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tv   Washington Journal  CSPAN  January 20, 2013 7:00am-10:00am EST

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then we will talk about inauguration fund limits for individuals and corporations and later, a presidential historian looks at how presidents have done in their second terms. "washington journal" is next. host: the inauguration date has fallen on a sunday for the seventh time in history and the ceremony will take place tomorrow. as the president begins his
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second term, what is next for him, his administration, and the country? that is our focus this morning on this sunday, january 20. our phone lines are open and the numbers are on your screen. let's look as some of the hometown newspapers -- from "the boston globe" -- from "the arizona republic" --
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this is from "the atlanta journal constitution" -- why january 20 and white a second ceremony on january 21? there's an answer available on the website committee. this is the seventh time in our nation's history that the mandated date for an inauguration has fallen on a sunday. the first time was back in 1821. that was president monroe's second swearing in and it happened with zachary taylor and more recently, president eisenhower and president reagan in their second term had inauguration's fallen on a sunday and the constitution was changed back in the 1930's. fdr was sworn in on march 4 and congress and the president deems the transition peiord was far
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too long so it was moved to january 20. we will have live coverage of the swearing in today from the white house and just past 8:00 this morning, vice president joe biden will be sworn in from the naval observatory, the official residence of the vice president. the inaugural committee released a web video as the president reflected on what is next for him and his administration. [video clip] >> i started public servants working in communities. throughout my career, what has always given me energy, hope is that good and decent and resilience and strong the american people are. the theme of this year's inauguration is our people, our future. i believe that when our people are succeeding, when they have the tools they need to get a
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grade education, get a good job, look after their kids, have some basic security, that there is nothing that can stop america. two figures i admire probably more than anybody in american history is dr. king and president lincoln. for me to have the opportunity to use the bible they used on the 105th anniversary of the emancipation proclamation and the 50th anniversary of the march on washington is fitting. their actions and the movement they represent are the only reason that it is possible for me to be inaugurated. it is also a reminder for me that this country has gone through tough times before but we always come out on the other side. we're constantly perfecting our union and making it more fair. we want everybody to have a fair
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shot in this country. if you work hard, you can make it. regardless of where you come from or what you look like. it is probably the most important thing to keep in mind when you are president of the united states. i will uphold my oath of office at the same time letting me remind people of the sacrifices of the past. from the presidential inaugural committee host: first lady michelle obama just turned 49 last week. she will have a big role during the next couple of days. here is take tweed ♪t the more private ceremony today will include a bible for the
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first lady. also, another first for this president being sworn in on mlk and the last time that happened was with bill clinton. we will share with you some thoughts by jerry is joining us from detroit on the democrats' line, good morning. caller: what makes this
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inauguration so much more significant that it is taking place on martin luther king jr. birthday. dr. king was certainly a hero of mine and certainly to president obama. and certainly to anyone who believes in equality and social justice. host: on the republican line, steve is joining us from virginia, good morning. caller: is important to look at what has been accomplished in the first four years. the values the -- the value of united states dollar has been reduced by 50% and the value of gold has gone up. everybody on welfare has half as much money to use and all the contributors have golden safety
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deposit boxes. the rich got richer, and the poor have gotten poorer, let's hope the second term as a little bit more appropriate. host: thanks for the call. from "the national journal "--
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the richard nixon inaugurals parade a pesticide to get rid of pigeons. calvin coolidge was sworn in by his own father and ulysses s. grant wanted canaries at his ball. planners did not plan for and there were called temperatures, 100 birds for to doubt that day. that is according to "the national journal." back to your calls -- cincinnati, ohio, democrats line, good morning. caller: good morning, i am one of her biggest fans. this president is so scrutinized.
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he has done the best that he could to bring the country back to -- tried to bring the country back to normalcy. he has had a lot to deal with. he has a lot to clean up. because of his predecessor. maybe you and me will be dead before racism and hate -- is a thing of the past. i want to live and as society -- in a society where"star trek" is a reality. host: here is a headline from "the washington post" --
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the next to that is about the preparations and our nation's capital including a photograph of the president as he began his day of service yesterday.
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caller: good morning, all. you read something from - about the president not compromising? host: yes, that was the piece in "the weekly standard." caller: i read a book weinstein i think is his name. they wrote a book about what has happened in the last four years. the republicans had a meeting or dinner the night of the inaugural four years ago to plan on how they were going to say no to this president. i don't understand how -- host: we lost that call, good
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morning john. caller: good morning, i'm calling in reference to the article that you read. i have been falling politics and the president has tried to work with others but the others decided to not work with him and make him a one-term failure. who are the ones who are not willing to work properly with this president? and what are they blaming him for what they are causing to happen? thank you, that is all i have to say. host: next on the independent line, gym, from corpus christi, texas. caller: my name is james, i am calling from dallas. host: yourself from texas, you
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are on the air, welcome to the program. caller: thank you. one thing that sticks out to me -- being our first african- american president, i don't get the sense from talking to several african american friends, that the president has done anything that stands out to champion and the of their causes. one cause that often comes up is prison and most of them feel a -- i have felt like this for years. people are locked up in prison and this not only affects them but it leaves a single parents house hold
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brian is joining us next from pomp and a beach, fla., democrats line, good morning. caller: good morning, i would like to say that i think the president is doing an awesome job. it's just that congress needs to realize that they work for the people and they need to work with the people and with the president, also, and go ahead and help the country instead of bringing it down like they have been. they need to really stick together and work more together
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to pass the laws that need to be passed. that's all i have to say. host:jody cantor has a lengthy story of this morning on the front page of " the new york times."
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steve is joining us from with -- ridgway, pa., independent line, good morning. caller: one thing i have noticed since president obama has been president is the continual -- a concerted effort to compare himself to president lincoln, a first in his talking about the book that he was reading -- i cannot remember the title of it -- >> king of rivals?
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caller: now he is taking the inauguration on the lincoln bauble. there is an idea that some callers have made that this president has faced worst consequences or worse situations than previous presidents i think is somewhat absurd. the fact that he is half-black, there is nothing to it. he is the president of united states and is supposed to be president of everybody. unfortunately, i have lost confidence in the politicians in
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washington, d.c. and i think the people of the united states should continually boat these people out of office on a regular basis until they start doing what they're supposed to do which is represent the people of the united states. we have a democratically elected republic and people need to pull out their history books and find out what that is and realize that when we send them to office, would give them the authority to vote the way we feel and if we feel they are not representing our opinions and needs, we need to replace them. thank you very much. host: stephen dinan will be joining us at the bottom of the hour. later, author and historian richard norton smith will dig in the details of the second term and what this president could be facing.
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this headline is from "the washington examiner" -- the public information officer for the u.s. capitol police is joining us on the fund. guest: for having me. host: we look at the seams around washington, what can visitors expect tomorrow? guest: they should expect that we will do our best to protect people. give time to get through lines and things of that nature. host: this is a map we found
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this morning in "the washington post." the area in red it will be the high-security area. many of the roads around the capitol like the parade route will be shut down. d.c. officials are advising anybody coming to washington tomorrow to use mass transit, most notably metro which will be operating at peak hours beginning at 4:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. for those who want to come to washington who don't have any vip tickets are media passes, where can they go and what can they do? guest: for those who don't have tickets, they can go to the national mall. those individuals can view the inaugural ceremony at certain entry points. host: the weather should be
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typical washington, d.c. whether to more with temperatures in the 30's, partly sunny skies and some passing snow showers late in the day but that will not be a big consideration. what are your biggest fear is that are out of your control? guest: we have partnered with our federal and local law enforcement partners to create a robust security plan. we have trained and coordinated and done a lot of things to address any issues that may arise. i think we are prepared for events that may occur host: we are talking with the public information officer for the u.s. capitol police who will be partnering with the secret service and the d.c. police and there are up to 2000 police officers supplementing the security detail in washington. can you touch on that? guest: that is more of the mpd
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initiative but there are other law enforcement agencies that will supplement. host: once the ceremony concludes tomorrow afternoon and the president is along pennsylvania avenue, what will the security be like at the capitol. ? guest: we will still have our security in place throughout, even toward the end of the parade. host: thank you for following all of this for the u.s. capitol police, thank you for joining us. this is a live view of the reviewing stand which faces lafayette park. the president and first family are expected to walk a short distance from about 15th street and new york avenue to the reviewing stand. the parade this year's estimate to get underway at mid afternoon, lasting about 2.5 hours. we will have
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along the mall in washington d.c., there are 2800 applicants to much in the parade, the first televised and not to ration and 1940 and with harry truman. the fund-raising goal this year, $50 million the shortage address those to our first president, george washington. the president will be saw today at noon at the white house, a trustee is on the phone. indianapolis, indiana. this morning.
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>> i was calling because prison obama done a good job. the cigarette with a man -- it was taken 24 years to do things that he had done things a year back. -- it will do things for him to do things a few years back. host: this is based on an interview that she joined us with that we took on friday forces spent was a of is the program. a new york times reporter writes that --
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could you have a constructive dialogue with david keene, and others from the nra? this is going to be a real hearing. we have urged senators on both side of the hearing to be there. yes when not doing this -- he talked abut the agenda. i do not need the extra work for the sake of -- i want a real hearing. i hope we have a real dialogue. host: you can watch it in its entirety 10:00 eastern time, 3:00 eastern on the west coast. we will give you a front row seat to the inaugural ceremonies as we show you pictures from about washington. the are bibles are leo of past
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ceremonies and you can check of various camera angles as well on c-span. we will have a visual page 4 we will give you the behind-the- scenes photographs. this is the scene from the second swearing in back in in 2009. all of the major events. it is all the viable online at suspend got word that. next, good morning. caller: i honor any president of the united states of america. i believe this country would be better with a part of the country that would have a part of a monarchy. only because on every job i always said to have a negative energy. plus everything it can with age
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of everything had to deserve to come to this country. i believe that we do have terrorists working in this house. there are a whole but to many medical's and to many medicine. a believe that everybody is getting a restive for drugs, guns, if they are breaking the law, let them make them the lot. thank you. host: we will show you our features a past inaugurations ceremonies and our archival of the past balls, one of the things of featuring. it is time of our american history programs and is available on-line. and to get up by going on letter home page. the president swearing in the at
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the obama challenges, the rich rick is away for the domestic agenda is the front page story. and it is the brush with history. the national day of service and some facts about this president. the number of golf items he has had since this office, but hundred 13. >> the president signed ridiculous taken partial vacation days. he has made 35 speeches with references to slip is from "the new york post." i can guess, mark miller, you
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can see it right there. he is the unofficial chronicler of everything official at the white house and keeps track of all of the fund trivia. caller: i read a lot of internet articles. i always go down to the bottom and with the comments. it is amazing how these conspiracy theories start right now, the craze is on the internet are jumping to the conclusion that if they have already -- he has a secret plot to be inaugurated a private today. there is something sinister about that and they do not even bother to think of the constitution says the and i garrison has to sit on the january 20. since it is is sunday, the practice has been on a sunday. they do not even consider that. if they did have the official
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swearing and, public soaring today, the set would be criticizing him for being on a sunday. it is funny. host: he follows on the tradition of eisenhower and regan. caller: any who happens to be elected on the 28th on a sunday, they have the same thing. but they do not ever consider. maybe i am being unfair or maybe it would be the same, they come in with a mind set that they're not going to like anything about obama. they're going to criticize everything. even if it is totally non- partisan. that is all i wanted to say. i am looking forward to today and tomorrow. there were more people sign up for the day of not service than the different products could accommodate.
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host: he walked to the entire root of pennsylvania avenue from the capital. it took him about 58 minutes. since then every president has walked about a portion of the route along the parade. this is the area where the president and first lady will walk from about 15th on the new york avenue along pennsylvania avenue. you can see the viewing stand off to the left. off to the right, the cameras that will be in place to get a picture of the president and his reaction. the floods and the marching bands or walk by. we will have live coverage of all of that tomorrow, it is getting under way at noon eastern. the presidents one and at noon eastern and it will be taking place between 2:33.
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we will wrap up about 2.5 hours later. will take a short break and will become back we will have more on the inauguration. christina wilke on the costl focusing on the presidents second term. she is joining us live from c- span radio studios. >> good morning. the focus will be on the inauguration and the second term. the programs repair on suspend radio beginning at noon on at me to the press. that begins with the democratic senator chuck schumer on inaugural ceremonies. at 1:00 to get here this week,
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david plus is on the program and is making the rounds on several shows this morning and even along gloria on the inaugural committee. chris wallace system with david plus and roy blunt is a vice chairman of the conference. it follows at 3:00, wyoming john burasso.ln grass bob schieeffer talks with david erviewnd he ha an itnent with the castros.s the re-airs begina t noon.
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currently at 4:00, you can listen to them all on c-span radio. nationwide on satellite radio, 1:19. the set on the smartphone are go vide >> the inauguration begins his second term. today the official swearing-in ceremony at the white house before noon eastern, the coverage begins the phone calls and a look back at the 2009 inaugural address at 10:30 eastern. the other festivities including the luncheon and the parade.
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coverage begins at 7:30 eastern on c-span, suspend radio, and c- ] host: this will come after he takes the oath of office and the article of the constitution. i do solemnly swear or affirm that i will faithfully execute the office of the president of the united states and will for the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the constitution of the united states that will take place at
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noon eastern today and tomorrow as dictated under the constitution. january 20 falls on a sunday. it will take place tomorrow in front of the u.s. capitol. thank you as always for being with us. a lot of tradition of of and all of this. presidential inaugural committees. it really gets back to george washington. this is the 54th time that washington, d.c. has boasted an inauguration. guest: one of the traditions is the soul, but god, that is added in there when he was sworn in at every president since then has done that. i think to the presidents have affirmed rather than swan the oath. i know at least one. a believe there are two double according to the historian's office. a lot of tradition, a glut is
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built up over time. we have a coordination every four years and has drawn bitter with the office. more power to the crowd into the presidency. this is our chance to renew the trust in this person would have been elected. the ceremony means a lot. i remember being in chicago after the first clinton inauguration and remember listening to the radio. the person was actually a bush supporter but also supportive. this is our chance where we show that we transition power. we are well aware of this -- this is the significance of the? so it is a really powerful day. host: it was like rush hour as the crowd made its way from the station went behind the to the
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west part of the u.s. capitol. this one by all accounts will be different. guest: somebody did an account based on -- 1500 on the mall, somebody said, that is their account that are expecting a smaller crowd. it was so much excitement surrounding the inauguration. in some was it was never going to be possible to recapture the excitement. by all accounts, it will be a bigger inauguration the most. host: you have also been writing about this morning. a big bipartisan bill for reform of in divided washington. they are sitting the president and lawmakers of both parties began laying the groundwork for something as opposed to be unachievable in washington today, a bipartisan deal to be can a contemptuous problem in a big way to issue on immigration.
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what is happening? guest: president obama said in his interview last year with a meet the press that he would introduce his legislation. that is a big step. you have leadership on both parties. harry reid said it is his number one priority. he also is it he would have a hearing early next month and lay the groundwork for this. he said he wants to get a bill of of the committee. most of this, house republicans, senate democrats to try this in the past. some will be the launch pens for this bill again to the senate. the big question here is house republicans. the control the house.
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-- lynch pins of in the house. john boehner said they wouldn't move of immigration. that is an amazing thing to. they had a brief area where it appeared it would happen and they stalled out. he said he wanted to tackle this. it was clear he wanted to do this in a small piecemeal fashion. that is not the way the senate wants to go about it. they feel if you do that do everything at the same time you lose too many people and you cannot do a deal out of the chamber. that is the big question, to house republicans decide that they want to go full bore an to immigration and of they do, how do they go about doing better? a think we are probably likely that we will see an immigration debate a in of the senate. 2007 a broken to the floor and
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was filibustered. i think we are probably likely to see a book about a the senate this time around. >> without overstating the of this, how much did the election results but the republicans not in the driver's seat, and the compromise seat on a bipartisan immigration? >> the dynamic of house republicans is interesting of this. there are looking at them and telling them they have to do this. there are economic arguments why you should want to tackle immigration. when you talk to rank-and-file members, you get a slightly more of a sense there are few that are willing to go in that the election. it is not an overwhelming sense.
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those who are more willing are not willing because they are willing because of the merits, because of the political issue. i have not gotten a sense there is a huge ground sell. especially with issues like debt and deficit dealing with what ever happens on gun control, they have a big heavy docket already. there are a lot of reasons this could still stumble. >> on the issue of guns and gun violence, the story on -- available on line with the headline in -- we asked him, what will pass? guest: i wish i knew. i would hope we could close the gun show loophole. which could limit the size of
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magazines. i would hope that we would have background checks the same for everybody and actually have some teeth and took them. host: what would the senate passed? what will house republican support with a twist on guns? guest: let's begin with the process that he will hold a hearing. he will hold a hearing and try to see what consensus can develop out of there. he is critical to this. the lot would come through his committee. the speech he game at georgetown on wednesday. i came away from their unsure of how far he is willing to go. he said he would be willing to take a look at an assault weapons ban, which he voted for
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in 1994. he said he told an interesting story of high-capacity magazines. and of vermont, they basically had one rule that was during deer hunting season, it cannot be loaded with more than six rounds. his point is we could not be sure -- we cannot be treating year better than our children. there are reasons to have the amount of rounds on a magazine. as you heard in the clip, he supports a stricter background checks and clothes and what everybody agrees is a gun salute poll. the process goes over to the house for the house republicans say they will wait for the senate. i guess you should take them at their word, that does not sound like they will be eager to do this. whether action happens entirely
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depends on how much voters call their members and say, you have to do this. we chance our minds on do this. the early polling we have seen on the plan suggests something like 55% in favor and 45% opposed, that is not an overwhelming majority that will swamp congress. if the numbers change, then i think you might see more of a chance of action. after the virginia tech shooting, there was a push for changes and what comes out of it was better background checks and the getting mental health records, i think the safest thing to say is there will be some the along the lines of enforce the law and make sure the background checks are complete and do a good job of weeding out those who want to weed out. he covers congress and the
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white house. i want to share with you the words of fred barnes of in "the weekly standard." the president is open for compromise. we have a couple of comments on our facebook page. your thoughts about this sentiment and others critical of the president. >> a couple of things about that. it will be interesting to see, how he deals with congress. the early indications is he will do with them by trying to rally pressure a side of them. the speech he gave on guns the past week was a very interesting in his strong the call that he cannot do this alone and washington is gridlock on the issue and the only way
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what sense is if people other lawmakers. his best legislative success came in his first couple of years when he came in control of a couple of changes. he was able to push through his stimulus with only three republican votes couple of in the house and the senate where arlen specter switched parties. he pushed through a health care law with no republican votes whatsoever. the successes or based on large democratic majorities. the republicans hold the house. it will be hard to see how he deals with congress. the early indications is he will try to rally pressure outside to try to force action rather than weaving and dealing that bill clinton was good at the end of
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their past presidents were good at. host: st. john's church, at services typically held on the day of the inauguration, that will be the case tomorrow. this church is famous for a number of reasons. september 1974 a, they came back to the white house and issued his full and complete pardon for richard nixon. where misses obama walked a short distance from the entrance to the white house to the church. another service taking place today. in national church service on tuesday at the national cathedral. marcia is joining us from florida on the democrats' line, good morning. caller: thank you for taking my call. i want to congratulate our president on the good job i think he has been doing with the enormous agenda.
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we hope he is as successful as he was his first four years. i would like to say i do call my legislators. i have been calling them probably three or four years and leaving messages, not always quietly. i am very much opposed to the guns in our country. i do believe that people on the republican side have been unfair to president obama from the beginning because they are the ones who did not accept his invitations. host: thank you for the call.
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what is the nra opposed to a gun registry, we can finally tracked for the guns come from. itst: first of all two absolutely captures some of the sentiment out there. it has been strong from the start. democrats like to point out that mitch mcconnell said the senate republican leader said his chief job was to make president obama a one-term president. it is responsible for the gridlock in the chamber for the last two years or so. i would set one interesting thing about the numbers is that president obama's approval records right now is exactly the same, i think it is the same as bush's was as he began the second term 49% approval.
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interesting parallels, the republicans are just as unhappy with president obama as democrats word with president bush in 2005. there are parallels between parties by giving the other guys a chance. maybe that is a cause or a result of splits media today. it is worth noting the opposition has been consistent the party's over the decade. what would be most interesting would be if the caller mentioned the president had the agenda. one thing i should have mentioned in the list of things on the agenda would be seen through his health-care law. it is a very important that he was the president and this to see the implementation when disco in 2013. there are a couple of court challenges on the contraceptive mandate and a couple of challenges on who is allowed to
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claim the exchange credit and things like that, all of them will get a very different results because president obama is in power rather than mitt romney. >host: the pro-gun movement during up as well. we are seeing not only the and are a but others of of in this effort on the other side of the aisle. guest: that was the other question about why one of your viewers, where there are opposed to a gun registry. they view themselves not as defenders of the second of been the but of all freedom. they see it as a guarantee your of all freedoms. if people have the right to be able to stop tearing me to a point of again, that is the guarantor of freedom. that is the reason. if the government had a list of who has guns, the belief is that
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if a tyrant or tyrannical rule of law makers takes over, they know who to go for to take away guns. that is to take away freedom. it is a longstanding belief. this is also what informed people, touching on the immigration issue, people who did not want to have a national id card, something that will weed out illegal immigrants if you have an id card, a lot of people believe that that is an infringement of rights as well. the have centralized lists, that is one libertarian and other people began to get worried about government power. i believe the instant background checks, there are rules about how long the government to keep the intermission of who applied for a gun permit -- who has been able to purchase any firearm
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under that were so great about the government having the list that are required to get rid of the ever mission or dispose of it within a time. . -- within a time period. host: lloyd is joining us from pennsylvania on the republican line. caller: there are two items i want to try to do quickly. why is the government so far in debt, but they are spending almost $200 billion for this inauguration. that is totally for by this commission dominant? the next thing is, on this gun control. over 65 years ago, some young , thist a friend's house
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man came from another country and he said, what ever you do, remember do not ever, ever let the government take your guns. i am not a young man anymore, but people are going to think what happened at until other countries when the government take the guns. -- in the other countries to the guns. host: the thing that will happen? caller: absolutely. it will starlike, let's take this club the way. you do not need this handgun. we might as well to this rifle. that is the way it will be. just nitpicking until they have everything they want. host: can i ask you a question? on two key points we are hearing from, the magazine that can
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shoot up to 30 rounds and these so-called assault rifles, are they restricted? caller: the way i understand it, and machine guns, that is what i call them, they were restricted back in the 1930's. why is this even a subject? i thought a machine gun was still restricted. host: it is 8 subject because of what we have seen in newtown, connecticut and aurora. caller: i can understand that. how did they get in the if the war against the law? that is what i cannot understand it. the way i understand years and years ago, you were not allowed to have a machine go. host: we will get a response. guest: i am that a hunter or a
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gun owner but i believe the status of the law as it is a semiautomatic rifle at issue here. semiautomatic rifles are legal, the question is how many rounds should you be able to have a in and magazine. the difference is that automatic rifles, i am probably botching this for very knowledgeable gun owners, automatic rifles basically, they hold on the trigger and gunfires until the release the trigger or a magazine is empty. semi-automatic is pull the trigger was and a round of fires and a gun automatics -- at gun automatically reloading. i think that is probably what we are talking about here is semiautomatic rifles, which are legal. what style of rifles should be legal and what magazine size should be allowed to have? caller: good morning.
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how are you? it has been my consideration that regardless of what laws they have concerning immigration are gun-control or anything else, unless you have complaints by the american public, most people feel like they have lost contact with the politicianscon. dealing with almost any problem that comes up before, they argue about things that really, the general american public has no consideration for. unless you get compliance, it does not make any difference. you could write laws until you turn blue and you will not accomplish a thing by writing more laws because the american public does not want to comply
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with them. they have their own ideas and opinions. opinions are like noses, everyone has one, but no one is going to follow what the law says because they do not think that there is any kind of consideration for the politicians and what they really need. thank you. >> thank you for the call. >> in this case it may be the opposite issue. the public seems to want action on guns and it was congress who had been the roadblock to that. that is the design of the framers. they intended things to be slow. they intended the government only to take action when there was a enough of a groundswell of support were you could get a house with a particular constituency every few years, and elected from a broader population every six years, and the president.
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the caller is correct about the disconnect between congress and the population. there is a mood where they want to see action and they called for bipartisanship but we do not see much from congress. the numbers mentioned earlier, when president obama was sworn in for his first term, the number of those expecting by partisanship was 50%, a much higher number than the previous inaugurations. the expectations, even if the hopes are high, expectations are very low. >> only two -- host: only two presidents have been sworn in on two separate occasions, franklin d. roosevelt and barack obama because of what happened in 2009. swearing in at noon eastern time today for the president, tomorrow is the public ceremony.
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vice-president joe biden will be sworn in within the next 10 minutes to 15 minutes from his residence. the flag in the center of your screen is the same one used in his ceremonial office. you can see two paintings. one is lincoln delivering his second inaugural address. one of the more memorable second inaugural addresses in history. guest: that is exactly right. the end of the civil war, leaving it the country at a press of this for which direction they could go. in his words, now the story is none, it set the groundwork for what he envisioned. historians have argued about how it was carried out and what may have been one of the world's greatest what ifs, if he had not been assassinated a few days later. let just a couple of miles to
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the white house, where the vice president and his official residence is located. the first vice-president of the president was nelson rockefeller. it doesn't force to be gerald ford. -- it was supposed to be gerald ford. the question is if he has an eye on the white house in 2016. >> that is one of -- guest: that is one of the statements we will be asking at the public ceremony, asking if he keeps his eye on the podium and extra long time during the public ceremony variable bid is one of the crazy things about american politics. president obama has not been sworn in for his second term and he is already a lame duck. the biggest issues that we talked about today, gun control and immigration speaking out on
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both. marco rubio is one of the republicans trying to take leadership on the immigration issue and pushes party to do something on this issue. he also issued a statement defending second amendment rights after the president's speech this week. all the things we are do -- we are dealing with right now, we are already talking about how they will play into the campaign that is three years away. host: bob casey, from scranton, pa., where joe biden was elected to the senate back in 1972 at the age of 29. now, of course, he is the vice- president. hagerstown, good morning. caller: good morning. one quick comment on the gums, when i was a republican voting
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for reagan, i was in the military on the naval air station in virginia beach. i am a democrat now, for various reasons. when guns is one of them. no one is taking away the guns, that is a constitutional right, but semi-automatic and things that happened in connecticut, we need to get this going on the gums. i am talking about social security and medicare by these congress people. medicare is part of social security. why are people making this an issue? even reagan said that. i remember it.
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i was down there in oceania, they had the thing with how the air traffic controls and the unions. i was in the union. i worked out of the local 26. the guys that were a part of our local union down there, they were part of the members. from the tea party, mostly. they would bring up these issues with media and get mad at me because i would say things about guns and how they needed to be controlled. they would see me as navy how. we would have to check out the guns. we were not allowed to walk out of bases, we had to check them out.
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guest: obviously, to say that this is a contentious issue is a major understatement. the one thing that has been interesting, and president obama was right about this, the new town shooting hood profit from a rethink amongst the people that had strong feelings one way or another, they had a second amendment with restrictions that they do not think about very much. a number of those folks have engaged the issue. in years past soccer moms, nascar dads, they seem to have engaged the issue and done so very much in favor of new gun- control. the shooting of first graders is soporific, did did prompt a change. virginia tech, there were only a
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few small changes in the law. newhouse this one seems to be substantially different, striking a chord that may actually change the calculation. host coas home -- host:stephen dinan, the longest inauguration speech was from henry harrison and we know what happened to him. from our facebook page -- host: do you have a favorite? guest: i do not, actually. that is a really good question. i do not have a favorite. host: what is interesting to say is that how most inaugural addresses are not memorable.
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the government is not the solution, government is the problem, you had seen over the years that there has been a way to try to frame the agenda for the next four years. death of part of the problem with those in recent history is the second terms have not been particularly productive. you have got to think about bill clinton coming in -- how the state of the union address is not inaugural. while we did balance the budget at the end of his second term, the government was certainly not over. george bush continued it. he came into office when his second inaugural was his broad vision for how the united states would take a stand in the world. but you can see places where he followed through, but broad
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principles one second turns do not go so well, they do not make it as well. host: this is from "the new york times." guest: they all had more to say the second time around. host: our last call is from donna in huntsville, alabama. caller: i would like to comment that i am a democrat, i voted for obama twice and am proud of what he has achieved. my personal opinion, personally i think that kids d issue and the problem is something i have noticed on his first term. it seems like every time he comes up with a good idea -- nothing is perfect or what have you, but every time he had a great idea, which shut it down.
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when he was elected he said before the democrats, before the republicans, americans first. host: thank you. guest: i can imagine a republican caller saying dog left the congress for stopping those ideas. this is what the partisanship is all about. as we said, this is what the framers intended. they wanted things to be difficult in washington and wanted us to have some sort of consensus developed before the government took action. obviously there are 51% of americans to believe that would be his percentage of the vote in the last election. the question of how he works with congress, cajoling, trying to go random, pushing for as
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broad an agenda as candid, how unshackled from having to get reelected again. host: how thank you for being with us. guest: always did to be here. host: we are going to take you to the scene early as we show you the official residence of the vice president and the swearing in ceremony that was scheduled to get in at 8505 eastern time. it has been delayed slightly until about 8:20. we just saw senator chris dodd, now the head of the implosion picture association, with ken salazar, and bob casey, the former pennsylvania senator. did small gathering for this ceremony, on a sunday he gets to take the oath of office twice. guest: high and probably 70 on how long was here, but i thought
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the constitution require him to take the oath at the same time, noon on the 20th. maybe one of your callers knows how why he was able to do it earlier. maybe you are allowed to take the oath at the end of your term. it would be interesting to hear the history on that. host of the president will be at the arlington national cemetery. what you think the goal is to outline his agenda. guest: this was something that he instituted in 2009, making martin luther king day a federal holiday as a sign that we are all in this together. he repeated that yesterday, saying that the inauguration and the day of service, we are all in this together and it will take us all polling in the same
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direction to move the country forward. host: the picture is bart -- the picture is back. we will hear the opening remarks from aha rev. kevin o'brien. the vice president will be sworn in by the associate justice, sonia sotomayor. we are expected to get under way with the next four minutes the five minutes. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2013]
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host: let me explain why you are looking at. this is a network feed. we are getting the same signal from the other networks. we share resources for these historic events. this is a live view from the naval observatory, the official residence of the vice-president.
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we will stay with this and hopefully we will not have any further breakups. the ceremony was scheduled to get underway at 8:20 eastern time. the joe biden family members are in the alcove and other family members and friends of the vice president are in attendance.
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>> how did this in yemen, the vice president of the united states -- >> ladies and gentlemen, the vice president of the united states, accompanied by justice sonia sotomayor. [applause]
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>> the vice president has asked for -- ask that we bless the occasion with prayer. so, let us pray. the profit micah reclaims did you have been told, mortal, what is good, and what the board requires a view, only to do justice and love goodness, walking calmly with your dog. -- god. gracious god, we ask your blessing on your servant, joseph, as he renews the pledge he made to his country. in all the complexities that, this world, give us your wisdom so that he can know what is good and give him the courage to
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always do what is right. walk close by him so that he can do justice and labored tirelessly for a more just and gentle world. empower him to be a voice for those without a voice. for those on the margins, so easy -- easily overlook, you will judge us all for how we care for those among us. continue to give him the humility to call upon him in times of need and with the gift of faith given to him by his church and family, help him to always know of your presence. lord, protect our president and vice president in their service to assault. -- to us all. we thank you for the blessings of peace and liberty. we honor the sacrifices of so many in our foreign service and civil service, to safeguard these blessings daily. we renew our pledge how as
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citizens to join them in that noble labor, to always work for the common good and help us to set aside self-interest and meet one another on the common ground to which you call us. q, generous god, have given us so much. we humbly offer these gifts for the good of others and how the greater glory, amen. >> mr. vice-president, are you ready? >> i am. >> please repeat after me. i, joseph r. biden jr. do solemnly swear that i will support and defend the constitution of the united states. [repeats] against all enemies foreign and domestic [repeats]
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then i will bear of faith and allegiance to the same and take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion. [repeats] i will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office of which i am about to enter repeats] so help me god. [repeats] >> congratulations. [applause] >> madam justice, these as some
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of my friends. [laughter] i want to explain to you what a wonderful and honor it was, how much out of her way she had to go. she is due in new york and has to leave right now. i apologize, we will walk out to her car, waiting, so that she can catch a train if i have not caused her to miss it. i am going to meet the president in the traditional laying a wreath at the tomb over at arlington. i will be back, they tell me, in 40 minutes. i hope that some of you will still be here. i thank you very, very much for sharing this moment with my wife and i. madam justice, it has been a great honor. thank you. [applause]
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host: there is the white house chief of staff, former, of the clinton administration, former senator chris dodd, amongst
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those in attendance. the bible has been in the family since 1893. joe biden used it every time he was sworn in to the u.s. senate. his son used it when he was sworn in as the delaware attorney general. some reflections from stephen didnan, joining us here in the studio. >> short and sweet, taking -- guest: it was short and sweet, taking care of the constitutional obligations. there is sort of a simple majesty about it. host: any guesses as to how many people stick around for breakfast? guest: if the vice president invites you, i think i would. host: tomorrow we will be hearing the words of the president as he takes the oath of office. out lines from abroad teams for
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the next four years, will be here tomorrow? guest: a good question. we have not heard many details about what he is going to say. our best guess is what he said yesterday at the service event. after that he said to the audience that we are in this together. given the gun tragedy in newtown, given some of his other calls for health care, seeing that through in the second term, those things rise to the philosophy that we are in this together. thebrother's keeper, one of phrases used has his political philosophy. the inaugural address, the second one, on these broad sweeping themes, we will hear more of the legislative let me from the state of the union in a
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couple of weeks. host: thank you for sharing your time with us this morning. guest: my pleasure. monroe,esident's wilson, ronald reagan, now barack obama, seven times in u.s. history that the official day for the swearing in falls on a sunday. meaning that the public ceremony will take place tomorrow. coming up in a couple of minutes we will look at this inauguration and in the next hour more of what the president can expect as he embarks on his second term and some of the lessons from past seven term -- second term presidents. we will be taking you to arlington cemetery in the next half-hour, where the president and vice president will lay a wreath at the tomb of the unknown. getting under way just before noon eastern today. back in a moment. ♪
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>> hi, barack obama, solemnly swear-i will execute the office of president to the united states faithfully. >> that i will execute faithfully -- [flubs]
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>> when john roberts administered the oath to barack obama on january 20, 2009, there was a major problem. roberts was supposed to say -- faithfully execute the office of president of the united states. barack obama then stop, pause, smiled -- as if to say, come on, this is my big day, you have to get this right. unfortunately, he did not get it right. the very next night in the white house, they did it again. this time roberts used notes that he did not use the first time and got it right. >> jim bendat, author of a "democracy's big de." part of a three day holiday weekend on cspan 2's book tv.
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>> "washington journal" continues. but host: the cost of this second presidential inauguration, as opposed it -- as reported by christina from the huffington post. how much is this going to cost? guest: [inaudible] to understand the cost we need to see it as two different pieces. the first is was being paid for by the inaugural committee. the national the of service on saturday, the concert last night, the candlelight event coming up tonight. and the presidential inaugural committee is expected to raise $50 million. the second component is a public event. 600,000 800,000 people on the
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mall. host: we will get to your calls and comments. you can also send us an e-mail, or join us online at facebook. our twitter handle is senator chuck schumer, looking at the congressional side of what is happening, here is a portion of his thoughts on what to expect tomorrow. >> the theme we have chosen his faith in the future of america. the ceremony should reflect the faith. the symbol of this inauguration as the capitol dome, the completion of it, which occurred 150 million -- 150 years ago. two years earlier, when lincoln became president, the dome was half finished and it was an eyesore. how it looked pretty ugly. the conventional wisdom was that we could not finish it, the war
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was going on. to lincoln, the half finished belem symbolized the divided nation. he thought that it should be finished and it was. it is a symbol that we can do a lot in this country, no matter how tough the times are, tougher than today. host: those of the comments from chuck schumer on the inaugural ceremonies. a big part of what is happening tomorrow, of course. guest: des, paid for in part by the congressional committee for these -- yes, paid for in part by the congressional committee. host: what about the balls? guest: they are scaled-back this year. last time there were 10 come of this year there are only two, but -- adds last time there were 10, this year there are only
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two. it is an interesting funding process. host: reporters are asking about where the money is coming from and whether there are caps in terms of fund-raisers for the presidential inauguration committee. here is a portion. [video clips] ]-- video clip >> a lot of these are moving budgets that we will be able to speak to after the event occurs. host: that was the presidential inaugural committee. not much of an answer, but there is a lot of reporting that there is a lot of corporate dollars and no cap in terms of what can be given this year. and guest: that was announced in the middle of december and it was a surprise to reporters. there had been a cap as a tradition. when obama came, not only did he
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capped individual donors at 50, -- 50,000, but he did not take corporate money. those changes were announced in december and can change the scope of the fund-raising effort. host: what do you get in return if you are a corporate donor? guest: it depends on what you give. the corporate donation packages start at $100,000 and go up to 1 million. right now we do not know which corporations or how much they have donated. that is one of the interesting pieces so far within the disclosure. host: we are talking about the fund-raising and spending for this inauguration. our phone lines are open, give us a call. for democrats, 202-585-3880. for republicans, 202-585-3881.
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for independents, 202-585-3882. jimmy, good morning. caller: this young lady said that there would not be a lot of expense for the overall event, but there are still going to be some notes from the public to pay for this. also, the financial cliff that we just went through, we are in such dire straits, and yet there is all of this so-called concern where they take away millions and millions of dollars. what is the deal with this? let's and install a president with the get together as afterwards. quit spending public money. let's put it to use within the country. we send money abroad like it grows on trees, but we do not do anything for america.
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i believe our constitution says that the president is to uphold the constitution. they are far from doing that when they send this money all over the world and do not take care of our country. that is what they are supposed to uphold. host: we will get a response. guest: talking about the inauguration, it is simpler to see it in a broad scope. this is an american tradition, the parade, the public swearing in, these are the emblems of open interest -- openness and inclusion. anyone can attend. anyone can see the president take his oath of office. it is an a point -- an important symbol to many americans. the bulk of the money spent by the federal government goes to security and logistics' and making sure that this 600,000
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800,000 people are safe, comfortable, and have done a police and emergency medical care. the costs benefit the public, the people that attend. host: the costs are reimbursed by the federal government, about $25 million. guest of virginia and maryland will incur costs as well. we're talking about four miles of fences, thousands of buses, having gmt's available for people. available for people. thousands of recycling bins, the costs add up. host: the site of every presidential inauguration since ronald reagan back in january of 1981. the military component of all of this is because the president is
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also the commander in chief? guest: exactly, the military handles the parade and applications to the marches. we will have representatives from all 50 marching states -- 50 marching bands from 50 states with a special ball for the military on inauguration night. there has been an attempt to include service members and their families in these festivities. host: the parade will be shorter this year, about two and a half hours. in the past they have run up to four hours in length. melody is on the phone from missouri. independent line, good morning. caller: i am wondering how much is telling the truth about the people having to pay for the ball and all of this stuff. right after he raised the taxes, i am just barely living. i made $20,000 per year and now
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that my paycheck is getting cut because he raised taxes, i cannot even afford food. i have two grandchildren and cannot afford to feed them. from 50,000 on down, 60,000 on down, why not tax us? he just tax the people that are higher? host: thank you for the call. let me use this point -- we are not focusing as much on budgets and taxes, but these are tougher economic times and this is something these committees have taken into account? guest: that was the driver behind scaling down from 10 balls to two. george bush in his second inauguration also had 10. that is where the standard was. that has been cut way back. there will be a concert on the
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national mall with bruce springsteen. there have been efforts not to overspend and there is a willingness to acknowledge that so many americans are having a tough economic times. host: tony, who morning. thank you for calling in. caller: thank you. i want to know, white people started all the money stuff. this president, why is he getting slammed on and all this stuff? i am a black man, he is our president. support him. host: thank you for the call. comments? guest: he makes a good point. these festivities, it is really more about the office of the presidency and it is a chance for americans to celebrate a president coming into office, but it is less, in its design
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and the way that obama has passed through these events before, it is certainly less political and more about the office. host: in the foreground of the white house you can see the reviewing stand with the presidential seal. the president will walk a short distance along that walkway to the reviewing stand. that is all part of the cost involved in putting this together. guest: it is. people will be lining up along the parade route. the parade -- the division of cost for the parade is divided up because, specifically, the city of washington of sorbs an enormous amount of the preparation, but the private fund-raising session is handled by the committee. host: this is from a former fundraising manager, the
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campaign is going to mobilize the reelection effort to focus on key issues, first and foremost will be guns and gun violence over the next few months. guest: this is an interesting development. the campaign machine, which has generated historic amounts of money for both of his elections, after he was elected to his second term, we were all wondering what would happen to this mobilized effort and this amazing infrastructure. this past week they announced that what used to be obama for america is going to change its name to organizing for action and will continue raising money as we transition to a 501c4, a social welfare nonprofit, raising unlimited amounts of money from individuals and corporate donors. the inauguration committee had
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similar limits on that and they were interested to see who donates and what they tell us about the people who do. host: our next caller comes from kentucky. rosalynn, are you with us? caller tell why does it cost so much for an inauguration when the debt ceiling is so high? why not take those donations and put it towards the debt? guest: de $100 million or so that will be paid by the federal government, when you see the inauguration on television, you are not seeing a lot of that security. these professionals are prepared for all sorts of things to happen.
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metro in washington, d.c., will be running at rush-hour levels. all of this infrastructure needs to be constructed. host: a question about the money that people give, when you're asked how they could give money to organizing for action. will they be accepting donations? what will the money be used for? guest: they will take the donations and they said how it will be used to organize grass- roots democratic priorities. gun control is a great example. host: we will talk for a moment as the president's motorcade had for the national sert -- the national cemetery. the motorcade makes its way past the hour camera here. -- passed our camera here.
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>> you can leave your stuff right here. >> ok, do not worry.
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host: of the presidential motorcade, making its way from the white house to the -- host: the arlington -- host: the
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presidential motorcade, making its way from the white house and headed for arlington national ceremony. the president will be joined by the vice-president. christina wilkie, that gives you a sense of the security precautions in place, especially for a weekend like this. guest: what you need to remember for monday is you have this entire core of the u.s. government in one place, swearing in at the same time. supreme justices, dignitaries, congressional medal of honor winners, all of them attending. that creates a security nightmare for those who are planning it. it hit -- kit has been in the works for a year. but it is a very american thing. our president, unlike the prime minister of the u.k., french president, our president is inaugurated out in the open,
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before anyone who would like to attend. with the french president, in this case, has a small ceremony at a palace. in the u.s. the president stands before anyone who would like to attend and takes the oath. it is an important symbol that he is outside and that everyone is in the same place. host: in terms of the money for all of this, if you contribute to the president, and of course the citizens united case changed a lot of the funding, but there are limits in terms of how much you can contribute to these election campaigns. now we have this inauguration and we know that the president is looking at options for a presidential library. it seems that this would go back to those same big donors. host: right -- guest: right. in the case of the inauguration, possibly unexpected by the campaign, it
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was that in the beginning there was a little bit of what was called donor apathy from his biggest donors. he spent two -- two years asking for donations. he went back to these same donors and asked if they would contribute to the inauguration and we have reports that many said that they were staffed out by giving some much and they were going to sit it out. that is part of the reason reported that the committee made this decision to allow corporate donors. host: we are talking to christina wilkie, of the huffington post. he will be traveling to the arlington national ceremony for a brief service at the tomb of the unknowns. we have a live view. the changing of the guard here, one of those must see events, by the way, if you ever come to washington, d.c., poignant and
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it happens. ronnie, greenhill, south carolina. caller: [indiscernible] host: say that again? caller: i do not understand why he has not done anything in his speeches to create jobs in this country. host: what do you want him to say? caller: i want him to create jobs for people that need them instead of saying that that is what he's going to do. why has he not done that? host: thank you for the call. a bit out of your area, do you want to take that? guest: the resources required for this mean that many people will be making double overtime as they put this together in the city. for washington, d.c., this is an
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enormous economic event. hundreds of thousands of people will be bringing their wallets and hopefully spending them in washington. for washington, this is a great injection into the economy. host: this is from one of our viewers -- guest: thought the inauguration funding has not changed very much. the best comparison for this year is 2005, the george w. bush second inauguration, $45 million was raised for his committee. security costs there were comparable. there rose fivefold after 9/11. by 2005 they were in the $100 million range. this inauguration, despite hardships, the numbers are staying fairly concept -- fairly
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constant. host: our first president was sworn in on april 30 in new york city. it has moved back and forth from the east front to other locations on capitol hill. from harry truman through jimmy carter, it was always on the east front of the capital. moved by the congressional committee to the west front in 1985, which is where it remains today. kansas, independent line, good morning. caller: i think it is amazing that we all want to complain about every penny that is spent in washington, d.c., because of the inauguration. this is something special that happens every four years. surely, surely, people, you can understand. if you have a wedding, you do not spend that every year.
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you wait and you spend a fortune. the inauguration is very special to people, we should sit back and relax. it is a big event for our country. like you said, people of other nations do not do this on a regular basis. we do. the cost might not be so expensive if we did not love our guns so much and paid attention to the fact that security is what is costing the big money. host: thank you for the call. this is an etching of the reviewing stand of when president mckinley was sworn in, in front of the white house. the long tradition of having these long parade is, of viewing stands, pomp and ceremony. guest: yes, the tradition of the inaugural parade dates back to george washington.
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he was sworn in in new york city and made his way back down to for mount vernon. as he made his way, troops joined him in travel and it became the symbol of the first inaugural parade. as the caller said, it goes very far back in american history and these are deeply american. more about the presidency than who is a president. host: we have more access today than we will have tomorrow. dwight eisenhower had 4000 personnel in his parade. 15,000 when john kennedy was sworn in in january of 1961. 1985, reagan was sworn in, the wind chill was 20 below. they had to move inside because
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of the weather. tomorrows for test, temperatures in the low to mid 30's, snow possible late in the day, but the weather should not be a factor for tomorrow. caroline is joining us from georgia. call ahead, please. guest: i feel that we complain about things and that president obama should have the same rights as all the other presidents. all of the other presidents have had inaugurations. i think he has just as much of a right as the other president. [indiscernible] everything that president obama
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do, there is a wallet about it. we need to put it aside and move on. guest: thank you for the call, appreciate it. the headline here is -- inauguration suffering from donor fatigue. -- host: thank you for the call, appreciate it. the headline here is -- inauguration suffering from donor fatigue. among them, the southern company, with a $100,000 pledge to defray the cost of the ball. it is available online? guest: this highlights some of the transparency issues going on with the inauguration. yesterday there were 28
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corporations and unions listed as donors to the committee on their website. among them was not exxon mobil. in a leak to the press they said that they would be making that the nation to seek out the transparency that the promised on their website. i do not see exxon mobil listed. host: why no transparency? that was something the president campaigned on. guest: there might be a few reasons. people that come to washington and are elected discovered that from a political perspective, transparency does not when you as much kudos as others. how it gets to a lot of questions about participating in transparency and giving the donor amount for different people, for example, often just reported a more strictly. from a political perspective, it is not a net benefit.
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certainly the president promised a new era of transparency and his first inauguration, he released all of the donor names early on. he listed where they put their occupations, which helps for a journalist, but the list this year is just names, that is it. i see samuel jackson, is that the actor? for someone named sam jackson? her -- or someone named sam jackson? it is not quite enough information to see what is going on. host: when will we have an understanding, a better understanding, as to who contributed and draw some conclusions as to the reason why. host: -- guest: by law they are required to submit a full disclosure 90 days after the
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inauguration. they have three months to put everything together. interesting what they do not have to tell us is what they spend the money on. the expenditures are not required to be disclosed and we do not expect that they will. we do not know how much money they spent on this event. we do not know how much went to something else. a big question. host: looking at the viewing stand from the white house, when of these big donors, and you are safe to assume that you will get a crime scene. he will get something in exchange for that money. guest: yes. the biggest donors, the packages that are offered to begin at how $10,000 per individual and $100,000 for corporation and they go all the way up. special seating in the vip section, and that tonight's event for donors there is a special seating at the
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children's concert. interesting when they are not offered is bleachers week -- bleacher seats of the swearing in. host: christina wilkie of the huffington
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host: from arlington national cemetery, just a short distance from washington, d.c. the president and vice president delivering some thoughts at the tomb of the unknown. part of the events taking place this weekend on sunday, january 20. events getting underway tomorrow. the want welcome author and historian richard norton smith. thanks for being with us. the most memorable second term address was by abraham lincoln. guest: people think that it outranked the gettysburg address. i would say it is the greatest lisa ormond delivered an american. -- lay sermon delivered in america. anyone who questioned his spirituality, read the second
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inaugural. it is a remarkable address. it is not a silver tory speech. at that -- celebratory speech. at that point, the war is salmosalmost over. the most obvious thing to do would be some congratulations. host: with malice toward none. guest: that is the magnanimous side. until the crime of human slavery was removed from the american landscape, the united states
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would not be right with god. it is an extraordinarily spiritual address. lincoln was looking ahead to reconstruction. host: this morning in the "new york times," the historian with a number of people offering advice -- one of a number of people offering advice for the sesiden'ts seceont's second pech. -- speech. guest: i would not offer advice to the president. the second inaugural is one of them more and nondurablinaugurb.
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i see a country one-third ill clothed, ill fed. host: as the author of the book "patriarch," he delivered the first second inaugural address. is it inaugurable? guest: he had a thin skin. he was not accustomed to the kinds of press attacks he was experiencing. he did not want to run for a second term in the first place. he was talked into it. it is the shortest inaugural address on record. 200 words. it was in philadelphia, which was in the capital. basically called god to witness.
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if he failed to live up to the oath he had just taken, there were be punishment for that. it was a strange speech. very personal, never revealing. host: richard norton smith has written a number of books. he is now working on a new book on vice-president nelson rockefeller. guest: they had a number of parties there, christened the house. host: is also affiliated with george mason university.
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we have now had a period of a number of second term presidents. reagan, clinton, and bush. guest: this is the second time in our history when we have had three successive two-term presidencies. three men going to their second inaugural in a row. the only other time that happened was in the 19th century. jefferson, madison, and monroe. on your right. it is an interesting counterpoint to the polarization we talk about. host:, you to listen to an interview we conducted on december 18, 2008 with outgoing president george w. bush. listen to what he said, also his
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body language. [video clip]journ >> instead, i am optimistic that we can change the tone in washington. -- you said, i am optimistic that we can change the tone in washington. >> that was a hopeful person saying that. courts are you less hopeful? -- clerks are you less hopeful? >> we work together, there were some bipartisan accomplishments but the rhetoric got very tough. some people here in this town use the politics of personal destruction to advance their agenda. i do not want to sound self- serving, but i have not. i do not think a president should. i was hoping for better tone,
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and it did not happen. host: as you reflect on george w. bush at the end of his two terms. guest: president obama has said things better very similar. it is not just about washington. washington is a reflection of a broader culture. we live in a polarized culture. we live in a culture that celebrates -- notoriety is the quickest ticket to 50 minutes in the 24 hour news cycle. -- 15 minutes in the 24 hour news cycle. the other enormous difference that contributes to this -- i do not know how you reverse it -.
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50 years ago, you had two political parties that were both appealing to the center. republicans had barry goldwater, but they also had jacob javits. the board of first parties, by history. -- the diversity of the parties, by history. you can see the result of the party system we have now. host: a caller. caller: i am concerned about how history is going to deal
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with the fact that the senator mitch mcconnell and the senate and house republicans all stood up and said, we're going to stop this presidency. is a going to make sure it failed presidency. how is history going to deal with that? but why has the press and the media given republicans a pass on this serious issue? it is almost like it is unpatriotic, totally unethical for them to do this. guest: and reflects the evolution of the political culture. the use to say, i am a man of on been the principles. and i am a man of and in the
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flexibility. ending flexibility. it is a reflection of this political culture, which is along the lines i just described. host: i want to read you from "the washington post." barack obama begins his second term as the most visible public figure in the world. his face has appeared on more than 12,000 nightly newscasts.
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your thoughts? guest: because it is an important point -- the first part of what you read, the extraordinary visibility, the immediacy, the fact the president -- 500 years ago, presidents were named in newspapers. they were not vivid people. they did not come into our homes in the way the modern president does. it happened to ronald reagan, it happened to bill clinton, george bush.
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and that is, obama fatigues. three years from now, people will be writing columns about obama fatigue, just as they did about clinton fatigue and push fatigue and reagan fatigue. -- bush fatigue and reagan fatigue. franklin roosevelt only gave 30 fireside chats in 12 years. he understood instinctively the dangers of overexposure. he also controlled the media to an extent that modern presidents could not hope to. host: looking back, fdr broke the unwritten kircode of serving more than two terms. in today's modern age, could we have more than did of terms for an president? -- two terms for any president? you worked for ronald reagan.
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if his health was of course, would he have run for a third term? guest: i doubt it. he talked about it after he left office. he was going to campaign for appeal of that amendment. the thought the american people should be able to vote for anyone wanted to vote for. it is very difficult to imagine after eight years of office -- we've used up our presidents. that is why this string of two- term presidents is really so unusual. we have a string of one-term presidencies before that. that became the norm. host: let me share with ronald reagan said in january of 1987.
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[video clip] >> i have one major regret. i took a risk with our action in regards to iran. it did not work. for that, i accept full responsibility. it was not wrong to try to save lives. certainly, it was not wrong to try to secure freedom for our citizens held in barbaric captivity. [applause] but we did not achieve what we wished, and serious mistakes were made in trying to do so. we will get to the bottom of this. i will take whatever action is called for. host: a look at second terms, nixon and watergate and the iran controversy with ronald reagan.
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guest: fdr coming off the greatest victory in history stumbled badly when he tried to pack the supreme court, and tried to purge conservatives in the south from democratic primaries. you could argue lyndon johnson interpreted his mandate in 1964 as a blank check in vietnam. that is one of the great dangers that confronts presidents. i did not think there is a second term curse. i think there are a number of factors. i think the word mandate should be removed from the white house dictionary. in a polarized area, presidents have a tendency to over interpret.
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host: let me add, this iconic photograph of president bill clinton, hugging monocle and skin. only the second president -- monica lewinsky. only the second president to face impeachment. guest: we have been told by people who should know that president clinton was willing to use some of the political capital he had. he won a significant, decisive victory over bob dole in 1996. he was prepared to move on entitlements, the so-called third rail of american politics, which would have required him spending a lot of political capital. then when the whole scandal broke, that was no longer a viable option. host: let me share with you this
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story from "the washington post,." there is one sentence from this article i want you to react to. mcdonough is seen as an obama true believer who wants to keep an eye on burnishing his legacy. i think the press maybe has a tendency to exaggerate a little bit. the tendency to say that second terms are all but a legacy. -- all about legacy. the very moment you are celebrating whatever mandate you
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have for reelection, you realize you're also in lame-duck. in this town, that means with every passing day you have that much less power and influence. presidents in their second term have a very narrow window of opportunity which to achieve big things. that is what makes this year so significant. host: we welcome our radio listeners. we're talking with author, historian richard norton smith. the cover story of "christian science monitor" - a look inside as some of the more famous second terms richard norton smith is talking about. a call from the bronx, new york. caller: if the losing
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presidential candidate is not a part office holder, does to get to participate -- does he get to participate in the inauguration? host: we know that mitt romney will not be here tomorrow, neither president bush. guest: president bush 41 is just out of the hospital. i wonder if jimmy carter. host: he will be in attendance, as well as bill clinton. guest: that is a relatively new tradition. herbert hoover was invited to the kennedy inaugural in 1961.
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he was a very close friend to the president's father. the weather was so bad that he really could not get here. but he intended to be here. host: ronald reagan had the warmest and coldest inauguration days. guest: the great story about the weather -- william howard taft, self deprecatoryrecator sense of humor -- but there was a blizzard. he said, as always thought it would be a cold day when i was a united states.he nine state the rough and efforts recently to debunk the direct -- there have been efforts recently to
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debunk the direct cause and effect. i do not know they have been successful. host: a caller on our independent line. caller: a want to bring attention to george washington's first inauguration. it was at a little church called st. paul's chapel. that is where george washington adjourned congress during the inauguration, to go down there and pray. during that permitting, george washington ask for the blessings of god -- permitting, george washington asked for the blessings of god. the little chapel is located on the same territory where the world trade center was destroyed. i thought that was interesting, because washington said if we ever turned our back on god, god
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would lift his hand of protection and prosperity from this nation. just a few years ago, washington's monument there was damaged so badly that we can no longer go into. it. into do you know where his second inauguration was? guest: congress hall, in philadelphia. you can visit it. host: under article 2, section one of the constitution, the oath of office is listed in the constitution. "so help me god" is not. guest: that's right. there still are doing -- arguing about whether george washington said it or not. various eye witness accounts.
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a bunch of people report the same event. host: calvin coolidge was sworn in in 1923 and had a second ceremony just a few blocks from the white house at the willard hotel. our guest is richard norton smith. we're looking at presidential second terms. one of the issues remembered by ronald reagan was dealing with the soviet union. explain the political situation in washington, d.c. that he was facing. guest: people who think of the reagan second term within the broad definitions of the curse, they refer to it as [indiscernible]
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tax reform, the elimination of an entire class of nuclear weapons. reagan and his first term had spoken about the evil empire. one thing led to another. there had been known as no discernible progress. i do not think many people on january 20, 1981 would have anticipated ronald reagan's greatest historical accomplishment would be significant arms control. not just slowing the rate of increase in nuclear arms, but actually doing away with the whole class in what became known as the imf treaty. -- inf treaty.
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host: a speech in june of 1987 in berlin. [video clip] >> we welcome change and openness. we believe that freedom and security go together. the advance of human liberty, the advance of human liberty can only strengthen the cause of world peace. there is one sign of the soviets can make that would be unmistakable, the would advance dramatically the cause of freedom and peace. general secretary gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the soviet union and eastern europe. -- europe, if you seek liberalization, come to this gate. mr. gorbachev, open this gate.
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mr. gorbachev, tear down this wall. [applause] host: why was that speech so important to his presidency? guest: that was vintage reagan. reagan going to the heart of the matter, using plain language. anyone could understand it. what he regarded as the moral issue involved, but it coexisted with this desire to find a peaceful path to coexistence. we do not know to this day -- we may never know all of the influences, all of the factors that shape the reagan's attitude, evolving attitude towards the soviet union. i would not underestimate the
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role of nancy reagan, who was the ultimate protector about his legacy and who wanted that legacy to include the role of peacemaker. host: as the head of the reagan library, you had a chance to sit down with former president ronald reagan in the early 1990's. how did he reflect on this time in office? guest: he loved to tell stories. he did not allow lot of washington stories. he told lots of hollywood stories, lots of dixon, illinois stories. after his illness was diagnosed, you could almost measures progress because the repertoire of stories narrowed.
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at the end, i am told he would still talk about -- the thing he was proudest of was a lifeguard and dixon, illinois saving 77 lives. host: caller from silver lake, illinois. caller: have a few comments to make. all this time, there is a split in the united states on political parties. why is it that we have to have such a big divide? i do not see any future of obama trying to get with the other
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party. he wants to heckling, a program like you would a mad cow or line -- heckled them, probe them like you would a mad cow or lion. host: is a more partisan than it has been in the past? guest: what is different is how what feels. you cannot escape it. the nature of cable tv, which is enormously significant disproportionate to its audience in studying the tone for the debate. talk radio, the internet. these are all means of communication that saturate and reinforce and exaggerate our differences. it is all about conflict.
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i think that as much as anything else contributes to the sense that people have the we are more divided than we have ever been before. george washington and john adams, a mob gathered outside washington's homa, denouncing his neutrality. host: the looking at the veterans affairs secretary. the military, department of defense playing a big role in tomorrow's sermon. guest: dwight eisenhower took a
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very personally rich annixon's defeat. he said from the white house, he knew how the condemned man felt, watching the scaffolding being built. host: people are talking about vice president biden in 2016. is that the measure of a successful presidency? guest: it is, but history argues that the last time that happened -- andrew jackson was able to install martin van buren. arguably, americans were voting for a third reagan term albeit
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kinder and gentler. none of the problems the first president bush was, he spent the first four years with the true reaganites looking over his shoulder. it complicated his political life. host: during his acceptance speech in 1988, he talked about a kinder, gentler nation, nancy reagan said, kinder or gentler than what? that is how the story goes. [laughter] a caller from hastings, england. welcome to the program. caller: the speech that in
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winston churchill made, i want to quote part of that. it relates to what the gentleman has just been talking about, technology and changes and the way people are influenced by technology. it said, "the stone age men return on the gleaming wings -- may return on th he gleaming wings. may even bring about its total destruction." i think he is talking about the weapons and guns so we have now. also, the attacks that hackers could make about the defense of america. if they did disfunction eyes the whole system -- dysfunctionize
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the whole system, what would happen with all the bondholders in america? if you want to get food from the supermarket -- gun-holders in america? if you want to get food from the supermarket, what do you do? host: thanks for watching us from great britain. guest: i think there are lots of folks who are surprised at the pace of technological change. host: part of a cover story, looking at the president pulls a
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second term, this focusing on foreign policy and thand domestic issues. the president is facing a $16, $17 trillion debt. he is facing a pullout from afghanistan and our role in the world. guest: it is interesting. leadership, what does that mean. if you go back on the eve of the world war, the number of foreign military installations united compare that with, today. it was well under 100.
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the cold war has had an enormous transforming impact. dwight eisenhower cited all of this in his famous farewell address. i think there is a legitimate debate to be had over what is -- that is as old as the republic. washington post generation believed united states would be an asylum for the world also oppressed. -- world's oppressed. it was a place to which victims could come and enjoy the fruits of liberty. there was no sense that we were going to impose our vision or values on the rest of the world. host: this question, in case you missed earlier. why is the president having two
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swearing-in ceremonies? according to the inaugural committee, it has happened on six previous occasions. when today the white house, when tomorrow at the capitol. -- one today at the white house, one tomorrow at the capitol. guest: it was at the height of the war, his health was failing. they did away with most of the pop and to the ceremony on the grounds of the white house. -- pomp, and had the ceremony on the grounds of the white
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house. host: 8 collar and a republican line. -- a caller on our republican line. will george w. bush be remembered as a good president, or a bad precedent? -- president? do you think the president bush hurt the republican party? guest: i will leave the second question to the pundits. i am not a pundit. i do not mean to be evasive. as a historian, the world is still too close to the bush years. harry truman was unable to get insurance, and yet we credit him
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with planting the seed. it set in motion events leading to the current health care plan. george w. bush spoke about the need for immigration reform. he also talked about privatizing parts of social security, more controversially. we will not know for some time the course of those issues. my hunch is, he will be ranked higher than he was on leaving office immediately. that is often the case with former presidents.
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favorable, unfavorable ratings that show in the four years he has been out of office that his approval ratings have increased fairly substantially. host: we are less than 100 days from the opening of his presidential library. this is exactly what the president will be looking at across pennsylvania avenue from the reviewing stand. it is the riser. all cameras will be focused on the reaction. direction the president is giving to the floats and military parades -- the reaction the president is giving to the floats and military parades. you mentioned the speech by george w. bush. this is from may 2006. [video clip]
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>> tonight and want to speak directly to members of the house and senate. an immigration reform bill needs to be comprehensive. all elements of this problem must be addressed together, or none of them will be solved at all. the house has passed an immigration bill. the senate should act by the end of this month, so we can work out the differences between the two bills in congress can pass a comprehensive bill for me to sign into law. america needs to conduct this debate on immigration on a reason, and a respectful tone. all this need to keep some things in mind. we cannot build united country by inciting people to anger, or exploiting the issue of immigration for political gain. real lives will be affected by our debates and decisions.
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every human being has dignity and value, no matter what their citizenship papers say. host: you hear what the president said six years ago. a couple of campaigns have been held since then. most noticeably what mitt romney did and did not get in 2012. guest: there is a sense that the election returns have consequences. it is transparently in the self interest of republicans, who increased their share of the vote among the fastest growing block of american voters, latino voters. it is certainly much more favorable to immigration reform than when he made that speech six years ago.
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host: the "washington post" has this piece. one sentence i want to get your reaction to. he talks about some of state executive orders put in place -- some of the executive orders put in place. guest: precedents are rated for their ability to overcome great obstacles. traditionally, that means how they manage a crisis. an economic depression, a war. in this town and this time, in many ways the crisis itself generated. would have generated a political system -- we have generated a
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political system that is rewarded for preventing things from happening, rather than making them happen. apart from individual issues, whether it is a gun safety or the economy or foreign policy, the challenge is to overcome those obstacles that the political cultural place in front of them. host: a call from cincinnati, ohio. caller: in a country were originally white people were not even citizens of this country and now we have a black president, i think we've come a long way. i feel that president obama has not done enough for either side.
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i think in the beginning it was an issue for him. now he's just like, i am going to be the president. but there are still people who cannot get past that. how does that affect his second term? i have to say, particularly republicans -- how do we get people over the issue of his race? guest: the sad reality is, there are some people that i do not think we want to make the mistake of exaggerating their numbers -- there are some people for whom they will never get over the issue of race. there are other people who quite sincerely, for reasons having nothing to do with race, believe that the president's agenda, in their estimation, is
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too fill-in-the-blank. the larger issue is how we create a political process in which any president -- the last presidents have been polarizing figures. in that, barack obama is not different from his predecessors. the larger question i would suggest to the caller, is the larger issue, how do we create a political process in which people of good will are rewarded for finding common ground, rather than punished? host: it is been quoted, behind
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every great man is a great woman. we look back at every first lady, beginning with for the washington. -- martha washington. guest: these were remarkable woman. many of them were more interesting than their husbands. their lives were not defined and limited by political ambition. there are tragic stories among these women. there are lots of unknown stories of great service, great sacrifice. it is a wonderful window of the evolution about the role of women in society generally. host: we're going to take a look every week for 40 weeks.
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we will have this featured on our web site at we are featuring first lady betty ford. in two and a half years, she did redefine that job. guest: she did. when it became clear they had no choice, she was less than thrilled. she did not change. she said things in that famous interview on "60 minutes" that i am not sure the first lady could say today.
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a time when americans desperately needed to fill reconnected to the people in the white house, that kantor and openness and honesty. coming clean with her breast cancer surgery. she contributed to saving untold numbers of lives. she said afterwards, that is the first time that i realize the impact it first lady could have. she was in the hospital, listening on the radio to the fact that thousands of women following in her footsteps were getting breast exams, mammograms. they were going for check ups inspired by her example. who knows how many lives have been saved as a result? host: gerald ford one of two president.
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guest: the first words that president carter spoke were to think his predecessor. -- think his predecessor for all he did for the country. host: a call from columbus, ohio. caller: my name is sandra. i do not think it has to do with black or white issue or republican or democrat. the parents have neglected to be the parents. the family has broken down. it did not take their children to church. they let their children walk around with these bluejeans below their behind. they buy them $100 tennis shoes
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instead of getting good insurance policies with the money, or saving the money for the children. there is no president that can take care of that. some of this has got to start with the whole values. -- home values. these parents scott got to step up to the plate and stop trying to be a buddy buddy with their children, and the parents. -- have got to step up to the plate and stop trying to be buddy buddy with their children, and be parents. guest: this is a fuzzy area where i think we expect too much of our president. we tend to assume that a president -- how many times have we been told by the president is the most powerful person in the world? presidents spend much more time reacting to events that are essentially beyond their control
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than they do to controlling events. the president may often reflect the popular culture. he may tap into popular culture. it is unrealistic to think that he can dictate or redirect the popular culture. host: two presidents have time to think, reflect? -- two presidents have time to think, reflect? -- do presidents have time to think, reflect? guest: that is an interesting question. he went out of his way to set time aside exactly for that. weekends at camp david, the time he spent and the old executive office rather than the oval office. it is true. the president, like any executive, needs time to ponder
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the long-term implications of what he is doing. anyone who is successful in that office will set aside that time. host: if you were to give advice to president obama for the next four years, what would you tell him? guest: i would not try to give some advice. at the risk of being presumptuous, i would say that the great danger for any second term president, with the new college playing to a legacy or hubris -- whether you say playing to a legacy or hubris -- on the one hand, you want him to be bold. you want to make history. but you have to calibrate that in some ways against what is realistically achieve will. -- achievable. it is a tough time for anyone.
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if he were a republican, i would say the same thing. it is a difficult time for a president raised on stories of the bully pulpit and the ability of a president to set a national agenda. because of the internet, the technology, conflicting conversations that are going on -- people are not listening to the pulpit, or they are competing with it. host: richard norton smith, the eisenhower, reagan and ford libraries. also in number of books, from george washington to thomas c. doing. thank you for being with us. host: earlier today from the vice-president's official residence, joe biden being sworn in for another four year term.
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[captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2013] >> are you ready, certification? >> i am. >> repeat after me. i, joseph r. biden jr., do solemnly swear that i will support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that i will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, that i take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that i will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which i am about to enter, so help me god.
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congratulations. [applause] host: the private ceremony from the vice-president's official residence and the white house at noon eastern. the president will be sworn in in a private ceremony from the blue room at the white house. all day tomorrow, beginning at 7:00 a.m. eastern time, c-span coverage of the 57 the inaugural inauguration. thanks for joining us. >> next, "newsmakers"


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