tv Newsmakers CSPAN August 26, 2012 10:00am-10:30am EDT
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let's begin with a series of ads which you are taking aim at the president in some key races trying to tag the democrats. how -- is that something you expect from the other side, from the democrats moving ahead? >> well, in fact we do believe that what the president and his record have accomplished have been not just real problems for job ememployers, for job creation, but also a tremendous impact on main street america where people are losing their jobs, where big government is making decisions that we are trying to learn about. we're looking at the fact that many of our democratic colleagues voted for the obama health care plan which is having a significant impact. as we look ahead, we will do do
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two dram dramatic things. first of all, thousands of jobs are about to be lost and secondly the $700 billion that was taken out of medicare from seniors that expect and need that money and the benefits they wanted to, that will be moved to help people that do not have health care in this country today. and i think those are two big mistakes that are included in the president's plan. democrats will be held accountable for that, which democrats are prepared to talk about. these issues regular nature with the american people because they see the economic malaise it is causing across the country. >> but in some of those races where you have independentents going one way or another, is the ryan budget plan a help or hindrance in those races? >> i think the more the american people understand about not just
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paul ryan's plan but republicans' plan about trying to save medicare, that paul ryan is the lead on perspective in this, the americans will see why it is important that we move toward this plan to save medicare. medicare was attacked not just by the democrats but directed by barack obama as a center part of this plan to pay for this expansive change in health care and took $700 billion away from seniors who today not only need those services but really don't like it contributed to better lives and better health care. the democrats will be held accountable from that. i think the main question will be, is the president of the united states, albeit mitt romney, too, able to tell the truth about this plan?
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the center part of this plan was to cover millions of people unemployed. to do that, he took from seniors. he actually stole money, took it from seniors who need benefits today to help pay for this. paul ryan then, as a result of that law, had to deal with that $700 billion taken out. what paul ryan would effectively say is that for any senior that is 50 -- r54 and above, the plan will not be changed. for those 54 and under, we will seek a new direction. that will be along the line of a sustainable program that is much like the government insurance plan that government employees are on today that has an opening or a minimum opportunity and then if the employee wants to contribute or the person wants to contribute at that, a more robust plan, but one which is sustainable. paul ryan's is about
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sustainability, not the diminishment of the $00 billion that we would not and did not take from medicare. >> the selection of paul ryan as mitt romney's running mate has reflected interest on the house landscape. did you think the budget would have a material effect on the landscape or do you expect this issue will pass and we will move on to other issues by this november? >> i think the selection by paul ryan is that the house is an incubator of good ideas about how to solve the problems that really barack obama and the democrats, nancy pelosi, and the debt generated from that. that republicans have ideas about how we still aim poured. we cannot make progress as a
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consumer -- country if we do not have jobs and job creation. paul ryan's plan puts back in place the ability for certainty to be understood about a plan that instead of purting the ipad, which are unelected government bureaucrats that have no oversight by congress, instead of having them run our health care, we believe it should be down to a senior and their doctor. this is something the american people understand. they want opportunity. paul ryan gives them certainty on the way republicans would handle a very important issue, and it is our seniors' health care. >> does the house look the same as it did before paul ryan was selected as romney's running mate? >> i don't think so. i think republicans got what we really wanted. and that is to speak to the american electorate as adults
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and to speak to them about why we are in trouble, what the president's plan has created, what the democrats have zun in congress as a result of that, and why republicans need to have adult conversations with a plan, with an idea that the american people know and understand. secondly, that we are able to pay for and sustain it. secondly, the democrats have not been able to put together a budget which gave the american people at least a blueprint or idea on how they would deal with the problems. republicans in the house under the leadership of john painer -- boehner and certainly paul ryan have a plan, one we are on record for, we voted for, and which the democrats, as you have seen, oppose. they have no credible plan that would offer us a sustaining plan for the future for seniors or
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for us to avoid bankruptcy. >> >> would you rather have your candidates running across the country campaigning on health care or would you rather have them running on a presidential steward ship of the economy? >> i think we would compare and contrast. we are faced with a budget that is not only out of control, but no plan that would substantially alter the direction that we are headed. republicans offer ideas to solve problems. yes, paul ryan is that opportunity for responsible conversation and adult conversation about we must do something now that we are here.
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the president and democrats are void except to try to blame republicans and mischaracterize. the president, if he is going to get elected, he needs to first of all, tell the truth to the american people about what this plan has done. it has diminished jobs in this country, it has created more debt and uncertainty. the american public will have to look at what a republican plan will do. we are going to sell that plan as opposed to bankruptcy for the system, less job creation, and a denies of the american dream. we are for having jobs and a robust economy that lies ahead. nationals why we stated what we would be for. it is all embodied, not just in that plan, but in our budget that we voted for, but in the programs we support. >> in 2010 when you were chairman of the nrcc there was a
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lot of talk about health care, a lot of talk about the democratic policy. do you expect 2012 to be as ideological a campaign for your candidates? >> in fact i do, and i welcome that argument. as you know, i led the effort to say, you should rebuild. you should have open rules to adjust and change whatever the leaders have on the floor. we believe it is important to have open hearings and add professional content, including economic analysis of what the impact would be. republicans over the last two years under john boehner and the rules committee have had open rules, have posted all the bills on our web site for 72 hours for them to be read and have provided professional feedback about what is contained within the bill and where we expect to go and what the outcome would
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be. i think we can stand on that record. i think it shows a huge difference between republican leadership in the house and john boehner and what we had that would continue under nancy pelosi. i am pleased to have ideological direction. >> congressman, as chair of the nrcc, how do you define success for the house republicans on election day? is it a net gain of seats for republicans? is it minimizing republican losses? is it simply holding onto the house majority? what is your definition of success the day after election day? >> today i would say that the snapshot that would be successful for me, and that i believe would be entirely possible, is that we would pick up seven net new seats. that we would have mitt romney as our then presidential winner, and a senate that would give him a working ability toward the american people who would then
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see that we can do what republicans in the house are doing, effectively handling budgets, debates, not tabling tough problems, but making votes and calling into question our ability as members of congress to lead, and to lead to the betterment of america for confidence on what we are doing. i believe all of that as of today can be accomplished. i think we will win back the house, the senate, and the presidency, and we will net gain in the house of representatives. >> some of the issues are folkous on abortion -- focuses on abortion with a pro-life committee. do you support that? >> i think important to note that our republican committee and the votes we make many times do not coincide. they coincide over what we think is the right thing to do
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legislatively in agenda. we believe in the right to keep and bear arms. we believe in the right of the unborn. but in that process, we also believe in individual liberties and freedoms. in the house of representatives over the years, we have been very good about making sure that we create job opportunities, that we understand what the average american is going through. as the father of a man who is disabled, i have been engaged in issues for the disabled. i believe we are really the american dream of trying to give everybody a chance to succeed in life. that is what the republican party is all about. we are for the middle class of this country, for people to be able to grow not only in their joobs but to have a career and live to their very fullest of life and for decisions to be made by local people, not by a bunch of people in washington,
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d.c. who then drive behavior. i believe the republican party has done a very good job here and will continue to do that. >> but as a document, does the platform matter to the republicans? >> you know, i have never heard on the house of representatives a relationship necessarily to some state platform or national platform. we stand for economic growth, growing jobs, freedom and opportunity. i will tell you, i do support my platform. i will see what it is. i will have a chance to vote on it. we will offer a recommendation. i am not a delegate and do not necessarily offer my opinion, i think it will be necessary. i hope it talks about strong job growth and the right of americans to not only have a
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dream but to speak about american exceptionalism as well. >> congressman, what advise are you giving your constituents? are you telling them to distance themselves from the -- congressman, what at vice are you giving your candidates? >> each and every one of us are proud of our candidates and the direction we are heading . i believe the selection of paul ryan will be a boost because we are looking at problems that face americans. we are looking at over the horizon to where we we will position america to lead well into the 21st century. every single one of our candidates would want to be seen with mitt romney.
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perhaps the president will be -- or they will have to seek democrat votes. i believe that moderate democrats will see that our plans are robust and help job reags as opposed to the president who ignores and obfuscates not only what the facts are but is incapable of telling the truth about what republicans stand for. i think every single one of our candidates would want a seat with mitt romney and i know a huge number of democrats that do not want to be next to president obama nor vice president biden and would like to distance themselves from many things that they stand for. my republican candidates, not one of them has mentioned one thing about not wanting to be a proud republican for job growth.
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>> are you asking them to keep distance from the ryan budget, for example, or some of the policies that the national ticket is advancing? >> none whatsoever. because i believe that our policies in fact move the $700 billion directly back into medicare. we have a strong plan to make sure seniors can trust medicare. we cannot and would not nor would we vote for taking $700 billion out. we have run campaigns on these issues and ideas. we understand how to effectively speak of them. we had a special election in nevada not too long ago where we specifically folk spoke of what the democrats and president obama stood for, moving $700 billion out, putting seniors directly in the cross-hairs of not just bankruptcy but in the denies of the system that could not offer seniors and opportunities to pay for their
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medical needs. this is what happens when you have a marketplace of robust ideas like what we have with republicans about how to ensure that a senior can have a doctor can go to that speaks to a language where the doctor and the patient can make their own decisions, as opposed to the other side that takes a trem does amount -- tremendous amount of money out and puts a distance between a senior and their doctor. i think these are winning efforts for republicans. >> congressman, did you have a discussion with kevin yodur have a conversation following the incident in the sea of galilee last year? >> we have. >> what did you tell him? >> the conversations are directly related to every member of this conference recognizing that the things that they do, whether they are trips that are seen or unseen have a
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consequence, and we once again remind all members what we believe is correct and proper in the way we are seen as members of congress. i believe he understood this and apologized. i believe the majority leader very forthrightly offered some words of advice and wisdom that i think kevin took to heart, and i think he is a better member because of that, and i am proud of kevin for the way he ackack -- accepted the instruction and changed some of his ideas. >> was it a going to the woodshed moment? >> if you would choose to qualify it as that, that would be fine. i would say there are times when we necessarily need feedback, and i was pleased he took that. >> two republicans viing for a
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nomination, quayle and shiffert, what do you think is important? >> i think it is important that they look at the ideas in a republican primary. both are very strong young men, very good new members of congress, and they will vigorously not only defend the record but their ability to move this country forward. i think it will have small consequence. i think the election will be about ideas and moving this cannot tri forward. not trying to look back where they took a trip. >> who who would you say is the single most vulnerable democrat? if you had to say right now, what democrat is not coming back to the 113th cons congress because republicans are going to defeat him or her? >> you could look at georgia,
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north carolina. i would focus probably on the northeast. we have a candidate that is in massachusetts. we have one in rhode island that are republicans that are running ahead of their democrat incumbent at this time. i think -- a republican challenger is effectively not just selling what is better for america, but a responsibility. certainly as you look at the east coast, these races in georgia, north carolina, and rhode island, and massachusetts embody those kind of -- they have violated rules or they have not effectively represented their district.
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>> ok, but that's everyone. if we pinned you down and you had to pick one democrat that is not coming back, who would you say that is? >> well, certainly i can go and say that john kerry probably has a bull's-eye right on him. he has had people look at his record in how he has handled some personal issues within his family. they have come very close to home. i believe that our republican, richard dusay who runs against him, as been very good at letting people know how he would be judged and what he would do as a representative. i think richard is a good man that would well represent the people of massachusetts. and i would say richard is that one person who stands a good chance of being an incumbent.
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>> specifically, you have california, new york, illinois that underwent redistricting in a democratly fafrleable matter. how does the ground game work and are you worried there is not enough of a g.o.p. structure in the composition of the next congress? >> i think the problems i look at, so to speak, come as a problem of redistricting, of a political plan. it greatly skews the ability that we have in several places. first of all, as you talk about illinois, it is true that we have some enormous challenges there. certainly joe walsh has a tough race. judy bickert has a tough race. ternl, at the same time, i think we have -- certainly, at the
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same time, i think we have candidates, you look southbound, jason plummer will have a tremendous opportunity to sell ideas. the state of illinois has their favorite son, their former senator, barack obama now president, and those are tough challenges. those would be tough challenges under any snare yoy. -- scenario. i think we will do quite well. that would be ground zero. if i did stay up and fight, that is why i would stay up. >> your committee raised $.5 million in july. you have nearly $60 million cash on hand. when the final bill comes in, housm will you have raised, how much will you have spent? >> well, it is difficult to know exactly where we are going to get. we have a goal of $24 million
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ahead of where we were last cycle. i think by and large, if you look at it, it is certainly $120 million worth of business one way or another that we'll spend over the cycle. i expect us to have more money than the democrats. we will have an adequate amount to defend. that is always my goal. i believe on staying on offense and putting the democrats that voted for these massive government-run programs and would vote for a massive tax increase for employers and small business owners across this country is a key issue. i believe we can win these races, the pick-up seats of the six racials. -- six races. a number of democrats had to go take out loans at the end and have retired because they know
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what lies ahead. and that is, defending their record of what they have down done. republicans will be on offense this election cycle. >> congressman pete sessions is joining us. he is the chair of the house republican presidential committee. congressman, thank you for being with us on c-span. let's talk about some of the issues driving this race. you brought up some of the social issues in medicare, medicaid. what is going to drive this election? >> i tend to think the next couple weeks will determine the traction that the ryan budget is going to get from now until november. in many ways, it looks like the house landscape, the house race is more on cruise control. then you have this wrinkle throin in. -- thrown in. they believe this is sort of a
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game-changing choice for republicans. i think the balance of defining paul ryan over the next couple weeks proving who he is and what he says will be essential in determining who is the november winner. >> next week in charlotte north carolina, the democratic convention, and then after that, the presidential debates, and then 75 days for the election. >> yes. november is coming faster than we think. and sessions, going back to the medicare issue, sessions is as knowledgible as anyone how the issue will play into the sporblee election. where medicare -- he test drives some of these messages they are testing. i think the one lesson learned by both side is the messenger really matters on both sides. paul ryan is one example of
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that. when you have a messenger competent in talking about politics they generally ask overcome some of the vullnerabilities. it is when you have candidates that are not skilled, if you will, that are going to struggle. so there is a real anxiety because they know their message and what works. >> you were trying to pin it down on a race to watch. let me throw in congressman west of florida. these are really bell weather races for democrats and republicans. >> i found it interesting that the nrcc chairman singled out a seat in the northeast. they had been all but extinct in that area.
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that is something i think has broad interest across the country. he is high-profile on cable tv. that's a national race everyone will be paying attention to. the interesting thing to me is the john kerry race the congressman mentioned. because that is probably the blueest state in the nation in massachusetts. >> what did you learn about the house race? >> i think it has the potential to be volatile. i would imagine a couple republican strategists are keeping their fingers crossed. i think it will be telling to look at some of these suburban house feeds where the issue may resonate most powerfully. democratic campaign officials,
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if they have a good night election day, they will do well in the suburban seats where they think the more tarnished part of the republican party platform might backfire. so members like kauff -- so -- >> what did you learn? >> i have been watching to see for signs of panic. house members especially have finely tuned and finely calibrated political antenna. as soon as they begin to sense something in their districts, movement, resistance, anger, they can begin the redistricting process. you saw none of that today. there is still a tight embrace of paul ryan. there is still a lot of time to go to the 2012 election. at this moment, pete sessions had a full embrace of paul ryan again. >> the last word. >> they have an opportunity to cede succeed, but when you add the other factors, it makes
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