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tv   RNC Speeches  CSPAN  August 25, 2012 8:25pm-9:15pm EDT

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a bank of balloons.
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two sons, two daughters and two sons-in-law. thank you.
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my learning mate who is a republican republican who has served us for so long and his wife stephanie to martin who has done such a commendable
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job in joining us. hoover who is at home watching. and mrs. eisenhower. to my own wife, my family, and to all of my fellow republicans and americans across this great nation, from this moment, united and determined, we will go forward together, dedicated
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to undeniable greatness of the whole land. together, together we will win. i accept your nomination for your deep sense of humility. i accept the responsibility that goes with it and i think your continued guidance helps. my fellow republicans, our cause is too great for any man to feel worthy of it. our task would be too great for any man, to have with them their heart and the hand of this great republican party and i prom mispromise
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you tonight that every fiber of my being is consecrated to our cause that nothing shall be lacking from the struggle that can be brought to us by enthusiasm, by devotion and playing hard work. in this world, no person, no party can guarantee anything. but what we can do and what we shall do is to deserve victory and victory will be ours. the good lord raised this mighty republic to be a home for the brave and to flourish
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as the land of the free. not to stagnant in the swamp land of collectivism. not to cringe to the bullying. now my fellow markers, the tide has been running against freedom. our people have followed. we must and we shall return to proven ways not because they are our own, but because they are true. we must and we shall get the tides running again in the cause of freedom.
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and this party with the action, every word, every breath and every heart beat and single resolve and that is freedom. freedom made orderly by our constitutional government, freedom under the government limited by the laws. freedom so that order lacking liberty will not become the slavery of the prison shell. balance so that will be ty lacking order will not become the license of the mob and of
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the jungle. now we americans understand. we have earned it. we have lived for it. and we have died for it. this nation and its people are freedom's model in a searching world. we can be freedom's missionaries. ladies and gentlemen, we must renew freedom vision in our own hearts and in our own homes. the administration which we shall replace has -- has
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distorted and lost that vision. it has talked and talked and talked the words of freedom but it has failed and failed and failed in the works of freedom. now failure cements the wall of shame in berlin. failure is the same at the bay of pigs, failure marked freedom in laos. failure is in the vietnam and is in the houses of once great alliances and undermined the greatest cohort ever elected by a free nation. the nato community.
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failure to proclaim lost leadership, weakening will, and new aggressions and because of this administration, we are united and world divided. we are a nation. we have lost the taste of diversity and the genius of individual creativity. we are parting along at a pace set by red tape, ruled responsibility and regimen tation without recourse.
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rather than lose jobs in our connery. our people have been offered rather than moral leader hip. they have been given spectacles and even been given schedules. tonight, there is violence in our streets, corruption in our highest offices, aimlessness amongst our youth and anxiety among our elders and there is a personal despair among the many who look beyond the material of the inner meaning of their lives. and we're examples of morality should be set, the opposite is seen. small men, seeking great wealth or power have too often and too long turn and
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the highest levels of public service into mere personal opportunity. now certainly simple honesty is not too much to demand of men in government. we find it in most. republicans demand it from everyone. no matter how it is protected, his position might be. the growing menace in our controy night to personal safety to life, in property,
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in homes, in churches, on the playground and places for business, particularly in our great city is the mounting concern or should be of every bundle citizen in the united states. domestic violence, foreign is the fundamental purpose of any government and a government cannot fulfill this present purpose is one that cannot known to man and the loyalty of its citizens. history shows us and demonstrates that nothing, nothing prepares the way more
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than the day to keep the streets safe from bullies. now we republicans see all of this as more, much more as a result of differences or miracle of the states. we see this as the result of a fundamentally and absolutely view of man and his nature and his destiny. those who seek to live your lives for you, to take your will beties in return, those who elevate and downgrade must see a world in which
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earthly power can be substitute for divine will and this nation -- and this nation was founded on the rejection of that notion and upon the exceptions of god as the author of freedom. now those who seek absolute power even though they speak it. they do what they regard as good are demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth. and let me remind you. they are the very ones who
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always create the most hellish tyranny. absolute power does corrupt and those who seek it must suspect and be hold, from false notions, ladies and gentlemen of equality, the equality rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it leads to will be ty and emancipation of difference, wrongly understood as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads to inform ty and then to desperatism.
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fellow republicans, it is because of republicanism with power, private or public. and inflicts such desperatism. it is because of republicanism to ensure that power remains in the hands of the people. and so help us god, that is exactly what the republican president will do with the help of the republican congress.
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it is further because of reb chasmism to restore a clear understanding of the require tani of man over man in the world at large. it is hour cause to dispel with the hard decisions in the dislosing that a world of conflict will somehow mysteriously resolve itself into a world of harmony. if we just don't rock the boat or irritate the forces of aggression and. and it is if you are the the
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call of republicanism to remind ourselves and the world that only the song can bring peace. now i don't node remind you or the fellow americans regardless of party that republicans have shouldered the hard responsibility and marched in this cause before. it was republican leadership under dwight eisenhower that kept the peace and passed along to this administration the mightiest that the world has ever known. and i need not remind that i was the strength and the believable will of the
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eisenhower years that kept the peace buy using our strength, by using it in the foremost and by soaring it core ridgously at all times. courageously at all times. it was during those republican years that the economist was blood dyed. it was during those years of republican leadership that this world moved closer not to war but closer to peace than any other time in the last three decades. and i need not remind you that it has been during
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democratic years that our strength to declare war has even gone no a plan, it has been during democratic years that we have weakly tumbled in conflict are, refusing to draw our own lines against and refusing to tell even our own people of our participation and and tragically letting our finest men die on battle fields unmarked by purpose, unmarked by pride, or the prospect of victory. yes. yesterday, tonight, it is
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vietnam. don't sweep this under the rug. we are at war in vietnam. and yes the president who is the commander and chief of our forces refuses to say mine you whether or not the objective over there is victory and secretary of defense continues to mislet and misinform the american people and enough has gone by. and i need to remind you that
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in the democratic years that a million persons were cast into communist activity. today, today, we have an administration which seems eager to deal with communism in every coin known from gold to wheat and even human freedom itself. the republican cause demands that we plan communisms a the disturber of peace in the world today. indeed, we should brand it as the only significant
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disturber of the pes and we must make clear that until it is renounced and relations with all nations tempered, communism and the governmen governmental controls are enemies of every man on earth who is or wants to be free. now we here in america can't keep the peace only if we remain vigilant and only if if we keep our eyes open and keep our guard up can we prevent war.
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and i want to make this abundantly clear. i don't in ten to let peace or grief be torn because of lack of strength or lack of will and that i promise you americans. i believe we must look beyond the defense freedom today to its extension tomorrow. i believe that the communisms which boosts a barrier will give way to the force of freedom. and i can see in the distance
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and recognizable future the outlines of a world worthy of our dedication and our every effort, our every sacrifice along the way. yes. a world that will redeem suffering of those who will be liberated from tyranny. i can see and i suggest that all men must count unplace the powering of civilization, the home that is unified and trading opply across the boards and communicating openly across the world. this is a gold far, far, far more meaningful than a moon shine.
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it is truly inspiring goal for all men who set for themselves during the latter half of the 20th century. i can see that all men of this atlantic civilization and joined by highways through the united states, what a destiny can be ours to stand as a great central pillar lifting europe, markers and the final people and cultures of the pacific. i can see a day when all the markers north and south will be linked in the mighty system. a system in which the errors and mist understangs of the past will be submerged one by one in a rising tide of
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prosperity and we know that the misunderstandings are awith i way in a day or wiped away in an hour but we pledge. we pledge that human sympathy for our neighbors the south call an attitude. interest will be our guide. and i can see this atlantic sy of civil eye zation galvannizing and guiding nations everywhere. oh, i know this freedom, i know that our own freedom is through centuries by honoring efforts of brave and wisemen and i know the road to freedom is a long and
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challenging road and i know also that some men may week's way from it. that some men resist challenge, accepting the false see coretive government paternalism and i -- and i pledge that the america in the years ahead will extend help in teaching and in nations so that all new nations will be at least encouraged, encouraged to go our way, so they will not wander done the dark alice of tyranny or the dead end streets of collectivism. my fellow republicans, we do no man a service by hiding
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freedoms under a boushell of mistaken humility. bu shell of mistaken humility. i that i america proud of the past, proud of its ways, proud of extremes and become activity to proclaim them but our examples of the world must let charity begin at home. in our vision of a good, decent future, free and peaceful, there must be room, room for deliberation of the energy and the talent of the individual otherwise our
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vision is blind. we must assure here while never abandoning or forsaking the helpless. mur ture incentives and opportunity for the creative and the productive. we must know the whole good is the proudest of many single contributions and i cherish the day when our children once again will restore as heros, rear to the men and women who are not afraid and ungarnerred to pursue the truth. make fruitful our natural
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environment and produce engines of science and technology. this nation whose creative people should again try along the greatness of all those things which we, we as individual citizens can and should do. and during republican years, this again will be a nation of men and women, of families proud of their roles, jealous of their responsibilities and unlimited in aspirations, a nation where all who can will be self-reliant.
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republicans see in our constissal form of government, the great framework which should be orderly and dynamic fulfillment of the whole machine and we see the whole man as the great reason for instituting orderly government in the first place. we see, we see in private companies and economy based upon private property, the one way to make g. a durable ally rather than his determined enemy. we see in the sanctity of private property, the only durable foundation for constitutional government in a free society.
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and beyond that. we see diversity of ways, diversity of money and accomplishments. we only seek, we only seek to secure his rights, guarantee the opportunities. gar rob a tee the opportunities to strive with government performing only those need and constitutionally which cannot otherwise be performed. rerepublicans seek a
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government that extends and inherit responsibility of maintaining a stable monitory and fiscal climate encouraging a competitive economy and enforcing law and order. create a difference within a stable order, while we republicans define g.'s role at many, many levels, preferably though, the one closest to the people involved. [applause] our towns and our cities and our counties and our states,
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then our regional contact and only then the national government. let me remind is liberty built buy decentralized power and on it also we must have balance between the branches of government at every level. balance, diversity, create a difference, these are the elements of the republican equation, republicans agree, republicans agree on many,
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many of their application but we have never on the basic fundamental issues of why you and i are republicans. this is a party, this republican party is a party for freemen, not for blin followers and not for conform ants. back in 1858, abraham lincoln said this to the republican party and i quote him because he probably could have said it during the last week or so.
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hostile elements and a quote from 1958, yes, yet all of these elements agreed on one justice, to arrest and take it in the courts, today the task of preserving and enlarging freedom at home and safeguarding it from the forces of tyranny abroad is great enough to challenge all our resources and to require all our strengths. anyone who joins us, we welcome.
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those who dot do not care about our cause, we don't expect to enter or race. and receipt our republicanism so focused and so dedicated not to make by unthinking and stupid labels. i would remind you in defense of will be ty is no vice.
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thank you. thank you. thank you. and let me remind you also that moderation and the pursuit of justice is no virtue. the beauty of the very system we republicans are forced to restore and revitalize. there is the beauty of the federal system of ours is in
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reconciliation diversity with unity. we must not see lal lays and honest differences of opinion and no mat are how great, so long as they are not inconsistent with what we have given to each other in and through our constitution. our republican cause is not to level out the world or make its people conform. our republican cause is to free our people and light the way for liberty throughout the world.
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ours is a very human cause for a very iew main goal. this party, good people, and unquestionable devotion to freedom will not be on this campaign which belongs here now and our cause and the world and showing the way to tomorrow worthy of our yesteryears. i accept your nomination of humbleness, with pride and you and i are going to fight for the goodness of our land. thank you.
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in 1968 former vice president richard nixon received the republican nomination for president for the second time. he was first nominated in 1960 and election he lost to john f. kennedy. in 1968, the convention was held in miami beach. richard nixon would win in november defeating then vice president hubert hum friz and a third party candidate alabama governor george wallace. here is richard nixon's acceptance speech in august 1968.
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mr. chairman, delegates to this convention, my fellow americans, 16 years ago, i stood before this convention to accept your nomination as the running mate of one of the greatest americans of our time or any time like the eye sen showers. eisenhowers. eight years ago, i had the highest honor of accepting your nomination for president of the united states.
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tonight, i again proudly accept that nomination for president of the united states. but i have news for you, this time there is a difference. this time, we are going win! we are going to win for a number of reasons. first a personal one. general eisenhower as you know lies critically ill in the walter reid high hospital tonight. i have talked to
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mrs. eisenhower on the telephone. she tells me his heart is with us. she says there is nothing that he lives more for and there is nothing that would lift him more than for us to win in november and i say let's win this one for ike. we're going to win because this great convention has demonstrated to the nation that the republican party has the leadership, the plot form and the preference that america needs. we are going to bin win because you have nominated as my running mate, a stateman of the first rank who will be a great campaigner and one who is fully qualified to undertack the new


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