tv Public Affairs CSPAN July 3, 2013 10:00am-1:01pm EDT
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rights go? host: fred kaplan? guest: on the first issue, this is a serious issue. armed monopolies usually don't last long. armed competitions usually overwhelm monopolies. we have an advantage of being a long way from most of the people or countries that would want to do harm to us, although we found out on september 11, since only- that is goes so far. a lot of countries can get drones. it is a little harder to have drones that go a long ways. it is harder still to put satellites up in space that you can beam the signals and the communications back to the base that you need, yeah, this is going to happen at some point. the second question in terms of privacy overhead, i don't think
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there is any. ?f there you g -- is there i don't think so. they invented some x-ray machine that looked into your roof and your house, maybe, but i think the courts have pretty well ruled that cameras looking on public streets is not an invasion of privacy. the: you write your book "insurgents," that is the title of the new book, i'm wondering what was david petraeus' role in the use of drugs, and is that what you are talking about in this book ech? guest: the book is completely different. the book is about the rights of the idea of counterinsurgency as a new style of warfare, and the role that petraeus and this small group of intellectual officers around him, the impact that they had on u.s. military policy and culture, mainly in
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iraq and afghanistan, but also in the changing view of war. petraeus, i mean, he certainly relied on drones to some degree, as a commander in iraq and again in afghanistan. certainly he was involved in the program when he was a cia director. as i said, the use of groans -- of drugs in countries where we are not in war is a cia operation. so he would have been involved targets andhe approving which targets to hit. host: fred kaplan conservative to the latest edition of m.i.t. technology review for this piece. here is the cover of the july/ august edition for 2013 theory is also the author of the " insurgents -- david pretorius and the plot to change the american way of war." thank you for your time. we appreciate it. that of the for today's
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"washington journal." up next, coverage of the national press club, where it -- where there are critics of barack obama's pic for you and ambassador samantha powers. that is next. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2013] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] >> good morning, ladies and gentlemen. thank you for joining us. my name is frank gaffney, i am the president of the center for security policy. thisglad to be sponsoring event on the eve of our nation's wethday to showcase what wha believe is a problematic nomination by president obama to the position as the permanent representative of the unit states to the united nations.
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a woman by the name of samantha power. it is in stark contract to the fourth of july, and the sentiment that most of us exit -- exhibit that. samantha power has been harshly critical over a long period of time of our country. my review it -- my personal thought is that she is confused with the blue are actually enemies of the united states when it comes to the character of this country, its role in the world, and the kind of positions that it has embraced and stood for and as spouse. we believe that a view of the united states that is positive, that is appreciative of its , andon behalf of freedom
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is committed to a world in which freedom actually survives and prosperous instead of being increasingly subjected of oppression in one form or another, the totalitarian left form, or the islamist form, or, nation of the two. the two.ombination of this is the moment when no intiments are so much evidence around the world, and especially at the united nations that we need someone , whosenting this country would recommend -- for present someone to the united nations rather than represent the unite nations to the united states, as i fear will be the case with samantha power. we are very pleased to have with us a distinguished panel of
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people who bring a wealth of experience and differing perspectives on this question of the power nomination and whether the senate of the united states should concur in it. we're going to go through the batting order, and i will introduce each of them in turn. we will begin with lieutenant colonel allen west, united .tates army retired allen west is a man who is not only distinguished in the battlefields of this country around the world, but also in the halls of the united states congress pier and we represented people of florida in the last congress, and i'm very pleased to say, now serving this country in the private sector and helping us make the case that samantha power should not be the next u.s. ambassador in colonel west. , and thanku, frank you for allow me to be part of this distinguished out -- panel. at a time when the middle east
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is in complete turmoil, iran is a serious threat, radical islamists are exerting a bold vision for a united dominance. at a time when china is expanding its regional might come at a time when russian ce is clearly evident, , resident obama's novation of samantha power is in conceived. ms. power has consistently americanisdain for strength and a troubling manner toward our greatest ally, the state of israel. she is the wrong choice for these troubling times for to cement the power presents no diplomatic qualifications, and along the lines of the susan rice, is nothing more than a loyal obama acolyte, and if susan rice did when repeatedly lying to the american beagle, i do not think we can expect any more from samantha power. samantha power possesses no
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ability to present a strong american character and a politic replete with dictators. ms. power is an uber left militant progressive, whose previous statement against america and israel should cause us concern. then again, perhaps she is the ideal for the obama an ambassador as to the united nations. tomorrow we celebrate the 237th anniversary of our independent independence. the following day, china and russia will experiment with the largest naval exercise. when you consider the fact that we have a national security team composed now, susan rice, chuck hagel, john kerry, john brennan, and now possibly samantha power, this is without a doubt a the weak, andling,
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disturbing national security team america has seen, and is a threat to us as free and independent state, which is what the founding fathers said fort the menset forth when signed the declaration of independence. i will close by putting the visible military terminology -- the novation of samantha power would be the united states u.n. ambassador is simply fubar. thank you. >> i think the technical term for that is hoo-hah. thank you, colonel. your from a man who served as the deputy to and other u.s. permanent representative to the united nations, whose service contrasts so strongly with what we might expect from this perspective candidates. , and heor josé sorzano worked with jeanne kirkpatrick
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from 1983 to 1985. he also served as a special assistance to the residence of the united states for the national security affairs with regard to latin america from 1987 to 1988. we are delighted to have his corporate memory of what was one of the heydays of american representation at the united nations. thank you for your service. >> thank you, frank, and good morning to you. as you heard frank say, i was the deputy of -- deputy permanent representative, a peculiar name, permanent representative, when you consider the tenure of an american to the yuan is anything less than permanent, 1.8 years. if samantha power gets not make him a will have just about that, so it is not very permanent. why is it called permanent? ofause the yuan is a circus
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about 17 circles, there are constantly conventions and meetings, and there is maybe a meeting on population, so the american ambassador on population affairs comes. then we will have another one on the environment, and the american to the environment comes. but there is somebody who is their consulate, net -- and therefore -- there are some who is there constantly, and that is why the title permanent is there. i would say that ambassador kirkpatrick, and i would say pat be what's anld american ambassador to the yuan should be. i served with one of them, and i think the nature of the body, the limbs that somebody like that actually represents the united states. the yuan miscarried -- the u.n. mischaracterizes. if there is any the policy in the united nations, take place in the corrido, and is
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normally between two countries that actually talks, and that is happens. more likely, the u.n. can be characterized as a battleground, a battleground where connolly they are -- where constantly their votes are taken. when their votes are not being , coalitions groups get formed. and constantly therefore there is a dynamic that is closer to a elementary's situations in a simple matter -- a parliamentary situation than a diplomatic one. what movie votes are the ideas and the values that are being expressed in those things. words, ideas, are the bullets and the explosions of working there. ,he votes in the united nations we constantly, the united states in opposition. the votes regularly show the united states is in a lopsided
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minority. you say the votes to not count because $.25 is not buy you a cup of coffee anywhere anymore. so why do we care about what happens in the u.n.? because ideas have consequences. consequences can be very damageing to the united states. the fact is, the ideas that are expressed in their symbolic environments, that symbolic environment guides international policies. that's about environment can be used to legitimize or delegitimize ideas, policies, even nations. so what we have any u.n. u.n. is a situation where the united states is confronted with all kinds of adversaries. adversaries that billy the very opposite of what the united states believes. therefore, dr. howard has says the u.s. should
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.ilitary- express humility humble is not something that works. you are aggressive attacks. when were there, we were told by foreign service officers that we should not answer the criticisms of the united states because it was a white chinese proverb that says dogs don't fight with chickens. responded --hen what do the dog do when 100 chickens attack its? she was very pleased with herself, and she was -- she told it to president reagan, who then i wanted fry chicken. that is the correct attitude to have. you have got to act -- you have got to aggressively respond to criticisms. we believe in good things. we believe in personal liberties, equality, human rights, and we should not be shy, we should not be humble about this. if you begin to apologize, if
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you begin to be humble, you will be run over. a a result, i would say that position like i've heard dr. howard's tesxt, that she believs we ought to be humble and we do have concerns about the errors that we have had, well, i used to teach in georgetown university, political philosophy. plato said that the just man is never unjust. if he is unjust, obviously he is not just any more. aristotle said that is not make any sense because we experience teaches us that you can make mistakes and still be a just man. yes, the united states has made mistakes, but in general, i would prefer the aristotle version, not the platonic one. we are a good country, we have done good things in the world. we should be proud represent our country. therefore humility -- it is
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good for other places, but certainly not for the u.n.. thank you very much. >> thank you, mr. ambassador. full is closer, i was a student 's, and i did not do all that well to be privately honest with you. i'm glad we are on the same site now, sir. next up, we will be hearing from another distinguished veteran of our united states army, he rose to the ranks of lieutenant general in the service in uniform. he also served in a number of distinguished positions on the civilian side in the intelligence community and defense department. he was, in his last post, the deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence. --ch under general william lieutenant general william "jerry" boykin, thank you for being with us. >> it is a privilege to be with
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this distinguished panel. it is interesting that yesterday was the anniversary of probably the most important vote that has been taken in u.s. history. 56 men came into philadelphia, one of which wrote all night in a rainstorm to cast the deciding vote. two separate america from the crown of england. we became a sovereign nation at that point. colonel west and i have spent a lot of years supporting and defending the constitution that was written to identify us as a sovereign nation. in that constitution, as do these other people here who have also served america. to defend and protect the constitution. when i constitution was written,
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it provided for something theed unalienable rights, idea that rights came from the king, or these are, or the -- or or czar, or the callous even the tribal leader was disregarded. instead, they recognized that their rights came from god. we have an international body to data believes it should be all-powerful. it is called the united nations. we have entities across the world to include in the united states that we very much would like for that to be a global governing body. unfortunately, i believe, based on all the research that i've done, samantha power believes the same thing. you see, what the founding fathers gave us was the true individual liberties. our constitution is the only thing in the history of mankind that provided for every one of the needs of the individual
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citizen. that cannot be usurped. this monolithic body copy united nations would very much like to usurped the individual rights of americans and be the global dominant power. if you estimate the power's track record, there is a strong indication that her attitude is just the opposite, that she would like to very much convince us that we should be ashamed of america. that we should apologize for and actions.tory what i would remind ms. power, .e saved to consonants we liberated millions of people around the world. every time there is a natural disaster anywhere, anytime there is strife anywhere, america has always been there first with the most. ight to be proud
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to be an american. i think colonel weston i would tell you that we have seen on the battlefield and places where we have been criticized, we have seen people coming to us saying thank you. thank you for what you have done for my country, thank you for giving me my freedom. samantha power's attitude that we need to cede our sovereignty to the united nations is very misguided and is very dangerous as far as i'm concerned. maintaining our sovereignty and maintaining our pride in being americans i think are fundamental to our future. i would encourage that people look into her statements, her writings, and do an assessment of her attitude toward america and compare that to what she said about the united nations, and what america's relationship should be with the united nations, and i think you will conclude just as i have that
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what she would really like to do authority to that international body. i believe that i have given enough of my life to this country, that i have the privilege and the liberty to stand up and say i oppose her, and i oppose her on the ground of u.s. sovereignty. very much. thank you next, we will hear from another extraordinary american patriot. diana west, she is the author of, a truly amazing new book entitled "american betrayal -- the secret assault on our nation's character." she wrote the best center -- the bestseller "the american grown up -- how arrested development is bringing down western civilization echo she is a --
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civilization." she is a nationally syndicated publicist. to the correspondent for a publication in europe, for a much on the frontline of the war for the world. this batch international. -- "this batch international." "dispatch international." diana west. >> to eye, frank, and thank you for the opportunity to sit with this most distinguished panel in opposition to samantha power's nomination to the united nations ambassadorship. i would like to interject a little historical perspective, i realize i'm going to say something that will sound shocking to the assembly among because this is something that we never discussed about the united nations. the united nations was of course established under long will it -- largely american offices in
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1945 as world war ii was endein. the person in charge of shaping, guiding, fostering the united nations into his -- into existence was outer hits, -- was alger hiss. he was a soviet intelligence agents, working for the soviet union, not the united states, working for justice stalling, not frequent roosevelt. i make this point because here we are speaking about the erosion of sovereignty that the .nited nations represents the undermining of the nationstate that we can now look back on some 60 some years later, and the effectiveness of the united nations as a -trategic prong of marxism leninism, another did term would not use anymore, another other
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out-of-state date notion. these ideas are alive and well, and certainly saturated in our society at large. the united nations in many ways has been a lighthouse of these tenets. originallyof moscow and headquartered in new york city. looking back, i think what also becomes clear is that those times when the united states has been better served at the united nations, and i say better served because in my opinion, we have been ill served by the united nations by our involvement with the united nations. our ambassadors there have been citizens with american interests at their top priority. , notlobal governance multinational norms. ambassadors are patrick, morning -- ambassadors kirkpatrick and moynahan are american citizens, patriots with those american interests as their top pro worries.
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this is what samantha power, who is certainly well described as a global is, is unsuitable as an american ambassador to the united nations. there is a big house. she is also almost unenthusiastic for the deployment of troops to trouble in what she terms as humanitarian crises that are completely, they have been completely devoid of any connection to american security interest. if samantha power goes to the united nations of our permanent representative, we will see an increase in aggressive employment of american troops around the world to places that have no relation to american interest. i think this is dangerous, and that is why i oppose her nomination as well. >> diana, thank you. this perspective is particularly appreciated because as has been
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often pointed out, if we do not learn from lessons of history, we are doomed to repeat some of the worst of it. not least, we have a man who has for decades now, i believe, lead one of the most important organizations in america, the zionist organization of america, his name is more decline. -- mort kline. he is a member of the national council of american public affairs, although i do not think you are seeking on their behalf today. you are speaking on behalf of an estimable organization, the zionist organization of america. he is enormously influential in terms of matters involving not and israel's interests security, but those of the united states as well. it is a great pleasure to have you with us. >> to issa much, frank, for all
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of your hard work in putting this together. thank you, everyone in the audience, for not starting your july 4 vacation early like most people started to be. the train station was nearly indeed. it was clear we were not coming from philly to this event. i also have to say, my wife told me i had to say this before i speak. i unfortunately have tourette's syndrome. it is a no wrote -- it is a neuro-chemical disorder, that is why the first woman who wanted to marry me, i married her medially, i did not take any chances. zoa, theresident of oldest provisional group in the united states, 1897, past presidents include distinguished americans. every jewish paper was written
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about samantha power, and most of them have, mention one article, mention one episode, in which seizehe said something horrendous, that this is a problem, but it was 10 years ago, and this was in an interview where she said that we must spend billions of dollars of u.s. money to establish a palestinian state and bring in a mammoth military profession -- protection force, those are her words, to protect the new palestinian state from uses,li human rights abor even if this offends, she said at this interview, a domestic constituency of tremendous political and financial oupower, meaning jews, of course. she said this in 2002. this is when there was a horrific power werar going on
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against israel where 2000 israel is, from early jews, were murdered, 10,000 maimed. there were suicide bombs and restaurants and buses constantly, she is saying let's give them a state. even though -- it was a dictatorship, we have to remember that. abbas was elected, apparently. so this is a terrorist dictatorship. when she has been asked, and some of the articles mentioned it, about these unbelievable statements, she does a jackie mason -- i do not remember, i do not understand, did i really say, what can i have meant, maybe somebody else said it. she just is not even try to explain it, saying this is impossible, how could i have said this. but of course she did say it. if this was the only episode of which she said something horrific about israel, you could almost forgive her and forget about it. the articles claim that was it,
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but it is far from true. at least seven or eight years, and she constantly criticizes israel for committing war crimes, human rights abuses, she said -- she wants the that the "new york times" had an article that said of the arrows were lying, there was no massacre in headlinee said the should not have been there was no massacre in jenin, it should have said that we see signs of israeli war crimes. that is what she said, complaining about this article in the "new york times." she has complained about human rights abuses by israeli services -- soldiers. she said the united states human rights concerns rain hollow if we do not condemn the human rights abuses of creating jewish communities. by the way, not not a single new community has been created since august began. abbas began.
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we should come been -- condemn human rights abuses about israel, but never condemn the fact that abbas have completely stated that in a new state of palestine when it is created, they claim we will not allow a single jew to live there. what could be more of a racist, anti-semitic, human rights abuse than that, and she never mentions that part? she condemns the sense of our life as she goes over the sense .n the ides of america our sense of allies have been numerous, especially those of saudi arabia, turkey, pakistan, russia, and israel. she mentions israel in the same rest with these other countries, who are horrific human rights abusers. she was compared israeli prime termter --, using the
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that tom friedman coined. she said we always lambaste rfi, but not sharon. arafat but not sharon. , which is aiew leading, very liberal, very left-wing is ever in israel, during the 2008 campaign, she was asked about, we are worried about obama's position on israel, and she said you know, the jewish people, when it comes to foreign policy, all they repeatedly state is is a good for the jews. almost a borderline anti- semitic statement, as if jews are disloyal to america and all we care about is israel, not --ut america, and of coarse of course jews in america are astonishingly loyal and hard worker. -- hard-working. she complains about foresee
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policy by the united, biting by special interest in this country, again strongly inclined, jewish people are controlling our foreign policy, she said because of the special interest, we are reflected to israeli interests, which harms american interests. a number of years ago, she complained that bush is lying about iran, that there is no movement toward nuclear weapons, and she strongly implied that we went into iraq because of israel. that israel made us go into iraq. zoa agrees with the "new york post" columnist lieutenant colonel ralph peters who calls her in an article several weeks leftist with no qualifications to be u.s. ambassador to go and we agree with melanie phillips who wrote
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that "samantha power is extreme and dangerous to the u.s. and the world." yet she continues, samantha power, over these years to complain only about israel, never about the palestinians, despite the fact that palestinians repeatedly have emblems such as this. this is the official emblem of the palestinian authority, the ruling party. you see that, a map of all of israel, not just the west bank and gaza. you see this rifle, promoting violence, and a pitcher of the -- a picture of the terrorists. this was five years ago. and a brand-new one, that samantha power never talks about, is the 40th anniversary of the party. this is only a few months old. a map of all of israel with the seal over it. this is a rifle promoting violence, a key, meaning the so- called millions of refugees have
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to go back to their homes if they left, there is the key. , release thens terrorists of israel that you have imprisoned. how much more clear that the palestinian group have to be enjoying all of these emblems that all of israel if there'irs? and openly stating that no jew will be allowed to even live there. so we strongly believe, when you look at her record, it is isar that samantha powered bad for america, bad for israel, and we strongly oppose her nomination as the united states are presented of two united nations. thank you very much. >> one less detail last emblem that you showed is, of course the mosque of jerusalem, that would be their capital if there had their way -- if they had their way. one of the other distinguished
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ambassadors that has represented our country at the united nations in the way we believe it must be represented was unable to be with us today, but has authorized me to share onh you a quote that he gave a radio program that i host, secure freedom radio, nationally syndicated. wroc, 1260at 9:00 on a.m. i just leave, he said "samantha powers one of the exponent of the theory that the of american military force to defend american national interests is almost invariably a bad thing. but the use of american military force for humanitarian purposes ,s she and others define them with no relation to american natural -- national interests is ."good thing to g he went on
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he went on "she asserts that the united states owes apologies to the world. she is compared those apologies to germany's apologies after world war ii and the holocaust. she has taken a very negative view of israel in the world, and all of us come in with the opportunity to our country at the united nations gives her a platform. it is hard to know what her influence would be, but it could be considerable and negative." lastly, we have on the table outside, released today a letter that is being sent to every member of the united states senate by 49 signatories, there have been many more than a sign have not been added to this list, i think we will continue to upgrade these numbers before the confirmation hearing takes place. the best i can tell, i spoke with a member of the staff of
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one of the senators on the foreign relations committee this morning, and i gather it is still not scheduled. it is still a ways out. i did want to read you two paragraphs from this letter signed by the folks present here and many others representing important organizations involved both primarily and to even lesser degrees in the national security affairs and foreign- policy affairs and public policy affairs of our country. now,letter reads in part " more than ever, the united states needs to return to the kind of you and representation it has enjoyed in the past, with prominent figures from both parties, like daniel patrick moynihan and jean -- and jeanne .irkpatrick they loved and admired our nation, exulted in its exceptionalism, and courageously
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,efended it against all enemies foreign and domestic. they were under no illusions, and increasingly challenges influence and power at american expense. samantha power's decade-long track record makes clear that she neither embraces these principles nor is disposed to play this important role in advancing them. in the strongest of terms to ensure that a great american, not someone like samantha power, who reviles america's greatness, once again represents us at the united nations." with that, i want to think again this wonderful panel, and we would be happy to take any questions you may have. please identify yourself and your organization if you would. then fire way. also, if you wish to direct a question to somebody, please do so. we have a mic that is in motion.
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in the back? hi, faith mcdonnell from the institute on religion and democracy. this is for anyone who wants to answer. >> come away from the mic, i guess that is the problem. maybe you have to come around the corner. --well >> speaks quickly, there we go. >> my question is, in spite of the fact that samantha power was such a vocal voice on genocide in darfur and helped with the demonization of president bush, saying he was not doing enough, since she has been in a position of power, she has not really done anything for sudan, for the ongoing genocide in darfur, or for the new bum out and slaughter going on right now. you think that will have any impact on people who might thought of her as a champion of that and might sway their opinion of her?
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>> who would like to take that? >> i would be willing to take that. >> colonel? >> a general always volunteers the kernel. colonel. >> thank you for not making me do push-ups. we think about sudan, this is about radical islamists and sudan. for whatever reason, we see a consistency in this evisceration to not challenge radical islamist. with what is going on right now in egypt, we had a president that told him that he needed to step down, yet he has not said anything about mohamed morsi. we had administration, a national security council that by imitation brought in a very radical islamic cleric on the 30th of june by the name of onikh bin by, and of course the 30th of june, the decision was made by the administration to arm the syrian rebels.
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these are the exact same syrian rebels that on the 23rd of july, beheaded a catholic priests. so i think they see a consistency with the administration in siding with islamist and not speaking out against them. what is happening in sudan is exactly the same thing that is happening in syria and various other places all across the islamic world. we need to have people that are willing to confront that and stand up and not just be cherry picking issues. --frank --history retweets itself repeats itself. kirkpatrick got to the tension of the governor reagan. she wrote an article in which she actually said, one was bad, but this one is the worst. , but castro is worse. we have a situation now in the arab spring in which we have gotten rid of people who are bad, and what we have seen now
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is the replacement are worse. i would say that we are repeating the episode in which we were supporting rebels against those that we are now support during -- supporting rebels again in theory. the we are likely to see same consequences that we have seen before. >> frank, can i just make a comment on that? and i'm glad you brought this issue up, ma'am. if samantha power or anybody else wants to do anything in the human rights arena, protect the christians in egypt and syria and pakistan, protect those christians. those are human rights abuses.. and protect the jews that are being fired on every sale they buy the will want to kill them and don't even recognize their sovereignty. , to there so right best of my knowledge, i have
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read virtually everything i could find on her. she has never spoken out about the constant murder of christians throughout the world. especially the middle east and africa. never spoke out against the constant suicide bombings that were occurring for six years against -- murdering jews. and she is also a leader in the movement called response ability to protect. this is funded largely by george soros, an anti-israel fishes hater of israel, who is a billion or, who says we should ignore sovereignty, and go into countries if civilians are being killed. on the face of it, that things like not an unreasonable thing, and a good thing, possibly, but i am very worried that this --ld be used in a hospital a hostile government to stop israel from going to gather to defend itself, sub us from going into iran or syria because civilians will be killed, as is true in any war, especially when arab terrorists
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soldiers invent themselves. i'm worried that the major person is involved and will be used against israel's ability to defend itself, such it when she is not spoken out against the massacres of and christians throughout that region. just one other point, i think you may have alluded to it earlier, but dubious -- but to be explicit, samantha power has a mammothaid that intervention forces to be put on on the ground in israel to protect the palestinians. u.s. force mammoth was her exact words. this is the one she's so confused about what she could've possibly been thinking at the time. what she has been thinking is what she has always been thinking. yes ma'am, right here. , penny starr with cns news, you talk about the general ideology and philosophy.
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can you give any specifics about what you think she could, what actions she could take that would harm the sovereignty of the united states if she is appointed? >> well, i think that everyone here should ask samantha power once a question -- do you support you in resolution 1618? blasphemyalled the law. because if you support that, that means you do not believe in the freedom of speech, which is enshrined in our first amendment's here the united states of america. >> may i say some thing about that -- there is a number of ways in which seemingly innocent and good things actually harm the sovereignty of the united states. the of the lobby of the sea create an organization to administer the law of the sea. the question is -- how would you finance that's organizatiothat ?
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the you and make the property -- a contribution, see you have some power of the purse, so to speak. but if you have a situation in which now you begin to tax resources that are mined out of the bottom of the seas, then you have an organization that does members that have contributed, but it has its own resources, and therefore the sovereignty of the united states is undermined. let me say also, the belief that the law of the sea is going to permit the ec transit or free transit of our battleships through the gulf or places like that, it just as crazy. none of these countries are going to oppose a fleet of the united states going through, ok, because the reason we look through is because we have a fleet. regardless of whether the u.n. ok that are not. it is insane. >> unfortunately, that is not the only treaty. there is one of the before the
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senate right now, concerning the rights of disabled. i am sorry, could somebody help us with the mic? can i think into that mi -- can i speak into that mic? thank you. this one is behaving better now. just for a quickly, the problem that ambassador sorzano just mentioned is not unique to the world of c trading. it is endemic in the effort that the united nations has engaged in. going back to its very roots of creating through collectivist approaches, international norms, as they are fond of saying, and treaty obligations and other arrangements, institutional and otherwise. they are designed to sap sovereignty, most especially of this country. and the reality is that whether
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it is the rights of the disabled or the rights of children, or the rights of sean, the law of the treaty, climate change, it always sounds good. it almost always is at the direct expense of our freedoms, our rights to defend ourselves, and otherwise protect the interests, i think, of freedom more generally. for all these reasons, this is a bad bit of business as an organization, and not something that we want someone who is an enthusiast about these sorts of things to emote. -- to promote. >> i had one thing to add. much an attack on sovereignty, but a very cavalier attitude, an attack on americans, in a very personal way. samantha power in 2007 brody wrotelowing review of --
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a very glowing review of, a counterinsurgency manual. the basic permits essex plaintiff is the population protection, and the flip side of that is the denigration, or the lessening of force protection as a tool of turning the native population against the insurgency. we have never had a national conversation about the efficacy of this, but it is not been good or successful. the theory itself is increasingly quietly following -- falling into disrepute, but not quickly enough to what i would like to say is that this , this cavalier attitude to the lives of our military troops is extremely alarming.
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views andck to her eagerness, it seems, to deploy american forces around the world in service of an ideology that would cause humanitarian, but happens to mesh very neatly and alarmingly so with the basis of world governance and these kinds of marxist-leninist notions that have morphed into different norms in our society, and our culture today. this is dangerous. it is a concern for americans, for the survival of american life. >> to it. dana milbank with the washington post. you said she is similar
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to our enemies, others say she is bad for america, is anybody thing that she is disloyal to her country? that she is unpatriotic, that she is an enemy of the united states, or are we just thing that you disagree with her politics? >> i can only seek for myself. my view is that what everyone thinks -- i can only speak for myself. my view is that whatever one things of her patriotism is very clearly not the view of patriotism that is shared by the vast majority of the american people, nor do i think by any sort of common definition of the term. but that is not really the point. the point is in this official capacity, if affirmed by the united states senate, will this individual be promoted what patriots believe about our country, what we stand for, what this country does in the world,
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or will she be working in ways that are absolutely antithetical to those views? you are not hearing anything? i'm ok. all right, good. so anyway, there may be other views on the subject, and i would welcome comments. us being heret today, we are talking about runcible's that established -- principles that established this nation 200 37 years ago. we're talking about an individual, she believes in something that is the antithesis of those present will, that establish us as a sovereign state, constitute a republican and that is just an ideal of american exceptionalism. i know that people want to always have the cute little media soundbites, she is unpatriotic, she is un-american, that is not what this is about. this is about a serious concern. when i think about, and i saw friends in uniform, as i'm sure general boykin does, and i have relative who is very close to
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me in uniform. i do not want somebody to be in a position that sees them as someone that they could just throw into a meat grinder for some really distorted, misguided view and perspective of human rights and humanitarian assistance. that is what concerns me the most toward -- the most. that is why i am here, because there are a lot of men and women in uniform who cannot say i am saying up your right now. say what i am saying up here right now. >> i make my position on the basis of five-year six. in the u.n. an unbelievably collocated system. if you are parachuted in expressing they dynamics of the parliamentary system, you are not likely to be very effective. if they suddenly put me in the senate, and i have to compete with people who have been there for 20 years. i was taught one by one all of , simply because i
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experienced them. after a while, you show blood on your shirt, you know how to do -- to do it. that my view is that the character of the person will not be a character that dr. power seems to have in the sense that you need to be able to forcefully show your views. i believe that anybody -- that is not capable of doing that will not be represented the united states well. >> anybody else? anybody else on this question? if not, i think we will wrap up. thank you very much for taking the time to be with us. i commend youdid, for deferring a little bit your start of your holiday. i hope you will have a fourth of july that all of us would like to have, which is one that is imbued with the sense of
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the grace that we have been allowed to live in this great country. that that same sentiment will guide the senate in considering how and by whom we should be revisited in the united nations in the days ahead. thank you very much for joining us. we are adjourned. [applause] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2013] [captioning performed by national captioning institute]
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president obama nominated samantha power on june 5 of this year. among the issues the it ministration is facing today is the addiction army's deadline for the country's islamist president. the military commander has demand and he addressed the protesters who have turned out in the streets in huge numbers demanding that he leaves. ejection media reports the military appears to be tightening control before the deadline faced by president mohamed morsi. easternnight at 8:00 here on c-span, journalists and tv network specialists discuss healthcare and its impact on costs. it took about help it has changed over its history. here is a brief look. >> every business would like to be -- my son had an appendectomy. a billll from -- i got from an independent contractor for the services being discharged by the auto cleared. the hospital swears that has nothing to do with the bill, i
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have to pay with this independent contractor grade everyone in the hotel business would like to do that, but we cannot. no one can do things like that, except in healthcare. >> why can't you because he volunteered -- >> you go to a hotel -- >> you go to a different hotel -- >> on my television network, you would have seen ads for cancer centers. getting cancer is not a voluntary act. what has changed in healthcare, although we never talk about it during political debate, that most healthcare is now a result of deliberate choice by the patient. it would hurt our business if we did, but we view it as a cure. [laughter] three out of four studies confirm it. [laughter] why? the reality is we talk about all healthcare the way we talk about a tire blown out on the highway. there is nothing you can do. we know people who have been through that.
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is not the fat part of the healthcare today. the fat part, where most of the money is being spent, and were all of the growth is, is chronic condition management, long-term treatment of things such as cancer, and various replacements. those all involve a decision that a customer makes. look, food is not mandatory. healthcare has changed. is the biggest industry in the country and the developed world. it is something we use all the time here at the idea -- time. the idea that because you might have a go out on the highway we should govern the entire auto repair business to take care of that is absurd. if any of you have had a tire blowout, the guy does not say
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let me see your network statement before i change your tire. people do that in healthcare because they can get away with it, not because it is inherently different than everything else. onthe entire discussion medicare and the changes in the healthcare industry will air tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern. the latest supreme court term ended last month and each night we are bringing oral arguments. tonight, affirmative action and analysis of the justices opinions. that is that 9:05 p.m. eastern. the link between gun violence and mental illness. >> we came out of those seadings and we could see a of humanity coming from union station, and we knew it was
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going to be big. we were supposed to be leading the march, but people were already marching. it was like saying their goal my people. let me catch up with you. [laughter] sea of humanity pushed us. pushed us. on, and started moving toward the washington monument, on toward the lincoln memorial, and it was a wonderful time in american history. >> this fourth of july on c- span, at 2:20 p.m. eastern, civil rights pioneer john lewis shares his experience of the march on washington and at 2:45 p.m., -- 4:45 p.m., some that we have spoken with during our series "first ladies." at 7:10 p.m., pulitzer prize winning photographer's.
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8:00 p.m., former president bill clinton and chris christie discuss disaster relief. recently the national cable and telecommunications association held its annual meeting in washington. this portion of the conference looks at broadband technology company.uture of the figures include the acting chair, the comcast chair as long as the heads of discovery medication. brian roberts provides an interactive demonstration on the company's new cable locks, remote control and operating system. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2013] [captioning performed by national captioning institute]
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[applause] i am inspired not only by that performance, but so many things i'm seeing at the cable show this year including some first. there is one that i am very proud of that got underway in the convention center. we are hosting the first-ever job fair for u.s. veterans, reservists and their spouses to be held in conjunction with a major trade show. unbelievable. [applause] an opportunity for our industry to reach out to america's finest, the men and
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women who have served our nation in the armed forces. as a proud daughter of a veteran, i believe we hold our utmostnd women respect and gratitude. anyone who employs veterans, as my company does, and many of you do, they can tell you what a positive impact they have on performance and the leadership process that drives all of our companies. we are thrilled to have several hundred veterans here today at the jobs fair, exploring for themselves the potential of careers in cable. thank you to our partners on this project, the u.s. chamber of commerce, our industry's own cable and television -- telecommunications human resources as well as the companies participating today. we appreciate your leadership in making this happen. higher a veteran.
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you will be pleased that you did. we would be remiss if we did not recognize the many veterans and reservists who are already working in our industry. if i could be so bold, could i have all the veterans in the audience stand up and be recognized? [applause] you deserve it, and thank you for your service. now, i have the exciting honor to introduce to you our next speaker. it has taken nearly 80 years, but today, finally, we can say that there is a woman running the federal communications commission. go women. yes. [applause]
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while she is new in the role, she is not new to us. bill young clymer has worked to understand the issues that we face, delving into how our businesses operate and to grasp the impact on our industry and how that affects american citizens. andjoined the fcc in 2009 is now serving her second term. last month, she ascended to her role as acting chairman of the commission with the depart -- departure of julius genachowski while the nomination of tom wheeler remains pending. please join me in welcoming the acting chairwoman of the federal communications commission, and to chat with her, michael powell. thank you. [applause] ♪
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>> this will be easier than yesterday with the screen and everything. i am so excited to sit here, having once said in your seat, i cannot tell you the sense of personal pride seeing you achieve all that you have achieved. i have known the chairwoman for a long time. it is not the first time she has been a chairwoman. i am very proud of you. >> you know that federal-state friction. >> preemption. [laughter] with for being >> thank you, and i want to
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congratulate you on two fronts. what a phenomenal ponte -- conference. this is fabulous area you continue to -- fabulous. you continue to surprise me. you upstage mc hammer i heard. >> i am still working on my hammer crawled. ?> is this powell time >> no, it is mignon clyburn time. it's pretty obvious and compelling that that you are an exemplar to win and two men because of your achievement. it we know what it means, breaking barrier that has long existed, but in those quiet moments, when you are by yourself, what does it mean to you personally -- not to society, to other women, but to you? >> i think often about my grandmother, who was always
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encouraging, not allowed to get much past the sixth grade because of the laws of the land in south carolina, but she always encouraged her children and grandchildren to do the best that you can. i think of her in those quiet moments because she embraced me. could notwhile she help me with my homework, she literally helped me with every other facet of life. when i said in those moments that are more rare, i think about her and i think about time phase and that warm embrace. i think about also, more currently, 57% of the women who now make up the college roles and i think that there is one more crack in the ceiling, and i'm just so happy about that. >> that is terrific. we are very proud of you. you have the benefit, the
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blessing or the curse, of having had several years of experience before ascending to your current position and that gives you a strong foundation as you take the helm. you know our industry and much of the direction it is headed and the innovations that are present. what are some of the things that excite you about what we are doing or that you think have an attorney to make a deeply meaningful contribution to the country? >> as i walk through the halls, it is about the options. no matter where you are, you have the opportunity to engage, to devour, literally, the content. that, in and of itself is phenomenal to me. we are more mobile. we rely more on our devices, tablets, smartphones and the like, and to know that this industry was a big driver in getting those content providers
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to migrate to these platforms is wonderful. so, no matter what your price point, what your personal budget is, there is an opportunity for you to engage in this space and to me that is the biggest win for you and for consumers. >> that is terrific. you are in an awkward position at some level because you were introduced as the acting chairwoman. you should know that me and the chairwoman have this debate because there is no such thing as an acting chairperson of the fcc. if the president designates you, you are in for as ever long as you are please to serve. he takes a home, given that you know in advance how long you might have, roughly, to serve, how do you think about sending an agenda and keeping the agency moving forward, and maybe some of the things you hope to achieve in the time that you have? >> regardless of how much time
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we have in terms of meeting this agency, i commit to all that i remain duty-focused. i have to run the agency and i will run the agency to the best of my ability. we have nearly 1800 wonderful people helping me do that. from your perspective, we are fulfilling our industry measurement requirements. we released a cable price survey last week, before the end of the year we will look at the competition in the video market, and of course we have that thing you might have heard about, incentive auctions. as it relatesngs to congressional mandates, that has taken up a lot of oxygen in this space, but it is a good thing because it is a potential win-win for mobile operators as well as broadcasters. in that meeting in june, we will
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talk about that, and get a status update. we video accessibility act, have not missed, and you would appreciate this, not one major deadline for implementation of that. that means that nearly 54 million americans, each and every day, have a better opportunity of engaging in the , not just from television, but from all platforms. that is something we should be proud of and we are working very hard to continue to close those i amfor all americans, and proud to be in a position to have a hand in that. >> i want to take a second to commend you. there is part of the chairman or chairwoman's job that is not that visible to most, and sometimes not as sexy to most,
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but you are the ceo, and you called me recently, and we were talking, and you never told me about this part, running an agency of 1800 people, and i ask it as a question, but what was wonderful is you where committed to making sure at the fccnd men were focused on and had the ability to do their job. i know you're working hard on that, too. >> i say this clearly, and i'm not saying this arbitrarily. i love this agency. i love its mission, its people, the constituents we served, including you. do not tell your wife i said that. >> or even me. anhonestly, this is incredible time to be in the space, i am so excited, and the
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employees are so dedicated to do the right thing, bridge those divides and be the drivers as it relates to innovation. we protect consumers and we are drivers of innovation and investment. in again, it is amazing to me. that i have a hand in it. >> terrific. when you and i first met and you are on the south carolina commission, the communication world was a radically different place. in some ways we understood it. it was mature, with a set number of players heavily focused on television and telephone regulation. haveband and internet radically transformed what it is we are focused onnd
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i wanted to get your perspectiveb on the evolution , the industry and how the regulators view it. even since you started, there has been a next potential increase. how do you keep pace with that, what are your thoughts, and how are we doing as a country? from -- >> from your perspective, we have done an excellent job. we cannot be satisfied during we know that me -- satisfied. we know that nearly 100 million americans do not have broadband at home, and we know that cost is still a factor. we know that digital literacy is still a factor.
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we know there are a host of people that do not see what is in it for them. we have some challenges ahead because we know that this technology, that broadband is the great equalizer. when i go back home to south carolina, which is a relatively rural state, i see glaring disparities in healthcare, education, and business opportunities, but i also know that broadband has the potential to be the great equalizer. if you do not have a foreign language teacher, at the click of a mouse, you can transport yourself to another country, where that language is spoken. spoken, and you can
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really uplift the opportunities where there are no specialist in the area, and literally, you sign on and have a specialist at your disposal. for those that might be transitioning, in between jobs, who want to augment their income, at the click of the mouse you can connect with individuals all over the world and increase your opportunity of financial gain. this is a phenomenal time, a phenomenal technology. we would need a public-private partnerships in order to ensure that we received the full benefit of this incredible platform.
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>> we have been working really well with you. trying to find a way rarely get america online and enjoy the full blessings of that. just last week, we saw the president of the united states was speaking at an elementary school, and talking about the importance of the initiative to expand broadband. something that the cable industry has been doing. what do you think about the possibilities of this new effort? >> i am excited that the president has called upon all of us to take that all of the above approach on this. to focus on the opportunity to serve our children and our teachers to the best of our
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abilities. if you look at where we started, it has made an incredible difference. if you look at 1996, many were connected in terms of broadband back then. in 2005, 94% of the schools were connected, and it was e rate -- 80% of the administrators say they don't have the speed or the capacity that what we define as broadband will not be delivered
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to the students. about being able to enhance the educational experience through a robust video platform does not exist for the nation's children. that is why this is so important. and the fcc will be front and center delivering to teachers. >> the problem is that we know technology is going to change. if we had the program to do all over again, we would have modularity. 150,000 hot spots around the country, is there a place for wifi? >> we have both been to alaska, some of the more rural areas of the country. we have to look at this thing from a business standpoint. meaning, it is becoming efficient to literally hard
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wired this entire country. it will work best in some of those communities where is more expensive. we have to take and all of the above approach. what is the efficient way to connect communities, and the approach that you mentioned, the collaboration of those partners? connecting the most efficient way with licensed platforms, it has the capacity to save money, so we can free up and encourage more speed.
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>> ladies and gentlemen, for our next one-on-one conversation, please welcome the co-anchor of cnbc's "squakbox" and brian roberts. >> thank you for being here with us. we have been trying to figure out the big themes, and it seemed to me one of the things had to be the relationship between the cable companies and there is no better person to ask. how are you getting along with yourself these days?
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>> depending on the moment of tension, nervousness, it is like a family. sometimes it is messy. in the end, i believe our future looks really bright. i think there are legitimate questions and conversations. my personal view and that of comcast is the role of government trying to negotiate private relationships. i don't think the government is here to fix our business. walking around the booth, you see energy, excitement, lots of new channels. it is a great time. you can be in some many
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different businesses right now and we are relevant and at the heart of change. >> there is the push back between who has the upper hand, the channels or the content providers. who has the upper hand right now? >> there are more distributors than ever before, so that changes some of the dynamic. the technological change is very troubling. you can skip commercials, you can have no commercials altogether. how do you get your content? we can work together and have both sides come out great. i don't see winners verses losers. if that happens, you have i hope that is not the case. >> although you bring up a huge point of what is happening with
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a video on demand. younger people finding ways to watch things online and changing the entire structure. how did you break all of these these -- embrace changes without completely cannibalizing -- >> it depends on the company u r looking at. if you don't have your products in every platform, you are missing a whole generation. i think that is a mistake. we have these multi-channel video subscribers. we are starting to see growth starting to come back. we are making our products more valuable and easy to use for customers on all of these
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platforms. i will show these things in a little bit. it is all about getting it on a tablet, a smartphone, but when you can get it on a brand-new, high definition tv, that is where you want it most, and overall we see engagement higher. or atf that is pirated some of that is legal. some of it is a different model. >> i hear about this all the time, but i will admit to being a newbie when it comes to a technology -- the technology stuff. i have not made television work everywhere for me. , we have as charged not made it as easy as we need to, and there is a lot of effort in doing that. youou take your tablet,
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automatically know it is you. we did this with the olympics and other events, and the usage is much higher. we have facebook credentials that when you sign up will see your tv everywhere credentials. these are all solvable. it is a matter of focus, commitment and they believe that this is an program. different -- important. we are headed in a different direction. than we haveusage ever had, and i think we will have more than we have ever had -- -- and we will today 10 years from now. ?> what is the future >> more personalized, working on every device. couple years ago, we said infinity -- anything you want,
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anytime you want it on any device. it is a to the rights holder to pay-e out if that is free, per-view, advertised-supported. worked you are the rightful -- >> you are the rights holder in some cases. >> i have learned there is a difference between values in shows that have syndication value versus those that do not, and it is complicated, but in the end this industry is better positioned with our platform to give you the infinite experience and i think we will see some of that. >> can you give us an example? what is one show where one property to test it out? >> let's go back to the olympics. go back 20 years. there were only a few hundred hours of live coverage.
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what will happen this winter with the literally 10 times what was done a few olympics ago. we will have multiple networks you can watch live. we will have social media heavily engaged. on- comcast had 50 million demand streams of olympics content from london and we had higher television ratings, even with all these other choices, then waited for years earlier in beijing. we have expectations for when you have a defense, or the new launch of the series, i think television becomes more personalized to you. for each of us, the answer is not the same, and we as distributors, as creators, have to embrace that and i think it is exciting. we are, as incumbents and leaders in an opportune
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position. >> the olympics are a unique example. you talk about the binge viewing. a-thon, idid the watch- caught up on "walking dead." of do people make money off that? ,> we had 100 television series several thousand episodes -- it was the biggest week of on- demand viewing that we ever had, and we went with our content partners and said let's focus and give people more series to catch up on and fall in love with series. that is been great for their series, for next year, for advertisement engagement. we now have targeted advertisements in video-on- demand. it is a journey.
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i think it was a great achievement. we will do that every 90 days, some form of that, and get people we energized. , too. advertisers get it >> yes, and it might not be the traditional way people viewed five, 10, even tw oh years ago, but they want the content, in when you give it to them, more viewing than ever before. >> it is not just them cable, but also how you reach out in and i knowternet comcast has increased its providers the. there have been a lot of offerings like google fiber, which is offering one gig, and people say can the cable companies keep up with this, and there was a response where maybe
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the cable companies thought there was not a demand for that. is there? >> i hope there is a demand for that. the more customers crave speed, the more the kids in their garage and the geniuses around the world can invent applications that require speed, it is the best thing that can happen to our industry. competition, whether it is a good business or a bad business, we have to embrace that. it happened in television and that is why you see so much innovation. in broadband, we are the innovator. we took a slow speed, dial-up phone business, and in 10 or 11 years, 11 times we have increased our speed. it would not be a convention if i did not do a quick demonstration of speed. i got an e-mail recently of a large file from paul allen who is a big proponent of broadband
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speed. for k. something that you would do, it is altra high death. high death.imes 4 k video.e of the it will be cheaper than high definition was when it first came out. unbelievable quality. let's look and see what the speed was. this is running on a cable system right here at the convention center. this is the first time we have ever had this live. there is three point two gigabytes the second. second.0 bytes a the point is, -- gigabytes a
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second. the point is, this is 300 times faster than the first amount i dated a cable show, and it is basically the same network. all of the innovation place to our strength, and if consumers want and need that, our industry will deliver. cable labs has been working on faster speeds than this. i think we are in a wonderful position to exceed consumer demand. >> how long will it take before i can get something like that in my home? >> we have increased the speed 11 times. if there are needs for it, we are ready to go. it could be a few years. we will have a few innovation centers where we will try even faster speeds. and it is not just speed, but what is happening with your wi- fi. i am going to show more of what we are working on now.
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i think it is coming, and the speeds -- we are 300 megabits now. one year ago, we were not even half of that. >> what does that mean to someone at home that does not understand megabits? >> it will come down to the if there was a file that is four gigabytes, it might have taken 10 minutes to download a few years ago. it happened in a few seconds. if we could think of the applications, we could invent them. it goes back to your question, is this industry flexible and capable of taking advantage of the consumers desire for more speed? hell yes. >> on that resounding note, thank you for your time, and i know you have another
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menstruation. >> -- demonstration. >> thank you. >> thank you. [applause] >> as i said, i believe that this may be one of the more exciting times to be in our industry. about one year ago, we said we think television is going to change more the next five years than it has in the last 50. i got to think it is really happening, and it is what energizes us at comcast. it is the cloud. the cloud is a game changer. for us, we had an off -- ah-hah moment. we could take the smarts of the cable box and move into the cloud. it would allow us to have a whole new platform to innovate off of.
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we call that the x1 platform. we will have rolled out the platform nationally. what is interesting is how fast we can innovate and change that platform. we have had 1200 updates in the last 12 months. some are little, and some small. that is how you build a software company. i think we would describe ourselves more as a technology innovation company. we have a whole new team in energy doing this for the company. they are young and diverse. they are energetic. there is a vibe at comcast like i have never seen in many years. we asked this team to refocus the x1 platform. make it faster for consumers to get at the content they want. make it smarter so they do not have to do it over and over
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again. it learns your preferences, make it easy. criticism is it is to hard to get around. make it personalized. as we look across the cloud, web ecosystem, the winners are companies who can integrate across all devices, across all platforms, with a common interface and they make it easy and fun to use. it allows you to rethink the cable box itself. we are showing today a box we call xi3. i have one over here. let me go and get it. this box is four times faster, yet three times smaller.
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it is half the power consumption than the traditional cable box. once you can reimagine the cable box, you can reimagine the remote control. so, this is a brand-new remote that is coming out. it has cool features. less buttons. we're going to show some of the capabilities of this. as i think to the feature -- the future, you can have a personalized remote. a family of remotes. we're pretty excited to open this up and get innovation around the remote. all of these steps with this focus, we have put together a new entertainment operating system. we call it x2. it is the next generation. it will be out this year, late in the fall. we hope you'll come to the booth
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after the demo and play with it. it is up and running. we are proud of what you are about to see. let's begin. you come home from work, and you turn your tv. the first thing you will see is welcome back. the guide has been working for you, even though you have been away. it will show you what you have recorded. it can show you what is on now. it allows to incorporate a bunch of other comcast relationships. your energy management, how much are smart thermostat has saved. in this case, it shows you how much power it conserved for you.
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at the home screen, i hope the first thing you'll notice is that this is simple, beautiful, elegant. i am really proud of the work the design team -- we work with graphic designers, as well as all over the world, and have had consultants who had a whole new look. you can get to anything that matters to you. let's start world must -- let's start where most would start, guide. that guide is now six guides. tv listings, to just for kids, to movies, to sports, and then personalized recommendations. one of the things, as we think beyond this, there could be your
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guide that you have created. it is the beginning of being in the cloud allowing you that kind of interactivity that we would never see before. here is the guide of what is upcoming that we know you are interested in. let's go to tv listings. again, beautiful work here by the team. simple, but a lot of information, but it is not still clutter. take a look at the bottom right. rotten tomatoes. we integrated with the partnership with our open architecture to be able to take their ratings for every movie, click it and get more information.
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you can see whether this is a movie you are interested in watching. down to "duck dynasty," you can see at the bottom a twitter score. this our partnership, this is real-time. it changes as you choose different shows based on the buzz and tweets per hour, which is what it does for you. you can see how hot or not the show is at that moment. you can go and say i was taken action. i can watch and record. we have added bookmarks. let me bookmark it and said that. this is all doable because of our integrated database. go to the next guide, which is kids. kids, we have always wanted a safe place for parents to be
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able to know this is age appropriate for my child. here is for 2-4-year-olds. here are recommendations from common sense media, one of our partners in giving parents more information. now it is completely integrated right there. if you come over a couple of clicks, you will see the common sense difference between a seven-year-old an eight-year- old. you can lock it onto this guide view him and your kids only have these choices. they'll probably figure out how to get around that before they will know how to set the password. but it is fabulous integration, and the simplicity we have been wanting for years. let's move on to save. everything you are interested in, you have saved.
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as we think about what happens when you record a show, our statistics show that about 80% of all your dvr viewing occurs within 18 hours of setting the recording. why not have the first thing to pop up your recently recorded content? that is what we have done here. it is easy to get right at what you have recorded. or you can continue watching something you stopped. go to your bookmarks, and then there is duck dynasty. ondemand has been a priority. this is our 10th anniversary of
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comcast ondemand. in those 10 years, we have had 30 billion downloads and orders. we are now up to over 400 million ondemand sessions a month. he ever session last for over 30 minutes. we are close to 40,000 movies and television shows. how do you get to the content you really want easily, and fun, with less clicks? the first thing you'll notice is for you to read this can be by household, or by user. movies, tv shows, networks, kids. we say here are movies commended for you. that is based on the movies you have watch. here is a specific movie, which we will randomly pick and change. here are recommendations if you like that movie.
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here is tv dramas that we know are for you. when he first time, we easily incorporated web videos. surprise, a nose our golf channel. -- surprise it knows our golf channel. if you move over, you can just pick all movies to search through. beautiful, here are tv shows. now works, one of the things we've noticed with networks is there are so many networks. i have to go through a hierarchy. why not take the most recent networks and make them pop up first? or just by premium, or by broadcast, or by alphabetical. easy to navigate. why have -- while we have been working to make it better, we want to make the remote control experience better. the buttons on their military at last year when we launch, we
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said let's start with the last button, rather than a last nine. this has been hugely popular. people use this more than 10 times a day. we have looked at how to make other buttons valuable. let's go into "game of thrones." if i pull the info button, it allows me to take actions. i think the graphics team has done a fabulous job giving you information without interrupting your video experience. we have also observed binge viewing habits that we all have as consumers that did not exist a few years ago. my wife and i, we get lost of where are we. here is episode six. it lets you know you have seen the episode. you may have noticed that in a couple of other menu screens.
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it is letting you know real- time. another area that we have been excited to work on that we have not worked on before was accessibility. we have hired a new team, we are proud of the work they have done. 20% of the households in america live with a disability. we have really wanted to focus on how to make these products more accessible. the key on the remote, and made it accessible. it will now give you audio feedback. let's go -- >> main menu ondemand. >> if i want to go to info.
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>> now playing, 55 minutes. hbo on demand. voice navigation disabled. >> with one click, it turns back off. very cool, great work. we are excited about accessibility. we have been a lot of times on search. with x1, we launched t9 search. if i want to watch amc, i go to the keyboard on my remote. there would be channel 262.
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"mad men," there we are. very easy to navigate around. about 10 years ago, we started talking about voice with search. we have shown with smartphones that you can do it with your wireless phones. we wanted to put it into remote for a long time. all remotes will have a voice command. let's try -- watch "burn notice." then it will go and switch. in testing that a more complicated the search, the more you want to go to voice. find movies about basketball. amazingly, it finds just movies. everything all at once. you can do it by sports teams.
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you can go by an actor. find don cheadle. just like this, there is shows that he is in now, you can look at his credits and the programs. excitingly, here is web video that we will also pull part of this experience. it is about personalization, and about getting you there faster. we are excited about openness and apps, and customization. we come over to the app section. we have improved this quite a bit. tiles are easily changed inside and personalized by you. here is weather.
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will get our facebook feeds. this is neat. our home and energy management can be right there. here is pandora they're really very popular. it is nice to add a tile, and make it easy. this will continue to evolve and improve. this is what is important to your life. let's say i want to go in and get my up band. just like that, you can see i didn't work out this morning. too busy getting ready. that is a sneak peak. it is available later this fall.
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we hope you will come by the comcast booth. i do not have enough time to go through a lot more about the cloud. we are pleased with how it all integrates as part of your future that i think is going to be better than we ever done before. it is a seamless experience. what is critical is that we make it work on all devices. back to the original vision. here is on a tv. a smartphone, tablet, any ip connected device. the whole look and feel is to be easy, personable, smart, fast, fun. we are just scratching the surface. thank you all, very much. [applause]
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next, the president of liberty global the president ceo of discovery communications, davids zaslav. >> that was a smack down introduction. thank you all for being here this morning. thank you for being here. it seems we focus on stock prices in the markets. when i look up your stock prices, and compare it to the s&p 500, i was blown away.
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read what i've been doing -- i did not realize how well you were doing until i charted it. stock prices have been up 100%. that is phenomenal. i wonder how you guys feel about that in terms of can you keep the momentum going? >> we certainly like the fact that there is been a lot of value creation. it has been hard work. we have grown market share in the u.s. we have grown our international business aggressively. when i took over seven years ago, we were dealing $720 million in profits as a country. this past year, we made more money internationally and we get as a whole company. there is been a lot of expansion outside of the u.s.. they're still been great growth
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here. we have all been helped by the fact that the advertising market has remained strong. 2009 was the one year where it struggled a little bit. besides that, it has been strong. >> what can you tell us about what you've seen? >> we went to the upfront market early. we have done very well. there has been great demand for our network. there are so many new products coming out. we talked about our stocks doing well. it is not just us. it is the whole industry. it is really a reflection of how much new content there is. how many new electronic products there are. corporate america is producing new cars and knew everything. demand has been very strong. people are looking for integrated marketing solutions. technology allows us to do better.
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we serve a lot of uses for audiences. it has been very good. the u.s. economy has been improving slowly but surely. outside of the u.s., it has been difficult. it is opportunity for the three of us to expand our networks. and to launch new ones. >> what do you do with stock prices? do you worry about the momentum issues? >> i like to say when everything is going your way, you're probably in the wrong lane. a little bit of paranoia. our business is still undervalued. we are pursuing a straightforward strategy about building to scale, organic growth. europe is pretty strong. it is about managing our capital
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structure property. if we do those right, we will achieve the main goal. create value. it is all about creating value. as will we do. you do that by running your business. i am not worried about the future. i feel pretty good right now. >> one of the keys for us has been that we have a belief system here in the u.s. that we could still -- if we can tell great stories that people will still come. in the last four years, we have lots -- launched a channels in the u.s. own is a very successful channel for us. top channel for african-american women in the last few weeks. that did not exist four years ago. the partnership and the
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distributors, and the content owners, it is still that same recipe. if we can put great content on the air, we can attract reviewers and build asset value. >> you are spending even more on content this year. >> we spent last year $200 million more than the year before. with that, we were able to grow double digits here in the u.s., and better than that outside. we are investing more this year. we believe if we could put better content on the air, that we can grow our own. >> we spent over $3 billion in television content. we have been growing our investment and programming every year for the recession. that is the lifeblood of our industry. it gets better. we are creating content for all the different strains.
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not just koppel marjorie content, but made for these -- not just complementary, but made for the devices. >> we spent $2 billion on content. >> not enough. >> i think the one thing i would leave with programmers here is in europe in particular, we need greater partnerships with our programmers here. we are finding that the free to air broadcast regime in europe who dominate viewership and own a lot of the best content are our best customers. be aggressive, work with us in europe the same way you are working with operators here. give us the rights we need. consumers want the same things everywhere. they are just at levels of awareness. we're heading the same path. >> what you're finding is that the content producers are much
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more open to things by video on demand? >> the broadcasters who have 75% of the eyeballs in a typical market are willing and able to offer us the kind of rights we need in the cable industry for doing the things that brian said, and we want someone to that. i'm not here to make the deal, but listening to the money being spent, there is opportunity to keep heartening -- partnering with your. >> tv everywhere functionality is very intense. we found that it is really a great environment for the future here. our networks can live and all devices, inside and outside the home. we get higher ratings than when that happens. it is a win-win. >> why is there resistance to
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release some distribution rights? >> i will say, no complaint. he europe -- europe is a fragmented market. rights are more complex. it is -- programmers have a different model. everybody just trying to find where amy in the middle. >> this is probably never been a better time to be in the content business. would put our content add-on channels. we own all of our content on all of our channels. there are new windows. netflix and amazon is a window. there are distributors here in the u.s., and that is great for us. tv everywhere is a new window. that will be another
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distributor. our content is going on the web. in terms of streaming, which is now a place where we are spending a fair amount of time. content on all platforms is providing value. since be on that content, and it is been paid for, you see it in better return on investment. >> you bring up over the top. that was not something i was do you think all the carts will be coming in the future? >> i really don't. the basic packaging is a fantastic value.
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you look at where the hits are going on, the great writers and producers are showing up, ratings on cable are up. there is more and more that are on cable now than there have ever been in the past. i think that basic cable itself has never been stronger. >> i do not think consumers are going to need an à la carte option when they have the ability to consume the content they are consuming it. they will dvr some things. they watch it seamlessly across platforms. it is all about the experience. it is not about the rights. it is about having the consumer experience, multiple devices. time shifted and play shifted. they'll be the way content is consumed. how it is packaged, and how we do it is not as important, provided we are offering it and that manner.
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>> it has continually increased. it is something we do not talk about enough as an industry. every once in a while, there are disputes at renewal time. consumers are more more satisfied with the product. it has been referred to as the golden age of programming -- of television. we cannot catch up with the dvr. there is a lot of great content. a lot of interesting ways to use it, to interact with your friends on the second screens while you were watching it. as long as we continue to increase technological functionality on a distribution side, and continue to drive stories and more content on multiple screens on the content side, consumers will be satisfied. we have to keep economics of it reasonable. if you look at the experience in the recession, it is the mark of
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a how resilient the industry has been. consumers are satisfied with the product. >> i would agree with you 100%. it has to be the economics, they must be reasonable. both david and you expect you are going to get more the next time you go back in terms of the conversation. >> that is how it starts. >> is that true? you are not going to be making less money. >> for us we have 14 channels here. five years ago, we had four percent market share on cable. today we have over 10%. if we are able to make our channels better, and have more people spending more time with our channels, in the distributors are making more money selling it. viewers are happier with the experience. we are going to be looking at more value. we are spending more on content.
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we are attracting more people to our channels. >> the nice thing about operating outside the u.s., we spent about five dollars a month on content. for a lot of historical reasons. that is shifting. we are spending less and less on linear channels. for more on hd, on-demand rights, new digital applications. for us, that is owing to hit. -- that is going to hit. we are finding ways to shifting of how the pious cutup. we will spend more on content every year. our revenues are going up five percent. this a temporary shift. as we reinvest.
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>> because we have a lot of users, we are perfect partners for distribution around the world. our video-on-demand content is performing better-than-average because of the adoption phenomenon. we were closely with all of our partners to meet their needs. on international markets, the needs of varied around the world. we have to adapt our content at each place we operate. in tv in india is very different from into the in the u.s., uk, or brazil. we think it is an exciting time. we think think about the opportunity to distribute the content in the home on multiple devices that have content at the
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same time, it is a creative challenge. >> one of the big advantages that we have, our content -- they are higher in the u.s.. we are content -- our content works very well across the world. we take science to 200 countries. they think it is their channel. it feels like the local channel. the same is true animal planet or discovery. we are finding that we are having that kind of success with id. we can have it feel local. >> "spongebob" translates pretty well.
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"jersey shore" works pretty well, too. they get export to other countries. we are finding more and more content creation in different parts of the world. we're going all over the world world. it is becoming multicultural. india, we are in a joint venture. we now transmit colors in the u.s., uk, and so we're grading content everywhere in the world. >> what if the situation europe right now? we talked about the u.s. economy. what do you see in europe? >> we're in 12 countries in europe. 47 million users.
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germany, switzerland, belgium. those markets are the stable markets for us. they are fine. we are selling 30 for 30 euros. in europe, it is a roughly inexpensive product. we are somewhat protected. i think your buzz going to be fine. -- i think europe is going to be fine. >> for us, i think we have a great story. when we look across western europe, we have between 6-14 channels. we have been able to grow our business 20% in the last two years. most of those countries are either flat or in recession. we do not expect things are going to turn. we can continue to grow our business internationally, in markets where not only in
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western europe, but around the world they are flat or in recession, if the economy does turn, we can see real substantial growth beyond what we are seeing now. >> the demand for broadband is going nowhere but up. we are at 35 megabits on average. we are selling 50 megabits on average. it defies the broader macro trends. >> we launched the paramount channel in spain. we are doing well there. it we are going to expand to the rest of europe. it was a good showcase for us. this is a good time, given that we have much lower market share. it is the time to launch new
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channels. latin america, arts of asia, the economies are doing well. >> if you can make one prediction, what would it be? >> there'll be more of the technological development, which will allow people to enjoy content in multiple ways. tv everywhere is getting closer to reality. measurement is getting better. measurement, allows monetization outside of the home in particular, is going to improve over the next year. that will unleash a lot of content to consumers, especially outside of the home. they'll be good for all of us. it will tie people more to the subscriptions. it will create more time viewing. >> is the metric still the
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nielsen metric? >> it is going to be a combination. it is going to be a neilson, and other traditional means of the use, but there are other measurements. we have a lot of first party data. we will work with advertisers who are open to solutions. it will be an out the mission of technologies to reflect consumer engagement. that is what advertisers want. they want consumer engagement >> ibetter ways to measure. don't think you can ignore the impact of netflix. that is a learning opportunity. what we are seeing happen is consumer behavior change
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dramatically. as long as we change along with that, we have a chance to preempt the impact of those netflix is aeurope. great product. what brian showed that the average cable provider is able to provide everything you get from netflix for no additional cost. it is going to be much easier route for us. we will continue to talk about that and advanced platforms that embrace what consumers really want. that is the key. >> i hope that they are right. i think it is a moment. while we have been talking, there been other technologies that have developed. it is good for us on the content side. i take a look at that, and tv everywhere could be a protest application. -- terrific application.
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i hope that next year we are here and we are talking about how well tv everywhere is doing, or else what we could do to make it successful. >> in the end it is about what consumers want. i want to thank you for your time today. thank you. we appreciate it. >> multiple sources are reporting egyptian avernment advisor told them military coup is underway in egypt. the nations president morsi is against singh has no intention to step down. statement, he has warned his electoral legitimacy is the only safeguard against violence and stability. he said it was a mistake to "take sides."
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the statement came as means of protesters continue to call for his ouster or the army says it will intervene to end the crisis. here is what david cameron had to say this morning about the situation in egypt. i'm sure i speak for everyone in this house when i say there's deep concern about what we have witnessed the past two days in egypt including appalling violence and death just a year on from free elections. can i begin by offering assurances that all the appropriate steps are being taken by the government to guarantee the safety of uk nationals in that country. >> i can still link it him that assurance and also to safeguard our embassy in cairo. i should add we are advising british nationals against all but essential travel to egypt except for the red sea resorts as said on the foreign website. disturbingeeply
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scenes. the level of violence is appalling. we should appeal to all sides to come and stop the levels of violence in the sexual assaults in particular. it is not for this country to support any single group or party, but support proper democratic process and government consent. >> i agree with the prime minister on wanting a peaceful resolution. tell the house what is being done even at this late stage by the uk and by the european union to encourage the egyptian to seek a negotiated political solution in this crisis in advance of the army deadline. >> a very clear message has been sent to president morsi including by president obama who spoke with him directly. we have been communicating through our best hitters. respect them, but democracy means ensuring everyone has a voice and leaders have a responsibility to represent all
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egyptians and show they are responsive to their concerns. that is what the government needs to do in order to bring about peace and stability in the country. tonight at 8:00 eastern on c- span, journalist and tv network analyst will discuss medicare and its impact on health care costs, how medicare has changed over its 50-year history while healthcare is become the nation's largest industry. latest u.s. supreme court term ended last month and each night this week i'm a we are bringing new oral arguments from the terms biggest cases. tonight, affirmative action and analysis of the justices opinion at 9:00 eastern. 10:30, gunt at violence connection and mental illness free at experts discuss responses to gun use. here's a portion when they talk about the u.s. being being a uniquely deadly society due to gun crimes. about massink
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shootings, i think there is horribly a compelling case that you can make that mental illness is quite involved in mass shootings. analysisnes magazine of 62 mass shootings looking at the record and that might relate to press reports but also some of the court documents, you suggested most mass shootings involve some degree of mental illness. i think if we think about some of the most prominent recent mass shootings from adam lanza to gerald posner, the tucson shooter, there was a significant record of mental illness in the shootings. when we think about everyday shootings, everyday gun crimes, we see that people who have serious mental illness tend to commit crimes at a lower rate
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than the overall population as a serious mental illness. responsible for a lower portion of crime than their portion of the population. likewise, when you look at crimes with weapons, which most again, al mean guns, crime is committed by people who are mentally ill is underrepresented. i think it is worth pausing to think about how does the u.s. fit into this picture of everyday shootings? we may not have a gun crime problem where the mental illness component is exceptional, but the gun crime problem in the u.s. is exceptional. we are not a uniquely criminal
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society or uniquely violent society, but we are a uniquely deadly society. the level of homicide in the u.s. is especially unusual when you compare it to similar countries. we have a level of homicide that is seven times higher roughly than comparable countries and firearm homicide, which is 72% of homicides in the u.s. involved firearms, which is way higher. and ahave an exceptional , butge gun crime problem when we think about these everyday shootings, mental illness does not seem to be deeply involved in it. >> the panelists also talk about gun laws across the country. you can see the entire discussion tonight at 10:30 eastern here on c-span.
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>> we could see a sea of humanity coming from union station and we knew it was going to be big. we were supposed to be leading the march, the people were already marching. like saying, there go my people, let me catch up with them. [laughter] this sea of humanity just pushed us so we just walked along and started moving toward the washington monument on toward the lincoln memorial. it was a wonderful time in american history. 2:20is fourth of july at eastern, john lewis shares his experience on the march on washington 50 years later. at 4:45, some of the places we visited and historians we spoke with on our series of first ladies.
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pulitzer prize winning for talk first talk about their coverage of world events a little after 7:00 read though clinton and chris christie discuss proactive steps against natural disasters at 8:00. 8:45, panel talks about what it is to be an american citizen -- modern-day american citizen. >> what keeps me up at night? i worry about the sustainability of the economy. europe continues to be a problem. i think it has been dealt with on balance of the unit. it is a long-term problem. it still continues to perform ok, but not as in the past. we have our own unique problems
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at this point with government increasingly, dare i use the , but theunctional issues that people are wrestling with and need to get resolved, hopefully sooner rather than later, i am no expert, but i'm not terribly confident the big bang solution is going to be found. all of that keeps me up. we have exposure in the various countries, so we watch it carefully. another issue that keeps me up is cybersecurity. secretary panetta after one of his last speeches ascribe that is the single biggest threat to the united states. the secretaries defense says that, i guess you have to listen to that -- with the secretary of defense says that, i guess you have to listen to that. all of the big banks have been
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targeted. cybersecurity is not just about hackers. let's put it this way, it is not just about guys trying to get your credit card number. statean instrument of the in the case of many economies, it has been lots of press about israel.ran, it is a reality. these are very sophisticated people. against somewalls of this activity is very difficult. i think we have a very strong team. this is a threat and this is one that should keep us all up at night. it is a tough one. >> the chairman of citigroup talking about what keeps them up at night, one of a number of speeches by corporate executives that c-span has covered over the past couple of months. tonight we're going to do something something a little different. one of the reasons where here is to cover discussions of public policy.
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tonight we will show you portions of speeches by many of those executives, begin your chance to talk back and ask you about corporate america. we will cover a number of topics in the speeches that we covered. everything from healthcare to tax policy,, from immigration to unemployment. we want to hear from you, your experience, your work with major corporations. there are a number of ways you can participate. first of all, by phone. we will open our lines. if you are a business owner, we have set aside a line for you. let us know the type of business you own or run when you call in. we're also on twitter. keeping our eye on the chat tonight so you can participate
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by twitter. also on facebook. we posted the same question on facebook. a number of postings so far, a couple of them here we mentioned we covered a number of speeches recently and among the folks will hear tonight at a recent senate hearing, tim cook, the ceo of apple, also the head of xerox, fred smith who is the americanf fedex, and express along with marriott. we have opened up our phone lines. the numbers are on your screen.
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the ahead and start dialing. participate by twitter and facebook as well. ken chennault talks briefly about the economic recovery and consumer confidence. i would say are a few key things. number one, i think the consumer has really demonstrated incredible resilience in a very challenging economic environment. the question for all of us is, how long will that last? the consumers held up relatively well. i think you also see in spending, you see that in the credit performance, which the write-off rates have substantially come down. for the industry overall, most historical lows are you we're performing 50% better than the major bank card issuers. somenk that demonstrates
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of you that the consumer help is pretty decent, consumer confidence has held up pretty well. frankly, david, i really have been of the view, not surprisingly, that the economic recovery as i look at it in a broad scale, is going to be relatively don't have a.i great confidence that there'll be turnaround in the near-term. i think we have to hope it will stay stable. >> ken chennault, the head of american express, one of the recent speeches we covered from across the country on c-span, looking at issues of public policy. tonight we are getting your reaction. what message do you have for corporate america? we covered speeches on a wide range of issues that a number of different functions and congressional hearings. the numbers are on your screen.
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let's go to the phone lines. what is your message for corporate america? there's a recent publication in the new york times about the salaries for ceos in our country come and there seems to be a large disparity between the giant salaries they are earning and is average workers pay in the united states. goingdo you think that is to end up over the next decade? what do you think is behind us corporate salaries going up like that? when the competition for the best and brightest ceos causes them to pay more and more, thinking they have to pay the sellers to get the best. host: on your screen, a chart of the top paid ceos.
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by taxing the crud out of us. what is the biggest federal government challenge your family run business faces? unemployment compensation, workman scott, -- workmen's compensation, the new healthcare bill is a monster monster for a company my size. just the amount of regulations that are going on right now. we are in a socialist system that people are paid not to work as opposed to going out and getting shops. host: how many locations in clearwater? caller: five. he mentioned the implementation of the health care. here is a tweet --
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that is from mark knoller. the obama administration delaying until 2015 after the 2014 midterm elections for a implementation. let's go to new jersey first before we hear from our next ceo. go ahead. caller: working 15 years in corporate america and starting my small business. i would like to see which states rank higher for the economy? maybe it is california. where do we see the next growth cycle as far as what part of the country would be really interesting? >> how is the business environment in new jersey? >> it is competitive but overall, i think there is an
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overall population moving out of state. just because the complex law structure, the cost of doing business in the state. but the benefit is that the population is quite high. the proximity to new york city. there is all this benefit on that side of it. >> what kind of business would you start? you mentioned starting a business. >> we're in the fast-food restaurant business. thethanks for calling and. head of ups spoke about the difficulty that some businesses are finding investing in the current economic climate. let's listen in. >> balance sheets are extremely cold. much of that cash is offshore because of the differential tax rate. we do feel that it is more important at this point to do something rather than nothing.
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there is the time perhaps and an economy that is moving along well where the stalemate is fine in washington. right now there is too much uncertainty and leadership in the government and private sector is critical. our message is very much that it is time to get together, work up something where everyone compromises how we do and and create some path to the future so some businesses can invest and we can move forward. there's a lot of latent capacity in the u.s. economy and the u.s. economy is healthy. it is being held back right now. >> you carry a lot of stuff. i will not ask you how much. presumably the amount of stuff you're carrying is increasing all the time. why do not continue to invest and if you are, how much really are you being held back by the uncertainty in washington? >> ups is fortunate.
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we have been around for over 100 innovated.continually we carry 6% of u.s. gdp in our network. from the largest corporations to the small mom-and-pop business. we see the hesitation for investment very noticeable in small and mid-sized customers that perhaps do not have as the pockets and not have international markets to address. we have seen the larger businesses go global to find new growth outputs. that is harder to do for small and medium customers all the we think it is critical to u.s. competitiveness. the impact it has on ups is right now, the u.s. economy is chugging along may be added to at ant rate or so.-- maybe two percent rate or so. we're growing less and not able to expand as rapidly because demand is not there.
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but because of a long-term perspective, we do make investments that may not pay back in the next couple of years. we're still making investments that are prudent but it takes-it >>ows the rate of growth. we're hearing from corporate executives and policies, issues that affect them and we're hearing from you. your message for corporate america. we are keeping our eye on twitter. we hear from kevin, good evening. >> those shalit -- salaries do not differ much from professional athletes, actors, musicians make. is pretty much 0 outrage toward them. i would like to apologize to the corporations of america for our government being so ignorant and making it easy for them to do
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business in china, taking jobs away from the americans such as myself. i am unemployed. >> what kind of job did you have? >> i worked in a manufacturing facility. i have worked in construction. it is next to impossible to find jobs in this field right now. >> thanks for checking in with this. cranbury township is next. >> i kind of agree with the last caller. i think there is this culture of corporate greed that kind of exists. the salaries are greatest. no one begrudges in a free marketplace earnings. you talk about the disparaging environment that exists between the ceo, and a mid-level to lower-level management or even a lower level worker.
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it is absolutely said. -- sad. there needs to be more sensitivity to a little less profit. the work force that could be inspired that has a chance to make more than what they're making. profits are of. we can go on with the examples. we're headed in the wrong direction. the way is to be was a lot >> you mean the discrepancy between what the top makes them with the average worker makes? and the environment,
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too. they did not just make less because they made less, but there was concern and sensitivity to mid-level, lower- level workers that, frankly, deserved a bit more and have more perks and things to look forward to. you have this workforce that profits are being made, but they were being taken at the top. it feels uncomfortable. generally speaking even in a free marketplace it makes me feel terribly uncomfortable and i think we're headed in the wrong direction. >> it says here you have a small business. you are currently running a business? >> i am. >> i have from myself and situation hard to find work in construction. i got my own business, i am a veteran and i am speaking of work.
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i put god first and work second. i am blessed to be american, thankfully to live in america. people back on history, how i got here. we had people come here. we established churches and we worked hard. i didn't--- bring back to basics of the people who was here in this country. will love each other, love of god. we rely on the people of the government to apply our needs. we work and sweat and dirt. we have to get god first and will see how i can change it. >> he and another caller -- those working in the construction field. there's another issue on the corporate side.
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microsoft talked about the issue of finding skilled immigrant later -- on immigrant labor. >> microsoft and across the john we are increasingly grappling the numbers help tell the story at a time when national unemployment is just below eight percent, the unemployment rate in the computer and mathematical occupation is falling to 3.2% and in many states, and in many subcategories, it has fallen .elow two percent unfortunately, the situation is likely to get worse rather than better. the bureau of labor statistics has estimated this year the economy is going to create over 120,000 jobs, new jobs, that
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will require a bachelors degree in computer science. of theestimate that all colleges and universities in the country put together will produce this year only 51,474 of these degrees. that is why high skilled immigration and this legislation is of such great importance are you -- importance. this bill, first it addresses the green card shortage. big eliminates the per country cap, you create a new green card category for advanced degrees, all things needed. area, the the h1b bill quite rightly, i believe, has improvements in the number but1b's available, companies with changes to ensure
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american workers are protect it. bt raises the wage floor for h1 employees, improves portability so those employees can switch employers. it addresses a number of other issues. even though we have lingering questions, we recognize compromise is needed all around and we hope to build to work with this committee and its staff as you go through the details. there is a third thing this bill does that is of extraordinary importance. national stem education fund. the reason we have such a shortage of high skilled labor is because he systematically underinvested as a country in the education of our own children. consider this, there are over 42,000 high schools in america,
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but this year the number certified to teach the advanced placement course in computer science is only 2250. senator, we are grateful to work with you and senator hatch to the squaredroposal, act. it creates a model for the national stem education fund. this bill follows much of that model, but i hope you might improve it even further. raise the fees on visas. raise the fees on some green cards and invest that money in the american people so we can provide our own children with the educational opportunities they will need to develop the skills to compete in an increasingly competitive world. company, microsoft spends more on research and development than any other company in the
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world. $9.8 billion this year, yet we spend 85% of that money in one country, this country, the united states. our industry has come to washington because we want to keep jobs in america. we want to fill jobs in america and we want to help create more jobs in america. in the short run, we will need to bring more people from other countries to america. we hope in the long run some of them will follow in the footsteps of the alexander graham bell and albert einstein and other great technologists and scientists and entrepreneurs. the we want to do more than that. we think the country should seize the moment to invest in our own children as well. and if we are going to do all of that, if we are going to do any of that, we need your help. thank you.
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>> testify before the senate judiciary committee. that was a couple of months ago on the immigration bill that passed in the senate just before they went on the july 4 recess. all of the speeches and testimony of congressional hearings we're showing you you this evening is available in our lady -- in our video library. what message do you have for corporate america? let's get back to our calls. caller: hello, a couple of points for corporate america. lower the unemployment rate of low skilled americans. the reason the illegals are coming up here, they want a better life and job, but they want to come up here for a job. documents,k their you will raise the minimum wage of the people coming up for you and -- coming up. the second point, college loans.
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colleges are loading kids up with debt on degrees they cannot afford to pay the debt back. time the college loans and the various grant programs to the degrees they are pursuing so you will get more money to get a stem degree, to get a degree in science and technology because you will earn more when you get out of college. that will put pressure on the colleges to lower their cost as opposed to keeping all degrees equal. here, we will give you all the college loans you want. we have a chilean dollars in student debt. they cannot pay them back because they qualify for $15 an hour job. issue isollege loan one congress will face when they return from the july 4 recess. the rate went up for new loans to 620%. gainesville, florida. caller: how are you doing?
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>> go ahead. what that guy was just saying, i have a question. were threeive people that caught with -- >> go ahead and meet your television. mute your television. caller: they were hiding money. do you know about that? >> no, i don't. caller: i did not see it on tv. you go.oing to let thank you for calling in, richard. david -- excuse me, larry on the line. caller: i think we need to scale
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back on the automation so much because that is but a lot of people out of work. do onceknow what we can the horses out of the barn, because the horse is out of the barn, but how we could use this technology in some other kind of way aside from putting people out of work. said,he previous caller and we up the phone now have so many in the philippines or india or somewhere, you know know, those are jobs that people right here used to have and they don't have them anymore. we have recordings on the telephone there used to be operators. the people that are out of work they cannot buy the supplies. so who are we making the supplies for?
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>> are you currently employed? caller: i am retired from the military. >> here is the bloomberg story from today about the sales of cars. one company involved in the auto bosh.ry is one of the regional vice presidents recently spoke about the types of apprenticeship programs in places like germany and how it may apply to the u.s. vital.eel these are if you take a look at how germany is set up with her dual education system where you get to go through the standardized schooling and any have to apply with the company, you get excepted with the company, then you get the specialized training
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for not only the manufacturing, but other areas. we see that to be beneficial in germany where the unemployment rate has dropped significantly due to this. bring these types of programs >>to south and north carolina. does germany have a lower unemployment rate among young people, lower than our right here in the united states? >> yes they do. >> is that due to this dual education approach? >> i believe it is. >> that is something we should analyze in this country moving forward. >> on the issue of training for jobs in the local communities, here is what the head of xerox had to say. >> if there's a problem and education, businesses engaged locally with educational institutions and try to do the best they can. we found is the engage a lot. a lot of money, a lot of time. a lot of human capital engaged in grade school all the way up through universities.
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one of the things that we're doing is we formed this organization to get companies pointed to more effective ways to use the money they are using. there is a lot of work at the business roundtable. cynicism is not the name of the game. when you go out and try to game. when you go out and try to operate a business, we do work to try to solve problems. a little help from government would be nice. we figured out a way to do it without having a turbocharge behind us but imagine if you had a turbo charge behind us. in exports we have a lot of work. to try to enable and lay a system that will help small to large companies export more of their goods and services. that is the goal of the export complex. it is an infrastructure that can work.
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