tv Politics Public Policy Today CSPAN January 21, 2013 8:00pm-1:00am EST
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one sky. since the appalachians and sierras claimed their majesty, and the mississippi and colorado worked their way to the sea. thank the work of our hands: weaving steel into bridges, finishing one more report for the boss on time, stitching another wound or uniform, the first brush one sky, toward which we sometimes lift our eyes tired from work: some days guessing at the weather of our lives, some days giving thanks for a love that loves you back, sometimes praising a mother who knew how to give, or forgiving a father who couldnt give what you wanted. we head home through the gloss of rain or weight
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of snow, or the plum blush of dusk, but alwayshome, always under one sky, our sky. and always one moon like a silent drum tapping on every rooftop and every window, of one country -- all of us -- facing the stars hope, a new constellation waiting for us to map it, waiting for us to name it together [applause]
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>> that is my pleasure to introduce reverend luis leon to deliver the benediction. >> let us pray. gracious and eternal god, as we conclude the second inauguration of president obama we ask for your blessings as we seek to become "citizens of a beloved community, loving you and loving our neighbors as ourselves." we pray you will bless us with your presence. with out bus patrons will in fact our hearts.
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with your blessing we know we can bay region break down the walls that separate us. we pray for your blessings. without it, mistrust will rule our hearts. with the blessing of your presence, we know we can renew the ties and mutual regard that can best for our civic life. we pray for your blessing because without it despair of those different from us will be our role of light. with your blessing we can see each other created in your image, a unit of god's grace, unprecedented, a repeatable and irreplaceable. we play -- pray for your blessing. with out it we will see only what the eye can see.
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we will see that we're created in your image, whether brown, black, or white, male or female, first-generation immigrant american or daughter of the american revolution, gay or straight, rich or poor. we pray for your blessing. without it we will only see scarcity in the midst of abundance. with your blessing we will recognize the abundance of the gifts of this good land with which you have and out of this nation. we pray for your blessing. bless all of us. privilege to be a resident of this nation with a. of gratitude in humility that we may be a blessing.
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we pray that you will shower with your life giving spirit, that will be leaders of this land, especially barack our president and joe our vice-president. fill them with righteousness that they may serve this nation ably and be glad to do your will. endow their hearts with wisdom and forbearance so that peace may prevail with righteousness, and justice with order, some men and women can find the fulfillment of our humanity. we pray that the president and all and political authority will remember the words of the profit micah "what does the lord require of thee but to do justice, to love kindness, and always walk humbly with god?"
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>> c-span's 2013 inaugural coverage continues. we're going to take you to a couple of balls. a couple of sizable balls over at the washington, d.c. convention center. the inaugural ball and commander in chief ball. first we vect to hear from vice president biden. we hope to begin with the vice president's comments coming up shortly which everything running a little bit late because of the parade earlier today. we showed you the very end of the ceremony at the capitol.
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every town seems to have its main street. re in washington, d.c., pennsylvania avenue is our main street. >> walking part of the route in today's inaugural parade, all of that in our video library. interesting posts from our viewers as well. we will take you to the first of the balls we are covering this evening, the salute to heroes where vicepresident biden is expected to speak shortly. we'll also have coverage at the d.c. convention center. this is a live look where the inaugural ball will happen. we will take you inside for his comments. also comments coming this evening from the president and a couple of our remote broadcast videos from the marines in
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afghanistan where we will also hear from u.s. army soldiers in south korea. those are coming out at the commander in chief's ball that is at the nearby washington d.c. convention center. we're waiting for vice-president biden to speak and we will show you his swearing in this morning on the western front of the capital. >> mr. vice president, please raise your right hand and repeat after me. i do solemnly swear that i will support and defend the constitution of the united states. against all enemies, foreign and domestic that will bear true
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>> on c-span, the live 2013 presidential inauguration continues. we're live outside of the renaissance hotel. we will take you inside where we expect to hear from vice- president joe biden shortly at the salute to heroes ball at the renaissance hotel. the vice president will be speaking, the first of a couple stops for him. the president and first lady have a couple stops at the washington convention center. two large bulge happening at the convention center -- balls happening at the convention center.
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president joe biden and joe biden and the salute to euros ball. while we wait for vice president biden, we will take you back to the west front early today and the oval office for president obama. >> please raise your right hand and repeat after me. i do solemnly swear that i will faithfully execute the office of the president of the united states. and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the constitution of the united states so help you got
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>> president obama from early today, the of the office said minister yesterday on the twentieth as mandated by the constitution. in just a couple of ads, we expect to hear from vice- president joe biden. it is the first of a couple of stops for the vice president. president obama will have a couple of stocks this evening. the commander-in-chief and the inaugural ball over at the washington d.c. convention center which is in nearby washington. we shall use wearing in from the president this morning. all of this is available at the video library at
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>> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome mr. peter gaiden, executive director of the american legion. >> we are inside the renaissance hotel in washington for the salute to heroes ball and waiting to hear from the vice- president. >> i want to thank each one of you for being part of this evening. to honor those that have served and continue to serve today. i hope that we can continue this tradition in the future and i want to thank each one of you.
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family, major bo biden spent a year and iraq. and his wife. please be seated. we have a lot of bad judgment in my family. my son has joined the united states navy and is about to be sworn as an officer. and the love of my life and of the life of my love, my daughter. we are delighted to be here with you. the commander and all the other dignitaries that are here. it is truly a great privilege to be here tonight and i don't use this phrase lightly, brave men
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and women that served our country with such extraordinary valor and distinction. it is -- [indiscernible] he said, the bravest are surely those that have the clearest vision of what is before them. glory and danger alike, and yet, go out and meet it. that is the definition of all of you in this room. you have met every challenge that this country has faced and you have done it with such extraordinary bravery and skill. our veterans are unique in the world and that every single generation has risen to the occasion.
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correa, the gulf, iraq, afghanistan, and places i have not mentioned. the next generation that comes along astounds the wonderment of for it. we met a danger and glory, and you have always made the country proud of you. i am told there are 25 medal of honor recipients. there are such incredible soldiers, airmen, marines. i thought so. my son does not share your view, either one of them. although they admire you. from iwo jima, afghanistan, i
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watched you with such admiration. you fought decades apart and there is one incredible connection. it is like a blood vessel goes through you from generation to generation. your devotion to your country, it is a commitment that defines everyone in this room and every man and woman that put on a uniform to serve this nation. over 3 million women and men have joined our military. the day they would be called to serve. a brave men and women have walked across those got awful sands.od-awfuls
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none of you have matched or met. this generation has met every single challenge that was put before bravery. you are the finest warriors that the world has ever seen. [applause] it is because of those that have gone before you, because of those that have gone before you. one of my great honor, i guess if i count coasts of the zero and -- kosovo and bosnia, at least 40 times. i just go win and stay three or four days, get in your helos and
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humvees. the mic went off, they must not have liked what i said. there you go. before i was so rudely silenced , it truly has banned one of my great honors and privileges to see so many of you in the last 20 years, to see you perform in harm's way. i have the opportunity to get in and out of iraq and afghanistan 22 times. and an equal number of times, the balkans before that. it is absolutely incredible. -- >> we wanted to take you live over to the washington d.c. convention center for president obama. >> you look outstanding, but
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your dates look better. i just want to point this out. i will not give a long speech, but i really want to come down and express at the extraordinary gratitude as commander-in-chief, and more importantly, the thanks for all the american people. i want to start by thanking the outstanding leaders that are here. our hosts, our advisers for all five branches of the military. [applause] the chairmen of the joint chiefs of staff, who promised to sing some time tonight. the vice chairman, zero are
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outstanding members of the joint chiefs. our secretary of veterans affairs who is here. and we are honored to be joined by truly extraordinary americans. our wounded warriors that inspire us. enlisted men and women and officers are the backbone of the military. they are amazing military families. we will spend with you always. the members of the legendary
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tuskegee airmen are in the house and the recipients of the nation's highest military decorations, the medal of honor. today, we experienced the majesty of our democracy. only possible in a form of government that as of, by, and for the people. they made it possible because there are patriots just like each and every one of you that defend our freedom every single day. this party is just another way to say something we can never say enough. thank you for volunteering, thank you for stepping up, thank you for keeping us strong, thank
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you for always making us proud. i have no greater honor than being your commander in chief. it is because the view that we were able to end the war in iraq. because of you, we deliver justice to osama bin laden. because of view, it is possible to give afghans' a chance to determine their own destiny. we are going forward and we will keep the fighting force that the world has ever known. tonight, we're also joined by some of our service members and afghanistan. we can see them on this monitor. general, are you there?
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>> and good evening, mr. president. commander at third infantry division, we are honored to be able to join you there this evening. the we are joined by some fantastic airmen serving here in canada are -- kandohar. >> congratulations, mr. president. third infantry division, task force parade. -- brigade. i wanted to congratulate you for a job well done. >> the expeditionary airforce operators hailing from detroit, michigan. >> my name is sergeant first
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class david wood out of monument, colorado. the third infantry division. thank you very much for having us here in your party. congratulations. >> i am the operations operator for the operations squadron. >> we are honored to be able to join you tonight and we have one more thing for you there. >> to all of you that are there, it is of being away from our families. we know the incredible sacrifices and challenges that you meet every single day. i can tell you that you have a
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room full of patriots here. i have to lead men, they are a little -- admit, they're spiffied up now. but their hard work and dedication and a sense of duty is one with every single one of the folks in kandohar right now. i want you to know that when i was standing on the steps of the capital today, looking out over close to 1 million people, the single biggest cheer that i always get, and today was no different, at my inauguration, when i spoke about the extraordinary men and women in uniform that preserve our freedom.
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to know that every single day, we are thinking of you. to make sure that you have the equipment, the strategy, which allows you to proceed. we will be looking after and thinking about your families every single day. a gratefulreeted by nation. you will be on our minds tonight until our mission in afghanistan is completed. give our comrades in arms a huge round of applause. and please, our very best to your families back home. i know is just as tough if not tougher for them.
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god bless you. god bless the united states of america. thank you. there is one last thing that i have to do. she inspires me every day. she makes me a better man and a better president. the fact that she is so devoted to taking care of our troops and our military families is just one more sign of her extraordinary love and grace and strength. i am just lucky to have her. i said today at the lunch over at congress, some may dispute
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>> president obama and the first lady dancing at the commander- in-chief's ball. washington convention center. one of two balls they are attending this evening. we will be back live with more coverage coming from inside the convention center. right now i live look outside the convention center. we are opening a powerful mind for just a bit to get your reaction to the day. the inauguration, the parade, the comments from the president. the numbers are at the bottom of your screen.
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we have been showing you vice president biden over at salute to heroes ball on the other side of the street, across town at the renaissance. we will see the vice president again and the president again in just a bit. while we have the chance, want to take some phone calls. some tweets as well. we are using #inaug2013. a reminder if you are online to see our website, throughout the day, people have been tweaking and using other social media to post some of their comments. many photos from their in on duration today in the nation's capital. we have sandra in denver on our democrats line. good evening. go ahead. >> my comment is about president
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obama. i am very happy he was reelected. i would like to see the republicans work with him to achieve his agenda. >> you are seeing a lot of service members. this the commander-in-chief's ball. politico reports about that, servicemembers at the ball, their supervisors selected them to attend based on their admirable work ethic. therese on our republican line from maryland. >> hello. i just wanted to say, our first lady looks absolutely gorgeous tonight. i thought it was a wonderful inauguration. it has been beautiful, wonderful. go baltimore ravens! >> lakeland, florida is next on our independent line. >> hi. i am not democrat or republican.
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i thought the inauguration was pretty well done. i am very proud of what they did. >> how much did you get a chance to watch this evening or today? >> i watched an hour, i saw beyoncé singing the national anthem and the president walked down the street. that is as much as i had seen. it still seems nice to me. again, i am not an obama fan, but i do -- everything was well done. >> if you are just tuning in, this is the commander-in-chief's ball. one of three we are covering this evening on c-span. this is the washington convention center. the president will shortly be in the same building as the inaugural ball. we showed the first dance with the first lady dancing to
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jennifer hudson's al green interpretation of "let's stay together/." another round of dances at the inaugural ball. teddy in fort washington, maryland on our democrat line. ?> how are you doing custome i thought the inauguration preparation and the events are excellent. being a former military member and a democrat, i thought it was a good representation of all military services and the way they performed was very excellent. >> some 8800 people marched in the nonzero parade today, which ran three hours. it was delayed a little bit at the start. you'll find all of of that in our video library at
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john is in florida on our republican line. >> you know, i did not vote for president obama, but it was a beautiful inauguration. god bless the military, god bless the united states, go america. >> also in florida, on our democrats line. >> hello, calling from miami, florida. the inauguration, i watched yesterday and the parade today, children from high school and colleges -- it was a great feeling of watching our president stand there for nearly an hour and a half. watching and waiting. it is a great time. i'm sure we will be writing about it in school and we go back tomorrow. >> a lot of people paying attention to details of things that are not politics, but fashion. the dress that mrs. obama was wearing.
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a tweets -- michelle obama chose jason wu dress for inaugural ball. greenville, north carolina and thomas on the independent line. >> i thought it was a good inauguration. a good speech, he is a great orator. i think she could have done better with her dress. >> atlanta, georgia is next. and he and the democrats line. >> i thought it was very beautiful. her dress was beautiful. i think they are to youthful people. i. i am glad he was reelected. >> the president today signing the nominations of john kerry and jacob lew -- jack lew. john kerry will have his hearing later this week to be secretary
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of state. the current secretary of state, hillary clinton, testifying twice this week on the ben ghazi attack. let's go to gardiner, maine on our republican line. >> this is roberta. onto to say i thought obama's acceptance speech was absolutely brilliant. i think that susan collins -- i am very disappointed in my senator. >> when you say susan collins needs hearing aids, what did you hear from her after the speech question mark next >> she did not feel that he reached across the aisle. she did not hear the same speech i heard. >> what was the dominant thing that you heard -- the theme that you heard from the president's speech? >> the men could not possibly have done more -- then more open or more accepting or more
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generous or more openhearted. he wants this country to be one people. he wants us to work together toward one goal. that is what he wants. sincerely what he wants. that is what he believes. that is what he wants the country to work towards. that is what we need. >> president obama spoke just over 18 minutes. we will show all of that later in our program schedule again. you can find the particular speeches in our video library. in that speech he said, we have always understood that when times change, so must we. fidelity to our founding review -- principles requires the responses. let's go to monroe, louisiana. >> i think president obama did a
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fantastic job. the entire inauguration was very well prepared. i think everything michelle obama has warned today -- worn today, impeccably good taste. she is a fantastic person. i think this is the most intelligent president we have had in my lifetime. all the negative things that are said about him, i think people should reconsider and give him another chance to show that he is actually a good person and for everyone in the united states -- just give him a chance. see how wonderful he is. i think the most important thing is intelligence. if the republicans would get together, both of them joined together. give everybody a better perspective in life in the united states. right now we are in a state
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that is pretty pathetic. overall, i think he is a fantastic person. i have never seen a president in my lifetime that gives his wife somebody called is -- so many compliments. is a woman, i appreciate that. >> coverage from the inaugural ball. we showed you a bit from the commander-in-chief's ball. these are over a couple of floors at the large washington d.c. convention center. florida next on our republican line. >> thanks to c-span that i am able to see it. i am a republican, i am black and i want my family members who are democrats who went to know that i watched it. it was a good program. very well put together. i am glad about that.
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the military, it is good to see. i love the way the president loves his wife. >> you are calling on our republican line, did you vote for the president question mark >> no i did not. >> you voted for mr. romney custom? >> i did not like the choices. i am a little disenfranchised. i was leaning toward the tea party or so. anyway, i am watching. >> thank you for being with us this evening. a look outside. if your rear of the washington d.c. convention center. 4000 slated for the commander- in-chief ball. members of the military and their families. others invited to be larger inaugural ball, also in this
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same building. in 2009, there were 10 official inaugural balls. he attended all 10 of those. they have consolidated quite a bit into a couple of large gathering spaces and ballrooms at the washington d.c. convention center. st. paul, minnesota, angelica on our others line. >> i was impressed with how many -- how much diversity they showed. i tune in every election and i watched the whole thing today, and i was impressed to see such a broad representation of latinos, african american leaders, it was really interesting. maybe it is an indicator of the historical nature of having a president of this type of background. the other thing, i thought michelle looked incredible. i heard one of the previous colors was not quite impressed.
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i am not much of a fan of pop music per se, but the singing that kelly clarkson did at the swearing-in was incredible. she actually gave me chills. it was extremely well organized. i was really impressed with it overall. i wish the present -- president the absolute best. >> we will continue to take your calls for a couple of minutes. on the right, the d.c. convention center. one of two balls happening inside their. the president is about five minutes from coming on stage. we will also see a dance from vice president biden and jill biden. also trying to get a couple of for you -- of tweets for you. we appreciate the tweets.
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we will try to get to as many as they can. it is slowing down the system just a little bit. we will rebuild from the get a chance. yuri, pennsylvania -- eerie, pennsylvania. >> good evening. i wanted to say how great the inaugural events for today. it was wonderful to watch. i thought president obama did a great job of speaking. my daughter just moved to washington in august. she went to her first inaugural and it took hours for her to get into a place to watch the whole thing unfold. >> should get to watch the parade? >> she did not. it took so long to just get to where she wanted to just watch the inaugural -- it took her another two or three hours to walk back.
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>> what brought her to washington? >> a job. she has a job in washington. she is doing well. she just got out of college in august. she has a good job. she loves washington. she loves all the politics that goes on there. we are very proud of her. she is doing a great job and she likes to see everything that goes on in washington. she was certainly not going to miss the and not duration. -- inauguration. >> thank you. a tweet from tom -- he includes a photo inside the ballroom that says, just another party with the president. it's my monday night inside the and not-year-old ball -- inaugural ball live. we also have cameras outside
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the convention center. folks streaming into the two balls. silver spring, maryland is next on our democrats line. >> hello. i am calling from silver spring and i worked the elections at our elementary school in silver spring this year. on the democratic campaign. i enjoyed it. i also enjoyed watching from home the inauguration. it was very nice. i thought she had a beautiful dress and is very stunning. matching the color of our united states flag with that beautiful red dress on. >> mississippi is next on our independent line. >> i am calling from
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mississippi. i wanted to let you all know, the family looked beautiful tonight. i enjoyed watching everything. everything was well organized. beyoncé's performance was phenomenal. everything was perfect today. >> let's go to pensacola, florida next as we wait to see vice president biden. kevin is on our democrats line. >> i am just calling to give a congratulations to the president and the first lady. i might add that the president is a good example of leading by example. a true patriot. a couple of tweets here --
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>> we go to alabama next. amelia in birmingham. >> yes. i would like to comment on the whole day. i think the first family looked marvelous this morning. his speech was marvelous. this journey has to go on with him in order to complete his mission that he first started out of a nation of saying we can. we can do that as a nation. we can overcome our turmoils that we have already set in place. >> i am going to let you go. we have the president and mrs. obama. >♪
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continues. our president and the first lady reprising their dance from the commander-in-chief ball. hoping to take you back over to the commander-in-chief ball. vice president biden and jill biden are expected there. we hope to take you there live when that does happen. watching live coverage on c- span. a look outside the building where the two balls are happening. we continue with your phone calls. the numbers at the bottom of the screen. we are also checking tweets at #inaug2013 >> i think the president and his wife did an absolutely wonderful job. i think the president's speech today was absolutely fabulous.
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he finally came out -- >> back over to the convention center, sorry about that. here is the vice president. ♪ >> ladies and gentlemen, oscar and grammy winner jamie foxx. [applause]>> please make some noise for an incredible day today. ♪ i am sure after this wonderful day today, you will probably whisper in your wife's year, something like -- ♪ i can't stop loving you
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one of two inaugural balls -- and we expect to see them at the commander-in-chief's ball. there is a feed from south korea they are supposed to hook up. we talked to marge in delaware on our republican line. thanks for holding in there. guest: i was saying it was wonderful to see the president's speech was very good. he reminded people that they have the power to change things. and they have to tell this to their congresspeople and remind them that they were elected by the people, for the people, and
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i think once the people in this country get that -- to let their congresspeople know, i think congress will work well with a great president. whoi a mm a republican voted for obama. host: talking about the president's comments in his speech. a tweet -- obama resonates with people. he knows firsthand what the word "struggle" means. you may ahve heard about the two bibles he used, the lincoln bible and the mlk bible. should we care what book the oath is sworn upon? we go to san antonio, texas.
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liz is on the republican line. guest: i have been a democrat voter for 53 and i decided with everything i saw, i changed to republican. there are a lot o fissues i don't believe in is if it is in your heart you want to make a change -- you stand under the flag and say i am an american no matter once and i will do my best as a citizen, as a person that wants the best for the country and not just say one thing and expect handouts and expect -- all these kinds of changes. salute the flag -- my husband was in the military. i am an american patriot but
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when yo useu see things people vote for to get that vote, are you going to really stand and put a flag -- every day of my life i've had a flag in front of my home and i will never stop having that flag. and i would like to know how many of those people that are going to get helped with -- will stand under that flag and truly believe in the flag in which we should stand for. host: liz in san antonio, texas. on vivian said, god placed his blessings on the event and i voted for the president both times. we are waiting to hear from vice president biden at the commander in chief's ball. we will take a call from
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rock hill south carolina. we will have more of his speech. here is jackie. inauguration was great today and it was awesome and first lady michelle obama is gorgeous. >> we will get back to your calls. we have a couple of minutes to hear from vice president biden at the commander-in-chief's ball. he was just across the street at the saltuute to heroes ball. here is what vice president biden had to say. ♪
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♪ >> how are you. how are you. good evening. i am jill biden's husband. i came along with my whole family, which is standing over there in the wings. major beau biden and his wife, hailey. please be seated. we have a lot of bad judgment in my family. my son over 40 just joined the navy to be sworn in, hunter biden. the love of my life, the life of
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my love, ashley biden and her husband -- we are delighted to be with you. congressman jeff miller and commander -- our national commander. i want to thank you all. pleasure to beeat here with so many brave women and men who served our country with such valor and distinction. a great historian -- yes. it is -- i have trouble saying it. [laughter] about have been writing when h the people here when he said the braves have the clearest vision of what is before them, danger alike and yet go out and
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meet it. oft id ths the definition you in this room. you've met every challenge in every generation with extraordinary bravery and skill. our veterans are unique in the world in that every single generation has risen to the occassion, from world war 2, korea, the gulf, iraq, and afghanistan and other places i didn't mention. in each circumstance, the generation that comes along astounds the one before it. you have always not only won but made our country proud of you. it is an honor to be here with 25 medal of honor recipients. it is literally humbling. you are such incredible
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soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines. i thought so. [applause] yes sir. my son doesn't share your view, but i know they admire you. you served with such amazing distinction from iwo jima to afghanistan. you fought decades apart but this is like a bood fessel. your devotion to your country defines every man and woman in this room. since 9/11, three million, three
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hundred women and men ahvhave joined the military. with the knowledge they would serve in the battle-zone. 1.7 million brave women and men have walked across the god-awful soundands of iraq and the godforsaken mountains of afghanistan. tougher terrain has met -- matched, but not exceeded. every challenge with incredible bravery. those before you would say - - you are the finest warriors the world has ever seen. the finest warriors the world has ever seen. [applause]
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it is because of those who have gone before you. one of my great honors -- i count kosovo, i count bosnia at least 40 times. your haloes and getting in the humvees. the mic went off? you must not have liked what i said. there we go. [applause] before ii was saying was so rudely silenced. it has been agreat honor to see so many of you. to see them perform in harm's way. i have seen them in afghanistan
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and iraq 22 times and an equal number of times in the balkans. i've watched you. it is incredible. when i flew in -- i was up in the cockpit and said, how many of you guys, is this your first tour? including the loadmaster. the second tour -- one. third tour, one. fourth tour, three. fifth tour -- three. we'd never asked a generation of warriors to be deployed into some god-awful circumstances time and time and time again. so it is my honor to stand before you and say -- the entire
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country owes you -- only 1% have these wearde fought recently. -- wars recently. when your service ends our obligation begins. some of you heard me say, we have a lot of obligations as a nation but only one truly sacred obligation. this is only one truly sacred obligation. the elderly and the young -- and only one truly sacred obligation, to equip those we send to war and care for them and their families when they come home from war. [applause] the only truly sacred
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obligation. the reason i have such high regard for you guys, commander, is you know and i know there are literally tens of thousands who have -- over 50,000 injured. 17,000 critically injured who will need the most advanced medical care the rest of their lives. 70% of them with the same wounds in vietnam would be dead. and the obligation will be expensive and i count on you -- when the parades are over -- we will see how long this obligation extends. we can never replay the debt.
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the president and i -- we will do everything in our power to meet this obligation today and ever yday day and we won't forgt your families and -- the poet alsos once said, they asl serve who only stand and wait. they asllso serve who only stand and wait. i look at you spouses out there who are bowing your head. every single day when you wake up with your husband and wife -- and that prayer i watched jill mutter -- please god, please god. you serve as well as your spouses have served. and you are the heart and soul
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of this country. you are literally the spine. you are america's spine as well as america's promise. on behalf of the president and my whole family -- god bless you for what you've done and may god protect those warriors who, as we dine tonight, are still in harms way. thank you, ladies and gentlemen, and may god bless you all. [applause] >> i would ask all medal of honor recipients to step forward
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we are waiting to see vice president biden at the inaugural ball. we will continue taking your phone calls as we wait to hear from vice president biden. this is sacramento, california. thanks for waiting, wayne. guest: i believe both replubican ublican and democrats have abandoned their core principles. they put on a very entertaining inaugural day and i wis hi was a coulds a democrat so i party too. the president's speech was a good conservative speech and a third disappointed me.
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many said to give him another chance. he's been given every chance and -- i don't think it is my way or the high ways on the republicans, but mr. obama. reaching across the aisle is possible, right now. one thing president obama said in one of his books was his words are -- allow him to be something like a blank slate and people attribute what they want to to his words. and he speaks in those general terms and nobody can argue with most of them. but with the deed to match -- that is what it needs to be done. the deeds must match the rhetoric. i wish i'd been there for the party. host: one of the tweets from kay
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takes issue with the speech -- dear obama, remember when we ended all wars, had gun control and ended fracking? neither do i. we have a democrat from kentucky. guest: i just got done listening to vice president biden. i have three grandsons in the service. a daughter and a great grandaughter who got to go to washington for the inauguration. he's the first in our family and i'm proud for her to be able to go. i love the democrat party and i've been one since i can remember voting. i'm 75 now and thank god for our country.
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we need to stick together. host: mayday, the independent line? oldt: i am 65 years and voted for president in japan during the vietnam war and never missed an inauguration because of technology. i only saw bits and pieces but you reshow things i've missed. what i wanted to see the most is the speech the president gave. will you repeat that later? >> when we finish the coverage of the inaugural balls we will show his swearing in and the coverage will go through the night and it is in our video library on
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on theller commented dress -- i love her red dress, she looked fabulous. dick helton says -- one thing you learn at innaguraaugural balls, a lot of donors can't dance. you there? guest: hello. i am 68 years old and have never been prouder to be a democrat as i was today. host: the president is coming into the ball room again. we will show our viewers that. ♪ [applause]
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♪ would you baby hanging around you is all i see ♪ ♪ let's let's stay together loving you whether, whether times are good or bad or happy or sad ♪ host: that is the third dance to jennifer hudson singing -- we are having problem with audio and video. we did cover the other dances, we're just having an audio issue with this. rosalee in baltimore on the democrats line. guest: yes. i was stating, i was never so proud to be a democrat as of
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today. i've never seen an inaugural that was so consistent with the message, with the ethnic consistent with the parade what happened it represented. -- what it represented. i'm really disappointed with many of the comments which brings an old saying to life. you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink. the president is the commander in chief. he won the election. his agenda should be the country's agenda. and no, i have not seen the gun control yet, because he can't even get it off of the ground for the opposition. the president is one man. he can't work by himself and i hope that the public will take
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heed or contact their elected officials and get onboard with pushing his agenda forlt. it is an agenda that addresses the future that is inclusive, that is not selfish or elitist. host: that is rose lee from baltimore, by the way. we'll probably see the president tomorrow morning. he is expected to attend national prayer service in the national cathedral in the nation's capital. you'll mind the on c-span 3. we are stand big to take you back inside the washington, d.c. convention center for more coverage of the inaugural ball. we're expecting again to hear from vice president biden. calling from maryland this time on our republican line, ronald. good evening. caller: yes, i would like to say that i'm apaled at the republican party and allowing
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this hateful tea party people to keep them from helping the president save this country. i mean, it is ridiculous. >> you're calling on our republican line. >> i'm a republican. i've been a republican for 30 years. i voted for ronald reagan. i voted for the first george bush. i voted for the first term of the second george bush. >> thanks for coming. we ask you to call in the line that best reflects your political point of view. pamela is in new bedford, massachusetts on our democrats line. hi. >> caller: hi. for me i could be no more proud of being a woman, being a vet flan the united states marine corps. today was wonderful. seeing all the line the parade
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route, the female marines, navy females, i just am amazed that how much progression that we have made, society as a whole and it is nice to see military people actually being awarded their metal of honor. older veterans as well as younger veterans. god bless america and god bless all the military people in afghanistan and iraq. host: this is a live look inside the convention center. service members enjoying the party at the commander in chief's ball. waiting to hear from vice president biden. we'll stay here live and continue to take your phone calls and tweets from inaugural
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2013. here is a tweet from jon williams who says that even before inauguration 2013 parties are over, a reminder of challenges in office, president obama's failure in syria. that's jon williams. stay here live with vice president biden. >> good evening. [applause] >> good evening. [applause] >> i'm joe biden. i am jill biden's husband. [applause] and we are both honored, honored to be here at the commander in chief ball.
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it is an honor to be with so many of you who have done so much for all of us. and the privilege only is intensified by knowing first hand the sacrifices that you all have made for this great country of ours and to the troops at camp casey joining us from across the world in south korea, thank you. i wish you were hear with us. we owe you. we owe you all more than we can express. i can't tell you how honored jill and i are that you would spend the night with us. you, all american soldiers, sailors marines, airmen, coast guardmen, you are the finest warriors the world has ever seen
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and that is not an exaggeration. this generation literally is the finest warriors the world has ever seen and ladies and gentlemen, your sacrifices have been amazing. the greek historian wrote the bravest are truly those who have the clearest vision of what is before them. glory and danger alike and yet they go out and they meted. ladies and gentlemen, you have met every challenge conceivable. you have met it with honor. you met it with bravery and you have met it with unyielding devotion. what you know, but i don't think
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you interimize, this generation -- internalize, this generation of soldiers, sailors, marines, coast guardmen, airmen, just since 3,300,000 of the me and will of this country, -- of the men and women of this country, you have been thrust into harm's way, but yet, you stepped up, this 9/11 generation that so many pundits wondered about, they are not wondering now. they know who you are. they know what you have done. 1.7 -- 1.7 million of you have walked across the scorching sands of iraq or been in those
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god forsaken mountains and planes of afghanistan -- plains of afghanistan. many of you just haven't served one tour. you have served two, three, four, five, the last time of the 23 or 24 times i've been in afghanistan and iraq, i was flying in a c-17. i went up in the cockpit and the load master was there and i said how many of you is this your first tour? nobody raised their hand. i said second tour? one. third tour? two. fourth? one. fifth? two. ladies and gentlemen, we have never, never, never in the history of america asked so much of a generation. and you have met it with incredible pride. [applause]
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the joint chiefs of staff has prepared you in a way that always sort of takes my breath away every time i see you in theater. one of the great honors of my life has been to visit many of you when you were serving abroad from the mountain tops above the konar valley. getting shot at every single day and night. to a striker brigade, watching you wife off the blood from the seat next to you of a wounded comrade the day before and saddle up and go back out again and again and again. i'm not just saying this, folks.
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you are amazing. you are an amazing generation. folks, when your service begin, ours begins. our service as citizens. only 1% of you have fought these last two wars, one which is still going on with 68,000. 68,000 of you still in afghanistan every day and tonight as we speak. ladies and gentlemen, only 1% of you have served, but 99%, as jill said, 99%, the remainder of the american people owe you a debt of gratitude. we have many obligations. [applause] we have many obligations. but your command verse heard me say many times over the last 15 years. we only have one truly sacred
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obgigs. we have obligations to our children and the elderly and the poor and disadvantaged and public safety but there is only one truly, and i mean the sincerely, sacred obligation this nation has, and that is to equip and prepare those of you swend into war and -- send into war and care for you and your families when you come home. that's the only sacred obligation. ladies and gentlemen, i promise you, neither president or i or jill and michelle or the vast majority of the american people will forget that obligation and we won't forget it to your families either. i know the many times i was in iraq with general o. and general austin, they heard me quote this a lot. john milton, the english poet once wrote, he said they also serve who only stand and wait.
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they also serve who only stand and wait. to your spouses. to your mothers. to your fathers. to your children. we owe a similar obligation. i watched jill every morning for the year our son major biden was stationed in iraq. i watched her every morning before she went off to teach, standing over the sink, stirring her coffee and muttering the same prayer. those of you who are spouses, there is not a day, not an hour that goes by. as much as you try to put it out of your mind, you don't worry whether your son or daughter is in harm's way. ladies and gentlemen, you are the heart and the soul of this country. you are america's very spine.
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you are the spine of this nation. and you also -- you also are america's promise. so god bless you all and may got protect our troops. thank you all so very, very much. [applause] i understand we have a live link with camp casey. what's going on there? who do you have with you're you? there is a seven second delay. >> i'm lieutenant colonel and commander to have second battalion. on behalf of the 28,500 service members and their families, eighth army and sebt institute division, we want to congratulate you and the president on your second inauguration. >> thank you, colonel.
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the strength of this alliance is represented by the me and women standing there before you. soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, civilians working every die maintain peace and snablet this vital region. representing our team here in korea, members from all the services, along with my counterpart, a graduate of west point and also one of our soldier who is has proudly served in our u.s. formation. if ok with you, i would like for them to introduce themselves. >> i'm from creecra. -- korea. on behalf of the republic of korea armed forces, i would like to congratulate you and the
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president on this special day of celebration. we all know that for the last 60 years the alliance has been a solid foundation for peace and prosperity to have korean peninsula. i can assure you that we, the forces in n korea will continue the maintain highest level of combat ready i.n.s.ness to deter any aggression or if necessary to fight any time necessary. once again, congratulations. we go together. [applause] >> best of luck on your second term, sir. second to none. >> steve sun from maim valley, washington. -- maple valley, washington.
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congratulations, sir. second to none. >> good evening, sir. from allentown, pennsylvania. best of luck to you, sir. second to none. >> from sowell, cree -- sowell, korea. second to nun. -- none. >> congratulations on your re-election sir. ready in the fifth, always. >> sir, i'm staff sergeant from seoul, korea. on behalf of the airpower team in korea, i would like to congratulate you and president obama. we are always ready to fight. >> good evening, sir. from athens, texas. on behalf of all the forces
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here, we would like to say congratulations. >> from california. congratulations, sir. support, defend. >> good evening, sir. u.s. marine corps forces, korea. semper fi. >> the 19th command. i want to wish you and the president best of luck in your second term. >> sir, thank you again for this opportunity. we're all curious to know when you fight come visit us here in korea. wlar did -- >> what did he say? >> colonel, the only thing that is missing tonight is this ball and all of you being here in tuxedos.
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we're proud of you. >> i'm not sure the party is ready for us. >> what did he say? >> we don't have a mic. we don't have much of a microphone system or speaker system so i can ask you, what did the colonel just say? colonel, thank you, man. thank you all very, very much. your service is very much appreciated and you are doing an inincredible job. you're in a very difficult place. god willing, it is all going to work out and i hope you're home soon. thank you, colonel. thank you all very much. >> thank you. >> congratulations and best of luck to you and the president on your second term. rest assured the men and women
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of the united states forces korea, eighth army division, we stand ready. one, two, three. fight tonight. >> thank you very much, gentlemen, ladies, thank you. folks, now they tell me you're going to witness something that i would rather actually be in a helicopter with one of you heading somewhere because i'm going to chance in front of all of you and make a fool of myself. so be patient 368 -- patient. [applause] the only part of dancing i like, i get to hold her and she doesn't move very much. so thank you all very much. proud of you. [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, oscar and grammy winner jamie foxx. [applause]
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>> thank you for what you do. what a great night tonight, mr. vice president, do you have on your dancing shoes? y'all don't know that the vice president is pretty romantic. i heard when he met his wife, he whispered in her ear ♪ i can't stop loving you i've made up my mind to live in misery of the lonesome kind i can't stop wanting you
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biden wrapping up their dance and they still have one more stop inside that building. back on another floor of the the inaugural ball that happening. lots of dancing still to come. one more dance anyway from the vice president and jill biden. we're going to continue taking your phone calls and checking out some tweets as we wait to take you back inside live to the convention center. eddie is in dayton, ohio, waiting on our independent line. caller: thank you for taking my calls. i would like to thank c-span for the extraordinary coverage you have of this inaugural event. it is truly heart rendering to see all the beauty. i turned 19 in vietnam, and i'm here and i'm 62 years old and never really thought in my lifetime i would see the events
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that have occurred. i was 19, turned 19 in vietnam and i couldn't vote. i come back and i have seen the struggles of what's happening in this country, to see we have elected president and all the wonderful things. one thing do have to say before i close, president obama needs to learn how to dance because i watched him and i don't know if it is presidential protocol or everything because they should have got loose. jennifer hudson and them got loose today. thanks to you for covering this and all the events you have on c-span. >> host: that's the video of the president and first lady dancing with jennifer hudson singing. richmond? caller: hi. i really was so happy watching
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the inauguration on tv today as i stood in d.c. at 2009 at the first inauguration. president obama gave a absolutely great speech today and i feel that him and michelle obama loogs good in anything they put on -- looks good in anything they put the on. we have to have a lot of confidence, trust and nashese president obama -- patience that president obama will be doing a great job for the next four years. thank you. host: alessandra? hello. caller: hello. i just wanted to say how excited i was to watch the inauguration today. i was lucky enough to watch it all day, which was the first time for me even though i'm in my late 20's. it was just so wonderful to see, especially, the obama family together. you really got a sense of the excitement with the girls and how much they love each other as a family and i have to tell you,
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joe biden to me, stole the show today because he is just hysterical in the way that he talks, everything that he says, he is so humbling, you really get the sense that he is just like any guy on the street and i think everybody looks wonderful. i don't know why jill wore sleeveless during the day today. it is january but all in all, a really great day and being able to watch c-span and hear everybody calling in and sharing their thoughts really showed exactly what today is about. all of us coming together and celebrating this wonderful democracy here in our country. host: we're waiting to take you live inside the convention center. outside the convention center and on the right inside.
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the vice president and jill biden expected there soon. susan next in wichita falls, texas, on our democrats line. caller: hello? host: go ahead. caller: hi. i've been watching most of the day and i'm very happy that the president and vice president had us all included on this wonderful proceedings that have been going on. it is just fabulous and one thing i wanted to mention was that in the president's speech, he was asking for equality for all of us and i was especially happy that he mentioned the gays and i'm not gay myself, buts there closing prayer that the pastor, i think his name was l uis, he also mentioned the gays and i was just very happy about
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that and actually during the parade, the lesbian and gay band from st. louis. you know, i'm glad that they are being -- and coming to the forefront a little more than in the past. thank you. host: a couple of reactions on 2013, here is terry who says inauguration 2013, so proud to be an american tonight. too bad it is going to take 10 years for the tea party to fade away. another here from resolve. new buzz words in the rhetoric tonight. look for new patriot itch. will those who disagree be deemed unpatriotic? hope not. and from the truth has no agenda to video you may have seen of michelle obama reportedly rolling her eyes during the auction. i think she was eye rolling with boehner. not at him. they laugh and party on our
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dime. fire them all. again, the hash tag is inaug2013. we wait for president obama at the convention center. on our democrats line, it is sue. sue, are you there? caller: yes, hello. i would like to say not only was i proud to be a democrat today. i was proud to be an american. and as for him talking about equality for gays and lesbians, i am proud to come out and say i'm a lesbian and i'm proud of it. i just am proud to be an american today. thank you. host: the human rights campaign, the organization having their own inaugural ball in washington this evening. logan, utah, roberta is on our republican line. caller: yes. hello. hi. thank you so much for this opportunity. i consider it a real honor and a
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real blessing actually. i did not vote for obama, however, in watching him today and his interaction with his family and particularly when they went to the viewing box to strew parade, i had -- view the parade, i had such a feeling of warmth just watching the interaction with those children. they are teenagers and preteenagers now and they reminded me of my granddaughters and the love that family shared, it gave me a little more confidence because in our faith, we have a saying that there is no greater failure than failure in the home. it was very obvious that they have control and that they have a warm and loving family. if this president can have that much respect from his children and his wife, i think he has earned a great deal of my respect and trust today and i
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really appreciate it. it was a wonderful opportunity. i haven't sat and watched one since the kennedys. in a very long time. i'm 69. i really appreciated the opportunity. >> just to let you know, we will be showing you much of today's coverage at once ball coverage wraps up this evening, we're waiting for vice president biden and joe biden. after that we will show you the president's swearing in and his speech and throughout the night you'll see all of today's inauguration festivities. all of our coverage today from today as a matter of fact. this is our independent line. anthony. good evening. >> how are you? host: doing fine, thanks. caller: first i would like to say in watching all the coverage, c-span, i watch you all the time. i have watched hours of coverage
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today because i work from home. in watching all the coverage, the first thing that i would have to say is that i am impacted as an american. i do believe that the message of unity that our president spoke is truly the essence of where we need to heal. looking at the candidates and how they come across and appear to the people, not just from the top up but from the top down to the bottom up. so tonight, i feel very blessed because here is something that also impacted me as i watched today. what also impacted me is our former president. i want to send a shoutout to our former president george w. bush. i want you to know that i pray for you.
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god bless your family. god bless your father who is going through his health issues . i love your family. i want to say this. during the course of george bush's reign, his time as president, the democrats had to be -- for the republicans, i'm going to speak to you and say it is time to eat that humble pie. host: anthony, thanks for your call. you mentioned the statement from george h.w. bush's family. barbara and i send president obama and family our best wishes and prayers on this historic day. may almighty god bless them and our wonderful country over the
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next four years. >> one final appearance from vice president biden and jill biden and we continue taking your calls and checking tweets and we go to hawaii and this is kathy on our democrats line. aloha. good evening. >> caller: good evening to you. we're six hours behind of what everything is doing on the east coast. i've been up for over 24 hours watching everything. i understand that the boovels power and the checks and balances of the republicans and the democrat thes is -- balance of power -- is what this country is founded on. the majority has voted and put in a democratic president, a democratic senate and though we might have lost some seats in the house, i can't understand why we can't come to the center and agree on things in the
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middle and then work from there. we, you know, this is what our founding fathers have fought for and said, you have got to have two parties, two sides, two different sides of what you feel or how things should work. the checks and balances. like a husband and wife at home trying to, you know, decide what side we're going to do and how we're going to spend our money. but when it comes to a mandate, i think the democrats have a mandate by saying we have put in a democratic president again, the second time and isn't there a mandate that says the majority of the country is saying that the democratic side or situation of our decisions should be towards that? host: kathy from hawaii, we
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appreciate your call. the republicans do have the majority in the house. after the celebrations this evening, it is back to capitol hill tomorrow with the house and senate coming in. here is the hill and their on the money blog and the report about the debate going on. house republicans suspend measure to suspend debt ceiling. until mid may setting the stage for a floor vote as soon as wednesday. they write that the house rules committee posted text of the legislation as washington prepared for president obama's second inauguration. the bill would withhold members' pay if congress fails to pass a budget by april 15. they will hold an emergency meeting to discuss legislation tuesday setting up a vote as soon as wednesday on the house floor. angus is in rose dale, new york on our republican line.
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go ahead. caller: good evening. i'm sorry. it is agnes. first of all, i would like to thank c-span for giving us such excellent coverage as usual and yes, i am african-american and yes, i am a republican and my parents were republicans and we're from the south. i would like to say that -- a shout out to former president george bush and his family. i love them as well. i hope his family, his father -- they are in our prayers. i saw condoleezza rice today and she was beautiful as usual. i also would like to say that i have been in a dilemma of my party because i don't feel the
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leadership when the governor from new jersey spoke up and he spoke with conviction of what i thought was something that was the right thing to do, you know, i felt like the republican party can come back and it can make a difference, for the people and do the right thing, i hope. watching -- i am an african-american, and watching this inauguration with president obama, i was impressed. i was impressed by his leadership and sin air isity and his everyone si. >> i'm -- empathy. host: agnes, i'm going to let you go. here come thest the vice president and jill biden. thanks for your call.
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i understand you're romantic. i heard when you met your lovely wife, you whispered in her ear ♪ i can't stop loving you i've made up my mind to live in misery of a lonesome time i can't stop watching you it's useless to say so i'll just live my life in dreams of yesterday yesterday those happy hours that we once knew so long ago
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>> on c-span, that is about going wrap up our live coverage of the 2013 presidential inauguration. throughout the night we'll be showing you the events of the day. the ceremony. all of that coming up shortly. online, the conversation continues at and on twitter using the hash tag inaug 2013. thanks for all of of your calls. we'll be talking, looking ahead to the debate on capitol hill, some of the issues ahead in the
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house and senate with richard stevenson and susan ferrechio. live at 7:00 here on spnch span. the president and first lady and joe biden and jill biden will be part of the national prayer service tomorrow morning. next up here on c-span, we want to take you back to just about noon today, the president being sworn in by chief justice john roberts and you're also going to hear his inauguration speech. >> please raise your right hand and repeat after me. i, barack hussein obama, do solemnly swear -- >> i, barack hussein obama, do solemnly swear -- >> that i will faithfully execute -- >> that i will faithfully execute -- >> the office of president of the united states -- >> the office of president of the united states -- >> and will, to the best of my
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>> thank you. thank you so much. vice president biden, mr. chief justice, members of the united states congress, distinguished guests, and fellow citizens -- each time we gather to inaugurate a president we bear witness to the enduring strength of our constitution. we affirm the promise of our democracy. we recall that what binds this nation together is not the
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colors of our skin or the tenets of our faith or the origins of our names. what makes us exceptional -- what makes us american -- is our allegiance to an idea articulated in a declaration made more than two centuries ago: "we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." today we continue a never-ending journey to bridge the meaning of
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those words with the realities of our time. for history tells us that while these truths may be self-evident, they've never been self-executing; that while freedom is a gift from god, it must be secured by his people here on earth. the patriots of 1776 did not fight to replace the tyranny of a king with the privileges of a few or the rule of a mob. they gave to us a republic, a government of, and by, and for the people, entrusting each generation to keep safe our founding creed. and for more than two hundred years, we have. through blood drawn by lash and blood drawn by sword, we learned
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that no union founded on the principles of liberty and equality could survive half-slave and half-free. we made ourselves anew, and vowed to move forward together. together, we determined that a modern economy requires railroads and highways to speed travel and commerce, schools and colleges to train our workers. together, we discovered that a free market only thrives when there are rules to ensure competition and fair play. together, we resolved that a great nation must care for the vulnerable, and protect its people from life's worst hazards and misfortune. through it all, we have never relinquished our skepticism of central authority, nor have we succumbed to the fiction that all society's ills can be cured through government alone.
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our celebration of initiative and enterprise, our insistence on hard work and personal responsibility, these are constants in our character. but we have always understood that when times change, so must we; that fidelity to our founding principles requires new responses to new challenges; that preserving our individual freedoms ultimately requires collective action. for the american people can no more meet the demands of today's world by acting alone than american soldiers could have met the forces of fascism or communism with muskets and militias. no single person can train all the math and science teachers we'll need to equip our children for the future, or build the roads and networks and research labs that will bring new jobs and businesses to our shores.
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now, more than ever, we must do these things together, as one nation and one people. [applause] this generation of americans has been tested by crises that steeled our resolve and proved our resilience. a decade of war is now ending. [applause] an economic recovery has begun. [applause] america's possibilities are limitless, for we possess all the qualities that this world without boundaries demands: youth and drive; diversity and openness; an endless capacity for risk and a gift for reinvention. my fellow americans, we are made for this moment, and we will
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seize it -- so long as we seize it together. [applause] for we, the people, understand that our country cannot succeed when a shrinking few do very well and a growing many barely make it. [applause] we believe that america's prosperity must rest upon the broad shoulders of a rising middle class. we know that america thrives when every person can find independence and pride in their work; when the wages of honest labor liberate families from the brink of hardship. we are true to our creed when a little girl born into the bleakest poverty knows that she has the same chance to succeed as anybody else, because she is an american; she is free, and she is equal, not just in the eyes of god but also in our own.
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[applause] we understand that outworn programs are inadequate to the needs of our time. so we must harness new ideas and technology to remake our government, revamp our tax code, reform our schools, and empower our citizens with the skills they need to work harder, learn more, reach higher. but while the means will change, our purpose endures: a nation that rewards the effort and determination of every single american. that is what this moment requires. that is what will give real meaning to our creed. we, the people, still believe that every citizen deserves a basic measure of security and dignity. we must make the hard choices to
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reduce the cost of health care and the size of our deficit. but we reject the belief that america must choose between caring for the generation that built this country and investing in the generation that will build its future. [applause] for we remember the lessons of our past, when twilight years were spent in poverty and parents of a child with a disability had nowhere to turn. we do not believe that in this country freedom is reserved for the lucky, or happiness for the few. we recognize that no matter how responsibly we live our lives, any one of us at any time may face a job loss, or a sudden illness, or a home swept away in a terrible storm. the commitments we make to each
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other through medicare and medicaid and social security, these things do not sap our initiative, they strengthen us. [applause] they do not make us a nation of takers; they free us to take the risks that make this country great. [applause] we, the people, still believe that our obligations as americans are not just to ourselves, but to all posterity. we will respond to the threat of climate change, knowing that the failure to do so would betray our children and future generations. [applause] some may still deny the overwhelming judgment of science, but none can avoid the devastating impact of raging fires and crippling drought and
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more powerful storms. the path towards sustainable energy sources will be long and sometimes difficult. but america cannot resist this transition, we must lead it. we cannot cede to other nations the technology that will power new jobs and new industries, we must claim its promise. that's how we will maintain our economic vitality and our forests and waterways, our crop lands and snow-capped peaks. that is how we will preserve our planet, commanded to our care by god. that's what will lend meaning to the creed our fathers once declared. we, the people, still believe that enduring security and lasting peace do not require
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perpetual war. [applause] our brave men and women in uniform, tempered by the flames of battle, are unmatched in skill and courage. [applause] our citizens, seared by the memory of those we have lost, know too well the price that is paid for liberty. the knowledge of their sacrifice will keep us forever vigilant against those who would do us harm. but we are also heirs to those who won the peace and not just the war; who turned sworn enemies into the surest of friends -- and we must carry those lessons into this time as well. we will defend our people and uphold our values through strength of arms and rule of law. we will show the courage to try and resolve our differences
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with other nations peacefully - not because we are naïve about the dangers we face, but because engagement can more durably lift suspicion and fear. [applause] america will remain the anchor of strong alliances in every corner of the globe. and we will renew those institutions that extend our capacity to manage crisis abroad, for no one has a greater stake in a peaceful world than its most powerful nation. we will support democracy from asia to africa, from the americas to the middle east, because our interests and our conscience compel us to act on behalf of those who long for freedom. and we must be a source of hope to the poor, the sick, the marginalized, the victims of prejudice - not out of mere charity, but because peace in our time requires the constant advance of those principles that our common creed
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describes: tolerance and opportunity, human dignity and justice. we, the people, declare today that the most evident of truths - that all of us are created equal - is the star that guides us still; just as it guided our forebears through seneca falls, and selma, and stonewall; just as it guided all those men and women, sung and unsung, who left footprints along this great mall, to hear a preacher say that we cannot walk alone; to hear a king proclaim that our individual freedom is inextricably bound to the freedom of every soul on earth. [applause] it is now our generation's task to carry on what those pioneers
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began. for our journey is not complete until our wives, our mothers and daughters can earn a living equal to their efforts. [applause] our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law - [applause] -- for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well. [applause] our journey is not complete until no citizen is forced to wait for hours to exercise the right to vote. [applause] our journey is not complete until we find a better way to welcome the striving, hopeful immigrants who still see america as a land of opportunity -- [applause] -- until bright young students and engineers are enlisted in our workforce rather than expelled from our country. [applause]
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our journey is not complete until all our children, from the streets of detroit to the hills of appalachia, to the quiet lanes of newtown, know that they are cared for and cherished and always safe from harm. that is our generation's task -- to make these words, these rights, these values of life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness real for every american. being true to our founding documents does not require us to agree on every contour of life. it does not mean we all define liberty in exactly the same way or follow the same precise path to happiness. progress does not compel us to settle centuries-long debates
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about the role of government for all time, but it does require us to act in our time. [applause] for now decisions are upon us and we cannot afford delay. we cannot mistake absolutism for principle, or substitute spectacle for politics, or treat name-calling as reasoned debate. [applause] we must act, knowing that our work will be imperfect. we must act, knowing that today's victories will be only partial and that it will be up to those who stand here in four years and 40 years and 400 years hence to advance the timeless spirit once conferred to us in a spare philadelphia hall.
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my fellow americans, the oath i have sworn before you today, like the one recited by others who serve in this capitol, was an oath to god and country, not party or faction. and we must faithfully execute that pledge during the duration of our service. but the words i spoke today are not so different from the oath that is taken each time a soldier signs up for duty or an immigrant realizes her dream. my oath is not so different from the pledge we all make to the flag that waves above and that fills our hearts with pride. they are the words of citizens and they represent our greatest hope. you and i, as citizens, have the power to set this country's
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course. you and i, as citizens, have the obligation to shape the debates of our time -- not only with the votes we cast, but with the voices we lift in defense of our most ancient values and enduring ideals. [applause] let us, each of us, now embrace with solemn duty and awesome joy what is our lasting birthright. with common effort and common purpose, with passion and dedication, let us answer the call of history and carry into an uncertain future that precious light of freedom. thank you. god bless you, and may he forever bless these united states of america. [applause]
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congress for the washington examiner. live on c-span every day at 7:00 a.m. eastern. >> i think it is an evolutionary process. my sense is that you never get comparable if you are always pushing for change in growth, and not just for yourself but the issues that you care about. you are never done, so there is never a point in time where you feel like i am out here and i can do this the same way all the time. the change is given, the state of the issues of the country and you never know what those are going to be from one day to the next. you have to be flexible, fluid, and open to of all. >> of the first ladies, teaming up with the white house historical association for a first of its kind, influence and
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image. season one begins on president's day at 9:00 p.m. eastern and pacific. >> thousands of people attended the ceremony of swearing-in today at the capitol. during his second inaugural speech, he called for a more inclusive america, outlining priorities. in this part of our coverage is to end a half hours. -- two and a half hours. ♪
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♪ >> ladies and gentlemen, the president of the united states, brought h. obama -- barack h. obama, the house sergeant at arms, chairman of the joint congressional committee on inaugural ceremonies, senator charles schumer, center lamar alexander, the speaker of the house, john boehner. senate majority leader harry reid. eric cantor, and house democratic leader nancy pelosi. [cheers and applause]
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>> please be seated. ladies and gentleman, the chairman of the joint congressional committee for inaugural ceremonies, the honorable charles e. schumer regret mr. president, mr. vice president, members of congress, all who are present, and to all who are watching. welcome to the capital and to this celebration of our great democracy. this is the pick seventh inauguration of an american president. no matter how many times one witnesses this event, its simplicity, it's in 8 majesty, and most of all its meaning, that sacred yet cautious in trusting the power from we the people to our chosen leader, never fails to make one's heart beat faster, as it will today
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with the inauguration of president barack h. obama. now, we know that we would not be here today were not for those who stand guard around the world to preserve our freedom, to those in our armed forces, we offer our infant thanks for your bravery, your honor, your sacrifice. [applause] this democracy of ours was forged by intellect and argument, but activism and blood, and above all, and john atamans to elizabeth cady stanton martin luther king, by a
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stubborn adherence to the notion that we are all created equal and that we deserve nothing less than a great republic, worthy of our consent. the theme of this year's inaugural is faith in america's future. the perfect embodiment of this unshakable confidence in the ongoing success of our collective journey is in a page from our past. i speak of the improbable completion of the capitol dome and capping it with the statue of freedom which occurred 150 years ago in 1863, when abraham lincoln took office two years earlier, the dome above us was a half built eyesore. conventional wisdom was that it should be left unfinished until the war ended. given the travails and financial needs of the times.
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but to president lincoln, and have finished dome symbolize that divided nation. lincoln said of people see the capital going on, it is a sign we, the union, shall go on. and so, despite the conflict that engulfed the nation and surrounded the city, the dome continues to rise. on december 2, 1863, the statute of of woman was placed atop the dome where she still stands today. in sublime irony, it was a former snake -- former slave who helped passed the bronze statue. our present times are not as perilous or despairing as the were in 1863, but in 2013, far too many doubted the future of this great nation and our ability to tackle our own and have finished domes. today's problems are intractable, they say.
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the times are so complex. the differences in the country and the world so deep, we will never overcome them. with thoughts like these produce anxiety, fear, and even despair, we would do well to remember that americans have always been, and still are, a practical, optimistic, problem-solving people, and our history shows, no matter how steep the climb, how difficult problems, how have finished the task, america always rises to the occasion. america prevails. america prospers. and those who bet against this country have inevitably been on the wrong side of history. it is a good moment to gaze upward and behold the statue of freedom at the top of the capitol dome.
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it is a good moment to gain strength and courage and humility from those who were determined to complete the half finished down. it is a good moment to rejoice at this 57 inaugural ceremony. it is the perfect moment to renew our collective face in the future of america. [applause] thank you. god bless the united states. i would like to introduce myrlie evers-williams. she was extended the promise of a nation's founding principles. she will lead the nation in the invocation. [applause]
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>> we are here on this day january the 21st 2013. the inauguration of our 45th president for barack obama. we, at this time to ask lessons upon our leaders, president, vice president, members of congress all elected and appointed officials of the united states of america. we are here to ask blessings upon all who contribute to the
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essence of the american. -- american spirit, the american dream. the opportunity to become whatever in mankind or womenkind allows us to be. this is the promise of america. let's act upon team meeting that everyone is included. it may be inherent dignity and in alienable rights of every warming, a man, boy, and girl be honored. make all your people, especially the least of these flourished in our blessed nation. 150 years after the emancipation proclamation and 50 years after the march on washington we celebrate the.
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-- spirit of our ancestors. it is a nation of on bormann hopes and a history of this enfranchised folks to the suppression of a more perfect union. -- expression of a more perfect union. we ask that where our past was riddled by pangs of despair and depression, we ask for your guidance toward the light of delivery and that the vision of those who came before us and in dreamed of this day, that we recognize their vision still inspire us. they are unseen by the naked eye.
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all around us, thankful that they are living was not in vain. for every mountain, you gave us the strength to climb. your grace continues that climb for america and the world. we now stand beneath the shadow of the nation's capital whose golden dome reflects the unity and democracy of one nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all. approximately 4 miles from where we are assembled the hallowed remains of men and women rest in arlington cemetery. they who believed fought and died for this country. may their spirits and use our
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being to work together with respect, and in enabling us to continue to build this nation and in so doing we send a message to the world that we are strong, fierce and our strength. may you a grant as the will to act graciously. and it to act prudently but deliberately when challenged by adversity. please continue to bless these efforts, to lead by example in consideration in favor of the diversity of our people. bless our families.
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we thank you for this opportunity of prayer to strengthen us through the journeys of the days that lie ahead. we invoke the prayers of our grandfathers who taught us to pray. god make me a blessing. make the. guide us as we claim the spirit of old. -- let their spirit guide us as we claim the spirit of old. there is something with any man that holds the reins. there's something with any that banishes pain. there is something with in me i cannot explain. all i know is that there is something within. there is something went in. -- within.
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glory, glory, hallelujah! glory, glory, hallelujah! = his truth is marching on. in the beauty of the lilies christ was born across the sea, with a glory in his bosom that transfigures you and me. as he died to make men holy, let us live to make men free, while god is marching on. he is coming like the glory of
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the morning on the wave, he is our god is marching on. glory, glory, hallelujah! glory, glory, hallelujah! glory, glory, hallelujah! his truth is marching on. marching on glory, glory, hallelujah! glory, glory, hallelujah! glory, glory, hallelujah! his truth is marching on. marching on. our god is marching on.
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"roots." today we praise the american tradition of transferring or reaffirming the immense power and the inauguration of the president of the united states. we do this in a peaceful and orderly way. there is no insurrection. this is a moment when millions stop and watch. a moment most of us always will remember. it is a moment's that is our most conspicuous and enduring symbol of the american democracy. how remarkable that this has survive for so long. and such a complex country, when so much power is at stake. this freedom to vote for our leaders. and the restraint to respect the results.
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last year a tour guide told me that our first president, and george washington once posed this question, what is most important of this grand experiment? in washington answered his own question. not the election of the first president but the election of its second president the peaceful transfer of power. today we celebrate the 57th inauguration of the american president. find a good and praise it. it is my honor to introduce sonia sotomayor.
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>> it is my honor to present the chief justice of the united states john g roberts junior. he will administer the presidential oath of office. everyone please rise. >> please raise your right hand and repeat after me. solemnly swear -- >> i, barack hussein obama, do solemnly swear -- >> that i will faithfully execute -- execute -- >> the office of president of the united states -- >> the office of president of the united states -- >> and will, to the best of my ability -- >> and will, to the best of my ability -- >> preserve, protect, and defend -- >> preserve, protect, and defend -- >> the constitution of the united states -- >> the constitution of the united states -- >> so help you god. >> so help me god.
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>> thank you so much. >> vice president biden, mr. chief justice, members of the united states congress, distinguished guests, and fellow citizens -- each time we gather to inaugurate a president we bear witness to the enduring strength of our constitution. we affirm the promise of our democracy. we recall that what binds this nation together is not the colors of our skin or the tenets of our faith or the origins of our names. what makes us exceptional -- what makes us american -- is our allegiance to an idea articulated in a declaration
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made more than two centuries ago: "we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." today we continue a never- ending journey to bridge the meaning of those words with the realities of our time. for history tells us that while these truths may be self- evident, they've never been self-executing; that while freedom is a gift from god, it must be secured by his people
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here on earth. (applause) the patriots of 1776 did not fight to replace the tyranny of a king with the privileges of a few or the rule of a mob. they gave to us a republic, a government of, and by, and for the people, entrusting each generation to keep safe our founding creed. and for more than two hundred years, we have. through blood drawn by lash and blood drawn by sword, we learned that no union founded on the principles of liberty and equality could survive half- slave and half-free. we made ourselves anew, and vowed to move forward together. together, we determined that a modern economy requires railroads and highways to speed travel and commerce, schools
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and colleges to train our workers. together, we discovered that a free market only thrives when there are rules to ensure competition and fair play. together, we resolved that a great nation must care for the vulnerable, and protect its people from life's worst hazards and misfortune. through it all, we have never relinquished our skepticism of central authority, nor have we succumbed to the fiction that all society's ills can be cured through government alone. our celebration of initiative and enterprise, our insistence on hard work and personal responsibility, these are constants in our character. but we have always understood that when times change, so must we
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