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tv   The Communicators  CSPAN  January 19, 2013 6:30pm-7:00pm EST

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,bthere is a lot out there. lbfrom all sorts of companies such as the big ones like qualcomm and samsung. alsobit is not just for the big companies. that is how we run this organization. >>÷b÷b where dcñbñb÷b÷b÷b÷b÷b÷br electronics and the next few years? -- where do you see growth and consumers electronics over the next two years? ÷b>>÷b that is exciting. ÷b
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it's through all serves of products that you can envision. ÷bone was a grudge door opener. the baby monitor. ÷b-- one was a garage door open. ÷banother was a baby monitor. ÷bi think that is great. newer devices. clearly we are shifting forward in a robotics in newer technologies. ÷bñbwe had seen a spike here. ñbhealthcare electronics. health and well-being. the healthcare world÷b÷b÷b÷b÷b÷s conversed in a burglary. ÷bthere are a lot of areas of growth. ÷b÷b÷bobviously the automobile s recovering huge. they're using devices, but also
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we are gettingñb to systems and focusingñb and making sure that you are paying attention as a driver and wake you up. take facial recognition for example. that is an idea. it is very big. ñbbiometric monitoring. also some issues that have come to the forefront. strategic integration. we have the best and the brightest here. ñbwe had a guy that came to stanford and came from france. he was starting to monitor hearts of kids with problems.
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he gets kicked outdúdúdúdúdúdúde country. we do not want that. dúwe want strategic immigration. we also want to encourage to invest here and not abroad. we hope it will boost our economy and allow us todú create jobs here. deficit reduction is really good for us. we support the simpson-bowles. it hurts everyone. it shows sacrifice is painful, even for us. he needs stability in the finances of our country. everyone needs to stand up on both sides, republicans and democrats. those are the big issues for us. there is another one that affects innovation. lawyers.
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from the smallest art to the biggest companies, we need more certainty. dúdo not violate patents and do not peak -- do not put people out of work. dúthere needs to be some certaiy in the system. >> do a lot of members of congresseú -- what do you want them to leave with? >>dúdú we try to reach as many officials as possible. certainly member members of the congressional staff, people from the highway administration, we want people to come here and see the real world. you cannot learn in washington word dealing people who ask are given information. dúshe said, you have to come he. let me tell you, the rules are so tough.
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they are working the whole time. every major tech company is here. we have 3500 people coming here. outside the country, they want to know what is going on. we are a growing industry that is making a difference in the future. we're talking about raising revenue or cutting spending. innovation is the answer. innovation is growth. last year, we were talking here are talking about congress. the lobbyists have basically allowed anyone in the world to shut down any internet website due to copyright and infringement. thank god that was stopped. there was a press conference being held saying that this must be stopped.
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you have to do something about it. you'll never have legislation like that again in congress. no one will do it ever again. >> "the comeback: how innovation will restore the american dream" -- >>dúdúeúdúdúeúdúeúdúdúdúdúdl job in defining his job as looking toward the futuredúdúdúf america. dúhe has pushed the ball forwar. i'm eager to not see him leave. dúthe commissioner there has galvanized, but not necessarily bydú any party anymore. dúi think that they are doing a great job. dúi'm thrilled that he is there. >> "the comeback: how innovation will restore the american dream" --dúgary shapiro has a black bet in tae kwon do.
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you have a book out "ninja innovation." explain this title. >> that is my approach to life. i taught to my employees about it. you figure out how to get over and around it. econ invisible. -- become invisible. do not go to your boss and say, i have hit a wall. you have to be clever. to get a black belt, you need to be disciplined, be focused, and know where you are going. ninja is actually japanese. ninja is from hundreds of years ago. they always had to fight strength, but they were clever. they thought outside of the box. i've been in this industry for 30 years. i have met many ceos from all over the world. i have something in common with
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all of them -- they are ninjas. they think outside the box. they think, why not? they recognize that failure is a good thing because you can learn from it. i think there is another book out that if you have never been criticize, if you have never done your job, you have never pushed the boundaries. america is about risk taking. my first book was about what washington should do. this book is about what companies and individuals and even government should do. i talked about countries, such as france. innovative people, but government, not so much. you have to speak french. i'm talking about strategies and techniques in different communities. >> is this written for
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businessmen and women? >> when i wrote my first book for washington, it became a bestseller. this book is written for someone starting out as well as professionals in the business. i have gotten great feedback. one person said that he would require it for reading material and training. also based on these findings, it seems that it will do well around the world. >> why the name change docs international? -- ces international? >> a marketing person suggested it. we changed it so that international people felt comfortable. they are very important for u.s. events.
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our economy is growing slower than other companies. we want those international people to come here. plus, they spend money here. plus, why company should go abroad when buyers can come here? the ces is much more the consumer electronics. we get the ceos and that top marketing people from virtually every major company in the united states and certainly in the world. it is not just wall street or the financial community. it is the people from the social media companies and car companies. we have people from all around the world involved. that is really important for our show, industry, and our country. in terms of the amount of innovation and the number of
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exhibitors, we have over 5000 press here. the attendance is a little bit difficult. we count the space that we sell . we are little bit in a battle with the europeans as to who is the biggest. there is a construction show with heavy equipment. >> do have an estimate of how many foreign visitors have walked the floor here? >> absolutely. it has grown. we are over 30,000 or 35,000. >> as the president and ceo of the consumer electronics association that reduces the in las vegas. gary shapiro.
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this is "the communicators" on c-span. we caught up with commissioner ajit pai at that ces show. >> there are cutting edge communication devices that everyone knows this, such as smart phones. these are areas in which traditionally you would not think of it communication innovation is happening. i saw a 3-d printer that was able to print out. this device is being used to print out kidneys that is being used to translate -- transplant into patients whose kidneys had failed.
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the car can adjust to go slower faster. it is amazing. all kinds of expect them -- all kinds of spectrum. >> when you see all of these booths here, are they within the realm of fcc regulation world? or should they be? especially with the cars of the new technology coming into it? >> some of them are in some of them are not. i think it does fall within the fcc jurisdiction. fcc might need to take a look at a particular device and nature that radiofrequency admission that the device puts out is consistent with our rules. they might have to allocate certain spectrums to be used by the device manufacturer.
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there are a couple of areas where there is a limited jurisdiction. whether it is gaining or other applications, we will sit back and watch american capitalism in action. it is a wonderful thing. >> when you visit booths and you talk to people within your regulatory world, what do they want to talk to you about? >> some of the bigger picture items are the usual. getting more spectrum into the commercial marketplace. make sure that the rules reflect current technology and not legacy technologies of yesteryear. making sure that the fcc reacts quickly. things happened quickly from one electronic show to the next. i'm hopeful with the fcc in the months and years to come, they connect with some of the innovators here. >> what is your current thinking on license? >> i'm excited that the chairman
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announces afternoon that he was going to commence in the to establish more wi-fi spectrum. not to go wonky on you, but this spectrum is really well- suited for wi-fi. you can have huge channels. those channels will allow a lot more data to be sent through as compared to lowerend band. also, the technical characteristics of that spectrum are very favorable to wi-fi. it is higher up in the wavelengths. it does not travel as far. you do not get as much interference. you think about what consumers want wi-fi to be used for its for home applications or office applications. they do not want to use a lot of power. that is exactly what they promise. i'm looking for to working with the chairman and the commission
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and the american public to make sure we get as much spectrum out there as we can. >> what did you talk about on the panel? >> a variety of topics. that will occupy a lot of our time during the year. we are getting comments from the public on what the rule should be. infrastructure is another thing. we call it an all ip world. it is a lengthy topic. we move from an air of monopoly providers to a situation where you have all sorts of companies that provide services on an internet protocol-based structure. the chairman late last year establish an internet task force, an internet article task force to figure out whether regulations needed to be updated and with priorities
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needed to be embraced and what we should do about it. bill and what should be take off the books on what to be on the books -- what should be taken off the books and what should be on the books. >> at ces, does washington understand this world? >> i would like to think that we do. being here and interacting with people who makes of these vices and provide services is a part of that. it enables us to understand what our decisions will be. when we talk about spec down, it is often in abstract. you hear about the spectrum crunch and how there is not enough. when you come here, your that it is possible eer here. there is a chip that allows you to have 300 plus megabits per second of data. that would allow you to have a wireless device very easily.
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they cannot do that unless we make the decisions that we need to make. it is important to understand that there are consequences to the regulatory decisions made in washington. >> fcc commissioner, ajit pai, thank you. >> thank you for having me. >> were here at the qualcomm exhibit. we interviewed the fcc commissioner, ajit pai. he was praising some brand-new qualcomm technology. what is that technology? >> that new technology is a new wi-fi scanner. that is really exciting for routers and other types of devices. it is 1.3 gigabytes. it is really fast wi-fi connectivity. really, when you think about downloading videos or surfing
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the web, you can do so much more, so much faster. >> this was developed by qualcomm? >> yes. >> when will it be on the market? >> those devices will be out later this year. >> what else is qualcomm exhibiting this year at ces? >> we talk about snapdragon 800. it is a processor with a powerful graphics assess her -- processor. along with lte. another connectivity solution, as well as multimedia. 7 dot 1 audio. that is the theater behind us. great theater experience for you.
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you can watch stuff off of your smart phone and do a lot of great rings. -- things. >> what does qualcomm do overall? >> public does a variety of technology. -- qualcomm does a variety of technologies. wi-fi and interactivity. snapdragon processor. we do a lot of things with qualcomm intel. we have another application for reality. we do a lot of different varieties to make wireless technology at the heart of everyone and all the things you want to do and do all kinds of fun stuff as a consumer. >> here at ces, there has been great growth in health technology. what is called the exhibiting? >> we have a variety of
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demonstrations over here. you can measure your heart rate and diabetic agnostics. different testings that looks at all of the different things. you can monitor your help in a variety -- your health in a variety of different ways. >> anita hix, director of marketing at qualcomm. one of the most talked about and look at items here at ces international 2013 is made by a company called maker bot. we had the ceo of this company. what are we looking at here? >> the next up in revolution. maker bot is an innovation company. we empower people to change the future. >> that said, what are we looking at as far as the equipment? >> what we have this year at c es is the next generation of
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mega bot 3-d printer. we had the replicator otoo. we have also got the maker bot replicator 2x, which is experimental. it has more challenging material. these two tools empower people to make things. it works by building up layers of plastic until your model is done and then you take it out of the mega bot and you have something. >> this printer over here is actually working right now, correct? >> right. it finished its 3-d model. it is cooling down. this is the maker bot model 2x. it makes things in multiple colors. you have red and black there. it is a wonderful piece of
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machinery for any when created. >> is a printer a misnomer? >> it just a little confusing to people. a 3-d printer works similarly to a 2-d printer. with a 3-d printer, you take a 3-d model that is virtual on your screen and you make it a physical 3-d model. and in years and industrial designers, architects, -- engineers, industrial designers, and architects get it. now they have access to it. they can have it on their desktop. they can make prototypes. if they do not like it, they can throw it away and make another one. they can make a model and make another one. in the old days, this would take like a month to make a model. you could reiterate multiple times a year.
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within maker bot, you could reiterate multiple times a day. >> we are looking at some more models. ids these basically doing all the same thing? -- are these basically doing all the same thing? >> this is a wall of maker bot replicator 2's. when it is done, we give them away to people here at ces. that is one of the powers of the maker bot. when you make it, the material and the machine is so affordable. if someone asked, you can give it to them. maybe you can start a business and become an entrepreneur and put this thing out in the market. we have got a guy who did just that. his name is race. rhis.- his name is c -- chris. the square is something that
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allows people to swipe credit cards. it spins around so you cannot use the backward. he made something that goes between there. very simple. if he want the traditional route, he might have had to spend almost $10,000 and go with the molding and it would take him three po six months to go to market. within maker bot, he can go and change the design and the next day, he can be making his product for the next generation of ipads. the ability to flexible, and to bring something market quickly, to make the thing you need, right now i'm your desktop is the power of the maker bot. this power when you make things, you get the feeling of accomplishment. the feeling that you get is the feeling you get when you are participating in the next
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industrial revolution. it is a feeling that you can make a difference in the world. the things that you may, you can have and share with the world. >> what does a maker bot cost? >> the material is about $50 per kilogram. participate in that next industrial revolution with us. it will be a blast. the world is changing. we will change with it. >> where are they made? >> brooklyn, new york. all maker bots are assembled with maker bot pride. everyone'v has the brooklyn spit in it, that can-do attitude of making things, things that you love. it is a special machine. it requires people making it that care about it. >> what is this material over
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here? >> this is maker bot plastic. two kinds of material. the maker bot appeal is for the maker bot replicator 2. the other is for the maker bot replicator 2x. we joke that it is noodles. this is the material that you feed into the machine to make anything that you want. >> what is in your hand? >> this is a v6 ford engine block. ford sent it to uyss. it is the real model for a real one. i am a total gear head. i love this model. i love engines. i take engines apart and put
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them together. i have never seen the inside of an engine. i always have to sought it in half. by making it on my maker bot, i can see where the coolidge goes -- coolant goes. getting a maker bot is also educational and how things are made in the manufacturing process and the world around them. >> where did you come up with the idea? >> 3-d printers have been around for 25 years. but they were missions that were really expensive. i wanted 1 -- they were machines that were really expensive. i wanted one. my friends and i started tinkering. when it worked, we quit our jobs and worked on this so everyone could have went. ceo and cofounder
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of maker bot. the floor at ces. you have been watching "the communicators" on c-span from las vegas at the ces 2012 technology show. we will be back next week with more programming from this convention. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2013] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute] >> the supreme court recently heard oral arguments. at issue is whether police officers can force suspected drunk driving without first obtaining a warrant. prosecutors are asking the court to set aside the requirement for a search warrant. agreeing that the taking of the blood without a search warrant


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