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tv   P.M. Question Time  CSPAN  June 17, 2012 9:00pm-9:35pm EDT

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>> next, david cameron takes questions at the house of commons. after that, an interview with republican presidential candidates and mitt romney followed by a romney campaign rally in ohio. then another chance "q & a" with brian kamoie.
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>> the british house of commons return from a two week recess. the labour party calls for a full investigation into mr. hunt. he had similar questions when he teify on thursday. the british panel he set up last year to examine the relationship between the media and politicians as well as the phone hacking scandal. this is 35 minutes. >> question to the prime minster. question number one. >> thank you mr. speaker . i'm sure the whole house wish to join me in paying tribute to the fallen servicemen.
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captain steven healy first battalion. these were talented dedicated soldiers who have made the ultimate sacrifice for the safety of our nation. our deepest condolences with their families friends and their colleagues. we will always remember them. >> i'm sure members will reach a full statement to the prime minster tribute. could the prime minster show my constituents as long as he is the prime minster there will be no policy shift. this government will focus its attention on improving by expanding links between london and displacing some of the short falls elsewhere. >> i know this is just a constituency campaign for my
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honorable friend. the current position has not changed. clearly we must not be blind to two important situation. one is how we plan airport capacity over all. secondly we make sure we operate better and make sure we welcome people into our country. >> mr. speaker. i want to pay tribute to captain steven healy and corporate michael and private greg a third intoly to beyond. they served that country with dignity and bravery and the condolences to their house.
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>> i think it's a very significant difference between the two cases. in the case, there hasn't been a judge-led inquiry. that is why i asked to look at that case and establish some of the facts of that case. i'm entirely happy with the explanation. she's apologized for breaking the code. that's an important point. >> can the prime minster confirm the culture inquiry of the single question about whether you misled this house and breaking the code. >> he ask specifically why i
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haven't referred the case. that is the case as he knows, i haven't done that. which is something that he was discussing and i will be discussing tomorrow as well. alexander has replied to my letter and i will issue a copy of both letters. he said this, i know your decision in relation to germany on adherence to the ministerial code which is of course a matter for you. he goes on, the fact that there is an ongoing judicial inquiry probing and taking everyday -- evidence on the oath. he goes on to say, he remains
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available if circumstances should change. >> mr. speaker. the key is who makes the judgment or whether there has been a breach of the ministerial code. this is what he said on may 10th. i will not made a judgment on whether there has been a breach of it. that is simply not my job. in other words, that the job of -- let's take one of the issues. mr.speaker, i know they be well with today. they obviously got the memo from the prime minster. he's sending memos around.
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i like the sound of that mr. speaker. we need a protective sound. last week, we were rather dried up. now mr. speaker, let's take one. on april 25th, i quote, -- i make absolutely no intervention in a quasi judicial process that was at the time there was responsibility of the business. now we know you wrote the memo to the prime minster that said, if we block it, our media sector will suffer for years. can the prime minster confirm
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that on april 25th -- >> first of all, let me explain on our side of the house. comerade is a term of indeerment. the point about the ministerial code, it's the job of the prime minster to make the judgment about the ministerial code. i made that judgment. i quoted to him. i quoted to him what alexander said. alexander is very clear that he couldn't usefully add to the fact of this case. i'm sorry that the whole political strategy behind his opposition motion has collapsed. but nonetheless, that is the fact of the case.
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he asked very specifically about the note that the culture sent to me. in that note, he specifically says it will be completely wrong to go against the procedure. that is what think the truth of what has happened in recent days is the culture gave a very full account of his actions and he demonstrated that when it came to the bskyb b.i.d., he followed independent advice of every part of the process. >> let's be clear what the prime minster is claiming. i made absolutely no intervention seeking to influence a decision that a memo to the prime minster is behind insignificant
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document. for the first time in political case that's the case. let me read exactly what this note said on the 19th november. i quote, it would be totally wrong for the government to get involved in a competition issue which has to be decided at arm's length. when he got responsibility for this, he behaved exactly that way. let me just make one point. by the way, the whole reason we are discussing this takeover is because the last government changed the law to allow a foreign company to own a british part like it. he asked me very specifically about the prime minster. let me be absolutely frank.
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what we are talking about here is the relationships that conservative politicians and frankly labour politicians had over the last 20 years with news corporations, news international and the rest of it. to be fair to the democrats, they didn't have that relationship and their extension tonight is to make that point. i understand that, it's politics. >> order! i have to say. you know mr. speaker, he just wants to talk about the past mr.
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speaker. he is the future one. now, this isn't the true. the deputy prime minster says the decision should go to independent advisor. the conservative chair of the administration says it should be referred. the former chair in public life should be referred. isn't the truth, the reason he wouldn't refer him to independent advisor is because he's scared the culture will be cleared. he says we're talking about the past. there are elements of this. this whole problem with the relationships between politician and the press, some of it is
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about the past. we have an inside into that when the former prime minster gave evidence. and at extraordinary moment, he said the one thing i can say definitely, the one thing i can say definitely is no one in my position would have instructed briefing against the prime minster. perhaps the victim should put their hand up. any takers? i don't need alexander to adjudicate on that one. >> reality is this. every one knows it was a prime minster that decided to oversee the bid. it's the prime minster who is clinging on to him now in the face of all the evidence.
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doesn't he realize it's no longer about the culture that affects his judgment it's about the prime minster judgment which is so badly flawed. the point is, it is to advise the ministerial to discover the fact. my judgment we should let the county culture secretary get on with it. let us just consider this, if there was an olympic medal and double standard and labour hypocrisy, the labour party would get it. >> i'm worried about the --
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>> as we remember those who fell 30 years ago, argentina continues to dispute british sovereignty over those islands. argentina also continues to receive loans worth billions of pounds from the world bank. of which british taxpayers are a major shareholders will the prime minster join president obama in instructing his officials to vote against loans to argentina? >> no british taxpayer money is spent or world bank loans to argentina. a an important point. more important it what happened yesterday when the islanders have decided they will hold a referendum to demonstrate that they believe in self-determination. it's so important because argentina is continued trying to hide this argument. they do matter. i hope they will speak loudly and clearly and argentina will
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listen. >> the prime minster just said he believes the inquiry dealt with all issues regarding culture secretary. it is not filled with section 118 which deals with market abuse and the passing of information to one party in a market situation which is not available to us. given the hundred of text, e-mails and memos, examine the evidence or any other part. >> all strict rules including stock exchange code and the financial services act that he talks about. the point i make, there's no doubt that the special advisor did behave wrongly and is why i offered his resignation.
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>> i'm sure all members will congratulate volunteers to raise 6.5 pounds. the cost of security on the day and despite necessary constraints on all government expenditure. would my honorable friend consider national support from the government to make sure their relations are properly looked after? >> my friend is right to raise this issue. many people served during the second world war. many people lost their lives. it is right there is going to be this memorial unveiled by majesty the queen. these memorials tend to be made by subscription. i will look very carefully what he says because the department of culture does have the ability to intervene on a national
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basis. i'm sure the culture secretary would have been listening carefully to what he said. >> thank you mr. speaker. you two talk down government help. would the prime minster support foreign secretary of 4000 people are all acceptable? >> first of all, i would point out that the increases in health spending for his primary culture is 2.9% for the current year. the only reason more money is going into the health service in his constituency because this coalition government decided to invest against the advice it received for the party opposite. >> question number six,
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mr. phillip, number six sir. >> we can get cabinet ministers to different parts of the country to meets with all different parts organization. the cabinet ministers have met locations for future meetings will be in due course. >> i certainly join my honorable
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friend. in term of the electrification we are committed to electrifying 300 miles and that compares 9 miles. there's a large support for the midland main line electrification. i will listen carefully to the treasury what he says. >> mr. speaker, given the inquiry is to get out the truth about the unhealthy relationship between some politicians and the media. why do government ministers including himself needs to be briefed by lawyers before attempting to get evidence? >> what minister i'm sure are doing as i've done. you have to re-familiarize
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yourself with evidence. all of the evidence i confined with meetings, going back to december of 2005. there's a huge amount of information preparation. that's entirely appropriate. >> my constituency -- does the prime minster believe it's great for a -- right. >> i completely understand and she's right to raise this issue.
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appeals against the decision applications like this can be made for communities and local government. it is inappropriate to prejudge or decisions he might take. there is also need to take into account the size and scale. >> mr. speaker, the prime minster will be aware of the letter to british showing faction. my question is this, i appreciate an answer because the health secretary didn't give you one yesterday. would the prime minster intervene to stop the scandal of nhs in order to fund the purchase of equipment in the northeast andaround the -- around the country. >> this government is putting record sums into the health
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service. we're increasing the money into the health service. if he wants me to stand here and criticize the volunteers and the charities that provide scanners, i won't do that. he raises particular point about the service. let me tell him, there's a 2011 survey of people who actually use the health service rather than asking people -- i find 92% of patients rated their overall experience as good, very good or excellent. that's actual happening and we should be proud of it. >> thank you mr. speaker. can i ask the prime minster, will the government go ahead with high speed? a subject extremely important to the economy and jobs. if the answer is yes -- >> i'm very grateful for that. enthusiastic endorsement. i believe we should go ahead with
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hhs2. it's important we get on board on this high speed rail resolution. it links to the question of his neighbor as it were. there are many flights that could be avoided we have a network of high speed rail in our country. >> thank you mr. speaker. before the last general election the prime minster made an important speech condemning crony capitalism with money buying power, power fishing for money and the top making decisions. is this your perfect description of the courting of news corporation by the secretary? >> well, if they're looking for volunteers for the olympic team for hypocrisy, i think -- we had
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30 years of pa jam -- pajamas party. >> thank you mr. speaker. in 24 days time, the olympics will come to london. millions of people will be coming to london to enjoy the games. most of us individuals will be closely dependent on public transport to reach the venue. doesn't that silence the party opposite speak volumes to london? >> my honorable is entirely right. if we want an example of crony politics, it is fact the party
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opposite gets 5 million pounds from the any journey. when it comes to this strike that could disrupt the olympics, absolute silence. it's not surprising the non-union don't just give them the money. they take their lead as well. >> thank you mr. speaker. patience satisfaction survey results have shown great introduction to patient satisfaction in the history. >> if you look at the king's fund who carried out this survey, there is no evidence of a real decline, of service, quality and performance. frankly i would put more weight on a survey that people actually using the nhs. the users, 92% of inpatients,
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95% of outpatients. i don't think that's surprising since the election, there were 4000 more doctors. the number of people waiting over 18 week and waiting more than 18 weeks is also the lowest since records began. an average waiting time are down as well. the health services is performing extremely well. we should praise all of those who delivered that performance. >> thank you mr. speaker. the prime minster will be aware of the constituency of the current shortage of primary schools across our country. this is acute right now. what the government is doing to help counter this bold year and whether he's comfortable to have a performance when it reaches performance in six years time?
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>> i know in certain constituency, this is becoming an issue. what the department of education has done is put aside 1.4 billion for school capital for 2011 and '12. it's also the opportunity through free schools to have new schools established so we not only get new capacity but we also get the competition and choice that i believe will help up drive up standards.
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>> first let me join and praising people in plymouth who obviously do a huge amount. yes we have had to make difficult decisions but we actually protected tax credits for least well off. we protected benefits for least well off. the biggest welfare reform we made was to put a tax on welfare where you shouldn't be able to get on welfare more than the average family. when we put that 26,500 pounds a year, the party investigates it. >> how much it will cost this country to bail out the banks this week? >> my honorable makes important point. before this government came to
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power, bailouts were carried out with britain playing a full part in those bailouts often as much as 14% of the total. in a 100 billion euro bailout, britain could have been paying as much as 14 billion euros, 10 billion-pounds. that money has been saved because this government stands up for britain and europe. >> mr. speaker. he claim he read line by line. the coalition lacks direction. how can you now gone out to --
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>> order. >> what's rude is for people continue shouting when they are being asked not to do so. mr.david. >> thank you. the prime minster has called for compassion for my constituent. the doctors report likely to take his life. the prime minster said it would be cruel to extradite him. >> i know my friend campaigned long and hard over this issue.
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she has instructed two independent medical experts to review the various reports that have been submitted in this case. she will make her decision as quickly as possible but this is not an easy case. there are a number of difficult issue that's have to be considered. >> it's certainly not because the money in the nhs is being cut because it isn't being nhs. the money in the nhs is being increased. what matters is that the money in the nhs is spent to deliver better health income. i think that's is a decision that needs to be taken locally. >> thank you mr. speaker. given the fascinating evidence that was presented by the
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inquirer. would the prime minster agree to publish the phone records so we can find the establishment what conversations happened. >> government cannot release information provided by previous governments. i'm sure this is an issue that the previous prime minster will want to consider given the very clear statement that he made. >> the prime minster probably not aware that my constituency -- hmrc are reinterpreting these
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products. under pressure from the european commission. with their interpretation. will he ensure a treasury minister -- >> i haven't tried one of the delicious beverages. i will wait after tomorrow before trying. i do understand there is an issue involved with hmrc. i will be happy to arrange a meeting between him and the treasury minister so they can look carefully at this


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