite the many successes that the a.p.a. community has experienced, there is still so very much to be done. a.p.a. heritage month is a celebration of our diversity, our recognition of the sacrifices and the contributions that asian pacific americans make to our nation and an opportunity to educate all americans of the unique role that our community plays in our country. i thank you mr. speaker as we say in guam [speaking foreign lang badge] i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the chair now recognizes the gentleman from virginia, mr. rigell for five minutes. . mr. rigell: thank you, mr.
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speaker. mr. speaker, i rise today to recognize, to honor and to pay tribute to the life of bishop founder of new jerusalem church in virginia, who passed away too early on this earth in february. he was a man of god, an inspiring leader, a tremendous impact on our community and a truly outstanding american. i ask that you pay tribute to his family, his wife,erestine son, daughter, handsome grand some caleb who who was in my office and the other distinguished guests that came today. the legacy left by bishop thoroughgood is exemplary. the good i shall -- the good
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bishop served his community. he was a titan in humanitarian rights. he was loved in the community and he was a truly gifted speaker and he used that gift to be a blessing to others. this is what was written about the bishop in the "virginia pilot." bishop thoroughgood like to say he started preaching at the age of 5 when he spent many days sharing jesus with the prison work crews that came to clean ditches in his neighborhood. at 20 years old he started the new jerusalem church of god and christ and throughout his careers he served as the superintendent to the second district and was bishop to samuel l. green jr. he was amazingly active in the community. received so many awards if i read them out today i think it would fill a congressional
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record. he also served as a member of the virginia beach clergy association. he was founder and president of the hampton roads council of bishops. he led mission trips to haiti and outreach to the poor and his sermons were literally broadcast around the world. so many were touched by his words which i think explains why at his wake the night before his funeral 2,500 people were there and 4,000 folks showed up to the funeral and i was honored to share just a few words with the family. i just asked that god bless the family and watch over them, give them peace and that the message that the bishop had lived his life conveying would be continued. and that truly is the way i believe we honor the bishop's life is by continuing his work, his compassion for others his commitment to making sure that all americans cross the finish
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line, always centered on family, always centered on god and always mindful of his obligations as an american. bishop thoroughgood leaves to cherish his memories again, his lovely wife, ernestine his sons, daughter, four brothers. large family. wonderful family that we had here this morning. five grandchildren. many children they adopted and helped through the social services foster care program. the new jerusalem church family and the members of the church of god worldwide. so, mr. speaker, i close as i began just knowing that it's a high honor to pay tribute to his life. i think it embodies the very best of what it means to be an american and to be part of our hampton roads community and to be a virginian. so with that i ask god's continued grace on the family. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back.
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the chair recognizes the gentlelady from california, ms. chu, for five minutes. ms. chu: this month is asian pacific american heritage month. it is a time for us to take pride in our country's diversity and to celebrate the ways in which asian pacific americans have contributed to the vibrancy of our nation. today, asian pacific americans are the fastest global racial group in the country and now account for nearly 6% of the total population. asian pacific americans are an incredibly diverse group comprised of over 45 distinctest nissities, speaking over 1 hubbed different language dialects and we are represented in every arena of the american life, from college presidents to public servants and c.e.o.'s and even to an nba basketball star, jeremy lin. this year marks a number of historic milestones for the asian pacific american community, including the 20th year since the formal establishment of a.p.a.
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heritage month. the 100th anniversary of the planting of the first cherry blossoms in our nation's capital and the 150th year since the passage of the pacific railroad act which led to the construction of the transcontinental railroad. this year also marks the anniversary of several painful events in our history. 130 years since the passage of the chinese exclusion act of 1882 a discriminatory piece of legislation which prevented people of chinese ancestry from becoming naturalized citizens and from ever having the right to vote. and 70 years since the signing of executive order 9066 which led to the internment of 120,000 japanese americans during world war ii. and 30 years since the unpunished murder of vincent troy by two unemployed auto workers who blamed him and all asian americans for the loss of their jobs.
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and although our history has indicated great progress since the days of discrimination, it is important to continue to remember our history in order to protect the civil rights of all americans and to prevent these atrocities from ever happening again. as chair of the congressional asian pacific american caucus, or capac, i advocate for the communities needs and priorities on a broad range of issues including health care, economic justice and immigration reform. this year our caucus welcomed 12 new congress members, bringing our total to a record high of 42 members. this means that capac will be able to serve as an even stronger voice for the asian pacific american community at all levels. and as the asian pacific american community continues to grow across the nation, not just in traditional strongholds like california, hawaii or new
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york, but also in states like texas, georgia and nevada, my colleagues and i will continue to ensure that the needs of the a.p.a. community are included as we push for policies that reignite the american dream for all. so as we celebrate asian pacific american heritage month this may, i hope you will join me and remember the many contributions that asian pacific americans have made to our great country. thank you. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields back. the chair now recognizes the distinguished gentleman from illinois, mr. manzullo, for five minutes. mr. manzullo: thank you, mr. speaker. i rise today to speak on energy efficient buildings. we're talking about schools, factories, department stores shopping centers, any type of a large building or even a small building. and the money that they can save and the manufacturing jobs that energy efficient initiatives can create. this week architects, code
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officials, designers and others involved in making buildings more energy efficient celebrate high-performance building week. this annual event features briefings, meetings and our educational outlets designed to showcase and promote the good work being done to provide better buildings and mitigate the impact on the environment. building owners and operators continue to find creative ways to minimize the effect that rising energy costs have on their operations and productivity. these owners and operators are beginning to find the better designs of new buildings and smart retrofits of existing buildings free of capital and allows them to commit more resources to the core operations rather than to utility bills. the state of montana decided to make its buildings more energy efficient. brought in the engineers to do the study and they found that over 7,500 points needed to have me man cal installation.
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these are pipes that needed to be wrapped. and so they undertook that project and what's interesting is that the painback was less than 40 years but each year the state of montana saves 5% to 8% in energy costs on those buildings. that's a massive savings of energy in this country. one of the easiest, most cost-effective way to improve building performance is to ensure the mechanical installation systems are properly installed. while they think it's only for attics it is a vital component for commercial and industrial and educational applications. working with my colleagues, i introduced h.r. 2866 the mechanical insalation incentive act of -- insillation incentive act of 2011 to help make the facilities more energy
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efficient and put people back to work. improved insillation for piping and mechanical performance in commercial and industrial settings will help save businesses more than $4.8 billion a year according to the national insillation association. these improvements will also save resources to a tune of 82 million barrels of oil of 19 billion tons of coal each year and it's probably more than that. i ask my colleagues to consider supporting h.r. 2866. it's a commonsense bill that will save money, improve facility operations, put people back to work and help our buildings perform to a higher standard. mr. speaker, i want to close by saluting the hard work that our nation's architects engineers and building professionals do to help improve buildings schools and businesses.
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i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the chair would now recognize the gentleman from connecticut, mr. courtney, for five minutes. mr. courtney: thank you mr. speaker. mr. speaker, in 45 days the interest rate on the stafford student loan program will double from 3.4% to 6.8%. as millions of american families know, the stafford student loan program is the workhorse for middle-class students try to pay for college. it is a program which has an affordable interest rate. it provides protections for students so that interest doesn't accumulate while you're actually in school. it provides a grace period after you graduate and it also has a cap in terms of how much of your income has to be devoted to stafford loan repayments. in 2007, as a freshman member of congress, i am proud to have been a co-sponsor of the college cost reduction act which cut that rate from 6.8% to 3.4%. it was a five-year bill, like
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many measures that congress passes, and that expiration, that sunset will occur on july 1, 45 days from today when that rate will double back to 6.8%. last week the senate made an attempt to try and take up legislation to protect that lower rate. sadly the republican minority used the filibuster rule to block not even just the bill but even debate on the bill. i repate, they didn't even use the filibuster rule as a block of all republicans to vote against the measure. they actually used the filibuster to even allow consideration of debate. and, begun, the leader in the senate made -- and, again, the leader in the senate made it very clear, if they have alternatives to protect the lower rate, they were free to offer their own amendments. so here we are today with students try to plan for next fall's college, with kids getting their acceptance letters for next year and yet they have no ability to budget or plan in terms of what their interest rate for this
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workhorse program to pay for college allows. now, how do we get to this place? as i indicated, in 2007 we cut the rate. back in january president obama stood at that very podium and challenged congress to not allow the rate to double. for three solid months, nothing happened in this chamber. there was not a single hearing at the education and work force committee. there was not a build from markup. the only action was legislation that i proposed, h.r. 3826, which has over 150 co-sponsors in this chamber on a bipartisan basis which would lock in that rate permanently, has never been taken up for consideration. 2 1/2 years ago, speaker boehner, who by the way voted for the college cost reduction act of 2007, rushed to the floor, a bill for a one-year band-aid and used as a pay-for, depleting resources and funds from programs that would help folks with heart cardiac, cervical cancer
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screening, diabetes screening early childhood disease screening, they took money out of that fund to help desperate americans to try and put a one-year fix on the student loan issue. president obama made it very clear, that bill is a dead letter. a veto threat was issued before we voted in this chamber. so here we are 45 days away waiting for action. h.r. 3826, a measure which permanently locks in the lower rate, is at least a first step in terms of dealing with the crisis in this country of student loan debt which now exceeds credit card debt and car loan debt. we have an issue here which threatens the future viability of this country to succeed and compete in the world global economy where we need cutting edge work force if we're ever going to succeed in the future. . we are going to be celebrating 150th anniversary of president abram had a lincoln signing into law a moral act. it set up a national policy
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establishing land grant colleges in all 50 states in this country. back then its mission was to establish programs for mechanical engineering and agricultural sciences. what an amazing act of vision and leadership. in the darkest days of the civil war, 1862, president lincoln still had the long view. as a nation to succeed we need a national policy for higher education. in his wake the stafford loan program was created sponsored by a republican, robert stafford of vermont the pell grant program was established by claiborne pell, democrat of rhode island, all to providing the building blocks so that young people have that opportunity and the ability to pursue their dreams and to pursue their skill sets. the true key of success in this nation. we are a nation as blessed with great natural resources. we have the greatest military in the world. we have great financial institutions. but the real success of this country is our broad based middle class where education provides the foundation for
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families and students to succeed. that clock is ticking. i started this morning at 110 days. we are now down to 45 days. it is time for the senate republicans to drop the filibuster, allow consideration of a bill to help middle class families as they deal with next year's tuition costs and pass 3826 in the house of representatives. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. seeing no other members present seeking recognition for morning hour, pursuant to clause 12-a of rule 1, the chair declares the house in recess
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a we'll have live house coverage when they return. that he also take up today the defense authorization bill. live house coverage here on c-span when they return. we'll take you next over to the dirksen senate office building that's f.b.i. director robert mueller on the screen. he's been testifying this morning for the last 4r5 minutes before the senate judiciary committee. senator cole asking questions. live coverage here on c-span. a even economic espionage which you refer to and which you estimated cost businesses billions of dollars every year. i'm pleased the f.b.i. and the divisions within justice department have increase add number of investigations by some 29% in the last year. this big jump in the number of investigations suggest the problem may be even greater than we had previously thought. given the increase of investigation and the ever growing threat to american businesses jobs, and our economy, do you have the needed resources to continue to keep the -- to step up enforcement of
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economic espionage, and trade secret theft? can we expect to see an increase in these investigations and prosecutions? >> increase in investigations prosecutions follows increase in personnel. we have now over 50 individuals who are focused solely on these particular cases. and we quite obviously have to prioritize the cases. we tackle one of the major ones we had over the last year was megaupload, the takedown i think you're familiar with the individuals in new delands. we are focusing utilizing those personnel, focusing on the most egregious cases we find and those cases which could result in harm to person if there are false or inadequately manufactured products that are being sold.
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the -- going back to your point it is a huge area. i can't purport to say we are making a huge impact on it. it would take additional resources, but we have to prioritize and lock people up as a deterrent to others engaging in this same activity. >> thank you. >> senator hatch. >> thank you, mr. chairman. welcome, mr. director. i personally have appreciated your service over all these years. you were nominated by president bush for a 10-year term. in 2001 you were subsequently unanimously confirmed by the senate in september, 2001, your 10-year term was set to expire on september 4, 2011 it was extended for an additional two years. i think that was a good thing to do. now, if i have my way, we'd keep you right where you are.
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i understand. >> my wife isn't hearing this. >> since your term will expire next september, if you have any discussion with president obama about successors? have you had any discussions with president obama about potential successors? >> i have in the past. i have not recently. >> do you have a transition plan in place for your success? >> we have put a plan in place so that we would be prepared for the new individual when that individual comes onboard. and we are preparing for 2013 when we would expect a new individual to take the helm. >> i figured you would. attention has been paid to the case of ally duke he's a lebanese national and hezbollah with ties to iran. this terrorist orchestrated a brazen botched kidnapping attempt in karbala iraq, in 2007, which led to the death of five uniformed u.s. military
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personnel. he was in the custody of the united states military in iraq from march 2007 until december, 2011 when he was transferred to the custody of the iraqi government. a "new york times" report from may 7, 2012 indicates that an iraqi court has ordered the release of duke citing insufficient evidence to prosecute him. "the new york times" has also reported earlier this year that he has been charged with war crimes including murder, terrorism and espionage before as you us military commission. is the f.b.i. actively engaged with the appropriate military officials on a plan to provide all necessary support and documents that would be needed for the prosecution of him before a military commission? >> well, yes. not only would we be willing and able to cooperate with the
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military commission if we obtain custody of him. in the meantime, however, we have cooperated with the iraqi authorities in providing intelligence and information for their proceedings in iraq. i was told our agents testifying in those proceedings. we have tried to provide that information we have to the iraqi authorities in support of the iraqi authorities' charges against him. >> are you going to follow up on that? >> we will. >> your agency is conducting the investigation into the death of border patrol agent brian terry on december 14, 2010. it's been a year and a half since this investigation began. in october 2011, ranking member, senator grassley, and house oversight and government reform committee, chairman darrell issa, wrote to you inquiring about the status of that investigation. the number of weapons at the
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scene of the murder and ballistic tests performed on the weapons recovered at the scene of the crime. your agency did not respond until may 4 2012. and the f.b.i.'s response only indicated that press reports of a third weapon were inaccurate. there was no response to the other questions to include the status of the investigation. can i ask you what is the status of that investigation? >> i can tell you it's an ongoing, very active investigation. we because of the seriousness of the events and loss of agent brian terry, any personnel that are needed it gets top priority. because it's an ongoing investigation i can't get into the details. we have when there's been a misperception out there of the facts of the case tried to right them in the sense that there was a belief that there may have been a third weapon at the crime scene. indeed there was not. there were two weapons recovered at the crime scene.
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but going in at this point in time the investigation is ongoing, it would be difficult to get into further details in this forum. >> would you be willing to tell us who at the department of justice is responsible for overviewing that particular situation? >> in the department of justice? in terms of prosecution, yes, it would be the department of justice. >> who actually participated there in coming up with the idea and following through and giving these weapons to these -- >> that would get into the details of the investigation which i can't get into that here sir. >> you can't tell us who at the department of justice who is in charge? >> i'm not certain a particular u.s. attorney is in charge. i'm quite certain criminal division would be in charge. i know this investigation is a high priority for all levels at the department of justice and the f.b.i. >> the f.b.i.'s done great work
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in community outreach, particularly relating to fostering a relationship based on shared security goals. given that the federal government has intruded into many aspects of our lives over the years, it's imperative that federal law enforcement carefully and continually articulate the f.b.i. is there to protect them not police them for ordinary lawful conduct. i want to bring to your attention a series of flyers from f.b.i. joint terrorism task forces. one of the flyers which received a great deal of attention, less potential indicators of terrorist activities related to military surplus stores. according to the flyer customers who should be considered suspicious including those who demand identity privacy, insist on paying with cash, make multiple purchases of meals ready to eat m.r.e.'s, in other words, and purchase weather proof ammunition. needless to say there are many americans who this could apply to who have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism and they
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are rightfully concerned with this type of government decree. now the bottom of the flyer, smallest print possible, the document reads each indicated by itself is a lawful conduct and may constitute rights garnedeteed by the u.s. constitution unquote. i think that disclaimer should have been very prominent and not hidden at the bottom of the page, and i think this flyer and others like it send mixed messages and raised alarm among citizens. can you confirm that the f.b.i. is not looking at people who undertake such normal activities? will you take an active role in the future by reviewing similar documents from f.b.i. entities before they are released? >> i will. we will. i do want to put it in context. we do have what we call, trip wires out there. for instance farm supply stores, ammonium nitrate f. somebody buys substantial amount of amoan number nitrate, far beyond what you want for your guardon or fields, that type of
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thing we need -- garden or fields, that type of thing we need to know about. chemical companies where persons are making purchases that are highly unusual. circumstance where an individual down in texas who is in the midst of constructing an i.e.d. purchased chemicals from a company i believe it was in georgia or south carolina, the company came to us and said this is highly unusual. as a result of that tip we were able to disrupt a substantial plot. we have a process out there. clearly that having amoan number nitrate or -- ammonium nitrate is not a crime. but i will getting back to your question go and review, review these to make certain they are done appropriately. >> thanks, mr. director. appreciate your service. you have given a great service
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to this country. appreciate it. >> thank you very much, mr. chairman. director mueller as senator hatch pointed out you served both a republican and democratic administration. i have watched you carefully. you have never disappointed. i think that's very impressive. i don't know whether this is going to be your last appearance before this committee in the form of an oversight hearing or not, but i did want to say that to you directly. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. as you know title 7 of fisa, the foreign intelligence surveillance act, expires december 31 of this year. this particular title allows for electronic surveillance of targets outside of the united states. the senate intelligence committee as well as this committee has done extensive oversight over the government's use of these surveillance authorities. and we look forward to working with you to re-authorize the
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fisa amendments act well before the end of this year. i think we need to look no further than the recent aqap bomb plot to know the threat is still out there, as you said. it is very real and there is no question that they will attack this country if they can. for the benefit of members and so that the american people can hear directly from you about this intelligence collection activity, can you please explain the need to re-authorize title 7 of the foreign intelligence surveillance act? . >> if we learned one thing on september 11 and one thing early it was the need to share intelligence and gather intelligence to identify persons who would kill american citizens whether it be here domestically or overseas. the shock of september 11 in part was attributable these were individuals from outside
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the united states who were radicalized, who plotted, who then undertook the attack in the united states. we cannot wait till the attackers are on the shores of the united states to preempt plot such as the plot that was preempted last week. we cannot wait until the person is on a plane over u.s. territory in order to try to stop that plot. we have to know what is happening in yemen, we have to know what's happening in the fatah, in pakistan afghanistan. we have to know what's happening in somalia in nigeria, in morocco. in each of these places there are pieces of the -- of al qaeda that are operating and are seeking to attack us domestically. one of the key areas of insight into these activities is our ability to intercept conversations in a variety of media today, and that
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intercepted conversations, get a picture and idea of what plotting is occurring overseas. if you take that away from us, if you take that picture away from us, if you take away from us the ability to gather this kind of information, then we will be defenseless until a person crosses our borders, and we cannot allow that to happen. >> well, thank you very much. one of your legacies, of course, is going to be that you have put in place a very large intelligence component within the f.b.i. i gather it's above 10,000 people now working in intelligence. what is the actual number? >> we have approximately 3,000 analysts but all of our 15,000 agents in the intelligence community, we call them collectors. we all them agents. they are collectors of information. and whereas for the most part in the past we would focus, is
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it misblown. now it's information collected to fill gaps. what do we know about this particular threat to the united states? and what do we not know and fill the gaps? we have 3,000 analysts that's tripled since 2001 but also the organization as a whole understand we address it as a threat. it's not just locking up people. it's not just putting people away but it's understanding the threat and preempting the individuals who want to attack. >> do you know whether a crimes report has been filed with the department of justice pursuant to the aqap bomb retrieval and the leak? >> i'm not certain. you describe a crimes report. there is discussion between ourselves and agencies. there was an investigation on the leak and as i said we initiated an investigation.
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in terms of reporting, as has been indicate, had the responsibility of exploiting the i.e.d. device and reporting has come out of that has not only come out of the department of justice but other agencies. >> you have a counterterrorism special agent working out of los angeles that's been missing for five days now. >> yes. >> what can you tell us about that? >> we are still searching for that individual. we met his wife yesterday. it is publicized for the fact that he is missing. there has been searches in those areas where this individual, this agent would often run or hike. we are still searching. >> thank you. on sunday hank crumpton, whom you probably know the former head of the c.i.a.'s national
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resources division, was interviewed on "60 minutes." when asked about counterintelligence, i want to quote him, this is what he said. if you look at the threat that's imposed on our nation every day, some of the major nation states, china in particular, very sophisticated intelligence operations. very aggressive operations against the united states. i would guess that there are more foreign intelligence officers inside the u.s. working against u.s. interests now than even at the height of the cold war. end quote. now i know there's a limit to what you can say before this committee but how would you respond to that statement? >> i think it's difficult to say but i do believe that counterintelligence threat has evolved over a period of time. generally certain countries use far greater dispersal of
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individuals and then as i mentioned in my opening remarks, so much of our data is kept on dabes and net works and may be -- databases and networks and may be vulnerable overseas. so the counterintelligence threat has evolved in ways that were not present during the corralled war. in terms of numbers of persons, i think that's less important than the ways that foreign countries are seeking to steal our secrets. not just with individuals, not just with human, as one would call in the intelligence community, but also with cyberattacks and cyber extractions of information. >> one quick question. sex trafficking of children. >> yes. >> a big issue, large numbers, i think all of us one way or another have run into it in our
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states. what more can the f.b.i. do to be helpful with this really terrible, terrible thing? >> we have a program that we have had from -- for a substantial period of time which we deal with this phenomenon throughout the united states. we have on a number of occasions had substantial takedowns of individuals who were involved in it. unfortunately, that does not end up -- there are many more out there. the gratifying aspect from persons who work this, the victims that we are able to save in terms of our activity. it's another area where we'd love to be able to put more additional resources. we try to leverage what resources we have because every child saved is a child that will will be remembered for a good long time. >> thank you. >> senator kyle. >> thank you, mr. -- >> senator kyl. >> thank you very much, mr. chairman. following up on the last point,
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you talk about the need to prioritize in the need for sequestration. every one of these responsibilities that the federal bureau of investigation have are important to information, and in many cases they are important to the entire citizenry. when you said that our -- you said our budget would take a big hit, it will be a very hard hit is what you just said, i recall when the secretary of defense was asked, not just about the hit on the budget but the effect on the country, on his ability to help defend the country. could i ask you to respond to the question in that way about the f.b.i.'s ability to do the important work that it has? the secretary of defense called it catastrophic. how would you characterize the effect of the sequestration across the board concept and the fact it occurred? >> i go back and say i misspoke before. i think i said it would be a 7% to 8% cut. i should have said we would
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lose 3,500 positions as opposed to 1,500. there is 1,500 special agents. 1100 analysts and 900 professional staff. i -- it's hard for me to categorize and use a word such as catastrophic. i would say it would be maybe devastating -- >> that's bad enough. >> as you point out, the impact it will have not just in the bureau but on people that we serve. the programs that we have to save children. the programs that we have to protect our networks from cyberattacks. the programs that we have to put behind bars those persons who are responsible for white-collar crimes, securities fraud, corporate fraud and mortgage fraud, health care fraud, all of which if you do
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not have the capacity to go and put the person to jail, then there is no deterrence and it will grow. it will hamper that. what people forget is the long-term effects when you have a hiring freeze or you have a sequestration where the institution is impacted for years down the road. it may be rectified in 12 months or 18 months or two years, but that hiring freeze and the like translates into a gap in that agency for years down the road. where we are attempting to keep up with the technology when it comes to cyberattacks we will miss a generation of individuals who have those capabilities if we are required to cut back and lose 1,500 agents. not only is the impact devastating at the outset, it is devastating down the road. >> thank you for that and i assure my colleagues that we
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must address this certainly before the end of the year. let me also refer to your testimony about investigating the source of the leaks of this most recent i think referred to it as -- an i.e.d. but we can refer to it as another potential underwear bomber case, would that be accurate? >> yes explosivive device. >> and you have an investigation ongoing under way, is that correct? >> yes. >> and let me just ask you about -- is it -- how would you characterize how important it is to find the source of the leak? >> as i indicated before, i don't want to overuse the word devastating, but have a huge impact on our ability to do our business. not just on a particular source and the threat to the particular source but your ability to recruit sources is severely hampered and in cases
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such as this, the relationship with your counterparts overseas are damaged and which means that inhibition and the willingness of others to share information with us where they don't think that information will remain secure. so it also has some long-term effects which is why it is so important to make certain that the persons who are responsible for the leak are brought to justice. >> now, sometimes there's no other lead that leads you to the result except talking to the reporters involved. in the past you and others in the law enforcement community have taken a very strong position indicating your concerns about legislation that would undermine your ability to protect intelligence sources that could sewer yes, sirly impede national security -- is it your view that it would not be a good policy for reporters to have a special privilege or
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special right not to talk to f.b.i. or other law enforcement officials if they may have the information that would lead you to the leaker? >> that's somewhat general in terms of framing a legislation, i'd have to leave the ultimate decision on the legislation to the department of justice. but i do believe that the protocols established within the department of justice to protect and assure the media are adequate to accomplish that task. >> i appreciate that. the reason i ask the question generally is because i realize that policy is set by the attorney general or the administration generally which is why i ask you about as a general proposition, whether it's helpful or harmful to your efforts and you have said in the past that your f.b.i. guidelines are sufficient. others have agreed with that. i happen to agree with that and i think that is good policy.
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let me just conclude by reiterating the comments of both senators cole and feinstein about the importance of re-authorizing fisa before the end of the year. there is a lot of concern here that we will kick all the important decisions down the road to after the election and even though this doesn't expire until the end of the year, i think my colleagues would be saying it would be good to do this as soon as possible. just from the standpoint of knowing what you have to deal with in the future, the continuity of your training and law enforcement efforts and so on is it your view that the sooner we could accomplish this re-authorization of title 7 of fisa the better from your perspective? >> yes, it would give us some certainty. >> thank you very much. >> thank you very much senator kyl. senator durbin. >> thank you. thank you for your service. you've done an extraordinary job in one of the most challenging times in our nation's history. i thank you personally for taking some time to focus
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attention on my hometown of east st. louis illinois which sadly has one of the highest rates of violent crime per capita in the nation. there is a wave task force multiunit task force including f.b.i. agents, which is doing its level best to change that and i thank you for your willingness, even with limited resources, to participate. we have exchanged conversations correspondence on the issue of training manuals and i'd like to make the record clear today about the current situation. i'm asking to enter in the record letters which you and i exchanged in march and april of this year when it was disclosed in some parts of the training manuals became public that some things had been stated in the training of f.b.i. agents which had been appropriate and unfair to arabs and muslims. and we have spoken about this
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personally. i have spoken to attorney general holder. could you tell me at this moment in time what is the current status training manuals in the f.b.i. as it relates to these two grumes and what you have done to make certain we don't have the kinds of things that have troubled us in the past? >> yes, as i indicated in the letter when this came to our attention last summer we took it exceptional lieu seriously. and we con-- exceptionally seriously. we convened several individuals, all of whom have advanced degrees, two were inside the bureau, two outside the bureau, to make preliminary review of the materials and determine what and should be done to make certain the training we give our agents is appropriate. and we have a touchstone document. i have to apologize. i believe in conversations with you i indicated it was a curricula. it was a touchstone document
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that these persons put together as a guidance as to how to go through and treat the records we were going through. we then had up to 30 individuals, agents analysts and others go through over 160,000 documents training documents. training documents not necessarily a manual, but training documents that had been used in the preceding 10 years since september 11 all within 1,000 slides and the like. we had them go through and pull out those particular documents that were inappropriate for whatever reason. they could have been wrong. they could have been raise the specter of an individual being pointed out that should be pointed out. they -- for whatever reason, those particular documents needed to come out of our training. we identified 176 of those documents that needed to be
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pulled out. we found the other 160 approximately documents 160,000 documents appropriate. we then with those documents, we went out to the field and explained why these particular documents with examples were inappropriate. we interviewed the individuals who were responsible for those documents. we did more than 100 interviews of such individuals and we also are in the process now of going out and making certain that the materials we are using are in accordance with -- are appropriate. one of the things it did teach us and one of the things that comes out is that we did not have a mandatory review for training documents such as this. so we put into place a part from this a review of training
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so that anybody who is giving training can't go up and put together training materials. it has to go through a screening process. we took it exceptionally seriously. perhaps you can understand given the personnel we put on it, but i think we have gone a long ways toward resolving the issue. critics have said this is all about congressional meddle and political correctness -- meddling and political correctness. i'd like to have your characterization because you stated to us earlier that one of the key laments in fighting terrorism is connections, cooperation, and you have said, attorney general holder have said that muslim americans and arab americans have been a vital part of our effort to keep our nation safe. i'd like to get your characterization. >> for me personally is not an exercise of political correctness. it's an exercise of doing what is right given what we have seen. i believe the five individuals we selected to have the
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professional capabilities to guide us in this way. it's essential that our agents will give us the best possibly materials and those materials that are in accordance with our core values. so i reject any assertion that it was -- this is the result of political correctness or any such other characterization. it's what needed to be done. i will follow up as i have before and say many of the cases we have done are the result of the muslim community bringing to our attention individuals whom needed further investigation and we would not be as safe as we are today without the support of the muslim american, arab americans, seek american communities of the united states. >> we went through this exercise and it's unusual where all members of the senate, democrats and republicans, were invited to classified hearing, f.b.i. was represented, department of defense, so many
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other agencies on cybersecurity which you mentioned. there is a bill pending to try to make our nation safer from the cybersecurity threat. i am trying to look at this through the prism of our individual rights of privacy as individuals and the basic liberties and values that we share. can you tell me in the brief time remaining here, do you feel that the cybersecurity legislation, proposed by the administration compromises any of the rights of privacy that individuals have customaryly enjoyed in this country under wiretap statutes and -- i could go through the specifics here -- other legislation? are we changing the standard when it comes to cybersecurity in terms of the disclosures of any individuals, emails or text in the name of security? >> i do not -- it does not change the standards by which government can obtain
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information relating to an investigation. let me just put it that way. while i am somewhat familiar the administration's proposal, i am not thoroughly familiar. i do not think from what little i know that it changes that dynamic at all. i will say though, the only way to prevent a cyberattack, a substantial cyberattack is to exchange information. the same way you need to prevent terrorist attacks, you need to exchange information. and the success, any successes after september 11 are the fact that we are working with state and local law enforcement, we are working with the intelligence community. we understand that the borders no longer protect and we have to share information. to protect against cyberattacks we are going to have to do the same thing, but it's going to have to incorporate the private sector. in ways you didn't have to incorporate the private sector
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when we were facing the counterterrorism threat. but the cyberthreat is no less. it will be no less than the counterterrorism threat. there will have to be an exchange of information and needs to have an exchange not just between the intelligence community, the law enforcement community but between the intelligence community, law enforcement community d.h.s. and the private sector. >> there will be many more questions. i thank you. >> thank you, mr. chairman. thanks for joining us today, director mueller, and i want to thank you not only for being here but also to serve your country. yours is not an easy job. last year you expressed some concerns about the national defense authorization act for 2012. specifically in letter you wrote to senator levin in november of last year, you expressed some concerns with section -- with what became section 1022 of that legislation, saying that you were worried about that
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provision, introducing a degree of uncertainty and potentially inhibiting the f.b.i.'s capacity to convince covert arrestees to cooperate immediately and to provide intelligence. my concerns with the ndaa focused much more was section 1021. to some extent i think the president shared some those concerns. he indicated in his signing statement on december 31, 2011, as follows. i want to clarify my administration will not nor the indefinite military detention without trial of american citizens. indeed, i believe that doing so would break with our most important traditions and values as a nation. my administration will interpret section 1021 in a manner that ensures that any detention it authorizes complies with the constitutional laws of war and other apickable law.
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in light of that statement, you know, i was encouraged by that statement. i think it's good. i still have some concerns that future administrations might not hold that view or that this administration might change its position. in light of that concern, i join with senator feinstein in introducing s. 003, the due process guarantee act, to ensure that u.s. citizens apprehended on american soil are not detained indefinitely without charge or without trial. so i guess my first question is, do you share your -- do you share the president's commitment -- i assume you would -- as to the fact that u.s. citizens should not be detained indefinitely without trial under 1021? >> well, yes. in the sense that -- yes. yes. but let me just say there's no change to our activities. our activities are the same.
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how we handle things are not changed by the president's declaration but, yes, i would assume that would happen. that would be the case. >> some people have suggested that military detention may be necessary, you know, in some of these circumstances because f.b.i. and other civilian authorities lack the resources or the capabilities to deal with the unique circumstances associated with the apprehension and detention of terrorism suspects. so my question for you is, what are the f.b.i.'s ability in this record? do you feel the f.b.i. would lack capacity to handle these circumstances to deal with the apprehension and detention of terrorism suspects? >> no. the answer at the outset is no
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but we may be talking about a different class. if you're talking about cover, 1022 persons, we are talking about individuals who are non-u.s. citizens, individuals who are participating in a plot with al qaeda and the like where 1022 kicks in. going back to your initial question, i have concerns about what would happen at the time of arrest. those concerns have been put to rest by the protocol that was established by the president. regardless of whether it is a person that is taking the united states by the f.b.i. or it could be by the military, if it's -- if it happens on base for instance i have no question -- it would be capable of handling the consequent
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investigation and search for investigation. >> ok. >> so given this protocol that was developed in light of the president's signing statement on december 31 given what you just added to that, would it be fair for me to assume that the administration would not object to legislation that would put this rule in place by statute? in other words, to say we wouldn't use section 1021 to indefinitely detain united states citizens? >> that would have to go to the justice department. that is a step too far for me. >> understood. understood. in your testimony, in your written system you stated that you support the re-authorization of the fisa amendments act. among other things, those amendments authorize the government to surveil various categories of non-u.s. persons abroad, united states the -- outside the united states, without a court order for each individual target. although these amendments don't
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appear to allow the government intentionally to target a person on u.s. soil, it does seem the amendment does have the potential to result in warrantless surveillance of communications that involve u.s. citizens. can you explain in light of this potential what steps can be taken, what steps might be taken in order to protect u.s. citizens? >> let me say i am concerned about both the thrust of the statute as well as the provisions of the statute that minimize the possibility of this happening. but beyond that i would have to do it in closed session. >> but we do share the concern that there is potential concern of protecting u.s. citizens? >> yes my understanding is as the statute is going through
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congress. it is raised and addressed in the statute. yes, we fully comply and understand the thrust as well as the letter of the statute. >> ok. i see my time's expired. thank you, mr. chairman. thank you, director. >> thank you. >> i want to join other members of the committee in thanking for your extraordinary service over many years, many challenging and difficult years on many challenging and difficult topics. and obviously particularly in the area of terrorism the f.b.i. has taken an increasingly important role, not just in terms of apprehending and prosecuting terrorism here in this country but also abroad and in the area of white-collar crime you continue to be an
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extraordinarily important presence. i want to ask first about the jpmorgan chase investigation. can you tell us what potential crimes could be under session without asking you to conclude anything or talk about the evidence? would it be false statements to the federal government or what area of criminal activity? >> well, i'm hesitant to say anything other than what's under title 18 or what's available to the s.e.c. would be the focus of any ongoing investigation. the arch support your gel inserts, you really do have great health benefits when you wear these. >>guest: this is a matching color drawstring bag here
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is the difference in teen $200, and ours. this can change your life because it is healthier >>host: over 20,000 that you have already ordered this look at these girls. sses >>host: you are not connecting up your toes how many pairs of flipflop can you run around in, >>guest: if i was flexible i can do that average is not like they do on tv with one leg out.
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leslie machado is feeling the purple haze. yes >>host: , i feel the energy welcome to your spotlight, your good to guide for everything hsn celebrate america on friday the 25th.we have great top brands for and we have american inspired and the one hour live concert with country superstar jos and we have some great showstoppers for you. [reading] at 7:00 p.m.. it is
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>> i am on my feet all day they need to be comfortable, and they are working out as well, soon i will have the best but in the spa if i do not already. >>host: that makes you want to go up the stairs with somebody behind you. >>guest: i did not think this was going to happen. >>host: by personal request, the $108 value, get this visit only, two flex payments $16.40, this is ridiculous.
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>>guest: all weather easy shaper trainers it gives impact absorption. you come over heel here and you have a heel are stretching feet and your calf muscles, when you walk you exercise your body. when you take this in a lot of technology. full gel here and here it is $109 value, >>host: then you give us more than that. that is just for the but this is everything that you get. 6 c13 not only get your easy shapers but you also get a personal trainer for one
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year. >>guest: we all need footware to have a personal trainer for one year is an amazing thing. to be able to pick up the telephone line, you can get this home for $17 is an amazing by, grab as many as you have your choice of sport white with pink >>host: we want to show to you all of the colors, we have sport white with winesic sport white we have classic sport blackar color which is really hot right now you have sport white with pink sport white
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with line we have under 1000 of this to go around, and this is the bight of that year we will all wear sandals, these are all year my technology is different than everybody else's, what we did for many years was create technology where your heel is lower than year for what and you have a it will help stretch your back in your legs when you walk in the is it is no different than working on a treadmill workout on your heelshealth. it
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comes with the 10 most important steps to losing weight the right way, and you're $109 worth of shoes you have right+ purchase more than one pair if you can, not as she is ot tell bought her heels are slightly lower, it stretches your calf muscle endurance and strength, it will help to relax your back flexes she engages her foot by flexing her calves and hamstrings which go to the box, a lot
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of technology and personnel training, it is a fit this factor >>host: this is midnight black jet black all of the way around, and then they look6 c13 dress slacks, sport white is always a top seller. >>host: >>guest: if you love the white look, under what hundred 50 pairs. --150 pairs if you like this white and lamb collar job on --white ad lime color jump on the
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telephone now, reflective, do you see this back here it is all technologies. ankles --it will cradle and support yourankles you have a lot of technology, a $109 value, and one year's worth of personal training pripet anybody in your family can then call my personal trainers >>host: if you6 c13 your white shoes with wine color and you like that pink color, currently all sizes are available
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>>guest: might as well be if you turn the the sport white with lime and pink and wind all are all low quantities. >>host:6 c13 to listen to dr. rocketsavit >>: as a podiatrist i can tell you why the cheeks easy shapers are so beneficial to you. when you are standing in them because of the three degrees incline walking technology you are actually stretching your lower legs, you are stretching your feet and you are stretching your hamstrings that are the back of your thighs. the moment you start to walk you are engaging these muscles and you are building tone in your buttocks and in your
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legs and you are making every step count. >>host: i would like to show you a quick close-up i love everybody out there i have been on television 25reflective video as well, you can see this at night while walking it is all nash believe you can do look at yourself free is reflective this is something new, dual density the b a wedge would you pull each of these al, you powerful gel --you get fault gel inserts-- full gel
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inserts. this is wine and sport% white.and then the classic black which i love. do you have one in the back? those are really popular >>host: we alsoen's sizes. white with navy. >>guest: grab these quickly we do not haveclassic, you can see the wire extra wide toe and closures extra long time you have a reflector system, dual density dandrea this is
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definitely what you will want to wear. this is important to you know how hard it is to buy shoes with that kind of reflection?i just want you to see that i try to cover all of my bases. now this offer is for this visit purchased the today's special today, you get to pairs but with this you can purchase six pairs of under $65. trainer for a year,
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>>guest: you have easyapers, and climbed four. know,--incline 4.0. you have for exercises to do in the privacy of your own home, you will be wearing swimsuits do you want to be more toned? your 10 most important steps to losing weight the right way and one year of personal trainers. training. you can talk daily to a certified personal trainer. 3 you get your pair of shoes, and a great display box >>host: the $109 value on the issues alone we have black white with [laughter] (...) (...) (...)
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>>: as a fitness couple we love our easy shapers, they are stylish and they are so comfortable. every step i am making is really meaning something. i really feel them in my legs. i feel it in my backside. i feel i am really working out. we love it. >>: as i am standing there i can feel i am stretching my legs and as i walk it give you the sensation of walking uphill. it is a different feeling of stretch in your legs. it is very comfortable and effective at the same time. it is a very unique shoe and something i highly recommend. >>host: if you are calling now you need to be quick if you want to get lime or pink. >>guest: this is barbara and this is sport white with lime. you can see
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the reflectors, dual density eva wedge these are cute, kit a cute, the value at $109. 6 c13 this around, you can setupsee your dualc13 density eva energy pad. is that technology. when she stands committee does not speak, when she walks, walked said a slight three degree incline. these are very cute and you can not find these anywhere lookce and you also get a personal trainer >>host: ought what
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is a pretty color sport white with aqua. >>guest: and these are all basically a lot of technology, all leather you can see the reflector (...) >>host: these look good on, i where these with black trousers they are all wearing the black the stretchy when you here is your classic white color, >>host: look how cute this looks she
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can wear with anything you have technology and science, all leather shoes with a lot of technology. >>host: it is set up for memorial day.think six and six and a half may be pre had where will you purchase shoes like this, that come with a personal trainer for one year >>host: you cannot purchase an expensive tennis shoes for this you cannot get the incline technology, $16.40, you have a really great comparable good- looking pair of shoes.
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>>guest: the issues you are talking about are not in corn, those are the elliptical, your he'll never touches the ground--heel and never touches the ground i do not believe in do not think you should walk around trying to balance all they are comfortable, they give you a great stretching of the body you walk, they have technology and people love that cheeks easy shaper, every parent that you purchase, you could be a $109 value all mesh and technology, withmembership that anybody in your family can it has my telephone
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number on here, and nobody does this except for us. >>host: and that is anybody in your household that can do that it is great benefit, you think you are making the right choices we want to let you hear this you should listen to what she has to say. as an exercise physiologist >> this gives you more toning, when you are standing still, it gives more of a stretch for those same you have a removable inserts, which takes away a lot of impact for the body. ft.
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>>host: here are your color choices only about 500 left in the lime we have the support pink maybe less, sport white with aqua these are really nice, and then the blackthis anybody who loves athletic footwear, grab these, just because it is a great purchase with a lot of technology, everything has jill footbed, a lot of
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technology these are the key >>host: these are the shoes you see me wearing, and they really do look good >>host: final quantity on the man's,est: black is always the number one seller, congratulations to everybody out there. it has two flex payments and a great value, right before the show tony little said this was not supposed to these things happened right before the you
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also get access to your own personal fitness trainer for one year, $108 is just for the issues. --shoes.teenagers, (...) >>guest: this is inclined 3.0, you have ev energy cushion, you have high-quality issues and we all need to wear footwear this is the best when you stand it stretches when you walk it and you get the personal trainer they do not let off on your feet pripet--lookawkward
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cute and fun $44.95, denim blue with gray, or pink with white and we have them n lavender with stone $44.95 introductory price with two flex payments $22.48, item 165-622 and was over 20,000 gone, it is our today's special. if you have been looking for the best buy of the day, and the best buy of the year, one time and one and a one shot only to get a two pack of the cheeks healthy lifestyle sandals n/a 2 pk and it gives you all of that gel support patented support and low
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impact gel footbed and toebar and herringbone design, the entire sandal is made up their low impact eva. everything that you see here, everyone gets a one pair of black and when call and everyone will get one black and you will order your fashion color to go with the black ones. if you order of the white choice, you also receive the black pairpink, you will also receive a black pair and if you order the purple haze which has been very pular, you will also receive a black pair and the denim blue which is one of our top sellers, you will also receive the black with that and here is gold which is a nice neutral and a great looking design that looks good with
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khaki and lenin, that has been popular and you also received a black and when you order chocolate brown you also receive a black pair. you get both paris and we will let you hear what other people say about healthy lifestyle sandals. >> my cheeks health sandals are very comfortable. some of the things that i love about the sandal is there is a gel insert that goes along the bottom of the shoe. it's really cushiony. it gives your foot a lot of support when you're walking and you can, honestly, barely feel it when you're walking. in this shoe, it goes in a little like right here and right here so that it cradles your foot so that when you're walking it doesn't slide all over the place. and also there is a nice arch support which gives your foot a lot of support. another great thing is they're really lightweight. >>host: they come in their own carrying bag. and what is6 c13 about this technology? you receive the black
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ones and your choice of color and purple haze is our new color and you might have bubblegum from years past and i keep them in the trunk of my car because i can always find them when i get a pedicure. >>guest: are the same cradling designed and they are much more light weight only 7 ounces in the pair.and the new technology is the gripping bottom and thegel heel cut. cup. pick it is all made out of is not made out of rubber because that will not bend with your foot.and it has our support that will protect and stretch your foot. -- arch support. my
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fingersside the and if you are reflecting your foot with that toebar you are flexing your foot. haall science and very cute and here is the heel gel. that is right here. getting an almost 22,000 people have ordered these you get two pairs of these at $29.95. pair for all of this science and technology and the best thong sandal you have ever owned in your life. >>host: it is great for athletes. >guest: you will wear these everywhere because they more technology than most and this is oblong so it fits
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comfortablyace between your toes. 13 >>host: >>guest: they will not fly off and you choose which scent you want if you want black and the bubblegum pink, you can get those. i will show you why i am so passionate about these and i could charge you a lot for all this technology. there is a very expensive sandal led $79.95 but it does not have our technology. this is the bottom6 c13 sandal that is $225 was no arch support. >>host: that is for someone with more dollars than cents. >>guest: you are putting a piece of tire tread on the bottom of foot and flapping it around and here is another one that is flat leather
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something tied between your toes and you spent $60 on that, and this one is all leather with no and you are encouragingtten out. you should not be doing are spending hundreds of dollars and if you buy something cheap you get the same stuff that is6 c13 with no support and anode jal and no flexing no and these will pop apart and you are wearing a piece of foam on the bottom of your foot. >>host: we are saying that these are great for athletes and if your feet are wet and sometimes your feet move around in your sandals but if your feet are you will not be slipping around in these shoes while you are walking
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around the pool deck. they come in a bag like this with an inspirational folder and you choose the color that you want. we have some great testimonials and listen to what jenny has to say. >> i think my cheeks are incrediably comfortable. during the summer time, i wear sandals all day everyday. i love that it actually cradles my feet and it has the gel insoles and the arch support. it's almost like the tennis shoe sandals. i also love the fact that there's a lot of traction on the bottom. so it's perfect for boating or whether you're just walking around with friends shopping. you can dress them up or dress them down, and their just incredibly adorable. >>guest: mat i feature your feet? get you can order this pair of beautiful metallic cheeks lifestyle sandals3 your feet and super lightweight6 c13
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with a pair of the black onesd if you want this set order that set and you get one of these pairs basically free. getting to paris at the price of one. -- two pairs. impact and yves chop. less than 7 ounces per repair. -- and eva. >>host: you are moving around and they stay on. >>guest: that is another patented point. and here is the bubblegum pink with a black. you can see how it cradles her and feet and that is a set. you get pears at $29.95 but only for today. people have gotten these.
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these are the denim blue. very, when youose up on these you will see fashion and sandals that cradle her feet with that herringbone design. this is a sad and these look great with jeans or white and denim boot is great for every day. -- a set. >>host: and here is silver. >>guest: that arched technology shows you how foot since then there and there are no other sandals like these. i love it for people to see that. >>host: it is a high-performance sports car with the seats you end this cradle's your foot. this13 your high performance. love this bold.
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>>guest: when she lift tub perfect she has the -- art shellarch support. get a set of black and gold. they are quite $15 per pair and you have gel and technology and patented science and you cannot get anywhere else except here in america today. we are calling this purple haze. it is cute. you are getting a pair of black and3 pair of purple haze which is a fun colors. i want to
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show these close up. i want people to see the details here. textured. and there is the cheeks logo and you see how they flex. that is what i am talking about. when she puts her foot downh the arch support it customizes around her foot and around her toes and she can move and jump and do anything. and you will not be flip- floping around. >>host:old oz they actually get off the floor! most popular color choice, white and black, and we recommend you go up one half size if a half size. all sizes
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only. whole sizes only.if you want more of a neutral this chocolate brown is great. we have more testimonials but we do not have much time. >>host: we love our bubblegum pink. let us listen to more testimonials $29.95 to get to paris. about the sandals is the fact that they're very flexible. they're very soft. they're very modern looking. they're very lightweight. you can wash them. they dry within minutes. they're wide for people like me with wide feet. amazing because i tend to walk on my heels. so, it really helps a lot. they're just very lightweight. i'm telling you. if you're always on the you must get one of these, and they're so cute. -- two t: you see the
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texture and there are the lat pull pillows logo.-- toes logo.and this art support feels so good under your feet. -- arch support.if you have heart tile floors at home, you know how uncomfortable they can be. -- hard tile.and if you work in an environment where you can wear open toed shoes, this is not like wearing a flip-flop. >>guest: this is science and fashion and when you look at that bottom and you have that heel mat gel. -- heel gel. as you are walking
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your foot is inside the andustomize is around your toes and protect your heel. you are getting two pairs and this would be an example. you get a pair of black with a color. here is black with silver and you get both pair set $29.90 but only for today.and here is black and white. it is like optic white. and this is our number one choice, black and white or black and bubblegum pink or black and purple haze, very cute and black and denim blue, and here is gold and beige with black. of sandals with each order, and a pair of black and a pair of chocolate. they come
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in a travel bag and two of these pairs only way 14 oz.a healthy lifestyle technology. i have cut one open so i can show everyone.listen to what laurie has to say. >> i love the look of my cheeks health sandal. i love the color. it'll go with just about everything. i love the detail, and the fact that it is so lightweight. i love the arch support and the cradling design because if you're running after two children like i am a lot, you know you really want a sandal that is going to be comfortable. that's going to give you support and cradle your foot. my foot doesn't slip around like i get with other sandals. it really gives you a great degree of support and comfort. >>guest: here is a
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set of blacksandals, and you can see no matter how she moves and this is the first group you can get, a pair of black and a pair of bubblegum pinkc13 before your cells out this is your first offer and then you have a pair of black with denim blue that looks good with white and jeans. very popular and the next one is a set of black and silver and one of my favorites because people like silver metallic black ones c13 included and the technology and science with that and this is second right behind the white and black set black with a beige/gold and it is one of the fastest selling sets we have today. and the next one is black with purple haze and that is a sap's in the
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number one selling choice is black with white and we have chocolate and a black. we are showing you to pair because you get two pair of healthy lifestyle sandals with technology. this is a close-up. there is nothing like it anywhere in the world except hsn and this is a patented system and when you put your foot into this evil system, it is a material that is used in almost all of our athletic footwear. -- eva system.i patented putting an gel inserts on top of the eva. and also at
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the bottom of your foot and creating a heel gel which comes all the way through and now you have a heel gel and lots technology, waterproof, scuff prove, and they will last forever and they weigh about 7 ounces per repair. pair when you figure that you get two pair $29.95. an unbelievable deal. >>host: the final five minutes andover 22,000 people have said yes and we are not limiting the number of these that you get and you will save on3 with an additional orders.s 6- a whole sizes only. size up with half sizes. when you are buying these, if you are full half
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size order the next size up. i keep them in my car every day and i use when i get a pedicure or after sporting events are going to the beach and when your feet want to be comfortable and you are tired of wearing high heels. >>guest: normally wear a thong sandals but i started wearing these all the time because there is nothing like these and these are helpingtch my arch and my feet and a flex when i move, and they feel like i have nothing on and it is a cooling gel support and they are the most comfortable sandals you will ever wear and they are cute and they have technology c13 the when you purchase sandals you will spend more6 c13 than $15 on sandals that do nothing for your feet but cause problems. >>host: you talk
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about those cups and you cannot wear them in a sandal. v>>guest: people by those to protect their heel end because we are strikers. and you cannot put them into a sandal. this was over $200 and you are strapping nonsupport of rubber piece to the bottom of your foot or a piece of leather that is all flat on the bottom of foot and spending hundreds of dollars. and you are doing it again and impacting your foot. you are flattening your foot with particleboard. and again. this is technology you will have 6-8 years and it will forever and it is cute and fashionable and we have two sets in this order.
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>> my cheeks health sandals are very comfortable. some of the things that i love about the sandal is there is a gel insert that goes along the bottom of the shoe. it's really cushiony. it gives your foot a lot of support when you're walking and you can, honestly barely feel it when you're walking. in this shoe, it goes in a little like right here and right here so that it cradles your foot so that when you're walking it doesn't slide all over the place. and also there is a nice arch support which gives your foot a lot of support. another great thing is they're really lightweight. >>host: i think you can really see the details here. >>guest: you can see all of the grip and this is all the gel insert and the light you see there is the gel that is right here. and you can see that contours' and over here you can see the toebar and that helps you grab with your foot and barefoot sits inside of it
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have the and we wanted you to see the technology because there is nothing else like it anywhere. >>host: boaters of love this because it will not harm the decks or they would on their boats and they also float.i have worn them into the water and if one comes a flow dried up. what >>guest: reproof and scuff proof and destruction proof. these areg and super light weight and lots of technology and there is your today, you get two pair. one day one time per a set of two. >>host: order white and you receive the black and chocolate with black or gold what black or silver with black or white with black or purple
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haze with black a black and the denim blue suit with black. we will show the liberals won more time. -- girls. >> i love the cheeks healthy lifestyle sandals, they are just so cute! they are so comfortable aslo. they have a great arch support they have a gel sole for shock absorbtion. they have a very comfortable piece that goes in between your toes that is narrow enough that you do not feel. they have a unique toe bar that allows your toes to hold on without having that flip flop kind of sound, and they are really comfortable to wear at all times.
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you have a black and bubble gum and the next one is black and denim blue and the next one black and silver and the next one is black and gold, are showing is because you get two pair black and purple haze. there is black and white which is number one choice and the next one is and chocolate brown and you get to pair with every order. >>host: $29.95 sizes 6- and you get two pair, and tony little will be back 3:00 p.m. and are colors and sizes are very limited and we will check again with leslie ann machado and see what is up with hsn spotlight. hsn spotlight
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and i will tell you about a great today's special coming up tonight at midnight with joy mangano was some fabulous bifocals sunglasses. knit it is a today's special and you will get four pair of sunglasses with four pouches and a fabulous heart leather case and it is a fabulous13 tonight at midnight. [commercial] [commercial]
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therm. . >>guest: it is our sixth anniversary. >>host: you are consistently part of our host picks and i have my 20th anniversary coming up and you will be part of that and part of my host pick as love having mardi oxenburg your with her tiana b. fashions that are beautiful and affordable and easy to care for. >>guest: onderful years. i have beeni had this on
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yesterday and we will look at this on the models and looks great on the models. usually we have only white leopard and glycolic snow leopard or brown leopard but now we added some yellow. -- we call it.we could wear this a yellow handbag and shoes. this dress is the most comfortable dress. because it is straight, and you have plenty of room. i wore an extra small on this one. it was like a very roomy. the morning and you will wonder what address you want to wear and this one has no zippers and my husband is 81 and he cannot see he cannot see
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the zipper. next month we are celebrating our anniversary, and that will be six years also. incredible on and it is a 1 x-pre- as well. -- 1x -- it will arrive in three-seven days and it will be the best. >>host: i like this neckline and i like the way jamie is a wearing it off the shoulder 36.25 in. long, and machine wash and dry extra small- extra large and 1 x- three x and nice shaping a belt. >>guest: this is
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what it is. tiana b. is a canvas for hsn accessories belts, scarves and you get that home and you get to try it on in the privacy of your own home and you need not go to the mall and try to find a spot and have rude people waiting i knew and get into that dressing room then if it does not fit you must get dressed again and go outside. i do so much shopping oni do not get a discount. i am a busy woman and i have no time for shopping and if it is dresses are diane gilman are r.j. graziano, and i will like to order everything online because it is easier. >>host: if you purchased the curations watch that we have and those bright colors, this
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looks good with yellow. >>guest: wear this in the wintertime with leggings. or boots. or use at and make it into a tunic. xbox >>host: if you are full busted, this gives you a room at the top. two flex payments. if you do not love it showing your arms, we have a great shrug. this is not scheduled as a full presentation and this is the extra small.these are very cute. >>guest: i love the red one with black and white. >>host: is the poppy, coral red. >>guest: i am wearing this in black and we went out to dinner last summer and it is the best. when i go into a restaurant they
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always put me under the air conditioning. you take this and roll it up into nothing.and it fits into your purse and it is the best thing ever. >>host: we have that in set poppy, navy blue purple, -- citron. >>guest: and the color will stay. will wear it 2012 and in 2020 to end everything that we make is fashionable but not crazy so you will be wearing year after year. >>host: the caps sleeve is the most flattering sleeve the arm and this is intelligent design cap sleeve dress in black teal, poppy or midnight. and that midnight is that nice navy blue that matches back with this shrug, and that
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poppy match is back with the poppy shrug and the black with the black and this >>guest: beautiful teal peacock. this is the dress i am wearing. looking at this in the back. it is bra-friendly. >>host: it is sheer but not to shear. >>guest: i am wearing a new bride. my assistant does the styling and sheet suggested i wear this. -- with a nude bra.of animal prints. this is beautiful and so pretty and we have the back centers seem and indeed mesh that is not to gives the illusion
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of shear. how >>host: and it is high enough that the ross strap will not show in the back.-- bra strap. jamie is a wearing it without a belt. it is an a- line.pot it is so comfortable. love the new length. this is 38 in..i am 5 ft. 1.5 in.. i am not into wearing 34 in. dress anymore. >>host: it comes right to the knee. you decide jamie in the other dress 30 seconds ago and this is how fast you can change. jamie looks adorable. is so flattering. and it is on two flex payments. it is made in new york. and we
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name all of our dresses and we are so proud of them. for your jewelry, for your scarfs and what ever you want to do and when you get this, and you try this on and you put it jewelry see or your scarf, -- yourjewelry then it becomes your own and when you walk into the room you will feel great and even leaving the room, sometimes dresses when you are walking out our room, there is planning want to walk out backwards. >>host: and you are worrying high how high up your slip has arisen. >>guest: we have the graduations and
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garden party inks and weddings to go to and i would also wear this to a reunion. when you are walking into a reunion is usually a three day event and the guys who did not speak to you in high school you will say do not talk to me now! i am walking around and i am wearing my leopard and they did not talk to me not talk to me now! i am happily married and i have aess and i look fabulous! >>host: it is an animal-print that is not overdone. sometimes it might look to sexy.this has a smaller leopard print with some shear ness, very much one of those that you can go to a black-tie it sort of occasion
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with dressier heels. and you could wear this in the daytime wearing it to work and going out to dinner afterward. >>guest: with flip flops and dressier shoes as well. these dresses are not for spring time, not only in may, but you will wear it through the entire will wear this to your holiday parties. b. is seasonless. it is not only for one season. you will be buying it for spring and summer but you will wear this in the wintertime. it is so hot in my office. and then they put the air conditioner on and i put on the shrug again. >>host: it is so
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uncomfortable if you are wearing something that too warm. you will love the way your body in his clothing. you will wear it day in and day out and i would put this on over a bathing suit. out and about and i wear them on the air all the time. >>guest: when i am traveling and i am wearing a dress people say it is so nice to see people dressed up and it feels like you are wearing pajamas! is my dress and that purple multi is gorgeous. or the black and white that i am wearing. >>guest: this one has the beautiful shirring in the front and back and on the neck and it has a beautiful surplice
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and it is not too low cut. >>host: it is just low enough and if you want to add color or have coverage we have this shrug in the poppy or the black. >>host: i like poppy, because this is color blocking. >>host: callie northagen was with me before and she is much taller than me. >>host: we have another dress here at $39.90 and charcoal or cobalt or poppy. >>guest: you can wear all of your r.j. graziano and jewelry are heidi daus big hat. at $39.90. i
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love this dress. pop-up >>host: it is the classic dress. i was going to wear this. >>guest: i call this the intelligent design because it is so intelligent and easy, like that go to dress when you do not know what to wear. you can wear this to the office or wear the one to a black-tie affair or this poppy that is almost like a peacock blue. are calling this teal blue. >>host: this poppy is the hottest color of the year. in the this is a true navy blue. the midnight blue is almost black but i call this more
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like marine blue and sometimes you get navy blue and it is hard to tell the difference between black and that dark navy. >>host: here is what is really cool about this.a beautiful cap sleeve that is incredibly flattering with a bit of the longer lines coming in 38.5 in. with 95 percent polyester 5% spandex, machine wash, line dry and you see how the sleeve hits, it is just tight and just loosen enough. >>guest: is jamie's third or fourth change. and she is wearing navy blue with the avocado green shrub. >>host: -- shrug. have the matching
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colors. here is the cap sleeve dress with the coordinating piece and in the navy blue we haveg shrug and also in black. beautiful teal3 and the caps weave- design is flattering and not too low under the arm. >>guest: this is one of my favorite dresses with a of the neck and banding and an empire waist and a little bit of shirring on the bus line and a nice upswing in the skirt, -- bustmany vendors will make it a straight back but we continue that empire waistlines and we added shaping in the back. it has
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a beautiful flow. >>host: you are walking you feel feminine because it has that little swish. beautifully together a teal blue and poppy red. 3 >>guest: that is so pretty. that is what is so great about tiana b. because they are so easy when you get them home. it your life easy and you do not wonder what blouse to wear with what pants and you will get into the shower and you will say what dress am i going to wear?and you say you will wear the intelligent design cap sleeve
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dress. >>host: there is a lot of thought of what goes with what when you are wearing several pieces but when you start off with the perfect canvas that is the best part about it. i can put this onleave work if i must go to the dentist or take my kids somewhere or me with my son's coaches, this is the way to go, it is one dress all day long. >>guest: you are watching television right now and i ordered a lot from my i phone right now and it is so and my husband says what are you doing and i say i am ordering something and you get this home and 3-7 days and this dress is $39.90.
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>>host: is one of our best selling dresses. teal blue, midnight blue, poppy, black at $39.90 and a great design to wear. we do not have many of these to go around. the last couple hundred extra small- 3 x. it is time for our spotlight with lesley ann machado.consider yourself in the know every time you checked out your hsn spotlight and have you checked out clearance tab on hsn i check that out after check my e-mail every day. lots of low and savings that are too good to pass and make sure you check out the clarins tab every day and take a
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wanted to give you an idea of what is coming up in my 3 hours.this is the first of the visit with elizabeth arden and we are doing so many things you have not seen before such shipping in this show. this is the pure finish6 c13 powder foundation13 4.6 star customer pick and it defies everything you have ever thought about mineral powder foundation and it has a light spheres that go this very fine powder. $37.50 with free shipping and two flex payments. and from our concierge collection last opportunity on an incredible price break. skirted fiber bed. we have three sizes with baffle box
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construction. to kathy and mardi oxenburg. >>guest: and bobby was wearing one of my dresses that comes in ivory black and silver. it is less than $55.v>>host: here is my dress, $49.90 and it looks so expensive. >>host: >>guest: it looks like that designer with 3 initials' ended is the same fabric and we have a tribal print and it is fully lined on the top and you have ruching here and a v neck, and i have no waistline, c13 dress gives me a waistline and it has a beautiful, >>host: you can show it on me.
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>>guest: and it continues around the back in spite of my bosses microphone pk. it is so expensive looking. the hundred and $50-$180.these are exclusive prints made for us for hsn. pretty. and what i like about this on this one if you wanted to add the purple or the green. we sell so many shrugs and of course you could wear the black one.or with green.
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it is a matter of personal preference or you could cut the shrug in half and create your own with two colors. [laughter] here, we always try to a print with a black and everyone has a black shoes even though you might not have a green or purple shoes. purple, white black, avocado kelly green and you can wear the shrug in black avocado green or purple and that is important because this has a wonderful and is bra-friendly. and as sophisticated and easy to and machine washable. and this one a bit longer, 40 in. long. if have a long torso or you are busty or this on in
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size small. if i am of 10 lbs. or down 10 lbs. these addresses will fit because i have additional room in here but it conforms to the body but it does not in a hit or the bottom area. -- not >>guest: you hate it when dresses are clinging to you. this is $49.90 and you will not find this in any department store this print in any department store. you might find something similar but it will be about $125. would say more $175. >>host:i have the addresses of yours and ones that i own from the department store and when
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three/fourth sleeve with a nice cuff and it is bra-friendly and made in the u.s.a. and this is the kind of dress the you really can put on your and your scarps and i will wear a scarf and later with one of my dresses. it is the kind of dress you will have in your wardrobe $39.90 and where will you find a dress at that price? in this color? this is cobalt blue and we have poppy and we have charcoal gray.pen i love charcoal gray pistol with a teal color. with turquoise jewelry. her >>host: there are a couple of ways to wear this. i always
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cut off the belt loops. u need not wear the belts if you do not want to or you can wear a different dealt with it. -- belt. well tie the belt in the back. or tie it all the way around or you can wear it in your hair or around your neck. you can also wear the belts very loosely. or you can take the belt and make it more of blues on and wear it as a tenant. -- blouson.these can be worn 12 months out of the year. -- tunic. years
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from now. look at the beautiful details. v>>host: 1 is more straight in the one i am wearing is an a-line. >>guest: is a dolman sleeve with a center seam in the back end we have charcoal gray, cobalt blue are poppy. >>host: that is the hottest color of the year. >>guest: i love how you did depththat. >>host: with turquoise jewelry on popp. or yellow. and turquoise with cobalt blue and kelly i just got some la
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