tv Public Affairs CSPAN June 16, 2013 9:35pm-11:01pm EDT
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the labour party today. >> 7 million unpaid carers across the country and invest 1.2 billion pounds into social care. reversing the government made rice is in special care. >> we can start with the money from labor tax avoidance. that money should be going into the care system. that money should be going into the national health service. 12.7government has put billion pounds extra into our nhs. that is how we are supporting hospitals. but she can have a word with the shadow chancellor. >> as we approach the 25th anniversary of the hyper disaster, will the prime
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minister join me in recognizing the challenges we face continuing to bring oil and gas andre, the skills dedication of those who do it, and the paramount importance of safety? >> i will certainly join my honorable friend in praising the oil and gas industry. it is a real jewel in the crown of the united kingdom economy. seeing a, we are growth in production as a number of new fields and projects come on stream. all times, safety and security are absolutely paramount. been watching prime minister's questions from the british house of commons. " airs live every wednesday at 7:00 a.m. eastern and again on sunday nights at 9:00 p.m. eastern and pacific on c-span. watch any time on,
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where you can find past rime minister's questions other public affairs programs. on monday, british foreign secretary william hague told members in the house of commons that recent allegations that the government communications headquarters tried to circumvent the law to gather data on british citizens were baseless. he added that data obtained by the uk from the u.s. involving british assistant -- citizens were subject to statutory controls and safeguards. he also took questions from members. i think the matters have been very fully explored. the statements for foreign and commonwealth affairs, secretary william hague. will makermission, i
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a statement on the work of the government communication headquarters, its legal framework and recent publicity about it. i am responsible for the work and the secret intelligence service and the overall authority of the prime minister. secretary is responsible for the work of the security service, mi-5. over the last few days, there have been a series of media disclosures relating to the collection of intelligence by u.s. agencies and questions about the role of gchq. we have begun a review into the circumstances of these leaks in conjunction with the justice department and the u.s. intelligence community. president obama has been clear that u.s. work in this area is fully overseen an authorized by congress and relevant judicial bodies and that that administration is committed to respecting the civil liberties
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and privacy of its citizens. the government deplores the leak of classified information wherever it occurs, especially when it regards to the security -- to making the security of our country and our allies more difficult. it has been the policy of successive reduced governments not to comment on the details of the operation. the house will therefore understand that i will not be drawn into confirming or denying any aspect only information. i will be as informative as possible to give reassurance to the public and parliament. we want the british people to have confidence in the work of our intelligence agency and in their adherence to the law and democratic values. i also wish to be very clear that i would take great care in this statement and in answering questions to say nothing that gives any clue or comfort to terrorists, criminals, or foreign intelligence services
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as they seek to do harm to this country and its people. recentes have arisen in days, which i wish to address. first, the action the government is taking. second, how intelligence agencies work in accordance with uk law and subject to democratic oversight. heard, how the law is upheld with respect to intelligence operation with the united states and deal with the specific questions that have been raised with the work of gc hq. actions we have taken in the intelligence and security committee has already received some information and they will receive a full report tomorrow. my right honorable friend is traveling through the united states on a long planned visit. he has said the committee will be free to decide if any further action should be taken in light of that report. the government and the agencies will cooperate fully with the committee. i pay tribute to its members and their predecessors on all
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sides of the house. second, the thework is one path of strong framework of democratic accountability and oversight that governs the use of secret intelligence in the united kingdom. successive governments have worked to strengthen them. two acts of parliament, the intelligence services act of 1994 and the regulation of investigatory powers act of 2011. hq ands require gc other agencies to receive authorization from other states. as foreign secretary, i received hundreds of operational proposals every year. the proposals are detailed. they set out the planned operation, the potential risks and the benefits of the intelligence. they include comprehensive legal advice describing the basis for the operation and comments from
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senior foreign office officials and lawyers. you intercept the content of any individual in the uk, it requires a warrant signed personally by me, or the home secretary of state. it is no casual process. every decision is based on extensive legal and policy advice. they are legally required to be proportionate and necessary. we judge them on that basis. considerations of privacy are at the forefront of our mind as in the minds of our predisaster's. we take rate care to balance individual privacy with our public and the uk national security. these are all difficult decisions and we do not approve every proposal put before us by the agencies. all the authorization the home secretary and i do give are subject to independent review by an intelligent services commissioner and interception of communication services
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commissioner, both of whom hold high office and report directly to the prime minister. they review the way these decisions are made and have full access to all the information they need to carry out their responsibilities and their reports are publicly available. it is vital that we have this framework of democratic accountability and scrutiny. i also have nothing but praise for the professionalism, dedication, and integrity of the men and women of gc hq. themw from my work with how seriously they take their obligations and the uk and international law. in a most recent report, the intelligence services commissioner said, "it is my view that gc hq staff conduct themselves with the highest level of intech would dash of integrity and legal compliance." this combination of needing a warrant from one of the most senior members of the government with such decisions
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reviewed by independent commissioners and implemented by agencies with strong legal and ethical frameworks with the addition of scrutiny by the ifc, whose powers are being increased, provides one of the strongest systems of checks and balances and democratic accountability anywhere in the world. i want to set out how uk law is upheld with respect to information received from the united states and address a specific question about the role of gc hq. since the 1940s, gc hq and it's american equivalent, the national security agency, have a relationship that is unique in the world. this relationship has been and remains essential to the security of both nations. it has stopped many terrorist and espionage law against this country and it has saved many lives. the basic principle by which
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that operation operates have not changed over time. i wish to emphasize to the house that, while we have experienced an extremely busy period in the last three years, the arrangement for oversight and the framework for exchanging information all started under previous governments. the growing and diffuse nation of threats from terrorists, criminals, or espionage, has increased the forces of our intelligence relationship with the united states. this was the case in the run-up to the olympics. the house will not be surprised that the activities for counterterrorism intensified and rose to a beat in the summer of last year. it is being suggested that gc hq uses our partnership with the nsa to get around uk law, obtaining information that they cannot legally obtain in the united kingdom. i wish to be absolutely clear that this accusation is baseless.
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any data obtained by us from the united states involving uk nationals is subject to robert uk statutory proposals of safeguards, including including relevant sections of the intelligence services act, the human rights act, and the regulation of the investigatory powers act. our sharing with the united states is subject to ministerial and independent oversight. practice and uphold whenw at all times, even dealing with information from outside the united kingdom. of a robustion legal framework, ministerial responsibility, scrutiny by the intelligence services commissioners, and parliamentary accountability should give a high level of confidence that the system works as intended. this does not mean that we do not have to work to strengthen public confidence whenever we can while maintaining secrecy
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necessary to intelligence work. we have strengthened the role of the ifc through the justice and security act this year to include oversight, operations, as well as policy and finances. get introduced the the national security council so that intelligence is weighed alongside all other sources of information available from the government, including diplomatic reporting and the insights of other requirements. and that all this information is judged carefully in deciding the government's overall strategy and objective. there is no doubt that secret intelligence, including the work of gc hq, is vital to our country. it has enabled us to detect threats ranging from nuclear proliferation to cyber attacks. our agents have worked to prevent serious and organized crime and to protect our economy against those trying to steal our elect -- our intellectual property. they dismantle complex lots,
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such as an individual traveling abroad to gain terrorist training. they support the work of our or -- of our armed forces and protect the lives of our men and women in uniform. they help other countries to investigate and disrupt terrorists in their country before the threats reach us in the united kingdom. we should never forget that threats are launched secretly. newedge systems and tactics are developed secretly. countries or terrorist groups do so in secrecy. there is a method we use to combat these threats that must be secret, just as they must always be lawful. the citizens of this country could see that time and care in making these decisions, the carefully targeted nature of all our interventions and the strict controls in place to make sure that the law and our democratic values are upheld. if they could witness the integrity and professionalism of
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the many women of our intelligence agencies, among the finest public servants our nation has, then i believe they would be reassured by how we go about this essential work. the british people can be confident in the way our agencies work and keep them safe. would-be terrorists, those seeking to spy against this country, or those at the center of organized crime should be aware that this injury has the capability and partnerships to protect its citizens against the full range of threats in the 21st-century and that we will always do so in accordance in accordance with our laws and values but with constant resolve and determination. >> next, some of the speeches from the final day of the faith and freedom coalition conference, including texas governor rick ary. -- rick perry. with patrick gavin.
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after that, another chance to see david cameron take questions from members of the house of commons. tomorrow, the new energy secretary addresses this year's energy administration conference in d.c. he will discuss the strategy for and all of the above approach to capping energy sources. coverage begins on c-span2. critical that is any regulation or lack thereof keeps in mind that we need to be incentivized and continue to invest in the physical infrastructure at the core of every product we deliver. and if we are going to be a world leader in the delivery of high-speed data, we will have the fastest speeds, the most
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capable wi-fi access points, it is key that the regulatory environment in which we operate actually fosters, as opposed to inhibits, further investment in that plan. >> should we have more packaging flexibility and options for consumers? that is something that we are hopeful and we have worked on. is this the government 's role or is it a negotiation between content companies and distributors? my view is that it is best served in the business relationships, not in government laws and mandates. we are very respectful. it is an important subject and we want to be part of that dialogue. >> a look at the cable industry and video marketplace with leaders of two of the countries biggest cable companies.
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freedomaith and coalition wrapped up a three-day conference in washington dc yesterday. here are some of the speakers from the final days session. we begin with texas governor rick ary -- perry. [applause] >> howdy. howdy, howdy, howdy. thank you. thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. thank you. howard, how are you? awesome, awesome. i am better than good. it is an honor to be with you this morning. this faith and freedom coalition road to the majority, i just want to say thanks to ralph. what an incredible job he does. sarah is one of our great texans who does a fabulous job. we are proud of her and the work that she does. this crowd and this turnout of people, think about all of the
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stable of people who have come to participate. this all-star cast has been brought together here, a fabulous group of men and women. it is a real tribute to ralph. and what ralph has done with this organization. i do not know about the rest of but i woke up the morning after the election of 2012 and i was feeling a bit humbled. , the caselly clear that we made as conservatives and frankly, some of us that were candidates, we did not move the majority of the people in this country. as we gather here to discuss what building a majority under the banner of faith and freedom,
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we need to do it with humility. we need to understand that we have a long way to go. , i have learned a little bit about humility, particularly on national television. [laughter] , god has called the perfect to go into the arena of public service. -- has not called the perfect to go into the arena of public service. he has called people just like you and me. my savior inspires me as i speak to you today. of theto remind you words of paul when he was , theng of the people philippians in the seventh chapter going through versus 5- 8. he says, "in your relationships
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with one another, have the same mindset as christ jesus, who, being in the very nature of god, did not consider equality with god something to be used to his own advantage. rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death." asse who proclaim christ their savior know that the ultimate example of humility comes in the form of the cross. what he writes a few verses before that, when he describes jesus pouring out his life as an offering of love, he writes, " therefore, if you have any encouragement from being united with christ and any comfort
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comes from his love, if any common sharing in the spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, eating one in spirit and one of mind." we are supposed to be one of mind and one of spirit bonded together, right? let me ask you. that describe us today? are we being torn apart? , byg torn apart by division discord? i am not talking about healthy disagreement. my daughter and i have a healthy disagreement from time to time. [laughter] hadly, the early disciples healthy disagreement. they always came back to that common love and common hope, their shared heritage of faith. the fact is, that is what we
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must do. so we start with humility. we acknowledge that we put aside division and be of the same mind. then we step out in courage. it is really important for us -- by the way, courage does not mean that you are not afraid. john wayne, no less than john wayne, said that you can be scared to death, but you saddle up anyway. disciples wasrite peter. think about peter. this is the same peter who denied christ read times. the same peter who was rebuked by paul concerning justification by works. the same peter whose mouth sometimes ran faster than his brain.
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let me tell you. i can relate to peter. [laughter] and i am eternally grateful that the flaws of men and women in scripture are prominently is played. because it gives us all hope. as we see that and realize that hey, there is hope for me. peter's story goes beyond his flaws. it goes to his faithfulness. christ changed his name to peter, the rock for which he built the church upon to lay the foundation. in the ultimate act of humility, showing that peter had crossed that, i would call it a transcendent barrier. from shame and humiliation to the time of christ to the sacred humility at the time of his own death by demanding that he be
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crucified upside down. peter learned humility. peter learned courage, faithfulness. he lived and he died that way. perhaps what gave it her courage was the promise of a savior who said surely, i am with you always, to the very end of the age. what fills my heart in the darkest moments is that i am never alone. you might think that, where i grew up -- i grew up that was 16 miles from the closest place that had a post i might have had a lonely existence. nd i could be alone, but i was never lonely. i had great parents that brought to contact and in the early with a small e
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then i t church and and -- i had boy scouts incredibly wonderful existence in this very small -- had 13 in my graduating high school class. so i can say quite proudly that i graduated in the top ten. to texas a&m to become a veterinarian. spent four years, four semesters studying prevette organic icine and chemistry made a pilot out of me transitioned to another degree path and went to the air thee and flew at the end of vietnam conflict. then i left and i came back home. came home, i -- -- i'm
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proud of the fact that it's a reality. of part of that humbling backsliding, of -- i had -- i had this all under control. i don't need you. thank you very much. i'll check you when i need you. and he has a way of dealing with you. f -- of crushing you up in to little ball. throwing all of that chaff away there.ere's a raw seed and that's what he did. hat's that 27-year-old young is trying to find out, what it you really want me to do with my life? here do you -- where do you really want me focused? to meat focus was brought
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by the grace of god to really and to in the word listen to him and to follow his instruction. he has a plan for every one of us, and that plan is to -- is it's for us to prosper. where he talks about that he truly has a plan for us. amen. and he can set us free. and when he sets you free, then you the courage to go to stick to your principles, to stand up for what you believe in. hat's one of the things that i'm incredibly proud of what we've done in the state of texas in the course of the last decade we've gone forward, the principles that we know have made this country great. traditional values of upon. america has based
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i hope my state is a glowing women who men and believe those traditional values are how you make a stronger your y stick to principles. remember that we talked about be -- you be a man or a woman of humility, but you be courageous. you stand by your principles and those principles have served us well. principles like human life, innocent human life is sacred should be protected from the moment of conception until death. required legislation to minor to onsent for a have an abortion in texas. e ended allstate funding for planned parenthood in the state. that protects
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religious freedom. chool children sending letters to young men and women overseas hould not have merry christmas censored from their school eaders who are afraid of lawsuits. [ applause ] is-- i have no idea why this even required in america today. but, you know what? texas signed a law in that allows children to wish one another merry christmas in or happy hanukkah or whatever that might be. expressions of faith, i happen to think, are very positive in he american society that we live in today. and some of the -- the greatest of of faith are the founders this country. the greatest defense of freedom conceived when you think about the constitution of the united states. document us that great for our central government so that our central government
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be run not on the whelms of some president, but under the law. of and i fear that where we've come america, where our administration won't make one our men and save lebanon, n embassy in but they'll sure monitor phone million americans through a judicial order. that bothers me. me great concern. i fear the trampling of the second amendment and the discarding of the tenth amendment. every word in the bill of rights guarantees our freedom and not a ingle vow of that should be ignored. i fear this mill stone of death necks tied around the of -- the neckings of the next eneration of americans, this country is drowning in debt. i reject the implication that
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is doing better life is good on wall street but small businesses country are crumbling on main street. our country can do better than expanding debt, the welfare state. he drift to socialized medicine. this model after western europe. we can do better. must.e and starting today, we have to fight to regain those values. this. close with as we fight for our country, we it with joy. party has quite frankly lost the happy warrior. ronald reagan died a little less decade ago. and sometimes i fear with his that g, we've forgotten
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conversations should come with a smile. love and joy ought to be our code. ur conviction and passion should lead to compassion, not contempt or anger or fear mongering. stand for the principles that made america great. exude those principles with joy. you know, smile when you disagree with a liberal. know, and shake your head nd as ronald reagan once said, he said liberals know so much that isn't so. so you need to be strong. be courageous. to be loving and compassionate. our conservative convictions country back if
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our tone shows that we're our own ideas.h nd together we can build that movement. we can make sure that america is the freest and most prosperous nation in the face of the earth. but as ronald reagan said as be that shining light on the hill once again. the fourth es, chapter and the 12th verse, it says a person standing alone can and defeated. but two men standing back-to-back, they will conquer. so that vision of us standing back-to-back, that vision of us ighting the good fight, covering for each other, as my friends in the military say, i've got your back.
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folks, in the great state of texas, we have your back. when it comes to the issues of issues -- we have your back. you all across this country to do the same for the for those individuals courageouslying up and joyfully leading the charge have their back as well. god bless you. for letting us come here. thank you. speaker on the final day of the faith & freedom reince on conference was priebus. his remarks are just over ten minutes.
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>> thank you, tony. bless you. thank you, everybody, for being here. i just want to let you know, i'm, i'm a god lives in my heart and i'm for changing minds, not for values.g are you with me? i'm so grateful that we've got a prays, that we've got a party that puts god first. i'm proud to be part of that. to fight for.h in this party, in this movement you're all a part of. and i get it. and it's a blessing. i it's something that embrace. and it's something that our party embraces. you know, when we talk about what's at stake in this
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election, everybody's got a different theory of the case. my position, there's lots of can point to. but one of the things that i know that's true is that we national party that shows up once every four years four months before an election. it doesn't work. hat we do is that if i'm ryan and i'm -- it's not going to work on a phone call. ryan and i'm in cleveland and i'm calling ralph. and i figure out that ralph is a mitt romney supporter. there for mitt romney. what do we do? fliers about a few mitt romney, we try to solidify his position, right? we turn him off to vote. what's the other side doing? they hired 12 ,
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people that were assigned the ection of cleveland that ralph lives in. guess what, those 12 people actually live there too. hey're from the community and they've been working the and nity for 3 1/2 years four down the road there's another 12 and another 12 and another 12. what do they do? summer they have a registration drive. they might bring a band in. some vips, pizza parties, have some discussions, light not ed, political, political. they're given a list -- here's 800 people. here's the people who vote. there's the people who vote sometimes. but you're going get to know people. they're hitting us all over the country like this. we need number one. stories about r growth and opportunity, what does that mean? -- 's what it means to me number one -- a permanent across-the-country coast-to-coast ground operation hispanic, in asian,
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african-american, and, yes, vangelical veterans, but all the time. every day, permanent ground operation., never always on the ground. community events, church swearing in ceremonies, all of the above. and r two, branding marketing. e don't have to tell our history anymore as a party. we've lost our history. e're the party of equality, freedom, opportunity. it's our party that has the rich history. wouldn't know because we don't say it. when's the last time you saw a a er that says, "i'm republican because --." we have an obligation, i do have obligation to protect the brand of this party. because it doesn't matter for paul ryan, marco rubio, rand paul, nicky haley.
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fact is, every one of these folks is going to have a big fat "r" next to their name and it stands for republican. we we have to finish what started. i think rick perry just ecclesiastes, starting finishing is better. we need to finish what we started. we'll stick ata, that for now. we need an open api platform. an ability for all of you and your organizations and friendly organizations to tap in of the data and use this voters, parallel, not up and down the party, but each g people talking to other. the last thing is i happen to elieve the primary system is a disaster. i happen to believe that -- i 28, n to believe that a
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withbate travelling circus moderators that are in the business of creating news at our party's expense has got to come to an end. an end.ill come to we need to control the to set the we need parameters of the debate. this is not an establishment takeover. this is using your brain. one thing ay, well, he forgot is that well mitt pondy was a duck under the all summer. he never defended himself. he got defined, got way from everybody. and there you go, it was all over. here's the problem. i don't want to get in the weeds with if you have a candidate, the campaign finance laws that are a candidate, 're a there are two pots of money that you raise money into. and a primary money pot general election pot. you can't use that general
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pot until you get nominated at the convention. you can't get to it. $100 million in the pot that you can't get it. candidate like mitt romney that's broke in june a ause they came through year-long primary, they are a duck in the pond for three months. so when you read that when we conventionmoving the from the end of august to the end of june, it's so that we can get to the general election money to be able to defend his candidates. going to shrink the duration of the primary. not an establishment takeover. trying to do what's right. listen, i'd rather win together lose together. right? for freedom attle in this country. same battle that james madison reaffirmed in the bill of rights. founder that founded
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our party in ripin, wisconsin. we are in a battle for freedom. a president and we've got an administration that bill of rights is a suggestion. why i've asked eric holder to resign. think about this. [ applause ] think about - this -- think about his view of the bill of rights? the one that read -- he's the one that delivered the miranda rights of the christmas day bomber. he's the one that said his legacy would be -- think about this, the attorney general of the united states of america. as you define his legacy being the guy who wants to make sure that all 9/11 terrorists in the united states federal court. that's what you define your legacy. such a believer in the miranda that he said he would
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read the rights over the dead osama bin laden, fast and furious, a contempt order including 17 democrats voting in favor. and that, of course, is tapping of the rest.nd all we have a lot to fight for. and in this country and in the movement that a apart together. to make hat we have sure that we also understand live in an amazing country and we have a lot of provide with a lot of struggles. we're blessed to be here. in pite of not winning november, god's also given us an opportunity to build out a and a team that can win. look, we're not running against kerry and al gore anymore. used to work.
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but 245i ear not going to work anymore. would just ask you that we come together and that we pray of our country. we pray without ceasing as first thesalonians has said, we pray eople would pray without ceasing, ayes would be open, and there's a better way to run this country, there's a better way of prosperity and freedom and growth. movement that believes that there's unlimited opportunity for everyone in this country. and that's what we want. i want to leave you with this. me -- for rtant for you to understand my heart. had a meeting with someone, i'm not going to tell you who it is, but it's something that i every day. i want you to know where i'm at day.y
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i was giving a -- i was having a conference with someone who's good to our party. a fairly intimidating guy. he can be really straightforward. know those types to get right to the point and tell it like it is. so i was talking to this person think we need to do in this party. and after about three minutes of he's like, i have to -- hang on a second. up.ten you're young, you're smart. now, that's questionable. but, he says you're young, you're smart. if you want a job here, i'd love have you. i'll hire you next week. but here's the deal -- big u're not willing to be and you're not willing to be bold, then don't waste my time. amen! >> don't waste your life. on't waste your kids' time and your wife's time. go big and go bold or forget it.t that is what we have to do together. stopped thinking about
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that every single day. thist to make you proud of party. that's my incentive. this isn't glory. this is grind. this is a grind for a greater purpose. nd that's what we've all been called to do. this party is starving for something simple. of their word to run for office and do what they said that they're going to do. it's really easy. we want real authentic people that want to serve this country and make a heart difference. that's what we're starving for. to deliver we want to you. and we also want you to know hat we're going to fight every single day like a dog to deliver year, 2014, s this and together great news for our country in 2016. let's build it together and let's win together.
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god bless you, thank you. dayhose attending the final of the faith & freedom coalition conference also heard from talk show , radio host and a presidential candidate in 2012. his remarks are about 15 minutes. >> thank you, thank you, thank you. thank you very much. but more importantly, thank you being here. and as usual, rabbs never gives time.ough so i'm going to take what i need scold n he can -- he can me later. you heard a lot of great presentations.
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, you've a lot of received a lot of information. remarks, make my winning in 2014, because i'm sick of people who are talking up.t giving we need to stop making excuses we had inlawsuit that 2012 and talk about what we're going to do to win in 2014. [ applause ] >> that's what we ought to be on.using so i'm not going to recount all why.he reasons as to when we lost, there's a whole list of them. of the biggest reasons that i believe that we did is conservatives that stayed home. were not ey enthusiastic. now look what we have? as a result of that? martin luther r.
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king jr. was quoted as saying following -- probably not one of the quotes you hear a martin 0 years ago said: "there is than g more dangerous or ere ignorance conscientious stupidity." to put it in to 2013 vernacular -- ignorant and e don't know it. and some people work at being stupid. it. work at now, i don't mean to cast a those et, but a lot of people helped to create the current situation that we're in. and the current situation we are in because of all of the reasons heard as ure you have
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to why we had the magnitude of defeats that we had, the current situation that we are in oday reminds me of george 84."ll's classic book, "19 he published that book in 1949. 30-year ooking at a horizon. talked about big brother controlling everything. even people's thoughts. only thing that george the time sed was frame. instead of 30 years that have given us what we have today. don't want to hear this. here.ig brother is already to control wants
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everything. they control our retirement, if we don't have supplemental. our health care, if kill this ble to terrible legislation. much of our money the tax code. and one of the fundamental big brother at operated under, which allowed it o be successful was the principle of ignorance is strength. you're big brother. big brother was able to do what he was able do in george orwell's "1984" because they intentionally kept people ignorant. john commented that on his remark. he's exactly right. we will see in today's
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environment is, if you don't gree, they must try to find ways to silence you. got the irs abuse. fcc intimidation. discrimination. intimidation. corruption. in it goes on and on and on and the the abuse corruption in the government that wants to control all of our lives. you're here and that's why i'm here because we're not going to be ignorant to the truth. be ignorant ng to to the fact because i know in this room believes
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do we're going to take our government back. after i dropped out of the presidential race because of the of the media, they thought i was going to be quiet. happen.not going to that's not going to happen. that's not going to happen. here's how we take our back.ment before you stop a train, you have to slow it down. discouraged le are because they think this is a sprint, its's a marathon. is running full speed socialism.ack toward
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and toward communism. yes, i said it. we're before we stop it and reverse it, we've got slow it down. we do in 2014. on slowing it now i respect all of the who might run ut for president in 2016, but there are things that we can do in that we should not overlook. -- two things -- two strategies that we must do focus on.t you to and if you don't know how to focus on these things, go to i've got instructions there to tell you how to do it. number one -- congress.f both houses. it's doable.
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--s doable with three things eta. not estimated time of arrival. enthusiasm. we need enthusiasm in people's hearts and souls. and enthusiasm will be generated hen people have a good understanding of what our brand conservative stands for. and i'm often asked -- well, how reach out to blacks, sians, hispanics, and other majorities? my answer is, same way you reach out to white people. [ applause ] get e tell you what people enthusiastic about. it's what i call and describe as
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prosperity. we should be in the business of education rriers to and be proud of charter schools. schooling, be e proud of that. better e barriers to education. we should be proud of removing jobs.ers to right now this economy is not growing even though we're being told it's growing. in the barrier removal business. we do not get that message out enough. jobs, rriers to entrepreneurship and ownership. that gets people excited. them enthusiastic about what it is that we stand for, team. targeted targeted -- races. targeted races. find some races when the time you can support.
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and help to get some of the there.people we have got to stop sending 90% folks in d.c. back to d.c. 90%. eta -- a -- activism. see, the foot soldiers like you and i are the ones that are oing to be able to change things. and the way we're going to be able to change things is we're or continue to create and expand what we've past y been doing for the several years of creating a activism, a of ground swell of citizens and patriots and conservatives. and here's how this works. create the ground swell around number two that i'm going o describe in a minute, then it's going to be so massive that politicians in washington,
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d.c. will want to get out in front of the parade. we've got to correct the parade get out in front of it. because that's how many members of the political class operation. you can see, there are two -- ses in this country now i call it the political class working class. all you have to do is come to washington, d.c. and i'm sure same way i the feel. you look at these and you wonder lord, some bureaucrat in there is trying to decide on my health care. the way we have to change things do it from the bottom up. secondly -- old. listening too stop and accepting mambypamby solutions to our problems.
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when ever politicians running for office comes to me and says, look, we have something in common. i say what's up that? reform the tax code. i say get way from me. i don't want to reform it. to replace the tax code. go bold! let me tell you another one. i gave a similar talk a couple of weeks ago to a group. when i mentioned the next one, there was no applause. because it was like they've that.y accepted it can't be done. obama care. go bold.
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the only way we can replace the obama care repeal is that we're going to have to create the movement on the part of the activist and the watch the and politicians be fighting each other to get out in front of the parade. that's how we do this. that's how we win in 2014. and if i didn't think it was doable, i wouldn't be here. if i didn't think it was doable, be on the radio five days a week, three hours a day. and for more information, you to her -- c-a-i-n. yes, that is a plug and i'm proud of it. i see some of my friends here georgia. and so let me close with the ollowing -- rav.lmost done,
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that i have togs fight, encourage every day on who want to people give up. and i have to remind them of that a lady who was gas to be put into the chamber in the end of the forget t and i'll never what she said. was berta.ame she was standing in front of the chamber. about to be put into the gas soldiershen the allied came and said, "the war is over." you're safe. the reporter asked her later, "did you ever give up?" "no."aid, standing right there in front of the door of the gas cham per, she never gave up.
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asked, why?rter "giving up is a permanent solution to a temporary condition." the state that we're in right ow in this country is temporary. back.e can take it because life can be a challenge. can seem impossible. it's never easy when there's so on the line. but you can make a difference. just for you.ion inside and you will find just what you can do. look inside. and you will find, just what you can do.
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our government back. discussion on conservatism and demographics freedom faith & coalition conference in washington. this is 20 minutes. >> good morning. aul teller with the u.s. house study committee worthy caucus right wingers in the u.s. house. of your support. three excellent panelists, nicholas thompson, senior vice president with the terrorist nation's of the republican polling firms. the name in mississippi wants me staffer in , former the bush white house and the nrcc, the national republican congressional committee.
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pleased to be joined by justin phillips, founder of the party nation. if you don't know him already, get to know him. e's one of the largest tea party groups in the country now. he writes many columns. see him on tv a fair amount. stay tuned for that. the incomparable john fund. e was a -- he's an editorial writer at "the wall street journal" for decades. columnist, ational national review, senior editor of the american spectator, one the nation's premier experts on voter fraud and frankly just long-time collaborator with me. him with sed to have us today. our topic is conservatism doomed demographics. cue the darth vader music. here, ecause you're all you're probably answering this question the same way. no, the it's not doomed. panelists are going to
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say the same thing. but we're going to have a few remarks, opening three or so minutes from each of them. hen i'll throw some questions at them and we'll get a good discussion going. why don't we start with nicholas, if you don't mind. is conservatism doomed by demographic s? >> not a chance. it's not doomed. is what i would like to see more people to become conservatives. what it is is data shows people life, secure and stable that enjoy a job, a stable job, a steady income who are married, who are a member of a family, who are middle-class families, who are a home, member of a church, these people re much more likely to be conservatives than those who aren't. what you can do is help those in help those of your friends, lobby for members on, tell your
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of congress, support legislation provide do things to security and stability for america. withthem have a better job cut government spending, use it so that we can grow job creation can help people have a stable and secure life. where we see conservatism growing. hat's where we see voters and americans in general have this ability to think about things just am i going to be able to afford my bills this month. think em the ability to about things like -- national security, and things like health care reform. things like government spending. that and get them to pay attention to issues that are numbers jump ee for conservatives. what i would like to see is more help being taken to people become what is one of the strongest demographic groups for
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which is sm middle-class families. that is one of the strongest identifying ere themselves as conservatives. and what i would like to see is way to draw ut a more people into that category who identify themselves as the family.class that would be great for conservatives. >> thank you. sir.eciate it, good let's jump to justin. >> thank you, paul. will say this, paul was worried about following e.w. jackson. i'm not worried. donor for a transplant operation. so i have no fear. doomed?rvatism absolutely, positively, no. i get an amen please? >> amen. media a lot.ocial i can make my career on social media. do it a lot. i end up talking to liberals. ann coulter said, argue with liberal if you must. hey have the same racist
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attitude. they think conservatism is a bunch of old white guys that we're going to die off like dinosaurs and that conservatism in the world. there will be little furry monkeys from star wars will again and who knows what else will happen. that is the most ludicrous, asinine, idiotic thing i've heard. freedom and liberty, the conservatism s of is the most ideal in the world today. freedom and tand liberty. go to iran. they are oppressed but people freedom and liberty. go to libya, saudi arabia, north oppressive ost nation of the world and there are people in the north korean because they understand liberty. they want liberty. ll they have to do is read the writings of the founding fathers, all they have to do is ead conservative bloggers
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today. they get liberty. liberty is not going just to ade away because the baby-boomers are getting older. it's just not going to happen. there's this one other cool thing that i like and i tell you not going atism is away. and that is liberals do not pay attention to science. warming.eve in global they believe al gore invented the internet. something else they can't believe too and i can't figure it out. that's e's something -- i can that out of d a book to you the city university of new york. and his book talks about changes technology ing in and medicine in the next 100 years. nd one of the things that you're seeing, that we're about to see is greatly expanded life people like us. so my parents were in the world generation.
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those of us who are you're mers, listen, if younger than us, that's one of conservatism is not going to die. we're not demographically doomed. we're not going be around a lot longer than liberals think they are. i'll be able to torment liberals for a long time to come. >> jump over for his opening remarks. we'll bounce back and forth. this conference is the intersection between faith and politics. the en the spiritual and secular. demographic ach groups that we need to attract to win the majority is to that faith and politics march together. that k one of the things we have to learn about emographic groups whether it's
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hispanics or asian americans or african-americans is you can't just go every two years into the and say vote for me. you have to be involved. ow, african-americans are a tougher nut to crack. but i'll tell you with other thnic groups, here's what is absolutely necessary. i want to reiterate something duffy told campos you. you need to go in and offer something tangible. spiritual t's counseling. sometimes it's just support for that's in trouble. holding a job community ing a meeting in which you offer everything for blood pressure cholesterol screening to setting up a website. 3 million hispanic businesses in this country. the majority of them are not on the web. website.t have a what if we trained young people, digital training
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on how to get a job designing ebsites working on the internet, a career that probably is a lot more interesting than the schools they're going to now they're learning. you have to give something tangible to them to show your sincerity. you have to give before you receive. that's a biblical principle. that that is the secret to actually break out of the omfort zone in neighborhoods we live in and make sure that we actually make contact with people because the single most important influence on how friends, e are their their neighbors, and their relatives. out on that reach basis, we can win. he other thing i wanted to emphasize what nicholas said. all of the things that you're communities local and your churches and your neighborhoods to promote faith families have a real political payoff. i call it the three ms to make conservative.
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the three ms are marriage, munch kins.d hese three ms make people more conservative because they instill responsibility in people. o the extent that we promote those, we build more stable neighborhoods and families, but we improve our political situation. and that can't be emfa sized enough. statistic -- take a list of order by let's rank caucasian women because it gets a little skewed otherwise. percentage of white women who are married. and rank in each state how many married. top 25 states where marriage rates are highest all went for romney. the bottom all went for obama. women of ried married points single point s
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women, he lost by 31. that's the secret. people married, get people a mortgage, and let's improve our munchkin rate. >> thank you. on that very point that some of you have already -- have already touched on. it wrong for us to even speak of large demographic groups? should we not say hispanic? because we need to drill down nd talk more about married hispanics? or women hispanics, single those cs, things along lines. can we drill a little bit into that topic. fort wrong as conservatives us to even talk about these large groups in that way on john, -- i don't know, nicholas, whoever? >> nicholas can go first. so.i think we consistently heard during the election in 2012 that romney had
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a women problem. all se they lumped them together. what did we just hear. he didn't have a women problem. he had a single women problem. was it a single woman problem or a single problem? we saw the very similar numbers among single men. there's something about marriage draws people into conservatism. nd i think that it is -- the more they talked about women, i not he's -- romney is winning married women. it's important to talk about the groups like that. otherwise, they lump them together. they usually do it in a way most beneficial to the democrat candidate and it clear really provide a picture of everything that's out there. that's my thought. jump back in on that? >> i'll wait for another one -- >> how about this. a ot of times when you hear topic like changing demographics, you immediately think, hispanics.
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that maybe that is the major trend these days. but we don't hear a lot about asians. that's the silent sleeper group that we should be looking about.alking more i don't know if the panelists have thoughts or experience the growing asian american minorities? >> i've been writing a long article on this. we need to pay attention to the called silent minority. we spend a lot of time talking hispanics, they were between 9% and 10% of the electorate in 2012. 3% are asian. asian voters should be people attract. they have high income levels. higher me levels are than white americans in general. asian americans have incredible structure, incredibly and in fact thics,
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bill92, our living memory, clinton got less than a third. bob dole carried the asian vote. went south that mitt romney only carried 27% of the vote. the asian vote is very different. bangladeshi american, 93% of you voted for barack obama. a vietnamese-american, 2/3 voted republican. so it's a wide range. surprisingly, and people don't realize this, the second most ethnic group in america are filipinos. the second most republican. so here's what i learned from the 2012 election. the asian vote collapsed. but in nevada, they tried a special program of outreach the asian lange they asian spokesmen, made a special effort and mitt romney got 48% of the asian vote in nevada.
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that's important. because 9% of the voters in nevada were asian. saved senatorvote dean heller's senate seat ecause he was the only republican -- the only close race that was won by a republican. do it this year. new jersey and virginia are the wo states that have off of their elections. chris christie is governor of new jersey because he won the profoundly in 2009. in new jersey, it's largely indian, indian americans. doctors, ricans are they're lawyers, they're engineers. because d their votes they were so disgusted by the corzine administration. bob mcdonald made a special ffort in fairfax for asian voters. 43% asian.t, barack obama carried 63% of that bob mcdonald worked that precinct and carried 54% of that vote in the precinct.
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done. be we have to reach out on things opposition choice, to quotas, asian americans are often the most damaged by quotas. hard work, individualism in the sense of not being dependent on family, utside of your and frankly, religious values. as you probably know, well over 50% of korean americans are protestant. many of them evangelical. that goes for many other ethnic groups. they're more christian than you realize. they're nvisible, working so hard that we basically don't see them, we talking 't think about to them. we have do that. population is growing faster. the number of immigrants in this isntry among asian americans now greater than the numbers of hispanic immigrants entering legally. >> thank you. goes along the theme of let's not look at these groups segments, we do
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need to break it down if we're going to target them. we're t question because running out of time, but maybe guys mentioned before how we need to connect with the minority communities in commuters. we need to go to them. dhou we do that? also as members of congress. we get there. >> reaching the communities. there's a bigger problem than just reaching the communities. if we want to look at the 20,000 foot view, republicans are horrible at messaging. trying tore if you're reach asian americans, african-americans, red neck americans, i don't care who trying to reach, republicans are horrible at messaging. eric cantor. i'm going pick on him. was a hash messaging makinglifework.
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hash tag, wtf -- that does mean by the way.future, in order to reach these communities, you have to figure messaging. because john was talking about the single women, losing the single women vote. that?did "war on women." if you look at the virginia ace -- what is terry mcauliffe's strategy already? he's messaging war on women. we have to do it at the macroeconomic level for lack of but also at the micro level. we have to microtarget individual communities. bangladeshi americans, pakistani americans. tennessee e from, americans. we really are americans, i swear to you. obama's team t did so well in the 2012 election where they could data mine down to individuals, what the triggers work for them, how to message them.
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have to do it to individual communities. that as well? on >> getting on their two comments community,oing to the figuring out the things that government would normally do. cobble together a group of businesses or community activists to do that function communicate, you know, if it's testing for diabetes or fair, pressure or a job let's not get the government to do it. how can we get your businesses or churches or organizations to come together and say sponsored by your local community? >> this is brought to you by -- filllunteer people to help out their tax forms to save them from the irs. >> excellent, excellent. sounds good. are unfortunately out of time. which we had, you know, hours to with this fantastic panel. a great lineup of speakers coming. shameless plug for the house conservative website. f you want to connect with the
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conservatives in the house, weekly sign up for updates for the u.s. house conservative, twitter, facebook, of that stuff. will you join me in the panel? . autz applause next, q&a with politico reporter patrick gavin. that, british prime minister david cameron takes questions for members of the house of common sense. then look at the operations of the foreign intelligence urveillance court known as the fisa court.
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