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tv   Right Online and Netroots Nation  CSPAN  June 16, 2012 8:00pm-11:00pm EDT

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getting the week is nominee, and they did it. >> watch more from the two reporters who broke the watergate story online at the c- span video library. online at c-span video library. coming up, a former alaska governor sarah palin delivers the keynote address at this year's right online conference in las vegas per se she is followed by michelle malkin. the three candidates for the u.s. house and senate discussing women's issues across the country. former alaska governor and 2008 republican vice-presidential nominee sarah palin was the keynote speaker friday at this year's right online conference. in her remarks, the former governor criticized what she called for a permanent media class saying new media has become a force for activism and change. she promotes the idea that power
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and political influence could be achieved using on-line methods instead of the established media outlets. this 35 minute event is hosted by the americans for prosperity foundation. >> thank you so much. thank you. i am so honored to get to be here. thank you. have a seat. i cannot tell you how happy i am to get to be here among friends. right online, i thank you for the invitation. and americans for prosperity thank you for hosting this very important conference. it will be nice to share with you all tonight and express my appreciation for your call being on the front line in the battle for the future of our country. you are doing such a good job. independent conservatives and new media activists -- need media activists who can be the vanguard for the future of our country, for the movement that
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our country is dependent upon, the movement that defends our republic and fundamentally restores all this is good and prosperous and free and safe and exceptional about america. if you are doing that work can because the older media does not know how to do that work. from the tea party to the town hall, new media is giving voice to the people because you are of the people. and you are leading the charge. without you, there probably would not be a tea party. thus, no 2010 a live tour of a tree, thus no hope for victory in 2012. this month we gained another victory. this time in wisconsin. [applause] tonight as we arehonor --
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andrew, it's fitting in the the last event i attended with andrew was in wisconsin. it was late 2011 and we were speaking in wisconsin when the radical left had surrounded us, and they have targeted that could state as their line in the sand. they were against the responsible fiscal reform that we were for. then it seemed that few people were willing to wade inotioo that mess of community organizing. but we were there. we were there. we happy few, we band of brothers, we werer there. felthe blowing snow, i ifel
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right at home. we were there to plan a flag and hold the top in that left wing mob. they had their drum circles, and bull horns and cow bells. ken that was sold intimidated. bright bart say, eh, go to hades, he yelled to the crowd a protester. i told the good people of wisconsin that we would take courage and integrity they show the rest of america and we would win our country back with what they were showing the rest of america. [applause] is said that defeat is an orphan, can victory has 1000
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fathers. the father of this month's victory in wisconsin, new media and tea party. we live our ronald reagan's belief that there is no limit to what can be accomplished when we do not care who gets the credit. he stood by the electoral mandate that you fought so hard for. remember, while we were in wisconsin defending fiscal reform, in .d.c, they were walking back their promises to cut $100 billions from the deficit. remember that? quite typical. a permanent political class broke promises they never intended to keep it. but you stood by a governor that was bound and determined to keep promises to the people who hired him to do the job. as i said that day in wisconsin,
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on the show them how to fight like a girl. [applause] -- you showed them how to fight like a girl. the role of new media goes beyond organizing. it is more fundamental than that. it has become a voice for activism and for information. because you do what too many in the old media cannot do and that is tell the truth. and aside -- an aside, i've learned this the last four years, it does not do any good to personally complained about what the ramifications are because of the untruths told by , the old media. the circumstances they create when they lie, i would save my breath because, think about it,
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50% of the people who you are complying with a rf busy with their own problem, and the other 50% are glad you have the problems. if so you can save your breath. these mainstream media and lili. according to news reports over the years, i should have been divorced how many times and under fbi investigation and with living in montana or the hamptons. mystery who great is trig's real mother. according to them, i burn books and i shoot wolves from the kids of helicopters -- the skids of helicopters. is it any wonder why they are tough to believe and trust? when some of the old media are
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not outright lying, they are lying by omission. bright bart call them the democrat media complex. the new media rose up parsley because the old media failed to tell the truth. it was from that very first new medium break through 15 years ago when this lowly little store clerk canelo little apartment equipped with his computer and a modem, he broke one of the biggest stories of the decade. his name was matt drudge, and the rest was history. [applause] in hindsight we see that the story that he broke, it was more than just a president having an affair. to me, it was much more than that. it was about a major all media publication that had spiked the story 11 times and they knew all about. not just one to check their
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facts, not twice to double check, but 11 times despite the story. why? because as charter members of the democrat media complex and they were protecting their guy. so when a fellow with a modem and a web site found out about this he decided to tell the truth there refused to tell, and how that old media cried foul and they howled. they denounced drudge as irresponsible and anti- everything from mother heard to apple pie. how dare that nobody from nowhere without a degree or padded great, how dare he tried to influence the national discourse. the real reason they feared him because he was not beholden to the old media machine and the thought police. un shackled, he was free. a few months later drudge that
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to speak at the national press club. he predicted the future cured he said, we have entered an era of vibrating with the din of small voices. every citizen can be a reporter and take on the powers that be. i envision a future where there will be 300 million reporters, where anyone from anywhere can record for any reason. it is freedom of persons in realized at the birth of citizen journalism. and you are the future that he predicted corpora. you proved you do not need a degree from columbia grad school of journalism, but that is -- the university of idaho. that will teach your journalism. it is good stuff there. if you do not need to that
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degree. you need integrity and you need work "the paciethic. his speech that day was a warning shot to the old media machine that its day were numbered if it did not demand -- adapt to the public's demand for fairness and honesty. alas, they did not listen. in the years since, have we not seen one all media giant barely hang on to relevancy? . they made their choice. in a speech 12 years later bright bart repeated that same morning. he put more bluntly i cannot repeat what he said in case the kids are listening tonight, but it was something about the hit not being their business model that sucked. you can imagine what he said in repeating his warning. tn't blank sn'
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everybody in their industry -- i know there are reporters out there. i know all two of them. they in their own way, they are trying to affect positive change. they're not into this been and they are not in -- into the spin or put anybody on a pedestal who would seek to be prince of made crap up. they want truth. what the old media did, in general, in the 2008 campaign, it was the final straw. then canada obama used new social media of affectively to organize, but ironically, he is a creature of the old media. they are the ones to prop him up and spun for him and refused to
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vet him. and they delivered the the trick. during that campaign, the same medium that reported breathlessly about a minor candidate, an or relevant canada wardrobe, could not be bothered with the future of the free world's voting record as a state senator, a statement he had made in the past. if the media had done their job, we would have known, despite barack obama mocking the clintons, and condemning the health care plan, we would have known that his own plan would be based on an unconstitutional mandate that has resulted in years of uncertainty and agony. we would have known, had the media done its job, of his strange attraction to the most leftist, radical of leftist
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ideas. his government by intrusion in all aspects of our private life. all went up to his war on religion. and we have known that his air -- he actively and probably saw out a marxist professors and canned was a member of the socialist now party when he ran for state office in the 1990's. these same media characters and that made such a big deal out of their 2008 investigation, they could have asked, to prove that my husband was not and still is not registered and the republican party. he has been registered as an independent. the same media, todd sure as heck never registered as a socialist. [applause]
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now, had voters known, they would not be surprised that our now president and the government has the right to redistribute the fruits of your labor. in the middle of the worst recession of our lifetime, he would be one to proclaim that the private sector is doing just fine. he does not understand a private sector because he does not believe in the private sector. if the media had done the job, we would not be surprised at the white house off, the people's house, the white house, can you imagine a governor saying, in my state capitol building? can you ever imagine a major say, in my city hall. we have the president saying in my white house. only in chicago when you hear a mayor saying, in my city hall.
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if they had done their jobs, we would not be shocked to know that our white house would politicize financial security by leaking highly confidential information to prop up the polls. now here we are in vegas. in washington, they talk a lot about polls. there are a lot of poles in vegas. the white house likes disciples in their recent record, especially because the figures involved and thein those polls e augmented, too. that was a stretch to tie in some vegas. but that is what they are doing to prop up the polls with national security leaks, trying to make a sound like a tough guy. we would have known had the
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media done the job we would have known that the plan from the beginning was to run up these $1 trillion deficit and budgets be darned, no need for a blueprint heard me go on four years without a plan for our federal government. no budget in our federal government? the plan, evidently being running up these mind-boggling deficits to pay off public- sector cronies with customer list jobs that will be paid for by your children and their children and their children. and we known of these associations with anti-american, intellectuals and not be surprise at his desire to apologize for america to foreign dictators. or that he is the first american president since our history to not believe that we are in exceptional nation. -- an , an exceptional nation.
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perhaps we would have not been surprised had the media dug into some of his past positions on energy. we have such an opportunity to become energy independent. god has clusters so much with these natural resources and we have the manpower -- god has blessed us so much. drill are preaching terre baby drill and mine, baby, mine. he's saying stop. despite what the media says for him, we are not growing everywhere. we are not becoming more independent of these foreign dictators that we were about to and spend them and subsidize them to drill for energy resources we have here. comedian did not do the job-- the media did not do their job.
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based on the argument they could not afford it to do their job. they could not afford to send reporters to chicago to research record.didate's they were in alaska. for the sake of argument, say they ran out of money, why did they at least not read his autobiography? may well have learned all whole lot and not just about the pot smoking and cocaine snoring and what he ate, fido, rufus. i think it is funny that the cocktail circuit gives me a hard time for eating elk and moose. anybody here have a cut moose? there is a difference.
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[applause] -- a pet moose? reading his own words would have revealed a lot, because they did not do their job. falls on you, independent conservative new media activist, you are an army of david against goliath of the old media. that still wants to deceive. they who would trample on our first amendment right to freedom of the press, that freedom that our sons and daughters go to war and are willing to die for defending for us, that freedom of the press. [applause] so in honor of their sacrifice, do not let our first amendment freedoms be taken for granted. by the way, if you love that for whatthank a akakavvet
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they have provided us with freedom of the press. truly it is up to you. where they cover up and prop upa and spin up and around. you, with your ethical efforts, can get is your upcoming crises. abraham lincoln said i am a firm believer in the people if given the truth and they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. the great point is to bring them the real facts. and that is your calling, that is your charge. you have heard that in a time of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act. well, we are in a political culture of universal deceit. for years, politicians have not told us the truth about the state of our union. the press has covered for them,
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and we have been kidding ourselves. but the truth catches up. the austerity riots in europe we see revealed what happens when truth catches up. they are learning the hard way what thatcher warned that the problem with socialism is eventually run out of other people's money. somebody cut and pasted a tweeted, you have run out of other people's money. d cc: margaret thatcher. the people there were provided a socialist utopia where work is an option and not an obligation. the government will take care of you. this was too good to be true
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because it is not true. now the debt is due and there are riots in the street. this is our cautionary tale because we are even more abrupt than they are. we are the brokest nation in history. our politicians have been telling our esteemed senior citizens that the money they invested in our government -- all those funds, having been invested by the government, they will be there was to retired. no. those funds have been r aided. social security is broke. medicare is broke. the politicians dodge specific questions about deficit spending and what they want to cut and entitlement reform that is so necessary. they must know that we are broke and are accumulating $4 billion
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in debt every day. and yet they must realize this but they do not seem to want to fix it. last summer, our nation's credit rating downgraded for the first time in history, and there was a general agreement at their time that we're in a debt crisis and we cannot ignore this any longer. but right that moment, what happened? the media complex change the subject. they changed the conversation. right underneath us. and the masters of distraction changed the subject to this pivot from debt reduction to class warfare, based on a related was under the guise of politicians subjective definition of fairness. and then we see another shift recently, this encouraging or promising young people they can sign on the dotted line and take all those college loan dollars
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that are available, take all you can get. saddle up and settled herself with $100,000 in debt for a degree in post structural feminist new colonial underwater basket weaving because of the job market is so ripe for that. don't worry about that, kids. just have fun. now we have a generation that is shackled with lifetime debt and often with useless degree. how fair is that to perpetuate that deception? i want to warn young adults, they have to be warned. tonight you will watch a new documentary. it will reveal how the media does change the conversation. this film called "occupy un masked," it's andrew's last
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earthly effort to break through the massive allied known as the occupy movement. it exposes the fraud that is abetted by the lamestream media. this was not a movement that was organized by average patriots concerned about their country. it was organized by a violent, radical left-wing anarchists who decide that our free market system must be overthrown. you do not have to take my word for it. they speak candidly about this themselves off. you will see footage of occupyers throwing molotov cocktialails. you will learn of an epidemic of a rape and occupy camps who some referred to as freedom of expression. you'll see the violent forces our community organizer in chief has unleashed on america.
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see, president barack obama in the democrat media complex, they have increased the occupy movement, yes? and you are going to see, having blessed it early on, they t denounceher tea party movement, which has been one of the most peaceful, patriotic, independent restaurants movements in our nation's history. [applause] i think your reaction to this is going to be out rich with a twinge of sadness. our rates at the violence and at the media for lying about the - all- outrage at the violence. we would not have this footage were it not for the new media activists unmasking the truth. [applause]
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that bit of sadness, because it is a sad day when such a thing goes on in this america we so love. sad that young people that are so and that turned to this movement because the professors taught them that america is the root of all evil and the free market system must be overthrown. unfortunately, it granted crony capitalism on both side of the aisle makes us more vulnerable to the some of the criticisms. but now, we of this growing class full of angry, unemployed idle hands with heads full of marxist allies. who is going to tell them the truth? we have to tell them the truth. if we do not tell them the truth, then our country fails. we must succeed in this and we will succeed in this. we will reach them through the media and through politics and
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through popped. culture pop culture, where we should not be afraid to get out there and the influences, right, in pop culture. [applause] bright bart said, culture is upstream of politics. do not be afraid to be out there participating. it is not selling out. it is infiltrating and influencing. do you know when i told my daughter crystal that, when she got a call from "dancing with the stars". she said, i told the producers, i do not dance and i am not a star so i will be on your show. i said, wait for the criticism. you are a palin. she says, the haterse are going to hate, so i might as well
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dance. i'm like, right on. that's a message. but to be out there trying to influence for goodi in culture. a word of warning, whatever the outcome in november, please do not concocted by the permanent political class. you will not make many friends in the beltway or am. hollywood hbo will do what they're going to do. you will not be one of the cool kids, doggone it. sometimes you'll find yourself under the bus. but you need to stay outside of the machine. sometimes you have to rage against it, stay outside of the political establishment's in order to hold them accountable and just tell the truth. if i do not spend -- spin gop failures the same with the left does for president obama and nancy pelosi and harry reid and barney frank and elizabeth
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warren. and then in our hoped for, prayed for and worked very hard for predicted victory this fall, we have to make sure we do not go back to saying, our team has the ball so we get to ignore what everyone is doing. no. our nation can no longer afford partisan apathy. please stay ever vigilant, holding feet to the fire. and we shall. you probably heard this -- success is preparation meeting opportunity. when they meet, they will succeed. for such a time of this, be confident you are prepared and certainly you recognize this gift you are given, this opportunity at this time in our nation's history. so we will have preparation meeting opportunity. we will succeed. i say we because i consider myself an parto of you, part
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of this movement. without social media, my platform would be so narrow. it would be so much shakier and more narrow as i will try to maneuver a constitutional conservative -- very traditional, very common sensible platform and message through the filter of the old media. so i probably consider myself a part of this movement and i thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for what it is that you do in trying to correct the untruths and trying to get what the real story and the real message and somebody's a real record is actually all about. i know many of the independents have had my back. i cannot tell you how grateful my family and i are for your efforts. and we need to have each other's backs. we muchst have each other's backs, because of the more effective you become, the larger
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the target you become for the left. bright bart understood this as they tried to bankrupt him and his family. i have been there. many of you know that. the politics of personal destruction they choose to play, you will hear from a shell malkin-- michelle malkin. look at the harassment she goes through. i think, do they really think that little 90-pound, grizzly is going to hibernate and some den somewhere? no, she'll just keep swatting away those who would seek to to destroy this next generation. that is what michelle malkin is all about. look at mark levin's critics. look at rush limbaugh. look what they try to do to him with he being the center of
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these massive campaigns to try to silence him. my girlsf rush when and i and kelly clarkson's song comes on, what it says, what does not kill you makes you stronger? these yahoos doing all they can to try to get him to sit down and shut up, they are making his point every day and it comes back stronger and stronger and more critedible. what a gig he's got. just let him talk. these are futile efforts, though, to get constitutional conservatives to sit down and shut up. i know some of you bloggers recently experiencing terrible harassment because you dared report accurately about a
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convicted criminal who is now funded by left-wing organizations. and you are not alone. and the swatting must stop, and those responsible must be held accountable by the law. [applause] so friends, this evening, as we honor andrew brightbart, remember that his greatest gift a that he left for us was his tyrannous lessfearlessness. i would hope to this conference he would be able to reload with that inspiration. be out there and stand your ground and others will stand with you. courage and spires courage and victory begets victory. so let's be bold and courageous to win our country back. we can do it because we have the time tested truths on our side and we will do whatever it takes
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to defend those truths. we will deceit that allies of the old media that still seeks to deceive this exceptional nation. god bless you, right online, americans for prosperity and god bless the united states of america. thank you. god bless you. [applause] ♪ ♪ day" playing]l day"'s "beautiful playing] >> now author and political blogger michelle malkin. it's a little under an hour. >> good morning. good morning. i'm back.
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your back. -- you're back. and this makes the progressives miserable. i was on twitter last night, of course, early in the morning looking and all of the dour, missable tweets from the other side, and the psychological produjection which they employ. they kept talking about how mad we are. no, we were laughing at your last. night and if you did not hear it, listen again. yes, we're having fun, right. yes. we're having fun. night sove been up all i am extremely grateful that there are so many bright, shining faces. some using toothpicks to prop open the islands, but we have a
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lot of work to do. one of the things i am so grateful for from americans for prosperity over the years has been the laser focus on right online. it's not republican online. it's not romney online. it's right online. and while we may have disparate interests and disagreements among ourselves in the conservative family over races and strategy and tactics, we are bound by this singular passion that each and every one of you in this room, the people watching on a live stream, the bloggers, the podcasters, the talk-show host to have come here year after year understanding that the right thrives on
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freedom. our thrive on force and coercion. we are here as a result of individual choice and voluntary association and love of our founding fathers principles that made this country was it is. the other side -- [applause] is united by their treacherous agenda to tear down everything that has been built up over generations. this really is on line in the sand. and what i want to do is focus a little bit today on the online part of right online. because the fact is, we are winning. we are winning.
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and you need to use every ounce of your energy to make that message clear, because it is driving of n side nuts. did you hear the commander in chief wining about how his opponents were able to summarize his campaign in one tweet. [laughter] this gave rise to the fa wonderful hashtag, characters despair, because we can summarize his in character 140 characters or less. fail. lot of characters to spare there. keynesian insanity. characters to
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silendra. let's move. le'tt's move you out. how about that? my friend john nolte who is a brightbart blogger published an important manifesto about the use and our victories in the twitter battle space. along the same lines of thinking. i want in march. thank you. and it really is the first entrance in this space, and it is very important because it is all about pushing back against false progress of narratives. another good friend and inspiration of mine, ben howe,
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put it succinctly. this is what is great about twitter. we're able to distill our thoughts. there is none of this namby- pamby's, off teleprompter filibuster and that we get not just from the commander in chief but from every inarticulate progress of that is in the public square. what ben howe said is very potent. it really is an m.o. for conservatives on line, and that is that you do not defeat narratives by ignoring them. he defeated them by crushing them. and pushing back forcefully and getting in their faces online and in real life. of course, andrew bright bart was the embodiment of
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that. not all of us -- i certainly cannot -- have the bravado to put on a pair of roller blades and roll right into those camps, but andrew inspired the next generation of young conservatives to do that. like i said yesterday, we need all ranks of foot shoulders, number crunchers, analysts, bloggers who do long former forward reporting. we have the james o'kief's, the lila grace roses, god bless them. we are so grateful for what they do, risking their lives. [applause] i think it is very important to appreciate how we have evolved and how we have evolved specifically on twitter. and i registered, i signed up in about august, 2008.
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it was right around the time of the democratic national convention and i was trying to stay in touch with friends on the ground. now, i did not realize later that i would be accosted by an occupy-style nut ball in denver on the ground who was in my face and almost spat on me. for surely there was an entourage bloggers around who protected me. was important to stay in touch with other people and that is how i first got into the medium. some of those early hashtags were so critical in the kind of community organizing that the left has been so good at. early on, we had --
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teacot. an early members of that? yes. we had, there were go. we had the precursors to the tea party, the early organizer. sgp. smart girl politics. the twisters. any twisters out there? yes, girls. then of course, this -- a huge milestone. and i think we cannot underestimate these sybols. itmbols. it is more than just the games we are playing online because this is what it's all about. [applause] and this, the power of the
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hashtag, cannot be underestimated. i think it is like a nice coincidence that this means pound, because that is what we are going back to them, pounding right back. i talked about the sense of humor that's been unleashed, and the way in which it is driving the david axelrods of the world crazy. and the soledad o'briens. [laughter] does anyone remember this? stop tweeting soledad. this i think was a really revealing moment because it stripped these elitist
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journalist to pose and pretend and fake populism, they got on twitter and they tell us about how they are brewers of social engagement. then when you actually tried to use the "at sign" to talk to them, they accuse them of harassing them. when occupiers use that sign, that is an aspiring political activism. and when we use it, is tantamount to terrorism. from the't want to hear barbarians at the gate. stop tweeting soledad. and as many of you will recall from that episode, which she did not want to hear about was what the brightbart bloggers were bringing to the table above barack obama's radical past.
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she did not want to hear about critical legal theory. she did not want to hear about thederrick bell and the left-wig progressive ideologue to crusade in the name of fairness while out're stakignmgg preferential treatment for their cronies. stop tweeting soledad. and olberman. and rachel. and matt lauer who's tweeting about justin bieber, because he is a real reporter and we are just bloggers. [applause] [laughter] take note progressives on
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twitter, we are laughing at you. this is not outrage, this is laughing at you. god bless jim treacher. sarah palin is what was talking about -- this is what sarah palin was talking about when she was talking about the basic reporters not to increase it work like reading a obama's autobiography. the dog recipes are hilarious. [laughter] but that penetrated the mainstream culture. even my hair stylists have heard of it and was talking about t it and talking abouthit and talkin. these are the kinds of people -- who will consume the
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"daily show" and letterman jokes and pig maher's jokes. humor is a way to reach a younger audience. this leads me to another great milestone. shot out to -- shoutout to misfit politics. who can say this without the 20 a's. attack watch. what a fabulous way to defuse the hubris of the left and these people lose again fashion themselves the monopolists and overseers' of the new medium space. easton everyone of you ought to be signed ouup on twitter or on twitchy.
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there is no such thing as being a self promoter in the blogosphere. this is a tactic that they leveled against governor palin and andrew bright bart and myself, but we realize that the only way you are part of this organic environment and climate is to know that it is, although we are each individually doing our own thing, this really is the greatest illustration of the big tent. we do not always agree on policies and candidates. some of us have very different passions stirred some of us focus on the second amendment. i'll remind you again led us to the expose of the fast and furious scandal. pro life bloggers, legal
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bloggers, sound science bloggers, we need each and everyone of you concentrating in order towin. and each in our own way to wage war. [applause] it is a privilege and an honor to fight alongside you. and the historical context of the development of conservatives on really did break through with drudge, the original citizen journalist. and brightbart. but i think for the younger generation of conservative activists, know that you were preceded by the likes of power line bloggers who celebrated 10 years on the internet this year.
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glenn reynolds at the university of tennessee, the law professor and has been the godfather of the blogosphere and drove home this concept that we are an army of david's. lucien goldberg and jona h goldberg were there -- in the days of conservatives on line. i mentioned the free before there were conservative activists and people with video cameras going into the occupied camps, we got those great documentary's yesterday. . there were free republic activist to wage war on the precursors to occup. y. the code pinkos and the answer mob. they are of the piece.
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these are all the george soros- funded monkeys i was talking about. as funny as they can be with their tambourines and drums, these people are destructive. these people have cost millions of dollars in losses of businesses in places like oakland and then the requestand los angeles and across the country. and those stories need to be told and those people need to be combated and we need to win, because this is war. get energized, go out there, redouble your efforts. i thank you. and learn a lot from these panels the next day and take it home with you, spread the word, speak truth to power and tweet truth to power. thank you very much. [applause] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2012]
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>> ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands together for our good friend and talk show hewitt.inarire hugh [applause] ♪ ♪ >> morning, everyone. it is great to be here and thanks to attend phillips and americans for prosperity for doing right online. four days ago, a broadcast from one of the most inspiring places -- it was the front porch of ronald reagan's rancho del cielo high above the said of barbara
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coast. to broadcast from and where the great communicator communicated was a privilege from which all along thank the young america's foundation for making possible. it was a special day. it was the 25th anniversary of president reagan's, tear down this wall speech. i had a number of amazing guess. the most amazing were peter robinson and ed meese. i bring up this broadcast to thisi six points to audience. first, this country has been in bad place before in our lifetimes or most of our lifetimes. i do not know if you recall 1978, 1979, and 1980, but it was a dreary time. another speech i was present for in the rain was given by a russian profit alexander
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solzhenitsyn in which he declared that we have lost and it was over, that it was over, that the world has but apart and the west have lost its ability to fight back against soviet imperialism and the spread of communism. help was on the way and help was named ronald reagan. second, in our side we often overestimate the power of our adversaries and our enemies. they are different categories. our political opponents and adversaries at home our deeply to radical, vicious killing enemies abroad. we overestimate how strong are cared we looked at wisconsin two years ago and we saw thousands of protesters occupying the capital and we thought that is an army of union activists. we listened to the wizards behind the curtain in chicago and we think axelrod was good as opposed to just lucky. we look out across the ocean at
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the fanatical mullahs in iran or the secretive overlords of china, and we china are we up to it? alexander solzhenitsyn wrote his memoirs, what if it is all papier-mache? i think the left is papier- mache. the media, the occupiers, is papier-mache and boy, is is t raining now. the third point -- everybody matters to this movement online and in person. i mentioned peter robinson and ed meese for a reason. at the time, peter robinson was very young at the brandenburg speech -- in the reagan years, i shared an off as t betweenw two young people, one of whom was peter robinson who would write the tear down this wall
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speech. he was 30 or 31. on the other side, i left the white house by the brand of burkett speech, but there was a bright no lawyer who was astonishing the graceful and wonderful an absolutely brilliant. his name as roberts. he is the chief justice of the united states. at the time, robinson and roberts were very young men, but there were integral to the success of the reagan presidency. so, too, was ed meese who's in his senior years of senior state and stick to the movement heard always loyal. as you look around, you will see young and old people here. he will seek a brand new comers to have not been a part of the online effort for a week, and you will see people like michelle malkin and glenn reynolds to have been there for 10, 12, 13 years, back to the genesis of internet advocacy. if it does not matter.
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every day is a new day on line and every barrier to entry is thank you for investing your activism here. it is crucial for. 32 years ago, and the 1980 election, everything was on the line. ronald reagan won it. is all on the line again in 2012. our values will be stretched, tested, and the competition will be ferocious over the next five months between the values of the left in the valleys of the right. it will not be the last round of. we have made this mistake. 32 years from now -- i hope i am an old man in the back of the room chewing tobacco. the 32 years from now there will
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be another crisis. it is part of the obligation of this group to make sure we are looking that far ahead and planning that for a head and being part of a movement that is not ever satisfied that the end of achievement has been achieved because there is no end of achievement short of the end of times. i want to make sure you are all committed not just to this or the next four years but to a longer project that requires accountability. point number five. a lot of conservatives do not like to talk about this. the online community has to speak for the you know firm services that cannot speak for themselves because of our treasured tradition in this country. president reagan who would give
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the gorbachev, tear down this wall speech. he had a defense establishment that was robust than had been built up and had a -- mean deployed successfully by hand. we have another pearl harbor coming but this is self- inflicted. it is called the sequestration and cannot be allowed to go forward. it has to be part of our mission to tell people that the f-22 has been cancelled and it extended to non consequence. our navy is down to 283 ships and sinking further. the president's budget wants to cut marines and soldiers and airmen, wants to close bases around the world. he is not renewing the very systems that make our military
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unsurpassed. we have to tell that story because president reagan told that story in 1980. people outhere that the media never see understand this moment a foot and in the ground in afghanistan and around the world. we have to tell their story because they cannot. please do. finally, my sixth point. i want to tell you what matters the most. is it about helping other people shine. on the last day of his life, and her was my guest on the air. the last time i saw him in person he and one williams and i -- even though i was just a blogger -- quan is a good guy. he makes mistakes. we got together in pasadena between an audience to discuss
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and promote school choice. we spent a lot of time in the green room before hand. he was talking up other people. other people's projects and successes. he was helping other people shine. this is a core value of the conservative movement and i cannot help -- express' it enough. i go from here. to new york city tomorrow to begin a book tour. by decree of the publisher i am not supposed to mention the brief against obama until tomorrow. i have not. but i am telling you a bout to the brief against obama because i want skeptics to understand there is a blurb on the first page of the book. a bowler by a person i am allegedly in competition with. my good friend mark levin.
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mark and i have been fellow travelers in the movement since the early years of the reagan administration. people say, are you not on from 6:00 until 9:00? we do not compete, we complement. sean a does not compete with bill. mike gallagher does not compete with nail and everyone out there. we complement each other even though you complement each other in this movement. that is why market comes on my show to promote his book. that is why hand that he welcomes me on. that is why we are on -- all promoting each other and why i promote so many of you and why you should be promoting each other. i like to think of us as a commissure farm builders even though it is hard to think of mark and shawn as amish.
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we do not compete we complemented. i want this to be my take away. there is a new book out there right now. how will you measure your life. the metrics you will use is not the number of twitter followers to have or the number of page views. it is the number of those things you can send to other people. in doing that you will encourage the next generation of activists and you will build up a 32-year cycle. we will not have a crisis we cannot meet. you are each other's best advocate. please continue to do so online, follow up other people, promoted good always, find the good find the good and present and our movement. remember this, he spoke passionately about and her.
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as digital. as did many others. they kept saying other things. he is indeed here. more breitbarts are on the way. they are all on the way. help them get here. to that end, i am so pleased now to introduce to you what i think is the future of broadcast. i think the future of online. the author of extraordinary box for years to come. he is not only my colleague, he is not only my regular guest host and a welcome guest in my house, he is my friend and a rising star of this movement.
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please welcome guy benson. [applause] >> wow. the nut that is probably the nicest thing he has ever said about me in any context. he must have lost a bet. thank you. that is so kind of you. thank you for being here. it is such a pleasure to be back working alongside the terrific team at americans for prosperity. being back here and las vegas provokes some on the memories for me. last time this conference convened here was in the summer of 2010. at the time we discussed the importance of grass-roots activism on line. we were recharging our batteries heading into an important midterm election. the aim of everybody in that room was to send a clear and
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unambiguous message to the white house that we had had just about enough of this president, the left, and there destructive agenda. 63 new republicans in the house, six new senators, and six new gubernatorial pickups. here we meet again with a much larger task at hand. that is a backdrop. i thought i would tell you about an unusual experience a would have earlier in the week. is wednesday in the afternoon in our cell phone or rings. i did not recognize the number but i saw the area code is 210. a friendly voice at the other and identified itself as that of a producer at msnbc. she wanted to know if i might
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pretty please be available that evening to join a panel discussion on that night's edition of the ed show. based on your response i gather you are familiar with this gentleman? his biggest contribution to the national dialogue came during the obamacare debate when he presented this nuanced piece of analysis to his audience. republicans lie. they want to see you dead. it would rather see make money off of your dead the courts. they kind of like it when that woman gets cancer. nice. i pondered the invitation for a moment and realized what i might be getting myself into. i concluded more than anything else this would be really fun. i accepted. she sounded very relieved and grateful, almost as if the ed
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show has trouble booking conservatives for some reason. they sent the evening's topics. topic one, on to these republicans sabotaging the economy to hurt obama? topic two, what obama really needs to do more of is blame bush. those are the two topics. the show kicks off at 8:00. i am sitting in the green room by myself, high entertainment. i am not a regular viewer of the show. this is a long period of witnessing something new. i was the only conservative guest on the show. not on the panel but the entire hourlong show. our segment was before bernie sanders of vermont and a serious discussion about why racism is starting to hurt obama in 2012.
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this is what i like to call alternate reality television. finally we are up. earpiece and carried it was a three on one debate which is not surprising at all. i still had the upper hand. the way i figure if the truth has to account for three contributors. let's say it is for on 3. despite what i believe to be a world record a quadruple and production i managed to destroy their republican obstructionism for numerous reasons including the fact they controlled everything 40 dead years and have done whenever they wanted and all of the seven republicans are blocking everything that is wrong is laughable. i have to say, the experience is so much fun. the staff at msnbc could not have been nicer. it was a discipline of from the
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experience than i cannot shake. the big demand, and schulz himself was out all week so i did not get to enjoy his company. i got to thinking, why my ted schulz and needed a vacation the past week. i cannot help but wonder if scott walker stomping all over his big government drains might have had something to do with the timing of this holiday he taught. the good news is i have been invited back to rejoin this party. i am told he would be back from his bed rest. i hope you tune in when that happens. quickly on this. there is a reason i have had a smile on my face for two weeks. at risk of doing for the damage let'ss ongoing recovery,
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recap the time line in the badger state. the epic repeated failures of democrat and government sector unions. it begins in 2010. there are a popular democrat credit governor did not run for reelection. democrats predictably start painting him as a cold hearted right wing extremists the state could not afford. he was elected by five points and republicans won both houses of the legislature including defeating both democratic leaders. can you imagine? so within weeks of being sworn and he introduces his budget legislation. they went into a giant public fit banging on drugs, breaking into an occupying the state capital, painting hiller moustaches some photos of the governor. they literally flooded the
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state. all of these histrionics to intimidate republican lawmakers and obstruct passage. they failed and his budget became law. liberals filed a lawsuit to block the law from being implemented. in order to help insure success they try to defeat a supreme court justice named david prosser who was up for reelection in november. they failed. the law worked its way up to the supreme court where it was up told by one of votes. at this point they are incensed and then launch a recall effort against six scott walker allies in the senate. they needed to pick on three republicans to reclaim a majority. they failed and republicans maintained a majority in the state senate. all of that was a precursor to a main fight, the minivan. the recall of the governor
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itself. they chose this fight. they spent millions of dollars chasing their recall obsession. they insisted on this sore loser election that cost taxpayers $60 million. they called this the second most important on the calendar and 2012. and they failed. [applause] scott walker won over 200,000 more votes than he did in 2010 and expanded his victory margin by two points. fifth they tried to spin this loss as a victory for president obama relying on flawed exit polls to fuel their fantasy. they failed. a new poll shows mitt romney winning by 3 points in that state.
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it is so great. here is the key lesson to be drawn from that litany of awesome i just outlined. the state's failures did not occur by accident. they happen for two important reasons. first, scott walker pose a conservative government reforms worked. the state added tens of thousands of jobs, close to a multi-billion dollar ebbed deficit without raising taxes, property taxes are falling for the first time in 12 years and liberated from bargaining rackets, local communities have been able to realize huge savings. conservatism works and it was rewarded by voters in a state that is not fully voted for a candidate since before i was born. that is an serious. savor that. that is a big deal and wisconsin.
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perhaps as equally important, the left was out household, out organize, out passion, and out argued by you. conservatives recognized in the stakes of that election and work to their rear ends off to make sure his courage was affirmed. how much of you are from wisconsin and voted for scott walker. how many of the volunteered in some way for scott walker? very good. how many of the donated to him at some point. at least half the room. keep your hand raised if you are a koch brother. exactly. this election was won by average people, taxpayers who have been starving for executive leadership. we do not have that in the white
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house today. we have an arrogant presidency hamstrung by an unflinching destructive ideologies. we cannot afford eight more years of barack obama but the feeding him will take a united effort. yes, he has had a few dreadful weeks in a row. this president, they will do anything they can to clinch a second term. it is up to us, the people in this room and i like us around the country to follow the wisconsin model and send the president packing back to chicago. to borrow a theme -- forward, onward, to victory together. thank you some much. >> joining us from san diego, give a warm welcome to roger.
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>> thank you. that was terrific. i have thrown out all my calendars. it has replaced by calendars that are vw and a w. before wisconsin and after wisconsin. i have come to you as noted by the voice of god from california. california is living already in obama's second term. we know what it is like to live in a society dominated by one- party, chronic unemployment. high taxes going higher. oppressive bureaucracy that is anti business by ideology and commitment. we know what it is to live in obama's second term. we are already there. illinois is in the same boat.
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anybody from illinois? people here from maryland. you are in the same boat. the answer for any problem is to raise taxes. we have to raise taxes just to be fair. the highest rate of taxation in california is 10.3%. we apply it to the front the rest to make at least 47 of the $900. on my show, i started a website -- i had my first tea party in 1991. i was threatened with arrest for throwing a tea bag in the san diego harbor because i was going to pollute the harbor. they have a 50 navy ships and this t -- any way. i want to show you a couple of stories because i want to scare you into doing more than you are doing.
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we have a district that is intense on air quality. so intent a few years ago they barred -- get this now -- bakeries from exhaling the smell of baking bread because it was an air pollution. they had to put scrubbers on the exhaust fans from the ovens to prevent you from spelling in the morning as you walked along a downtown san diego streets the smell of baking bread and air pollution. had enough government yet? it is not just how much salt to have on your state or what ever else bloomberg is doing today. is everywhere. it is not just barack obama it is the 10,001 of the barack
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obama as. at every level, state and local, and our great state -- our once great global stage. a push was on for decades for solar energy. the perfect place for it is the desert. a plan was drawn up for a mass of solar plant. hundreds of square miles it would cover 300 or 400 acres. now the environmentalists who pushed for it are opposed to the plan because it covers the habitat of the desert tortoise. we have a dream in california to have a bullet train like in japan. we can go from l.a. to san francisco and the -- i do not know -- 200 miles per hour. that is what it would say. the first phase is going in between two small towns and the central valley. the main feature of these two
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small towns is they both have state prisons. so we have dubbed this train the conjugal visit express'. typical of california after the environmentalist pressure for this trend to be built, when they actually got down to it the natural resources defense council is now suing because -- did wait a minute, the train tracks will disrupt the habitat. we cannot do that. this is how crazy california is. we started off crazy at one level and we double down. we are all in like crazy in california. the answer to the budget that was balanced last july but by january was $16 billion out of alignment is to raise taxes again. people are fleeing california.
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businesses are fleeing california. what is left is the highest food stamp -- we are proud of our food stamp operations. we are proud of it. the card has been used in casinos here and a guess. has been used on cruise ships in the caribbean. our poor people are living right in california. i want you to interact because here is what i am committed to that makes us all a lot more powerful. the old media coupled with the new media = that we can network like crazy out of this election. we can all of us be powerful. it does not take many. think back for a minute with me thought, how many people agree with this? everybody is so liberal and crazy.
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i cannot talk about being conservative. do you know what it was like in 7075 in this country? -- 1775 in this country? 3% supported the revolution, supported independence from great britain. 3%. there is 3 percent in this room. i am not asking for the revolution. even that. they left us with a peaceful way to do that. the peaceful way is despite the cheating, despite the dead people, did he know in florida, 83,000 dead people on the role. they deserve representation, too. of course, that is not unusual in california. i walked precincts for a van to iran. thank you very much california.
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a very nice gentlemen open the door and said, i am sorry. i did not in the country legally. what about these other two people in your home. they are illegal, too. you are on the voting rolls. i have never voted. you have a permanent address where somebody is casting his ballot. we have to get after this. we cannot let them cheap. we cannot let them do what they do at in chicago. we have to stop at this election. if we do not, then we will not have a free and fair elections i think even jimmy carter is not going to help anything. we need you to look at our elections. we need to continue to do what you do so well and that is to communicate, communicate, communicate.
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we do not want a failure of communication. we want every basic tradition of about these, contrast of fear on the other side because that is what they have going for them. what we have going is the righteous knowledge that if we prevail people oppose the lives will be a lot better off. even the president to cannot look himself in the mirror because his 2007 income was two and a half times the income of this year, even he cannot look and say i am better off today than four years ago and neither can anybody else in this country. god bless you. >> kenya, indonesia, hawaii, kansas, chicago, and washington. follow david maranis s on his journey for barack obama, the story, starting at 6:00 eastern.
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a video record of his travels. at 7:30 he takes your calls and questions. also this weekend, jonah goldbert plans the liberals for a war on ideas. >> politics has been distorted by this idea the for the you move away from the left, the closer you get too bad things. fascist, racist, homophobic, sexist. the best working definition of a fascist is simply a conservative who is winning an argument. >> that is sunday night at 9:00 on book tv. >> three female candidates for the house and senate including elizabeth warren spoke at the netroots conference. this is a little over one hour.
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>> hello, i am of man that with the huffington post. thank you for coming. we should thank you all for coming. we should have a good panel today with great speakers. i just want to share some statistics with you about this panel. right now, women hold 17% of the seats in the u.s. senate. the women's voices clearly are not being heard enough. we saw this on cable news and the people talking about this are male pundits and a male lawmakers. this a democrat bravely took to the house floor and returned to her sad story of being sexually abused and raped.
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on these issues, on energy, on national security, the economy, and what happens to a woman's body, it has an important role to play. we have a record number of democratic women running for the senate. there are six up for reelection. there are two female senators that are retiring. congress could shift dramatically depending on the outcomes of the 2012 election. today, we will hear from three women running for congress. we have elizabeth warren in massachusetts.
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both of them are running for the senate. first, i would like to welcome d'arcy running in washington's first district for congress. [applause] >> eu all may remember me as the geeky is candid it ever to remember -- candidate ever to run for congress. this was one of the least helpful days, but you will know -- note the pajamas. the fact that i'm a geek is relevant to teh war on women. i started as a software developemt at lotus.
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i don't know how many of you are old enough to ever use lotus, but they were better than microsoft office. it cost $99 in an era that they cost $395 but we were losing anyway. i wanted to understand why we were losing. i made my way to microsoft where it learned something very important. they were playing a completely different game. we thought if we build better software that we would win. at microsoft, what they understood was that it was incredibly important to think about how the 1,000th copy was going to be easier than the
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first. they had realized it with office products that the single most important factor was you had to exchange documents with. they therefore boot strapped office into big corporations so that everyone that had to exchange documents with them had to use microsoft. they won because they understood what the game really was. i feel, a lot of the time, as democrats, we are the lotus of politics. we think it is all about policy, features sense. we have the better policy, we will win. i'm sorry to be the one to break this to all of you but
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it's not true. at the end of the day, this is a game that's about power. the right wing understands that. if we want to win, we need to play the game that is really being played. [applause] the tools that we used to change behavior in other people is power which comes in two flavors. force or consent. anyone who has ever had a small child, they can tell you force does go very far and can send is where the real power is. that is an important thing to keep in mind because they spend most of their energy on force and very little on consent. this is a game we can win if we play it correctly. there are six basic types of economic power.
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who owns what? political power, military, police, or court power. what stories do we tell ourselves about who we are? what story to tell ourselves about where we are supposed to be? and network power. who can we connect with? how far is our reach? it's important to understand that all six types are fundibile. that is true for the other side as well. on economic powers, it can be either things that you buy to change the way the world is where things you choose not to spend money on to change how the world is. in the war on women, there is an obvious application of economic power.
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hypothetically speaking, you did not like the koch brothers and you thought their investments in right wing of the structure was problematic to the future of our country. it happens that on a company called the georgia-pacific which makes a whole bunch of consumer products including dixie cups and brawny paper towels. we do not want women, who do 80% of the shopping, to buy brawny. it's difficult to remember all the products were not supposed to buy. let's make easy on them. if you ever see one of these devices in a gross restore, what we had an application you could use to scan a bar code on any product?
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[applause] it would tell you where it was one issue we cared about. let's make it easier for people to exercise their economic power for change. political power is a lapel -- all about votes. i want to point out to all of you that turnouts this year is a real issue. we spend all of our time talking about that small slice of swing voters. these are the real numbers in my district. we up 519,000 that will vote, only 380,000 that are registered. 1% of the people in the district are the swing voters the boat every election. the real interesting piece in here is the deal left goes left, the democrats do always
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vote, and the ones that do vote and the people who are not registered. this is a district in one of the highest turnout states in the country. but your to look at a comparable i graph for a state like texas, they would be half the size they are in this diagram. i have exactly one thing to ask -- get women to vote. [applause] military, police, courts power has been used in our favor to combat domestic violence as it was long we decided to desegregate the schools to export people in.
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if you are in my living room -- they are doing discrimination. the route to be some organization, like the national women's law center, that proactively goes in the fortune dippy and finds plaintiffs, sues them for violating equal pay wall -- pay law. in the new shareholder lawsuits for failing to disclose their risk because they have been discriminating against women which presents a legal liability. we have power. it is high time we use it. cultural power, the stories we tell ourselves about who we are, are incredibly important. in the civil rights movement, to kill a mockingbird, as a book and a movie, changed an
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enormous number of minds about are fairer system was in just three years. recently, we have seen something a parable on television. my dad was quite shocked as supportive gay marriage. he is a registered republican and in nebraska. he thought it was a terrible thing. i was talking to him the other day. he said, your uncle charlie is probably gave. that is a cultural change. it has now given us that everyone has a gay best friend. that has changed what will become possible. a boeing 2 -- i would ask a give me 30 seconds that you do
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not applaud or say anything. statistically, but what i'm about to say is true about one- third of the women in this room. if you are one-third of the women who has had an abortion and is willing to come out about it, please stand up. wait, wait. if you're willing to stand with every woman who was willing to come out about having had an abortion, please join them in standing up. this is how we change these stories in people's heads. now you may applaud. [applause] we need to make it ok for women
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to come out about the choices that we make. moral power, and on the left, we tend to think about this being of about religion. religion does have an important role l.a. building 10 cents. the idea that we should have others do unto us as we would do on to them as a very productive idea, but it's not the only form of moral power. there is a form of moral power we use on the left that is more powerful even than religion which is the use of protests to undermine consent in an unjust system. but me give you some examples of that. the use of protest to undermine consent in an unjust system. i have had 1 million baby boomers say to me we need a march of washington.
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that's not what i'm talking about. there is a recipe for how you make protests work correctly. you have that people letter protesting that the audience considers to be innocent of any wrongdoing. this is why non-violence is so important. they pick up their rocket, carrying a gun, been a long workout as the innocent. they need to voluntarily put themselves in harm's way. the use of official force has to come down on them in a way that is widely communicated. let me give you some examples of such moments you can consider whether you think this is accurate. children being attacked during the civil rights movement.
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the arab spring protests. occupy uc davis, occupy seattle. innocent people were willing to voluntarily put themselves in harm's way and subject themselves to the result force in a way that is widely communicated and change the world. it is high time we followed our great grandmothers leads and pass the equal rights amendment. [applause] this is a perfect opportunity for the use of moral power because the american public considers this, particularly
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older women, as innocent as it gets. whether we are or not, which would be great, but finally we cannot change consent that people cannot hear us. we have to build networks so we can communicate with people. they can be any sort of communications mechanism. email, telephone, door-to-door, face-to-face. they can be the size of coffee cups -- thank you, starbucks. we have to build a communications network so we can communicate with the rest of the world. what can we do in the next year? i want to give you a set of things it would be possible to do in the next year to go on offense against the war on women. it is time to stop playing defense. we can exercise economic power and boycott everything that
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comes out of the koch brothers machine. we can exercise political power and of the only thing we do is get women to vote, we win. we can exercise the court and police powers and enforce the laws that we have fought for and won already to force the largest corporations in the world to the right thing with respect to women. we can exercise cultural power and have women come out of the closet, castoff the shame, but in the embarrassment that the right of life has been put upon us and stand up tall for the choices that we make.
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we can exercise moral power and fight for something big. 80% think the constitution provides equal rights for women. this is not actually a controversial idea but it matters. finally, we have to build networks. this is one of the biggest holes in the women's unit, we do not have effective networks. everyone in this room should be participating in some network or organization that communicates issues that are important to women. this is how we go on offense and win. with that, thank you so much for your attention. [applause] let's win.
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[applause] >> let's welcome the next senator from hawaii. [applause] >> i heard someone yell aloha. aloha. you can tell one from hawaii by the lei. and want to thank all of you that are here. it's a pleasure for me to join all of you. for those of you in hawaii or watching the streaming video of this, aloha to all of you, too. you're going to be hearing from elizabeth warren, soon. elizabeth is running for the senate, just like i am. mahalo.
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in hawaii, we are running a truly innovative, modern campaign. when i announced this race, i did so in a video on youtube and we are communicating with literally thousands and thousands of supporters and voters all across the country through youtube, facebook. i'm so grateful to have all of you listening to me today. you are a big part of a modern, creative, innovative campaign. this truly is a turning point in the election. there is a lot at stake.
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there are some clear choices for you to make. some of you here are familiar with my opponent in the primary election. you out heard of him? he is a democrat who ran against the alliance senator in the 2000 and sex. when he was serving in the house of representatives, he took some alarming votes that were on the side of the republicans. he took away funding from planned parenthood. he also shares something in common with the potential republican candidate in this race.
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they both supported the war in iraq, as well as the bush tax cuts. we should get excited about the choices that the people of all ye are facing. -- hawaii are facing. the last time she was on the national stage, she was introducing sarah palin to the world. then she went on the campaign trail for the mccain palin ticket. she took some pot shots at obama, who reallyw a was born in hawaii.
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she is out there collecting a lot of conservative money from across the country. this is a group that is concerned about the corrosive effect of the citizens united supreme court case. she is accepting a lot of conservative the money. there has already been independent expenditure. the chamber of commerce has spent over half a million dollars in hawaii to reform our image from the republican that she is to someone who is a moderate. are there such people left? i do not think so. for myself, i have been a longtime champion and advocate of progressive politics and women's rights.
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strong women is something i know about. when i was a young girl growing up in japan, my mother endured a terrible marriage at the hands of an abusive husband. that was my father, and i never met got to know him very well. she sent me to live with my grandparents and another part of japan. she planned in secret to take her three children and herself not just away from my father, but totally out of the country drury it just before i was eight, we sailed for a a new life in america up. . i am grateful that my mother picked a whitey. -- hawaii.
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you can imagine that those years were tough. growing up not knowing english, my greatest fear was that she would get sick. she would not be able to work, and she did not work, there would be no money. i know what it is like if -- for people who are struggling. i know about strong women. when i first got elected to the house of representatives, i was one of the founders of the bipartisan women's caucus and the state legislature. we were able to pass legislation that helped women and their families to reform our sexual
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assault laws and those kinds of things that we all care about here. there really is a war on women in congress. one of the greatest things i participated in this time is when president obama signed the law into effect. i was there. that was progress. that was when the democrats were still in control of the house. every day that i served, there was a war on women going on. we know what some of these bills are. to give you an example -- this amendment would have empowered employers to decide what kind of health care coverage a woman could have based on their own
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moral perspective. that amendment was defeated by only a few votes. very shortly after that amendment was defeated in the senate, my opponent, she had a fund-raiser in washington where he was a featured guest. you can believe that i let people know through the internet that this was going on and we've managed to raise some money. this is what the power of what we can do is all about. if we can get this information out run away people can respond. we need to be motivated and mobilized to elect the kind of people who will make sure that the war on women does not keep happening in the house or the senate. one of the most recent bills
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that we had in the house that passed was a bill that would have criminalize to abortions that are sexually selected. to many cultures, particularly in asia, imagine the prospect of doctors grilling and asian woman about her abortion. how can we criminalize a decision that should be up to the woman and her doctor to make? this bill passed. this is the kind of thing that is happening every single day in the house of representatives. the only thing stopping these kinds of bills from passing and the senate is the fact that the
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senate is still held by the democratic majority. the republicans need only four votes to get there. there are banking on a linda, their no. 1 pick, to take the whole whitehawaii seat. it will take the country in a direction that it does not want to go. women's rights, reproductive rights, non discrimination based on the basis of sexual orientation, equal pay, do we have to have a battle over the authorization of the violence against women act because a conservative decided that we should actually make it weaker than it it already is?
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sadly, that version along with a lot of other people in the house because it did not protect women on the basis of sexual orientation. it's not -- it did not protect american indian women who are abused. it did not protect women on the basis of their immigration status. it discriminated against all of these women on these bases. how can we call a lot that -- how can we call a lot the violence against women act with these kinds of provisions? the battles go on. every day that we are not supporting a progressive candidate in the house and the
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senate is a date that strengthens the folks, the republicans, the conservatives, the karl rove crack, the sara pailins -- the karl roves, the sarah palins. i am looking for you to help to make sure that that does not happen in hawaii or anywhere else in this country. i think that, clearly, the senate could stand more diversity. [applause] and i bring quadrupled diversity to the set. i am a woman, i will be the first asian woman ever to be elected to the u.s. and net -- >[applause] i am an immigrant. [applause]
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i am a buddhist. [applause] and when i said this at one of my gatherings, somebody said yes, but are yougay? i said, nobody is perfect. [laughter] [applause] let's all work together for the more perfect union that cares about equal protection, equal opportunity, justice for our people -- we need to work together. i am counting on each and everyone of you for that kind of support, not just for me, but for all the others running in this election. let us not have citizens united and the folks who are backing our opponents -- let's not let them win. i need you.
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we need we need -- we need you. aloha. [applause] thank you. [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, elizabeth warren. [applause] thank you. thank you so much. you guys are going to have to live through my voice. i apologize. it was not the convention that did it to me, it was a party. [applause] i want to start by saying thank you to mary nolan, to the end n
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tireetroots team for your amazing work in making this day possible. i was last year two years ago. the president had just signed the got frank law. -- dodd-frank law. after that speech, i spent a year standing up for the consumer protection bureau. we worked hard. [applause] we worked hard to stop the tricks and the traps on credit cards, on mortgages, on bank fees, and to start the process of repairing a broken consumer credit market. this agency has the capacity to help millions of people across the country. it will not fix everything that is sinking american families, but it will go a long way toward
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repairing one big hole in the bottom of the boat. the problem is, there are so many holes that need repairing. today, we face a choice between two and fundamentally different visions of how we build a future. today's republicans call for tax cuts for the wealthiest and fewer regulations on wall street. think about that. they want to give the richest and the most powerful more money and more power. and at the same time, they want to cut investment in education, infrastructure, and science. they argue that that is how we will build a more successful and a more powerful country. their vision boils down to a
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single sentence, i got mine, the rest of you are on your own. progressives have a different view. we believe that we must invest together in the the things we cannot build a loan. we believe in rules for markets so that we can level the playing field for our economy. that is it for us. [applause] republicans claim that they believe in markets. but as anybody will tell you, a market without rules is not a market. it is a place where the most powerful come to hammer on the weakest. progressives understand that markets are like football. every game needs roles, and a referee with a whistle to
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enforce those rules. without rules, it is not football. it is a mugging. [applause] that is the big picture. that is why i am running for the united states senate. [applause] so these competing visions of america are playing out right now in washington and all across this country. the republican voting record and the voting record of my republican opponent, scott brown, makes this competition clear. i will list four examples of how the scott brown vision is put into policy. when some of us were working to rein in wall street, the
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republicans were fighting regulation to tie and a nail. scott brown personally held reforms hostage as he negotiated to weaken rules and give big banks a $19 billion break. scott brown and his republican opponents -- his republican bodies voted against funding for summer jobs and voted twice to let the interest rate on student loans double. just this week, scott brown and his republican body is voted for the second time against equal pay for equal work. just a few months ago, he co- sponsored a law that would let employers block access to birth control and routine cancer screenings on health insurance. scott brown and his
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republicansbuddies -- republic repeatedly voted to give subsidies to big oil companies. if you have any doubt about where the romney-brown republican stance is, consider this. the republican romp -- nominee had said that he would repeal financial reform. the republican nominee, mitt romney, said that people who are concerned about income inequality are just envious. the nominee said that corporations are people. no, corporations are not people. [applause]
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people have hearts. they have kids. they have jobs. they get sick. they cry. they dance. they live and die. forever live the difference. [applause] and learned the best, hindemith. -- lernermit gascónt. -- learn this, mitt. we run this country for people. we are progressive and we stand up for people. we stand for families. we believe in making investments in education and in building a future for our kids. we stand for jobs. we believe in putting people to work to rebuild the transportation system and investing in clean energy.
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we stand for working people. we believe in the right to unionize and and -- in collective bargaining. [applause] we stand for expanding equality and opportunity for all americans. equal pay for equal work. marriage equality. civil-rights and justice. [applause] we stand for small businesses and for the millions of people who work every day to build a better future. we stand for accountability and a level playing field so that nobody loses your pension on wall street. [applause]
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i got in at this race because real people are getting hammered. they are counting on me to stand up for them. let me be clear, i am not backing down. [applause] but i cannot do this alone. and that is where you come in. i need the people ofnetroots -- of netroots. we are all calling on you for your help. the president is counting on you for your help. i want something more than winning an election. i want to change the national conversation. [applause] i want real change. it is up to us to put the wind in our own sales.
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with your support, i know we can do this. are you ready to do this? >> yes. >> are you really ready? thank you. thank you. [applause] [applause] >> elizabeth, you are over here. ok, i first want to jump into an issue that will likely come up as we all take office in congress.
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a new study finds that only 24% of the public wants health care reform entirely kept in place. what you plan to do if the supreme court strikes it down? do you think this is something congress should take up immediately if obama is reelected. >> i will start. i have to dig in here. when used a 24% of the public, how much as we make pay for what is in health care reform? the answer is not very much. there has been a very little talk about what health care reform costs. massachusetts, we were the first in the country with universal coverage. it is important to look at what is important to us.
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this is our big chance to find ways to bring health care under control, to invest in research so that we can have better outcomes at lower costs. i think the first that is that we need to come out there and make the change. we need to do that. >> so you think if the president is reelected we should pick that up and discuss? >> we need to explain to people every day what the details of the affordable care act are. >> can i jump in here? i was there when we dealt with the health care bill. i must say, we knew that we were really not getting the message out clearly. it distresses me when i saw the
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figures that you cited, amanda. there are so many good parts to this health care law that are clear to me. the messaging is still not out there. we need to do a better job. there are millions of people who are -- women are really being helped by the fact that we will not allow insurance companies to charge women more because they are women. the women of this country need to mobilize and understand. we need to get that word out that women in this country are helped by this health care law. young people are helped by this health care law. seniors are helped. millions of people will be helped by this health care law. we have not done a good job -- we could, and that is where you come in. the power of netroots is a mason. you did that when we dealt with
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the susan g. coming issue. remember that? the mobilization, the education is key. health-care costs in this country will not go down unless we change and continue to push for the kind of reforms that were really enable everybody in our country to have health care. that is a right. >> as a follow up -- a thank- you. it will be an issue if the supreme court does strike it down. to believe is right for congress to take it up again? >> we need to. there are millions of people in our country who otherwise -- a 40 million people in our country without any kind of health care. i think we need the kind of focused leadership that will bring this to the fore. you know what?
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i am hopeful that this supreme court will not do a5-4 decision. --5-4 decision. i believe aids do -- they will say it has to do with the fundamental powers of congress to protect the health and welfare of americans. [applause] >> i have yet to talk to a voter who thinks that it will be a good idea to allow insurance companies to have the same insurance premiums for somebody who is recovering from leukemia. i have yet to talk to a voter who thinks it is good for insurance companies to discriminate against women. i have led to talk to a voter who says it is a good idea to
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let insurance company's profit enormously from a captive audience while we have no check -- on their behavior. [applause] >> there is a proposal by some house democrats to increase the minimum wage from $7.25 to $10 an hour. it would be the first such increase in three years. mitt romney has said that it is not needed. democrats have not yet signed on to this. i want to know where you stand on this, and if you want democrats to push more for retirement and wage? >> washington state has the highest minimum wage in the country. we should increase the minimum wage. [applause] we should have it automatically go up. [applause]
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>> what is -- what is washington state? >> is around $10. >> that is amazing. the question about structural change is important. we are now why inflation is happening. we do not acknowledge that. so minimum-wage, in effect, goes down over set -- time. this is crucial. it is how we structure improvement. minimum wage going up makes sense. i voted -- >> i voted to increase the minimum wage. i like the idea of tapping into some kind of index.
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at the same time, we need to focus on creating jobs. there are 14 million people still without jobs -- 40,000 in hawaii. we need to get our economy going. we have been -- that is the thing that the people in hawaii tommy that they are concerned about the mouse. get our economy going. create jobs. [applause] to foreign policy. how should people who care about women's rights interpret the war in afghanistan? is the claim that the war is tied with social progress that an accurate one? >> the principal problem and women have in afghanistan is a cultural and economic one. it is an unbelievably poor country. we're spending $100 billion a year on an american military presence there.
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what we found in other parts of the world that are similar culturally is that economically empowering women, things like micro lending programs, giving them sell funds so that they can communicate with each other, making sure that telephone per trails people are watching are empowering women -- these do a tremendous amount to change the outcome. what we want is a functional society in afghanistan that protect the rights of everyone there. we do not want to -- we will not change the culture withdrawn raids. --with drone raids. >> that is exactly right. we do not make these changes through war. we make investments in women. when we do that we make
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investments in families and investments in these countries. [applause] >> i agree. i want to acknowledge that, where hillary clinton and not the secretary of state, all of these issues involving women would not be at the forefront. this is why we need to elect women. it matters. [applause] >> much have -- much has been the status quo on reproductive rights in the congress. trying not to get planned parenthood defunded. is this enough? what, if any, legislation would you like to see enacted to increase access to reproductive health? should congress and the administration be pushing these even if right now they do not
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have a chance of passing? >> it is really hard right now. i hate to say at, but the same principles international archer at home. it is about a whole attitude toward women. reproductive rights and economic rights are deeply interwoven. [applause] the power to vote on reproductive issues -- these are working very much to the disadvantage of women. we need to win votes. we need to win them not a little bit, we need to win them by a lot. this should be the national conversation.
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>> a lot of people may think the war on women is more about economic rights -- reproductive rights and economic rights. >> they are entangled. they are the rights of families. they are the rights of people. [applause] >> i agree with elizabeth. i do think we should go on the offense. i said earlier that i think that we should fight for the equal rights amendment and guarantee in the constitution that women will be equally protected in our country. [applause] >> about 40 years ago, the first political letter i ever wrote to a congressional delegation in hawaii -- i was in college. that gives you an idea how mature i am.
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it was to support abortion rights. the state did not have that. here we are, in 2012, still fighting for a woman's right to choose without hundreds and hundreds of limitations put in place across the country state- by-state that chip away at a woman's right to choose. the battle continues. that is why i am so glad that there are young women who are rare -- waking up to the possibility that one day they will not even be able to exercise that choice. eternal vigilance is necessary. not just in terms of the right to choose. truly, we passed the equal pay lost so many years ago. we are still fighting that battle. for women to make the same amount of money that mails make. eternal vigilance -- we need to enlist people who have the kind of perspective that we have and that you have.
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the election matters. we have to mobilize people, get out the vote, because the citizens united out there trying to do it, this will happen in all other races. we need to energize and mobilize our people so that they do not get a stake in this election. [applause] >> how would you respond to people see -- people who say that part of why women make less is because the personal choices we make? >> we know that is not the case. there is the example of women who do the same job as man and who are not afforded equal pay. that is l what theily ledbetter law is about. i saw a piece where michelle obama was talking about barack obama grandmother. this goes on in our country. you know this.
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>> it is about the personal choices that women are making -- if that is true, they should not object to a bill that says, if they choose to do the same job as men, equal pay. >> how would you respond to many republicans who say that this legislation hertz business -- hertz business and is unnecessary regulation? >> maybe it hurts them because women are making 70 cents on the dollar. [applause] there are millions of women across this country who support the children. millions of two income families.
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they need to know that if they -- they get the same pay. it is a on -- it is a bedrock economic issue and a bedrock justices [applause] issue. -- a bedrock justice issue. [applause] >> a new poll finds that only three out of 10 women believe there is a widespread attempts to limit services such as abortion, family planning, and contraception. fewer conservatives believe this is true. i wanted to get your thoughts on what you think about the status and why there is such a disparity? >> what was the percentage? >> three in 10 women believe there is a war on reproductive rights. >> it is so clear that there is a frontal assault on reproductive rights.
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i think that part of it is that people are not paying attention. do they not what maddow? but truly, part of it is education. sometimes it takes something been taken away to wake people up. i hope that we are not going to have to get to that point. believe me, throughout the country, state after state, hundreds and hundreds of laws are already on the books that make it tougher for women to exercise that choice, to the point where some of them have to go to another state in order to access just regular health care. >> two points around this. one may be that a lot of women believe that in 2012 is simply -- it's simply cannot be true that we cannot pass a law for equal pay for equal work, that women cannot have access to birth control and other
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reproductive freedoms. i said, -- they say, my god, it is 2012, are you kidding me? that may be part of what is going on. the second part of what is going on is that this is really about how many of our political conversations go forward. i think of the blunt amendment. that is straightforward. it was about in powering in -- employers and insurance companies to decide not to cover birth control. did anybody miss that? that is what was going on. if you listen to all the republican spin, it was about 100 other things. it was about birth control, it was about religious liberty, it was about freedom, it was about opportunity. it was about everything else. this is really a big part of what i think has happened to political -- it has gone to a
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very bad place. win thed is also moros -- the wind is all somewhere else. it really and truly is about changing. [applause] >> a young woman who works on my campaign, i remember she could not believe that republicans were trying to restrict access to health care. it seemed inconceivable to her. she and i had a number of conversations. i finally convinced her that they were actually doing this, but it took a while. one of the things that republicans do is a substitute out the good intent for whatever they do, regardless of what their actual intent is. they are trying to take away birth control.
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that is not about removing choices for women, that is about religious liberty and the ability of employers to exercise their "religious liberty" on the rest of us. we have to pay attention when they talk about rights and see what their intent is. we need to be willing to speak clearly to the american public and say that they are not telling you the truth. what they are doing is about controlling women and it is wrong. [applause] >> for a party that is all about bout -- about fighting over regulation, the environmental protection law, the labor relations board -- except when it comes to women and our
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choices. then they are all about regulation. we need to point out these total inconsistency is, if not hypocrisies, on the part of these people. i do see this as a war on women. i do not use words frivolously. day after day, to see anti- abortion, anti-choice things being presented -- being put into all kinds of bills, you cannot but conclude that this is a concerted effort on the part of very conservative people in this country in the house and the senate. >> something that you all addressed is citizens united and the increased role of corporations in the political
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process. i'm wondering if he believed -- corporations tend to be overwhelmingly run by men. i wonder what effect you think citizens united has on women's voices. >> i think it has an effect on the voices of human beings. the citizens united decision is effectively the united states supreme court saying that the largest, most powerful corporations should grab the electoral rights and squeeze as hard as they can. there is one opportunity to push back on citizens united. that is disclosure.
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independent expenditures -- if they run a terrible negative ads they should take responsibility. that is clear. we should be discouraging this. we need a push back. if we would push back against citizens united. >> karl rove made $70 million in under one year from 12 people. i would venture to say that they were 12 guys. yes, that is a good way to frame
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the impact of citizens united. that will be yet another way for a progressive candidate, for women, pro-choice, to be defeated. we are frankly seen citizens united play out in this election cycle. what it says to me is that the supreme court having left us very little room, i did vote for disclosure in the house -- left us very the room. i have come to the conclusion that we need to push for a constitutional amendment. [applause] this is another way that the kind of grassroots support can mobilize. without that, we will not be able to pass a constitutional amendment. igor rights amendment -- hawaii was the first stage. -- equal rights amendment -- hawaii was the first state. we did not have you back then. >> weekly the need a constitutional amendment to
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overturn citizens united. i am confident corporations are not people. we also, in order to have any chance of an -- of disclosure, we need to ban things from all of you and everyone you can talk to. one, you have to talk to your friends and neighbors about politics and candidates and things that matter. [applause] because karl rove will drown us out on the airwaves. the only way for us to combat that is for people to be talking to their friends and neighbors. the second thing is, i can almost guarantee that in the general election karl rove will be spending money against all three of us up here on stage. >> 0 yes. >> we will need your help. elizabeth has done an amazing job of raising millions of dollars in small contributions from ordinary americans. that is how we can take back our
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voices and take back our [applause] country. [applause] >> i think we have time for maybe one more question. we have talked about getting more women's voices in congress and the importance that that has. do women work together differently? i have heard this from some women senators when they are in a room with other republican women. they get along better. things go better. i wanted to get your thoughts, if you think more women in congress would lead to more bipartisanship and things getting done? >> definitely. i tell the story of when i was first elected to the legislature in hawaii. there were only eight members at that time who were women out of 51 in the house. some of us got together and said let's form a bipartisan caucus. the guys running the place said you do not want to do that. why'd you want to be divisive? then we noticed that we were not even going to pass a --
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legislation that would support families. i wanted to change our sexual assault law. the next time i got reelected, we form a bipartisan caucus against bill after bill. women work in a collaborative way. we brought in the community advocates. we were able to pass a lot after lot because, by that time, the guys did not want to be the ones against the women's package. it works. i also had the opportunity to do these well campaigning with elizabeth and some of the others who are running. do you know that there are five challenger women running from hawaii -- surely from nevada, heidi from north dakota, tammy from wisconsin. [applause] when we get elected, we will be
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the first women to be elected to the u.s. senate from each of our respective states. we already get along. when people see the dynamic -- isn't it great? the book can envision, here are women who are going to be able to work together and move along and did the agenda going. in ways that we have not seen. [applause] >> amanda, u.s. earlier about afghanistan. they had parliament terry elections -- parliamentary actions in afghanistan. more women were elected in afghanistan than the 1/4 required. 26% of the afghan parliament is now women. that means they have more women in their parliament and then we have in our congress. if we want to talk about the status of women, the fact that we have fewer -- 17% of the
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congress is women is an enormous problem. you all can help fix that. [applause] >> i am just going to add a little bit too her point. women know how to cooperate. they do. i want to make a pitch from the opposite direction. that is -- if you get yourself in a position to run for the united states senate or the house of representatives, believe me, you have learned to fight for what you believe in. [applause] i have lived for a long time in a world in commercial law, money locke, dealing with wall street issues in both the academic world and washington. let me put it politely -- there
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is never a line in the ladies' room. [laughter] but you know? that makes you decide that you will find out what is in your own heart. you ask yourself why am i here doing this? that is what gives you the real determination to make the kind of change we need to make. [laughter] [applause] >> thank you all very much for coming. [applause] >> thank you. it was a pleasure. [no audio]
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>> on "washington journal", the former educational -- education secretary william bennett discusses issues in the 2012 campaign. the president of the american federation of teachers talks about the role of unions. we also look at the impact of watergate. "washington journal", 9:00 a.m. on c-span. in his weekly radio address, president obama talks about creating more jobs for the middle-class. he calls on republicans to cooperate and pass all the provisions in the jobs bill. wisconsin governor scott walker gives this week's republican response. he criticizes the obama administration for exercising too much control and enacting economic policies. -- in in acting economic pulse
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>> over the last few weeks, i've. been talking a lot about america's economic future. i've told you how i believe we should go about creating strong, sustained growth, how we should pay down our long-term debt in a balanced way, and most of all, what we should do right now to create good, middle-class jobs, so people who work hard can get ahead. this isn't some abstract debate or trivial argument. i've said that this is the defining issue of our time, and i mean it. i've said that this is a make- or-break moment for the middle class, and i believe it. the decisions we make over the next few years will have an we live in, and the one we pass on to our children. right now, we're still fighting our way back from the worst economic crisis since the great depression. the economy is growing again, but it's not growing fast enough. our businesses have created 4.3 million new jobs over the last 27 months, but we're not creating them fast enough. and we're facing some pretty serious headwinds from the effects of the recent spike in
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gas prices, to the financial crisis in europe. but here's the thing. we have the answers to these problems. we have plenty of big ideas and technical solutions from both sides of the aisle. that's not what's holding us back. what's holding us back is a stalemate in washington. last september, i sent congress a jobs bill full of the kinds of bipartisan ideas that could have put over a million americans back to work and helped bolster our economy against outside shocks. i sent them a plan that would have reduced our deficit by $4 trillion in a balanced way that pays for the investments we need by cutting unnecessary spending and asking the wealthiest americans to pay a little bit more in taxes. since then, congress has passed a few parts of that jobs bill, like a tax cut that's allowing working americans to keep more of your paycheck every week. but on most of the ideas that would create jobs and grow our economy, republicans in congress haven't lifted a finger. they'd rather wait until after the election in november.
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just this past week, one of them said, "why not wait for the reinforcements?" that's a quote. and you can bet plenty of his colleagues are thinking the same thing. i think that's wrong. this isn't about who wins or loses in washington. this is about your jobs, your paychecks, your children's future. there's no excuse for congress to stand by and do nothing while so many families are struggling. none. right now, congress should pass a bill to help states put thousands of teachers, firefighters and police officers back on the job. they should have passed a bill a long time ago to put thousands of construction workers back to work rebuilding our roads and bridges and runways. and instead of just talking about job creators, they should give small-business owners a tax break for hiring more workers and paying them higher wages. right now, congress should give every responsible homeowner the opportunity to save an average of $3,000 a year by refinancing their mortgage. they should extend tax credits
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for clean energy manufacturers so we don't walk away from 40,000 good jobs. and instead of giving tax breaks to companies who ship jobs overseas, congress should take that money and use it to cover moving expenses for companies that are bringing jobs back to america. there's no reason to wait. every problem we face is within our power to solve. what's lacking is our politics. remind your members of congress why you sent them to washington in the first place. tell them to stop worrying about the next election and start worrying about the next generation. i'm ready to work with anyone republican, democrat, or independent who is serious about moving this country forward. and i hope members of congress will join me. thanks, and have a great weekend. >> hi, i'm scott walker. as a kid i loved history, almost like super heroes.
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looking at the desks and chairs where they sat was pretty amazing. standing there, it dawned on me, those who had assembled in these chambers were ordinary citizens who did something quite extraordinary. they risked their lives and the freedoms we hold dear today. it reminded me that what has made america great, what has made as exceptional for than two months' interest, what has made the united states arguably the greatest country in history of the world is that in moments of crisis, be they economic or fiscal, military or spiritual, have been more about the future of our children and grandchildren than their own political best in. the president and many of its allies seem to measure success
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by how do people are dependent on government programs. in contrast, i and many other republicans measure success in the opposite way, how many people we can free from government dependency by grown the private sector. that doesn't mean you want to throw people off unemployment. we want people to be no longer dependent on government because they have a job. when more citizens find work in the private sector, there will be more freedom and prosperity in our country. that is a very good thing. in wisconsin, we think will -- we had one of the biggest deficits ever when i took office last year. during the three years before, my state lost more than 100,000 jobs and the unemployment rate was above 9%. today, wisconsin has a surplus for the first time -- we were able to put money into our rainy day fund for two years in a row. since taking office, wisconsin
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has gained 41,000 private-sector jobs. the unemployment rate is below 7% for the first time since 2008. my state used to be ranked in the bottom 10 of the best and worst states to do business in. now we are in the top 20 and climbing. in wisconsin, we made the tough decisions to cap our economic and fiscal crises. now it's time to do the same for america. we can do it. we can do it because we have done it before. 30 years ago, the national unemployment rate was 1020%. once president ronald reagan's reforms went into effect, we saw one of the greatest economic boom in u.s. history. we need that kind of bold leadership again today to get our fiscal house on track and our economy back in order. big government is not the answer, as the president contends. instead, we need to confront the powerful special interests
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in washington and put taxpayers back in charge of our government. we need to think more about the next generation than the next election. that kind of courage can be rare in politics, but i see it every day in the moms and dads i mean in factories, farms, and small businesses across mistake. these moms and dads worked hard for the living -- a living. they work hard for the same reason my wife and i do, we want our kids to have a better life. i do not know about you, but i want my kids to inherit an america that is at least as great as the america i grew up in. the good news is that we can still do something about it. when will have to make tough choices, but there is no doubt that it is worth it. let this be the moment in history where we can tell our children and our grandchildren that we called restore our country's greatness again. i believe we can. i believe in america.
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>> next week, jpmorgan chase president and ceo jimmy diamond will testify before the house financial services committee. we will examine the public policy implications of the multibillion-dollar trading loss. that is tuesday at 10:00 a.m. on c-span 3. next week, are spotlight on magazine looks at the last days of imf global. --mf global. elkind peter wrote about the firm at 46 -- after investigating for six months. he answers your questions about the company and its ceo, the former governor of new jersey. he takes your calls live at six -- 9 ko'd 15 eastern on c-span's or "washington journal. mitt romney was in new england on friday. he spoke at an event attended by
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tim hollen ayo kellytte -- tim pawlenty and kelly ayotte. this is just one stop on his tour of battleground states. ♪ ♪ [conversation] ♪
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[conversation] ♪ [conversation] ♪ >> mitt romney's bus tour >> mitt romney's bus tour continues tomorrow


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