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tv   P.M. Question Time  CSPAN  May 12, 2013 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT

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"washington journal" live at 7:00 a.m. eastern on c-span. is the first first lady to earn a college degree. during the civil war, soldiers called her the mother of the regiment. she influences are has been to switch from the whig party to the anti-slavery republican party.
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she hosts the first annual white house easter egg roll. meet lucy hayes, wife of rutherford b. hayes. that is monday night, live at 9:00 eastern on c-span and c- span three, also on radio and c- prime minister's questions will not be seen tonight. on wednesday, queen elizabeth the second buckingham palace to parliament for her 60th state opening of parliament. or seven minute speech drawn up by the government outlined the priorities for the coming year and included priorities for immigration and climate change. members from both the house of commons and house of lords in attendance and the prince of wales and duchess of cornwall attended together. hugh edwards host of the program. it includes a panel discussion with members of parliamentooat e
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openings. ♪ >> very good morning. everything is just about ready for the start of a new parliamentary year. the state opening of parliament. it is an event which mixes grand ceremony with hard politics. , sheout an hour's time will reveal the program for the year ahead. it is the penultimate session of the parliament for the general election of may 2015. we have been enjoying the spectacle and considering what the queen's speech tells us about david cameron's ambition for the coalition in the months to come. the traditions and features a state openings are reassuringly
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familiar. there is one notable change this year. we will have not one, but two royal processions making their way to the entrance of the palace. the prince of wales is attending with the duchess of cornwall. first time together. we expect them to arrive just before 11:00. taking position at the house of lords, we will have the band of the welsh guards to provide the guard of honor and the royal salute. inside the palace, the chamber of the house of lords, they are already claiming their seats. as ever unscathed opening-day , theystate opening-day are wearing parliamentary robes. f gold. glorious sea og we have a few minutes before the speech.
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the words are written by government and approved by the capital. later this morning, the prime minister will be leaving downing street for the houses of parliament. that is when members of the house of commons will be summoned to the chamber of the lord to listen to the queen's speech. a short while ago, this was the scene. nick clegg also made his way -- this will be his third queen's speech as deputy prime minister. it will be interesting to try and identify the lib dem imprint on the content of the speech. also edward miller band making his way to parliament. miliband band -- making his way to parliament. the history goes back at least to the 16th century. the ceremony from today date back to the rebuilding of
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westminster in the 19th century. a short while ago, a rather curious and old-fashioned security check was carried out by the oldest tradition military corps still in existence. leading the men of the card another ceremonial search of the sellers, dating back to the gunpowder plot. ,> search party, by the center slow march. of the royal
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bodyguards, created back in 1485 at the battle of bosworth by henry tudor. they were assembling there in the princes chamber. they will be directly above the cellar. already this morning there has been plenty of activity is the final checks for this year's state opening. one person with a great view of events as my colleague, sean williams. >> good morning. i have got a great view. i am right in central lobby, midway between the house of commons and house of lords. filling up with staff and guest. later, i will be speaking to some lords and also to the man whose responsibility it is to make sure today's grand ceremony goes smoothly. .> thanks for a much once the speech has been delivered and we know more about the government plans, there
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will be a formal parliamentary debate on the contents. in some years, it is ambitious. that is not always the case. we will have to see what it is today. to look ahead, let us welcome our panel this morning. michael of the conservative, and caroline for labor. jeremy brown for lib dems. and a sharp take on what is going on, my colleague nick robinson of the bbc. we will start with you. does tell us what we might expect today and is a good to be bold and ambitious or not gecko >> what will be striking about it will be what is removed before she reads it. there is a phrase used by the conservatives new election strategist about brushing off the barnacles of the boat as it heads to a general election. removing plans for new laws that will upset voters and said the tory parliamentary party as well. on plain wrapping for cigarette papers, no measures
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moral democrats -- liberal democrats about electronic communications. all examples of things the government wants to get rid of. what it will try to do is focus on the really important things, the economy and immigration. it will be an ambitious program. smoke these things are still being consulted on and not ready for discussion. we are concentrating on jobs, they have already announced that the insurance benefit all over -- thation businesses will help them employ more people. and some radical measures on pensions and social care. this is a radical government. still a big performing program ahead of it. has promisedron change, i think it has gotten worse and not better. we will bewhat looking at today is some
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significant measures to boost jobs, but also deal with the cost of living. a lot of people out their wages have been depressed. we will be looking very strongly at that. we said there are certain things we could do in the private sector for energy and the cost as well as jobs. the truth is, unemployment is higher today than when david cameron became prime minister. >> want people to see the list of bills. we will have a little later. will they identify things your party has been explicitly responsible for? is a coherent coalition government, people should look at it as a package that is contributed to by both parties. there are some that draw more from conservatives. it is an overall package. i agree with nick at the focus -- that the principal focus is how to get to grips with the colossal deficit. the queens beach will have speechs -- wueen'
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will have measures on how to help small businesses. and measures like caring for the elderly and pensions. which the previous government in ducked. tha of bill does have a lot those measures. not just to do with the deficit, try and create a fairer society and the future. >> more contributions in a while. i want to take a look inside the chamber of the house of lords. it is a splendid scene. opened the queen victoria in 1847. dominated by that canopy at the end. ~ work on it, a splendid sight. something more to say about the thrones a little later. a lot of familiar faces. , join the house of
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lords just a few years ago. , lordere, fairly recently o'donnell. and lord levine. we will be having a look at who else is there in a short while. the state opening for many of the high point of the year for pageantry and decision and impressive ceremony. one of the most familiar customs, symbolically important, involves the parliamentary official david leakey. i have been to meet him. this is where the real power lies. this is the government dispatch box in the house of commons. it is for the prime minister answers questions every week. on state opening day, the members of the house of commons are summoned to the house of lords to listen to the queen's
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speech. the man doing the summoning is a man known as black rod. he is a key player in the ceremony and drama of the day. pc could. he is knockings on the door at the opening of parliament and thinks that my job is part-time and ceremonial. i send the majority of my time dealing with security. that is my major responsibility. ,> this is the famous walk down from the central lobby here to the house of commons. when you make this journey, what does it mean? >> says important with symbolism and for the constitution of the country. it is the only time of the year on the three constitutional components of the legislature come together. i am dispatched on order of the queen to summon the members of our element to come to the house
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of lords to listen to her speech. >> we are in the members lobby. when you approach the stores -- these doors, they will be slammed in your face. why? >> the black rod of the day attempted to arrest and become stiff exception to that. and exercise of exercising their independence from the crown. >> we have evidence of what happened on the day. >> there is damage to the end of the rod share, it had to be repaired a couple of years ago. ton you went to the chamber summon the mps, what are your thoughts? >> one has got to get one's lines right. it is very important that these traditions and ceremonies are done copper lake. -- properly . dennis skinner is usually there and usually has something to say.
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one has to keep focus and not be distracted. double-click recession [indiscernible] taste of his work there. as he was saying, most of his work is not as ceremonial business you will see today, it is to do with the serious business of security in the house of lords. let's go back to the chamber and spot who else is there this morning. there we have lord fellows from the world of the arts. and from the world of business, a few people. the internet entrepreneur. back to the world of entertainment, sir benjamin. the former chairman of the conservative party, baroness bosley. here in his first date of the parliament, the archbishop of
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canterbury. also there, we have the former speaker of the house of commons. more from the house of lords in a while. let's go over to buckingham palace. the first of our carriage procession. it is a new departure this year, because, for the first time in 17 years, the prince of wealth is attending the state opening of parliament, not attending alone, either. attending with the duchess of cornwall. in the buckingham palace glass coach. prince of wales last attended .he state opening back in 1996 she has attended on 16 occasions before that. a lot of talk today about the symbolism and significance of this visit.
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and they have a 12 minute journey ahead of them to get over to the palace of her. little more later on about the prince of wales presents today. -- presence today. there is a clue for you if you look at the far end. all eyes drawn toward the throne. .his is the great design the great canopy and the pair of thrones underneath the canopy. that is very familiar. what is unfamiliar is the new arrangement. the chairs for the prince of wales and duchess of cornwall. very close proximity to the queen and the duke of edinburgh. all of these should be examined for their subtle differences. look at the three white feathers, that is the familiar
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insignia of the prince of wales. the fleur-de-lis as well. let's look for some of the let's have a look at the thrones. her majesty's throne is fractionally higher than the dukes throne. always interesting to note. it just tells you who is boss. look at cross, we see this symbol of status is repeated. with the prince of wales' chair, fractionally higher. the difference is not quite as acute as the other one. you can see that the duchess of cornwall is slightly lower area these little signals are interesting to note. we have a detachment of the house on cavalry. therwise known as staircase party. this is one of the early stages of the ceremonial state opening
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day. some of them very young, undertaking their first segment of ceremonial duty. a very high-profile job for them on the morning of these eight opening. state opening. they will be lining the staircase, ready for the prince of wales arrival and the queen's arrival. there will be a third sequence as well where we will see the imperial state crown and other insignia also being brought up that staircase. we will be back there in a short while. someone with a great view of today's events, right at the heart of the palace of westminster is my colleague sean williams. >> in central lobby here. in about an hours time time, people start streaming from the commons. about 4500 and today. they will move toward the house of lords. there is not much room in there
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at the have already seen. it be a bit of a push to get them all in. they probably won't all get in. three mps have worked out their strategy for seeing the queen's beach this morning. -- speech this morning. if we could just start with you. what message will be coming from the queen yucca -- queen? >> i would like us to be tackling those issues which are ignored for been too long. people having to sell their homes, the anomalies in the pension system which discriminates against those who wrote the morgue records. i would like us to form defense german area to make better use of the budget areas >> if it were a labor government, what would be in the speech?
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>> the key thing that matters to people is jobs. we would want to see action on introducing a compulsory job guarantee for people. half-oyment, overturned billion. one million young people out of work. that is one of the key things that my constituents to me about. we would quite like to see the reversal of the 50 p tax rate that forand images earners over 150,000 pounds. of the badome practices in the big energy .ompanies, bills are going up the wholesale price of fuel may be going down, but it is not passed on to consumers in their energy bills. you would like to see that in the queen's speech today. is there a feeling that perhaps queens speech will have things
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besides immigration and welfare reform? >> i don't think so. things that will deliver jobs. the energy bill which could support 250,000 green jobs rate. also the work to fix pensions and make them fairer. things about care and making sure people don't have to sell their homes. we have already had announcement that we will get insurance rebates for people not paying up to 2000 pounds. >> good luck with getting in the house of lords. i hope you get a good view. join us a little bit later, i will be speaking to some lords. a very big day, i spoke to one who said he had been here for 18 years and the hairs still stand up on the back of his neck when he hears the salute going up that the queen has arrived. see you later. parts ofs one of the
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the palace of westminster. this is where the procession and state will take place a little from on she will process the roving room to house of cards. they're are making their way, royal gallery, waiting for her arrival in a short while. a very distinctive red tutor uniform. tudor the crossed belt is the two to identify that these are not human borders, they are human of the guard. plenty of ceremony and color to come. very soon, the queen will be leaving the palace. we will see that when it happened. i did want to pick up one thing i mentioned earlier. it is to do the form of today and the fact that for the first
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time in 17 years, the prince of wales is here. the duchess of cornwall for the first time. they are placed in the chamber, very prominent," and the new to the throne. a lot is being read into that. >> there is then a word used for is evolution. they always talk about the power of the british monarchy evolving over the years, over the centuries. it seems to me the symbolism, huge symbolism of charles and camilla coming in their own carriage, being seen alongside .er it is an evolution. it is saying to the country, crudely, here is what comes next. we don't know when or the circumstances. it may not be for a very long time. to hersh good health majesty. but it is saying to the country, get used to the idea. i don't mean this as a fishy cisc comparison, but when a
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large part are -- decius -- facetious -- >> it is striking that in a sense this most effective of institutions in our country has never done things that way. it is about saying, slowly, you will get used to the idea of change. a change that would have been unthinkable just five years ago. remember the controversy created by camilla's relationship with prince charles. they have concluded after careful thought and research, the country is ready for this. they are doing it. >> it has been described as a gradual rot sex. is taking sensible measures -- a gradual process. is taking sensible measures. they get their own procession because it is the supreme symbol of the monarch's
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authority and sovereignty. this will be carefully brought out by the crown july and handed to the barge master, one of the most ancient appointments in the royal household, dating back from the time when they used the thames to travel. the crown jewels also will be brought by river. the barge master still has watermen employed by the royal household. here we have the controller of the lord chamberlain. the man who looks after lots of faith ceremonial and big events that the palace organizes from year-to-year. he is the man who is the mastermind behind lots of these big ceremonies and big days of
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pageantry. it is his duty to take the imperial state crown into the palace of westminster. ♪ just outside the palace we can hear the strains of some melodies being claimed by the benefit well start -- by the band of the welsh guard. and he carefully takes the imperial state crown into a room on the left where they will change the cushion on which it rests. and put it on a proper display cushion, as it will be put on
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display in short while in the royal gallery. more to say in it while about the two other important elements of regalia the cap of maintenance does. .hank you for bearing with me we were talking about the importance of today in terms of the change signified. would be amused. it is quite the comparison. prince charles has attended state openings before. but i suspect we're going to see him taking on more duties now. certainly some of the more arduous duties, overseas travel. he has stood in for the queen on a number of occasions. i suspect we will see more of that area it is a gradual reminder that there is a transition. >> it is a wonder. when you think she is 87, duke
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of edinburgh will be 92. most people would consider it to be a fairly sensible plan of action at this stage. abouthink nick is right evolution. it is a hallmark of the british monarchy. anybody in the last 100 years change that, it was her grandfather, george the fifth who modernized the royal family. i think it is that sort of evolution rather than a break like with the dutch monarchy recently. people of the queen. we have seen that in terms of jubilee celebrations. i don't think they are ready to say hello to somebody else and goodbye to her yet. >> look along parliament square. the prince of wales is about to arrive.
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this is the irish state coach used by the queen and the duke of edinburgh as they make her .ay the irish state coach which is made back in 1851 in dublin. queen victoria took a fancy to it and she brought it. it was badly destroyed in a fire back in 1911. it has been remodeled and refurbished in the 1980's. that it is the queen's favorite carriage. these preferences are never explicitly stated.
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the palace of westminster for the prince's arrival and the duchess. the duchess of cornwall, safely inside the palace of westminster, followed by the prince of wales. the first time the duchess attended the state opening. there is our first glimpse today of the old marshall. the duke of norfolk, one of the great offices of state. he is the one who organizes coronations and does great ceremonies. and


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