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tv   Student Cam  CSPAN  April 7, 2013 6:50am-7:00am EDT

6:50 am
on march 9, 151 years ago tomorrow, the monitor met on the field of battle and for four hours, these two ships slug it out to a job would change that day was the course that naval warfare would take. >> this weekend, the history of the union's first ironclad, the monitor, and the final fate of two of its crew of american artifacts today at 7:00 p.m. eastern on american history t b on cspan 3. these women as the president for funding and education for their video documentary. they are students of farragut middle school in knoxville, tennessee and third prize winners in the student camp competition. ♪
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♪ >> dear mr. president, after the economic downfall of 2008, the education budget has felt the effects of the situation but cutting education causes more problems down the road and puts the u.s. behind in global ranking. theudget cuts probably have biggest disadvantage for americans for needs that are not being met, we have to be able to make education and other resources if used effectively to support high-quality instruction can be effective in terms of student learning abo. >> for investments sake and sharing that clearly, that makes my point that investment is what drive jobs and our economy.
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farragut middle school along with schools across the country are facing a budget crisis. here at farragut middle school, we are faced with many budget challenges. one day, we have a lack of updated technology and resources that have become a necessity for modern education. >> of this technology, teachers are unable to give their students the best knowledge and opportunity. >> every time we have budget cuts and a budget crisis, it seems like the number of students in our average classism goes up. when you have more students in a class, you have less activities, last time for each individual student, you have more stress on the teacher because of added the demands of grading student. are directly affected. the quality of instruction goes down with budget cuts, it just does back .
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>> some believe there should be less teachers that are adequately trained. >> when it comes to staff and ratios, when it comes to benefits, when it comes to a conversation structures -- what we're doing is talking about sainted teaches that we have increased nominal spending three-fold. since the early 1970's. most of the money has gone in for hiring warm bodies. we have necessitated more hiring and more benefits and more bodies. fewerd much prefer to see educators, pay them better, at the end of the day, educators may or may not feel this is a benefit and in these times of policy determination, these
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things are going to have to happen whether or not teachers are comfortable with it. >> not only our students and teachers affected by these cuts affect the school as a whole. >> i think everybody is affected. it is not just teachers. custodians, secretaries, receptionists, bookkeepers, a teacher's assistants -- all of them play an important role in meeting the needs of our students. teachers' pay gets cut or does not move ahead to where it should be and you are not competitive with school systems around you, then you lose grade teachers. >> every day, millions of students across america are affected by budget cuts in their schools. these cuts do not only affect their education but also their future in the 21st century workforce. >> budget cuts the only affect students. budget cuts can make a huge impact on all american citizens. >> higher education for students is crucial.
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degree in education secondary education, they don't have the other advantage that others do. have a good quality education is everything. >> less people coming out of our colleges and getting into the work force at a one complaint we hear over and over is that they don't get enough students after graduating college that are ready to actually take on a job. they don't have the skills. that's why leaders in government need to make sure that our priorities are focused on education. it is the most important thing that state government does. as we haveame time this 10% unemployment rate, regardless of what the effect of areployment rate is, there 3 million jobs available in the united states of america because of the scale the mismatch.
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that is the kind of thing that we should be working on a micro level right now about the educational link to economic development is incredibly strong. we know that individuals make significantly more money. that the unemployment rates decrease as educational attainment increases. we know there is a very direct link between the economy and education. >> we need to make sure we have high standards, we need to make sure we have the resources to help our teachers and students meet those very high standards so we can be well positioned for the future and have a strong and vital community and a strong and vital economy. our students will not just be competing with other kids from knoxville or east tennessee. they will be competing for jobs and opportunities which young people from across the country and around the globe.
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>> need to find a way to get inrybody fully engaged education in our county and in our state to understand the needs and come up with ideas for the problems we have. >> mr. president, without funding, businesses are losing opportunities to fulfill their macs -- students are losing opportunities to fulfill their maximum potential. because of the current economic situation, schools have not received as much funding as they should. this is the most important issue right now. mr. president, please help fund education. ♪ ♪ ♪ congratulations to all the winners in this year's student camp competition. to see more videos, go to
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student >> next, your is it -- your calls and comments on "washington journal," then newsmakers." is the predictability in judge bourne. what are the assurances that this committee and the senate has as to where you will be given the background and the history. >> the fact that as a teenager and in my early 20s, i was a socialist, hardly seems to me to indicate fundamental responsibility. winston churchill said that any man who was not a socialist before he is 40 has no heart and after, he has no head. i think that kind of evolution is very common in people. saw,ose two characters you
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one was the einstein of the law, the, and arlen specter was einstein of the senate. then specter was one of hardest, toughest senators to argue with anything. he studied. bork was smarter than judge rehnquist in many ways. he was a brilliant judge and he taught antitrust law. he wrote the book. here are these two guys meeting and they will passing like two trains. the could not come together on anything. >> more with the deputy assistant to both presidents nixon and ford tonight at 8:00 on c-span is "q &a." >> this morning, a political roundtable with republican strategist john fuery on the issues facing contrast -- facing congress.


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