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tv   British House of Commons  CSPAN  July 16, 2012 12:00am-12:29am EDT

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then a discussion on the future of the u.s. postal service. tomorrow, vice president biden talks about issues facing seniors. we will have his remarks at 11:45 on c-span 2. in his last question time before recess, david cameron fielded questions from members, mostly on the economy and changes to the national health service. next week members will break and return to the house in september. for the prime minister? >> thank you, mr. speaker. 04 missing my engagement i'm sure the house will join me in paying tribute to police constable steinfeld who was shot
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and killed on monday. even though he was off-duty at the time he acted selflessly when he saw members of the public at risk. this is typical of the behavior of our brave police force. his death is a reminder of the great debt we owe everyone in the police force. our deepest sympathies to his family, friends and colleagues at this tragic time. this morning i had meetings with others and in addition to duties in this house i will have further meetings later today. >> cannot associate with the remarks the prime minister has made, send sympathies to his family. can the prime minister explain why he isaking it easier for corporate lot to be amended by legislation, and the ministers had with google?
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>> what we're doing is following the report, it is important that we update and upgrade copyright law in this country and that is what we propose to do. >> thank you, mr. speaker. a report on the child heart unit conducted by kennedy. provision of intensive care, critical staffing problems not addressed and the stable review conducted by ian kennedy projecting that which is save be closed and not expected. it is absurd that this review needs to be a drawn-out. >> he speaks up for his excellent hospital. my local hospital has not been selected under the safe and sustainable review but i would
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say as prime minister and as a parent we have to recognize operations that have been carried out on children are incredibly complex and in this end this review was led by commissions and it is about trying to save lives to make sure we specialize the most difficult work in a number of hospitals around the country. it leads to difficult decisions but what really matters isore parents separate the agony of losing their children because we don't have high standards of care in hospitals that are chosen. [shouting] >> i would like to pay tribute to ian steindell. his selfless act and tragic that remind us what the police before us right up and down the country. i am sure condolences of the whole house to his family and friends. mr. speaker, last question time before the recess. can i remind the prime minister
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what he said about why he wanted the prime minister. he paused and with characteristic humility he said i think of it. [laughter] >> where did they all go wrong? it is this government that past migration and the fact that for twenty-five million people the duty increased spending and cut the deficit by 25%. i can't read about the list of all the things that go wrong. we haven't got time. >> obvioly it is a shame it didn't happen last night.
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mr. speaker, he lost control of his party and not for the first time he lost his temper as well. because we understand it was 50 counts to be justice. and noted that the face today to be here. [shouting] >> who does the prime minister blame most? the liberal democrats or his own bank managers? if the best he can do today is -- [shouting] >> introducing social care reform to help people. and we get this -- let me say this. if we want to seat house of lords reform, all of those who
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support house of lords reform need to not only vote for house of lords reform but support the need to bring that reform back. he came to the house of commons yesterday determined to vote yes and no. how utterly pathetic. >> it is the same old story with the prime minister. he blames everybody other than himself. the government a shambles and he blames the leader of the opposition. that is what it has come to. this problem didn't start last night. they started months ago with the chancellor's budget. they make the wrong choices and stand up for the wrong people. can he reminds us after all the budget you turns why he still thinks it is right to be a banker earning a million pnds, forty thousand pound income tax cuts next april.
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the chancellor's budget cut twenty-five million working -- took two million people together and has left us with a top income tax which was higher than any of the times he or his neighbor were in the treasury wrecking the british economy. no answer on his millionaire tax cut. will we answer the question now to next april? he is raising taxes--raising taxes on millionaires. can he explain -- what could be weaker than 91 people -- [shouting] >> let me explain what has not been explained sins the budget. why is it fair if you're cutting
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taxes for millionaires to add engineers for more? what we did in that budget was increased weekly income by 5 pound 30. the biggest increase in the pension in pension history. what the budget did was cut taxes for every working person in the country. took two million people out. the top rated tax change w paid 44 times over by the richest people in the country and that compares with what we were left by the party opposite. the most indebted house, biggest deficit in europe and never an apology for the mess that left e countrin. >> no answer in the government. no answer on the tax cuts for millionaires. no answer on the tax rise for pensioners. perhaps he has an answer on the biggest issue at all. we have got to do more to bring the economy back to health.
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what has he delivered since then? a double dip recession. the reality, the biggest failure facing this government is not a program on reform but a whole economic plan. under this government we got 800,000 more private sector jobs, inflation is down. unemployment is down. interest rates are at a record low. we are a net exporter of cars for the first time sce 1976. we completed the biggest construction project in europe, stard the next biggest project which is cross rail. this government set up the enterprise zones that it is seeing -- balanced in this country and we will never forget what we were left by the party opposite. they were bailing out euro zone countries with taxpayers' money. they were paying 100,000 pounds
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with family housing benefits. they hadncontrolled welfare and uncontrolled immigration and government spending. never has so much been borrow. never has so much been wasted. never have so many people been let down and this country will never forgive them for what they did. >> mr. speaker, mr. speaker, mr. speaker, the writer he gets the less he convinces people. and -- [shouting] >> order! order! members on both sides of the house now need to come down. that is all there is to it. >> it is the same lecture we had on the economy for the last two years. things are getting worse. not better.
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every time he gets up with that list of statistics he shows how out of touch he is. tax cut for millionaires, double-dip recession, isn't the truth. he is losing the confidence of a country. that is -- who would bear -- cancan livingston saved it? who got mccloskey heated? who opposed every method to deal with the deficit? who proposed thirty million pounds of spending? who is giving the unions even more say. >> order. i said a moment ago. the prime minister's answers must and will be heard no matter how long it takes. >> to consider what he has ne
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in the last year? oppose the immigration cap. oppose the welfare cat. oppose the housing benefit cap. every single measure to cut the deficit. we know what he is against but when are we going to find out what he is for? >> this government had a great record on education. and university creating 25 -- will the prime minister please confirm a further round of applications and funding of universities. [shouting]
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>> she is absolutely right to speak up for university technical colleges. these are a great addition to the schools we have in our country. they are high-profile way that proper vocational education gives young people t skills they need to have a great career in the future. >> on monday, june 25th, health sectors will annoce the administration of the -- he met with the members to start the greenwich members asking get special meetings and no date in the diary or coming. can the prime minister explain to me why the presidents of greenwich were not given the same respect by his minister? >> the honorable lady raises an
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important point. difficult situation that has taken place at this trust. the secretaries using powers put inlace by the last government. it is partly because of the p f i contract that are unsustainable. >> in my constituency, the average pre-tax income is just under 25,000 pounds a year. do my right hon. friend--the party opposite still oppose the benefits cap of 26,000 pounds the year after tax and doesn't extend who is on the side of hard-working families. >> my hon. friend makes an important point. they said they were going to back a welfare cap but when it came to the crunch they opposed it. he is right. it shows who is on the side of
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those who work hard and want to do the best for their families and countries and community and think you would be better off on benefits. we have the workers and they have the shirkers. >> to be this funded, 600 soldiers facing redundancy. this is a regiment with a proud history of service to this country. will the prime minister not reconsider cuts to his battalion? >> we looked at this issue and our time which many times we criticized to make sure we got this right. the decision to have a smaller regular army of 80,000 but larger reserve force territorial army, the right balance. the government is putting a one
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billion pounds the reserves and member across will help the process of encouraging employers to allow the reserve to serve the country is the right decision. we made sure no existing regimental names will be lost so it is the right package for the future force of the country. >> on sunday observers hailed the first free elections in libya in 47 years. offering real hope for the future. does my right hon. friend on the progress made since their successful dictatorsp and the message this sends to otrs. >> my hon. friends, in one extent congratulating the libyan people what looked like successful set of elections. it was a year ago things did not
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look like everything would turn out well in libya. the nato alliance in this country stayed true to the course and helped secure those people who have the chance of successful democracy and prosperity that has been denied too ny in the world. >> currently consulting on closure of four of nine emerncy units. the political directors said that it was literally run out of money if these closures don't go ahead. can i ask the prime minister what consultation is it that poses a choice between closure of half of the emergency units in northwest london and potential bankruptcy? >> on the issue of money we put twelve billion pounds extra into the and h s. that is a decision her party opposes and says extra spending is, quote, irresponsible. we will make shore all
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consultations are properly carried out and liberal commissions, we want to make sure we have good access for emergency units for all our people. >> alan hazelhearst. >> if my hon. friend's attention is drawn to the regular trading service that takes 47 minutes which is not universally correct across the timetable which is too long. will he commit to a major upgrade to get the service they need to my constituents who regularly commute for what they deserve? >> i quite understand why my hon. friend wants to speak up for people in his constituency who want to better train service but as part of the new rail franchise which will be in the summer of 2014 we will be asking bidders to propose affordable investment aimed at improving services and they will listen
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carefully to what he said day. >> the government donates millions to developing cntries including india to eliminate poverty and disease but the canadian government including the government of quebec, invest $58 million in -- not for use in canada but to export to developing countries including india which will have put thousands of poor people at risk. will the prime minister and international development secretary encourage international community's including the world health organization to oppose this egregious decision? >> the head of the who later today, i can raise this issue. it is ban in the uk and e.u. and other countries. we are opposed to its use
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anywhere and deplore its supply to developing countries. it does not provide funding to project that encourage developing countries to import asbestos from any country or anything. not aware of these funds have been used in that way at all. i would take action if that is the case but he makes a strong point about the indian situation. >> the european code of human rights is hearing the se of the lady who lost her job at british airways for wearing a crucifix as a mark of her christianity. this was that disgraceful piece of political correctness. i was surprised to see the government resisting her appeal. i cannot believe the government is supporting this suppression of religious freedom in the workplace. what do we do about this? >> i wholeheartedly agree with myight hon. friend.
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i fully support the right of people to wear religious symbols that work. it is absolutely a vital religious freedom. what we will do is if it turns out that the law has the intention as is come out in this case then we will change the law and make it clear people can read -- where religious emblems at work. >> does the prime minister have the finding of the independent action of children which shows by 2015 the most vulnerable families of children in this country including those in employment will lose 3,000 pounds a year because of this policy? at a time when millionaires are getting tax cuts of 40,000 pounds a year, we really are all in this together. >> in the report he quotes doesn't include the steps we have taken. for instance providing more nursery education for disadvantaged 2-year-olds but above all if you look at universal credit and the design of universal credit we are going
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to be helping parents with the most disabled children to help and get the help they need. >> will the prime minister comment on the egyptian military trying to cling to power in the arabs spring and muhamed mercy who is not a liberal or conservative, democratically elected president of egypt? >> my hon. friend makes an important point. i am struck by what the president-elect has said about what he wants the government on behalf of everyone in egypt and the respect, religious and other freedom and hope the current tension can be resolved. people have to respect the democratic will of the egyptian people as they expressed it. >> the prime minister promised pension for profit. will he today reject calls from the liberal democrats announcing his hon. members tactically
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categorically rule out texting including the next general election. >> at the last election i made it clear promise about television licences and payments. we are keeping those promisess. >> mr. speaker, as melinda gates recently said women in developing countries raise healthy indicated children building prosperous communities. well my right hon. friend agree one way to support this aspiration is to help those who wish to do so? >> the hon. lady's absolutely right. later today i ll be speaking at a seminar event with melinda gates and range of leaders fm across africana and other parts of the developing world about exactly this issue. we should be doing more to allow mothers access to birth mothers access to birth control so they can -- all the evidence
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shows as countries develop family size does reduce and populations become more sustainable but we should help people plan the proces it is not about telling people what to do but allowing people the choice we take for granted. >> a row in britain respected by all trended sins in ireland -- my constituency for today many people of all faiths join on his legacy to work ostensibly to build safe across the divide. will the prime minister in northern ireland come to a country and to meet with these people land witness their unique heritage for himself? >> i don't know if the hon. lady can guarantee that. we do have an active branch in
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northern ireland. intriguing and very kd invitation. i hope the olympics will bring the whole of the united kingdom to get there. the torch relay has helped to achieve that and i was privileged to see it in my own constituency. makes an intriguing invitation. if i can take it up by will. >> one of the success stories of this government is its commitnt to community farming in particular but today nearly 2,000 -- drastic reductions and processes and supermarkets. will the prime minister join the fight to get a fair deal for their product? >> my hon. friend is right. he does an extremely good job for british farmers. this government is investing in the countryside not least with the broadband program but we want to see a fair deal betwn farmers and supermarkets and we
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will be legislating for the adjudication he supports. i can also tell him we are announcing five million pounds extra in additional funds under the rural economy and that can help make our dairy industry which we should be proud of more competitive. >> what will the prime minister save some of the 150,000 adults the government itself estimates will be denied a second chance for education as result of their plans to charge full speed to over 24-year-old study a level land equivalent process and access causes? >> there will be a full statement about the issue this week but it is important that we expand further education opportunities in our country and if we expand those opportunities we need to be clear how we will pay for them and that is what we repeatedly get from the party opposite. complaints about this policy or that policy but no idea how they would pay for any of their
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policies. >> the government has achieved a great deal in the last two years. given the new issues emerging as we enter the third year of coalition does the prime minister agree that it will be this time for the political parties to review the coalition agreement for the future? >> i absolutely agree that in the coalition you need to keep working out. the next set of things you want to achieve. cuts the corporation taking people out of income tax and expansion in terms of schools. a huge contribution to our health service performing better than any time in the last decade and i am committed to making shore all the next steps we want to take to make our country
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better place. >> his grandson returning from afghanistan. 20,000 soldiers face losing their jobs. big firms like john lewis to guarantee the trend a job interview. will the prime minister get the public sector to do the same? >> i welcome what the hon. gentleman says. we should do everything we can to work with employers in the private sector or public sector to help find x servi personnel jobs. people who contributed incredible things to our country and i am sure we can do more to help them find jobs. in the public sector, the education secretary has a program of troops to teach us to get people to serve o country to inspire future generations. it is an excellent scheme. >> on the prime minister's watched the army reduced its smallest size since 1750 and
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half the size it was -- does he accept history is not kind to prime ministers who are perceived to have left our country without a strong defense capability? >> absolutely no. with this constituency he speaks with great power about military issues. what i would say to him is if you look at the overall balance of what we're doing, 80,000 regular soldiers, 30,000 p as fully funded which means the army is a similar size after these reforms to what was before. .. will always be well defended. will always be well defended.
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