tv The Communicators CSPAN June 8, 2013 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT
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jobs will make life work for families and expand opportunities for every american. we need to get our economy back ourhe right track and give next generation their opportunity to live the american dream. working together, we can. i hope the president and the senate will join us to fix this problem and make life a little easier for millions of students and their families. thank you for listening. >> the senate returns to work on monday to continue to debate and immigration measure that he gives an additional path of citizenship to 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the united states. it aims to crack down on the hiring of illegal immigrants and put a cap on visas for high skilled workers. billommittee approved the
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last month. the senate is on course to complete a five-year reauthorization of farm. that is at 5:30 p.m. vice president biden will reenact the ceremony and the chamber. live coverage when the senate returns on c-span2. the house is on briefing at 3:00 p.m. , -- next on c- span, "the communicators." the funeral and tribute to a late senator. isrepresentative anna eshoo one of the top democrats. she is a ranking member of the house subcommittee on communications and technology and she represents palo alto
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alto,n california -- palo california. i want to start with a couple of issues just breaking this week. we'll start with the front page of the "washington journal," the trade commission this week said apple violated a samsung patent that could restrict apple sells unless the president takes action. >> i think the president will take action. in my experience over 20 years representing silicon valley, lawsuits and the competition that drives so much of what ends up in a court room is not something that is new. this will have to be faced -- handled by the administration
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and the facts have to come out as well. is somethingphone that is very big. it is one of the most popular products not only in the united states, but around the world. controls. issue is on obama has ordered patent trolls. it is a problem for companies. >> they are. increasingly so. this reminds me of an issue i've dealt with many years ago, security litigation that i introduced legislation on. i would say when i compared the two and the lawsuits that surrounded all of that, i could put a multiplier on it. this is costing the company's a great deal. whicherrupts innovation
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is who and what we are. the legislation that has been introduced, one bill in the congress. what we have to do is take a isy close look and see what the best prescription for handling this. that allortant to note withnies are not on board a given solution. but it is a problem. there are more and more that refer to it. it is taking a toll. there is a saying that my father used to use "it is a racket." it will have to be addressed. it is costly and not just in terms of dollars, but in terms of innovation. >> is there a bipartisan
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support? >> i think so. there are bipartisan bills. is aring our conversation technology reporter. and want to switch gears ask you about tom wheeler. some people have expressed concern about his background. he was part of the cable lobbying group. do you think he will be a fair chairman? >> he is the president's choice. i believe that his nomination will not only be taken up, he will be confirmed. i do not think there are very free of theuld need background you just described unless we brought in a 22 year
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old that has not had any time or experience here in washington. that is a commentary on our system. that is on one side. and i think it is very important. it is experience. we want someone that is experienced with a deep and broad understanding of the industry's and the issues that are attached to the industries. is notirman of the fcc there to favor a given industry but to understand what those issues are. tom wheeler has a great deal of important experience under his belt. the fccowerful agency, where i would like to see more competition where we deal with
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special access and we make sure that the incentive, voluntary option for the first time in the that heof our country will be able to shepherd that through in a way that will bring about wonderful choices in competition for the consumers. >> you mentioned a few issues that will,. i want to ask about neutrality. verizon has threatened to sue the neutrality rules. ,f the court sides with verizon what do you think the next step would be? >> i would introduce legislation that would allow the fcc to keep the internet open, accessible home a and free. >> your public colleagues in the
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house are going to agree with you are not. how you would get some kind of legislation or if that fails, if tom wheeler should reclassify broadband in order to reenact the neutrality? but that is one of the options. to -- >> that is what of the options. it is important and what the competition is and who would do what. the american people are the ones that understand this. in the i think you saw ,ebate, once it was out there it was a prairie fire in this country. the internet is not something that the american people want to see carved up among long -- big interest.
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i think with the american people weighing in on this, they could teach congress a lesson or two. >> this is news from a few weeks ago, or were rumors that espn might strike a deal to that you cana stream a game on your phone and when not count against your cap. some consumers might think it sounds great. it is up in the neutrality rules. you thinki wonder if that service would be good for consumers? >> i read the article. i was taken aback by it. at the broad landscape of telecommunications and the internet, i think the united states of america really
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needs to concentrate into the fcc -- and the fcc meet to conscience -- need to concentrate on competition. it is one of the hallmarks. that i bumped into those who speak of competition with a great deal of passion until they see competition coming and want to squash it like a bug. are mored competition, far morechoice -- consumer choice. we cannot go wrong. we have a long ways to go to get there. it is an interesting article duopoly we have with telecommunications.
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it is all constructive. it is to me. those are the two things i keep my eye on. --cell phone unlocking .> i think it does what people buy and pay for they should be able to use however they choose to use it. i think it is very important that unlocking legislation that i am an original cosponsor of deals with something that is outside the jurisdiction of my committee. the person who is walking down the street does not care about jurisdiction. i would like to be able to unlock and use and move across all of their applications without the fear of a penalty or even jail time. was part of the digital millennium copyright act.
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it allowed the library of the andress to weigh in on this there was an exemption. that will be taken up by the judiciary committee. i think this is the perfect time to address this. and i think that this is a bill that i am a curriculum -- i am an original cosponsor of that really closes the loophole on this. , his bill only go so far. it is a temporary fix. the bills that i am a part of mixes permanent and is perfect for consumers and a way we go. i say unlock them. for theu had a message
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when it comeson, to net traveler t and cell phone unlocking, what would your neutrality and cell phone unlocking, what would your message be? >> i enjoyed working with all of them. as thelieve that voluntary options are upon us has tothink that the fcc that thes in a way very small, medium-sized, and large companies be able to compete relative to spectrum. the idea that the big fish swallow up little fish, it is
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not healthy for our economy. they all have a business plan. they want to make money. when you look at the markets in the country, 80% is owned and and the most valuable spectrum and that is gold in our country. we have to do much more to free it up. 80% is owned by the top companies. thatyone were to suggest it is acceptable, i do not think so. with each other sometimes. sometimes we do not. it keeps life interesting. the facts are compelling. >> do have a concern that if the that it mightap
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limit the revenue that the government would get it it has to pay for -- >> that is the hammer they are using. part of it has some bank and truth to it. that is that we need some theurces that flow from auction in order to fund an important goal -- a nationwide safety network which i was a great proponent of. recommendation of the 9/11 commission that the congress had not made good on and we finally did. on bringingnt forward some resources. it is the only way we approached this is that it is a cash cow
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that to country will be losing out because it is more than producing revenue. we have to look at it through the lens of multiplicity and what opportunities will afforded this. this is probably one of the last large auctions there will be. it is the first in the history of our country we are conducting an auction this way. it says to me large opportunity. to keepit is important what we were talking about in that there be opportunities for small businesses. -- you opened the program by saying cyber i representogle --
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companies like google and i remember when these companies were born. they were able to creep and crawl and able to get on their feet and walk and then run and grow. that is where opportunity and innovation constantly takes place and that is why it is so important. but i want to ask you about another issue that will, before it your committee. every authorization bill that congress needs to get done. should they pass it or take up other issues of regulation and if so, what should they be? i preferred that it gets done. you do not want the efforts to be a christmas tree with many things dangling. if there arethat some issues that can be proven
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,o be legitimate with this bill we should have hearings and have a good discussion. aboutomewhat agnostic what those issues would be. i prefer a clean bill. reauthorized.o be it is something we need to get done. >> before we get too far from spectrum, i want to ask you we have had a bit of discussion on this program about whether or auctions are doable with three commissioners. what is your thoughts? >> i will not say with certainty that they will take place in 2014, but we are on track. as far as the senate confirming anew commissioner as well as new head of the commission, they
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usually combine those. my understanding and correct when is that the republicans have not decided who their person will be. that is slowing this down a bit. i think that we are on schedule and i hope that decision will be taken up by the republicans. they will decide who they want to advance. so that their nomination can be reviewed and they can be confirmed. that will be good for the country and good for the business of the country if we get that done. >> mignon clyburn is the acting chairman now. do you think she should postpone any controversial decisions until a permanent chairman get in there? >> i do not prescribe to the school of thought of driving with a brake on.
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i am thrilled she is the acting chairwoman. she has broken a glass ceiling. a woman, an african-american. this is the first time this is happened. thingso not think so should be put off. we should continue to conduct as much business as possible and keep getting things done. that is my thinking on it. so has the capability to do as well. >> a couple weeks ago your chair was on this program. he mentioned and talked about the cybersecurity's supply chain working group that he appointed eu and mike rogers two. to.ou and mike rogers >> there were issues i raised to the chairman as we were going to be exploring many issues.
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it really dates back to my time as a member of the house intelligence committee where i and wefor four terms have term limits there. the supply chain integrity was an issue that i dealt with there. i saw a very close-up and i think that of the intelligence side, i understand this very well. all the technology side, we want to make sure under our jurisdiction that become 80 -- that the committee what it entailsells and what -- and what is the threat and we identify it. we come up with policies that will deal with that. that ourhat on the day nation was attacked, our
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telecommunications and everything attached and the integrity was the jewel in the crown of our tour box. that should not be interrupted. that cannot be interrupted. it cannot be sold off. any foreignt to see interest taking that over and getting a hold of our country. this all about national security. saying no foreign interest. do you mean specifically china or are you concerned about -- >> we need to examine all of it. do i think there are some specifics already that are already that have been examined that need to be examined? yes. and i believe the chairman has
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done a wonderful job in establishing these working groups. -- hearings are not conversational. they are very important markups. several working groups that have been established by bipartisan. now the chairman of the house intelligence committee and a member of energy and commerce, having shared a both of those backgrounds ,ogether and he is the chairman we can get some very important work done. japanese company is trying to buy sprint. i got national security clearance. do you think that is the wrong decision? >> i was not part of that clearing. i am sure -- i would hope and there is not any reason for me to second-guess it that in the acting was very deep and broad vetting was be --
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very deep and broad as it should be. there are many parts of our national security. part of that.tial >> how would you describe you walden's relationship? >> it is healthy. we generally like each other. we have a respect for each other. he has a job to do. the way i view this is so many of these issues, almost all of them are really nonpartisan. i work for them to be bipartisan. they should be. is a verys together good one. a large bill on spectrum with establishing a nationwide public
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safety network is very exciting and important for people across the country. imagine when the first responders went into the twin towers and you were a fire department, they cannot communicate with one another. and so we changed that. there were arguments and is sos which i think important that we get spectrum into the bill. we have had some disagreement. in a very respectful manner which it should be. >> another industry is meeting in washington next week, the cable industry. two questions. are you planning on attending the show? >> im. -- i am. i am going to fly back. i am going to give up a day at
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home. i have not been in a while. it is an important industry in our country. are really very exciting in terms of showing off the innovation they are so proud of. >> and just to follow up to must nurture mccain has reintroduced -- and just to follow up, senator mccain has reintroduced his a la carte bill. what do you think of it? >> there was another senator who brought it up years ago. when you really dissect how all of this packaging work, everybody understands what à la carte means, what i am concerned about is some of the smaller
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statements that could be lost in this. acrosse important minority communities in our country and such. from a understand popular viewpoint if you deconstruct this and people can buy one at a time, i am struck by how many stations i have access to. wonder how much am i using? there is a reason for that packaging. my concern is the niche statements -- stations and how you accommodate that. there is frustration on the part of many people. i hear it for my constituents that they do not see competition between cable operators in the region. while the cable industry has
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made a huge investment, billions of dollars and i applaud that, people see their cable bills go up. it will be an interesting debate. ability and really go anywhere last time. bill did not really go anywhere last time. senator mccain is not on the committee any longer. we will see what happens. >> one minute left. aereo.her issue is it is this streaming service. >> i think it is very exciting. of reallye possibility revolutionizing tv as we know it. >> one last question. , should she expect a isferent outcome this time?
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there any room for compromise? >> there is room for compromise. we were not included very much in the last go around. what i mean by that position gestures we put on the table -- the suggestions we put on the table fell off. it is a new chapter. i welcome the chairman saying we want to work with you. these are some the things you brought up in the last congress. we are willing to sit down and talk about them. that is the way to go. the door is never close. >> representative anna eshoo, a democrat from california. the rain did member of -- ranking member of house subcommittee on communications and technology. >> thank you very much. >> first ladies, it influence and image. lautenburg.r frank
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honoring journalists. >> carlisle scott harrison bass worn -- caroline scott harrison was born when she met benjamin harrison. she grew into an accomplished artist, interested in women's issues. although the harrison presidency has been rated as fairly unsuccessful by some historians, those who tracked first ladies considered carolina harrison as one of the more underrated to serve in this role. we'll learn why in this segment of "first ladies: influence and image" and here to tell us more about the story of carolina harrison, our two guests who know the office well. edie, thanks for coming back.
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