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tv   Student Cam  CSPAN  April 22, 2013 6:50am-7:01am EDT

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florida and the second prize winner in this year's competition. [video clip] >> i think education in america may be in a crisis. >> what about education in the united states? is that going in the right direction? >> no, that is a very tough problem. ofin the graduating class 2012, test scores fell in two of the three sections. reading drop to the lowest level in four decades. are in ourdren who school today will be the first generation of children who are less educated than their parents. like the secret ingredient that makes america special. freedom is what america is about. freedom has enabled of the
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greatest minds to dare to know and it has enabled america to become a country of innovation. freedom has allowed us to explore into the unknown. it has allowed us to become the strongest nation in the world. but what ie driving force behind freedom? education. without education, great men would not dare to speak up. out education, our forefathers would not be able to establish a free nation. that is why i believe education is the most important element in our nation. they say we lived in an increasingly global society. i wanted to know how american students ranked of a global scale. we wereu look at where several decades ago versus where 26are now, we are now 21,
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the nation's in science, reading and math. there is no doubt we are in the midst of a crisis. >> i decided to get a second ofnion with the headmaster the school. >> we are number two in the amount spent per pupil in the world and mb and yet we are falling behind further and further when it comes to our international ranking in education. . graders,ne hundred 9th only 70 will graduate from high school. inwill go on to college, all 30 students will enroll in the second year of college and only 21 will graduate from a four- year institution in a six-year period of time. that is simply not good enough.
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it keeps the united states competitive and our global economy. >> in order to get an outside opinion about what is going on in america, i traveled to germany. a cool tour ofng his butchery, he told me how things are done in germany compared to america. there are many specialis america. our apprenticeship system in germany is very dynamic. our workers are used in many areas of the work. my american friend was surprised to see the same staff sleeping and serving. and all the necessary things are learned in a three-year apprenticeship. this apprenticeship system serves as a worldwide example and should definitely be maintained. apprentices' ships? not good enough?
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i needed some sort of explanation. that is what i spoke to dr. orsino, headmaster of west mr. academy. what kind of challenge to educators face today? there's a time in which the mother, father, children would ents gto school andnts wlde they only have one parent or there are issues at all. they bring those challenges into the classroom. i think schools should help children love to learn, love to read, become the thinkers, become larders, become a problem solvers, become those who can cope with difficult situation. >> eid and visited the northeast tech school. pushing think we're children into college prep. some students do not want to go
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to college but when they get to theyschool, they fail when get college level courses and we call them fell years. maybe your interests are not in college by ninth grade? a vocationalh degree, you can be earning a living. in hand anddiploma have no skills. they could get a job and making more money that way. we need more vocational schools to meet other needs of children. >> i met up with a dedicated ap teacher to talk about
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standardized tests. >> i >ap is a good program. the things that are not how do test maturity? how you test responsibility? unof to have to certain test scores for their class. failure as ad school will be based on the test scores. what happens when you have a tremendous amount of failure across the boards? do you change the test standards? >> everybody is now handcuffed to a system that requires them to teach to a test. teachers have dunbed down the curriculum. our students can pass the tests and do well and we try to load them up with standardized testing and our nation continues
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to suffer because our students have lost the ability to do critical thinking. thomas jefferson once said that if a man expects to have liberty withoutducation, he will i expect what has never been and never ll be. >> american is free because it is a nation of intellects. we cannot let another class graduate unprepared for the tests that lie ahead. if we let another year ago without doing anything to improve the education sector, will lead defeat prevail in our nation. that is why, in this year of 2013, i heard you, mr. president, to reform -- i urge you, mr. president, to reform the education system and challenge us to rise above so we can lead america as her forefathers did. >> congratulations to all the winners in this year's studentcam competition. you can go to
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to watch more videos. >> live at 10:00 a.m., a senate judiciary committee hearing on 2:30lation and live at p.m., how to make medicare less expensive and more efficient. for the financial-services sector, most recently, we had a flooding a network cybernformation requests criminals are after money. >> there have been some attacks on the system and they're not well publicized because it is confidential information. you don't want people to know how the air traffic control
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system works. from get pinged every day a tax on various sources. so far, the major attack we have had has bn on custorfo ationte. they have not been the attacks that keep you up at night which is the was that would actually do some damage to our critical infrastructure. >> cyber attacks -- tonight on "the communicators "at 8:00 eastern and c-span 2. >> this morning, the author of "the closing of the american border"low said the effects of the bombinin boston of the immigration debate. then the discussion of federal and state health care exchanges. than $40nation of more billion in tax breaks for oil and gas companies in the 2014
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budget request from the president. is next.ton journal" host: good morning. it's monday, april 22. congress will discuss immigration reform today. today marks one a week since the bombings in boston that killed three. with one of the alleged perpetrators in custody, the debate over how authorities should proceed will be at capitol hill. it being debated whether the u.s. citizen should be designated as an enemy combatants and questioned


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