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tv   Public Affairs  CSPAN  October 24, 2012 5:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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$250,000 tax cut. the only way to pay for it is by raising the deficit or by raising your taxes. he is hoping you'll come down with a severe case of romnesia before you cast your ballot. if you feel any symptoms, if you start feeling of it might be romnesia but don't worry. obamacare covers pre-existing conditions. we can make you well. as long as you vote, there is a chair. there is a cure. all this speaks to something
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that is essential to your choice. that is trust. when you choose a president you do not know what is going to come up. when i was running in 2008 we did not know that we would see the financial system completely implode. we did not know that the automobile industry might go under. we did not understand what i happening in terms of an arab spring. you both did of someone who you thought you could trust to work for you every single day. trust matters. i think you have seen over the past four years is that i mean what i say. i do what i say i am going to do. we have not finished everything that we want to get done. that is why i'm running for a second term. every time i set foot in the
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oval office i am fighting for your families. with your help i kept many of the major commitments. i told you i would in the war in iraq. we ended it. i said we would in the war in afghanistan. we are. i said we would refocus on terrorists who attacked as on 9/11. now have a new tower rising above the new york skyline and osama bin laden is dead. i kept those promises. i promised to cut taxes for middle-class families and small businesses. we have appeared i promised to end wall street bailout for goods. but try to rebuild do not ask do not tell. he cannot keep us out of the military because who you are.
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i bet on american workers and ingenuity. we stayed in the dying automobile industry that is on top of the world. on issue after issue we are moving forward. 9 million jobs, our business is about adding more than 5 million jobs over the past 2.5 years. many that she is coming back to our shores. the unemployment rate has fallen. home sales are rising. we have a long way to go. we've come too far to come back now. we cannot go back to the same policies that got into this. we have to keep moving forward with the policies that are getting us out. that is why i'm running for a second term president of the united states. [applause] >> [chanting "four more years"]
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>> the reason i want four more years is because i have a plan that will actually create jobs. a plan that will at secrete middle-class security. and like mitt romney, i am proud to talk about what is in my plan. it actually adds up. if you want to check it out, go to are it with friends. share it with co-workers. there's people out there trying to make up their mind. some of you may be trying to make up your mind. somebody may have dragged you heare. maybe your girlfriend said you
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have to come to the rally. i want you to compare my plan to governor romney's. see which plan you think is better for you. see which plan is better for america's future. look, i want to end tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas but also want to reward those to create jobs right here in the united states. i want to cut our oil imports in half by 2020. we will develop traditional sources of energy. today we are less dependent on foreign oil than any time in the past two decades. it is not enough just to produce more oil and natural gas. we also increased fuel standards. your car will go farther on a gallon of gas. i want to build on the progress we have made doubling clean
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energy. i want fuel-efficient cars and .ong-lasting batteries an i want to manufacture here in the united states. i want them manufactured right here in colorado. by the way, it will be good for our environment. it will help conserve the natural beauty of this state. we can do that. i want to make it a national mission to educate our kids and treat our workers better than anyone else in the world. i want to recruit 100,000 matt and science teachers, train 2 million workers at community colleges. i want to work with our universities to keep tuition growth low, cut in half over the next 10 years.
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we can do that. my plan will actually cut the deficit unlike governor romney's. it will cut the deficit by $4 trillion. we're going to do it in a balanced way. we will cut the programs that do not work. we also need to make sure the wealthy are paying a little bit more so we can afford to invest in technology and research that will keep me businesses coming to america. i'll never turn medicare into a voucher. no americans should spend their golden years at the mercy of insurance companies. i will use the savings that we get from ending the war in iraq and afghanistan to put our people back to work, doing nation-building back at home, repairing our roads and bridges, making sure that when our veterans come home that we are hiring then and they are getting the same kind of
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opportunities that they deserve because they should not have to buy for a job when they come, after fighting for america. that is in my plan. that is the plan we need for colorado. that is how you build a strong economy all that good middle- class jobs. that is how you encourage new businesses to start right here. that is how you increase take- home pay. that is how you build an economy where everybody works hard and has a chance to get ahead. that is what we can do together. right now it is up to you, colorado. right here. right now. [applause] you will choose the path we take. it is up to young people to make sure that they continue to have
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opportunities in the future to go to college, to get a good job. it is up to the young people to choose what really behind for future generations. you can choose the top down policies that got us into this mess oregon to the policies that keep on getting us out of this mess. you can choose to turn back the clock 50 years for women and immigrants and gays or in this election you can stand up for that basic principle that we are all created equal. no matter who you are. no matter what you look like. no matter where you come from. no matter who you love. if you are in america you can make it you try.
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colorado, we have been through tough years. the american people know that we always bounce back. we pull together. we look after one another. we do not turn back. we go forward. we do not pull them high -- would not pull them down, we pull them up with us. we will write the next chapter together. that is why i am asking you for your vote. if you give me that vote, you have a president that fights for your family is, at a president who spent every waking hour trying to make your lives a little bit better. i believe in you, colorado. i am asking you to keep believing in me. if you are willing to roll up
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your sleeves with me, if you're willing to work with me in on some doors, make some phone calls with me, we're going to win colorado again. we're going to win this election. we're glad to finish what we started. we will remind the world with the united states of america is the greatest nation on earth. god bless you. god bless the united states of america. katherine mangu-ward [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2012] [playing "signed, sealed,
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[playing "signed, sealed, delivered" by steview wonder] , all all wall wil
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[playing "we take care of our own" by bruce springsteen]
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[playing "we take care of our own" by bruce springsteen.
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[playing "only in america" by brooks and dunn]
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president obama at his second of two stops a day. he is up to nevada at a late appearance this evening. more coverage coming up here on c-span of debate. tonight is the 27 house districts in new york state. umkathy hochul defending her seat appeared also a seventh, the governor's debates. lot of life for you over on c- span2. book tv stops in austin, texas for the texas book
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festival. hear from former abc news head david westin honest 13 years in the news business. sunday from noon to 6, hw brands on grant. robert draper inside the house of representatives. >> next, a delaware senate andkevin carpert, car pe and keven wade. >> welcome. on behalf of this first media,
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welcome to the 2012 made possible by the financial support of aarp and the american cancer society. joining me for this session are the candidates for u.s. senate tomuding the democrat carper and keven wade. this is divided into two sections following an opening one minute session. we will pose questions to the candidates. responses are limited to one minute and 30 seconds each. it will have a dream in a follow-up discussion. the second part includes questions posted by students from the university of delaware
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and delaware state university. responses to this portion are 1 minutes. each can that will also have one minute for a closing statement. our live audience understands that there will be no applause. we held a coin toss to determine the order. we begin with our first opening statement. >> thank you. there are lots of bomb throwers in washington. we do not need any more. we need bridge builders. in delaware, we realize we are all in this together. the guys that i take every day with me to washington, d.c. are what i learned from my parents, church, the figure out the right things to do, treat the people we want to be treated, focus on excellence in everything we do.
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just do not give up. those are the values that have guided me through my life. >> not an opening statement. >> my name is keven wade. it is a short name. it is easy to remember. i am glad to be the republican candidates. i am not here for the republican party and certainly i am not here for the leadership of the democrat party. i am here because washington is n. didthe image has not reached our homes and it is affecting our children and grandchildren. career politicians have done more to secure their own political prospects than secure the families. i know all of us need to go to washington because washington
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will not change until we change the people in washington. >> why am i here? i am here because i'm tired of the corruption in delaware. senator carper is the most corrupt. i can prove that. i am a successful lawyer and banker. i am doing this because i want to bring an end to this. my family did not even go to high school, let alone college. i am self-made, a scholarship to law school. i've been successful. i can easily turn the senate around as an independent. we can bring this to an end. the reign of mr. carper will come to an end. >> will now move on to the question portion. the issues that are facing
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congress, and the most critical is that ticking clock pushing the economy close to the fiscal cliff which some say will plunge the economy right back into a deep recession. regardless of the outcome, what ability does the congress have? >> with respective and king, we worked together. he's asked which caught is he will join. he declined to say. he said were the centers your first one to meet. he said he would like to meet with tom carper. with respect to the fiscal cliff, we have the responsibility to make sure we do not go over. the best way is to follow the deficit reduction plan put forth by the bulls simpson -- b
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owles-simpson plan. the revenues would not raise taxes. it would lower the tax bracket and broaden the base and income that is taxable. everything is on the table. republicans have to agree to make some reforms on taxes that create some additional revenues. i have seen a lot of blueprints. that is the best one we have seen that far. we need strong leadership and the government to know. i hope president obama will be reelected. if he is, if he is strong leadership to get us there. the business community has to provide cover for the republicans to agree with the like this. our president has to provide this for the democrats. >> i want to put the first
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question to you, mr. raid. you have had a reliance on small business development. if you look at the polls, the small business community does not have faith that we will avoid a deep recession after falling off a fossil clef. -- fiscal clef. there motte making any rooms for expansion. -- they are not making any rooms for expansion. >> they will be a part of the solution once we bring small business common sense to washington. the people who led us into this will have no ability to lead us out of this financial abyss. i started business on my kitchen table 30 years ago. i had to balance the budget every month for 30 years. i have that to make the tough decisions. i run an engineering business that requires i saw the top the problems put before me. we need to bring common sense to washington. that is what we lack. >> if you take a look at what
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your to have opponents have said, you are someone that is not going to caucus with any major party. regardless of any other independent, are you relegating yourself to a permanent sideline position? >> is the opposite. they do not get along. independents are taking over the country. our city is the most complex in the city. rhode island is run by an independent. independents are the future. we work with everybody. he's only interested in doing what ever senator harry reid wants. he is never clubbable about anything. he lives is perfect life. >> he did not answer. the when we got into this mess, in 2001 we had a change of
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command. we had balanced budgets as far as the eye could see. we had the strongest economy and work force on earth. eight years later we have none of that. we are sinking. gm and chrysler are about to go under. that is where we were four years ago. the last four years we've been building our way out of that hole and reestablishing the 5 million jobs will last between the last six months of 2008 in the first six months of 2009. those jobs have been recreated. we will do that by making sure we invest in world-class work force, modern transportation, invest in technology that will provide for jobs throughout new goods and services. this is what we need to do. >> thank you. >> moving on to the national debt, a number of tax cuts are
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set to expire at the end of the year. including the bush era tax cuts. and the payroll tax holiday. without an extension, they affect all income levels. an extension because government half a trillion dollar in lost revenue. you argue that many paid too much in revenue. can we afford further tax cut? >> the last term we had no debt. andrew jackson. we have had a for 175 years. we had debt after world war ii. it is not going away. that is the way we live. between now and generalljanuarye
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will extend the tax cuts. we have two wars we have not paid for. we waste money abroad. this is the first they start toward paying where we go. >> you argued for debt reduction. how would your tax plan addressed the largely increasing national debt? >> putting people back to work. people with better jobs will get over time. people on saturday will be able to keep what they earned. many people know that two years ago general electric made $5 billion in profit in the united states and paid zero corporate income tax. we have loopholes everywhere but not loopholes for we the people. we need to overhaul this tax code which is 50,000 pages of nonsense.
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>> it is my understanding that the g e tax situation was clarified, that it is not accurate. it appeared they did not pay taxes but what it was clarified it was because of estimated taxes that tax money had been paid. >> they tell us how much was paid? >> additionally figure but it is not a zero taxes. >> they make $14 billion worldwide. what happens with the present tax code is that if you have another tax attorneys to give pay a legal amount. if you could afford her own lobbyists even pay a very small amount. all the folks in this room do not have tax attorneys are lobbyists. we are stepping the bills. we need to overhaul this tax code appealed is serious about putting people back to work. >> we are in the discussion. what we need to overhaul the tax cold. what they have said is we should
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lower tax rates from 25% to 28% for individuals and businesses. we should broaden the amount of income that can be taxed. something called tax expenditures. tax expenditures are things we like. tax breaks. tax credits. if you add them all up, it as a $15 trillion. we have these in half and its expand the base. for income between 70,000 to lead a 20,000. it would be 20% >> which tax deductions would you support ?liminating tax > >> i support many of them already.
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here we were like in august. they still had not been extended. we you literally pulled the plug on a lot of them. one of the ones i would not tell would be the investment tax credit. we need to sensitize these that turned into tax credits. we can sell these to countries. >> it is a little bit late in the campaign to paint yourself as a tax cutter. in the middle of this great per ssion, said richard carve proposed a 20 cent a gallon tax increase on gasoline. we have people who cannot keep a roof over their heads. the proposed that 25 cents a
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gallon tax increase, i believe this is a result of too many years in washington and too many years away from delldelaware. >> had ever heard of thanything and this last year than had tom's name to it? he is not a leader appeared he is a follower. at that to gather it is a $7 trillion. you are never going to see any bill that ever helped any person. my answer is tom carper is essentially a bank. >> you have the opportunity to continue. we need to move on to our next question. the pull out of afghanistan is
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complete. the reality of a post-2014 afghanistan is in sight. considering recent incidents should this alter the course of action? >> of course is to alter the course of action. i am a small businessman. i have been in difficult situations around the world. the one lesson i've always taken away is that leadership counts all the time and every time. we have an on winnable -- unwinnable situation. we cannot linger. we cannot have this in decision not only in afghanistan but the route throughout.
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all we heard from the white house was confusion and silence from senator carper. >> with respect to the libyan tragedy, loss of american lives, the republican party's candidate for president saw to buy political advantage. it was up warrant. -- abhorrent. they have this job. their job is to find what went wrong, that we make sure we have a situation around the world. what can we learn from this tragic episode that what can we make sure it does not happen again? not to look for political advantage but to look for the
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truth and make sure we act on the jury. with respect to afghanistan, it is called the graveyard for empires. we drove out the taliban. who came in at? al qaeda. >> he said in the wars because the spending. >> i do not make fun. we have the best in the world. i do not like the republicans are democrats making fun of them all. i'm not that type of person. we've been in afghanistan for 11 years. we thought the taliban were controllable. it is a third world country at best. is so gigantic which cannot ever take control of it. if the british could not do it
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or the soviets, we cannot do it. i want to bring our soviet back home. let's come home and take care of our own people. the students and their parents and their families, bring it to an end now. making fun ofu're our diplomatic corps. quite the fighting between republicans and democrats between what mr. romney said. i know he did not mean it appeared stop arguing about what happened. to talk aboute the stakes of the party. i worked deeply -- i worry deeply about the future of our future. this has to end. we have real problems military and with their national security and our job situation. we do not have an energy policy
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to make sense. pointing fingers is the washington way. i've ever gone to a job site to fix a problem where i could spent five minutes talking about who created it. leadership counts every time and all the time. we have to take action now. we need people who can bring small business in common sense to the great problems that face our nation. >> us talk about china. how do you think we should deal with china moving forward acce? >> we do not want to end with a long-term relationship with the chinese. we are better if we can be competitors. this includes making sure that they do not keep our good out there to make sure that they are not manipulating their currencies in an effort to gain advantage. it means also making sure that the kind of cyber attacks that are going on everyday by
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criminal organizations and sovereign nations to steal intellectual property rights, we put in place a defense to defend the intellectual property rights and military secrets. >> we already have an adversarial relationship with china. washington and the politicians have created tens of millions of jobs in the past 20 years. they have been created in shanghai and beijing and my l umbai. they have been manipulating the currency. the export their product mix in with dry wall they sell here. you know who we need to renegotiate that we need to get the business agent for the roofers union. >> i have a different view. i been to shanghai and beijing. it is different in china.
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and i thought cost to under $99. -- $299 to make. there's a lot of myth about china. they just lost 16 million jobs years. last several job stop worrying about china. it is a myth. >> the next topic is on health care. many are concerned that so security and medicare will not be there for them in their current form when they retire because of spiraling costs. mr. pires supports privatizing. do you support privatization of this program? do you support other changes? >> pure and simple. when george bush proposed doing this, a group of us said it is a
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bad idea. in 2006 i voted against it. 2007 i voted against it again. simpson says isimpbowles this, what we should consider doing is about to raise the retirement age on social security from 67 to 68 by 2015. from 68 to 69 by 2075. we should make sure people working here should pay into social security. what they are suggesting is that we raise somewhat to that limit. that is pretty much it. we can make social security
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secure for another 75 years. that is what we ought to do. it gives people plenty of warning that changes are coming. >> can i respond to that? >> none of that is true. i am going to quote yo u. this is tome. is tom carper talking with bush abbout working together. i will meet him halfway. there's another article talking about him saying that he's trying to work together to have a system in which he can have private accounts. these are three examples. who ever talked to him last are you ever get some a check, that is his most recent statement. the biggest what privatization so he wanted it.
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but now confronted you it will not happen. you are not telling the truth. you were a reporter for privatization. what i need to let him respond. >> this is a three-way discussion. >> he gets an opportunity to address it. >> you will find out that i said i'm going to keep the guaranteed benefits for social security. if people like to have an ad on a private account in addition, they can have that. i am not opposed to doing that. the ideas that to do that and with undermines traditional social security. a lot of other people feel that way as well. >> you have not brought it up to a vote in the senate and 1.5 years. they're not even pass a budget, which is a constitutional requirements, in three years. it is a day late and a dollar short. this is grandstanding for
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reelection. this is not leadership. you mentioned that we have some easy steps to take. why do we take them last year or two years ago or eight years ago or 10 years ago? >> we took them in 1983. >> to have been a center -- >> in 1983 we voted for a number of things. we propose social security for another 30 years. you can still pay the bills. in 200033 will have to start reducing the amount of social security. -- in 200033 we will have to start reducing the amount of social security. >> 40 cents of every dollar of federal spending is borrowed money. it cannot continue. we need to have real solutions
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to real problems. this political gamesmanship of kicking the can down the road does not get the job done. people are suffering. we need new leadership. we need common sense. >> we do need to move on. i guess you'll just tabled up for the moment. this next question goes to mr. pires. the obama administration sidestep congress on the immigration reform issue. this should revoke considerable debate were you reside, especially for the agricultural industry. it relies upon the immigrant labor force. would you push for the provisions of the dream act as a path for citizenship for the undocumented resident? >> the answer is twofold. yes, i would. i do not like the idea of splitting up families. i would give a personal example. i had eight companies in sussex
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county. i have 400 employees, many of them hispanic. we make sure they have the proper paper work. we provide those we can with insurance. i do not like the idea of splitting up families. we believe in anything we believe in family. the idea that we would take them is anything to up bi be proud of. i supported the president when he came out here is not because there are things going on in such as county that are under the county. we follow the law. i'm a lawyer. we try to follow the law. we do. these people who work for us are good people in family people. the idea that we would split them up, some children have been born here. ththey are citizens. yet it is but thto split them ut
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get any support of me. >> to you think it has become a back burner problem? >> i think we have scare people. you're not going to get support for me to split up families. that is not happen. >> let's open up the conversation to the issue of immigration. bush and mccain teamed up with ted kennedy and came up with a proposal. we came to the floor. we debated. we said we are not ready for prime time. instead we focus on securing our borders. we made a decision to find a secure our borders. that is what we have done. when this election is over you have a new president and
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congress to revisit this issue. this on president has used his own powers to send kids under the age of 16, if they stayed out of trouble and they're not guilty of crimes and they're trying to get an education, they can stay for -- cannot be citizens but they can stay for a time. >> i think i the only one sitting at this table was actually worked in mexico. i worked in mexico. many of them crossed the border regularly. that is considered a joke by mexicans. we do not have secure borders. politicians saying we do does not make a difference. we are a nation of immigrants. immigration is it the core of our bloodstream. there are many right ways to do it. there is a handful of wrong ways
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to do it. it is not hard to come here illegally are become a citizen. but just follow the path that others have taken. >> we will let you take us out. >> but be realistic. the border is almost 2,000 miles of in for states, six mexican state equivalents. it is enormous. i have been for all of mexico and texas. texas is the size of europe. we need new immigration reform. the sooner the better. in the meantime, let's protect our families, a particular they the children who were born here, as much assistance as everybody in this room. >> this is a question for mr. babbitt wade. >> i want to move to another role the senate place.
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they provide consent been regards to judicial appointees. which supreme court justice come closest to your ideal justice and why? >> is not an important role. it is a requirement that the senate provides its consent by the appointment of the president appeared in is when the most important roles of the u.s. senator. justice liezel brees the constitution and believes it. -0- justice alito because he read the constitution and believes it. we do not want have an activist supreme court. >> i like to follow up with each of you. >> i am a practicing attorney. i met a number of them. i do not like or dislike any of them. i respect them.
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i study them. i am a student of them. i do not a comment about judges. it may have seen some of them a comment about me but i do not take positions on them at all. >> could you share with us your feelings on judicial philosophy? >> our supreme court justices are everyday people. you find they're just like you and me. they make mistakes. they said blacks were not equal to whites. they made a mistake. they made a mistake during world war ii with our japanese internment. they are just humans. they come and they go. people talk about the supreme court as though they have a special talents. they do not. the average intelligence most of them. i respect them. i work under them. i practice federal law. that is all i do. all my cases are only a step and
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a half from them. like them but i do not take part with them. >> when i was running for governor we had a lot of joint appearances in 1992. nobody asked what factors to consider as governor. it turned out nominating is a big deal in delaware. as it turns out, a lot of what the governor does is this. i developed a checklist of things i look for. i wanted to make sure people i nominated were new to the law and had a judicial temperament or they would treat everybody before them fairly and with respect. i wanted to make sure they have a strong work ethic. i let them retire on the job.
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i wanted to nominate people who had a reputation for having good judgment and decisions. when people are nominated by the president, they come and meet with guys like me. john roberts came and met with me. somehow lead to be able to tell you a john roberts story and it coincides where he met his wife all those years ago. >> let me shift our focus to political temperament. i have to put this to you because you posted your help and information on your campaign website. you have asked the company to get his health status. you have inferred that he does thought that could help. why go there? why offer and se unsubstantiated information? rper up his records
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out because this is a difficult issue. we are at the jewish community center debate appeared in the middle of it he completely lost his way, have to ask his question it was. yet difficulty focusing. it is a fact. i do not know what diseases or problems you have up, but it is not fair. it is a six year term. it is undemocratic. >> i need to clarify. >> i think you should. >> you can check my website. there is a letter there from the navy doctor who has given my physical every year he says this is the shape he is in. these are the medicines he takes and he is doing just fine. i invite everybody to take a look at that.
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>> i think we have given both of you a chance to see your peace. by slightly focu>> what we focue that arby's? >> are you going to release your medical records? >> now. . >> my records are there. >> that is your choice to put it on. >> dr. pires would do well to focus on the help of our economy and finances. >> i gave the topic at the moment. we need to go on. i will go to our first question. >> with the recent increase in national attention regarding gay
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marriage, what is your stand on marriage quality? >> for as long as i can remember, we have said to the state in this country have the ability to decide who can marry and to cannot, at what age is, first cousins, and so forth. state set the rules for property settlements, a child custody, all those issues. states have also said that the people of the same sex cannot marry and those states. what the defense of marriage act does is they say the federal defense is unconstitutional. they would do something that would treat people who are involved in same-sex relationships, that would disadvantage them, be unfair and inequitable.
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would i vote to repeal the defense america act that i would. i support gay marriage. this is nothing but a double top. i supported gay marriage. i support gay marriage. >> i know one no one has the right to make some gesture about how people live their own lives. my focus is on what the future is.
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my concern is about children and grandchildren. their concern is my concern. i will state on the record marriages between a man and woman, and it is a fundamental building blocks. >> this question from the sophomore political science major. >> with unemployment of recent college graduates hovering around 40%, what can you do to help get a return on investment? >> i do not think the federal government creates jobs, but i think small businesses do. i think we need a program that
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helps students get out of this massive debt you would not have this problem. it is over one trillion dollars in student debt. >> overturn the tax code, difficult to do, but it needs to be done. we have had a 11,000 pages in federal regulations. that is too much. we need to reduce the size of the federal government. we need 4 mpg for every dollar of revenue we put in, and we need to be serious about having energy. we need to keep our money at home, bring our troops home, and
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rebuild this economy, and if we claimed a $15 a barrel royalty on the one trillion barrels beneath our feet over the next 50 years. >> just a minute. >> all-simpson provide certainty can we govern. guys like me, we do not create jobs. governors, mayors, and senators do not create jobs. what we do is create a nurturing environment, public safety, a train the workforce, infrastructure, roads, highways,
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businesses, do along the beach line, -- dunes along the beach line, and clean up the air, provide transportation so people can get there. with all we have done in terms of infrastructure, even i can make money. >> we need to move on to the next question. it is about money. the postgraduate degree tuition is the focus of our next question, and it comes from a science major at delaware university. >> what are your plans as senator to help support americans for their education beyond the undergraduate level? >> let me congratulate you for your operations to continue education. you will be a leader of your
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country sunday. we unfortunately are eating the bitter fruit of the bad harvest of so many years of failure in washington. the easy choices were overlooked years ago. with funding for higher education, we cannot keep making cotton candy promises. we need practical solutions. we have an interesting bill on federal debt that will soon overtake the cost of medicare. we will have to choose whether to pay interest to chinese debt holders or honor our commitment to our seniors. it has gone on too far. washington will not change until we change the people in washington. >> i think the question is what can we do for people beyond undergraduate to help them get an advanced degree? my parents never went to college.
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they expected my sister to go to college. i worked two jobs at ohio state. i watched cotton pants. i worked at a bookstore to make ends meet. i bought a car. i went to southeast asia. i send money to my sister so she could go to school as well. part of the question is not what can the government do for me but what can we do for ourselves. we have people coming back from afghanistan, and they get free tuition. free tuition, free books, $1,500 a month housing, and we do that because they serve our country, so i would suggest for people struggling to help, do not be afraid to do some work. do not be afraid to serve in the military and take advantage of the gi bill.
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>> i talked with my wife in law school. it is very expensive. there are students completely in debt, and everyone is pushing for more scholarship. in sciences we only need so much help. it is a difficult problem. i think the federal government is strapped, and i do not think it is a problem with a simple solution. i think in the end, undergraduate student debt is going to drive assistance of the government level. the government has to do that. we cannot have 1.3 trillion dollars of student debt and not do something about it. it is a serious problem, and i do not have the answer. >> our next question comes from the university of delaware. >> the achievement gap has
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happened for a long time in the education system. how do you proposed new teacher accountability. >> i believe you are first on this question. >> i do not understand the question, and i have taught in high school and law school. the she talking about the difference between? >> those who are able to achieve and those who are not, based on their early education. >> i am not interested in the federal government being involved in these programs. i think it is the federal government, but how to bring people up, minorities and people, i do not like where we are headed. we are going to have to private schools, public schools, charter schools, voucher schools, and
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home schooling with vouchers, so i do not like the direction it is headed. we are going to have a five-tier system in which the poor are going to be left behind, so if you ask if i am going to support that, i am not for that at all. i do not like the way it is headed. >> my apologies. you were supposed to answer first. maybe you could help with the achievement gap. >> i focused on the environment, economy, and raising student achievement. the key is and not now wait until students are in high school or elementary school. the key is to get involved early on so they are ready to be successful. they know their alphabet. the role of the federal government is to level the playing field for kids who come from disadvantaged backgrounds. of federal government only funded half of those eligible for head start.
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head start is for every kid to be in a head start program. we need to make sure, and if you go back the last 19 years, harvard released a study that said the last 19 years has the best improvement in student achievement. delaware is in the top three states. >> this achievement gap goes away by doing several things. read the story to your 2-year- old. talk to your 3-year-old about the shapes of apples and oranges, and be involved in their education so when they get to kindergarten they can talk to 10 and maybe they tend spell their name. -- maybe they can spell their name. the department of education was created as a means to reduce the educational gap between our kids
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and kids' overseas who are our competitors. that gap still exists. this is what is wrong in washington. we do not have an education gap. we have a performance gap by federal administrators and our education system. >> we cannot get beyond the issue of politics standing to bring about arguments, so what statement as one of your opponents made about you that has bothered the most, and how would you respond? >> he said delaware is the most corrupt state and that i am the most corrupt u.s. senator we have in the country. he said the delaware is a second-class status. i am so proud of this stage i cannot tell you, but i will. this is the state and one from the worst credit rating to the best. this is a state that has had the
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highest regard for judiciary out of any state and recognize every year. this is a state that has to out of the best for beaches in america. this is a state where so many want to incorporate all over the world. this state has an excellent environment for job creation. three states lead the pack in terms of academic improvement. i held on every one of those, and i am proud of it. >> what comment has bothered you the most, and why? >> i do not sweat the small stuff. i grew up in a row house in pennsylvania. we were poor. paycheck, and is began to go to college when i was not in that mill. i do not sweat the small stuff, but i love my grandchildren, and i refuse to see this country
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broken and bankrupt because of professional politicians in washington. there are everyday americans, and it is time for all of us to do the hard work that should have been done years ago, but it needs to be done, not for republicans, not for democrats, but for our children and grandchildren. >> i do not know if you know what i do for a living. i represent the people no one wants to represent. johnnie cochran who would not take the case comi-con and now i traveled the country for years and represented martin luther king, and i read the case -- i won the case my way. when the native american case, and through all that, you get beat up and made fun of and in sultan, and they come to my house and break my windows and
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all the things that happen. what i learned is in the end it does not really matter. i learned you try really hard to inspire others to do for those people what they cannot do for themselves common and and and and now and i have tough skin. there is probably nothing that could be said that has not been said before. >> i appreciate you addressing the many issues we have the opportunity of putting on the table this evening in addition to hearing from the students, who brought equally interesting issues to our table. now it is time for our closing statements. you each have one minute for a closing statement. >> thank you for hosting us. i want to thank the aarp and the american cancer society for their sponsorship. i stand here and speak of an america that is shiny and new, a nation that can finally find
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energy independence, a nation that can create tens of millions of jobs, a nation that can pay its own bills, a nation that can pay down this mortal curse of national debt, a nation that can bring our troops safe home. this only happens if we choose a new course. we cannot say gridlock in congress does not do the work it was paid to do. it is time to bring all american common sense. i mentioned there are problems. it is ok to like tom harper, but you must love your children and grandchildren more. >> i hope it was not too boring.
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i hope it was interesting you're a good night and a very frank person. it happens when you bring yourself along. my parents did not even go to high school. i am a tough person i did not want to run against him, because i think he was a good legislator. he has become what they have all become. he has become horribly corrupt. he has become rich. he is everything i do not like about government, and i think he should step aside, but he does not want to. i do not want this job, but i will do it, because i think the government needs new faces. i am someone who inspires other people. i would like to inspire you to run. >> you have one minute for
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closing. i do not know how you say the stuff with a straight face. unbelievable. thanks for joining us. thanks for letting me serves. the challenges we face are daunting. if i am elected, we will focus on three things. job creation, and debt reduction, changing the culture in washington. we need to do three things to come up economic recovery. one, invest in our work force, and invest in modern transportation common and invest in modern technology that we can sell all over the world. good this is a good road map. we should follow it. with respect to the culture of spendthrift, let's look at every nook and cranny and ask how can
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we get a better result for less money and do that. >> thank you so much. it has been an interesting conversation as we talk about the issues voters will be looking at when they go to the polls. thank you for helping with putting these issues out here, and we want to thank our audience here so people can hear about the issues. let me thank you. >> with less than two weeks until election day, follow the key races on c-span, c-span radio, answer /campaign2012. at 7:00, live coverage of the debate with the candidates to be north carolina's next governor. good
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that will be live on c-span to. c-span is asking our viewers what is the impact of third parties. here is some of what you had to say. >> it is a breath of fresh air to hear a different perspective than just one or the other, and as far as wasting both, i want to say anyone who thinks voting for a party is a wasted vote, not true. a wasted vote is not voting at all. you have got to vote your , vote for themo candidate who speaks the truth. >> last time i voted for the libertarian candidate because i could not stomach obama or campaign. obama got no -- obama or mccain.
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obama got elected. this time i am not taking chances. i am voting for romney. i can relate to third party supporters, but a third party vote, most of them are conservatives. a third party vote is a vote for obama, so you had better vote for romney. >> i started out voting for obama, but after watching this debate, i feel like there was more common sense in the first 30 minutes then there has been in the entire fiasco. >> i am between gary johnson and shall sign. if i have a choice to choose rocky, i would definitely choose him, and because i understand his viewpoint. i did not know him or understand him before this debate. >> people voted for a third- party candidate are taking away
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a vote for a democrat or republican, and they are wasting our time, because it will be one of the two in office. >> more of my questions have been raised with a third party than with obama or wrongly, -- or romney, but it not what is really sad is they have not been voicing their opinion. i would like to get some of these questions answered. >> as we follow the candidates, watch and engage with cspan. >> next, a discussion of the african-american vote in the 2012 elections. >> we are back.
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if you can compare voting for ross obama -- 4 barack obama versus today. guest: you know, 2008 was obviously this huge movement. he was born to be the first black president. black voters were feeling that feeling. and that can never be recreated. i think there have been some articles where black voters are like, that has been made and now we are just voting for president. i think that just sums up the difference between then and now. there have been some disappointments. the economy is what it is. the unemployment rate is double that of the national rate. and yet, i think that the black support for the president is still extremely, extremely high. and i think the enthusiasm is higher than one would think it
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would be, considering that unemployment rate. host: this is the united states unemployment rate for september 2012, african americans, 13.4%, over all its 7.8%. as you said, african american likely voters, 3% are for governor romney. why? guest: i think a lot of black voters do not necessarily blame barack obama for the economy. they blame george bush. and i think that they blame the republican congress for blocking a barack obama's efforts to change the economy. and a lot of voters, the root
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annually does the state of the union paul, where we ask our readers to rate obama. and our readers and generate give them d's and c's on the economy and gave the congress f's. they are very optimistic about where the economy is going and think he is improving the economy. they give him credit for improvements that have been made. i think that is where a lot of that continued support comes from. they do not think it is his fault. host: how important is the african-american vote to president obama's possible reelection? and governor romney losing this election? guest: i think it is extremely important. in 2008, obama won with 96% of the black vote and 43% of the white vote. i think it is obvious that without that huge black support, obama might not be in the white house, especially in
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the swing states that have these large black populations like in north carolina and virginia. so, i think that it is important, very important for obama in states like virginia and n.c. or florida that black voters turn out at the rates that they turned out in 2008. and i think it would be beneficial for mitt romney if they did not for obvious reasons. host: on the route you have this story, mitt romney -- what did your reporter have to say? guest: he interviewed with black enterprise i believe. we wrote a little bit about it. he does not have specifics on black unemployment. but neither does barack obama. they do not think about black unemployment specifically. it is generally more just, i am going to create jobs better than the barack obama is going
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to. i am going to improve this economy. they both sort of have this -- philosophy. neither one of them are going to directly address black unemployment or black employment. host: what about the stimulus packages that president obama put through congress? for those viewed by african americans and what has governor romney said about them? is that something that african- americans look to point to when they look to say what the president has done with the economy? guest: is something that the obama administration has pointed to specifically when it has been criticized for not doing specific things for african-americans. he says there are parts of the stimulus like pell grant, specific aspects of the stimulus that the obama administration has said are positively affected could struggling african
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americans. mitt romney disagrees with stimulus. so, when challenged, the obama administration will often point to these things. there will never say we prevented this legislation so that we could help black people. that is not something you would ever say. why would a day. -- why would they? but the things that they have done have disproportionately help black people and i think black people appreciate that. host: i want to show this headline from the pew research center back in 2009. bisecting the 2009 electorate, black women had the highest voter turnout rate in november's election, a first. and election history. what is your prediction for that this time around? both candidates are trying to court to female voters. well black females turned out for president obama and large numbers?
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to my unscientific prediction is yes, based on the 2008 numbers and based on the the fervor with which obama and romney are trying to court women voters. i do think that black women voters are going to be a factor in this election again, definitely. host: let's hear from callers. from illinois. go ahead. caller: i have a question for lauren williams. i am an african american. a marine. i got out in 2004. my question is, as far as the black media, i the question for you in particular, and maybe i would like for you to represent
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four black media and answer my question for the lack of explanation of president obama's domestic policy and domestic policy i referring to -- the authorization act. where it gives the government to take people of any race and have them detained without any right in our constitution. i feel magazines like black enterprise -- the black media in general overlook fundamental defaults in obama as government -- obama's government. host: what do you do? caller: right now i am in between jobs. i graduated from main university.
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i cannot find work. host: lauren williams? guest: i have not seen the coverage a lot of places anywhere, have you? host: he is not on the line. guest: i have not seen not covered in a lot of places. and i hear that criticism for sure. and i do not really know what to say. i certainly do not know to say about black enterprise and ebony. but i certainly think that, and moving forward in the next four years, there's going to be a lot more in depth criticism across the board about the government on all of our site and magazines, for sure. host: wayne in michigan, republican caller. caller: i am wondering about
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the 92%. i am wondering, what percentage of that do you think are voting for him strictly because he is black? and i do not know the media doesn't point that out as being racist? if i was born to vote for mitt romney may because he is white, there would be jumping all over me and i would be a racist. but you guys can get away with that. why is that? guest: black voters are historically a different voting blocs. 90% of black voters voted for al gore. and the vast majority of black voters have been voting for white democratic presidential candidates for decades. so, to say that they are voting for this black democratic candidate just because he is black doesn't make any sense.
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so to say that they are voting for this black democratic candidate just because he is black does not make sense, because if he were a white democratic candidate, he would be getting close to the same amount of the voters. that argument really just as not hold that much water when you look at the numbers of black voters who have voted for white democratic candidates in the past. host: indianapolis. michael, a democratic caller. toler: i'm calling in just say that i got a good job, and i get my job -- i got my job through just hard work and everything like that. for a lot of people to come on the line and say that jobs is scarce around here -- i know people that get jobs that don't really pursue them. they can get them but they don't want them. that is one that thing. for people to say that obama did not do a lot for us as far
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as getting jobs and whenever, he tried to get a jobs at the bill through it and congress did not pass it through because they said it was going to keep us from doing a lot of things. that is never brung up. i think the president is doing a good job as far as trying to get jobs in the united states. we should continue to try to get jobs, because there is jobs out there. host: michael? caller: yes, i am here. host: did you watch the presidential debates? caller: i sure did. i watched the first one, i watched the second one. host: did the two candidates talk about issues that matter to you? caller: of course they did. the president talked about jobs. in my state, the state of indiana, there is jobs here.
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they are building filling stations every day, and that is jobs right there. i don't know why a lot of people -- i mean, not complaining, but just amazing to me how a lot of people are talking about, well, we cannot find jobs in the states, and there are a lot of jobs available, and everybody of ages and origins. there is a lot of jobs available out there, and i don't understand why people cannot find jobs when there has been jobs out here ever since the last presidency. host: here is from the root website. "topics we want to hear. of course, topics such as affirmative action a black unemployment won't come up, but we can dream." words they addressed? guest: all, no. [laughter]
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none of them more, and i don't think there is ever going to be a presidential debate were those topics are addressed. i think they were sort of dream topics, like affirmative action. affirmative action is in the news. there is a supreme court case right now. the candidates want to argue with each other and talk about their differences, but there's also some topics they just -- neither of them want to talk about. the housing crisis -- neither of them want to talk about that, because i don't think that is the topic for either of them. host: let me just jump in, to give context to what you are saying. "high-rate mortgages more prevalent among blacks." guest: right.
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it is a topic that is of great interest to african-americans, but obama's policies have not been extremely successful, and i don't think that romney has an extremely strong plan for it. it wasn't discussed. poverty wasn't discussed, although african-americans have a 20% poverty rate. crime was mention very briefly -- the crime rate in chicago is absolutely dismal. they have topped 400 murders already this year. romney said something about gun violence and single mothers, a
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whole host of single mothers, where he connected the two. it was very cheap in terms of any sorts of solutions to gun violence or anything like that. i think that they can say they talked about it, but they didn't, really. they obviously didn't mention disproportionate rights of black unemployment. -- rates black unemployment with the private sector jobs did not talk about the decrease and a public sector jobs. african-americans at the historically over-represented in public-sector jobs. that has historically been a path to the middle class for african-americans, and we are still meeting this public-sector jobs and it is really hurting african americans. increasingng about jobs but not about what types of jobs that they are and how they might be affecting different types of the community. host: kevin, independent caller bank. caller: i just wanted to address that since obama is an african- american now, we need to address the african-american
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unemployment rate, which is over 20%. people call in and say that people are getting welfare -- nobody can survive on a welfare check for their family. nobody is sitting and collecting money at like they're just getting it from the government. it is a joke. we talk about the constitution and this stuff -- d.c. has no representation in congress. all of this gets swept under the rug, and it is african- american issues. we talk about like it is ok that they don't address african- american issues. what good is having a black president if he does not address african-american issues? guest: this is what people say, that barack obama is an african- american president but it is a hard position because he cannot directly speak -- well, the idea is that he cannot directly
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speak to african-americans, because that will alienate the rest of his constituents. he has tutto this line of all times. -- he has to toe this line at all times. i'm not saying if that is right or not, but that is how he feels and how a lot of supporters, white and black, field. -- feel. i agree with you, black male unemployment is a huge deal. last month, it fell nationwide and also for blacks it fell slightly. but something that is under- publicized is that all black job gains last month were black women. all of them. none of them were men. host: what industries? guest: not sure what the industry's work, but 100% of the gains were women. striking. that is an under-reported story, and something that
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deserves more attention from the highest levels, i completely agree. host: to you think there is more a lack of enthusiasm among african-american men and then with women for obama? guest: is a possibility. i've not seen the polling data, so i am not positive on that, but there is a possibility. i'm looking at articles from north carolina, and in north carolina, the black support seems to be lower than in t.s. in practically other states that i've looked at polling data for. the black unemployment rate is a very bad there. host: this that leads to this headline from "the examiner"? is that because the african- american vote is not as enthusiastic? guest: i don't know, and i think the obama campaign is
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fighting against that. david axelrod said, no, we are doubling down on north carolina, virginia and florida. some of the data from early voting -- i think 35% of early voting has been black voters -- host: in north carolina. guest: they make up 22% of the electorate, so that is a significant number. i think that maybe the obama campaign is a little more confident in that area than the polling data would suggest. host: nancy, georgia, republican caller.
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caller: first off, i want to let you know that i am a social worker, and the last 20 years, one of my main objectives is to help african-americans and whites work together. the thing that has been most offensive to me about barack obama is the way that he said that he would bring all of the races together. i can honestly say that as a social worker, i have seen more divisiveness in this country than i have pre-march luther king, and this is very disturbing to me. we need to work together as a country -- white, asian, black, no matter what you are. that is what makes this country great. if you start throwing out the racist card for every single thing that you don't agree, it causes the work that i've done for so many years to be thrown right out the door. i like that to be addressed. host: ok. lauren williams. . guest: i agree, and i think that throughout his first term, the country has been at odds in ways that i have not seen in my
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lifetime, either. some people might disagree that it is barack obama's fall. some people might say it is the opposition's fault, that his election brought out some of the worst in the people that don't like him or like his policies or or don't like that a black man as president. that argument can work both ways. but i certainly agree with you on the fact that something has to be done to unify america, because things are very ugly and things are not getting done. we are in a bad spot in our country for things to not be getting done, obviously. host: democratic caller. caller: i am a black female, are registered nurse. not too long ago i did lose my job, but i was able to pick one up. i remember when barack obama was trying to get more done
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early on and he was blocked by the republican congress. i really do not feel like mitt romney can relate to a person like me that is considered middle-class and that really cares that much. with respect to what the person said that black voters vote for him because he is black, there were a lot of white voters that did not vote for him because he was black. even in this day and time, as far as divisiveness that the women mentioned earlier, you would be surprised by the amount of hostility you hear from white folks and just the disparaging comments, negative comments, even though this is 2012 and we have a black president. maybe it's the fact that we have a black president has brought
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out the very worst in a clinic in people who don't particularly like that. host: describe your enthusiasm for president obama in 2008 versus now. caller: it is not that it is so much more. it was nice because it was the first time in history that it was happening, but i still would have voted democratic. i don't feel like the republican party can understand me. it depends on what candidate we are talking about, but i will give him another chance. i don't think that mitt romney is going to do any better than that. a lot of these debates, we have seen that he just echoes what he says did he has not really come out with a lot of things that he would do necessarily differently and he is not pinpoint exactly what he would do differently other than planned parenthood, other than cutting pbs. and then he mentioned with the gun laws. but other than that, he does not sound like he is saying a lot different.
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guest: i think a lot of what you are saying is a lot of what i have seen in some of the polls i have seen and some of the things we have heard from our readers at the root, the opinion of a lot of black obama's supporters. this is how a lot of black obama supporters feel, that obama deserves a second chance because of all the challenges, and this is why so many people support him for a second term. host: odette at little rock, arkansas. caller: i would like you to address the perceived level of disrespect to this president and voter suppression efforts and the impact this will have an african-americans. guest: so i think that -- i think that with black voters, one of the things -- one of their connections with barack obama is that a lot of the disrespect that they see launched at him they feel personally.
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as the head of state, someone disrespecting barack obama, feel something similar -- they feel something similar to the manager of their job, someone disrespecting them. it is a very personal thing. when someone insults obama, a lot of black supporters take it personally. i think that disrespect against obama drives enthusiasm. in debates, when mitt romney tells him to sit down, i think that rankles the support of black supporters and it impacts their positive feelings about mitt romney. on that level, if it is not driving enthusiasm toward obama, is definitely low rent any enthusiasm they might have had for mitt romney. -- is definitely low rent any
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enthusiasm they might have had for mitt romney. as for voter suppression, there's a huge get-out-the-vote effort as a result of these voter i.d. laws, and in addition to what ever get out the vote efforts that the campaign has, there is the advancement project and other organizations that are working to educate voters about a voter rights and voter registration and things they need to bring to the polls. and there is this extra layer of information that voters are getting this time around that they were not getting the last time that will, i think, propelled more voters to the polls this time around. host: sheri, republican caller. caller: i would like to comment on how impressive that this young woman is. she has fielded every question with knowledge and poise.
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my father was a union organizer and i come from a democratic background, but this year in a gesture as a republican, because every immigration laws ever passed in the history of the united states was to protect american workers from unfair trade. i see the unemployment in the black community and the legal hispanic community, and it is huge. and yet president obama is right now issuing work permits to up to 2 million, and that figure was quoted in "the washington post" -- up to 2 million new workers to meet the qualification of being from 15 up to 30 even though they furnish their own proof that no one can check it to me that is
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mind-boggling, at a time when young people call in to you saying "i cannot get a job at night graduated from college." he is opening up what scarce education money there is to a group of people, mainly to mexico, which has an unemployment rate of 4%. does anybody check the facts? it also concerns me about the voter suppression. in mississippi, where black voters -- there are more black voters in mississippi than any other state in the union -- it was put on the ballot, actually put on the ballot. mississippi black voters, by a percentage of like 90%, but voted for voter i.d. and they weren't fools. host: ok. lord williams. guest -- lauren williams. guest: honestly, the immigration debate, for black voters at least, it does not
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seem to be a major campaign issue. i think it is a wedge issue. on a smaller level, i think that when it is brought up, it can be divisive in the black community, but on a larger level, i don't think that it is part of the conversation at all in the black community so much. particularly on the national level, and i don't know if that is going to change in the next four years. but it has not really been something that has moved to the needle with african-americans at this time around. as to the voter i.d. in mississippi, i wasn't aware that they -- that black voters voted for it overwhelmingly in
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mississippi. i do know that in places like pennsylvania and ohio and florida, some of the things that republican secretaries of state and state legislatures have done were highly suspicious to the justice department, and prompted investigations and have really rankle the democrats and critics who say that it looks more like a voter suppression than just, you know, combating voter fraud. there is something in there. the critics of a voter i.d. laws say that to some certain extent, these laws are trying to prohibit blacks and latinos from voting, and whether that is true or not, i don't know. but that is why they say.
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these laws have been blocked in a lot of places for these reasons. host: charlene in milwaukee, wisconsin. democratic caller. caller: i am in my mid-50's, and i'm a democrat, retired. i have seen a lot of things that have happened in my lifetime -- civil rights, martin luther king, the whole bit. i have a real hard deal figuring out what is wrong with a lot of young blacks. because obama is in office, i guess they think that he is supposed to do everything. he is the president paid he is a black president, sure, but he is still the president. don't blame him for the misconceptions of having to have a black man in office and then being able to get a job.
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if obama was a white president, what would the issues truly be? i don't believe that the woman in mississippi by saying that 90% of an african-americans voted for id -- i think there must have been something attached to that amendment, or the voting bill that allowed blacks to vote for it in spite of what it meant. i think she threw that in. i don't think that mississippi has the right to do that unless the federal government allows them to do it because of the civil rights law that has some bearing on the southern states changing voter rights laws because of the history of the dixie states. host: fred in new york, republican caller. caller: i will vote for a black president if he worked similar
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to j.c. watts -- were similar to j.c. watts or alan keyes or thomas sowell. these a black man understand that we are a republic. this president has a socialist agenda appeared he was brought up that way and he wants to be that way. host: what is your evidence that he has a socialist agenda? what are you referring to? caller: because of the way he thinks the government has the upper hand and should control all the states and what they do it. he is not for state's rights as much as he should be. he thinks the answer to our problem is government. the mess in our government is not that they did not get enough money down there, it is that they mismanaged what they did get. host: ok, that is fred in -- i forget the state.
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lauren williams? guest: nope. host: next call. caller: thank you for "washington journal" and allowing our boys to be heard. -- voice to be heard. we needed to get more informed and in terms of what the political process really means for us as african-americans. i have done extensive research. i agree with the last caller, the republican. this is a republic. we are better off as a people statistically it right after reconstruction than we are today. millions of our men are sitting in prisons. millions of our men, it was just stated, cannot get jobs, even jobs were the enough to support a family. this is a true problem. our problem is not going to be
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solved running to vote for anyone, particularly any of these two people that are running. our problem will be solved economically. we have economic challenges that we as a people need to meet. we need to stop falling for the democratic mumbo jumbo that we can run off to the polls every four years. i am 49 years old. we have been in this situation since i have been a conscious adults. host: who are you going to vote for? caller: neither one. neither one is worth me leaving my house to stand in a line to vote for, not as an african- american. neither one of these men can address the issues that are prevailing in my community, and neither one of them will. when our president for his own minister under the bus, that
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let you know that he was going to throw his people under the bus, and he has done that. my people better wake up our only hope is dr. claude anderson. this man has the agenda that can get african-americans where we need to be in this country, and we need to go back to republic values, as the gentleman said, and do with this country allows us to do -- host: ok, kathy, we got your point. what did you hear in that caller? guest: well, i heard some frustration, and i heard something i have heard before, that the two-party system doesn't work and we need a different set up. that obama is not for black people, i have heard that from people for and people who don't want to vote. it is not the vast majority of people, but definitely a sentiment that is out there.
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host: jackson, mississippi. democratic caller. caller: i just wanted to let the caller that said that 90% of us voted for border idea, that is not true. and the animosity -- you know, it takes a long on the democratic side and republican side to get this country going. my thing is, for the president, he does not have held on the republican side. they have not voted for anything that he has tried to do. this country is going to have to wake up and do a lot of things. as far as mitt romney, all the lies that he has told, people are not holding them accountable for having any integrity. there is a lot going on on both sides that needs to be cleared up. host: 1 last phone call. pikesville, maryland. republican caller. caller: i personally think that obama has done an ok job working with what he has.
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i also say that what i have seen, and i'm 74 years old -- what i have seen is that from day one since this man has been in office, and they have not respected the president. pilot for a good example, a vice presidential -- i looked for a good example of vice- presidential debate. if you look at your tapes, you i noticed that joe biden, when he talked about mitt romney comment he called him governor mitt romney. but they have done is chipped away with very racist type situations. you take your radio commentators, this is where most people are getting their information about obama.
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as far as obama being black, all you have to do, at anybody in this country that had a 401 k plan was the day that obama took office. look at what it was today. i do not know what they expected from this man. host: what will you be watching for on election day? guest: we will be watching the contested swing states. that is what everyone will be watching for. those are the main things. we will be looking to see -- it is going to be a really, really, really a late-night. host: if you want to read more
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from the website -- >> tomorrow, 0 website calls for a variety of electoral reforms. all look at the battleground state of nevada. our first guest is karoun demir jian. irez. that andres ram your e-mails, phone calls, and treats. "washington journal is live on thursday at 7:00 eastern on c- span. next, a debate between kathy hochul and chris collins for the 2017 district of new york.
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-- for the 27 district of new ark. this is an hour. >> welcome to this special presentation from ynn. >> we will be bringing you a debate between kathy hochul and chris collins. this is a larger district that includes -- this is a larger district. >> the format is pretty straightforward. we're going to ask the questions of the candidates. they have one minute to respond. their opponent will have 45 seconds to rabat and an additional 30 seconds will be given to candidates at our discretion. we will also have the candidates ask each other a question and we will have a lightning round. we start with the 62nd opening
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statement. -- 60-second opening statement. >> one year ago, republicans, democrats, and independence honored me with their votes and set me to washington. i have for it hard to keep that promise. here's what i'd done. cut taxes on middle-class families. and overburdensome regulations. make sure we keep our promise to seniors and medicare. as well as make sure we support our military and support the niagara falls reserve station. we have to make sure we balance the budget the right way. i promised to continue to be a strong independent voice and a fighter to make sure everyone born in this country has the
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same shot i did. that is my commitment to you. >> thank you. >> good evening. i am running for congress to do my part to help restore the promise of the american dream for our children and grandchildren. our country is at a tipping point. my granddaughter turn the other -- last saturday. she is 52 talc -- thousand dollars -- $52,000 the federal debt at her feet. that is unacceptable. my 85-year-old mom is worried she's going to lose her medicare advantage. they believe we can tax and spend our way to prosperity. i know better and i think you know better. we have to grow our way to prosperity. less spending in washington with a balanced budget. energy independence and the repeal of obamacare. thank you for tinning and and i
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am confident at the end of this debate, i will have earned your vote on november 6 to go to washington as your member of congress. thank you. >> let's get right to the questioning. there is a new proposal to build the stadium and complex for the buffalo bills along the city's waterfront. -- team's current make current stadium expires in 2013. do you think a downtown stadium is a viable alternative? >> i am not sure that is going to be the right location. we have to get that lease signed. when chris collins was county executive, there was an opportunity to put this to bed. we're coming down to the 11th hour and we have to make sure we take care of ensuring the buffalo bills stay here.
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we have to step up and help them. the stadium is becoming obsolete and we need to make sure they have got the best resources. our identity is linked to the buffalo bills, even when they have their ups and downs, this area loves an underdog. it is a resource we have to protect. the idea of the stadium downtown will be more than we are interested in doing at this time. >> do you think a downtown stadium is a possibility? >> i was county executive, i was in constant contact as the were working through getting into this year. $1.4 billion, we did not have it. is much like washington. we're always talking about spend, spend, spend. the cupboards are bare in washington. it is ridiculous to be talking about a $1.4 billion investment.
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the stadium is about as good as it was when it was built. we will have to do some upgrades, but there is not $1.4 billion sitting around for a stadium that the bill's supporters said they do not want. >> do you think the buffalo market can support an nfl team? >> absolutely. i believe in this team. this team is important to our local identity. they do their summer training at st. john's fisher. it is an important economic catalyst. this sunday morning, i was at the restaurant in warsaw. the place was packed with people heading to the bills' game. >> what we have here is a great regional market. the sellout the stadium. the support of the fans is second to none. i know the bills want to stay
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here. they need a reasonable improvements to the stadium. i am confident the state will come through on that part and the county will continue to support can be expenses and some capital as we move forward. it is up to the governor to make sure the money is there to improve the stadium. >> obviously, the buffalo bills are very important to the economy of western new york. the economy is more than just football. the jobless rate fell for the first time in 11 months. it remains well above the national average. in western new york, the rate is up slightly. we have been talking about this for years about how to fix the economy in western new york. what is one thing in your opinion that needs to be done to turn around this long standing issue? how do propose to achieve that if you are elected to congress? >> i am the only candidate who has spent his entire career
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creating jobs, 600 jobs. we have to repeal obamacare. obamacare -- trillions of dollars of taxes and fees. we are faced with the government takeover of health care. we have to get rid of that. we have to grow our economy 4% a year. producing the marginal tax rate on the dairy farmers and small- business people in the area and by reducing the marginal rate so they have more money on april 15 to invest. when you take money away -- that is gone to cost them $1 million a year that would otherwise be used to grow their company and create jobs. repeal obamacare, repeal obamacare, repeal obamacare. >> is it or peeling of obamacare
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-- repeal and obamacare takes the burden off existing businesses, you believe that it would encourage people to create more jobs without the health care log? >> right now, businesses are sitting on board cash they want to use to invest for jobs. with the uncertainty of the trillion dollar deficit, and the uncertainty of obamacare, if you do not have 50 employees, you are not. right now, obamacare is stopping companies from investing because they did not want what they see it with the government takeover telling them what benefits to provide. obamacare is stopping jobs today. companies are not going to expand. >> i believe your question is what we can do to get this economy going. >> correct. >> government does not create jobs. we can create the conditions for them. we need to make sure our young
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people have the skills they need for the 21st century. i have been visiting sites all over western europe. it is mind-boggling that young people graduating from community colleges and colleges and our employers are begging for jobs. we can do so much more, but i did not think obamacare -- you can blame obamacare for everything. you can blame them for the bills' loss on sunday. let's deal in realities. >> 8% unemployment under obama. the last three months, less jobs credit in september than august. this economy is not moving forward. people have given up even looking for work. we have trillion dollar a year deficits. it has gone from cannot -- when
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is enough enough? american knows enough is enough. >> we are going to get to deficits and taxes, to >> the niagara falls reserve station is the largest employer in niagara county. there is the possibility of an automatic cuts in defense spending if the budget dealing congress is not reached by january. could this threaten the future of the base? is it realistic to continue the current operations at the base? >> absolutely. that is why i had the opportunity to work with republicans and democrats and have an amendment passed by the entire house of representatives that protect the air base. we brought secretary pen added here, he said he was committed to that base.
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-- pat that here, he said he was committed to that base. we have so many more things we can do here. a $6 milliono have simulator. there are exciting things happening with our existing mission. that is not good enough. we have defined a new mission to make sure we become part of a better military of the future. sequestration is not going to happen. that was brinkmanship at its worst. i supported -- we will get back together, and clearer heads will prevail and we will get the job done. >> is sequestration a real threat? but the sequestration is a threat to the united states. i do not believe it is going to
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go forward. there will be some solution between election day and january 1. there is a solution to the air force base and we -- air force base. that simulator is not come in there unless they get more planes there. there are 16 c130s. we need the governor to commit moving them to join with the 12th batter their right now giving us 28. then a simulator comes to niagara falls. and the future of the base is secure. there is a solution, not just happy talk. >> i would like to get back to health care. you've already said tonight that you want to repeal obamacare. what specifically would you support in its place and how could you ensure that health
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care coverage is available to everyone in the district at large? >> you cannot let perfect the enemy of good. the health care system in the united states, the best in the world. better than europe, better than canada. we had the best in the world. is it perfect? nope. you cannot let perfect the enemy of good. obamacare makes our health care disastrous for the economy, for my mom was depending on medicare advantage. there is not going to be medicare advantage and were close to what we know it today. we can add the 26-year-old to their parents' policy, a very easy fix. but what is going on now is going to mean we never have a balanced budget. it is gone to mean small business does not grow and we
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have to start growing this economy. what we have was the best in the world. we can make it better. we need tort reform. he did not lead to perfect be the enemy of good. >> you support returning to the system as it was? you have said in the past that he would be open to reform, but it sounds like what you are suggesting is around the edges and not significant wholesale -- >> that is correct. i do not believe in a government takeover of health reform -- health care. what we had was the best in the world. >> that is a rather extreme position. there is no way we should be looking to get the cost of health care under control?
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even the top -- even mitt romney is willing to look at opportunities to make sure we do it right. that is even more extreme than i ever heard before it. we need to fix what is wrong and move on. i authority voted to repeal the medical device tax. -- i have already voted to repeal the medical device? . i will do -- i will not throw young people of their parent plants. -- plans. we can do better. i believe this country can do better. >> did you say that you would support allowing young people to remain on their parents' insurance? >> absolutely. that is where she distorts my answers. i would also like to point out that she is going to vote to repeal this or that, when she
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talks about the medical device tax she does not like, that is the only reason obamacare is even close to being balanced. it is raising taxes and fees. you cannot take these pieces out and still have obamacare. obamacare has to go and that is a big difference in you and died. >> we're going to get to medicare. >> i have told the so many times. i did not support the $716 billion in cuts to medicare. if the leadership in congress, the republican leadership would allow us to come back to washington, i would vote no. that is part of the ryan budget. i voted twice against the ryan budget. medicare advantage is growing
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under the current plan. more people are being covered under obamacare than not. >> we are going to move to medicare very quickly. >> you cannot take $716 billion out of obamacare and have obamacare. should think she can take that $716 billion out and still have obamacare. you cannot do that. you are being very disingenuous with the viewers to even suggest that. >> moving on to our next question. the negotiations over the reauthorization of the federal farm bill have been put on hold. critics say too much of the finding supports food stamps. do support the farm bill in its current form? >> absolutely. the nature of congress is we're supposed to compromise. the senate already passed a bipartisan farm bill before we left. when it came time for the house to do its job and come up with a
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bill to split the difference, instead, the leadership in washington sent us back to our districts. if our farmers did their jobs the way congress is doing their jobs, we would all starve. our farmers want certainty, they want to know if the programs will continue. you split the difference, that is what is wrong with congress. the farmers cannot believe that congress did not do its job. i go back today if we had a vote -- a chance to vote on the farm bill. not a short-term extension, but give them five years. they need five years to be able to plan. >> she consistently misstates my position. we need a short-term solution so we can continue desperate there is no way the farm bill is going
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to be passed. what i am saying, let's get something so there is something moving forward. next year, in the new congress, let's give it down in five years. we need something we can have by december 31. at the beginning of the year, but did there is a big difference. eat as your congressman, i will be in the majority. -- as your congressman, i will be in the majority. she is not in the room where decisions are being made. ladies and gentlemen, that is a huge difference. >> is there a problem with this spending bill as it is currently designed? republicans have issues. >> i have issues with the fact that we have food stamps, which are 80% of the cost. it is a $500 billion bill.
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we have more americans on food stamps and average because president obama and his policies cannot get the economy moving. they should not be put together. we do need to reduce food stamps. we get people working and going our economy. president obama has failed this country. the unemployment will not go away. >> i think we do need a brief rebuttal. >> you are saying you're willing to go to congress and hold the farmers hostage because of the inability to compromise. there is an answer any split the difference between the house bill and the senate bill. our farmers deserve better than this. our national security is linked to our food security. -- you think i am an
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effective legislator. i encourage you to go up to the niagara falls airbase and talk to the first person you see. >> they say they are not. >> ok. this question is on taxes. i believe you have signed grover norquist pledged not to raise taxes. correct? it is a hard and fast -- while you were a county executive, you did go to court to raise property taxes. you changed your thinking on taxes? or did you see some type of difference between local taxes? >> my role as county executive is very different. the county executive, i am required to have a balanced budget. i took over a county that was effectively bankrupt. when you looked at the fact we
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had no money in the bank, are medicaid goes up $6 million a year, we have no control over pensions, no control over the amount of sales tax, no control over the value of our real estate. a county executive has to manage playing the cards he is dealt. and being honest with the voters. we're going to have to very small property tax increase to get discounted that and the right direction. the next three years, no tax increases. i had a four-year plan that was approved by the fiscal stability authority. i took over a mess and i had to be honest with the tax payers. i guess i am out of time. >> is there a situation you could see where you get to washington and look at the situation when it comes to deficit reduction and suppose
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the deal and be able to say, the reality here is that tax increases have to be a part of this discussion? >> tax increases do not have to be part of the discussion. we need for small business and for our crop farmers and dairy farmers to have more money to invest his. unique tax increases under the obama plan because the economy is not going to grow. we need to grow the economy. mitt romney will get it done. i'll be working with mitt romney to get this economy moving. we have a spending problem in washington. it is not a revenue problem. >> where do i begin? you cannot wave a magic launched a lot of policies have to -- you cannot wave a magic wand.
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i supported a balanced budget amendment. i -- what i won't do is blow another trillion dollars hole in that deficit by allowing tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires to continue. when you sign that pledge -- we're already paying for that legacy. now you are pledging -- i have a problem with that. >> here is my pledge. i am going to work in the majority in congress to make sure 100% of the time i am standing for small business. 100 percent of the time i am standing would seniors. 100% of the time i am fighting
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for our children and grandchildren. at $16 trillion in debt is caused by president obama over the last four years and you support his policies. they do not work. the economy is stalled. the economy is not going where it needs to go. at $16 trillion in debt is what is strangling us today. >> he won a quick response to that? >> i guess the andes that is spreading all over -- vietnamese it is spreading over the country. built -- i guess the emea jet is spreading over the country. i do not think it helps to look back, let's look forward. cutting taxes on millionaires and billionaires at the same time you are ok with privatizing medicare. you have demonstrated you want to raise taxes before. i think this is very confusing for the voters. you want to do it on county
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taxpayers. this is part of your record. >> i have never called for privatizing medicare. i have never supported anything in the rhine budget. that is what you do, you distort what people say to suit your own needs. what i said was that the rise in budget did not go far enough in getting us a balanced budget. we need a balanced budget. i am the only one here who has not voted to cut medicare for current seniors, including my 85-year-old mom. >> the largest part of the ryan budget cuts are to medicare. when you said it does not go far enough, how far will you go? where are you glad define the money? he will not -- how far are you going to go to find the money? where does it come from?
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times are tough guy and a fiscal conservative standing on the state. -- times are tough. i am the fiscal conservative standing on the state. >> it is time for what we call cross-examination. we elect the candidate ask each other a question. mr. collins has the opportunity to go forward. >> we are hearing that you are defending president obama and his failed policies that have created $6 trillion of new debt. with all the problems you seem to have with obamacare and all the problems you have with obama and with the debt, why are you still supporting president obama for reelection so we can have four more years of failed policies with the unemployment stuck at 8%?
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i think the viewers would like to hear why it is you are supporting president obama. >> i do not believe either party has all the right answers. i will not say i only support one party. there are concepts and policies that support with president obama. i voted for middle-class tax cut they're no longer held hostage. he were willing to join the the majority and hold them hostage. i want to have that. i want a farm bill passed. i want to stand with our seniors and make sure we do not balance the budget on their backs i believe mitt romney has ideas as well. i am not so my way or the highway that i cannot look at people objectively and go with what i think is best. what is best for this district? that is how i have operated for the last 16 months.
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>> you are voting for president obama? >> i have said that before. >> ok. there is another question on the floor. >> i joined mitt romney, president obama, and many others in full disclosure because i believed personal tax returns, putting them on line you have made my personal finances part of this campaign. i am open and transparent you did not think the voters of this district could understand too complex of them to absorb the 25 pages of tax returns. why do think you should be held to a lower standard than the others just because you do not think the voters can understand your taxes? what are you trying to hide?
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>> there is something called a personal financial disclosure. it showed that you and your husband or public-sector millionaires. i filled out that form in full compliance. i released three years of my tax returns. it was published and i paid 30% of my income in taxes. i have no loopholes, no foreign accounts. my small business is where i make my money. you make your money working for the government. my income is earned by having companies that employ workers in this area. the bigger question, you have something hidden in your two secret family trusts that you will not disclosed. what is in those two secret family trusts? i have the feeling it may be something you do not want the voters to now.
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>> you've got to be kidding me. you are the one who refuses to put your personal taxes on line because he said the voters were not smart enough to understand it. i think that is pretty derogatory. mitt romney has a 300-page tax return. we also doubt that financial disclosure form, a big deal. -- we all filled out that financial disclosure form, a big deal. why won't you? >> i have disclosed all of my assets. a lot of the years are in china, my assets are not. my assets are here in the community, where i have a dozen companies. i did disclose my personal tax rate. there is nothing there to hide. i will not release my company's
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individual income and put my companies in jeopardy by providing my competitors' information they would like to have. i am not gone to disclose my partners in, as private citizens. i made that clear many times. my income was disclosed, my tax rate was disclosed. you did not disclose what is in the secret family trusts. >> we're going to have to move on in the questioning. this question is for mr. collins. regarding -- the governor and the city of buffalo and niagara falls are taking an aggressive stance. is it wise to take such an aggressive approach to an important business partner? should you be elected, is there anything you can do to mediate? >> i would like to go back to our relationship.
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they stood with us in the war of 1812 when other indian nations did not. we owe a debt of gratitude that a lot of americans have forgotten. as a sovereign nation, they have certain rights. there is a dispute with albany. it is not a federal dispute. i focus on the history of us as proud americans partly because of the work that was done by the nation's standing when bass, celebrating the war of 1812. we need to remember that these were our allies by agreeing to remember the important role they played in our freedom today. i speak about that everywhere i go. thank you for standing with us in the war of 1812. >> that was a nice history
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lesson. the question is, what is going on now? there are obligations, commitments made to our state. the city of buffalo is hurting. niagara falls was counting on the revenues from the casino. we need to get people in the room together and work it out to make sure our cities who are counting on this money, the city of niagara falls has great potential. they have not been receiving the revenues they are expected. we need people to get in the room and work with the nation and resolve this as soon as possible. >> did you have to put pressure on them at the same time? >> i respect the 10th amendment. local decisions made the state level or better than washington. i understand that as a representative, i should not be
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meddling in state affairs. i have my opinions. she believes it is washington that always has the right answer. big government coming out of washington. that is the big difference. this is a state issue. i will respect that this is a state issue. i respect and honor the 10th amendment. >> isn't a state issue? >> yes, it is a state issue. when you are a leader in congress, sometimes you are in a position to bring people together. i should not walk away and say, i do not care about the communities i represent. this is hurting them and we need to resolve this. it is not what you do sitting in the capital. when a small town needs a grocery store, we got involved. i do not wash my hands and say,
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that is not in my job description. >> we're going to move on to that ryan budget. it has been a huge issue. you have repeatedly saw to tie your opponent to the ryan budget. given the fact that mitt romney has outlined plans that are substantially different from what ryan has proposed twice, is this a fair line of attack? >> there is still trying to break the promise they made to the seniors in 1965. money should be waiting for a swimming retired. -- before -- money should be waiting for us when we retire.
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it will jeopardize the promise we made to our seniors. i understand why they are back pedaling. thank god we had an election must tear that point a spotlight on what it would do to our seniors. the same budget, continued tax breaks for millionaires and budgeteers -- billionaires'. he did not privatized -- you do not privatized. he says they're wrong in budget does not go far enough. -- ryan budget does not go far enough. >> he has noted that it is no longer on the table, is it fair to continue linking him to something that is no longer out
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there? >> mitt romney doesn't write legislation. there is a separation of power. congress rights legislation. twice, the budget came before us. if he is -- we're going to have the ryan budget before us again next spring. mitt romney does not write legislation for the house of bread to representatives. regardless of what he says, congress rights legislation. >> let's be clear. there is only one candidate who is not supporting cuts in medicare for current seniors. $716 billion of cuts for current seniors, including my 85-year-
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old mom. this party started cutting payments to providers -- they have already started cutting payments to providers. they will take $130 a month for current seniors. she broke her promise a year ago. she said "i will never touch medicare. " you broke that promise. he broke that promise to my mom. he broke that promise to every senior in this district when you voted to support obamacare. >> to be clear, have you been in congress, you would have voted no? >> i would have voted no. i've told that -- she disregards the truth. >> this is the first we have heard it. i understand the debate time
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conversion. you have already sad when you get to congress, you will never vote with the democratic party. you just said -- every republican voted for the ryan budget. you're talking out of both sides of your mouth. no wonder why voters are so fed up with this. >> that is not true at all. you like to put words in my mouth. i am going to be fighting for small business all the time, not have the time, like you. i will be fighting for our seniors all the time. i will be fighting for our children and grandchildren. did an economy where my kids can have a job when they graduate. that is what the voters can count on.
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i will not support nancy pelosi and her job killing policies. i will not do it. i will be voting for the future of this country. >> we have to move on to the next question. in a recent wall street journal article as you described your opponent as an effective retail politician. you would have a hard time compromising if you were elected to congress. why should voters believe that if you are elected, you could work with both parties? >> the voters know me as the county executive that transformed the county into one that is the strongest in the state. i did that to compromise. that is what life is all about. the compromise with their family and certainly with my teenage children. the compromise with employees
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and customers. you cannot be successful without compromise. what you did not compromise on its principles. the vision and principles. i'm going to congress with a principle that the united states of america will reclaim its past glory. there are six core values i will not compromise on board of belief in smaller government, personal accountability, fiscal discipline, and a government that serves taxpayers' bank writ respects -- taxpayers and respect future generations. we have to get unemployment down and our economy growing. we have to balance the budget. that is where i will be compromising in congress. >> you worked with the county executive, your the county clerk. the filly does have a record -- the utility does have a record of compromise? -- do you feel he does have a record of compromise?
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>> i tried to work with chris. i did the best i can. at one point, he became convinced i was going to run against him. when you sue the county legislature, to raise taxes, that is not a representation of good compromise. i know you are proud of your record as county executive, balancing budgets. >> sometimes mit were disappointed. i thought we were together very well. i respected her as an elected official. i supported her efforts. i very much supported her efforts to move the dmv and set
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up an office at eastern held. i agree with every request she had. her.pect youed i did all those things and i would say to the voters, i think we had a good relationship. i did not know what else to tell you. >> we are going to move on to a foreign policy question. the obama administration has been criticized for its handling of the deadly attack on the u.s. consulate in libya. this resulted of the death ambassador chris stevens. he made multiple attempts to get more security and these efforts went unheeded. do believe the obama administration mishandled the situation leading up to and in the aftermath of the attack? what could have been done better and should be done better going forward? >> it was absolutely mishandled. to learn better that the cries of help is unacceptable.
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as a member of the armed services committee, we will conduct oversight hearings and make sure our ambassadors and all of the consulate personnel are protected. we have to make sure they have what they need. we need to make sure they have the resources, the protection they need. i do not believe there is any explanation other than it was not handled properly. i believe congress and its oversight capacity is to make sure this never happens again. it was a tragedy that could have been prevented. it was the anniversary of 9/11 and we should have been on heightened security. >> ladies and gentlemen,
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finally, tonight, we agree. president obama did a terrible job leading up to that, not providing the security that should of been provided. ignoring what turns out to be the reports of a terrorist attack and going all over the place. we agree the president failed the american public when it came to security at that in this seat resulting in the death of the u.s. ambassador for the first time in 30 years. it should not have happened. i find it a little distressing when the president has secretary of state hillary clinton stand up to take the blame. all leader takes the blame. someone should be held accountable and it should be president obama. i really was disturbed when he had hillary clinton stand up and take the blame. that is not a leader does. >> the want to respond to that? >> -- do you want to respond to that?
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>> we must of been watching different debates. i remember seeing the president take responsibility for those actions. >> we will move on to the next question. super pac add was released recently claiming that you fired 115 workers and buffalo china. several sources have criticized this ad calling it faults. the you hold your opponent responsible -- the you hold your opponent responsible? >> i am glad you brought that up. she is running wild with this allegation that i fired 115 workers. i said 235 jobs. -- i saved 235 jobs. i was lauded for what i did stepping into that in 2004. every media outlets said they will not run that bad. it is so agreed to is.
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she has crossed the line between misrepresentation and distortion. that is an important distinction. it is not just the super pac. she is running the same ad, saying that i fired 115 workers. the facts show otherwise. politicians will do desperate things. i did not know of any other case in recent history where in ad is so egregious that it has been pulled and is not running in the air, which is what happened. this is an unprecedented situation, which is how egregious that ad was. she is making the same false allegations in her act. she needs to take it down as well. >> are you making that allegation? >> yes, i am. according to the buffalo news, march 15, 2004, buffalo china
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had 325 employees on a friday. on monday morning, different name, parking lot, product, customers. i know people think they have done their fact check. to go to someone who works for -- i have a problem with that. you talk about semantics, you do not think people can understand your tax returns, people are smarter and they can do the math. the company has lost even more jobs since you have been in charge. that is a whole different issue. you are the only one you did not stand would western new york
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workers. check the record. >> ok, let me tell you what i've spent my life doing. let me read to the names of the companies i have saved. electric motor supply companies, ogfi, imt solar, all companies that are alive today because i took the risk saving 600 jobs for families in western new york. you've never created a job, you have never signed the front of a paycheck. you and your husband and $350,000 working for the federal government. i am proud of my private sector job creation, including 245 jobs
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saved. that was a planned five years ago. >> -- that was a 0.5 years ago. >> you really cannot stand government. you have taken contracts, $20 million of public-sector dollars. you took $2.1 million of taxpayer money to make that deal. you are very good at what you do. you were very good at making profit. i do not begrudge you a bit of that. i do not see the connection on the voters did not either. >> she has never created job. she does not know what it is like. you have to turn around a failed company.
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many of my companies are in empire zones. they do bring certain incentives to hire people were there are no jobs. i make no apologies for creating 600 jobs for 600 families in western new york. i am proud of my record. as a business executive, we did the best we can all the time. that is what i have spent my career doing, not on the government payroll like you. >> we're gone to move to everybody's favorite part of this debate. i'm going to ask -- have you had any great yogurt this week? >> yes. >> no. >> have you ever been audited by the irs? >> no. >> yes. >> to agree that lap dance is can be taxed? >> yes. >> who can argue with the
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courts? >> i like them both. >> have you ever tell data at a buffalo bill's game? >> yes. >> many times. >> is he a good advocate for western new york? >> no. >> absolutely, yes. >> have you ever milk a cow? >> yes. >> yes. >> have you ever seen the anti- tracking documentary? was the 2% property-tax cap a good idea? >> no. >> would you support building in nuclear power plant in the district? >> no. >> yes. >> have you received a speeding ticket and the last five years? >> no. >> no. >> we have bomb last question.
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-- we have one last question. >> agreements, look at that. >> i cannot believe it. >> it is time now for closing statements. mr. collins will go first. >> it has been a lively debate. if you want a member of congress who has always worked for government, a liberal who supports barack obama and nancy pelosi, more taxes, mr.s hochul is your candidate. >> if you want someone who believes in personal accountability, a local decision making, and fiscal discipline, and respecting future generations, i ask for your vote on november 6. to do what i can to help restore
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the promise of the american dream for our children and grandchildren. i hope you have a great evening. god bless america. >> thank you for joining this important conversation. all across new york, people are watching this. they're closing the books on a busy day. farmers are looking forward to an early start tomorrow. what did they all have in common? they want their families to live the american dream and to know their families are safe and secure. you love for a lot here tonight. crystal clear differences between myself and chris collins. not as to we stand with, but our approach to the job. i know neither party has all the right answers and that is why i am willing to reach across the aisle to solve our problems. i know together we can and will
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meet the challenges facing our great nation. you have a representative in congress who is a fighter, who has your back. i will continue to fight for middle-class, our farmers, our veterans, i consider being a member of congress might highest honor in life. i respectfully ask for your vote. >> i would like to thank both of you for participating this evening. that concludes our debate. it was very lively. election day is less than two weeks away. it is november 6. we encourage everyone to get out there debate. >> if you want to watch this debate again, a design ynn on demand. thank you so much for watching and have a good night. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2012] >> it calls for a variety of electro refo


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