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tv   Capitol Hill Hearings  CSPAN  November 22, 2012 8:00pm-1:00am EST

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>> tom brokaw moderate of a discussion on the treatment of returning veterans. there will be a memorial service with a first man to walk on the moon -- neil armstrong. he died last august. [applause] >> tom brokaw moderate a discussion on the treatment of returning war veterans. you will hear from the former
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secretary of state: paul, stanley mcchrystal and marcia anderson. this is part of the chicago ideas week conference. >> they represent less than 1% of the american population. most of them, from working-class families. from not too far from here in the working-class neighborhood of chicago or the bar rios of the southwest or the deep woods of the self and the hills of new england. or from the rural part of my native great plains. they volunteered a sense of
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patriotism and a determination to advance their own lives as well. in the course of these two long wars, they have 100% of the risks and 100% of the wounds and deaths. their families at home have been living in bubble of emotional trauma thinking that no one on around them cares because no one was asked of the rest of us. if we did not have someone in that war, or if we did not know someone in that war, it could be out of sight, out of mind. we were not asked to make any sacrifices. the war just went on, fought by these brave young american men and women, representing the cross section of this immigrant nation in terms of where they come from. that is immoral for a democratic
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society to allow that. we have an opportunity to begin to correct the course. welcome them home with a sign at the airport. make sure that they feel that they are a part of our civilian society. that they have an opportunity to find a job, be educated, raise their families, and have the kind of services so many of them need to deal with their physical wounds as well as their emotional wounds. we also have to remember that many of them are coming home whole wanted to make a contribution to their society. there are not victims. they are proud of what they do and with good reason. we open this session with two of our finest military men, two career officers who gave us all a sense of pride and that we
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were their fellow citizens. the first is the former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff who also served as national security adviser and as secretary of state. he is a modest man with nothing to be modest about. friend. colin powell, my [applause] you have already made it hard for me. he asked for an extension of his remarks. i said -- no. he said being a general -- he
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went on to go on with his remarks. you give him a standing o, and i have to deal with hi,./ ,m. im. he was head of the joint special operations command center. he is a graduate of west point military academy. he is not just a great warrior. he is a great thinker and leader. he is deeply involved in the issue that brings us here today. i am in all of general stanley mcchrystal. [applause] thank you. we hope in the course of the
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next half hour or so that we will be able to not just in light and you about the needs of our society in terms of how we deal with our veterans but motivate you to get involved as well. sta and general powell and i about this issue. what stan can do better than anyone i know is described for you the kind of young man or woman who has enlisted in the armed forces and how their lives are shaped by that experience. it would be helpful for the people to have a clear picture of what happens to in 18-year- old 119-year-old man or woman going into early branches -- branches and how it affects their lives. >> i appreciate the chance to be here. if we start at the inflection
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point, there is an explosion or a first machine gun fire and an american is wounded. that has happened for 200 years of our country. that is an infection point in the young person's life. they provide aid to themselves. buddies,. medics,. within an hour, so we can get them to a hospital, the individual is being treated while they are on the helicopter. their bodies stay on the ground. they watched the helicopter. they get further from their buddies. it started in a small town or city or neighborhood like you know when a young person got the feeling that they should enter the service. sometime it is because their father, grandfather, uncle, or brother served. sometimes it was just an idea
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they got. sometimes they get the complete support of their community. sometimes they do it over and some of the protest and concerns of friends and family. sometimes they have tried college or work and it did not work out. once they join the military, it is a completely different life from anything you have done. it is never like with the recruiter tells you. [laughter] you get there and immediately the service wants to make you a service member -- a soldier, sailor. they trust you differently. they have to learn a different language. they are trying to make you part of a team. it is all being part of the team. the team is one important than the individual. from the beginning of basic training and advanced training and when they are sent to their first unit, they are always in groups. they are part of that. they are assigned to a permanent
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force. they may be in a squad or platoon or battery. we stress cohesion. being part of that -- do your part. so that your buddies can rely on you. the word comes that they will go to combat. everything about combat is about team. it is irresponsibility on every soldier for every comrade. it is about devoting herself to the team. as they,, they have done something that we as americans have as some to do. we have asked them to believe in themselves, in each other, their comrades, and in the nation. as they go forward, they are part of a team. we have asked them. they have accepted the responsibility that comes with be leaving. if you think from that moment
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this team that has become family suddenly as the helicopter flights a way, the team becomes further. as a fly away from the team, although they have deep feelings, it gets further at a difficult time in their lives. it is important that the rest of america be ready to be the team that they come back to. >> general powell, it is at least on the table in this country at the moment about what we do with returning veterans. we have the when did warrior project. j.p. morgan chase has gotten involved. it was different when you came home from vietnam. in the ensuing years for all that the military did for reinventing itself, it did not pay a lot of attention to the idea of how we make the transition from a military life to a civilian life. >> that is quite true.
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i am quite pleased to be here. i did not work with general mcchrystal, but i worked with his father. [laughter] i was counting the years the other night. it is scary. it is quite true. we came home from vietnam and the country did not welcome us. the most typical part of that was that the countries that we will not have description anymore. you change this army so it becomes a volunteer army. go and find your soldiers in the labor market. we did that. we created a splendid force of young men and women willing to serve their country of volunteers. they had the same tradition, the same culture, the same loyalty
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and dedication as any other generation of americans that have gone before. they proved themselves in the gulf war, the panama invasion. in the last 10 years in iraq and afghanistan. the thing we have to keep in mind is something president clinton said in his second inaugural address -- to care for go into battle. never forget that they are carrying the american spirit. they are carrying the american traditions with them. when they get injured, when they get hurt, or when they come back to get reintegrate into society, we have to be waiting to care for of the -- not just the federal government or the veterans administration. of our soldiers come back from iraq and afghanistan. if they leave the solvers, they want to integrate back into
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society. they want jobs. they want homes. they want to rebuild their family and relationships. the government can help. it is up to us. the government can always do more. we can increase the gi bill. nothing is as important as companies like j.p. morgan and chased or next-door neighbor reaching out to help a young gi as a reintegrate into their community. we owe that to them. it is our obligation because they have discharged their obligation to us. a lot has changed. what makes this period so much different than vietnam or world war ii is that these youngsters are going back and are-- especially the noncommissioned officers -- for almost 10 or 12 years depending. they come home for six months. they are gone again. i have known soldiers and i am
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sure a stand has similar examples of those who have been on multiple torras. stan can attest to that himself. we ask so much of them. on like some other conflicts we have had in the past where there are moments of terrible day men -- danger and quiet periods, in iraq and afghanistan, there is no such thing. the tension that they were under -- the pressure that the young people were under was greater than any generation of warriors that america has put in the field. we have seen them come back with posttraumatic stress problems. we have seen them come back with traumatic brain injury. stan and i both know we have been to hospitals. we know how to save them. to protect the torso. we cannot protect the head or the lambs. the last affects of the iud's is
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following problems. a mother was pushing her son across the street in a wheelchair missing two legs. a wife was pushing her husband across the street missing two legs. during my time at walter reed, you see these terrible injuries. the brain injuries, especially. it is worse because you can get a prosthetic limb but to recover from some of the most dramatic brain injuries may never happen. we celebrated one such young soldier at the memorial day concert two or three years ago. i felt so badly because his mother and sister were now faced with that problem of caring for this young man for the rest of their lives and the rest of his life. we owe so much to these men and women who have served us. most are coming back.
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they will make a contribution to their companies, communities, wherever they go. they will be great by previous generations of soldiers. we have a generation coming back that will need our help. do not wait for chase for j.p. morgan. look in the communities. can you check in to help build a handicap facility for a home. if he sees someone having trouble in the light, can you reach out and say -- hey, how're you doing? come on over for dinner. you can help with that. do not shy away. this do not greet them at an airport. greet them in their communities.
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they did so much for us. we have that obligation to them. [laughter] [applause] a lot of the private sector did not know how to deal with them. one of my very favorite stories was a captain who came home and said ids the qualifications or experience. on a regular basis i would lead the spot and clean up bad guys. rebuild the sanitation system. get them power. build a medical clinic. i think that counts for something. has the private sector began to tune in to the capabilities a lot of young people have that may not fit their idea of a
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harvard mba? >> so we we have. military service members most of whom never really has civilian jobs probably had never done a reza may or job interview, not done some of the things that allow them to build up the experience and contacts that help other people. they come out a few years older from the experience. what they put on paper driving a tank may not wind up with a company that says we do not have tanks. what do we do with this guy? it is $3 million piece of equipment with a four-man crew. at general levels we have this extraordinary amount of responsibility. we see appreciation through a transition programs. there is a lot left to do. businesses are trying to make sure that they get the right kinds of skills. there is pressure on human
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resource departments to get the right fit. we can do more. to mind the kind of experiences young people bring back. the vast majority come back not just well -- they come back better. they have done things. they have matured and season. we can do more on the paperwork and connections side. it is not a burden for the nation to carry. it is a mind for us to pull these resources out. >> for the gi bill which has been renewed, are they getting the kind of frame they need for the demands of the -- training that they need for the modern economy? >> it is available. we can do better. we can structure some of those programs better so that individuals who stars school have the support mechanisms to
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finish an associate's degree or bachelor's degree if that is their goal. we can do better at that. there are well intentioned programs that are not quite efficient or effective as i hope there will be in the future. >> at the wharton school of business and the university of iowa -- it offers in-state tuition for returning veterans. what is the impact on the present -- campus? the president said we have 200 of them. they have lifted the entire campus. as someone who went through the university of iowa -- i could have used that kind of mentoring and leadership. we do not have to go do that again. [laughter] that is value added when these young men and women come back and into an academic or training program of some kind. >> i could not agree more. at the city college of new york, we had a specific program at the powell center that i am
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happy to have named after me. we take in gi's. we have mentoring program set for them. we have programs that get them up to speed if they have some weakness in their earlier academic career that needs correction and we have money that is used to supplement not only their academic cost but the cost of living. more universities are doing that. it is important now because the economy is still in a weak state, we improving, still wheat. this affects our veterans. unlike after war were to or after a career or vietnam, you can come back and find a job that does not require the high skill or what were to - world war ii. you could just go right back in. our society is becoming more complex. a more complex is becoming more complex.
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you need a higher level of school especially with respect to the information revolution. i used to be a mechanic. people do not know what a card reader is these days. you have to be scaled to handle that kind of machine and increasingly, those are the jobs that will be available for american youngsters, not sticking to pieces of cloth is together. >> are we better able to match of the requirements of military and civilian life? if you're military life was a truck driver, that license does not transfer to the civilian side of things. >> no, it does not. that is one of the examples of places where an individual has relevant experience that ouhgt to really into suffocation or licensing to operate in a field. maybe there should be tweaking for that state or locality
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requirements. we do not do that well. many of the skills service members come out with are not to leverage what they could and should be. there are a lot of high-tech information technology skills. >> the government has watched out of this in recent months. they have gotten all of the government departments involved. what are the requirements to be a nurse or something like this? what can we do to take a returning veteran into a system where you get the additional skill and certification requirements met so they can get the certificate for that job? the government is mobilizing its up to do that. >> what we need to make everyone aware of is when you think of our returning veterans, you may think of the classic warrior who has been spending the last nine months on patrol a helmet and said of goggles. you have nurse practitioners,
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people who repair things. 18-year-old kids were keeping the electronic system of a nuclear aircraft going. they are extraordinarily ahead of their age group or their cohorts when they come back. >> absolutely. the thing that the military does better than anyone else is train people. it is in education factory. it gives them a wide variety of skills in the ability to produce that. to have the matriculate into experienced levels is built into the system. it can be tapped into by american industry and business. >> there are a lot of groups around the country -- the wounded warrioor project. one man forced a lot with greatly wounded veterans. we cannot forget them as well. they can bring something to the
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workplace or the community service. we should not forget about that. as a young man who was a member of the minnesota senate lost both legs. he went into the minutes of the state senate. it cannot go -- the minnesota state senate. >> i was at a dinner a couple of years ago and some wounded warriors were invited. i sat next to a silent -- sergeant who had lost three lands. he was there with his lovely young wife. he was 27 years old. we talked for a little bit -- baseball talk. we got to -- tell me what happened. what will you do next? he said he was contacted by a real-estate company in san francisco. they knew about my situation. they said -- if you come out here as a trainee, we will teach to the real-estate business.
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we know how to teach real- estate. we will have a job for you. he said -- we are moving to california. i cannot wait to start. he has been very successful. what he said to me after that almost brought me to tears. he said -- this is probably the worst thing that has ever happened to me but it may be the best thing that has ever happened to me. that spirit and willingness to look ahead. this is the situation i am in. i will not let it get me down. give me my pathetic limbs. turn me loose. i will show you what i can do. these kids not only have technical skills, they have been trying to say yes sir. they show up on time. they are disciplined. they have been strange to get the job done. -- trained to get the job done. it stars in the beginning. we teach them right face and
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left face. you learn the importance of teamwork. [laughter] it is also an efficient way to move a group of human beings around by marching them. they are introduced to a drill sergeant. the drill sergeant is the worst thing they could have ever imagined. he would send -- i am now your mother and your daddy. forget all of the things you learned from home. you will learn from me. after eight weeks, they do not hate him. the overwhelming a motion at that point is to please him. this guy has shared all of the dangers with us. look at where we are at now. we will be honored platoon at graduation. they're only a motion is to please the drill sergeant. they'll never forget his name for the rest of their lives. that type of bonding takes place. when you talk to the kids in the hospital, if they have a chance of recuperating and going back,
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the first thing they will say is -- one to get bac with my team and my nbuddies. they fight for a country and for a cause and each other. >> even if they cannot get back to their military unit, they will say -- i want to continue to serve in some fashion. that is a value added companies cannot build into a job description. >> in 2005, i had a noncommissioned officer wounded in action in iraq. he lost a leg above the knee. i was still in the fight. annie went to visit him he said -- but i am coming back. she thought -- that is great, but that is not realistic. he knew i liked monty python. he said -- it is only a flesh wound. [laughter] about a year later, this is a
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commando, i went on a rate of baghdad with a squadron. he was back on a prosthetic doing an operation in baghdad. he is still on active duty. he is that kind of guy. there are lots of those kinds of men and women. this is the test -- when someone is wounded, it test them. it has inside. it test their family. it has their spouses, parents, children. it test everybody. it test us even more. i did some numbers research. during the civil war, there were 500,000 americans wounded. with a 34 million-person population, that was one for every 68 americans. there was a wounded person in your town, probably in your family. you were comfortable. you sort people who had been wounded in war. that was familiar. there have been 46,000 americans
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wounded in iraq and afghanistan. that is about one wounded for every 7392 americans with our current population. most of us do not see a wounded service member often. it is a test of us as a group of people. what'll we do about it? are we family? do we catch those who served for us? that is the measure of society. >> we are talking about veterans. the spouses who stay at home are also veterans. the children who are at home learning about getting our money are also veterans. they are going through their own transition. they are suffering in ways that are not immediately visible. they have served and suffered just as much if not exposed to the kind of danger as their
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loved ones overseas. as you run into these folks, and seek them out, remember that it is a whol familye that has to be taking care of and not just the veteran. >> we will reserve the last 10 minutes for solutions here. it is important we have the kind of exposition we have. what do we do next as we leave here? but me give you two small examples. i have been following a young man. at the beginning of the war. i tracked him during the war. he came home. he is having a hard time finding a job. he moved to northern wisconsin. he cannot find work. we put a profile of him on the air. a man by the name of mike, an
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internet marketer, saw the profile and realize he had been sitting at home making a lot of money. he looked him up. found his address. knock on his door. took him to lunch and said -- i have worked for you. charles said -- how much will it cost me? he said -- you have paid enough. he is now his number one provider and salesmen on the internet of used cars. there is a business in america that i did not realize existed. if they sell you a camaro for $500, someone buys it online. charles cox the deal. he has hired three other veterans to work there. that is one perfect example for small businesses to be proactive. two different who are both vietnam veterans were
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lawrence university in new york. she goes to fort fum and works for returning veterans. she goes up and down the neighborhood and says to the neighborhoods -- if he starts his mother still at midnight, do not say anything. there may be a little more beer drinking in our neighborhood. go by and say hello and find a way to connect with him. wars are one from the down -- ground up. when they come home, we heal their wounds from the ground up as well, stan. the question is -- for someone who is out here who has a small business, where can they go to find out what is going on? the best way to do it is to go on-line and type in veterans who need work. you will find sites that will do that. we had something called robin hood.
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we had a big summit meeting in which people who are employers and we put online the skill sets of a lot of veterans and try to raise the consciousness of what is going on. when physicist talk to you as you enter a place, what do they ask you most of all -- when businesses talk to you, what do they ask you? >> how to reconnect with veterans. we have a series of jobs that require certain backgrounds. get to the population of people who may be interested and scare wis the internet offers opportunities to do that. there are elements of health cannot resinous. -- there are elements that help
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connect to resonates. it is still not perfect. it is harder to find the body of available veterans than we would like. that is one of the areas where we can look. it is good for companies to track how many veterans they have. i am not talking about quotas. have a sense of how many veterans to have. use existing veterans and to help you network to others. you would be how surprised how talent can find talent. an organization that is veteran- friendly will find talent come this way because word of mouth will spread. >> i work with a lot of compan ueies. the ones that are doing the best jobs of this have made it part of their culture and business plan. it does not happen serendipitously. they task their managers to find
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veterans. they measure them against a standard of how many veterans say expect to see in the organization. you have to look for them. they cannot just walk through the door. if he went on line and threw any surge or keywords. you will find dozens of sites that can tell you how to get to touch -- in touch with veterans. how to run a job here. how to look for a skill set that to need for your organization. sometimes you will have to do more than just check a skillset out and hire someone. a lot of these youngsters one in when they were just out of high school. they may pick up a lot of things in the army but they did not come in with a particular skill. you may have to have a program
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that built on that early education and give some the training they need for the job you have for them and not just expect them to walk to the door with everything that you need. you may have to provide training, mentoring, and other kinds of support group activities for the young people. >> how do we use his experience that we are all aware of to establish a template? we will go to war again at some point. it will happen again. this kind of issue will be probably more critical at that time giving the changing nature of the economy. do we require more legislation? should it come from the private sector? should it be a combination of the two? >> it has to be a public-private partnership. the government's most important role was to make sure we have gi bill activities and funds.
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the government has to reach out and help communities set up systems of all of these veterans. states should get involved. city should be involved. it is a public-private partnership. let us hope we do not get in another conflict that last a decades atan. >> stan, you have been teaching at yale. [applause] very popular. there was a time when no returning military officer could have gone on to an ivy league campus and talk a course in leadership. they are returning rotc to the campus. do you think we are healing the wounds of vietnam and that time and closing the gap between those who served in those who did not by having these kinds of discussions? >> i think we are. i walked across the green of yale and there was this line of
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about 300 yards of white. it was the nine navy authority students. that is the start. after 40 years of not having any kind of rotc, it is a great start. we are making progress. it will take work. if the military and civilian parts of society are not forcing themselves together, you build up here. you build up mistrust. you do not know. you have to find that. it is frightening for a veteran to go to a university or to go into business. this is a veteran who may have walked into danger in iraq but it is frightening to walk into a company and try to get a job because it is a different culture. , therganization's institutions have got to open their arms. there will have to be an awful lot of veterans and some who
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will week bills behind them. it is different than after world war two because the smaller population, which makes it harder. they are more of a minority. it is important we do these things to reassure them and the organization's. >> i need a point of order. [laughter] >> you can go on this time. i do not want to go do that again. >> it is not as ivy league schools. my college -- public institution that serves the inner-city section of york -- away with rotc about 16 years after i graduated because of the vietnam war. they have decided to bring it back this year. [applause] >> i want to leave you with one story and one thought. i was in minnesota.
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they have the military -- military oppression fund. they collect money for rehab, college, and other things. it unifies the entire state. the speaker was a mother of a national guardsman who had gone three times to iraq. she is a big executive at the target corporation. she did not want to be involved with her son's activities. she went off to see him often. named the chair of the parents left behind. look at the young mothers with their children who were crying because her daddy had gotten on the airplane. she thought she owed it to her son and her country into the sun people. she gave me the most haunting line i have never heard -- i quickly learned when you are a military mother, you go home and
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draw the lines on the window that looked out across the driveway. you cannot bear the idea of a miracle -- military arriving and a chaplain will get out. that was a template for what military families go through. the rest of us do not have that kind of fear. what we do have is not just the opportunity but the application to reach out to those families and these returning veterans. we could not have had two better representatives of the military services than general powell and general mcchrystal. thank you all very much. [applause]
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one of the many privileges in my life is the range of people i am able to meet. early on as these wars were not winding down, i have two young men talk to me about their mission. they had served in the military services. paul rieckhoff is the founder and executive director of iraq and afghanistan war veterans of america. the first major organization to address the problems that bring us here. he did not have to go into the army. he did not have to serve in iraq, he did as a first lieutenant. he went to am worse. he served as an army first lieutenant. he was a platoon leader in iraq in 2003 and 2004. from september 7, 2001, he left
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his job on wall street after 911 happened. he went to serve. he has dedicated himself to the issues that bring us here today. he will tell you firsthand what is you need to know and we all need to know about the success they have had so far and the word that is still to be done. paul. [applause] >> thank you. thank you very much. i want to start by asking you all to please give a round of applause to mr. brokaw, who has been an incredible voice for us before we were able to develop our own. he talked passionately about the greatest generation. he set the groundwork for what now we believe can be the next great generation of veterans who come home and surf. general powell and mcchrysal
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have an incredible voice for us. because of my unit said -- is easier than being getting shot at. that is true. my story began in another big city in new york. right before 9/11. i was working at j.p. morgan at 60 wall street. i was in the new york national guard. i never thought my first mobilization would be at ground zero. i have come from a military family. my grandfather was drafted in world war two in the bronx. he served three years in the south pacific. my father was drafted in 1968 in vietnam. back then, every family was a military family. i wanted to get back. i never thought it was dark in manhattan. my story is not unique. many people have answer this
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call. this generation of veterans is not a charity. they are an investment. it is one of the strongest investment we can make at a critical time in american history. i want to tell you a story via video about a man who grew up not far from chicago and is one of the many members of iava. >> i took the hard road. my store has been a story of success and survival. my name is nicholas holden. i deployed to afghanistan from january 2007 until april 2008. it is hard to come home. were can transform you. the military trains to up.
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they do not train you to come back home and be an american citizen. that is where groups like the iava step in. on my right shoulder i carry my best friend's name that was killed in iraq. he transformed my life. i would not have joined if it were not for him. on the same arm i would get the iava logo. iava transformed my life since i got out of the military. i could have been a statistic. i could have committed suicide. i could still be unemployed. iava did a lot for me. >> are you sure you want this? >> yeah. >> this symbolizes everything that was great about the military and carrying it
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forward. you do not always see it every day. you see it in the veterans of our becoming leaders in their communities, great husbands or wives, out there leading this nation and becoming the next greatest generation of veterans. >> that is nick. yes, that is a real tattoo. [applause] the tattoo shop that nick got that tattoo shop was created by in iraq vet who use his g i bill money to get trained and started a small business that not the tattoos. the of their stories _ opportunity that exists in this dynamic, dedicated generation of young men and women. nick is one of 2.4 million men and women who served in iraq.
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they represent less than one- half of 1% of the overall population. in world war two it was about 12%. not everyone has someone in their household, classroom, but these people are coming home and facing challenges. not everyone comes home from war wounded. everyone does come home changed. some of them are stronger for it. they do not view themselves as victims or villains. they are a tremendous resource waiting for this company to -- this country to give them opportunities to excel. 15% are women. 30% of them used the g.i. bill. over 700,000 are graduating across the country. they want to continue to serve. that is something you hear from the veterans. we want to continue to serve. that is the opportunity.
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we have challenges. over 40,000 have been physically wounded. the unemployment rate for returning veterans is 12.1%. 12.1%. that is what we can track. in states like miss again, it is close to 20%. -- michigan, is close to 20%. not everyone else comes home with poster my stress disorder. -- posttraumatic stress disorder. they want to get involved. they contribute to our nation and communities. what they need more than anything else is a connection. they need an on ramp into society when they return. college, unit, our company. that is what we can do.
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we cannot do it alone. the va is facing serious challenges. have -- there are almost a million disability claims backlog. folks are waiting to find out if they will get care, if they would get payment, what is next. that can be a burden. these are all solvable problems. the challenge is isolated to the veterans community. these conversations are branching out. you do not have to be a veteran to support the movement. it does not matter who you voted for or how you feel about the war. we can be united and reassured that we do not repeat the mistakes of vietnam. last week there was a high- profile debate on domestic policy. the two presidential candidates that together as americans watched. there was a were you did not hear in that debate -- veteran.
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veterans was not considered a domestic policy priority. that has to change. in order for us to galvanize the country and around this issue, you need to get involved. the virginia cannot do with a loan -- the va cannot do it alone. a lot of folks tend to think maybe they will be robotic. i was an infantry guy. i have the stereotype. people assume -- wall street, turn left, turn right. they do not appreciate the entrepreneurial string of that come out of these folks. they are dedicated. they do adapt, improvise, and overcome. if you really want to support the troops, hire them. they are a tremendous work force
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that will not only serve themselves with their communities. we have been working with different industries who understand that. we were in new york city for advertising. the advertising community understood this was a tremendous resource for them to utilize. they did a job fair. we were in silicon valley where leaders are realizing this is the group they want in their workforce. when you leave, you will see incredible speakers. remember that we are not a charity. we are an investment that can lead this country to do great things through tough times. george washington said -- and we assume a soldier, do not lay aside the citizen. that is what the lead. we are not partisan. we are frustrated with the in action and what looks like slow things happening in washington. these are the types of folks that can pass through and take
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this country to the next level. we need your help. when you leave, take this with you and think about veterans day. it is november 11. every city will have a parade and the events. please step up enjoying. be a part of this movement. help us deliver a return from this generation. we are not a charity. we are an investment. now is the time to invest. thank you very much. [applause] >> imagine what it is like one paul comes into my office with one of his friends. i sit up at attention when he comes in. you have seen now three distinguished american male military officers who returned home on damage from this
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service. i want you to meet melissa stockwell. she was the first lieutenant in iraq in april 2004. she was hit by an i.e.d.. it was on her home the. in a way, her new life began on that day. she is not a champion. she is an expert on prosthetics, having lost her leg and had it replaced by what you would not describe as an artificial leg but just a different leg. ladies and gentlemen, melissa stockwell. [applause] alyssa, how did you go into the ?rmy to attac
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>> i love our country. i wanted to be in the military. >> did you go in before or after 9/11? >> after. i was in rotc at the university of colorado in boulder. we were told it was more a matter of when we were deployed. it became real. >> we were making the transition at that point. women serving downrange in combat conditions. was it difficult to attack as a female -- no. was it difficult to be a female in a military? i was in a service support unit. i was transportation corp. we all wear the same uniform. everybody got treated the same in the same uniform. >> let us go back to that april
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day in 2004. it is cathartic. we ought not to be afraid to ask about these episodes. >> , april 1april 2004, 1913, 2. i was on humvee. i was behind the driver. we had no doors, no armor. 10 minutes into the right, a belasco's off. what you see today is the last day i have ever stood, two legs. there was the last of the i.e.d. >> how did they treat to in the field? .> there was a compact medic they were two vehicles back. they got and i v started. they did not tell me my life was gone. i found that out later.
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i was flown to a hospital. i was rushed into a medical surgery. i will go without my leg. >> what did you think when you realized it? >> it sounds so cheesy -- i have always been positive. i remember thinking in knowing that everything was -- it was ok. i knew i had a strong support system. i would be able to get through it. i wanted to do that. i wanted to start the healing process, you transferred from processed -- baghdad to germany. how long were you there? >> for a about five days. i was stabilized before making the long trip back. >> you are back to walter reed. you get the prostatic.
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the bad news is we have too many young people losing limbs. we have learned about how they can be replaced. is this the latest model? is it different from what you got from the first time to attack yes, as is the latest model. at walter reed, we get the best prospects. when i first got to wateree, the prostatic i got was the latest and greatest. i was able to stand, walk, do pretty well early. in the american public, there are perceptions -- someone sees me walking and they say look at her. pour her. her lifeless be horrible. they think i said in a dark room and cry. but they do not know is that i wake up the next day, put on my leg, and i do more in my life
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than i would have done with two. my life is more fulfilled. that day in 2004 -- it change my life for the better. the other perception is they claim that those prosthetic legs gave him an unfair advantage. that is now really the case. i can do everything i want to do, but i have to work at it. thanks to the media, you have a heart breaking stories and the wonderful stories and the reality is summer in the middle. -- somewhere in the middle. >> were you a good athlete? >> i have always thought of
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myself as athletic. >> you are a swimmer. >> yes. it started out good. >> what about the people participating in the apparel olympics with you -- paralympics with you > -- you? >> take anyone in the games. they all have inspiring stories. each one of them has gone through an incredible obstacles and have been able to make themselves better. uganda over that knowing you have overcome hard obstacles. -- you know that you have overcome hard obstacles. >> having the prosthetic and
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having improve your life, what is it that they should know about them and how they can approach them and talk about it? >> treat them like he would treat anyone else. we want to be part of reality. we want to be integrated back in life. we do not want to be treated differently. if you start talking across something i do not want to talk about, i will let you know. treat them the way you would treat anyone else. >> do you have a job? >> i do. >> with the duke? >> i work in prosthetic -- what do you do? >> i work in prosthetics. those who were born without limbs or do to trauma or disease.
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>> when you talk about your were, as at a demonstration of how life is much better? >> absolutely. it is kind of an unknown field unless you know somebody or you have it. when i first and the military, my dad asked if they let girls into the military. they loved it. a lot of times it was reassuring them that life is ok and that i will be ok. we grew and thrived together. i think that they are proud. >> i think i can say on behalf of all of us that it is ok and we are glad to have you here and share your story with us. >> thank you. [applause]
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put up >> part of the big idea of this conference and the subject is that we want you to have exposure to a full range of people who have experienced the triumphs and the traumas of the
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war. this there is nothing harder than having lost someone. michael davis. his wife was back here in the united states, taryn davis. she was stricken into solid grief, but she also knew there was a calling for her as well. their other military widows. she founded the american widow project. dedicated to providing a wide range of services and support for those who have lost their spouses. she was named one of newsweek magazine's 150 women who have shaped the world and a top-10 cn and hero -- cnn hero.
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we're very pleased to have her as a guest here at the chicago offensconference on big ideas. [applause] >> can i talk? >> yeah. as she describes her project, i want you to in some way to put yourself in her shoes. britain you got the call in the middle of the night, sometimes from a disconnected voice, and you are 21 years old. you just got the love of your life. expand the moment into the mission she is about to describe
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to you. the audience is yours. >> on may 21, 2007, my life ended. it started out like any other day. i woke up to the ding ding of instant messaging. i ran to my computer and got to see my husband, michael, on the screen. i met him when i was a socially awkward clarinet player in the high school band. it made no sense to me that this gorgeous trombone player would talk to me, let alone to ask me out. but he did. we eventually did it all through high school and college and parted ways to until i received a call from him knowing that he
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decided to join the army. total surprise to me. we wrote letters every day during his training. three months after we got engage. a month up to that, we got married. he was the kind of person that if you walked up to him and said -- he would not laugh at you. he will look at you sternly in the eyes and say to bring back iraq. -- a rock. he was the kind of person who made you believe in yourself. he loved storm trek and a frozen pizzas and he was my shark week companion. he would watch and the road show with me even though i am pretty sure he hated it. he was my soul mate.
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we talked about mundane things. we did not talk about the mission that he was going on. we talked about what i ate for dinner the night before and what anatomy."n "grey's in this instance, we were talking about a laptop computer. after a month the deployment, you say i love you in so many ways. i type it out. i do not know why, but i typed out, i hope you know that i love you more than life itself. i am glad that i wrote that. an hour-and-a-half later, my husband would be leading a convoy of vehicles to baghdad. there was stop over. when they stopped, they said
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that they were driving through up. there were explosives that killed my husband and a few other soldiers. i would be a my parents' house and later and getting ready to head home. my mom was asleep and my dad was out of town. when the phone rang, my little sister would pick it up and handed to me. they said, you need to come home. when i asked why, they responded that there are men that need to talk to me. who are the men? i cannot tell you. you need to come home. my heart dropped as a drop the phone. we asked a neighbor if they could drive me to my house. it was the longest 10 minutes of my life. dear lord, please let it be an
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injury. i stopped when returned on to my street. i saw the two man wearing the same uniform that my husband wore on our wedding. i got quiet. at that point, it was like a movie scene. i got out of the car and walk to our patio. i remember seeing that two man. -- two men. they were shaking. michael was killed and i was the wife they were notifying. after that, it was a whirlwind of memorial service and writing of the twists. -- writing the obituary. it became apparent to me that the world would keep turning.
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i could not die of a broken heart. i like to say that with time it became easy, but but months later i hit rock bottom. people disregarded my grief is due to my young age of 21. it seemed better than being in a world where people this regard my husband's sacrifice because of their political views or because of his young age at 22. i thought about michael and what he would want. it would be the ability to stand here with me today and fulfillment teams to have for each other. i had to try to live for michael at until i could find a reason to live for myself. in the first? in doing that would be embracing this title i had been given -- widow. i went to the one place where i
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could find answers. i went to google. [laughter] i type in a widow. i hit enter. google came back with the response i will never forget -- did jimmy window? -- did you mean "window"? that was a catalyst to me. i found out that the average age of a soldier killed was 26. 56% of those serving are married. in the past 24 hours, a service member has taken the lead due to posttraumatic stress disorder. their other young men and women out there like me who are grieving and trying to grasp onto any life out there. there are individuals of or
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behind the statistics. i want to bring those people together. that is what i wanted to start a nonprofit. i wanted to create a place where women could come together, men and women together and give the peer support that is necessary to see others like them. we have served many through the american river project. we allow them to overcome mental and emotional problems. it has been amazing. it has been an honor for me to look at them in the face and see perseverance and to see their legacies being carried on through their actions. we are taking the program is the further. as a nation, it is our duty to
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recognize these men and women. you cannot see it, but they are there. it is our duty through our new program to allow these women to see not only can we show them the they can survive, but to thrive. given the tangential -- tangible tools to pursue education and overcome obstacles. these women had given me hope. they are the reason i am standing here today. they have given me purpose. i want to give them that, too. i saw on may 21, 2007 that my life ended. i have learned through each one of their stories and their heroes that the day has not ended, but has only just begun.
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thank you. [applause] [cheers and applause] >> we're going to move up in rank. we have major general marcia anderson. been in the army for 32 years. when to university in omaha, nebraska. went into service. recently let the u.s. army as a
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general. we are a leader, an officer, a warrier, a wife, a mother, and a grandmother. she serves as in wisconsin, wisconsin been her home. she has served as a deputy chief of army reserve. these three women are one more demonstration of the changing face of the united states military and the changing face of our society. i honestly believe and not just because i am the father of daughters and granddaughters, the 21st century will be the century of women.
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general anderson. [applause] >> thank you. i appreciate that a standing ovation before i said anything. i appreciate that. i also want to thank and i am very honored to be part of this discussion we are having, the conversation of a community about our transitioning service members. i am going to talk to in the next few minutes about what i know best -- what we are doing in the army reserve for our soldiers.
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we stayed. we also have more join us. you may not realize this, but the army reserve has over 200,000 citizens soldiers. over 200,000 of them have deployed. some of them have deployed four or five times. they are still joining. they still expect to be utilized because they love this country. they have something special to offer. you may know whether someone who is in the reserve, a family member, because these individuals live in your community. we go to work every day. we work on your car. as a reserve soldier, there are working on tanks and really cool stuff. they may be your dentist.
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my dentist is a member of the army reserve. she died late in life. late in life. a person behind in the grocery line might be in the army reserve and you do not know it. i will talk about the programs we have for the special members of our communities. start thinking about things we can do to make these programs better and to expand their reach. as we e-book after these 11 years of war, we cannot remain static. they need to evolve. we need to support them. i will talk about our partnership program. back in 2008, the army reserve created an employer partnership
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office. its sole purpose was to link soldiers with employers. we felt very strongly the soldiers bring something very special to the table. you may see them as an infantry soldier, but that does not explain what they have done and the responsibilities they have had and the equipment they have been responsible for. they do more than supervise people, but they are expected to mentor the soldiers that work for them. talk about professional career goals and sometimes help them out when they have family challenges. you might see a soldier, but i see someone who covers an immense amount of responsibility and touches of the people that work for them. employer partnership leverages those skills.
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it allows them to connect with employers that need some of those talents. we all winning. they understand about being a member of a team and the importance of dedicating yourself to something that is greater than to. it is important that we all across the finish line. one of our success stories i will talk the about -- a sharp for a drilling company talks about why they need soldiers. he says, soldiers are good at drilling because it is hard, dirty word, away from all. -- home. doesn't sell like a soldier? it does. i'll talk about timothy thomas. he was one of the outstanding
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soldiers have benefited from this partnership. timothy was laid off in 2008. he was having difficulty finding employment. he joined the army reserve in 2010. it took advantage of the employer partnership offered. you probably cannot tell, but that is antonio banderas. you probably cannot tell, huh? [laughter] it were extremely happy to have him. he was a soldier who was an asset to the company. uh, i never got to meet antonio. [laughter] a major partner in the employer partnership office is a national trucking company. they have hired 1800 veterans.
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they have 180 in one of their programs. think about it. you have someone driving an 18 wheeler. they are driving a route in afghanistan or i ran. there is no reason they cannot come here and navigates. no way. they value the skills and work ethics that the soldiers bring to the table. that is what they are a committed partner. we're talking about noncommissioned officers who are transitioning from acts of duty. maybe they decided to go back to school. we want to repay those individuals and their talents in the army reserve. we have invested a lot in their trading -- training.
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i feel strongly about repaying those individuals. we want them to transition to the army reserve. this program is a way to do that. find them a job in whatever community decide to move to. link them up with the army reserve unit said they can continue to support and help the army reserve remains strong. we also need to take care of our families. that is a priority in. our families make a strong. all of us together can make our nation stronger if we support them and their families. i will talk about a couple of programs we have. i will describe these programs in general. we need to evolve and change i
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recognize there are different needs than originally thought. we have armies from the immediate centers and families. there is an 800 number you can call for assistance. the community centers it takes all. it is not a member in your member of any branch of our military service. there was a veteran who was bipolar and homeless. he needed assistance getting food and medicine. he also needed a place to stay. the center was able to help him and connected with people who could help them move forward with his life. if we talk about our families, we cannot forget some of our youngest heroes, the children. the yellow ribbon program which
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some of you might be familiar with is a program designed for reserved soldiers to assist in pre deployment, during deployment, and when they come back after deployment. their various programs provided for them to come -- to help with their legal issues and employment and educational benefits to be explained. we bring in everyone. we bring in this house and single soldiers and child care so they can focus completely a bigger health specialists and opportunities that are being provided in terms of counseling. we make a holistic approach to the entire family. for our children, as budget army children -- especially the army children -- iowa has a military
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installation. we need to rely on the army reserve resources to support our soldiers and take care of them and address their needs. children are an integral part of that. what is provided for army kids? it is an opportunity for them to connect with appears online. there have been over 8 million sessions with army kids and this particular program. i call this a success story. we also a partner with the small business administration, the department of veteran affairs, and the department of labor to provide other opportunities. you have to be pretty of entrepreneurial when you're out there away from resources and try to make do with very little. you need to think on your feet
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and be created. be innovative. .oldiers rock we also have an opportunity for people who may not have thought of joining. i will talk about a person named sandra. she decided to join the army at 51. i'm 54, so i give her a lot of respect for making that decision. her son during the marine corps. the completed basic training at the same time. i looked at her in the front. her son is the man behind. analysts were tired? -- who looks more tired? [laughter] she is ready to go.
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i want to do my part. i want to do my role. i want to add value. that is what she did. she is still serving as far as i know. i think that is great. from my own personal experience, how did you get into the army? it was not a plan. it was kind of serendipitous. i went to a small catholic university in the midwest. i needed a science credit. i did not want to take anything involved in getting messy. i was working my way through college. a gentleman said, rotc. military science department. too good to be true.
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i'm still here. one of the best decision i ever made. i do not look back and anything i did with regret. it has been an honor to serve. i will continue to serve until they tell me to go home. as i talk to you this afternoon, i want to highlight a few programs. there is this perception that we do not have programs out there that are serving our soldiers. we do, but we need your help. we need continued support for those programs. we need you to get involved and get educated. find out where we have gaps in services. come together as a community and provide the support we need for our veterans. this is our next greatest generation. there will be the next members of our state and local legislature. they will be our doctors and attorneys and engineers to help improve our infrastructure.
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their kids and their spouses will continue to add value. we need to support them. we need to give them everything we have in terms of opportunities. one of the things we do know is that we have mental health and behavioral challenges, but you cannot be afraid. they just need to know that you care. it goes beyond, how are you doing today? you really do not want to know, but that is what you need to know. you have to get to know these soldiers. they are in your church. you run into them at the grocery store. the pump gas. they are your neighbors. just say, how are you doing? and buy them over for dinner. take care of their families when you are gone. we can do this.
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i know we can do it. one thing i wanted to remember is the everyone needs to sign up for this. everyone needs to put the jobs that have out there and post them and hire a soldier, a sailor, a marine, hire a hero. thank you. [applause] >> i want to introduce the real commander of the mcchrstal family. [applause]
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she runs the home front. she was deployed for months and years on end in special forces. could not imagine what it would have been like. this is been a remarkable afternoon i hope for all of you. the whole idea was to the big ideas before you and carry out of here and that will help knit this country together when we feel too divided. the most important thing you can do is not just take the lessons from this remarkable speakers, but make a pledge to yourself and your friends that there is never been a more important time in american life than right now to reenlist as
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citizens. thank you. [applause] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2012] >> on c-span, creators in the film and music industry discussed hollywood's impact on american culture and how they are adapting to technological innovations. that is followed by the memorial service for the first man to walk on the moon, neil armstrong. then the treatment of returning veterans. friday morning on "washington journal" tom shoop on the pending fiscal cliff.
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and alan ota on the u.s. postal service. and a look at consumer confidence. plus, your phone calls, e-mails, and tweets. "washington journal"live on friday on c-span. >> if we attack cuba, there'll be a war. >> there are serious things that will be on easy. -- uneasy. [indiscernible] >> hang on tight.
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>> it is amazing that eisenhower tells him to have people a lark. everyone is completely on edge. kennedy last it. he says, -- kennedy laughs. he says, hang on tight. they had a sense of how lonely it is to occupy that kind of office. you're getting a lot of faulty advice. eisenhower knew all about that. he was able to speak with the supreme authority about the dangers, as well as the advantages of military advice. he was a very useful ally to the kennedys. >> ted widmer on "listening
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"q&a." ♪ >> if we turn away from the needs of others, we align ourselves with those forces which are bringing about this suffering. >> the white house is a bully pulpit. we ought to take advantage of it. >> so much info and in those offices. >> i think they serve as a window in what is going on with american women. >> she is one of the people that
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he could trust. >> a lot of them were writers and journalists. >> there were more interesting as human beings than their husbands. firstecause they're not and foremost defined by political ambition. >> dolly was socially adept and politically savvy. >> dolly madison love every minute of it. mrs. monroe hated every minute of it. >> what women want and what women have to contribute. >> there was too much looking down and it was a little bit too fast. >> he is probably them most tragic. >> she later wrote in her
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memoir that she said she never made any decision. i only decided what was important and when to presented to my husband. you stop and think about how much power that is. it is a lot of power. >> part of the battle against cancer is to fight the fear that accompanies the disease. >> she transformed the way that we look at these bugaboos and made it possible for countless people to survive and flourish as a result. i do not know how many presidents realistically have that kind of impact on the way that we live our lives. >> of just walking around the white house ground, i am constantly reminded about all the people who have lived there before and in particular, all of the women.
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>> of first ladies influence and image. a new series on c-span. produced in cooperation with the white house historical association. coming in february 2013. >> actor and former california governor arnold schwarzenegger joins a group of film and record executives for the hollywood impact on american culture. the event takes place at that university of southern california schwarzenegger institute. from los angeles, this is about an hour and 15 minutes. [applause] >> thank you for turning up for this. it is an honor to be here.
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anyone who has been uncovering policy in new york kind of feels entertainment industry has this enormous power in politics and public policy, and also as a dark matter out there. we do not fully understand how it is affecting and changing what happens on the east coast. we have a remarkable panel of longtime leaders in that industry to help explain that to me and to you. -- he apologizes for not being able to be here with us. he is working on the next "avatar" script. i will bring out the panel. the first person is arnold schwarzenegger. [applause]
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he is our house today. -- host today. he is somebody who uniquely came from the entertainment industry and into politics. he is at the intersection of those things. he is extremely active in things like this. he will be starring in a new movie called "last call close." the next person is ron meyer, president of universal since 1995. [applause] faugh he is someone -- he is someone who has seen the industry whether the technological changes. prior to joining universal, he was the president of the creative artists industry, which he founded.
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i will keep is relatively short perio. the next is brian grazer, the chairman of imagine entertainment. [applause] and the guys behind shows like "24" and "a beautiful mind" -- there was a great profile about him. it said that he likes to make movies that are hits and all some. -- wholesome. i love that. jimmy is the chairman of -- he
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has a lot going on. he is a producer for u2. there are headphones are a remarkable marketing story. you can catch it on your phone. he is also a mentor on "american idol." finally, rob friedman. come on up. [applause] he is the co-chair of lionsgate and producer of governors schwarzenegger's latest film. paramount merged with lionsgate did the "twilight" series.
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without further ado, thank you for coming. we will get rolling. [applause] meone?forget so the topic is innovation. filmmaking has change in the digital revolution. there are great talk down a stories -- top-down stories. when the media environment is being disrupted with kids with iphones and youtube, how do navigate that transformation? >> anyone who is buying our
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product, we are content providers. someone who is licensing and buying our products is a friend. the innovation works to our advantage. we get paid for it. [laughter] assuming we are getting paid and most yards unpaid for it, i think it is a friend and not a folk. -- not a foe. >> you're successful in the music industry. i guess i wonder whether there are lessons that you learned that we will see playing out in film. >> what i found in 1999, the entire record industry was terrified of silicon valley. it was like a giant spaceship
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that landed on us. people getting music for free. i come from a music background. i will talk to one of these guys. it woke me up. i went to one of the founders of intel. i give them a 20 minute speech on how this is impacting the low salary people and the musicians investing in us in our this repertoire -- artist up t repertoire. he said that every industry is made to last forever. i got into the car. he asked, how did it go? i said, we are -- i realized at that moment that we had to do something to
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augment our business. we cannot as we for the technology industry to help us. it does taken a long time. business has been slow at dealing with this problem. the basic facts are, in 1999, we were act this amount of billions of dollars. we need to have subscriptions. >> i saw you nodding. i know people -- some he will have never heard this language before. i will not repeat it. from the situation of the music industry? >> we were witnessing a car accident or a train wreck. we were on the verge of bringing
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our product to the dvd market. as an industry, we took a bit of a pause and to make sure that the protections that we needed for us to release our product to these new devices was at least as productive as we could make it up that time. that was always in counter intent to the hardware industry that did not want protection. it wanted it universally able to be downloaded and consumed. we waited a long time before we allowed our product to come out on dvd. piracy is a giant issue for us as an industry. we have implemented all sorts of activities to work at this on an ongoing basis. we learned from watching the music industry. >> in the end, do you feel that
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it was worth it? there were some people who were saying that the industry was moving slowly. >> i feel the same thing. 10 years ago, he created an alert as to what was going on in the music business and we would have the parallel things in the movie business. their piracy meetings. i was probably the only producer there. we could not do much. we disbanded our group and then i really do much about it. it is affecting us. >> that shift has played into politics.
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the money and power has shifted from los angeles to northern california, at least inside the democratic party. if you ran through it, you would see for the first time more technology executives down their work studio executives and a film executives. they're interested not always aligned. -- interests were not always aligned. do you see the power shift affecting your industry? >> they certainly have a lot more money than we do. in short time, they have amassed a great fortune in silicon valley. piracy is a major issue. i think that we are all in one form or another looking for solutions to it.
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i do not feel affected by it. i think that there are a lot of pluses. there are advantages in marketing and communication with your audience. good and bad. there are a lot of advantages. we need to find a way to work together. we are not really competitive business. we need to find a symbiotic relationship. >> between the people who run the content and the platform -- >> we are in the content business. with new technology, it will be starved for content. we are seeing a different viewing habits on different devices based on age and experience. it is a symbiotic relationship. there are certain issues we do not have in common.
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>> one of the big industries is the abrupt rise of social media. that is kind of where i live a lot of the time. covering politics, you see these political campaigns competing as producers of content with people like me in the news that mess with folks like you in the entertainment business. we are competing for the same time. we're trying to produce a high- quality content. i guess i wonder and i am interested in how the shift toward me as such as facebook and twitter has affected the market and everything that you guys do. give me an example of that. >> well, i will try to addressed
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both questions. the plot from industry and silicon valley -- we are what differentiates them from each other. verizon and at&t, how do you pick a phone? technology companies such as apple and sony are culturally inept. they have twitter and facebook, but the content is provided by the consumer. the use it to generate content. you go and you watch them on their own. you have spotify and rhapsody. they are utilities, but they
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need culture. we have an enormous advantage. google, youtube, apple, amazon, microsfot. -- microsfot. ha-- microsoft. what happens? a lot of cranky people. we have to be smart about this right now. we need to build our own platform. we have what people watch. the content is by older users. other places need content. we need to know how to push it out. we cannot say that we will get 20 cents from youtube and 20 cents from apple and 20 cents from microsoft, but that is not a strategy.
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there is no reason why been the record industry does not until the user experience or online videos. 70 years of saying that somebody else does that. i resist trying to prove a marketing concept. people are advertising everywhere. hardware companies are intimidating. screw this. i'm going to make a piece of hardware and selling through the culture. i've got to make a piece of hardware as good as they do. they make all of their hardware in china. they're not creating. most of the technology is done in china. here is the new driver. here is the new driver. we build the best headphones in the world. we marketed it to the our culture that we grew up on and that we control. it worked.
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>> yes. the thing that would have been possible in an earlier media era? think that would have been possible in an earlier media era? >> i'm one of the record guys that gets invited. i'm sorry aboutd, your business. he was talking as if somebody's grandfather had died. i called up doug. if they are not in to pay for it right now to buy our music, let's figure out a way to get them to listen to it.
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that is how the phone started. [laughter] [applause] >> do you think that there are lessons from the successes are the mistakes of the music industry that you're taking to heart other than the headphones in? >> i think what he said is true. their disadvantage is that the music industry has. you can listen to that everywhere and download it quickly. people used to getting music for nothing. they listen to their radio. no money or little money. for a movie, you need to concentrate. yet the pay attention for that when hour or an hour-and-a-half or two hours. it is a different kind of experience. as soon as we learn a lesson,
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someone comes along and beats us at it. it is easier to steal it than to protect it. we need to get smarter. we need to find ways to make our product more entertaining and more accessible and affordable and more interesting in many ways. we are working on doing that. we have to give the more reason to buy it. >> an article said we liberals owe not a small part of our success to a tiny cultural elite, basically ignoring conservative
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critics in the 1980's, going ahead with pro-gay rights, pro-rights programming. and joe biden cited "will and grace" as a central thing in changing the culture toward gay rights, really very effectively, changing the way people see a lot of these issues. i wonder. you've made music and television programs and one that comes to mind is "24," which kind of got people used to the idea of a black president. when you are producing these, what is the thought process? do you think past the -- >> on that particular thing we did. we thought it would be interesting to do that and that it could expand people's sort of neural corridors and have an open mind about how they would
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see things in the future. but a lot of the movies i do or the ones i like are about social or cultural issues and i made sure like, for example, on the "parenthood" tv series there is a kid with asperger's syndrome, and same thing with "a beautiful mind." i'm trying to destigmatize mental disability and at the same tile be entertaining and engage people and also, you know, there are other examples. jimmy and i also produced "eight mile" together and i think the point of view there was, i mean i thought jimmy had a narrative, i had a sort of manifesto and i find of felt that hip-hop was being perceived as a sub culture and i thought 23 we could find a way to prove it wasn't a sub culture, it was the culture and
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have the establishment acknowledge it as the culture and be established in the lexicon, that would elf -- elevateate me. it's something i'm excited about doing the >> jimmy, you produced a concert in philadelphia -- i did. >> right. you did. >> i went to it though. i went to a concert in philadelphia. >> yes. sorry. you called it made in america. i wonder if that was -- which again it was called made in america and again it seemed like in part it had some bilingual stuff, about projecting a very specific vision of america. >> although i produced it, jay-z -- jimmy can speak to this very well. it was jay's idea to show that
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we're going through a revolution right now and that the restusion is about tearing the walls down and that everybody, you know, you don't go to record shops any longer and go to the rap section or you don't go to hip-hop and you don't go to rock 'n' roll, but everything is accessible through the internet and that all these kids are, there is a unification with all these kids, they're creating their own message and there aren't any walls. jimmy, i would love for you to speak to that. >> with hip-hop in the 19 0's and going into the 1990's, there were a lot of children from that, kids of friends of mine from all over, and one common thing they would say to me, you know, there are a lot -- there are many fewer racial barriers than there were when we were kids, you know? and i'm not saying hip-hop is
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the only reason but i think hip-hop helped an entire generation communicate better and understand each other and accept each other better in a way music never did about. will -- there was still white and black. when hip-hop impacted, one of the things was that movie, eminem and dr. dre' and jay-z brought together kids of all cultures in a way that was so unifying, but it was also, they did something together. it wasn't just listening to the music. it was a movement, an attitude. i think it had a lot to do with it, myself. now you're seeing the electric dance movement along with hip-hop and pop and it's all kind of bringing the same kid to a festival and you're seeing the communities in these festivals really become one and it's incredible to watch. there's a show brian did that
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had all different kinds of kids at. it was fantastic. >> what we wanted to do was have all different kinds of music. but we wanted to have the vertical feed through jay-z's perspective. that's going to be in post production and the concert itself will inform this production but if there is such a thing as a hip-hop amadeus, to see it through jay-z's perspective. >> all right. stay tuned. stay tuned. >> if we get to promote stuff, i'm doing it. [laughter] >> and do you think there has been a hollywood campaign that's changed the values on this and turned the country to the left? >> no. i think there are plenty of movies that have -- that are conservative and have wholesome values and run the whole
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spectrum of what we want for our ose -- society. many of us that are in the film or music industry may have more, sort of, liberral cultural views of our own, some yes, some no, the governor, but on the sort of other, little bit on the other side and i think we have a variety in what we try to produce and to communicate. >> i mean, one of the issues i think of the film addressed is environmental issues, and i'm thinking about the loe ark special the anybody that doesn't know, it's dr. seuss, about environment al depredation that you made into a film. but this year a film was made
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called "the truax," but how good the logging industry is. but i wonder how good that film is? the lorax. >> well, it was very environmentally could, -- conscious. he believed there was a message there and it was a good positive. my wife, who is an environment alist saw it and right away said the same thing, this is a film that can educate children about the environment and the dangers of not paying on to what is going on in the global universe. as a studio we were very fortunate to be the studio but chris was really the inspiration for bringing that to life. as you said, it's been around a long time.
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those of us that were making dr. seuss films out of his books frankly never thought of doing it as a movie. so i wish as a studio we could take credit. we were smart enough to be in business with chris and distribute it. but no one ever thought of that at the time. with had "is the cat in the hat" and -- >> but dr. seuss -- we've all found ways to do, whether it be television or movies, dr. seuss-related projects and none of us thought to do the lorax. >> there are a the lot of very political seuss books. the later books get very political. governor, environmental nishes are one where maybe despite hollywood's best efforts, people who want to regulate
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carbon emissions are basically losing the war of opinion right now. i wonder, is that hollywood's failure? somehow the culture changed. >> first of all, i think the power of films and television is enormous. i mean i think it is much more powerful than politicians ever can be in convincing the voters out there of doing something or going in a certain direction. i've seen that, for instance, when we used to promote fitness. i was the chairman of the president's council on fitness and they were debating policy and what to do about the lunch programs athat every school should offer every child three times a week 45 minutes training and all this and how much money should be done. then all of a sudden came out the movie "saturday night fever" and disco and john travolta looking handsome with
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the white suit on and having all the girls dancing. around the globe, they opened up discos. there were more discos opened up within one year than you can imagine. even in my village in austria, only a population of 800, but there were two discose 0 -- opened up in the year. [laughter] there were young folks dancing and dancing and eventually the amount of people that were participating in dancing and how hip disco dancing became, the amount of calories that were burned off, and all the debates in washington couldn't even come close to what the calorie count was that they burned off with disco. and at the same time, having a great time, government wasn't allowed, nobody told the kids, you can only dance from 6:00 to 8:00, here's the limit to what you can drink, whatever.
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you can dance and burn more calories than through any kind of physical fitness program. that just showed you the power of just one movie. we've seen it over and over in environmental causes that have been promoted. i don't call it the left so much. hollywood movies are about tolerance. if someone is gay, be tolerant. it's not like you're pro poet mole -- promoting, you know, the gay lifestyle, just saying hey, accept it. if somebody is an environmentalist, accept that person. if someone hates smoking, accept that person or if someone smokes, accept that person the let's be open minded. i think hollywood has contributed a lot towards that. i myself for instance when it comes to the environment, the question we have, one should not forget that at a time when you have economic downturn and a worldwide recession and the most important thing is to get a job, i think that will always
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be the number one thing in the political arena to talk about job creation rather than to talk about the environmental issues even though eventually someone will figure it out that what california has done was they created the jobs and also at the same time protected the environment because there is a total relationship between job creation and also protecting the environment. if you think about all of the solar plants, building the biggest solar plants right now in the desert. guess who is building that? thousands and thousands of workers are building that. or when you redo bls to make them energy efficient, there's endless amount of workers. when angela merkel came over from germany and asked how did you improve your unemployment rate that quickly, she said,
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"we immediately made a decision to weatherize all the homes in germany." that's energy efficient but also put the employment -- unemployment rate back down to 5%. there is a relationship. >> i think maybe people thought "the inconvenient truth" was like that movie or "avatar." do you think there is a big environmental movie that needs to change people's minds? >> i think incon convenient truth was a terrific movie but it is screaming loud for a sequel. it exposed the problem but that's -- has not ever told us what is the solution. that's the next step i think people are waiting for. avenue abtar or inconvenient truth or many other films, i think they're very good because no matter how you put it,
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whether you are on the left or the right, as eff said many times, people don't care if you are breathing republican air or democratic air. people just want to breathe clean air and people when they go to the faucet they want to turn on the water and know that that water is clean and not packed with chemicals that will kill you down the line. and groundwater is clean so when you turn on the faucet, that's, you protect it in every way possible. we've got to clean our environment, no matter how we voted. left or right, everyone is afraid of dying of cancer and all be those chemicals in the ground and the air, the particulate matter and all of those things, they'll kill you. that's why we have seen the cancer around. they talked about it during lunch time, the things they have done to reduce the
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pollution to -- pollution p -- 70%, it was because the people around there were dying and get -- getting sick. it's very clear that pollution kills people. 100,000 people die in the united states every year because of pollution related illnesses. it's inexcusable. they should forget about left or right, just solve the problem. end of story. [applause] 100,000 people die >> have you talked to algor about the sequel? >> no, i think maybe it needs different people to do that. >> and we have stationary microphones in the aisles if students want to start thinking about questions.
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continuing on this, i wonder if your your career you drew a straight line there, if you felt like the governorship was a logical progression from the movies and if the movies are a logical progression back? >> i don't know if it's a logical progression. but i feel maybe a lil different than most people because as an imi grant when you are received with open arms in a place like that and then you get all the opportunities, as soon as you have made it a little bit, you are ready to feel like, how can i give something back? this place has given me everything. i've always had that need to gib something back. that's why i was involved in the president's council on physical fitness, i was the chairman for that for bush sr. and then started getty heavily involved in special olympics and the best buddies programs and then the after school
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programs, passed the initiative in california to get more money for after-school programs. that was the debate where the conservatives said the parents should take care of the kids. i made the fiscal argument that for every dollar we spent on an after school program you get $3 back, great investment because of the teenage pregnancy, the crime, juvenile crime and all that, putting them in jail costs so much more. they voted for it. we have had great success. but i always felt i wanted to give something back. when the recall came up, talking about the power of the movie business, i don't think i would have ever won if i haven't come from the movie business. that gave you the name recognition and in politics as much as in movies, you need the name recognition. very important. and you need to be likable. luckily i made movies that i was likeable.
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"the terminator" maybe not so. but even that was accepted. but anyway, the movie industry helped me to run for governor, to have the name recognition, the name likablity and i won. way ahead of my other opponents and i think there is a relationship there for me. and for they it was the greatest honor, greatest pleasure to be able to step into that job and to serve the state for seven years and as i said, as soon as i am finished i will go back to the movie business. that's why, you know, cin cinnatus, who ruled rome 200 years before christ, was one of the great believers. he went and r50u8d and as soon as i -- he finished he was a farmer again. i think that's cool. i want to go back and do wa i did before. i'm having the greatest time
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being back in the movie business and had the greatest time serving the people of california the >> sorry to put you on the spot. but does it change his identity as a star because he was governor of california? or was he such a high star that people don't even notice? >> well, on his -- the new movie is called the last stand the opens in january. >> what did i call it? >> opens in january. >> what was the date again? >> january 15. [laughter] >> the answer is that the goodwill that the governor built as a performer, as an >> what actor, carried through his governorship and continues to carry on in his return to the screen. >> so people kind of, audiences see it as kind of a continuous identity?
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>> i think they -- yes, i think they embraced the personality, the person and what he stands for not only in life but on screen as well. what he did for the state and what he does as a performer. and the enjoyment and entertainment he brings to the screen. >> you were making the case earlier that you think hollywood gives as much away as any other industry, maybe more. i know you came, ed, with your folders from the special olympics board meeting. >> right. >> sometimes you look at -- i mean some of gusegsh you guys are publicly traded companies and there is an investment of time and money. how do you justify that not just as doing good, which is obviously always easy to sell, but how do you justify it as a business? >> i think it is about doing good. it's not just our companies who contribute but we as
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individuals. everybody on this day for sure dedicates a lot of time and money and energy into charitable work and public service and we as an industry have i think our town not just hollywood but our community in los angeles is probably one of the most give communities in the country if not the world, with a variety of chairates and causes. and i good evening that it's just a spirit that we have enjoyed in our community and our industry for sure does give back and does, i think preerk the interaction with our consumers and with the people around us and i think that it's instilled in us. it was instulled -- instilled in me early on in my corporate career and i carry through and try to instill it in our employees as i'm sure everybody on this panel has. >> and i guess, why the special olympics in particular for you? >> the special olympics was
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introduced to me actually in the movie business in 1978 when we had a world premiere for the benefit of special olympics of "superman" in the jimmy carter administration and that's when i first met eunice kennedy shriver. she introduced me to the special olympics movement. coincidentally i grew up was a young boy in the -- a small southern down -- town it a down syndrome boy, intellectually challenged, who was far from included in everyday activities but he was one of our friends and pals. but you cut to 20 years later, 25 years later and meeting mrs. survivor -- shriver and having her talk to me about the program. i became first involved then.
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later on in 1990, maria asked me to join the southern california board of special olympics, and i've been involved ever since. i'm currently the chairman of the world summer games coming to los angeles in 2015. the biggest single sporting event in the world. [applause] over 7,000 ploits will be here. not since the 1984 olympics will there be an event taking place in los angeles of this size and importance. >> and before we get to the question, you mentioned this in passing before, but i think one of the biggest transitions in hollywood ofe the last decade or two is the portrayal of the family. you had an, a really interesting take on this. you mentioned that not in the film but in the tv series "parenthood" there is this kid with aspergers. it seems like it's became first later on more of a complicated family, a
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complicated, diverse family. well, i mean, this all -- many of my foys -- movies deal with family, whether "friday night lights" or "parenthood" or even "arrested development," they all deal with what looks to be a family unit that makes sense, but then underneath it there is normal dysfunctionality. arrested development is very extreme, outrageous. the tv and movie parenthood, we try to pick real things that happen within family units that are crises for the family that you wouldn't expect. it started off with a movie that looked like the perfect family but undefeated neath -- underneath it you see what the rules of a family are really about. and up deal with issues. one of 9 issues we chose for our tv series which actually
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jason kidd who created and shared every issue, he has a son with asperger's and he has a son with asperger's and we created the character in the series. you get to do real-life experiences and express them through the series. for example, this week i looked at a rough cut that my son riley actually experienced when he was going to a normal school, malibu high and i found the perfect school outside of malibu high for him to go to, which took about 10 years to figure out. i one day said hey, i would like you to look at this particular school. he said, no, no, i decided what i'm going to do is run for office. i said, "well, what office do
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you think you are going to run for?" i was thinking secretary, president. "i'm going to run for student body president." 800 kids, the best and the brightest. and he ended up winning. [applause] it was the most, you know, the most emotional moment that i'd had ever perhaps because tass life-changing to him, it affected his self-image in a way that was so profound and i let him stay, of course, and serve as president of malibu high and it was just something that changed his life. and now we were able to do a -- an episode that almost replicated riley's experience and it affects people. you get to destigmatize mental disability and the you kids and parents need to understand it. other artists do this all the time. you find a cause, a subject,
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it's either personal or something you really care about or it's happening to your family and up get to express it. you get to find a narrative or a vehicle. in the case of "beautiful mind" it wasn't even about john nash. it was a different story about michael lauder. you had -- he had a tragedy in his life though. he was schizophrenic. so i chose john nash. artists do this all athe time. >> do you think the change of the way families are portrayed in tv and film, interracial couples, gay couples, do you think that's something that's led the culture? >> oh, no question. we did broke backe mountain and people said why would you make a movie about two men and their relationship in such a serious,
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poignant way? we believed it was the right story at the right time and it obviously turned out to be a huge success. but as brian said, you do those kinds of movies. it's great when it works. but we certainly do everything, i think all of us have been through this before. sometimes they work. sometimes they don't work. but we all care about doing something that makes a social impact of some kind. whether it has to do with the family or with events. for us, i think for me the most important film was the year 1993, a lot of people were involved in making that film. it was a story that was important to tell, about heroism and what people can do in the worst of stirks. i think we have a chance as an industry -- not always because in order for us to come back and fight another day, we've got to make hits -- but you
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have the chance to tell a story that can make an impact i think on society and the way people think and feel. so yeah, i think hopefully we do more positive than negative. but unfortunately in a business trying to entertain people you probably get a little be both the >> 1993 was a great movie that did probably not a big hit but did you get another kind of satisfaction from it in >> oh, the satisfaction was beyond belief. it really makes you proud of -- proud to be an american and what people can do in the worst circumstances. when we agreed to make that film, it was a story that needed to be told, and told in the right way with the right film maker and production company. i think when something like that works, we all take great pride and feel quite good about it. >> this is maybe more a
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question about "brokeback," but my impression is when you took over in 1995 there was still a vocal conservative movement that would occasionally picket theaters, there were morality groups that were after hollywood. that strikes me as having faded. is there less political risk these days in doing these things? is this there less heat around it? >> well, you never know what is going to incite a politician or public outrage. you do your best. but you go back and look at films like "guess who's coming to dinner" and films like that were really important. it wasn't one of ours, but a film like that is unusually important in shaping opinions of society and how people feel and think. and schindlers list, educated people in a way they had never
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been educated before the i think all of us as an industry take great pride when you are able to make a difference and make money at the same time. obviously we're in the business of making money and you have to be very concerned about doing that, but i think we're all looking to be as responsible as we can so it doesn't come out that way and there are different degrees of what is responsible and whap isn't. >> do you think hollywood kind of won the culture wars from "guess who's coming to dinner" to brokeback mountain? >> that's such a broad statement. i'm not sure we won the culture war but we try ans -- and i think as a country we've come such a long ways. i have four children and i try to explain to them what took place in the orville faubus south as we were all growing up and how extraordinary
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segregation was, what a horrible, horrible thing it was. and it was in our lifetime. not like this was 100 years ago. it was 45 years ago. it's a pretty extraordinary thing when you think about it and i think all of us as a nation try to find ways to education our families, our children, about what the horrors that have happened in different times in our life. but that was in america. that wasn't a foreign country. and i think we as filmmakers, distributors shall exhibitors, financeeers -- financiers, have an obligation to tell those stories and hopefully we make a difference. >> anyone else? do you think hollywood has won or is losing? >> hollywood, i always was proud of our industry simply because there is no one that is out there raising more money for various different causes
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and charities than hollywood. think about it and you see, for instance, with 9/11 when that happened, hollywood was the first to jump in and start raising money for the twin tower fund. when with an earthquake happens they're the first one to have a -- an -- a fundraiser. the whole campaign against aids, elizabeth taylor, magic johnson, elton john, all these people coming together and having fundraisers and raising endless, really houge other. of money. hollywood has many, many causes and charities, and is always the most generous in terms of putting money up. i think the rest of the world should look at this community, about how actively it is involved in the political arena, whether holding
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fundraisers and things like that, or being involved in charities, nonprofitts. it's a place one can be proud of. >> i would just add to that, throughout history culture has always been, has always changed the way populations have thought and we're just a continuation of that, between music and literature and film we try to educate and inform and change attitudes. >> i think we're probably just about 15 minutes left. there is a microphone over there and over there. if folks have questions, you can head over there and while you do i will take a moderator's privilege to ask ron about some stuff that's been in the news lately. you've been at universal quite a while and there's been a bit of chatter about whether you might be retiring and i figured i would ask you directly about it. >> it takes a lot of stuff --
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no, i wouldn't know what to do retiring. i have no plans to retire. i like what i'm doing and as long as they will have me, i plan to stay. thanks for asking, no, i'm not retiring the >> lots of folks. let's start over there. i think we'll probably have -- probably have time for three or four questions >> first of all, i want to thank all of you for coming. this is such a wonderful opportunity for us as students to hear from people who are influential in the industry you are in. my question is for mr. iovine. mr. springsteen talks about the disconnect between the american dream and the american reality. i was curious whether you find this is something that's further politicized americans to where they feel they need to pick an extreme in order to pick that gap between what they're promised in the
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american dream and the reality, which is obviously an economically depressed time at the moment. just generally your experience peers -- experiences. >> are you asking me if bruce spinning steen himself is dividing people? >> i'm sorry. i should clarify. i know mr. springsteen talks about how american dream is not often met with the american actuality, how there is a divide between what we are in a sense promised and what we are able to achieve a lot of times and i'm curious to know if you believe this is further politicizing america because i know there is a lot of discussion of extreme left and extreme right and not being together in the middle. >> well, i can't speak for bruce. i worked for him for a very, very long time and we're very good friends. but a lot about what he sings about, throughout, when i was, his early albums like "born to
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run" or "wrecking ball" today, it's a very similar character -- character that's gone through life with him. just general america. it's true that it's harder today than it was for my generation, but there are some opportunities. but i think bruce -- bruce is a very unique character, a real life force. you can always learn a lot by watching him and listening to him and he is a working guy. when i first met tim -- him he was broke, living in a surfboard factory. and the most impressive thing about him which i've always tried to emulate ever since, but never been able to quite get there, he was completely uncompromising. there was nothing anyone had that he wanted that would make him compromise his art or his position, you know? and he's that guy. so i don't -- i mean i just
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think that america, like everyone else believes or most people belief, is at a crossroads right now. if you go to other countries, especially asia and other stuff, importing all their students to get educated here and exporting all the brain power out right after that, i think it's a real problem, you know? but there's nothing i can do about that except try to make great music and great headphones. >> next question, please? >> i really enjoy the conversation you all were having about the entertainment industry an the -- how it relates to the technology industry because i come from an industry that's sort of a marriage of both, the video game industry. of. i study at the school of cinematic arts but my specialty is video games. my question, in the spirit of all that great information sharing you all obviously do
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between the music and film stry, where do you think we are? what are the big challenges in trying to work more together than the current state of affairs? we're all trying to figure out how to work together and there are things like games based on movies and movies based on games. >> [laughter] >> i'm not sure -- you said made in america. >> i couldn't hear. it sounted like you. [laughter] >> i think you should dive in. >> mide in america was a manifesto made by jay-z and ron
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howard and i were in service his two days of his idea, the two days he created this concert in philadelphia. what wea -- we wanted to do was just film it and turn it something that would further project his belief system, which is that you have go. black kids with skate boards, chinese kids with berets, and everyone is just doing his own thing. that's what's going on. there aren't any barriers, you can access any location from anywhere on the internet. to help nurture that into a bigger platform is something i'm going to do, and i'm sure, you should speak to it, jimmy, this is your world. >> thanks, brian. narrow the question down for me a little bit the >> i think part of the question is whether the video industry deserves to be sort of taken seriously as an artistic
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partner with what you guys do. >> well, i think they are. >> where possible and where applicable, you know, again, success in all businesses is really about branding and brand identity and any opportunity you have from a marketing perspective to take advantage of a successful brand and try to bring it into i new medium to try to create new product is something that we always try to do. we try constantly to take, you know, the video game industry and to work closely with them to bring their vision and their creativity to our screens and to our medium. so the answer is question, sometimes we do it well, sometimes we don't. >> you're up. >> thank you. >> hi. since the music and movie industries are so incredibly prevalent today, do you think it would be effective to implement mandatory courses
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just as math, science, history, throughout high schools and maybe middle and elementary school to educate students on music and film, rather than jamming to music and watching with your morph -- boyfriend? >> i actually think it's funny you bring that up because i've been talking about that a lot recently. think i what's being taught in music schools right now, a lot it -- of it is irrelevant the none of it is teaching them how to get into the modern industry, all the problems they will have in the modern industry. i was sitting next to the president of your school at the lunch, and usually they go into a musk course and they're keach -- teaching you ads chords. but -- it's really nice but it has nothing to do with music
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today. but they communityly understand the communication of music, how to communicate it to their audience and i don't think in colleges any of that is being taught. i've been to n -- n.y.u., and none of it be approaches the modern record business for the modern musician. so you have deejay going out completely on their own, creating their own audience without a record company or any of the things we are aware of because they had to grow another arm in order to evolve and stay in business. now they get $ -- paid $200,000 a night and have never had a record album. no one is teaching the modern industry with both the great ness of it and the problems of it. i think it's time for a new curriculum in music and i'm very interested in because they had to grow another this. thank you. time for a couple more. next question? >> thank you. we touched briefly on the effect of social media for your industries, where we're seeing
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youtube, stars are coming out of the living room and korean pop stars are shooting to the top of american charts. just via a video on youtube. i was wondering if you guys could discuss the pros and cons of youtube on your industries and how it's actually changing how you guys are doing business? >> i'm not sure that it's just youtube. i think that all of the sort of social media is you guys could discuss having an effect on our basic business. i mean i use -- we had a -- "ted" was our film, and seth mcfarland had a million followers before it ever came out. we were able to, our marketing group was able to, sort of along with seth, treat ted as his own personality. first he became a personality, then ultimately he maim -- became a star, whether it was through facebook or twitter the
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he had his own, ted had his own blog, and so before the film came out, we were able to create this personality that really never existed before. so when the movie came out, he had as much, ted had as much rogsnition as brad pitt. that's reality of it. so i think all the social media haves -- has a real impact on how we market things and sell our product. when you see, i forget, i watched it, jimmy, you tell me, it was a documentary, i guess justin bieber was discovered on youtube. >> right. >> i thought it was pretty extraordinary. i saw a young agent who saw this kid on youtube and went and convinced his mother to sign him. i think that's fantastic. when whether he -- when we were all growing up in the business, nothing like that ever existed. >> but those are the benefits
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that the artist community is receiving. on the other hand you have giant corporations, who we're all as self-serveing a as the next guy, i guess, but what a company like youtube does, they have user generated content, which is they take the song, put up a lyric video and they hide behind safe harboor -- harpor lies, and a lot of piracy, those musicians you talk about like justin bieber are selling 1/10th of the records they do because after the record comes out, it goes up on youtube or blogs and gets listened to for free. the music industry hads a lot of leverage the while we were hit -- hit with piracy, we were also hit with the degradation of our music. we spent thousands of thrors --
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dollars and musicians spend thousands of hours making sound. we had bad m.p. 3's all over these, compounded by the little ear bud that came with the i pod, then computers that were made for talk. most computers, their speakers are facing down at the tabletop. it took me three years to convince one computer company to face the speakers up because they don't care. they say people don't care about sound. so that's kind of why we started an audio movement. but what i really tried to prove is how much influence we really have over the tech bases -- business. don't know if you noticed this, but a month ago, apple, one of their ads is that our ear buds now sound better than they did. we put cultural pressure on them and on h.p., h.p. backed us and their computers sunday ssh sound better now.
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people are starting to do notic than this, and to face their speakers toward the listener. so, you know, we have a lot of influence over a lot of these tech companies. we should take advantage of that and use the experience to make the consumer better and help the artist realize the things -- that question you asked about bruce springsteen, there's thousands of musicians that are not realizing their dreams right now because they're being caught up in this crazy technology cultural wore -- war. that's why dee jase existed and they said screw that, i'm going to go make my own career. we have a lot of influence up here in the community of the arts. we can get the technology companies to do whatever we want. tomorrow,, and to face we can s -- no, january, to be frank -- can he -- we could stop giving them user generated content
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like that, but the record industry because -- does -- doesn't have the guts to do it. you know why? because google will come september and write a gigantic advance and everyone will say, oh, i'll make my numbers this year. they take the advance. it's kiting the we have a lot of juice in this area and we should not shut them down but get them to play ball in the ecosystem. i'm afraid we're out of time. the institute's director are going to come up for a quick set. but thank you all for participating the [applause] >> thank you. nancy and i just want to thank everyone that was here for our inaugural symposium and we hope we have teased you with the kind of brilliant leaders we're going to bring to you to
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explore public policy. like arnold says, it doesn't matter what there political persuasion or philosophy -- philosophy, we will bring the best and brightest people together to explore the solutions. >> now i'd like to invite professor arnold schwarzenegger , my new colleague, professor, to join us. >> to close the day. [applause] >> well, thank you very much. i want to again thank everyone that was involved in putting this event together. i'm going to thank them because it takes a lot of people to put something like this together. i want to thank also the press for participating here today and the panelist again. i want to thank you guys. i know you are very busy running your companies and under a lot of pressure all the time to produce the grosses.
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taking time out for something important, i think this is what the schwarzenegger institute is all about, to expose the students to the best of the best, no matter what the party affiliation did -- is and to inspire them to go in directions to become great leaders in the future the ands thanks to all of you for being here today. thank you very much. thank you. [applause] [captioning performed by national captioning institute]
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[captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2012]
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>> coming up here on c-span, the memorial service for the first man to walk on the roon, neil armstrong. he died last august the then a discussion of the treatment of returning veterans.
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that's followed by leaders in the film and music industries discussing hollywood's impact on american culture and how the industries are adapting to technological innovations. friday morning on "washington journal," the editor in chief of "government executive" magazine discusses the impact of pending fiscal cliff cuts. and on the future of the postal service and in our america by the numbers series, a look at consumer confidence. plus your phone calls, emails, and tweets. "washington journal" live friday at 7:00 a.m. eastern on c-span. tomorrow morning at 10:00 eastern, former state department official anne marie slaughter talks about her cover
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story in atlantic magazine, why women can't still have it all. here's a quick look. >> the idea that we can't have it all, i knew that was a risk we were taking. first of all, all i mean by having it all is you can have a career and family, too. none of us -- can have it all. and frankly i don't want all i want. i still want to be striving foring it reinventing, thinking there is still something out there to do so i don't want to ever have everything i want. it's not about that. it's about can you have a career and a family too? i'm saying yes you can if you are in charge of your open -- own time, in question you can the if you are wealthy you've got a much better shot at it
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and being super human certainly helps. but what i'm saying that for most of us, very talented, highly edcade -- educated -- when i gave a speech to rhodes scholars and they said, boy, you really need to publish this, i thought ok, this is a very select group -- for most people -- we'll it's going -- most women it's going to be a lot harder than we've led you to believe. for me it worked fine until i had kids, and then it worked fine until i had to be on somebody else's schedule. it's not your fault. we need the next round of the feminist revolution so -- because we can make it so that you and your husbands can do this. >> you can see the entire interview with former state department official anne marie slaughter tomorrow morning. she talks about the challenges
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of balancing work with her personal life as a mother. >> general, what about if crush cheve announces -- the soviets announce tomorrow that it's nuclear war? >> we're going to be uneasy. we need to know what is happening now. all right. something may make these people shoot them off. i just don't believe this will. >> that's right. >> i will say this, i'm going to keep my own people very alert. >> yes. hang on tight. >> it's a fascinating moment. it's amazing that eisenhower tells him to have his people alert because, you know, everyone is completely on edge and so of course they're alert, so kennedy laughs and maybe
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says jokingly, "hang on tight," which is a nice moment that even on this terribly tense day they're able to joke a little bit -- little with each other. even in this crisis i think they had a sense of how lonely it is to occupy that office. you are getting all kinds of advice, getting faulty advice, which kennedy was including from his own joint chiefs. eisenhower knew all about taughty military advice -- faulty military advice and he was able to speak about the dangers as well as advantages of military advice. >> on "listening in, the secret white house recordings of john kennedy," sunday night at 8:00 on "q.&.a.". now the memorial service honoring the life of the late neil armstrong at washington national cathedral in washington, d.c. mr. armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon. he passed away on august 25.
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over the next hour and 20 minutes you will hear from nasa administrator charles bolden, apollo astronaut captain eugene sehornan and command module pilot michael collums. ♪ ♪
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>> good morning. grace and peace to you from god our father. my name is frank. i am the interim dean of this theater. -- cathedral. it is my honor to fulfil this home for this spiritual mission. it is important in times like this to have places like this. where we can in fact hold before god our grief, our joy, our thanks giving, and your hope. it is important for us as a
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nation and community as people to gather here in this place to consider the mysteries of duration, of life, of death, and to give thanks for a life well lived, and for service boldly rendered. that is what we will be doing in this time. i think you for sharing in it. -- thank you for sharing in it. may i call your attention to the order of service before you. glorify, god all you works of god. in the high vault of heaven, glorify god. >> sing praise and honor forever. >> god of grace and glory, you create and sustain the universe in majesty and duty. we thank you for all in who you have planted the desire to know your creation, and to explore your work and your wisdom. lead us, like them, to
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understand better the wonder and mystery of creation through christ, your eternal word, through whom all things were made. amen. [applause] >> of those who came before us and made certain that this country rose the first wave of the industrial revolution, the first waves of invention, the first wave of nuclear power. this generation does not intend to flounder in the backwash of the coming age of space. we need to lead it. [applause] the eyes of the world looking to the moon, and the planet beyond, we have vowed that we shall not see it governed by a
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hostile flag of conquest, but by a banner of freedom and peace. [applause] we choose to go to the moon and do other things not because they're easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best. that talent is one that we are -- challenge we are willing to accept, and when we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win. [applause] many years ago, a british explorer george mallory was asked why he wanted to climb everest. he said, because it is there. we're going to climate.
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-- climb it. new hopes for knowledge and peace are there, and as we set sail, we ask god's blessings for the most hazardous and dangerous and greatest adventure on which man has ever embarked. [applause] thank you. members of the armstrong family, friends here gathered today, when president kennedy challenge this nation to be first on the moon and his historic rice university speech, 50 years ago today -- yesterday, many thought it was an impossible dream. the vision of that young president was rooted in the knowledge that the american experiment itself was an incredible merkel. the miracle of america was only
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made possible by men and women of on, and foresight, determination, and courage who dared to turn the once impossible dream of freedom, equality, and democracy into a new and enduring reality. that legacy inspired a young neil armstrong to first interrupt his studies at purdue university to serve his country as a navy fighter pilot. he would later become a nasa astronaut, later in apollo. he never forgot his navy roots. naval aviation heritage. he lived out his life as an active member of the golden eagles. right after president kennedy's speech, neal was already working on the problem of how to land the flying machine on the moon. those of us to of had the privilege to fly in space followed the trail he helped forge. america's leadership in space
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and the confidence that we can go further into the unknown and achieve great things as a people rests with the achievement of neil and the brave men with whom he served. neil will always be remembered for taking humankind's first small step on a world beyond our own. it was courage, grace, and humility he displayed throughout his life that lifted him above the stars. neil armstrong left more than footprints and a flag on the moon. as president obama said in a letter to the family this morning, future generations will draw inspiration from his spirit of discovery, kumble composure, and leadership in setting a whole new course for space exploration. the impact he left on the surface of the moon and human history is matched only by the
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extraordinary market left on the hearts of all americans. he left a foundation for the future, and pave the way for future american explores to be first to step foot on mars or another planet. today, let us recommit ourselves to this grand challenge in honor of a man who showed it was possible to reach new worlds, and whose life demonstrated the quiet resolve and determination that makes every new, more difficult step into space possible. i was proud to know neil armstrong as a fellow astronaut, a trusted adviser, and friend. it was my honor to share in the moment of the entire apollo 11 crew in washington last fall as they received the congressional gold medal. it was the last time that neil
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made a public appearance in washington. true to his nature, he spoke not on his own behalf, but accepted the medal, and i quote, on behalf of his fellow apollo teammates, all those who played a role in expanding human presence out word from the earth, and all those who played a role in expanding human knowledge of the solar system and beyond. as we take the next giant leap forwardm we stand -- forward, we stand on the shoulders of a true hero. there is a special window, a space window, which holds a piece of the moon rock that neil and the apollo 11 crew presented to the national cathedral many years ago. it is a reminder, not only of their significant human accomplishment, but an
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acknowledgment that achievements are made possible through god's grace and guiding hand. as neil took his first steps on the moon, nervous but excited nasa workers waited to hear his now famous words are from the lunar surface. today, we shall share a small token of our scheme by presenting to you, the armstrong family, the flag that flew over the johnson space center mission control on august 25, the day of neil's passing. i joined a grateful nation and saluting a brave and humble servant who never stopped dreaming, never stopped working to make those dreams reality, and inspired each and every one of us. god bless neil armstrong, and may god bless these united states of america.
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♪ [choral singing]
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♪ oh, hear us when we cry to thee ♪ those in parrel on the sea ♪
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>> a reading from the book of exodus. moses was keeping the flock of his father-in-law. he led his flock beyond the wilderness and came to the mountain of god. the angel of the lord appeared to him and a flame of fire out of a bush. he looked, and the bush was blazing, yet it was not consumed.
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and then moses said, i must turn aside and look at this great site and see why the bush is not burned up. when the lord saw that he had turned aside to see, god called to him out of the bush. moses, moses. and he said, here i am. and then god said, come no closer. remove the sandals from your feet. the place on which you are standing is holy ground. he said further, the god of your father, the god of abraham, god of isaac, and the god of jacob.
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and moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look at god. then the lord said, i have observed the misery of my people who are in egypt. i have heard their cries on account of their taskmasters. i know their sufferings. i have come to deliver them from the egyptians. and to bring them up out of that land, to a good and broad land. on land flowing with milk and honey. to the country of the canaanites, the hittites, the amorites, and the jebusites. the cry of the israelites has now come to me.
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i have also seen how the egyptians oppress them. so come, i will send you to pharaoh to bring my people, the israelites, out of egypt. but moses said to god, who am i that i should go to pharaoh and bring the israelites out of egypt? god said, i will be with you. and this will be the sign for you that it is i who sent you. when you have brought the people out of egypt, you shall worship god on this mountain. but moses said to god, if i come to the israelites and say to them, the god of your ancestors has sent me to you, they will ask me, what is his
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name? what shall i say to them? god said to moses, i am who i am. he said further, thus you shall say to the israelites, i am has sent me to you. god also said to moses, thus you shall say to the israelites. the lord, the god of your ancestors, the god of abraham, the god of isaac, and the god of jacob has sent me to you.
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this is my name forever. and this, my title to all generations. the word of the lord. >> thanks be to god.
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>> how does one adequately express his feelings about a special friend? when that friend is also a world icon, a national hero, of unimaginable proportions, and a legend whose name will live in history. a friend whose commitment and dedication to that in which he believed was absolute, a man who when he became your friend was a friend for a lifetime? i am not sure this is possible, but i will try. neil armstrong grew up on a farm in middle america.
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as a young boy, like most kids, he had a paper route. he cut lawns. he shoveled snow. his fascination for model airplanes gave birth to a dream, a dream of becoming an aeronautical engineer. neil had his first taste of flight when he was but six years old. from that day forward, he never looked back. although he always wanted to design and redesign airplanes to make them do what they were not supposed to do, once he had tasted flight, neil's eyes turned skyward, and it was there that he always longed to be. little did neil ever realize that his dream, his longing to soar with the eagles would someday give him the
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opportunity to be the first human being to go where no human had gone before. neil armstrong was a sincerely humble man of impeccable integrity who reluctantly accepted his role as the first human being to walk on another world. and when he did, he became a testament, a testament to all americans of what can be achieved through vision and dedication. but in neil's mind, it was never about neil. it was about you. your mother's and father's. your grandparents. about those of a generation ago who gave neil the opportunity to call the moon his home.
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but never was it about neil. neil considered that he was just the tip of the arrow, giving way to some equally committed and dedicated americans. americans who were the strength behind the bow. always giving credit to those who just did not know that it could be done. therein lies the strength and the character of neil armstrong. he knew who he was. he understood the immensity of what he had done. neil was always willing to give of himself.
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when neil and i had the opportunity to visit the troops in iraq and afghanistan on three separate occasions, meeting them in control centers, armored carriers and helicopters, both enthusiastic young men and women yet to be born when neil walked on the moon were mesmerized by his presence. in a typical neil fashion, he would always walk in, introduce himself, as if they did not know who he was, shake each and every hand, and he would always give them, how are you guys doing? as one overwhelmed marine asked, mr. armstrong, why are you here? neil's honest reply was, because you are here. neil never received his astronaut wings.
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he was special to these young kids and old ones as well. he never received his astronaut wings. it was a tradition of those in the military. it was on the uss eisenhower back in 2010 on our way to afghanistan that neil finally did receive the tribute that he deserved. his visibly moved response said it all. and i quote, i have never been more proud than when i earned my navy wings of gold. i have got to believe there are a few golden eagles in the audience who will second those words. selfg to get neil's inner
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was always a challenge for almost anyone, maybe everyone. when asked, mr. armstrong, how did you feel? when looking for a place to land with only a few seconds remaining? in only the way mr. armstrong could, he would tilt his head and put his hand on there and say, well, when the gauge says "empty" we all know there is a gallon or two left in the tank. [laughter] there is a man who has always been in control of his own destiny. that, ladies and gentlemen, is a vintage neil armstrong. the fate looked down kindly on this when she chose neil to be the first adventurer to another
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world, and to have the opportunity to look back from space at the beauty of our own. it could have been another. but it was not. it was not for a reason. no one, but no one could have accepted the responsibility of his remarkable accomplishment with more dignity and more grace than neil armstrong. he embodied all that is good and all that is great about america. neil, wherever you are up there, almost half a century later you have now shown once again the pathway to the stars. it is now for you a new beginning.
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but for us, i will promise you, it is not the end. and as you sort through the heavens, beyond where even where you dare to go, you can finally put out your hands and touch the face of god. farewell, my friend. you have left us far too soon. we do cherish the time that we have had and shared together. god bless you, neil.
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♪ ♪ fly me to the moon ♪ let me play among the stars ♪ let me see what spring is like on jupiter and mars ♪ ♪ in other words, hold my hand.
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♪ in other words, darling, kiss me ♪ ♪ fill my life with song ♪ and let me sing forever more ♪ you are all i long for, all i worship and adore ♪ ♪ in other words, please be true ♪ ♪ in other words, i love you ♪
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>> to carol and the armstrong family, let me express the deep sympathy of all of us who gather here today.
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a wonderful, loving husband and a devoted father has been taken from you. and a hero has been taken from the country he loved and inspired. i am honored that you have asked me to say a few words about neil today. the neil armstrong i knew was not the land of public perception, the mythic figure. he was a regular guy, somebody you played but golf with. somebody you vacationed with. he was the guy who cared deeply about his family and his
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community and about his many friends. when you played golf with him, he never got far from being the engineer. he would wait for him to putt, he would survey the line to the hole, he would measure the dew on the green, and sometimes you wonder, neil, are you ever going to hit the ball? he could not help being the engineer. i got to know him as a man with an unusually clear and strong sense of his calling in life. not as a world famous astronaut, but rather as a perdue university trained engineer
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dedicated to advancing the science of flight. he was truly the self-described pocket protector, slide rule kind of a guy. immensely proud of his chosen profession, and immensely proud of his alma mater. he was always in his heart of hearts that little boy who whittled wooden model airplanes on that small farm in central ohio. i think he had been put on earth to fly. remember his reply when someone as to what it was like to walk on the moon?
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he said, you know, pilots really prefer to fly. that is neil armstrong. i knew him in another role, serving on corporate boards. he was unfailingly diligent, effective. the best audit committee chairman i ever saw. with him in that seat with his studious ways, you could be sure the company's books were in pretty good shape. to the great comfort of the rest of us on the board, you could be sure there were not be any surprises. neil did not like surprises.
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while i knew neil as a regular guy, his epic accomplishment defined him to the world at large. everywhere he went, people recognized him. and wanted to be seen with him. he was unfailingly gracious. he has long been hailed as a national hero. knowing neil is to appreciate that he was the most reluctant of heroes. it was something he never saw, the public spotlight. try as he did to deflect the credit and attention to others, the role of national hero, first man, nonetheless fell to him. we as a nation can be thankful that it did. with his uncommon humility and
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grace, neil captures the very best in the american character. he put it on display for the whole world to see. he has now slipped the bonds of earth once again, but what a legacy he has left. may god bless neil armstrong, and may god bless the country he loved so well. ♪
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>> the holy gospel of our lord jesus christ according to matthew. >> glory to you, lord. >> when jesus saw the crowds, he went up the mountain. after he sat down, his disciples came to him. then he began to speak, and taught them, saying, blessed are the poor in spirit. for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy. blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see god. blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children
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of god. blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. jesus said, you are the salt of the earth. but if salt has lost its taste, how can its saltiness be restored? it is no longer good for anything, but is thrown out and trampled underfoot. you are the light of the world. a city built on a hill cannot be hid. no one after lighting a lamp puts it under a bushel basket, but on a lamp stand, and it gives light to all in the house. the gospel of the lord.
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>> praise to you lord jesus christ. >> in the name of god, amen. >> please be seated. in little prince laid down and wept. at the sight of 500 roses in a garden. on the planet he ruled, he had a single rose who had told him that she was unique.
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and yet here were 500 roses, just like her in one garden. i thought i was rich, he thought sadly, with a flower unique in all the universe. then the little prince met a fox who taught him an important lesson about love. to me, the fox said, you are nothing more than a little boy who is just like a thousand other boys. i have no need of you, and you have no need of me. but if you tame me, then we shall need each other. to me, you will be unique in all the world. the prince realized that for the roses, he felt nothing.
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but he loved his rose, far away on his tiny planet, the rose he watered and sheltered and cared for. the time you wasted on your rose that makes her so important, the fox told the little prince. you are responsible for your rose. it is a peculiar sensation to watch the earth sent away and become smaller and smaller, neil armstrong told the graduating class of miami university in 1970. during a trip to the moon, you see that the earth is a three- dimensional global, and you appreciate the brilliant colors, the hues of the oceans and the whites of the clouds.
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the little bit of green that you see along the shorelines and the river basins soon disappearing. an old statistic vaguely remembered from grammar school days reappears and we realize that only 10% of the land of the earth is arable. and now we have a striking visualization that that is a fact, and the continents become a tan and brown and red. geographic features fade, leaving only the continental forms as you depart for there from earth.
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no national boundaries can be seen. the glow becomes smaller and smaller. and then you remember another statistic. it holds 3.5 billion people. of that 3.5 billion people, one half are hungry and two-thirds live in poverty. and you shudder to think that this problem will be much worse during the remainder of our lifetime, and at the end of the century, the population of the earth will be 6 billion or 7 billion. to solve the problem, he went on, of feeding this population and protecting this planet, it is going to take an international approach far beyond any cooperative effort ever seen in history. characteristically understated kantor in reflecting the turmoil of that particular moment in our history, exactly one month after the killing of four college students at another ohio campus, he said, i suppose we have to ask ourselves whether international cooperation on this scale is even possible.
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we are responsible for our rose. today, we honor and give thanks for a man who knew that everything worth striving for, every dream we pursue, every adventure and challenge that calls forth our greatest effort cannot be accomplished alone. why did you walk away from the public adulation? he was asked in more ways than we can count, why didn't you baskin the limelight as long as you could? because, he said, i did not deserve it. i am convinced that was not
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simply an expression of good midwestern modesty. an attempt to minimize his own passionate ambition, his commitment to discipline, hard work, rigorous intellectual study and physical training, and an overwhelming sense of awe and possibility of what one person can accomplish. he spoke the truth. no one goes to the moon alone. no one accomplishes anything of lasting value in any human endeavor alone. neil armstrong wanted us to know that. it was not about him, as others said. it was about all of us. it has been said that each person has in our life -- we hope this is true.
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each one of us gets one moment of insight. our burning bush, if you will. an otherworldly, time-stopping experience that somehow succeeds to get through to us. we assume that the defining moment of neil armstrong's life was the amazing 2.5 hours on the moon. how could it be otherwise? it was a first giant step. we know well that he tended to downplay the impact of that experience. he was speaking to a group of students and he was ousted perhaps for the millionth time how walking on the mood changed his life, he replied, because of walking on the moon he got to go to a lot more press conferences in which people ask him how the moon changed his life. then he went on to say, never miss an opportunity. no one had ever flown a plane at supersonic speed.
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there was the space program. going to the moon was pure science fiction. everything changed. he said to them, opportunities will be available to you that you cannot imagine. now, last week in this cathedral, the head master of one of the schools of this cathedral addressed the students and he drew their attention to the beautiful stained glass window on the south side known as the space window. at its center is a rock from the moon presented to the cathedral. mr. collins is a graduate of
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the class of 1948. he mentioned the historic landing on mars and this summer. gentlemen, how about beginning this school year with a dream? ever thought about being the first human being to walk on mars? why not? he would not be the first graduate to do the impossible. you better get started. it will take you the entire school year to get their. [laughter] without question, walking on the moon confirmed the importance of a dream for neil armstrong. as a nation and a species, where we have never been. inspiring people to work hard
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and make their dreams come true, to be willing to push the limits, and to selflessly serving a cause greater than themselves. that cause i suggest to you for mr. armstrong was not exploration for exploration's sake, but for the survival of the only plan that we, human beings, call home. i wonder if the defining moment for him judging by the way he chose to live his life was when he looked out his space capsule window and he said that tiny pea was the earth.
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i could put up my thumb and shot one eye and then my thumb blotted out the planet earth. i did not feel like a giant. i felt very small. very, very small. the earth was his rose. and it is our rose, too. space exploration was for him but one way in which we might marshall the best of who we are and learn the cooperation that will help us, save us from ourselves. he experienced the world you see coming together through space exploration. he said i sincerely felt i had the good wishes of people from
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every country from around the world. even more compelling, he also saw that same spirit as the world held its collective breath as the astronauts of apollo 13 climbed into their lifeboat and safely return to the earth. during their return, he said worldwide offers of cooperation came from a dozen nations including the soviet union, are great space competitor. the concern of their fellow human beings evident, that we can pursue, and avenues of international interest not only in space, but here on earth. as we sit in this place to honor of neil armstrong with our words and our prayers, i invite you to imagine that sensation he described of watching this earth become smaller and
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smaller, to see the thin strips of green are around the notions of blue and remember all of the world's populations depends on those strips quickly disappearing from your view. you can no longer see all that divides us as a species. only our common fate as those who call this spinning planet our home. you and i are responsible for our rose. neil wanted us to know that and to work together as we must to solve the heartbreaking challenges and consider the possibilities of our species. but remember, in the words now of the 20th century american,
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remember nothing worth doing can be achieved in our lifetime. therefore, we must be saved by hope. nothing which is true or beautiful or good makes complete sense. therefore, we must be saved by faith. nothing we do however virtuous can be accomplished alone. therefore, we must be saved by love. we thank you, the most merciful god, for the faith, hope, and love of one neil armstrong. we commit ourselves to this day to his inspiring and humble example.
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>> the earth that is beneath us. the friends who are around us. your image deep within us. your dominion extends throughout the immensity of space. guide and car those who seek -- guide those who seek. following his examples, save us from arrogance. our achievements are grounded in you. protect our travels beyond the reaches of the earth that we may glory ever more in the wonder of your creation. through jesus christ your word by whom all living things came to be, who with you in the holy spirit lives and reigns, one
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god, forever and ever. amen. >> we pray, most gracious god, for your continued blessing upon those whose hearts and minds are restless until the vision of earth from the moon as a gentle eden becomes more and more a reality. all these, our prayers, we offer in the name of the prince of peace who taught us to pray. our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name
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by kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom and the power and glory forever and ever. amen. ♪ [choir sings "america the beautiful"] ♪
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>> go forth into the world in peace. search the cosmos. may the god of all strength nerve you with the courage of the astronauts. we hold the faith of christ in your neighbor and the blessing of god. father, son, and holy spirit be upon you. go before you and surround you, now and always. >> amen. ♪
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[captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2012] >> next, tom brokaw on the treatment of returning veterans. that is followed by leaders discuss and hollywood's impact on culture and how they are adapting to technical innovation. then in the memorial service for
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the first man to walk on the moon, neil armstrong. he died last august. friday morning on washington journal, tom shoop discusses the potential impact of the pending fiscal clift budget cuts on the federal work force. alan ota on the future of the postal service. then, a look at consumer confidence with danielle douglas. plus your phone calls, e-mails, and tweets, friday at 7:00 eastern on c-span. >> on guard outside the homes of crown officials. and with the british artillery
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now aimed at the town house, it was easy to understand why many bostonian felt threatened by this occupation. many hated house some soldiers tried to stir up racial tension in their towns. not everybody and boston is white. three british officers had been discovered encouraging some slaves to attack their white masters. one of the officers, captain john wilson assured them that the soldiers would come here to procure your freedom. with your help and assistance, we should be able to drive the liberty boys to the devil.
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several white residences made complaints, they engaged in a dangerous conspiracy to incite slave rebellion. >> saturday at 8:00 eastern on c-span 3's "american history tv." over the next hour and a half, tom brokaw on the treatment of returning war veterans. you will hear from colin powell, marsha anderson. this is part of the second annual chicago ideas week conference.
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>> there is no larger idea then how we should be treating our returning veterans from the two longest wars in america's history, iraq and afghanistan. he american population. most of them, from working-c [applause] they represent less than 1% of the american population. most of them come from working- class families, from not too far from here in the working-class neighborhoods of chicago or from the barrios of the southwest or the deep woods of the south and the hills of new england or from the rural part of my native great plains. they volunteered out of a sense of patriotism and a determination to advance their
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own lives as well. in the course of these two long wars, they have taken 100% of the risks and 100% of the wounds and 100% of the deaths. their families at home have been living in bubble of emotional trauma thinking that no one around them cares because nothing was asked of the rest of us. if we did not have someone in that war or if we did not know someone in that war, it could be out of sight, out of mind. we were not asked to make any sacrifices at home. the war just went on, fought by these brave young americans, men and women, representing the cross section of this immigrant nation in terms of where they come from. this is not just injustice.
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that is immoral for a democratic society to allow that. we have an opportunity to begin to correct the course -- not just welcome them home with a sign at the airport. make sure that they feel that they are a part of our civilian society -- that they have an opportunity to find a job, be educated, to raise their families, and have the kind of services so many of them need to deal with their physical wounds as well as their emotional wounds. we also have to remember that many of them are coming home whole wanting to make a contribution to their society. there are not victims. they are proud of what they did and with good reason. we open this session today with two of our finest military men, two career officers who gave us all a sense of pride in that we were their fellow citizens. the first is the former
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chairman of the joint chiefs of staff who also served as national security adviser and as secretary of state. he is a modest man with nothing to be modest about -- general colin powell, my friend. [applause] you have already made it hard for me. colin and i were on a panel the other night and he asked for an extension of his remarks. i said, no. he said -- being a general and anchorman and he went on to go on with his remarks. now, you give him a standing o,
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and i have to deal with this. another man that come to be a very close friend -- he has been described as one of america's greatest warriors. he ran our combined forces in afghanistan and before that, he was head of the joint special operations command center at war in iraq. he is a graduate of west point military academy. he is not just a great warrior. he is a great thinker and a great leader. he is deeply involved in the issue that brings us here today. ladies and gentlemen, i am in awe of general stanley mcchrystal. [applause] thank you all very much. we hope in the course of the
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next half hour or so that we will be able to not just enlighten you about the needs of our society in terms of how we deal with our veterans but motivate you to get involved as well. stan and general powell and i have talked about this issue before. we have familiarity about how we all feel about it. we are eager to share that with you today. what stan can do better than anyone i know is describe for you the kind of young man or woman who is enlisting in the armed forces and how their lives are shaped by that experience. it would be helpful for the people to have a clearer portrait of what happens to an 18-year-old or 19-year-old man or woman going into any of the branches and how it affects their lives early life and how it forms them, if you will. >> thanks, tom. i appreciate the chance to be here and for everyone's interest.
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if we start at the inflection point, there is an explosion or a burst of machine gun fire or a single rifle shot and an american is wounded. that has happened for 200 years of our history, but it is an inflection point in that typically young person's life. things start to change. immediately, they provide aid to themselves. buddies come to provide aid. medics come. within an hour, so we can get them to a hospital, a helicopter come, picks that individual up and flies him off. the individual is being treated while they are on the helicopter. their buddies stay on the ground in the fight, and that fight often continues. they watch the helicopter. they get further from their buddies, but it didn't start there. it started in a small town or city or neighborhood like you know when a young person got the feeling that they ought to enter the service. sometimes it is because their
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father, grandfather, uncle, or brother served. sometimes they lost a loved one. sometimes it was just an idea they got. sometimes they get the complete support of their community and people made a big deal about them leaving. sometimes they do it over some of the protests and concerns of friends or family. sometimes they have tried college or work and it did not work out for them. they decided that they just needed to serve and they do that. once they join the military, it is a completely different life from anything you have done. no matter what the recruiter tell you, it is never like that. [laughter] you get there and immediately the service wants to make you a service member -- a soldier, sailor, airman, marine. they trust you differently. they have to learn a different language.
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they are trying to make you part of a team. it is no longer part of individual. it is all being part of the team. the team is one important than the individual. from the beginning of basic training and advanced training and then when they are sent to their first unit, they are always in groups. they are always in teams or squads or squadrons or flights. they are part of that. then they are assigned to a permanent force. they may be in a squad or a platoon or a battery. we stress cohesion -- being part of that -- do your part. do your share of the effort that everyone has to do so that your
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buddies can rely on you. the word comes that they will deploy to combat. that is even reinforced more because everything about combat is about team. the saying is -- i'll never leave a fallen comrade to fall into the hand of the enemy. it is a responsibility on every soldier for every comrade. it is about devoting yourself to the team. as they come, they have done something that we as americans have asked some to do. we have asked them to believe in themselves, in each other, their comrades, and we asked them to believe in the nation. as they go forward, they are part of a team. we have asked them. they have accepted the responsibility that comes with believing. if you think from that moment this team that has become family, suddenly as the helicopter flights away, the team becomes further and further. as a fly away from the team, although they have deep feelings, it gets further at a difficult time in their lives. it is important that we as the rest of america be ready to be the team that they come back to. >> general powell, it is at least on the table in this country at the moment about what we do with returning veterans. we have the wounded warrior
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project. j.p. morgan chase has gotten deeply involved. i have written about and talked about it. you've talked about it. it was different when you came home from vietnam. in the ensuing years for all that the military did about reinventing itself, it did not pay a lot of attention to the idea of how we make the transition from a military life to a civilian life. >> that is quite true. first, let me say how please i am quite to be here with my old friend, tom, and with general mcchrystal i did not work with general mcchrystal, but i worked for his father for years ago -- general herb mcchrystal. [laughter] i was just counting the years the other night. stan, it is scary. it is quite true. we came home from vietnam and the country did not welcome us as they had welcomed subsequent generations, especially the current generation. the most difficult part of that was that the country said that we will not have conscription anymore. you career officers -- you change this army so it becomes a volunteer army. go and find your soldiers in the labor market. go find them in the villages and towns of america. we did that. over a period of about five or six years, we created a splendid force of young men and
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women willing to serve their country as volunteers. they had the same tradition, the same culture, the same loyalty and dedication as any other generation of americans that have ever gone before. they proved themselves in the gulf war, the panama invasion and they proved themselves in the last 10 years in iraq and in afghanistan, but the theme we have to keep in mind is something president lincoln said in his second inaugural address -- to care for those who have borne the battle. widows and children. to care. is mean to never forget that they are carrying the american spirit. they are carrying the american traditions with them. when they get injured, when they get hurt, or when they come back to be reintegrate into society, we have to be waiting to care for of them -- it is not just the federal government or the veterans administration. it is their fellow citizens who have to care for them. most of our soldiers come back
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from iraq and afghanistan and if they leave the solvers, all they want to do is integrate back into society. they want jobs. they want homes. they want to rebuild their family relationships or create a new family. the government can help, but it is up to us. the government can always do more. we can always increase the gi bill sort of benefits. we can always do more with the respective the veterans administration. nothing is as important as companies like j.p. morgan and chase or a next-door neighbor reaching out to help a young gi as they reintegrate into their community. we owe that to them. it is our obligation because they have discharged their obligation to us. a lot has changed. what makes this period so much different than vietnam or world war ii is that these youngsters are going back and are -- especially the noncommissioned officers -- for almost 10 or 12 years depending. they come home for six months and then they are gone again. i have known soldiers and i am sure a stand has similar examples of those who have been on multiple tours -- five, six tours.
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stan can attest to that himself. we ask so much of them. unlike some other conflicts that we have had in the past where there are moments of terrible danger and then there quiet periods, in iraq and afghanistan, there is no such thing. every morning, you could get blown apart by an i.e.d. the pressure that the young people were under was as great as any generation of warriors that america has put in the field. we have seen them come back with posttraumatic stress problems. we have seen them come back with traumatic brain injury. stan and i both know. we have been to hospitals and walter reed. we know how to save them. we know how to protect the torso, but we cannot protect the head or the limbs. the blasts affects of the iud's are blowing off limbs. i was at walter reed just about
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a month ago and come to a crosswalk as i was driving onto the base. a mother was pushing her son across the street in a wheelchair, missing two legs. i went to the next intersection at another crosswalk and a wife was pushing her husband across the street, missing two legs. at the course of my time at walter reed, you see these terrible injuries -- the brain injuries, especially. tbi is so much worse because you can get a prosthetic limb but to recover from some of the most dramatic brain injuries may never happen. we celebrated one such young soldier at a memorial day concert two or three years ago. i felt so badly because his mother and his sister were now faced with that problem of caring for this young man for the rest of their lives and the rest of his life. we owe so much to these men and women who have served us. most of them are coming back. they will make a contribution to their companies, to their communities, to wherever they go. they will be great, just like previous generations of soldiers. we also have a generation coming back that will need our
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help. do not wait for chase for j.p. morgan. look around your own community. look in the community next to your where you might find some of these young veterans. do they need a house? can you chip in to help build a handicap facility for a home so they can get in and out? if you see somebody who is having trouble in their life, can you reach out and say -- hey, how're you doing? come on over for dinner. a lot of these problems of stress disorder have to do with loneliness and not turning loose that war you were apart of. you can help with that. do not shy away. just do not greet them at an airport. we need you to greet them in their communities. we need you to reach other to them and their children and spouses of these families
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because they did so much for us. we have that obligation to them. [applause] a lot of the private sector did not know how to deal with them. one of my very favorite stories was a captain who came home and the personnel office said -- i don't see any qualifications or experiences here. he said -- i don't know. on a regular basis i would lead the squad into a village in afghanistan, clean out bad guys, meet with the village elders, rebuild the sanitation system, get them power and build a medical clinic. i think it counts for something. has the private sector begin to tune in to the capabilities a lot of young people have that may not fit their idea of a harvard mba?
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>> i think slowly we have. i think is from both sides. military service members most of whom never really has civilian jobs probably had never done a resume or job interview, not done some of the things that allow them to build up the experience and contacts that help other people. they come out a few years older from the experience. what they put on paper -- driving a tank -- may not line up with a company that says -- we do not have tanks. what do we do with this guy? it is $3 million piece of equipment with a four-man crew. it has to be maintained. it has to be operated. even at junior levels, we have this extraordinary amount of responsibility. we are starting to see this appreciation through some job fairs, some of the transition
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programs. there is a lot left to do -- particularly in a tough business environment where businesses are trying to make sure that they get the right kinds of skills. there is pressure on human resource departments to get the right fit. we can do more to mine the kind of experiences young people bring back. the vast majority come back not just well -- they come back better. they have done things. they have matured and seasoned them. we can do more on the paperwork and connections side to mine what's really an opportunity. it is not a burden for the nation to carry. it is a mine for us to pull these resources out. >> through the gi bill which has been renewed, are they getting the kind of training that they need for the demands of the modern economy? >> it is available. we can do better with it. they are facts like completion rates for the gi bill education are not as high as they ought to be. we can structure some of those programs better so that individuals who start school have the support mechanisms to finish an associate's degree or bachelor's degree if that is
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their goal. we can do better at that. there are well-intentioned programs that are not quite efficient or effective to this point as i hope there will be in the future. >> the university of iowa offers in-state tuition for returning veterans. i said to the president -- what is the impact on the campus? she said -- beyond my ability to describe it -- we have 200 of them here. they lifted the entire campus. as someone who went to the university of iowa -- i could have used that kind of mentoring and leadership at one point. we do not have to go do that again. paul, we talked about that. [laughter] that is value added when these young men and women come back and enter an academic or training program of some kind. >> i could not agree more. at my alma mater at the city
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college of new york, we had a specific program at the powell center that i am happy to have named after me there and we take in gi's. we have mentoring program set for them. we have programs that get them up to speed if they have some weakness in their earlier academic career that needs correction, and we have money that is used to supplement not only their academic costs but the costs of living. more universities are doing that. it is important now because the economy is still in a weak state, slowly improving, but still weak. this affects our veterans. unlike after world war ii or after korea or vietnam, you can come back and find a job that does not require the highest skill or if in world war ii you worked in a car factory before the war, when the war was over, and they started making cars again, you could just go right back in. increasingly, our society is becoming more complex. our economy is becoming more
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complex. you need a higher level of school especially with respect to the information revolution. i used to be a mechanic. i loved taking carburetors apart. people do not know what a carburetor is these days. you have to be skilled to handle that kind of machine and increasingly, those are the jobs that will be available for american youngsters, not stitching to pieces of cloth is together. >> are we better able to match of the requirements of military and civilian life? if you're a military-licensed truck driver, that license does not transfer to the civilian side of things. >> no, it does not. that is one of the examples of places where an individual has relevant experience that ought to really into licensing to operate in a field. maybe there should be tweaking for that state or locality requirements. we do not do that well right now. many of the skills service
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members come out with are not leveraged like they could and should be. there are a lot of high-tech information technology skills. >> the government has latched out of this in recent months. they have gotten all of the government departments involved. what are the certification requirements to be a nurse or something like this? what can we do to take a returning veteran into a system where you get the additional skill or certification requirements met so they can get the certificate for that job? the government is mobilizing itself to do that. >> what we need to make everyone aware of is when you think of our returning veterans, you may think of the classic warrior who has been spending the last nine months on patrol with a vest and helmet and set of goggles. you have nurse practitioners, people who repair things, 18- year-old kids were keeping the electronic system of a nuclear
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aircraft carrier going. they are extraordinarily ahead of their age group or their cohorts when they come back. >> absolutely. the thing that the military does better than anyone else is train people. it is in education factory. it gives them a wide variety of skills in the ability to produce that. to have the matriculate into experienced levels is built into the system. it can be tapped into by american industry and business. >> there are a lot of groups around the country -- the wounded warrior project. a former navy seal works a lot with greatly wounded veterans. we cannot forget them as well. they can bring something to the workplace or the community service, which we ought not to forget about that.
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there is young man who is a member of the minnesota state senate -- lost legs. he said -- i was knucklehead before i lost both legs. in a way, it made me a better person. he went into the minnesota state senate. he became the conscious of that senate in so many ways. >> i was at a dinner a couple of years ago, and some wounded warriors were invited. i sat next to a sergeant who had lost three limbs. he was there with his lovely young wife. he was 27 years old. we talked for a little bit -- baseball talk. we got to -- tell me what happened. what will you do now? he said he was contacted by a real-estate company in san francisco. they knew about my situation. they said -- if you come out here as a trainee, we will teach to the real-estate business. we know how to teach real-
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estate. we will have a job for you. he said -- we are moving to california. i cannot wait to start. he has been very successful. what he said to me after that almost brought me to tears. he said -- this is probably the worst thing that has ever happened to me, but it may be the best thing that has ever happened to me -- that spirit and willingness to look ahead. this is the situation i am in. i will not let it get me down. give me my pathetic limbs and arm. turn me loose. -- prosthetic limbs and arms. technical skills, they have been trained to say -- yes, sir. they are disciplined. they have trained to get the job done. it starts in the beginning. we teach them right face and left face. if guy goes right, and he was supposed to go left, everybody
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suffers. you learn the importance of teamwork. [laughter] it is also an efficient way to move a group of human beings around by marching them. they are introduced to a drill sergeant. the drill sergeant is the worst thing they could have ever imagined. he said -- i am now your mother and your daddy. forget all of the things you learned from home. you will now learn from me. they hate him immediately. after eight weeks, they do not hate him anymore. the overwhelming a motion at that point is to please him. this guy has shared all of the dangers with us. he has taught us. he has trained us. look at where we are at now. we will be honored platoon at graduation. their only a motion is to please the drill sergeant. they'll never forget his name for the rest of their lives. that type of bonding takes place. when you talk to the kids in the hospital, if they have a chance of recuperating and going back, the first thing they will say is -- one to get back with my team and my buddies.
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they fight for a country and for a cause, but above all, the fight for each other. >> even if they cannot get back to their military unit, they will say -- i want to continue to serve in some fashion. that is a value added companies cannot build into a job description. >> in 2005, i had a noncommissioned officer wounded in action in iraq. he lost a leg just right above the knee. i was still in the fight. annie went to visit him and he said -- tell the boss -- i am coming back. she thought -- that is great, but that is not realistic. he knew i liked monty python. he said -- tell the boss it is only a flesh wound. [laughter] about a year later, this is a commando, i went on a raid of baghdad with a squadron.
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he was back on a prosthetic doing an operation in baghdad. he is still on active duty. he is that kind of guy. there are lots of those kinds of men and women. this is a test -- when someone is wounded, it tests them. it tests inside. it tests their family. it has their young spouses, parents, and children. it tests everybody. it tests us even more. i did some numbers research. during the civil war, there were 500,000 americans wounded. with a 34 million-person population, that was one for every 68 americans. there was a wounded person in your town, probably in your family. you were comfortable. you saw people who had been wounded in war. that was familiar to you. there have been 46,000 americans wounded in iraq and afghanistan. our current population, that is about one wounded for every 7,392 americans with.
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most of us do not see a wounded service member often. it is a test of us as a group of people. what'll we do about it? are we family? do we catch those who served for us? that is the measure of society. >> we are talking about veterans. the spouses who stay at home are also veterans. the children who are at home wondering about daddy or mommy are also veterans. they are going through their own transition. they are suffering in ways that are not immediately visible. they have served and suffered just as much if not exposed to the kind of danger as their loved one overseas. as you run into these folks, and seek them out, remember that it is a whole family that has to be taken care of and not just
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the veteran. >> we will reserve the last 10 minutes for solutions here. it is important we have the kind of exposition we had. what do we do next as we leave here? let me give you two small examples. i have been following a young man at the beginning of the war. i tracked him during the war. he came home. he is having a hard time finding a job. he moved to northern wisconsin where his wife became a special- ed teacher. he cannot find work. we put a profile of him on the air. a man by the name of mike, an internet marketer, saw the profile and realized he had been sitting at home making a lot of money while they were fighting the war.
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he looked him up. found his address. knock on his door, took him to lunch and said -- i have worked for you. charles said -- how much will it cost me? he said -- you have paid enough. he is now his number one provider and salesmen on the internet of used cars. there is a business in america that i did not realize existed. if you want to sell your 1996 camaro for $500, you go online, someone buys it. charles cox does the deal. he has hired three other veterans to work in his marketing company. that is one perfect example for small businesses to get proactive and go out and look for them. i have two dear friends who are both vietnam veterans. she was a nurse at walter reed. he lost a leg. he was a great hockey star at brown.
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they are at st. lawrence university in new york. that is his hometown. they have moved back. she goes works for returning veterans. she goes up and down the neighborhood and says to the neighborhoods -- if he starts his motorcycle at midnight, do not say anything. there may be a little more beer drinking in our neighborhood. go by and say hello and find a way to connect with him. wars are won from the ground up. when they come home, we heal their wounds from the ground up as well, stan. the question is -- for someone who is out here who has a small business, where can they go to find out what is going on? the best way to do it is to go online and type in veterans who need work. you will find sites that will do that. we had something called robin hood in new york. we had a big summit meeting in which people who are employers, and we put online the skill
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sets of a lot of veterans and try to raise the consciousness of what is going on. when business talk to you as you, what do they ask you about what they need to know? >> it is typically that question -- how do we connect with veterans and get to the population of people who may be interested geographically and skill-wise? the internet offers opportunities to do that. there are elements that help connect to resumes. many of those are done digitally. it is still not perfect. it is harder to find the body of available veterans than we would like. that is one of the areas where
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we can look. it is good for companies to track how many veterans they have. i am not talking about quotas. have a sense of how many veterans to have. use existing veterans and to help you network to others. you would be how surprised how talent can find talent. an organization that is veteran- friendly will find talent come this way because word of mouth will spread. >> i work with a lot of companies. the ones that are doing the best jobs of this have made it part of their culture and business plan. it does not happen serendipitously. they task their managers to find veterans. they measure them against a
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standard of how many veterans say expect to see in the organization. you have to look for them. they cannot just walk through the door. if he went on line and threw any surge or keywords. you will find dozens of sites that can tell you how to get to touch -- in touch with veterans. how to run a job here. how to look for a skill set that to need for your organization. sometimes you will have to do more than just check a skill set out and hire someone. a lot of these youngsters one in when they were just out of high school. they may pick up a lot of things in the army but they did not come in with a particular skill. you may have to have a program that built on that early
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education and give some the training they need for the job you have for them and not just expect them to walk to the door with everything that you need. you may have to provide training, mentoring, and other kinds of support group activities for the young people. >> how do we use his experience that we are all aware of to establish a template? we will go to war again at some point. it will happen again. this kind of issue will be probably more critical at that time giving the changing nature of the economy. do we require more legislation? should it come from the private sector? should it be a combination of the two? >> it has to be a public-private partnership. the government's most important role was to make sure we have gi bill activities and funds. the government has to reach out and help communities set up
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systems of all of these veterans. states should get involved. city should be involved. it is a public-private partnership. let us hope we do not get in another conflict that last a decades. >> stan, you have been teaching at yale. [applause] very popular. there was a time when no returning military officer could have gone on to an ivy league campus and talk a course in leadership. they are returning rotc to the campus. do you think we are healing the wounds of vietnam and that time and closing the gap between those who served in those who did not by having these kinds of discussions? >> i think we are. i was coming out of the gym a few weeks ago at y


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