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tv   Clinton Global Initiative  CSPAN  July 4, 2013 8:00pm-8:46pm EDT

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off their mortgages in a couple of notorious cases. to buy their election. >> more on c-span, former president bill clinton and new jersey governor chris christie talk about winning for and persevering through natural disasters. then a discussion on citizenship in america and how it relates to political engagement, unity service, and self governance. then a look the origins of instagram after two stanford graduates else the photo filter technology company in eight weeks before selling it to facebook for eight -- for $1 billion. next, former president bill clinton and new jersey governor chris christie talk about mining and persevering through natural disasters. they give advice to governors on
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ways to plan for future events -- events. held by the clinton global initiative meeting in chicago, is 45 minutes. -- this is 45 minutes. [applause] >> now we are going to have a little fun. stage ao invite to the man whose reputation i have virtually ruined more than once. [laughter] both the basketball fans, and governor christie used to have seats right behind mine at the big east tournament. i remember the first time i sat down and talk to him, i thought -- this is going to wreck this guy's career. it will show pictures of him talking to me. get elected in new jersey, but everybody else would say, oh my god, he is consorting with a liberal. [laughter]
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he never blinked. as far as he was concerned, as long as i could talk about basketball, it was ok with him. i am honored that he has joined us today. i do want to say in the interest of my commitment to keep cgi completely nonpartisan and we did invite my governor governor cuomo to join him, but he could not be here today. we are going to talk about something that is really important, that is, what happens when the cameras go home after a disaster? this is so important. so to set this up, when i was californiai went to 29 times in four years, and part of it was just one natural disaster after another. they had everything but a plague of locusts. inn we had a 500 year flood the mississippi river, and to rebuild it, he had to rebuild wasof the communities -- it
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impractical for some, because they were in a floodplain, and then all of these other things happened. .hen we come to hurricane sandy even the horrible tornadoes that leveled joplin, that have now stricken oklahoma, we had for nato's as far north as -- tornadoes as far north as massachusetts and new york city last year. onneed to give more thought the responsibilities of leadership and how to plan for what happens after the disaster. mayor bloomberg, as i mentioned earlier, just last week revealed that $20 billion plan to try to make new york city resilient in the face of what is almost certainly going to be rising water levels in the years ahead. it is a big challenge. governor christie received an
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,normous amount of publicity entirely well deserved, for his passionate advocacy for the people of new jersey and the work he did in the immediate aftermath of sandy. now there are no cameras there, but there are a lot of people and he isrouble, still doing that work. that is what i want all of you to think about. many of you live and communities that are vulnerable to one or another kind of natural disaster. we need to think about what happens when the worst is over and you have to plan for tomorrow. lee's join me in welcoming governor of new jersey, governor chris christie. [applause]
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so, even as effective as you are , and as i once was, we could not stop the big east from dissolving. >> no. get rid of this resilience thing, i want to do figure out how television revenues from football games can short of dissolving the greatest basketball conference in american history. it was really sad. >> what will we do next spring? >> watch a lot of television. [laughter] thank you for coming. thank you for bringing her family. your wife and son are here. where are they? stand up. [applause]
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son is a student at princeton where he plays baseball. he is ok with the big east dissolving. [laughter] once you got through that character -- -- terrible emergency. period, and all of the gripping pictures of people showing up, what did you do next? what have you done to this day from the time the emergency ended about the places that were devastated in the places that remain vulnerable? >> it is hard for me not to look back on it to pinpoint when the emergency ended. it is when you get into the aftermath of the situation. our view was, the first thing you have to do is return people to normalcy, and we define normalcy in five ways -- get their power back on, get the
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wastewater treatment plants or can again so they have clean water, get the gas stations reopened, get the state highways reopened, and get their kids back in school. we knew that when we got those five things done, than probably 90% of the state would be back to a sense of normalcy. i would gauge it from there. we had three weeks out, most that under control. as you move forward, what you realize is this is going to be a years long enterprise. sandy in new jersey alone, 355,000 homes were severely damaged or destroyed. 355,000. what you are looking at is, how do you give people a sense of hope and also do it in a smart way? the first thing we did was sit down with the mayors in the most
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effected -- the most affected towns. in new jersey, it is a very much home rule state. they controlled their local zoning and ordinances. they had to be full partners. we bring the mayors and. i met with a lot of them one-on- one to say, i wanted have an an honest conversation with your residence. we are willing to ask the federal government to partner with us on a buyout program to buyout homes and properties that really should no longer be standing because they have been so perpetually flooded over time. i'm not going to force people out. i want you to start having that conversation. in the places that do not want to sell out, how are we going to protect it? we came up with three ways to go first,rotecting them -- in the jersey shore communities, not all of our shore communities at army corps of engineers designed dune systems.
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there is lots of debate about this -- are they worth it or aren't they? sandy saddleback score. in the towns that had army corps of engineers designed doing systems, the damage was minimal. and the ones that did not, the damage was complete. now there is no longer a debate in new jersey about whether we should have them as a safety precaution. that is number one. i pitched to president obama that that is one of the things that had to be included in the aid package, the ability to complete the dune system along the entire 130 mile long atlantic coast of new jersey. congress agreed. we have the money to do that. that is what we are working on now to do that. [applause] second, you had to deal with the ordinances and towns regarding the building code and work with the state to now deal with using better materials and more
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resilient types of standards. what we saw in new jersey was in an older town, a lot of big, beautiful homes on the ocean that were built in the 1950s or --0s -- they look beautiful but they could not stand up to the stone -- storm. they had no dunes and very old homes under old codes. we have to bring those codes up in every town to deal with the new realities. our homes have to be much more hardened if they are going to be in these areas. you need to do that third. you have to work with fema on and see how much you have to raise existing houses. i think what you're going to see in the jersey shore, when you come back in another couple of years, most homes within a four or five blk ocean
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pillarsnow on stilts, that comeshe water underneath to not create structural damage. all of those conversations had to be had at the local level in our state because new jerseyans have a tradition of being fiercely home rule, tonight -- do not like being imposed state downward, and will fight brutally to prevent it. my job was to go to these towns and convince them that this is something that needed to do. so far, with some exceptions, i have been successful. that is part of what we had to do to deal with the homeowner side of things, let people know that this is a new world in a different world, and if you want to live here, and if you do not want to sell out, this is what you've got to do to make the avoidime a storm comes, the risk to human life and damage to property. >> how many people took the
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option to take the buyout? >> very few comparatively speaking. although in certain towns -- i'm finding that in some of our more middle-class towns -- those folks have had it. birthplace, we are buying out probably 375 homes. those people are willingly doing it. we will probably get the first half of those bought out by the september. pretty quickly after the storm, within one year, those people will be out, and have the money in their hands to go to another community. my approach has been, i want to buy hold neighborhoods. buying houses piecemeal will not do anything. withill still have to deal destruction in those neighborhoods in the aftermath of it. what we have been encouraging is for folks to get together as neighborhoods and to say, all of
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us need to go together. ville,yers still -- sayer and another time, we will buy about 500 homes. in phase two of the federal funding we are getting it will come in october -- which will come in october, that will go down the coast and start offering the same kind of deals to others. >> once you buy the homes and you are in the position with the land and whatever remains, what are you going to do? what are you going to do with the land? >> passive use and try to set it --so we know it floods there let's use the lands and work the terrain to try to protect other parts of town. approaches that will allow us to slow water down as it goes through. not walls, but natural types of structures, but nothing on the land for any human use.
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what we want to do is to use it as a buffer against neighborhoods that are closer. >> is their federal money to help to do that, to restore the land to its natural condition? >> yesterday. and the hazard mitigation funds we are getting in the aid package, it helps us to mitigate against future hazards. >> if you do this and complete this project in a given community, will it have any effect on the availability and cost of flood insurance for the people that remain behind? >> no question. to doct is if we are able it effectively, for them, it will probably get them out of -- without getting too deep in the weeds -- out of the high velocity zones of water into either a regular flood zone or even out of a flood zone completely. the ripple effect for it will be significant. >> i do not want to get in the
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weeds, but i think this is important. the thing i love about the beachfront for new york and new jersey is it is one of the last remaining big stretches were middle-class people have real homes, real neighborhoods, real communities, real routes. i'm shocked by the number of people who have come up to me personally -- chelsea organized a day where our foundation took 1000 people to the rockaways -- they had little publicity -- a lot of people here at cgi worked there, and i had so many people come up to me to say, i grew up here. all of their parents had standard middle-class jobs. i was afraid that when this property was vacated it would become the stuff of land speculation and all of these people would be thrown off the land. both you and our governor cuomo in new york have tried to keep
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the character of the place. in doing that, the insurers are really important. the availability of insurance and the affordability of insurance -- that is why i asked you about it. i think all of them should know that because there are similar decisions that have to be made in tornado alley. that is where i was governor. most of the years i was governor, we had the highest tornado destruction rate in the country. now it has moved little bit a tad north. you see southern oklahoma city and joplin. have you or your government had to work with the insurance industry since this happened? is beinginsurance now completely develop -- governmentally controlled. by fema. if you want to buy flood insurance, which have to new if you are in a flood area and you have a mortgage, the banks will require it.
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the only place you can buy as the national flood insurance plan. that is not completely controlled by the government. they will have private brokers who will help them to sell it, but the insurer is the national flood insurance when within fema. the way we've got to work with insurance companies, it has been the business insurances and homeowners, and homeowners pay very little on this because every homeowners plan that i know, there is a flood exclusion. it is predominate -- it predominately fell on the national flood insurance plan. that is why the real sandy relief package is about $50 billion, because $10 billion of the $60 billion went to the national flood insurance land, it should been underfunded by congress and the administration. we have worked with an fip -- n fip. it is challenging.
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sometimes it seems they are more concerned about an oig audit than the people that are buying insurance from them. we have worked with the administration to help keep pressure on them. they are the only game in town. >> i think it is really interesting -- the coastal land presented different rating challenges to them because most of these people were set up to deal with rivers overflowing their banks, so we had a 500 year flood in the lower mississippi. orhink it was 93 -- 1993 1994. we relocated entire towns that were built on a floodplain because we did not have enough information to know that those areas were going to flood more often than every 100 years. we know something generally like that about the oceans, but i think a lot of these guys are
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shellshocked because they are not sure that all of the prediction models are out of the window. >> it's true. jersey,ace like new there is a real romantic attraction to the jersey shore. for folks who live there, whether it is their primary residence or they go to vacation there and they rent those homes, they are close or on the ocean, new jerseyans do not want to give that away, even in the face of these obvious challenges that these storms have brought. there is an emotional connection by the people. we just reopened when the two of the 23 boardwalks on the jersey shore by memorial day. of the 23 boardwalks on the jersey shore by what -- memorial day. i was going to a number of boardwalks, and i cannot tell you how many people came up to
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me, grabbing at me saying, thank you for giving us the shore back. there is an emotional connection. as a leader, you have to recognize that part of it, it is not not just going to be a -- it is an emotional connection could you have to do things to try to give people the ability to still have that emotional connection to the place they grew up, where they took their children. not those children are taking their children there. that is part of the challenge from a leadership perspective. let's talk about what we should do next. what advicewe do, would you give the governors and mayors of these coastal towns that have not been hit yet? what can they do to improve resilience, to improve resistance, to reduce damage from the storm -- a storm as severe as sandy now? i got to thinking about this,
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because obviously, we could just watch what you guys have been through in new york and new jersey, to a lesser extent in connecticut, and say, well, we should do as much of this is possible, and we ought to be able to do it at lower cost if we start now all up and down the atlantic coast and into the gulf me liket it looks to the funds do not flow until something bad happens. if you were designing this, what would you recommend to the governors and the mayors of these communities, and what would you recommend to the national government in terms of redesigning our response? >> you are right that we had a number of these systems that have been authorized by congress, and some of them were authorized by congress for 20 years never funded. -- but never funded. you have to have a cost-benefit
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analysis of whether or not you need to do this upfront because what happens now is, as you said, the funds do not flow until there is a disaster. inn you are dealing with it a hyper elevated state in terms of cost and demand. we have companies coming from all over the country to help redo this rather than doing it in an orderly way because we are back in the middle of hurricane season again. what i would say to other to look ats you need your own funds that you use grid every state along the coast has this. there is beach replenishment funds that they put to either a dedicated fee or tax from general funds monies, and start to look at, instead of doing these replenishments to make the beach broader and prettier, but to take some of that money and saying, let's build doing systems. to me, the only way besides the
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ordinance exchanges in making the homes are resilient, the only way to do this on the coast, it is a type of natural system that will protect you against this type of storm surge. whether it is a wall or a dune system, either one, those are the things you will have to do. i think states have always looked at it along the coast and the monies for beach replenishment, it is a tourism investment -- i want to make the beach broader, ready or, more blankets, more chairs. now you have to start thinking, i've got to protect the property in land, and the only way to do that is through dunes. they can push congress, although in the current climate, whether or not congress will appropriate that money is questionable. spent alongalready the coast significant amounts of this money in other ways. maybe they need to redirect it. that is what we are doing now not only with the federal money but with the state money, i am now redirecting it towards
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paying for our share of the dune building because there is a cost share with the federal government. -- is there some way to use the insurance system to require that any new housing built conform to new standards? >> absolutely. we are doing it. we are giving people a choice essentially. if your house is 50% destroyed, you have no you must build to the new fema standards. if you are at 51% destruction of your home or greater, it is require that you rebuild to new federal standards, but what we are saying to folks who are not to at all or less than that, we theoffering to them opportunity to raise their houses now. be, theyit is going to are going to cut their flood
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insurance costs by two thirds if they do it. the upfront investment of about the $2000, which is the average $50,000, which is about the average, you are going to save that amount of money within three years of the investment, maybe two years. a mix try to give people of the role of -- regulatory requirement, and those for who are less than the 51%, we try to give you a powerful economic incentive that if you elevate now, that that investment will pay for itself within two or three years. reason i am talking to all of about it -- you may live in nebraska and think this is crazy, but the truth is if you live in nebraska, you've got
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probably the same kind of considerations about either local river flooding or not talk -- we do enough about this generally and publicly. the only country that has ever really done this right is the netherlands because it is so small, and they were totally flooded. year, ieginning of this took my first trip to africa to see some of the work we were doing in northwest africa. nigeria, which we associate with oil systems that do not wnouts,ound outs -- bro religious and political conflicts, a developer is walling a 9.5 kilometer
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with interlocking concrete parts to let water in, designed by a dutch firm, based on their experience, and they have already recovered 10 million square meters of land to protect the point of lagos, which is an island. it is a first time in a developing country i have seen the kind of preparation to avoid disaster that i think we should be doing all over the world. -- if you have a population map of america, and you look at the percentage of our people that live from main all the way down to florida and around in the gulf coast and at the pacific coast, as is something we need to think about. we need to redefine leadership beyond just how you respond in an emergency to how you keep the emergencies from happening. >> no question. [applause] >> he's done a good job.
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i wanted you to hear this. the enduring image most americans have of you is standing there in your jacket, grieving with their people, working with them, and working with the president, and you got both praise and dam nation for ignoring the political differences that you had then and still have with the president and all of us in the other party, to do something that was really important grade i wanted them to hear what you are doing now because i think this should be as unifying as that. we've got to stop waiting for something horrible to happen and then spend 10 times as much as we would have to spend to keep it from happening. >> the people in nebraska should care about it because they are paying for it. right? [applause] even if you have no interest in this subject, you are paying to rebuild the jersey shore right now. , southa, iowa, kansas dakota, north dakota, you are paying it.
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arkansas, of ours, mr. president. president.e, mr. [laughter] it is an issue because of the number of people who live there withhe expense associated rebuilding in that area. one of the things i was trying to explain to president obama was, when he took the first two were there two days after the , i said, mr. president, in a state like new jersey, to rebuild 365,000 homes in some of the most, if not the most, expensive real estate in america in new jersey and new york, this is incredibly costly and one we have to try to avoid doing another time after this. that is part of the argument i made to him about the investment of billions of dollars that is going to cost the federal government and state government to build that dune system, but to do it is going to avoid -- the loss to new jersey in the storm of property was $39
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$3lion -- so to invest billion or $4 billion to try to prevent another $39 billion and whether you to be are republican or democrat a pretty smart investment to make for the country. [applause] just close the circle on if you couldwere, make federal policy by fiat -- >> how great would that be? >> looks better to me all the time. [laughter] you redesign this? would you put this prevention and resilience function, would you put it in fema or lodge it you sete else, or would
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up the funds for which states could apply if they had a preapproved plan -- how would you structure this so that we americans could minimize future losses and maximize future security? >> i would tell you that i would take it out of fema. i think fema's mission is getting too broad for it to be good at all of it. i think fema should be what it says, which is when you need to manage an emergency and natural disaster, they come in and help you manage through the emergency. the immediate crisis. i think within the homeland security department, taking this out of fema, and whether or not putput it in noaa, or you it in a function like that and say, these are people who will have long-term planning responsibilities for dealing with resilience -- i think
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matching funds or the state has to pony up as well for long-term planning makes sense, that the federal government should not have to absorb all of these costs themselves. you work and what the cost share would be. everybody would have skin in the game. if the feds are paying for everything, you might want to do things in one way, but if you have to justify to your home taxpayer the investment, you might do it another. i think it is hard to get the national flood insurance plan out as a sole source of flood insurance. i think it was a bad idea. i think you need to get the private sector involved in this as well. that kind of responsibility inside the government exclusively, any type of monopoly is not good. had ak the government monopoly on providing a particular type of insurance, and it creates a bureaucracy that is self-defeating because now they are more worried about oig investigations and audits
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than they were -- then they are about paying claims. oig gives them more of a headache than any common citizen could. they react as bureaucracies due to that. to do with this over the long term, to make the flood insurance both affordable and responsive to the customer, they should take it out of the federal government and allow that to be handled by the private insurers and homeowners. >> for all of you listening, maybe most of you know what noaa is, but it is the national oceanic survey, and it is a great agency because they monitor the movement of the oceans. their ability to predict the likelihood of things like this happening is extraordinary. effects ofthe greater ice melts up north and other kinds of external factors in the ocean and the likelihood of more storms and where up-and-
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down the continental united states, that is quite high. themer thought about using before, but at least they could be a resource in trying to make good judgments about what the insurance rates could be. >> i think they could help prioritize the resiliency money. where do we have the greatest risks for this to happen again? federal resources on the place where there is the greatest risk the most quickly. it is going to be a long-term rocket for our country to deal coastline of the continental country and to deal with these types of problems. it seems to me that if they are in the business of predicting where we are at the greatest risks, the could be the agency better than fema who could be making the decisions on how to prioritize funds and a time when we have limited resources in the country on all types of infrastructure demand that we have. this is another infrastructure demand, this protection of our coastline, and i think that is
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one idea -- none of them are perfect -- it is one idea that could work. >> do you think there is enough awareness between what you have been through and joplin and oklahoma and all of these things we have been through in the country -- now we are dealing with these unusually severe wildfires out west -- that we might be able to get a huge bipartisan majority of governors to ask for this kind of reform? >> i think so. so many more of us are now getting affected directly by it. i think it is very difficult to understand this until you have been through it. nature the overwhelming of a significant natural disaster -- to give you some perspective, there are 8.8 million people in new jersey -- when i woke up a morning of tuesday, october 30, 7 million
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people in new jersey were without power. the state was closed. i went on google earth that night and looked. as he went up the east coast, he saw the lights in the evening. if you get to new jersey, it was dark. until you go through something like that, all of this is conceptualizing could i think governors are practical folks most of the time. they are trained to do with the problem in front of them. -- i haveu're getting spoken with governor fallon and oklahoma who now has an even greater understanding of what it is like to see this kind of destruction and how to deal with the human cost and economic cost -- i think we are building towards that. the one thing i will tell you, there are no partisan lines on this one when it happens. you're reaching out to everybody you can print i was reaching out to every governor i could to say, can you urge your utility companies to send us cruise? -- us crews?
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can you send some national guard troops up? i think this type of crisis recs on a lot of barriers between us -- breaks down a lot of the barriers between us. [applause] is, i ranson i ask five times the governor, and not one time did anybody ask me on the street, in a press interview, or during a debate what i would do about any of this. i lived in a state that then had the highest incidence of tornado damage rates in the country repeatedly. i followed your governors race closely. nobody ever asked you about it. we were all arguing about the education policy, and to this one or that one get hired or not. you remember the whole thing. >> yes, i do. [laughter] >> this is really important.
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a've got to start to become resilient society. we know we are resilient internally, but if you plan to resist the worst destruction, if you plan for a quick spring back , you can do this and minimize these damages. i wanted all of you to know how much work he has done on this. i think it is really important. we see these disasters. they have these indelible impressions in our mind. we form conclusions about what people did or did not do. what matters equally as much is what happens the day after everybody else is gone, and you are left with trying to put people's lives back together. >> the other thing that -- you are to this right, we never do get asked about it in the concept of campaigns unless you just got --ough something like this
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uniquely, when this kind of thing happens, republicans, independents, democrats, you turn to government. no one in my state was arguing to me that on tuesday, october 30, governor, you should privatize the response to this storm from here on out. [applause] this is one of those things that i think regardless of where you fall on the ideological spectrum, you would agree that this is government's responsibility. so,t is, and demonstrably when you look at joplin, moore, sandy in new york and new jersey, then governors need to be thinking about these things much more than we do before. preventcusing on how we this kind of severe damage in the future. one thing i can tell you for
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sure is you never want to go through it again. you do not. the other you that thing that contributes to this that makes people skeptical and not want to plan is the way the media covers this. storm, there is nothing that the networks love more than an oncoming storm. everybody is like ok, get in front of a television set, the storm is coming to me. i want to make it sound as bad as possible. if you make it sound really bad, people will stay in front of their tv and say, tell me more. when it is not bad, when it is just ok, people start to say, the hell with it. we had hurricane irene the year before. all the national weather service and other people are telling me, governor, this is going to be catastrophic. ok, so i will prepare for that. i even do a d entire new jersey shore. evacuate the entire new
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jersey shore. i said, get the hell off the beach. mary pat said to me, did you really tell people to get the hell off the beach on television? i said, this is new jersey, i felt like they did not understand. [laughter] it wasn't so bad on the shore. we had inland flooding. now when we had sandy and i told people, this is going to be bad, the rule people on the shore. i went to the shore the days before and had to tell people personally -- they would say, you said that last year -- part of the problem for planning is that people become cynical about whether we can really predict these things. if we predict them wrong, then why should we invest the money to do it? that contributes to the thesis of your question -- there is a growing bipartisan consensus on this because so many of us have now gone through it. once you go through it in my
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state, people are going to get off the hell of the beach really quick because they saw what happened. >> i am looking at assigned that says, governor must depart for airport. that says, governor must depart for airport. [laughter] neither one of us control the chicago airport yet. but give governor christie a big hand. give governor christie a big hand. [applause] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2013] >> next, a discussion citizenship in america and how it relates to self governance
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and community service. later, a look at the origins of instagram after two stanford right to it else is older technology company in only eight weeks before selling it to facebook for $1 billion. then highlights from c-span's first season of looking at the lives of america's first ladies. to be an american citizen is to be one of the paragons of freedom and democratic for thees and a beacon rest of the world. i think we have done that very well in the past 200 years. i think we will do it even better. >> do you think that american citizens have any particular responsibilities or rights that they should exercise? >> absolutely. we are the number one consumers in the world. that gives us the responsibility to make sure that we consume responsibly. we have not done that so well, but we are learning. we are going to improve. >> it feels great.
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i am the top of my class. failing, and the teacher helped me out. i am a straight a student now. that is how i feel about america. taking chances. you have a good president. that's it. >> to be an american citizen is toething everyone aims at, become somebody who is respected , who does not stop at airports and being asked for things like, we have no idea what they are asking about. to live in a country that is free, that respects everyone's beliefs, this is how i look at it. i come from the middle east. i come every year, twice every year and i am here on a
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conference as a teacher. >> i am from france originally. u.s., i came to the learned a lot about americans, through school. the idea was more like economical, i would say. successful americans, a business owner. but i came to the u.s., that is what i started to do. create my own business and massage their the. -- in massage therapy. the main difference between french and americans is food. [laughter] guesscal point of view, i , lifestyle are pretty similar. in have a lot of people washington, d.c. that are really fighting for their political point of view, like in france. eating differently, that would be the main point i would say to become an aman


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