tv Washington Journal CSPAN September 27, 2013 7:00am-10:01am EDT
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the debate on federal spending and the funding the health care law. we will also discuss those issues and the possibility of a government shutdown with vermont independent senator ernie sanders, a member of the budget committee. sanders. ♪ ♪ until possible government shutdown. the numbers are on the screen.
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if you want to make a comment on our twitter feed, /cspan, and you can send us a juror -- an e-mail at journal@c- here are some of the headlines on this issue. here is "the letter of constitution -- the atlanta journal-constitution." a little bit from this article in "the financial times" --
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efforts to block the measure from coming forward, we are expecting it pass -- expecting it to pass sometime this afternoon and sent back to the house. we talked house republicans aboutday and asked them the way forward for the continuing resolution. there really is no clear answer. are expectingans to send that measure backed the senate. -- back to the senate. it has to be done by monday. that is the quickest way to a government shutdown. what happened in the house republican conference chair in yesterday e -- conference
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yesterday? congress had to deal with another major crisis before mid- october. house republican leadership want to get a little bit of a head start on it. they're shooting for sometime saturday. conservativeof postals, such as approving the keystone pipeline, delaying obamacare for about a year. from what we have heard from house republicans is that will probably not happen. they do not have enough votes to fromthis on its own republican votes only. that is another issue that was discussed yesterday. for now that is not going
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anywhere. an article in politico yourmorning, written by colleagues -- what is plan c? guest: that is what we are trying to figure out. andategy didn't work now they're trying to convince house republicans to litigate their fight against obamacare. whatever plan c is house speaker john boehner makes it up to be. is the prevailing thoughts on capitol hill that there will be a shutdown? guest: it is hard to say. a lot of lawmakers have been
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reporters that have seen this crises a number of times. air is always some sort of resolution at the 11th hour -- there is always some sort of resolution at the 11th hour. harry reid said -- i know havers on capitol hill talked about contingency plans to prepare for a shut down. they don't want to shut down but they're still negotiating and discussing to figure out how to avoid that. kim, thank you for your time. from that politico article, the potential plan c --
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lori in new york city. this is my first time calling. i have been a longtime viewer and in many time e-mail or. that it is getting so ridiculous and it is so frustrating to watch this fighting going on. that is why i am calling because i am so frustrated with the fighting. -- it isn another about the debt ceiling but it is connected with the affordable care act. when it is called different things in different areas, if it has the name "obama" in front of it all the republicans hated. they have done such good salesmanship on this that it is just showing the idiocy of how this works and how uninformed
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the masses are. is just so frustrating. i do think we are going to see a shutdown in three days, which i am not happy about. i am going to say that it is going to -- it is not going to mess up everything and they will be able to come to something on it. i am an ultimate optimist on this. that is my comment and i really want to say thank you very much. i'm so glad i was muted and did not get talked back to. goodbye. terry is on our republican line. caller: first, to people like rory who seems to think we need to keep government running as usual, i want to have -- i want to wish everyone happy deficit day. today is the data government has exhausted all of the expected revenue that is supposed to comment. until the end of the year, we are now borrowing about $10 billion each and everyday to fund the government expenses.
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as obamacare, if people are uninformed, go talk to people that are losing their jobs. go talk to the people who are having -- who were full-time workers and their now part-time workers. go talk to the companies that are not hiring. almost 80% of all of the jobs created in the private sector have been part-time. employers do not want obamacare. people that wrote it, the congressional staffers, they do not want it. democrats that voted for it, they do not want it. the unions that supported its to not want to. a huge majority of americans do not want it. for obama to stand there and say he is not going to negotiate -- when george bush was president he said we need to talk about this and cut our spending. front page of "the wall street journal" this morning --
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bills and the debt. i don't see this as that much different. 70% of new jobs are in the service sector. i have not worked in a while. i have to go back to work. it will be minimum wage. the last job i had, it was all where peoplectory were under indentured servitude. we could not wear ourselves out hard enough. i don't see too much difference. -- thelth care costs emergency room makes people pay their bill if they cannot pay them. it is good for the young people who can afford it. it is no different than if you
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jeff is a democrat in maryland, you are on "washington journal." i have an incentive to make their them to budget approvals much more efficient. if they would agree that they need to allow employees of the government to be compensated, to receive pay if they are forced to say home -- to stay home whenever there is a shutdown, it would be an incentive to pass the legislation because there are millions of poor a -- millions of employees that would
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receive pay without work. time this happened was 20 years ago and it took a bit of discussion to come to the conclusion. employees who are required to stay home ultimately did receive pay for the time that they were at home. on the put that out table up front it would be a great incentive to pass the legislation because there is a lot of money on the table from all of the millions of people who are being paid. i also wish they would stop -- it is just a poison pill that has been going on for years. front page of "the washington times" -- ed in massachusetts, republican line, go ahead. caller: good morning and thank
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you for c-span. if congress and the white house fail to come to a debt ceiling deal in time, it does not mean default. nor does it mean that u.s. interest rates will spike higher if the u.s. suffers a credit downgrade. what it does mean is that the u.s. government will have no recourse but to go immediately go to cold turkey balanced budget by cutting about $.18 out of every dollar that the federal government currently spends. up oneagine if we woke day to discover that 18% of all of the atm machines out there have suddenly stopped working. say 18% of bank customers were unable to access their accounts. this would slow the economy back into -- throw the economy back into recession and throw the budget back into deficit that plunging tax revenues. the problem is the debt ceiling
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would prevent the government from issuing any more debt to finance this deficit. this means that the government would have to cut more spending or raise more taxes to bring the budget back into balance again. that could lead to a downward deflationary spiral with no bottom in spite. at deflationary environment like offer would be u.s. treasury funds. the u.s. long-term interest ,ates spiked slightly lower just the opposite of what everyone thought was going to happen. we appreciate your comments. on facebook, quite a lively conversation --
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this conversation will continue all day so you can go onto facebook all day long and post your comments as well. the president gave a speech yesterday in the suburbs in largo, maryland. he was talking about health care. here is a little bit of what he had to say. [video clip] >> the closer we have gotten to the more irresponsible
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folks who are opposed to this bill have become. some of the same republicans who warned three years ago that this law would be armageddon -- they said "armageddon." stepsey are threatening that actually would badly hurt our entire economy. some threaten a government shutdown if they cannot shut down this law. have actually threatened an economic shutdown by refusing to pay america's bills if they cannot delay the law. not going to happen as long as i'm president. [applause] the affordable care act is here to stay. here are some of the
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bit ridiculous and we elected these people into office to provide services. we ask forservices every day. now they want to sit back and play god for the entire nation. families who have sons, daughters, brothers over in afghanistan fighting and dying -- those families will not see their paychecks. they may never see their loved ones again. they don't seem to think along these terms. we are getting nothing. we are being lied to, we are ,eing kicked off to the side ira member when syria started up
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this is the schedule for the house today. they're coming in at 9:00. then they are going to vote on naming some courthouses. they think the last vote should be 1045 -- 10:45 a.m. this morning. aey also printed here that weekend session is possible. the senate schedule, they are coming in at 9:30 today to work on the continuing resolution and at 12:30 p.m. eastern time is when the senate is scheduled to begin a series of votes on the continuing resolution. from politico --
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to do. they don't know what they are going to do. in tea party has put them this whole and keep sticking it deeper and deeper. we want to finish this legislation as quickly as possible. every hour that takes by rings our country closer to a shutdown. i was so encouraged yesterday to see people come down on and talk about a need to finish this legislation. we heard about what they're going to do with suicide, dumbest idea i've ever heard. box canyon. john mccain did the best yesterday. .bamacare is the law it is the law, has been for four years.
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that is how this could play out today and tomorrow in the senate. obviously the senate will be in session over the weekend. chances are the house will be, too. democrats line, good morning. caller: thank you for the opportunity. i don't know where to start with these republicans. two years ago i got on c-span he warned people that haven't seen anything yet out of these republicans. they are just unbelievable. i cannot believe it. people canmazing how be persuaded to vote against their own interests. everybody on this planet will ,et sick or ill at some time
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later in life come early in life, or middle of life. you are going to get sick and if au sit there and turn away way to protect your family, to protect you, to protect your , it's amazing how stupid a lot of these people are. there is no other way to put it. host: we appreciate your calling in. from "the washington post" -- we will read a little bit of this but let's look at speed your painters news conference yesterday first. news speaker boehner's conference yesterday first. [video clip] >> we have to entrust the spending car bombs we have -- address the spending problems
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we have. there is not going to be any speculation until the senate passes their bill. thank you all. we are not going to have a discussion about the cr and speculate about the clr until the senate finishes their bill. a you are not going to have discussion about it but you do not intend to shut the government down. >> that is correct. >> looks at the real possibility. >> i do not expect that to happen. dan balz writes --
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our republican line. caller: thank you for letting me speak. i think there should be a ceiling, there really should. look how far we are in debt. when the kids nowadays grow up, they're going to have so much that that they have to pay back. , i don't think it's fair for the people who work and pay taxes into their medical insurance -- their medical insurance has gone up so from them just having to support the ones who don't want to work. what would you think about a government shutdown? i don't think they should shut it down but if they do the should cut everyone's pay. host: what do you do for a
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living? caller: i'm on disability. host: are you worried about any of that? caller: i am. i'm worried about all of it. that is what i am saying. if they shut down, i cannot pay my bills. you are calling on the republican line. do you believe spending should be cut? some spending should because, yes. -- should be cut. barbara is on the independent line. caller: thank you for taking my call. i believe this whole thing could have been avoided. house has passed 12 appropriation bills funding the government. patty murray yesterday said that they all have come out of committee.
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harry reid has not taken them up but these appropriation bills fund our government for the next year. if he would have just gotten them past, everything would be fine. now harry reid says the affordable health care act was law. so was slavery and so was doma. believe -- people in the long run are going to hurt. i don't like all of the occurring and everything up there, either. occurring -- the bickering and everything up there, either. we need to think about the people. host: mike from colorado e-mails
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next is mike in tuscaloosa, alabama on our democrat line. good morning, you're on "washington journal." caller: to cook point. that stoodhe senator up there for 20 something hours, i believe they had a hand in it. , theat it this way republican party keeps talking about paying our bills. hostageholding this law
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you are on the washington journal. thank you for taking my call. i know i am in the old country boy and i cannot fix things for you all. remind like somebody to president obama that he is not we sure do not need a dictator over here cramming stuff down our throat. i wish i could fix it but i know i can't. i can pray. i do that.
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i just wish the best for everybody. host: thank you for calling in. independent from new jersey, go ahead. caller: i just want to say a couple of things. i guarantee that they won't shut down the government. vote to shutes to down the government, all we have to do as a citizen is vote those democrats or republicans out, if they decide to do that. i guarantee you that they won't shut the government down. for the last three times that we decided to raise the debt ceiling, they go right up to the last minute. they play on the public see motions. -- on the public's emotions. a are playing emotional games with the public. emotionale playing games with the public.
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their efforts to destroy -- the republicans try to sell us on the notion that the health care industry is for obamacare, that they are somehow reaping enormous benefits from it. i do not buy it. beould love for there to focus on the lobbyists, the money that gets contributed to -- especially the republican party. to all of the people in the republican party that are now coming out against obamacare. i would like to know more about that process, who is involved, i would like to know the name of the lobbyists, i would like to know the names of the lobbyist firms they work for grid i
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believe when you look at the idea -- they work for. i believe when you look at the idea -- you cannot be canceled or coverage on your policy cannot be canceled. the existing conditions will not be a reason that you cannot i insurance and that you will be able to buy insurance when you expensive existing conditions. this whole problem we have had up until now, when obamacare kicks in i believe it will be a success. upwish c-span would follow- with the lobbying efforts and health care industry. host: thank you. on our q&a program this sunday on c-span at 8 p.m. eastern time to head of the cleveland clinic spends an hour being interviewed . he talks about the affordable care act and some of the health
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both democrat and republicans not seeing that there is not one government program that is not in the red. we cannot afford, at this time -- i do not know what time it would be -- to take down a government program that has not been read by everyone, not even the people who voted it in. it is not fully understood, even by the president. late.going to be too i have never seen a lot that has taken in and changed for the better. i have been fortunate enough as a veteran, i'm 73 years old, still do work. i have had to pay my own insurance most of the time. that means you go without something else.
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it seems we have a population that don't want to go without .nything they complain about paying for insurance that they need to take care of themselves. you think about a potential government shutdown with regard to the affordable care act? i have never seen it in my lifetime, it has happened three times in a row. it is just foolishness going on. they waste so much time down there and don't get anything done. people blaming that on the wars -- blaming debt on the wars -- wars are bad. but if you don't protect what you got, that is where our priority has to be. they have to drop something like
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great in louisiana, you are on the independent line. we are talking about a potential government shutdown and all of the issues about that. caller: good morning. i've worked in the oil industry for over 20 years. i am a disabled vet. the us is just scare tactics. it seems like our leaders are out of touch with reality with the american people.
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and cut at together lot of these useless foreign programs -- we are spending a lotns of dollars on -- of these useless foreign programs we are spending , if wes of dollars on and got our act together they all just work together i believed we could solve these problems in self trying to just shut down the government -- instead of trying to shut down the government and scare tactics. my mom is 76 years old. they're talking about raising the cost of medicine and different coverages and all these different things like this. we can make happen -- we can make it happen. we have the best people in the world. in texas on the democrats line. what is your view? we need to come as
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americans, just try. need to, as americans, just try. we are very innovative but we do not like change. i have lost a nephew in iraq. whoas a son who has a mom is in active duty. i have a niece in afghanistan. they all need their pay. the affordable care act, i have -- if to three people every american would just take three people and tell them that it is not perfect -- then we had my daughter living in canada. she lives on socialized medicine. she has a child here in the united states. dollars for a pain pill.
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our money inof different countries. we have things on the books that some americans do not understand that go back to george bush. president obama put in a budget plan. as an american, i do not breathe.d why we don't -- don't read. that is why we are in the toilet. we don't tell our children the facts. the affordable care act is not perfect but at least try it. we cannot do any worse. my husband retired in 2001. my insurance has gone up every year since. these are the lobbyists who republicans and democrats pockets with money --ause they do not want us like the car industry, you now have affordable insurance.
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you cannot drive a car in texas unless you have insurance. i'm tired of seeing people at the hospital standing in line. we can go out and buy guns and by new apple phones we don't want to pay for insurance. here is the cover of "bloomberg businessweek" magazine -- on page 70 is a profile and article about former senator jim demint, who is now head of the heritage foundation. they say that he runs congress. ashland, ohio, good morning to you. caller: how's it going yet felt the way i look at it -- how's it going? the way i look at it the used a which -- they,
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could have at least got somewhere. -- could not bring in when you look at the sequester, which i don't think the republicans like either, they had to try to get something worked out with the democrats and we didn't get anything. after they pushed the sequester, the president decided it was his idea to force them into doing this. and then the republicans offer to let him move things around a little bit so it would not kill the military and he refused to do it. i think if they would have reached out enough to where they or twoave got a handful
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they will go on as usual. second off, i think obama will make a good afford dealer because back -- a good ford dealer because back in the 1950s they would try to sell the ad and those of you who know about the 1950s in that car, it was plagued with problems. i think if i remember correctly, it only ran two years. what is going on now is obama does not want to negotiate -- which he promised to do -- with the republicans. the problem is that the republicans are telling the truth and obama is telling lies. going to be as demolish for the americans. if we only took a good look at
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germany, the way they have their health care, their health care is not only your health but your eyes, your teeth, you hearing, every part of your body. and every year when you do your tax return, you pay 10% out of your tax return. and if you make over a million dollars, you pay 10%. if you make over $500,000, you pay eight percent. and so on and so one. and people who make under $20,000 will pay one percent. it's a simple thing, a simple way. ilver and gold and platinum and all of this stuff that confuses the people. it is just a flat-out thing. on one piece of paper. and everybody will get it. and we should have had this back in the 1970s. host: what do you think about
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today's debate? do you think it is worth shutting down the government to make sure that the affordable care act is not enacted? caller: the affordable care act, you might as well hold a grenade and pulled the pin. you got it do what you got to do. if we shut the government down, so be it, but don't let go of that grenade because it will go off. this is totally confusion of what is going on. we are in a bad state now. we are a good country, but we are in a bad state. obama already lost the star credit rating and he is about to lose another one. and i don't think he really cares. here is the question -- host: all right, we will leave it there. appreciate you calling in. a reminder, the houses in at 9:00 a.m. this morning and the senate is in at 9:30 a.m. the senate is due to debate the continuing resolution issue and at 12:30 p.m. begin the series
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of votes on that. both houses of congress are due to be in this weekend from time to time. obviously we will cover them both alive on c-span, because that is what we do. you can watch it here on c-span. mark in mississippi. democrat. calling on the democrat line because i always voted republican, but i believe those days are over. ashamed of the republican party and the fiasco they have been running on in washington. i spent the last week and a half reading the affordable care act as best as i could, and i -- of course, with any other program, and this one, there's many things that are going to have to be worked out. but i believe this is possibly one of the best pieces of legislation that has been passed
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in my lifetime, and to see mr. cruz, our neighbor over in texas, get over there and do what he did a couple of days ago, well, he's more of an embarrassment to mr. -- then mr. perry is, their governor. just to sum it up. i always voted republican but i dispute the man's logic over in georgia comparing it to edsels. it seems like the people with insurance are the ones raising the biggest fuss. about the affordable care act. going toso tired of the emergency room and having to tie it in with people who are uninsured and then when i get treated my costs are
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have nosed when we budget. we have not had a budget for six or seven years and we just want to give them free money to have them blow it. i'll hold congress is out of touch with the world -- our whole congress is out of touch with the world. they have no concept of controlled spending. we need to get rid of them all and start over with someone who cares about the fiscal. that is all i have to say. ,ost: nathaniel from valrico florida, on the independent line. want to say, i am an independent. i have to say, the republicans ran against the president in 2012, and they ran against obamacare. you have the tea party and even the democrats, whatever, don't like it. andpoeople have voted for it put it that put him in
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overwhelmingly. we need to move along and forget of all of this. host: james and georgia. your turn. democrat. caller: yes. i don't understand why people can't go back and look at history. took medicare lbj and social security out and put it in the general fund. feeling it ever since and where the bankrupt governor -- government. they say obama and the deficit, why don't they go back to george bush? half the debt that they are blaming obama for is george bush possibly a i am older than the last three presidents. but it is just simple mathematics. i like to ask -- the pope had it right. we need to get paying wage jobs back in the country.
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we will not have a viable country or a viable economy. that is a simple fact. people need to look at it. there's not too sent to difference between democrats and republicans. we need -- there's not two cents worth of difference between democrats and republicans. but they will not allow independents to be elected. host: thank you for calling in this morning. a couple of quick tweets. this is dean. steve says --
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host: those are some more of the tweets. coming up in just a minute, senator bernie sanders, independent from vermont. if you have been watching, you probably know that senator tom coburn was scheduled to be on the program as well but unfortunately we had a technical issue of we apologize to him. he was not able to join us. we will get a. but senator sanders will be out here in just a minute when we continue on "washington journal ." [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2013] [captioning performed by national captioning institute]
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passed, it would have nullified dozens of arcane state laws limiting women's rights. they would no longer, big example, the subject to subtle mechanisms of wage discrimination that even persist even today. and symbolically, women would have been recognized -- and this is even more important -- both as mothers as well as workers. and the biggest irony of this story is that it was a well campaign, articulate of activist women who engineered the defeat of the era. >> the backlash against the women's liberation movement and equal rights amendment sunday at 1:00 p.m. eastern on c-span3's american history tv. >> the book tells a story. it tells the story of a nuclear
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weapons accident in damascus, arkansas, that occurred in 1980, and i use that story, that narrative, as a way of looking at the management of our nuclear weapons really sensible first nuclear device was invented in 1945. and i hope to remind readers that these weapons are out there , that they are still capable of being used, and there is probably no more important thing our government does not manage them because these are the most dangerous machines that were built. and i think the suspect has fallen off the radar quite a bit since the end of the cold war. towords if you do not want hear together -- nuclear weapons and accidental detonation. investigative journalist eric schlosser on "command-and- nine on sunday night at "afterword" art of book tv this week and on c-span two. and the online book club is
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reading "this town." get involved and post your comments on facebook and twitter. "> "washington journal continues. host: now joining us is senator bernie sanders, an independent from vermont. senator sanders thomas you helped to draft -- senator sanders, you helped draft the health-care legislation and you were active in your committees. what do you think of the current status of the health care bill? guest: this is what i think. i think health care is a good debate. given the fact that we are the only nation in the industrialized world that does not guarantee health care to all of our people, that we have 48 million people who have no health insurance and many more are paying a high copayments, that we have about 45,000 americans die each year because they do not get to a doctor when they should am a i think obamacare is a step forward, peter. it is a step forward.
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it will provide health insurance to 20 -- 20 million more people and do away with the examiner -- obscenity a pre-existing emissions. keeps young people programs. between you and me, my own view is the united states has got to join the rest of the world in developing a national health care program which guarantees health care to all people as a right. because unless we do that, we are not going to address the crisis of our people, our country, spending almost twice as much per capita on health care as to the people in any other nation. you could argue, how good is the british system, how good is the canadian system? it is a good argument, compared to us. we are spending almost twice as much because the goal of the current help -- health insurance system is for private insurance and that is to make as much money. we pay the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs. we don't have primary care doctors where we should. instead, we have a whole lot of well-paid specialists. my own view is obama care addresses of some very significant issues but we should
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go a lot further. host: what about the delay that was announced yesterday for some provisions? guest: i think it is a complicated program. i think there is a lot of resistance coming from republicans and other people allover the lays and i think it could be laid out better. but i do want to say this. i live, of course, in the state of vermont. i've are present the people of the state of vermont. people of the the state of vermont. we board a massachusetts. president obama got his idea of obamacare from romneycare, the radical socialist governor of massachusetts, mitt romney, who worked with democrats to develop a program. in massachusetts, if you go to people in massachusetts, they will say, yeah, pretty good. not the end of the world. there are still problems there. i can tell you quite honestly zillions of people are not fleeing the state of massachusetts to come to vermont. notions of people are
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fleeing canada to come to the state of vermont. i think what you are seeing now -- the issue we are stuff -- discussing should not be obama debated the issue we should be discussing is whether a handful of right-wing extremists think it is appropriate to shut down the united states government to get their way. we had an election. you know the one the election? a rock obama, by a pretty good vote. in the uniteds states senate -- barack obama. by pretty good vote. he gained seats in the senate. an independent. that was the result of the election. we had this debate. you don't throw kids off of health -- headstart and old wheels.ff of meals on i talked to police officers this morning who are putting their lives on the line to defend this country and the they are not sure they will get paid. we've got people in the military. you do not run a government on that basis because he can't get your way. i would hope very much that mr.
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boehner will work with democrats in the house and pass what we to keep the cr government money -- running. the debate about obama care is a good debate. i think it needs improvement. but you don't shut down the government to achieve the goal. host: will you be working this weekend and will the government shutdown, in your view? guest: you are asking the wrong guy. i suggest giving mr. boehner a ring. will happen is that this afternoon the senate will ,ass what we call a clean cr and get the obama business out of there. it goes back to the house and they have to decide what to do. here is what i think people may not understand. prepared to work with democrats rather than just keeping it with republicans, having to deal with right, right ring -- wing extremist. "politico," unions
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not market with obama in the shutdown fight. one progressive operatives involved in crafting the public relations strategies at the white house already made clear that its best case scenario is a status glow that groups on the left already -- the status quo the groups on the left already find unsatisfactory. and they're thinking, obama has compromise too much already. guest: i tend to agree with that. here is the story. and this is the other thing that really upsets me. enormoustry faces problems. the middle-class of the united states of america is collapsing. you may have seen the census bureau report of last week, and what it shows is median family income, the family right in the middle -- unbelievable -- as less income today than they did 24 years ago.
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we have more people living in poverty today than we have ever had. yet on the other hand, the wealthiest people in this country, the top one percent, are doing phenomenally well. the top one percent owns 38% of the wealth of america. 38%. you know what the bottom 60% own? 2.3%. in the last three years, 95% of all new income created in this country. you know where it went question market went to the top one percent. our infrastructure is collapsing. we need to create jobs. you know what the american people think? every single poll out there, they are saying we need to focus on the middle-class. we need to create jobs. we need to raise the minimum wage. we need to make college affordable. we need to create jobs by first energy efficiency in the country. there is an enormous amount of work we need to data that needs to be done and one thing we should not be doing is shutting down the government and telling people in the military who put their lives him a lot or police officers that they are not going to get paid. families in headstart that our
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kids cannot go to that. that is pretty crazy in my mind. host: senator sanders, you in that -- you were in the house of representatives in 1995 during the last shutdown. what was it like? guest: it was bad. what it does, above and beyond all the pain that will be called to elderly people who will be applying for social security benefits, being delayed, veterans applying -- what do you think it tells the whole world? this is the most powerful nation on earth am and it says to the entire world that we can't even pay our bills. you've got people out there -- forget the government shutdown and continuing resolution -- you've got people out there saying, we don't think it is a problem. yes, we owe billions of dollars but we think that united states government should not pay its bills. that may mean the collapse of the world financial system. that's ok. yes, we lost the election but we have to figure out a way to get what we want. what you are looking at right now is right-wing extremism
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holding democracy in contempt, essentially working for the very wealthiest people in this country who are doing phenomenally well but who are at war with the middle-class. i think we look incredibly stupid to the rest of the world and it will take us a long time to recover. host: senator bernie sanders, independent of vermont, is our guest until 9:00 a.m. when the house of representatives comes into session. chris and savannah, georgia, on the democratic line. caller: thank you very much. truth, senator sanders, and what an honor it is to be speaking with one of the greatest senators ever to serve in that body. you represent the true values of america among equality, fairness, and compassion. i admire you greatly. question about the filibuster and that has been going on lately. and whether you and other members of congress are going to 'ilibuster for the 9/11 victims
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families. thousands of experts are demanding a real investigation of why building seven fell on 911 the it now that there is so much scientific evidence showing that explosives were used to destroy the building on 9/11. guest: chris, i just happen not to agree with you on that. i don't think that that is accurate. but i will tell you what some of the areas that some of us should be filibustering on. and that is the need to create millions of decent paying jobs for the working people of this country. and that is the need to raise the minimum wage to a living wage. and that is the need to rebuild our infrastructure and our rail system and to make sure that we have a system where young people can go to college without coming out deeply in debt. there is a lot to be fighting about but that is not one issue -- that i am. host: jim on the republican line. you are on "washington journal" with senator sanders. think youdo not
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should get paid next week. i am one medical and i don't get to keep my doctor and i think you hit the middle-class. guest: hit the middle class? caller: you care about your own money. guest: the response there is, g ee, i were right-wing republican friends are going to shut down the government and the answer is he is worried about whether the congress gets paid. every employee and the federal .overnment should get paid and in terms of the insurance that members of congress have, it is the same as the postal service, part of the federal employment benefits package, i have blue cross-blue shield and these glasses are much too expensive but i have to pay for them like everyone else. but here is the issue, the issue is whether we as a nation go forward or whether congress continues to do the bidding of a handful of millionaires -- billionaires whose goal in life
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is to pay less in taxes. one of the issues that has not been talked about a whole lot -- z'stalk about senator cru filibuster, but beyond obama, what else are right wing extremist talking about? i would urge people. don't believe me. platform of the texas republican party which is obviously one of the major state in our country, one of the major parties unfindable they believe in. you know what they believe in? they believe we should and social security. they believe we should end the veterans administration and privatize it. they believe not just that we should not raise the minimum wage but we should abolish the minimum wage and enable people to work for three or four bucks an hour. that is what the right-wing agenda is about. and the one area where i agree with senator cruz -- he said we need a real debate about ideas and issues. he is right. i happen not to believe that the american people think we should not have any minimum wage, that
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we should abolish social security, that we should end the environmental protection agency that companies can pollute our air and water. host: senator sanders, you have taken to the floor for extremely long periods of time, too. what was it like? guest: i was on the floor for a and a half hours in opposition to president obama several years ago not doing away with the bush's tax breaks for the wealthy -- on the floor for eight and a half hours. it ain't easy. i think senator cruz was on for 21 hours. and a question of standing, you are not eating, you can sit down and you are not going to the bathroom. it is not an easy thing to do. host: is that a role in the senate, you cannot sit down? you control the floor, that is the case. if you have the floor, other people can speak but you cannot disappear. you can't leave the floor. you can't sit down. edst: senator paul has an op-
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this morning in "the washington times" with regards to health care. he writes -- guest: that is not accurate. we get my health. as my family will, from the exchange in the state of vermont. we can debate health care. had a process.we believe me, it was a long, complicated process where we passed this legislation. that is what happens in a democratic society. i understand senator paul and others may not like it. but it was passed. it was signed by the president. republicans took it to the united states supreme court because they thought it was unconstitutional but it was
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passed by the supreme court saying it was constitutional. they had an election. mitt romney and others ran on it and they lost the election. can we makew, improvements in obamacare? as i just indicated, i believe -- i am single-payer medicare for all advocate. we have a medicare program that does very well by seniors. but if you are 50 you can get into it. i would love to see it expanded. but you don't shut down the government and tell police officers and members of the armed services that they can get paid. in the midst of worrying about terrorism, you don't have furloughs at the fbi fighting terrorism. the issue is not the debate about obamacare. it is a fine debate. we can continue it. the issue is whether we can hold the american people hostage or address the series problems facing the country. is calling from st. louis, missouri. caller: senator bernie. i have been calling year for 22 long years and this is a real highlight talking to you. guest: thank you. caller: two things. under two minutes.
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it is very clear the republican party is now in the pocket of the insurance industry. they have spent hundreds of millions of negative ads against it and they lost and now the republicans are scared to death that when people find out all of the great things and therefore the middle class, they are going to love it as much as social security and medicare and know that the republicans have been lying about this all the time. we are already paying far more for the uninsured to go to the emergency room. when we start paying for their preventative preventive care, that is a lot cheaper. even the cbo says after 10 years we are going to save a lot of money on the deficit and the debt. cruz wasted 21 hou on a fake filibuster. he knows he can't defund obamacare and he wants to humor the tea party so they will support of for president in 2016. when does one guy get to run for president for 21 hours?
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guest: thank you very much for your comments. i agree with much of what you are saying. one of the things, as i recall, senator cruz actually said was, look, if the so-called obamacare is implement it, people are going to like it. and we are never going to get rid of it. let's think about it. let me repeat my views. i've regarded as a moral outrage that the united states is the only country in the industrialized world that does not guarantee health care to all of our people. what obamacare is going to do, as i understand, is provide more health insurance to another 20 million people. that is a good step forward. we still have 28 million who do not have health insurance. and what all of us have got to ask is if -- in this the functional system, why do we end up spending almost twice as much then people of any other nation? host: a viewer tweets in --
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he is right in saying we have a very serious problem in the creation of part-time jobs. but that trend has been going on for a wild. question,illman's that is why i happen to believe in a single-payer system where you take the responsibility of providing health care off of the employer. and say we are all in it together. sayingis quite right in that over the last number of years we have seen more and more are part-time without benefits. i think that has been going on well before obamacare. to say it is unfair is obamacare itself which is causing all of these problems. -- it didny employers not take obamacare to do this -- who say if i hire you at mcdonald's for $40 an hour i may be applied -- obliged to pay
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benefits i will hire you at 28 hours. it was around a lot earlier than obamacare. host: don is a democrat from south carolina. guest: hi, peter. how are you this morning? i just wanted to offer kudos to senator sanders and also to -- the late senator paul wellstone sheridan -- and sherrod brown. i rightly thank you for that, sir, i do. also, i would like to say that i am not sure how you guys are really going to cope with the situation in congress. forame the supreme court the current situation we find ourselves under. due to citizens united, it teamrs congressmen to non- players. all they need to do is find a
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sugar daddy and they can fly off .n their own with no discipline until some move is made to correct the citizens united problem i think you are fighting against a stacked the deck. guest: i think you make an extremely important point. danlet me paraphrase what is saying and go on from there. despite all of the hoopla about obamacare and everything else, i think most people understand that what goes on in washington is the big-money interests have enormous power over what goes on. in fact, i think it is fair to say that there is no piece of legislation that can get past congress if wall street and the multinational corporation say no. that is what it is. the disastrous supreme court decision danis talking about, what it is is is said to the billionaires of the country, the others, yous and own all kinds of manufacturing
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capabilities, you own all kinds of companies, and now you can own the united states government because there are no limits. you can put as much money as you want. 100 million? no problem. 500 million? no problem. you can own the united states government and if you are the koch brothers and are worth $70 billion, what is a billion dollars? no problem. dan is absolutely right. this disaster citizens united decision that opened the floodgates for corporation the big money to buy elections is the most theories below democracy has seen in this country for a very long -- serious blow to democracy. we have a constitutional amendment that i and others are working on, and have introduced, that would end the disastrous citizens united. host: still an individual tweets in -- ifve asked senator sanders he is concerned that exchanges haven't completed final security test. is there an identity theft rates?
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guest: let me tell you about identity theft. it is a huge issue. not only with obamacare but a huge issue in the private sector and a huge issue and government in general. it is a real, real threat. the answer is, yes, i am worried about identity theft in all aspects of our lives. and i am also worried -- let me be very clear about this -- i have very strong disagreements with the president and his intelligence team on this nsa business. it should embarrass every american that the president of not coming toe is the united states of america because they went into her personnel -- personal e-mail. we have done that and other countries as well. i do not believe that every phone call made in this country should be on file here in washington or wherever it is filed. i have a lot of problems about the explosion of technology and the ability of people to get into our personal files. .ost: largo, florida independent line.
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hi, frank. caller: a comment and a question for the senator. sir, on your congressional website, july 21, 2011 press release, you revealed that the government accounting office found out in its first limited audit of the federal reserve that over $16 trillion was allocated to corporations and bank internationally reportedly for financial assistance during and after the 2008 fiscal crisis. you said that no agency of the united egg government should be allowed a bailout -- united states government should be allowed to bailout a corporation without direct approval of congress and the present. my question to you is this -- how come there have not been trials. how come nobody has been selected i am question mark how come, in short, -- heads have not rolled in this issue? this is $16 trillion. guest: what frank is talking about. thank you, frank, for going to my website.
8:42 am we updated a lot. i demanded during the dodd frank legislation for the first time an audit of the fed that was limited. i wanted a broader, but it was limited to the financial crisis. as frank indicated, what we discovered was in addition to the tarp bailout, $700 billion -- i voted against it, but that is what happened. in addition to that, what we did not know until i got that information is the fed length $16 trillion to every major financial institution in the country and central banks all over the world. i found that -- and many others found that -- absolutely unbelievable. the point that frank is making, which i agree with. you deal with his astronomical amount of money and don't you think the american people should be involved in the discussion? the answer, absolutely they should.
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host: richard in massachusetts. democrat. caller: thank you, peter. forve been living in monteo the past eight years, most progressive state and that's the most progressive senator. -- they are working on a single-payer system and i believe that a waiver from the federal government and by 2017 i think vermont might be the first state in the union with a single-payer system. how is that going along, senator? i know they are working on it to see how it will be financed. what isu please explain going on? guest: thank you, richard. everything you said is exactly right. the state of that vermont will lead the nation in a very new direction in health care. it is appropriate that we do it. we are a small state. we have 630,000 people. we have a bunch of very good hospitals. we have a lot of good medical personnel.
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and to answer richard's question, this is what i believe. i believe if vermont can show that a single-payer system that guarantees health care to all people, which takes the burden off of business am a which gives people freedom of choice with regards to doctors and hospitals, and which is cost effective -- if we can prove it in vermont, i have not the slightest doubt that other states will be saying we want to do the same thing, and eventually we will have a national health care system in this country. i hope, it's not -- administered at the state level, not in washington -- that would end the absurdity and the horror of 48 million people not having health insurance at all. i hope of vermont will lead the nation in that direction. host: jeffrey from toledo, ohio, e-mails in. guest: again, the issue of part-
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time employees and the growth of that is an issue that is very, very syria, and it is an issue that we should look at. and anyone who thinks that it is just obamacare is very mistaken. this is a trend that has gone on for a long time. instead of blaming obamacare, maybe we want to look at employers who are saying to people, guess what, you are not going to work 40 hours. and this is way before obamacare. this is not a new thought. everybody out there knows there are employers is a if i hire somebody for 40 hours we have to give them benefit, if i hire them for what he five or 30 hours, i don't have to give them benefits. it is an issue we need to look at in terms of obamacare. that anyone who thinks that obamacare itself is responsible for the long-term trend i think is mistaken. host: editor sanders is currently in his second term in the senate. he was first -- senator sanders is currently in a second term. he was first elected in 2006. prior to that he served 16 years in the house of representatives. "john boehner does not run
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congress -- meet the man who does." the cover of "bloomberg businessweek" and when you open it to the page you get a profile of former senator jim demint who is now running decorative foundation. that is think what about -- and i know jim. jim recently resigned to become head of the heritage foundation. host: would you consider him a friend? guest: in the senate we all know each other. he is not a personal friend, but i certainly know jim. here is the story. and again, what you have, especially from citizens united, is a situation in which extraordinarily wealthy people, big corporations -- that is who ares jim's organization -- striving to create a society in which we do away with every piece of legislation passed in the last 80 years which protects the middle-class and working people, children, the elderly. that is what jim demint k -- that is what theoch brothers --
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that is what the coke brothers. some people say they are guys in oklahoma standing up and screaming. put $230brothers million and up and the formation and development of the tea party. they are worth $70 billion. here is what that agenda is about. the agenda says i will -- i want the american people to understand. not to bernie sanders. check it out. abolishing the minimum wage. abolishing the minimum wage. people talk about part-time work. we have several questions coming in. they are right. part-time work, low-wage work on the is one of the crises facing america. people cannot make it on $7.25 an hour. you know what these guys do? let's abolish the minimum wage, because it is freedom. they can say to you you will work for three dollars an hour, but you are a free man because we have the government off your back. and we are going to abolish social security so when you get old you have nothing but you are free, really free. you don't have to get that
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check. we are going to get rid of medicare or transported. how free can you be? that is a pile of nonsense. nobody believes that. billionaires, believe that. they have the best health care in the world. they don't have to worry about education. our kids go to harvard and yell. i don't have to worry about housing, they live in a multimillion dollar mansion. what you are seeing an jim demint and all the stuff about, billionaires in the right wing funding all of these organizations, funding the tea party, hitting working people that's what bothers me -- i don't mind the koch brothers and those guys wanting taxpayers for billionaires. they are greedy and selfish, fine. i do get upset when working- class people who don't have health care for their kids call up and they say, we think it is freedom not to help health care for our kids. frankly, i think that is a little bit nuts. host: this is a tweet for you.
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guest: i am a strong supporter of the child -- the children's tax credit. and it is absolutely true that a whole lot of low income people are not paying any federal income taxes. but what the tweeter ignores his taxes,are paying fica social security tax and medicare tax which in many ways as up to be more than the personal income tax they might have paid. but you have a situation today where almost all of the new income, 95% of the new income is going to the top are sent. tens of millions of americans have seen a decline in their income. to my mind, the fact that many low income working people who are making 15 or $20,000 a year are not paying federal income taxes -- they cannot afford to pay income taxes. that doesn't surprise me. host: janet in west virginia on our republican line. thanks for holding.
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you are on with senator bernie sanders, independent from vermont. caller: yes. if you give me time to bring up -- i could go on and on, but i'm not. i don't like obamacare because the irs is in on it and i think that is intrusive. he talksom --also, about romney having health care and how bad it was. that was one eight. he said 72% of those had insurance, he was trying to help the people who didn't -- that was one state. the democrats have told so many lies. i know for a fact they live. and i just can't trust them. reid, andth obama, hillary, the list goes on. stoodroud that cruz who up for what he thought was right. anyway, he cut the military -- too, obama. it's got a lot on the table. guest: again, to point.
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i believe in a medicare for all system. i voted for obama care. i think it is a step forward. my goal is to see that every person in this country, every man, woman, and child, has health care as a right. so, janet is concerned that she does not like obama cabinet that's fine. but the issue, again, that we are debating, we have a health- care debate three years ago. that is all we talked about it every single day. what we are talking about now is after a presidential election when barack obama won a pretty good victory, where democrats gained seats in the senate, whether you shutdown the united states government and the weather in the first time in the history in a country that we don't pay the bill that we owe causing international financial chaos, maybe another world the precedent -- depression, whether that is the appropriate response because you disagree with obama get rid i think it is a little absurd. host: this is a topic we touched on earlier when you said down with us. from john in new hampshire.
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guest: john makes an excellent, excellent point and that is the issue that we are wrestling with. john is saying that the so- continues incr this awful sequestration which is a terrible way to run the government, which is impacting headstart and meals on wheels and many other programs that impact the needs of working families. she is absolutely right. i have not made a final decision on that. what i do believe is that absolutely we have got to end the sequestration. by the way, john, that really kicks in again on january 1. and no matter what we do right now, come january 1, you will see a continuation of sequestration which will be a disaster for the middle-class and working families of this country, and we are going to work very, very hard to make
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sure we list sequestration -- lift sequestration pity the issue is, as americans, do we think really we should be cutting programs for the elderly, the most vulnerable in this country, the working families, or kids? or do we think that at a time when one out of four major corporations in this country, peter, pays zero income taxes because they are stashing their money in the cayman islands or other tax havens, you think maybe they should be able to pay their fair share of taxes? that is the debate that should be happening. needless to say, i am going to support the children and elderly and ask the multinational corporations to start paying their fair share. host: you said you are still not sure how you are going to work this afternoon. guest: i know how i am voting this afternoon. i am going to vote to make sure we don't shut down the government. but i am going to work as hard as i can to end the sequestration, which has caused a lot of problem for people in
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need. host: just a few minutes left for the senator before the house comes back into session. amy is in rhode island. independent line. hi, gentlemen. good morning. i just wanted to tell you both that i am a pharmacist and i worked with a lot of people who ask me questions about the obamacare bill. what i did was i did a little bit of research and i discovered that someone who made about $105 a would pay about month if they had a daughter under 21 on the plan as well. that will put them in the silver have highit would deductibles but although the preventable care would be free. if you look at that you kind of you are a 49- year-old person, newly divorced,
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making $26,000, the silver plan is probably better than no plan. guest: i think it is a lot better than no plan, amy. i think this is why senator cruz in the mist of his berlin speech mentioned -- look, if obamacare -- in so many words -- if obamacare goes into effect we will never get rid of it because people will like what they are getting. again, let me say this for the fourth time -- it is not a perfect plan. i think it needs to be improved. but in the midst of all of this debate, peter, i am hearing much about what republican friends feel about 48 million people having no health insurance, about the existing conditions and kids under 26 able to get health care through their parents. it is a step forward in the right direction. we have to deal with some of the problems that exist with it. and there are problems. but we ultimately have to provide health care to all of
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our people as a right and we could do a much more cost effectively than we are now. the administration recently published a new public exchange rate, to help exchange rates for states. i don't know if you had a chance to review those of or not. what do you think? do they look affordable question on guest: as i understand it, peter. i think you are seeing the projections coming in lower than they had thought. what amy the pharmacist -- i don't know the exact number -- a moderate plan for a little over a thousand bucks a year or something like that, in this day of age, it is not too bad. says --is tweet, david from maryland. two minutes left. democrat. caller: senator sanders, it is
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an honor to speak with you and i never thought i would have the opportunity. i wish you could get all of the free advertising that ted cruz got. i wanted to thank you for presenting the facts and i cannot understand why republican not challenged aggressively in the public square. the democrats just don't have the pr machine that the republicans have. them confronted the statement by statement and i really don't think that would be so hard to do. and just one more thing -- i am republicany of how sling the word freedom and liberty around and to me it is former tossing the chicken feet in the yard and the chickens all come running and they really don't know why the farmer is feeding them. i just want to thank you for being a moral person and i wish there were more like you in the capitol building. thank you so much. guest: mathilde, thank you so much for those kind words. a veryhink you raise
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important issue. and, peter, in my judgment, this country really needs to have a fundamental debate, and it is not just about obamacare. it goes beyond that. it goes to what kind of country we want. do we want a country well billionaires are able to buy elections. i think most people -- and by the way, you have a lot of conservatives, some in congress, who understand how absurd and how wrong that is, that members of congress or candidates have to spend all of their time raising money rather than dealing with issues they were sent to washington to deal with is an abomination. we have to have a discussion about whether we think america should be a nation in which we move toward an oligarchic form a society -- of society with a handful of billionaires with incredible wealth and power in the middle class disappears and property increases and we have the child is a -- highest rate of childhood poverty in the developed world. getting back to health care, should we be the only nation where we don't guarantee health care to all of our people
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question mark should college be affordable or should it cost $50,000? there are a lot of issues to be discussed, and i think we need to have the debate. senator cruz is right, we need to have the debate. and i think when people get into this up yesterday they will not agree with the right wing extremism we see so prevalent and capital. host: senator sanders, is it fair to characterize you as being on the far left question mark guest: no, i'm a progressive -- what the far left mean? i just told you what i mean. if it is far left i guess i accept it. i don't see it as far left. i see it as believing in a set of values that, for example, exist in denmark and norway and many countries around the world. not far left. it is what i happen to think most americans agree with what i just said. host: do you find yourself working at times with some senators such as a rand paul, ted cruz, on different issues? in thewhat happens congress as there is an issue -- for example, some of my very conservative people are good on
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civil liberties issues. with rand paul's dad, congressman paul, when we were in the house against the usa patriot act. sometimes you do see a convergence bid but deep down the ideologies are very deep that separate us. host: we have been talking with senator bernie sanders, independent from vermont, the last 45 minutes. as always, thank you. house of representatives is coming into session at this moment. the senate will be in at 9:30 a.m. and you can watch that on c-span2. the senate will be debating the continuing resolution. the speaker pro tempore: the house will be in order. the chair lays before the house a communication from the speaker. the clerk: the speaker's room, washington, d.c., september 27, 2013. i hereby appoint the honorable ted poe to act as speaker pro tempore on this day. signed, john a. boehner, speaker of the house of representatives. the speaker pro tempore: the prayer will be offered by our chaplain, father conroy. chaplain conroy: let us pray.
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eternal god, we give you thanks for giving us another day. we pause in your presence and ask guidance for the men and women of the people's house. enable them, o god, to act on what they believe to be right and true and just and to do so in ways that show respect for those with whom they disagree. may their actions in these coming days prove to be of heroic importance and benefit to our nation and its people. bless us this day and every day and may all that is done be for your greater honor and glory. amen. the speaker pro tempore: the chair has examined the journal of the last day's proceedings and announces to the house his approval thereof. pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1 the journal stands approved. the pledge of allegiance will be led by the gentleman from
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pennsylvania, mr. thompson. mr. thompson: i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. the speaker pro tempore: under clause 5-d of rule 20, the chair announces to the house that in light of the resignation of the gentleman from louisiana, mr. alexander, the whole number of the house is 432. the chair will entertain up to five requests for one-minute speeches on each side of the aisle. for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition? mr. thompson: i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. thompson: mr. speaker, while our nation benefits from great wealth, often we become disconnected from just what it takes to power a great nation.
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standards of liffings that are constant to -- livings that are constant to many, including turning the dial to do household laundry, those things aren't easily accessed to the planet. have become accustomed to this. the fact is much of this electricity is generated from coal. despite some of the most abundant domestic energy resources, we are in denial. mr. speaker, we are in denial the fact that we must produce energy to actually consume it. this disconnect from reality leaves the world's largest consumer of energy with no plan to help the largest economy of the world. the e.p.a. standard for coal powered plants is a misguided pursuit that jeopardizes the economic security of our country. it's a direct threat to our consumer, the economic stability of pennsylvania and the rest of the nation. thank you, mr. speaker.
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i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. for what purpose does the gentlelady from illinois seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. ms. schakowsky: we stand here today on the brink of a threatened shutdown of the federal government, bad enough. and worse, refusal to pay the bills of the united states of america. these are completely unnecessary. republican manufactured crises. hal rogers, the chairman of the appropriations committee, said a government shutdown is a political game in which everyone loses. karl rove said if a shutdown would be a much worse fallout than in 1995. it's an ill-conceived tactic and republicans should reject it. in a moment of clarity, senator mike lee, one of the senators holding up the bill in the senate, said shutdowns are bad, shutdowns are not worth it. this law, obamacare, is not worth causing a shutdown over. a default -- this is senator --
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former senator, a default would lead to some level of chaos in the markets, would lead to significant contraction in the economic activity, would lead to job losses, would lead to higher spending by the federal government, lower tax revenues and would lead to more debt. and perhaps most important to my republican colleagues, this is from "the wall street journal," some republicans think they are sure to hold the house in 2014. the kamikazes could end up ensuring the return of an all-democratic rule, and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time has expired. for what purpose does the gentleman from rhode island seek recognition? mr. cicilline: i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. cicilline: mr. speaker, i rise today to honor staff sergeant timothy raymond mcgill, a member of the rhode island national guard, who was killed in combat last saturday while serving as a member of the united states army's elite special forces unit in afghanistan. a life-long resident of new
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jersey, staff sergeant mcgill enlisted after high school and was still training in booted camp when terrorists attacked the world trade center and pentagon in 9/11. he joined the -- in 2001. two years ago he became a weapons sergeant with the gren berets. americans are blessed to live in a free and democratic society because of the heroic efforts of our men and women in uniform and owe a special profound gratitude to those like timothy who made the ultimate sacrifice. we express condolences to his mother, father, his two sisters, and i pray they have small measure of comfort in knowing that our nation is grateful and keep them in our thoughts and prayers. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition? >> i seek unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from california is recognized for one minute.
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mr. mcnerney: mr. speaker, i rise today to recognize students from my district who demonstrated excellence and technical academic and employability skills at the skills u.s.a. national leadership and skills conference held this past june in kansas city, missouri. the skills u.s.a. conference brings together high school students, college students and teachers with industry experts to participate in contests that demonstrate their abilities in technical, business, criminal justice, culinary arts and many other fields. students from the webber institute received the golden medal and students from the bear creek high school received a bronze medal in health care. these students have proved they will not only be successful in their future careers but they will -- but they will excel and be leaders in their fields. i urge my colleagues to join me in congratulating these young adults on their academic achievements and to recognize the importance of the skills
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u.s.a. conference. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back his time. for what purpose does the gentleman from florida seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i rise too -- i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from florida is recognized for one minute. >> thank you, mr. speaker. mr. garcia: mr. speaker, i rise too address the rising of insurance premiums in south florida. the biggert-waters act of 2012 will burden many homeowners with flood insurance increases of up to 25%, four years to come. congress must act to reverse these increases and ensure they do not undermine our housing market. mr. speaker, this is a national problem. this act was passed before i came to office, but affects my constituents and the nation as a whole and seriously threatens our economic recovery. there is already a bill that can delay these increases and gives us time to work on this problem.
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let's act now. mr. speaker, this is neither a democratic problem nor a republican problem. this is a national problem. perhaps if we work on real problems as opposed to ideological problems, we can find the common ground that all americans wish us to work on. i urge my colleagues in joining me in protecting our hardworking homeowners and creating a commonsense solution that addresses this crisis. mr. speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back his time. for what purpose does the gentlelady from illinois seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. >> i rise today to talk about the impact of the ongoing budget debates in washington and how they are affecting the hardworking people that i'm honored to serve in illinois. last november, the people of the 17th district of illinois elected me because they were sick and tired of the partisan gridlock in congress.
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i spent the short time here in congress working across the aisle to find commonsense solutions to the problems facing our nation. ms. -- mrs. bustos: during the last month i visited head start programs throughout my district. head start provides early childhood education and is an important down payment on our region's economic well-being. in fact, for every dollar invested in head start we get a $7 to $9 return. but due to short sided cuts, needy children and families are being turned out the door. there are literally hundreds of children waiting to be enrolled in head start while dedicated staff members continue to have to cut back. this is unacceptable. i'm willing to work with those who i disagree and who disagree with me to find reasonable solutions that put people before politics. let's find solutions that put
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americans first. thank you, mr. speaker and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields back her ime. pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the chair will postpone further proceedings today on motions to suspend the rules on which a recorded vote or the yeas and nays are ordered or on which the vote incurs objection under clause 6 f rule 20. recorded votes will be postponed and votes will be taken later. for what purpose does the gentleman from florida seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i move to suspend the rules and concur in the senate amendment to h.r. 1412, the department of veterans affairs expiring authorities act of 2013. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the bill. the clerk: h.r. 1412, an act to improve and increase the availability of on-job training and apprenticeship programs carried out by the secretary of veterans affairs, and for other urposes. senate amendments.
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the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from florida, mr. miller, and the gentlewoman from florida, ms. brown, will each control 20 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from florida. mr. miller: thank you, mr. speaker. i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. miller: thank you very much, mr. speaker. the senate amendment we are discussing today to h.r. 1412 would extend a number of expiring authorities affecting the daily lives and long-term well-being of our service members, veterans and their families. the important initiatives that would be extended through this legislation include those that provide adaptive sports programs, specially adaptive housing grants for disabled veterans and supported services such as housing and employment assistance for homeless veterans. the bill would also extend for one year the department's authority to provide childcare assistance to certain veterans receiving intensive health care
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services. now, further, it would extend v.a.'s authority to collect co-payments for hospital and nursing home care and to recover from third parties the cost of care and services that are furnished to veterans with health plan contracts for nonservice-connected conditions through september 30 of 2014. now, needless to say, each of these programs is critical to ensuring the efficient and the effective delivery of high-quality health care and benefits to veterans in communities across our great country. the committee will continue to be vigorous in our oversight over each of these programs to ensure the prompt delivery of services to veterans and the appropriate use of taxpayer dollars. now, this legislation represents a bipartisan, bicameral effort and i want to express my gratitude to the ranking member, mr. michaud, and to ms. brown, who is with us here on the flor today, the
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-- floor today, the chair and ranking member, bernie sanders of vermont and richard burr of north carolina for their hard work and leadership in this effort. mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that all members would have five legislative days within which to revise and extend their remarks on senate amendment h.r. 1412. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. miller: and with that i urge all of my colleagues to join me in support of the senate amendment to h.r. 1412 and reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from florida reserves. the gentlelady from florida is recognized. ms. brown: thank you, mr. speaker. i rise in support of h.r. 1412, as amended, the department of veterans affairs expiring authorities act of 2013. v.a. would lose the authority to continue a number of critical programs that, without action, would expire next week. these programs assist our most vulnerable veterans reintegration back into society and into their communities.
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with this legislation wrapped around services for homeless veterans and their families would be authorized to continue. services such as counseling, job training, job referrals, financial assistance, case management, housing and special needs for the frail, elderly and seriously mentally ill veterans will continue. listened to veterans when they said they were busy with jobs, schools and family and found it difficult to find work without childcare assistance. it will provide childcare assistance for certain veterans receiving intensive health care services. this bill would extend the authority to provide monthly assistance allowances to veterans with disabilities who are invited by the u.s. olympic committee to participate in the u.s. paraolympic teams. more than 14,000 veterans have
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benefited from these activities. the result of these veteran athletes have been astonishing in both the teams and the athletic accomplishment and personal accomplishments. this bill extends eligibility for special adaptive housing for most disabled veterans. it would allow them to live more independent in their daily lives. mr. speaker, i believe we have a moral obligation to ensure that we do what we need to be done to help those who have worn the uniform receive the benefits and services they have earned. these extensions are critical programs we're considering today and would help us do all we can. i reserve the balance of my time. . the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from florida. >> i'd like to yield time to the gentleman who has worn the uniform of this country and served it well, the gentleman from colorado, mr. coffman, for three minutes. 7 the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from colorado is
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recognized for he three minutes. mr. coffman: thank you, mr. speaker. i would like to thank chairman miller and ranking member michaud for working with the members of the house and senate of the veterans' affairs committees to pass this important legislation. specifically i'm happen to see that the extension of the veterans paraolympic program, which reflects my legislation, h.r. 1402, the veterans paraolympic act, which passed unanimously out of the economic opportunity subcommittee before being combined in an omnibus bill in the full committee, this program ensures that disabled veterans and local communities throughout the country continue to have opportunities for ribbles, stress relief, and higher achievement through adaptive sports. u.s. olympic committee's paraolympics chief testified at a hearing that participation in sports and other athletic activities can help speed the rehabilitation process for
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disabled veterans. as a marine corps combat veteran, i couldn't agree more with mr. huber in and i personally understand the importance of rehabilitation opportunities for returning veterans. finally, although i fully support the passage of the extenders package, i am disappointed that the substance of h.r. 1412 was not included in this bill. h.r. 1412, the improving job opportunities for veterans act, seeks to build on an existing yet little known and underutilized on-the-job training program that assists veterans by allowing them to use their educational benefits to learn a trade or skill by participating in an approved apprenticeship or joont job raining program. they know how valuable a veteran can be to the organization.
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additionally iraq and afghanistan veterans of america has endorsed the legislation by saying, iaba stands ready to support and promote innovative ideas like this to end the veterans' unemployment crisis. it is my understanding that the original provision of h.r. 1412 were dropped without prejudice and that they will be part of an upcoming negotiation between the house and senate. i look forward to seeing the substance of that legislation advance and i will be working with chairman miller to ensure that it happens. thank you, mr. speaker. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the gentleman from florida reserves. the gentlelady from florida. ms. brown: reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady reserves. mr. miller: mr. speaker, we have no more speakers at this time so we are prepared to close. ms. brown: mr. speaker, i urge all of our colleagues to support h.r. 1412 as amended, and i yield back the balance of my time. and i want to thank chairman miller for working in a he very bipartisan way for veterans.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from florida yields back her time. the gentleman from florida. mr. miller: thank you very much, mr. speaker. i, too, thank my colleague, mission brown, from jacksonville, for her hard work on behalf of veterans and her ability to work with us in the committee in a bipartisan fashion. i once again encourage all members to support this legislation and yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. all time being yielded back, the question is, will the house suspend the rules and concur in the senate amendments to h.r. 1412. so many as are in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, 2/3 of those voting having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill -- the gentleman from florida. mr. miller: mr. speaker, on that i request the yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: the yeas and nays are requested. all those in favor of taking this vote by the yeas and nays will rise and remain standing until counted. after a -- a sufficient number having arisen, the yeas and nays are ordered. pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20,
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further proceedings on this otion will be postponed. for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i move to suspend the rules and pass h.r. 2251, as amended. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the bill. the clerk: house calendar number 59, h.r. 2251, a bill to designate the united states courthouse located at 118 south mills street in fergus falls, minnesota, as the edward j.
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dabit united states courthouse. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. barletta, and the gentleman from indiana, mr. carson, each will control 20 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. barletta. mr. barletta: i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous material on h.r. 2251, as amended. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. barletta: thank you, mr. speaker. i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. barletta: h.r. 2251 as amended would designate the united states courthouse and federal building located at 118 south mills street in fergus falls, minnesota, as the ed w5rd j. debit united states courthouse and federal building. he he attended the university of north dakota. early in his career he served as judge on the minnesota municipal court and aas assistant attorney
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general for minnesota. during world war ii, he was a lieutenant commander in the united states naval reserve. he later became a united states representative for minnesota. and in 1954, judge debit was appointed to the united states district court for the district of minnesota and served as the chief judge from 1959 to 1981. i think it is appropriate to honor the work of the judge by naming this courthouse and federal building after him. i support passage of this legislation. thank you. i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the gentleman from indiana. mr. carson: mr. speaker, i move to suspend the rules and pass the bill as amended h.r. 2251. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for 20 minutes. mr. carson: mr. speaker, i rise in support of h.r. 2251, which
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names the federal building and courthouse in fergus fall, minnesota, after federal judge edward debit. he was a former member of congress, world war ii veteran, and municipal judge. he received a bachelor of science and law degree from the university of north dakota in 1932 and 1935 respectively. upon graduation, he went into private practice as a lawyer and was later elected as a newnies pal judge in east grand forks, minnesota, becoming one of the youngest judges in the nation at that time. he he then went on to serve as an assistant attorney general for the state of minnesota in 1939. during world war ii, judge debit served as a lieutenant commander to the seventh fleet in the u.s. navy intelligence. after his world war ii service, judge debit successfully won election to the u.s. house of representatives in the 80th
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congress. after serving one term in congress, judge debit returned to private practice for one year before serving as a probate judge in ramsay county, minnesota. judge debit became a u.s. district judge in the district of minnesota in 1955 after being nominated by president dwight d. eisenhower, then joining the federal bench, judge debit went on to serve as chief judge from 1959 to 1981. during his lengthy tenure on the u.s. district court, he he he became one of the most respected district judges in the nation. his decisions were seldom reversed on appeal. he was known for spearheading efforts to balance the demands of free press access to courts with the needs of courtroom proceedings. to his honor -- to honor his achievements, we are dominating him for his distinguished
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service and giving him the justice award which is annually given to a federal judge who has made significant contributions, mr. speaker, to the administration of justice, the advancement of the rule of law, and the improvement of society as a whole. the designation of united states courthouse as the edward j. debit courthouse and federal building is yet another fitting tribute, mr. speaker, to this judge's outstanding public service career. i urge my colleagues to approve this important piece of legislation. mr. speaker, i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the gentleman is recognized. million barletta: i reserve the balance of my time. -- mr. barletta: i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: gentleman from indiana. mr. carson: i recognize mr. peters at this time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from minnesota is recognized for how much time? mr. carson: two minutes, sir. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. mr. peters: i rise today to
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honor a great minnesotan, and to support my legislation, h.r. 2251. the federal courts presence in fergus falls continues to be a an important part of our principals. the federal court that resides in the federal building there serves the needs of the citizens of west central minnesota and the surrounding region. serves a population of over 610,000 people, and covers over 25,000 square miles. serves the cities of fergus falls, moorehead, as well as the red lake and white earth indian reservations. naming the building, the edward j. debit united states courthouse and federal building will give a great honor to distinguished jurist as a much deserved recognition. before he he was judge he served one term in congress as was noted. he was elected in 1946 and as a freshman in the 80th congress,
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his classmates included john f. kennedy and richard m. nixon. he was also defeated at thend of that term by another famous minnesotan, eugene mccarthy. no judge in recent past has more closely linked to the history of fergus falls courthouse than judge debit. during his years of service on the bench he presided over numerous cases there. he was appointed by president eisenhower to the u.s. district court from minnesota in 1955. and in 1959 he he was named chief judge where he held that position until 1981. he served on the federal bench for 38 years. i have -- i'd like to submit the following statement without objection written by mr. thomas boyd who wrote this brief but detailed biography of the honorable edward j. debit. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, so ordered. mr. peterson: i strongly support this bill and urge my colleagues
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to support it as well. yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from indiana reserves. the gentleman from pennsylvania is recognized. mr. barletta: i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: continues to reserve. the gentleman from indiana. mr. carson: mr. speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the gentleman from pennsylvania. mr. barletta: i yield the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. all time having been yielded back, the question is on will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill h.r. 2251, as amended. so many as are in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, 2/3 of those voting having responded in the affirmative, -- the gentleman from pennsylvania. mr. barletta: i demand the yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: the yeas and nays are requested. all those in favor of taking this vote by the yeas and nays will rise and remain standing until counted. a sufficient number having arisen, the yeas and nays are ordered. pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, further proceedings on this otion will be postponed.
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for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i move to suspend the rules and pass h.r. 3096. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the bill. the clerk: house calendar number 60, h.r. 3096, a bill to designate the building occupied by the federal bureau of investigation located at 801 follin lane, vienna, virginia, as the michael d. resnick . rrorist screening center the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. barletta, and the gentleman from indiana, mr. carson, will each control 20 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. barletta. mr. barletta: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and . tend their remarks the speaker pro tempore: without objection, so ordered. mr. barletta: thank you, mr. speaker. i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from pennsylvania is recognized for as much time as he wishes to consume. mr. barletta: h.r. 3096 would
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designate the building occupied by the federal bureau of investigation in vienna, virginia, as the michael d. resnick terrorist screening center. supervisory special age michael resnick dedicated his 20 years of service with the f.b.i. to protecting our nation. he demonstrated his dedication to protecting us all from terrorism as he continued to work while fighting pancreatic cancer. sadly, he passed away in 2011. i think that is more than fitting to name the f.b.i.'s terrorist screening center after him. i support passage of this legislation. thank you and i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the gentleman is recognized. mr. carson: mr. speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from indiana is recognized for as much time as he wishes to consume. mr. carson: thank you, mr. speaker. mr. speaker, i rise in support of h.r. 3096 which designates
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the building occupied by the f.b.i. in vienna, virginia, as the michael d. resnick terrorist screening center. as a former law enforcement, mr. speaker, i have a special appreciation for supervisory agent resnick's 20-year f.b.i. career. his service was highlighted by his role as a senior advisor in the white house where he had a prominent role in leading the president to the review of watch listing policies and procedures in the aftermath of the failed terrorist airplane bombing on december 25, 2009. special agent resnick led the interagency review which led to significant improvements in how the u.s. government screens and integrates intelligence on terrorist suspects. agent resnick was a well-respected public servant who passed away in 2011 as a result of pancreatic cancer.
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this designation is supported by the building owner and will stay with the building for as long as the f.b.i. occupies this facility. the name designation of the f.b.i. terrorist screening center is a very fitting tribute to supervisory special agent resnick and his exemplary career with the f.b.i. agent resnick will be remembered for his dedication to developing the architecture of a governmentwide watch listing of terrorism suspects and his tireless efforts to protect our fellow americans from terrorism. i urge my colleagues, mr. speaker, to join me in supporting h.r. 3096. mr. speaker, i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from indiana reserves. the gentleman from pennsylvania. mr. barletta: mr. speaker, i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from indiana. mr. carson: mr. speaker, i reserve and yield back the balance of my time -- i yield
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five minutes to the gentleman from virginia. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from virginia is recognized for five minutes. mr. connolly: thank you, mr. speaker. and i thank my colleague, and i thank the distinguished subcommittee chairman and of course my colleague, the distinguished ranking member of the subcommittee, for their wonderful cooperation in this important bill. and by the way, i believe we are going to be joined by mr. resnick's widow and daughter very soon. our colleague, mr. grimm, will be accompanying them here to the house. this legislation, as indicated, will rename the f.b.i. terrorist screening center in vienna, virginia, in honor of michael resnick who was instrumental in creating this very critical component of our national security network. i'm pleased to sponsor this bill along with virginia colleagues frank wolf and jim moran and richard hanna of new york. mike resnick was seized by the
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mission of public service and gave every ounce to ensure the safety of those he was sworn to protect. in his more than 20 years in the bureau, mike held numerous tactical and supervisory roles but his greatest contributions came in the field of counterterrorism at precisely the time we needed it. following the attacks of 9/11, mike resnick was instrumental in laying the foundational policies and architecture for the screening and watch list system now administered by the screening center. he was assigned to the national security council for one of his last assignments of promoting timely and effective information sharing among federal, state and local law enforcement partners. i can tell you how vital such collaboration is to the safety of our communities. tragically, mike resnick was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in may of 2010. but he continued to staff his
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post through the physical and emotional strain of his treatments. c.i.a. director john brennan, who at the time was the assistant to the president for homeland security and counterterrorism said, mike wanted to make sure everything was in order for those who ould carry on with his work. he died in 2011 at the age of 50. he is survived by his wife, sarah chamberlain, and their daughter, jordan. it was one of my colleagues who introduced mike and sarah by setting them up on a blind date. they were married here in washington and enjoyed tennis, travel, and mike played as hard as he worked. in fact, until he was known to give some of our republican colleagues a run for their money on tennis court. he grew up in bayside, wisconsin, where his parents still reside. it will come as no surprise that mike was an eagle scout growing up. he was a graduate of the
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university of wisconsin-madison. prior to his service with the f.b.i., he spent a brief period as prosecutor. former f.b.i. director robert muller said mike was not motivated by recognition but by the desire to get the job done, help others and see those around him succeed. though he shied away from the spotlight, renaming this building in which he invested so much of himself offers a fitting recognition in the lasting tribute to one of our nation's most dedicated public servants. the president characterized as no less than an american hero, and i hope we remember that as we debate the issue of a shutdown of the federal government. our federal government is still with such noble public servants serving this country. let me close by thanking, again, the chairman and ranking member of the transportation and infrastructure committee and the subcommittee on economic development, public buildings and emergency management, and i urge passage of this fitting tribute this
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legislation this morning. with that i yield back to the distinguished ranking member. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from virginia yields back. the gentleman from indiana is recognized. mr. carson: mr. speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the gentleman from pennsylvania is recognized. mr. barletta: mr. speaker, as a former mayor for 11 years, i had the opportunity to work with some great people in law enforcement, not only in our city government but also those in the f.b.i. and i know all too well the difficult job that these men and women do to keep us safe, especially mr. resnick who dedicated his life in fighting terrorism. i don't believe we need to look very far to see how vitally important it is as we try to keep americans safe from terrorism right here at home. mr. resnick not only loved his job but he loved his country.
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i think it is very fitting that we honor all of those unsung heroes who go to work each day never expecting to see their name in the headline or in a story but men and women that go to work and make sure that we have the freedoms that we have here in america. naming a courthouse is not a small thing. naming a building is not a small thing as well. but just a dedication of a good american that did all he could, even during illness, even during a time when most would quit and stop, he continued to work because of his love for his family and his country. mr. speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from pennsylvania yields back his time. all time having been yielded back, the question is will the house suspend the rules and
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pass the bill h.r. 3096. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, 2/3 having responded in the affirmative -- the gentleman from pennsylvania. mr. barletta: mr. speaker, i object to the vote on the grounds that a quorum is not present and i make a point of order that a quorum is not present. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, further proceedings on this otion will be postponed. pursuant to clause 12-a of rule 1, the chair declares the house in recess for a period of less than 15 minutes.
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we'll have the house live when they come back in the next few minutes. in the meantime, a conversation from this morning's "washington journal." host: you are very active in your committee. what do you think of the current status of the health-care bill? guest: i think health care is a good debate. we have the only nation that does not guarantee health care and we have 40 million people who have no health insurance and many are paying high deductibles. we have 45 thousands who die each year because they do not get the health care they should. i think obamacare is a step forward. the pre-way with
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existing conditions. he keeps younger people on their parents program. the united states has got to join the rest of the world and develop a national health care program which guarantees health care to all people. plus we do that, we will not adjust the crisis of our country spending almost twice as much per capita on health care as the people of any nation. you can argue how good is the british or canadian system? we are spending almost twice as much. the goal is for private insurance companies to make as much money as they possibly can. we pay the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs. we have a whole lot of well-paid specialists. obamacare addresses some very significant issues. host: what about the delay that was announced yesterday for some
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provisions? guest: i think it is a complicated program. there is a lot of resistance coming from republicans. this could be laid out better. onive in the state of from and represent the people of fairmont. ofi i represent the people vermont. obama got his idea from romneycare. massachusetts, they will say pretty good. not the end of the world. i can tell you zillions of people are fleeing the state of massachusetts to come to for vvermont. zillions of people are not fleeing canada to come to
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vermont. the issue we should be discussing is whether a handful thinkht-wing extremists it is appropriate to shut down the united states government in order to get their way. you know what? you had an election. you know who won the election? barack obama. do you know who gained more seats in the house? the democrats. that was the result of the election. we have this debate. you do not throw kids off of head start. i just talked to police officers right here this morning. they are putting their lives on the line to defend this country. they are not sure they are going to get paid. you do not run a government on that basis. pass amr. boehner will clean cr to keep the government
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running. the debate about obamacare is a good debate. you do not shut down the government to achieve that goal. host: we'll you be working this weekend? guest: i would suggest giving mr. boehner a ring. he is the only one that knows that answer. this afternoon the senate will pass a clean cr. we will get this obamacare business out of there. it goes back to the house. if boehner was prepared to work with democrats and having to do with right-wing extremists, he can get this done very easily and i would urge them to do that. host: from political this morning. unions not marching with obama in the shutdown fight.
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one operative said the white house has made clear its best case scenario is a status quo that groups on the left already find unsatisfactory. obama has compromised too much already. i tend to agree with that. this is the other thing. this country faces in enormous problems. the middle-class of the united states is collapsing. you may have seen the census report from last week. median family income has less income today than they did 24 years ago. we have more people living in poverty than we have ever had.
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the wealthiest people in this country are doing phenomenally well. percent owns 30% of the wealth. in the last three years, 95% of all new inc. and create in this country went to the top 1%. our infrastructure is collapsing. every single poll that is out there, we need to focus on the middle class and create jobs and raise the minimum wage and make college affordable. we need to create jobs by improving energy efficiency in this country. there is an enormous amount of work that needs to be done. we should not be telling people in the military or police officers in washington, d.c., they are not going to get paid. that is pretty crazy in my mind. host: you were in the house
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during the last shutdown. what was that like? guest: it was bad. what it does, above and beyond all of the pain caused to elderly people applying for whatl security benefits, do you think it tells the whole world? this is the most powerful nation on earth. it says to the entire world we cannot pay our bills. forget the government shutdown. you have people who say, we do not think it is a problem. we owe billions of dollars. that may mean the collapse of the world's financial system. we lost the election but we have to figure out a way to get what we want. what you're looking at is right wing extremism holding the moccasin in contempt,
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essentially working for the wealthiest people in this country who are doing phenomenally well. i think we look incredibly stupid to the rest of the world and it will take us a long time to recover. host: senator bernie sanders is our guest until 9:00 a.m. chris is first up. caller: thank you. what an honor to be speaking with one of the greatest senators to serve in that body. you represent the true values of america. i admire you greatly. guest: thank you very much. caller: i want to ask a question about the filibustering and whether you and other members of congress are going to filibuster for the 9/11 victims families. experts are demanding a real investigation of why the
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building fell on 9/11. there is so much evidence that showed exposes or used to destroy that building on 9/11. guest: i happen not to agree with you on that. i do not think that is accurate. some of the areas we should be filibustering is the need to create millions of decent paying jobs for the working people of this country and that is the need to raise the minimum wage to a living wage and that is the need to rebuild our infrastructure and our rail system and to make sure we have a system where young people can go to college without coming out deeply in debt. host: jim is in eureka, california. you're on with senator sanders. caller: i do not think you should get paid actually. i do not get to keep my -- and i
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think you hate the middle-class. guest: hate the middle-class? caller: you care about your own money. guest: the response there is, gee, our right wing republican friends are going to shut down the government. the answer is that every employee in the federal government should get paid. in terms of the insurance that members of congress have, it is the same as the postal service. i happen to have blue cross and blue shield. i have to pay for my classes like everybody else. -- i have to pay for my glasses. whether we go forward or congress continues to do the bidding of a handful of millionaires whose goal is to pay less in taxes. one of the issues that is not been talked about a whole lot --
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we talk about senator cr uz's filibuster. what else are right wing extremists talking about? do not believe me. go to the platform of the texas republican party, one of the major parties. find out what they believe in. they believe we should end social security. they believe we should end veterans administration and privatize it. that we should abolish the middle wage and enable people to work for three dollars or four dollars an hour. z said we need a real debate about values and issues. he is right. that we should abolish social security and that we should end
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the environmental protection service. host: you have taken to the floor for extremely long periods of time. what is that like? >> i was on the floor for eight and half hours in opposition to president obama several years ago not doing away with bush's tax breaks for the wealthy. it ain't easy. hours.n for only 8 1/2 it is not easy. you are not eating. you cannot sit down. you are not going to the bathroom. host: is that a rule in the senate? guest: if you control the floor. other people can speak. you cannot disappear. you cannot sit down. edst: senator paul has an op-
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with regard to health care. he writes -- guest: that happens not to be accurate. i will be getting my health care from the exchange in the state of vermont. we can debate health care. process. it was a long, complicated process where we pass this legislation. ikistan senator paul - understand senator paul and others may not like it. it went to the supreme court. it was passed by the supreme court. they had an election on it.
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mitt romney lost the election. can we make improvements on obamacare? program whichcare does very well for our seniors. if you are 50, you cannot get into it. i would like to see it expanded. you do not shut down the government and say they cannot get paid in the midst of worrying about terrorism. you do not have furloughs at the fbi. it is a fine debate about obamacare. the issue is whether you address the serious palms facing our country. host: donna is coming if from st. louis, missouri. caller: this is a real highlight talking to you. first of all, it is very clear the republican party is now in
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the pocket of the insurance companies. spent hundreds of millions on negative ads against it and they lost. now republicans are scared to death. people will find out all the great things in there for the middle-class. they will love it as much as social security and medicare. we are arty paying far more for the uninsured to go to the emergency room. >> we will go back to the u.s. house for votes. -- postponed. votes will be taken in the following order. concurring in senate amendments to h.r. 1412, by the yeas and nays. and passing h.r. 3096, de novo. the first electronic vote will be conducted as a 15-minute vote. remaining electronic votes will be conducted as five-minute votes.
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the unfinished business is the vote on the motion of the gentleman from florida, mr. miller, to suspend the rules and concur in the senate amendments to h.r. 1412 on which the yeas and nays were ordered. the clerk will report the title of the bill. the clerk: h.r. 1412, an act to improve and increase the availability of on-job training and apprenticeship programs carried out by the secretary of veterans affairs and for other purposes. senate amendment. the speaker pro tempore: the question is, will the house suspend the rules and concur in the senate amendments. members will record their votes by electronic device. this is a 15-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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>> the senate today finishing work. the house passed it last week. this is a measure that funds the federal government through december 15 and would strip away the health care funding, but as amended by the senate majority leader harry reid, that measure, the senate measure would be shortened to two months and would strip out the health care defunding language and although language the house had been impaired over in the senate, they have a series of the votes coming up at about 12:30 eastern. be first of that will cloture to end debate on the continuing resolution. times" reporting this morning be top republican on the senate judiciary committee chuck grassley saying he supports ted cruz's strategy for defunding obamacare.
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yesterday on the senate floor, in the afternoon, senator reid came to the floor to try to accelerate the vote timing too yesterday, too yesterday evening, but that was opposed by republican senator cruise and by senator mike lee of utah. we want to show you some of that debate from the senate floor at the houseboat continues. >> the majority leader -- >> as has indicated for the entire week, each day that goes each hour that goes by, each minute that goes by, we're that much closer to a government shutdown. i have been told at the house needs more time to work on this. they are saying that maybe what we need is an extension of the cr. the businessket, roundtable, the american chamber of
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