tv Public Affairs CSPAN June 15, 2013 2:55pm-4:06pm EDT
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never lonely. i had great parents that brought me to contact into the early days of my life with a small methodist church and then i went off to -- well, i had boy scouts and 4 h and just i had an incredibly wonderful existence in this very small -- i had 13 of n my graduating high school class. so i can say quite proudly that graduated in the top ten. so i went off to texas a.m. to become a veterinarian. the beloved a&m. i spent four semesters studying preveterinary medicine and then organic chemistry made a pilot out of me as i transitioned to another degree path and went
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into the air force and flew at the end of the vietnam conflict. and then i left and came back home. when i came home, and i -- i'm not proud of the fact but it's a reality, it's part of that humbling of backsliding, of i had this all under control. i don't need you, god. thank you very much, i'll check in when i need you. and he has a way of dealing with you. of crushing you up in a little ball. kind of blowing all that chaff away. and there's a raw seed there. hat's what he did. that 27-year-old young man, it ng to find out what is
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you're really wanting me to do with my life? what do you really want me focused? and that focus was brought to me by the grace of god to really get back into the word, to listen to him and to follow his instructions that he has a plan for every one of us and that plan is good and it's for us to prosper. jare maya 29:2011 talks about that he truly has a plan for us. amen. and he can set us free. free, then sets you it gives you the courage to go forward to stick to your principles to stand up for what you believe in. and that's one of the things that i'm incredibly proud of what we've done in the state of texas over the course of the last decade as we've gone forward.
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the principle that is we know have made this country great, these traditional values of which america is based upon. and i hope my state is a glowing example of men and women who believe that those traditional values are how you make a stronger society. stick to your principles. remember that we talked about you be a man or a woman of humility but you be courageous. you stand by your principles and those principles have served us well. principles like human life, innocent human life is sacred. and it should be protected from e moment of conception until birth not death we sign legislation to require parent al consent to have an abortion. that's why i was proud to put a signature to end all fuppeding
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for planned parenthood in the state of texas. i signed a law that protects religious freeding. -- freedom. school children sending letters to young men and women overseas should not have merry christmas censored from their school leaders who are afraid of lawsuits. i have no idea why this is even required in america today. but you know what? we just signed a law in texas that allows children to wish one another merry christmas in public schools or happy hanukkah or whatever that might be. expressions of faith i happen to think are very positive in the american society that we live in today and some of the greatest men of faith were the founders of this country they drafted great defense of freedom ever conceived when you think about the constitution of
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the yilingts they gave us that great document for our central government so that our central government would be run not on the whelms of some president but under the rule of law. and i fear that where we've our to in america, where administration won't make one phone call to save our men and women in an embassy in lebanon, but they'll sure monitor phone calls of 121 million americans through a secret judicial order. that bothers me. it gives me great concern. i fear the trampling of the second amendment and the discarding of the tenth amendment. every word in the bill of rights guarantees our freedom and not a single vow of that should be ignored. i fear this millstone of death that is tied around the necks
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of the next generation of americans, this country is drowning in debt. i reject the implication that our economy is doing better because life is good on wall street but small businesses across this country are crumbling on main street. our country can do better than this massive sovereign debt, this expanding welfare state, this drift towards socialized medicine that's modeled after modern western europe. we can do better. and we must. and starting today, we've got to start the fight to regain those values. let me close with this. as we fight for our country, we need to do it with joy. lost that as frankly example of a happy warrior. ronald reagan died a less than
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a decade ago and sometimes i fear with his passing we have forgotten that conversations should come with a smile. love and joy ought to be our code. our conviction and our passion should lead to compassion, not contempt or anger or fear mongering. we stand for the principles that made america great. and we should exude those principles with joy. you know, smile when you disagree with a liberal. and shake your head and as ronald reagan once said, you know, liberals know so much that isn't so. so we need to be strong, we need to be courageous, but we
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also need to be loving and compassionate. our conservative convictions will win this country back if our tone shows that we're comfortable with our own ideas. and together we can build that movement. we can make sure america is still the freest and the most prosperous nation on the face of the earth. but as ronald reagan said as well, it can be that shining city on a hill once again. ecleezeyasties in the fourth chapter in the 12th verse says a person standing alone can be attacked and defeated. but two men standing back to back, they will conquer. so that vision of us standing back to back, that vision of us
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fighting the good fight, covering for each other, as my friends in the military say, i've got your back. folks, in the great steat of texas, we have your back. when it comes to the issues of economy, when it comes to the issue of values. we have your back. and we ask you all across this country to do the same for the values for those individuals who are standing up courageously and joyfully leading the charge. have their back as well. god bless you. and thank you all for letting me come today. >> next, chairman of the republican national committee.
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he was elected in 2011 and reelected for a second term in january of this year. his remarks are about 10 minutes. >> thank you, tony. and god bless you. thank you, everybody, for being here. i just want to let you know, i'm a christian, i'm a believer. god lives in my heart. and i'm for changing minds, not changing values. are you with me? i'm so grateful that we've got a party that prays, that we've got a party that puts god first, and i'm proud to be part of that. we have so much to fight for. in this party, in this movement. that you're all a part of. and i get it. and it's a blessing. and it's something that i
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embrace. and it's something that our party embraces. you know, when we talk about what's at stake in this election, everybody's got a different theory of the case. but my position -- there's lots of things that we can point to. but one of the things that i know that's true is that we can't operate a national party that shows up once every four years four months before an election. it doesn't work. what we do is that if i'm ryan and -- because you know my name isn't going to work out on a phone call. so if i'm ryan and i'm in cleveland and i'm calling ralph and i figure out that ralph is a mitt romney supporter and he is a six out of ten for mitt romney. so what do we do about it? we send ralph a few fliers, we try to solidify his position,
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right? and then we turn him out to vote. but what is the other side doing? three and a half years ago, they hired 12 people that are assigned the section of cleveland that ralph lives in. guess what? those 12 people actually live there, too. they're from the community and they've been working the community for 3-1/2 years and four blocks down the road there's another 1 and another 12 and another 12. and what do they do? every summer they have a registration drive and they might bring a band in, a few v.i.p.s, pizza party, have some discussions, light hearted political, not political. and they're given a list. here's 800 people, here are the people that vote, here are the people that vote sometimes. but you're going to get to know these people. they're hitting us all over the country like this. we need number one. so when you hear stories about growth and opportunity, what does that mean? here's what it means to me.
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number one, a permanent across the country coast to coast ground operation and focused in asian, hispanic, african american, and yes evangelical, veterans. but all the time. every day. permanent ground operation. never stopping. never quiting. always on the ground. community events, church festivals, swearing in ceremonies, all of the above. number one. number two, branding and marketing. we don't tell our history any more as a party. we've lost our history we're the party of equality, freedom, opportunity. it's our party that has the rich history but you wouldn't know it. because we don't say it. when is the last time you saw a flier that said i'm a republican because? we have an obligation -- i do, have an obligation to protect the brand of this party. because it doesn't matter
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whether you're for paul ryan, marco rubio, rand paul, nicki hailey, the fact is every one of these folks is going to have a big fat r next to their name and it stands for republican. and we have to finish what we started. speaking of i think rick perry just mentioned ecleezeyasties. right? one of my favorite versees is starting is good, finishing is better. we need to finish what we start. our digital and data -- i'll skip that for now because we can get in the weeds on that but i can tell you we need an open api platform. we need an ability for all of you and your organizations and friendly organizations that tap into the data and use it to influence voters paralevel get people talking to each other. the last thing is i happened to
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believe that our primary system is a disaster. a 28, to believe that 23 debate traveling circus with moderators that are in the business of creating news at our parties' expense has got to come to an end. and it will come to an end. we need to control the moderators, we need to set the parameters of the debate. this is not an establishment takeover. this is using your brain. you might say, well, one thing he forgot was that you know mitt romney was kind of a duck on the pond all summer. he never defended himself. he just got defined and it just got away and there you go, it's all over. here's the problem and i don't want to get into weeds too far with you. but we've got this campaign finance laws which are a mess. when you have a canned dalt
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there's two pots of money that they raise money into. it's a primary money pot, and a general election pot. you can't use that general election pot until you get nominated at the convention. you can't get to it. you could have $100 million in that pot but you can't get it. so if you have a candidate like mitt romney that's broke in june because he just came through a year-long primary they are a duck on the pond for three months. so when you read that when we talk about moving the convention from the end of august to the end of june, it's so that we can get to the general election money to be able to defend these candidates. and yes it's going to shrink the duration of the primary. it's not an establishment takeover. we're trying to do what's right. listen, i would rather win together than lose together. right? we are in a battle for freedom
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in this country. it's the same battle that founded this country that james madison reaffirmed in the bill of rights. it's the same battle that's fought in our party in wisconsin. we are in a battle for freedom. and we've got a president and we've got an administration that believes the bill of rights is a suggestion. and that's why i've asked erik holder to resign. hink about this. eric holder -- think about his view of the bill of rights. he's the one that read -- he ts one that delivered the miranda rights to the christmas day bomber. he's the one that his legacy would be -- think about this. you're the attorney general of the united states of america and you define your legacy as being the guy that wants to make sure that all 9/11 terrorists are tried in a
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united states federal court. that's what you define your legacy. such a believer in these miranda rights that he said that he would even read the legal rights over the dead body of osama bin laden. fast and furious. a contempt order from congress including 17 democrats voting in favor. and now of course, tapping phone lines and all the rest. we have a lot to fight for in our party, and in this country, and in the movement that we're all a part of together. i think that we have to make sure that we also understand that we live in an amazing country. and that we have a lot of blessings in spite of some of the struggles, that we're blessed to be here. and in spite of not winning in november, god's also given us an opportunity to build out a
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structure and a team that can win. look, we're not running against john kerry and al gore any more. the old ways used to work. but they're not going to work any more. and so i would just ask you that we come together and that we pray for the future of this country. we pray without ceasing as first seth loneions has said. that we pray that people would see and that eyes would be opened, that there's a better way to run this country, there's a better way of prosperity and freedom and growth. and that we're a movement that believes that there's unlimited opportunity for everyone in this country. and that's what we want. i want to leave you with this. this is really important for me for you to understand my heart.
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i had a meeting with someone i'm not going to tell you who it is but it's something i think about every day and i want you to know where i'm at every day. i was giving -- i was having a conference with someone who has been very good to our party. he's fairly intimidating guy. he can be really straightforward. you know the types that get right to the point and they're going to tell it like it is. so i was talking to this person about what i think we need to do in this party. and after about three minutes of it he said, hang on a second. listen up. you're young, you're smart, now that questionable but he said you're young, you're smart, if you want a job here i'd love to have you. i'll here you next week. but here's the deal. if you're not willing to be big and you're not willing to be bold, then don't waste my time. don't waste your life. don't waste your kids' time and your wife's time.
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go big and go bold. or forget about it. that's what we have to do together. and i've never stopped thinking about that every single day. i want to make you proud of this party. that's my incentive. this isn't glory. this is a grind. but it's a grind for a greater purpose. and that's what we've all been called to do. this party is starving for something simple. people of their word to run for office and do what they said that they're going to do. t's really easy. we want real authentic people that want to serve this country with a pure heart and make a difference. that's what we're starving for. that's what we want to deliver to you. and we also want you to know that we're going to fight every single day like a dog to deliver it. good news.
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this year 2014 and together great news for our country in 2016. let's build it together and let's win together. god bless you. thank you. >> next, john bolton, former u.s. ambassador to the united nations under george w. bush. it's about 10 minutes. >> thank you. thank you very much. it's a great honor to be here with you this morning and i'm very grateful to ralph for inviting me and very grateful to all of you for being here. i wanted to spend a few minutes this morning talking about the challenges that the united states faces around the world today. because while our focus is understandably on domestic issues and priorities, you
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know, our adversaries are not gracious enough to wait for us to get our domestic house in order. indeed, they take advantage of our lack of attention and certainly the lack attention of the current administration. but it's very important for the united states not to forget how important it is to have a strong american presence around the world. we have a critical role for ourselves, and for others. it's something that our country has recognized from its inception. the pilgrims referred to their settlements in america as the new jeruselem. john windrop, the first governor of plymouth bay colony said, we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill, quoting scripture. and ronald reagan, who is about the only person i know who can amend scripture and make it better, used to call america a shining city on a hill. it is for us but it is for
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others as well by example of how we perform. and reagan perhaps better than any other president in contemporary times understood that to achieve the great objective of peace in the world, and peace for america, so that we could go about our lives in this country, that you had to achieve that through what he called peace through strength. that it is the capability that america has to dissuade or deter its opponents from challenging us and our friends around the world. that that's what keeps the peace and that what's provocative is when america displayings weakness or inattention. this is something i think is well understood around the world. margaret that much who just recently passed away understood it. that's why they called her the iron lady and not code pink.
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and the threats we face around the world are real. they are very real. we face nuclear chemical and biological weapons being developed by the likes of the ayatollahs in iran, by north korea we see russia and china expanding and modernizing their conventional and nuclear weapons forces. the threat from terrorism remains very real. we are not on the road to the end of the war on terror. it is a long road and we've got a long way to go. it has been going on far before the first 9/11. but i think that tragedy really brought it to center stage for americans. there was no way to avoid it any more. but it hasn't disappeared. we've had successes. we've made ourselves safer in some cases. but the threat remains. and we have seen it. just in the past months we saw the second 9/11 in benghazi last year.
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four americans killed and since then nine months later what has happened? no rhett bution, no revenge. these people are victims of international terrorism and the administration has done nothing. we saw it two months ago today the anniversary of the bombing at the boston marathon here in this country. we've seen it in pictures from london and paris, cold-blooded murderers on their streets with knives and meat cleevers. the war against terrorism is not a war we sought, it's a war that is being waged against us. and we have to understand and respond to it. so the question is, how? how? the president and i'm sorry to say some republicans seem to think you can treat it like a law enforcement matter, like that kind of junked up bank robbery. but the fact is, the global war on terrorism is just that. and the risk that the
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terrorists and their state sponsors will one day achieve their long sought objective and get chemical biological or nuclear weapons has to be something that remains at the very top of our priority list. u cannot address nuclear weapons with afterthe fact prosecution or retaliations. the goal has to be to prevent the attack from happening in the first place. now, there are two ways to do that. and earlier this week you've heard some thoughts about two critical issues that we face right now that i'd like to address. the first way to prevent this kind of attack is to find out about it before it takes place. now, you've all seen the controversy over edward snoden, the leaks about the nsa programs. some democrats and even some republicans call him a hero. but what is he doing today? where is edward snoden today?
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he is in hong kong. he's revealing facts or at least his version of facts about american espionage against china. that is one of the worst violators of religious freedom anywhere in the world. now, in revealing these secrets to china, this has nothing to do with americans' privacy. he's telling the chinese critical facts about what we're doing to protect ourselves against them. there are two possibilities here. either snow den is lying, which will tell you something about his character, or he's betraying his country's secrets to a rival. which tells you even more about his character. the fact is that snoden with what he has revealed louisiana portrayed his country. and i will tell you this. any american politician who tells you that he is a hero is not fit to be entrusted with
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our country's national security. now, secondly, when you face the kind of horrific threat of chemical biological or nuclear weapons, you face as well the difficult question whether in order to prevent an attack a country must strike preemptively, it's a very difficult decision to make. but we've got that decision right in front of us now with iran and its nuclear weapons program. the president is he says for america all options are on the table. but nobody believes that. the focus right now is on israel, which twice before has attacked nuclear weapons programs in hostile states and may well decide to attack irans. this would be the old jerusalem coming to the defense of the new jerusalem. and i think it is very important that we all understand that if israel makes that very, very difficult
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decision, to prevent iran from getting nuclear weapons and to use military force to do it, that this will be a legitimate exercise of israel's right to elf-defense. that's why democracies act preempttively to protect their innocent civilians. now, looking ahead here there are many, many more threats that we're going to face that i can deal with in a brief period of time but let me just remind everybody what margaret thatcher said to george h.w. bush right after saddam hussein invaded kuwait. she said now george this is no time to go all wobblely. obama and some republicans think that america's strength is provocative. that we're the problem in the world. their answer is american decline and weakness. this is the contemporary version of george mcgovern's
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1972 theme, come home america. in fact, it's american weakness that's provocative. and sadly, we now have one of the most provocative presidents we've ever had. let's not elect another one. our goal is peace for america. and we can achieve that peace through strength and determination. our founders understood this. and that's why in the declaration of independence they pledged their lives to tunes and sacred honor. this generation has to be prepared to carry on that legacy. because there's no turning away from a hostile world. thank you very much. >> next, former 2012 presidential candidate and godfather's pizza ceo herman cane.
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ust over 15 minutes. >> thank you. thank you. thank you very much. but more importantly, thank you for being here. and as usual, ralph never gives me enough time. so i'm just going to take what i need and then he can scold me later. you've heard a lot of great presentations. you've heard a lot of -- you've received a lot of information. i want to use as a topic for my remarks winning in 2014. because i'm sick of people who are talking about giving up. we need to stop making excuses
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about the losses we had in 2012 and talk about what we are going to do to win in 2014. that's what we ought to be focusing on. so i'm not going to recount all of the reasons as to why. we lost. there's a whole list of them. one of the biggest reasons that i believe that we did is the number of conservatives that stayed home because they were not enthusiastic. now look what we have. as a result of that. luther ago, dr. martin king, jr., was quoted as saying the following. probably not one of the quotes that you hear a lot. 50 years ago dr. martin luther nothing said, there is more dangerous than sincere
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conscientious stupidty. now, to put it into 2013 vernacular, some people are ignorant and don't know it. and some people work at being stupid. they work at it. now i don't mean to cast the broad net, but a lot of those people helped to create the current situation that we're in. and the current situation we are in because of all of the reasons that i am sure you have heard as to why we had the magnitude of the defeat that we had, the current situation that we are in today reminds me of george orwell's classic book, 1984. you know, he published that book in 1949. he was looking at a 30-year
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horizon. where he talked about big brother controlling everything. even people's thoughts. the only thing that george orwell missed was the time frame. it was 60 years instead of 30 years that has given us what we have today. i know you don't want to hear this but big brother is already here. big brother wants to control everything. they control our retirement, social security if we don't have a supplemental. they control our health care if we're not able to kill this terrible legislation.
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ey control much of our money because of the tax code. and one of the fundamental principles that big brother operated under which allowed it to be successful was the principle of ignorance is strength. if you're big brother. big brother was able to do what he was able to do in george orwell's 1984 because they intentionally kept people ignorant. john commented on that in his remarks and he's exactly right. and what we are seeing in today's environment is if you don't agree, they will try to find ways to silence you. e've got the i.r.s. abuse. fec intimidation.
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epa discrimination. doj intimidation. nsa corruption. in it goes on and on and on terms of the abuse and the corruption in the government that wants to control all of our lives. and that's wy you are here and that's why i'm here. because we're not going to be ignorant to the truth. we're not going to be ignorant to the facts. because i know everybody in this room believes and feels as i do. we're going to take our government back. after i dropped out of the presidential race because of
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the viciousness of the media, they thought i was going to be quiet. that's not going to happen. that's not going to happen. here's how we take our government back. before you stop a train, you ave to slow it down. too many people are discouraged because they think that this is a sprint. it's a marathon. this train is running full speed down the tracks towards socialism and towards communism. yes, i said it. that's where we're headed. before we stop it and reverse it we've got to slow it down. that's what we do in 2014. we focus on slowing it down.
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now, i respect all the speculation about who might run for president in 2016. but there are things we can do in 2014 that we should not overlook. two suggestions. two things. two strategies that we must do that i want you to focus on. and if you don't know how to focus on these things, go to herman and i've got instructions there that will tell you how to do it. number one. control of congress. both houses. it's doable. it's doable with three things. e, t, and a. not eesty mated time of arrival. e, we need enthusiasm. we need some enthusiasm in people's hearts and souls.
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and enthusiasm will be generated when people have a good understanding of what our brand called conservative stands for. and i'm often asked, well, how do you reach out to blacks, asians, hispanics and other minorities? my answer is, the same way you reach out to white people. let me tell you what people get enthusiastic about. it's what i call and describe as the road to prosperity. we should be in the business of removing barriers to education and be proud of charter schools, be proud of home schooling, be proud of vouchers. we remove barriers to better education. we should be proud of removing barriers to jobs.
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right now this economy is not growing. even though we're being told that it's growing. we're in the barrier removal business. we do not get that message out there enough. the barriers to jobs. entrepreneurship, and ownership. that gets people excited. that gets them enthusiastic about what it is that we stand for. t. targeted races. targeted races. races. find some races when the time comes that you can support and help to get some of the right people there. we have got to stop sending nearly 90% of the folks in d.c. back to d.c. 90%. eta.
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a, activists. you see the foot soldiers like you and i are the ones that are going to be able to change things. and the way we're going to be able to change things is we're going to create a continue to create and expand what we've already been doing for the past several years, of creating a ground swell of activists, a ground swell of citizens and patriots and conservatives. and here's how this works. as we create the ground swell around number two that i'm going to describe in a minute, then it's going to be so massive that the politicians in washington, d.c. will want to get out in front of the parade. but we've got to create the parade. and they will get out in front of it. because that's how many members of the political class operate. you see, there are two classes in this country now.
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i call it the political class and the working class. all u you have to do is come to washington, d.c. and i'm sure you all feel the same thing that i feel. look at these buildings and you wonder, oh, my lord. some bureaucrat in there is trying to decide on my health care. and the way we have to change things is we're going to have to do it from the bottom up., go we have got to stop listening to and accepting ma'am by pam y solutions to our problems. whatever politician running for office comes to me and says mr. cane we have something in common. i say what's that? i want to reform the tax code. i say get away from me. i don't want to reform it.
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i want to replace the tax code. go bold. and let me tell you another one that i wanted to do. i gave a similar talk a couple of weeks ago to a group and when i mentioned this next one, there was no applause. because it was like they've already accepted that it can't be done. repeal obama care. go bold. and the only way we're going to be able to replace the tax code and repeal obamacare is that we're going to have to create the movement on the part of the activists and on the part of the grassroots and watch the politicians be fighting each other to get out in front of this parade. that's how we do this. well, that's how we win in
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2014. and if i didn't think it was doable, i wouldn't be here. if i didn't think it was doable, i wouldn't be on the radio five days a week, three hours a day. and for more information you can go to herman cain. yes, that is a plug. and i'm proud of it. i see some of my friends here from georgia. yeah. and so let me close with the following. 'm almost done, ralph. one of the things that i have to fight, encourage, every day on the radio is people who want to give up. and i have to remind them of something that a lady who was about to be put into the gas
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chamber at the end of the holocaust -- and i'll never forget what she said. her first name was bettera. she was -- ber that. she was standing in front of the gas chamber about to be put into the gas chamber when the allied soldiers came and said the war is over. you're saved. a reporter asked her later did you ever give up? she said, no. standing right there in front of the door to the gas chamber, she never gave up. and the reporter asked why. e said, giving up is a permanent solution to a temporary condition.
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the state that we are in right now in this country is temporary. and we can take it back. because life can be a challenge. life can seem impossible. it's never easy when there's so much on the line. but you can make a difference. there's a mission just for you, just look inside and you will find just what you can do. look inside and you will find just what you can do. we can take our government ack. >> now, former alaska governor
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and 2008 republican vice presidenttial candidate sara palin. she was the final speaker at the faith and freedom coalition conference. his is about 25 minutes. >> thank you so much. thank you. thank you very much. thank you. i am so delighted to get to be here and todd and i are here because of you. you have taken time out of your busy schedules to be here and to be involved and todd and i were just talking about this back stage. it's not about me it's not about us. it's about you being involved in trying to defend our republican save our country. so thank you so much for being here. i wasn't going to start off already getting all blubry on
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my ut -- you know, you do heart well. really. it's good to be among friends. and it is great to be here. it is so interesting to be in washington though. isn't it? i don't get here back here that often. but every time i do it just seems to get more and more surreal. i was going to ask ralph, too, if he had encountered any protesters here. if there's any protesters speak now or forever hold your peace. because facing the protesters, facing the critics is something i do well. and easy to spot them in the parking lot in their ity bitty purple volts. what gives them away is that reelect obama bumper sticker. that bumper sticker might as well say, yeah, i'm still
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dense. really, i've rolled my truck window down as i pulled up to these guys some of them and said, really? why? you know, sincerely wanting to know what is their thinking. why would they support these policies. and one reply i got before the 2012 race a guy said well i'm not a racist so i voted for him to prove it. and i replied, [applause] it seems son ever overlly in -- so orwellian here. terms like "leading from behind" meant following. the other day the white house testified bragging that they used "unleased untruthful statements."
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where i come from that is called "a live." lie." lied in benghazi and americans died. the scandals are being rebuilt. people are waking up to what is going on. the scandals are coming at us so fast and furious. it reminds me of a comedy that my really good friends at saturday night live could think of me as a friend. doing more for those unemployment numbers than obama has ever done. what snl does is they have this skit where they do this take newscast and they read absurd news reports. then they finish it with an incredulous "really?
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." " our government spider every phone callsf your but cannot find to bostonians -- two bostonians. really? it built apparatus to sneak into all the communications but it missed the fort hood mass murder of our own troops despite this islamic terrorist declaring his ideology in numerous army counseling sessions and on his own business card. there were no red flags there. really? passing thent affordable care act. that is the affordable care act. it's result?
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making our premiums more expensive. now hiring up to 16,000 armed irs agents to implement this act. irs cannot figure out how it managed to spend over $4 million on a training conference because it didn't keep its received. really? irs.ry that with the the same reaction that i get from so much of what saturday night live does. i do not know whether to laugh or cry. you just tune out. i think that is what a lot of good are doing to washington today. dc is one hot mess.
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where is our commander-in-chief. we are talking more new interventions. in these radical islamic countries they are not respecting basic human rights. scream over an arbitrary red line. we have someone who knows what they are doing. sort it out. we are gathered today in a city that is a scandal. it is just another saturday afternoon in dc. to me this one feels different. thanhing more is going on i your garden-variety corruption.
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this is shaping up to be a teachable moment. it showsoing on? something fundamental about our relationship to our government. we needperfect teacher to look no further than becky. she is a wife and mother and living in small-town usa. before last week you probably have never heard of her. she came to washington recently to do something that no american should have to do. .hat was to beg for her right she came to washington not as a .em but as a bit tour, a lawyer she had been singled out for her political believes. washington not to apologize but to evangelize.
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she had been treated by her hick whot as an uppity needed to be brought down in an avalanche of red tape. she came to washington not as a subject but as a citizen. she made her case better than i ever could have. part of what she says, she said where i come "we are patriotic americans. we peacefully assemble." freeercise our right to speech. we do not understand why our government tries to stop us. to beg myere today lords for mercian -- mercy. i am a wife, a mother, a citizen. i'm time i government that you have forgotten your place."
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i have had the honor of meeting thousands of americans like becky's. they areuman have calling out to government that has not called out. they have systematically usurped the place. when our founders declared our independence, they pointed to a long train of abuses from arrogance and dictatorial governments. that train is leaving -- leaving the station again. the challenge is to see it for what it is an and to stop it in its tracks. is not bureaucrats in cincinnati going rogue. it is not honest reporters and their parents being targeted for
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doing their job. security 20 something contractors leaking government documents. the problem is government grows so big that it intrudes into every aspect of our life. it has grown so arrogant that it thinks that we work for it rather than it working for us. ouija -- the problem is this is the power of government. he needs to sustain for the rights of we the people. the scandals infecting the city of a symptom of a digger -- something bigger. it is not matter if it is a republican or democrat sitting on top of out of control
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government, everyone is infected. no party is immune. i am listening to those independents. libertarians are saying it is both sides of the aisle. they've perpetuated these problems. i'm not beenboys part of the solution. they put this on cruise control. put it on the ted cruise control for a week and see where it goes. i think we would see some solutions. investigate them. let's punish the guilty.
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did you know the f b i is investigating the irs of the tea party conservatives scandal? they have not contacted one tea party yet. the fbi does not know who is even leading the investigation. nothing to see here. that is what they want us to believe. move along little people. irs lawyers who are in charge of this donated to obama over republicans 20 -- 11. -- 20-1. both of the lawyers who made political contributions overall, 95% of them came to obama. that is nothing. at the un and education department and national labor
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relations board, 100% of their attorneys donated to obama. it is not just me saying that. investigate. we can not kid ourselves that we can stop at just that. we could rebuild our majority. one ratet to basis over over another. i say this to someone who is kind of fertile myself. i do not think that is where we want to go in society.
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how we will incentivize the hard-working responsible families who want to follow the law. the first act is to break the law. we are slightly acquiescing to a totalitarian state if we just sit down and shut up. i refuse to do. we have nothing to gain by loudly condemning the tactic while we retreat. we are a freeborn people. worrying about
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this tear any lurking around every corner, which barack obama just told a group of graduates that they should ignore and forget about. that is the day that we lose our freedom. that is the day we stopping citizens and become subjects. they forget the words we spoke some of the words we must be willing to say today. they are word -- the words that launch the resolution. patrick and he said "i know not what course others will take, as for me, give me liberty or give me death." we must be willing to say that today. i am so glad that you are here.
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theso glad you made sacrifices away from family and work and home to be here. i cannot thank you enough. fors just so encouraging normal average everyday americans skew our counting on spine ande that stiff pushed back this movement that --tear any -- tear any tyranny. americans like becky. they already know all of this. do they value their freedom but you're willing to fight for it. and hundreds of towns across so many americans are
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fighting the good fight. i know because i have met them. i have been in their home. they have been a mine. they are the rock upon which we will build this new majority. they are the boys that can reach millions of others of patriots of all race and color and creed that value the dignity and opportunity of freedom. withhave kept safe everything we love about this land of the free. we will have no hope of reclaiming our country. we will deserve it even less. -- the the mission message that our leaders need to understand. you do not discredit and dismiss every hard-working
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american. too often leaders are not doing it. we the people have to do it. cannot count on our politicians in washington, dc to do this for us. this speaks to the idea, the action needed on a local level. i ran for city council. i was a small town mayor. to start on a local level affecting that change. it you do not just except the good old boys trying to shut things down in your own hometown either that are not part of a liberty loving populace that is here running their businesses, raising their families, assuming that everybody understands what our constitution says, assuming it
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is in our heart and soul that we will follow our constitution, start on the local level affecting that change as you work on these higher levels of politicos who happen to be in charge of our country. a start on that local level or do both. it just do both eureka local and national. just do both. local and national. time is wasting. we will reclaim our country if we do not keep faith with those americans. they knew that this land was dedicated to our god and he has blessed it. we do well to rededicate it at this time to our one true heavenly father. we are not going to come up in her own simple minds with a solution.
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the challenges are too big. at hands ofsk protection and the blessings of our father to fall upon our nation. ,his is what god is all about grace and mercy and forgiveness. if we ask for this and rededicate our land to our lord, things will turn alone. i know at least you all can appreciate that. they are the unsung heroes. they are out there be fusing to retreat. we must him we will, fundament -- we must, we will fundamentally restore america.
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would that i want to thank you again. i want to ask you to keep up the good fight. we cannot get tired. we cannot weaken our resolve to defend this republic and make our politicians be accountable and follow our constitution. you are the unsung heroes. be given ato microphone. i'm speaking on behalf of you who love this country as much as i do. who love and value life and our will face who perhaps more challenges than the rest of us will face, yet we understand
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the dignity of human life. we understand there are got the standards of perfection and then there are the world standards of perfection that are superficial and often materialistic and do not matter. you all know what really matters. that is why it is so good for us and be fed byed you knowing you're out there. you've got our back. we've got your back. with that, i thank you. happy father's day tomorrow. happy father's day to our founding fathers. in their honor, let us do better for the country that they have bestowed upon us. thank you all so much. god bless you. god bless the united states of america. winky. -- thank you. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2013]
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