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tv   Washington This Week  CSPAN  July 15, 2012 1:00am-5:59am EDT

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patients, some of you already do it so it's not completely new. we'll have the identification of high cost patients as part of this initiative and the ability to give it to states. secondly and equally importantly and what jeff has obviously done and others here on the panel, take it beyondna -- beyond that. it's one thing to identify the patients, characterized in various ways, where they live and what the conditions are and by the way these patients do have chronic disease so it means they're not curable and they'll be with you and it's not that they're at end of life, they're very much alive and will be with you. so it means you can actually do something about their health and therefore their health care. but more important than that, by identifying the high cost patients, that begs the question of what do you do with them, how you treat and that's much of what we're talking about on the panel today. there's no simple straight answer. we have some sense of holistic treatment, system wide accord nation, those kinds of things. one of the things we will be doing in this new center and we hope with the cdc and public hospitals is putting in place some of the
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experiments that are already out there and some new that haven't yet been tested across states and have a measurement system so we can actually begin to look at what can we do to directly affect -- jeff has done some of these measurements in where he's working but as we all know, you know better than i, not one solution fits every state, a lot of health care is still local in nature, and the system is organized around. so we're going to try to is the up tests across the country in ways that allows us to better evaluate what might work and different characteristics. .
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please feel free to tell us what else we can do to be helpful. >> our time has expired. i want to thank the audience. i want to thank our panelists for your presentation. this is a huge issue and one
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that you faxes all greatly. i think you give us some great insights. thank you very much. [applause] >> the closing session tomorrow of the national governors' association meeting. live at 11:00 eastern on c-span. >> we have had leaks that have occurred it through every administration that has served in america. any particular reason why we should be so dramatically concerned about the recent state of leaks that have occurred? >> if i could, you put your
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finger on a point. some people will say, we have to allow some leaks because that is the only way for miss a little bit the wrongdoing of government will be surfaced. that is not the case. congress has passed a series of whistle-blower protection laws that say if you are a whistle- blower, you see something that looks like a waste, fraud, abuse or conduct, even to the intermission up. you can take it up to the intelligence community. there is an avenue for surfacing that ever mission of the then going to the press. it really is not the case. crux national security leaks and the press. topics for the house subcommittee. but watch online at the c-span video library.
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>> the national governors' association care for the veterans. did discuss initiatives concerning care for veterans and their families. they heard about surveillance much during outbreaks, third, and other illnesses. this is one hour and 20 minutes. >> we are offense to a rigid officially calling the meeting to order. thank you, mike cochair. these proceedings are open to the press and all attendees. i would like to think other is here with us. she is the director of the
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special committee on homeland security and public safety. if any of the public needs copies, you can see had there. she can answer questions on any issues and the the special committee's jurisdiction. before we will ron, i want to say it has been a privilege for me to serve on this committee. i think we have accomplished a lot during the time we served as cochairs. it has been a successful partnership. thank you governor o'malley. i know we have military members here. we thank you. i think particularly in the west and as we have seen national disasters on the east coast as well, we have been reminded how voluble the guard is to our states and countries. i would recognize the veterans at enter our states and nonmilitary members at the to what we have in our country. i know we feel very strongly
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about doing what we can to support veterans and our guard. we split the meeting into two parts. the first part is the round table discussion that serves veterans and their families. the second part is gone and office at the center and disease control for prevention. we begin with a discussion on serving our nation's veterans. thousands of men and women are returning from iraq and afghanistan. we have to return the favor. communities are working to ensure the position is as seamless as possible. states have lost various initiatives to help these brave men and women find jobs, access
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to health care and a much more. the some states have started programs that encourage veterans to get into the cluster to earn degrees. others have lost initiatives to transfer skills as learned in the military to the job force. other states have taken older programs and modernize them to provide veterans with better access to services like medical treatment and housing assistance. we have begun a collaborative effort between our department of health and department of veterans affairs and county attorney's office to set up a court and wyoming. and joining similar accords, we will identify veterans to enter the criminal justice system to a treatable condition such as alcohol or substance abuse or other mental less.
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we will provide them with intensive treatment options their plea agreements. while all of these share common goals of helping veterans, each is unique in its services, capabilities, and our reach. there is no one-size-fits-all solution. the needs of vets varies from person to person and state to state. it is our responsibility to identify the needs and insure the thousands of bats returning from assignments received the support they have earned it. this session is intended to provide opportunities to discuss with each other programs within their state proven successful. it will help identify innovative approaches as well as practices that may be able to be applied elsewhere. before we begin the discussion i will turn over to martin o'malley for his opening remarks.
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>> thank you very much and thank you for the honor of serving as co-chair on this chair with the and for your assistance that we focus as governor, somehow we might do a better job of that providing for our veterans. we needed them to be the strongest moms and dads we need them to be. and our state house, george washington resigned his commission and give back the commission over the people's army back to the people of the republic. in that sort of cut stone and moment of america's founding, half of the remarks were urging congress to do a better job of doing right by the veterans of the american revolution. i think we all have a role to play.
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health-care and behavior health care and services are very important for many issues like the post traumatic stress disorder that does not menace fest itself for decades later. -- manifest itself for decades later. together with the department of labor, defense, homeland security, hud, it the hero
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health hired system for warriors, i want to commend the companies like the dominion. they hear the thunderstorms rumbled from above and have done a creative program called troops to energy jobs. we owe them when and they return from overseas the basic obligations we have a as a free people to make sure they reenter and become moms and dads, healthy and strong that we need it for them to be. highest quality benefits possible. we will be switching to talking about why a surveillance system, that ability for states to monitor outbreaks and the like. with that, i turn it back to
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you. >> thank you. we share a passion for doing right by vets. i want to talk about the things we're doing the in wyoming. our education assistance programs are viable. they provide intense semesters of tuition and fees that the tuition of wyoming or a community college. this is something we established one year and a half ago. a welcome home day. every year on march 30 we have a welcome home ceremony. we travel to three different towns and wyoming and welcome home the vets. last march 30 we made it to five counts. it was an amazing a experience because some of those people never got a proper welcome home. when we travelled and got to
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meet with veterans and that to hear their stories, the simple message of thank you for your service, were touched by the reaction of our vets. we will travel to different counts every year. it has grown into something big in a short period of time because too many of our vets did not receive a welcome home. the third we are working on is a veterans treatment corps and is expected to get started sen. we are getting started on something we have been working on over the past year. this course will be in a shy and which is home to the largest number of vets. it is intended to either the 5 s several from and to all of us that may have been excess probated. and this is modeled after job
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-- and drug courts and the vets will be permitted into entering into plea agreements that require rehabilitation. and this is not a free pass. there will be monitored with plans that require investments and time and effort. participants will be supplied with a community of veterans going through similar treatment plants. it will be a cost effective solution for the office of veterans justice our reach for treatment of participants. with little to no cost the court can provide veterans with treatment they can receive. i will open up the floor to other governors to share initiatives in their state. i will recognize my co-chair to speak up in the state of
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maryland. >> i have been fortunate to have had -- brown has had the distinction of being the highest-ranking official to serve and iraq so he has had a special effort. 28,000 maryland residents served in either iraq and afghanistan and one out of five are in need of behavioral services. family support services. coming to the state rather than to the va for the health and those services. we signed into law the veterans behavioral act to address the need for veterans suffering from brain injuries and stress disorder. attrited the veterans
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behavioral health advisory board set up -- the commitment to veterans programs shared by our lieutenant governor. this has four regional court and there's to assist veterans throughout the state including those in some of our rural areas. obtaining access to the health services. together we invested six, $4 billion of venture to funding that has allowed us to make a critical connection between veterans and services available. third to keep track of the effectiveness of programs and the utilization rate of the veterans of the programs. we review ways of how we make better connections. these issues tonight effected
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the veteran. they take their toll on families of i addressed that can result in homelessness, substance abuse or running afoul of the lot. we are providing financial aid for veterans and their families, the maryland trust fund act and the department of veterans to receive private donations and to make laws to veterans. most of the primary requests are for food and shelter. that is the leading ask for help on the veterans. the trust fund has received 35,000 donations distributed 24,000. i appreciate it and afford to governors and what they're doing. i thank you. cox we have been fighting
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wildfires in the west. we had several fires. one night was 1,000 acres in the next night 30,000 acres. some of them close to 100,000 acres. we relied on many people including our guard. we reached the two other states to get assistance. i am please to have you here. you felt this service in the way it is unfortunate. i would like you to share with us as you can to help the west and applying over colorado and wyoming and the tragic accident in south dakota. >> thank you. we were honored to provide assistance to you in the west and in south dakota.
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the whole team was delighted to be a part of it even that there was a -- adversity and the tragedy at the end it. it was all male. there were no women on the commission. they were all excited and love that the mission. as many of you have seen in the national press, the tragic accidents associated from the same unit -- >> we have expedited the
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process for all people leaving the military trying to enter into the civilian work force where they are licensed are required to do an expedited process so they can go to work for -- believe the military. that helps with the economies. we provide in-state tuition to those who leave the military who are assigned to a n.c.-based if they agree to stay in the state for a year. we have a higher tax credit and obviously because of the large number like governor of ballet and men and women of our stay have been deployed to afghanistan and iraq, the
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military and national guard we have developed services around when the warriors around all parts of our state of the pride ourselves on rehabilitating the community services for the families. the has been one of the hardest parts of the enduring freedom of birds to see these families come back. your comments by the residual effects on families and the more we can do to shore up as a warrior come some. thank you for the opportunity. north carolina helping you in your latest efforts because any time we have a hurricane are a natural disaster you are there for us. as was states to west -- do best. the crux it is an amazing thing when it comes to these things. watching it in colorado and
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wyoming and the western states, these men and women jump at the chance to volunteer in dangerous conditions. when i see troops often they are deployed in afghanistan and erotic, if i ask -- tarok,-- iraq , the connected me had to make sure after the service and the return home is something. thank you for your leadership here >> the other thing you might be interested and that is important because i am an educator at heart, we work with the principals and teachers and enter the private school.
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if you're a guardsmen and you live -- the school does not know how to respond to a kid who is dealing with a real critical issue and their life. that is a good program only three states have other governors might be interested in learning about. >> i visited a school where there were military children and cheyenne. one of the boys had a touching story about his dad being deployed for a year. he thought he was never coming back. and they said he is here today they did not believe him. he did not believe him until he was back in his bet's embrace. we forget what a struggle that as. things were tough at home. can you share with us what is
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going on at the enter your statement? >> thank you for your leadership on the committee and with this issue. they are very close to my heart having served at enter the national guard of pennsylvania and texas for a period of 14 years. we in pennsylvania cried people since the french and indian war read that to the present. we take the care of our veterans and return of our veteran seriously. my wife -- world war two. i have had the opportunity to meet many people who had participated along with people who have participated as recently as problems and iraq ag
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and afghanistan. the stores are the salmon they need help. pennsylvania over the years has developed over 27 initiatives from education to state veteran sums to deployment to civil service to benefit and state retirement if you have the ephedrine's service officers. each county has a veterans affairs director. sometimes it is particularized to the persian gulf conflict of 91 and 1990. the emergency for food and clothing and for the disabled. it goes on and on and on. we had a school not too far from gettysburg on the other side of the mountains that was a school for our foreign children.
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over the last few years prior to me taking office until it was closed. our plan is to sell that property. the money we get from that will go into a program like gov. o'malley mentioned which is a veterans trust fund. it will go to help with county veterans representative this and it to reach out and held veterans across the way. when you create a foundation like that you want to find other sources of income. we have two pieces of organization we help to finish in the fall. we think it is wise for them to take care of veterans. we think this will pass.
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it will be two an hour of set fee that will go to the foundation. secondly, and that the bill that has been created where when you get your state is your id or renewal you can check of the bus -- box and at $3. that would go into a trust fund. we think that boris 5 madrid thousand dollars a year. many people recognizing the service of their brands and a much stiffer with them when they came home from the vietnam conflict. that was set on our veterans. people -- anyone who wants to purchase a license plate. all of that going into a trust
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fund we think will be important for people. and our small business reserve program that was set aside to allow small businesses to compete, we have four different categories. we have won the as a veterans business and one also is service disabled veterans business. many of our veterans are serviced disabled so we will give them an advantage. finally, a veterans' treatment court. one of our justices like the idea so much he is just a we all agree on a veterans' treatment court to help those going through post stress traumatic system.
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behavior's afterwards. there is a pilot for that and we think that is how we will go across pennsylvania. >> thank you for your leadership. we will be following. >> we will share the programs with the. and we hear from american samoa. thank you for being here. >> in recent years we have seen
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a great return of veterans so much so over a period of 10 years reverse seeing a lot of veterans and families return. they used to have an office and the governor's office that would be referred to as veterans affairs adviser. i am now elevating the office into a full and departmental to deal exclusively with health issues and the liaising with local averment. when we came into office, one of the things that we saw is our veterans are forced to travel to reach health treatment.
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since the onset of the iraqi or and so many of our reserve forces were deployed we began to see a lot of them with behavioral health problems. we started pushing the veterans administration to have a clinic or at least a partner with us so that we would be able to afford their health care locally. they have not established a full-time clinic and staffed it with nurses. and destroy the out commission effectively. there are so many issues that
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need to be addressed. rita have anybody full time assigned to it. they will work with the veterans and the issues. i have also created a veterans association when and at least to them about 4 acres of land. we are constructing a center dedicated to the issues of veterans, also the department. how with in the new outpatient clinic we are still not happy with the fact there is no mechanism for addressing the many soldiers we say with
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potential issues. one of the things i have done a and one of the primary reasons for us setting up a new health center was to allow where most of these soldiers -- we saw a lot of behavioral problems or the deep clements return. is not defecting soldiers but their families and their children and it needed someplace to treat them. we do not have a state hospital or any other mental health facilities and in the island. this is primarily one of the reasons to assist the veterans. one of the biggest things we are hoping we can accomplish with the new department is to help of veterans transition back into our work force.
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i made it a priority to give preference. any veteran that apply for a job with the government would get a preference number of points. they will get 10 points ahead of anybody. all things being equal the veteran will have the preference of taking the job. two years ago i signed a community contract. he may have already done in some of your states. one of the commitments is to resist reserve forces in and their assistants and to help them transition back to the community as they retire from services. we hosted and american samoa. those are some of the special things we are doing to assist veterans.
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we are confident our legislators will approve a new department. they will then take over the responsibilities that are being down through my office with just an advisory person. >> i think it illustrates again it is not one size fits all. we have our challenges. thank you for your leadership. i mention wyoming we are starting a veteran scorer and there are doing the same and eager to compare. is the statewide? >> i suspect within a year it will stabilize. >> if you wanted to share some things you have going on at the enter the commonwealth?
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>> thank you. i guess i am too late to claim i have the most veteran from the state to in the nation. i am sure you made that claim. we all have good reasons to make that claim. s are delighted to be a part of this. we have a hundred 30,000 veterans. we are fortunate people retire and live and work in virginia. but over the past couple of the year is we have tried to put a new thing simplism build on the practices and good ideas from other states. i can mention a handful of things -- we take working well in our state.
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virginia wooded warrior program as part of the veterans services department that is providing a network of barack community- based services designed to help veterans and their families to overcome challenges of stress related and traumatic brain injury. we have several major hospitals, particularly and run out the is doing a lot of work and research and development and federal grants to help the returning soldiers from iraq and a feminist and i have had issues to be able to recover and very cutting age things being done. the wounded warrior program is funded with several million dollars in state money. it is voluntary resources that we get to make that a good program. we have a claims agent program worth 32 dbs state employment assist with our veterans and
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applying for federal and state benefits and can have a turbo that program. a think we borrowed the idea that worked very well. we established and discounted lifetime hunting and fishing licenses enter virginia for our disabled veterans. we provided for in-state tuition for military dependents, veterans, cardmembers to be able to take the advantage of our low and stay virginia tuition. we created a disabled veteran owned small business preference that provides certifications to businesses owned or operated by disabled veterans. we have ratified a dental our constitution a real estate tax exemption for veterans that have 100% disability. there is a fair amount that can
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take advantage of that. one thing we have been a couple of months ago, so many businesses offer veterans discounts. if he did not bring your ddt 14 or are not active duty, he did not have a veterans id card. have to have proof and you take advantage of these. we came up with a good idea of having a state issued veterans card. i have the first one issue dead winter virginia. i got to the front of the line. it is a beautiful card. i do have my own id card as a lot. this is really care for people not disabled or not retired by our veterans who are entitled to the discounts. it is a brilliant idea that costs $10 or something like that. it has been very good. we also customer number of
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homeless veterans initiatives. i can tell you there are few things to bring more and cost to me as a veteran are kid who went to iraq that is homeless. we made a real effort to try to provide an integrated system of providing services to those veterans that are homeless. this year we had a court in there for homeless veterans provided we are trying to do everything to ensure a veteran has a minimal level of support. restored a program called v three which is the virginia veterans a plan initiatives. they have put it to get it to help trim employers' on how to redesign their hiring process to hire more virginia and veterans. many of our companies are fully compliant, hundred%
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participation in the sailors relief act. this initiative will help our employers match with people departed and separated with a disservice from our local basis to understand how to hire them because they make tremendous employees with their skills. last year we passed the spouse professional licensing agreement. it is something misses obama has been advocating. a lot have states have joined on to that. this terrific to have ripper crosses the from understates. our states came up with another great idea called the troops to trucks program. to bring great teaches at the separation. louis also have any troops to
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trucks program. it the way we did that is making it easier by waiving all the requirements through commercial driver's license if they have the skills by proving they operated a " line machinery in the united states military. if i can brag about my wife just a minute. she has made a top initiative to be a mom of a veteran herself. we started something called the as 0 s website. this of you interested can go to www got as 0 s and got sick of. the whole idea is to match up the needs of family members whose spouses are deployed with volunteers to sit out want to help a veteran or family.
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this sos website is designed to do just that. it has been remarkable get family members of veterans deployed. she is doing something we are excited about down at fort monroe. for receive them back from the federal government in the 2005 process. on this site we are starting something called the freedom ford initiative. we are trying to create -- we are going to reap create. this is a thing easy to replicate. a one-stop shop so any veteran that was to know anything about any state or federal or local benefit they might be able to
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get. as the navigating the process, they can come to the freedom fort support sent to. with a state-funded initiative with private sector contributions that can get access to any benefit and need without getting the runaround. i know many of you have done that and business but we're doing give for veterans to have a wonderful clearing house. everybody from home depot to other veterans that get rid of furniture and surplus items can now bring things there, leave it there so veterans can have access to furniture and equipment and of the things the canned gourmet. veterans give free items handed is -- there are of the things we can go over. we are pleased to have so many
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veterans making homes in virginia. these are things that will help have a happy home for a long time. >> thank you for your leadership. >> he fished since you have to dig so i guess it is both. >> thank you for your leadership. i wanted to announce because as i listened to the governors say what they're doing in the states, it is a reason why and j a will release a survey of this week to identify states that practice and in the few comments we heard today, there is a lot of the things that we can learn from each other.
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the governors will report back on best practices to give us an opportunity to see what others did said during and a dove toward this is it doing. thank you for your leadership. he will tell if the senator right direction and topic. >> thank you for your suggestions. we always come ticking and the i did. one is the issues -- the reason for this task force creation was the need to improve our security.omeland the ability to help people at home whether it is a weather event or a tour event.
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what we both do for the second half of this is we will turn to dr. ali kahn. we have been making it more robust since the attacks of september 11. and at the one that was a big one for our committee, mr. chairman, was protecting the spectrum band so we can have a communication center of the event of emergencies. first responders can talk with each other. the the core capacity will be spending the next few moments talking about has to deal with surveillance.
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in his professional career, he has focused on by a terrorism, global health, an infectious diseases. he has led the response to a number of health he emergences including the response to hurricane katrina and in addition he has served as a main architect of the cdc's bio terrorism prepared this program which upgraded the local state and the national public health systems to get an early jump to be alerted right away to the outbreak or perhaps to a biotech terrorist attack. he completed a joint residency of pediatrics at the university of michigan. he is also an adjunct professor.
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we really appreciate you having time to be with us today. i would like to turn it over to you. make sure you press that said they can hear you. >> thank you for the generous introduction. i know you used to be the mayor of baltimore once. you wrote there is facing and baltimore -- i feel the same way about unpreparedness. it is all good no matter how you do it. but i would like to talk about and why it took about with my students is public health has always been in the health protection business. after 1911 it became clear as a came up face to face with national security issues public health has a role in ensuring the health security.
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what became very clear and we mentioned hurricane katrina -- more than for national disasters but also for pandemic and increasingly as you think about routine health events, there are fiscal and social and political consequences of public health events nationwide and require us to think about public health more broadly as a national event as opposed to local events as we have done. public health -- there is always a new potential public health of their. the life blood disinformation. not just routine affirmation. what we like is timely
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information. unfortunately we want that during the early days of an event. often and for mission is confusing in the early days and often incomplete. surveillance is about looking at your core monitoring systems and delay airing and pieces of information on a strong work force putting it together and getting it into your hands say you have information to say how can we make information necessary to insure the health of my population. what comes to mind is routine public events like influenza. if you close the school are not based on information including not just routine information but absenteeism and to that. people have become very --
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assistant not a wrong children. to start to look at drug overdoses. if the market also is a things going on in your community as to laird of disinformation to get there. >> what i would like to do is see some examples. two examples recognizing they have very good examples. let mr. with the new jersey example. it combines if permission from multiple places. it includes hospitals, nursing homes, long-term care facilities. as always happens, they noticed
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well loved by a cluster of cases of the outbreak. it was occurring in one small ethnic community and then to a new jersey. the sec, let us look of our data. we have the same outbreak. they turned at that point and they were able to look at a number of other. on the topic graf is a time chart. the black line shows what you expect them to show of the places above the average. the map shows or the size and extra 190 cases in 6 days. this is combining lab that did it they can to get it to allow them to find this earlier.
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since there is a lot of public health option and because there were able to identify the upbraid the recognized this was due to broiled chicken livers. they could have a recall and pull this off the market. this is how public health should be working to identify things as fast as possible. helping people from getting sick or dying. let me move to a second example. this is in your own state. you have the same exact system. this is the maryland and latinus system for the epidemics. this was designed along disease outbreaks and patterns of msn he emergencies. it combines traditional information services to get
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there, description drug data from pharmacists, other laboratory data. i know in the case of maryland it includes all absentee data at this point. there is a couple -- two examples i can give a health impact. there is evidence of a spike of people on dialysis and hospitals following the disaster that led to changes of dialysis centers. these individuals are now having emergences are better taking care of where they should be most recently from the heat wave, this did it was combined in the midst of the heat wave with new data from a one systems to think about who is at risk with heat wave is and was used to mobilize the national guard to send our flashlights
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and ice to at risk people and provide care to them, when should you said that cohan stations. this is time needed to set up action. i will move on here to national systems. you also have similar systems that wins awards. he can ask me questions about it later if you like. these are state based systems, there are also national systems that take a day they use agreements. they will give you a national picture that provides a number of advantages based on the type of system. i already said the base system is for -- public of has been in
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the business of doing in the 1300's. we have become a lot more innovative in the past 800 years or so. one is aggressively looking at laboratory and making laboratory a part of what we do. you can produce food in a city or state all across the united states. the best way is if you have monitors all over the place. we identify a large outbreaks, national arborists and a handful of cases. it is a way we do that and how we found the outbreak. he did not need to have hundreds of cases. when they are compiled together you realize we have a significant outbreaks and recall a product very fast. we believe this helps consumers
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-- it helps markets because they get off very fast out of the market. we believe it is very important in a laboratory system. the of the system i would like to talk about this bioscience. states that will put together the systems that are completely together. a set of tools for data analysis. they did not have bio surveillance systems. we can help assist with that. let me transition to this. i am sure everybody thinks about social media and it thinks the answer is out there and all they have to do is look at a facebook analytic tool and they know what will go on in the world. that is not quite true yet. you look at this and it was
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said, there is a contagious viral opera going on and then to the united states. my other favorite example which it did not put out here is a search for fever. it is solid but justin bieber fever. a domestic we deploy the stockpile because a bunch of teen girls are about to go to a concert. you need to use all of these tools the come together and was gone and communities. if you look at how to examine in your states have you have the building blocks for a robust surveillance system. if you have a work force. do they have the ability to
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bring in a lab information, electronic records. how well are these symptoms linked to get it. you can get a regional picture. you can share data nationally to look at a national picture. what are their opportunities to assist you with these efforts? thank you for the opportunity. >> thank you. let me ask you this question for starters. please feel free to jump in. how do we as states access the information that you collect? how do we come part of if you choose the national v-j can you bring in the did the into the
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system? let me just ask that? clock's there are a number of did the systems to have access to. you have routine access to some of these systems as they did they use agreement and to have access to data. there is over 27 states and municipalities that have done so. we would encourage that additional states sign up with those agreements. >> that brings me to my second question. have we done one of the agreements with it? we are one of the 27. the second question is this. d. provide for us -- does the cbc perform this -- function of all we're doing in a state level and evaluating whether we're robust enough for giving as a checklist. you guys should be much airing
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these additional things. the you have a question we can self evaluate whether we have a bias surveillance system that is timely, accurate, and provides our public health front-line protection with what they need to do the job? >> there are a number of things published. states to the retain lay and can request the assistance to do so. >> thank you for being with us. he talked about the word a cloud. i appreciate you talking about that because i was assembly and a company that tracks that. they say that they can see the spikes or symptoms of runny nose, sore throat, fever, and you're saying to some of the area. his a interested because it a
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rule say it how does it otherwise work that you can say this is going on to identify and address the more closely to prevent problems. how does a small town hospital -- how would that affirmation flow? is there any combination to say we are getting reports and there is a spike in searches for these types of things. do they go together in any way? >> they do. that is a two part question. i was sure you the first part of that. ghoul has published a look at searches arrau flu and influenza.
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you need to add two additional tools that you would later in including for example and the royals placed at the hospital, did they have a mechanism in their chief complaint data, transmit that to the state department said they can see they are having a spike every action or fever like all less than they can compile the data, look at it using a number of analytics to say, usually we see two people come in every day and all of is said and we are seeing six or seven.
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these tools are complementary. together we rarely if ever pull the terror on a single tool. you always need it to go back and look at the data. it keeps as employed. cox and other broad question. we can be very mobile country. as we fly around the country, we go to a big airport with lots of people. how do you turn the situation where there is potential for an outbreak. they spread out. how do you track back? how do you watch the activity? what do you monitor? >> i did not know that one was coming. somebody mentioned that in a different complex. the super bowl happened -- there
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was a measle cluster during the last super bowl. one child had the measles actively. that is a rare event in the united states. it exposed a large number of people. the question can of quickly, will there be miso cases all over the united states? you can get quick snapshots of whether or not we overseeing the spread throughout the united states. you can very quickly or you can continuously see whether or not the disease is spreading or not. you needed to add that to the regional and national day to to get the picture even though it started here in whatever city, is burning or not spreading.
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>> we are only limited to our hospital lab what if any protocol to they have in the event of these things showing up and then to our territory. we of -- we report on diseases. in the event of chemical -- the last time an envelope showed up with powder it took four days before they support it unit from the national guard in hawaii to show up. four days could have showed up
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the entire population. thank god it was determined to be just powder. cdc have for any access to any real examination? >> that is an excellent question. that has challenged many people for a while. the have many advocates within the agency for the issues in very remote areas and other and solar areas. we would be glad to get ideas from you to think about all of the efforts with an area is -- i do know our programs support american samoa -- there are
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opportunities to think collectively about public health and support you may be more in a holistic fashion that will allow you to strengthen holistic play public health laboratory and a logic capabilities. specifically for things like as he said white envelopes, are there diagnostics that may be more amenable for your case than the full-fledged response. without a doubt is expensive to maintain. the >> it is one of the things we tried to do.
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to stand up a small unit or maybe a couple of soldiers before with one of those portable labs that they had for cursory examination as to be determined. we have not had too much like in that. is there any way we can get coordination through cdc and the military on assistance like that? clucks i cannot speak for the national guard. >> all right. thank you. >> other questions? 27 of the 50 of us have by a surveillance systems.
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>> it is some a full 27 because some of them by municipalities. rabbi to encourage all 50 states to have assigned executed agreements. we would be glad -- with and i have ever been a condom on the same day but we would be cut to work with the rest of the state's to execute agreements and held them get access to bias center club based technology to help build their systems and the feature. >> plotted, mapped, and timed -- that is our best defense and tools for identifying when there is an outbreak and when we need to deploy a -- >> as long as it is a true
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complementation of data, laboratory and of the pieces of information. >> we have heard pieces about americans believing we are on the cusp of a technological breakthrough. censers of their back and tell you whether there are agents that have been released. but where is that technology? what are its uses? if so way guessing a can never replace this. to what degree are other technologies the marching on this? >> we already have deployed it within the united states. it is another part of a multilayer by air defense system for the united states.
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it can get picked up by bio watch. again, that is part of the laboratory systems to evaluate and make a decision we need to deploy the stockpile or do other things to protect the population. clark's it is 1 tool. >> correct, sir. >> but in the data of these other systems? crux yes, sir. >> anything else? >> do you have on your web site or otherwise of this is interested what it takes four n and zero u to be signed so we know we are getting into? >> your state officer and -- did know it very well. >> i guess that is good news. thank you.
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>> i guess it is turn to turn a back over to have your hair will give as legislative update on homeland security task force where we are and where we are going, maybe an update on the public's of the broadband network. the crux there are two items i wanted to and out for governors already mentioned in this meeting and big areas of focus for this committee and even prior to that. the first issue is the national guard. they proposed in its 2013 budget report to cut the air national guard by imposing 59% of aircraft and manpower cuts on the international art. this was discussed when this committee in february of following where every governor
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proposed the cuts to leon panetta. that was presented to the secretary shortly after it ended. at the time secretary panetta work with governors to see if there was a better path forward. they then work on behalf of the governess to negotiate a compromise proposal. to find a better path than fighting the sow and congress. this negotiations were unable to close significant differences that remain. they sent a letter to congress asking congress freeze the international guard at its current levels of manpower and funding for aircraft. i am pleased to report as things stand the house and senate have decided to protect the guard and its budget for fiscal year 2018.
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the senate has set a mood it out of committee and the full senate will vote before the august recess. while this is ongoing, there will try to find a way to ensure we do not repeat the situation again in future fiscal years. the second issue that gov. o'malley mentioned -- when this committee met again in february, we talked about the passage of the d block legislation that provided funding to construct the inoperable that work. but dealing with iran capabilities for public safety. that reallocated the spectrum that is considered critical to making the network reality. and she is on the legislative side has been doing things to
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continue to support efforts to implement the situation and to make sure priorities are represented. we have put four governors, nominees to the two boards established to build and operate the network. we have submitted comments to the department of commerce that will be establishing a state and local grant program to support implementation. the recently hosted a national meeting 147 the vigils from states to get together to begin discussing or governor's options are and what things can be done that to continue to move forward. with that, i will and it there. parks to or for the opportunity. thank you for getting us on order.
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you have an update for a spirit to work for being here today. >> my job is to work to help implement legislation at the state level. my objective is to help you guys implemented. it is one of the most impact for things to happen to public safety and will change how the business of publics of the system by allowing critical data to flow amongst first responders nationally. it is the first of the kid a broadband network to help states. to help prepare for that, they hosted a national forum on implementing broadband it. the objective of our meeting was to look at actions states can
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take now before they are seated in august. we have the 49 teams represented the include see i oppose, coordinators, representatives from law enforcement, home and security advisers. we did this in partnership with the association of information officers, and with the department of commerce. a number of lessons came out of that meeting that i think are worth noting here. we conducted an informal survey of the 49 states. in terms of the government's and decision making process these states will undertake, there is no model. there are three approaches. one is that the coordinator will take the lead and the other is that the cio will take the lead. the third option is that there is a wireless commission or
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something and so there is no model the states seem to be queuing up behind it. states need to continue to focus on the engagement of public safety. this is dedicated to public safety. they need to be at the table when the process these. there is a general sense states can do a better job including at the table and the decision making process. states need to assess critical assets in their states now as a realist to public city broadband it. states will endeavor mission and will lead directly to be able to make key decisions. regional planning efforts need to occur. one of the more successful discussions that we had at the meeting where read the regional approaches, it was impact fall. belatedly is the notion of
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working with tribes. your tribes will present some issues whether opt in or opt out in terms of your planning process are things the governors need to pay attention to. there are a number of myths the spell of the meeting. you cannot make decisions now until first net issues guidelines on building the network. it will take time. it is not be an instant. it will be a network that will push to data and not just a voice. that will happen years down the line. there is not enough money to build up a network. and that will take time and other resources. two other things moving on. i would like to mention. we are pressing to create a state resource center and are fund-raising for the right now. the objective is to follow the
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policy void looking at what states can do to a effectuate. the second thing before i close is that we also released -- we were looking to create a policy on prescription drug abuse. that policy is done to the leadership of gov. badly. with that, you're sorry going to close. >> he said you are doing fund- raising and enter the cedras security arena. how are you doing that? >> we are working with private corporations looking at this program. the purposes, it is a non- profit. our objective is to put together initially the two phase project. one is to put together in
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national policy. that would be a group of people from state and local law enforcement. and the objective is to identify what are the core elements that governors can do now to a effectuate as strong cyber policy as possible. phase two would be to do -- we will work with states to implement recommendations. >> thank you both for your excellent report. we will be merged into a larger group. we will work on funding from card issues. we have done a lot of good work here. i appreciate your leadership.
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the in our last meeting we were surrounded by attack. it was a wonderful sight. rigas some great advice and leadership there. also the work this committee does and you do in terms of having a seat at the table and. thank you for your leadership and i appreciate it. >> thank you. >> is there any other for the business we need to attend to? >> thank you for what you do. thank you for being with us today. >> thank you. we are adjourned. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2012] >> tomorrow the closing session of the national bevin is a cessation meeting. they take part in what states can do is to support entrepreneur or ship.
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that is live at 11:00 eastern on c-span. the u.s. capitol historical society dinner honoring the foreign relations committee. then in the green party convention nominates his candid. live at 7:00 p.m. your comments and washington journal. >> hitler by then had virtually no plan. when you realized the arm is for not coming to his aid, and that is when he collapsed and he felt -- it had come to an end. >>anthonyu beevor with hiller's last days. >> he was afraid of being paraded through moscow through a cage and being ridiculed. he was determined to die. eva braun was determined to die
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with him. >> more with anton beever on cspan q@a. >> it goes from the very beginning of the nation and goes right up to the present. that is important for us because we're trying to keep a large tradition full and documented and reflect the story of american democracy. clucks a look at the smithsonian campaign memorabilia collection at 7:00 eastern and pacific. more from the contenders. our story on key political figures who changed history. this week, wendell wilkie. he would become an ally to fdr.
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fat >> the capitol historical society hosted an event honoring the 196 anniversary of the senate foreign relations committee. chuck hagel was introduced by john kerry and duke lugo. they are sponsored an evening tribute to a house committee annually for seven to in years. this is one hour and 15 mets. -- one hour and 15 of minutes. >> ladies and gentlemen, if i could have your attention. we will start our program. i think is so great when we can
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have an even when everybody is interested in visiting with each other that it is a great success when that happens. we do want to get going. i do appreciate your attention and i am sure the gentleman will also appreciate that. i am the share of the u.s. capitol historical society and a former member of congress from the state of missouri. i have the honor of introducing three gentlemen that actually need no introduction because i know you people are very much aware of the highlights of their career and quite knowledgeable of the senate and the congress. each one of them have leadership positions and then to our nation's foreign policy as members of the senate foreign relations committee and those contributions we will probably hear about some tonight. i also did a little research
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myself and found all of them had written books. some have written more than one book. instead of me given the usual and the introduction i thought i would let their own words from their right thing serve to introduce them to you tonight. i start with chairman john carry who came by his interest in foreign affairs as the son of an american diplomat as well as his experiences in vietnam. i was a foreign service brat which is a lot like growing up as an army brat or navy brat. the experience is valuable and important in respects. spending a good chunk of your childhood overseas exposes you to cultures, languages, political traditions and history and teaches you about what america stands for and what the
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world depends on us to stand for. he noted his father was often transferred not only overseas but back into the united states. he wrote, one assignment he had in washington that made a strong impression on me was when he was detailed to the staff of the foreign relations committee. for three solid days over my wish to serve on the committee. they had done some insurances and washington got does house, i had a chance to get a seat on appropriations.
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i was determined to get on the foreign relations committee and have been a member ever since. as they say, the rest is history. john kerry. [applause] >> i had forgotten i was that candid. nowadays the way it works without any remarks i made a very wise decision. everybody on the appropriations committee are pulling their hair out and saying, we did not do anything anymore. it is very hard. what a pleasure to be here. it really is a pleasure. i am very honored to be here with a number of my colleagues beginning with the ranking member, my good friend and joe
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biden pose a good friend and all of our extraordinary respective colleagues dick lugar -- is great you are here, too. everybody here just want to say thank you for everything you stand for. [applause] and dick is absolutely a statesman. oncey's on harry truman said a politician is a man who understands government. a statesman as a politician who has been dead for 10 years. the truth is as we all know, it dick lugar has managed to transcend that. others on our committee. bob corker from tennessee -- i
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am delighted he is here. johnny isaacs' man from georgia. earlier this year we had a number of members who were here and dropped by. i wanted to thank each of the mercer are here. there are interval thoughtful members of the best tradition of our committee. i was a few words about that in a moment. i am earful for the diligence and which they approach every issue and for their personal ability to put aside -- great traditions of the foreign relations committee to put aside the sometimes partisan and the divisiveness of the city and find common ground which is what we need to do above all. i am wanting to thank the historical society for bringing
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us to get the tonight. we are really privileged. all members share a sense of privilege here tonight and are grateful for what the society does. it is a valuable forest for bringing our nation's history and capitals history alive and for creating a exhibits and helping and kids come to this place and understand their own history. more and more think everybody would agree and that is really important because it helps put the business of the country ahead of politics. i think of my colleagues would agree with me. i think each are working to find ways of this current predicament. the country is as divided as i can think since the 1960's and
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early 1970 because it bought a war. at a time to politic role. we are divided between red and blue, the heartland. secular and religious. so much more. sorry reminded of william faulkner's words about the sound and fury and signifying nothing. at times we feel that way. the full " was a tale told by an idiot. yes or will not go there because i promised we're trying to get away from partisanship. is rethinking is safe to say we are a long way away except these
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moments where our committee comes together from one of our great predecessors who famously reminded us politics stops at the water's edge. when he passed away the chaplain in 1951 said the following. he said, we thank in the gathering storm of aggression that rages, in a time the call for greatness, maker into greatness. i think as of right to say nothing was city would agree. yes sir a grateful for the ambassadors here this evening. they understand this as a well as any people led to enter the world how much the world is changing. how complicated relationships are today. how important it is is for all of us to find a way to summon our people to something bigger
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than ourselves of the partisanship dead -- divides us and to find greatness. we have been blessed to find again like dick lugar whether he has served as chairman or ranking member has always been a serious student of public affairs and foreign affairs and tried to find a common ground. his letter is attributed to that. i have seen him work on the threat reduction effort as we all have. the world has been dedicated -- the whole world has benefited from that decision. sometimes at the peril of his own party or other parts who somehow do not believe a nation like ours ought to be engaged
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with the rest of the world are reaching out toward taking some of the kinds of risks. even with the great satan of the former soviet union he was able to make things happen. i remember as a young senator. i had just arrived in 1985. a member of my family -- this is not something i talked about at enter the city or ever -- the governor of the philippines back in the early 1900's. i had a fascination with the philippines because of family involvements for some period of time. on my first trip, i met for five hours. i came away convinced that this had to change. this relationship between him and as and have them.
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i came back and the first thing i did was put in a resolution to link our aid to certain reforms. he responded to the young brash massachusetts senator by calling an election and saying, i will prove to the united states who is in charge here. we worked together with people lead into the philippines. steve emboss worth -- we put together working with the national movement for free philippines, the oversight of their election. ultimately in the same cathedral after his assassination, the same i attended an extraordinary mass, that was the place where we saw 13 women come out had been that
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with a halo of light shining over them. the only guys for the telephone vision cameras filming them. it told the numbers there were putting an that were different. the election was being stolen. and dick seized the reins. he was chairman of the oversight group. he said we have to call this the way we see it. we've met with president reagan and dick lugar and others changed his story with that even. that is will foreign relations committee can do. in any place it into the world, i think, chop was another guy who understands and has done an extraordinary job when he was the here and it continues to do it. i respect so much his willingness to speak out directly, his willingness to
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take on his own party at times. to use the horrible cliche of truth to power, he did it again and again. i miss his good humor. we took a trip to afghanistan. on the flight back we got involved and a seven snow storm in the helicopters. i will never forget the it pilot to diving. we had a chopper behind us and nobody knew where the of the chopper was. we found it went down into an emergency landing on the top of a mountain. snow was blowing. the whole time the general was briefing as and he never stopped a briefing as. weaver and a semi crash mode.
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check and i, we said, why did the three of us not give a speech and will be airborne again in the hot air. we were landed. we saw these figures moving around the mountains and we tried to figure out what we will do when the talent and came after us. first of all, or thought we would assign one of them to give a speech and talk to us down. we decided that will not worked so we will set up crystal balls water in and take them down. finally we were rescued by a bunch of humvees. we had to drive them off of the mountain with escorts. there are these wonderful memories that come with these journeys. they are sitting in a plane late in the night and talking about the problems of the world. i will say to all of the this quickly.
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it is a great privilege for me to be able to serve right now for some period of time. obviously subject to the decision of the american people as to what happens to the senate and chairs. i always view this with a great sense of temporary nests. an opportunity to try to make the most out of it. this is a critical moment. i did it cut my teeth testifying before a guy named the james william fulbright with names like others serving on it. it was a different time in the senate where you could find relationships on the other side, bill them, trust each other and make things happen. i wanted that senate to come back. is what the founding fathers intended. we are facing a world that is
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obviously profoundly changing. nobody can put the genie of globalism back into the bottle. as much as you want to or might feel rankled by it. there is only one way to respond to this world and that is to tame the worst forces of globalization. i believe that can be done. the foreign relations committee is one of the world pose the greatest for i for doing that. is an extraordinarily great platform from which to shine a light on things. we will have a hearing on human trafficking. there are many other things you will talk about. will talk about people with disabilities and writes. historically, the chemical weapons convention, so much has happened through this committee.
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and some of the earliest times i think it was mentioned and then to the beginning. what happened with respect to the early times of the committee, the alaska purchase in 1867, the accomplishment of the united nations. the passage of the truman doctrine. of course, not least, the rebuilding of europe and japan after a war where the united states against the wall of the american people, the brunei in support of the marshall plan. today nobody could argue it was not essential to the ultimate transformation of the foreign soviet union into the freedom of people in eastern europe into a remarkable sense of possibilities for people who
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had lived under the totalitarianism for too long. those things come out of this committee. those are the possibilities. i was excited to come into politics during the years of several signs of massachusetts. in 1962 of worked for kennedy. before that and after that, many of us were obviously greatly changed by the assassination of kennedy. that will never forget the words of robert kennedy. some men see things by doing things they never were and ask why not. we have an ability to do these things. this evening, therefore to me, is special. not only because it brings all of us to get it to celebrate the foreign relations committee.
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it is a reminder of the debt we owe to those who preceded us on the committee and set an example of what it can achieve. those who set an example to the country for what we can be. i think we can learn from the way they conducted business. i also think we all need to remember, you know, what is happening to the middle east is the most significant change since the end of the ottoman empire. it is up for grabs. today i talked to senator clinton. we need to do things to help egypt beaufort. arabuarter of the world's
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population does not have the challenge of shia and sunni but it has challenges. may define the possibilities for peace had into the middle east as well as what our national security is going to look like for some time to come. we have to understand even in this economic time we are connected. we have to understand our economy is not something over here separate from all of our aspirations in terms of public foreign-policy. to do the things we want to do and to be the indispensable mission people view us as being, it is imperative for us to make better choices because they go hand-in-hand. if we do not have the economic power or the economic stability we will have a harder time
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protecting the power and our interest in order to advance our interests and our values together. as will form policy is. the balance between interest and the valleys. hopefully you balance it out in the long run. i am convinced of this. we are an exceptional nation. we talk about american exceptional as an to the point it is a great son other countries and probably should. there is something exceptional i would say to you. it is not a birthright. it is not on automatic pilot. we have only been an exceptional women make the choices that make as exceptional. we need to remember that. it is not a slogan or a sound bite. is one we embarrass our values
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and interests that advance the cause of our nation and also advance the cause of our fellow human beings on this planet. this the way the foreign relations committee should the fineness of and our judgment. to live for honoring it tonight. [applause] hal>> thank you for your curren, past, and future leadership. let's hope your wish comes true deny we can go baff fat to the old ways of working to get there, both sides of the aisle. i know there are a lot of challenges on the body. richard lugar is the ranking member and member of the foreign
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relations committee. he is a respected voice for the development and implementation of the bipartisan foreign policy. his gracious the feet as he has been in victory. he is one of the giants' in our foreign-policy and can take a great deal of pride in his decades of service to america, his presence and enter the senate, andone this committee will be sorely missed. his accomplishments while have been many probably and perhaps as lasting legacy will be the reduction of nuclear war and weapons. his passion for seeking long- term solutions to complex foreign policy problems instead of opting for the slogans and short-term political advantages is summed up in his book, letters to the next president that he wrote to senator carry
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at the time of 2004. i do not know if you did any of the money but i read your book. that five bucks a ought to line this way to you someday. this is what he wrote in 2004. the consensus on foreign-policy for that was once prevalent has been badly eroded. too often the motivation for important national-security positions is driven by politics. the consensus for a policy cannot be wished back into being nor can be manufactured overnight in response to a crisis. it can only be responded gradually over time through presidential attention in the development of trust between congress and the executive branch. we will miss you. we feel we lost part of the institution.
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we do very much a levee. thank you for being with us tonight. [applause] >> i am so indebted to euphoria thoughtfulness and friendship. we are pleased he had chosen to honor the foreign relations committee and i have been overwhelmed by the tribute of my good friend john carry. john cited the philippines adventure. so many throughout the years. chalk was by my side throughout
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his tenure on the foreign relations committee. it is so important in terms of his judgment and committee. i appreciate my colleague is being here tonight. we are grateful to each one of the for honoring the committee and honoring the historical society on its 50th anniversary. i want to simply thank once again the capitol historical society for offering the opportunity for personal thoughts on this subject has been a professional part of my life. with the comprehensive search efforts, a very friendly and diligence staff members -- i hope you'll forgive personal indulgences of their findings -- i want to make a few comments about the history of the committee. by my count, and the history of
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the senate, only five members have served 30 years or more on the committee. it began service on the second half of the 20th century. this is a tribute to increasing life expended cheap. many member is during the 19th and 20th centuries did not begin their service until 10 years and to their senate tenure. like my colleague john carry who had knee foresight to join immediately. it has been more common for freshmen senators to be granted a seat on the foreign relations committee then was the case before. our good friends each gained a seat on the committee s newly elected senators.
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they held it throughout their 30 year senate career is. senate claiborne served at 32 years on the committee having served in his fourth year as a senator. at the end of this year i will have served to 34 years on the committee and joining espy's president biden who resisted before he was elected to his current position. both gained a seat on the committee after two years. the vice president by then also serve the distinction of being the third foreign relations committee chairman to become vice president of the united states. he is having much more success in his role as two predecessors. the first chairman to become vice-president william king had tuber chlorosis when he was elected and died 25 years into
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his tenure. he holds the record for the fewest number of days served. even william harris who became sick after exposing himself to a rainstorm on his inauguration day lasted a full month in office. the other vice-president was hannibal hamlin, lincoln's first vice-president. he was a non factor and served to much of his presidency in his home state of maine. he was more fortunate than william king in that he survived his term. he was dropped from the ticket in favor of andrew johnson.
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it occurred even before i became senator. after graduating from denison university, i was awarded a rhodes scholarship. my tutor and politics told me about his tutorial work with william fulbright of arkansas.
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that, a national governors' association panel on controlling medicaid costs.
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>> the green party is holding the vice-presidential nominating convention in maryland. delegates selected joe stein as the nominee. we will hear from a spokesperson for roseanne barr, who was a candidate. later, we will surely the nomination process and speeches by the presidential and vice- presidential nominees. >> i am not trying to be a jerk. ok. [laughter] i am the delegate coordinator for the roseanne barr campaign.
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[applause] roseanne send me a speech that i would like to read. it is right here. thank god for technology. before we start, if i read off things -- they are not my words. i swear to god i am reading them. and do not get angry at me. here i go. i thank my delegates who bravely support me in my campaign despite a michael feinstein- lettuce mere campaign that began as soon as i was allowed on the ballot. -- senior campaign that began as soon as i was allowed on the ballot. how the hell can the green party expect to face down in the u.s. government to make the same demands? it is not possible to violate key values during this election
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cycle and still claim to represent the high road. iran as a representative of the black caucus of the green party, not as a celebrity. jules stein has never met with the black caucus, and is still unaware that they exist. to smear me as a rich celebrity instead of an activist who has pasted down power -- faced down power and brought issues into america week after week in a groundbreaking television show about working-class families and values is not repulsive to me. if i were a man, nobody would dare to say that. i will work these four years to remove michael feinstein from power. i will oppose the floodgates -- to the 99% of americans who deserve better representation than what this party currently
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offers. thanks. i think there might be a part two. maybe not. there is. i will tell you what was on that piece of paper over there that she asked me to read. part of the things that roseanne had told me she wanted me to say was that she wanted -- she thought that she was carrying weight for working-class people, people of color in this party. one of the reasons why i support her was because i am a big activist and i felt she had my back, my community's back. i felt that i could take her to a mosque, to a place where
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people of color -- she was comfortable, welcomed, it would work. i am not ashamed for the fact that i supported roseanne barr. i am proud that i did. [applause] i want people to know that it is not ok to treat delegates like they are outsiders or they are wrong. people came to me -- i got a lot of flak for supporting roseanne. when i was passing out signs, people in my own state told me i was a distraction. you know what is a distraction? poverty is a distraction. hatred is a distraction. discrimination is a distraction. she went out there and she thought that. that is why i feel that roseanne barr was the best representative we had. i do not care if you all still hate her or some of you still despise her. that is fine. that is your opinion. but i will say, i will encourage her to run in 2016.
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[applause] no matter how horrible, no matter how many people like you accuse us, people who told us to deny the black caucus votes, you need to change your attitude. more people of color are coming to this party. no matter how racist some of you choose to be, or attack me for even supporting them by asking me to resign -- no. not ok, not happening anymore. [applause] fenty so much. -- much.
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>> just a few details we need to go over before we get this session started. the council be announced on the laptop over here. when you announce your results, please hold up your sign. . please talk into the microphone.
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the people who will walk us through this next section are holly and colin. [applause] >> so this is what we are finally here for, right? we are finally at the final stage, the conclusion of the first step of what we know will be a groundbreaking, innovative, unique presidential adventure. it will spread our key values throughout the country and help state parties grow and give a boost to local and state-wide candidates. this process began about one year ago at the national meeting, where delegates discussed whether we wanted to run and the benefits of running a campaign, what kind of a campaign wanted, what kind of a candid, and how to benefit and
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grow the green party. we will learn more tomorrow. there was no question we will run. we will continue to run. during the past year, state parties, in keeping with our commitment to decentralization and accountability, we got together across the country and the purpose stated, voting to support their choice of candidate for president of the united states. presidents and green parties unlike in california -- like in california, recognized by the state, had a state-run primary. for the first time ever, a group of people came together to organize in south dakota. [applause] pursuant to the election loss of their respective states, and
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their party's rules for delegations and choosing delegations to the convention and establishing preferences for a choice of candidate -- or, if they are not organized, they have to call for a state convention and go through several motions. all states must provide a ballot line for the corrine candidate for work to find a green ballot line. what we are going to do here is go to the rules and explain what will be happening. you will see a tally of votes over there. we will ask you to make sure, when hillary comes around with the microphone, to make sure to lean and, to go to the center if you can. we want to particularly thank david on the credentials committee for coming up with a handy list. [applause] for giving us the critical information we need to know. what happens? each state -- raise your side
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when called upon. each state may cast a proxy vote of not more than one absent predict -- delegate, the total not to exceed the elevate -- allocation of delegates for that state. each state may call when called upon. you do not have to include all of your votes, but you may not only a portion and then come back later. if you have to vote the mall or not. you may pass to be called upon a second time. you may not be passed twice. keep that in mind. when your state is called, your state reporter, one individual, will announce the number of delegates and proxy voting. you have to bang minutes to make your statement about how wonderful your state is and your support. two minutes. he has lived a rugged lifestyle and can take you down if you go over. he will do it. [applause]
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please be nice about your state. say something nice about what the green party is doing or something good. the way this works -- it takes a simple majority, 50%, to win it the first round, some rules to be aware of. the nine of the above options -- none of the above options remain in voting. you must vote -- delegates must vote the way they have been instructed by the state party in the first round. singapore the second round, if there is one. -- same for the second round, if there is one. half the votes are counted in the first round only. after the first round, if there is a winner, the candidate must formally accept the nomination. if not, they are eliminated and we go to the second round. after the second round, all candidates must declare in
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writing the declaration that they will accept the nomination and cooperate with each member state party to be placed on each available greenbelt live or work towards getting one. if we go to a second round, the threshold will be a whole number. if you understood that, you probably understood the electoral caucused in this morning. [applause] for vice-presidential candidates, they must also declare in writing their intention to except in nomination. same as above works also. what will happen is that the nominee or the speaker for the nominee will propose. they then will call for a short -- show of hands to show a simple majority and that wins. that is it. do not forget to bring your paperwork tonight at 8:00. we will start -- collin, read
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the first one. >> to add, at a certain stage, it may become clear who will win the nomination, but we will ask you to hold your explosive enthusiasm until the last date has declared their votes. could we hear from the great state of arkansas? [applause] >> the great green state of arkansas is happy to be here and see you all today. i want to tell you briefly that the green party is alive and kicking in at arkansas. [applause] we recently completed our fourth successful ballot access drive. i do not know how we did it, but we did. we also nominated a record number of candidates for the green party this year in arkansas, 16 candidates will
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appear on the ballot. in addition to that, we have the green party candidate for the first time in each of the four congressional district. [applause] we wanted -- we have achieved that now. one of those district races is very interesting. some of you may have heard about rebecca kennedy. she is a great green tent it from arkansas. she is running in the third congressional district. a very interesting happened. the democratic candidate in that race self-destruction. there is no spoiler issue in that race. and we are looking forward to having fun with that. i wanted to let you know that we are alive and kicking and fighting hard in arkansas. arkansas has three delegates present. each is toting a proxy. all of us are casting their
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votes for jill sign. [applause] >> next up, the great state of arizona. [applause] >> good afternoon. arizona has five delegates. buenos tardes. i am still chairman and delegate to the national committee. the grand canyon state, arizona is celebrating its centennial, 100 years of history. the arizona green party, founded in may of 1990, this year achieved ballot status for the fifth time. they are celebrating 20 years of history.
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arizona awards won a delegate to dr. ken, and four two dr. joe stein. -- jill stein. [applause] >> now we will hear from the black caucus. >> thank you. the black caucus casts two votes for roseanne barr. thank you. [applause] >> california. >> good afternoon. i serve as co-share for the green party of california. recently, we have seen a growing number of youth and students at joining the green party.
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they are sending into leadership positions. the president of the associated students of santa monica college ran against the college's efforts to privatize the system. [applause] he successfully halted those efforts. half of all students that graduate from four-year universities in california graduate with an average of $18,000 of debt. as jill stein says, we need to forgive student debt and establish tuition-free education throughout california and across the country, so that you also to economic backgrounds have access to education. thank you. -- use of all backgrounds have access to education. [applause]
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>> as a male to female transsexual i'm honored to be here in the green party and as part of the california delegation. in our ongoing struggle for the right to marry who we love, for the right to have the families of our choice, for the right to use the bathrooms that best accommodate the gender identity for our medical needs to be able to matt without radical and discrimination. -- be met without radical and discrimination. >> if you would not mind telling us your vote? our time is up. >> maxine daniel for california. on behalf of the more than 100,000 california greens, i like to cast our vote of 56
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delegates in proportion to our primary election. we cast six votes for dr. ken mesplay, 22 votes for roseanne barr, and 28 votes for dr. joe stein. -- dr. jill sign. -- stein. [applause] >> if we could hear, please, from the state of colorado. >> is the state of colorado has seven votes. we have 7000 registered greens in colorado we have 37,500 votes in the senatorial election of 2010, which was 2.4%. we have two new chapters that started in the last year. one in el paso county, and one in douglas county.
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our seven votes are cast from the operation of our convention in may. we cast one vote for dr. ken one vote for roseanne barr, and five votes for jill stein. [applause] >> united states over from here, conn. >> my name is tim mikki, one of the long time the green party members. i would like to introduce our senate canada, jeff russell, running for senate. the green party of connecticut has 27 appointed or elected officeholders in our state. [applause] in an election in the 1980's, we ran a green candid in one of the
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first elections for greens. one candidate came early and often to campaign. we still support all the other candidates out there. we have four canada's present and four proxies. we are proud to cast eight votes for dr. jill stein. [applause] >> the district of columbia, please. >> the state to the green party , -- statehood green party has four delegates. three for jill and one for
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roseanne. three delegates and one proxy. i am proud to say that on february 2, 2012 on the 120 anniversary of the adoption of the second session of the 14th amendment penalty for democratizing the electra college. -- the electoral college. we want to redressed state initiatives to institutionalize monarchical situations by the enactment of a voter i.d. loss and winner take all politics. a majority of greens may not have known that they supported this proclamation.
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unfortunately, too many greens, probably because you are in ignorance of that, you supported the national initiative over this, which relies on endorsing the bush vs. gore ruling. you do not have a constitutional right to vote. that relies on another case which overturned reconstruction and establish white supremacy in the south. that is now your platform, unfortunately we will resurrect your intelligence on this -- we know you will correct it. [applause] >> my geography was bad. i know the next state is not
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next door to hear -- a florida. delaware -- we will put it on there. >> delaware is ok. >> here i am. the first state and the second- smallest state, the state that has given you some of the worst banking regulations in the country. i apologize for that. i tried my hardest to stop it. but one man is no army. i am very glad to have been involved in the last nine months. delaware has grown -- the only occupation that has not been evicted. we are nine months in. we were there.
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anyway, delaware has four votes. they are going to dr. jill stein. [applause] i need a little help with this one. we are -- the 99% [chanting] thank you. [applause] >> now, the state of florida, please. >> what an introduction. as co-chairs of the state of florida, we say that we need to redistribute our priorities. we are soon to be an even
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greater state when we become a state with the first green party state legislator, karen. [applause] we already have a couple of other greens running in the state. we do also have an elected official. we have seven delegates, one proxy. we use one for ken mesplay, two forroseanne barr, and 54 jill stein. >> the next up is georgia. >> from the wonderful state of georgia, the home of martin luther king jr., a man of nonviolence and peace. we are glad to be here. i am representing folks who could not be here because they are working on a campaign.
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check us -- czech art said, kick us any help. in 2004, we have a -- check us out, give us any help. we had a full slate of candidates in 2004. we are working for that again. [applause] i want to recognize a special georgian who has moved to tennessee, nan garrett is helping us tirelessly. from the great state of georgia, a place where people with a spirit of democracy and social justice will prevail, we give our two vote to roseanne barr. [applause] >> all the way from hawaii. [applause] >> aloha.
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greetings from the independent sovereign nation of hawaii. [applause] currently occupied as the 50th state of the united states. we look forward to the day -- this is my fourth out of five presidential nominating conventions. it is nice to be here. i am waiting for the time when we have our convention in hawaii. [applause] from santa fe to los angeles to denver to chicago, i missed milwaukee, i was not there, and then to 2012 here in baltimore.
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as a young person, i lived in maryland, outside of washington d.c.. we are the state that presented this nation with the first part to send a victory of the green party against the democrat and bond, cans, 1992, keiko who this year is coming back and reporting -- running against the current speaker of the house in hawaii. she is challenging him in oahu, the 20th district. >> 30 seconds please. >> ok. aloha to everybody. hawaii would like to give two votes. we have to send delegates and two proxies'. we would give two votes to bar -- a favorite daughter, roseanne barr, and our other two of votes
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for jill stein. [applause] aloha. >> somebody with a resents and keeps holding it up upside-down. -- eight roseanne at sign keeps holding it upside down. -- a roseanne sign is holding iy upside down,. up next, ill.. -- illinois. >> i was on at the illinois women's caucus. i national committee delegate and a member of the national women's caucus and the national
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youth caucus. [applause] from the land of lincoln. as you know, lincoln was the most successful third-party candidate ever. we are home to the first black president ever. although you are not applauding him because he has not lived up to our expectations, it is still incredibly important that he was a man of color that was elected. [applause] state that is proud to announce that we have achieved ballot access for the green party of the united states. [applause] we turned it over 29,000 petitions. we're proud to cast our delegates. we have 49 delegates and five proxies. 12 votes for jill stein. four votes for roseanne barr. ken mesplay.
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two non committed votes. thank you. >> if we could hear from indiana. >> i am andrew struck, the delegate from indiana. -- andrew straw, the delegate from indiana. i am also the congressional candidate for district two, in the south bend area. indiana has a lot of work to do. we got right to work this year. mitch daniels, thanks a lot. we have an ongoing problem. with a hog farms. i'm fighting that. that is kind of symbolic of our situation. we got 30,000 signatures to get on the ballot in 2006 for secretary of state.
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guess what? it was not enough. obama, in the second district, they forged signatures to get him on the ballot. it seems that we would fall short -- unfair that we would fall short, but it was a technicality. they let mccain and obama run. indiana is proud to support jill stein. she came to set and into march. she was on tv and just did a great job representing our positions and party. we are proud to give our one vote to jill. [applause] >> you get two votes because you
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can count your proxy. >> indiana? >> you get to represent your delegate who is not here. two for jill. >> next is iowa. >> i'm from iowa, a state where you can marry whom you love. [applause] thank you. i wanted to give you all this idea that i thought was profound. unrestricted growth is the ideology of a cancer cell. [applause] iowa gets four votes this year. we cast two of votes for roseanne barr and two votes for jill stein. [applause] >> thank you. kentucky.
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>> my name is josh robinson. i am the delegate from the commonwealth of kentucky. we have just gotten organized as a green party. we are happy. [applause] we are happy to have joined the movement. we look forward to work with all of you in the future. we have to 10 votes. one delegate and one proxy. one is for roseanne barr and one is for the next president of the united states, dr. jill stein. >> up next is the lavender caucus. >> i am a representative of the lavender caucus, a caucus made up of activists and organizers that are out front on the issues of lgbt issues.
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we will cast our two votes to dr. jill stein. [applause] >> from the state of maine, please. >> i am and occupier who is occupying a wall street and now running for state senate in the state of maine. [applause] i have also become chair of the maine green party. the state of maine, where the green party was founded in 1984 under a tree in augusta, where we got recent -- instant runoff voting for the city of portland. i have more stuff to brag about. we have had continuous ballot access since 1998. we had the first l.e.e.d. gold
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airport in the nation. we split our delegates. jill barr, and seven for stein. [applause] >> are gracious hosts, maryland. -- our gracious hosts, maryland. [applause] >> greetings, we are continuously fighting for the life of our chesapeake bay, which is mostly dead zones these days. we are fighting for the light of our cities and the civil-rights of all of our residents here in the great state of maryland. we are also fighting to stay on the ballot here in maryland. after 10 years of continuous ballot access, we are struggling to get back on the ballot. all of you who are watching from home, if you are a maryland
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registered green, please go online and sign our petition. help us get back on the ballot so we can provide a diversity of political opinions in the state. the website -- -- petition/central. we have to bang canada is running for congress this year, including mr. -- two candidates running this year. george luck will run in the eighth district. also, bob will be running in the
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fifth congressional district. please help us get on the ballot so we can continue to provide a diversity of political voices here in maryland. the maryland green party delegation -- we proudly cast our votes. we have six delegates. one vote goes to roseanne barr. five of those go to jill stein. [applause] >> the home state of dr. jill stein, massachusetts. >> the great state of massachusetts would like to pass at this time. >> next up, michigan. suspense. >> i am from the great state of michigan, also known as the
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great lake states. i am a proud member of the detroit green party. we have had access since 2000. we are pleased to be here at this historic moment. we have 10 delegates and six proxy votes. we would like to cast two votes for our current senate cana didate, two votes for ken mespaly, three votes for roseanne barr, and nine votes for jill stein. >> in the state of minnesota, please. >> greetings from the great state of minnesota, home of the twin cities of minneapolis and st. paul, where the founding members of the green party of the united states first came together to draft our canned key vaes.
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the state of minnesota has seven delegates. we cast four of votes for dr. jill stein and three for roseanne barr. [applause] >> >>, mississippi. -- next, mississippi. >> we are from the great state of mississippi. [applause] fenty. -- thank you.. the magnolia state, home of many civil-rights luminarias. it still bears the strange fruit in any form of six executions and limits on the right to vote, but fortunately rejected the personhood amendment.
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we are also the home of the authors of the -- we have two delegates and two proxies'. we cast of four votes for jill stein. [applause] >> thank you. next is new jersey. the national women's caucus. [applause] >> the national women's caucus is proud that our race for the nomination gave us strong green women. [applause] they demonstrated the spirit of
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cooperative competition. that is why green party politics are better than business as usual. slash and burn up winner-take- all contest. to our great sister, rose and bar, who brought us new contacts and our first endorsement from the national organization for the reform of marijuana laws. who brought us a beautiful planes began honesty and humor. we thank you and are you by casting one vote for roseanne barr. to our sister jill stein, who brought us new and renewed outlines, who showed us a great example of team building, who has qualified for federal matching funds. [applause] who earned our nomination by working. we thank you and honor you by
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casting one vote for dr. jill stein. [applause] >> now, new jersey, please. >> greetings. my name is bill writer. i served as chair of the green party of new jersey. i am proud to be here with my fellow representatives today. let's start off by honoring what do you guthriee. this is his 100th anniversary. he was a fighter for workers. let me hear everybody say, this land is your land. >> this land is your land. >> new jersey is called the garden state. it is a beautiful name, but we would rather it the call the green state. someday soon, we want to see green state popping up on that red and blue mat. [applause]
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we want new jersey to be the first green state, or any of our states here today. soon, someday, maybe the whole map will be green. [applause] new jersey is one of 17 states to approve and authorize medical marijuana. [applause] we have with us today our future senator from new jersey, who is a fighter for medical marijuana and is one of the directors of the american cannabis nurses association. stand up. [applause] >> 30 seconds, please. >> new jersey is one of the states that ended the death penalty. now, we want to end life without parole. we want new jersey to be known
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as a single-payer state. we have five votes. we are casting 14 roseanne barr, and four for the doctor who visited our convention in march and the next president of the united states, jill stein. [applause] >> now, from my home state, the state i hope to represent in the united states house of representatives, new york. [applause] >> i am proud to report from the beatable state of new york, where we have 13 delegates and three proxies. new york state was the birthplace of occupy wall street. [applause] we are holding the line against fracking. we of the state where a green mayor performed 25 same-sex marriages as an act of civil
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disobedience seven years before marriage equality passed in our state. a state that is ground zero for civil resistance to the u.s. drug wars, a state where what do you guthrie wrote this land is your land in 1940. -- what do you guthrie wrote this land is your land in 1940. a state where are governor received more money from the koch brothers then scott walker. the land of the iroquois confederacy, strong women, the women's empowerment movement. new york state, where a lifeline civil-rights activist is running for u.s. senate, and where i am proud to be running as a representative to the u.s. house of representatives. [applause] new york podcasts two of votes for roseanne barr and 14 -- new
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york votes two of votes for roseanne barr and 14 for jill stein. >> next up is north carolina. >> the green party of north carolina. is it working? thank you. i am wayne turner from the green party of north carolina. the green party of north carolina -- the delegation is proud to represent our state at this historic event. despite the repeated attempts of the democratic party, they have not been able to extinguish us in north carolina. we're still alive and kicking down there. [applause] recently, the democrats passed
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-- lost in the legislation to the republicans. they proceeded to address global warming. unfortunately, they addressed it by passing a law saying that the level of you see cannot rise faster than is prescribed by the state legislature -- the level of the sea cannot rise faster than is prescribed by the state legislator. in order to undo this nonsense, the delegation of north carolina casts 1/2 of one vote for ken mesplay, one vote for roseanne barr, and 2.5 votes of four jill stein. [applause] >> the state of ohio, please. >> we fought harder for ballot
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access and one it in 2010. -- won it in 2010. being an official party has given us standing to do election protection activities so we can fight for the right to vote for african americans, students, and other disenfranchised voters. [applause] in ohio, we are fighting against fracking, and we defeated seante bill 5, anti-worker legislation. we do proportional voting. we have six delegates and three proxies'. just i got -- jill stein
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got 90% of the vote. i would like to thank all of the candidates before making this a vibrant election and convention. and thank you. [applause] >> the next stage is oregon. it is next in the alphabet. [laughter] it is either oregon or pennsylvania. oregon, thank you. >> from the beaver state, the pacific green party of oregon represents sustainability, economic justice, and nonviolence. we are fighting against the drug war by legalizing marijuana on a vote in november.
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fighting to save our public forests from clear-cutting, fighting for single-payer health care, fighting for renewable energy and proportional representation. that, passedg for in 1908, to be read implemented. we are fighting to enforce a comprehensive election finance reforms that democrats have refused to enforce. one of the birthdays in the green party -- of the green party. i am running for secretary of state and a slate of green peace candidates for congress. oregon has four present delegates, four proxy's. we cast four votes for dr. jill
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stein and. >> four votes for roseanne barr. we lost one delegate, so we cannot cast that vote. [applause] >> now, the state of pennsylvania, please. >> hello, everyone. i am steve baker from the commonwealth of pennsylvania, home of the liberty bell and the constitution and the next vice president of the united states. [applause] we are a very abused state. we have not had ballot access for many years. we are tired of it. but we struggle on. we are in a ballot access
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struggle presently. i will be here tomorrow morning at 9:00 to talk about help. we need help in pennsylvania. we have to 10 weeks left. we need to collect about 20,000 signatures. whether we make it or not, the party in pennsylvania is strong. we will continue on. a vote like to pass on to david, who will tell us how the caucus results came out. >> thank you. i am proud to let everybody know that in pennsylvania, through the way we voted, the local caucuses split their votes in a very marginal split of four to three in favor of jill stein. the three votes were for roseanne barr. [applause] >> the next state is rhode island.
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>> buenos tardes, amigos y amigas. i and the chair-elect of the green party of rhode island, the ocean state. the green party of rhode island is the fifth-oldest green party in the united states, and we are in the ocean state of rhode island, which was the first state to declare its independence from great britain in 1772, when my forebears' set fire to the tax-collecting british ship in narragansett bay. we were the last state to ratify the constitution, holding out until the bill of rights had been approved. [applause] we were the first state of the industrial revolution in the
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americas, with the first factory. by consequence, we are the birthplace of the industrial working class in the united states. we are proud of that. [applause] we hope to be participants in the next great american revolution, the green revolution. the green party of rhode island was one of the original 12 green parties to form the association of state green parties. we were one of the original 26 parties to form the green party of the united states. we have placed a green candid on at the ballot in every election. 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008. we will do it again in 2012. >> 30 seconds, please. >> you might know that rhode island is the bluest of blue states. there is a 100% probability that mitt romney will not win the state of rhode island.
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they think barack obama will. we like to think that the green candidate will win rhode island. we cast our four delegates in this way. one vote for roseanne barr. we appreciate her outreach to working-class americans of all cars. we appreciate her contact to communities of color. we appreciate her outreach to women in america. our three votes remaining we pledged to dr. jill stein, the next president of the united states. [applause] on august 18 and 19, jill will be in rhode island. any of you in the northeast, please join us for a rally for jobs, peace, and planet. the national parks service is gleefully helping us to host a rally in honor of jill and the green party at a memorial that
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recognizes the separation of church and state. [applause] on august 19, we invite you to north scarborough beach. come and join us in rhode island. thank you very much. [applause] >> the state of south carolina, please. >> i am the candidate to oppose the nation's worst house speaker, bobby harris. the state of south carolina is the leading exporter of automobiles and the repository
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of the most toxic waste. the state of south carolina, where it is ground zero for the war on women. where our governor just vetoed funding for rape victims' medical treatment. [boos] she calls them a distraction. the state of south carolina, where we were honorably led by the great candidate for united states the southeast regional director for the abolition of this deadly technology of boiling of water to make electricity. he got 10% of the vote. south carolina has three
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delegates presence and three proxies. this tuesday there is a special election for the first woman and only woman who could possibly serve in this state's senate. sue edwards. everybody listening in senate district 41 vote tuesday on july 17, vote green. we cast one vote for the honorable roseanne barr and five votes for the next president of the united states , dr. jill stein. >> the state of tennessee. >> the great volunteer state of tennessee, home of the king of rock and roll and memphis blues and nashville country and
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smokey mountain bluegrass and the home of the highlander center that empowered rosa parks to sit in the front of the bus. and we have a green party that sued the state of tennessee for their unconstitutional ballot access and won in federal court. it was sent back to the state to revise those laws. they did not. we sued again and won again. this time the state was chewed up by the judge for not providing a case. they appealed to the sixth circuit court and later this month we will find out that we have our ballot line because the state has no case, as i said. we have 12 candidates this year.
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first time we had such a large slate in tennessee. we are very happy and proud about that. and for the working class hero, roseanne bar the state of tennessee casts one 1/2 votes and two and a half votes for the next president of the united states , dr. jill stein. >> the state of texas, please. >> the state of texas has 12 delegates in the house, all voting. all living proof that not all of our progressives live in austin. we would like to announce to the world after a wildly successful petition drive in 2010 we got ballot access and
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one of our candidates won more than 5% of the vote state wide. that assured us ballot access again in 2012 and we have had nearly as many candidates for all levels of office, county, state and federal as the rest of the united states combined. and because the democratic party hasn't fielded candidates for state wide office a good chance of resuming that for 2014 and beyond. we would like to remind the rest of the nation that friends do not let friends vote straight democrat. the green party of the lone star state of texas would like to cast nine vote it is for jill stein of massachusetts. two for roseanne bar of hawaii
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and one for rhett smith from texas. >> next the commonwealth of virginia. >> the commonwealth of virginia, not just the home of the so called national governors association. we are proud to be the home of a number of elected soil and water commissioners who educate residents throughout the state about the importantance of soil and water conservation and our storm water. we are also to be the state with a number of appointed green office holders, including myself.
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60% in arlington county are tenants. joe galdo, stand up. for the eighth consecutive year the arlington green party has a candidate for local office. this time it is long time activist and petition gathers, audrey clements. running for county board. the commonwealth of virginia will cast .5 for kent massclay. .5 for harley mickelson. .5 for roseanne bar. 3.5 for dr. jill stein.
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>> the state of washington is known as the evergreen state. yes it rains, not as much as you think. but unless you are greens and then we will let you move in. state of washington has the most diverse area in the entire united states. we are very proud of that. we are also proud of the fact that if you ever checked out the matching funds in jill stein's campaigns, first is massachusetts. she lives there. second is new york. big state. third is california. fourth is washington. so, we hope you feel a little bit guilty about that. and will open your wallets and
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checkbooks than you thought you would before. we want to announce that on the 17th of august jill stein will be the featured speaker at hemp fest. largest camp fest in the entire united states. and we have four votes and four delegates here. we are casting all four votes for jill stein. thank you. >> we have just a couple more states left to report. we will ask them to really compress it. just say hello. i know. it is not fair. the women's caucus out to be glad. unusually we were not last. but if you could be forebearing and just do that and let us have your votes we can
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continue. there is more to come after this i am informed. next up is west virginia. >> hi everybody. i am the vice chairman of the mountain party which holds the ballot access for the green party. national green party in west virginia. i have with you here today jesse johnson who ran for president in 2008. west virginia. west virginia is ground zero for mountain top removal and corrupt politicians. and hydro tracking. a lot of people saw the movie running for the mountains
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produced by these fine young ladies here and jesse about his work in the mountains in west virginia. we will show that again today 5:00 right here in this theatre. please come. and our great state of west virginia casts its votes for two for kent, one for roseanne barr and one for jill stein. >> wisconsin, please. >> you guys figure out how to cast your votes. >> we will not make it snappy, but we will go. all the other states have
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implied with their boasts. wisconsin is the best state. but only in certain areas. other states are better in other areas. we have more greens elected percapitala at the local level. we have the longest serving green. we have the youngest elected green who you saw earlier. i want to give a shot out to the twitter feed. it is the only major media outlet here. thank you for covering that. i'm sorry more people are signed up on your twitter feed than watch your show. i also want to say wisconsin is the heart of the fight back. we started the mover. we are still fighting. and i want to thank everybody for supporting wisconsin and
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what we have been going through. wisconsin is the home of ask me. social security. and the republican party. we all have our flaws. but we are also the home of the campaign for jill stein for president and very proud to say that. with that i want to announce we are casting one vote for kent mesplay, one for roseanne barr and the rest of the votes for dr. jill stein. >> i have ayodele gat for west virginia back to figure out the little issue. >> i believe the objection is
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not all of the delegates were registered. >> i was in a hurry to get in. i am more than happy to do that. >> can we accept jesse as a delegate from the floor for their two delegates? and i think their previous count stands and we can move on. all right. >> now we return to the state of massachusetts. >> we the people of the great commonwealth of massachusetts, the home of the original tea party revolt against the power of corporate monopolies. the home of shea's rebellion.
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the first revolt against bank foreclosures and farmers and veterans defrauded of their pensions. the home of an exslave, abolitionist. women's right activist. the state where 10 years ago the greens merged with the rainbow coalition to form the green rainbow party of massachusetts. massachusetts, first in the nation in marriage equality. home of our favorite daughter, dr. jill stein and the next president of the united states. we cast one vote for kent mesplay, one for harley
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mickelson and nine votes for dr. jill stein. >> our first round of voting is concluded. if we have more than 50%, a simple majority, we will have a winner. what does our tally say? we have a winner. 193.5. we have a simple majority. jill stein is our next -- i am anticipating. stay seated. there is more to come.
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jill stein will be the next president of the united states of america. ladies and gentlemen, thank you. a quick reminder that chant began when ralph heard go ralph go and to his credit leaned into the microphone and say go we go. that is what is happening with this party at this point.
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it is my incredible privilege to reintroduce one of our good friends, somebody that we have worked long with in building the green party and building the movement. anita. >> you know when i think of ben, i think of all of the hard work done behind the scenes. people don't understand how much work ben has done in his short lifetime because he is a very young man to help to bring us to this point and to build this party and help us win ballot access in every state. >> ladies and gentlemen, the campaign manager of the jill stein campaign. >> that is quite an honor. i love the green party. you are not supposed to be
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here. you are not supposed to be here. it is supposed to be too hard to build an independent party. when i was co-chair i traveled to 37 states in just two and a half years. i have seen this party grow. i joined when i was just a little younger. i have been a member of the party for 22 years. today in wisconsin there is a young woman who is the child of d.c. greens, up and coming activist. we are a multigenerational party and we are growing. we stick with it. there is a job to be done. now i want to say this is an election year, isn't it. one of these candidates reminds me of a school yard bully. the guy who would do something like chase a kid down and cut his hair or shove him into a
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locker or steal your lunch money. steal your lunch money. there is another candidate that reminds me of the guy standing there and egging on. he is not at your side. i don't care. i don't care. i know this is going on my entire life. for 30 years. year after year. the rich have been gorging on the spoils. after jacking up tuition. they are taxing the working class. occupying every nation on earth. earth. woe are still in


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