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tv   Politics Public Policy Today  CSPAN  October 1, 2013 1:00am-5:50am EDT

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without objection, a motion to reconsider is laid on the table. pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the unfinished business is the question on agreeing to the speaker's approval of the journal which the chair will put de novo. the question is on agreeinging to the speaker's approval of the
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mrs. christensen of the virgin islands for today, september 30, and tomorrow, october 1, and mr. rush of illinois for today, september 30, through october 3. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the requests are ranted.
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the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the chair appoints the following conferees on house joint resolution 59. the clerk: committee of appropriations for consideration of the house amendment to the senate amendment and modifications to conference, mr. rogers of kentucky,
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mr. frelinghuysen: and carter for consideration of the house amendment and senate amendment and consideration committed, cantor, camp and graves of georgia. additional conferees may be appointed on the recommendation f the minority leader. the speaker pro tempore: the chair will entertain requests for one-minute speeches. for what purpose does the gentlelady from florida seek recognition? request permission to address the house one minute. >> revise and stepped my
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remarks. the speaker pro tempore: the house will be in order. the house will be in order. >> thank you, mr. speaker. this is a real sad day in the house of representatives. you know, you can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time. what happened tonight is the epublican control extremists bullying or hostage taker, take ing the american government hostage to their demands. this is a shameful day. and you know, this congress makes the gingrich congress look like moderates. the republican party has shut down the united states government because they don't
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want the american people to have ffordable health care. plounploun shame on the republican party. shame on you. i yield babbling. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields back. for what purpose does the gentleman from maryland seek recognition. >> seek recognition to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman ask for unanimous consent? >> yes, i do. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. >> tonight all we did is we asked the senate to negotiate with the house. and mr. speaker, interestingly enough, the majority leader doesn't want to talk to the house about the fundamental issue as funding the government starting an hour and 20 minutes
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ago and whether or not there should be no special treatment for anyone under the affordable care act. no special treatment for big corporations at the expense of the average american and no special treatment for members of congress and their staff and the president and their staff. mr. speaker, the majority leader should negotiate on those and i hope he changes his mind. and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from texas seek recognition? the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. ms. jackson lee: i rise today to support the family of a very, very dear friend, who lost her ceceile k ago, dr. and a son, a doctor
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heart as large as the world could imagine. she was a teacher's teacher. a mentor to students, and yes, she loved politics and the process of government. what i was so grateful for because it is not done, she taught people the value of this nation, the three branches, the constitutional interaction given by the constitution of the unions, the respect for the three branches of government, she taught students to love the idea of political participation without personal gain. and i was delighted to see her involve herself in campaigns all over the state and our community. but most importantly our friend to the honorable barbara jordan d a campaign manager, dear
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cecile. may god bless you and your family. i field back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time has expired. the gentleman from virginia is recognized for one minute. mr. moran: mr. speaker, it's after 1:00 on october 1, the government has shut down. what's the best that we could get from the house republican majority? a proposal to invite conferees to sit down and talk about resolving our differences. the fact is that we've known what our responsibility was. it is to fund the government. it's not to allow 800,000 federal employees to be told they can't go into work. they can't get paid. it's not to close down our national parks and monday youments. it's not -- monuments.
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and not to take billions of dollars out of our economy needlessly. it's not to disrupt the stock markets. it's not to create these financial crises. these are crises of our own doing. we've got a great country. a strong economy. a terrific society. and all we can do is erode trust and confidence in our government. we should be ashamed of ourselves. thank you, mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition? the gentleman from california is recognized for one minute. >> well, mr. speaker, it's late back here but i'm from west coast. i'm disappointed with the rhetoric that has been flying out of here. you hear all republicans this or tea party that and you are in the holet of the tea party.
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we are in the hold of the american people here because we see this obama health care plan is not affordable. it's not going to work. and we are just trying to go back and take another bite and see if we can revise, delay or do something than hoist these costs in an unworkable plan that is going to ruin people. we get no from the president and the senate. are we supposed to have a negotiation or discussion here. this program is not going to it for them and will make less accessible. if we want to look at who is causing this government shutdown. yes, yelling. so we're here, we are ready to play here tonight if we need to. i yield back.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from california yields back. for what purpose does jam south carolina seek recognition? the gentleman from south carolina is recognized for one minute. >> my friends across the aisle, i would like to say therefore the middle class and i can't hear what they say because their actions speak more loudly. the working man got a pay cut with the expiration of the payroll tax cut. the president's war on coal will deny our parent companies the cheapest fuel and will increase american families utility bills by $150. the administration's energy policy is designed to drive costs up at the pump, costing the average american family $150. every day folks will pay more for medical equipment with the
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medical device tax and now obamacare. fobes magazine estimates it will cost 90% more for the average man, 60% more for the average more which will cost families hundreds in additional dollars per month. and if they don't buy, they will be fined. my colleagues have a plan, mr. speaker. taxes and higher cost on necessities and take care of us as we will be dependent on the government. but, hey, then we'll get subsidized health insurance. thank you. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. for what purpose does the gentlelady from north carolina seek recognition? ms. foxx: i move now that the house do now adjourn. the speaker pro tempore: the question is on the motion to adjourn. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the ayes have it. the motion is adopted.
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the discussion and debate over government funding. here is how to join the conversation. please make sure that you mute television set so that you will not feedback. if you want to, send us a tweet. we have a whole bunch of them that we will try to get to. we are also on facebook. let's go to calls.
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robert, you have been waiting a while on the republican line. are you still there? [indiscernible] >> i hate to cut you off. we are having a difficult time, maybe it is your connection. apologize, but we cannot hear you. we will move to georgia. this is kathy. our family will be greatly affected by the shutdown. my husband is one of the 800,000 workers and will be for load --
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furloughed. mom.a stay-at-home i was a nurse for over 12 years. i saw a lot of problems in our health care system. we depend on my husband's paychecks. how are we going to take care of things? are we going to have a temporary job? if washington representatives to any sort of cause shutting down the government, such as them not getting paid, they would have more reason to not shut down the government. it affects regular people, like us. we have to worry about where our money is going to come from.
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>> what kind of husband -- what kind of work does your husband do for the government? .aller: he works for the cdc i do not want to go into detail. we are those regular people who are deemed nonessential. at this time, i am now working. i had some medical issues. >> thank you for your call. here is a look at the areas that will be covered. the national parks, the federal museums, regulatory agencies, federal grant and contract offices.
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social security checks will still be delivered. medicare doctors will still see patients. entitlement programs will still continue. national security staff. the president signed a bill that was passed by the house and personnel,ential they will continue to pay active duty military and active-duty reservists. let's go to pam who is in hendersonville, north carolina. caller: hello. now -- i am from north carolina. i am very upset over the way our president got into office. he lied during the election about benghazi. he should have been impeached then. what we need to do is try to
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impeach them because they are not going by the golden rule asked to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. this is the capital of the billy graham, the southern baptist people. we do stand by what is right. we feel like we are getting this rammed down our throats. what is good for the goose is good for the gander, mr. obama. >> speaker boehner made some brief comments to reporters. >> the house has made its
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position known very clearly. we believe we should fund the government and we think there should be fairness for all americans under obamacare. the senate has continued to reject our offers. congress and to talk -- we need to go to conference and talk through our differences. questions? the stakes have been raised. you have members of both parties who want to vote on a clean cr. will you permit a vote? >> we hope the senate will take our offer to go to conference. >> what is your message to them?
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do you have a plan to restore back pay? >> the house has voted to keep the government open, but we also want a sick fairness to all americans under obamacare. fairness to all americans under obamacare. >> speaker boehner and his leadership team earlier this evening. back ine will be session tomorrow at 10:00 and the senate will be in at 9:30 a.m. as they continue to work to find a way forward on federal funding. here is the headline you'll see lots of. federal agencies will send more than 800,000 workers home without pay due to shut down. a tweet from --
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larry says -- virginia on our others line. you are on the air. i was republican for 30 years until the tea party came into the picture. i am very disgusted with the way they have obstructed everything that has tried to be done and the shutdown is absurd. i cannot believe that they could not come together in an agreement before tonight. them to meet asked
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with them back in april and john boehner said no. nonparty affiliated. for 30 years, i was a republican and i am so embarrassed of the republican party and the disregard for their fellow man. matthew 25 tells us to take care supposed and they are to work for the people, but every time i contacted my ross, hean, dennis tells me what he wants. you more people want obamacare then don't. i do not care what they say, they are lying. they do not want a shutdown and this is absurd. >> thank you for your call.
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chicago, martha, democrats line. caller: it is melissa, actually. commento make a general to the tea party members who are under the impression that this childlessness will make history. the only history that the tea party is making is that it is one of the most inane parties in one of the most -- in recent history. we will remember how we grew up in a workforce that was being down during a recession created by the right wing philosophy. -- we will look to see how we were one of the only industrialized countries in the world that still wanted universal health care.
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we will remember all of these things when we vote. we will make the tea party obsolete. this two-party system that is not rub representing -- is not representing us fairly is not going to last. all this respect to the republican party. -- disrespect to the republican party. n'i'er: this is free sad. these democrats just point fingers at the republicans. there is something wrong with obamacare.
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the sad thing, all these people the republicans refusing to meet with the democrats prior to all of this. it is all under democrats terms and conditions. what do you expect the republicans to do? the ball is in the republicans court, i cannot blame them. i am not happy, but i do not blame them. >> we appreciate you being part of the conversation tonight. here is jeff flake, the senator from arizona. good happens after midnight, including a government shutdown.
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a republican from missouri, in the event of a government shutdown, i have requested my pay be withheld. mccaskill, please, just let the house vote on a clean bill to keep the government open. you can find more of what members are saying at we are getting your reaction to the end of the federal funding and the 800,000 government workers who will be urloughed. fo >> i appreciate you having me on. the arguments are getting repetitive. they are not stating any true facts. i had to respond to melissa. are the onlyat we developed nation that does not
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have universal health care. we are also the only developed nation that does not have voter id laws. the argument can go both ways. i am an independent. just because somebody else has it does not mean that we have to make -- we have to have it. i do not understand why all of these things are being delayed. i am 28 years old and i do not have health insurance, but i am healthy, i do not smoke, i do not drink. i eat well. hurt, i couldt always go to catholic charities, jewish charities. choice, you choose not to get health care insurance? >> i chose not to. >> what are you going to do now that the exchanges and the mandate is becoming the law? are you going to choose to pay the tax penalty?
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>> in reality, it is cheaper for me to pay the taxi -- tax see. -- tax fee. the linethe middle of insurance, i am paying more at iran. -- i am playing more -- paying more later on. why we cannot delay it and work on it. i think the bill has great things in it. off ornot get pushed denied if you have a pre- existing condition. those are great things that we need. there are other parts that can be changed to make it better. youru are not eligible for parents lanner anything. >> exactly.
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i do not need it now that i am healthy. if i did get hurt, there are other ways to get funding. there are a lot of charities out there who do not asked any questions. go to catholic charities, they do not say, you had better be a catholic. >> thank you for calling. we did want to show you the comments of harry reid. the house rules committee met to consider the role which became the motion to go to conference with the senate. harry reid was totally opposed to that. here is what he said on the senate floor shortly after the rules committee. >> this is a very sad day for our country. president has told the
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office of management and budget to issue a shutdown statement and she has done that. the potential lapse of appropriations. no more potential, madam president, it is after midnight. unfortunately, we do not have any indication that congress will act. agencies should execute plans to shut down due to the absence of appropriations.
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that is what she said. agencies of government are in .he process of closing down it appears the house is not going to do anything to keep the government from shutting down. they have some jerryrigged thing about going to conference. that theserassing people who are elected to represent the country are representing the tea party, the anarchist, majorities are following every step of the way. this is an unnecessary blow to america, to the economy, middle- class, to everyone. the house has the ability to avoid a shutdown and they should simply pass what we sent them. we are going to come in in the
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morning and see what they have done, but i would hope they would understand within their power, any time, all they have to do is accept what we have already passed. all the stuff they keep sending over here, they are so fixated on embarrassing our president. they think an election is coming this november. he was elected by 5 million votes over what romney got. it was not too close. .t is really too bad i am going to asked consent, but -- we're going to
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go out tonight and come back at 9:30 a.m. in the morning, the untilt is we will recess 9:30 a.m. in the morning and i want the senators who are here time, ihatr be recognized and the senate recess tomorrow to allow the weekly caucus meetings. before this is implemented, i that only receives a
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message from the house, i will make a motion to table it as we have done to two other things to last few hours. following the statements of senator menendez, durbin, murray, schumer -- >> with the leader yield for a question? >> the government shut down, there is nothing we can do to keep it open? as only way to keep it open for the house to pass the resolution that we have already ?ent them, is that correct >> it keeps the government funded and they have had that for days now. matter of do it in a 10 minutes. but nothing we can do with this resolution -- >> they are over there now negotiating with themselves, i guess.
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they vote for that resolution, the government will remain shut. they can send us 100 different little doodads, and other kinds of things, but the ball is in their court and we hope and wish that they would -- that they they would pass a resolution and that would keep the government open. objection.o so ordered. the senator from new jersey. >> i had hoped we would not get to this point. i believe that where i was headed is to embody why we have come to this moment today. it did not happen. articleferring to this
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that in january, the house toublicans met, retreated williamsburg, virginia, and came up with a strategy. the first element of that strategy was a kind of legislative strike. all decided to boycott direct negotiations with president obama. subsequently extended that boycott to negotiations with the democratic senate, which only goes to prove why despite having passed a budget six months ago, each of the eight team times that senator murray has asked to go to a conference, which is a meeting of the house of representatives and the senate to work out their differences, there has been objections. when i read this article saying the house republicans decided to boycott all direct negotiations
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with president obama and with thethat boycott democratic senate, we are seeing the consequences of that strategy. today. this kind of refusal to even enter negotiations is highly unusual. the way to make sense of it is republicans have plan since january to force obama to exceed two large chunks of the republican agenda without republicans having to offer any policy concessions of their own. it's pretty interesting. said, both sides, there is no more look what let's see to shutting down the government -- moral equivalency to shutting down the government. in order to elicit what you could not achieve by winning at the ballot box, getting a
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republican president elected, both houses of the congress, since you could not do it that says,o have a policy that we're willing to shut down the government in order to achieve but we could not do at the ballot box, there is no moral equivalency. it cannot be accepted that both sides are to blame when clearly only one side is willing to pursue their political goals by closing down the government and the consequences that flow from that. article interesting when i asked consent of the article be included in the record so that all of my colleagues will be able to read it. >> without objection. >> this is a battle within the republican party itself about where they are headed. it is a battle that is totally unnecessary because i think there is a simple position as
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speaker. allow the house to have an up or down vote on what the senate has sent it. it is a clean continuation of the government without any any poisonithout pills. if that vote were allowed by the speaker of the house i believe the would pass and the government would stay open. instead, a few within the republican party who hatched this concoction of january -- in january of this year are bringing the nation to its knees. that is unacceptable. at the beginning of these comments, it it is not only consequential here at home, and .t will be consequential to those who seek the assistance of the federal government, a
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small business loan, enrolling for social security payments or .eterans disability what message do we say to the world? one party is willing to hold the nation hostage in order to get their political views pursued. if we totally disarm it, we end all of our nuclear weapons program.
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but the united states live question -- left the series of sanctions they have passed upon us? this congress cannot agree with the president. the republican congress and the house of representatives. tell other nations that we believe they have to have certain disciplines and yet, we cannot keep our own budget open. ultimatehis is the extortion. since this is by design, not by chance, it is going to have real consequences for our nation. prolongeds a shutdown, it will be consequential to our economy. it will be consequential to the gdp.
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we saw that 17 years ago. it will be consequential to wall street and two main street. to mainstreet. this economy is in recovery. the last thing you needs is a body blow by its own government. the consequences are more than a government shutdown. it is increasingly an economic shutdown. that is something we should not accept. to send us a resolution after six months of trying to go to a conference, 18 different petitions and motions on this floor to go to a conference, to go to a simple meeting that might've reconciled these , and now say you
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will send us a motion to go to conference when you have shut down the government and at our headve a gun in order to try to negotiate the critical issues that might be negotiated is unacceptable. they already have a legislative victory. $80 billion less and yet that is not satisfactory to them. this is not about the economics, -- who about their drive finally do not have to worry about pre-existing conditions, can keep their children on their insurance until the age of 26, can get millions of dollars across a landscape of the
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country to reduce prescription costs.sts, and controls their fear is that it will succeed and in doing so, will undermine the essence of what they have been against all along. to pursue a way political tactic at the consequence of the nation. >> the senator from new york. we are at an unfortunate moment. the millions of people who are innocent will wake up in the morning i'll work hard, you paycheck -- morning, work hard, he get a paycheck, will not be getting a paycheck tomorrow morning. they might be federal government workers. heard some workers on the other side of the aisle demonized the federal
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government. i think of individual people who are working. orple in the private sector people who work for state government. why should they be punished? and then there are so many others. the veteran who needs a change in his or her disability form. is construction worker who working on a federally funded highway or somebody who worked civilian, plant, as a all of these people have now been put at real risk. there is an answer. is for the house to pass the bill that passed here, a majority of democrats and republicans, 25
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they are busy working late at night. keep the government, have a conference. that is what the leaders said. conferences are fine with us. we tried today budget conference 18 times. it's a charade while shutting down the government. that is what the other side is asking us to do. let's modify what they are doing. let them pass the bill that is now in the house will stop that will keep the government running until november 15. no complex on how to fund the government for another year. make no mistake, tomorrow picked, their next again -- gambit will be defeated. back where we are. there's a bill in the house of representatives that can keep
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the government funded and prevent these millions of innocent people and our national economy from being hurt and hurt significantly. at 12:15 a.m., 15 minutes after the government has been officially closed. house members, speaker boehner, let the bill, up for a vote. it will pass. it will save such trouble and even worse for millions of innocent americans, it will save our economy from greater risk. and then we can go back to debating the many issues that you and we want to debate. with that, madam president, with a bit of a heavy heart because this did not have to happen. a small group of people who are so sure they are so right that they can hurt millions to pursue that righteousness, self-taught
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righteousness, a sad thing. i hope it does not happen again. i yield the floor. from earlier this evening rejecting the idea of going to conference with the house on the continuing resolution. speaker john boehner said the best path forward for both parties are to convene an informal conference come midi -- committee. and houses gaveled out. the speaker, even though the senate is likely to table the motion tomorrow has appointed reid. camp, paul ryan, crenshaw florida, tom graves of georgia would be the conferees. coming up next, we'll show you
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the debate from earlier today. the house will be in this morning. 10:00 eastern here on c-span. the house will gavel in antoninus -- 9:30 a.m. eastern your thoughts on the government shutdown. here is one. hold your ground do not let the rich get richer. obamacare has caused insurance premiums to rise. this one saying there is something wrong with the help along when this cheaper to pay the penalty and get coverage. from michael said the tea party decided to shut the government down. brilliant maneuver. people will vote these. . there are more at c-span chat. the debates from earlier on the continuing resolution will stop the government funding ran out at midnight. there's a new fiscal year. employees will be frontload onto furhouse -- frontload a --
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house -- untile the house can -- >> the gentleman is recognized. >> the purpose for debate only. members have five legislative dates to revise and extend their remarks. without objection. house resolution of which we are here for today. it provides for consideration of , tosenate amendment to hj tame the provisions act of this fiscal year 2014. at midnight tonight, just a few short hours from now, the federal government will shut down. both of the house and the senate if they do not act to provide the necessary appropriations to run our government. the legislation would ensure a
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shut down does not happen. we will take important steps to ensure that obamacare, the affordable care act, does not have the opportunity to hurt american jobs and continue to drag down our economy by delaying the individual mandate for one year. additionally, this will ensure that congress is not exempt from obamacare and that members and their staffs do not receive a special taxpayer-funded subsidy. important issues, mr. speaker. they are being talked about all across america today. americabout all across and talk about on sunday all across american families gathered together about the rightness about what we as republicans are attempting to do.
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we are attempting to save this country and the american people and the free enterprise system. i'm having to have a government run health care system. this system has been estimated to cost twice of what is was expected to do. since it has come into play, for every one full-time job there has been six part-time jobs created. we do not want a part-time working america, mr. speaker. our country cannot be the greatest nation in the world if we are a part-time working society will stop -- society. the american people did not agree with this bill at the time it was passed, but despite that, the democrats around this through the house and the senate signed by the president in record time despite millions of
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americans protesting all across america the same day it was passed in the house. issue that hasn harmed american businesses. --s is leaders, unions business leaders, unions, are all gathering together to say this is the wrong thing to do. it'd take a advantage of those people who have health care today. it is a direct violation of what the president said it would do. in my state of texas where if you have a deceptive trade practice and you sell something one way and the product is another, it is talked about in a way that will be against the law. what we are trying to do is change the law. ,epublicans have tried to delay defund, get in the way, change, talk about it and engage the press at the highest levels.
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we ready point where there is a must pass piece of legislation. republicans do not intend to shut down the government. we are insistent that the legislation would bring forward today will level the playing field on a terrible piece of legislation. the american people since unfairness and they have seen it take place in the marketplace and workplace. orwe all become unemployed move to part-time work, we will see where the devs in law of a one-size-fits-all for everybody health care plan word -- are run by the government is not a wise way to go. that is why we are here. republicans are on the floor. we were here earlier in the week and last week. we have been here every day since it pass. we are consistent. every single republican believes it is a way -- a bad way to do
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things. this is see that. american people in a poll just who week, 60% of those responded to the new york times and cbs said they are not supporting of this bill. will somebody stand up for the american people? called the republican party. and eric speaker cantor have asked us to come to the floor today to move a bill and the republican conference is there. we're hoping the united states senate and the american people all get together on this and then president obama will seek the wisdom behind learning from mistakes that have been made in the past. believevery reason to that what we are doing will be good for the american people. we will listen to the voices and move forward together. giving everybody a chance to be
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heard from today. and tonight will be an opportunity for the american people to know it was the republican party that stood up on their behalf. us -- gentleman from tax texas reserves. thank myhy -- i colleagues. mr. speaker, my colleague is right. we have been here time after time on this issue. we are standing on the brink. the worst government shutdown in modern history. unlike 1997, a pending government reach across the entire federal government. and half of the congressional bill had been signed into law by the president. as a result, they were able to operate during the shutdown. this year, because the budget levels including and the sequester, a majority was unable
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to pass and a bill. they ran out of money about halfway through. for the first time since i have been in congress, unable to pass a trend protection bill. the cost of that, we find ourselves in this terrible position. -- because of that, we find ourselves in this terrible position. it will be more widespread than the last one. these are very real and serious consequences we face. in the face of these consequences that the majority has continued what is only described as dangerous partisan games. we have indeed been here before. the first time, the majority wanted to defund the affordable care act. second, they decided to delay it. , do away withw in the medical device tax which would create $1 trillion deficit
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increase over the next 10 years. and hit women's reproductive rights the next time. and just today, we saw the first lady of texas, mrs. perry who said in an interview that abortion should be a woman's right. she believed women should have the right to choose. we thank her for that. again, what we're coming up with today. we are not going to back away. we cannot kill be affordable care act. it is taking as tomorrow. they said we will delayed the mandate which is a large part of the funding for the bill. an addition to that, members of congress and our staff will not be able to get a government co-
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pay that most people get. most people who have health care in america get it from their employer. we are going to be denied being able to do that because senator grassley who claims he made a mistake asserted that into the bill. he said he did not mean for us not to be part of the government health care system. somebody misappropriated his idea and wrote it wrong. that is where we are with that today. goingjority's proposal is to do that. they are going to say to all of these young people, you come to washington with such promise and such energy, to really do something good for the country and look forward to have the great privilege of working in the capital of the united states. they are not going to have the health care. others to not be able to get the
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health care that they need. why did we do that? heaven only knows. i would be embarrassed and i mention this in the rules committee. a staff we praise all the time for the ingenuity, faithfulness, wilderness -- willingness without making complaints by punishing them with health care. as this proposal lives, it is a fitting example of the vision of america the majority has. where insurance companies are put back in charge. with price gouging and discrimination goes unchecked. the most volatile among us -- victims ofamong us, domestic violence, children with pre-existing conditions would be denied.
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the new york times and a wonderful piece yesterday talking about people who have been burdened so much they are living and bankruptcy because of the cost of health care. this bill takes every step to avoid that in the future. i am not sure if people understand is we have turned a yearlyat used to be cap and that insurance companies charge for their clients. and now say if you are a person, a single person, want to get $6,400 for-pocket medical procedures and medicine, insurance company for the rest the year will pay your cost. what is not to like about that? if you are a family, $12,000. you would not have to see what we saw yesterday in reading the "times." -- were unable to provide the care.
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from the work we have done with cancer patients, many of them go untreated. anything worse than getting cancer what have to be unable to pay for treatment. these are the things that the majority wants to do away with. i've never seen so much work to try to prevent dirty million americans -- 30 million americans, our brothers and sisters, from being able to have self-assurance. maybe for the first time in their lives. a woman told me she was so excited because she signed up for medicare. she was born with cerebral palsy. , she was present laws not insurable. she went through her whole life raise the children, driving a accidentscan cause without a dime's worth of
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insurance. she was not alone. injurieswho had head would use of -- up their lifetime limit in less than a year. and they were not insurable again. will not go back to that. there is something we can do here tonight. what to we do is vote this down. go back to the rules committee. take up the senate clean bill which is over here at the desk. pastor that bill in the house. -- past that bill in the house. in a bipartisan way in a way that would not hurt. go toat bill is ready to the president's desk. if we could get that signed, the shutdown would be averted. insurance will be available to people who desperately need it. and desperately want it. we should not continue to be the only and dust relies country on the face of the earth --
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industrialized entrée on the face of earth who does not provide health care for its people. i demand that we pass the senate bill. i referred the balance of my team. >> the gentleman from texas is recognized. up mynk you so much and dear friend makes important points about not only the law that was passed but about maybe some comments about what we are doing here. i have great sympathy and respect for men and women, people, children, seniors who were born with diseases that sometimes emanate during their lifetime. great respect for that. i do agree with the gentlewoman that our government in a public/private partnership is working with states should,
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needed to, must create a better system to take care of those who are uninsured or maybe had been uninsurable. this is where for years there have been a big debate in washington about how to best do that. the facts of the case are real simple is that every time we had an opportunity, the republican party to try and get it done, it decision-oint of making by the senate and they blinked. the house many times passed bills that would allow people better to be employed across state lines, better ways to make a larger team size is for there will be a better opportunity the beak -- to be managed.
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instead of us taking care of 20 million people who were in this bill aimed atthe 230 million people. it put the rules and regulations and restrictions on business and hiring. it was less about coverage and more about a hammer for washington, d.c. there are lots of examples of this. one of this might be the ipad which is the independent advisory group which the democrats wrote into law they could not receive any legislative or judicial updating. you could not challenge the law , benefitsdecided on and payments. that is just one part of this outrageously expensive and
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overbearing health care. we have talked about that. expensived about how -- we have talked about how expensive and it is causing business, delta airlines, they said and they have a good plan. they came to the administration in february and said it is going to cost delta airlines $100 million more just the first year. that is not helping people. that is highway robbery. that is harming business. harming the free enterprise system. mr. speaker, i am for balance and reasonableness and opportunity and so is my party. we are not for diminishing the greatest economy in the world arbitrarily doing it with a one- size-fits-all obamacare that not one republican voted for and
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democrats are still gleeful about. we are here today and will been here for quite some time as the gentlewoman admitted. day after day. kind of relentless. we are worried about what is happening. seen employment figures, higher taxes, more spending, more government. the it ministration really cannot figure out -- the administration really cannot figure out what they are doing. be innk everybody should the same pocket that employers are. we have already delayed and we should do it the same for individuals. we are good to shut down the government over that -- and going to shut down the government over that? that is the question. we are going to shut down the
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government because we wanted to put individuals on the same footing as what president obama gave a pass to businesses?\ i am from texas. i recognized that we like freedom and opportunity and less taxes and more opportunity. we employ a lot of people. i think the whole country sees this. what the whole country sees is the reasonableness that the republican party comes to the floor and we are going to keep the battle going to say we think everybody, at least the individual should be treated the as business. we think the president of the united states made a mistake and we are politely today trying to say, mr. president, can we please fix the mistake? can we give to the individuals, men and women who pay their
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taxes and work hard, can we give them equal representation with what you gave to people who run businesses? i am a business guy. i am also in individual. that is why the republican party is doing with we are doing. we are not asking for anything that is unreasonable. if i hurry up, we can get quickly to the floor where we can vote on this. an explanation is not necessary. reasonableness, common sense, and doing the right thing. it is what the republican party is doing. that's what our great speaker john boehner is doing. our awesome majority leader eric cantor is doing. our republican majority will be here. that saysss this ad we believe the same thing that happens to business where the obama administration was not
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ready and so it gave them a pass for a year. we think the same is true for individuals. question the judgment -- >> the gentleman from texas. >> i'm pleased to yield three minutes to the gentleman from massachusetts. >> here we go again. as we look up at the clock, we see there are six hours and 10 minutes to add unnecessary and economically harmful government shutdown. i do not see the junior senator from texas on the floor. i presume he has signed off on the feeble republican strategy since he seems to be calling all the shots. i say to my republican friends, enough. enough with the gamesmanship, legislation ping-pong, high- fives and cheers on the floor. your grown-o put up up pants and do your job.
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a job that should've been done months ago. the house and senate passed a budget. as dead going to a committee to hash out the numbers i'm a the sent home -- numbers, the republicans refused. we are on the edge of a cliff. it is clear to me that a majority and this house, republican and democrat, capacity clean cr. it contains the numbers of my republican friends. numbers that are far too low. i do not sell why the republicans do not to declare victory let's get on with governing. it is insurance that can be affordable care act works as well as possible for all of the american people. it is the law of the land. it will stay that way. we visited the president is going to accept any changes. about the a word amendment included in the bill.
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unlike what my republican friends says, and does not make the people who work with us live for anybody -- it does not make the people work for us live like everybody else. it makes him different. they help a veteran get his benefits. a help a teenager apply to military academy. their employer will not contribute to their health insurance. it is a lousy thing to do. i say to my colleagues if you would the said accident -- exodus of smart people of both parties and this place get even dumber, by all means pass this. we should treat it like the cynical talking point it is an voted down. it is time for my republican friend to put on their grown-up pants and do the right thing. i urge my colleagues to reject. and pass the clean cr. >> the gentleman from texas is
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recognized. >> would like to yield one minute to the gentleman from tennessee. >> i am in support of the rule at all and -- and underline resolution to keep the government open. this rule in the bill brings to the floor make sure that people know we in the congress will not receive any type of exemption were special benefit under obamacare. for some reason, the national media had given the president a free pass by not calling on him to copper miners or negotiate to help keep the government open. the republicans have voted to fund the entire government except for only one bill, obamacare. if a republican president refused to negotiate, he will be criticized. we are trying to treat ordinary
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individuals the same way and give the same delay to individual americans that was given to big business. i think it is a reasonable and moderate approach that republicans and the house have taken. i thank the gentleman for yielding his time. >> the gentleman from texas reserves. 1.5'm delighted to yield minutes to the gentleman from colorado. >> the gentleman from colorado is recognized. but i think the gentlelady. hourse are two minus six and seven minutes to a shutdown of our federal government, the brits country on the face of the earth. with such a dysfunctional congress. the greatest country in the face of the earth. will vote on a bill that will lead to a government shutdown. what the separation of
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powers in our constitution. this house of representatives does not unilaterally run the country. it takes compromise. billskinds of positioning are fine for a month or two. with six hours left, all this bill that will be voting on will do is cause a government shutdown. i encourage my colleagues to reject this rule so we can get to a serious discussion about keeping federate -- federal government open. occur if thisill bill is passed. >> the gentleman from texas. >> i would like to yield one minute. >> the gentleman from texas. speaker, the house again will vote to fund the government , not shut it now.
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when we fund the government, we are going to do two things that are in their nests. that does not discriminate against special folks. to letng is we are going everybody get a postponement for a year. why should be this is a be treated better than the individual citizen? it should not. let's postpone the whole a plan for one year. and also i'm a why should special folks and washed and get exemptions? like the white house. the white house staff. members of congress. leadership staff. rulesuld all be under the of the law and that is passed. it is interesting that obamacare and obama is not under obamacare , neither the white house or cabinet members or the staff. why not? lester everybody like it not to
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discriminate. -- let's treat everybody the same and not to discriminate. >> i am pleased to yield one minute. ms. jackson lee is recognized. >> without objection. >> we are on the brink of a shutdown. a brink of sending this nation over the cliff. tonight i speak to the american people into my colleagues. we have a very simple task. a task of mercy and grace will stop of adulthood and recognition of our responsibility. to keep this government open. i would like to shun the party and let them eat cake. those who would say let's work and play while rome is burning. or maybe even the former republican presidential candidate who says we are
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smiling. we got what we want -- a shutdown of the government. i would like to shun that kind of attitude and ask my alleagues to join together in simple task to support the claimant continuing resolution that would fund this government underare obligated to do the constitution. we have the purse strings to make sure that the government works. to ensure that our women and children are served and veterans are served. our parks are open. all we have to do is a simple task to stop going over the top and be able to respond as americans. i yield back. >> gentleman from texas. was i would like to yield three yields -- >> of like to three minutes to the gentleman from texas. >> mr. burgess is recognized. >> i thought obligated to come
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to the floor tonight to try and set a few things straight. of the words that were spoken about the amendment from the senator from iowa that was signed by the president in 2010. like so many things that were in the bill that was signed by the president, there were errors. prime time.eady for it was pushed through the senate. and never went through a process in the house. it got signed into law. as a consequence thomas center grassley has been concerned that he spoke -- consequence, center grassley has been concerned and he spoke last week. intend for them to lose employer subsidies. he said it is frustrating. perhaps this amendment, when not have the controversy. the senator said the democratic majority leader did not properly
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grab the statutory language that would've allowed the staff to keep their employer contributions. despiterepeatedly -- the amendment not being kids. senator grassley went on to say he understood what we adopted the amendment, unlike other committees it is not in legal language. it went to the majority leader's office and when they put the statutory language in a screwed it up. truth,want to know the they had people who do not know what they were doing. i do not know what their intent was. he said his goal was that we in congress need to going to the exchange so we can go through the same red tape as every other citizen. that's what we are doing here tonight. saying that concept that members of congress go through the same red tape as every other citizen
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in this country is required to do. we could talk about things that have been delayed and is built. maybe we should spend a few minutes talking about that. to shortns have tried circuit parts of the affordable care act. it has been the president who has been there -- the delay your in chief. chief.ayor-in- they closed the door to new applicants in february. they were frozen out. the press has never held the president into account. we heard comments about the caps on out-of-pocket expenses. did you realize they were in fact suspended by the administration earlier this year? very little press about that. you heralded good things, not know what it will contain. the president may stop any part
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of it at his discretion. i yield back. >> the chair lady of the house. >> hr 3210. pay in case ofry a government shutdown. >> the gentlelady from new york is recognized. distinguished ranking member on committee. >> the gentleman is recognized. >> thank you very much. a simple question. why is the speaker of this house denying this house the opportunity to have an up or down vote on a clean, continuing resolution to keep the federal government operating tomorrow and beyond? why is he not allowing a vote?
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allowing the democrats and republicans together to have a vote on keeping the government open? because mr. speaker, if he had the vote, it would pass. it would pass on a bipartisan basis and the government would still be operating. apparently, the speaker is afraid that we would actually pass a bill to keep the government going. why is he not allowing the people's house to do the people's business? we have been seeing this play out in the last couple weeks. you have a far right extremist tea party element in the republican party that is dictating what is happening here on the floor in this house. senator cruise is running the show -- cruz is running the show. why don't you quicken it up and pass him the devil -- gavel and
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let him run the house? memberst this group of want to shut down the government? because tomorrow, millions of americans are going to get access to affordable health care. millions of americans are already benefited from the protections. will get millions more access to affordable care. and republicans are so bent on blocking that from happening, preventing the millions of americans to getting access that they are prepared to shut down this government. that is a scandal. mr. speaker, the other thing i cannot figure out if i can have another minute. the other thing that is really republicis why colleagues who want to shut down the government to get affordable
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, access to the exchange where you have the marketplace of different plans being offered and a little help for those who are stretched thin and cannot afford. republic wants to shut down that part and other important parts. guess what they kept in their own budget? the medicare savings. sayingber mitt romney how those will be the ruin of the country. in the republican pass a budget, they kept those savings. they kept the same level of revenue that will be generated by obamacare stop check the heritage foundation statement. every penny of revenue of assumed. that level is we have republicans saying they have a balanced budget which is bounced because of obamacare. you cannot have it both ways.
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do not shut down the government. let's pass the bill that came out of the senate. get it done. >> i do appreciate my dear friend. my friend for maryland coming tuesday. i want to say something real fast. this is to fund the government. second part. ofs is to say the president the united states gave a pass to business. the past was because the president has not provided enough content and information to business to let them know how it is supposed to work. we are not going to do the same for individuals and that is what this legislation does. will fund the government. we are not trying to stop have things.rom receiving we are trying to say give us the
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same opportunity because the individuals that it does help, i do have great sense of responsibility about them. thousands of more that will be harmed by what we are doing is not a balance that republicans can put up with. the overriding key fact. we are here. i can look myself straight in the mirror. we are trying to do the right thing for the american people. i would like to yield three minutes. a very bright young man. the gentleman from georgia. >> the gentleman is recognized. >> thank you. thank you for his leadership. well then here night after night after night. i sent my chairman trying to keep the government open. my colleagues, we have to work together.
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wing hard-core right georgia republican. i want to keep the government open. there's not a one of you questions my word. i am here to give the government open not to begin to a halt. there are also other concerns. the biggest frustration i have is that in the house the president does not want to talk to me and my constituents about our priorities for america. i carry the constitution in my pocket. it lays out clearly our bicameral system. article two, article three. the president has been saying over and over again as we come down, i brink of a shut will not negotiate. over and over again. i will not negotiate. it is so easy for my
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friends to characterize republicans as a being folks who are looking for a fight. i have been down here with my colleagues as they pass a bill to fund the government. i've been down here with my colleagues and they passed a bill to fund the government but to delay the most troublesome part for a year. i am back down here again with colleagues on a bill that would fund the government but prevent the individual mandate. americansure that all to the site federal rules that are applying to congress. i do not know how to be adding more fair than that. need reid said we do not to have any more conversation. we have more serious problems than keeping the government open. playslebook for how this should operate does not work anymore.
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we no longer have a constitutional republic. we have something very different. we are here on the floor to keep the government open. we are here to continue to try to negotiate. i am very proud of what my chairman has done in terms of bringing us to build a program that unites people rather than divide people. seeing the same headlines. dropping employees. home depot dropping employees and the ups dropping employees. you have to be seeing that. it has to hurt you and the same way it hurts me. let's come together and solve the problem. this a step in that direction. much more negotiation to be done. i hope would do that's. -- do this. >> the gentleman from texas.
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the gentlelady from new york. >> i'm delighted to yield one minute to the gentleman from illinois. >> mr. davis is recognized. >> thank you. i have been told that when elephants fight, the grass is bruce. when democrats and republicans fight beyond what is reasonable, the people are hurt. many of them will not survive. it is time for us to move beyond the debate. somebody said the other day that just the delay was justice denied. i can tell you that treatment for a stroke victim delayed, treatment for cancer, for ailment, for a liver delayed, all of those are trips
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to an early grave. forget about shutting down the government and breathe life into our process and life for the american people. i yield back. >> the gentlelady from new york. >> thank you. so my favorites on the democratic party are taking their chances to come down tonight. in a this very to debate and opportunity by the very best of the democratic party. i admire these men. davisn serving with mr. 17 years ago. he is one the most honorable thiscted man -- members of body. i'm delighted he has come down. this time i would like to yield two minutes to gentleman from florida. >> thank you. one of the realities of obamacare is millions of americans are going to lose
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their employer-provided insurance and be put into exchanges. as you look through the 2500 pages, there's actually a provision that makes congress heat and self cooking. of thes congress out congressional and federal plan and put them into obamacare. as with good closer to the day of reckoning, october 1, and genuine first, a lot of people do not -- and a january 1 come a a lot of people do not like that. and mr. issued a ruling through the bureaucracy granting subsidies to members of congress a the administration issued ruling through the bureaucracy granting subsidies to members of congress. they will not be allowed to get into the private sector. i think this will allows members to go on record, does congress deserve this bailout?
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they are looking for an easy escape. you need to go on record and say whether you want the bailout. should congress receive benefits that are not available to private sector employees in the same situation. i think the answer is, no. i will cite james madison. the beauty of a constitutional system as the roman class and make no law that does not have its full operation on them and their friends in the great masses in society. congress should not be treated differently. this allow members of this congress to go on record. i am glad the chairman has written. >> the gentlelady from new york. >> i'm delighted a minute to the gentleman from texas. >> for well over a year, republicans have forced our
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country from one crisis to another. last year, they cost is over $1 billion in a manufactured crisis over the debt limit. they began new year's day with a last second pullback from a lunch over the fiscal cliff. now they are up to their old shenanigans of shutting down the government and that manufactured crisis in just a few days before the mess that may factored of the full faith and credit of the united states. this no way to run a congress and a country. the only path out if the same that allowed us to escape the disaster on new year's day. that is to permit the same action that we took that got relief from her set -- from the hurricane sandy victims. that is to let majority will apply on the floor of his house.
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until we do that, we will have a crisis. >> i will yield another minute. end thewe have to do is hammerlock of the shutdown the republican when the speaker lets a majority of the house, a bipartisan majority of republicans and democrats vote of the team with the necessary operations of our government, it will pass in five minutes. it is a question of whenever they will stop letting the shutdown caucus control what happens to the future of this congress. the way we got relief from new york -- new year's day, the way we passed the violence against women act and the way this country must move forward. >> adjustment from texas. -- the gentleman from texas.
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>> thank you. i'm delighted to yield one minute to the gentleman from new jersey. without objection. >> thank you. in the springtime, the republican party passed a budget and a few weeks later the senate passed a budget. there was an attempt to bring the two parties together in a conference to work out the differences so that the be a budget. refused tolicans start the negotiation. day and itfter labor became obvious it would reach this point of september 30 of a government shutdown unless something was done. republicans "in the by saying we want low-level spending and wanted to get rid of the health care bill. what is happening since then between the house and the senate is the senate has said, with the
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lower-level spending but will keep the health care bill. you get one thing you want, you do not get both. that is the compromise. we could be voting on the compromise this evening and and the government shutdown. if it were on the floor it would pass. we have a chance in a couple of minutes, i would ask for 30 more seconds. >> i yield. >> we have a chance to make that happen. if the numbers -- members of both know, -- members of vote no, it will get rid of this proposal and putting of the house floor that city to build that could pass and in the government shutdown. let's vote on the compromise. let's give everybody a chance to let the people work their will. i yield back.
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>> the gentlelady from your. to thedelighted to yield gentleman from new york. >> thank you. itshouse gop has exposed extremism for all of the american people to see. the resolution that underlies this rule is dead on arrival in the cement will not be signed into law by the president. what we have embarked upon is a legislative joy ride that will only end in a government shutdown. it will hurt children, families, the military, senior citizens, and our economy. this unnecessary tragedy. why are we continuing to fight a battle that you have already lost?
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you lost a in 2010 legislatively when the congress has the affordable care act. you lost it in a court of law when the supreme court in 2012 declared the affordable care act constitutional. lastou lost a politically november when the president was reelected to a second term. why are we continuing to litigate an issue that is already been resolved? it is time to confront reality. the affordable care act is the law of the land. let's move on and get back to doing the business of the american people. direct remarks to the chair. >> i continue to reserve. >> mr. speaker, i am pleased to yield to the gentleman from minnesota. mr. nolan.
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without objection. >> mr. speaker, the simple truth is and everyone in this free world for this matter knows it. are intendednts for the sole purpose of shutting down the government. they are not going anywhere. everybody knows it. to deny that house of representatives an opportunity for an up our down vote is an affront to the american people, to this institution, to democracy, and every member of this house. reject this role so would have a vote on the clean a resolution to fund our government going forward. thank you. >> adjustment from texas reserves -- gentleman from texas reserves. >> continue to reserve. >> i yield one minute to gentlelady from new york.
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>> gentlelady from new york is recognized. >> mr. speaker, this a sad day for our congress. ar colleagues have or soon pointless path of petty politics that will shut down the government of the most powerful nation on our and damage the world's largest economy. it is the height of irony that the extremist have taken control of the republican agenda speaking of listening to the will of the people. promised to preserve the affordable care act and to because of a presidential candidate who promised to repeal on day one. the will of the people was to forone million more votes the democrats rather than the republicans. and to keep the government open and to vote on a clean cr and is
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not have a lot of stuff added on related to preserving our government and having our government function. shutting down the government will raise costs, slow the recovery, and cost and stability. tability.ins >> i would like to yield one minute. >> gentleman from new york is recognize. >> thank you. mr. speaker, what we have before us is an opportunity to send a message across america there will be no special treatment in washington, d.c. for members of congress and washington insiders. it is only fair that was we do is that we treat everybody equally under the law. that is what we are dealing with here today. is the are talking about
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president of the united states has said to big business, you get a pass for one year under obamacare. we are saying it is good for big business, it is good for americans. individual should be treated the same. i am asked my colleagues to join me and do not vote to protect your own self interest and special contribution under obamacare. trick of equally. -- treat of equally and the same. it'll keep the law of the land and tax for everybody equally. i yield back. >> i'm delighted to yield one minute to the gentlewoman from california, the democrat leader, ms. pelosi. >> thank you very much. leadership for her on this very important issue. what is the issue?
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do we as members of congress and tend to honor our responsibilities to the american people? by making tough choices to keep government open and working for the american people?
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>> these are important issues, mr. speaker. they're being talked about all across america today. all're being talked about across america and on sunday at tables all across america as families gather together. about the rightness of what we as republicans are attempting to do. that is, we are attempting to save this country and the american people, the free enterprise system and free people from having to have a government run healthcare system. this government run health care system already has been estimated to cost twice of what was expected to do and since this healthcare laws come into play, for every one full-time job, there have been six part- time jobs created.
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we do not want a part-time working america, mr. speaker. our country cannot be the greatest nation in the world if we are a part-time working society. mr. speaker, the american people did not agree with this bill at the time it was passed, but despite that, the democrats ram to this through the house and presidentgned by the in record time, despite millions of americans protesting all across america the same day it was passed in the house. mr. speaker, this has been an issue that has harmed american leaders,s, business businessmen, unions and union leaders are all gathering together to say this is the wrong thing to do.
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it takes advantage of those people who have health care today. it is a direct violation of what the president said it would do. in my state of texas where if you have a deceptive trade practice or you sell something one way and the product is the is against what we're trying to do is change the law. republicans over the last few years have tried to delay it, defunded, given away of it, change it, talk about it and to engage the president of the united states at the highest levels. we are now at a point where there is a must pass piece of legislation. republicans do not intend to shut down the government, but we are insistent, mr. speaker, that legislation that would bring forth today will level the a terribleld on piece of legislation. the american people sense unfairness and they seem to take
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place in their marketplace and workplace and as we all become unemployed or move to part-time work, we will see where this devastating law of a one-size- fits-all for everybody healthcare plan run by the government is not a wise way to go. that is why we are here on the floor today. republicans on the floor today. we were here earlier in the week . we were here last week. we have been here every day since they bill has passed. every single republican believes this is a bad way to do things and i think business sees that too. the american people in the poll, "new york times" and cbs poll showed that 60% who responded to both said they are not supportive of this bill. will someone stand up for the american people? dad gum right, called the republican party.
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our leaders john boehner and eric cantor have asked us to come to the floor today to move a bill. the republican conference is there. we are hoping that the united states senate and the american people all get together on this and then president obama will see the wisdom behind learning from mistakes have been made in the past. i have every reason to believe that what we're doing here will be good for the american people. we will listen to the voices and we will move forth together. we'll give everybody a chance to be heard from today and tonight will be an opportunity for the american people to know that it was the republican party that stood up on their behalf. i reserve my time. texasentleman from reserves. the gentlelady from new york is recognized. >> thank you very much, mr. speaker. and i thank my colleague mr. sessions for yielding me the time. mr. speaker, my colleague is
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certainly right. we have been here time after time after time on this issue, but we are standing on the brink of the worst government shutdown in modern history. unlike 1994, the pending government shutdown will reach across the entire federal government. in 1994, half of the congressional appreciations bill -- appropriations bill was signed into law by the president. , because of the draconian budget levels included in the misguided sequester, the majority was unable to pass a single appropriations bill into law. in fact they ran out of money -- after wentsent to the defense budget. because of that, we find ourselves in this terrible position. as a result, should the government shutdown, it is going to be more harmful and more widespread than the last one.
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mr. speaker, these are very real and very serious consequences that we face. the face of these can onlyces that i describe as dangers partisan games. we have been here before. the first time the majority wanted to defund the affordable care act. second, they decided to just delay it, but then a they threw measures to do away with other aspects of the health care law. perry said in an interview that abortion should be a woman's right and she believes that women should have the right to choose. we thank her for that and couldn't agree with her more.
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again, now what are we coming up with today? we are not going to back away from anything, we are going to try to kill the health bill, which we know we can't do. what they're going to do now, they say, is to delay the mandate which is a large part of the funding for the bill. in addition to that, they have decided that members of congress and our staffs will not be able to get the government co-pay that most him play people get. most people who have health care in america get it from their employer. not going to be denied doing that. senator grassley made a mistake inserted that into the bill and he said just this week that he did not mean for us not to be part of the government health care system. somebody had misappropriated his idea and
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wrote a wrong. so that is where we are with that today. the majority's proposal now today is going to do that. they're going to say to all these young people who come to washington with such promise and such energy and verve, really, to try to do something good for the country and look forward to be able to have a great privilege of working in the capital of the united states that they are not going to have the health care. unable to get the health care that they need. why do we do that? heaven only knows. frankly, i would be embarrassed to look around the room at the staff that we praise all the for for their ingenuity, the faithfulness, for their willingness to say as we did sunday morning until 1230 without ever making any complaints at all by punishing
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them with healthcare. proposal is, it is a sitting example of the vision for america that the majority has. it is a vision of an america where insurance companies are put back in charge of the health care system, where price gouging and price discrimination goes unchecked, where the most vulnerable among us including cancer patients, the victims of domestic violence, children born with pre-existing conditions can be denied access to healthcare. the "new york times" had a wonderful piece on that in the sunday section. people are literally bankrupt from the cost of health care. this bill takes every step to avoid that in the future. i'm not sure that people understand that what happens is we have turned around what used to be the yearly cap insurance companies charge for their clients and now say that if you
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are a person, a single person with your health insurance, once you get paid out of pocket, $6,400 for medical procedures and medicine, the insurance company then for the rest of the year will pay your costs. what is not to like about that? if you are a family, $12,000 is . cost people with cancer are often many times unable to provide the care and we know and i know from the work that we have done with cancer patients that many of them go untreated. anything worse than getting diagnosed with cancer is being unable to pay for treatment. these are the things that the majority wants to do away with. i've never seen so much work in all my life to try to prevent 30 areion people americans,
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brothers sisters, aunts and uncles and everybody from being able to have health insurance. many of them for the first time in their lives. i met a woman in the last campaign who told me that she was so excited because she had just signed up for medicare. born with cerebral palsy. under the present laws she was not a valid insurable. she went through her whole life bringing up children, running a households, driving a car, all the things that could cause a ton of accidents to leave you permanently impaired without a dime's worth of health insurance. she was not alone in that. children's to have had insurance or the head of the family can often use up their lifetime limit of about a million dollars in less than a year and they were never insurable again in the united states. we are not going to go back to that. there is something we can do here tonight. what we can do is vote this down , go back to the rules committee, take up the senate clean bill, which is over here
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at the desk, asset bill in the itse and the rules, bring here, pasadena house in a bipartisan way by the way, that wouldn't hurt, and then low and behold that bill is ready to go to the president's desk. signed,o get that shutdown would be averted, healthcare would be available to people who desperately need it and desperately wanted. we should not continue to be the only industrialized country on the face of the earth. it does not provide health care for its people. i strongly urge my colleagues to vote no on this rule. the underlying legislation, and demand that we passed the senate bill. i reserve the balance of my time. from texas isn recognized. >> mr. speaker, thank you very much. many important points about not
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only the law that was passed, but about maybe some comments about what we are doing here. i have great sympathy, respect for men and women, people, children, seniors who are born with diseases that sometime m&a during their life. i do agree with the gentlewoman in aour government public/private partnership or working with states provideeeded to, must coverage to people who may have been uninsurable. this is where for years there have had been a big debate in washington about how to best do that. the facts of the case are real simple that every time we had an
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opportunity in the republican party to get that done, it became a point of decision- making by the senate and they blinked. the house many time passed all sorts of bills that would allow people better to be employed across state lines, better ways to make a larger team size for insurance so that risk pools would have a better opportunity to be managed. but instead of us taking care of some 23 to 30 million people who , thein this circumstance bill aimed at 230 million people. i put rules and regulations and restrictions on business and hiring and it was less about coverage and more about the hammer from washington dc.
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there are lots of examples of this, but one of them might be the i tab which was the independent payment advisory group, which did democrats wrote into law that could not receive any legislative or judicial updating. you could not challenge the law that they decided on of benefits and payments. thisis just one part of outrageously expensive and overbearing healthcare bill. we've talked about that. expensiveed about how it is and how it is causing business -- delta air lines is an example -- they have got a very good plan, but they came to the administration in february this last year and said it is going to cost delta air lines $100 million more just the first
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year. now, that is not helping people, that is highway robbery. ,hat is harming business harming the free enterprise system. speaker, i am for balance, i am for reasonableness, i am for opportunities and so is my party. but we are not for diminishing the greatest economy in the world by arbitrarily doing it with the one-size-fits-all obamacare that not one republican voted for and that democrats are still gleeful about. today, we've been here for quite some time as a gentlewoman admitted. day after day, what kind of relentless about this because we are worried about what is happening. we have seen employment figures, higher taxes, more spending, more government. oh by the way, indecision along .he way
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the administration really can't figure out what they're doing. what we are saying is we think everybody ought to be into the same bucket that employers are in. , we've already delayed it so we should do the same for individuals. and we are going to shut down the government over that? that is the question. down theng to shut government, republicans, because we want to put individuals on the same footing as what president obama gave a pastor business? mr. speaker, i'm from texas. and i recognize that we like freedom and opportunity and less taxes and more opportunities. by golly we employ a lot of people. i think the whole country
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sees this. but the whole country sees is the reasonableness that the republican party comes to the floor and we're going to keep the battle going to say we think everybody, at least individual, ought to be treated the same as business. we think the president of the united states made a mistake and we are politely today trying to , mr. president, can we please fix that mistake? can we please give to the individuals of this country, men and women who pay their taxes and work hard, can we give them equal representation with what you gave to people who run businesses? a business guy. but i'm also an individual. that is why the republican party is doing what we're doing, mr. speaker. we're not asking for anything that is unreasonable. as a matter of fact we are -- if
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we could hurry up we could quickly get this to the floor we could vote on this. an explanation is necessary. reasonableness, common sense and doing the right thing. that is what the republican party is here doing. that's what a great speaker john boehner is doing. that is what our awesome senate majority leader eric cantor is doing. we are going to bring to the going to passe this it says we believe the same thing that happens to business where the obama administration was not ready for them and so they gave them a pass for a year. re-think the same thing is true for individuals. i reserve my time. >> the gentlelady from new york is recognized. >> i wrote yield three minutes to the man from massachusetts. >> mr. speaker, here we go again. as she looked up at the clock,
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we see there is only six hours and 10 minutes to completely unnecessary and economically harmful government shutdown. i don't see the junior senator from texas on the floor, but i assume he is signed off on the related people republican strategy because he seems to be the one calling all the shots around you. so i say to my republican friends, enough. enough of the high and cheers on the floor. it is time to put on your grown- up pants and do your jobs. it is a job that should've been done months ago. the house passed a budget, the senate passed a budget, but instead of going to conference committee to hash out the numbers, the republican leadership refused to appoint conferees. they refused to negotiate. as result we are here on the edge of a cliff. there isar to me that a majority in this house, to passan and democrat
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the clean s. for the life of me understand why the republicans don't declare victory with the sequester and let us get on with the business of governing. part of that governing is assuring that the affordable care act works as well as possible for all the american people. it is the law of the land. it is going to stay that way. neither the senate nor the president is going to accept any changes. let me say a word about the so- called future amendment that is included in this bill. the fitter amendment does make the people who work for us live like everyone else, in fact it singles them out for special punishment. helpys to the people who us draft legislation, who answer the phones in our offices and who respond to constituent mail, who help a veteran get his benefits or a high school student apply to the military academies that unlike every federal employee, their employer will contribute a share to the
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health insurance. it is a lousy lousy thing to do. i faked my colleagues, if you want to see an exodus of smart dedicated people away from congress, of both parties, if you want to see this place get even dumber, then by all means pass the fitter amendment. otherwise we should treat it like the cynical talking point that it is an voted down. it is time for our republican friends to put on their grown-up pants and do the right thing. i urge my colleagues to reject the rule, reject the underlying bill and pass a clean s. sierra. the gentleman from tennessee is recognized for one minute. i thank the gentleman from texas for yielding me this time. this rule and the village brings to the floor also make sure the people know that we in the
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congress will not receive any type of exemption or special benefit under obamacare. for some reason, the national media has given the president a free pass by not calling on him to compromise or even negotiate at all to help keep the government open. the republicans have compromised and have voted to fund the entire government except for only one bill, obamacare. if a republican president was refusing even to negotiate, he would be criticized to high heaven by the national media. we simply are trying to treat ordinary individuals the same delay toive the same individual americans that was given to big business. i think this is a very reasonable and moderate approach that republicans in the house have taken. i thank the gentleman for yielding me this time. the gentlelady from new york is recognized.
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>> the gentleman from colorado is recognized for one and a half minutes. >> here we are, t minus six hours and seven minutes to the shutdown of our federal government, the greatest country on the face of the earth was such a dysfunctional congress that we can't even keep our own government open. we will be voting on a bill tonight that will lead to a government shutdown. is it because we have a separat in the power constitution. it takes compromise in working together to move forward as a country. these positioning bills or find a month or two before a month or two before crisis, but was six hours left, all this bill that we will be voting on tonight will cause a government shutdown. i encourage my colleagues to reject this rule so that we can
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get to a serious discussion about keeping federal government open rather than forcing a the federal government tonight, which is what will occur if the house of representatives passes this bill. the gentleman from texas. this time i would like to yield one minute to a favored son of mack from texas mr. poe. again will vote to fund the government, not shut it down. 20 fund the government, we're going to do two things that are notairness, that does discriminate against special folks. one thing, we're going to let everybody get a postponement for a year. why should big business be treated better than the individual citizen? it shouldn't. plant's postpone the whole for one year. and also, why should special
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folks in washington get exemptions? like the white house. the white house staff, members of congress, members of congress's staff. leadership staff, committee staff. rulesuld all be under the of the law that is passed. obamacare and obama is not under obamacare, neither the white house, neither the cabinet members, neither the staff. why not? we should not discriminate and that is the way it is. am pleased to yield one minute to generally from texas ms. jackson lee. >> mr. speaker, we are on the brink of a shutdown, a brink of
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sending this nation over the cliff. tonight i speak to the american people and to my colleagues. we had a very simple task. the task of mercy and grace, a task of adulthood and recognition of our responsibility to keep his government open. i'd like to shun the party of marie antoinette and let them eat cake for those who is say let's work and play while rome is burning. or maybe even the former republican presidential who said wechmann are smiling, we got just what we want, a shutdown of the government. i would like to shun that kind of attitude and ask my colleagues to join together in a simple task. to support the clean continuing resolution that would fund this government as we are obligated to do under the constitution, we have the pursestrings in the house, to make sure that the
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government works, to make sure that our women and children are served in our veterans are served, to make sure that our parks are open. all we have to do is stop going .ver the top i would like to yield to the distinguished gentleman from texas. thank the chairman for the recognition. i felt obligated to come to the floor tonight to set a few things straight. all the words that have been spoken about the amendment from the senator from iowa that was in the original affordable care act that was signed by the president in march of 2010 but like so many things that were in the bill that was signed by the president, there were errors. it really wasn't ready for prime time, it was hastily pushed to
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the senate, never went to any server process and house. law. cut signed into as a consequence, senator grassley has been concerned about this and he spoke just said that the --ginal amendment requiring he didn't intend for them to lose the employer subsidy. he said it is frustrating. if they had let those of us who knew anything about healthcare draft this amendment, we would not have the controversy. the senator says that the democratic majority leader did not properly address the language for his amendment, omitting language that would have allowed us to keep employer contributions while in the exchanges. he said that the office of permanent management rule was in line with the amendment despite not being his. senator grassley went on to say, you understand when we adopted an amendment to the senate finance committee, unlike other committees it is not in legal language.
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we describe it, but then it went to the majority leader's office and when they put the statutory language in, they screwed it up. truth,want to know the that people who didn't know what they're doing. i don't know what their intent was, the senator continued, but regardless of how was worded was that we in congress need to go into the exchange so we would have to go through the same red tape as every other citizen. that is really what we're doing here tonight. we are saying that that concept, and members of congress go through that same red tape has every other citizen in this country required to do. we can talk about things that have been delayed in his belt. maybe we should spend a few minutes talking about that. to shortns have tried circuit parts of the affordable care act. but it has been the president himself was been the delay or in chief. and people forget that there was a federal program set up under the affordable care act.
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that program closes doors to new applicants the first of february this year. the press has never held the president to account for that. we urge about the caps on out- of-pocket expenses. but mr. speaker did you realize that those caps were in fact suspended by the administration? .ery little press about that so all of the heralded good things in the affordable care act as you know what features it will have that made the -- >> hr 3210. an act making continuing appropriations for military paid in the event of a government shutdown. the gentlelady from new york is
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recognized. the gentleman from maryland is recognized for two minutes. >> thank you very much, mr. speaker. a simple question. why is a speaker of this house denying this house the opportunity to have an up or down vote on a clean continuing resolution to keep the federal government operating tomorrow not allowingice he a vote? lies in not allowing democrats and republicans together to have a vote on keeping the government open? if he had that vote, it would pass. it would pass in a bipartisan basis and the government would still be operating. apparently this bigger is afraid that we would actually pass a bill to keep the government allowingwhy is he not
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the people's house to do the peoples business? missing this play out across the country in the last couple of weeks. you have a far right extreme tea party element in the republican party that is dictating what is happening here on the floor of this house. is running the show on the floor of his house. mr. speaker, but you just quicken it up and pass senator cruz the gavel and let him run the house? why is it that this group of members wants to shut down the government? tomorrow, millions of americans are going to get access to affordable healthcare. millions of americans are from thenefitting affordable care act. bent onans are so
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blocking that from happening, on preventing those millions of americans from getting access to affordable care, that they are prepared to shut down this government. is a scandal. mr. speaker, the other thing i cannot figure out, if i can have another minute, the other thing that is really puzzling, is well colleagues want to block the affordable care act, access to exchange with a little help for those who are stretched thin and can afford it. our republican colleagues want to shut down that part and other important parts of the affordable care act. guess who the republicans kept in their own budget? they cap the medicare savings. and theer mitt romney vice presidential candidate
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saying those are going to be the ruler of the country. guess what, they kept the savings. guess what us this saved. they kept the same level of revenue that would be generated by obamacare. just check the heritage foundation statement. every penny of revenue from obamacare, that level of funding is assumed in the republican budget. here we have republicans around the country saying they have a balanced budget which is balance -- which ish, care balanced because of obamacare. get it done tonight. thank you. >> i do appreciate my dear friend, the gentleman from maryland coming in speaking, but i want to say something real fast if we can, mr. speaker. governmentfund the thatd part, this is to say
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the president of the united states gave a pass to business not enoughs because content and information was provided to business to let them know how it is supposed to work. but we are not going to do the same for individuals. that is what this legislation says. we are going to fund the government. we're are not trying to stop having people from receiving to say givee trying us the same opportunity because the individuals that it does i do have a great sense of responsibility about them. more thatthousands of will be harmed by what we're that this not a balance republicans can put up with. .he overriding effect so in fact we are here, i can
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look myself straight in the mirror. mr. speaker, we are trying to do the right thing for the american people. the gentleman from georgia. the gentleman from georgia is recognized for three minutes. >> by thank you for his leadership in the rules committee. within your night after night after night. i colleagues on the democratic side of the aisle, we had a opportunity to work together. i'm a hard-core right wing georgia republican. i want to keep the government open. ofon't think there is one you over there who questions my word that i am here today to keep the government open. otherere are also concerns. the biggest frustration i've the mr. speaker is that president doesn't want to talk with me in my 700,000
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constituents about our priorities for america. clearly our bilateral system in card grace -- in congress. the president has been saying over and over again as we come up on the brink of a government shutdown, i will not negotiate. i will not negotiate. so often is so easy for my friends to characterize republicans as being folks who are just looking for a fight. i have been down here with my republican colleagues as they have passed a bill to fund the government and completely repeal obamacare. there with mywn republican colleagues and they passed a bill to fund the government to just delay the most troublesome parts for year. i am back here again with my republican colleagues with a bill that will fund the government but simply prevent
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individual mandate from compelling individuals to engage in behavior they didn't want to engage in and to ensure that all americans have access to the same set of rules that are applying to congress. i don't know how to be any more fair than that. harry reid said we don't need to have any more conversations. we have more serious problems in keeping the government open. the president just gets to decide how it is going going to behat is the way america runs, we no longer have a constitutional republic, we have something very different. we are here on the floor today to keep the government open. we are here today to continue to try to negotiate. i am very proud of what my chairman has done and the rules committee in terms of bringing us together, trying to build a program that unites people rather than divides people.
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you have to be seeing the same , deltaes and saying airlines dropping employees, home depot dropping employees, ups chopping employees, kroger dropping employees. you have to be seeing that and it has to hurt you in the same way it hurts me. let's come together and solve that problem. this is a step in that direction it much more negotiation to be done and hope we will do over the next few weeks. the gentleman from texas reserves for the general rated from new york is recognized. >> i'm delighted to yield one minute to the gentleman from illinois mr. davis. >> i have been told that when the grass isht, bruised. when democrats and republicans fight beyond what is reasonable, the people are hurt and many of them will not survive.
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it is time for us to move beyond this debate. somebody said the other day that was justiceys denied. i can tell you that treatment for stroke victim delays. treatment for cancer, treatment for dialysis, treatment and for liver illness, delayed. all of those are trips to the early grave. it is time to vote in the senate .esolution forget about shutting down the government and breathe life into our process and life for the american people and i yield back. >> to gentlelady from new york reserves. as >> some of my favorites in the democratic party are taking her chances to come down tonight.
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this spirited debate and opportunity by the very best of the democratic party is here and i admire these men. and began serving with mr. davis 17 years ago and he is one of the most honorable and respected man -- members of this body. and i'm delighted that he has come down. this time i would like to yield two minutes to the gentleman from the six district of florida . >> thank you mr. speaker. one of the realities of obamacare is that millions of americans are going to lose their employer-provided health insurance and be put into exchanges. pages,look to the 2500 there's actually a provision that makes congress he did some cooking. it takes congress voted on in 2010 out of the congressional and federal plan and puts them into obamacare exchanges. as you get close to give reckoning, october 1 and january 1 from they change is fully take
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effect, a lot of people around you don't like that. as we were leaving for august recess, the administration issued a ruling through the bureaucracy granting subsidies to members of congress, essentially rewarding their political friends without any basis in the statute and indeed subsidies that americans who get removed from their employer plan will not be allowed to get in the private sector. so i think this rule allows members to go on record. does congress deserve this bailout? the statute was and read and understood. you're looking for an easy escape. you need to go on record and say what you want to get this bailout. should congress believed benefits for its members that are not available to private sector employees who were in the same situation. i think the answer to that is no. i will cite james madison in federalist 57. of aines of the beauty constitutional system is the ruling class can make no law
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which does not have its full operation on them and their friends as on a great mass of society. congress should not be treated differently. this rule allows members of this body to go on record, so i'm glad that the chairman has written it. i thank you for giving me time. >> a german from texas is recognized for one minute. for well over one year, republicans have forced our country to lurch from one political crisis to another. us over a they cost billion dollars in a manufactured crisis over the debt limit. they began new year's day with a last-second pullback from a plunge over the fiscal cliff and now they're up to their old shenanigans of shutting down the government and that manufactured crisis is just a few days before the next one they manufactured
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over the full faith and credit of the united states. this is nowhere to run a congress and it is no way to run a country. is the sameh out path that allowed us to escape the disaster on new year's day. the sameo permit action that we took that finally got relief for the hurricane sandy victims. the only way we passed the violence against women act that is to let majority rule apply on the floor this house. until we do that, we will have a crisis. what we have to do is in the hammerlock of the shutdown .aucus in the republican party when the speaker finally let majority of this house
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i yield back. the gentlelady from new york reserves. the gentlelady from new york is recognized. thank you mr. speaker. i'm delighted to yield to the gentleman from new jersey. thank you mr. speaker. the senate passed a budget in
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the senate. there is an attempt to bring the two parties together in the conference to work out the difference to their be a budget. the house republicans refused to start that negotiation. they came back after labor day, became pretty obvious that we're going to reach his point on september 30. a government shutdown unless something was done. the republicans opened the bidding by saying that they always do what they want to lower spending and they want to get rid of the healthcare bill. what happened since then between house and the senate is the senate has said, all right, we would take the full level of spending but we will keep the healthcare bill. you get one thing you want you don't get both things you want. that is a compromise. on auld be voting compromise this evening and in the government shutdown, because if it were on the floor it would pass. we have a chance in a couple of -- we have a chance to
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make that happen. on themembers vote no question that is about to come up, it will have a practical effect of getting rid of this proposal and putting on the senate floor, on -- on the house -- let's vote on the compromise. let's get the chance to let the people work their will and end this ridiculous government shutdown the looms over the country. the gentleman from texas reserves. >> mr. speaker, i am delighted to yield one half minutes to general from new york, mr. jeffries. house has once again exposed its extremism for all of the american people to see. underliestion that
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this rule is dead on arrival in the senate and will not be signed into law by the president and so what we have embarked on his a few legislative joyride that will only and in the government shutdown it will hurt children it will hurt children, the military families, the military, senior citizens, and our economy. this is an unnecessary shakespearean tragedy. why are we continuing to fight a battle that you have already lost? you lost a in 2010 legislatively when the congress has the affordable care act. you lost it in a court of law when the supreme court in 2012 declared the affordable care act and you lost a politically last november when the president was reelected to a second term. why are we continuing to litigate an issue that is already been resolved? it is time to confront reality.
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the affordable care act is the law of the land. let's move on and get back to doing the business of the american people. >> direct remarks to the chair. >> i continue to reserve. >> mr. speaker, i am pleased to yield to the gentleman from minnesota. mr. nolan.


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