tv Conservative... CSPAN March 16, 2013 10:00am-10:45am EDT
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we're a growing movement of people who care about all americans. now, this is a story that i want to tell you and it's painful for me to have to tell you because it's it happened last attempt 11. one of the most shameful incidents in the history of the american presidency took place. our diplomatic corps in benghazi, libya was attacked by terrorists. for the next seven and half hours, americans trapped in benghazi were begging our government for help. help never came. navyormer navy feels -- seals ran like the american heroes that they were. not from the sound of gunfire, but toward the sound of gunfire. dougherty -- glen
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throughout that awful night, they continue to radio their government banking for help. their government never send them that help. that help never came. the president was informed of the attack within the first hour of the attack. the presidentl, conversed with his advisers for 30 minutes, we learned in testimony in the senate hearing. inexplicably, the president disappeared. a war was raging in benghazi four hours. all we know is that our present a.w.o.l.ll -- went thene knows yet today where president was. it gives me no pleasure to tell you the next morning, after our ebay server -- a our ambassador was dead and three other
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americans were killed, our president flew to vegas for the purpose of meeting with beyonce for hisz to campaign election. with all due respect to our president, how could anyone do something like that can claim they care? two weeks later, the president went to new york city where he stood behind a podium at the united nations and told the delegates the future must not belong to those who consult the phet of islam. he should have slammed his fist on the podium and said, the future does not belong to the left -- lowlife murderous who kill innocent americans. murderers who kill innocent
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americans. [cheers and applause] the future belongs to americans who are willing to lay their lives down on the line to protect our right of free speech. we will never give up that right just like we will never give up our second amendment rights either. [applause] that would have been, from our president, a message of caring. meanwhile, here at home, our nation is facing what will likely be the biggest non- military crisis in our history. the president has presided over war of the young buckley of $6 billion more in debt -- of the young by putting us $6 billion
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more in debt. we have enemies who are conducting deadly cyber attacks against us. our president continues to borrow billions of dollars from them. that is conducting a war against the young. that is not caring about us. this is a generational injustice of epic proportions. it is the greatest transfer of wealth in human history starting from the young to whomever the president wishes to give our money. how does the help the poor when federal bureaucrats are earning higher salaries and bigger pensions and the average portion -- person who does not have a government job. here is the truth the president will not tell you. of every dollar you hold in your hands, 70 cents of that dollar that is supposed to go to the board does not. it actually goes to benefit the
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bureaucrats in washington, d.c. 70 cents on the dollar. status of the president's sharing works in practice. needyfood stamps for the and $7 in salaries and pensions for the bureaucrats who are supposed to be taking care of the poor. i ask you,e respect, how does this show of the president cares about the port? we believe the president and the irst family -- about the four -- the poor? theelieve the present and first family deserves all of the security. there is a new book out that talks about the perks and excess of the $1.40 billion in excess that we are paying for. this is a lifestyle of access. there are five chefs on air
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force one. there earned two projectionists who operate the white house movie theater. they regularly sleep at the white house to be readily available in case the first family once a really, really late show. i do not mean to be petty. can they just push the play button? [applause] we are also the ones who are paying for someone to walking president's doggett, paying for someone to what the president's paying for someone to walk the president's dog. why are we doing this we cannot get a disable the veteran into the white house for a tour. this is a good news story.
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we care in the 1950's when we had an epidemic of polio sweeping over our nation. economists told us the annual cost of dealing with polio when the $100 billion a year. if you translate that into today's dollars, you are talking about trillions of dollars. a trillion dollars. those huge costs did not happen to us. why? because someone cared. dr. jonas salk teams up with a charity and gave that a vaccine to president eisenhower. president eisenhower cared and widely distributed that drug all across the united states. not only did that stop polio, it saved our american budget. today, we spend virtually nothing on polio. this is a caring story. we have another disease hurting us today. it is called alzheimer's.
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5 million americans suffer from alzheimer's. that number is expected to triple in the next 40 years. the cost to deal with all simas today is about one and $72 billion -- which alzheimer's todayalzheimer's is about $172 billion. there is no known treatment for alzheimer's on the horizon. all of that $20 trillion will be spent on care because of humanitarian society. -- necessity. in much smarter and strategy would be to develop a cure. scientists tell us we could have a cure in 10 years for alzheimer's if we put our minds
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to it. why are we not seeking to cure diseases like alzheimer's or diabetes or cancer or parkinson's disease? how did we get to this point of political malpractice? ,ecause our government proclaiming to care so much, has traded a cadre of overzealous regulators, excessive taxation, and greedy litigators. that is not caring. it is time we care. [applause] we do not need a big government to develop these cures. we need big innovation, a big growth, the big ideas. that is america. we have smartphones today. -- to your pocket. you have it right there. that can double as your personal medical buddy. you can have an app on your
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phone and have your physician and your pharmacist as close as your phone. we have super computers that do quantum computing. that is progress. can anyone tell me why it is that the people who call themselves progressives are the last people who want to have progress? they are of the people who fear progress. [applause] thate the movement embraces change. we are the people who care about people. weause we care about people, love people. this debate has to be more about cutting budgets versus raising taxes. when we adopt a strategy of caring about people, then we will legalize american into production. we will get gas to $2 a gallon. we will make sure your sister has a second amendment rights to keep herself safe from an assailant. we will make sure we are
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innovating and grow our way into a new cure because we have a uniquely american life blood as our signature. what that is is doing right by the next generation. we all benefit by these medical and innovative technology breakthroughs. they work is to us and to our generation. i say to you now that it is our duty to pay it forward for the next generation. it is our duty to grow the scientific progress and the innovation we desperately need as our kith and our legacy to the next generation. -- as ourecause we gift to the next generation. we do it because we care. this is our movement. the movement of love. the movement of care. we do it because we love each
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other and we love our nation. god bless theand united states of america. [applause] ♪ >> i had a professor last month. i walked into the classroom and on the board were three words. guns kill people. i said, all right, that is a good way to start of class. i asked him a question. make people that? l give me a bad test? i was not being politically correct. our founders were not
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politically correct. iout a month and a half ago, learned what was politically correct. how about that guy, dr. carson. [cheers and applause] he was not politically correct when he had that prayer breakfast. the next -- speaker will introduce him. at a siegewe are against the second amendment. at our schools, we are having a progressive agenda teaching kits that you do not need to defend yourself. a government bureaucrat will save you. there was a video that showed them trying to get scissors to defend against an armed intruder. it is scary. the only way to possibly protect your liberty is to have the tools to do so. there is an old expression. professors and teachers are
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saying, the constitution is outdated. the constitution was not written for 1776. it was written to stand the test of time. it details him and actions. ladies and gentlemen, join me in thecoming millie hallow, vice chair of the american conservative union. ♪ >> hey cpac. saturday morning. we made it. welcome to president obamas's prayer breakfast. it is a clever title -- president obama's prayer breakfast. this will be a conversation between two extraordinary men. i would like to begin with the 12:47. from luke
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so much is given, so much build -- will be requiring. to whom men have committed much, much of him they will ask more. ladies and gentlemen, we will have an unprecedented opportunity to listen to two extraordinary man to whom much has been given. if you know dr. ben carson's, some of you might dispute the much has been given. raised by a single parent, a mother not well educated in circumstances will find -- where financial distress was the norm. academic troubles in elementary school. how is that much has been given? by all accounts, much has been given with his mom. him a mom who knew his
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guests and instill in him a discipline to realize his -- his him aand instilled in discipline to realize his gives -- gifts. yale and the university of michigan medical school became part of his journey. --c, growing up in banbury, ury, connecticut also went to yale. his story is one of a successful writing career that brought him to understand the culture person's face. what brings them both here today is their shared experience of having been features brick -- speakers at the national prayer breakfast.
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dr. carson 2012 and just a month ago. they shared their faith with a national audience and president obama on the dais. veggie tale.n for s. he is the author of a new york times bestselling book right now. those things are not necessarily in the same sentence. a varied career. i first read him in his series everything you always wanted to always wantedd -- but werebout god, afraid to ask. dr. ben carson, i know, conservative. pediatricrector of neurosurgery at johns hopkins, the recipient of many awards,
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including the presidential medal of freedom. he is also the author of many books and founder of the carson scholars program, which motivates young people. he made medical history by leading a surgical team that separated served -- 7 month old twin set with joint at birth and continues that miracle of gifted hands around the world today. man of accomplishment. but more importantly, men of faith. have been counted and embraced a deep and abiding andh in god -- encountered embrace a deep and -- and andfaith in -- and abiding faith in god. . give you dr. ben carson [applause] ♪
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>> eric is of first and he is ready. >> what is this. what a pleasure to be back at cpac. this is the third time i have spoken as cpac this is the first time the crown has been all around me. this is really impressive. thank you for being here. i know that i am here today because a year ago i was the speaker at the national prayer breakfast. if you have not seen that speech, please go to my website
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and watch it. if you go by noon, you will get acko birt t- -- w shirt. -- bird t-shirt. i would like to leave you in lip-synching the national anthem. [laughter] that is a super bowl joke. i guess i probably need to get serious for a moment. was an hour duration joke. i get them all confused? inaugurationd jokes? i get them all confused. they have to been much in common. to be serious, i wrote a of --
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because of him, i find myself thinking about religious freedom in america. many people say they see disturbing parallels between what is happening in germany in the 1930's and america today. i am sorry to agree. that me begin with my home town connecticut. some of you know -- let me begin with my hometown of dan bury, connecticut. jeff russ and uses the phrase separation of church and state. -- jefferson uses the phrase separation of church and state. jefferson and the founders bought precisely the opposite. they knew that the states, was always tempted to
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take over everything, including the religious part of people's lives. they made sure that government could not prohibit the free exercise of religion. [cheers and applause] you are cheering for the founders. not for me. they wanted churches and religious to be protected from the government. they knew that what people believed was at the heart of this radical and fragile experiment that they had just launched into the world. tore are the threats religious freedom today? we are not talking about freedom of worship. ago,speech a few months hillary clinton replaced the phrase freedom of religion with freedom of worship. these are radically different things. they have freedom of worship in china. what is freedom of worship?
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in my books, i talk about a with a man who was one of those fooled by hitler. he said something to hitler about how he cared about germany and the third reich and hiller cut him off and said, i built the third reich -- hitler cut him off and said, i built the third reich. you worry about your sermons. freedom of worship says, you can say what you like in your little religious building for an hour 2 on sundays. ,nce you leave that building you will about to the orthodoxy of the state. we will tell you what to sink about when life begins and what marriage is. if you do not like it, tough luck. they have that in china and had that in germany. the founding fathers said the
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opposite. face inside that church building must live on and flores outside the church building for the rest of the week. in fact, the founders believed that the success of the american experience -- experiment depends on precisely that. man is innocent and important book reminds us -- a man of the seine and import and book reminds us that freedom of religion was at the heart of the american experience. the book talks about the golden triangle of freedom. i bet you never heard about that in school or college. americans have missed this foundational principles given to us by the founders. freedomders knew that and self-government were not possible without virtue. without virtue, we would vote to line of our own pockets and elect leaders who would line our
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pockets. they believed freedom required virtue and virtue required faith. freedom requires safe. it was faith that motivated citizens toward virtue. faith requires free them. it is the golden triangle. the china of falls apart if you take away those three things. they said -- the train go falls apart if you take away one of those three things. colson saw some serious threats to freedom on the horizon. in 2009 he drafted something called the man hadn't declaration. please read it and sign it and tell the -- called the manhattan declaration. please read it and sign it and tell everyone about it. there is the hhs mandate.
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it has something to do with contraceptives. it has just about nothing to do with contraceptives and everything to do with religious freedom. it is the issue of the government saying to a religious group, whatever you think about these issues means nothing. we will force you to violate your conscience and your religion. why? because we can. we have the power and you catholics are a that courts religious minority. joseph stalin was asked how many divisions does the pope have? it is an ugly moment in american history when the current political administration is taking a page of the book of joseph stalin. when the government belize a minority instead of protecting that minority, that is the beginning of the end of america. we protect americans -- minorities here.
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as a catholic who does not share that thinking on contraceptive protect those who have those views. that is what makes us america. [applause] we protect minorities and we protect religious freedom for all, for every religion for every agnostics -- agnostic or atheists. once we stop doing that, we are no longer american. the second issue of religious freedom is to attempt to literally redefined marriage. religious is about freedom. here is my question to all of the legal scholars across america. what about the religious freedom of those who dissent on that issue? when the legal definition is changed will they be forced to stifle their religious feelings because the state demands it? this is not a live and let live
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issue. if marriage is legally redefined, it will cripple religious freedom in america and it is already beginning to do that. no one is even talking about this. before we make this incredibly momentous decision about one of the most important things in our lives, how about if we have a discussion about this. how about we talk about religious freedom, which it is the heart of this. not one of the cable networks ever discusses the senate is about time we had this discussion. what we are seeing on both of these issues is the unconstitutional establishment of a religion. it is a secular religion and a secular orthodoxy. on the subject of marriage, there is to be no discussion. is science is settled. it is the future. some in the gop are jumping on
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that bandwagon. whenever someone tells you the science is settled and the debate is over, that is a sure sign that the debate is not over, but that they are afraid the debate might begin. [applause] they want to tell you it is settled and let's hurry up and make this decision and get on the right side of history. god determines who is on the right side of history. not the mainstream media and not the government. [applause] most of you are here seen the growing states and gobbling up more of the free market and freedom and self. if religious freedom is threatened, it is just the same. these of the twin engines that have made this the greatest country in the history of the world. finally, let me say that when the government kills freedom of religion and faith is pushed out of the public square, not just
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bad things happen. many good things do not happen. in my book, i tell the story of what happens when a man tracks religion into the public square and let it affect how the government behaves. african slavese were glad will force allowed religion to affect his politics? [applause] the settleds, science was that slavery was just the way it was and to discuss abolishing them was insane. about christians believe every human being is in the image of god. christians led the conspiracy against hitler. he settles science was that the third reich was the future. dissenting voices were silenced. fer was murdered by the nazis, but he speaks to us
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today. he was us not to let ourselves be silenced. he called on the church to stand up and leave the church. he asked the american tourists to stand up so that the whole country could be blessed, not just -- have asked the american church to stand up so that the whole country could be blessed, not just the church. when has the state into the american square in this country? it was fanatical christian is that started the abolitionist movement in this country. what steven spielberg's moving amistad. christians led the civil rights movement in this country. it was a church based, faith based movement from beginning to end. rosa parks was a devout christian. she was chosen to kick off the bus boycott because of her faith. jackie robinson was a devout christian. tells him to break
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the color line in baseball because of his religious faith. he believes god wanted him to do it. there is a movie coming out about jackie robinson. i mention it in my next book because everyone should know it was jackie robinson's faith that stood behind what he did. [applause] push the voices of faith out of the mainstream and replace them with a secular orthodoxy, you take away the single most important check the founders put in place against unbridled satism. tism.a of the stateo much in this country, we do not know what it is. that means the one voice warning my fellow americans. unless we take this seriously soon come it will be too late and we will not be able to do
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anything about it. please take this seriously. please read the books, a free people's suicide. please fight for our country. this is about america. god bless you and god bless america. [applause] ♪ >> thank you. [cheers and applause] thank you. you are eating into my time. thank you so much. it is wonderful to be here. i think the organizers for inviting me. eric, what you said.
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you made it unnecessary for me to talk about political correctness. enough said. i want to talk a little bit about what is logical and what is common sense today. we do not hear a lot of that. i do not think common sense should be something that is just for conservatives. liberals and everybody else should understand and enjoy common-sense also. for some strange reason, sometimes they do not. it is interesting, the outpouring of sentiment i received after the speech at the national prayer breakfast. [cheers and applause] , letters,uch mail books, amazing, from everybody. some of the more poignant ones were from older americans who said they had given up and they were just waiting to die. now they felt a sense of revival again. [cheers and applause]
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that is sad that we have reached a point in our lives where there are so many people who feel they are not represented any more. this is something i want you people are in congress and who are in the senate and you are in the white house to understand. you work for the people. you represent the people. [applause] you have to understand that. gramso got a few nasty- from people. how dare you insult my president. you are a n-word. when did we reach a point where you have to have a certain philosophy because of the color of your skin? when did that happen? >> a reporter once asked me why
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did not talk a lot about race. i said, because i am a neurosurgeon. they thought that was pretty strange. i said, when i take someone to the operating room and i cut the and pulled down the dura, i am operating on what makes the person who they are. the cover does not make them who they are. [cheers and applause] that is really important to me -- it is largely because of my own background, growing up in a single parent home in the inner city with dire poverty. my nickname in school was dummy. it was because i had a mother legal -- who believe in me. she would say, you are much too smart to bring home greats like
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this. i brought them home anyway, but she was always saying that. she was very encouraging. she made surely, that at some point we turn of the tv and started reading books. she worked a lot. my mother works three jobs at a time. she would leave at 5 in the morning and get home at midnight. people always said to me, why did you read the books. your mother was not there. she would know if we did not read the books. back in those days, you had to do what your parents said. someannot call 911 or social worker or some psychologist who said, that the kids express themselves. there was a reason for that. education worked for me. i started reading within a year and a half i went from the bottom of the class to the top
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of the class. the same kids who were calling fifth grade were calling me and saying benny, d do this. this? do you do by that time, i had a different impression of myself. education is a fundamental principle of the success of america. we are allowing it to go under. you go out there and you talk to the average person now. they may be able to tell you who won dancing with the stars. they may be able to tell you who won the football game. they cannot tell you anything that is important. they do not know about foreign policy. they do not know what things mean. consequently, they have become the england. they have become the unprepared. -- consequently, they have
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become the ignorance. our system of government is based upon a well educated and informed populace. if our populace becomes anything other than that, we will become a different country. they knew what they were talking about. that fact,to congress has a 9% approval rating. they are returned at a rate of 9% to congress. people go into the voting -- rates of 90% to congress. people go into the voting , i recognizesaiy that name. with i am saying to the people of america is that we are responsible. this is a nation that is for the people, not for the government. this is the natural course of
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men. we have to hold their feet to the fire. [cheers and applause] that is why we have these complex brains. i do not say this just because i am is a neurosurgeon. the brain is the most complex and phenomenal system in the universe. your brain, billions and billions of neurons, even trillions of interconnections. the number of interconnections you have rival the national debt. it is an amazing amounts. it has the ability to remember everything you have ever seen, everything you have ever heard. your brain can process more than two million bits of information in one second. the reason human beings have these gigantic frontal lobes is that we are the creatures to have the ability to extract information from the past,
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integrate that with information from the present and projected that into the future. we can be proactive. we can plan, we can strategize. we do not have to just react. that is what animals do, react. a lot of people today have decided that they would rather react like animals rather than planning and strategizing. this is what we have done now. we are reacting to what we see as our fiscal woes without planning for the future, without caring about what is happening to the next generation. you do not have to be a brain surgeon or a rocket scientist to understand that if we continue to spend ourselves into oblivion, we are going to destroy our nation. if i were trying to destroy this nation -- let's say you magically put me into the white house.
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[cheers and applause] all right. i take it back. but let's say somebody was there and they wanted to destroy this nation. what would you do. i'll tell you what i would do. i would create division among the people. i would have everybody pitted against each other. a wise man by the name of jesus once said a house divided against itself cannot stand. i would encourage culture of ridicule for basic morality and the principles that made and sustained the country.
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undermine the financial stability of the country dry been so far into debt that there was no chance it could recover. i would weaken the military and destroyed it does -- the morale of the military. that is what i would do and i guarantee you it would work. , it appears is that those are the very things that are happening right now. the question is, how do we stop it? can we stop it or must we follow the same kind of pass that other nations have followed before their destruction? all of those things i just mentioned are the things that happen to other pending loan -- pinnacle nations before their fall. this is not something that just started in the last four
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