tv Public Affairs Programming CSPAN August 25, 2013 9:00pm-11:01pm EDT
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era, we will feature the first ladies in their own words. assuming building rights would be one of and one of the foundations. on which we would build in the world. an atmosphere in which case can grow. . the white house does not belong to just one person, and belongs to the people of america. >> season two of first ladies, from edith roosevelt to michelle obama is live on monday night. we take your calls and facebook comments. willnday night, we conclude the encore presentation of season one will stop -- season one. span, we bring a public
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affair of events from washington to you. white house readings and conferences. gaveling complete gavel-to- coverage of the house. c-span, created by the cable tv industry 34 years ago and funded by your local cable or satellite provider. now, you can watch us in hd. >> a look at the unfolding situation in syria and how humanitarian efforts are being carried out. million refugees have left for neighboring countries. from washington journal, this is 20 minutes. host: joining us next is dr. ron waldman, president of doctors of the world usa, joining us to talk about the group's activities among the world with refugees, in particular the syrian refugee camp from which he has recently returned.
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thank you for being with us. this is a photo in this week's "new york" magazine with an article and a photograph of a camp. it is open two weeks. it is now home to 120,000 people. the population of hartford, conn. you were recently at this camp. it looks like largely a tent city. what was your experience like? guest: a very large encampment of refugees. it is now the second largest refugee camp in the world after the one in northern kenya. it is the third or fourth largest city in jordan. it is no longer as much of a tent city. there are more signs of permanence as the shelters become more permanent it is not a bad thing with winter coming
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up, but there are signs of people coming there who may be there for a much longer time than would be desirable. it is a thriving community with a lot of goods for sale. there is a main street through the middle of the community that is jokingly called the champs elysees where many things are for sale. the conditions are terrible. people are dependent for food and water. the sanitation conditions are not satisfactory. it is not a place anyone would want to be for any long period of time. host: is created because of what is happening in syria. none of this existed before. you are with doctors of the world.
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what is the most pressing concern? guest: are a number of pressing concern as the conditions in syria deteriorated. syria is a middle income countries. conditions were not so bad prior to the opera gun violence. conflict makes things worse in the short period of time. now you have the complete disintegration of what was a fairly strong medical and public-health system. some of the things one would need to be worried about are basic child in diseases, especially preventable diseases like measles, pneumonia, diarrhea, things that can all be prevented. many of the refugees coming over are not in such bad shape acutely, but as things continued to deteriorate in syria, that will change rapidly.
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host: tell us about your organization, doctors of the world usa. how are you funded and how you get called in to replace like this refugee camp? guest: we are in non- governmental organization that works around the world. it is an international network with chapters in 14 countries. we do medical humanitarian work. we feel we are distinguished from others in our commitment to the long term relief and rehabilitation. we do not go in only for an emergency and leave. we stay with them as long as we can and as long as the need is there. we also put an emphasis on domestic projects in each of the countries we are constituted.
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doctors of the world usa is going soon to open a free clinic in new york city for people who have not fully recovered from the effects of hurricane sandy. each of the national sections has a similar domestic project or series of projects they were gone. host: we will invite our listeners and viewers to join the conversation on refugee camps around the world, in particular looking at syria. here are the numbers if you are a republican, democrat, independent or others. the situation in syria at this camp, that is not only the displacement of 120,000 people or so.
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but that most impact the local jordanian population as well. what problems does it cause? guest: syria is the largest country between jordan and lebanon. we have 120,000 people approximately in the camp. there is a town or village outside of the camp that does not benefit from receiving the same international assistance because those people are not refugees. they are jordanians living there. this kind of differentiation does have the potential to create tensions between the different populations in some resentment from the local population toward the refugees. in lebanon, the situation is quite acute. there are an estimated 1 million
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refugees from syria who have come across in the last couple of years. imagine the burden this puts on all the social services, not only the help system, but on the schools, because there are no camps in lebanon. they decided they do not want camps. the refugees are more dispersed. this puts enormous pressure on the schools. this puts enormous pressure on employment opportunities. it puts pressure because many of these people come with the money. it puts pressure on the availability of housing in the capital and even in smaller villages and rural areas. this has the potential to create tensions between the populations, which is not unusual one large influxes of refugees come into countries not entirely prepared to handle them. host: a picture in "the new yorker."
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lots of kids. guest: yesterday the united nations high commissioner for refugees announced there are now 1 million refugees under the age of 18 who have fled from syria. that is about half of the total refugee population. the sad thing is this risks becoming a lost generation of syrians who will not have the same opportunities for schooling or employment as they get over and who will be living in conditions one would not wish on anyone. host: let's hear from our viewers. sammy is from new jersey on our independent line. caller: why does the u.s. not give visas to the professionals
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and pick up some good people from the area? that might help. it would also give some expertise that would help with the economy. guest: that is a good question. in all refugee situations, there are refugees who eventually make it to a third country. we have been talking about the camp in jordan, which is the first destination for the refugees. the optimal solution would be for the conflict to cease and for people to be able to go back and pick up their lives. if that does not occur, a refugee camp is not a good solution. either the host country needs to be provided assistance to absorb people from all walks of life and children or third countries often do take a substantial
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number of refugees from these settings. the united states has been very generous accepting refugees. many other countries around the world as well, not only for economic but for humanitarian reasons as well. host: how often are you out in camps? guest: i have been president of doctors of the world usa or may be little less than one year. this was my first trip on their behalf. i have been doing humanitarian work for some time with the centers for disease prevention and another agency. i personally work more on the policy side of things. i work together with the u.n. agencies. i work with other non- governmental organizations engaged in activities similar to ours.
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we try to make sure ?- it is not just a question of being there and how much we do. it is important maintain professional standards and pay careful attention to the quality of work we're doing as well. host: the next caller is from staten island, a democratic caller. caller: i think the main reason is the invasion of iraq. guest: the politics are complicated. the syrian situation is distinct from what happened previously in iraq when the united states was involved. i think this is a conflict that has been going on for about two years and has more to do with internal syrian politics. there are certainly extra players involved as well.
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host: the brochure for doctors of the world usa talks about priority initiatives. we talked about mali. what is your organization doing? what are you seeing on the ground? guest: we have emergency relief operations. we work in places where there is the need for development as well. our organization has been working in mali for over 10 years. when you discussed it, it was probably in relation to recent events that have resulted in the imposition of a new humanitarian emergency on what was already a difficult situation. we modified our programs. we increased our efforts to meet the humanitarian needs of the population. we're running several hospitals and a number of clinics in two of the larger cities in the north. a chapter from belgium is first and foremost providing those services.
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they have done a remarkable job in meeting the needs of the population. host: ken is on the democrats' line. go ahead. caller: i am reminded of palestinians and their refugees were camped as refugees politically by their arab brethren to bring terrorism and dissatisfaction and all the other good stuff. it says we're talking not only about the syrian refugees in jordan, but we're also talking about lebanon where hezbollah holds sway. they are causing a great deal of sturm und drang in syria. in turkey, we have an islamist
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in rebellion. people are when in rebellion against his efforts to destroy the secular government in turkey. i am wondering if this is just another in a long line of humanitarian issues caused by the infantilization of the arab body politic. when will we have been in to this constant political and humanitarian debacle? i will wait off-screen for your answer. guest: thank you. i assume the question is
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rhetorical. i do not have a good answer for when it will end. our organization and ones like it are most interested in providing a humanitarian assistance to the many people not directly implicated or involved in the politics of these situations. a lot of people get caught in the crossfire. they lose all sense of normality about their lives. it is not only in the middle east. it is all around the world this happens. through no action of their own, people like you and me get involved in situations where they just need relief. they need assistance for a period of time. hopefully the situation can resolve that will allow them to get on with their lives. host: a recent publication looks of the sources of refugees around the world. 2.5 million from afghanistan. 1.1 million from somalia. iraq with nearly 750,000. by the end of 2013, what is the estimate in syria? how many refugees will there be? guest: the estimates range into
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the millions. there are approximately 2 million now. i have seen figures that say if the conflict does not stop soon, we can expect 4 million from syria. when we're talking about official statistics of refugees, a person can only become a refugee going across an international border. that is the official definition. with the conflict going on, the ability of people to cross borders becomes more difficult. we have a larger problem with water called internally displaced people. people have been forced to flee their homes but cannot cross an
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international border. they do not qualify under legal definition for international assistance as refugees. there are many more internally displaced people around the world than there are people counted as refugees. host: the next caller is a doctor from texas. go ahead. mute television or radio and go ahead. caller: yes, i am a doctor. i have been trying for the last couple of months to go there on my own through u.s. agencies. i have e-mailed and called to see if there's opportunity for me to go there and work. i have not gotten any answers. i just got an e-mail a couple of weeks ago. i have been trying for months of on e-mail and phone. there is an opportunity to go,
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but you would have to come as a consultant, as an intern to work because you are not a licensed physician in syria and cannot work over there. could i go through you to go and help? i work for 15 days and it 15 days off. i do want to work a little bit over there. guest: thank you for your call. you are very generous with your time. it can be greatly appreciated. i think you have a better chance of being able to volunteer or devote your time working with a non-governmental organization than by applying directly to an agency. there are groups you can consult. there are umbrellas of non- governmental organizations. in the u.s., there is one called interaction based in washington. you should consult website. 15 days or two weeks is a
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relatively short time, but i think you have skills that are in great need. i hope you will keep trying. host: let's get one more call. from brooklyn, ephraim is next. caller: and was calling to make this statement. i do not feel the united states should intervene in what is going on in the middle east. i understand it is an important region for us and we have strategic areas like the suez canal and israel. understand that. but every time we intervene, it backfires on us. this is an arab problem. they should take care of themselves.
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that is what i wanted to say. thank you can have a nice day. guest: thank you. i am also from brooklyn. there are probably many people who share your sentiment. as a representative of doctors of the world usa, we do not get involved in the politics of the situation. the fact of the matter for us is there are innocent people caught up in the situation and we feel is our duty as physicians and human beings to do what we can to provide them with appropriate assistance. because we work in the public health and medical sectors, that is our area of concentration. to work as doctors providing primary health care, hospital care, to people whose ability to access those kinds of services has been interrupted through no fault of their own.
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we do not take sides. we do not necessarily take political stances. we do whatever we can to provide people are caught up in difficult circumstances with whatever assistance we can, regardless of what side they are on for their politics or where they come from or their walk of life. host: our guest has been dr. ron waldman, president of doctors of the world usa. thank you for joining us this morning on "washington journal." >> more on the situation in syria. we have a reporter on the ground in damascus. as is also from today possible she can journal. sam. are joined by good morning. thank you for joining us. >> good morning to you. >> our first question regards .he attack -- the gas attacks
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what are you hearing from damascus. -- damascus? that thecusations opposition have made on wednesday about these chemical weapon attacks in the suburbs are mainly based on the eastern suburbs of damascus and a couple of areas southwest of the city. had some statements made yesterday by the syrian minister of information. he was speaking to a beirut- based news channel. it was most likely that the rebels were the ones that used the chemical -- some sort of chemical weapons. he also said -- again --
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repeated his government's denial, so far, that they would use weapons against their people. had a set oft moral values that prevented them from doing such a thing. t: the report is that the u.n. are presented is on the ground in syria. what is the united nations hoping for? uest: i think, to be able to -- as soon as possible. this team has been on the ground as long as a week. they arrived in damascus on know, to investigate, you accusations of weapons -- weapon
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use in other parts of syria. aleppo.aptop -- this broke out while they were here. the top priority is to hammer out some sort of deal with the government and be able to visit these areas. host: thank you for joining us this morning. next washington journal, a look at how small businesses view the economy. the national small business association president. jay hancock continues our series on the healthcare law. discussion about how some employees -- employers are adjusting to the law. after that, a conversation on the latest air traffic technology with the director of
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aviation issues with the government accountability office. that, plus, your calls. on washington journal. >> thousands of people gathered in the national mall to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the march on washington. civil rights advocates joined at the sameleaders location where martin luther king junior delivered his "i have a dream" speech. here is a brief look. >> my father, when i was growing up, said very simply. i used to walk around our home and he would say, boy, don't you dare walk around here like you hit a triple. you were born on third base. you are enjoying freedom,
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technology, things that were given to you by the struggle and sacrifice of those who came before you. don't you forget where you came from. you drink deeply from wells of freedom and liberty and opportunity that you did not dig. you eat from banquet tables prepared by your ancestors. we cannot afford to sit back and consume and get dumb, fat, and we havehinking that achieved freedom. the truth of the matter is, the dream still commands that the moral conscience of our country calls us. hope still needs heroes. we need to understand that there is still work to do. leading causes of death for black men my age and younger is gun violence.
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we have work to do. systeml have a justice that goes after the economically disadvantaged, we still have work to do. america, work, in a full-time job and still be below the line of poverty, we still have work to do. when we see wages stagnate and child poverty increasing. get richer and the poor get poorer. when millions of children are living in neighborhoods where the soil is toxic that asthma is in epidemic. we still have work to do. thinknot sit back and that democracy is a spectator sport.
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do is watch our tv screens and cheer for our sides. democracy demands action. we cannot sit back and get caught up in a state of sedentary agitation. we get upset about what is going on but we do not get up and do something about it. to let therselves inability to do anything -- everything undermine the ability to do something. >> four hours of remarks are available in our video library at live tomorrow, the 50th anniversary of the march of washington. jealous and the national urban league will talk about the state of race relations in america on c-span.
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>> i have been writing for years. he has peaked. the truth has finally arrived in the last year or so. sales fallingpc dramatically five quarters in a row. that, it had been quite flat. some of this had to do with the economic meltdown around the developed world and the whole world over the last five years. covered,conomies ever the pc has peaked. when i say it has peaked, i do not mean it is done and people are throwing their pcs away. tablets andn that
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smartphones can replace everything that a laptop can do. what is happening is that there are enough daily scenarios for which people used to grab their laptop that are more conveniently done on a tablet. mossberg looks at the future of personal technology in the first of a two-part interview on the communicators. >> teddy cruz speaks at a republican fundraiser. an introduction from kelly ayotte. as part of our 2016 coverage. >> thank you so much. honored to be here
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tonight. especially with my wing man joe. i want to thank joe. at an ambassador in augusta everything that they have done for the party and hosting this event, we are just so blessed to have great americans like a gust and joe for sharon -- augusta and joe petrone. thank you so much, both of you. ambassador, you are wonderful. and i want to thank our party chairman, jennifer horn, for her dedication, for her tenacity. she does not back down from a fight. she stands for our principles, and she works very, very hard. we are grateful for what you are
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doing for our party. i know that jennifer and all of you are working incredibly hard to make sure that 2014 is a winning year here in new hampshire for republicans. and i will tell you this -- a winning year we need not just in new hampshire, but we need to take back the united states senate for republicans. [applause] what is at stake? we know what is at stake. what is at stake is, we live in the greatest nation in our. we are so blessed to live here in this country. $17 trillion in debt, and a president who wants to keep spending and spending. it is only because republicans have control of the house that there has been any stop on that spending.
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when you think about obamacare and what it is doing to our businesses, to individuals -- what about the rest of us americans? that law has to go, and it has to be repealed. we need more republicans in the united states senate and in congress to keep the majority in the house and the senate to make sure that happens. i know i see it every day. joe is a small business owner. each of you have felt it in your business. republicans have ideas about how we can use market-based principles to drive down health care costs and to make health care better in quality and give people more choice, not less choice, like this president is doing to average americans with obamacare. and finally, the defense of our nation. look at what is happening around the world right now. jennifer talked about benghazi. we need republicans in the
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united states senate. we need to hold people accountable for what happens to those poor brave americans. [applause] and i can tell you that i am not going to give up this fight for the truth, and to hold people accountable, to make sure this never happens again. we can say the same thing for the irs. that the irs would target americans for their viewpoints so absolutely wrong. despite you are engaged in, not only here in new hampshire, but across the country, to make sure .we can win back a majority in the united states senate in 2014, and then go and take on the white house, a republican president in 2016. that will make the difference for this nation. we are the party of opportunity.
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we are the party of growth, the party that wants to give people the opportunity, the american dream, that you can do anything in this country with personal responsibility, work ethic. nothing can stop you in this country. and i am so proud to be here tonight. i know someone whose family story, and his own personal story, demonstrates what you can do as an american living in the greatest country on earth, with the american dream. it is my honor tonight to be here with my colleague, ted cruz. i want to tell you a little story about ted, because i met him long before i came to the united states senate. that was when i was involved in a little fight when i was attorney general, and i took a
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case to the united states supreme court. it was a case i took to the supreme court defending our parental notification law. and i know many of you followed that case. ted was solicitor general when i was attorney general. and he filed a brief on behalf of the state of new hampshire. it was not just any brief. let me tell you how smart this guy is. the grief that he filed on behalf of the state of new hampshire was instrumental in us winning that case. i want to thank ted for that. and so i knew that was not going to be the last that i was going to see of ted cruz.
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low and behold, he has come to washington. he has come and take in on with a storm. he has passion. he has principles. and he is very smart. i am honored to introduce my colleague and friend, ted cruz. [applause] >> thank you very, very much. kelly ayotte is a rock star. [applause] let me tell you, your senator is tough as granite. there is no stronger advocate of the men and women in our military in the u.s. senate than kelly ayotte. and there is no one tougher going to get the truth about what happened in benghazi than kelly ayotte.
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your senator is part of a new generation of leaders that are stepping forward. let me say on behalf of texas, and on behalf of americans across our great nation, thank you to the state of new hampshire for your tremendous senator, kelly ayotte. i also want to thank the ambassador and augusta for your tremendous hospitality, for opening up this incredible home, for bringing a texan from the swamps of houston to this exquisite vista that is truly breathtaking. and i am pretty sure you can actually see canada from here. [laughter] so i appreciate you going above
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and beyond to welcome me. [applause] and i will note, as i went upstairs in the home, that augusta had a bumper sticker sitting on the stairs that said, "stop crying. shoot back." [applause] and that is really how you make a texan feel at home. [laughter] i want to thank jennifer for your incredible hard work
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bringing this together, bringing everyone here. i want to thank all of you for traveling. so many of you traveled hours, from all over the place, to be here. thank you. thank you, thank you. i do need to begin with a warning. by virtue of your coming here tonight, tomorrow morning, each of you will be audited i the irs. -- by the irs. [laughter] so thank you for the strength of the courage of your convictions. this week, our eldest daughter, caroline, started kindergarten. it is a big week in the nelson cruz household. caroline was giddy, bouncing off the walls. we were with some friends. we were going out to dinner. caroline wanted to drive with
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them. there was no space at the bar. she proceeded to fall down to the ground, kicked, yellow, and scream, and throw a total fit. i know none of you have had kids do anything like that. my wife, heidi, is tough. she had a very stern conversation with caroline. dinner was almost canceled, and then it was not. we went to dinner. we went back to the hotel room. heidi and i are kneeling with caroline as she is saying her prayers. caroline looks up, and she goes, dear jesus, today, we had a situation. [laughter] and i am not sorry, but it is not going to happen again. [laughter]
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heidi and i just bit our tongues. not to laugh out loud at that precious, precious prayer. and you know what? that is why each and every one of us is here today. we are here because of our kids. we are here because of our grandkids. we are here because we are worried about the direction this country is going. and we are here because we want to make sure our kids and grandkids have every bit of opportunity, and even more, that we were blessed to have. i want to come here today with
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just a word of hope and optimism. something incredible is happening, i am convinced. we are seeing a new paradigm in politics that is changing the rules. that new paradigm is the rise of the grassroots. there is no power in politics like the grassroots. i want to talk about the grassroots in the past, in the present, and in the future. in the past, i want to give the example of my race for senate in texas. when we launched the campaign, january of 2011, i was at 2% in the polls. the margin of error was 3%. [laughter] those were our real poll numbers. i am not making that up. i was really, really excited with those numbers. until heidi pointed out to me
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that technically i could have been at negative one percent. we ended up going through a $50 million primary, the most expensive in the country. we were outspent three to one. had $35 million in nasty, personal, ugly attack ads. midway through, heidi is watching all those ads. she turns to me and says, goodness, gracious. i did not know you were such a rotten guy. and what we saw happen was incredible. we saw grassroots leaders throughout texas. we saw a republican women like my friend sylvia manley. we saw tea party leaders, business leaders, community activists come together, men and women, to begin knocking on doors, sending e-mails, getting on facebook and twitter, reaching out to everyone they knew, saying, we cannot keep doing what we have been doing. we have to turn things around. despite being outspent three to one, we went from 2% in the polls to not just winning, but winning the primary by 14 points and the general by 16 points. [applause]
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that was a testament to the grassroots. it was a testament to the power of men and women across the state, with a passion to turn our country around. i do not think i have ever been part of anything in my life that was more humbling and inspiring. i will tell you a true story from the campaign trail. i was up in lubbock, texas, during the runoff. an older gentleman came up to me and put his hand on my shoulder. he said, i am 74 years old. i am retired.
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i gave you $2500 for the primary out of my retirement savings. he said, tonight, i am giving you another $2500 for the runoff out of my retirement savings. because if we do not stop what is happening in this country, my retirement is going away. that is powerful, when you look in someone's eyes, and they are saying, please help us turn things around. let us talk about the threats. one of the first fights i was privileged to be part of in the senate was standing side-by-side with my friend, senator rand paul, in his 13 hour filibuster on drugs. [applause]
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when that started, it was 11:47 a.m. that rand paul went to the floor of the senate. most of our colleagues thought what he was doing was strange, curious, even quixotic. the first senators to show up to support him were mike lee and myself. what happened is, the american people began to get engaged. across this country, people became fixated by c-span. [laughter] a phrase that does not occur naturally in the english language. i say to our good friends at c- span. [laughter]
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and we saw people all over the country going online, speaking out, saying, defend our constitutional rights. it was incredible. as the day went on, one senator after another came to the floor of the senate. a number had gone home to dinner, and their staffs would say, get back here. you would see colleagues of mine coming to the floor of the senate saying, the tweety thing is happening. i need to be here. for 13 hours, the american people spoke up, and spoke loudly. because of the involvement of the grassroots, the next day, president obama was forced to do what he had refused to do for three consecutive weeks, which was admit in writing that the constitution limits his authority to target u.s. citizens. [applause] that was a bit. of the grassroots. that could not have been done from washington.
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that could only have been done from the american people. the next fight we got involved in was the battle over guns. we all remember the horrific, heart tragedy in newtown, connecticut. unfortunately, following that tragedy, president obama did not come out and say, let us go after violent criminals. let us do everything we can to stop violent crime. we ought to come down on them like a ton of bricks. [applause] but unfortunately, president obama instead tried to use that punchline. [laughter] you just say his name. people laugh.
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but vice president joe biden told all of us. he said, if anybody a tax or house, just go outside with a double barrel shotgun, and fire both barrels in the air, which is very, very good advice, if it so happens you are being attacked by a flock of geese. [laughter] but let me tell you, that fight over guns -- in the early days and weeks, that fight looked unwinnable. the momentum was entirely with the president. all of the media told us it could not be won, and there were lots of senators on the edge, waiting. a handful of senators stood up and said, we will filibuster any legislation that amends the second amendment right to keep and bear arms.
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[applause] what happened next was exactly the same thing that happened with drones. what happened next was, the american people began getting involved, began tweeting, began calling their senators and saying, defend our bill of rights. let me tell you one of the most effective defenders we have of the second amendment is your senator, kelly ayotte. and any new york mayor -- [boos] who thinks he can come up here and believe the senator from new hampshire seems a little confused by the concept of "live free or die."
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[applause] but as a result of the american people getting engaged, all of the senators that were on the fence, that were thinking about going with the president, that were agonizing when it came the day for the vote -- every single proposal of president obama's that would have undermined the second amendment right to keep and bear arms was voted down on the floor of the senate. [applause] that is the power of the grassroots. that is the new paradigm we are seeing. let us talk about the future. in my view, the top priority for every republican should be to champion growth and opportunity. [applause]
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in the last four years, our economy has grown, on average, 0.9% a year. to put that in context, there is only one other period post world war ii of four consecutive years of no growth, on average. that was coming out of jimmy carter, and it was the same economic policy. it produced the exact same economic stagnation. i think restoring economic growth ought to be a bipartisan executive. it ought to be the top priority of every elected official, republican or democrat. growth is foundational to everything else. if you want to turn around unemployment, we have to have
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growth. if you want to maintain the strongest military in the world to protect our national security, you have got to have growth. [applause] how do you get growth? three simple steps. finally reining in the out-of- control spending and unsustainable debt in washington. [applause] last fall, i had the privilege of speaking at the republican convention down in tampa. i talked about our little girls. that evening, heidi and i got back to the hotel room, about 1:30 in the morning. i pulled out my iphone, looking at twitter. it so happens that all of
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poundstone, the comedian, was watching the convention that night. i guess she did not have anything better to do. she sent a tweet. she said, ted cruz just said when his daughter was born, the national debt was $10 trillion. now, it is $16 trillion. what the heck did she do? [laughter] heidi and i laughed so hard we almost fell out of bed. i said that at another gathering, and a guy at the backside, "so it is her fault!" but you know what, caroline is five. in her short life, our national debt has grown over 60%. what we are doing to our kids and grandkids is fundamentally immoral. it is wrong. if we do not turn back from this
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past, they are going to spend their whole adult lives not working to meet the challenges of the future, but working to pay off the debts that we are racking up. our parents did not do that to us. their parents did not do the -- do that to them. there are a lot of people in the media that say anyone who was elected with support from the tea party -- those guys are radical. they are extreme. i have to chuckle at that. it is only in washington, d.c. that it is considered radical to want to live within your means. [applause] it is only at the united states capitol that it is considered extreme not to want to bankrupt our kids and grandkids. the second step to restoring economic growth is fundamental tax reform.
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[applause] our tax code is far too complicated. it is far too byzantine. there are more words in the irs code than there are in the bible. not a one of them is as good. every year, we spend roughly 500 alien dollars on tax compliance, on lawyers, on accountants. that is roughly the entire budget of our military. and it is pure deadweight loss. as we like to say in texas, it does not produce a single truck or tortilla. and we have seen the abuses from the irs. we have seen the irs targeting the political enemies of president obama. we have seen the irs asking citizen groups, tell us what
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books you are reading. prepare a book report on the books you are reading. we have seen them telling other citizens, tell us the content of your prayers. you know what? the federal government has no business asking any american the content of our prayers. [applause] on one level, this scandal reflects the corruption and abuse of power in the obama administration. in another level, it is indicative of too much power in washington. when the federal government thinks it has that much power over our lives, it does not matter which party is in power. something is wrong. that is why the simplest and best solution is, we should abolish the irs. [applause] we should move to a simple, fair
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on k street that make hundreds of millions of dollars of exemptions to the tax code and frankly they are career politicians in both parties with a vested interest at maintaining the status quo. i don't know how many of you have run across management consultants. but they have a phrase called "b hags" -- big hairy audacious goals. abolishing the irs is a big hairy audacious goal. if i'm right, that we're seeing a new paradigm, the rise of the grassroots, the ability of the american people to hold elected officials accountable, it's only through the new paradigm we can get that done. the third piece to restoring economic growth is regulatory reform. president obama has unleashed regulators like locusts on small
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businesses destroying jobs. only problem is you can't use insecticide on the regulators. now that's tough. i'm like -- they're in the back going, wanna bet! there is no more important regulatory reform we could do than to repeal every single word of obama care. [ applause ] we are, right now, in the middle of a fight. we have, i believe, the single best opportunity we have had to
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actually succeed in stopping obama care. on september 30, 38 days from today, the continuing resolution that funds the federal government expires. i have publicly pledged along with a number of other senators under no circumstances will i support a continuing resolution that funds even one penny of obama care. plautz applause now, let me take a couple of minutes to talk about that. in terms of why it's important and how we can win. there is bipartisan agreement right now. that obama care isn't working. the lead author of obama care, democratic senator max bachus is
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describing it as a huge train wreck -- that 's the guy who wrote it! now, maybe he didn't read it. the president of the teamsters, james hoffa, has publicly said obama care is destroying the 40-hour work week that is the backbone of the middle class. that's not me saying that, that's the teamsters. the irs employees' union publicly been asked to be exempted from obama care. these are the guys in charge of enforcing it on us. most strikingly, president obama has unilaterally and lawlessly exempted members of congress from obama care. >> shameful! >> that's exactly right. it's shameful! that happened after harry reid and the senate democrats sat down in a closed door meeting
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where they begged, aording to public reports, let us out from under obama care. the biggest divide in washington is not a divide between republicans and democrats. it's a divide between entrenched politicians in both parties and the american people. [ applause ] and there's no better example than that than the president's decision to exempt members of congress from obama care. obama care is the single biggest job killer in this country. a couple of days ago, i was down in kerrville, a small town in texas in the hill country. sat down with about 20 small business owners and just asked them. i said, go around the table and share with me an issue that's weighing on your heart. a totally open ended question. over half of the small business owners said the single biggest
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obstacle my business faces obama care. several said we've got 30, 40 employees in our business. we have great opportunities to expand. but we're not doing them, because if we get over 50, we're subject to obama care and that will drive us out of business. one woman owned several fast food restaurants. she said almost with tears in her eyes that she has been forced to reduce the hours of every single employee on her staff to 29 hours a week or less. she said, listen, many of the employees have worked for us for 10, 20 years. they can't feed their families on 29 hours a week. but if we go out of business, they can't feed their families either. and another fellow, a manufacturing company builds hunting gloves. he describes how much to his chagrin, he was forced to move that manufacturing overseas to china. he said, listen, that's 150 to
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200 good jobs, manufacturing jobs, that i want to have here in the united states. but if i have it here, it's subject to obama care. and we can't be competitive in the marketplace with that cost. so i'm forced to send it overseas. just this week, ups sent a letter to 18,000 employees saying they were dropping spousal coverage telling those employees, your husbands and wives all just lost their health insurance. now, we all remember president obama telling the american people, if you like your health insurance, you can keep it. every day, that's becoming less and less true. so how do we win this fight? listen, a lot of people will tell you this fight is not winnable. a lot of people will tell you -- let me tell you what i think should happen. the house of representatives should pass a continuing resolution that funds the entirety of the federal
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government, every bit of it, except obama care. [ applause ] and they should explicitly prohibit spending any money, mandatory or discretionary, on funding obama care. now the next step we know what happens. we've seen this play before. president obama, harry reid will scream and yell -- those mean nasty republicans are threatening to shut down the government. and then we aulgt -- ought to do something republicans haven't done in a long time -- stand up and win the argument. [ applause ]
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we need to say, listen, we have voted to fund the government. we don't want to shut the government down. president obama has granted waivers to giant corporations. why is he threatening to shut the government down to deny those same waivers to hardworking american families? that is an argument we can win. and if president obama forces a partial temporary shutdown and you have an impasse, you have two sides -- that impasse ends when one side or the other blinks. now why is it that the media says president obama will never ever ever abandon his principles so republicans have to abon abandon ours. you know how we win? don't blink. [ applause ] now, at this point, i'm going to be brutally honest.
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we cannot win this fight. if the ordinary rules of washington apply. if the forums in which i need to make this argument are the smoke-filled rooms of washington, d.c., we can't win this argument. cannot be done. someone okay over there. okay. let's just hold off a minute and make sure she's all right. >> she's okay, sir. the ordinary rules of washington won't win this fight. i can't win this fight. mike lee can't win this fight.
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there's no el elected politician in washington who can win this fight. only you can win this fight. the only way this fight can be won is if i'm right that we're seeing a new paradigm, a new model, the rise of the grassroots. interesting, reporters have been asking, how's it going convincing your colleagues in washington? listen, the plan to defund obama care has been called deceptive, decreaseful, nuts, crazy, stupid, and what co-. and that's just by republicans. but the answer i give to the friends is that i'm not trying to convince my colleagues. i'm trying to make the case to the american people. a national website has been launched. don't fund don' [ applause ]
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if you haven't done so already, i would urge each and every one of you to go to don't fund, sign the national petition, call your elected representatives and get 10, 20, 30, 50 of your friends to do the same. >> can we make it your home page? >> you know in a few weeks we've gotten over a half a million signatures on don't fund, in just a few weeks. the only way we will win this fight is if we see a grassroots tsunami. if between now and september 30 we see millions upon millions upon millions of americans going to don't fund, signing the petition, speaking out, and holding our elected officials accountable. there's nothing to get the elected official's attention more than hearing from his or
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her constituents. let me tell you, liberty is never safer than when politicians are terrified. so the most important reason i am here today is to ask for your help. if you agree we should save the american people from this train wreck, we should bring back jobs, bring back growth, i need your help, we need your help in the next 38 days to get as many people as possible to come together and hold our elected officials accountable. every one of us, including me. [ applause ] let me tell you the most important reason. economic growth is important. because it's foundational. it's opportunity. it is foundational to helping people achieve the american
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dream. for a long, long time, i've advocated what i call opportunity conservatism, which means every policy is conservative, we think about, we talk about, should focus like a laser on that. how it impacts young people and hispanics and african-americans and single moms, those struggling to climb the economic ladder. but the dirty little secret that few in the media will tell you is that the people who have been hurt the most by the obama economy are the least off among us. under president obama, hispanic unemployment climbed to nearly 10%. african-american unemployment, 14%. youth unemployment, 16 to 19, over 25%. listen, when you poundmall businesses with $1.3 trillion in new taxes, with massive regulations, it's not the ceos
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that get hurt. if you were flying in a private jet five years ago, you're still flying in a private jet. the people who are getting hurt are those struggling to climb the economic ladder. the ones who are finding their hours forcibly reduced to 29 hours a week are the single moms trying to put food on the table for the kids. in the last election jay leno said right before the election said -- so, the obama campaign is targeting first-time voters. well, of course he is. the second-time voters have all graduated and can't find a job. we should be the party of the 47%. we should be the party of those climbing the economic ladder. because you know what?
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the american free enterprise system has been the greatest engine of prosperity and opportunity the world has ever seen. no nation on earth has allowed so many millions to come from all over the world with nothing and achieve anything. i want to close with two final observations. my life, all of your lives, freedom, opportunity, they're not abstract, they're real, personal, and they're part of who we are. in my family, my dad is from cuba. he grew up in cuba as a kid when he was 14 he began fighting in the cuban revolution. he was thrown in prison and tortured by the batista regime, beaten almost to death. today my father a pastor in
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dallas. to this day, his front teeth are not his own because they were kicked out of his mouth when he was a teenager. my dad fled cuba in 1957, he came to texas. when he landed in austin, he was 18 years old. he couldn't speak a word of english. he had nothing but $100 sewn into his underwear. i don't advise carrying money in your underwear. he got a job washing dishes. made 50 cents an hour. he worked seven days a week. he paid his way through the university of texas. went on to get a job. he started a small business. and he worked toward the american dream. when i was a kid, my dad used to say over and over again -- when we faced depression in cuba, i had a place to flee to. if we lose our freedom here, where do we go?
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now, my entire life, my dad has been my hero. but you know what i find most incredible about his story? how common place it is. every one of us here has a story just like that. whether it's us our our parents or our great, great grandparents, we are all of the children of those who risked everything for freedom. each one of us could walk up here one at a time and tell those stories. that's the most fundamental dna of what it means to be an american, to value freedom and opportunity above all else. that's why we're going to succeed in turning all of this around. the final thing i want to say, if you remember nothing of what i said tonight, you probably had
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too much to drink. if you remember one thing that i said tonight, let it be this -- as dire as things look right now, i'm profoundly optimistic. we've seen things look dire before. i'm optimistic for three simple reasons. number one -- we're right. freedom works. [ applause ] there's a very simple dynamic -- conservatives win when we effectively articulate what it is we believe. because this is a center right. and liberals win when they
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obuscate what they believe. their policies do not works. all we have do is speak the truth. second -- there is a new generation of leaders stepping forward in washington. you know, if you look at new young leaders, people like rand paul and marco rubio and mike lee and kelly ayotte -- [ applause ] >> and you! >> you know what is incredible? five years ago, not a one of them was in office. you have go back to after world war ii to see an instance where the generation of leaders who are effectively defending free market principles is a new generation stepping forward. and let me suggest something -- if you look at that new generation, they're almost all almost exactly the same age.
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in my instance, i was 10 when ronald reagan became president. i was 18 when ronald reagan left the white house. now, you know how for the world war ii generation, many of them would refer to fdr as our president. i will go to my grave with ronald wilson reagan defining what it means to be president. [ applause ] he didn't blink. but i have referred to this next generation, the new generation as the children of reagan. because listen to them communicate. listen to kelly stand up and talk about free market principles. listen to marco, listen to rand. they're positive, hopeful, optimistic, unifying, appealing to our better angels. they're echoes of ronald reagan.
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they're not mean, nasty, hateful, divisive using wedge issues, they're saying we as americans can get back to the founding principles that have made this nation so great. and the third and final reason i'm optimistic, the biggest reason, is because of each of you. because of the rise of the grassroots. if we're right that the american people are standing up and saying enough already, we're going to take our country back, back to free market principles, back to the constitution, back to the principles that made us the freest and greatest country on earth. you know, it took jimmy carter to give us ronald reagan. [ applause ] and i am convinced that the most
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longest lasting legacy of president obama is going be all of us standing up together, arm in arm, to restore that shining city on a hill that is the united states of america. thank you, and god bless you. [ applause ] >> thank you all so much. thank you so much. i learned something new tonight. here in new hampshire, we say thank you all. apparently in texas, they thank all you all. is that more thank you or more people, i'm not sure what that is? >> so technically speaking, al y'all is the plural of y'all. >> there we go.
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i wanted to just very quickly -- you just reminded me -- i'm going to say this quickly. it was ronald reagan that reminded us that freedom is always one generation away from extinction. if we do not engage now in the fight to preserve freedom, then we will one day telling our children and our children's children what it once was like to be free. that's why we're all here. thank you so much. i need to repair an oversight. we have another candidate -- i hope you get a chance to say hello to. i know there's nobody in here who wants to see emma claim custer win another term in the united states house. we know we have a potential candidate in former senator gary lambert. hope you get a chance to say hello to him as well. and our host -- our hostess -- augusta, thank you so much. >> hey, did we have a speaker tonight? joseph and i would like to -- joseph, you turned down the heat too much.
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we would like to ask -- invite you all to have -- there's coffee in the back here. wonderful homemade cookies. please eat more of the food. and alen -- allan has taken some photos that are available in the foyer -- in the hall. and al from wkbk radio announced in 10 minutes the international space station will go over -- >> at 8:13 if we look to the northwest. >> northwest -- northwest is that way. the international space station will go over. get some coffee. get warmed up again.
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>> i think you're what we need. liberty republican grass roots. we're the strong ones. over the trouble. >> representatives, terrific. >> how's the campaign going? >> oh, good. >> i need to talk to you sometime. >> you're here? >> take it this way. >> thank you. >> excellent. >> how do you get connected with
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me? >> connect with john brogan. >> thank you very much. >> good luck to you. >> you did great today. >> name tag is on. >> thank you for your help. just over here, john? real quick now. oh, oh good. all right. thank you, allen. >> 3, 2, 1, go. got it. >> you can't trust any guy that -- >> yeah, there's no -- >> you see him -- >> i know even if you put cheese
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on broccoli, it's good. i like cheese on cheese. >> i can't have broccoli with that. >> hey, look, i have been in politics for a long while. i'm a marketer and i get into the internet. so i know companies i've worked for. >> thank you, appreciate it. >> nice to meet you. >> my husband and i came from massachusetts. thanks for the photo. >> and here, come join us, we'll get all three of us. >> oh, that will be nice. >> thank you. >> here's my question. in massachusetts, is it even worth calling -- >> you want to do one more? >> thank you very much. >> one more from here. >> yeah doorn. >> you know, i don't know if i should -- get that feeling --
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>> look, in terms, i think if we're going to win, the first day -- got to -- the next stage is probably going to be red tape everywhere. we're up in 14 and feeling vulnerabl vulnerable. you have marketing. >> you know -- it wasn't that long ago that -- >> that was exciting. >> even massachusetts -- even in a state like massachusetts, this thing isn't working. if people start hearing from their stitch went it starts changing the political map. i don't think the massachusetts senator will be the first to jump ship.
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>> it has a different economy. >> i want to say reach out and call elected officials from any state. >> thank you very much. pleasure meeting you. >> okay. >> thank you. >> where are you from? >> new hampshire? >> where -- >> yeah. >> all right. >> how are you. nice to meet you. >> thank you for being here. wish you the best. >> thank you very much. >> one question on immigration. do you think the a chance the house will break it up in separate pieces and go step-by-step?
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>> of course. >> i don't know what the house will do exactly. in my view, there's a lot of agreement that our current system is broken. i think there's a lot of agreement that we have got to get serious about securing the border and about stopping the problem of illegal immigration. there's agreement that we should improve and streamline. legal immigration so we welcome and celebrate legal immigrants. so i think what the house should do is focus on areas of bipartisan agreement rather than i think the gang of eight took the wrong approach and made the problem worse. that's what i hope they do. what they will do, i don't know. >> how would you feel if the 11 million or 20 million or whatever it is, if we gave them a permanent status but they -- they never have the path to citizenship and never have the right to vote. >> i introduced a series of
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commitments to fix the gang of eight bill. i would like to see common sense reform passed. the gang of eight bill made it worse. but that's exactly what you said. those here illegally shall not be eligible for citizenship but didn't alter the bill that allowed for legal status in the work place. every democrat on the committee voted against it. it was striking. the single moment in the immigration debate came when chuck schumer said there's no citizenship. there can be no report. i took the opportunity to thank him. thank you, senator schumer, for your candid. you have an overarching partisan political objective. if you don't get 100% of your partisan political objective,
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nothing about border security, nothing about illegal immigration, nothing about high-tech worker, farm and ag and do nothing about the 11 million people in the shadows, willing to leave them in the shadows rather than solve this problem because your only priority is your partisan political objective. that's sadly where the white house is. >> i loved you on the mark levine show. >> fantastic. >> thank you very much for your time. take care. >> thank you. >> i was at the conference a couple of weeks ago and heard you speak. >> yeah we had such a good time. >> thank you so much, alan. i've got something this time from washington valley up in the mountains. do the cruise with cruz. visit washington valley, it would be wonderful. >> thank you. >> great job, great job.
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>> thank you for coming. >> doing it together. >> not a lot of people are. i have wonderful news -- >> yeah. >> incumbent on flowing the facts wherever they lead. >> we peer funding it with our tax money and we're not happy with it. >> you want to get a picture? >> i would love to. >> oh -- >> hop in the picture? >> yeah. >> you're taking one too.
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>> i'm one of your biggest fans. god bless you. we need another ronald reagan. you're the closest that i've seen. >> thank you, if you're going to run, we'd support you. >> you're the only one i'd go to the wall for. >> we have to do it together. the only way to turn it back is we bring the american people together. >> and i have to be honest and with the right -- you're on the right track. >> thank you. >> thank you, i appreciate it. >> nice to meet you. i would vote for you for president today in a blink. you and i are on the same page. i want to real quickly say seeing immigrants and obama care. and i spoke to kelly ayotte and marco rubio. will you please -- going to ruin
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us, he will not obey that law. you and i know that. i don't know what it is about republic republicans on that issue alone. and marco rubio, i communicated with him. but there are too many republicans that will not represent. they will not tell the truth. that's what i like about what you're doing. you're telling the truth. i'm so -- >> i think the only way it will change is if you hear from the people. >> it makes a real difference.
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>> frankly in our state, i call the democrats they're not going to change. thank you for what you're doing. i don't want to take up more of your time. can someone take a picture? thank you. >> you're one of my heros. i appreciate all you've done. honored get out to meet you. >> senator cruz, pleasure to meet you. motivating talk about what you and mike lee and rand paul are doing. motivating a lot of us. appreciate it. >> i appreciate your coming out. >> get a picture? >> sure. >> where do you come from?
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>> i live up in merrimac, up near westchester. i really hope -- >> you're one of two guys i'll vote for. >> we have got to have more scrutiny. it's got to be driven in the house. in the senate, the ability to shut it down. in my view, what the house should do as the chief prosecutor to go through the -- have been urging them do that. >> i think they systematically walked through the facts. but that was the watergate select committee.
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the experienced prosecutor -- >> really nice meeting you. >> thank you for coming. >> quick picture. >> good luck. >> connect on twitter? >> is that -- >> it's me again. i have to tell you, when i came to this country from england 40 some years ago, i had $8 in my pocket. and i -- yes, i did have a job. i came over as a nanny. but i had $8 in my pocket. and here i am now living in this beautiful state.
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i'm having a great time and i enjoy absolutely your speech tonight was inspiring. >> i will tell you -- i don't know if y'all have kids. >> we don't -- >> i will say it is a huge blessing to be with fellow immigrants who came here seeking freedom. y'all have a special awareness of just how precious that is. >> and also, i got away from socialized medicine in england and i keep telling everybody here, you don't want it here. you don't want this obama care. you don't want socialized medicine it's horrendous. >> i would love to send you, you have an e-mail, john can send you when at the passing of
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margaret thatchever. >> oh, god bless you. >> i gave a speech on the floor of the senate and i would love to have john send it to you. such an extraordinary woman. >> i would love that. >> take a picture right now. >> chuck? chuck? >> thank you, so much, senator. >> we'll keep flowing you. >> thank you. >> hi, ted. >> a little discouraged freedom loving yankee but i'm thrilled and i appreciate everything you're doing. >> thank you. >> thank you for the hard work. keep trucking. >> got to do it together. >> we will. thank you. >> senator, i told you, i love you. can i make some suggestions?
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>> senator, the federal regulations on my industry are crushing, unbelievable. >> i just talked to a guy from "the washington post." he said what concerns you? i said federal regulation crushing our business. and i said, you know, by my talking to you, i could get an audit. the government has proven it can do that. >> i would love to get more information specifically if you could connect with john about specific examples. one of the things i'm trying to do is sort the how the regulations are making it harder and it's much more real for people -- i would love to get your input. >> come my house down the way.
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pages of hippa and high-tech papers. >> thank you. >> i appreciate it. >> thank you for your help. >> how are you? >> little bit of light from there on you. that will make for a better picture? >> thanks again so much. come back and see us. >> always welcome. >> make sure we have your e-mail address. >> originally from mexico. so i'm -- >> where? >> puebla. citizen -- >> did you come --
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>> we are counting on you. >> we have to do it together. >> we don't have any. we've got to have backbone. i'm throwing the establishment away. i got you, rand, counting on you. >> we've got to do it together. the only way to do it is get people motivated. >> you're moving up. >> would you like to get a photo? >> let's get one here.
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>> that was just one of many events being held across the country by members of congress while they're on break. tomorrow we'll have another event with a capitol hill lawmaker, democratic he wantive luis gutierrez live in chantilly, virginia where he's expected to focus on issues related to immigration policy. it's just one of the several stops that the illinois congressman had made across the country to talk about immigration. we'll have him live tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. eastern here on c-span.
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the first lady should preserve it and enhance it and leave something of herself there. >> season two of first ladies from edith roosevelt to michelle obama, live monday night including your calls, facebook comments, and tweets. and monday night, we'll conclude the encore presentation of season one of our series with first lady ida mckinley.
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>> thousands of people gathered on the national mall in the nation's capitol yesterday to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the march on washington. civil rights advocates joined in for the ceremony of the steps of the lincoln memorial in the same place martin luther king jr. delivered his "i have a dream" speech. this is a look at the remarks from one of the participants. >> now those who marched on washington in 1963 had taken a long and difficult road. from montgomery to greensboro to birmingham through selma and tuscaloosa. they marched in spite of animosity, oppression, and brutality because they believed in the greatness of what this nation could become and despaired of the founding promises not kept.
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their focus at that time was the sacred and sadly unmet commitments of the american system as it applied to african-americans. as we gather today, 50 years later, their march is now our march and it must go on. and our focus has broadened to include the cause of women, of latinos, of asian americans, of lesbians, of gays, of people with disabilities. and of countless others across this great country who still yearn for equality, opportunity, and fair treatment. dr. king's indelible words helped to alter the course of history and his work provided the foundation for much of the progress that has followed. but this morning, as we recommit ourselves to his quest for progress, we must note in
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addition to dr. king, we stand on the shoulders of untold millions whose names may be lost to history but whose stories and cricks must be remembered and treasured. those who stood on the mall in the summer of 1963. we must remember those who rode buses, sat at lunch counters, stood up to racist governors and tragically gave their lives. we must remember a generation that carried themselves on a day-to-day basis with great dignity in the face of unspeakable injustice, sacrificing their own ambitions so the opportunities of future generations would be assured. but for them, i would not be attorney general of the united states. and barack obama would not be president of the united states of america. [ applause ]
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we must remember those who labored for wages that measured neither their worth nor their effort. we must remember those who served, fought, and died wearing the uniform of a nation that they cared so much about but which did not reciprocate that devotion in equal measure. each of these brave men and women displayed a profound love of country that must always be appreciated. it is to these people that we owe the greatest debt. americans of all races, genders, ethnicities, sexual orientations, and backgrounds, who risked everything in order that their fellow citizens and their children might truly be free. it is to them that we must all say in the most profound of ways, thank you. it is to them i dedicate my words this morning and it's in their honor i pledge my
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continuing service in the hope that it might pay worthy tribute to their sacrifices. >> all of the attorney general's remarks from yesterday's rally are available in our video library. you can watch the other speakers there as well. all at on wednesday, president obama is scheduled to make remarks at another ceremony commemorating the 50th anniversary of the march on washington from the steps of the lincoln memorial with live coverage here on c-span. >> coming up next, "q&a" with amanda terkel as the you having ton pos-- huffington post. and she gives her thoughts on the environment and how it's covered with the media. and then a conversation with education and technology. after that, a discussion about education policy and the recent polling that shows shifting opinions parents have about
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their children's education. >> this week on "q&a," senior political reporter and politics managing editor amann at a terkel discusses her career, the huff post website, and her interest in politics. >> amanda terkel, when you were in college, you said you wanted to get involved in a comprehensive progressive agenda. what does that mean? >> i think i intended to go to politics. journalism -- we didn't have a journalism program. i did the school newspaper but i didn't get a lot of guidance. i
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