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tv   U.S. House of Representatives  CSPAN  September 11, 2012 10:00am-1:00pm EDT

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shores and having that open society. host: let's go to republican in richmond. can you make it quick? caller: my question is that the representative said he does not understand why 9/11 has failed. in the foundation of our constitution, george washington, abraham lincoln and even ronald reagan stated that we need god. that is our head of our production. in god we trust. we have to go back to the foundation even of the bible. in charges it explains what happens in 9/11. host: i've got to leave it there. juan zarate, thank you for being on the "washington journal" this morning. we appreciate your time. guest: likewise. host: thatn a. boehner,
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speaker of the house of representatives. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to the order of the house of january 17, 2012, the chair will now recognize members from lists submitted by the majority and minority leaders for morning hour debate. the chair will alternate recognition between the parties with each party limited to one hour and each member other than the majority leader and minority leaders and the minority whip limited to five minutes each. but in no event will debate go beyond 11:50 a.m. the chair recognizes the gentleman from texas, mr. poe, for five minutes. mr. poe: mr. speaker, i request unanimous consent to address the house for five minutes, revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. poe: mr. speaker, on a cool september morning in texas, i was driving my jeep to the
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courthouse where i was the judge for a long time. i was listening to kilt radio, a country western station, willie nelson was singing "blue eyes crying in the rain." and all of a sudden the newscaster for kilt radio comes on. he intercunts the program. and he said that -- he interrupts the program. and he said that an airplane had crashed into the north tower of the world trade center. and that's about all we knew at that time. it was 8:46 eastern time. 7:46 in texas. continuing my daily journey to the courthouse, a few minutes later he comes back on the radio and says that a second airplane had crashed into the second south tower of the world trade center in new york city.
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and the world understood at that time this was serious. this was an attack on our nation, on our country. after i got to the courthouse, we learned that a third airplane flying over washington, d.c., very close to the building we are in, the united states capitol, went down the street less than a mile and crashed into the pentagon. and that was at 9:37 eastern time. then a fourth airplane, we remembered as flight 93, was flying toward washington, d.c., probably the capitol or the white house where some good right thinking folks took control of the plane from a high jacker an they were -- hi jacker and they were -- hijack
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er and they were crashed in a field. on september 11, 2001, this nation was attacked. 3,000 people were killed that day. it's interesting that the attackers decided to attack the world trade center because people from 90 nationalities were in the world trade center building. the south and the north. so it was more than an attack on america, it was an attack on the people of the world. freedom-loving people. people who believed in living life and liberty. the murder was done by 19 radicals who murdered in the name of religion. of the 3,000 people that were killed, 411 of them were emergency workers. 341 were members of the new york fire department.
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also two fire department members of new york who were paramedics were killed that day. 23 officers from nypd were killed that day. 37 port authority officers from new york and new jersey. and eight emergency medical technicians and paramedics were killed that day. in the aftermath of that morning, first responders from all over the united states later that week went to new york to help in the recovery and help restore what had happened at ground zero. many of those first responders still suffer from toxins that they acquired while working ground zero as many members of first responders from new york and new jersey are still suffering. but today we remember all of those people that were killed
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that day on september 11. later that evening i, like most americans, was watching television and saw the horror on video of what occurred. and i like him, mr. speaker, saw those thousands of people in new york when those planes crashed into the world trade center building, they were fleaing -- fleeing as fast as they can and could from those terror that came from the sky. but there was another group of people like the fire horses of old that charged to the smell of smoke and the roar of fire. those individuals charged to that terror from the sky. there weren't very many, there were a handful, yet they were there. of course who were they? they were the first responders. they were the firefighters, they were emergency medical technicians, they were the paramedics, the peace officers. and they, many of them, died that day. and while it's important we remember those that were
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killed, it's equally important we remember those that got to live, mr. speaker, because those first responders charged to that terror from the sky. and many of them gave up their lives so others could live on that famous day. of september 11, 2011. that's just the way it is. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentlelady from texas, ms. jackson lee. the gentlelady is recognized for five minutes. >> thank you very much, mr. speaker. mr. speaker i rise on this solemn day in the history of our nation, the 11th anniversary of the terror attacks on 9/11, to honor and pay tribute to a north carolina state trooper who was killed in the line of duty this past saturday morning.
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mr. butterfield: it was a tragic, tragic incident. trooper bobby demuth serve the state of north carolina proudly and honorably for 12 years. he he was assigned to the rocky mountain troop c, district 1 is of the highway patrol. the trooper loved his work. he loved his work as a law enforcement officer. he he protected the good of our society from the bad, and he fought to make north carolina a safer place. the trooper's life was tragically cut short and he was killed while in the line of duty. he was pursuing an individual suspected of some very serious crime. he was serving and protecting. following a 20-mile, 30-minute high-speed pursuit that began in our capital city of raleigh and ended by the heroic effort of trooper bobby demuth, the suspect was aprehanded. tomorrow he will be laid to rest at engelwood baptist
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church in rocky mount, north carolina. it is a sad, sad day indeed. trooper demuth like so many first responders who passed away 11 years ago deserve our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for doing what only a select few can do. and that is to protect and defend the public against those who do it harm. may god bless trooper bobby demuth, his family, and each and every person that puts themselves in harm's way to protect the greater good. i thank you, mr. speaker. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentlelady from tennessee, miss -- mrs. black, for five minutes. mrs. black: thank you, mr. speaker. 12 years ago today our way of life, our freedom, and our fellow citizens came under attack in a series of ruthless and deliberate attacks. today we pause to remember and
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honor some 3,000 people, moms and dads, friends and neighbors who lost their lives on that fateful day. we honor the first responders who chose to run into the burning world trade towers, putting their own lives at risk to save others. and we honor the lives of the heroes who fought the terrorists onboard flight 97 and successfully prevented the plane from hitting the white house or the u.s. capitol. none of us will ever forget that day. none of us will ever forget where we were the moment we heard that a plane had hit the first world trade tower, and none of us will forget seeing the second hit. america was shaken but not broken. in those dark hours ahead, americans came together and responded with one voice. so today we remember and reflect upon a day that brought
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us all together as americans, a day that was our generation's pearl harbor. a day that made all of us stop and ask ourselves what's important in our own lives. while many of our nation's leaders do not agree on how best to run our country, we are all in agreement with pausing to honor and remember those who gave their lives in this senseless attack. where there's freedom there's strength. terrorism will never triumph. september 11, 2001, reminded all of us that -- of that and this is the day that we will never forget. thank you, mr. speaker. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentlelady from texas, ms. jackson lee, for five minutes.
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ms. jackson lee: i thank the speaker. i ask unanimous consent to address the house. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. ms. jackson lee: my country tis of thee, sweet land of liberty. god bless america. i'm glad that we have songs that can capture our spirits and the love that we have for our nation. reminded as a child seeing the words -- singing the words to "my country 'tis of thee" and reminded of that day, 9/11, members of congress gathered to stand on the steps of the united states capitol to sing "god bless america." i rise today to pay tribute americans and the myriad of persons whose lives remain
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forever changed because of 9/11. we honor and mourn still those who fell on that day. it was the world, a potpourri of personalities, nationalities, languages, different descriptions and life stories. it was the world that was in america, a country that welcomes all. and then of course those of us who are reminded of the rushing in of heroes and she-ros, nypd, civilian volunteers, firefighters, port police, federal workers. all in some way helping to save someone's life. fellow office workers, dish washers, restaurant workers, some who died so that others might live.
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i remember very clearly where i was here in the united states capitol, having a meeting with one of the cabinet members of the president at that time. deeply involved in work regarding small businesses, going about the normal daily responsibilities. members who work on legislation and constituency issues and oversight over the government. there was a rattling outside and of course phones started ringing, at least the technology of that time, and we indicated that we were still in a meeting and did not answer until someone banged on the door and said i don't know what is happening but you must get out. without panic but certainly with great concern and as you entered the hallways, people were rushing. rushing to come out of this building and as the rumors began to fly, or the words began to fly about the white house, the state department, and then of course the building
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smoke that one could see from the pentagon. it was real. it was something that we had never, ever, ever seen. maybe those who had been in wars preceding us in far away lands, but not in the 20th century on the soil of the united states of america or the 21st century. and so i stand today with great honor of those who died and those who died in trying to save others and those who did, and i am grateful today that we have the opportunity to be able to say thank you though sadly to families who remain. to those who now stand in new york reading names, to those who at the pentagon who still have the piercing feeling of loss, and certainly those in pennsylvania, those family members, those surrounding communities. i'm grateful in the last couple days we finally acknowledge that there is something to those who breathe the smoke and they are now going to be included for the entity that
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provides health care for those who are impacted by 9/11, toxic smoke. it took us too long. i'm glad we passed legislation to help the first responders, firefighters, police, and others who suffered catastrophic illnesses remaining after they went in to help those who could not help themselves. . i remember drafting legislation for the children. so many children were left at home and no one came to see them on that fateful day, 9/11. children now reads the names of their parents, grandparents, children grew up without a family member because of the heinous and horrid hatred, contempt and violence. and so i hope this nation on this day comes closer together, that we come together as independents, democrats, republicans and nothing, that we stand as one nation, being able to be reminded of the
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greatest nation in the world. god bless america. for i will say that throughout my life for whatever the ups and downs we may have, this country is great. as i travel around on behalf of the united states of america, visiting those who fought in iraq and who have fought in afghanistan, i see that they are great because they were willing to sacrifice at the call of the commander in chief and at the call of their nation. the day i come on this floor to honor all of those who were touched by 9/11 and to remind all of us as members of congress and the nation, never yield to weakness that we are not great, always our democracy, our love of god makes us that. god bless america. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from oregon, mr. blumenauer, for five minutes. mr. blumenauer: thank you, mr. speaker. we return to capitol hill
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ending the summer recess with strong conflicting emotions. today is the 11th anniversary of 9/11, the horrific attacks that locked the nation and especially were poignant for us on capitol hill. as representatives of the government, we have sworn to uphold and defend these senseless, horrific acts, exposed a real vulnerability. we all remember what -- as we felt as we were watching the twin towers collapse and then the plane crash in the pentagon and then yet another plane going down in a lonely field in pennsylvania destined for us here on capitol hill. but people came together in an outpouring of support for one another and for our nation. there was a sense of resolve unparalleled since the cowardless attacks on pearl harbor. the response of the government since then has been somewhat mixed. we have protected the united states so far against any
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repeat attack but at great cost. we've thrown money at the problem. we've had overreach particularly in terms of personal liberties and we will be paying the costs of the horribly misguided war in iraq for generations to come. after an original terrific response, we took our eye off the ball. we allowed osama bin laden almost another decade of life and mischief. later, we were sucked back into afghanistan on the terms under of the taliban and al qaeda, not on our terms. now, this is not merely a republican problem, although george bush and the republicans were in charge and made some of the worst mistakes. there was much bipartisan support for the excesses. to this day there is bipartisan confusion about the best path forward to protect the nation while protecting civil liberties for the situation
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today and not the conditions of september 10, 2001. my wish for congress, as the candidates span out on the campaign trails, is that we mark this anniversary with a commitment to allow a little common sense and political discord. this can be an emotional job, and i was thinking about the emotions i expressed having a chance is a years ago to go through the interfering military on aun where she was under house arrest. my son, daughter and i spent an amazing afternoon with this extraordinary woman. i could scarcely imagine then what will happen next week when we will be awarding that courageous woman the
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congressional medal of honor here in the capitol hill. and then she will return to burma as a member of their nation's parliament. the success of this woman together with the steelly resolve of the american public after september 11 ought to give us all pause and hopefully a renewed commitment to do our job right. since 9/11 the challenges and circumstances have evolved. we have greater challenges in terms of security, climate instability, natural disaster and our own economic vulnerability. it's a tall order to deal with them. but hopefully we will all be inspired by the example of aun
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san suchi. it's time today for the politicians to do their job. politicians to listen, to speak the truth and to lead. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentlelady from california, ms. woolsey, for five minutes. ms. woolsey: thank you, mr. speaker. mr. speaker, a few minutes from now members of the house and the senate will head to the capitol steps. we're going to the capitol steps for a moment of remembrance, to honor those who were killed in the attacks on september 11, 2001. september 11, 2001, a day that will forever be seared into the american citizens' and the world's memory. 11 years later, mr. speaker, spouses still grieve, children
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still feel the void, parents are still devastated by the loss of their children. it was a tragedy. it was a tragedy for individual families and for the entire nation. one of the lingering tragedies of that day is that it led to policy decisions with terrible consequences that we're still living with today. over the last decade-plus, violence and mayhem has just led to more violence and mayhem. our continued military occupation in afghanistan has not brought the stability. it has not brought security. it has not brought a strong democracy to that country. afghanistan remains one of the most poorest and dangerous places on earth. the taliban has not been driven into oblivion. the terrorist threat continues. and according to a "new york
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times" article this past weekend, even u.s. commanders are admitting that the taliban remains resilient while al qaeda is evolving and adapting. mr. speaker, while we in the house adjourned for the month of august, there was no recess for our troops. in fact, since we were last in session another 60 u.s. service members died in afghanistan. countless others suffered wounds to the body and to the brain. and then there are the afghan civilians, many of them children, who are being killed every single day. how do we tell the families of these children that this is all for good and just cause? we can't. mr. speaker, it's time to stop conducting national security policy on the principles of revenge and retaliation.
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and on the false hope that we are making it better. the right way to secure and ensure security is to put americans' best foot forward, to lead with our compassion and not our military power. that's what my smart security platform is all about. it puts diplomacy front and center and makes war a last resort. it is based on a commitment to improving the lives of afghan people, alleviating power, creating economic opportunity, rebuilding infrastructure, improving education, attacking public health problems in that area. we can't do this with the military surge. we can only do it with a civilian surge, a surge of experts, of aide workers, of technical experts from engineers to midwives.
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of course our development agencies are doing this kind of work and they're doing the best they can possibly do, but there's not nearly the scale to make this possible. compared to billions of dollars every month that we spend on the war, we're investing just a tiny fraction of that on humanitarian work that is so badly needed. public opinion has turned dramatically against this war and yet our most visible leaders continue to lag behind the people that elected them. the president of the united states says he'll end this war in 2014, which is a good goal, but it is not nearly soon enough. his opponent, on the other hand, in the most important speech of his life a few weeks ago, didn't see fit to even mention afghanistan not even once. so, mr. speaker, when we gather on the steps of the capitol, as
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i bow my head, it will be in remembrance of those who died 11 years ago today and it will also be with a prayer of hope that we can honor their memory by finally ending the war in afghanistan and finally bringing our troops home. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from kansas, mr. yoder, for five minutes. mr. yoder: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. yoder: mr. speaker, 11 years ago today, americans found themselves under attack. we watched with shock and horror as hijacked passenger airplanes were flown both into the world trade center towers and the pentagon. we all remember what we were doing that tuesday morning when 2,996 innocent americans were killed in those tragic and unthinkable acts. we also remember the heroic actions of the passengers of united flight 93 who
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courageously fought the hijackers on their plane and sacrificing their own lives ultimately saved countless others. courage and bravery have long been traits demonstrated by our fellow americans, from deplaying our country's independence, to fighting alongside our allies abroad in the name of freedom and liberty. americans, though, are also resilient. we ban together. we pick each other up when we're knocked down and we endure. in kansas we are extremely proud of the men and women in our military that serve our country and defend our freedom and liberty around the globe. their willingness to pay the ultimate sacrifice for their country, their true heoism is known firsthand only to a small number but is yet sadly far, far too common. the third district of kansas lost two heroes this summer as a result of combat operations in afghanistan. mike knapp was deployed out of joint base louis mccord out of washington state. he was killed in mid may while
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serving his country only three days before he was scheduled to return home. also, private first class cal miller, deployed out of joint place louis mccord, lost his wife in early june when an improvised explosive device detonated near his vehicle. private first class miller was a 2007 graduate, member of the football and track team. it breaks my heart every time i learn the news of a soldier who has lost his life so our country can continue to live in freedom. as we remember this day, the 11th anniversary of september 11, mr. speaker, we remember it by honoring all those innocent lives lost on that tragic day. we also remember the first responders, the firefighters and the policemen who charged the burning buildings to save lives, ultimately giving up their own in the process. let us also recall the steelly
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resolve of american patriotism and unity as our country responded against the terrorists. let us serve the veterans. we pay tribute to those americans who served in our military, ensuring that the acts 11 years ago never happens again. our thanks cannot be spoken strongly enough. to those who serve, those who lose their lives defending our country and the family and friends who support them, we are eternally grateful. thank you, mr. speaker. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to clause 12-a of rule 1, the chair declares the house in recess until the hour of 12:00.
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♪ >> also attend a ceremony at the
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pentagon this morning in the afternoon the president was scheduled to visit wounded soldiers and their families in walter reid national military medical center. vice president joe biden travels to pennsylvania. well, you heard some of the members of the house talking about the 9/11 anniversary, some of the tweets of the day --
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>> economic security and there are a series of common steps, measures we can take in the house past four back in may.
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and so, i'm hopeful that sometime between now and the end of the year that the senate will at least take up what the house has done, if they can improve it great, but at least begin to make progress in making our country safer in cyberspace. >> why is that a big deal? why should people pay attention? why should our government pay attention to that? >> one reason is cyberunderlies everything in our country now. every time you fill up at the pump. you're involved in cyberspace. it's not just your computers at home, it's our electricity. we're also vulnerable to potential attacks, by nation states, by criminals, you know, that try to get your bank account information and social security number every day, but
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also by terrorists, and we know that terrorists are actively looking at vulnerabilities, so that they can attack us through cyberspace. again it doesn't mean we overreact, because most of cyberspace is owned by the private sector, not by government. so that interaction between government and the private sector is very delicate. we've got to get that right. part of the reason in the house we believe we should take it a step further. >> what kind of economic damage are we talking about? >> your imagination is probably the limit. if somebody gets in and fools with the banking center, if -- it's hard to imagine.
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these folks who come in and steal plans for a new fighter, plans for a new product, the formula,s well as your personal information. so, that's why it affects our economy and our personal well-being as far as the country's security and our infrastructure. >> as a member of the intelligence committee, where are we unravel beyond cybersecurity? in all sorts of places, that's what they keep doing, they keep probing for vulnerabilities. they continue to look for ways to attack air planes. they continue to look for ways to hide bombs and blow up large numbers of people. they continue to look for ways to take and use
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-- if they can get their hands on them they'll use them. what you're talking about, vastly greater numbers of people who would be affected by an attack like that. >> the status ofal kide today? >> it -- of al qaeda today? >> it's changed. the core is much diminished. they've been under assault for a decade and they're not anything like they were. at the same time it's a little bit like a videogame that you may remember, where you hit the big spider and five small spiders take its place.
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so you've got some smaller entities, affiliates if you will, but spread out in more places. so the point is the incredible work that our military intelligence professionals and law enforcement folks have done over the past 11 years, it doesn't end. i think this is a perfect day to take a moment and thank them and be grateful for all the work they've done to keep us safe, largely over the last 11 years, but also to understand that they have not gone away and we have to continue to rely on them. host: does president obama deserve credit for what some of his critics have said, following bush's strategy on the wrort or fighting al qaeda? >> as i said, keeping pressure on the core al qaeda in afghanistan and pakistan have
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been successful. some of the other techniques being used around the world have been successful. i think it's a different -- not knowing this personally, but i think when you step into the oval office and you have responsiblity for keeping the american people safe, some of the things you may have said on the campaign trail may have to fadeaway. so, i have disagreements with a variety of things, this administration has done in this area. but, i think the things they've continued, despite campaign promises has been helpful. >> this is a recent headline in the washington post. u.s. to designate the haqqani network. what is that and what is the threat? guest: based in the tribal area of pakistan and transits between afghanistan and pakistan. they are some of the most deadly fighters. they are responsible for some of
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the most deadly attacks against our troops and others in afghanistan. but they are some what separate but connected entity to al qaeda. so the point of this helps with to reduce their funds when they are designated as a terrorist organization. it helps make it less likely that others will have interactions with them. and makes it a little easier to target them. >> so the rules of engagement change when they become a terrorist group? guest: it does change some what but especially the sorts of economic and other sorts of diplomatic pressures that we can use and encourage others to use. so really this designation is just an acknowledgement of the facts on the ground. it's not a huge change. but the fact is that hakkani's are responsible for some of the most deadly acts. so i think it's important to call them what they are.
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host: mark's an independent in san antonio, texas. you're up first mark. go ahead. caller: yeah, first of all i would like to say happy anniversary to my wife, our 20th anniversary today. my question is, it's my understanding that we're using the united states troops on the borders for surveillance and work for law enforcement agencies. how does that affect? guest: if i take a second to wish my niece a happy birthday, also their 20th -- 9/11 is kind of a strange day to have birthdays or anniversaries. we have struggled with this issue as a country since, especially since 9/11. what is the appropriate role of the military in helping to safe guard our borders? what we have generally done is use garden reserve forces, and use them in back-up and support positions. they have not been patrolling
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the border with guns on their hips, et cetera, that's been left to the law enforcement folks. i think that is certainly the traditional responsibilities that we have had in this country. at the same time i think we have to keep our eyes open, and our minds alert to a potential increase in danger coming especially on our southern border with the drug cartels, and others who, for example, the thing where iran was trying to recruit drug cartels to conduct assassinations in the united states. so it may elevate to a point where we need a greater degree of military involvement. but certainly, the more we can provide resources to mexico and have the resources, including enough border patrol people, by the way, and i've got a bone to pick with the border patrol as they are closing offices across
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texas and other places. but the point is putting enough resources, law enforcement resources on the border backed up with military technology and support, i think, is the appropriate role at this point. host: richmond, virginia, james, democratic caller. caller: yes, i was just wondering what homeland security was doing about white supremicist groups, you know, domestic terrorism? and tim think mcveigh was one of the worst right wing terrorists and you guys never mention him. it's amazing. guest: actually i think he gets mentioned a lot. partly as an example of what one individual can do in the destruction and the death that he can create. i think that is more however a law enforcement, f.b.i., justice department sort of role to investigate those domestic terrorism. homeland security is more
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responsible for guarding our borders, northern, southern, people coming by water and people coming by air. as well as a lot of coordination with local law enforcement. so, they have some law enforcement responsibilities, but if you're talking about going to investigate a group who you think may -- guest: congressman, i need to jump in we need to go to the white house where they're going to d a moment of silence. we'll come back to our discussion.
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host: a moment of silence this morning at the white house with the president and the first lady. you heard the bells ring at 8:46 a.m. eastern time. the time when the north tower was struck by those airplanes 11 years ago. fearly 3,000 americans died -- nearly 3,000 americans died that day with the attacks on the world trade center and attacks at the pentagon here in washington. our cameras are up in new york where the world trade center memorial service today, also there on your screen you can see the pentagon, our cameras there as well.
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we will bring you coverage of the 9/11 remembrance ceremonies, washington and new york today. c-span point org for more. at our table, max thornberry. having our discussion here about sort of where we are at. 11 years later. guest: yeah, but seeing that takes me back to that day. host: where were you? guest: i was at the pentagon. had breakfast with secretary rumsfeld. i remember him receiving a note saying the plane had hit the world trade center. so we decide we need to get out of there, he's got things to do. and so i drove back across the bridge to the capitol when the second plane hit the world trade center. got to my office in the capitol just when the capitol police were running through, saying get out, get out, there's another
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one coming for us. as a lot of people who were in washington that day remember, then people just pour out into the streets, gridlock and so forth. but i also remember finally turning in to our little cul de sac and every house had an american flag flying. it's important to remember the victims, also the courage of the people on that plane in pennsylvania who decided they were just not going to be helpless victims, and took matters into their own hands. and then, the courage and sacrifice of all the military, intelligence professionals, law enforcement, who have stopped countless numbers of attacks in the 11 years since. now sometimes we've been lucky, the bomb in new york, time square just didn't work right, the underwear bomber's bomb just didn't work right. but a lot of times they were really good. we ought to be grateful.
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host: we showls also mention, mitt romney, the presidential candidate for republican party will be in reno, nevada, talking to the national guard's annual conference. he as well put out a statement about the september 11 attacks, calling for remembrance on this day. live coverage at 2:15 eastern time on c-span 3 of governor romney's talk there. keith, a republican in san diego, go ahead. caller: morning. host: good morning. caller: yeah, i understand that our state department through backdoor funding is now funding al qaeda. i would like a comment on that, pleasant. caller: um, i don't think so. i do not believe any u.s. tax dollars are, at least intentionally going to fund any affiliate of al qaeda or terrorist who wish to do us harm. you know, you can't say that no
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dollar through some round about way doesn't get into the wrong hands, of course. but i don't think that's true. host: gabrielle, independent? gabrielle, are you with us? one last call for gabrielle? ok, i've got to move on, tony, new orleans, democratic caller. caller: good morning. i would like to thank the congressman for his service, and i am a veteran myself. i was one of the first to deploy to afghanistan during the 2001. but, my question specifically is this. you said that you disagreed with some of the things that president obama has done on the terrorist side. and i want you to expand on that because he has had some tremendous successes in his four years, the killing of osama bin laden and taking down other large al qaeda leaders. and i wanted to know what
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specifically that you did disagree with that he's done on his watch. thank you. guest: well, thank you for your service. and again, i think there is way too much credit and, especially credit, that politicians try to take for our successes. a lot of the successes that we have had in the last 11 years have been because of people like you and the people who support you, as well as law enforcement and other folks. this is particularly a day to keep that in mind. there are a number of things i disagree with. for example, all of what we've been through about closing gauntaun mo, saying we were going to try them in new york city has caused so much delay that we still haven't been able to try. so that whole thing has been a muddled mess and not been helpful to national security. i think it's a mistake to put a
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specific date, saying that we are going to be out of afghanistan on a particular date. i know governor romney generally agrees with that date. it just tells your enemies how long they have to wait. i think it was a tremendous mistake to continue to investigate some of our intelligence professionals after they had been investigated thoroughly by everybody that you could imagine. and it is only within the past couple of weeks or so they finally said ok there's nothing there. so there's three examples. but at the same time, as you point out, where he has continued the things that work, i think he should be given credit for that. host: someone on twitter wants to know -- guest: i think we are safer as a country, and largely that's because we are more alert, better organized and better
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prepared. as i mention, certainly al qaeda at the top is not anything like it was, but there are some added problems that come from having all those little al qaeda affiliates around the world, who are innovative, the greatest threats we have seen in most recent times have come from al qaeda and yemen. so it's kind of like one of those deals, you got to keep bopping it on the head wherever it arises. >> speaking of mistakes, some have said it was a mistake that governor romney did not mention troops, afghanistan, in his convention speech. what was your reaction? guest: oh, i don't buy that. he just ve the day before a major address to american ledge where he focused on nothing but our troops and our national security. he did mention the importance of troops in the speech. a speech is not the whole campaignment i think he fully understands the importance of our military, intelligence
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professionals and keeping us safe. i have no qualms at all. host: sid, a democrat in florida. caller: hello? host: good morning, sid, you're on the air. caller: yes, i wanted to ask the guest why we -- than we are. these people are murderers! i can't understand people objecting to dealing with these people. that's my question. host: well, and i understand, particularly on a day like this -- >> all of today's "washington journal" in our library. we're going to take you to the east steps of the u.s. capitol. members of congress, the house and senate gathering for the 11th anniversary of the september 11 attacks.
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[captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2012] >> members of the house and senate, capitol police, staff, thank you for joining us today to mark the 11th anniversary of the events of september 11, 2001. i invite everybody in the singing of our national anthem. >> ♪ o say can you say
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light dawn's early what so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming ramparts we watch were so cal league streaming -- were so gallantly streaming and the rockets' red glare gave proof through the night that our flag was still there o say does that star spangled banner yet wave? o'er the land
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of the free and the home of the brave ♪ ♪ [applause] pray. us god of heaven and earth, we give you thanks for giving us another day. today we remember a day that ended in her role coverage. we mourn those and which cover
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to those left behind who strived to cope with their loss. may you give them peace and healing. we thank you for the international response to a great american tragedy which all the world recognized as theirs as well. all your children could see the horror of actions by men who would presume to act in your name causing so much death and destruction. may your spirit of truth and peace and justice continue to fill the hearts of people of full faiths, races, nations. help us to recognize your creative love in the lives of all who share this beautiful plan thet.
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present as we gather on their capitol steps. bless the men and women that served this great nation and those that serve in the senate and house of representatives. united then and united today in our shared citizenship. they have been given great responsibility by their fellow americans. may their show of unity do what is best for the united states. may they be confident in the knowledge that all americans stand behind them in a common effort to forge legislation that will reflect the greatness of our nation in building a fire but economy into a safe and secure future. may of that is done in this day and the many days to come before
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your greater honor and glory. amen. >> amen. >> today we come together once again to remember and to reflect, with reverence and with respect. whenever we speak of september 11, 2001, which read on sacred ground. on this anniversary, the thoughts of our nation remain with the innocent americans that we lost, with the first responders who arrived on the scene to rescue others, and stayed at ground zero to search for survivors and remained. our solemn pledge remains clear -- to never forget those who perished on 9/11, give boys who w-- to give voice to those
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who vanished. to honor our men and women in uniform from world war ii. time will not dim the glory of their deeds. the same could be said of their families. their commitment of time has given all of us strength and made our country stronger. time will never dim the memory of those who perished. in moments of pain and anguish. it will never dim the american people's spirit in the wake of the attacks. time will never diminish the courage of all of the first responders. country will continue to stand
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by them. time has left the memories of heartsmblazoned on our p more than a decade. the families turned a national tragedy into a time of unity. our country came together with resolve and with hope. may god bless the families and children again and again and may god continue to bless the united states of america. >> more than a decade later, most of us still remember 9/11 like it was yesterday.
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the initial confusion, the horrifying realizations of what was happening, the watching, the waiting, the grief, the anchor, -- the anger, the resolve. would it weaken us in the world ? would it weaken us at home? would we stand up? ld werink -- wouuld w shrink? 9/11 revealed the greatest of america. we didn't have to wait very long to see it.
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we saw the courage of the first responders. in the days and weeks that followed, we saw the goodness and generosity of the volunteers who descended on new york. as the months turned into years, monuments were dedicated, might buildings rose again at the world trade center site, and we have watched as some money has stepped forward cents 9/11 attacks to serve in the military and intelligence community. we honor them today, too. america is a safer place. many who were responsible for the 9/11 attacks have been killed or captured. there is little doubt that ours
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is the greatest fighting forced the world has ever known. out of a great evil we have seen greatness and gooess from our country and from our countrymen. that is why we can mark this solemn anniversary not simply with pain, sorrow, but with a renewed pride in our nation and that unbending confidence and the goodness of its people. in her darkest hours, america has always summon the courage and strength to persevere and to prevail. we now know 9/11 was no different. here is why. we believe that every person counts. that is what we're still haunted by the faces of those who died, by the hopes and dreams that were extinguished.
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by the families and french ships that were shattered 11 years ago. that is why we're determined to vindicate their lives -- by the thaties and friends shiphips were shattered 11 years ago. we renew our commitment to live our lives worthy of their memory. we pledged once again to do what it takes to keep americans saved from those who still wish to do us harm. >> it was 11 years ago today on a crystal clear morning much like today that terrorists attacked our nation. their attack wasn't just on airplanes, our buildings.
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it was an attack against the american spirit. an assault on freedom and democracy. they were determined to take lives and to break our nations will. all the violence turned our lives upside-down. it brought us together as a nation in the fight against terror. in the years since, we have crippled al qaeda. our nation has begun to heal. we will never forget the bright september morning. we will never forget the thousands of innocent souls lost in new york, pennsylvania, and virginia. we will not forget the rescue workers or the sacrifice of the
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brave men and women of our man's armed forces, state department, intelligence committee who have made the world safer. determination carry us through those dark days. we will not forget the way carnation fallback against the fear --we will not for get the back.r nation fallbought >> cardinal edward egan talks about going to st. vincent's hospital that morning . he found itself standing with two doctors. one of them was visibly shaken.
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if family members of his was in the towers on a high floor. the cardinal passed the young doctor if he would like to go somewhere and talk. the doctor said, no, i'm a doctor and this is my place. everyone in their ground -- everyone stood their ground. everyone stood their place. the patriots who banded together in the sky over shanksville to save this capital and these steps. the volunteers who raised their hands and said, "i will go and i
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will fight overseas in perilous conditions." the good samaritans who lined up to give blood and ask, what can i do? and people on their knees i prayers. everybody kept their place. that is the heart and core of the american people. that is the bond which lies beneath our daily lives. every generation through hard sacrifice preserved the blessings of liberty and freedom. if we falter, it will be because we forgot we lost in hard shipped ship.
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today we listened and we vow never to forget. to carry on to meet the on that challenges -- to meet the unmet challenges. we are americans and this is our place. join me in a moment of silence for those that we honor and remember today. let us bow for the benediction.
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may the memory of 9/11 remind us you are our refuge and strength , a very present help in the time of trouble. therefore we will not fear, though the earth be removed and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the saea. may our gratitude for your assistance in providence motivate us to stride for greater unity, to be more aware of our mortality, and to work to leave this world better than we found it. continue to bless and keep us,
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make your face to shine upon us, and be gracious unto us. lift the light of your confidence on to us and give us always.eace now and we pray in your sovereign name, amen. >> amen. >> please join me in saying "god bless america." god bless america land that i love stand beside her and guide her through the night with a light from above
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from the mountains to the prairies to the oceans white with foam god bless america my home sweet home god bless america my home sweet home ♪ >> this concludes today's ceremony. thank you for coming. ♪
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[patriotic music plays] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2012]
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>> live from the east steps of
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the capital. members coming out and remember those lost on 9/11, singing "god bless america." the u.s. house will be coming back in in about 40 minutes and we'll have that life for you here on c-span. events happening at the capitol, at the pentagon, and it new york city today. among the things that happened there today, the site just opened this year. the rubbing of the names has been going on all day. the reading of the name continues in new york and we are covering that on c-span3. you can watch that any time on c-span3 or online at c-
11:24 am will open up our phones to get your thoughts. we want to take you to the pentagon and a ceremony that happened this morning in ceremony -- memory should. defense secretary leon panetta spoke and the president spoke. it is about 20 minutes and we'll get your phone reaction after this morning's ceremony. >> good morning. thank you for being here. we offer a special welcome to the family and friends of those we lost 11 years ago today. one of them was a chief warrant officer. his bench 67 than from the far right.-- seventh in from the far
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right. joined the army national guard as a medivac pilot. he was loved by his students and moved by his deep commitment to them. one student said, he opened up my eyes and by heart to the world. many others became teachers, nurses, firefighters. bill retired from the classroom and return to serve in the pentagon. there is no doubt he lost his life that morning because he stops to help somebody. there were thousands like bill that day. life takes on meaning only as the causes to which we attach ourselves have meeting. we become what we are through some cause we make our own.
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september 11 will always stand apart from other days. because of what those things say about all americans. as we remember the 184 lives that ended here and those that died in new york and pennsylvania, let us commit ourselves to the ideals for which they lived and they believed. step forward to defend our nation. a generation that still fights in afghanistan. let's rededicate our lives to giving back. the strength of our democracy has always rested on the willingness of those who believed in those values and to serve, to give something back to this country.
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and now our secretary of defense, leon panetta. [applause] >> mr. president, mrs. obama, general dempsey, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, and the family members who lost a loved one here on 9/11. 11 years ago on a morning for a much like this, terrorists attacked the symbols of american strength -- our economy and our commerce, our military might and our democracy -- and took the lives of citizens for more than
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90 countries. it was the worst terrorist attack on america in our history. today people gather across the united states, around the world to remember the tragic events on 9/11. some take part in ceremonies like this. others spent time in quiet reflection and prayer. all of us take a moment to remember again where we were at that fateful moment. here together as one family, we pause to honor and to pray and to remember the 184 lives lost at the pentagon. more than 2700 killed in lower manhattan. and the 40 who perished in that
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field in pennsylvania on flight 93. these victims families remember those who were lost as mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters. the family members here today know that the entire nation joins you in mourning the loss of your loved ones. we're honored by your presence and just as your loved ones are heroes for ever, so are all of you. today we also recognize and remember other heroes, those first responders who rushed to the scene behind me into the fire to save lives and help in anyway possible.
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we owe all of you a special debt. we appreciate all you do it to provide aid and comfort to those who needed it so badly. our thoughts also turned to the survivors. on that bright sunny morning, you reported to work with no idea about the tragedy that lay ahead. suddenly this building was rocked by an explosion. after the impact, many of you risked your lives to help others. many can remember the smell of the rubble and jet fuel. some of you knew the victims as office mates and friends and new their families. like 60 years before, a nation at peace suddenly found itself at war.
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but for all of you and for every american, this memorial is a permanent place for prayer and for remembrance. it is a fitting tribute to the lives of those so cruelly taken from us, the passengers and crew of flight 77, military and civilian personnel working here at the pentagon, it is a fitting tribute to all of those who were lost. yesterday i had the opportunity to visit another memorial, the flight 93 national memorial in shanksville. i was reminded of those horrible moments after the hijacking when the passengers and crew were able to make frantic calls to speak to their loved ones for the last time.
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they knew what was at stake. and yet they decided to fight back. together they took swift and decisive action to stop yet another attack targeted at the nation's capital. that spirit of selflessness and determination and courage is the enduring legacy of 9/11. it inspires our nation and our military to ensure that such an attack will never happen again. it inspires us to never forget those who perished to defend their homeland, to defend our ideals, to send a message to our enemies that no one attacks the united states of america and gets away with it. for today, we also recall that out of the shock and sadness of
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9/11 came a new sense of unity and resolve, that this would not happen again. it inspired a fierce determination to fight back and protect our way of life. in trying to attack our strengths, the terrorists on least our greatest -- unleashed our greatest strength. millions of americans responded. new generation stepped forward to fight this war on terrorism. they bled on distant battlefields. they pursued those who would do less harm. they their lives on the line to give all of us a safer and better future and to bring those
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behind these attacks to justice. because of their sacrifices and because they were willing to fight and to die and because of their dedication, our nation is stronger and safer today than on juan9/11. we never give up the search for bin laden. we decimated the leadership for .ut tighte al qaeda that group is still a threat, we tell them a heavy blow and we will continue to fight them in yemen and somalia and north africa, wherever they go to make sure they'll have no place to hide. our troops tonight safe haven to al qaeda and its allies in afghanistan.
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make no mistake -- we will continue to pursue and fight our enemies wherever they go, wherever they high, wherever they try to find refuge. we will never stop until we have made sure that america is safe. on this day of remembrance, let us renew a solemn pledge to those who died on 9/11 and their families. it is a pledge we also make to all of those who put their lives on the line and who paid a heavy price for the last 11 years of war. our pledge is to keep fighting for a safer and stronger future. our pledge is to ensure that america will always remain a government of, by, and for all people. that pledge, that legacy makes
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clear that no one, no one who died on that terrible day 11 years ago died in vain. they died for a stronger america. this morning we're honored by the presence of our military and civilian leaders and we are honored by the president's of the president and mrs. obama. this president has led our efforts in this fight and i am honored to have served with him. it is my great honor to introduce our commander in chief. ladies and gentlemen, president barack obama. [applause] >> secretary panetta, general dempsey, members of our armed
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forces, and to the families, vipers and loved ones of those we lost, -- survivors and loved ones of those lost. today we remember the day that began as so many others. drives to school and commutes to work, flights and familiar routines, quick hugs and quiet moments. it was a day like this one. clear blue sky. sky will be filled with smoke and prayers of a nation shaken to its core. it is easy for those of us to close our eyes and to find ourselves back theire, back
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when grief crashed over us like an awful wave, when americans everywhere held each other tight come see in the researchers that the world we knew it wasn't crumbling under our feet. 11 times with marked another september 11, and gone. other times we have paused in reflection and remembrance, in unity and in purpose. this is never an easy day, but it is especially difficult for all of you, the families of nearly 3000 innocents who lost their lives. mothers and fathers, husbands and wives, your sons and your daughters. they were taken from us suddenly and for too soon.
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we cannot begin to imagine the pain you have endured these many years. we'll never fully understand how difficult it is been for you to carry-on and to rebuild your lives. a matter how many years past, a matter how many times we come together on this hallowed this -- you will-know never be alone and your loved ones when never be forgotten. they will indoor in the hearts of our nation. helped make the america we ar today. an america that has emerged stronger. most americans never considered a small band halfway around the world could do less harm. most of us ever heard al qaeda. we have come together and dealt
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a crippling blow to the organization that brought evil to our shores. al qaeda's leadership has been devastated. our country is safer and our people are resilient. the majority of those who died on september 11 never put on our country's uniform. yet they inspired more than 5 million americans to wear that uniform over the last decade. these men and women have done everything that we have asked. the war in iraq is over and we're training afghan security forces. by the end of 2014, the longest war in our history will be over. tell us civilians have opened their hearts out to our troops and our veterans.
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11 years ago, memorial services were held for americans with different races and creeds. instead of turning against each other, a tragedy has brought us together. our fight is with al qaeda, not with islam or any other religion. this country was built as a beacon of freedom and tolerance. that is what made us strong, now and forever. when those innocent souls were taken from us, they left behind and unfilled work and tasks that remain undone. that is why we chose to build the country up with a national day of service and a remembrance. it scripture tells us to not be
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overcome by evil but to overcome evil with good. there is no better way to honor the best them by discovered the best in our cells. this anniversary allows us to renew our faith. even the darkest night his way to a brighter dawn. day we can touch these names and kneel side the building. we can visit the field of honor in pennsylvania and remember the heroes. we can see water cascading into the footprints of the twin towers. we may never be able to fully lift the burden left by those left behind, we know that somewhere a son is growing up with his father's eyes and a
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daughter has her mother's laugh. and reminders that those who died are with us still. as painful as this day is come in these us with a lesson -- that no single event can never destroyed who we are. no act of terrorism can change what we stand for. instead we recommit ourselves to the values that we believe in, holding firmly without wavering onfess.hope that we ca that is the a firmer -- the true legacy of 9/11 will be a safer world, a stronger nation, and people more united than ever before. god bless the members of those
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we lost and god bless these united states of america. >> on the 11th anniversary, president obama at this morning's ceremony at the pentagon. the president is in arlington national cemetery, one of several stops today for the president. the u.s. house will gavel back again in about 15 minutes. we would like to hear from you. we're opening our phone lines for your thoughts on september 11. how has america changed? we're also asking honor face the page, and the numbers to call -- make sure that you mute your
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television set. give others a chance to call if you called within the past 30 days. good morning and go had -- good morning and go ahead. >> it is a mixed bag in terms of how america has changed. i had seen some aspects of a better type of unity in america. it is the same as the presidential race. people wanting to move forward. in other side with people based on their name or religion or their name. they get looked at suspiciously. human life and the innocence of any time is wrong.
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we to respect each other's humanity. i am speaking as an african american. i am bewildered -- would like to see americans of all races may be to celebrate the cells that were lost in the trans-atlantic slave trade -- to celebrate the lost in thewere trans-atlantic slave trade. a bible teaches us that all men have sin. inspection that some people are important and a certain section that we are all important. thank you for letting me and
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mment. >> this is live video from the world trade center site. the readings of the names of the victims at the world trade center and that should continue to about 12:30. we have the whole thing on c- online at c- terry is next. a democrat or republican. -- policy the country now verses 10 years ago, 9/11. >> what do you see?
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>> i believe president barack obama it is our president. he brought the country together more than what it was -- you can really see -- racism still exists. he relaxed the tension not just black and white but all races. he bonded the nation together. i believe that four more years, he would do more good for bringing us all together as a country and the way we are perceived globally by other countries. >> thank you for your comments, terry.
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members of congress coming out on the capitol steps to remember 9/11. the house will be coming back again in about 12 minutes or so. we'll reduce some of the tweet -- we will read you some of the tweets from members of congress. jimmy on our republican line. guest: a couple of things i would like to say. what does politics have to do with 9/11. there are republicans and democrats and independents that have died in the twin towers and pennsylvania and washington. what role does politics play? >> are you referring to the way we dare separating our phone
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lines? >> i am concerned about the way our country is going. this should have anything to do with politics. concerned about the people that lost loved ones. i have a problem with the fact that it will take $60 million to keep the memorial up, with people of work, the way they are. >> you mean the memorial in new york city? >> it will take $60 million a year to up keep this thing. there are so many people out of work. today should not be part of that. >> we appreciate your comments
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and your critiques. it is a way to separate the lines. some comments on twitter by members of congress. you can see the congressional list. here's one from senator men and endez. also from tim ryan. a new member of congress, frederica wilson writes -- nois.n ohio -- illi
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>> we were so close together after 9/11 and now we seem to be divided without politicians not able to reach a compromise. i think we're going to fall. i just wish it was different. >> lowest on our republican line from colorado -- lois. >> i agree with the former caller that said, why do have these separated? what does this have to do with politics? this is about america and it was about america. earlier this morning on your channel i was called once again an evil person because i am a conservative person and not the
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host of the program or the senator from alaska, and neither one of them said -- cause you're a conservative, you're not evil. >> we do not like that to happen and welcome all points of views on c-span. we're using the lines to allers.e the col all points of view are welcome on c-span. we're asking the same question on facebook, . this is from debra. tim is in minneapolis. rethought its -- what are your thoughts? >> we have to stand together.
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we have to remember the families. we have to be focused on the families. not who is going to win the race. how can you step into a mess like that? but we did come together and we have to do that in times that are tough. you'll find the american people are tough. to drive us apart in a sense with politics is ridiculous. it is to remember those well fallen. the families have to be respected and have our love and our prayers. today is about the families who lost loved ones. >> the reading of the names
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continues on new york city on c- span3, a live look at the world trade center site in new york. about five more minutes of your phone calls. let's hear from eric in atlanta. welcome. >> thank you. the country is coming together. the elderly white people. if you are 65 years, you went to a segregated school. you were better than black. these people never wanted to believe -- >> you said elderly white people? >> yes, over a certain age.
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laws were changed. these people's hearts were never changed. >> eleanor from new york city. rayers are with the victims of 9/11. i like to tell our congress and our representatives that they have to learn to work together. it is for the good of the american people. without them, they can destroy this country just as much as a terrorist can. they used to be a day -- days dog eat dog. >> are you calling from the city?
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>> ticonderoga, new york. >> today is patriot day. the president reiterated that today. also a national day of service that we're reminded by a tweet. she is a link to learn more. center in colorado -- sandra. >> my name is sandra. my thoughts and prayers with the families that lost loved ones in 9/11. iran.from we need to get rid of iranian regime. america writ of osama bin laden
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-- america don't rid of osama bin laden -- america got rid of osama bin laden. >> also from colorado -- california. >> i am calling from fremont. my heart goes out to those who lost people on 9/11. i can never forget that day. i think democrats and republicans should come together. a different elected president, many people are unable to deal with that fact. i'm embarrassed to see how the republicans would rather the
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united states fail before they agree and to make a non-white president successful. their main objective is to allow him to fail. i really hate that. we are americans whether you are black, white, green, or yellow. i think we should all come together as a nation and respect each other. they did not respect the president.. >> the house is about to and cocome in. no real campaign events. but rahm it will be speaking in nevada this afternoon -- mitt romney will be speaking in nevada this afternoon. we'll have live coverage this afternoon at 2:15 eastern on c-
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span3. we thank you for your calls. we're contained the conversation online. you can tweet. you can go to our facebook page, how has america changed? in. feel free to weigh the house is gaveling in. a bill that continues the program.g is a
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the speaker: the house will be in order. the prayer will be offered by our chaplain, father conroy. chaplain conroy: let us pray. loving and gracious god, we give you thanks for giving us another day and for a safe return to washington. bless the members of this assembly as they set upon the important work that faces them. help them to make wise decisions in a good manner and to carry their responsibilities steadily with high hopes for a better future for our great nation. may they be empowered by what they have heard during their home district visits to work together. may the energy that they have derived from respective party conventions be merged into a
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common sense of hope for our great nation. on this day which has become a day of national mourning, help us to remember as well the renewed sense of national courage and resolve that we need to work toward a better future. may all -- may we all be inspired by the heroism of so many 11 years ago to be the best that we can be this day. may all that is done today in the people's house be for your greater honor and glory, amen. the speaker: the chair has examined the journal of the last day's proceedings and announces to the house his approval thereof. pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1, the journal stands approved. the pledge of allegiance today will be led by the gentleman from south carolina, mr. wilson. mr. wilson: everyone, including the guests in the gallery, please join in. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
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the speaker: the chair will entertain up to 15 requests for one-minute speeches on each side of the aisle. for what purpose does the gentleman from arkansas rise? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker: without objection, so ordered. >> thank you, mr. speaker. on september 11, 2001, a day that will forever be etched in our memory, today marks the 119 anniversary of the tragic terrorist attacks on the world center, pentagon, and the crash of flight 93 in pennsylvania. nearly 3,000 innocent people lost their lives that day. for one family in that district the tragedy of september 11 hits close to home. sarah elizabeth low was a flight attendian on american airlines flight 11, the plane that hit the north tower 1 years ago i had. she was 29 years old and loved her job. the community may be small in population but today they are
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enormous in heart and remembrance of sarah low. for six years they have held a 5-k run to remember her and a memorial stands in her honor at the junior high school. today my thoughts and prayers are with her parents and those blessed to know her. mr. crawford: may god bless sarah low and all those who lost their lives. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognition? the gentleman is recognized. million crowley: i rise today in recommend brans of those who loves their lives on september 11 -- mr. crowley: i rise today to in remembrance of those who lost their lives on september 11. for new yorkers 9/11 was a day our great city loss a grievous
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blow, leaving behind a whole hole in the heart of lower manhattan and bigger hole in all our hearts. while many of the structures destroyed or damaged by the attacks are being rebuilt or renewed, the families who lost their loved ones can never replace the husbands, wives, fathers, the mothers, the brothers and sisters, and the children who perished. we can also never replace the brave first respondents who rushed into the burning buildings giving their lives for others. not one single day goes by that families don't think of their loved ones who are lost and we must ensure that 9/11's sacrifices are never, ever forgotten. today we stand together in honoring their memory and saluting their courage which they so richly deserve. johnny, we miss you. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from south carolina rise? mr. wilson: unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. wilson: madam speaker, 11 years ago today our nation was attacked by a group of islamic terrorists who declared war on
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our country and the freedoms we cherish. the innocent civilians murdered by this act of terrorism will never be forgotten. in order to protect the american families, our country's military capabilities must remain the strongest in the world. sadly due to the president's policies and the looming threat of sequestration, our national will reduce the navy to the smallest fleet since 1916. the smallest army and marine corps since 1939. and the smallest air force since it was created. house republicans have passed legislation to save $2.14 million jobs by offering a replacement for sequestration. unfortunately the president has failed to show leadership and refused to act. it is my hope the liberal-controlled senate will put aside party politics and work to prevent the weakening of our defense capabilities. in conclusion, we will never
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forget the cowardly attacks of september 11 on innocent civilians. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from tennessee rise? mr. cohen: to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. cohen: thank you, madam speaker. as we commemorate the 11th anniversary of the attacks on our country, we should recognize the men and women who have fought so bravely for our country over the last decade. this weekend i had the honor of holding a welcome home ceremony in my office for sergeant major marvin l. hill. sergeant major hill enlisted in the army on january 18, 1978 and served this country in a wide have a right of roles for 35 years. most recently he was selected by general david petraeus to serve as command senior enlisted leader for the international security assistance force and united states forces in afghanistan. a great honor and very important job. command sergeant major hill's numerous awards and decoration the bronze star, and one for
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valor among others. our city is proud of major hill and all the men and women who serve in our forces. i express appreciate for the noncommissioned officers who put their lives on the line every day. as we bring the operations in iraq and afghanistan to an end, i look forward to welcoming home all of our brave men and women serving to protect our freedoms. thank you, madam speaker. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from minnesota seek recognition? >> unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. >> madam speaker, we will never forget where we were on that fateful day 11 years og on september 11. the images of two giants falling towards earth will not only be remembered by those who live through it but also be reborn anew for each generation of americans with countless stories of courage and sacrifice. today we remember those who loves their lives in new york city, pentagon and flight of 93 and reflect on more than a decade of struggle to ensure future generations live free
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from terror. mr. paulsen: we must also pay special tribute to our first responders and those who have since 9/11 doned the uniform of our armed forces and placed their own lives on the line to defend our country and more than 6,500 who paid the ultimate sacrifice. so let us continue to keep those who lost their loved ones in our hearts and prayers and may we never forget september 11. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognition? the gentleman is recognized. million higgins: i rise today to recognize september and national childhood cancer awareness month. and i'm proud to represent the nation's first comprehensive cancer center, an amazing place that continues to turn kids into survivors. 30 years ago, less than 50% of those with childhood cancer lived beyond 5 years of their diagnosis. today it's over 80%. according to the center for disease control, over the past 14 years childhood leukemia
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deaths had fell by 3% in each year. we know the cancer research saves lives. the only failure in cancer research is when you quit or you are forced to quit because of lack of funding. last weekend our community held a fundraiser along with the foundation in memory of anna rose, a young girl who lost her battle with cancer only two weeks after her second birthday. we must recognize the need to fully fund research, to raise awareness for children, and find a cure. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition? the gentleman is recognized. >> i rise on the somber anniversary to honor the memory of those lives lost in the attacks on september 11, 2001. mr. lance: for 11 years i have stood at fire houses, schools, churches, and veterans halls and heard the stories of bravery and heroism from that terrible morning that changed america.
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new jersey lost more than 700 residents in the attacks. innocent people who were targeted in an act of war upon the nation. brave first responders initiated rescue was their lives in danger. these stories are not new but need to be retold as a new generation comes of age and is taught a determination of our country. the lives lost in the ensuing battles abroad have continued to try the foundation of our will. we have proven steadfast in the commitment to our values, our freedom and liberty have been protected by brave men and women who selflessly answered the call of service. no matter the challenges we face, we must remember that our nation is truly blessed. i ask all americans today to pause and reflect on the tragedy of 9/11 and please pray for the victims and honor their memory and please pay tribute
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to the men and women who serve and defend us today against the dangers we still face. may god bless them all and may god continue to bless the united states of america. madam speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition? million holt: i ask to address the house for one minute. revise and extend. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. holt: madam speaker, on this day as on every day we should be working toward a better future for america. which by almost measure, committee markups held, bills voted on, or signed into law this is one of the least productive congresses in more than half a century. by design. everyone knew last year times would be tough. but despite that the house republicans who control the schedule scheduled a year of congressional inaction.
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their ideology dictates that congress can and should do nothing. there is work to be done. where is the jobs agenda? with just days left in this congressional session, let's get to work. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from florida seek wreck -- recognition? the gentleman is recognized. >> madam speaker, the obama administration has said that they have created 4 1/2 million new jobs in the last four years. mr. stearns: but, my colleagues, cnn, along with another group of individuals, in fact a host of other organizations, have really fact checked this claim. they found that despite a surge in temporary hiring for the 2010 census, there are actually 400,000 fewer, fewer nonfarm payroll jobs today than when the president took office in january, 2009. but our job crisis is actually much, much worse because a large chunk of americans have
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simply given up looking for work and the jobs have not come back and aren't the same ones we lost. also according to a study released by the national employment law project, low-wage fields such as retail sales and food service are adding jobs nearly three times as fast as higher paid occupations, but we need to add these higher paying jobs. the sad truth is there are fewer people working now than when president obama took office. madam speaker, these are simply the facts. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from arizona seek recognition? the gentleman is recognized. >> madam speaker, i rise today to remember the tragic events of september 11, 2001. as we honor the nearly 3,000 lives lost that day, my thoughts remain with the loved ones of those who did not return to their families. we also remember with pride the national unity that our country showed that horrible at this and the days that followed.
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mr. barber: in tragedy we laid our differences aside and found common purpose. the legacy of 9/11 is our ability to say with certainty that no enemy or threat can change the values of our country and that which it stands for. i remain awed by the bravery and valor shown each day by our first responders and their brothers and sisters in uniform and by ordinary americans. in tucson we have a special connection to 9/11, christina taylor green was a 9/11 baby. today would have been her 11th birthday. she died in the tragic shooting on january 8, 2011, when she came to speak with her congresswoman. just as on 9/11 we saw the spirit of the american people who came together in prayer, compassion, and unity on january 8, 2011, and the days and weeks that followed, this is who we are as a people and who we always will be. god bless all of us in this
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great country in which we are privileged to live. i yield back. . the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman rise? >> i ask permission to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: and the gentleman is recognized. >> madam speaker, as we commemorate the monstrous crime committed against america on 9/11, let us remember the plight of an heroic figure who helped us bring justice to those who murdered our fellow citizens on this day 11 years ago. i speak of dr. afritty, the man who risked his life to locate and eliminate osama bin laden who now languishes in a jail in pakistan. there has been no resolution through this congress nor public effort by the united states government to support dr. afritti in this his hour of need. mr. rohrabacher: he's still in
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a desperate situation. it behooves us as americans to state in a unified and loud voice to his pakistani captors, dr. afritti should be freed. this affirms to all americans that pakistan is not our friend but instead is a partner in terrorism to especially those terrorists who are murdering our americans. dr. afriti, our motto today must be, free dr. afritti. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from california seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized. ms. chu: it's been 11 years since blue skies over new york has been blackened with soot, 11 years since the first attack on the pentagon and today we remember and honor all of the lives lost on this day 11 years
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ago. in the aftermath of 9/11, we mourned those who lost their lives. what had seemed so far from possible just one day before was ever present from that moment on and we will never forget. from the ashes came stories of heartbreak, like twins born on september 15 who never knew their father. from them and so many others, it's not 11 years. it's every single day. as we reflect on this anniversary of 9/11, let us remember those 3,000 people, the fathers and mothers, sons and daughters and brave first responders and the values of this country for which they lost their life. our tolerance, our democracy and our freedom. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from minnesota seek recognition? mr. walz: i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. walz: thank you, madam speaker. as we reflect as a nation on that tragic day 11 years ago our thoughts and prayers go out
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to the families who lost loved ones. out of the horrors of the murders of 3,000 innocent souls, rose the selfless americans. thousands of first responders rushed in to help total strangers. thousands of warriors have paid the ultimate price to defend us. the sense of national unity that spontaneously arose is something never will forget. we must pledge not in words but in deeds to not ever forget. we in this body, as representatives of the american people, must work to see our colleagues first and foremost as americans and members of a political party a distant second. to truly honor the principles of this nation -- this nation stands for, we must see this other side of the aisle for what it truly is, a three-foot space that's not so hard to reach across. let's honor the memories of those who gave so much on and after that fateful day to create a truly more perfect union. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for
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what purpose does the gentlelady from new york seek recognition? >> to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized. mrs. maloney: madam speaker, today we mark the 11th anniversary of 9/11. the tragedy that day still burns in our hearts and once again we renew our pledge to never forget. the thousands who died and the thousands who rushed to rescue them truly deserve this moment of honor and remembrance. but today there's also good news for those who became sick as a direct result of being exposed to the deadly toxins. as part of the drug and compensation act which speaker pelosi and those in the house, especially the new york delegation, fought so hard to pass, the world trade center health program ruled yesterday that 50 kinds of cancers will now be included under the act. this important step means that those who developed cancer
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often years after their exposure will have the opportunity to receive the needed care and compensation that they justly deserve. on 9/11 thousands lost their lives and thousands more lost their health because of their exposure to the deadly toxins. many are sick and dying. i am proud that this act can now include their needs and hope that they accept once again the thanks of a grateful nation. thank you. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition? >> to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. >> madam speaker, i rise today to honor the life and legacy of a true american hero, the first human being to walk on the moon, neal aled win armstrong. i had the privilege of meeting him and introduce him to my son, eli, of commemorating the
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apollo 11 landing. mr. schiff: we reach for the stars both literally and figuratively. he believed the yearning to explore is part of what makes us human and the achievement on july 20, 1969 still inspires. a reluctant here, mr. armstrong never used his achievement for personal gain. he questioned his own note right, protesting that his walk on the moon was the dedication of more than 400,000 people, from engineers who designed the lunar module, to ground controllers who -- to seamstresses who designed the suit that kept him alive on the moon. in the 1960's, our nation was rivetted by vietnam, the struggle for civil rights and the women's rights movement. his giant leap for mankind,
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united not just americans but people of all nations as they watched. that night countless children looked up at the moon and dared to dream. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from california see recognition? the gentlelady is recognized. ms. hahn: as we mark another anniversary of a september morning we are first and foremost called to remember. but as we remember the fear and the grief of a day born of unfathomable hate, we remember, too, the impossible heroism of so many of our fellow americans. we remember the firefighters and the police officers who ran into the burning buildings to get others out. we remember the brave men and women of flight 93, who learning of the attacks throughout the country, decided they would give their lives that others might live. and we remember those early days when we came out of our homes joined together with our
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neighbors, with flags and candles, united as one american family and when bitter political adversaries stood on the steps of this capitol and put their arms around each other and sang "god bless america." but we shouldn't have to look back to feel that again. for the sake of those who died, for the sake of all those living and all those yet to be born, let's come together in this house. let's not be the do-nothing congress. in honor of all americans, let's come together and work for the good of this country. thank you. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from virginia seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. moran: madam speaker, our governments and our people have successfully prevented the tragedy of 11 years ago from being repeated. but we need to be mindful of the fact that it does little
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good to protect ourselves from without if we allow ourselves to become weakened from within. when our families aren't adequately employed, when our government isn't adequately funded, when our economic potential is so unfulfilled, we do a disservice to the people we elected to serve and to protect. when the majority in this house refuses to take action on a real jobs bill or any of the other important issues that we should be legislating, we have no business being out of business for 49 out of the next 56 days before the upcoming election. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from illinois seek recognition? ms. schakowsky: i ask permission to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized. ms. schakowsky: thank you, madam speaker. today our hearts turn to the heroes and loved ones who lost their lives on 9/11.
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we'll never forget the sacrifices of the first responders who are appropriately receiving special honor today. yet, firefighters and police officers are being laid off around the country. why? because the republicans have sabotaged all efforts to avoid those layoffs and create jobs. it will be one year ago tomorrow that the president sent to congress the american jobs act which would put people to work in areas critical to our communities and our economy. cops and firefighters and teachers. and would prevent those layoffs. independent experts estimate that his bill would create up to 2.6 million jobs. but has the republican new do-nothing congress even allowed a vote on the american jobs act? no. instead, they find -- found time to vote repeatedly to end the medicare guarantee, and next week republicans will leave town and leave america
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without a jobs bill. our first responders deserve better. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition? >> to speak for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: and the gentleman is recognized. >> madam speaker, i rise today to mark the 11th anniversary of the vicious attack on america. i appreciate the leadership scheduling a memorial service on the steps of the capitol this morning. it was 11 years ago that our nation changed forever as a violent international extremist struck in the streets of lower manhattan and in the fields of pennsylvania and at the pentagon. when that day was over and as we learned more about that tragedy and, yes, murderous attacks of the loss of nearly 3,000 americans, including 700 new jerseyians from my home state, we witnessed neighbors and friends consoling one another and watched as americans from all walks of life stood united side by side,
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waving the stars and stripes and lighting candles to honor those lost or missing. mr. frelinghuysen: today, this afternoon, i must remind our fellow americans that we are still a nation at war largely because of those events. we remember those who lost their lives on that fateful day but we also remember the sacrifices of those who served in iraq and afghanistan to make sure that those responsible for those attacks pay -- paid that ultimate sacrifice and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from hawaii seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: and the gentlelady is recognized. ms. hanabusa: thank you, madam speaker. we all probably remember where we were when we learned about 9/11. we all probably had someone that came to mind immediately when we watched the horrific attacks on this nation. for me i thought of my friend,
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general ickemberry, who was at the pentagon. though hawaii is the state farthest from the east coast, we were also touched. we knew of at least nine who had ties to our state who died on 9/11. and i want to honor them by reading their names. gorgina, richard, myly, rick, patty, david, christine, heather. heather is someone special to me. her grandfather actually built the town that i grew up in. we must also honor the brave men and women in uniform who gave their lives to this country in wars following 9/11. madam speaker, we must never forget. and this country must never
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forget. thank you. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from vermont seek recognition? mr. welch: to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend. the speaker pro tempore: and the gentleman is recognized. mr. welch: thank you. madam speaker, america needs a farm bill. the senate has passed a farm bill. the house agriculture committee on a bipartisan basis has passed a farm bill and that is not being brought to the floor for a vote. . we have a drought that's the worst we have seep in 50 years. we have nutrition programs that need to be funded. we have environmental and conservation programs that need to be revised and passed. we have farmers across this land whose goal is to feed america and they need a farm bill. never in the history of the united states congress has a
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farm bill passed by the house agriculture committee not been brought to the floor for a vote. there's no question that a farm bill is contentious. it always is. but with frank lucas and collin peterson, republican leader, and democratic leader and the agriculture committee working together, we got a bipartisan vote. why is this not being brought to the floor? that is difficult, it's not a reason not to do it. bring a farm bill and pass it. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from florida seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. >> madam speaker, the south florida community recently lost a hero when world war ii veteran william cling passed away at the ainge of 84. mr. deutch: bill served in the navy during world war ii. throughout his life he was an active member of the american legion, veterans of foreign wars, jewish war veterans, and the disabled american veterans.
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for me he was an inspiration and friend. however bill is best known for his role as president of the broward county veterans council. it led to the building of an outpatient v.a. clinic. a veterans nursing home. and the opening of the south florida national sanitary in 2007. so even as we mourn the loss of an incredible advocate, we know that bill's contributions live on. every veteran cared for at the outpatient clinic he helped to build. and every family who visits an elderly veteran residing at the nursing home he helped to establish, and every prayer spoken at the national cemetery he helped make possible. i join with bill's family in mourning his loss. on this anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, i express the gratitude of our entire south florida community that will long benefit from bill's tireless efforts to honor those who so bravely served our nation. i yield back.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition? >> to address the house for one minute. revise and extend. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. lungren: madam speaker, september 11, 2012, beautiful day outside, much like it was 11 years ago. we remember those tragic criminal terrorist acts. we remember the heroism of those who responded. but there is something we can do more than just remember. there is something we can do in addition to the prayers that we offer. we can act tomorrow to pass fisa amendments, the foreign intelligence surveillance act amendments, which allow us to respond to the criticism rendered by the 9/11 commission, that is that we did do not enough to connect the dots of intelligence to warn us about that attack and future attacks. the fisa amendments allow us to
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collect the dots so we can analyze those dots and bring the intelligence to bear so that we can protect our people with the courage and the bravery of those men and women who are in uniform, guided by the intelligence that we collect and we apply. it is as strong a statement we can make this week to ensure that we do not blind our eyes to that which is out there that may threaten us. let us work together in a bipartisan basis to pass that and let us give those things, those tools that are necessary, to protect us. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the chair will postpone further proceedings today on motions to suspend the rules on which a recorded vote or the yeas and nays are ordered or on which the vote incurs objection under clause 6 of rule 20. record votes on postponed questions will be taken later.
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for what purpose does the gentleman from illinois seek recognition? >> madam speaker, i move that the house suspend the rules and pass h.r. 4631 as amended. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the bill. the clerk: h.r. 4631, a bill to amend title 5 united states code to institute spending limits and transparency requirements for federal conference and travel expenditures, and for other purposes. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from illinois, mr. walsh, and the gentleman from missouri, mr. clay, each will control 20 minutes. the chair now recognizes the gentleman from illinois. mr. walsh: thank you, madam speaker. i yield myself such time as i may consume. i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous material on the bill under consideration. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. the gentleman is recognized. mr. walsh: madam speaker, the government spending accountability act, or g.s.a.
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act will end the days of unnecessary boondoggles and lavish trips for federal bureaucrats. i think we are all aware of g.s.a.'s resent escapades in las vegas where -- recent escapades in las vegas where they made $7 -- $75,000 to build bicycles. i think we can all agree that all of this spending is outrageous and unacceptable. we can't continue to ask hardworking taxpayers to tighten their belts and make tough decisions when for years the g.s.a. and other federal agencies have thrown away those taxpayer dollars on lavish conferences like this. well, the days of wasting taxpayer dollars on fancy junkets for government bureaucrats should soon be over. i introduced the g.s.a. act because as stewards of taxpayer dollars, it is our responsibility to ensure that they are not wasted on lavish
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conferences and posh junkets. the g.s.a. act requires that every quarter federal agencies publish an open report that details every conference for which the agency paid travel and expenses. the bill also limits the amount that an agency can spend on any one conference to $500,000 and on travel annually to 70% of the amount the agency spent on travel in 2010. i would like to thank chairman issa, ranking member cummings, and my friends across the aisle for joining me in this effort. the bipartisanship displayed here shows what congress can do, can accomplish when both parties come together to tackle reckless spending. we need to come together to fix washington and start cultivating some respect for hard-earned taxpayer dollars. the g.s.a. act will help change the culture of waste in washington and put us on a path
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to sustainable future for our children and grandchildren. please join me in standing up for taxpayers. i support this measure and urge its adoption and i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from illinois reserves the time. the gentleman from missouri. mr. clay: madam speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. clay: thank you, madam speaker. i rise in support of h.r. 4631, the government spending and ability act as amended. this legislation will improve congressional oversight of the federal government spending on meetings and conferences. it is modeled on similar reporting requirements contained in the data act which passed the house of representatives earlier this year with bipartisan support. this legislation will help rein in the type of wasteful
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spending of taxpayer dollars that we have witnessed over the past several months. in april the committee held a hearing to examine the g.s.a.'s expen die tures of $800,000 on a single -- expenditure of $800,000 on a single conference in las vegas in 2010. the gross abuse of federal funds must not be repeated and one way to avoid that is to monitor more closely how federal agencies use their funds on such activities. we all are aware that conferences are an important part of staff development and can help improve the quality of federal government work, however we must make sure that they do not turn into resort vacations funded by taxpayers, many of whom are continuing to struggle to make ends meet. madam speaker, the g.s.a.
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incident tarnished the reputation of government workers who dedicate their lives to public service which i believe is unfair. this legislation as amended will prevent a few reckless and selfish individuals from engaging in activities that discredit the entire federal work force. madam speaker, i urge the support for this bill. i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from illinois. mr. walsh: i continue to reserve. just inquire if there are any speakers. mr. clay: i do have one, yes, i do. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from illinois reserves. the gentleman from movement. mr. clay: i'd like to yield four minutes to the gentleman from new jersey. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new jersey is recognized for four minutes. mr. holt: madam speaker, i thank my friend from missouri and i rise in opposition to h.r. 4631.
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i oppose this bill because it would make significant changes to federal employees' ability to travel to conferences and meetings. and although i appreciate the sponsor's effort to ensure oversight on travel expenditures, i'm not sure they realize the impact that this legislation would have on science and technology, which is the engine of american innovation. this bill institutes prohibitions and impediments that would hinder american scientist's ability to collaborate and communicate with scientists at other institutions and laboratories. to be sure they can probably get around these prohibitions and impediments. but we should not be putting these in place in the first matter. as a scientist i know firsthand how important scientific conferences and meetings are. the informal conversations as well as the formal
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presentations and poster sessions and everything else that goes into it between scientist from different institutions lead to new collaborations that have the promise of new discoveries. these are not fancy junkets. people often ask students, what is science? what's so special about science? why does it work? it works because one of its fundamental tenets is communication. to be sure there are various ways to have communication, but scientific conferences are critically important. in a recent op-ed by the president of the american chemical society and the president of the american physical society, they discuss, for example, an anti-cancer drug that was the result of collaboration between the team of scientists from three laboratories that took place at conferences. this bill would hinder that kind of collaboration.
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and just about any scientific society in this country can give you examples where large numbers of federally sponsored researchers go off to conferences. it happens in plasma physics, microbiology, in aids policy and aids research. in a time where the federal government should be making science a priority, passing a bill that would make scientists jump through hurdles and get around impediments would, in fact, weaken american scientists. weaken american science and impede the ability of american scientists to innovate. that is not wise. this is not the way to build our economy. we should be investing more in research and development. which means of course investing in scientists, but also
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investing in their ability to purr two science. we should be spending -- to pursue science. we should be spending more on international conferences. we should be spending more on national conferences. we should be spending more on national laboratories. we should be spending more on public and private research and development. for the sake of jobs, for the sake of our economic vitality. for the sake of the quality of life of americans. this is not the way to build our economy and to foster innovation. i urge my colleagues to vote no. the speaker pro tempore: the chair will receive a message. the messenger: madam speaker, messages from the president of the united states. the secretary: madam secretary. the speaker pro tempore: mr. secretary. the secretary: i'm directed by the president of the united states to deliver to the house of representatives messages in writing.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from illinois. mr. walsh: i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. walsh: i appreciate the concerns of my colleague and i would only note that new technology, i think, has made it easier to teleconference and collaborate remotely. this not only would save money, which is important, but it's already and will continue to increase the amount of collaboration -- mr. holt: would the gentleman yield? mr. walsh: i would be happy to yield. mr. holt: do you think the congress of the united states might do better if we don't meet in person? if we stay home and get on conference calls every once in a while and phone in? i don't think so. i think the gains that are made in good legislation that come from conferences as we gather here for votes on the side between votes is invaluable.
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the same the same can be said for micro buyology, for plasma physics to let's go through -- microbiology, for plasma physics to let's go through the list. mr. wal:: congress, like all institutions in this country, needs to figure out how to work more efficiently and safe hard-earned taxpayer dollars. madam speaker, i urge all members to join me in support of this bill and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the gentleman from missouri. mr. clay: i urge my colleagues to vote for h.r. 4631. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair,
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2/3 having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is agreed to and without objection the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. for what purpose does the gentleman from illinois seek recognition? mr. walsh: madam speaker, i ask that the house suspend the rules and pass h.r. 538 as amended. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the bill. the clerk: h.r. 538, a bill to require the establishment of customer service standards for federal agencies. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from illinois, mr. walsh, and the gentleman from missouri, mr. clay, will each control 20 minutes. and the chair recognizes the gentleman from illinois. mr. walsh: thank you, madam speaker. i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. walsh: i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and include -- the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. walsh: thank you, madam speaker. the private sector has raised the bar for customer service and citizens expected -- expect
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the same from their federal government. we rely on federal agencies to provide important information but these agencies often fall short to providing the customer service taxpayers deserve. h.r. 538 ensures the federal government keeps pace with the public's expectations and delivers better value to the ax pears. agencies currently -- taxpayers. agencies currently have authority to include courtesy demonstrated to the public in employee performance appraisals to award superior performance. while some agencies have incorporated customer service standards in employee performance expectations, they do not always require good customer service to the public. under this bill o.m.b. and agencies will develop performance measures and standards for agency customer service with employees at all levels held accountable for achieving results. taxpayers should have high expectations of government.
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agencies must deliver services efficiently and at low cost. federal employees must provide effective service to customers. h.r. 538 will help ensure agencies streamline service delivery and improve the customer experience. c.b.o. has said there is no cost associated with this bill and in fact any savings incurred are due to be put forward paying down the federal deficit. the oversight and government reform committee worked on a bipartisan basis to advance this legislation. i supported it when it passed by voice vote in committee and i urge its adoption today and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back or reserves his time? mr. walsh: i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the gentleman from missouri. mr. clay: madam speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume, and i -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. clay: and i rise in support of h.r. 538, the government customer service improvement
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act. this is a good government bill that will improve the way federal agencies interact with the people they serve, and at this time i'd like to yield to my friend from texas, the author of the bill, mr. cuellar, five minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from texas is recognized for five minutes. mr. cuellar: thank you, madam speaker. again, the gentleman from missouri, i thank you so much for the leadership and i thank you and i certainly want to thank, mr. walsh from illinois, who actually called me before this which is rare to have somebody from the other side to call and say how can i help you on this bill so i find that refreshing and i want to say thank you for working with us and folks on this side of the aisle. this bill, the customer service improvement act, is a bipartisan bill that has folks like hall, goodlatte, duncan and others supporting this bill. i want to thank chairman issa
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and ranking member cummings for their work and the people on the committee for passing it from the oversight and government reform committee unanimously in april. the primary goal of the federal government is to serve the taxpayers. this commonsense bipartisan bill seeks to establish monetary and improved customer service across federal agencies. it ensures that taxpayers get the quality of service that they deserve when interacting with federal agencies. too often we hear that veterans are waiting for months to get critical medical services or that seniors are waiting for months to get their benefits, their retirement benefits. these are just two examples that millions of americans are relying on federal agencies have to wait on vital services which is why we must usher a new chapter to accelerate response time and overall performance for a better customer experience. with a sweeping 79% of americans dissatisfied with the
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federal agency services, according to the 2011 federal customer service experience study, we must all work together to make sure that uncle sam and americans work together. this bill is simple and necessary. first, h.r. 538 improves customer service standards across the board. it does this by requiring the office of management and budget to develop performance standards to determine whether federal agencies are providing high quality customer service and improving service delivery to agency customers. according to a 2010 g.a. report, federal agency customer service standards were often not made easily available for customers to find or access that were not made to the public at all. if somebody wants to know how that agency's providing the service and the standards it must be made available. second, the bill raises the bar for enhancing quality and access to customer service.
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this is accomplished by requiring agencies to collect information from the customers regarding the quality of the service and, again, this must be a way that we raise that standard. third, it puts a face on accountability. the bill requires that each agency designate an employee to be its customer relation soss that way when somebody's dealing with a federal agency we must know who they can complain to, who they must talk to in order to provide that customer service. just like in the private sector that strives to provide excellent customer service that they bring in order to get more business, the federal government must do the same thing. and as the gentleman from illinois said, there's no cost on this. according to the nonpartisan congressional budget office, and, again, i would ask that we all work together to provide better service. to all i say thank you and to
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the gentleman from illinois, i say thank you and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the gentleman from illinois. mr. walsh: madam speaker, i urge all members to join me in support of this bill and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the gentleman from illinois -- missouri. mr. clay: madam speaker, again, i urge the house to adopt h.r. 538, and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: all time having expired, the question is will the house suspend the rules and pass h.r. 538 as amended. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, 2/3 having responded in the affirmative, the bill -- the rules are suspended, the bill is passed and without objection the motion to reconsider is laid on the table.
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the speaker pro tempore: the chair lays before the house a message. the clerk: to the congress of the united states, section 202-d of the national emergencies act provides for the automatic termination of a national emergency unless within the 90-day period prior to the anniversary date of its declaration the president publishes in the federal region
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strer and transmits to the congress stating that the emergency is to continue beyond the effect of the anniversary date. consistent with this provision, i have sent to the federal register stating that the emergency declared with respect to the terrorist attacks on the united states of september 11, 2001 is to continue in effect for an additional year. the terrorist threat that led to the deck layeration on september 14, 2001, of a national emergency continues. for this reason i have determined that it is necessary to continue in effect after september 14, 2012, the national emergency with respect to the terrorist threat. signed barack obama, the white house. the speaker pro tempore: referred to the committee on foreign affairs and ordered printed. the chair lays before the house a many. -- a message. the clerk: to the congress of the united states, section the united states, section 202-


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