tv The Communicators CSPAN September 21, 2013 6:00pm-7:01pm EDT
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bill? guest: okay. crop insurance is a program in which the government pays part of the cost and the -- the farmer pays a part of the cost. the government pays about 62%, the farmer paid about a third. and under this program, farmers get insurance against both weather risk and price risk. and it has become the most important farm subsidy -- subsidy program. compared with the others, which have made direct payments, for example, to farmers. there is -- there are arguments about this program. i mean, it's been very successful, especially that was the one that paid out the $17 billion last -- last year, and there would have been chaos in rural america if you hadn't had those payments. but some people question why very rich farmers should get this much of a subsidy for their for their premium -- premium payments. they wonder if this encourages marginal land to be in
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production. and so there have been -- there are some things in the farm bill that would restrict crop insurance a little bit. that's -- that's in the senate in the senate bill. but then there are other pressures to increase crop insurance for crops that don't have it. it's much harder to do crop insurance for the specialty crops, the fruits and vegetables, the nuts, et cetera, because they're grown on smaller acreages and so it's hard to develop the program in which you figure out what the -- what the rules would be. with the wheat and the corn, et cetera, you spread it over, you know, over large areas so the program works fairly well for those but not for some of the products yet. host: judy is up next who lives in a rural area. good morning. caller: good morning. my problem is, okay, i've been a cashier for many years and i see
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a lot of illegal immigrants coming in that cannot speak english and they've got a thousand dollars or more in food stamps. and i want to know why it's so easy for these people to be able to come into our country, okay, and be able to get on food stamps and they're not even a united states citizen. guest: well, first of all, illegal immigrants are not supposed to get food stamps so they have had to prove or provide some evidence of their legal status in the united states in order to be qualified for the program. i can't speak to the thousand dollars. if they have a thousand dollars on the e.b.t. card, it would have to be an awfully big family to have that. but it is not that easy to qualify for food stamps.
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and i don't know if your experience is recent or not, but these days, the food stamp beneficiaries get their benefits through these electronic benefit transfer cards, not through physical coupons, so it isn't so easy to just sell them to another person for a percentage, which is what people -- people used to do. i guess that's about all i can respond to that. host: here is deborah who lives in hampton, virginia, rural area. hello. caller: hi. good morning. and i thought that was interesting what the last caller just said, a thousand dollars in food stamps. i've never heard anything like that. but i'm one of those able-bodied adults with dependent children and my children who are dependent are also disabled, severely disabled. they were twins. at any rate, you know, i
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remember back when i was working, i didn't work under 40 hours. i was a full-time worker working 40, 50, 60 hours a week. i had one child at the time. i was a single mother. i kind of rolled my eyes when i would see -- you know, some years ago -- i would roll my eyes, okay, go out and get a job. but i understand what it's like now because i am a recipient of the food stamp program. and, you know, what it is, i'm a divorced mother who is now -- needs training, some job training or education because i'm -- you know, jobs that i've applied for, you know, i'm not qualified for because i've been out of work because i've been home taking care of my disabled children. so you don't know what people's situation is. and a lot of people, you know, think there's this narrow-minded narrative that we're lazy. no way in the world i'm lazy, you know, taking care of my family. however, i want to work but i'm just in that -- that situation.
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and, you know, causing people to you know, you just can't put a blanket, you know, whatever on people's situation. it is what it is, and, you know, you're going to need help at some time. and i found out, you know, the way that i found out after rolling my eyes at a cash register that, you know, you're going to need help. host: thank you, caller. thank you. guest: well, the caller speaks to the delicate matters that we that we are talking about here. first of all, i want to assure her that this -- that the house bill would not take any disabled people off of food stamps but also that this bill still has to go through conference with the senate. and the expectation is that the senate and president obama are not going to be willing to accept a very big cut to -- to food stamps. host: there is an article written by one of your colleagues for "national journal" but the headline says, "sugar growers reap sweeter results than dairy farmers in lobbying fights."
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how much of sugar is part of debates over farm bill? guest: oh, it's a big debate every time. and you have the debate between the sugar growers who wanted to maintain their program, and the sweetener users, which is basically the candy companies and other industrial users of sugar, which say that the sugar program restricts the -- the supply of sugar too much and raises the price and raises their cost of production. the sugar growers have -- however, have a very strong lobby, they have a very large public political action committee and so they have done they have done very well at maintaining their program. and it's -- it's in -- it's passed both the house and the senate so it would be maintained, assuming that -- that there are no changes in the conference. host: so jerry hagstrom, in light of that, dave humphrey makes this statement on twitter, you can respond if you wish. all agriculture price manipulation by our federal government should end.
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let farmers earn a living using the free market. guest: well, it's a lot more complicated than that. it's -- it's hard to say that there would be no price manipulation because we are in a world economy. there are subsidies and import and export restrictions all over the world. agriculture is a little bit different from most other forms of -- of business. so i think that it's unlikely -- it's unlikely that the world he wants is going to happen. host: here is fredericktown, ohio. joining us is clarence. he's a farmer. good morning. caller: yeah, hello. this is more like a two-sided conversation. i do not understand why we subsidize the rich. i'm in a poor county and public record tells you how much the
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local farmers around you get for subsidies. it's all in the public records if you go hunt it up. i know several, they call them family farmers, they're not family farmers. when you're farming thousands of acres, it's not a family farm, it is a business. the same as we're subsidizing oil, why are we subsidizing the rich and burying the poor? we take away whatever the poor have. i am a small farmer. i've lived on this farm, it's been in our family for a hundred years almost, and it's only a 50-acre farm. it is an old farm. host: what do you farm? caller: we raise sheep and we raise chickens and we want to move into some small cattle. but we don't get nothing for subsidies. we don't get anything from help. but my neighbors, i have found out, in three years get almost a million dollars. what is wrong with this
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situation? we always help the rich and to heck with the poor. i don't understand the u.s. doing this. host: thank you for your input, clarence. guest: well, first of all, he's basically in animal agriculture and animal agriculture does not get direct subsidies. there have been arguments over the years that animal agriculture, you know, cattle raising, chickens, turkeys, sheep, as he said, have benefited from the fact that crop farmers have been subsidized because it may have kept down the cost of animal feed. now, today there are other arguments about that because the renewable fuel mandate is shifting some of the corn to -- to ethanol. but on the issue of why do we subsidize the rich, it's so complicated because the agricultural subsidies follow production, and over the years, as agriculture has become more mechanized, there are fewer
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farmers. and -- but if you have, let's say -- let's say you have a big corn and soybean farm. but if you have a drought, you have a big problem and you probably have expensive machinery, you may have employees, and the argument would be that these big farmers need the assistance, let's say from crop insurance, in order to stay in business for the next year. but i agree with him that it is a very complicated issue between the big farm -- the big farm and the small farm. if he were in crop production, he would get some subsidies. host: what -- when you apply for a subsidy from the federal government, what information do you have to provide and how often is a farmer turned down? guest: well, first of all, the the subsidies go along with various -- with the crop. so you have to provide
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information on what land you own or land that you are renting. you have to do -- you have to report what you're planting and what -- and your production. for example, if you're going to get a subsidy based on a loss, you would have to provide information about that. you also have to sign a paper that you will follow normal farming practices. and there are spot-checks on whether you are -- whether you are doing that. host: this is john, harvey, illinois, urban area. hi. caller: hi. my question is why these people who are allowed to receive these subsidies like who are elected officials. case in point, senator eastland from mississippi, for years and years -- i'm talking about back in the 1950's -- when we didn't
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even know what a subsidy was, he was allowed to receive subsidies for not growing. he's a united states senator. for not growing anything. and probably wasn't planning to grow anything in the first place. but my point is, if there are other people receiving these huge subsidies who are sitting up in washington as elected officials, why aren't they -- why isn't it made known that, you know, this -- this situation exists rather than just people receiving food stamps who are going to be cut? why can't we cut some of that fat from the budget? and i appreciate if you would give us that -- you said you had a list of elected officials who receive subsidies that you were going to make public and i'm sitting and waiting for that. if you'd let us know that, i'd appreciate it. thank you very much. guest: well, to find the list of officials, go to a web site called the environmental working group. i think it's
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and there you will find ways to find lists of people who have -- who have gotten subsidies, various -- various types of people. now, when you talk about senator eastland, that was a long time ago. i mean, in the 1950's, the programs were -- were very different. so i can't really speak to that in -- in current terms. i wouldn't overemphasize the idea of public officials getting the subsidies. for example, most members of the house these days come from the from the suburbs or from the cities, and one of the problems in passing a farm bill is that so few of them have any connection to agriculture anymore, they don't really understand very -- very much about it. so i don't think you're going to find as many people as you -- as you might think, but there is the issue of people who do get subsidies still saying people shouldn't get food stamps. and i think there -- there are
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reasons to raise issues of hypocrisy about that. host: the subsidy database is there's a database. you can type the zip code and find more information about individuals from that. again, so play out from this point on what to expect as far as negotiations about the farm bill. guest: sure. well, the first thing is they have to pass this -- this procedural measure. then the house would send the house-passed bill, both the farm bill and the nutrition bill combined to the senate. then the senate would say no, we're not going to pass this. we've already got our own bill. we want a conference on the two bills. then they send that message. and then they reappoint their conferees and then they send that message back to the house. and then the house appoints conferees.
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and then they would hold a conference, theoretically come up with an agreement and then pass it through each house again and then send it to president obama. now, i think the next question is: how long or how -- will this take? and my answer would be, it can be as short or as long as they as they want, depending on how serious they are about getting this bill done. host: we want to thank jerry hagstrom from the hagstrom report for joining us, thank >> a look at the week ahead and politics will -- with reporting strategist. investigative reporter fish will tell about investigation into the benghazi consulate attack. and outside counsel to the united nations office.
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he advises the syrian coalition and interim government and international a u.s. and legal policies. "washington journal" live on c- span. >> the weekly addresses. president obama talks about the debt ceiling and the house to defund the health care law. the republican address is delivered by nevada governorbrian sandoval antitussive but economy, his efforts to great jobs. -- to create jobs. >> hi, everybody. it was five years ago this week that a financial crisis on wall street spread to main street, and very nearly turned a recession into a depression. in a matter of months, millions of americans were robbed of their jobs, their homes, their savings - after a decade in which they'd already been
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working harder and harder to just get by. it was a crisis from which we're still trying to recover, but thanks to the grit and determination of the american people, we are steadily recovering. over the past three and a half years, our businesses have created seven and a half million new jobs. our housing market is healing. we've become less dependent on foreign oil. health care costs are growing at the slowest rate in 50 years. and in just over a week, millions of americans without health care will be able to get covered for less than $100 a month. so our economy is gaining traction. and we're finally tackling threats to middle-class prosperity that washington neglected for far too long. but as any middle-class family listening right now knows, we've got a long way to go to get to where we need to be. and after five years spent digging out of crisis, the last thing we need is for washington to manufacture another. but that's what will happen in the next few weeks if congress doesn't meet two deadlines.
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first, the most basic constitutional duty congress has is passing a budget. but if it doesn't pass one before september 30, a week from monday, the government will shut down. and so will many services the american people expect. military personnel, including those deployed overseas, won't get their paychecks on time. federal loans for rural communities, small business owners, and new home buyers will be frozen. critical research into life- saving discoveries and renewable energy will be immediately halted. all of this will be prevented if congress just passes a budget. second, congress must authorize the treasury to pay america's bills. this is done with a simple, usually routine vote to raise what's called the debt ceiling. since the 1950's, congress has always passed it, and every president has signed it, democrats and republicans,
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including president reagan. and if this congress doesn't do it within the next few weeks, the united states will default on its obligations and put our entire economy at risk. this is important. raising the debt ceiling is not the same as approving more spending. it lets us pay for what congress already spent. it doesn't cost a dime, or add a penny to our deficit. in fact, right now, our deficits are already falling at the fastest rate since the end of world war ii. and by the end of this year, we'll have cut our deficits by more than half since i took office. but reducing our deficits and debt isn't even what the current standoff in congress is about. now, democrats and some reasonable republicans are willing to raise the debt ceiling and pass a sensible budget, one that cuts spending on what we don't need so we can invest in what we do. and i want to work with those democrats and republicans on a
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better bargain for the middle class. but there's also a faction on the far right of the republican party who've convinced their leadership to threaten a government shutdown if they can't shut off the affordable care act. some are actually willing to plunge america into default if they can't defund the affordable care act. think about that. they'd actually plunge this country back into recession, all to deny the basic security of health care to millions of americans. well, that's not happening and they know it's not happening. the united states of america is not a deadbeat nation. we are a compassionate nation. we are the world's bedrock investment. and doing anything to threaten that is the height of irresponsibility. that's why i will not negotiate over the full faith and credit of the united states. i will not allow anyone to harm this country's reputation, or threaten to inflict economic pain on millions of our own people, just to make an ideological point.
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so, we are running out of time to fix this, but we could fix it tomorrow. both houses of congress can take a simple vote to pay our bills on time, then work together to pass a budget on time. then we can declare an end to governing by crisis and govern responsibly, by putting our focus back where it should always be - on creating new jobs, growing our economy, and expanding opportunity not just for ourselves, but for future generations. thank you. >> hello, my name isbrian ofdoval it i have the honor serving as the governor of nevada. when i came to office, we were in the depths of a great dissent -- a great recession. hardere had been hit than nevada. our unemployment rate was 50% it
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would lead the country in foreclosures and bankruptcy. jobs disappeared almost overnight leaving behind skeletons of half built buildings. the economy froze. those dark days, i knew that a brighter future was just around the corner. nevadans and all americans are resilient. is a part adversity of our national heritage. survival is not enough. we need a decisive action and a significant course of action to meet the challenges that lay ahead. ordered an office, i immediate freeze to all state regulations until they could be reviewed. because our state budget situation was so dire, would reduce spending i more than $500 million in eliminated approximately 600 positions across government and eliminated more than a dozen state agencies.
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unlike washington, we had to balance our state budget because novato cannot borrow its way out problems. , we began putting emotion our plan to help create jobs and get nevadans working again. economic opportunity has been and continues to be a foundation of this country and is the source of the american dream. and i sense that the future of the american dream is at risk. like governor romney o'regan stated in 1964, i believe we face a time for choosing. we chose a simple approach of state government. it should be a protector of rights and a partner and prosperity. to that end, i filed against tax increases -- bought against tax and tax abatements to encourage businesses to grow.
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when it comes to growing jobs it is my responsibility to leave no stone unturned when it comes to get nevada working again. can you just imagine what our economy would look like today if washington would just take that approach? ake washington, nevada has politically divided government. that does not stop our efforts to grow the economy. good executives like all good leaders must expect opposition with making decisions or enforcing the law. executives must engage in those who disagree with them. they must listen to all ideas, persuade one possible on and respectively and firmly disagree when necessary. despite having a politically divided government, and the last two years among nevada has been able to accomplish much. wester did employment -- have strengthened employment in
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our state. in large part because we sit down, put partisanship aside, talk to our disagree or so i'm a and find common ground. i will be the first to say there is work to be done. nevada had experienced 31 straight months of economic growth. we have had the second strongest decline in unemployment in the country. we continue to add much-needed jobs. a list of companies wishing to relocate once could fit on an index card. now it is long and diverse. when it came to our schools am a andliminated teacher tenure are focusing on ensuring that our kids read and write a great level which benefits everyone. fortunately, good policy, risible of an effective leadership work whenever they ple, andd -- princi
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effective leadership work whenever they are applied. when the tough times force tough choices among we acted decisively and move forward on stop -- forward. the fastest-growing state with the best economies are all led by republican governors. these states differ geographically, economically, and even politically but our ideas continue to work. got itnding fathers right. free enterprise and limited government have made and will continue to make this country great. despite all we have endured, i cannot be more proud and optimistic about the greatest nation on earth. i am confident that our core convictions provide the surest path were economic opportunity still abounds, hard work, and during are still realized -- and
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dreams are still realized. we need washington to reflect and see what is possible in our great nation. thank you for the opportunity to speak with you today. god blaze -- god bless the great state of nevada and the united states of america. is ourrnor steve scalise guest this week on newsmakers. he will talk about the resolution, defunding the health care law on the debt ceiling. here is a preview. >> throughout the country and the problems that so many of the senators like senator landrieu is going to face reelection. how to go back, when they cast a decisive vote for the health care law? the president has even admitted it is unworkable. and anything goes back, there are legislative tools we have available. you have the debt ceiling that
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is coming up shortly as well. we plan on tackling the desolate next week as saying that the country pays our debts. we are going to make sure that the president helped a lot will be delayed. we are going to put some provisions like the keystone pipeline in the bill. this will create over 25 million jobs. the president is looking to special interest. say yes toe actually those american jobs and get our showsy moving again? it we are doing our job and will continue to fight to keep government funded but to address the problems in our economy like the health care law. >> watch more with republican house chair representative steve scalise tomorrow on "newsmakers." >> president obama will beat
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with family members of the 12 victims were killed during the last week shooting at the navy yard and deliver remarks at the memorial along with defense secretary chuck hagel and navy secretary. you can watch our live coverage beginning at 5:00 p.m. eastern here on c-span. >> the subject of whistleblowers is an important and sensitive subject. .e depend on whistleblowers we value their information. it is very important that they feel comfortable going forward and saying i have information that you need to have and my unityty i am concerned a to protect my identity. we understand that. we are required to extend protections. we is advisedhat
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whistleblowers of the protections to the extent you can give us the sensitive information that is much more helpful to us than general information. some fans and the courts providing specific information -- details among it may be and details, it may be a guest to the identity of the whistleblower and you need to be aware. fong.e with ig phyllis that's on c-span's q10 day. >> "the communicators" with matthew polka. our series, first ladies focusing on the life and times of first lady helena taft. later, a discussion on race and college admissions.
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>> c-span created by cable comes in 1979. -- companies in 1979. week we welcome back the president and ceo of the american cable association matthew polka. what is the american cable association? >> nice to be here with you. association cable is unique that we represent many cable operators across the country. art are still small operators left? there are nearly 900 of them and rural areas in every corner you can imagine. small towns, small markets. many of them are competitive. i guess some the largest providers today. what is great is a terrific story because they're providing broadband, high-speed broadband in rural areas that desperately
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need rural broadband. these are the members we represent. they are smaller and independent which mean they are not affiliated with larger content companies or providers. what we do is we provide their voice here and washington, d.c. before the commission, before congress and in the hearing -- and any hearing that have an impact on the smaller companies. we are their voice. >> about 7 million households. subscribers million in all states. in many of the territories as well throughout the country and the world. it is quite nice to see independent entrepreneurial high ers that areione still out there. polka, you talked about broadband. as it becomes more important -- >> it is the service.
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would you look at the cable industry in general, the cable industry has done such a tremendous job of employing broadband all over urban areas thomas small markets, rural areas. it really has made the difference and as we look ahead among we see that our members businesses and their future is the broadband business. we look at the services they provide. we provide voice, video, internet service. more broadband is the key. most of our members areas, they say that the speed and capacity and demand for broadband in their markets is doubling every two years. it becomes an important issue for us as mullah providers that are providing -- as mullah providers that are providing. from the washington perspective how it continues to regulate smaller businesses. that's essentially what we are.
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smaller businesses looking for regulations that actually work and allow our members to flourish as opposed to be overly regulated. conversation -- joining our conversation. critical about the way that -- you have been critical about the way the sec -- low population areas. what about the way they are sending that seems to be a problem? -- sec but ahis number of programs that were designed to help broadband in rural areas. whether it is programs through the rural utility services as part of the u.s. department agriculture and other programs -- programs. as not to get broadband out into rural areas abut how those programs are implemented. each one of them starting with
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the stimulus of 2009 was to be technology neutral. meaning anybody could take advantage. when it came time to implementation, the rules we used to implement those programs were essentially the traditional roles that the funding agencies have use for decades which favored one industry over the other. our members did not have access. when we look at what the sec is doing with universal service, many of the same potential problems exist which are our members have gone out with her private equity, sweat equity, blood, sweat, and tears and now they face situation and what we have seen before where taxpayer funds are being used to be given to other potential competitors to overbuild them. we think there's a problem with any implementation that allows for that kind of use of taxpayer funds to overbuild broadband
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systems that already exist for private capital. that is what we are concerned about with the fcc program as a renewal and reform universal services. the fcc has been very understanding of our concerns here that we look at the challenge as a developing. essentially the problem is still the same, the money was going to go to large price companies. some $10 billion over five years, all right? to be used in areas that are unserved and potentially underserved. and many of those areas, our members are providing broadband at much higher speeds than exist under will be the current plans. what we want to do is establish a process by where our members can challenge what is the current and through the process so that they are they're providing broadband and ensure you're a challenge process that
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funding does not occur in those areas. that is really the issue is implementation to ensure that the money is used as intended to give broadband but not to be used to allow for overbuild where members are providing broadband services today. >> member service areas show up on the national broadband map? >> they do. we go back to 2009 in before, we did things backward. the map was the last piece of the puzzle before we got money out and establish a process and developed a map. that is improving. effectivelyare very working with the state organizations that are responsible for the broadband theird fcc to get information into that map. we are very pleased that the fcc looks at the funding under the connect america fund that it will be central to their decision and terms of where funding might be appropriate will stop that -- appropriate.
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the next up and where we disagree is they will crate a challenge process were even if there is not information specific on the map, any company that could be harmed by the funding would be able to challenge the process by demonstrating there providing broadband in an area when application might be pending. also in support of -- there might be some changes. >> as far as he rate to those we are supportive. to those with supportive. the more we can get out of it is important. we support those programs. for our members on it is a question of how are the fund distributed? can our members be even effectively a part of the process and send the outside of it? with this program and the ideas
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behind it that our members will be able to take advantage of the program going forward. exactly right. definitely the idea of the program, it is something we support. the program is structured is mosey up to the schools and the school districts in the contracts to provide services because the money has not been making it to be kinds of services that your members offer, is that the problem in terms of participation? it. >> that is part of sometimes it is awareness. there are multiple providers that the provide something more cost-effectively that the schools have. one of the issues that our members have faced is the traditional bias toward a particular providers of services as opposed to full technology .eutral class of companies
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what we want to ensure is that our members have an equal shot of working with the schools to provide the services. >> was the 2009 stimulus important to your members? >> it was. again, we sort of did things backward when you look back at the stimulus. to have a $7 billion of funding available through the u.s. and nti was important. were not ablebers to access those funds specifically because of how the funds were implemented and how the application process occurred. consequently, we were more on the defensive side of the issue as opposed to the office of side meaning we could get funds to use to deploy broadband. ensuringrned there was that those funds were not used to provide an overbuild of existing broadband services compared to actually using those
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funds to deploy. unfortunately, particularly now as congress is looking at this issue and part of the fcc process mindful that there was a big use of waste. we look at number of programs whether cost overruns or programs that were not completed . money that was given back to the government. unfortunately, i do not think the intent of the stimulus was perspective, we had a number of situations where members did have to fight overbuild. because there was such a demand and such a movement to get the money out of the door, the process was not very good. our members despite the fact that they put evidence on the table to say we are providing broadband services in these areas where you are funding, no one listened. that is unfortunate. >> on the other side, what is the future of video?
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>> that's a very good question we look at many of the problems that are occurring in the marketplace today. businesses are folks on broadband and the services we provide are going to be broadband-based. consumers will want to consume more video through broadband and online services as we see now. we have many members that are engaging in and allowing their customers to see more online viewing. business andvideo where that goes, i think you can ask the big content companies about that because of they are the ones that are driving the business today. from our members perspectives, we believe the video marketplace is broken. as you can look at any number of disputes that are current in the news, whether it is cbs/time warner or other programming
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district -- disputes. i saw where amc was claiming that several smaller operators were going to be dropped from some of their services because the smaller operators were not agreeing to the prices. it all comes down to consolidation and bundling. unfortunately i'm a consumers are starting to move toward online viewing because they said i do not have any choice as a cable or satellite subscriber and i want more choice. we ask able and broadband providers wanted to give consumers those choices. we are trying to work with them. it is a huge issue. one that is not resolved and is only getting worse. i can type this all the way back to 1992 when congress first apple minute to retract mission congressules -- when first implemented the retransmission content rules.
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services andle paid an exorbitant amount for sports rights and the rights to provide sports and every consumer has to pay for it whether they watch it or not. our members tell us that only about 30% of the consumers are real sports fans, die hard. the other 70% to take it or leave it. they tell us, why do you have to take all of this content? it is a problem that is continuing. many have predicted the minds of the video industry the way it is today with wholesale programmers selling to cable and satellite operators. there will only be one party to blame and that is those who own the content because they are creating the bundles that we have to take today. as consumers are beginning to really am a really revolt against -- really, really revolt against because of lack of choice.
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>> what about senator mccain'sàa la carte bill? >> he has been a champion of somebody who wanted to them or twist consumers. choice to more consumers. 2008, a look at the wholesale programming model. what we said in response to senator mccain's bill is number one, we appreciate the dialogue. we are glad he was bold enough to say it is time that we as congress looks at this. and interestingly enough, we thank senator blumenthal who cosponsored the bill. for theally important congress to have a dialogue about the issues right now. say,ok at that bill and even though you will like us to provide choice which we liked her voice -- provide, we cannot. refuseple on the contact
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to give it to us. and as it were mandated a senator mccain's bill an incentive to provide services on an à la carte basis of a weekend not because we do not control the rights. what we have said and our members said they could do today given the ability to do so is to provide services on a tiered level. as it occurs in canada and other cases. you take certain genres of programs. a lot of people would buy the genres that they will lie. we supported that back in 2008. -- that they would like. if our members had more flexibility to provide services more can to what -- akin to what customers are saying they would like, we could probably find middle ground. the content companies whether disney, viacom, fox,
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espn, they will not let us carry their programming other than essentially expanded tier service. everything is bundled into one, large package that consumers have to take and pay for whether they want it or not. that is her choice. take it or not. going forward, h was and that consumers are making -- starting to make is i will not take it. i will look for something. maybe i would just get broadband from my provider and get the video services that i want online. by my choice, not by someone choice.ictator we're going to see more of that which underscores our members' broadband future. regulationto provide on the services so we can provide the level of services
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that are required in the smaller markets and rural areas. >> let's talk about flexibility. would you are would you not be in favor of congressional action to force programmers to sell their channels, not bundling one channel with another and making that a contractual mandate on you to buy? like thatertainly flexibility. i am not sure we would reach that point. there is language to that effect. consumers are already moving on their own. we as broadband providers want to help to give consumers that choice that they want. many of our members today have considered instituting and build it into their system video on demand. very expensive can be for smaller operators. new boxes, etc. where others are saying why would i do that? opportunity to
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get consumers more of what they want through my broadband plan. through their plan they can get consumers the ability to view, hulu -- netflix, we'll see that as consumers look on their own. sothat regard, technology is far beyond where we are today from the policy perspective that we are trying to meet the demand of customers while at the same time, we try to work for reasonable solutions here in washington where those are available. >> the last congressman to introduce the proposal that would deregulate the entire year negotiating position between cable companies and broadcasters. is that something -- >> is certainly makes sense. every five years congress has to reauthorize the satellite act.
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the bill that gives the satellite companies the ability to carry out of market stations and some limited areas. congress is concerned about that because every five years if they do not reauthorize it, over one million people caloosahatchee is to tv signals. -- overage in a process one million people could lose to tv sig -- they engage in a process. it has not been looked at in two went away years. -- look at in 21 years. contentnues to give companies like broadcast stations exclusive markets and the ability to prevent competition. basically, it allows the same kind of consolidation that will continue to see since 1992 to do the large content companies even more leverage over the cable.
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we think it certainly makes sense or it to be an ongoing review. congressman steve scalise introduce his bill when he was in the senate at would provide cable regulations and laws that requires congress to actually look at the laws and see what works and what does not. the marketplace is moving so fast, it is our job as regulators to stay on top of this as best we can. we think it makes a great bit of sense for congress to actually do the work to review its laws and one of the things we are suggesting and the current reauthorization of the satellite bill. we hope that more members will consider that review that is needed for the 19 92 act. whether the satellite reauthorization or specific amendments to the cable act as part of the satellite bill or an --eement that there needed
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needs to be broader reform down the line. looking at some the old regulations like a redress mission -- retransmission consent. a good -- we think it is a good idea and something we hope more members think about in congress as the process goes forward. >> have your members been losing the video customers? >> there's been lost. -- loss. we have seen across the country more cord cutting. that's where the bad news. the good news is our members of the broadband providers which many of the customers are going the continuedg need for our members to provide more robust broadband services as demanded by their customers in smaller markets and rural areas. we are seeing some follow-up on video. it still remains a strong product. it is one that is gaining
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pressure because of all of the of the program marketplace that continues to force content onto the bundle at greater cost. when we look at what is happening on the sports side, sports is outrageously expensive. with the addition of fox creating its own competitor to espn, basically what it means is you have three very large competitors with the most expensive programming out there for the right fees, golf, football, you name it. that is all coming to roost at these companies compete for the right to carry. and turn around and say, how i will get paid is turnaround and send it back to every subscriber that takes cable or satellite. that is a problem. many fire members said of their entire program in the budget, the channels they pay for on a
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monthly basis you can look at maybe five or six of them in their lineup that account for 50% of their costs or more. appeared another 150. there is a problem out there. there is good news from our perspective, these deals are not going without notice. hearing after hearing, congress has noted the rise of sports costs and how that is affecting consumers to have no choice. some members have focused on the antitrust exemption that give them greater leverage when negotiating sports rights that ultimately sommers paid. -- consumers pay. there is awareness. done in theo be area of choice. that comes to what we are talking about today was trying to give our customers more broadband choices as well as
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congress and the fcc looking at imposing their hand where they can to give more choices. [indiscernible] you spoke about consumers wanting choice. do you think one of the other is a greater driver? >> choice for sure. we all like to choose. it pays to shop. every body likes the idea that i want to pay for what i want to consume. i do not like to be told what i have to consume. certainly in the video marketplace, that is a problem. bundle of programming. cost is certainly an issue. i know the story about a year or so ago, i saw a story and when the trade publications that said in the not too distant future
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that the cost of cable services could approach $20 a month. for essentially -- $200 a month for essentially the basic level of services. cost is increasing exponentially it seems as will his lack of choice and choice of decreasing. choice is driving more of the over-the-top viewing today the cost has an impact. when i look at my children, 23 -- the these are kids only reason they have cable is basically because of me. dad inc. -- dad being a willing to provide. they made choices. they are going to be look at what i can get for my broadband experience? i have ultimate choice there. i can choose where to go with my online connection to watch what i want to watch on the device when i want to watch it.
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that is a big driver for the younger generation and something we have to take into account as we in the cable business look at our future as a broadband business. >> very quickly when i ask you about the new fcc members that may be coming in the fall as tom wheeler gets approved by the senate. >> i think the are excellent choices. mr. wheeler because of his background in the industry that will be a help. i do not think many have said that is going to provide one industry a leg up over the other. i found all the commissioners as well as the staff to be very fair and objective and looking at issues from all sides. i certainly expect that with mr. wheeler. with mr. o'reilly as well. somebody's word in the house and senate on telecom issue -- who has worked in the house and the senate on telecom issues. spent a lot of time and background and history and experience.
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i think they are great choices. looking forward to work with the full commission. at the same time, truly appreciate what acting chairwoman clyburn has done. she has common a difficult time at a difficult time. she and her team have done a tremendous job and have been very sensitive and rulemaking and the concerns of our members which is something that we advocate in every will making regulations one small providers. fewer customers per mile and consequently antiregulation has a higher cost per customer. as you know these regulations are unfunded, we have to pay for what ever technology requirements there may be. she has been very sensitive to our members and i expect to see that will be something that will continue.
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>> broadcasters have been engaging the with aereo in a number of courts. do members view it as a competitor or a possible business model to get away from retransmission? say it wasy we would a potential threat it may be always to some degree. as richard's mission prices continued -- retransmission prices continued to curry's -- to increase your after year, our members look at a company like this as a company that is breaking the mold and trying to provide a new technology to give consumers something they want a reduced price. or a competitive price that does not exist. the current model says the broadcaster calls the shots. take it or leave it. no choice. we as a cable operator has no
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choice to get a lower cost signal. in as a disruptive technology because it is disrupting the current model which is a great and that technology is doing. it provides consumers with a new way to receive signals. imagine that over the air. free over the air and still available today. we look at companies like aereo and other providers as potential partners. potential that is the president and ceo of american cable association. this has been the communicators, on c-span. cut's -- >> brought to as a public service by your television provider.
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