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tv   Public Affairs  CSPAN  October 2, 2013 5:00pm-8:01pm EDT

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shutting down the government. what we need is democrat-led government shutdown to stop and for senator reid to drop his tactics and to restore these programs. thank you and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman from georgia reserves. the gentlelady from connecticut. ms. delauro: i quickly say to my colleague from georgia, and i know he knows this, that congress instructs the secretary on how it should be used. with that let me yield one minute to the gentleman from minnesota, mr. ellison. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from minnesota is recognized for one minute. mr. ellison: you know, mr. speaker, it reminds me of the case where someone stole another person's coat and then came back and offered very pie ousley to help them -- piously to help them find it all the while knowing it was stashed away. we're here for one reason and one reason only and that is the republicans object to the affordable care act and refuse
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to fund the government unless it is defunded. how many times have we heard delay, defund and all that little jingle they do? that is why we are here. and now we have people coming to the floor piously urging for funding for d.c. and young people and all this kind of stuff. you know, it's as if they didn't know that when they shut down the government that d.c. and young people and n.i.h. were going to be cut. obviously they knew it. did they just find out after they read their bill? no, they knew it. they knew it all the time. they know it now. and we can solve everyone's problem by putting the clean c.r. on this moment. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentlelady from connecticut reserves. the gentleman from georgia. mr. camp: mr. speaker, if i we have how much time left? the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman has 2 3/4. the gentlelady from connecticut has 1 1/2. mr. camp: mr. speaker, i yield
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myself 30 seconds. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from georgia is recognized for 30 seconds. mr. kingston: it scares me to death that america is going bankrupt. our national debt is 100% of the g.d.p. for every dollar we spend, 42 cents is borrowed. obamacare adds to that $1.7 trillion. if we don't get control of our spending, then we are not going to have an america as we know it. that's what this fight is about. now, what we're trying to do today is say, there are tiny steps in which there is an agreement. and the n.i.h. is one of them. we've already done this for military pay. this bill should not be a stretch. it should have widespread bipartisan support. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman reserves. mr. kingston: if i could say to my friend, we have one more speaker who will close, and so if you'll go ahead and -- ms. delauro: i'll close and
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then you close. we got another speaker. mr. kingston: we'll reserve the right to close. ms. delauro: yes, you have the right. is it just you? mr. kingston: actually, i'm going to yield the balance of the time to dr. harris. ms. delauro: i see, dr. harris is going to close, is that correct? the speaker pro tempore: -- . delauro: it's still in the -- mr. kingston: it's still in the family. ms. delauro: always in the family. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from connecticut. ms. delauro: let me say quickly to the gentleman from georgia, the affordable care act has aunched, it's the law of the land. i'm sorry to tell you, friends on the other side of the aisle, get over it. it is the law of the land. what we have here is really quite frankly a reckless behavior on the part of the majority, and what you have done is to shut this government down and instead of wasting time trying to play politics
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and instead of cherrypicking important programs like the n.i.h. to fund, we should be working on a budget for the entire government, open government and move to negotiation. with regard to health care issues, i think it's important to note, and that's why we shouldn't be opening the government on a piecemeal basis. we need a comprehensive short-term continuing resolution that keeps the entire government open and at work. what other activities are engaged in health that we are bypassing or ignoring or don't believe they have any priority? center for the disease control, 2/3 of their personnel are now on furlough. mportant programs like protecting public health going by. monitoring for flu, other infectious diseases, promoting and coordinating immunizations, assistance to state and local
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epartments and detecting and responding to disease outbreak, better detect chronic disease, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and, yes, cancer. food and drug administration, you sent the staff home. our food safety is in daunger. first time hiv-aids and other -- mental health services. if you care about health, open the government and negotiate on a long-term c.r. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time has expired. the gentleman from georgia. mr. kingston: mr. speaker, i'll repeat that if i could get a democrat party member to co-sponsor a continuation of the c.d.c. i'd be glad to work together to move that bill. with that i yield the balance of the time to the distinguished committee member, dr. andy harris from maryland. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from maryland is recognized for the balance of the time. mr. harris: thank you very much, mr. speaker. when the president and senate shut down the government yesterday, i don't think they realized what was going to pediat t the n.i.p. for
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ric cancer patients. we get to solve the problem today. you see, mr. speaker, during the temporary lapse in funding, the department of justice guidance for continuing government operations includes activities that protect, quote, the safety of human lives. so although over 40% of the office of the secretary were exempt from this furlough, strangely enough some lawyer in the executive branch decided that pediatric cancer patients seeking to enroll in research at n.i.h. don't merit those services necessary to protect, quote, the safety of human life. now, look, i hope everybody here disagrees with that interpretation. having taken care of many pediatric cancer patients in my medical career and being a parent, we know that pediatric cancer deals with the safety of
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human life. mr. speaker, interestingly enough, to their credit the open health state stayed so if you have a cold you get treated. but if you have cancer you don't. the lab animals at n.i.h. are being taken care of but those with pediatric cancer do not. i hope we agree they should be. this bill protects children seeking to enroll in cancer problems at the n.i.h. the president and senate have already accepted a state-by-step approach when they accepted legislation over the weekend to fund our men and women in uniform during this lapse in funding. that bill was signed into law with bipartisan support, and this bill should be signed into law with bipartisan support so that we can help those cancer patients, especially those 30 children or so a week. now, look, i admit, because of what the senate majority leader said today that we may have a tough hill to climb with this
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bill in the senate. but the house has to do what is right. even if for only one child with rests with life the n.i.h. i yield back my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. all time for debate has expired. pursuant to house resolution 370, the previous question is ordered. the question is on engrossment and third reading of the joint resolution. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. third reading. the clerk: making continuing appropriations for the national institutes of health for fiscal year 2014 and for other purposes. the speaker pro tempore: the question is on passage of the joint resolution. all those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, he ayes have it. >> -- mr. kingston: i request the yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: those favoring a vote by the yeas and nays will rise. a sufficient number having
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arisen, the yeas and nays are ordered. pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, further proceedings on this question will be postponed. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from idaho seek recognition?
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mr. simpson: i call up joint resolution h.j.res. 70, a joint resolution making continuing appropriations for the national park operations, smithsonian institution, national gallery of art and the united states holocaust memorial museum for fiscal year 2014 and for other purposes and ask for its immediate consideration. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the joint resolution. the clerk: house joint resolution, joint resolution making continuing appropriations for national park service operations, the smithsonian institution, the national gallery of art, and the united states holocaust memorial museum for fiscal year 2014 and for other purposes. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to house resolution 370, the joint resolution is considered as read. he joint resolution shall be debatable for 30 minutes equally divide and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the committee on appropriations. the gentleman from idaho, mr. simpson, and the gentleman from virginia, mr. moran, each will control 15 minutes. the chair now recognizes the gentleman from idaho. mr. simpson: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and
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extend their remarks and include extraneous material on h.j.res. 70 and that i may include tabular material on the same. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. simpson: mr. speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. simpson: well, here we are again, mr. speaker. we were here yesterday with republicans trying to open the government back up and the democrats opposing opening the government back up. mr. speaker, i rise today in support of this important legislation to fund the operations of the national park service, the smithsonian institution, the u.s. holocaust museum and the national gallery of art. mr. speaker, i spoke yesterday on some of the effects of the government shutdown which began a couple days ago. with each passing day, we hear of more and more impacts resulting from the shutdown across the country and in our nation's capital. i want to remind my friend on the other side of the aisle that all 401 national park service units in the united states, 19 smithsonian museums and galleries, including the national zoo, the holocaust museum and the national gallery of art remain closed to the public. this legislation, if adopted, would reopen these national
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treasures to the american public. mr. speaker, the government shutdown is having a real impact on real people and on the national economy. i remind my colleagues that it is estimated that the local $200 is losing up to million a day with the national zoo, smithsonian museums, holocaust museum and the national gallery of art and other popular attractions closed to the public. this doesn't even begin to measure the national and international impacts of these closures. think of the families, the veterans groups, the group of students who all have saved for months and in some cases years to travel to our nation's capital across the country to visit the aaron space museum, the lincoln memorial, the world war ii memorial, sports theater or the national gallery of art. this government shutdown has a real impact on real people. think of the families who made reservations to visit yosemite or yellowstone or the statue of liberty and now find these national parks shuttered today.
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this government shutdown has real impacts on real people. think of the impact the government shutdown is having on ford theater, one of the most hallowed national historic sites in our country. t only are tourists denied entrances, but it's forced it to be shut down. think of the young people that have a national park service permit to get married at the jefferson memorial this saturday. their families are arriving from all over the country, over 130 people, for what should be the happiest day of this new couple's life. but because the government shutdown, they are not able to t married at the jefferson memorial and and are scrambling to find an alternate location to get married. let's pass this bill so millions of americans can enjoy our national parks and this couple can get married at the jefferson memorial. there's a photo on the front page of today's "washington
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post" showing national park service employees putting up barricades around the martin luther king memorial on the national mall. remember, this is an open area, accessible to the public, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year and we are putting barriers around it. just down the street, barricades were put up around the world war ii memorial, again, a memorial accessible to the public 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. fortunately, these temporary barriers didn't stop members of the greatest generation in their 80's and 90's, many of them in wheelchairs, from storming the barricades so they could witness the memorial built in their honor of courage and sacrifice. tourists visiting washington and many furloughed federal employees are today finding actual physical barriers to prevent them from experiencing our open air national monuments honoring lincoln, jefferson, king and our world war ii heroes.
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at some point, congress and the president will overcome their differences over federal funding. but isn't it ironic and even cynical that when the government shuts down the president's administration actually builds physical barriers at sites that are otherwise open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year? how cynical is that? now, some people say they put those barriers there to protect them from vandalism. so we use the park police to put up and protect the barriers but not the monuments. that doesn't make a lot of sense to me. the. to my friends on the democratic side of the aisle, if you seek a solution to this government shutdown, if you seek a bipartisan solution, mr. president, you could start by tearing down these barriers. . why are the house and senate
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democrats denying the american people the right to visit these treasured sites. to my colleagues, i will close with this thought, by opposing this legislation, you are voting to keep our national parks closed, keep yellowstone closed, statue of liberty closed,ford's theater, smithsonian, national zoo, holocaust museum, national gallery of art, all closed. we should not be using our national parks, the smithsonian, national zoo, holocaust museum and national gallery of art as hostages for the democratic my way or the highway shutdown and this is what this is. you either agree with us or we will shut the government down. we just simply wanted to go to conference. but no, that's not good enough. we can't go to conference and talk about these differences, so let's shut it down and that's
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what the democratic party has done. this is a commonsense bill and i encourage my colleagues on both sides of the aisle and let's reopen these national treasures. the speaker pro tempore: the the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the gentleman from virginia is ecognized. mr. moran: mr. speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. r. moran: mr. speaker, as yogi bera would say it is deja vu all over again. the majority rushed to the floor this very bill to partially open the smithsonian, holocaust museum and national gallery of art. we had a spirited debate and the house failed to pass this bill. but now here we are back again debating the very same bill.
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it was a bad idea yesterday, and it certainly hasn't improved over the last 24 hours. i'll explain why. because instead of reopening the entire federal government or even the entire interior department, the majority has resorted to sing willing out publicly visible programs for action while leaving thousands of important functions of government shut down and hundreds of thousands of federal employees furloughed. it's time to stop using federal employees as pawns in this cynical game. mr. speaker, this g.o.p. act of desperation is evidence of how politically bankrupt their position has become. it is degenerating down to picking winners and losers among federal workers. the american public is getting burned and some of the political heat is finally getting to the republican majority. so now they would allow workers
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at the smithsonian, holocaust museum and the gallery of art and a few of the employees directly involved in the operation of our national park system to return to work. do they really think that this is going to save them from the public's wrath? under this bill, thousands of national park service employees involved in historic preservation and national recreation programs and maintainance and construction still remain furloughed. what about the furloughed employees of the bureau of land management and the furloughed employees at the fish and wildlife service, the 18,800 furloughed employees in the forest service, 16,000 furloughed employees of the social security administration? doesn't the majority support the important programs that they carry out? we should value all of our federal employees.
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we should value the scientists at the u.s. geological survey and health professionals at the infectious disease control and immunization control, just as the park ranger and museum workers. how do you explain to the library of congress workers they are less important than their smithsonian counterparts. i want to see them opened as do all the democrats on this side of the aisle. we want to open the government and we would vote today to do so if you would let the bill come to the floor. because we want to see all the wildlife refuge system open. 155 national forests, 866 areas of the national landscape conservation system reopened. but are keeping all those closed. does the majority believe that those are not important, that they don't deserve to be opened
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and the public should be able to use those national assets? this bill is a band-aid and won't staun much the open rage that the public is beginning to feel. the american public depend on the work that federal employees do. this is a quick fix to deflect the political heat the majority is facing. this idea of picking and choosing, which ones are allowed to operate and which ones remain shut down is politically bankrupt. i implore my republican colleagues to abandon the junior enator's from texas' plan. the president has reafffirmed he would veto these cherry picked bills. so this is a waste of time. people are out of work and we are wasting our time on this.
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we could just have 20 republicans, less than that vote on a clean c.r., it would pass. the government would open today. and you won't do it, because you're afraid of this ideological extremist faction in your party. it's time to stop these guys. the house g.o.p. needs to let our hostages go and go on with the real business of governing and vote on a clean c.r. and reopen the whole government. i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the gentleman from idaho. mr. simpson: he is unwilling to put his constituents back to work. i would be happy to yield to the chairman of the natural resources committee for two minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. mr. hastings: i rise again today in support of this resolution. while it's understandable that during this shutdown, some services would be limited in
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some parks and visitors' centers. i believe this administration is going out of its way to take unreasonable and unnecessary steps to block public access to parks and monuments. there is absolutely no reason by open-air parks and monuments here in washington, d.c. should be barricaded off. these are places that are outdoors, where people are allowed 24/7, 365-day access to these memorials. why are they closed now? furthermore, memorials that weren't closed during the last government shutdown in 1996 have been barricaded today. this administration is choosing to do this. it wants the effect of this government shutdown to be as painful as possible and the worst example of how the obama administration erected field barricades to keep our world war inch i veterans out of the memorial. these men are national heroes who flew here.
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the park service knew they were coming. they didn't deserve to be greeted by armed national park police when they were at the entrance. now, mr. speaker, it doesn't cost the federal government a single penny to let these veterans walk around this outdoor open-air structure, but ironicically. the federal government is spending money to keep them out. it may be costing more money to keep the visitors out than it would to let them in. and to add further insulate to injury, the obama administration isn't applying this policy consistently. while highly visible monuments are barricaded off, others are open. they are choosing which to keep open and which to close, further proof that they are playing politics. this bill today would end these type of political games and further, mr. speaker, -- 15 seconds. the speaker pro tempore: the
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gentleman is recognized. mr. hastings: as chairman of the house natural resources committee that has jurisdiction of our national parks, we have started investigation into why this administration did these precise actions, and with that, i thank the gentleman for yielding and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the gentleman from idaho reserves. the gentleman from virginia. mr. moran: mr. speaker, how much do we have on either side? the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from virginia has 10 minutes, the gentleman from idaho has 10 3/4. mr. moran: i yield a minute and and a half to the ranking member of the appropriations committee, mrs. lowey. mrs. lowey: i rise in opposition to the republican shutdown, of course we support funding for our national parks, but the hues has not had that opportunity because republicans couldn't advance their own combror bill out of the their own interior
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bill out of the committee. and allowing all of our food inspectors to continue to protect the american food supply. and today's bill doesn't even include funding for essential fiferinge efforts for the park service. funding one budget at a time while doing nothing about other clinical services is no way to fulfill our constitutional responsibility to keep the government running or grow our economy. the bill we are considering is nothing more than a republican ploy. it would not be necessary if republicans had not been so reckless throughout the budgetary process forcing us into a shutdown. we could end the shutdown today if the majority would allow on the senate-passed bill to keep the government running, which includes the funding levels that republicans support and would be signed by the president. pass the bill today and the
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couple can get married at the jefferson memorial and the 200 patients who would be admitted to the clinical trials would not be turned away. the house majority apparently can't take away the heat from the fire. so they put this political attempt to shift blame for the shutdown. end the shutdown now. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time has expired. the gentleman from virginia reserves. the gentleman from idaho. mr. simpson: i yield to a valuable member of the subcommittee, interior subcommittee, mr. calvert one and one half minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. calvert: today marks the second day of the government shutdown, a shutdown that i and my republican colleagues oppose. the shutdown made necessary because our friends on the other side of the capitol refuse to negotiate or compromise. in an effort to find common ground, house republicans are introducing narrow funding bills
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for government services that are completely noncontroversial. americans who plan their vacations around national parks are severely disappointed this week. i was pleased i was able to take constituents from my hometown on a tour of the capitol this morning because all the other d.c. tours had been canceled. many americans have been forced to cancel their plans. yesterday a group of world war ii veterans, you heard about, bypassed the s, barricades outside the world war ii memorial in order to see the memorial built in their honor. other veterans scheduled to visit the memorial next week were told by the national park service that they would be arrested, be arrested if they attempted to view their memorial. this is not right. we have a chance to come together on a bipartisan basis to alleviate some of the hardship of this shutdown. the bill before us would fund the operation of the national
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park service, the smithsonian institution, holocaust museum, national gallery of art. i urge my colleagues to support the bill. honor our parks, and mr. president, ter down these barricades. thank you and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. members are reminded to address all remarks to the chair. the gentleman from idaho reserves. the gentleman from virginia. mr. moran: i'm honored to yield 1 1/2 minutes to the democratic whip of the house, mr. hoyer, from maryland. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. hoyer: friends say they want to keep the government open. we say we want to keep the government open. my friends over on this side sent a bill over that had $986 billion in funding. we agree. what's the problem? we need to open all of the
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government, as the gentleman from virginia said. we have a responsibility to reopen all of our government, not just a little here and a little there. house republicans shut the government down and now they're worried about having to answer for it. these piecemeal bills are on this floor because republicans are realizing that yes, there are real world consequences to a shutdown. now they are engaged in a gimmick to fund only those pieces of government that the media or their constituents notice immediately. but by picking winners and losers, republicans are ignoring critical agencies and functions across our nation. we need a full reopening of government in order to provide head start for our children. our head start children less important than someone visiting our parks? perhaps those are your priorities. nutrition assistance to women and families.
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law enforcement agents who keep us safe. 70% of the c.i.a. that are on furlough today now, right now. and we need to put people back to work to ensure our food is safe and small businesses can get the loans they need. mr. speaker -- may have an additional half second -- 30 seconds. mr. moran: i yield 30 seconds. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. hoyer: mr. speaker, put the senate's clean compromised bill that gets our government open, the government of the people of the united states, and then let's go to conference on the budget as democrats have long called for to resolve our differences and achieve a long-term solution. a shutdown is not a political strategy. it is a failure for our country. we need a government that is open and that works for all of our people. let us have a vote on the
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senate's bill to reopen our government at the number you put in your bill that you sent to the senate, on which we will now agree and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman from virginia reserves. the gentleman from idaho. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized for 2 1/2 minutes. mrs. miller: thank you, mr. speaker. anytime there's any sort of disagreement with congress that president obama does everything he can to make it hurt the american people as much as is possible. earlier this year when we had the sequestration, when that took effect, the white house immediately slammed the doors on the american people and they ended the public tours at the white house. and yesterday, the obama administration even tried to slam the door on the world war ii memorial to the heroes who stormed the beaches of normandy andy woe jeema. but -- and iwo jima. what great patriots they are.
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interesting to note, that the world war ii memorial is open 24 hours a day, but it's only staffed part of that time. so instead of actually leaving the memorial open, the obama administration actually spent extra money to keep our heroes out and they pay the park police to enforce that. we are about, mr. speaker, to vote that to problem to open up our parks, to open up our memorials and the smithsonian institute. i know the democrats say they will vote against this bill because they want an entire clean c.r. or nothing at all and yet they are calling us the absolutists. i ask, mr. speaker, who are the absolutists? really? is it those of us who want to open the grand canyon today or yellowstone park or is it those of us who want to keep those closed until they get everything that they want? who are the absolutists? is it those of us who want to have the statue of liberty's
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light shine bright or is it those that want to keep that light snuffed out until they get everything they want? i would hope that the senate will join us in allowing those who drove through those barricades put up by the german army in normandy to visit the world war ii memorial without having to drive through the barricades put in place by the obama administration. i hope my friends on the other side of the aisle put aside their absolutist demands and put the american people ahead of the line. open up their parks. and open up their memorials. and let them celebrate this great, great nation of ours. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields back the balance of her time. the gentleman from idaho reserves. the gentleman from virginia. mr. moran: it's my great pleasure to yield a minute and a half to the distinguished lady from minnesota, distinguished member on the interior appropriations committee, the gentleman from minnesota, ms. mccollum.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from minnesota is recognized for a minute and a half. here we go again. they don't have a coherent solution to the shutdown crisis they created. with this bill, they're proposing funding tore our national parks and museum but not the bureau of land management nor the fish and wildlife, and stopping the spread of asian carp. families hoping to visit the minnesota daly national refuge are being met with a closed sign. nothing in this bill will change that. i'm confident that every member here wants our national parks open, and i applaud the tea party commitment for funding the national gallery of art, but i have beater idea. the house should pass a clean c.r. to fund the entire federal government for all of america. we can do that today with the support of common sense republicans and democrats to
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end this g.o.p., this grand old party, shutdown. and with that i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields back. the gentleman from virginia reserves. the gentleman from idaho. mr. simpson: mr. speaker, as i said yesterday, i'm now pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman who represents what may be one of the most beautiful places in this country, yosemite national park, the gentleman from california. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from california is recognized for one minute. mr. mcclintock: i thank the gentleman again for yielding. last night, mr. speaker, the house attempted to reopen our national parks, and 22 democrats defied their party leaders and joined with the majority to provide for this vital relief. the little towns around yosemite national park depend on tourism for their economies. they're still reeling from the yosemite rim fire that brought tourism to a near stand still earlier last month. when tourists are needlessly barred from our national parks, all of the vendors, all of the concessioneers, the lodge keepers and shopkeepers and all of the surrounding communities
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are devastated. they have to lay off employees and often have to close. and unlike government employees, these taxpaying, job-generating, private sector working people never get paid back when it's all over. having already agreed to spare our military from the effects of this impasse, why would anybody object to funding other critical functions while we wait for the larger issues to be resolved? i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the gentleman from idaho reserves. the gentleman from virginia is recognized. mr. moran: how much time do we have on this side, mr. speaker? the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from virginia has 5 1/2 minutes. the gentleman from idaho has two. mr. moran: ok. at this point we will yield a minute and a half to the ranking member of the natural resources committee, mr. defazio of oregon. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from oregon is recognized for a minute and a half. mr. defazio: i thank the gentleman. so when the republicans passed their shutdown bill, did they not know it was going to close
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down the national parks? yeah. they thought the american people would rise and applaud their move to shut down everything that relates to the government. instead, they have gotten a big raspberry, if not an invitation to read between the lines. they're a little bit surprised and shocked. now, what did they leave out of this bill? yeah, we'll reopen some national parks. they left out 155 national forests, 20 national grasslands, seven national monuments, 28 job corps civilian conservation centers shut down. that's thousands of kids working hard to get an education, get skills thrown out in the streets. you ever visit one of them there? i can't believe you guys would shut that down. 440 wilderness areas. 560 national wildlife refuge areas, including blocking out hunters and fishermen? come on, guys. all b.l.m. campgrounds. there's only one reason why this bill is on the floor and that's because their constituents love iconic national parks and monuments. as republicans just learned
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much to their chagrin. they can't take the heat from the government shutdown they're responsible for. what's next? this is whack a mole. how about our capitol hill police that are guarding us every day who have not gotten paid, will they put them on the list? when are you going to take care of them? put the whole government back to work now. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. members are reminded that they are to address their remarks to the chair. the gentleman from virginia reserves. the gentleman from idaho. mr. simpson: mr. speaker, i am now happy to yield one minute to the gentleman from colorado, mr. lamborn. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from colorado is recognized for one minute. mr. lamborn: and i thank the gentleman. mr. speaker, i rise today to speak in favor of reopening our national parks and museums. this morning i met with some of our great world war ii veterans down to the world war ii
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memorial at our national mall. one of these veterans, 97-year-old eugene morgan of west memphis, tennessee, and came with his son, jeff. they were met with obamacades and not allowing them to visit the memorial, their memorial. it's open air. it's normally accessible to the public 24 hours a day all year round with little or no staff. it was built using private money. veterans have been planning for months to visit this memorial. this may be the last time they come back east to see it. other americans are trying to visit national parks all around the country, including in my home state of colorado. but it's unacceptable that we are closing parks, some of which don't even need staff. for many of our elderly veterans, this might be their last opportunity. mr. president, these parks belong to us, take down your barricades and let the people in. i urge my colleagues to support
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this bill and open our national parks to the american people. thank you. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman from idaho reserves. the gentleman from virginia. mr. moran: it's my great pleasure to yield one minute to the ranking member on the education and work force and the former chair of the natural resources committee, mr. miller from california. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from california is recognized for one minute. mr. miller: i ask unanimous consent to revise and extend. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. miller: the chairman of the committee says that we should think of the impact before we act, that we should think of the impact of the parks before we vote begins this bill. did you think about the parks when you voted to cut -- shut down the government? ? d you think about the impact the gentleman from montana yesterday came to the floor and said it's hurting the local economy. the gentleman from california came and said the towns around yosemite. was he thinking about that when he voted originally to shut
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down the government? he was prepared to sacrifice the local economy. he was prepared to sacrifice the towns around yosemite when he was on the jihad against american citizens getting access to health care. he was fully prepared to sacrifice the parks and the economy and fire recovery. but you know what you found out in the last 24 hours? that millions of americans went to find health care, to sign up for health care, to get access to health care. and millions of americans decided that you're doing the wrong thing in shutting down their government. so when you were on the jihad -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. mr. miller: shutting down the parks wasn't a problem. shutting down n.i.h. wasn't a problem. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. mr. miller: mr. chairman, they thought it was -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman is out of order. the gentleman is out of order. mr. miller: oh, ok. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is not recognized.
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the gentleman from virginia reserves. the gentleman from idaho. mr. simpson: mr. speaker, i am disgusted that the gentleman from california would actually use the word jihad on the floor of the house. we should all reject his comments and he should be censored but i won't call for it. i reserve the balance of my time. i'm the last speaker. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from idaho reserves. the gentleman from virginia. mr. moran: i'd like to yield 30 seconds to the gentleman from ohio on the appropriations committee, mr. ryan. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio is recognized for 30 seconds. mr. ryan: i thank the gentleman. we heard in the last hour or two people worried about lab rats at n.i.h., the zoos closing down. they're worried about kids -- cancer patients at n.i.h., just a few, but if we want to provide health care to all children so that no family has to worry about it, we don't hear anything but a defunding proposition from the other side. you want kids to go to the zoo, but if we want to provide them
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health care, you guys are m.i.a. now, you've been called -- you've been called whacko birds by your own party. so it seems to me there is one oo open and that's the house republicans. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman from virginia reserves. mr. moran: i don't reserve because my friend from idaho is reserving until he has his -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from virginia is recognized. mr. moran: i'll yield 30 seconds to the gentleman from new york, mr. meeks. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york is recognized for 30 seconds. mr. meeks: you know, many americans were born at night, but they weren't born last night. you can't fool them. there is an old saying, you can run but you can't hide. we're here for one reason. the members of the majority party don't like the affordable care act, and that's the whole reason we're here. they want to stop the
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affordable care act. it has nothing to do with anything else. all of america is held hostage because they do not like the affordable care act. but you can run but you can't hide. you can't hide from the fact that you closed down the government. you can't hide from the fact now suggesting you put a few up that the government is not totally shut down. you can run but you can't hide. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman from virginia. . mr. moran: mr. speaker, i would like to yield 30 seconds to the distinguished the gentleman from new jersey. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. holt: i thank the ranking member of the subcommittee. now why the republicans say are we not eagerly endorsing their plan. suppose comes in your neighborhood and builds a fence around your fence and won't let you in. two days later and come to you and say, we've modified your
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house and let you into one room and they can't understand why we don't embrace that deal. that's what you are offering here. of course we should be funding the national park service. of course we should be funding the c.d.c. and food inspections. bring up the clean c.r. and we will do it. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman from virginia. mr. moran: i yield 30 seconds now to the distinguished gentleman from new mexico. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. lujan: the house republicans aren't fooling anyone. with hunting season in new mexico, the republican bill does nothing to open federal lands on the b.l.m. or forest service. they are turning a blind eye to the small business owners and guides that depend on hunting season. hunters call the house republicans and tell them to c.r. n the clean senate
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. the gentleman from virginia. mr. moran: the gentleman from idaho continue to reserve? the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the gentleman from virginia. mr. moran: i leave myself the balance of the time, to share with the house the fact that the national wildlife federation, america's largest conservation organization said it best, house members from both sides of the aisle know that the votes are there to pass a clean continuing resolution. speaker boehner should do the right thing and allow an up-or-down vote on the bill. the problem is that these votes shouldn't be necessary. if, in fact we were going to open the government and not keep it shut for weeks on end, you wouldn't be doing this. this would all be moot. the reason you're doing this is to have some excuse to continue the shutdown. that's the problem with these
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votes. and the other problem is that you voted to shut down the national parks. you did it last week. you voted to shut down the national institutes of health. you did it last weekend. you voted to shut down the veterans administration and now you want to reopen just them. we voted against shutting down those agencies. we voted against shutting down the government. give us a clean vote. let's stop this nonsense. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. members are reminded to address all remarks to the chair. the gentleman from idaho. mr. simpson: how much time do i have remaining the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. simpson: we are pretty good friends and share a lot to our interior subcommittee, what it remipeds me of when i listen to my colleagues on the other side of the aisle, if you say something long enough, maybe you will get the american people to
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believe it. no one over here voted to shut down the government. every time we passed the bill and sent it to the senate, it was to keep the government operating. did it include more? yes, it did. we keep sending them things. timely what we said is let's go to conference. but no, they won't talk to us so the distinguished minority whip from maryland says, let's do this, pass our idea, do it my way and then we'll negotiate. well, that's just backwards. we need to go to conference and settle our differences and get a bill that keeps the government operating. that's what everyone wants to do. it is not a republican shutdown. is a democratic my-way-or-the-highway. and that's what the minority party has done here. i would encourage my members to support this bill. and i thank the chairman
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. all time for debate has expired. pursuant to house resolution 370. previous question is ordered. the question is on engrossment and third reading of the joint resolution. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. third reading. the clerk: house resolution making continuing appropriations for the smithsonian institution, national gallery of art, national holocaust museum for 2014. mr. van hollen: i have a motion to recommit. the speaker pro tempore: is the gentleman opposed to the joint resolution? mr. van hollen: in its current form, yes. the clerk: mr. van hollen of maryland moves to recommit house joint resolution 70 to the committee on appropriations with instructions to report same back to the house with the following amendment. strike all after the resolving clause and insert the following, that upon passage of this joint resolution by the house of
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representatives, the joint resolution, house resolution joint 59 making continuing appropriations for fiscal year -- mr. van hollen: i move dispensing with the reading. mr. simpson: i object. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will read. the clerk: for fiscal year 2014 and for other purposes as amended by the senate, shall be considered to have been taken from the speaker's table and the house was to have recreeded from its amendment. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from idaho rise? mr. simpson: i reserve a point of order. the speaker pro tempore: the point of order is reserved. the gentleman from maryland is recognized. mr. van hollen: if we really want to keep the national institutes of health open, if we really want to keep the national parks open, if we really want to help our veterans, there is an easy way to do it right now, and
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that's for the speaker of this house to allow the members of this house to have a vote, to have a vote on the very simple proposition, are we going to keep the entire federal government operating now, because that would pass if in the people's house, we were given that opportunity. so we have a very simple question, mr. speaker. why is the majority afraid of democracy? why are they afraid of allowing this house to work its will? because if we had a vote, we could make sure the entire government was kept open. i mentioned earlier that i have the privilege of representing the congressional district that's home to the national institutes of health. these are scientists doing important work, they aren't republican or democratic scientists, but all smart people. and i have heard from them and they said, are you kidding? we aren't going to be fooled by
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this piecemeal approach. they understand if you want to help n.i.h., you vote to make sure the government stays open. and they have kids. they want to keep the department of education as well and they want to keep the department of health and human services and department of veterans affairs open. why is the speaker not allowing a vote in this house? i think we all know the answer. here's what the "washington post" said the other day, house republicans hope to use cruz's plan b. here's what it says, adopting a strategy first suggested by senator ted cruz, house republicans are pushing a new approach that would break up the federal spending bills. once again, senator cruz is in charge of this house, and you have a reckless minority blocking a vote of the majority, a majority of republicans and democrats. now earlier today, we learned that the republicans in this
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house went so far as to change the standing rules of the house. the rules of the house, when you have a situation like this, would allow any one of our members to get up and move and ask the house to vote on the bill that would keep the whole government open. that's the standing rules. but our republican colleagues changed the rules that says only a republican member. in fact, only the majority leader can bring that up and allow us to vote. that's not a democracy. this is the same approach we are hearing from our colleagues when it comes to paying our bills on time. they want to fund a little piece of government at one time, they don't want to pay all of our bills. they say let's pay china first. let's not pay medicare doctors or our troops in the field. let's not pay all our bills, let's just pay some of our bills. let's pretend we are going to
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cherry-pick some pieces of government, so the rest can shut down and die on the vine. my constituents are not fooled. my constituents who work at n.i.h. are not fooled. they don't want to be used as pawns in this game and they understand full well that we could get this done tonight, that we could keep the whole government open now. and all that needs to happen is the speaker to let us vote. if the speaker and republican colleagues want to vote to keep the entire government shut down, go for it. do it in the light of day. let the american people see that that's what you want to do. but for goodness sakes, explain to the american people why you won't allow a vote to keep the government open. that's all we're asking for. that's all we're asking for, republicans and democrats come together and have a vote. the gentleman mentioned that, well, the house had voted on this, but they also indicated
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that they added these attachments like shutting down affordable care for all americans. let's have a clean, simple vote, just like we should also have a vote to pay our bills on time, for good goodness sakes. we have tried to have negotiation on the budget. at every turn we have been blocked. the speaker didn't apoint negotiators and in the senate we were blocked. they ran out the clock, ran the country up against the wall and said, you know what? we want it our way or the highway. we want you to shut down the affordable care act or we're going to shut down government. we want you to pay china first and not pay our troops. guess what? we are going to collapse the economy. mr. speaker, i just ask that we vote yes to keep the government funded now. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman from idaho.
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mr. simpson: i insist on my point of order. i make a point of order against the motion to recommit. this motion is not germane and as such is a violation of rule 16, no motion or proposition on a subject different from that under consideration shall be admitted under the color of amendment. this motion deals with the proposition unrelated to the matter addressed by the joint resolution and brings in a matter under the jurisdiction of the committee on rules, which fails the committee of jurisdiction test and therefore, is a violation of rule 16, clause 7, and i ask for a ruling from the chair. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from maryland? mr. van hollen: i'm trying to understand why a motion to keep the entire government is not in order on this measure. why would that simple proposition to -- why would the rules have been written in a way that a simple motion to keep the entire government funded now would not be in order in the
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people's house? why would it be written in a way that this house cannot work its will in keeping the government open. this is the people's house. why would a rule be written in a way that we cannot have a vote to keep the entire government open now, tonight? we apparently have a rule in this house that says we are shutting down democracy tonight. we can't have the opportunity to have a vote to keep the government open. that's what's happening here. let's not play any games, my colleagues. you know if we had a vote tonight, it would pass. the speaker pro tempore: the chair is prepared to rule. the chair has heard argument. mr. van hollen: i would like to be further heard. as i understand -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman may proceed. mr. van hollen: as i understand what the ruling was, it was
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because this measure before the house is limited to one little tiny sliver of the government that a motion to keep the entire government open is not in order, is that correct? is that correct the speaker pro tempore: the chair is hearing argument on the point of order thrfment has been no ruling. mr. van hollen: i'm sorry? the speaker pro tempore: there has been no ruling. do you have argument to be made on the point of order? mr. van hollen: yes. my argument is that our government is a whole and the question is how can you say that it would be totally irrelevant to the purpose of funding government operations to offer a motion that would keep all the government operations opening now? how can that be? the speaker pro tempore: the chair is prepared to rule. mr. van hollen: i'm trying to understand how it is in this house there was a rule that was written that would deny the majority the opportunity to
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vote. the speaker pro tempore: this is not the proper time to answer questions. the chair is prepared to rule. the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. mr. andrews: mr. speaker, my understanding of the principles of germaneness is that the underlying subject matter of the bill has to be the subject matter of the motion to recommit. we have heard repeatedly from the authors of this bill that they believe it is necessary to fund what they view as vitaly important services. we have a difference of opinion. we think everything in the budget is vital for the united states of america and should be funded. our concept of what's vital is different than theirs. but if the germane issue is funding what's vital, then why isn't the motion to recommit germane? the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman makes a point of order that instructions proposed in
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the motion to recommit are not germane. the joint resolution extends a certain class of funding within a portion of fiscal year 2014, namely funds for the operation of the national park service, the smithsonian and national gallery of art and the national holocaust. the instructions propose an order of business in the house relating to funding for all agencies and departments subject to the annual appropriations process through remainder of the fiscal year. among the fundamental principles is the amendment must confine itself to matters that fall within the jurisdiction of the committee with the jurisdiction over the joint resolution. the joint resolution addresses the appropriation of certain funds. the subject matter falls within the legislative jurisdiction and accordingly the house joint resolution 70 refers to that question committee. the instructions contained in the motion to recommit proposed an order of business for the house. that subject matter falls within the legislative jurisdiction of the committee on rules. for example, the chair would
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note the referral of house resolution 424 of the 106th congress, a measure that contained a similar order of business to the committee on rules. by addressing a matter within the jurisdiction of a committee not represented in the joint resolution, the instructions proposed to an amendment that is not germane, the point of order is sustained. mr. van hollen: i repeal the ruling of the chair to keep the government open now. the speaker pro tempore: the question is shall the ruling of the chair stand as decision of the house. for what purpose does the gentleman from idaho rise? >> i move to delay the repeal -- to lay the appeal on the table. the speaker pro tempore: the motion is on a motion to table. all those in favor of taking this vote by the yeas and nays will rise and remain standing until counted. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. the motion is not adopted. mr. van hollen: on that i ask for the yeas and nays, a recordsed vote. the speaker pro tempore: the yeas and nays are requested. all those in favor of taking this vote by the yeas and nays will rise and remain standing until counted. a sufficient number having arisen, the yeas and nays are
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ordered. members will record their votes by electronic device. pursuant to clause 8 and clause 9 of rule 20, the 15-minute vote is on the motion to table, will be followed by five-minute votings on the passage of the joint resolution if arising without further proceedings in recommital and the passage of house joint resolution 73. this will be a 15-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the speaker pro tempore: on this vote, the yeas are 230, the nays are 194. the motion is not adopted -- the motion is adopted. the question is on passage of the joint resolution. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. >> i ask for a recorded vote. the speaker pro tempore: a recorded vote is requested.
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those in favor of a recorded vote will rise. members will record their votes by electronic device. this is a five-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the speaker pro tempore: on in this 252, the nays are 173. -- on this vote the yeas are 252, the nays are 173. without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid upon the table. the unfinished business is the vote on passage of joint resolution 73 on which the yeas and nays were ordered. the clerk will report the title of the joint resolution. the clerk: house joint resolution 73. joint resolution making continuing appropriations for the national institutes of health for fiscal year 2014 and for other purposes. the speaker pro tempore: the question is on the passage of the joint resolution. members will record their votes by electronic device. this is a five-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the speaker pro tempore: the yeas are 254 and the nays are 171. the joint resolution is passed and joint resolution is -- and the motion to reconsider is laid upon the table. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from virginia seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that the committees on the judiciary and foreign affairs be discharged from further consideration of h.r. 3233 and ask for its immediate consideration in the house. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the bill. the clerk: a bill to extend the
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period during which iraqees who were employed by the united states government in iraq to temporarily increase the fee or surcharge for processing machine readable nonimmigrant visas. the speaker pro tempore: is there objection to consideration? does the gentlewoman from texas reserve the right to object? ms. jackson lee: i'm not going to pursue my objection, but i want to congratulate the chairman and our committee for what i think is an enormously important visa, helping people who have helped us, particularly in iraq. and with that, i yield back my
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time and withdraw my objection and thank the judiciary committee for its work. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the bill is engrossed, read a third time and the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. for what purpose does the gentleman from virginia seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent that members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and insert extraneous materials on h.r. 3233. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, so ordered. the chair will entertain requests for one-minute speeches. for what purpose does the gentlelady from florida seek recognition? ms. ros-lehtinen: ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. ms. ros-lehtinen: mr. speaker, i chondrial d of mighter
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diseases. staff and his wife has been diagnosed with this syndrome which has left him unable to move his fingers and toes, putting him in constant need of mechanical support to breathe and revenue trishon. they were informed that their baby son would live only a few months, as there were no known medications, but thanks to the experimental treatments that he is receiving from columbia university medical center, medical care at johns hopkins hospital the doctors have established a discharge date for
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mid-october. an unimaginable expectation just a year ago. i pray for him and babies like him every night. and i urge all members to contact our office to make sure that they can learn more about these diseases, by becoming a part of the the caucus and let's look at him and save him and countless others, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from south carolina seek recognition? >> seek permission to address the house for one minute and revise and extend. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. clyburn: mr. speaker, we all know that for a full day now, we have been hearing all kinds of anecdotes what may or may not have taken place yesterday as people were signing up yesterday
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for the first time for the affordable care act. i want to share with you a little bit of information that comes from los angeles, california. it took three hours, but andrew managed to be one of the first people to purchase health insurance through obamacare's new insurance markets. he is 34 years old. lives in los angeles and does freelance work. he pays premiums of $600 a month to keep his cobra plan that he had on the job which he left four years ago. he is diabetic and has been denied insurance because of a pre-existing condition. he says, although it took him three hours, this plan is now saving him over $6,000 a year, and in his words, but for that,
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i would have waited all day. a lot of us will. thank you so much. and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlewoman from indiana seek recognition? >> ask permission to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. >> mr. speaker, i rise today to remind the american people why we are here. we are here because the president and the senate democrats refuse to negotiate. we learned yesterday and even today about the challenges of signing up for obamacare. they're everywhere. information technology i believe will be obama's akillees heel. they were greeted with messages, wait here. the system is down at the moment. yes, gliches can be expected whenever a new system is
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started, but obamacare is not ready. americans weren't ready for the employer mandate and not ready for the individual mandate and not ready for the middle device tax. it will harm the economy. it already has. and so what we are for is for the senate and the president to negotiate and we are ready to reopen our government when they do. thank you, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from louisiana seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. fleming: mr. speaker, obamacare, on its first day, is emblem attic of what we can expect from obamacare in the future. already providing to be an economic disaster. businesses are cutting back on full-time employees. some people are losing their
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jobs. many are losing their hours as well. for businesses with less than 50 employees, obamacare has become a massive disincentive for growth. the cost of health insurance premiums are skyrocketing. one report says people in louisiana who don't get federal subsidies will see higher rates for coverage. in fact, they will be paying more for health insurance than the cost in most other states. the implementation of obamacare is proving to be the train wreck that even democrats have come to expect and leaving our economy on edge with job creators wondering how they will make it through more taxes, more mandates and regulations. obamacare is a devastating threat to our economy and it needs to be stopped now. and with that, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition? mr. poe: ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without
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objection. mr. poe: mr. speaker, obamacare discriminates and gives special treatment to special friends of the administration. 1,200 waivers of special folks, but not waivers for everybody. it also treats big business better than it does individual americans. it delays obamacare one year for big business, but not individuals. that is discrimination. treat everybody the same. waivers for all or no waivers for anyone. you have delayed implementation for one year for big business, delay it for individuals as well. it's interesting. if obamacare is good for everybody, why isn't obama under obamacare and his staff and the cabinet? put everybody in obamacare. that is why we have this fight, because obamacare discriminates, and it's a fight worth having. defund it until everybody is
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treated fair. no discrimination. and that's just the way it is. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition? >> permission to address the house for one minute and revise and extend. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. the gentleman is recognized for one minute. r. lamalfa: mr. mr. lamalfa: republicans believe in a smaller government, a less intrucive government, and so it shouldn't be a surprise when we step forward with ideas on budgeting, on spending, that we would want to pick and choose things that we think are appropriate for the government to do and not fund the things that are inappropriate. that's the situation as we view it with the obama health care takeover. we see that it doesn't work, we see it's going to be horrendously more expensive. what really disappointing me, though, observing the last few days as a newer member here, is the decorum on this house floor.
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the yelling, the name calling, the pointing, even the way the desk was addressed here earlier today. i mean, i think the american people expect a discourse that is a little more honorable than all the yelling and the name calling. so, if we want to have a discussion, which republicans do, with our colleagues on the other side of the aisle, with the senate, with the white house, we need to do it in a way that actually makes it attract to have talk to each other. i'd like -- attractive to talk to each other. i like to watch motorsports. if everybody was bashing each other off the track, you wouldn't have a sport, you wouldn't have a game. this is much bigger than those types of games here, yet we don't have a discussion, we don't even have a way to have a discourse with all the name calling. so i'd ask for this body to do better. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlewoman from texas seek recognition? without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized for ne minute.
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ms. jackson lee: mr. speaker, yesterday i heard the story of a mother who had lost her son, who had a pre-existing condition. and was not able to get insurance. only when a benevolent hospital took him in and determined at the time that he had stage three cancer, because he had no insurance, because he had needed a colonoscopy. if he had had obamacare, he would have had the ability at least to get insurance without worrying about the pre-existing condition. emotions are high, but for the right reason. there is no reason to eliminate obamacare as being discussed on this floor, tied to opening the government back up. all the republicans have to do is to pass with the democrats a clean c.r. so that people might live. their story is like taking away the civil rights laws that
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president johnson helped pass, because they did not like it, they would hold up the government and close the government. for me, this is a civil rights for all americans. to have the right to live. to have the right to have health insurance. it is not a budget issue. it is a issue to be done down the road. vote for a clean c.r. mr. speaker, there are a lot of emotions because this is about life and death. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: are here further requests? under the speaker's announced policy of january 3, 2013, the gentlewoman from kansas, ms. jenkins, is recognized for 60 minutes as the designee of the majority leader. ms. jenkins: thank, mr. speaker. i am proud to be -- thank you, mr. speaker. i am proud to be here this evening with my colleagues to host the republican leadership hour. we are going to talk to the american people about the
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damaging taxes levied against them by the president's health care law. the cost to consumers, the i.r.s.'s role in enforcement of these tax provisions, and the rocky implementation of the law. the president's health care law contained 21 new taxes. many of which will impact low and middle income earners. together these taxes represent a trillion-dollar tax hike. at a time when american families certainly cannot afford it. and although it became law in 2010, the two lynch pins of the law, the employer mandate and the individual mandate, were not scheduled to be implemented until 2014. my colleagues and i have consistently expressed our concerns to the president and our democrat colleagues that these two taxes would present both an undue economic burden on our constituents and a logistical nightmare for the
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administration to implement. on july 2, the administration announced in a treasury blog post that it would delay enforcement of the employer mandate by a year, until 2015. one administration official said that the president justified this decision to delay this tax on business because it began, and i quote, listening to businesses about the health care law. i've been hearing from businesses about this tax for three years and i'm sure the president has as well. i'm glad that he saw the light. i'm also pleased that the house came together in a bipartisan manner yesterday to pass a bill reaffirming the decision to delay the employer mandate tax for a year. however, a delay of the employer mandate will not give any relief
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to individuals who do not have employer-sponsored health care. nor will it give any relief to employees who have already been converted to part-time status by their employers in anticipation of the employer mandate. these american families will still face this excise tax, even though the president is giving big business an escape hatch. we believe the administration has set up a double standard for compliance with this unpopular law and that is why the house is working to delay the individual mandate as well, until 2015. as things stand now, on day two of open enrollment, the house care exchange is -- the health care exchanges in many cases have simply not been ready. a report issued this summer by the government accountability office found that many of the state health care exchanges will not be operational and will
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complicate individuals' efforts to comply with the law. i know that many of the members speaking today will share stories they've gathered so far and my state of kansas has been a good example of the confusion that these delays are causing. officials are already counseling my constituents to wait to purchase benefits for a few weeks, until the exchange's cinks are worked out. i find this unacceptable. additional the administration has announced -- additionally the administration has announced that the subsidies available to individuals while purchasing insurance will not be verified by the federal government and that individuals will have to self-report information regarding their income. this paves the way for fraud and abuse of taxpayer dollars. finally, at the heart of this law is the i.r.s.'s role in enforcement of the president's health care law. this is an agency we all agree
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is mayered in scandal, or maybe even worse, a culture of incompetence. we do not think this is the appropriate time to be increasing the i.r.s.'s work load with enforcement of these new taxes, and questions abound about the security of taxpayers' information in the federal data hub. i look forward to spending time with my colleagues this evening discussing these issues and at this point i would like to yield to my friend and colleague from oklahoma, congressman mullen. mr. mulvaney: thank you. thank you for this opportunity -- mulmul thank you. hank you for this -- mr. mullin: thank you. thank you for this opportunity to talk. we're going to take a different approach that this house, this body, those that are sent up here to represent the american
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people, maybe we can look at it a little bit different and take a business approach to it. you see, i've been sitting literally at negotiating tables since i was 20 years old. because of some family circumstances that came in, it forced me to in a sense grow up quick. i took over a very small plumbing company and at that time i had to immediately start going for work and when i started going to work, i'd show up at a table, a bid table and i'd be going across other contractors and we'd be negotiating. the only problem is i didn't know how to negotiate. i sat down with my proposal and i'd say, this is what i'm going to do. and they had say, ok, but we've got to talk about. it i'd say no, i'm not going to talk about it, this is what i'm going to do. you can take it or you can leave it. and i started leaving and i started realizing as i was leaving, i was going broke. literally i was going broke.
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because i wasn't getting the jobs. somebody else was getting the jobs. and then i started figuring out, you know, i've got to figure out how to negotiate. there's a technique to negotiating and that means you've got to know two things when you're going to a table to negotiate. you got to no know -- you got to know, one, what is it that you want? that's vitally important? but what's more important is, two, what is it you can accept? and that's called negotiating. of course we always want everything. but we also got to know what we can accept. and if i never figured out how to accept that certain amount, i would have went flat broke and what's going on with this country? let's think about the comparison between the two. this body of elected officials have forgot how to negotiate.
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we are sitting there, pointing fingers at each other, when our country is literally going flat broke. because we all want something, but what is it that we can accept? we've been so blinded by party politics that we have forgot how to sit at a table and negotiate. i'm literally sitting back as a business owner thinking, are you serious? are we really putting our company, are we really putting america's best interests at mind? here's what the republican party wanted. we wanted to repeal obamacare. we came to the table and we said, we don't want it. take it back. send it over to the senate. the senate says no. they say, we want a clean c.r. or nothing. so we came back to the table and we negotiated among ourselves
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and said, ok, let's delay it for one year. we know it's not ready for primetime. we know this thing's going to be disastrous. let's delay this thing for one year. that's it. send it over to the senate and the senate said, no, we want a clean c.r. or that's it. then we decided, ok, let's at least delay the individual mandate, the penalty to the individual. that's the heart of this. let's not penalize those individuals that can't afford it. let's not pebblize those individuals that -- penalize those individuals that this administration is constantly saying he's trying to protect. let's not -- at least let's not penalize them. if they don't want it, let's believe in american freedoms that we have and not force it upon them and delay it and make sure we get it right. well -- what did the senate say? no. it's my way or the highway.
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at the same time our country is going flat broke. we have three legs of government . we have the house, we have the senate and we have the executive branch. but unfortunately the executive branch is leading the senate. and they're giving them their marching orders. and they won't even come to the table with us to negotiate. even though they're constitutionally bound by that. it says, if the house and the senate can't come together, they're supposed to go to conference and talk it out. and the senate says no. who's losing here? who's losing is the american people. that's who's losing. why both sides are trying to figure out who's going to win. and we're playing with real
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eople's lives. we're playing with individuals' lives and we think it's just politics. it's not just politics. we have to drop the labels and we have got to figure out what is best for this country. if i never figured that out, i wouldn't be the largest plumbing service company in the state of oklahoma today. i wouldn't employ over 120 people with just that one company. i wouldn't be that entrepreneur that is the backbone of this country. instead i would have been flat broke. there's lessons to be learned and we're not. we're going backwards. it's time we stand up and do what's right for this country. it's time for the senate to come to the table. don't just tell us what you want, tell us what you accept and let's start a conversation and let's negotiate.
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thank you so much for yielding the time to me. such an honor to represent the great state of oklahoma. ms. jenkins: excellent. thank you for your words. at this point i would like to yield the floor to congresswoman ellmers from north carolina. rs. ellmers: thank you to my mrs. ellmers: thank you to my distinguished colleague from kansas. thank you for yielding time to discuss the situation at hand right now. you know, -- pull that back a little bit. right now, we're faced with this government shutdown. right now, millions of americans are thinking to themselves, what on erlt is happening in -- on earth is happening in washington. there's a shutdown, this is implementation of obamacare exchanges that took place starting yesterday. you know, the interesting thing is, 47 states are receiving
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frequent error messages on the website. in my home state of north arolina, the obama navigator were grounded and the computer system was shutdown. americans across this country are faced with error messages. on both exchanges run by the state and those run by the federal government. day one, day two, failure of obamacare. so despite three years of time, countless dollars, countless administration officials testifying, hearing after hearing after hearing in the energy and commerce committee, in the ways and means committee, that everything would be ready to go on october 1, for sure, right on track, those were the things that we were told, we are moving right on track. consistently we were told. this is what the people of the country are seeing.
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this is what we're seeing in north carolina. this is day two of obamacare exchanges. they changed up from day one. they added some cute lit isle cons here and it says, we have a lot of visitors on the site right now. please stay on this page. as if you have nothing else to do. just hang out. just stay here. you know, we checked this site throughout the day, just about every hour, to just check and see if it would be up and running and it goes on, it says, we're working to make the experience better. and we don't want you to lose your place in line. we'll send you to the log in page as soon as we can, thank you for your patience. well, yes, america is going to need a lot of patience with obamacare. because if this terrible law, and yes, it is law, but there are bad laws that get passed, if this law is fully
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implemented, health care will be changed forever. you will have to have a lot of patience because you're going to be waiting at the doctor, if you can even find a doctor to go to. you will wait -- will be waiting at the hospital in the emergency room, or wherever you seek care, because the care will not be available. and the care that you will receive will be diminished. we'll all have to have a lot of patience. you know, one of the things i've been doing in my office is tiing to get firsthand accounts of what my constituents are experiencing as they're learning about their health care coverage. if they have health care coverage right now what is happening to them. and i'd like to share a few of those with you. a nice lady by the name of judy emailed me, saying she received a letter from blue cross and blue shield stating that the plan she currently has would no
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longer be available. now if you can flash back a couple of years ago, our president, president obama, said repeatedly, you will be table keep the health care that you have. you will be able to keep the doctor that you have. well, our worst fears are once again realized. judy has had a change and she didn't choose it. someone else did. and it goes on to say that a new plan was chosen for her, where her premiums will go up o -- up from $151 a month to $589 a month. my question is, chosen by whom? it certainly wasn't judy that chose that. it was someone else. it was blue cross and blue shield. somewhere along the way, someone else dictated to judy what she would be able to have. the reason she was given, and this actually was stated in the
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letter, while rates often change due to rising costs of health care, the new rules and regulations of the a.c.a., effective january 1, 2014, contributed to the majority of the increase. it literally stated in the letter that the reason her premiums were going up so significantly was because of the implementation of the affordable care act. another constituent wrote, our self-employed son's insurance went up from $430 a month to $900 a month. that's almost doubled. that's almost 100% increase. we were promised lower costs and more competition. president obama said our premiums would be decreased by $2,500.
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yet i'm hearing the opposite from my constituents. you know, one of the other issues that's happening in north carolina right now has to do again with the exchanges. one of the things we found out about a week ago was that the number of insurance companies that were going to be offering two. on the exchange -- two insurance companies are offering plans. there are 100 counties in north carolina. one insurance company has a monopoly essentially. they can offer plans throughout north carolina. and in 61 of those counties, they have a monopoly. they're the only plan being offered. they're the only insurance company being offered. now, to that -- they counter by say, we're offering multiple plans. but that's not competition. competition is amongst the
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insurance companies that should be provided. we were promised lower rates. you receive lower rates with competition. very simple. very simple. so only two insurance companies providing health care coverage on theno carolinae has a monopoly throug. the other covering 39 counties, so you can see, 61 counties having a monopoly. that's not fair. how is that fair? as my colleagues and i have been saying over and over again, this law is not ready for primetime and it never will be. that's the sad part. it is never going to measure up to what we were promised. even as changes have been made to it, it still is lacking. it's filled with tax increases. it's filled with mandates. this isn't the plan that we
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should be following for health care. you know, i'm a nurse. i dedicated my life to health care. i came here to washington to fight obamacare. i never wanted to run for office before. but in summer of 2009, when the president was on the road telling us all about the health care plan that he wanted for america, my husband and i -- my husband is a general surgeon. we practice in our small town. we said, we've got to go out and speak on this. one of the things the president also said was that overwhelmingly doctors and nurses were in favor of this plan. we said no, mr. president, that is not true. and we started speaking out against it. the same issues that i was raising with the people of north carolina that i was speaking to, back then, are the fears and the realities we are faced with now.
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he costs, the overreach, the inefficiency. all affecting health care. all affecting our economy. the work forest alone, as we know, the work forest is going to be changed from a 40-hour workweek to a 30-hour workweek. we're going to become a part-time america. that's not what our country was built on. and yet that's what we're faced with with implementation of obamacare. that's why we asked for a delay. that's why we believed that every individual, every american, should be receiving the same options that big business has gotten, 1,500-plus waivers given. every american should be able to say, you know what, i think it's a good idea, or no, i don't. why should we not have that choice? why should every american not have that choice? we need to delay it.
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but more importantly we need to put a better system in place. and the system i support, at least at this point is the republican study committee plan for health care reform. it's an alternative plan. it's the american health care reform act that we rolled out a couple of weeks ago. it puts in place all the pieces that we know, one, that the american people want. that the american people feel they need. but at the same time it puts forward flexibility, affordability, it's patient-centered, it's not government run. they're the reforms that have been necessary, complete with tort reform. liability reform. that is such an essential piece. health care savings plan. tax credits for individual whors buying health care insurance. it is the answer to health care reform. you should be able to purchase insurance acrs solutions in health care that we really should be looking for. not given something.
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not told you have to have something. not told that you will be penalized if you do not participate. the whole point of an online marketplace was to provide options. but as we are seeing, this couldn't couldn't be farther from the truth. and i say to my colleagues, thank you, thank you to my colleague from kansas for allowing me to speak my mind on this issue, so important to america. so important to these times with this government shutdown. thank you. ms. jenkins: thank you, congresswoman ellmers. at this point, i yield to my good friend from the great state of kansas, representative pompeo. mr. pompeo: thank you for yielding. i appreciate the time. i imagine, ms. jenkins, you're hearing some of the same things i am as you return to kansas and talk to our constituents.
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this is serious business. we're standing here tonight with a partial government shutdown. and i don't think anybody thinks that's the best outcome for america. i think we all want america's essential, vital services and systems to be functioning, to be up and running. obamacare, that we're ta hs. i find that language offensive and i find it inaccurate. it doesn't represent what we're trying to do. we're not taking hostages. what we're trying to do is take account of what our constituents are telling us. i want to talk about that just a little bit. you know, i tried to get online yesterday myself to enroll in the affordable care act. i was met with a bit of a blank screen and long pause. i did get through to the 1-0-phone -- get through the that 800 phone number was given on the screen. i was told about an hour and a
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i would hear from a real person. and i eventually did. a lady from louisiana answered e phone, she asked why i was call, i said to comply with the federal law. and her system was down too. it's not the case that there wasn't time to get things worked out. i hope the hick cups are the worst medical ailment that comes from the affordable care act. i've heard countless story, i'll recount just three of them, today i received an email from a small employer with about 60 folks throughout kansas. he indicated he just received this week a letter indicating his health insurance pleem yums
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for his business, he's the number two guy in the company, would be up 30% to 40%. he remind me his health care premiums had begun up before but he'd never seen anything like this, a real impact. he's trying to figure out what do you do? how much of that cost gets passed on in co-pays and deductibles to employees, how much cost does the company eat, making them less competitive in the global environment in which they're trying to compete? a real story from a real kansas business impacting real lives. i spoke three weeks ago when i was last back in kansas with a number of folks from smaller hospitals in the rural part of south central kansas. these are called critical access care hospitals. they serve vital functions for less densely populated parts of our country. i was talking about the impact of the affordable care act and they said, things have been tough at these hospitals before. there are times when it's difficult to make ends meet and provide the services that people need. docs come in from wichita and
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kansas city to help, part-time, to provide services to the rural parts of the state. they said after the affordable care act it would be more difficult and almost impossible to keep these hospitals open and functioning and providing these valuable services. real people. and finally i met with a young couple during that same trip home. both of them work. they work at jobs where they were working for 40 hours a week and have now been told it's likely that they won't. they were still working 40 hours a week at the time. their employer had just put them on notice and suggested to them that they begin to look for second jobs or maybe that one spouse should leave the company and go work someplace else. and of course the rational that had been -- rationale that had been provided by these people's employer was that if they continued to have full-time employees, what america's always had is full-time employees, 40-hour workweeks, that there
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would be an enormous cost to that employer and they couldn't keep the business running with a full-time work staff. so here's two folks that had pretty good health benefits, great jobs, 40-hour-a-week jobs, jobs they were happy with, jobs that permitted them to take care of their families and their life is going to be changed. real kansans, real lives affected by the affordable care act. we've seen this kind of thing all too often. i suspect that some of these glitches at the beginning will probably get worked out. but you can't fix provisions like that, without fundamental changes to the affordable care act. i think that's pretty evident. the president had seen this all coming. the president chose to provide waivers for lots and lots of groups, lots of folks who came and said, this is harsh, this is penal, this is not working. and the president said, here's a waiver. here, you can have a change. that's just not the american way. it's not the way that we operate here, where we try and provide health care systems that are the same and fair and equal for all american citizens, and all
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american employers and everyone who is trying to make their way and take care of their own families. these are very real issues. i've seen this fight over these last few weeks. it's no different than the same discussions that have been faking place for three years. i've been -- taking place for three years. i've been here almost that long in congress. where we've been talking about what would happen when this day came. when for the first time people would have to begin to think about what real costs were and what it was really going to look like. and i wish, i truly wish that we had overblown the risk. we had overdramatized what was really going to happen. we had falsely alerted the american people. the affordable care act was going to be a train wreck or a disaster. but sadly i think the evidence as it mounts, as it comes in, demonstrates that we may have underestimated the risk. we may have underestimated how badly this is going to impact the american economy. we may have underestimated how many primary care physicians are going to just say, i can't make a go of this anymore, and leave the practice. and after all, right, it's not about insurance, it's not about
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having a piece of paper or a card that says you're entitled to health care. it's about receiving health care. it's about being fixed when you've got something broken. it's about being cured when you've got something that made you sick. this isn't about paper, this isn't about politics. this is about real lives and kids who need treatment. it's not enough to say it's wonderful, i have this thing called obamacare, but i can't find a physician who will treat me. these are the kind of things that we need to work on and need to try and fix. i'll say this lastly, there's been some suggestion that this is partisan, this is about democrats vs. republicans, this is -- for me, this is not it at all. the president made a statement yesterday, he said, he said this bill was popular, this is why the system was overcrowded and you couldn't get on. he must -- it's not popular, it's a law. these people didn't go on this health care system because they liked it, they did so because they were required to do so. on pain of penalty by the federal government.
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i saw today someone who had been told that if they didn't comply they might end up with a tax lean because they didn't pay a penalty. this is not the american way. this is not a health care system that's going to work. i hope my colleagues will help us. i hope they'll come to see that all we're asking for at this point in time is not what we'd really like, week of compromised already -- we've compromised already, what we'd like to see at this time is we're happy to compromise and settle, just for a short time, just for a delay, to try to make it better, to try to impact those real people, those real kansans who are going to be really impacted by a law that isn't what it was promised to be. thank you for yielding the time. i yield back. ms. jenkins: thank you, congressman. speaking of kansans. when president obama originally touted this health care law, he promised that americans would see their health care kor-uses -- costs go down. and with the rollout of the health care exchanges on tuesday, kansans in my congressional district have finally been able to see that their worst fierce have been
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confirmed. and -- fears have been confirmed. and this promise simply isn't true. health care -- has a county by county breakdown of health insurance premiums offered by the two insurance carriers who agreed to participate in the federally run exchanges. and for a 27-year-old seeking the least expensive insurance option in crawford county or cherokee county in southeast kansas, they will see over a 100% increase in their insurance premiums. over the state average for this past year. things don't get much better in other parts of my district. the same person who lives in topeka and lawrence will see a 62% premium increase over the state average for that same insurance plan for this past year. these are examples that are happening all over kansas and all over the country and it
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makes it clear that the president's health care law will continue to fail to control out-of-control health care costs. with that i would be happy to yield to my esteemed colleague from michigan, congressman walberg. mr. walberg: i thank the gentlelady for yielding time and for leading this discussion of a way forward. i appreciate the fact that we are now in a shutdown of government. that, i fear, has been intentionally perpetrated in order to force something further on the american people. i remember between my first term in office, after being defeated in 2008, to come back here and spending time for the next two years back in my district, and
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in watching my colleagues, my former colleagues, and now my present colleagues, battle and debate on the floor of this great chamber, this great house, this great capitol, but in the people's house, the issue of what was then called the affordable care act. i remember reading about it and listening and speaking with colleagues and asking what their impression was and then ultimately hearing the speaker of the house say ultimately, let's pass this, let's pass it and then we can find out what's in it. and reading the comments of fellow legislators who had not even read this full bill. and understanding that there was much in it, much that ultimately would be found out later on to be an extreme problem. not just to carry out, not just
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to regulate, not just to implement, as we've seen in the last couple of days, and we can certainly assume that there will be break-in problems. to get something this massive, this intrusive, this complicated p and working. but more so the problem of looking at a takeover of 1/6 of our nation's economy, the problem of challenging people with something so complicated that even experts and consultants wouldn't be able to tell them for sure what this would mean to them. but more importantly, the impact , the berty, freedom american ideal. in the last few days, as we've debated in the issue of a
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continuings remainlusion because of the -- debated the issue of a continuing resolution, because of the unwillingness of the congress of the united states toult matly get a budget in place, to move ourselves forward, we come to continuing resolutions. to just move it forward a little bit longer. that's not the way we should be doing it. that's not the way this side of the aisle has requested and fought to make it happen. but when there's an unwillingness to come in alongside and negotiate, come to a table and work something forward, to put through appropriations bills that implement the programs and pay for them, we have a problem. and so now here we are in a shutdown. a shutdown of a making of an unwillingness of the senate, yes, but i think more so the unwillingness of leaders to listen to their people. we've read the reports in the polls. we heard before we went into
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this battle that the american people want this government to fund its basic services. and not to shut down. we've also read in those polls the same people, a majority have said we want to delay or defund or repeal the affordable care act. so we had that as our task. and at the very least to delay to a point that we can see what's in it and take action to amend, to repeal or to completely go to a plan that will work. and so we have veterans of the second world war being locked out of going to their war memorial, except for the fact that members of congress have gone and opened up those gates. i just got a call from a constituent of mine who is here in the capital today and wanted to go over and see the 9:memorial at the pentagon --
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9/11 memorial at the pentagon. we assume that was open, it always is. there's no guard. you can walk into that, that memorial. but that's closed. why? is it because we want to make this problem harder for our citizens than it should be? in order for them to get over the idea of reading the bill, knowing what's in it and then asking for redress from their members of congress who represent them. i went to e-verify's site computer nd i saw a program that's in place, it doesn't take a person to run it, it's operating, it's a system, it's connected to all sorts of data systems. yesterday and today it says, alert, e-verify is unavailable due to the federal government shutdown. for more information, please
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click here. this is what is being done to the citizens of the united to s, to produce the pain the shutdown experience in order to say, uncle, i will give in to a law, yes, it is a law, but a law can always be redressed and changed. and they're asking for us to take the time to look at the affordable care act now known as obamacare. a lady in jackson, michigan, in the heart of my district, called in to our office, our local office and in tears said, here's my problem. this morning my employer, a local provider of home health care, who i've worked for a number of years, for 35 hours, and i make up the difference of my 40 hours i need and beyond by working at a restaurant on the weekends, this employer of mine
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told me today that they're moving me now to 25 hours instead of 35. and why? because of the affordable care act. and she said, it's not affordable to me. because now i will have less income, less hours, how do i pay my mortgage? and how do i buy health insurance? or the auto worker in monroe, michigan, on lake erie in my district, the hartworking guy who said to me at a town hall meeting just a week and a half ago, mr. congressman, i want you to know it that times are tough, i have some great concerns, my wife is sick and i have a $900-a-month health care bill that i have to pay. but i want you to stand firm. and i said, sir, what do you mean by stand firl? he says -- firm? he says, shut down obamacare. give us back our choice, our
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freedom. the 54-employee business in adrian, michigan, who told me last week that -- and they're beyond the level of being able to just simply toss off the insurance to the employees, and they're not wanting to cut from their 54 employees down to below 50, but they received a notice from their insurance company that they were being canceled and when approached they were told it was in preparation for the uncertainties of the affordable care act. that shouldn't be the place, in the state of michigan or any other place in this great country, that shouldn't be the experience. that employers are encouraged to downsize as opposed to continue to expand and i could go through testimony after testimony, similar, of the challenges that have come from the affordable
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care act that has become unaffordable and unmanageable and all we're asking for is the opportunity to work together, to negotiate toward a compromise on the way forward, mr. speaker. that's possible. we passed the bill the other day, unanimously, fund our military. the senate passed that. that shows that if we want to, it can get done this summer, 35 democrats voted with republicans to delay the employer mandate. 17 voted to repeal the medical device tax last week. as recent as last week. we can get things to work if we're willing to set down -- to sit down and negotiate. that's what -- toward a compromise that speaks to the concerns of our constituents.
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seven of the more than 40 bills the house has approved, has approved to repeal all or part of obamacare have been signed into law. and we could go on and on mr. speaker. but i get to a final point of concern for me. with the affordable care act, otherwise known as obamacare, we also have crossed the line into the airs -- areas of our personal freedoms and rights of conscience. yes, i'm a minister by training and background before going into politics. i understand there are religious beliefs, there are denominational beliefs, and there are a lot of differences. but the beauty of this great country, mr. speaker is that we have always espoused the opportunity for freedom of religion and rights of
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conscience, regardless. we have truly had plurality in our country. is yet this one act tromping down on the individual rights of conscience and religious liberties, our first amendment in the u.s. onstitution. former prime minister of the netherlands, back in the early 1900's, by the name of abraham kiper really made this point of where i'm going mr. speaker when he said, when principles that run against your deepest convictions begin to win the day, then battle is your calling. and peace has become sin. you must at the price of dearest peace lay your convictions bare before friend and enemy with all the fire of your faith.
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when we hear of the little sisters of mercy being told they're not religious enough to carry on their rights of conscience in relationship to the affordable care act, mr. speaker, we have a problem. when we have a devout catholic business owner who employs several hundred employees in west part of michigan who is told that because of his rights of conscience, he has chose ton say, we will provide insurance for our employees under the affordable care act or any act but we cannot provide insurance that violates our long-standing, strong held rights of conscience. and courts say because of this ct, no, you can't do that. mr. speaker, it is time to identify the challenges here.
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to read what's in the bill. to implement the changes necessary or go back, i believe, to the first and foremost principle of this great country and that is liberty and justice for all. and develop a program that expands choice, opportunity, responsibility, variety, competition, and ultimately the ability for our citizens, our constituents, the people we serve, care for their lives, their health in the best way possible with their government standing on their side, not in their way. i appreciate the opportunity to speak to this issue. it needs to be spoken to over and over and over again until ultimately we win the day and give back that liberty and opportunity to our american citizens. i yield back. ms. jenkins: thank you, mr. walberg. mr. speaker, i would like to thank you for allowing my
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colleagues and i to speak to the american people about the cons tan stream of delays about the president's health care law, the costly effect it will have on folks all over the country and the rocky implementation it has experienced so far. i believe we've made it clear that this law is simply not ready to meet the needs of the american people. it is unfair to punish regular folks by giving preferential treatment to big businesses, unions, and members of congress. we hope our democrat colleagues will work with us to provide fairness for all and say no to special treatment. i yield back the remainder of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from kansas, ms. jenkins, yields back. under the speaker's announced policy of january 3, 2013, the gentleman from wisconsin, mr. poe can is recognized for 60 --
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mr. pocan is reck noised for 60 -- is recognized for 60 minutes as the designee of the minority leader. mr. pocan: thank you, mr. speaker. am here on behalf of the progressive caucus to talk about what's happening, or not happening, in week in congress. it's been almost exactly 48 hours since the g.o.p. shutdown in this country. 48 hours since 800,000 federal employees have been furloughed. 48 hours since our national parks have been closed. 48 hours sips the small business administration is no longer issuing new loans. 48 hours since the center for disease control won't be able to monitor the influenza season coming up. 48 hours since the national institutes of health has essentially shut down. and 48 hours since we are
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costing the u.s. economy $300 million a day. this isn't a numb the congressional democrats or progressive caucus came up with. this is from bloomberg news. according to bloomberg news, and i quote a partial shutdown of the federal government will cost the u.s. at least $300 million a day in lost economic output at the start. they go on further. government spending touches every aspect of the economy and disruption of spending more than the direct less of income threatens to damage investor and business confidence in ways that can seriously harm economic growth. it goes on to explain two major reasons why we're going to have this impact of $300 million a day. the first is the fact that we have the furloughed workers. again, quote, each day the shutdown drags on, the more federal employees will discount
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the possibility that they will go back to work soon and they will pull back on their spending. specifically one federal employee is quoted as saying the shutdown affects me greatly. i have a mortgage and i'm the sole provider for my two daughters, one of whom is in college. that's what we're doing right now to the u.s. economy by strangling our federal employees who serve this nation so well. but also consumer confidence is directly impacted by this g.o.p. shutdown of the government. again, from the article, if a shutdown drags on, it would start to shake consumer and business confidence more broadly, economist says. household spending accounts for 70% of the economy. further, it says, a shutdown will probably add to the budget deficit because it cost -- it is costly to stop and start programs.
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adding to -- adding to our deficit, costing us $300 million a day, shut do you think essential services people expect from our federal government. we are 48 hours since we've entered this manufactured crisis over the g.o.p. having a tantrum over the affordable care act and taking us all hostage. right now, at this very moment, we could stop this with one single vote in the house of representatives. one single vote can stop the damage to our economy and the shutdown of the federal government. there is a clean continuing resolution that's passed the senate. doesn't have -- does it have everything that i or the congressional progressive caucus wants? absolutely not. there's still -- they're still keeping in the number that's being proposed by the senate, the indiscriminate sequester cuts between now and november 15. but we are willing
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co-compromise and accept something that many of us voted against in the past in order to bring our government back, to bring our economy back in this country. in fact, i think one thing that hasn't been told very much, when you look at the various budgets, once again, this congress has not passed a budget this house has passed a budget, the senate passed a budget, the president introduced a budget but this house leadership has refused to point -- to appoint conferees for over six months to have a national budget. but what was the budget line that the house republicans passed in this house last spring? $967 billion. what did the president have in his proposal? $1.2 billion. what did the senate democrats have? about $1.06 billion. what does this continuing resolution propose for a figure?
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$986 billion. that's over 90% of the way from the president's budget to what the house republicans wanted. only 2% from the number they were looking at. and yet the house republicans refuse to budge and pass a resolution that can end the government shutdown and fix this economy. so why do we have these reckless, irresponsible demands from the tran trum-throwing, breath holding, hostage-taking, tea partying wing of the republican party? well, they think it's a bad idea that millions and millions more americans should now have access to health care through the affordable care act. they have voted not just once, or twice to try to get rid of the affordable care act. we have voted 46 times in this body, 46 times. that they've hold their breath and tried to remove the
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affordable care act. the bottom line is, this congress voted for the law, the president signed the law into -- signed it into law and the supreme court has upheld the law. s the law of the land. no matter how much some people may not like it. no matter how many times they've held their breath over this and brought this congress to a vote. it is the law of the land. but because of that, they are willing, and have, shut down the u.s. government. and completely un-- a completely unacceptable answer to their issue. there is the compromise solution i have talked about. a clean continuing resolution has already passed the senate with a simple vote of this body, mr. speaker, a simple vote of this body, it would go directly to the president and be signed into law. no other delays. not the delay tactics we've seen for the last two days with a bunch of votes that meant othing in this body.
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with one vote, we end the government shutdown. mr. speaker, take yes for an answer. we are willing to compromise and do this. we demand a vote. we demand a vote and an opportunity in this house to end the government shutdown. but for some reason, speaker boehner will not bring this bill to a vote. we tried today. through parliamentary procedure they blocked us from having the ability to take that vote. well, you know why they won't schedule this for a vote? because they know if they brought it to the body, it would pass. and the tea party wing of the republican party, as small as sometimes it is, would lose. here's the bottom line. i know that people as they watch this whole debate and you hear from everyone are confused. who is saying what?
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what's the real truth on this? the bottom line is the facts don't change. the affordable care act is the law of the land. despite 46 times to repeal it, it is still the law of the land. with the government shutdown, it is still being continued today as the law of the land and all we're doing in this hostage taking is hurting our economy and hurting the people of this country through a government shutdown. so when people are confused, i have to admit, i'm confused. i'm one of the new people around here. when i look at this, i tell people recently i feel like i serve in the nation's largest kindergarten only this kindergarten has control of the federal checkbook and nuclear arsenal. it's scary to think that this body refuses to end the government shutdown through a simple vote, a simple vote on a clean continuing resolution. what's even more confusing is that it's not just the democrats who are willing to compromise but there are now 18
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republicans who have said they are willing to vote for a clean continuing resolution. they are willing to end the government shutdown thravepls 17-vote margin on the republican side and more than enough people have said they will vote far continuing resolution should they be able to. representative tweeted out from the state of virginia, tweeted out twice, first he tweeted out, we fought the


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