tv Capitol Hill Hearings CSPAN October 2, 2013 8:00pm-1:01am EDT
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around here. when i look at this, i tell people recently i feel like i serve in the nation's largest kindergarten only this kindergarten has control of the federal checkbook and nuclear arsenal. it's scary to think that this body refuses to end the government shutdown through a simple vote, a simple vote on a clean continuing resolution. what's even more confusing is that it's not just the democrats who are willing to compromise but there are now 18 republicans who have said they are willing to vote for a clean continuing resolution. they are willing to end the government shutdown thravepls 17-vote margin on the republican side and more than enough people have said they will vote far continuing resolution should they be able to. representative tweeted out from the state of virginia, tweeted out twice, first he tweeted out, we fought the good
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fight. time for a clean continuing resolution. that was on october 1. on october 2, pain to our economy and military is real. shutdown doesn't advance our goals. this is from a republican member who serves on the budget committee, which i serve on, who knows the real impact we are having on the economy. that is one republican saying, mr. speaker, we demand a vote. then there is representative bill young, who serves on the appropriations committee who understands government funding. he told "tampa bay times," he is ready. quote, the politics should be over. it's time to legislate. mr. speaker, that's two republicans willing to pass a clean continuing resolution. then there is representative charlie dent from pennsylvania who serves on the appropriations
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committee. back on september 29 in the "huffington post," he said i'm prepared to vote for a clean continuing resolution and he added, the hourglass is nearly added and now time to come back and funding the american government. that is three republicans who disagree with being held hostage by the tea-party wing of your party. then from california, representative nunes, who serves on the ways and means committee. and he told "huffington post," d this is a twitter from the web site, he said he will vote for the latest gob plan but will vote for a clean continuing resolution when it comes down to it. four republican members who
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disagree with the g.o.p. hostage taking. then from the state of minnesota, representative paulsen who serves on the ways and means committee, who had told a local tv reporter in minnesota, channel 11, and they tweeted out, saying, representative paulsen said he is willing to break with g.o.p. resolution and vote. five. five republicans, mr. speaker, who are going back home and telling people they would vote for a clean resolution if you would give them a chance. then from the state of virginia, representative frank wolf, who serves on the appropriations committee. "the hill" d the -- newspaper he would support a clean resolution. he said, this is bad for america. this is bad for america. enough is enough.
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it is time to be leaders. time to govern. open up the government. six people. those aren't the words of the members of the congressional progressive caucus. these are members of the republican party. that if you give them a chance and demand a vote, we will pass it. that's six members. what about representative jim gerlach from pennsylvania, serving on the ways and means committee. this is directly from the press release. he said on wednesday, he would vote for a clean budget bill that funds government at current funding levels. at current spending levels. that's seven, mr. speaker. then representative barletta from the state of pennsylvania said according to "the beth hem morning call," he would vote to
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avert a government shutdown. eight that are willing to join the democrats and be adults. the ninth adult is representative lance from new jersey. and his chief of staff told "the huffington post," he said lance has voted for clean government funding bills in the past and quote, would not oppose one in the future should one be brought to the floor. eight. let me count through these, mr. speaker. all right. that's, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight -- i'm, sorry, nine, nine members. here's number 10, representative
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runyan. 10 of your members are saying they want the opportunity. don't not make them to tell the truth, they want to vote for a clean resolution. number 11, representative frank libelibe in new jersey. he called it -- lobiondo in new jersey. and he was in favor, of quote, whatever gets a successful conclusion to this and a clean continuing resolution, which does not include postponement of the affordable care is not one of those options. number 11. the 12th vote, representative mike fitzpatrick from bucks count and issued a statement he has supported a spending bill at current funding levels and aides
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said he would back it if it was presented for a vote. number 12, mr. speaker. i believe that's number 12. number 13, we'll call it lucky 13. mike simpson from idaho, serving on the appropriations committee, said, quote, i would vote for a clean continuing resolution because i don't think this is a strategy that works. mr. speaker, 13 members of the republican party disagree with the republican party on the strategy to hold our country hostage and ruin our economy. number 14, representative pat meehan from pennsylvania. quote, according to a press release he put out. at this point, i believe it's time for the house to vote for a clean, short-term funding bill to bring the senate to the table and negotiate a responsible compromise.
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number 14, mr. speaker. umber 14 that wants to cooperate and gives us six weeks to work out a compromise between the two houses to have a budget. number 15, representative michael grimm from new york. in a statement released by his office. demanding this, this is not looking at the big picture. he supports a clean, continuing resolution. i'm sorry to do this again. . one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 1, members of your party. number 16, representative peter king. he was one of the first members to do this. he said he thinks house republicans would prefer to avoid a shutdown and will only
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vote for a clean continuing resolution to fund the government. 16. number 17, representative forbes of the state of virginia told "the virginian pilot," he supports the clean funding bill that passed in the senate. quote, unfortunately for us, this is not a game. this is real lives of people. that's number 17. and timely number 18 that's officially out there, mr. speaker, is rob whitman of virginia. quote, i voted to avoid a government shutdown to continue government funding and although i have not had the opportunity to do so at this point, i would support a clean, continuing resolution to get our government back up and running and he has put that in an email. that's 18 ment you have a 17-seat margin on the republican
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side. 18 people on your side of the aisle will join the responsible adults on this side of the aisle and we can tomorrow, call us back tonight and can end this crisis and not cost this economy. mr. speaker, i have a bonus for you. i think there is a 19th person who is on the cusp. from my own state, representative reid ribble. we think it would be a better way to get this country back on quote. ote, two wrongs don't make a right. this is from a radio station in wisconsin, a republican from northeast wisk says it's harmful and embarrassing that lawmakers couldn't reach a deal. congressman ribble said he is en
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courninging is colleagues to send it so they can work out a compromise. he is meeting with the house speaker to discuss their strategy and said he is optimistic that the shutdown won't last long. mr. speaker, in the coming hours, more of your members are going to stand up and get the keys back from the tea party wing of your party. before you have to call a tow truck, get the keys back. demand a vote, give us a vote on a clean continuing resolution and we can end this right now. i'm joined by another member of our progressive caucus, another pressure man member who brings good common sense and former teacher, good educational sense for this body, all too often, is my opportunity to yield some time to my colleague, takano from e mark
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the state of california. mr. takano: i rise today to object to this shutdown that has been carried out by the house republicans and the tea party. before i came to congress, yes, as the gentleman has said, i worked for over 20 years as a high school teacher and i have to say during these last few to wonder e been gun if my students in riverside county had a better understanding of how our government works and how it should function then the house republicans. 46 times, the house republicans have voted to repeal or defund the affordable care act. they are doing this as if they believe the majority in the senate, which fought to create the affordable care act would vote for its repeal. they are doing this believing
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that the president would sign this reversing his crowning achievement. that's not how our government works. there are three branches of government in this country and any high school senior can tell you the only way a bill can become a law is if it is passed by the house and senate and signed into law by the president. the republican party has resorted to hurting every day americans, forcing the government to shut down and furlough hundreds of thousands of workers so they can get what they want. now 18 times, the senate attempted to send negotiators to the house to get an agreement on a budget. and now because of the house republican-delayed tactics, we have run out of time and passed the date to keep the government open. they have taken this moment of crisis to exercise political leverage in the most
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irresponsible manner. now i can appreciate my colleagues -- my republican colleagues' passions and their view on politics, but their passions are misplaced, ill-timed and inappropriate. they want to display those passions and undo a law where the americans will be harmed by their tactics. what makes americans so angry when they see members of congress to hurt our country to achieve their political ends. let's say our positions were flipped, that the republicans have the senate and the presidency and the democrats have the house. what if the democrats said, well, we don't want a democrat shut down but unless the senate passes and the president signs immigration reform into law, that's what we'll do or how about if we were to say, we're
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against furloughing hundreds of thousands of workers but unless the senate passes and the president signs an assault weapons ban, we'll do just that. we could say, unless the senate passes and the president signs into law the public option, we'll shut down the government. now, i know our friends on the other side of the aisle would never allow such tactics to stand. so, now the house republicans are trying ar piecemeal approach to fund the government one agency at a time. this is no way to run a government either. this is legislative public relations. this is speaker boehner and the house republicans reacting to the bad headlines they have received in the last few days. the press has been criticizing this shutdown for how it's harmed our veterans. so what's the answer for the republicans?
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introduce a bill that funds only veterans programs. the press has exposed the tragedy of this shutdown, ending critical trials for kids with cancer. what's their solution? fund a bill that funds clinical trials. the press has shown how insulating it is to our greatest generation when they have been locked out from the washington, d.c. world war ii memorial. what do republicans do? introduce a bill that funds parks and monuments. his isn't this is not government. this is damage control. house republicans are pitting american against american for political gain. do you think a veteran would want his benefits at the expense of his grandchild's snegs do they think young
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eople want to go to bed hungry so they can open parks? what half of one branch of congress should not get to make such a demands. and there are reasonable republicans, republicans who know this is wrong. republicans that have stopped me in the hall and told me how into a has put them political conundrum. even grover norquist said ted cruz has, and i quote, pushed house republican into traffic and wandered away. 18 house republicans have publicly stated they would support a clean c.r. let's end the g.o.p. shutdown. let's bring sanity back to congress and pass a clean c.r. that will put americans back to work and restore funding to the countless programs that they rely on. thank you and i yield back to
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the gentleman. mr. pocan: you menged that 18 times the senate has tried to find resolution to having a budget in this country. there are a number of us who serve on the budget committee, including someone who will speak in a little bit, representative jeffries, for six months we've been asking for leadership to appoint conferees to we could do that. do you remember when the republicans finally proposed a conference committee. mr. takano: the gentleman has of lp me, i'm not aware this happening. mr. pocan: i believe it was 20 minutes to or quarter to midnight before the government shut down. mr. takano: i do remember this now. because i was here that time of night. i do remember that because it was the last -- we were
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wondering what the republican caucus was going to do next. and the last thing of the evening on saturday was to -- ose a conference and look. the senate democrats passed a budget after much complaining by the house republicans that the senate had not passed a budget, that was back in the spring. mr. pocan: march 23. mr. takano: and we had plenty of time to try to hash all this out. ut let's remember the original pretext for this shutdown. what i kept hearing from our republican colleagues was they wanted to delay the implementation of the affordable care act.
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that seem thobed crux of the -- of their objectives. mr. pocan: and last 48 hours, how many votes have we had on the affordable care act? mr. takano: last 48 hours, we've voted on a lot of things since then but it's now become about defending -- once people begin to figure out what programs get defunded, as i pointed out in my remarks, every headline that looks bad for them they come up with a bill and they try to fund that -- to fund that headline away. this is, again, they're embarrassing votes for many on our side, having to answer, why are you voting against the national institutes of health? why are you voting against veterans? of course we're not voting against them. 're saying that, you know,
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you can't pit one group of americans against another group of americans. and that there's -- there are many, many, many americans that depend on many programs. when people really understand what our government does for them and when it's taken away, hen it comes home. mr. pocan: thank you, representative takano. i think you did a great job pointing out, every time as prerelease came out and shows a problem, they put a little chewing gum in the crack in the dam. they've done it through gotcha votes, to try to make a point. but they have not provided the solution we need. which is what we're demanding and 18 members on the other side are demanding, a vote on a clean continuing resolution. mr. takano: and earlier today,
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this past series of votes in what is called in technical language here on the house, a motion to recommit, m.t.r., the democrats used that opportunity to propose a notion recommit which was essentially that motion, we were trying to bring to the floor a clean c.r. the exact senate language for the continuing resolution. the number of -- that we would fund the government at would have been at the republicans' own number. it's a number that many of us feel is too low. but for six weeks, as a way to get us talking again, i bet you most of our caucus would have supported it. but there was a motion on the republican side to table our motion, but why table it? why were they scared in they were scared to bring it to the floor because if it was on the floor, and instead of a
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procedural motion that republicans could have voted no on, they would have been faced with voting up or down. those 18 members would have had to make a decision to go against what they've publicly stated, they could have done that today. so they had an opportunity today and let it be said right now that we missed an opportunity to fund this government and to move on. and all i can say is this motion to table was nothing less than, i think, a motion out of fear. a fear of what? that we would come together, that there would be a reasonable majority that would come together. i asked earlier today a question, it was rhetorical, i said who is the speaker of this house? i asked a point of information. who is the speaker of this house? is it john boehner or to is it ted cruz. we're asking, in order to get to this vote, we have to take
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this congress back from a phantom speaker. because i can't believe that -- you read out 18 people, names of 18 people, who are willing how on record publicly many do you and i suspect of republicans privately peel these things but are too afraid to move forward because of the phantom speak her >> absolutely. thank you for your leadership, mr. takano. completely from the other coast, we have another freshman member, a strong member of our progressive caucus a former legislator from the state of new york and now representative in congress in the state of new york, it's my pleasure to yield system time to representative hakim jeffries. mr. jeffries: good evening. i thank the distinguished gentleman from wisconsin, the badger state, for yielding me some time, for your tremendous leadership in anchoring this
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progressive caucus special order week after week after week, carrying forward such a powerful and compelling way the progressive message to the americans out there who we represent and it's such a powerful vehicle to use the house floor to speak in such eloquent, genuine ways about the challenges that we confront here in the united states congress. over the last few weeks, what we've witnessed i think can be characterized as both the heater of the absurd and a spake spearian tragedy. let me deal with the shakespearian tragedy aspect of this. we're in the midst of a government shutdown right now that is unnecessarily forcing pain on the american people. it's a shutdown that was manufactured by the house
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g.o.p. that has resulted in a situation where americans all across this country have now been put in jeopardy. that's a tragedy. of epic proportions. children that have been put in jeopardy. shut out. tens of thousands of them from the head start program. family that was been put in jeopardy, more than 800,000 individuals kicked out of work. unnecessarily. and as time marches on, faced with the uncertainty as it relates to how do they pay their bills, put food on the table, clothing on their back? pay off the mortgage? more than 800,000 hardworking americans, collateral damage as a result of reckless,
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irresponsible, mean-spirited behavior. veterans. unnecessarily put into harm's way. ildren looking for hope in dealing with the cancer that has afflicted them. unable to participate in clinical trials at the national institute of health. seniors who otherwise would benefit from the meals on wheels program, insult to injury. it's bad enough that you're trying to cut $39 billion from the snap program, but then you've got to inflict additional pain as a result of the government shutdown on seniors who rely on the meals on wheels program. to eat. and deal with their nutritional needs. the other problem that's amazing to me is that you've put in jeopardy expectant
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mothers who otherwise are unable to receive the nutritional assistance that would be available to them in the absence of a government shutdown thsms a spakespeern tragedy -- shake speern tragedy in-- shakespearian tragedy inflicted on us by an out of control republican majority. let me deal with, for a moment or so, the at the -- the theater of the absurd aspect of on the floor of the house earlier today who is in charge? my colleague from california referenced this. i asked who is in charge? is the speaker in charge? is it he heritage foundation in is it tea party extremists? is it the junior senator from
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texas. who for the last week before he disappeared was barking out orders over on the other side of the capitol and then members in the house of representatives were following those orders in lock step executing this extreme agenda that has led us to a shutdown of the united states government? the other side of the aisle mitigating circumstance good friends, will say, what are you talking about, an extreme agenda? we have a disagreement as it relates to the affordable care act. you guys on the other side of the aisle, the president at 1600 pennsylvania avenue, he doesn't want to compromise -- compromise on what? the affordable care act is the law of the land. it was passed by a duly elected congress in 2010. the supreme court of the united tates of america declared it
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constitutional in 2012. in an opinion written by chief justice john roberts, someone who was not -- who was nominated to the bench by george w. bush. and then a few months later new york november, the president of the united states was re-elected in an electoral college landslide with a difference of more than five million votes. reaffirming the affordable care act which was his signature legislative achievement. what exactly do you want taos compromise on? when october 1 was the day that enrollment first began. you claim it to be a train wreck, the train hasn't even eft the station yet. but in advance of this government shutdown, you september a series of ransom notes over to this side of the
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aisle. i mean, it's really shocking behavior. it was a series of ransom notes. if you don't do what we want you to do, we are going to shut the government down. first, you said, defund the affordable care act. and then that didn't work. and then you said, we want to delay the affordable care act for a year. and that didn't work. we're going aid, to deny the ability for contraception coverage. and that didn't work. and then you said we are going to repeal the medical device tax, and that didn't work. and then you said, well, let's delay the individual mandate for a year. and that didn't work. and then finally out of
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desperation, you said, well, we are going to jam up our own congressional employees and what effectively amounts to a misrepresentation, because you aren't trying to take away a subsidy, you are trying to take away an employer contribution that is available to the overwhelming majority of americans whose employers provide health care. a series of ran some notes that re summarily rejected by a courageous senate majority. and those demands included in each of those ran some notes that you sent over to the other side. at the 11th hure in the height of hypocrisy, you said let's go to conference. go to conference? as my good friend, the
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distinguished congressman from wisconsin pointed out, we have been asking for regular order since the spring of this year. now regular order involves the following process, the house passes a budget, the senate passes a budget, both of which occurred earlier this year, an then at that point, the two sit appoint conferees to down at the negotiating table and try and work out the differences. that's the regular order that you have been screaming about for the last four years. and earlier this spring, you finally had the opportunity to bring it about. senator harry reid was prepared to move forward. even mitch mcconnell seemed he was like to move forward and
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individual republican senators said it was absurdity for the house republicans to be demanding house conferences and then they had the opportunity to do it and nothing is forth coming from the other side of the aisle. why is that the case? we have now figured it out. because you knew that the demand that you would make, because you are following a script from the junior senator from texas and others, would have been so extreme at a conference committee, that it would have been a futile legislative exercise, and you did not want that to be exposed to the american people. i think that's one of the only other conclusions we can draw at this moment with the benefit of behindsight with why in the world a conference committee was
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never appointed even though that is something you had been demanding, my good friends on the other side of the aisle, for the previous two years. and so the american people aren't going to be fooled by these 11th hour gimmicks. conference committee. what we need to do at this point is just pass a clean, continuing resolution, that if it were to come to the floor of the united states house of representatives, would have bipartisan support from him democrats and from republicans, many of which were mentioned earlier today by the distinguished congressman from the badger state, and we could the eyond this shutdown, shakes pair tragedy, which is very painful and go off and do the business of the american people. that's what needs to happen.
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i hope reasonable minds can come ogether and stop following the marching orders of outside agitators, who got no interest in governing and only concerned about 2016 and other ambitions that these individuals may harbor and do the responsible thing and move this country forward. and with that, i yield back the balance of my time. mr. pocan: i thank you, representative jeffries, for your leadership and explaining to the country what's unfolded in the final days and final hours before the government shutdown. there is no question that people on this side of the aisle are willing to compromise. we are compromising to a number that is nearly identical to what the republicans have proposed so
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we can for the next six weeks figure out our finances. and we serve on the budget committee. and we have been trying for how long -- how long have we been fighting for this? mr. jeffries: march or april of this year. congressman, you raise an interesting point and this is important to clarify. friends on the other side of the aisle said we want to defund, destroy the affordable care act. inherptly outrageous. let's put that aside for the moment. the senate majority and those on our side of the aisle in the house of representatives as well s the president have already compromised, as you have pointed out. the number that we feel is appropriate to fund the government and do what's right $1,the american people is
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058,0 0,000 the number that our friends would like to see is $986 billion. that is a significant difference. however in order to move the country forward. the senate majority, democrats in the house of representatives, the president of the united states, have all agreed to move forward with a continuing resolution, not at our number, 1 trillion, 58 billion but the $986 billion. our good friends on the other side of the aisle don't know when to take yes for an answer. as the democratic whip pointed it out earlier this week.
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we have compromised the sequestration cuts for the purpose of cut keeping the government open and negotiating over what the appropriate number is. so that is political spin that you hear. those who sent over the ran some -- ran some notes when we have already compromised. mr. pocan: thank you so much for explaining to the american people exactly what has happened and transpired in the last few days and why it is so important we get a vote on a clean, continuing resolution. i would like to close with a letter i received from a constituent in my district and i would like to read parts of it. this is from a woman who is -- has a business in my area, this is what she wrote. i'm the owner of a small
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business, environmental laboratory, which provides jobs to 29 people in the area. approximately 60% of our work is under direct contract or subcontract on e.p.a., environmental protection agency, department of defense and forest service. this shutdown means that one, many of our upcoming projects may be canceled or delayed in a month that was going to make a financial success of my business and two, we don't know when we will receive payment on $300,000 outstanding invoices. i don't know how we will make payroll or pay our vendors. we may be small but my company brings $2 million into wisconsin from across the country and added just three new employees. if an agreement isn't reached, my recovery will be reversed or
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even worse. please help find a way out of this mess. mr. speaker, please, for the sake of this small business owner in wisconsin, for the sake of the pregnant, low-income woman in madison, wisconsin, for the sake of federal employees and civilian employees at military bases, for the sake of all people who are affected by this government shutdown that republicans have forced upon this country, listen to your own members. you don't have to listen to the democrats, listen to the 18 members and growing on your side who said the strategy is a failure. it's time to pass a clean continuing resolution. if listen to your members, a majority of this house -- you are not the speaker of the tea party. you are not the speaker from the office of senator ted cruz. you are the speaker of the
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entire house of representatives, and now a majority of this house is demanding a vote that we pass a clean continuing resolution at your numbers. you won. and let's get this country opened and let's help the economy bounce back where it needs to. mr. speaker, with that, i will yield back the rest of the time from the congressional progressive caucus of congress and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from wisconsin has yielded back. under the speaker's announced policy of january 3, 2013, the chair recognizes the gentleman from iowa, mr. king, for 30 minutes. mr. king: thank you, mr. speaker. it's a privilege and honor to address you here on the floor of the house of representatives and i have been listening to the debate first on television in my office and then here on the
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floor and i would like to first, mr. speaker, address this idea of regular order. and i heard a description of regular order that doesn't fit the regular order that i understand from my time here in this congress. parts of it, yes, i agree with, but it's not an objective description of what regular order is. the argument we heard from the gentleman was, go to conference on the budget. go to conference on the budget. does the gentleman forget that you have refused to pass a budget for over 1,000 days and that finally we had to pass legislation here in the house of representatives and force it on the senate to require them to pass a budget in order for them to get their pay and the political pressure got high enough that they went ahead and passed that and in order for them to comply, they passed a sham budget. and now we have a sham argument that says, go to conference on the budget. this isn't about the budget, mr.
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speaker. this debate is not about the budget, this is about appropriations. regular order, first for a budget, if you have one -- and this is a new experience for the members that are here on the floor, they never served in this congress when there was a budget in the senate before, but if you have a budget, you do concur with the house and senate and live by that as the guideline for the authorizations in the appropriations so we all come together and live within the means we have agreed to here. but that doesn't happen very often in history. it happens when republicans are in control of the house, senate and white house. i can think of no other time that has happened. take this budget discussion off the table, mr. speaker, because it's not relevant what's going on here. we are in a government slowdown and in a partial shutdown and resolving and conferencing a budget isn't going to do a thing to solve this situation that we're in now.
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it's irrelevant to any functionality of this congress that can address this government shutdown and only a strawman, a red herring to divert the attention that needs to be focused on this situation that we have here that has to do with not the budget but the appropriations process. the appropriations process, the regular order and i thought i heard the gentleman was going to describe and for you, mr. speaker and anyone listening in, when a congress functions right. our 12 appropriations subcommittees each passed their appropriation bill under the guidelines of the authorization that comes from the authorizing committees and those appropriation bills come to the floor one at a time, 12 of them and perhaps a supplemental that add up to 13, and we bring them to the floor under regular order. allow the gentleman that was describing this regular order to us, bring as many amendments
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that you would like. fatigue sets in. sometimes a unanimous consent agreement comes along. but every member has the opportunity to weigh in on each of the components on the 12 appropriations subcommittees and erhaps the supplemental. . . the american form of government, a representative form of government and our obligation to the constituents within our district is our best effort and our best judgment. and part of that is to turn our ear and listen to our constituents and the people across this country because among the 316 million americans, we have the best answers to everything. sometimes we get some not so good answers to some things but it's our job to sort those things out, yen rate some ideas of our own that are stimulated by that of our constituents and others and produce the best product possible to direct the
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destiny of the united states of america and a trajectory that would make our founding fathers proud. that's a legitimate process. but the gentleman has forgotten, or maybe hasn't been confronted with or experienced a real regular order appropriations process even though we've done five or six appropriations bills here on the floor of this house in this congress. and so when we talk about regular order, the regular order would already be, if the appropriations bills received on the senate side and acted upon they would all be done on the house side by now, we've done them multiple times in the past, and here's what happens, mr. speaker. the appropriations bills, the 12, maybe 13, pass the floor of the house, they get sent to the senate, messaged according to as envisioned by the constitution. they arrive on the majority leader's desk in the united states senate, harry reid, and this is just figuratively speaking, mr. speaker, then they get put in his bolt tom desk drawer and and they stack up in his bottom desk drawer
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and this goes on from june, july, part of august, september. we get down into september, they're usually all over there and then harry reid will have them stacked up in his desk and when you get to the end of the fiscal year, they don't move a thing. no appropriation bill comes back here. there's no opportunity for conference on sangele one. they simply -- they stack up in harry reid's desk drawer and a week or twor or less between the time the government would automatically shut down because on september 30 at midnight, most everybody in america knows by now that our fiscal year runs out and the spending authority expired. harry reid pulls those bills out of his desk drawer stacked like that, sets them up, figuratively speak, gets out his black marker and draws a line through any spending he doesn't like, which isn't much, and then he adds on all the spending he does like, which is plenty, and they pass it in the senate?
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what they -- in what they call a continuing resolution. a continuing resolution that is a stack of the appropriations bills the senate refused to do all year. they send it back to the house of representatives and they say take it or leave it. 're not going to debate, not going to negotiate, on the future of america. it's take it or leave it, may way or the highway. that's what's been happening. each appropriations bill would either come back taos, we would have an opportunity to accept it as it is or reject it and go to conference. we found ways to solve that in a legitimate way but under this configuration, where we have no -- what built the leverage that got us to this point with this continuing resolution that did not -- that we passed out of this house multiple times, by the way, republicans in the
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majority in the house of representatives have multiple times passed all of the appropriations in the form even of a continuing resolution that's necessary to fund the legitimate functions of government. at sequestration levels. minus the money to the inch -- to implement or enforce obamacare which reflects the will of the people of the united states of america. that's our constitutional responsibility to do that, mr. speaker. and you know, i carry this constitution around in my pocket and i pull it out and i read it, sometimes several times a day but this document is, when you read it carefully and you understand and put your mind in the thought process of our founding fathers and the folks that put this constitution together and ratified it, you understand that these negotiations between the two branches of government, article 1, the legislative and article 2, the executive branch of government, these gos are expected to take place. there's an expectation that
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first of all, if it says here in article 1 that we shall, that congress and the house of representatives, shall move legislation through the house, through the senate, concur on that legislation, message it to the president. if he should disagree, he has an obligation to veto that legislation and return it to the congress, this is important, mr. speaker, with his objections. the president is constitutionally obligated to return any legislation he vetoes to the congress with his objections. our founding fathers said you can't have a president making you play pin the tail on the donkey. he's going to have to right down the reason he is objects to legislation so if the congress is considering concurring with the president, we can accept his recommendations and if we disagree we'll be able to identify our disagreements. that's a very constitutional definition of negotiations
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themselves, mr. speaker. when there's an offer made and the other side of the equation produces a counteroffer, those who made the first offer can either accept the counteroffer or they can produce another offer and move a little closer to the middle this can happen one time, two, three, four, an infinite number of times if you had the time. that's between the house and the senate but also the congress and the president of the united states. what do we have with the president of the united states? a president who, as far as i know, first time in history a president who has refused to negotiate with the united states congress. this constitution directs him to do so at least when confronted with legislation that he has to choose whether he's going to veto it or whether he's going to sign it or he's going to allow it to be pocket vetoed after 10 legislative days. the constitution directs the president to do so and the president has said, i'm not negotiating with congress.
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unbelieve to believe me, mr. speaker, that he could take such a position, that he'd refuse to negotiate with congress. he's negotiating with -- through the syrians with the russians. the president opened up negotiations with the iranians and we've not -- who we've not had dealings with since 1979. i don't know who on the planet the president will not negotiate with except the american people serving here in the united states congress. think how difficult it is to do business with something who won't talk to you. i know they had a meeting today and the report was that they sat down, talked, but didn't negotiate. that's what i expected, to tell you the truth, mr. speaker. so we have a dysfunction. we have a lot of demagoguery. we have a lot of hypocrisy. i'm hearing it on the other side, i heard a lot of it here tonight as they rolled out some of their practiced buzz phrases. they said a series of ransom notes, mr. speaker. ransom notes? pull your constitution out and read it, guys.
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excuse me, mr. speaker. that's my advice to them should they be listening, that they should pull their constitution out and read it and understand it's not a ransom note when you're working within your constitutional authority. constitutional directive. when you step down on the floor of the congress at the beginning of the 113th congress and took an oath to uphold this constitution, it wasn't to vacate your constitutional responsibilities or hand over your vote card to somebody else or accept some kind of idea that because you disagree with the president you should capitulate to his demands. how do you capitulate to a man's demands who won't talk to you? he talks to you through the press and sends a message that, i'm not going to negotiate with republicans, i'm not going to negotiate with people in congress, i refuse to negotiate and i'm not going to negotiate on a debt ceiling either. well, we have this bill called obamacare. and obamacare is a piece of legislation that was pushed through here by hook, crook,
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and legislative shenanigan and there are those who say it's the law of the land you must accept it and you're obligated to fund it. show me where in this constitution you're obligated to fund something because a previous congress on a very partisan, narrow margin, passed the largest piece of socialized legislation in the history of the united states, a federal takeover of our skin and everything inside it, of the government and federal takever of our ability to make our decisions as american people on our future, on our health decisions, to dictate insurance policies, to dictate that people shall buy a product that the federal government either approves or produces. never before in history has that happened. a manufacture of new taxes that president obama said was not taxes and john roberts in the supreme court said, well, you know, they -- they weren't taxes for the purposes of hearing this case but they are
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taxes for the purposes of deciding the case. and then people will say, it's been found constitutional by the supreme court. now you're obligated to fund it. and i say, no previous congress can obligate a subsequent congress and this congress cannot obligate the 114th congress. we're in the 113th, mr. speaker this congress cannot only gate the 114th congress or any subsequent congress. all we can do is put statutory language in place that is our best judgment at the time that likely will influence the people that come behind us and cause them to stop and think it over. but it doesn't mean they can't come in and repeal anything that's been passed in the past. and it doesn't mean we're obligated to fund it. and the house is here with a majority that was elected to repeal obamacare. and a majority that was elected, i believe, to defund obamacare. i brought the amendment to defund obamacare for the first time on february 15 of 2011, my
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amendment passed. it was detached in the senate. i'd like to have it be part of the bill as it came through. i didn't get that done in the rule committees this time but it happened here over the last week or two the same thing i asked for then was approved by rules this time and stuck with the bill when it went over to the senate and so now where we sit is this -- the house has said we don't want a government shutdown. we don't want a government slowdown. what we want is a government that's funded in every aspect legitimately with the exception of the funding to implement or enforce obamacare. that's our stand. if the american people reject that position, let them come to he polls and say so. where we sit today, mr. speaker, we have members of congress and their staff receiving phone calls that are ginned up by the other side, by the stacked language we're seeing come here and people are
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calling in and say, you can't shove something down as big as the government it would be -- shut something down as big as the government it would be a disaster. it's harry reid and the president who have brought about this partial shutdown a certain slowdown. it's harry reid and the president. but it doesn't look to me like it's a disaster. if it was a disaster, they wouldn't have to manufacture a crisis and borrow money from the chinese to rent barricades to haul them down with a fork list and bring people back who have been furloughed already because of this government partial shutdown and ask them to take the barricades and build barricades around our memorials to our veterans in particular the world war ii memorial. they are borrowing money from china to rent barricades and bringing people off father low to put barricades up and now they're reinforcing barricades around the world war ii memorial and others, not just with yellow tape, caution tape and rented barricades but
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they're wiring them together and bringing sandbags in and stacking sandbags up around the bases and bringing in mesh wire, another barrier for people. why? these memorials have never been blockaded before. they're open 24-7, year-round. they're designed for people to come in and they're designed for people to be able to go to the memorial at any time the don't require guards, they don't require staffing. there's no money required to keep the memorials open. most of them were built with private money from donations from the american people who want to honor our veterans. especially the world war ii memorial, to see those buses from mississippi roll up, see those red shirted veteran tweens the ages of 84 and 99, arrive and be able to look at that memorial from a distance and not be able to go into their memorial a manufactured
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crisis, that would save money if the president does nothing but instead what we have is a president who has decided to commit, i believe, the most spiteful act in the history of the commander in chief of the united states of america. to manufacture something in order to try to extract the maximum amount of pain by borrowing money to rent barricades to put up barriers to put more people on to guard especially our world war ii memorial, to deny access to the memorial built to honor the world war ii veterans, many of whom have never been to washington, d.c. before. have not seen their memorial before. and to say to them, this one chance in your lifetime, your 90-plus -- you're 90-plus years in this lifetime, and your chance to come back again is pretty slim, to say, you're never going to get to go in and experience this memorial because i want to send a message that i disagree with the decisions of the united
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states congress. that is a huge political tantrum and a piteful act, mr. speaker and i think the right thing is this, honor our veterans, those who fought in all wars, those who put uniforms on at all time and we must be there to open the gates for them every time that a bus pulls up. i thank and congratulate my colleagues who stepped up to do so, mr. speaker and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: under the speaker's announced policy of january 3, 2013, the chair recognizes the gentleman from exas, mr. gohmert. mr. gohmert: thank you, mr. speaker. these can be the times that try men's souls. i heard my colleagues across the aisle talking earlier this hour tantrum over the
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affordable care act. i'm not aware of anybody -- ing a tantrum over the or the g.o.p. throwing a tantrum, anybody, over the so-called affordable care act. we've had word from many, many of our constituents that it is anything but affordable, that it is a disaster. we heard our colleagues across the aisle talk about the obamacare being the law of the land. yet these same people can't wait to come running in here and saying, you got to raise the debt ceiling. if you ask them, why do we have to raise the debt ceiling, they'll say, well, because we got to, we're spending too much
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money and we've got to keep raising the debt ceiling. i guess now we know the answer, the proper answer to our friends and to the president when they come running in desperate to have the credit card limit continuously raised and raised nd raised yet again, is that actually it's the law of the land, the debt ceiling is the law of the land. you just need to get over it. because it's the law of the land. and i recall hearing our president say in the past few talkinge, the -- he was houseshe law saying both of congress passed it, i signed , it bears my name, it's the
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law, it's been upheld, therefore they just need to live by it. it can't be changed. the got to stay the way it is. so that sounds to me like the president feels that strongly that once a law is passed, then we need to force him to live within the debt ceiling without moving it one penny. the constitution, as unpleasant as the constitution is to have to live under for some people, i think it's a great document to live under, but some find it much too taxing for those who do not want oversight, that just want an unlimited budget, want to spend whatever they care to taxoson their cronies and they don't care for, refuse to allow those they don't care for to not have the same tax advantages or tax status, so
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that they can engage in nonprofit activities like the democratic groups. they find that rather enjoyable. but if we're going to live within the constitution, it's important that people understand laws can be changed. the affordable care act is the law right now. but it was passed against the will of the majority of the american people. we've heard from democrats in both the other end of the hall, this end of the hall, and down pennsylvania avenue, that there was an election in 2012 and everybody needs to understand that. and that the elections have consequences. and so i'm hoping that as the president, as the leader in the senate, harry reid, continues to say those things, that hopefully
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they will hear themselves say those things and they will realize that there was an election in 2012 that resulted in the most important part of congress, the house of representatives, when it comes to issues of raising revenue and setting budgets and appropriating money, and people need to understand, setting a budget and appropriating money are two separate things, you can set a budget, create a budget, pass it in the house and senate, but it doesn't appropriate a single dime. the senate had gone years without ever passing a budget. nd now all of a sudden the senate finds its voice about budget saying, hey, hey, the house didn't pass -- didn't send conferees to work out a budget.
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and actually we find that those who have glazey-eyed looks and don't really understand the constitution or how things work said, th the law, they well, gee, there's the problem. well, that's not the problem. we're way past the issue of budget. it should have been done many months ago. we're grateful that the president now recognizes the importance of doing a budget on time. but the president actually waited so long beyond his deadline new york city caring about the -- deadline, not caring about the deadline, just completely being oblivious to it , that it was beyond the time when the house was doing its own budget. so the that -- so that the president did his in such a way that it was so incredibly late, it was of no consequence, no help.
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so it's kind of tough to hear lectures about the budget from andne who completely failed refused to participate properly in the lawful activity of preparing a budget, then to come forward this fall, months later, after the massive abuses with regard to the budget, and start lecturing about the budget. and again hoping that the american people would not understand that the budget is not appropriated -- does not appropriate a dime. and when you come to september 30 at midnight, when you come to october 1, it doesn't matter whether you had a budget at that point or not. because the budget was going to lead to appropriations. the house did appropriations, the senate did none, we had four important appropriations bills that are still sitting down at
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the senate without any activity whatsoever. so, once we got to august, it was obvious -- too late. i mean, even july, that's too late for a budget, it's now time, we've got to appropriate money, we're coming up against the hard end of the fiscal year, september 30, and we have got to get appropriations done. so, you can talk about budget conferees. what the house here did, for those who are confused and don't understand the process we use ere, when we pass a resolution appointing conferees, that's appointing negotiators. the house passed a resolution appointing negotiators. i felt like we should have had a counterproposal of some kind
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that showed some adult was acting at the other end of the hall, by producing something that indicated that people in the senate majority understood that there was massive amounts of waste, fraud and abuse in our federal money appropriations, that we've seen the abuses, the solyndras, the massive amounts of money just thrown here, there and yon, and so i would have hoped that someone in the majority of the senate would have noted, you know what, there's no such thing as a clean c.r., a clean continuing resolution, because there are projects that have ended and been -- finished being paid in the last fiscal year, so those
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certainly don't need the same funding anymore. so why should we continue with the same amount that we spent last year when we don't know what other projects there may be? well, the answer is, they don't want a magnifying glass looking at the waste, fraud and abuse, they just want down on pennsylvania avenue, down at the white house, they just want these massive sacks, metaphorically speaking, for those in the liberal media who do not understand met fors -- metaphors, then go back to english school, but they just want the sacks of cash. just give us the money, forget the constitution, forget the requirement that you actually appropriate the money and tell us what it shall be spent on.
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just send us the cash so -- we got a lot more solyndras to waste it on. that's not how it's supposed to work. we're supposed to actually go through and deal with the problems, cut out as much as we can in the way of waste, fraud and abuse, so that we don't have to keep borrowing over 40 cents of every dollar, we can live within our means. so, i hope people in the future will understand a clean c.r. should provoke in your mind the , larded-up nasty appropriations that someone can create, because we are not going to look at the waste, fraud and abuse that's contained therein. because there are a lot of looks
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that should be taken at where all our money goes. how it's being spent. because if we really bear down and look at that, you would a in to wonder about department that is shut down, to told, yet finds money go rent barricades to take out , though it is called a deral property, it's the claudemore colonial farm. this story was reported by p.j. media. this story says today, it's a perfect fall day. yet we can't do anything,
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managing director anna ebberly, told in a phone interview, ebberly has managed the claudemore colonial farm for 32 years. before managing the farm, she worked for the national park service. visitors unaware of how the farm is run are apt to conclude that the government shutdown now, 2 days old, is directly responsible for the farm's closing. but ebb early sent a note wednesday -- ebberly sent a note wednesday morning to the park's email list. in the email ebberly said, quote, for the first time in 40 years, the national park service has finally succeeded in closing the farm down to the public. in previous budget dramas, the farm has always been exempted, since the n.p.s., national park ervice, provides no staff or resources to operate the farm,
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unquote. the claudemore colonial farm, ebberly says, has thrived even as the federal government has treated it with, quote, benign neglect, unquote, for decades. that benign neglect would serve it better than the barricades now surrounding it. ebberly writes that the national park service has already gone out of its way to disrupt an event at the farm. quote, the first casualty of this arbitrary action was the mcclain chamber of commerce who, having a large annual event at the pavilion on tuesday evening, the national service sent the park police -- why couldn't they have been furloughed? oh, here came the park police over to remove the pavilion's aff and chamber volunteers
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from the property while they were trying to set up for the event. form, the chamber has friends and were able to move to another location and salvage what was left of their property. you have to wonder about the wisdom of an organization that would use staff, they don't have the money to pay to evict visitors from a park site that operates without costing them any money, unquote. should be noted that the farm has not used federal funds since 1980. to print aound money sign that said because of the federal government shutdown, this national park service acility is closed.
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it's as if somebody was standing around saying, regardless of whether it cost any federal money or not, let's find things that will hurt people and upset people, stick a sign on it and blame the shutdown so that we can get all of the money with the waste, fraud and abuse, we want to keep spending. one other note, our former speaker, newt gingrich, sent out a photograph of barricades that had been put out by mount vernon. most people, hopefully know that mount vernon is not run by federal government, so difference does it make if the federal government puts up barricades around mount vernon. there is a part of the road
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where buses can turn around top drop people off at mount vernon , even thoughg that it doesn't need to be patrolled, it's a turn-around area for big vehicles and buses, they can make as much chaos to those coming out to mount vernon to this historical site of george washington and create chaos. so they spent money, took time to go and create as much trouble for american tourists as they possibly could. ,ou want to talk about fairness there isn't any. and what this tration administration and what the democrats are doing to the american people and blaming the
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sokoled shutdown, i see my friend, mr. lamalfa and i yield to him such time as he may consume. mr. lamalfa: i appreciate you on your heartfelt opinions and ideals. and hearing me speaking, just in the park service and what has happened in the last couple of days, it seems as the negotiations, if there is any, that has broken down, the federal government, this administration has been been poised to exact the kind of ain. so they find a toe hold to use the parking lot as a way to
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exact a little meanness on the tourists there when this place can't come to agreement on basic issues on continuing resolution. as well as the very outrageous act with our open-air monuments that we have here in town, lincoln memorial, we are seeing with the honor flights in the last couple of days. world war ii vets, korean vets, mr. gohmert and i had the opportunity, pleasure and honor to join some of those vets today. as members of congress and others hold back the gate and allow them to enjoy their memorial, the country's memorial. these are areas that aren't normally staffed at least to this extent. they had to bring in more staff than what is normally on hand.
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these are 24-hour memorials, exhibits, open air, you can see any time day and night, sometimes without staff at all, yet they had to go through the trouble to represent barriers, put them up and they were there first thing monday morning, poised and ready to go, taking advantage of the political difficulties we are having here. a lot of grievances that were brought originally where the declaration of independence. the people of the colonies aving had enough of the king's edicts, listed a whole bunch of grievances that they thought were outrageous and caused them to break away from the bondage. let me recount. be hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are
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created equal and all men are created equal, and to secure these rights, governments instituted their just powers from the consent of the governed. do you think what we see going on here is the consent of the governed? leading into what a lot of this battle is going on, the implementation of the affordable care act, it has been the line in the sand for republicans, i think for good reason. you recount the history of how it was passed, during a window of time when the majority party was democrats and house, senate and as well as holding the white house, during 2009 and 2010. a little of window of time when they are looking for socialized
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health care, they had that window and they had the daring to do so. you might recall hillarycare when it was called that and wasn't the political will. we saw then elections have consequences. the con see queps of hillarycare back then was a big portion of what scared the country into putting into a revolutionary republican majority into the house in that 1994 election. we keep hearing from the other side of the aisle, 20 is 12, had -- 2012. 2010, following on the heels of what is called obamacare, affordable care act. that set a giant red flag to look at how this takeover of their health care system by a government that can't even run the veterans' administration and
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getting the claims process for veterans that languished for years is trying to get simple claims done. we want to take that plusprint of the government running things and expand that to everyone? that shouldn't be that way for everyone who is running the v.a. and we want to make that an example will. so many people feel like they are being herded into this will program. let's talk about liberties and talk about the founding principles, outlined in the declaration and then later carried out in our constitution that we all come here and are sworn to, to uphold. one of the grievances you find in the declaration of independence, talking about the king. he has erected new offices and
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sent new officers to harass our people and eat out their substance. this is nt applying to the affordable care act. you can name this with government agencies that are coming out there, swarms to harass people and eat out their substance, whether in small which is, farming or timber or many different endeavors in this country, the harassment that people are feeling by a runaway government, it's huge. and it's not right. why do republicans dig in? because we feel like this is a critical moment in our time for our liberties for a program that is doomed to fail and so entrenched and don't have the opportunity before it becomes an entitlement or as people say, a
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right. a right is life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, just as outlined in the declaration. anything beyond that became the force of legislation by a badge, court or a gun. not one of the basic inalienable rights set down by god. so we have a lot to do around here. republicans dig in for a reason. it's not even politics. yeah, not politics. this is an important cornstone principle we are fighting for here. basic liberties, freedom of choice and these aren't being laid down 200 some years ago either by the king or by this mandate now. my friend, i appreciate the time you have given me here tonight. we have a lot more to do and we will continue to battle because it is the right thing to do on the principles of this.
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mr. gohmert: reclaiming my time. one of the things that i greatly appreciate is the in-department analysis, the careful contemplation about the role we are supposed to play and i greatly appreciate that had, as a new member of congress that is here with us and we have about four minutes. and woy yield such time to my friend from oklahoma. >> thank you for your leadership here in the house of representatives and thank you to my friend from california. i would like to maybe have a brief dialogue with the gentleman from texas. wasn't too long ago we passed a bill to fund the entire government. that was something that was hard for a lot of us to swallow, because there is a whole lot of things in the continuing resolution that we aren't
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interested in funding. we sent it to the senate. harry reid stripped out the defunding and sent it right back to the house of representatives. he said ok, let's just take one year. the president has already delayed major provisions of obamacare. you saw the jobs report. people were shifting from full-time report to part-time work, some people were losing their jobs and health insurance, health insurance premiums were spiking and companies were trying to get down to 49 employees. we said the president is trying to delay some provisions, we'll delay it for a year. i voted for that. i would like to ask the gentleman from texas, i'm new here. i have been here for nine months now. we passed that at 1:00 on a morning at sunday morning and next day, the democrats didn't
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show up. and next day after that, they didn't come in until 2:00 in the afternoon. i would with your vast wisdom and experience, sir, maybe you could clarify, what was going on? we are on the brink of a government shutdown. was it maybe they were looking for a shutdown? mr. gohmert: doesn't seem to be much question at all, having tried cases as a lawyer, judge and chief justice, the evidence is clear, we sent four things, the last of which saying, we are appointing negotiators. you don't agree with the come prm myselfes. ll you have to do is appoint conferees and we'll work it out this evening and we'll be done and they refused to even appoint people to negotiate and get it worked out during the night.
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and that tells you pretty clearly, they wanted a shutdown for three years now since the republicans won the house back in november, 2010. we have heard them talk about, gee if there is a shutdown, they plame the republicans and get the majority back. but i would answer the question as the gentleman, with the question that was asked by the senate democratic leader today when the cnn reporter said, if you can help one child who has cancer, why wouldn't you do it? a mr. reid said, why would we want to do that? at ave 1,100 people sitting home. they have problem of their own. to suggest such a thing. maybe you are irresponsible and reckless.
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. . a bill that passes the nir, given what -- n.i.h., given what you said, won't you at least pass that? if not, aren't you playing the same political games reasons are. he wouldn't answer it. but the ultimate answer is, why would we want to do that? if it could save even one child. >> when you think about what we did last night, we talk about common ground a lot in the house of representatives. it's a word -- it's a couple of words i hear all the time. common ground, common ground, common ground. here we had an opportunity last night in the midst of a government shutdown, knowing that we have warriors coming back from the battlefield, i'm one of them myself. i flew combat in iraq and afghanistan. and we wanted to pass a bill where there is strong common ground. we want to fund the veterans administration. we want to make sure that our veterans get the care they need. and yesterday, on the floor of the house, the democrats in this
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body killed that. maybe you could shed some light on why they would want to do that. mr. gohmert: it sounds like, reclaiming my time, it sounded like the gentleman is basically asking a question like dana bash. you know, well, that would have helped veterans who were sick and need help. and are seeking medical care. and need their checks to finish getting the medication and things that they need and the question that senator reid asked keeps resonating back as the democratic answer, why would we want to do that? >> the only thing -- and i've thought about this a lot -- the only thing i can possibly think of why they would not want to fund the veterans is that they want to hold the veterans hostage for something else. namely obamacare. that's the only thing i can think of. and i thank you for the time and i yield back.
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mr. gohmert: i thank my friend, dr. lamalfa, my friend, the combat veteran, mr. bridenstine, and, mr. speaker, we're still wondering why they would not want to help these people and yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from texas' time has expired. does the gentleman from oklahoma have a motion? mr. bridenstine: i'd like to make a motion to adjourn. the the speaker pro tempore: the question is on the motion -- motion to adjourn. the speaker pro tempore: the question is on the motion to adjourn. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the ayes have it. the motion is adopted. accordingly the house stands adjourned until 10:00 a.m. tomorrow
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>> that house will return on thursday at 10 a.m.. mete and senate leaders with the president. no progress reported. leaders did speak after. we will show you their comments momentarily. we will open up the phone lines and get your thoughts on the government shut down the debate. the numbers to use our on the screen. we will look at twitter and we have a poll on our facebook page. we will get reaction.
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here is a tweet -- the white house says president obama was emphatic that boehner should pass -- bring senate passed government funding bill to house floor for upward down vote. dem aideweets -- top tells nr that boehner brought up a grand bargain at wh. petesouza says -- president obama and vp biden with senior staff this evening in oval office. we'll hear from nancy pelosi and harry reid. >> in times like this, the american people expect her leaders to come together and try to find ways to resolve their differences. the president reiterated one more time tonight that he will not negotiate.
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we have got a divided government. democrats controlled the white house and the senate. republicans control the house. we have sent four different proposals to our democratic colleagues. they have rejected all of them. we have asked to conference and sit down to resolve differences. they will not negotiate. a nice conversation, but at some point we have got to allow the process to work out. we have appointed conferees on the house i to sit down to work with our senate colleagues. it is time for them to appoint conferees. all we're asking for is a session and fairness for the american people under obamacare. the president am a democrat colleagues in the senate would listen to the american people and sit down and have a serious discussion about resolving these differences. you guarantee their world
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not be a default? mr. speaker -- why don't you bring up a clean c.r.? >> it is my understanding that speaker boehner said democrats will negotiate. -- won't negotiate. what the speaker cannot accept is yes for an answer. he said that he wanted to go to conference. he said a something from the house and wanted to go to conference. i thought we were there him a lifeline. i said fine, we will go to conference. we just might open the government. i went to a litany of things that we would be happy to talk
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about. we would be happy to talk about discretionary spending. we will talk about agriculture. parks andlk about health care. anything you want to talk about. he says, no. only one to do is go to conference on a short-term c.r. we have a debt ceiling standing -- staring us in the face. -- and hent to talk wants to talk about a short-term c.r.? said, let's talk about. boehner, ijohn repeat cannot take yes for an answer. >> thank you, mr. leader. on march 1, we saw many of you out here. there was a meeting in the oval office with president obama. at that time, the urbane and
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leader mcconnell said that they wanted to see in the budget discussion hundreds of regular orders. it washington term that means you pass a bill in the house and in the senate and you go to conference. that was march 1. the house and senate both passed the bill, but the republicans regular order for six months. they have avoided going to conference. suggestion ofh a 986 or 988. 988. it is a figure that our members of the house do not like and they think it is far too low and they say it does not enable the government to provide for the needs of the american people. nonetheless, having said that, a democrats stood on the steps of the capitol and made a
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speakereal offer to the of the house to accept his number, which they do not like and do not respect. but for the purpose of opening government and to the next step, we just need to bring it up and pass it in the house. it will come to the residence desk in the shutdown is over. we go to the table on the budget. some of that discussion can be helpful in terms of addressing , andh, deficit reduction how we go forward on the debt ceiling. we just have to find a way and we have to find a path that they can go down. it would keep moving the goal post, and they want except their own number, as the leader said, if they don't take yes for an answer, i can only conclude that they want to shut down government.
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we know what that is. they want to overturn the of affordable care act. it will not happen. does not what our constitution has in mind. if you don't like something, etherton the shutdown government. it is not that kind of a system. we are ever optimistic. so much is at stake. i'm hopeful in the conversation that we heard each other and that we will be able to find a tableto go to the budget six months after we were supposed to to discuss the budget that can be helpful. the next challenge is the debt ceiling. it was a worthwhile meeting. i'm glad it was held. there was some candid discussion.
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we won't go into that. felt verythe things i happy i was there. the president was very strong, strong, strong. this has never happened before. they can make all of the analysis that they want. this has never happened before where a political party would be willing to take the country to the brink of financial disaster and say we will not pay our bills. the president said he will not stand for that. i said we are happy to work with you, mr. speaker. we are where we are. we are through playing little games. it is all focused on obamacare. that is all that it is about. they do the same thing to
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social security and medicare. they're attorney did the same thing to obamacare. socialre is another security. it is another medicare program. it is a signature of this administration. we are happy it is done. we are locked in tight on obamacare. >> senator reed and leader pelosi -- you have been in the meeting for more than an hour. what is your stance? how real is a danger that the country might default? >> we have seen the performance of the tea party driven, cruz lead house. it is no longer in the senate. it is the house. looks like these people are heading where they want to go. and said, we are finally really
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want to be. the closed on the government. areichele bachmann said, we finally where we want to be. they closed down the government. for think there are certain the polls or attitudes that we should have. the order andf the -- confidence of the american people, we should take the debt ceiling debate off the table. the united states of america will always honor the full faith and credit of our country. no country should be held hostage for a social or other agenda. let's take that off the table. closing the government is bad. the combination of that and not
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lifting the debt ceiling is -- again, we have to think about what we're doing now and what -- let's take that off the table. secondly, every bill that ever passes in congress is subject to another bill passing in congress to amend it. certain aspects of affordable care act. he had every opportunity in the majority to bring anything to the floor with any changes they want. be something that is a threat to whether the government is open. take lifting the debt ceiling off the table and recognize any bill that has been passed and enacted into law can be changed under regular order. don't confuse the two. >> did a speaker say why he
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would not bring a claim c.r. to the floor? >> i do not know why they would not accept their own numbers. >> we are making a firm offer to the speaker, as i have done to him privately over and over again, that we will accept the 988. you know that our members do not like the 988. have dug in their heels and said they would never support the 988. but to open government, that can'tn is something we afford on either side. we are willing to compromise. they have two things -- 988 and overturn obamacare. this is not going to happen. we are willing to accept this. they should move the goalposts. >> are you going to meet again? >> do you expect the shutdown to
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continue after this meeting? the whiteting at house with congressional leaders got underway around 5:40 p.m. eastern. they went just over an hour. we are looking live at the white house this evening. we will open up the phone lines and hear from you. your thoughts on this day number shutdown. government we'll check in on twitter. hash tag. is the quick reaction on twitter from a potential 2016 presidential candidate, bobby jindal, the governor of louisiana. politico tweeting his comments board --s across the he blames leaders across the board for the shutdown. he says they have failed to deliver for the people.
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michigan on the republican line. good evening. caller: good evening. i think the first thing that speaker boehner should do is ept the amount i wanted for the year rather than till november and conference and figure out the budget. to be a surgeon to know that obama won the election. it will not do anything about obamacare. i think boehner would come out a hero and we would be on our way. if they don't and they mess around with the debt ceiling, i think the president could exercise the 14th amendment to save our good faith and credit. we will see what happens tomorrow. michiganller from
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referencing to the debt ceiling. this is from political. "collision course: cr and debt ceiling." leaders from both parties began to prepare for a retracted bottle -- badger battle. -- budget battle. it indiana, independent line. go ahead. caller: i couple of things i wanted to say. they want to pay veterans and stuff. they are failing to remember they have only got a few
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weeks left. i have got to grandbabies. .hey need formula it is extremely expensive. people will start to worry. actually, i have begun to worry. and in active military worker -- you're looking at the whole situation. they are getting paid for being there. that is great. they are getting their money's worth. i believe in obamacare. i believe we should give it a shot. i have been like that for quite a while. , but theyve problems need to open up the government. it is not just parts and different things like that.
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the american people, that is what they are failing to remember. these babies do not have anything to do with the debt ceiling. we need to come to some conclusion on how to handle our that. they are putting all of us -- they are taking money out of america's pockets by shutting everything down. >> the items they are set to take up tomorrow -- the veterans fundingand the veterans and funding for the guard and reserve. chuck, kentucky, independent line. caller: yes, sir. >> go ahead. you are on the air. i have watched a lot of these different proceedings going on. i have watched over the years. the democrats party as of
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yesterday is the republican party of today. that shows you how much the right has leaned toward the middle and on the center is considered the right and the left is all the way to the left. i'm an independent. i have always voted who i thought was right. this president has made bill clinton look like a hero. that is the way that i see it. whenever nancy pelosi gets up and tells everybody in the united states and the world that we have to vote on it to be able to know what is in the bill, that is suicide. we should have taken five steps back and read this thing before voting on it. that is all i have got to say about it. >> that was chuck in kentucky.
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-- this onewitter is from ed. halloween up steve king. great job, guys. is everybody outraged by these terrorists? laugh out loud. cruz is hiding. he and the tea party started this. now he's running scared. we can works -- together to respond to some of the worst harms from harry reid's shutdown, but democrats don't want to. caller: good evening. sorry about my cold. i've have been watching washington a lot the past few days. i remember when obamacare was written. onre was an investigation
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the special interest groups that were meeting and who wrote this bill. there are a lot of pharmaceutical people involved in writing this. -- i was always told to follow the money. it seems to me like the pharmaceutical companies will be the ones to profit. -- they arew probably right there in congress. anyway, we ought to do government agency by government agency. whatever waste and fraud is, get it out. >> the republicans are taking the so-called mini cr's. you are in favor of that? caller: we should fund research cancer and not to do lobbying. we should be researching diseases and infections and not lobbying and going to conferences. they passedhe bill
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,oday did fund a part of nih but not disease control. another day of the government shutdown and stalemate on capitol hill. more heated governments -- arguments on both sides. this is a clip from earlier today. mr. chairman, members of the house, the chairman of the committee says we should think about the impact before we act. we should think of the impact of the parks before we vote against this bill. did you think about the parks when you voted to cut -- to shut down the government? did you think about it impact? the gentleman from -- said it was hurting the local economy. the jennifer california came and said the towns run you 70 -- it was he thinking about that? -- the gentleman from california came and said the towns -- was
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he thinking about that? he would rather sacrifice the towns around you sammy -- yosemite. he was fully prepared to sacrifice the park. but you know what he found out? millions of americans signed up for health care to get access for health care. millions of americans have decided that you are doing their bronfman and shutting down the government. when you're on the jihad -- >> the gentleman's time has expired. [gavel] >> i was telling him, mr. chairman -- >> the gentleman is out of order. the gentleman is out of order. the gentleman is not recognized.
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the gentleman from idaho. i'm disgusted, that the gentleman from california would actually use on the floor of the house. we should all reject his comments and he should be censored, but i will not call for it. i reserve the balance of my time. i'm the last speaker. >> the debate from the house floor earlier. we are bringing you some of the ends of the day. we are hearing from you via twitter, facebook, and on the phone. your reaction and thoughts on the second day of the government shut on. nationaltalk on the parks, particularly the world war ii memorial. you look at some earlier video of the world war ii memorial. it is pretty much smack dab in the middle of the national mall.
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the grand canyon is also the center of attention. representative kirkpatrick said the grand canyon generates $1.2 million in revenue every day. a lodge owner offered $25,000 to reopen the grand canyon. a few groups are working to find alternatives for travelers who do not want to cancel their vacations. the red feather properties owner has pledged $25,000 to keep the grand canyon national park opened to visitors, even if only partly. caller: good evening. >> go ahead. caller: hey. i've been a registered democrat for 35 years. i am very disappointed in the democratic party this week.
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that any american wants or needs health care insurance should be entitled to purchase it, i do not feel that toone should be forced purchase a product from a private industry rather than face the government penalty. that is not right. and shame onobama senator reid for supporting this legislation in the first place and making it part of the deal that is keeping american government entity shut down. i'm very thankful that the house on aecided to vote veterans bill. i'm a veteran. there are thousands of veterans in the country who are dependent on health care benefits. i do not feel that it is appropriate for the president to
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weigh one group of benefits against his personal insurance health care plan. there are a lot of veterans out there. combat training -- that is not a threat. onrge all veterans to get the and i applaud the republicans for standing up. i don't feel that they are stepping on the poor. i think that they are trying to protect the middle class. >> are you concerned that your veteran's benefits will be delayed? caller: at this point, no cause i do feel that the majority of the congress do have
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ies to the armed forces or veterans in general. i'm not worried about my benefits. i am at this time in good health but i have many colleagues who desperately need their benefits. and i would like to see this opened up for discussion. i would like the democrats in washington to back off a little bit on the negotiating process so that we can at least discuss getting the government back functioning and not make it dependant on either a get obama care passed or we're not going to do it by either side or the other. host: this is a far less serious issue. it's military and sports. it's the issue of whether the
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navy and air force are going to play this weekend. officials say u.s. military academy games may go ahead this weekend after all despite the shutdown. naval academy clarifies football game against air force academy is still in limbo. keep you posted if there is an update on either two of those. let's go to our independent line in south carolina. caller: i thank you for taking my call. i believe that each and every member of the house and the senate in the democrat party under nancy pelosi and heir reid on this obama care should turn in their resignation. they have infringed on the rights of the people of our nation. they are playing political russian row let and many
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americans are taking a good look at what our american government is actually doing. in the past they robbed social security of some $730 billion and never put it back. it was originally in a lock box that was not supposed to be touched. why don't they take the money they took out of social security out of their own retirement fund and put it back into social security? you'll never see that happen. they voted on this stuff and never paid it back. now it's to the point social security is just about bankrupt and now they want a budget set up for 1/3 of our economy of the united states set up for obama care. how much are they going to get out of that account? it will be uncontrolled. you are already seeing that it's not functioning as trked b. obama said it would be up and
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running by the first of october. he's lied to the american people that it was going to be a reduction. it's affordable healthcare. it's not affordable. it's two and three times what we're paying now. he said we could keep the insurance companies we have and that's not true either. is it to the point we can't believe anything that is coming out of washington? >> have you had to use the exchanges? did you log on in south carolina? >> tried to log on to see what it would do and it's not available yet. it's not functioning as it should be. host: welcome. caller: enough is enough. i heard make d.c. listen during enator cruz 20 plus hour fiasco.
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it's time to make the tea party listen. i heard about making changes at the midterm elections. i'm not very smart and don't have a lot of education but there is a thing called recall elections. people need to start getting online and signing petitions to start recalling some of these folks. i tell you what, the house needs to bring the clean c.r. to the house floor and let democracy work the way it's supposed to work. one thing i do agree with the republicans when they were talking about the obama care and they shouldn't be treated any better than anybody else. and i agree with that. and my understanding is they get a 72% of their healthcare funded for them. and i think everybody ought to get that. i certainly do agree. host: our caller mentioned the
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tea party about the relations between members of the tea party and big business on the gop not he'ding old big business allies. the tea party allies are not he'ding the old big business allies. they look to obama. they write business leaders are taking sides with president obama after failing to persuade their republican allies in ngress to avert a government shutdown. >> the president today met with a number of leaders of the biggest banks in the country. out of that meeting with congressional leaders this is the story the politico tweet tells it all they peer no close
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tore averting -- ending shutdown after meeting for more than an hour. caller: when does this rise to level of national security interest if we're facing the government shutdown now and october 17 a default on our debt? there must come a time when they invoke the war act and say this people in congress failed to appropriate money for government and the n.s.a. is it there with the executive branch and say it's ours now until these guys can get together and come up with a way to fund government. there must come a way we have a stop gap measure after newt gingrich's stunt in 1995. those think tanks aren't sitting there with no plan. obama isn't saying they can
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hijack government because they did. must be some kind of fallout here that the n.s.a. or security community says we will not default on our debt, we will not allow china to say we got to get paid here. what is going on? there must be something here because they don't like obama care. they do like obama care. they want to hammer out how obama care should be funded. that is meaningless when they are talking about a global situation. it seems to me they just can't seem to get along. my other point is endatelements. the republicans say all these things are bad about entitlements. the individual that reevels the entitlements doesn't get a big block of money. there are a bunch of people that
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get employed to provide those social securities. he gets food stamps then the cashier gets a job, person putting the groceries away. the truck that comes and puts the groceries in the store. it's an economic stimulus package for poor communities. host: one of the senators that spoke on the floor today. the senate is still in session and the primary topic is the government shutdown and how to esolve it. >> senator from hphp. >> thank you mr. president. as i said before and i said a's came to this floor last week, governing by crisis is no way to run a government. we simply have to get our act together and work together to get the government funded again.
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to not lose the forest for the trees in terms of addressing the physical challenges. to come up with a fiscally responsible plan that puts our nation first and puts us on a path to economic security. and frankly we wasted too much time and energy on police women brink manship and self-inflicted crisis that keep us from focusing on the real challenges we face including our $17 trillion in debt, an economy that could be much stronger than it is right now to create the best climate for jobs in this country. and as i came to this floor last week, i reiterated my strongly eld opposition to obama care because i've seen the impact
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hearing from businesses and individuals in new hampshire concerned about rising healthcare cost. d in new hampshire we only have one insurer that will be on the exchange and ten of our 26 hospitals will be excluded from the exchange. but i also said last week that shutting down the government in an attempt to defund obama care was not a winning strategy for success. why? well, we've already seen exhibit a, why it wasn't a winning strategy for success because the government shut down yesterday d the obama care exchanges opened and continued anyway. why is that? ecause we knew in advance that
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the mandatory funding piece that was put in obama care would continue even if the government was shut down. and we have seen that happen. and so while i continue to believe that this law is wrong for america because it's causing rising healthcare cost, because the notion -- in fact i think it was well said recently by the chairman of the board of trustees at one of our hospitals who originally supported the affordable care act but recently came to say, i supported it because we were told we could keep our doctor and that has turned out to be a lie. so i certainly want to work with my colleagues to do whatever i can to come up with ways that we can repeal obama care, replace it with reform that is are actually going to drive down
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healthcare cost, allow people to keep their physicians, foster more competition in the insurance sector to give people more choice. but we need to end where we are right now. we need to come to a resolution to keep this government funded in a fiscally responsible way congressionalthat leaders are going to speak to the president tonight. but we do not need another photo on. what we need is results. we need both side of the aisle working together to negotiate, to come up with a plan to fund the government, to move forward, to find common ground and i know there is some common ground in areas of obama care that both sides of the aisle are concerned about.
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for example, the medical device tax. when we had the budget votes earlier this year. the vote was 79 to 20 to repeal the medical device tax. members of both sides of the aisle decided that that tax was not good for invasion for jobs, drives up healthcare cost. so that's an area where we have had some common ground and how we can affect this healthcare law. a healthcare law that i still deeply oppose. but it is time for us to make sure that we can get the government funded again. why? in my home state of new hampshire, right now the naval shipyard, one of our nation's four public shipyard, skilled workers there, they are being put in jeopardy. they have a very important function to defend our nation, to maintain our virginia class of submarines. yet due to the shutdown 1700
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workers are being furloughed. and instead of focusing on maintaining our submarine fleet and defending our nation, they are worried about their paychecks and it's wrong. our national guard, more than 330 national guard technicians are being furloughed. they lost 25 to 30% of their pay this summer when they were furloughed due to vation sequestration. this is no way to treat americans that help defend our country. they play a crill cal role in the operation of our guard. and we are being told that if they do not receive more furlough exceptions they may have to shut down their air bridge of operations to europe in the middle east. this is about the defense of our nation. many of them have cancelled their civilian jobs at work to come to their drill weekend that has been cancelled so they are losing those days of pay as
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well. yesterday i answered my phone with a constituent calling me saying his family saved for years for a vacation. they were at the grand canyon and they said what is going on? we took our kids out of school for two weeks. we've saved for years for this vacation and we can't go down into the canyon. we must get this resolved. and we must look for common ground on both sides of the aisle to negotiate this to get a responsible fiscal plan for the nation. and by the way we're fighting about six weeks of a continuing resolution right now. give me a break. we should be looking at long term funding for this nation. not six weeks to have this kind of impass over six weeks. i can understand why the american people are frustrated and angry. so all i can say is tonight as
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congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle meet with the president of the united states, we don't need anymore posturing, let's give up the blame game on both sides, no more photo ons. we've all seen enough at this point. come out of that meeting with results. and yes, results mean that both sides are going to have to negotiate and both sides aren't going to get everything that they want. but that's what people do in their daily lives. that's what people in new hampshire do to resolve their differences and that's what the american people expect of us and i hope that this ends soon that we can move forward on behalf of this great nation. >> republican senator of new hampshire. the senate is back tomorrow morning at 10:30. the house back tomorrow morning at 10:00 live here on c-span. this evening taking your
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reaction to this day number two of the government shutdown. the house was in session today nd here is what they got done. the house approved three targeted spending resolutions to the senate on wednesday dearing senate democrats to vote against the district of columbia, the national institutes of health and the national park service. >> back to your calls. on our independent line. go ahead. caller: i'm down here in the most southern part of texas down here on the mexican border. i don't know what the rest of the people feel about what is going on down here. but this budget crunch, from my
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understanding from the people that i know in the agency, that the immigration service will be subject to a 50% layoff on the border and that they are going to close all of the check points from texas all the way to california. now this may not worry anybody up there. but if you live down here and you are dealing on a daily basis with the ill leels coming through that are partially armed and then you are dealing with all the drugs coming through, i have two contacts in mexico. yesterday and today and they told me that there is absolute total jubilation and they hope this continues because that means that the entire border will be open for the illegals and terrorists and as many tons of drugs as they can bring in.
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>> are you seeing evidence they are reporting there that the staffing of the border guard is reduced from what it was monday? caller: absolutely. because see my property goes right to the middle of the rio grand river. it's 20 acres. i've lived there 60 years. and i have seen the increase. i have seen situations where the border patrol during the day have been attacked by armed intruders. host: specifically on the shutdown though, you are saying you see fewer border patrol agents since the shutdown on tuesday? caller: yes. and i talked to a couple and i'm not going to mention any names i'm not going to dear do that. they are willing to work for free because they know that if
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that y is not out there all of this activity is going to increase totally and it's going right past me and it's going up north. so that means you're going to have an increase of drugs. you're going to have an increase of people that are naturally terrorist i can in attitude and culture going up north. host: his observations are is being rom what reported by various news organizations, members of the military. border patrol agents. the f.b.i., t.s.a., among those who remain on duty. let's go to ohio on the republican line. caller: i just want to say that i really like the job you guys are doing on c-span.
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i was going to cancel my cable because i can't afford it but i'm going to find a way to afford it because you're the only program i want to watch right now. host: that's what pays our bills so we appreciate you signing up for cable. caller: i've never been more proud to be a republican after seing the congressmen talking on the floor, it just warms my heart. and i'm calling all my kid and telling them watch c-span and i have 11 children that are all grown. host: is that 11 cable bills then? caller: yes. i want to say if you compare john boehner what he said after the meeting with the president mpared to nancy pelosi and
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heir reid you can tell who is telling the truth. host: let's check our facebook poll. we've had this up since the weekend asking you who is responsible for the steal mate 3,619 thinkoting is t's the democrats caller: i'm 60 years old and i've been republican since the first day my father took me to sign up. party has cratic
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always helped their people. when they help their people, they help themselves also. d like to mow what is notive is behind the democratic party that i'm beginning to not like. if you put those two together, they really out weigh the blame that the republicans are getting. host: seeing some of the video earlier this evening of the democratic leaders after the meeting with president obama. brenda from texas. caller: thank you for taking my call. i just want to say that the affordable care act, not obama care, is law. it has been challenged by the republicans and the supreme
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court has said that it is legitimate and as i understand things, i am a are tired federal employee and i have my insurance of course through my former employer. we don't have to change. it's already been said if you have insurance and you're happy with that, you do not have to change. i have read many articles. this has got me so upset because i'm 62 and i just retired on disability from the postal service. they took me from a job where i had been sitting at a computer for years and closed my facility because of sequestration and government cutbacks and put me as a mail handler throwing 70 pound sax of mail. now the republicans cannot see
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the forest for the trees. i am in an area where ted cruz and ted poe are from, both tea party candidates. i have read an article that says there are over six lobbyist for each member of the senate and congress, for all law makers. the lobbyist are responsible for this. the oil and gas industry are driving a lot of what is going on here. and of course this area of texas is nothing but one refinery after another. you can go 100 miles and see 100 refineries of all different kinds. ted cruz is despicable. is a lawyer who was a personal injury lawyer and he has looked for every way to delay this.
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as far as i'm concerned boehner is a coward. host: starting with the naval academy tweet. the big news is the navy football game is a go saturday against air force because there had been some questions earlier whether that was going to go or not. on our c-span chat april says -- go ahead lee on the republican line in texas. caller: thanks for taking my call. i've been watching this real close all week. and this morning i finally came to the conclusion what i
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thought the big problem is and that is after the democrats would not even talk to the republicans, i figured out what they really want is the republicans to disown the tea party because if the tea party keeps making end roads and keeps exposing what is going on, the democrats are going to lose their poir. and the democrats want to deal with good old boys that are really nice people and most of them vote right but at least they will go along to get along and it's not threatening to the democrats. and the founders, if i understand it right, i bought a caller: of the constitution when gring rich was going through this back in the 1990's, and the founders but the branch of congress closest to the people in charge. they have to be the twoun originate spending bills so that the people could reign in an out
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of control government. and the house is doing exactly what they are supposed to do because the people that voted them in twants government reigned in. i'm so sick of bureaucratics and the government trying to tell me every little thing i've got to do and i'm 72 years old. host: appreciate hearing fru. one of the members who has seen the last 18 shutdowns since 1977 is john dingle of michigan. the dean of the house as he's called. here are some of his comment on the house floor. >> >> i've never seen such a
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disregard of our responsibilities to the people. we're supposed to solve the problems of the people. we're supposed to deal with the concerns they have. we're supposed to see it to that the nation sposs%. none of that is being done. the american people could get better out of the zoo than we are getting today. i'm embarrassed and hope my colleagues especially on the republican side are embarrassed. this is going to cost us huge amounts of money and waste money that will exceed what we saw weastd during the last time the republicans shut the house down. they shut it down in 1995 and 1996 and cost $2 billion in today's money according to the office of management and budget this. shutdown is no different and it's going to end up not only costing money but hurting the economy, hurting jobs and hurting the american recovery.
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lostg the last shutdown we huge amounts of revenue through i.r.s. and other agencies. passport applications weren't processed. parks were closed. now we're going to pass a budget . people are going to think that in some quaint way we're solving the nation's problems. we are called the congress. that means coming together. i see no coming together here. i see a waste of time, a waste of money and the behavior of a nch of people who look small and small minded. i'm embarrassed. i hope my colleagues are embarrassed and the american people are not only embarrassed but they are being hurt by the shameless miserable behavior
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we're demonstrating today in this chamber. let's get down to business. let's pass a continuing resolution. let's do our responsibilities. let's behave as a congress of the united states not an aggregation of children. i yield back the balance of my time. host: back to your calls. day number two of the government shutdown. bob in new york on the democrats line. caller: i got to say c-span is the best channel to watch and i just want to talk about the shutdown briefly. because i think if the government is going to shut us down, they should take everything that they want the government or us the people to have, i think it's only fair.
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and that goes on to the affordable care act which i think i have a good grasp probably more than any caller has spoke on the you about. i work for the county here. and my insurance has tripled in the last three years. i'm sure you hear a lot of calls like this. tripled, i'mhas it also disabled too. so now i have this double rapure going on here. i tried going on this site here and i couldn't get on. and now i don't know if my insurer during my open enrollment how much it's going to go up. i've got three children and a wife. it's a dilemma. >> are you hopeful that through
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the exchanges that you can find a policy that is cheaper than what you are paying now? >> i don't know the answer to that because my open enrollment hasn't come up yet. host: do you mind sharing how much you pay for you and your family? caller: a little bit over -- bout $180. host: for a month. caller: a month, that is what i pay for everything. the point here is everyone is confused about what they are doing. and when you see members of congress not knowing what they are doing, people just want straight answers. and i don't think this is asking too much. because like my house, the house i own, if i don't make my car
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payment or my mortgage payment, you know what's going to happen to my house? it's going to go into foreclosure. and there is going to be problems. well, the government just keeps on borrowing and borrowing and that's the problem. i'm a democrat. i'm a war leader. i ran for state senate on the democratic ticket here. i think what people are trying to say but you have people that like the president at the same time. but somewhere all these people that have houses are saying i don't get to do the same thing that the government gets to do. and that's borrow until there is no end because like a person like myself i have to pay the bank back all the time. i just don't have congress to pass a clean c.r. it's not fair. it's not fair to the homeowner
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or everyone down the street, to the person in california, florida, in texas. it doesn't matter what part you run across. that's how i feel. that's my opinion. host: thanks for your call. let's go to the independent line in ind. caller: hello. first, i'm going to tell you how to solve the problem, it's very simple then i'm going to give you my predictions and my future predictions. instead of delaying it for a year. republican. i'm a democrat. instead of delaying it for a year like the republican want to do. give him everything he wants for one year. after one year they have to redo everything. -- i hen it falls through
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have never heard this. it's all about control. they are controling the public. i have my va i go tofment i get it free because i live in poverty. i have asbestos in both my lungs by the way. so i can't afford this and i'm going to be penalized. i'm not even going to sign up for it and i'm going to have to . y for it and to solve it, like i said, they should just give the democrats whatever they want to do for one year, make it law for one year and if it cause chaos like my prediction is and control the public is, compress you. it's the new world order.
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host: looking live at the white house the president canceling part of his proposed asia trip. the president meeting midday with some of the largest bankers and later in the day with the democratic and republican leaders. an article here in the blog, the 218 blog and roll call about some of the moderate members of as the blican house hutdown stretches on --
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host: mark is in michigan, republican caller. good evening. caller: i just wanted to comment on the exchanges and on michigan being open as of october 1. the affordable healthcare act and so forth. i couldn't get on so just for curiosity i called to get a quote as far as medical coverage in my area. i gave them all my information and he gave me a quote for one starting in november for like $65 a missouri and he's like now you want to enroll now. if you wait until january this same plan is going to cost you $270 per month
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host: why does it go up? caller: that was my question. what is the difference here? well the affordable healthcare act. it's going to change everybody's rates and you're going to pay more. and so i'm kind of in limbo with my work and see what they are going to offer. ow is that affordable? to just across the board change rates like that for everybody. host: did you sign up for the $65 plan? caller: no, i'm waiting for the information in the mail. he's going to send his cell phone number and all the rates in michigan for the various plans. he's like i can't guarantee 2014. ates past like once the year is up, it's going to jump. so he sfrongly advised that i would sign up now instead of
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applying in january. and how is that affordable? i'm one person. i'm not a family of four. i'm just one person. i have never been insured. i'm in good health. host: how old are you? caller: i'm going to be 35 tomorrow. host: happy birthday. caller: thank you. for a 35-year-old single male in michigan that can't get on the exchanges out of curiosity it's $65 a month for a decent plan. then in january if you don't sign up now, we're going to hike it up. what is going to happen? it's going to spiral out of control. host: you couldn't get on the exchange you said. you had trouble logging on. caller: i could not log on. i tried for two days. i'm getting error messages. and meanwhile their you better sign up, penalties, penalties. where is all the penalty money
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going? where is the rate hike going? host: you have through the end of december, right, to sign up? you have three months or something. so that glitch in michigan could clear up. caller: i can't get over how the affordable healthcare act. i get people -- canada and different countries have healthcare taken off the top, okay fine. how is that affordable? $265,as a family of four, that would double, triple and it's unreal. host: i appreciate you sharing your story. a few more minutes of your phone calls. we want to bring you some discussion from earlier from the rules committee. they consider the rules for debate for the bills that came up today and also the two that will come up tomorrow, the
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veterans administration bill and also the bill dealing with the garden reserve. .his is a little back and forth >> you know what we generally do in washington is say we're going to have to tchange spending curve and bring it down. we all agree it's a fact that the national debt is now 100% of the dpped g.d.p. it's a fact that the main lender stouse china. and yet as the gentleman has been very consistent about is you'd probably prefer to take more of it out of military and i'd prefer to take more out of social programs. but we would still both mutely agree that the numbers are correct and the objective is a worthy one of bringing down
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spending. and if the gentleman will continue to yield to me i want to say this. here is what happens as you and i have seen time and again we have these big fiscal cliffs and let's cut the deal. we'll get to that spending deduction. but not here and now, we'll get to it later down road. that's the frustration without this drama we never get there. and so the question becomes if not now, when? >> so it's not about the affordable care act anymore. the deal is so you're clear here. i loth the sequester numbers. i think it's doing great damage to our economy. if i was the united states senate i would have sent over a c.r. with different numbers because i think these numbers
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are god awful. i'm a liberal democrat, i make no bones about that. ago in said a few days this hearing room, i'm willing to support a short term c.r. at your numbers, at the numbers that i hate. $986 million to keep the government going. i'm compromising in a way that quite frankly i find difficult to do because i know these are louse si numbers. i just came from a rally with head start providers that are shutting down in your districts. and because of this shutdown more and more closing. in massachusetts we have a good governor who is trying to find state money to keep them open for a couple of weeks. if we don't resolve this in a
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couple of weeks they are going to shut down. the senate sent this number over, i don't like it but i'm willing to go along with it until we can negotiate a longer term budget deal. but i'm trying to figure out, is the republican line still defund, delay obama care? you can't go much lower than these numbers. you can't even get a transportation bill passed. >> if the gentleman will yield. in the context of going broke as a nation. in the context you and i agree on that the debt is 100% of g.d.p. obama care adds to it. >> it shows by eliminating the affordable care act you're going to increase the debt. if you don't agree with the numbers, that's fine. i'm just trying to understand
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the way out of this. and is the way out of this from your point of view to be able to have the president say -- >> i would love to see the commander in chief take ownership in the debt he brought on. he was playing golf on saturday. >> he ended the war in iraq which wasn't paid for. hopefully going to end the war in afghanistan. those are contributors to our debt. the fact is uninsured people who show up at hospitals and need care, that is added to our deficit and debt as well. all these things -- i'm just trying -- > it's been consistent about that. remember in august 2, 2011 we had the sequestration was not
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really supposed to go in effect. all that was was the threat to make both parties come up with spending reforms and that did not happen and that's why we have sequestration. and did it not happen because the president of the united states prevers to play golf. they didn't even show up for the conference committee yesterday. how is that possible? >> here is kind of where the problem is here: for six months, we've been trying to get you to appoint confer rees to go to conference. >> now you have them. >> now when the government is shut down, we run out of tricks, let's go to cofrpbls. now we're doing this piece mill appropriations here. all i want to know is when this ridiculous drama comes to an end where i can go back to my constituents and say we're not
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going to close anymore head start facilities, we're not going to shut down important transportation functions. we're going to reopen our national parks. we're going to get the government back running again while we negotiate a long term deal. i just want to know are you waiting for the president to you want a call or what do you need? >> this would be my recommendation. for the senate to appoint con fearees and go ahead and put debt ceiling and sequestration and the budget and discuss the whole thing at once and get it over with because if we don't setting it now you're going to be right back here. >> the president and congressional leaders to a wednesday meeting at the white house so i'm hoping that your leadership will go. here is the problem with your
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strategy and i'll close with this: i understand we've been urging you to go to conference on a long-term budget deal. we want you to do that and we still want you to do that. but for the five weeks that this c.r. is in existence for, you ought not to sthut government down. -- shut the government down. if all of a sudden you guys got religion and want to go to conference i'm happy. go to conference on a long-term spending bill but do not hold the american people hostage. >> we gave the senate three options to keep the government open. > what you did was trickery. >> what you did is try to blackmail the president. dismantle your healthcare.
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that was the choice. >> well, i would say actually to quote a democrat john f. kennedy compromise is the concrete of democracy. and while the president is proudly negotiating with the iranians, he will not negotiate with the republicans. it seems a little bizarre. >> i will finish with this. i would say to the republicans here that there are democrats in the house of represent thaves deserve to be negotiated w. and then when you pass a budget and the senate passes a budget you negotiate with the senate. and that's the way the process works. >> i would proudly negotiate with the jafment i would proudly is it down with you and negotiate our differences to get to a balanced budget for the united states of america. >> so there is no end in sight. >> i would is it down with you right now. >> appreciate that. host: in a very lelingtthi rules
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committee meeting today in the house. we'll have all of it for you later in the schedule on the c-span networks. a couple more twithes tweets and then your calls. this is a tweet in pennsylvania. gettisburg hotos of shutting down. you look in the distance the statute is of abraham lincoln and the lock is on the front gate. and our camera crews here in the nation's capital were around town looking at some of the monuments in washington, barricaded there the lincoln memorial. south carolina on our democrats line. caller: i am. i have been waiting over a half an hour and wouldn't hang up. it's amazing to me that people do not give this president any kind of respect.
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hes been called a liar while was doing the annual address to the nation. a finger pointed in fizz face and i just don't understand thousand republicans have such limited memory. ey don't know or they have forgotten selectively how this resident host: you're on the air. caller: thank you for taking my call. i just want to say while i respect the president how can he
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look himself in the mirror. when you have almost an entire country that don't want this affordable care act and he wants to shove it down our throat. this is supposed to be america where we have freedom choose and the government seems to kind of slowly but surely they are taking more of our rights and freedom away. host: we're going to take a call from west virginia on the republican line. caller: hello. i just can't believe our irresponsible our government has been acting over the last few years, how much they've gone in debt which has hurt us. any business run the way our government has been run would go under long before now. shutting down the government is one of the most irresponsible
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things. they are hurting innocent people. they are putting our nation in jeopardy by some of the things they've shut down and it just doesn't make any sense why innocent people should suffer of fex with with 2 po fight all the time. they should take atway salaries of the politicians. one day of salary for each day it takes to settle all of this and put that toward the national debt. host: there are articles about several dozen members have offered to not take a salary during the shutdown. i want to show you one headline here about a hearing that we covered earlier. intelligent chiefs the shutdown threatening national security. some comments from the head, the
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director of national intelligence and the director of the national security agency in their testimony today before the senate intelligence committee. and we will have that hearing for you later on our program schedule as well. thanks for your calls and more of them tomorrow during "washington journal" starting at 7:00 eastern tomorrow here on c-span and on c-span radio and coming up on "washington journal" tomorrow i'll look at the latest in the government shutdown. one of our guest is senator tom co-burn of oklahoma. we'll hear from the secretary of the cabinet for health and family services in kentucky and talk about her state's healthcare exchange. also tomorrow morning we'll here from the director of the national park service joining us by phone on the shutdowns in the national parks. also tomorrow kentucky governor
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talking about the healthcare act, his support of the healthcare act and the impact on the state and the preview of the debt ceiling debate. "washington journal" live tomorrow and every day at 7:00 a.m. eastern. up next on c-span we're going to take you to the comments right after the meeting at the white house with president obama and congressional leaders, a meeting eastern. at 5:40 e hear from john boehner and harry reid and nancy pelosi when they all came out to speak to reporters. >> at times like this the american people expect their leaders to come together and try to find ways to resolve their
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differences. the president reiterated one more time tonight that he will not negotiate. we've got divided government. democrats control the white house and senate, republicans control the house. we sent four different proposals over to our democratic colleagues in the senate and they rejected all of them. we asked to go to conference to try to resolve our differences. they will not negotiate. we had a nice conversation, a polite conversation but at some point we've got to allow the process our founders gave to us work out. conferees.nted it's time for them to. we're asking for a discussion and fairness for the american people under obama care. i would hope that the president and my democrat colleagues in the senate would listen to the american people and is it down and have a serious discussion
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about resolving these differences. it's my understanding that speaker boehner said that democrat won't negotiate. what the speaker has to accept is yes for an answer. he said that he wanted to go to conference. he sent us something from the house he wanted to go to conference. so i thought we had thrown him a lifeline. i said we'll go to conference. all we want you to do is open the government. and i went through a litany of things we'd talk about. we'll talk about discretionary spending, we'll talk about ago
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gi culture, we'll talk about parks. we'll talk about healthcare. we'll talk about anything you want to talk about. and he. we will talk about anything you want to talk about. he says, no. all i want to do is go to conference on a short-term cr. ceiling staring us in the face and he wants to talk about a short-term cr. i thought they were concerned about the long-term fiscal affairs of this country. we said that we are. let's talk about it. take yes for an answer. >> thank you. on march 1, we saw many of you out year after we had a meeting in the oval office with president obama. at that time, speaker banner and leader mcconnell said that they on a budgetoceed
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discussion under regular order, a washington term that means to pass a bill in the house, pass a bill in the senate, and go to conference. all of that was before the end of the month. bill. passed a republicans had resisted regular order. for six months, they have avoided going to conference. now, they come up with 988, a figure that our members in the house do not like and think is too low. the republican chairman of the appropriation committee says it does not enable government to provide for the means -- the needs of the american people. house,0 members of the democrats, stood on the house
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and made a solid and real offer to the speaker of the house to --ect -- except his number number to open up government. it up,had to do is bring pass it in the house, a ghost the president's desk, this is over. the table, as the leader suggests. some of that could be helpful for growth, deficit reduction, and how we go forward on lifting the debt ceiling. way and wefind a have to find a path that they can go down. as they keep moving the goalposts and will not accept the number. if they do not take yes for an concludehen i can only that they wanted to shut down government.
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i think that that had a purpose for them and we know if that is. they want to overturn the affordable care act and that will not happen. frankly, that is not what our constitution had in mind. if you do not like something, you shut down government. it is not that kind of the system. in any event, we are optimistic because so much is at stake. i'm hopeful that we hurt each other andeard each find a place to go to the budget table six months after we were supposed to to discuss the --get that can be helpful discuss the budget. that can be helpful. the next discussion is the debt ceiling. shall we say, there was some candid discussion, wouldn't you say? we will not going to that.
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-- go in to that. >> i was happy that i was there. the president of the united states was very strong, strong, strong. this has never happened before and they can make all the historical analysis they want. this is never happened before. a political party being will he -- willing to take the country to the brink of financial disaster and saying that they will not pay their bills. the president says he will not stand for that. i said we will be happy to work with the speaker on a way out of this. we are where we are and we are playing as little games as possible because this is focused on obamacare. that is what this is about. they did the same thing with andal security, medicare,
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they are to do the same thing with obamacare. obamacare is a nether social security or medicare program. it is a signature issue. nancy pelosi and harry reid work hard to get it done and we are happy it is done. one thing we made clear is that we are locked in tight on obamacare. ask, when you are in that meeting, what is your sense of the danger that the country may default? >> i believe, based on what we have seen, the performance of uz-lead party driven cr house, no longer in the senate, now in the house, it looks like these people are headed to where they want to go. michele bachmann says that she
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is where she wanted to be. she not alone. >> let me -- let me just say this about the meeting, that is the following, i think there are certain principles or attitudes that we should have. i'm not saying that we agreed to this in the media. andthe good of the order the confidence of the american people, we should take the debt ceiling debate off the table. the nine states of america will always honor the full faith and credit of our country. no president should be held hostage to that for a social or other agenda. let's take that off the table. it is really dangerous. closing the government is bad. the combination of that and not lifting the debt ceiling is
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beyond cataclysmic. again, we have to think about what we are doing. let's take that off the table. >> should he vote for -- >> he is not going to. every bill that has ever passed in the congress is subject to another bill passing in the congress to amend it. if they do not like aspects of the affordable care act, they have every opportunity to bring to makee four -- floor changes. that should not be a threat to whether we are operating with the full faith and credit of the united states. lift the debt ceiling off the table and recognize that any bill that has been passed can be changed under regular order. do not confuse the two. >> did the speaker say why he
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would not bring the cr to the floor? >> i will not going to why they have not accepted their own number. with the support of the other members of the caucus, we are saying that we are making a firm offer to the speaker, as i have done over and over again, that we will accept the 988. we do not like the 988. most have dug their heels into city would never support the 988. opiniongovernment, that is a luxury we cannot afford. we are willing to compromise and accept the number. 8 andhave two things, 98 overturn obamacare. this is not going to happen. they should accept this and not move the goalposts. > the house rules committee met> to discuss rules to resume
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funding for the government. including the washington, d.c. government, the national parks, and to pay for the national guard and reserve. it was passed along party lines in committee and on the house floor. senate leaders say they will not take up the measures. this part of the meeting is 50 minutes. >> what we are about today is five bills that are good bills. there are no problems. people may object to them because they do not go far enough or considerate piggy. -- picky. substanceothing about that is a problem or the subjects that is a problem. as far as they palsied issue, to thes no policy issues bills that were sent over on saturday that is a problem.
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on each bill, there is enough in that's it the senate if the senate wanted to solve the problem, they can use this as a vehicle to get something going. instead, the answer was simply no. tot was the same answer the bills. not discussing it. just know. -- "no." andve heard all the spin talking points from everyone in their second cousin. policy,t really about it is about power and a power game late in the beltway. the policies we keep sending over and what we are doing today. the policy we have done in the
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decent -- good and decent policy that has been held thise power of who gets first. until the senate, not just on cr, butlls and on the on every other appropriation bill that goes over there, is willing to do their part and take this to the floor and discuss it and vote on it, this issue will still be at hand and is not being resolved. i appreciate what y'all are doing here. i appreciate all the talking point in the span that i am hearing over and over again -- spin that i am hearing over and over again. it is like going on the political campaign circuit. that theseline is
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bills are decent bills and we should do them because it moves us forward. this is not harm anything. with one area that you are most appointed with, the national parks, bless their hearts, this is the bill that could make them do the right thing. but duringay this, the last shutdown that i was not here for, anyone who has been here since that shutdown has been here too long. i didn't mean that. i just had to get that in. that was too great of a strea ined to give me -- mline to give me. >> our constituents think otherwise. theye bottom line is,
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still hold it down. they didn't have to. put guards at monuments that are open air and that cost thenthan closing it down if they had left it open. there's a part owner and operated by the national park service. playgrounding, the was changed and padlocked. excessive efforts on the parts of the national parks service. telling them to do this would be one of the good things to do and tell them not to play the political games. an organization that sent in comments about how he's don't pipeline would be negative eystoner service -- k
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pipeline would be negative to their service. theproblem i have is that appropriation bill has not been passed by the senate even though they have had it all summer long. what they need to do is go to regular order. doe senate needs to something and have to compromise was somebody. they have to stop saying no. i'm happy to vote for the bills that are coming. i will be happy to talk -- listen to the rest of the talking point in spain what is going on. on.ome >> when you give me a rhubarb pie i will yield to you. you gave me a grape pie. pie.i want a rhubarb o there is nothing wrong with
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these bills. we need the senate to stand up and take these bills and go about doing it. until we do that, we have failed. i yield back. >> i will take a second. the senate cannot do anything because they cannot get 60 votes to do it. are seeingsakes, we the benefit of the majority being able to do some work on this. seriously, they cannot get cloture on anything. of coarse they have cr. this, if thed bills were not about spending an extra trillion dollars in taxes, perhaps they could get somebody else to come with them. that is the crux of the problem -- i appreciate what black
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brief.ll be bleak -- we are going in all kinds of directions. we can have a discussion about how the senate should operate and how should operate. about the fact that the bill was pulled off the floor even though it came through. it did not have enough votes. i will not get into that today. i just want to repeat that we are here today because the senate passed a bill, a compromise bill, with a member of the house to keep the government running. that is what we're talking about today. keeping the government running. we can have long discussions about texas and new york, other states and who is doing what
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better. we know that there have been over 40 votes about the affordable care act. the supreme court has affirmed the affordable care act. we are here to talk about chairmane and the rogers and- chairman i have a good respectful relationship, as we have with senator mikulski and senator shelby -- we can sit down and get this done. they pass this bill with a member of the house. memories,fresh our the house refused to conference with the senate on the number. in order tote, compromise, cap the house number. number.the house
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we're here to talk about a compromise bill and get the government running. sending a bill to the white pick, we don't have to apart every little bill. >> i thank you and i appreciate all of you being here. clear that none of these bills will go anywhere. the senate will not go along with this. all of this is just a gigantic waste of time. things thatof the the republican majority is good at and i will give them credit for that. the chairman of the rules committee mentioned that the president's popularity has slipped and that is the reason why we should be going after the affordable care act. i'm happy to share with you the poll numbers for congress and for house republicans. they are in the negatives. people are so frustrated.
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i point that out. you talked about regular order. i am old-fashioned and ira member the senate passing the budget, the house passing the budget, and going to conference to decide the numbers. the appropriations committee does their work and brings them to the respective floors and congress goes from there. we are in make-believe land here. we are passing appropriation bills that the senate has approved. sorry, theow, i'm -- all 12 ofssed their appropriation bills have gone through committee. there's an issue over there with the republican minority. those of the senate rules and i do not like them but that is reality. we're talking about a number of bills here today. i don't think he came to the floor.
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>> if the gentleman would yield, that is the issue. we are talking about regular order. i'm here and that is my point that i was making earlier, we have lifted this nih piece out of the bill. we have flown in the face of regular order after repeated questions and asking for the bill to be brought up in the subcommittee and it never came up. you did not -- you did not get it-- pass -- pass, what is russian mark the monopoly game we did not -- what is it? the monopoly game. we did not get into the room to have the sub midi markup -- subcommittee markup.
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now, we're looking at this hhs bill and saying let's move forward. we were denied the opportunity to go to the subcommittee and other 11ittee like the appropriations bills. i would say that we did not finish the interior. all the other bills went through this process. are we deciding that this is appropriate to do, to fly in the face of regular order? committee, myles friends have said that all appropriations bills will come to the floor. i assume that the gentlemen for georgia is not asking for the rule related to nih funding. the other -- you know, -- the canr reality is that we
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play this game, i don't know how long it will go on. maybe the gentlemen from georgia can tell me, what is the -- what is the ultimate goal here? is it to delay and defund the affordable care act? is that what you're holding out for? the pound of flesh that you want from the white house? >> will the gentleman yield? this, you know that wegenerally say have to change the spending curve and bring it down. we all agreed and it is a fact that the national debt is 100% of gdp. spend,ry dollar that we $.42 are borrowed. the main lender to us is china. what the government has been consistent about is that you
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would prefer to take more from the military and i let's take that out of social programs. >> get rid of the agrium businesses-- accra- businesses. bigou and i have seen these fiscal cliff's cr summits and it , let's cut the bill and we will get to the spending reduction down the road. that is where the frustration is. without this drama, we never seem to get their. if the gentleman would give me 10 more seconds, the question becomes, if now, when?
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>> it is not about the affordable care act anymore? i loath the sequester numbers and i think it is doing damage to our economy. i i were in the senate, would've sent over acr with different numbers because i think these numbers are god- awful. -- let mele democrat finish -- i'm a liberal democrat, make no bones about i'm going toid, support a short-term cr at the 986, tothat i hate, keep the government going. that,mpromising in a way quite frankly, i find it difficult to do because these are lousy numbers. i came from a rally with
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headstart providers. headstart providers are shut down. we have ae shutdowns, governor trying to find money for a couple of weeks. if you do not resolve this, they will shut down. there is a real hurt. the senate sent this number over and i do not like it. it going to go along with until we negotiate a longer-term budget deal. i'm just asking -- is the defund,an line still, delay, dismantle obamacare? you cannot go much lower on these numbers because you cannot get a transportation bill passed. >> if the gentleman would yield, in the context of going broke as a nation and you and i both agree and that the national that
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is 100% of gdp -- >> i disagree. the cbo shows that by a limiting the affordable care act, you increase the debt. if you don't want to agree with those numbers, that is fine. i want to understand the way out of this. is the way out of this, from your point of view, and the president may even say -- >> i would love to see the commander in chief take ownership of the debt that he brought up. as you know, the president is playing golf and the senate was adjourned on saturday. >> he's going to end the war in afghanistan, not soon enough, that is a great interpreter georgia. ibutert is a great contr
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to our debt. i'm just trying to -- i'm just trying to -- ok -- have always been consistent on this and i respect you for sequestrationhe that was not supposed to go into effect. that was a threat to make both parties sit down and that did not happen. that is why we had sequestration. they did not happen because the president of united states prefers to play golf rather than sit down. harry reid didn't sit down for the conference committee yesterday. is -- here ishere where the problem is here. you know, for last six months, women try to get conferees to go to a budget conference. >> and now you have them.
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you have them now. >> your conference. and then, you know, we go to this piecemeal, you know appropriations bill. when thiso know is ridiculous drama comes to an end , can i go back to my constituents to say that we are not going to close anymore headstart facilities or shut down important transportation functions? we are going to reopen our national parks. we're going to get government back running again while we negotiate a deal. i just want to know what black -- i just want to know -- >> this would be my recommendation. the senate should appoint conferees. probably, but sequestration and on the table and
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discuss the whole thing right now. --the president has invited the president has invited congressional leaders to a wednesday meeting at the white house. i'm hoping -- >> that is a good thing. >ere's the problem with -- > here's the problem with your strategy, we want you to come the conference and we still want , for the weeks that this cr is in existence for, you ought not to shut down the government. if you want to go to conference, all of a sudden you guys have religion and you want to go to conference, i'm so happy. go to conference for a long-term spending bill and do not hold the american people hostage.
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>> if my friend will yield, we gave the senate three options -- >> what you did was triggering. ry.tricke you try to blackmail the president. >> through the legislative process? i would say that, to quote a democrat, john f. kennedy, compromise is the concrete of democracy. while the president will negotiate with the iranians, he will not negotiate with republicans. it seems bizarre. i i will finish with this, will say this to republicans you and democrats, negotiate with the senate.
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that is the way the process works. >> i will proudly negotiate with you to negotiate our differences to get to a balanced budget for the united states. clear, -- let me be clear, there is no end in sight? >> i would sit down with you right now. thereonsider what went on was a healthy debate. kingston, we -- try to allow people to talk evenly. thank you for not upping the ante on that. >> thank you. i hardly know where to begin. gosh, we did not let states or institutions. -- we can talk about states or institutions. i will be the first person to
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say that texas is not perfect. >> the gentleman will yield. >> the dumb is actually correct. -- the gentleman is absolutely correct. we beat you ise when our texas players are better than your texas players. i mean this in all sincerity, anybody from the state of louisiana can attest to this, if you are in trouble, you do not have a better neighbor then the state of texas. the number of texans that helped my state, and not just an official capacity, up from incredible.s louisiana had the same experience after katrina. when friends in new york, we were in trouble, there was
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remarkable outreach from people in new york. firmat new york investment 9/11lost 650 employees on and brought the company back to set back a charitable donation. to help people during hurricane katrina and sandy. howard and his wife and sister, contributed to mean dollars with the help -- $2 million worth of help. they said, we know you need something. systemre to the school
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-- they worked with the school system. the administration has done a good job in that. fugate, whenes -- he is done, can come back and be the mayor of moore. they do a remarkable job on their own hoping americans -- helping americans. maybe we should take a lesson from them. i do not mean this in a preachy way. we can talk about regular order all day long and we don't have appropriation bills. 2010.e since pledge not kept every that we have made on our side, in terms of operation of regular order.
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i would make a point and i am glad that, evidently, i have been preempted the president of the united states. i was going to suggest that i did not know why the president is not calling both sides to the white house. hasently, that decision been made and it should have happened a long time ago. i'm not happy with our friends in the senate. i think mr. bishop made the case eloquently. and we us like sequester sent to solutions over. i don't expect them to be accepted.- we have offered a variety of proposals. send us something so we can start talking. i take this as a good sign, this
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is not just about this issue. we need a global sentiment. -- settlement. we have debt ceiling coming up and we all know sequester is a blunt instrument. we made disagree about the savings. i don't know. we all agree that is not the appropriate or proper way to achieve them. i hope that is on the table. good friends from the appropriations committee on both sides of the aisle are desperate to have a common number with the senate so that we can go about our work and we omnibus,ully reach a so that we operate on something that resumes the normal process. again, if we get that silly to where it needs to go, we can restore order. and i'veate my friends
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had the opportunity to work with each and every one of you at the table. frankly, you all are extraordinarily able legislators and exceptionally decent people. i hope that the powers that be above us, and the crack and republican, executive and legislative, arrive in an agreement that allows us to do our work. we have real differences and that is fair enough. i don't think the government ought to be shut down and i don't think it is helpful to anybody. i don't think it moves us to a solution. i don't think refusing to sit down to talk is not helpful and there is a lot of free- positioning -- pre- that is going on that has been discussed on the senate side. the house we use this as userage against us -- will
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this as leverage against us. i'm not throwing stones at the president or senate, it is time to do with the american people do. when were in trouble in oklahoma, our friends from texas came up and helped us as close as anyone -- as fast as anyone. our friends from new york came down and were helpful. this is not a new thing. partisan aside the differences that we have here and act like normal americans act, i think people would be amazed at how quickly this institution would regain the steem that it has -- the e that it has lost in recent years. i think that's what our speaker
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wants to accomplish. party -- i other take them at their word. give us a global deal and i guarantee you that a bicameral .ay, we will get our work done , in a bicameral way, we will get our work done. >> we were together and i have in numerous respect for mr. cole. i am delighted the news that parties are going to the white house. it is important that we do not get into the weeds. we must make it clear why we are here. our friends in the senate could have sent over a bill. trillion. they could have done that.
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as you know, chairman rogers and i were working with senator mikulski. we would have been delighted to go to a conference committee to 6 with thehe 98 trillion. we know that. that did not happen. what we're talking about is a sin is bill, again, it is worth repeating, using the numbers of 986, all we have9 to do is sign onto that they'll. -- bill. senator mikulski shortened the time. she wants to use that time to toference the two totals
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come up with an omnibus appropriation. that would have been except will to chairman rogers, the ranking members and the chairman. but, that did not happen. monthsnd us all, it was after the senate came up with their numbers and the budget committee chairman, ranking members here, all have gone to the senate. let's go to a conference and work together. that is not what happens. this position because the senate and house did not go to conference. as you recall, for the longest time, chairman ryan was called on to do a budget. when they did the budget, no conference. we are here now and the senate passed a bill with the numbers that the republicans wanted.
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i would hope that that bill can be considered on the floor, despite what is happening at the white house. we should not have to go to the white house. the president said he would sign it. he would not sign a bill with a little bit here and a little bit there. he wants to sign a total bill to keep the government running. not going to'm discuss new york or colorado. my friend went through a terrible catastrophe, as we did in new york, we should be there to help each other and that is why these bills are so very important. let's stop this partisan politics. passut a rule together to t's sign a bill to put a rule together to pass this. >> thank you.
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i do appreciate all of the efforts and i am honored to serve with you on the appropriations committee. i think you have struck a chord with me, with regard to the --t, it will were to gather worked together -- people have worked together. we suffered a tragedy on the east coast. my friends knows that the amount of delay and the amount of, of, of consternation about trying to provide some help in the way that we do. i am there in a heartbeat. you have people in difficulty and a tragedy that was caused by natural, natural tragedies. that is our function and our
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responsibility. we are at a point in this institution and i've been here 23 years. i have never said no to coming to the aid of people in difficulty. reflection that we have to have an introspection about what has happened here that says the east coast is on its own. that is what happened from any many months. state of connecticut, you are not getting the money for this. this is been done with everybody. i think that is something that we need to reflect on and think about what -- what is happening here. in terms of the larger, people here do not view it this way, but with regard to the health
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care. you have the great state of utah, a nameless member of the delegation who has said that requests that are coming in and with regardencies, to accessing the benefits, you are not going to provide that kind of service to a constituent. add, ihoma, i might don't believe you feel this way, you want to give power back and disregard what is in the affordable care act to allow insurance companies to deny treaty existing conditions -- pre-existing conditions. the attorney general of georgia has made several kinds of with --ck -- several kinds of >> i think you have gone on beyond the basic point.
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i was more than happy to help during hurricane sandy. >> i know that. >> it was the right thing to do. help,ore than happy to frankly, when we had to move the violence against women act. i'm more than happy to help on the fiscal cliff. i figure was honestly negotiated and a pretty good deal. a lot of thehat, resistance is like what mr. kingston said. indefiniterun deficits and rack up debt. that is going to be a big disaster long-term. maybe worse. when opportunity to get on top of this. an opportunity to get on top of this. 2011, a loto april
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of people thought we would shut down government. we narrowed the deficit. everybody complains that the debt ceiling deal and how terrible it was, i noticed that both sides seem to brag about the savings that they arrived that. cliff, some ofl saved all theit bush tax cuts and provided new revenue and narrowed the revenue -- deficits a little bit. i know i friends were not happy with the sequester savings. they accepted it and did not shut down the government. we got that done and that narrowed it. now, when opportunity in front of us, in the context of the situation that we are in. the end of the fiscal year in thedebt ceiling, -- and
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this toling, i'd expect be accomplished with sunshine and roses. no shouting and disagreement. i don't think the american people expect that to happen. they understand the rough-and- tumble political debate. i find that americans are pretty streetsmart and they know what to listen to this place and when to turn it out. they know when to turn it out -- they know when to intervene decisively, as they are prone to do to shake it up. closing, we have a terminus opportunity in front of us in the next days. i hope that the first break is the resident calling both sides together at both sides of the white house -- at the white house.
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on -- our work can go on. i will leave it there and be has been at this predecessor to productive negotiations on wednesday and i will commit to working to my friends on the other side of the aisle and try to work with other friends on the side of the rotunda. i will work with my friends on the other end of pennsylvania avenue. if we can arrive at a deal, it does not have to be the perfect i think the american people expect us to make progress. not just in individual areas, but as my friend from georgia pointed out, the debt, the
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sustainabilitye of our fiscal system. that went a long time and everybody else has gone a long time. so i will yield back. >> i will not say anything. mr. hastings. >> my friend from oklahoma began by saying that he did not know where to begin. i quite frankly -- i, quite frankly, to not know either. either.t know i will find my way. chairman ago, sessions said that we should remain calm. and, he could've been pointing and my friend from georgia. passions wereur
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not going to fail to overflow. i wouldative degree, add my colleagues mr. mcgovern to that panel. day of september, in the opening prayer, patrick in danawritten the jesuitrticle, priest said that this is a painful day for many in our land. may those who possess power be represent those they who possess little or no power.
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whose lives are made more difficult by the failure to work out serious differences. that was enough of a prayer for several numbers to say, "amen. " it is indicative of how much days, has these two caused. everyday, toi do street vendor persons. most days, they have long lines. today, they did not. delis, taxicab drivers, everywhere around our country, the uncertainty is , ining us to consume less
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the final analysis, that will cause us to produce less. i will go further and say that i am not certain whether or not the nsa is listening to phone calls that i have had. i hope they have not. written that president obama should cancel his trip to meetings with 12 people and two. the 12 people i would have chosen to meet with --and this is part of our problem -- and this is part of our problem --we ignore the stellar minds -- we
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ignore the minds of people in this institution. we get our orders, it comes from top-down. the president would not be difficult -- would not find it difficult. he has a big enough house. side.people from our hoyer, and the toir, or someone to get three. on your side, a.b. speaker boehner, and the majority whip, i guess? added ted cruz and the other person who was assisting in wagging the dog as they run, run, run for president
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i would add two or three -- president. i would add two or three people. 15 people that he can negotiate with. i would challenge my colleagues kingston, my mr. good friend, my friend mr. woodall. about howere talking he commented that he would make the assertion and did make the assertion that if you not were sitting down, we could work out these differences. i figure that we should be going about our differences, and i would challenge him, i will find temperatures on my side and you find 10 members on your side. we can meet and have some suggestions to offer. of,ave that kind of added
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of responsibility, i believe, to come to the table. he hasirman is back and said that he contacted mr. french and mr. french had told them, in response to mr. andel's statement on meat poultry not being attended to properly, he said that mr. french assured him, in some way or another, that that will be taken care of. it is not taking care of. --you want to dial -- that is approach the departments of agriculture's meat and poultry hotline and that is closed. that is the starting point of how silly all of this stuff is. almost book --s, all of us know the article written on october 2 that's the
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message is the media. the detailsg into of this article, that is what we are doing here in america. we are offering messages for our respective sides. accusezy can it be? i you of losing your collective minds. i do not feel that way or not. thatuys are so fractured you have lost your fractured minds. it makes no sense to bring things to the floor as you did yesterday. three things were voted on yesterday. you know that when you put on the floor today, that you may be able to pass it. why should we pass anything that we know will not become the law of the land? so, it is not going to pass the senate and another person i have
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got about it should be in the conference with the president is rand paul. so, he can open up real good realn -- he can open up communication to the nut wing and those who are sensible in this joint so that we can get into the business of .esponsibility mr. chairman, i'm glad you're back. i want to ask you who you believe that all of america -- if you believe that all america should have minimum health care? markould be given question -- given? i believe that those who cannot take care of themselves or are seniors, they need that opportunity.
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i believe that able-bodied americans should have to go up and work for it. i have learned that from jamestown. if you do not work, you do not eat. i do not think people should be .ntitled to health care >> at the start of the second ,ay of the government shutdown senators of both sides of the aisle came to the floor. senate minority leader, mitch mcconnell, talks about his opposition to the law. >> why republicans were asking to delay obamacare, it should be
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clear this morning. therollout made a trip to dmv look like a good time. the word of the day was glad to. you could explain one or two of these glitches away, maybe three. not glitches in nebraska, and maryland, and florida, and wisconsin, and illinois, and kentucky. not glitches across the country. kentuckians who tried to login got a message that read server ever. let me translate that. it didn't work. this is the law that democrats are adamant about unveiling yesterday. they were willing to shut down the government over it. totead of a green mean proposals related to the law, they stuck to their absolutist position.
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100% of obamacare when they want it. no matter what. , unless you are the chosen few that deserve a special break. they shut down the government because middle-class americans don't deserve the same count -- same kind of treatment as their employers. these are fair things to ask for. their reasonable. if they could have brought themselves to that sensible position, a would have voted to keep the government open. in the end, they got their shutdown, which they think will help them politically. they held onto their absolutist position on obamacare regardless of the consequences for american families. two days into this thing, they have refused to budge.
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the president reiterated again that he is interested in talks. he is not interested in talking. he shot down every attempt to engage in serious discussions with the house or anyone else. it shows it was a wrong decision in my view. it is time to find solutions to start talking about the interest of constituents and ahead of the interests of their party. >> madam president? >> under the previous order, the leadership time is reserved. give a until 12:00 noon, with senators permitted to speak up to 10 minutes each.
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>> there were two headlines and most of the major newspapers. in the financial times, as well as the wall street journal, headlines noted americans flocked to insurance exchanges. americans flock to insurance exchanges. the first day when we have the rollout of the website, where uninsured americans. real competitions. 54 different choices in illinois. dream come true. most of these people have lived their entire lives without health insurance, without choices. a take it or leave it policy that may be worthless when they needed. situations where many of them able to bebeen
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ensured when it came to health insurance. there were a lot of reasons for it. some have jobs that paid so little and offer no benefits. they couldn't afford to buy health insurance. some have pre-existing conditions. perhaps a history of asthma, diabetes, cancer survivors gotten by health insurance if they wanted to. it wasn't even offered rate october 1, it was different. 2.8 million americans came on the first day to this website to go shopping for health insurance. what a relief it must've been. the chicago papers told the story of a man who was just about giving up hope because he had a troubled and mental illness, and he could never buy health insurance. he was shopping yesterday. he was disappointed. he wanted to sign up. so many people came to the website the first day, it wasn't able to meet all of the needs of the people who were shopping or wanted to. it will.
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there'll be an opportunity. i am sure overly soon. i can't get over when i hear the leader come to the floor and with barely disguised glee talk about the first day problems with the affordable care act. there is no question that many republicans are not only praying for the affordable care act to fail, they are betting on it. none of them voted for it. not one. not a single republican voted for it. they are frightened at what is to come when the verdict of history comes down on this program. i think i know what the verdict will be. there will be bumps in the road. glitches may be. problem's with the website. in the end. the american people understand the fundamental fairness of the a affordable care act. the fundamental fairness that says we have a right as americans to health care protection. i believe we do, and we should.
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i have live the life, a good one, but i had a moment when i had no health insurance. a brand-new father with a brand- new baby, medical challenges, and no health insurance. i have never felt more helpless in my life. praying that my little girl would get the best when i didn't have health insurance. against 40 million uninsured americans. those who are opposed to affordable care don't want to extend a helping hand of health insurance to those who have been denied for years. they have nothing to replace it with. stick with the current free- market system. 40 million americans have been left behind with the current system. ed is why i support the affordable care act. that is why the president is fighting for the affordable care act. we have to continue to fight every single day to make sure defunded, to make
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sure the coverage for individuals is not delayed as the republicans try to do just a few days ago. no. we have a fight to make sure americans have this chance. there is no turning back when it comes to offering health insurance to families that need them. what are the republicans prepared to bet? on this wager to end affordable care act. and health care reform. they're willing to bet the federal government. they're willing to shut it down. and, our leader, told the story that was reported in the wall street journal. at the national institutes of health, just in the near suburbs of maryland, this is a beacon of hope. this is where some of the most important medical research in the world is taking place. maybe one of the
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most extreme people who has ever been involved in public service. he was head of the national geo genome project. 5-8 said it would take years. he was so good and had so much talent, he did in a brief time. mapping the human genome. it started opening doors to understanding and knowledge, and finding cures. he took it back to the nih and they apply to every single day. to save lives and find yours. now, for the second day in a row, three fourths of the scientists and doctors and researchers at the nih, they sit at home. unable to engage in this critically important research, to find new drugs and surgeries, new procedures to save lives. that is part of the republican
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government shut down. they congratulate themselves on bringing the government to its knees. they have to take responsibility for what they have done as well. they have shut down the national institutes of health. they have shut down the medical research. it is worse. the toughest medical cases in america end up at the doorstep of the nih. the most challenging medical conditions, families and people who have just about given up hope, think there is one less place to go. the nih. the very best. yesterday, dr. francis collins announced that 200 people who would have started clinical trials this week at the nih were turned away because of the government shut down. 200. within that population of 200, 30 children, most cancer victims. moment that you're
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the mother or father of a child diagnosed with cancer. you have one last hope. the national institutes of health. it may be a personal sacrifice for you and your family to come out here, you're going to do it. it is your baby. you come to the front door and there is a sign that says the agency is closed. why is it close? a national emergency. no. and manufacture political temper tantrum coming from the tea party, speaker boehner, and those who believe this is the right way to go. excuse me if this example is so stark, but i haven't gotten into the details. i would've by families that have been a victim of this government to myown at nih to come facebook page, come to my twitter account, send me a
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message and tell me your story. i want to tell the story. you should disappear in the shadows. you ought to be front and center. please share your story if you wish. i know it is a matter of privacy and confidentiality. i certainly understand. that is what it has come down to. they said they're going to open the veterans administration. senator chris is made a decision he's would pick and choose the agencies to reopen. store the veterans administration. -- start with the veterans administration. --ease one hostas at a time release one hostage at a time. where senator cruz and the tea party republicans felt it knowledge, of the 800,000 employees and have been for load -- 500,000 of them are veterans. put the government back to work. put 500,000 veterans back to
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work. one of four are disabled. disabled veterans. , no promisepayroll they will be paid because of the tea party government shut down. we have serious challenges facing america. the first thing we need to do is to reopen the government. now. there's no excuses. speaker boehner system with a bill that he could bring before the house by 11:00 this morning. they could vote on it and the world would go out before noon. that is how quickly he can act. he will call for a vote. why would you call this measure for a bill in the house? he knows it will pass. every democrat will vote for it, and modern vulcans will step up to vote for it. moderatehope -- and republicans will step forward
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and say we are not part of the strategy. we want the government open. we are prepared to face the challenges. we are not going to move forward at the expense of patients coming to the national institute of health. there is only one example. there are many more just like it. i will say this in closing. once again, the republican leaders come to the floor and mentioned the that the members of congress will be in the insurance exchanges. a moment of reflection a history. we are in the changes because of an amendment offered by republican senators which was part of the affordable care act which passed, and we will be buying insurance the same kinds of policies exactly the same kinds offered to all americans on the exchanges. no special favors. now we hear an objection from senator mcconnell to the employers contribution for our
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staff and members of congress. half of the american people that the health insurance through their place of employment. all of them have employers contributions. the same thing is true for federal employees. the same thing if you for members of congress. the same thing will be true when it comes to the insurance exchanges. there is no special treatment to members of congress. the notion that you cannot have employers contribution when it comes to the exchanges is wrong. a business with fewer than 50 employees can send their employees to the exchanges and continue to contribute to their premiums. it is excepted under law. there is no special treatment in this. it is just another diversion. trying to find ways to create chaos and uncertainty when it comes to the affordable care act. that is the message of the republican party. unfortunately it is being delivered at the expense of 800,000 federal employees, the
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services, and 200 people turned away this week for clinical trials at the national institute of health. i yield the floor. >> madame president. >> the republican whip. >> i have listened with great interest to the comments of the distinguished deputy democratic majority leader. i was reminded of a radio commentator who is perhaps not as remembered as frequently now. when i grow up, he had a radio show where he started out, he now, for the rest of the story. i would like to offer the rest of the story. i listened as senator durbin talked about the fact that the national institute of health is not open for business. the good news is that republicans and accredits both agree that we should reopen the national institute of health.
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it is managing the house of representatives will pass a bill as early as today and send it over here to the net state senate. my hope that senator reed, unlike over the map -- my hope is that senator reed will reconsider and will not kill that funding for the national institute of health during this partial government shutdown. there are other areas where i think we could work together. like theee good politician he is, he actually beat us to the punch. he got down here first and made the same offer. the good news is there was bipartisan support for funding our troops on a timely basis in
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full during this impasse. surreal been a experience in so many ways. my friends on the other side of the aisle have been making very strange arguments. very strange arguments. the arguments they are making is that president obama's health care law, the affordable care act is untouchable. that our efforts to modify it in any way are illegitimate. or they say extreme. or the product of some effort by the tea party republicans. or some other disparaging connotation. i'm not sure exactly how to respond except to say this. if obamacare is untouchable.
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if obamacare is perfect, if we cannot change one word about obamacare, then you need to tell the obama administration. after all, since 2010, the ministration has granted more than 1000 different waivers to its friends and political allies. it is suspending work on a substantial part of obamacare known as the class act. it has delayed obamacare's basic health programs. it is lay the employer mandate. when we tried to delay the eventual mandate, so that average americans get the same sort of consideration from this administration that employers get, we were told this is an unreasonable request. senator reid table that.
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killing the provision rather than taking it up and embracing it. if employers get a break for a year, let's give average americans a break. administration has to play the eligibility verification for the exchanges. it started yesterday. he you can apply for one of these insurance exchanges but you do not have to prove what your income is. if there is a bigger invitation for fraud, i'm not aware of what it might be. that is what the obama administration has done. delay the eligibility verification for the exchanges. short, the obama demonstratedn has
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that obama care is not perfect. that it has made the has acknowledged obamacare is not ready for prime time. this became obvious to millions of americans yesterday when the obamacare exchanges encountered widespread problems on its first day of operation. the president calls these glitches. glitches. a nice poll tested the nine word. these were systemic failures of the obamacare exchanges yesterday when they came online. not ready for prime time. there have been other changes in can't change a word obamacare. the supreme court, while we are
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acknowledging has held up major portions, it declared a major piece of the law, the compulsory expansion medicaid, unconstitutional. unconstitutional. incompatible with our fundamental law of the land. does that sound like the law that is perfect? can't be changed? they impose a medical device tax on medical device manufacturers. it is not based on income. it is based on the gross receipts. how much money comes in the drawer. before they even deduct their costs of doing business. they would actually have to pay taxes without generating any net income.
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this is a job killing tax. i have had constituents come into my office and say we have costa rica.n' we have to move jobs in dallas to costa rica because of the tax. medical devices are some of the most innovative parts of our health care system. how better to discourage discoveriesmedical than to impose this tax on medical devices. that is not just my opinion. the last him he had a debate on the budget resolution, 79 senators voted against the medical device tax. they realize it was a terrible mistake. today isaw we are told perfect in every way, when you
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change a thing, senate democrats are lining up to repeal the medical device tax. , in a schizophrenia i do not understand, others are saying that would represent partisan extremism. which is it? i'm not sure how her friends and others of the aisle defined extremism. that very fewu extreme ideas gain the support of 79 senators in the united states senate on a bipartisan basis. delays it extend to individual mandate when the administration has unilaterally done the same thing for businesses? to ask numbers
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of congress to live by the same laws that apply to everyone else. leaders table the minutes to the continuing resolution that would change the special carveout for congress that would provide a delay of the individual mandate for average americans likely -- like the ministration is in for businesses, and we are told that is extreme? that somehow we are the ones that cause the government shutdown? convinced that president obama and harry reid think that the shutdown is the best team ever happened to them politically. rather than come out and tell sympathetic stories about what is happening at nih, let's work
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together to mitigate some of the hardship and inconvenience. let's talk about working through this impasse. why can't we get the president to do what he apparently intended to do in the first place, and been a meeting at the white house of republicans and democrats to work through this? they are not refusing to make the compromises. -- they refusing refusing any compromise. my way or the highway. it will not agree to keep war memorials over for honor flights. i would urge the majority leader and president, to join with us in passing a bill today that will keep our war memorials (my father -- memorials open. my father was a pilot in world war ii.
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on his 26 bombing mission, he was shot down and captured as a prisoner of war. my father-in-law landed on utah beach in normandy. he is 95 years old now. his mind is still sharp. his body is not quite what it used to be. he would love nothing better than to come to washington dc on one of these honor flights, but his health allowed it. the chairman of the honor flight has said it is beyond belief that those deserving men and women who have waited decades to see their memorial, incentive -- and selected the trip of a lifetime, discovering they will not able to see their memorial. for many of them, this could be the last time in their lifetime. i would ask the president to cancel his trip to asia that he is leaving on saturday, to overrule senator reed and
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convened at the white house, and to come together to try and work through these differences. we can fund the nih. we can do it today. id would allow it. we are told it is my way or the highway. they think they are winning politically. they are not winning politically when the american people are the losers. >> senator from new york? sometimes this stretches credulity. who shut down the government? was it harry reid? no. he passed messages to keep the covenant -- the government going. we know who it was. it was the small band of tea party people in the house. it was the junior colleague in the senate, ted cruz, that the idea of shutting down the government.
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we are not 1984. ofth has some degree fragility here. to get up and say harry reid and barack obama opened up the government? leading the charge to shut it down. when the cries of the tea party are to shut it down, and we are desperately trying to keep it open? it makes no sense. it is not going to wash. one of the amazing things about our politics is how rhetoric has become so detached from reality. networkstalk radio and who repeat it. i saw a cartoon in the new york post yesterday saying that senators and congressmen are exempt from obamacare. it is not true. we are part of obamacare.
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i will join the exchange. that is what we have to do. it doesn't matter. the hard right is so angry at obamacare and president obama 2012,e trounced them in on an election run on their issues, that they are so angry and white-hot, their rhetoric becomes totally detached from reality and detached from the truth. realityad for and totally detached from the truth. i feel bad for the veterans who cannot get to the memorial. why was it shut down? speaker boehner did not keep it open. cornyn and other republicans got votes.
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that was the right vote. we know that. we knew. to his credit, he knew that shutting down the government was a bad thing. vote that procedural mattered and he could've had the senate shut down the government, he voted the other way. the real onus here is on speaker banner -- speaker boehner. the entire focus of this debate should be on him. some say it should be on the senator from texas or the 30 or 40 hard-line tea party people in the house. it is the speaker of the house who has the responsibility not to listen to a small faction of his party when so much is at stake. instead, the speaker seems to be
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listening to the junior senator from texas. the junior senator of texas has become the de facto speaker of the house. if he says jump, the house jumps. the junior senator wanted the house to embark on a crusade to defund obamacare. the speaker did it. the junior senator all the house to delay obamacare. the speaker did it. now, the junior senator from texas is telling a house to pass piecemeal bills. he's trying to do just that. senator cruise has -- senator cruz has senator
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pitted people against one another. pitted research in cancer against our veterans. strategy and,l like all the others, these will fail. it has one purpose. but toget anything done, try to wriggle out of this view that they have shut down the government. the senators rhetoric will not work. -- the senator's rhetoric will not work. they come up with the legislative ploys to say that they are doing something. at the same time, when he is in a vise lock grip with the tea of the house who
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are taking their orders from the junior senator of texas. i would say we need to open up the government. i would say that to my friend from texas and the other colleagues on the republican side of the house. there is a bill that is waiting for a vote. a bill to open up nih and the veterans administration. it will open up the world war ii memorial. it will open up the statue of liberty. the guy who runs the sandwich shop will get some business back. crisis mistake, this does not just hurt quote the federal government -- "the government," and it
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hurts lots of private sector as well. , it hurts lots of private , as well.s well it is not abstract. i get upset when i hear my colleagues talk about "the federal government." maddow theachel other night and she had a variety of tea party congressman who said that they were going to shut down the government. once said, i am going to shut the government down. this is before they had a plan. they hate the government so much. that is their goal.
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to shut it down and obamacare is an excuse. republicans know that shutting the government down is a bad thing and that they are paying a political price. speaker should follow the majority of his party and stop being scared of the tea party. face them down a challenge for spake her -- speaker. more than 100ows, fore republicans would vote our bill if he put it on the floor. instead, republicans are wasting time and asking to go to conference on short-term crs. the republicans have this backwards. let us talk and then we will open the government.
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we will open say, the government and then we can talk. if republicans would switch the lights back on and allow hundreds of thousands of federal police to go back to work -- employees to go back to work, we can have a discussion about the budget they rejected 18 times. i yield the floor. >> new hampshire senator, kelly e came to the floor to urge your colleagues to and this shutdown as soon as possible. >> the senator from new hampshire. >> thank you. i have said this before and said it as i came to before last week, governing by crisis is no
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way to run a government. we have to get our act together and work together to get the funded to come up with a fiscally responsible plan that puts our nation first and put us on a path to economic security. have wasted too much time and energy on brinksmanship and self-inflicted fiscal us -- crises.ep they keep us from working on an economy that could be much longer and creating the best climate for jobs in this country. as i came to this floor last my stronglyerated
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held opposition to obamacare. and heardn the impact from businesses and individuals. hampshire, we only have one in sure on the exchange -- exchange and 10 of our 26 hospitals will be excluded from the exchange. government inthe the attempt to defund obamacare is not a strategy for success. why? it is not a why strategy for success. the shutdown happened yesterday and the exchanges opened and
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continued anyways. why is that? we knew that the congressional research service had told us that the mandatory funding peace that was put into obamacare would continue even if the government was shut down. i continue to believe that this becauserong for america it causes rising health care costs. by thewell said recently chairman of the board of trustees at one of our hospitals. they originally supported the affordable care act and recently support it that they because they were told that they could keep their doctor and that has turned out to be a lot. -- lie.
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i want to work with my colleagues to do what ever i can canome up with ways that we repeal obamacare and replace it with reforms that would drive down health care costs and allow people to keep their physicians. competitivee insurance sector and give people more choice. we need to and where we are right now. we need to come to a resolution to keep this government funded in a fiscally responsible way. that congressional leaders are going to speak to the president tonight. we do not need another photo opportunity. both sidesults and of the aisle working together to negotiate to come up with a plan to fund the government to move forward to find common ground.
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i know there is some common ground that both sides of the isle are concerned about. for example, the medical device tax. 20 two repeal79- the medical device tax. members of both sides of the that tax was that not good for innovation or jobs. that is where we have had common ground and how we can affect his health care law that i still deeply oppose. it is time for us to make sure that we can make sure that we get the government funded again. why? they home state, one of four public shipyards, skilled workers are being put in
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jeopardy. our virginia-class submarines. due to the shutdown, 1400 workers are being furloughed. instead of focusing on them and maintaining our submarine fleet, they are worried about their paychecks and it is wrong. thanational guard, more 330 of our national guard are being furloughed. paye individuals lost their is a sequestration and this is no way to treat americans who are defending our country. they play a credible role -- critical role in the operations of our guard. and they do not receive furlough exceptions, we may have to shut down air refueling air bridges to the middle east.
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this is about the defense of our nation. have canceled and lost days of pay. yesterday, i was answering my phone's i had a constituent say that his family had to say for years for a vacation is going to cause them 25,000-30,000 dollars. they said, what is going on russian mark -- what is going on? we have saved his vacation and we cannot go into the grand canyon. we must get this resolved and look for common ground on both sides of the aisle to negotiate this to get a responsible fiscal plan for the nation. we are fighting about a continuing resolution right now. give me a break! we should be looking at long- term funding for this nation.
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we should not have this kind of impasse for six weeks. i understand that the american people are frustrated and angry. all i can say is that, as congressional leaders on both said the aisle meet with the president of the united states, we do not need any more posturing and let's develop the blame game on both sides. no more photo opportunities. we have all had enough photo opportunities. let's come out of that meeting with results and that means that both sides are going to have to negotiate and not get what they want. that is what people do in their daily life and what people do and new hampshire to resolve the differences. that is what the american people expect of us and i hope that ends soon so that we can move forward on behalf of this great nation. >> senate democrats held a news furloughed federal
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workers to talk about the impact of the shutdown. democrats used a briefing to urge republicans to class -- pass a clean funding bill. >> well, good morning. i want to thank the college first -- my colleagues for joining me today. an important event today. i want to thank federal employees who would prefer to be at work, but they have been furloughed. us to talkining about what the shutdown and governments means. if congress has not passed a budget, the regular order is to pass a resolution
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that allows the government to stay open as we continue to negotiate budgets for the agencies. that is what the regular order is and what the senate did when they sent that resolution to the house of representatives. -- recklessegulus behavior of republicans in the , who refused to allow a vote, as a result of the republican actions, we had a government shutdown. it is hurting. it is hurting our economy. there are lots of projections about the impact it has on our economy. $15 million a day lost in maryland. the last shutdown was estimated to cost taxpayers $2 billion. it is hurting vital services. there have been a whole lita
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ny of services not provided. it is hurting federal workers. as,000 have been furloughed a result of the government shutdown. my state of maryland has 124,000 have been furloughed. obviously, this hurts individuals and our local economy and national economy. these are real people and not numbers. real lives have been affected by this government shutdown. let me introduce one of those individuals. -- has been a federal employee for eight years. a budget analyst. lives in poolesville, maryland.
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and worse in rockville, maryland. in rockville, maryland. marcelo. o del canto.s marcel my job has been to ensure that all the grants and contracts to people who suffer from mental illness was funded. i did not have this in my budget, to be furloughed. my wife is a federal employee and she is also furloughed. both of us are furloughed right now. importantat we do is and millions of people need our services they cannot receive those services. i speak for myself and my
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colleagues when i say that we need to get this work done and get back to work. enough ande on long we need to get back to providing the services that people need. klees and this and get us back to work. ease end this and get back to work. ski -- senatorel murkowski. to open the federal government. the house needs to act. they need to pass the resolution and pass legislation that was passed by the senate that strips the continuing funding resolution of all politically motivated riders and offers a
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continuing funding resolution for the next six weeks so that we can resolve our fiscal differences, reopen the government, keep america's government working and keep our people safe and secure. we call upon speaker boehner, let the members vote. yes or no. if you vote yes, we can move forward. if we vote no, let's take another look at it. let's get the job done. there are people all over who are federal employees who have been furloughed. it is a word that means layoff. furloughed means laid off. show upamericans everyday to keep america working so that america can be safe, secure, and also meet the needs.
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in my home state, we see it at the national institutes of health. 71% of those people are furloughed. these people come to work every day. the great researchers and lab technicians. $35,000.making the facility managers and electricians. the people who keep the lights on so that they can do the research. they are being told to go home. we have a social security administration where a herd thousand federal employees have been furloughed. -- 800,000 federal in place have been furloughed. when you need your card told thatwe are america is closed.
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that is in a community called woodlawn maryland. that means that those 8000 people here and in field offices all over america are not going into the gas station or dry cleaner. many of them will go to the grocery store. are destroying the federal government and the morale of the men and women we count on. the government must reopen so that we can do the job. agencies inreat maryland is the national weather service. many people think they get their weather the weather channel or from the local tv, watching the doppler radar. whether it from the service in maryland. maryland. service in
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they get because of a lady i want to introduce now. fritz.eats -- amy she has been furloughed. this is hurricane season. hurricane sandy happened in october. ,he has two master's degrees two master's degrees to get this job. she should be standing at her computer model and making it better and more efficient. so that we know what is coming our way so we are not swept away. she feels swept away by her own government. herent amy to come up and tell her story. federal employees work hard to get the job they have so that they can work hard for america. come on up and tell your story.
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it is quite poignant. fritz.ame is amy i have two master's degrees. one in meteorology and physical oceanography. i have built and developed the models that have particular storm surge. these are still very much in the hearts of us and i am unable to do my job. i am furloughed. i cannot go to work. ifsomething happens -- something happens, i cannot go to the job. i want to get back to work. my education did not come free. i/o $130,000 in student loans and i have to pay back. i/o money for the spine education. oweose it because -- i
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money for this fine education. i want to get back to work. all my colleagues who work for the weather service and are furloughed, we had eight babies born in the last two years. imagine all those young families. -- imagine all those young families furloughed. let us get back to work. >> well said. >> thank you. thank you. >> the entire country -- the entire country is impacted by this shutdown. every community is affected. , ande washington region our district, over 300,000 are being furloughed. we work posted together and mark truer is one of the
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champions on behalf of the federal workers. >> thank you. enough is enough. sequestration was stupid. down the government is stupidity on steroids. today, we are talking about federal workers. it is not just a federal workers. money's not coming back. if you own a motel and somebody cancels, that money is not coming back. look at saying that this is affecting our national security. there were people from the intelligence community who wanted to be here today. legally, they could not. of our civilian intelligence workers are furloughed and that
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is putting our country and our troops at risk. great scientific senators in our country, -- centers in our country, 35 people worked there, there are seven working there today. i will bring up carter in arlington in a moment. -- lesseral workers than 30 are working there. the rest of the world is not stopping their science or narrowion because of a group in the house deciding to shut down the federal government . the rest of the world has not been put on hold because of ideological group in the house not allowing the speaker to bring a bill up to open the
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government. but the houseboat. we can have our disagreements. -- let the house vote. we can have our disagreements. say that we will put this becauseon the skids they will not get their way. kinsey has worked at nsf since 1978. he was one of our great scientists. the damage that we are doing, who will be the next carter or their lifel dedicate to public service if we continue to treat our federal workers with this level of disrespect. -- disrespect?
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asked to tell you how this for low has affected me. furloughed and laid off. i've been locked off and it feels like -- it is pretty horrible to live in this country and to be treated this way when you put your heart and soul into it for almost 40 years. i have worked for the government for 40 years. i guess i will have to deduct this time and move my anniversary date. i'm proud to be a federal worker. i'm proud of my coworkers. i am proud of my bosses. -- i was going to buy a car. i can live without a new car. i fill site for the salesman. sorry for the salesman. i have colleagues who have trouble supporting their families. we do not deserve this.
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competitors our global competitors. my agency funds basic research that leads to innovation and economic growth and security for this country. my agency has incredibly job to why should we be caught up in this? scientific research requires a long-term commitment. nanotechnologyle and then turn it off and at some future time turn it back on again. damage is being done your research enterprise. it is obscene. it cannot be calculated. we heard of the numbers of people in the different districts that are out of work. each one is an important number. there are some things you cannot put a number on. worldwidet innovation -- any lost innovation
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